When recorded, return to: Greg R. Nielsen

                                 Snell & Wilmer
                             3100 Valley Bank Center
                                Phoenix, Arizona


                             ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION


                                FURTHER AGREEMENT

                          Dated as of December 15, 1986




                  THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON not in its
                    individual capacity, but solely as Owner
                              Trustee under a Trust
                       Agreement, dated as of December 15,
                        1986, with Chase Manhattan Realty
                               Leasing Corporation


              Sale and Leaseback of a l.700000% Undivided Interest
                 in Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1
               and a .566667% Undivided Interest in Certain Common


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                    ARTICLE I

                              DEFINITIONS; SCHEDULES
Section  1.01. General ..............................................    1
Section  1.02. Undivided Interest and
               Real Property Interest ...............................    1

                                   ARTICLE II
Section  2.01. Nonpartitionment .....................................    2

                                   ARTICLE III

                         ASSIGNMENTS; EXERCISE OF RIGHTS

Section  3.01. Assignment of Warranties .............................    2
Section  3.02. Assignment of the ANPP
               Participation Agreement ..............................    2
Section  3.03. Exercise of Rights as
               Participant under the
               ANPP Participation
               Agreement ............................................    2

                                   ARTICLE IV

                              ASSUMPTION; RELEASE
Section  4.01. Assumption by owner Trustee ..........................    3

Section  4.02. Release ..............................................    4

                                    ARTICLE V

                        NO RELEASE OF PNM; REIMBURSEMENT

Section  5.01. No Release of PNM ....................................    4
Section  5.02. Reimbursement ........................................    4


                          TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)
                                   ARTICLE VI

                        FURTHER AGREEMENTS OF PNM AND THE
                                  OWNER TRUSTEE

Section   6.01.  Agreement to Sell or
                 Lease Unit 1 Retained
                 Assets .............................................    5
Section   6.02.  Agreement to Assign or
                 Make Available ANPP
                 Project Agreements .................................    5
Section   6.03.  Agreements to Seek
                 Amendments to the ANPP
                 Participation Agreement
                 and the License ....................................    6
Section   6.04.  Owner Trustee's Agreement ..........................    6

                                   ARTICLE VII

                           INTERIM AGENCY ARRANGEMENTS

Section   7.01.  Designation of Agent ...............................    6
Section   7.02.  Operation of Unit 1 ................................    7
Section   7.03.  ANPP Participation .................................    7
                 Agreement ..........................................    7
Section   7.04.  Support ............................................    7
Section   7.05.  Compensation .......................................    8
Section   7.06.  Transmission;
                 Transmission Agreement .............................    8

                                  ARTICLE VIII


Section   8.01.  Successors and Assigns .............................    9
Section   8.02.  Governing Law . ....................................    9
Section   8.03.  Counterpart Execution ..............................    9
Section   8.04.  Amendments .........................................    9
Section   8.05.  Survival ...........................................    9
Section   8.06.  Severability of
                 Provisions .........................................    9


                          TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)

Section   8.07.  Headings ..........................................    10
Section   8.08.  Disclosure of
                 Beneficiary .......................................    10
Section   6.09.  Capacity of Lessee ................................    10

                                    ARTICLE A

                                    ARTICLE B
Section I.       PVNGS Plant Site ...................................     1
Section II       Hassayampa Pumping
                 Station and Effluent
                 Pipeline ...........................................     3   

Section III      Miscellaneous Real
                 Property Interests .................................     3

    Exhibit B -     Form of Assumption Agreement

    Exhibit C -     Form of Undivided Interest Indenture Supplement

    Schedule 1 -    Undivided Interest Description

    Schedule 2 -    Real Estate Interest Description

    Appendix A -    Definitions


            ASSIGNMENT,  ASSUMPTION AND FURTHER AGREEMENT,  dated as of December
15, 1986, between PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO, a New Mexico corporation
(PNM),  and THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON,  not in its individual  capacity,
but solely as Owner Trustee (the Owner Trustee) , under a Trust Agreement, dated
as of December 15, 1986, with Chase Manhattan Realty Leasing Corporation.


            WHERRAS, PUM and the other ANPP Participants are parties to the ANPP
Participation  Agreement  (such terms and all other terms used in these recitals
without definition having the respective  definitions to which reference is made
in Article I below) and

            WHEREAS,  PNM has sold,  and the Owner  Trustee has  purchased,  the
Undivided  Interest and the Real Property  Interest for and in  consideration of
the payment to PNM by the Owner  Trustee of the  Purchase  Price,  the  purchase
price at the Real Property  Interest and the assignments and assumptions  herein
set forth;

            NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and of other good
and  valuable  consideration,  receipt  and  sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby
acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                             DEFINITIONS; SCHEDULES

            SECTION 1.01. General.  For purposes hereof,  capitalized terms used
herein which are not otherwise  defined herein shall have the meanings  assigned
to such terms in Appendix A hereto.  References  in this  Agreement to articles,
sections  and clauses are to articles,  sections  and clauses in this  Agreement
unless otherwise indicated.

            SECTION  1.02.   Undivided  Interest  and  Real  Property  Interest.
Attached as Schedule 1 hereto is a  description  of the  Undivided  Interest and
attached as Schedule 2 hereto is a description of the Real Property Interest.


                                   ARTICLE II


            SECTION 2.01. Nonpartitionment.  The Owner Trustee hereby waives any
rights it may have to  partition  Unit 1 or the  Common  Facilities,  whether by
partitionment  in kind or by sale and division of proceeds,  and further  agrees
that it will not resort to any action at law or in equity to partition Unit 1 or
the Common  Facilities,  and it waives the  benefits of all laws that may now or
hereafter  authorize  such  partition for a term (i) which shall be  coterminous
with the term of the ANPP  Participation  Agreement  or (ii) which  shall be for
such lesser period as may be required under Applicable Law.

                                   ARTICLE III

                         ASSIGNMENTS; EXERCISE OF RIGHTS

                  SECTION 3.01. Assignment of Warranties.  PNM hereby ASSIGNS to
the Owner Trustee an undivided  Interest,  equal to the applicable Share, in, to
and  under  any  and  all  warranties  of  and  other  claims  against  dealers,
manufacturers,  vendors,  contractors and subcontractors  relating to Unit 1 and
the Common Facilities.

                  SECTION 3.02. Assignment of the ANPP Participation  Agreement.
(a) PNM hereby  ASSIGNS to the Owner Trustee an undivided  interest,  in, to and
under all of PNM's  rights  under  the ANPP  Participation  Agreement,  equal to
1.700000%  to the  extent  that such  rights  relate to Unit 1  (including,  but
without  limitation,  a percentage  entitlement  equal to 1.700000%,  of the Net
Energy  Generation  and Available  Generating  Capability  (as each such term is
defined in the AMP? Participation Agreement) of Unit 1) and equal to .566667% to
the extent such rights relate to the Common Facilities.

                  (b)  The  Owner  Trustee  hereby  ASSIGNS  to PNM  the  rights
assigned under paragraph (a) until the Lease Termination Date.

                  SECTION 3.03. Exercise of Rights as Participant under the ANPP
Participation  Agreement.  (a) Except as provided in Sections 15.2.2, 15.6.4 and
Section 15.10 of the ANPP Participation  Agreement (or any comparable  successor
provision)  PNM shall be and remain the sole  "Participant"  for all purposes of
the ANPP  Participation  Agreement  and the sole  representative  (with power to
bind) in all  dealings  with the other  ANPP  Participants  in  relation  to the


Undivided  Interest,  the Real Property  Interest and the rights assigned to the
Owner Trustee pursuant to this Agreement;  provided, however, that the foregoing
shall not limit in any way the effect of Sections 15 or 16 of the Facility Lease
or any  liability or  obligation  that PNM may incur to the Owner Trustee or the
Owner Participant under any Transaction Document as a result thereof (including,
but without limitation, any liability that FNM may incur under Section 16 of the
Facility Lease as the result of an Event of Default)

            (b) Unless the ANPP Participation  Agreement shall otherwise permit,
any  right  conferred  on the  Owner  Trustee  by  Section  15.2.2  of the  ANPP
Participation  Agreement  shall be exercised as required by Section of
said Agreement.

            (c) The  provisions  of this Section 3.03 shall remain in full force
and effect  until  such time as the ANPP  Administrative  Committee  or the ANPP
Participants shall otherwise consent.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                              ASSUMPTION; RELEASE

                  SECTION  4.01.   Assumption  by  Owner   Trustee.   Except  as
contemplated  by Section 5(a) of the Facility  Lease,  the Owner Trustee  agrees
that,  effective on and as of the Lease Termination Date (unless a transferee of
the Undivided Interest and the Real Property Interest (an ANPP Transferee) shall
have qualified  under Section 15.10 of the ANPP  Participation  Agreement or any
comparable successor provision),  unless (i) a Default or Event of Default shall
have  occurred and be  continuing or an Event of Loss or Deemed Loss Event shall
have occurred or (ii) such Lease  Termination Date shall have occurred by reason
of a termination of the Facility Lease pursuant to Section 16 thereof, the Owner
Trustee shall assume and agree to pay, perform and discharge the Owner Trustee's
Share of all  liabilities  and obligations of PNM under, or with respect to, the
ANPP Project Agreements, attributable to Unit 1 and the Common Facilities, other
than any and all costs  relating  to,  allocable  to, or incurred in  connection
with,  the  decommissioning  and retirement of Unit 1 from  commercial  service,
including, but without limitation, (x) the cost of removal,  decontamination and



disposition  of  equipment  and  fixtures,  the cost of safe  storage  for later
removal,  decontamination  and disposal and the cost of  entombment of equipment
and fixtures, and (y) the cost of (i) the razing of Unit t, (ii) the removal and
disposition of debris from the PVNGS Site, and (iii) the restoration of relevant
portions of the PVNGS Site.

                  SECTION 4.02. Release. Upon the assumption and agreement by an
ANPP Transferee  pursuant to Section 4.01 (whether at the Lease Termination Date
or thereafter) , the Owner Trustee shall therewith and thereupon be released and
discharged  from its  obligations  under  Section  4.01 arising on or after such
assumption and agreement.

                                    ARTICLE V

                         NO RELEASE OF PNM; REIMBURSMENT

                  SECTION   5.01.  No  Release  of  PNM.   Notwithstanding   the
provisions  of  Article  IV or  any  other  provision  hereof  or of  any  other
Transaction Document,  and except to the extent provided in Section 15.10 of the
ANPP Participation Agreement (or any comparable successor provision) , PNM shall
not be  released  from any  liability  or  obligation  under  the  ANPP  Project
Agreements,  or otherwise, with respect to PVNGS, and ml shall remain liable for
the payment and performance of all such liabilities and obligations,  including,
but without  limitation,  any and all liabilities and obligations not assumed by
the Owner Trustee or an ANPP Transferee pursuant to Section 4.01.

                  SECTION 5.02.  Reimbursement.  Unless a Default or an Event of
Default shall have occurred and be continuing or an Event of Loss or Deemed Loss
Event shall have occurred,  from and after the Lease  Termination Date (except a
Lease  Termination  occurring by reason of a termination  of the Facility  Lease
pursuant to Section 16 thereof),  upon the payment or  performance by PNM of any
liability or  obligation  in respect of which the Owner  Trustee shall also have
become  obligated  in  consequence  of  Article  IV or  the  ANPP  Participation
Agreement, and for so long as the Owner Trustee shall be so liable, PNM shall be
entitled to prompt  reimbursement by the Owner Trustee from the Trust Estate for
all amounts expended in connection with such payment or performance.


                                   ARTICLE VI

                        FURTHER AGREEMENTS OF PNM AND THE
                                  OWNER TRUSTEE

                  SECTION  6.01.  Agreement  to Sell or  Lease  Unit 1  Retained
Assets.  Upon a  transfer  to an ANPP  Transferee,  PNM agrees in respect of the
Undivided.  Interest and the Real Property Interest, (1) if such ANPP Transferee
is a purchaser of the Undivided Interest and the Real Property Interest, to sell
to such ANPP  Transferee,  at a price equal to the then Fair Market  Sales Value
(determined  on the basis of the then  actual  condition  of the Unit 1 Retained
Assets)  thereof,  an  undivided  interest,  equal to  1.700000%,  to the extent
related  to Unit 1 and  .566667%,  to the  extent  related  to the PVNGS  Common
facilities,  in and to the  Unit  1  Retained  Assets,  or  (ii)  if  such  ANPP
Transferee is a lessee of the Undivided Interest and the Real Property Interests
to lease or otherwise make available to such ANPP Transferee, at a rent equal to
the then Fair Market  Rental  Value  thereof,  an undivided  interest,  equal to
1.700000%, to the extent related to Unit 1 and .566667% to the extent related to
the PVNGS common facilities, in and to the Unit 1 Retained Assets. Any such sa1e
or lease by PNM shall be accomplished  by an appropriate  bill of sale or lease.
The Bill of Sale  referenced  in the  definition  of Unit 1 Retained  Assets set
forth in Appendix A hereto was recorded  December __ , 1986, as  Instrument  No.
__________,  records of Maricopa  County,  Arizona,  and thereby  incorporated
herein by reference.

                  SECTION  6.02.  Agreement  to  Assign or Make  Available  ANPP
Project Agreements. Upon a transfer to an ANPP Transferee, PNM agrees in respect
of the  Undivided  Interest  and the Real  Property  Interest,  (i) if such ANPP
Transferee  is a  purchaser  of the  Undivided  Interest  and the Real  Property
Interest,  to assign to such ANPP  Transferee  an undivided  interest,  equal to
1.700000%,  to the extent related to Unit 1, and .566667%, to the extent related
to the PVNGS common  facilities,  of the Project Agreements (other than the ANPP
Participation  Agreement)  and (ii) if such ANPP  Transferee  is a lessee of the
Undivided  Interest and the Real  Property  Interest,  to assign for the term of
such lease to such ANPP Transferee an undivided interest, equal to 1.700000%, to
the extent  related to Unit 1, and .566667%,  to the extent related to the PVNGS


common facilities,  of the Project Agreements (other than the ANPP Participation
Agreement).  Any assignment  pursuant to this Section 6.02 shall be accomplished
by an appropriate instrument of assignment.

                  SECTION  6.03.  Agreements  to  Seek  Amendments  to the  ANPP
Participation  Agreement and the License.  PNM agrees to use its best efforts to
obtain any  required  amendments  to the ANPP  Participation  Agreement  and the
License  to  permit  PNM to act as  Agent of the  Owner  Trustee  in the  manner
contemplated  by Section 7.01  hereof,  if (a) (i) PNM shall not have elected to
purchase the Undivided  Interest and the Real  Property  Interest as provided in
Section  13(b)  of the  Facility  Lease  and  (ii)  there  shall  not be an ANPP
Transferee in respect of the Undivided  Interest and the Real Property  Interest
or (b) PNM shall be obligated to surrender  possession of the Undivided Interest
and the Real Property  Interest  pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Facility Lease.
PNM  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  neither  the Owner  Trustee  nor the Owner
Participant shall have any obligation  whatsoever to assist PMM in obtaining any
such amendments.

                  SECTION  6.04.  Owner  Trustee's  Agreement.  If  PNM  becomes
obligated to sell, lease,  otherwise make available or assign in accordance with
Sections 6.01 and 6.02 hereof,  the Owner Trustee shall (at the direction of the
Owner  Participant)  require or cause the ANPP  Transferee  to purchase,  lease,
accept or assume, as the case may be, the property or rights being sold, leased,
made available or assigned by PNM.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                           INTERIM AGENCY ARRANGMENTS

                  SECTION 7.01.  Designation of Agent.  From and after surrender
of possession  to the Owner  Trustee (or its assigns) of the Undivided  Interest
and the Real Property  Interest  pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Facility  Lease
(or during  such  period on or after the Lease  Termination  Date that the Owner
Trustee  shall have waived any Default or Event of Default  with  respect to the
inability of PNM to effectively surrender possession as required by such Section
5(a)) and until a transfer  to an ANPP  Transferee  in respect of the  Undivided



Interest and the Real Property  Interest  (such period being  referred to as the
Agency  Period),  PNM shall be, and the Owner Trustee hereby  designates PNM as,
the initial agent (the Agent) of the Owner Trustee in the exercise of all rights
assigned to the Owner Trustee hereunder.

                  SECTION 7.02.  Operation of Unit 1. During the Agency  Period,
the Agent shall administer the operation of the Undivided  Interest and the Real
Property  Interest in accordance with this Agreement and all instructions of the
Owner Trustee in accordance with Applicable Law. If, however,  the Owner Trustee
and any User shall,  prior to, or at any time during,  the Agency Period,  enter
into any joint  ownership and operating  agreement  with other Persons  having a
legal  right to, or right to use,  any other  undivided  interest in Unit 1, the
Agent  agrees to join in,  and be bound by, the terms of such  agreement  if the
Agent's  performance  thereunder shall not violate, or result in a violation of,
any  Applicable  Law or the License.  The Owner Trustee agrees to give the Agent
reasonable  prior written notice of the  commencement  of the negotiation of any
such agreement.

                  SECTION 7.03. ANPP Participation  Agreement.  PNM agrees that,
at all times  during the Agency  Period,  it will  perform all  obligations  and
discharge all liabilities  for which it is responsible as a "Participant"  under
the ANPP  Participation  Agreement in respect of the Undivided  Interest and the
Real Property Interest. In the performance of the foregoing agreement, PNM shall
not exercise its rights as an ANPP Participant to cause Capital  Improvements to
be made to Unit 1 and the Common  Facilities unless the Owner Trustee shall have
agreed to provide funds for the payment of the Owner Trustee's Share of the cost
of such  Capital  Improvements  to PNM prior to the date on which  such  amounts
shall be due with respect thereto under the ANPP Participation Agreement.

                  SECTION  7.04.  Support.  Except  with  respect  to the Unit 1
Retained  Assets for which  provision is made in Section 7.06, PNM covenants and
agrees that, at all times during the Agency  Period,  it will  provide,  or make
available,  to the Owner Trustee all ml's rights in and to other assets owned by
PNM and the ANPP  Project  Agreements  to the extent  relating to the  Undivided
Interest and the Real Property Interest.



            SECTION 7.05.  Compensation.  As  compensation  for its  obligations
under  Sections  7.02,  7.03 and 7.04,  if no Event of Default  based upon PNM's
failure to perform  obligations  under  Section 5(a) of the  Facility  Lease has
occurred  and is  continuing,  PNM shall be entitled  to receive,  and the Owner
Trustee  hereby agrees to pay, an amount equal to the Owner  Trustee's  Share of
the  aggregate  of (i) amounts  paid by; PNM as provided in Section  7.03 to the
extent  reasonably  allocable to the  Undivided  Interest and the Real  Property
Interest and (ii)  reasonable  compensation  for the Unit 1 Retained  Assets and
(iii)  out-of-packet  expenses incurred by PNM or the Agent, as the case may be,
in  connection  with the  performance  of its  agreements  in this  Article VII.
Compensation under this Section 7.05 shall be paid promptly in cash upon receipt
of an invoice from PNM.

            SECTION  7.06.   Transmission;   Transmission  Agreement.   (a)  PNM
covenants  and agrees  that,  at all times during the Agency  Period,  the Owner
Trustee  shall  have the right to wheel,  under  normal  transmission  operating
conditions,  the Owner  Trustee's  Share of the then rated  capacity  of Unit 1,
under normal transmission  operating conditions,  over transmission equipment in
which PNM now owns or may hereafter acquire an ownership interest,  between Unit
1 and the ANPP Switchyard.

            (b) Based upon the respective rights,  duties and obligations of the
Owner Trustee and ml set forth in Section 7.06(a),  if PNM shall fail or decline
to give the notice of renewal of the Facility Lease or purchase of the undivided
Interest,  in each case as provided in Section 13(a) of the Facility Lease,  PNM
and the Owner Trustee shall forthwith  commence the negotiation in good faith of
a  definitive  transmission  agreement,  not  inconsistent  with the  terms  and
provisions of Section 7.06(a),  but containing  sufficient detail for the proper
wheeling of power and energy,  under normal transmission  operating  conditions,
over the  equipment  of P&M  referred  to in such  Section  7.06(a)  under  then
existing circumstances,  for the exercise or stipulation, as the case may be, of
the respective  rights,  duties and obligations of the Owner Trustee and PNM set
forth  in  Section  7.06(a).  PNM and the  Owner  Trustee  shall  complete  such
negotiations  and execute such  definitive  transmission  agreement prior to the
Lease Termination Date and such definitive  transmission agreement shall provide
for  compensation to PNM for the  transmission  services so provided at the Fair
Market Sales Value thereof.


                                  ARTICLE VIII


            SECTION  8.01.  Successors  and  Assigns.  This  Agreement  shall be
binding upon the successors and assigns of each of PNM and the Owner Trustee.

            SECTION 8.02.  Governing law. The  interpretation  of this Agreement
and the rights and  obligations  of the parties  hereto shall be governed by and
construed and enforced in accordance with the law of the State of New York.

            SECTION 8.03. Counterpart Execution.  This Agreement may be executed
in any number of  counterparts  and by each of the  parties  hereto on  separate
counterparts,  all such counterparts  together constituting but one and the same

            SECTION 8.04.  Amendments.  The terms of this Agreement shall not be
waived,  altered,  modified,  amended,  supplemented or terminated in any manner
whatsoever, except by written instrument signed by ml and the Owner Trustee.

            SECTION 8.05.  Survival.  All agreements and covenants  contained in
this Agreement or any  agreement,  document or  certificate  delivered  pursuant
hereto or in  connection  herewith  shall  survive the execution and delivery of
this Agreement.

            SECTION  8.06.  Severability  of  Provisions.  Any provision of this
Agreement  which may be  determined  by competent  authority to be prohibited or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective
to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability  without  invalidating the
remaining  provisions hereof, and no such prohibition or unenforceability in any
jurisdiction  shall  invalidate or render  unenforceable  such provisions in any
other jurisdiction. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, PNM hereby waives
any  provision  of  law  which  renders  any  provision  hereof   prohibited  or
unenforceable in any respect.



            SECTION  8.07.  Headings.   The  division  of  this  Agreement  into
sections, the provision of a table of contents and the insertion of headings are
for  convenience  of  reference  only and shall not affect the  construction  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

            SECTION 8.08. Disclosure or Beneficiary. Pursuant to Arizona Revised
Statutes  133-401,  the  beneficiary of the Trust  Agreement is Chase  Manhattan
Realty Leasing Corporation,  a New York corporation,  whose address is One Chase
Manhattan  Plaza (20th Floor),  New York,  New York 10081,  Attention of Leasing
Administrator.  A copy of the Trust Agreement is available for inspection at the
offices of the Owner Trustee at 100 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110,
Attention of Corporate Trust Division.

            SECTION 8.09.  Capacity of Lessee.  Notwithstanding  anything to the
contrary  in this  Agreement,  both  parties  hereto  agree  that all rights and
obligations  of the Lessee with respect to PVNGS under this Agreement are rights
and obligations of the Lessee solely in its capacity as an ANPP  Participant and
not in its capacity as Operating Agent.



                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have each caused this
Agreement to be duly executed in New York, New York by their respective officers
thereunto duly authorized.

                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW

                                           Senior Vice President and
                                            Chief Financial Officer

                                       THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF
                                         BOSTON, not in its individual 
                                         capacity, but solely as
                                         Owner Trustee under a Trust
                                         Agreement, dated as of
                                         December 15, 1986, with
                                         Chase Manhattan Realty
                                         Leasing Corporation

                                           Assistant Vice President

State of New York  )
County of New York )

                  The foregoing  instrument was acknowledged before me this 15th
day of  December,  1986,  by A.J.  Robison,  Senior  Vice  President  and  Chief
Financial  Officer  of  Public  Service  Company  of New  Mexico,  a New  Mexico
corporation, on beha1f of the corporation.

                                            Notary Public
                                                   Delia T. Santiago
                                            Notary Public, State of New York
                                                     No. 41-3451160
                                              Qualified In Queens County
                                            Commission Expires March 30, 1987

State of New York  )
                   ) ss.
County of New York )

                  The foregoing  instrument was acknowledged before me this 15th
day of December, 1986, by Martin P. Henry, Assistant Vice President of The First
National  Bank of  Boston,  a  national  banking  association,  on behalf of the
banking association as Owner Trustee under that certain Trust Agreement dated as
of December 15, 1986.

                                            Notary Public

                                                   DAVID L SPIVAK
                                          Notary Public, State of New York
                                                   No. 31-4693468
                                            Qualified in New York County
                                          Commission Expires March 30, 1987

                                   SCHEDULE 1


                  The Undivided  Interest is a (i) 1.700000%  undivided interest
in and to the  property  described  under A below and (ii) a .566667%  individed
interest in and to the property described in B below.

            A. Unit 1 of the Palo  Verde  Nuclear  Generating  Station  (PVNGS),
located in Maricopa County, Arizona,  approximately 55 miles west of the City of
Phoenix,  Arizona,  and  approximately  16 miles  west of the  City of  Buckeye,
Arizona, consisting of:

        I.   Unit 1 Combustion  Engineering "System 80" pressurized water
             reactor nuclear steam supply system (the NSSS).  The NSSS is
             comprised of a reactor vessel containing 241 fuel assemblies
             with  approximately  100  tons  of  enriched  uranium  (fuel
             assemblies,  however,  are  not  part  of Unit 1 and are not
             included in the Undivided  Interest  being sold),  two steam
             generators,   four   reactor   coolant   pumps  and  various
             additional  systems and  subsystems.  The  licensed  thermal
             rating of the NSSS is 3800 MW.

        II.  Unit 1 GE  TC6F-43,  1800 RPM  tandem-compound,  six  flow,
             reheat  turbine-generator  including turbine,  generator,  moisture
             separator-reheater,  exciter,  controls,  and auxiliary subsystems.
             The turbine-generator is conductor cooled and rated at 1,554 MVA at
             24,000  V, 3  phase,  60  Hz,  1.5 in Hg  ABS  back  pressure,  and
             approximately 1,363 MW maximum gross electric output.



        III. Unit 1 146 ft. inside diameter,  steel-lined,  prestressed concrete
             cylindrical containment building with a hemispherical dome designed
             for 60 psig. The containment building houses the reactor system.

        IV.  Unit  1  auxiliary  systems  and  equipment  including   engineered
             safeguards Systems, reactor auxiliary systems and turbine-generator
             auxiliary  systems  associated  with  items I, II,  and III  above,
             extending to and including the Unit 1 start-up transformer.

        V.   Unit 1 cooling  tower  system  consisting  or three (3)  mechanical
             draft cooling towers,  including a closed cycle  circulating  water
             system, make-up water systems and essential spray ponds.

        VI.  Unit  1  radioactive  waste  treatment  system,  including  liquid,
             gaseous,  and solid waste  subsystems,  controls,  instrumentation,
             storage, handling and shipment facilities.

        VII. Unit   1   emergency    diesel-generator    system,   including   a
             diesel-generator  building  which  contains two diesel  generators,
             fuel  oil  Systems,  storage  tanks,  control  and  instrumentation
             systems and other equipment.

        VIII.Unit  1  internal  communication   systems,   including  associated
             interconnections and computer data links.


        I.   Nuclear fuel for Unit 1, including spare fuel assemblies.

        II.  Spare Parts (Unit 1).

        III. Transmission  facilities  (including  any  and all  facilities  and
             equipment  providing  interconnection  between  the Unit I  turbine
             generator and the ANPP High Voltage  Switchyard,  including step-up
             transformers and standby equipment and systems).



        IV.  Oil and diesel fuel inventories (Unit 1)

 B.   All PVNGS common facilities, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO::

        I    Surveillance Systems,  including associated radioactive monitoring
             systems and equipment.

        II.  Water  treatment  facilities  and  transport  systems for supply of
             waste water

        III. Warehouse and related storage facilities and equipment.


        I.   Nuclear fuel, including spare fuel assemblies.

        II.  All transmission and ANPP High Voltage Switchyard facilities.

        III. Administration Building.

        IV.  Administration Annex Building.

        V.   Technical Support Center.

        VI.  Visitor Center.

        VII. External communication systems and equipment,  including associated
             interconnections and computer data links.

        VIII. Parking lot improvements, road improvements, fencing and dikes.

        IX.  Spare parts (common facilities).

        X.   Simulator.



        XI.  Oil and diesel fuel inventories.

        XII. Real property,  beneficial interest in Title USA Company of Arizona
             Trust  No.  530,  and  Project  Agreement  interests  described  in
             Schedule 2.



                                   SCHEDULE 2


                  The Real Property Interest is a (i) 0.5% undivided interest in
the land described in, I below, a (ii) .566667% undivided interest in the rights
and interests  described in I below, and (iii) a .566667%  undivided interest in
the right and interests described in III below.


PARCEL NO. 1: Lot Four (4); the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter;  and
the West half of the  Southwest  quarter,  all in Section Two (2),  Township One
(1)South,  Range  Six (6) West of the Gila and  Salt  River  Base and  Meridian,
Maricopa County, Arizona.

PARCEL NO. 2: All of Section  Three (3),  Township One (1) South,  Range Six (6)
West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona.

PARCEL NO. 3: The East half of Section Four (4)  Township  One (1) South,  Range
Six (6) West of the Gila and Salt  River  Base and  Meridian,  Maricopa  County,

PARCEL NO. 4: The West half of Section Twenty-six (26), Township One (1) oNorth,
Range  Six (6)  West of the  Gila and Salt  River  Base and  Meridian,  Maricopa
County, Arizona.

PARCEL NO. 5: Section  Twenty-seven (27),  Township One (1) North, Range Six (6)
West of the Gila and Salt River Base and  Meridian,  Maricopa  County,  Arizona;
EXCEPT the Northwest quarter of Section 27.

PARCEL NO. 6: The Southeast quarter of Section  Twenty-eight (28),  Township One
(1)  North,  Range Six (6) West of the Gila and Salt  River  Base and  Meridian,
Maricopa County,  Arizona; EXCEPT 50% of all oil, gas and other mineral deposits
and  geothermal  resources  recovered  from or  developed  on the  property,  as
reserved in instrument recorded May 10, 1974 in Docket 10647, page 136.

PARCEL  NO. 7: The East half of  Section  Thirty-three  (33),  Township  One (1)
North, Range Six (6) West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa
County, Arizona.


PARCEL NO. 8: All of Section Thirty-four (34), Township One (1) North, Range Six
(6) West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona.

PARCEL No. 9: The West half of Section Thirty-five (35), Township One (1) North,
Range  Six (6)  West of the  Gila and Salt  River  Base and  Meridian,  Maricopa
County, Arizona.

PARCEL NO. 10: The  Southeast  quarter  of Section  Nine (9),  Township  One (1)
South, Range Six (6) West of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa
County, Arizona; except the Northwest quarter thereof.

PARCEL NO. 11: All of Section Ten (10),  Township  One (1) South,  Range Six (6)
West of the Gila and Salt River Base and  Meridian,  Maricopa  County,  Arizona;
EXCEPT the East half of the Southeast quarter thereof; and EXCEPT the North half
of the South half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter thereof.

PARCEL NO. 12:  That part of the East half of the  Southwest  quarter of Section
Twenty-three  (23),  Township One (1) North,  Range Six (6) West of the Gila and
Salt  River Base and  Meridian,  Maricopa  County,  Arizona,  more  particularly
described as follows:

            BEGINNING  at the  Southeast  corner  of the said  East  half of the
        Southwest  quarter of Section 23; thence West, an assumed  bearing along
        the South line of the said East half of the Southwest quarter of Section
        23, for a distance of 762.04 feet;  thence North 0 degrees 03 minutes 39
        seconds  West;  parallel  to the East  line of the said East half of the
        Southwest  quarter of Section  23, for a distance  of 1946.46  feet to a
        point  on  the   South   right-of-way   line  of  the  200   foot   wide
        HASSAYAMPA-SALOME HIGHWAY, as recorded in Book 12 of Road Maps, page 82,
        Maricopa County Recorder,  Maricopa County,  Arizona;  thence continuing
        North 0 degrees 03 minutes 39 seconds West for a distance of 234.15 feet
        to a point on the North right-of-way line of said highway;  thence South
        58 degrees 43 minutes  35 seconds  East,  along said North  right-of-way
        line for a distance  of 892.17  feet to a point on the said East line of



        the East half of the  Southwest  quarter of Section 23;  thence  South 0
        degrees 03 minutes 39 seconds East,  along said East line for a distance
        of 234.15 feet to a point on the said South  right-of-way  line;  thence
        continuing  South 0 degrees 03 minutes 39 seconds East for a distance of
        1483.31 feet to the true point of beginning;

                  EXCEPT the East 305 feet of the South 305 feet thereof; and

                  EXCEPT one-half of the minerals and mineral rights and mineral
        estates  of every  kind and  nature,  as set forth in Deed  recorded  in
        Docket 11652, page 52, Maricopa County Records.

PARCEL NO. 13: The North half of the South half of the Northwest  quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section Ten (10) Township One (1) South. Range Six (6) West
of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County, Arizona.


                All real property,  leases, licenses,  easements,  rights-of-way
and  other  property  held by  Title  USA  Company  of  Arizona  Trust  No.  530
established by that certain Trust  Agreement dated October 15, 1975, as amended,
but excluding therefrom all improvements.


                  Those  ANPP  Project   Agreements  (as  defined  in  the  ANPP
Participation  Agreement),  in  addition  to the Trust  Agreement  for Title USA
Company of Arizona Trust 530,  consisting of leases,  licenses,  easements,  and
permits, which provide land and land rights for (a) the pipeline to supply waste
water effluent to PVNGS from the 91st Avenue sewage  treatment plant serving the
Phoenix  Metropolitan area and (b) railroad access to the Nuclear Plant Site (as
defined in the ANPP Participation Agreement).

