                                THE NAVAJO NATION

         THIS  AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _____ day of June,  1997,
by  and  between  THE  NAVAJO  NATION,  a  federally-recognized  Indian  nation,
hereinafter  called the "Navajo Nation," whose address is P. O. Box 9000, Window
Rock, Navajo Nation (Arizona) 86515, and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO, a
New Mexico  corporation,  hereinafter  called  "PNM," whose  address is Alvarado
Square MS.2101, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87158.


         WHEREAS,  on January 17, 1973, the Secretary  granted a right-of-way to
PNM for a term of twenty (20) years,  which ended on January 17,  1993,  for the
Nine Mile Tap; and

         WHEREAS, on or about January 1, 1973, without the consent of the Navajo
Nation or the Secretary,  PNM constructed the Deza Bluff Microwave Communication
Tower on Navajo Nation-owned lands; and

         WHEREAS,  on July 9, 1971,  the Navajo Nation entered into the San Juan
Diversion  Weir Lease with PNM and Tucson Gas & Electric  Company,  now known as
Tucson  Electric Power Company,  for a term of fifty (50) years for a portion of
the San Juan Generating Station diversion weir across the San Juan River; and

         WHEREAS,  on June 7, 1968, the Secretary  granted a right-of-way to PNM
for a term of fifty (50) years, ending June 7, 2018, for the FW Line; and

         WHEREAS, on August 1, 1969, the Secretary granted a right-of-way to PNM
for a term of fifty (50) years, ending June 26, 2018, for the WW Line; and

         WHEREAS, the Navajo Nation and PNM have negotiated tentative agreements
providing  for a renewed  grant of  right-of-way  for the Nine Mile Tap electric
transmission lines, a grant of lease for the Deza Bluff Microwave  Communication
Tower site,  amendment  of the San Juan  Diversion  Weir Lease to  increase  the
annual  rental  thereunder,  and  compensation  to the  Navajo  Nation  for  the
remainder of the 50-year terms of the FW Line and WW Line electric  transmission
line  rights-of-way,  which  the  parties  now wish to  reduce  to  writing  and
formalize by this Memorandum of Agreement;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the foregoing and the covenants,
promises,  terms and  conditions  contained  herein,  the parties  hereto hereby
mutually agree as follows:

                              OPERATIVE PROVISIONS


         (A) "Deza Bluff  Microwave  Communication  Tower" means that  microwave
communication  tower on 0.0194 acres, more or less, of Navajo Nation-owned lands
within  projected  Township 19 North,  Range 18 West,  NMPM,  more  particularly
described in Exhibit "B," attached hereto.

         (B) "FW Line" means a 345 kV electric  transmission  line from the Four
Corners  Power Plant,  also known as the "West Mesa S.W.  STA-A.P.S.  4 Corners"
line, over 525.975 acres, more or less, of Navajo  Nation-owned lands commencing
in section 36,  Township 29 North,  Range 16 West,  NMPM, and running to a point
within section 10, Township 10 North, Range 2 East, NMPM.

         (C)  "Nine  Mile  Tap"  means two 345 kV  electric  transmission  lines
between the Four Corners Power Plant and the San Juan Generating  Station,  over
100.606 acres,  more or less, of Navajo  Nation-owned  lands within  Township 29
North, Range 15 West, NMPM, more particularly described in Exhibit "A," attached

         (D)      "NMPM" means New Mexico Principal Meridian.

         (E) "San Juan  Diversion  Weir  Lease"  means that Lease No.  SR-71-61,
dated July 9, 1971, between the Navajo Nation as Lessor and PNM and Tucson Gas &
Electric Company,  now known as Tucson Electric Power Company, as Lessees, for a
portion of the San Juan  Generating  Station  diversion weir across the San Juan
River,  on 9.376  acres,  more or less,  of  Navajo  Nation-owned  lands  within
Township 29 North, Range 15 West, NMPM.

         (F) "Secretary"  means the Secretary of the United States Department of
the Interior or his duly authorized representative or successor.

         (G) "WW Line"  means a 345 kV electric  transmission  line from the San
Juan  Generating   Station,   over  386.949  acres,  more  or  less,  of  Navajo
Nation-owned  lands  commencing in section 10, Township 10 North,  Range 2 East,
NMPM,  and running to a point  within  section 36,  Township 29 North,  Range 16
East, NMPM.


         Simultaneously  with  the  approval  of this  Agreement  by the  Navajo
Nation,  the  Navajo  Nation  shall  approve  and  consent  to  the  grant  of a
right-of-way  to PNM for a term of twenty (20)  years,  beginning  September  1,
1995,  and ending August 31, 2015,  for the Nine Mile Tap,  subject to the terms
and conditions attached hereto as Exhibit "C."


         (A) Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement by the parties,
the parties shall enter into and execute the lease agreement  between the Navajo
Nation and PNM, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "D," for a term of
twenty (20) years,  beginning September 1, 1995, and ending August 31, 2015, for
the Deza Bluff Microwave Communication Tower.

         (B) Simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement by the parties,
the parties  shall enter into and execute an  amendment  to section 4 of the San
Juan  Diversion  Weir Lease,  a copy of which  amendment  is attached  hereto as
Exhibit "E."


         The Navajo  Nation  and PNM will  cooperate  fully with one  another in
submitting  to the  Secretary  the  application  by PNM for the  Nine  Mile  Tap
right-of-way  consented to pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this  Agreement,  securing
the  grant  by the  Secretary  of said  right-of-way  in  accordance  with  this
Agreement,  securing  approval  by the  Secretary  of the Deza  Bluff  Microwave
Communication  Tower  lease  entered  into  pursuant  to  Paragraph  3  of  this
Agreement,  and securing  approval by the  Secretary of the amendment of the San
Juan  Diversion  Weir  Lease  entered  into  pursuant  to  Paragraph  3 of  this
Agreement.  Each party shall use its best efforts and shall take all such action
as may  reasonably  be  necessary to obtain as soon as possible the grant of the
said right-of-way and approval of the said lease and lease amendment.

5.       PAYMENT.

         PNM  hereby  agrees to pay to the  Navajo  Nation  the sum of  Thirteen
Million  Sixty-Eight  Thousand  Dollars  ($13,068,000.00),  together with simple
interest  at the rate of Five and  Two-Tenths  Per Cent (5.2%) per annum for the
period beginning  September 1, 1995, to and through the date of payment thereof,
plus Sixteen Thousand One Dollars  ($16,001.00)(which PNM previously paid to the
Secretary on or about July 18, 1994, as compensation  for the second one-half of
the  fifty  year  term  of the  right-of-way  for  the WW  Line  and  which  was
subsequently returned to PNM by the Secretary on or about August 11, 1994). Such
sum shall be paid in full to the  Controller  of the  Navajo  Nation,  in lawful
money of the United States  within three (3) working days of the effective  date
of  this  Agreement,  as  defined  in  Paragraph  22 of this  Agreement,  in the
following manner.  Payment of Three Million Dollars  ($3,000,000.00) of such sum
shall be in the form of common stock of PNM and payment of the entire  remaining
balance of such sum shall be in cash, as hereinafter  described.  Payment in the
form of PNM common  stock  shall be made by wire  transfer  by PNM of the sum of
$3,000,000.00  plus related  brokerage  commissions to J.P.  Morgan  Securities,
Inc., (the "Broker"),  with instructions to purchase the number of shares of PNM
common stock calculated as hereinafter provided in the name of the Navajo Nation
and to promptly forward such common stock, along with a statement reflecting the
details of said purchase, to the Controller of the Navajo Nation ("Controller").
The number of shares to be purchased shall be calculated by dividing (i) the sum
of   $3,000,000.00  by  (ii)  the  purchase  price  per  share  (as  hereinafter
described),  such number of shares to be rounded to the next lower whole  share.
Cash shall be paid to the Navajo  Nation in lieu of such  fractional  share,  if
any, in accordance with the cash payment provisions hereof. The purchase of such
shares by the Broker shall be at the lowest  purchase  price of PNM common stock
obtainable by the Broker in making  purchases on the New York Stock  Exchange on
the date of purchase. PNM shall bear the expense of any brokerage commissions on
such purchase,  as provided  above.  Payment of the entire cash balance shall be
made by wire transfer into the bank account of the Navajo Nation  identified for
such purpose by the Controller.  The Controller  shall identify such account and
provide PNM with necessary routing and other information within twenty-four (24)
hours of approval of this  Agreement  by the Navajo  Nation.  The Navajo  Nation
shall set aside Two Hundred Sixty  Thousand  Dollars  ($260,000.00)  out of said
cash payment to be used for the benefit of the Navajo Nation  Chapters which are
affected by the Nine Mile Tap right-of-way.


         PNM hereby  irrevocably  waives any right to repayment of the following
monies paid to the Secretary for the benefit of the Navajo Nation, together with
all  interest  accrued  thereon:  a)  during  or about  1979,  in the  amount of
Seventeen Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-Eight Dollars (($17,468.00), more or less,
which PNM paid in connection  with an extension of the term of the  right-of-way
for the 230 kV  transmission  line from Four Corners to Ambrosia Lake; b) during
or about  1979,  in the  amount of Four  Thousand  Seven  Hundred  Nine  Dollars
($4,709.00), more or less, which PNM paid in connection with an extension of the
terms of the  right-of-way for the Nine Mile Tap; c) on or about March 12, 1981,
in the amount of Eight  Hundred  Eighty-Nine  Thousand  Five Hundred  Twenty-Two
Dollars  ($889,522.00),  more or less, which PNM paid in connection with certain
right-of-way  applications which PNM filed and subsequently  withdrew; d) during
or about 1987, in the amount of Eight  Thousand One Hundred  Thirty-Two  Dollars
and Fifty Cents ($8,132.50), more or less, which PNM paid in connection with the
Four Corners-Ambrosia-Pajarito  Transmission Project; e) on or about December 6,
1990, in the amount of Forty  Thousand Two Hundred  Forty-Two  Dollars and Forty
Cents  ($40,242.40),  more or  less,  which  PNM  paid in  connection  with  its
application  for renewal of the Nine Mile Tap  right-of-way;  and f) on or about
May 24, 1993,  in the amount of  Twenty-Two  Thousand  Five  Hundred  Sixty-Four
Dollars  ($22,564.00),  more or less,  which  PNM paid as  compensation  for the
second one-half of the fifty-year term of the  right-of-way for the FW Line. PNM
hereby assigns all such monies,  together with all interest accrued thereon,  to
the Navajo Nation.

7.       RELEASES.

         (A) Subject to compliance by PNM with the payment required by Paragraph
5 of this Agreement,  the Navajo Nation hereby releases,  acquits and discharges
PNM from any and all trespass claims, demands,  warranties,  debts, liabilities,
damages,  obligations,  costs,  attorneys' fees,  expenses,  liens,  actions and
causes of action, resulting from failure by PNM to have had valid rights to use,
operate or develop, on or before the effective date of this Agreement,  the real
property  subject to the Nine Mile Tap  right-of-way  consented  to  pursuant to
Paragraph 2 of this Agreement and the Deza Bluff Microwave  Communication  Tower
lease  entered into pursuant to Paragraph 3 of this  Agreement,  from any rental
obligations  under  the San  Juan  Diversion  Weir  Lease  arising  prior to the
effective  date  of  this   Agreement,   and  from  PNM's   obligations  to  pay
consideration  for the use of the FW Line and WW Line through the current  terms
of the respective rights-of-way for said lines.

         (B) PNM hereby releases,  acquits and discharges the Navajo Nation from
any  and  all  claims,  demands,   warranties,   debts,  liabilities,   damages,
obligations,  costs,  attorneys' fees,  expenses,  liens,  actions and causes of
action,  resulting from or relating to PNM's failure to have had valid rights to
use, operate or develop, on or before the effective date of this Agreement,  the
real property subject to the Nine Mile Tap right-of-way consented to pursuant to
Paragraph 2 of this Agreement and the Deza Bluff Microwave  Communication  Tower
lease  entered  into  pursuant to  Paragraph 3 of this  Agreement,  PNM's rental
obligations  under  the San  Juan  Diversion  Weir  Lease  arising  prior to the
effective date of this Agreement, and PNM's obligations to pay consideration for
the use of the FW Line and WW Line through the current  terms of the  respective
rights-of-way for said lines.

         (C)  Nothing   contained  in  this  Paragraph  shall  be  construed  to
constitute a release by either party of any of the following:

                  1) Any  liability  of PNM  for  damage  to  real  or  personal
         property  owned by the Navajo Nation for which PNM is or becomes liable
         under any applicable federal, state or Navajo Nation law;

                  2) Any liability of PNM for use,  operation or  development of
         any Navajo Nation-owned lands other than those which are the subject of
         this Agreement;

                  3) Any  obligation  or liability of either party  provided for
         under  the  terms  and  conditions  of the Nine  Mile Tap  right-of-way
         consented to pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this Agreement,  the Deza Bluff
         Microwave  Communication Tower lease entered into pursuant to Paragraph
         3 of this  Agreement,  the San Juan  Diversion  Weir Lease,  as amended
         pursuant to Paragraph 3 of this Agreement,  or under any other existing
         right-of-way,  lease,  contract or other  agreement  between the Navajo
         Nation and PNM; or

                  4) Any  obligation  or liability of either party arising after
         the effective date of this Agreement.


         PNM will assist the Navajo Nation in identifying all other users of the
Deza Bluff Microwave Communication Tower site and the nature of their uses. Such
assistance will consist of conveying to the Navajo Nation such  non-confidential
and non-proprietary  information concerning such users and uses as PNM currently
may possess, or which may come into PNM's possession in the normal course of its
use of the said site, or which may come into PNM's  possession  upon  reasonable
inquiry.  As  used  herein,  the  term   "non-confidential  and  non-proprietary
information" shall include,  but not necessarily be limited to, the identity and
address of any such user, and any joint-use or similar agreement between PNM and
such user authorizing the use of such site.


         (A) The Navajo  Nation hereby  covenants,  promises and agrees that PNM
peaceably and quietly may have, hold, use, occupy,  possess and enjoy the rights
conveyed  by the  right-of-way  consented  to  pursuant  to  Paragraph 2 of this
Agreement, the lease and lease amendment entered into pursuant to Paragraph 3 of
this Agreement and the existing respective  rights-of-way for the FW Line and WW
Line,  in  accordance  with and  subject to the terms and  conditions  contained
therein and applicable federal and Navajo Nation laws, without suit, molestation
or interruption  by the Navajo Nation or any person or entity lawfully  claiming
from the Navajo Nation.

         (B) The Navajo  Nation  hereby  covenants,  promises and agrees that it
will not demand any further  consideration  from PNM for the FW Line and WW Line
rights-of-way during the balance of the current terms of said rights-of-way.

         (C) The covenants, promises and agreements contained in subsections (A)
and (B) of this  Paragraph  are given by the  Navajo  Nation in its  proprietary
capacity  only,  and shall not be  construed to limit or impair the right of the
Navajo  Nation to  enforce  compliance  with the terms  and  conditions  of said
rights-of-way and leases,  nor to limit or impair the right of the Navajo Nation
to enforce applicable federal and Navajo Nation laws, nor to limit or impair the
otherwise lawful right or ability of the Navajo Nation to exercise  governmental

10.      ASSIGNMENT.

         Neither this Agreement,  nor any part hereof or interest herein, may be
assigned by either party  without the prior  written  consent of the other party
and the Secretary.


         (A) PNM hereby represents and warrants to the Navajo Nation as follows:

                  (1) PNM is a corporation  duly  organized and in good standing
         under the laws of the State of New Mexico.

                  (2) The  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by PNM and
         consummation by PNM of the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been
         duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of PNM.

                  (3) This Agreement is a valid and legally  binding  obligation
         of PNM, enforceable against it in accordance with its terms, subject to
         applicable    bankruptcy,     insolvency,     fraudulent    conveyance,
         reorganization,  moratorium  and  other  similar  laws  relating  to or
         affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally and to general
         principles of equity,  whether  considered in a proceeding in equity or
         at law.

                  (4) This  Agreement and the  execution and delivery  hereof by
         PNM do not, and  compliance  with the terms and  conditions  hereof and
         consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not:

                           a)  Violate or  conflict  with any  provision  of the
                  certificate of incorporation or bylaws of PNM, each as amended
                  to date;

                           b) Violate or conflict  with, or, except as expressly
                  contemplated  within  this  Agreement,  require  any  consent,
                  authorization  or approval  under any provision of, any law or
                  administrative  regulation or any judicial,  administrative or
                  arbitration order, award, judgment, writ, injunction or decree
                  applicable to or binding upon PNM; or

                           c) Result in a breach  of,  constitute  a default  or
                  violation under, whether with notice of lapse of time or both,
                  or require any consent,  authorization  or approval under, any
                  mortgage, contract, indenture, loan or credit agreement or any
                  other  agreement or  instrument  evidencing  indebtedness  for
                  money  borrowed to which PNM is a party or by which any of its
                  properties or assets is bound.

         (B) The Navajo Nation hereby represents and warrants to PNM as follows:

                  (1) The Navajo Nation is a federally-recognized Indian nation.

                  (2) The execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Navajo
         Nation  and  consummation  by the  Navajo  Nation  of the  transactions
         contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary  action
         on the part of the Navajo Nation.

                  (3) This Agreement is a valid and legally  binding  obligation
         of the Navajo  Nation,  enforceable  against it in accordance  with its
         terms,  subject  to  applicable  bankruptcy,   insolvency,   fraudulent
         conveyance, reorganization,  moratorium and other similar laws relating
         to or affecting the enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally and to
         general  principles  of equity,  whether  considered in a proceeding in
         equity or at law.

                  (4) This  Agreement and the  execution and delivery  hereof by
         the Navajo Nation do not, and compliance  with the terms and conditions
         hereof and  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby will

                           a) Violate or conflict  with, or, except as expressly
                  contemplated  within  this  Agreement,  require  any  consent,
                  authorization  or approval  under any  provision  of, any law,
                  treaty,  custom or administrative  regulation or any judicial,
                  administrative or arbitration order,  award,  judgment,  writ,
                  injunction or decree  applicable to or binding upon the Navajo
                  Nation; or

                           b) Result in a breach  of,  constitute  a default  or
                  violation under, whether with notice of lapse of time or both,
                  or require any consent,  authorization  or approval under, any
                  mortgage, contract, indenture, loan or credit agreement or any
                  other  agreement or  instrument  evidencing  indebtedness  for
                  money  borrowed  to which the  Navajo  Nation is a party or by
                  which any of its properties or assets is bound.


         (A) Any notices,  demands,  requests or other communications to or upon
either party or the Secretary  provided for in this Agreement,  or given or made
in  connection  with it,  (hereinafter  referred to as  "notices,")  shall be in
writing and shall be addressed as follows:

                  To or upon the Navajo Nation:

                                   The Navajo Nation
                                   Office of the President/Vice-President
                                   P.O. Box 9000
                                   Window Rock, Navajo Nation (Arizona) 86515

                                   Fax: 1-520-871-4025

                  To or upon PNM:

                                   Public Service Company of New Mexico
                                   ATTN: Right-of-Way Department
                                   Alvarado Square MS.2101
                                   Albuquerque, New Mexico 87158

                                   Fax: 1-505-241-2376

                  To or upon the Secretary:

                                   Area Director
                                   Navajo Area Office
                                   Bureau of Indian Affairs
                                   United States Department of the Interior
                                   301 West Hill Street
                                   P.O. Box 1060
                                   Gallup, New Mexico 87305

                                   Fax: 1-505-863-8324.

         (B) All notices shall be given by personal  delivery,  by registered or
certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,  by facsimile  transmission  or by telegram.
Notices  shall be  effective  and  shall be  deemed  delivered:  if by  personal
delivery,  on the date of delivery if during normal  business  hours,  or if not
during normal business hours on the next business day following delivery;  if by
registered or certified mail, by facsimile  transmission or by telegram,  on the
next business day following actual delivery and receipt.

         (C) Copies of all notices shall be sent to the Secretary.

         (D) The  parties  hereto and the  Secretary  may at any time change its
address for purposes of this Section by notice.


          Except as may be prohibited by applicable  federal law, the law of the
Navajo Nation shall govern the construction, performance and enforcement of this
Agreement.  Any action or proceeding brought by PNM against the Navajo Nation in
connection  with or arising out of the terms and  conditions  of this  Agreement
shall be brought only in the courts of the Navajo Nation,  and no such action or
proceeding  shall be brought by PNM  against  the Navajo  Nation in any court or
administrative body of any state.


          PNM  hereby  consents  to  the  legislative,  executive  and  judicial
jurisdiction of the Navajo Nation in connection with all activities conducted by
PNM within the Navajo  Nation.  Nothing  contained  in this  Paragraph  shall be
construed  to abrogate or impair any right of PNM created or  recognized  by any
valid,  prior contract,  lease, grant of right-of-way or other agreement between
the Navajo Nation and PNM.


         Nothing  in this  Agreement  shall be  interpreted  as  constituting  a
waiver, express or implied, of the sovereign immunity of the Navajo Nation.


         (A) This Agreement,  and the Exhibits  attached  hereto,  supersede all
prior agreements  between the parties,  whether written or oral, with respect to
the subject matter hereof and are intended as a complete and exclusive statement
of the terms of the  agreement  between the parties with respect to said subject

         (B) This  Agreement  may be  modified or amended  only by an  agreement
signed by both parties and approved by the  Secretary.  Any  modification  of or
amendment  to this  Agreement  shall not be valid or binding  upon either  party
until it is approved by the Secretary.


         If any term or condition of this Agreement is held invalid,  illegal or
incapable  of  being   enforced  for  any  reason  by  any  court  of  competent
jurisdiction, such term or condition shall be deemed severed from this Agreement
and all other terms and provisions of this Agreement  shall remain in full force
and effect,  so long as the  economic and legal  substance  of the  transactions
contemplated hereby are not affected in any manner adverse to either party.

18.      WAIVER.

         No term or  condition of this  Agreement  may be waived by either party
except by a writing signed by both parties.

19.      HEADINGS.

         The headings  contained in this  Agreement are for  reference  only and
shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.


         This  Agreement may be executed in any number of  counterparts,  and by
different parties in separate counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be
an original,  but all of which together shall  constitute  only one and the same


         The  terms  and  conditions  contained  herein  shall  extend to and be
binding  upon the  successors,  assigns,  employees  and agents,  including  all
contractors and subcontractors,  of the parties. Except as the context otherwise
requires, the terms "Public Service Company of New Mexico" and "PNM," as used in
this Agreement,  shall be deemed to include all successors,  assigns,  employees
and agents, including contractors and subcontractors, of PNM.


         This  Agreement  shall take effect on the later of the date of approval
by  the  Secretary  of  this  Agreement,  the  grant  by  the  Secretary  of the
right-of-way  consented  to pursuant to Paragraph 2 of this  Agreement,  and the
approval by the Secretary of the Deza Bluff Microwave  Communication Tower lease
and the amendment of the San Juan  Diversion Weir Lease entered into pursuant to
Paragraph 3 of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be valid or binding upon
either party until it is approved by the Secretary.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed as of the date first above written.

                                       THE NAVAJO NATION

                                       By: ______________________________
                                            Albert A. Hale, President

                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NEW MEXICO

                                       By: ______________________________
                                            Benjamin F. Montoya, President
                                                & Chief Executive Officer

APPROVED pursuant to Secretarial Redelegation 209 DM 8,
Secretarial Redelegation Order Nos. 3150 and 3177, and
10 BIAM Bulletin 13, as amended.

Date : ______________________________

By: _________________________________
    Acting Area Director
    Navajo Area Office
    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    United States Department of the Interior