Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

   Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)      July 23, 1998
                                                         (July 20, 1998)

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

          New Mexico              File Number 1-6986          85-0019030
  ---------------------------                 ------        ---------------
 (State or Other Jurisdiction                              (I.R.S. Employer
        of Incorporation)                               Identification Number)

Alvarado Square, Albuquerque, New Mexico                   87158
- ----------------------------------------                  -------
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)                 (Zip Code)

                                 (505) 241-2700
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

          (Former Name or Former Address if Changed, Since Last Report)

ITEM 5. Other Events
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The Company's  Registration  Statement on Form S-3  (Registration No. 333-53367)
was declared  effective on July 20, 1998.  The following  "Recent  Developments"
section  is  included  in the  preliminary  prospectus  supplement  (subject  to
completion,  dated July 22,  1998),  relating to the  proposed  offering of $435
million of the Company's Senior Unsecured Notes.

                               Recent Developments
Electric Rate Case
- ------------------

In November  1997,  the Company  filed its electric  rate case pursuant to a New
Mexico Public Utility  Commission  ("NMPUC")  order. In the filing,  the Company
stated that,  although the Company could justify a $5 million rate increase,  it
would not seek to increase  rates,  stating that rate  stability is important in
preparing for industry restructuring.

In April  1998,  the NMPUC  Staff and  intervenors  in the rate case filed their
testimony.  The NMPUC Staff  recommended  a decrease of $33.2 million in current
rates while the New Mexico  Attorney  General ("AG") and the City of Albuquerque
("COA") recommended decreases of $31.2 million and $45.4 million,  respectively,
based on traditional cost of service rate-making.

In addition,  the AG  recommended  that a "market"  approach to valuation of the
Company's  generating  assets should be used in determining the Company's rates.
The AG also  recommended  that if stranded costs exist in the future as a result
of use of this method, the Company should only be allowed to recover 50% of such
amounts. The Company's review indicates that if the AG's revaluation proposal is
adopted,  there could be an additional $105 million  reduction in rates and more
than a $960 million  write-down  of the  Company's  generation  assets.  The New
Mexico Industrial Energy Consumers ("NMIEC") also recommended that the Company's
generation  assets  should be  revalued  for  rate-making  purposes to reflect a
"market" approach to valuation of the facilities. The Company's review indicates
that if NMIEC's  revaluation  proposal is adopted,  there could be an additional
$60 million  reduction in rates and more than a $550 million  write-down  of the
Company's  generation  assets.  The Company  reviewed the testimony of the NMPUC
Staff and intervenors and filed its rebuttal testimony in May 1998.

In rebuttal testimony,  the Company stated that (1) the level of cost of service
rate  reductions  proposed by the NMPUC  Staff,  AG and COA were not  justified,
although the Company accepted  certain  adjustments to its originally filed cost
of  service,  reducing  the revenue  requirements  of the  Company,  and (2) the
recommendations  made  by the AG and  NMIEC  regarding  the  revaluation  of the
Company's generation assets were highly speculative,  subject to numerous highly
subjective   assumptions,   overly   complex,   contrary  to  law,   unfair  and
unreasonable,  effected an  unconstitutional  taking of property  and  otherwise
improper.  The Company's  rebuttal  testimony states that the plant  revaluation
proposals   submitted  by  the  AG  and  NMIEC  rely  on  the  long  discredited
reproduction  cost method of rate base valuation  associated with the fair value
concept of rate-making, which has been found to be inferior to the original cost
less  depreciation  method of rate base  valuation  long preferred by courts and
COMPANY" -  "Electric  Rate Case" in the  quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the
quarter ended March 31, 1998.)


Hearings in the case began on May 18, 1998 and were  completed on June 22, 1998.
Subsequent to the conclusion of the hearings,  the NMPUC required the submission
of  contemporaneous  briefs in chief and proposed orders by all parties no later
than July 30,  1998 with reply  briefs due no later than  August 10,  1998.  The
Company expects a decision to be rendered in the September/October time frame.

The Company is unable to predict  the  ultimate  outcome of this case.  Based on
traditional rate-making principles,  it is possible that the NMPUC could order a
rate reduction in excess of the highest cost of service reduction recommended by
any party,  since the parties  recommended  disallowance  of  different  cost of
service items.  To do so,  however,  the NMPUC would have to adopt out of period
adjustments  reflecting cost decreases  without  considering any offsetting cost
increases  and reduce the Company's  requested  return on common equity (ROE) of
12.6% to 9.1%, as recommended by the NMPUC Staff. In the past the NMPUC has been
critical of efforts to take advantage of selected out of period adjustments. The
Company  continues  to view the rate base  revaluation  proposals  of the AG and
NMIEC as extreme, unprecedented,  confiscatory, and unsupported in either law or
fact.  If the NMPUC  adopts one of these  approaches  or a variant,  the Company
intends to seek immediate  judicial relief to prevent  unreasonable  and serious
harm to the Company's financial integrity.

The Company understands that El Paso Electric Company ("EPE"),  also under NMPUC
jurisdiction,  has reached a settlement  in its electric  rate case with many of
the same parties  that are parties to the  Company's  rate case.  As part of the
settlement,  EPE has agreed to revalue its investment in its existing generating
assets  dedicated  to New Mexico  public  service for New Mexico  jurisdictional
ratemaking  purposes only. The revaluation  results in a write down on EPE's New
Mexico  regulated  books of  account  of its  nuclear  assets  and a write up of
non-nuclear  generating assets.  The EPE settlement  expressly states that it is
the result of a unique fact situation, and that its resolution is special to the
circumstances  presented.  The EPE settlement remains subject to NMPUC approval.
Although  many of the same parties are involved,  the Company  believes that the
EPE rate settlement should not affect the Company's rate case.

Joint Proposal for Acquisition of Plains' Assets
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In May 1998,  Plains  Electric  Generation and  Transmission  Cooperative,  Inc.
("Plains")  issued a  request  for  proposals  for the  acquisition  of all or a
portion of the assets of Plains,  which include a 250 MW coal-fired power plant.
On July  15,  1998,  the  Company  and  Tri-State  Generation  and  Transmission
Association,  Inc.  ("Tri-State")  made a  non-binding  joint  proposal  for the
acquisition  of all of the assets of Plains.  Tri-State is a wholesale  electric
power generation and transmission  cooperative  association  headquartered  near
Denver,  Colorado.  The consideration for the acquisition would be a combination
of cash and the assumption of debt. The Company understands that the non-binding
proposals  received  by Plains will be  reviewed  and that it is  expected  that
Plains will then  conduct  negotiations  with a small  number of parties  making
proposals.  The Company is unable to predict  the  outcome of this  transaction.
However,  the Company does not anticipate  that it will have any material impact
on its financial condition or results of operations.


The 1997 Gas Rate Case
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In October 1997,  the Company filed its gas rate case with the NMPUC pursuant to
an NMPUC order issued in February 1997. In its filing,  the Company  requested a
rate increase of $12.6 million.  The NMPUC Staff  recommended a rate increase of
$2.5  million.  The AG,  however,  recommended  a rate decrease of $4.9 million.
Other parties to the rate case recommended  certain adjustments to the Company's
proposed rate increase.

An uncontested  stipulation  settling the case was filed with the NMPUC in April
1998 for its approval. If approved,  there would be no significant change in the
Company's  overall revenue  levels.  The stipulation is still pending before the
NMPUC.  Should the  stipulation  be rejected by the NMPUC, a hearing of the full
litigated case would be required. The Company is currently unable to predict the
ultimate  outcome of this case.  (See ITEM 5. - "OTHER  INFORMATION" - "The 1997
Gas Rate Case" in the quarterly  report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March
31, 1998.)

Electric Industry Restructuring in New Mexico
- ---------------------------------------------

The New Mexico Legislative Interim Committee on Utilities and Telecommunications
("Committee"),  chaired by Senator Michael Sanchez, will be considering electric
industry restructuring, as well as other issues, during the remainder of 1998 in
preparation for possible  introduction of a  committee-backed  bill  authorizing
restructuring in the 1999 legislative session. Senator Sanchez has chaired every
interim  legislative  committee  that has studied this issue since 1993,  when a
restructuring  bill was first introduced in New Mexico.  The Legislature in 1996
unanimously  passed  a  Joint  Memorial  at the  recommendation  of the  interim
committee declaring that retail electric  competition was not then in the public
interest  of  New  Mexico  but  directed  the  NMPUC  to  monitor  and  evaluate
developments and report back to the Legislature. The NMPUC filed its report with
the Legislature  during the 1998 session,  expressing its conclusion that retail
electric  competition  would be  beneficial.  Senator  Sanchez has expressed the
opinion that 1999 might very well be the appropriate time for the Legislature to
enact  restructuring  legislation.  He has informally called upon all interested
parties to submit proposed legislation to the Committee for its consideration by

In May,  the Company  approached  the NMPUC on an informal  basis to explore the
possibility of the Company filing a voluntary  restructuring plan with the NMPUC
that,  if  accepted  by the  NMPUC,  could be used as a model for  restructuring
legislation  in the 1999  session.  To date, no such filing has occurred and the
Company continues to explore options for introducing retail electric competition
in New Mexico in a manner that protects the financial integrity of the Company.

On July 1, 1998, the Clinton  Administration  sent restructuring  legislation to
Congress.  The proposed legislation endorses the principle that utilities should
be able to recover prudent,  legitimate,  verifiable and non-mitigable  stranded
costs.  The legislation  leaves to the states  decisions  regarding the pace and
shape of regulatory change,  generally calling for open access to occur by 2003,
but allowing states to opt out of the federal approach.


The Arizona  Corporation  Commission (the "ACC") has issued another order in its
process of opening that state to competition  beginning at the end of this year.
In that order the ACC has allowed full  stranded  cost recovery on the condition
that generation is divested. If utilities choose not to divest generation,  then
the ACC will determine the  appropriate  amount of stranded cost  recovery.  The
Arizona  Legislature  has  passed a law  confirming  the  ACC's  authority  over
electric industry  restructuring  and expanding  restructuring to include public
power entities not subject to the ACC's  jurisdiction.  The Company shares joint
ownership  of power  plants  located in  Arizona  and New  Mexico  with  Arizona
utilities, is interconnected with those utilities, and competes with them in the
wholesale  market.  The Company is unable to predict  what,  if any,  impact the
Arizona actions will have on the Company.

Disclosure Regarding Forward Looking Statements
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The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 (the  "Act")  provides a
"safe harbor" for  forward-looking  statements to encourage companies to provide
prospective information about their companies without fear of litigation so long
as those  statements are identified as  forward-looking  and are  accompanied by
meaningful, cautionary statements identifying important factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those projected in the statement. Words
such as "estimates," "expects,"  "anticipates," "plans," "believes," "projects,"
and similar expressions identify forward-looking  statements.  Accordingly,  the
Company hereby identifies the following  important factors which could cause the
Company's  actual financial  results to differ  materially from any such results
which might be  projected,  forecasted,  estimated or budgeted by the Company in
forward-looking   statements:   (i)  adverse   actions  of  utility   regulatory
commissions;  (ii)  utility  industry  restructuring;  (iii)  failure to recover
stranded  costs;  (iv) the  inability  of the  Company to  successfully  compete
outside its traditional  regulated  market;  (v) regional  economic  conditions,
which  could  affect  customer  growth;  (vi)  adverse  impacts  resulting  from
environmental regulations; (vii) loss of favorable fuel supply contracts; (viii)
failure  to  obtain  water  rights  and  rights-of-way;   (ix)  operational  and
environmental  problems at generating stations;  (x) the cost of debt and equity
capital; (xi) weather conditions; and (xii) technical development in the utility

Many of the foregoing  factors  discussed  have been  addressed in the Company's
previous  filings with the SEC pursuant to the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.
The foregoing  review of factors  pursuant to the Act should not be construed as
exhaustive or as any admission regarding the adequacy of disclosures made by the
Company prior to the effective date of the Act.

ITEM 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits
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(c)     Exhibits

The Registrant hereby files the following exhibit to its Registration  Statement
on Form S-3 (Registration  No.  333-53367) which was declared  effective on July
20, 1998.

     Exhibit No.                            Description
     -----------                            -----------

        12.1                Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges


- ----------

Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       Public Service Company of New Mexico

Date:  July 23, 1998                        /s/ Donna M. Burnett
                                            Donna M. Burnett
                                            Corporate Controller and
                                            Chief Accounting Officer
