Washington, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

         Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)  April 14, 1999
                                                           (April 8, 1999)

             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

          New Mexico               File Number 1-6986        85-0019030   
   ------------------------                    ------        ----------
 (State or Other Jurisdiction                              (I.R.S. Employer
        of Incorporation)                              Identification Number)

  Alvarado Square, Albuquerque, New Mexico                    87158  
  ----------------------------------------                  ---------
  Address of Principal Executive Offices)                   (Zip Code)

                                 (505) 241-2700
              (Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code)

          (Former Name or Former Address if Changed, Since Last Report)

Item 5. Other Events

Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act of 1999

As previously reported, Senate Bill 428, Electric Utility Industry Restructuring
Act of 1999,  was passed in the 1999 New  Mexico  Legislature  and was  awaiting
approval by the Governor.  (See PART II, ITEM 7. - "MANAGEMENT'S  DISCUSSION AND
Annual Report on Form 10-K and Item 5, "Other  Events" in the Company's  Current
Report on Form 8-K dated March 30, 1999.)

On April 8, 1999,  the  Governor  signed the bill into law,  opening the state's
electric  power  market to  customer  choice  beginning  in 2001.  The law gives
schools,  residential  and small  business  customers the  opportunity to choose
among competing power suppliers  beginning in January 2001.  Competition will be
expanded  to  include  all  customers  starting  in  January  2002.  The  Public
Regulation  Commission ("PRC"),  however,  can extend these dates by one year if
necessary.  Rural electric  cooperatives and municipal electric systems have the
option not to participate in the competitive market.

Residential  and small business  customers who do not select a power supplier in
the open market can buy their electricity  through their local utility through a
"standard  offer"  whereby the local  distribution  utility will purchase  power
supplies  through  a  competitive   process  approved  by  the  PRC.  The  local
distribution  utility  system and related  services such as billing and metering
will  continue to be regulated  by the PRC,  while the  interstate  transmission
system will remain subject to Federal regulation.

The law does not  require  utilities  to divest  their  generating  plants,  but
requires  unregulated  activities to be separated from the regulated  activities
through creation of at least two separate corporations.


The law also provides for sharing of stranded costs between utility shareholders
and  customers,  allowing  utilities  to recover at least half of such  stranded
costs. Stranded costs are defined in the law to include nuclear  decommissioning
costs,  regulatory  assets,  leases and other costs  recognized  under  existing
regulation.  Utilities  could be  allowed  to  recover  more  than half of their
stranded  costs if they meet the criteria  specified in the law.  Stranded costs
will be recovered from customers over a five-year period. Utilities will also be
allowed to recover  through 2007 all  transition  costs  reasonably  incurred to
comply with the new law.

The law,  however,  does  not  provide  a  guaranteed  rate cut for  residential
customers.  Electric rates during the  transition to competition  will be set by
the PRC. The Company has a rate case pending  before the PRC,  which will likely
result in a rate  reduction.  On April 6,  1999,  the New Mexico  Supreme  Court
issued its mandate in the rate case appeal officially  returning the case to the
PRC for further  proceedings  consistent with the Supreme Court's opinion.  (See
"Electric Rate Case" in Item 5, "Other Events" in the Current Report on Form 8-K
dated March 30, 1999.)

The Company is required to file a transition plan with the PRC by March 1, 2000.
The transition plan must include proposals for: (i) implementing customer choice
and open access to the Company's  transmission  and  distribution  system;  (ii)
separating regulated and non-regulated  business  activities;  (iii) recommended
rates for  distribution,  transmission  and related  services;  (iv) competitive
procurement  process  for  standard  offer;  and (v)  proposed  charges  for the
recovery of stranded costs and transition costs.

Due to  uncertainties  surrounding  the stranded  costs that the Company will be
allowed to recover,  the Company is currently  unable to determine  the ultimate
financial impact the new law will have on the Company.

Annual Stockholders Meeting

As previously  reported on the cover of the Company's 1998 Annual Report on Form
10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") on March 8, 1999,
the date of the Company's  annual meeting of stockholders  will be June 8, 1999.
This means that the  deadline  under SEC rules for receipt of any  proposal  for
possible  inclusion in the 1999 proxy statement became "a reasonable time before
the Company begins to print and mail its proxy materials".



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                      Public Service Company of New Mexico

Date:  April 14, 1999                         /s/ Donna M. Burnett             
                                            Donna M. Burnett
                                            Vice President, Corporate
                                            Controller and Chief
                                            Accounting Officer
