SERVICE AGREEMENT


                          CNG TRANSMISSION CORPORATION




                                October 17, 1995

                                SERVICE AGREEMENT
                               (FTNN-GSS SERVICE)

      AGREEMENT   made  as  of  this  October  17,  1995,  by  and  between  CNG
TRANSMISSION CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter called "Pipeline,"
and  PUBLIC  SERVICE  COMPANY  OF  NORTH   CAROLINA,   INC.,  a  North  Carolina
corporation, hereinafter called "Customer."

      WHEREAS,  on October 4, 1993,  Pipeline  and  Rochester  Gas and  Electric
Corporation  ("RG&E")  entered into a Marketing  Agreement  that was designed to
permit  Pipeline  to assist RG&E in  marketing  RG&E's  upstream  transportation
capacity on Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation ("Texas Eastern"),  Tennessee
Gas Pipeline Company  ("Tennessee"),  and on-system storage demand and capacity,
and related transportation capacity on Pipeline;

      WHEREAS,  Pipeline  and  Customer  entered  into  a  Letter  Agreement  on
September 17, 1993,  in which it was agreed that Customer  would acquire part of
the RG&E capacity;

      WHEREAS,  Pipeline and Texas Eastern  sought authorization  of the Federal
Energy Regulatory  Commission ("FERC") as necessary to construct  facilities and
to provide  certain  services to Customer,  in two FERC  dockets:  Texas Eastern
Transmission   Corporation,   Docket  No.   CP94-6-000,   and  CNG  Transmission
Corporation, Docket No. CP94-89-000;

      WHEREAS,  by order issued November 1, 1994, in the referenced  dockets (69
FERC P. 61,132 (1994)), the FERC granted Pipeline and Texas Eastern certificates
of public  convenience and necessity,  but materially  modified  portions of the
original proposal and refused to rule on other portions;

      WHEREAS,  on January 12, 1995, Pipeline and Customer entered into a Letter
Agreement amending the September 17, 1993 Agreement, so that Customer's capacity
would be established in two phases:

         Phase I beginning  on April 1, 1995 for 720,000 Dt of Storage  Capacity
         under  Pipeline's  Rate Schedule GSS with a related  Storage  Demand of
         12,000 Dt/day, and on November 1, 1995 for firm transportation capacity
         of 8,000 Dt/day on Pipeline's system; and

         Phase II  beginning  on April 1,  1996  for  360,000  Dt of  additional
         Storage  Capacity  under  Pipeline's  Rate  Schedule GSS with a related
         Storage  Demand of 6,000 Dt/day,  and November 1, 1996 for 4,000 Dt/day
         of firm transportation capacity on Pipeline's system;

      WHEREAS, on February 1, 1995, Pipeline and RG&E entered into a Replacement
Marketing  Agreement to reflect the  modifications in the November 1, 1994, FERC
Order; and

      WHEREAS,  Pipeline  and  Texas  Eastern  filed  a  Joint  Stipulation  and
Agreement  in the  referenced  dockets  on  February  21,  1995,  which the FERC
approved by order issued May 31, 1995,  authorizing certain services by Pipeline
for Customer including the services reflected in this Service Agreement (71 FERC
P. 61,244 (1995));

      NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH: That, in consideration of the mutual covenants
herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

      A.  During  the  term of  this  Agreement,  Pipeline  will  transport  for
Customer,  on a firm basis, and Customer may furnish,  or cause to be furnished,
to Pipeline natural gas for such  transportation,  and Customer will accept,  or
cause to be accepted,  delivery  from  Pipeline of the  quantities  Customer has
tendered for transportation.

      B. The maximum  quantities of gas which  Pipeline  shall deliver and which
Customer may tender shall be as set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto.

                                   ARTICLE II

      A.  Unless  otherwise  mutually  agreed  in a  written  amendment  to this
Agreement,  beginning  on  November 1, 1995,  Customer  shall pay  Pipeline  for
transportation  services rendered pursuant to this Agreement,  the maximum rates
and  charges  provided  under  Section  8 of Rate  Schedule  FTNN  set  forth in
Pipeline's effective FERC Gas Tariff,  including  applicable  surcharges and the
Fuel Retention Percentage.

      B. Pipeline shall have the right to propose,  file and make effective with
the Federal Energy Regulatory  Commission or any other body having jurisdiction,
revisions  to any  applicable  rate  schedule,  or to  propose,  file,  and make
effective  superseding  rate  schedules  for the purpose of  changing  the rate,
charges,  and other  provisions  thereof  effective  as to  Customer;  provided,
however,  that (i) Section 2 of Rate Schedule FTNN  "Applicability and Character
of Service," (ii) term, (iii) quantities,  and (iv) points of receipt and points
of delivery shall not be subject to unilateral  change under this Article.  Said
rate schedule or superseding rate schedule and any revisions thereof which shall
be filed and made  effective  shall  apply to and become a part of this  Service
Agreement.  The filing of such  changes and  revisions  to any  applicable  rate

schedule shall be without  prejudice to the right of Customer to contest or 
oppose such filing and its effectiveness.

                                   ARTICLE III
                                Term of Agreement

     Subject to all the terms and conditions  herein,  this  Agreement  shall be
effective  as of  November 1, 1995,  and shall  continue in effect for a primary
term through and  including  March 31, 2016,  and from year to year  thereafter,
until either party  terminates  this  Agreement by giving  written notice to the
other at least twenty-four  months prior to the start of the next contract year.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                         Points of Receipt and Delivery

     The Points of Receipt  and  Delivery  and the maximum  quantities  for each
point for all gas that may be received for Customer's account for transportation
by Pipeline shall be as set forth on Exhibit A.

                                    ARTICLE V
                Incorporation By Reference of Tariff Provisions

     To the  extent  not  inconsistent  with the  terms and  conditions  of this
Agreement, the following provisions of Pipeline's effective FERC Gas Tariff, and
any  revisions  thereof  that may be made  effective  hereafter  are hereby made
applicable to and a part hereof by reference:

     1.  All  of  the  provisions  of  Rate  Schedule  FTNN,  or  any  effective
superseding rate schedule or otherwise applicable rate schedule; and

     2. All of the provisions of the General Terms and  Conditions,  as they may
be revised or superseded from time to time.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     A.  No change,  modification  or alteration of this  Agreement  shall be or
become  effective  until  executed in writing by the parties  hereto;  provided,
however,  that the  parties do not intend  that this  Article  VI.A.  requires a
further  written  agreement  either prior to the making of any request or filing
permitted under Article II hereof or prior to the  effectiveness of such request
or filing after Commission approval,  provided further, however, that nothing in
this Agreement shall be deemed to prejudice any position the parties may take as
to whether the request,  filing or revision  permitted  under Article II must be
made under Section 7 or Section 4 of the Natural Gas Act.

     B.  Any notice,  request or demand provided for in this  Agreement,  or any
notice which either party may desire to give the other,  shall be in writing and
sent to the following addresses:

          Pipeline: CNG Transmission Corporation
                    445 West Main Street
                    Clarksburg, West Virginia  26301
                    Attention: Vice President, Marketing and Customer Services

          Customer: Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc.
                    400 Cox Road
                    P.O. Box 1398
                    Gastonia, NC    28053-1398
                    Attention:  Sr. Vice President, Gas Supply & Marketing

or at such other  address as either  party  shall  designate  by formal  written

      C. No presumption shall operate in favor of or against either party hereto
as a result of any  responsibility  either party may have had for drafting  this

      D. The subject  headings of the  provisions of this Agreement are inserted
for the purpose of convenient reference and are not intended to become a part of
or to be considered in any interpretation of such provisions.

      E. The capacity herein is in addition to the service currently provided by
Pipeline to Customer.  Therefore  this Service  Agreement  does not supersede or
cancel any current Service  Agreements  between  Customer and Pipeline.  If this
Service  Agreement  becomes  effective  as an executed  Service  Agreement,  its
quantities shall be in addition to the contract quantities and the Maximum Daily
Delivery  Obligation(s)  stated in Exhibit A to the  Service  Agreement  between
Customer and Pipeline  under Rate  Schedule  FTNN  (FTNN-GSS),  dated October 8,
1993, effective November 1, 1993.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto intending to be legally bound, have
caused this Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized  officials as of the
day and year first written above.

                                      CNG TRANSMISSION CORPORATION

                                      By:  s\ Joseph A. Curia
                                      Its: Vice President

                                      PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTH
                                        CAROLINA, INC.

                                      By:  s\ Franklin H. Yoho
                                      Its: Senior Vice President -
                                           Marketing & Gas Supply

                                    EXHIBIT A
                        To the FTNN-GSS Service Agreement
                             Dated October 17, 1995
                      Between CNG Transmission Corporation
               and Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc.

A.   Quantities

     The maximum quantities of gas that Pipeline shall deliver and that Customer
may tender shall be as follows:

     1.  Total  Transportation   Quantities  upon  implementation  of  Phase  I,
commencing November 1, 1995:

         a. Maximum  Daily  Transportation  Quantity  ("MDTQ")  of 12,000  Dt.
         b. A Maximum Annual Transportation Quantity ("MATQ") of 1,812,000 Dt.

     2.  Total  Transportation  Quantities  upon  implementation  of  Phase  II,
commencing November 1, 1996:

         a. An additional 6,000 Dt per Day, for an MDTQ of 18,000 Dt.
         b. A corresponding MATQ of 2,718,000 Dt.

     3.  Termination of Phase I Quantities:

         Upon  twenty four months' prior written notice, Customer may reduce the
         MDTQ  by up to 20,000 Dt and the MATQ by a corresponding  quantity,  up
         to  3,020,000  Dt,  effective at any time after  October 31, 2015.

B.   Points of Receipt

     1.  The Receipt Point(s) for subsequent  transportation to Customer for all
storage withdrawal  quantities shall be the points of withdrawal from Pipeline's
storage pool(s).

     2.  These  Point(s)  of  Receipt  shall  only be  Primary,  as  defined  in
Pipeline's  FERC Gas Tariff,  to the extent that  corresponding  nominations for
withdrawal  from  Pipeline's  storage  pool(s) is  provided  under the  "Service
Agreement Applicable To The Storage Of Natural Gas Under Rate Schedule GSS (Part
284)"  between  Pipeline  and Public  Service  Company of North  Carolina  dated
October 17, 1995.

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                             November 1, 1995 FTNN-GSS Agreement
                                            Between CNG Transmission Corporation
                              and Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc.
                                                                     Page 2 of 3

C.   Point of Delivery

     The Maximum Daily  Delivery  Obligation(s)  (MDDO)  stated  below,  if any,
reflect  Pipeline's  total  obligation  to  deliver  quantities  to the Point of
Delivery to Customer, to Customer's assignee,  or to any applicable  Replacement
Customer.  Each of the parties  will use due care and  diligence  to assure that
uniform  pressures will be maintained at the Delivery Point as reasonably may be
required to render  service  hereunder,  but  Pipeline  shall not be required to
deliver gas (or cause gas to be delivered) at greater than the maximum pressures
specified  herein.  The Points of  Delivery  and the MDDO's  under this  Service
Agreement, if applicable, shall be as follows:

     1.   Up to the specified MDDO, at an existing  interconnection  between the
facilities  of  Pipeline  and   Transcontinental   Gas  Pipe  Line   Corporation
("Transco") located in Prince William County,  Virginia, known as the Nokesville

     a.   Effective upon implementation of Phase I, commencing  November 1, 1995
          -- 12,000 Dt per Day.

     b.   Effective upon implementation of Phase II, commencing November 1, 1996
          -- 18,000 Dt per Day.

     2.   Up to the nominated  quantities  permitted by paragraph B.2.c,  above,
at points of injection into Pipeline's storage pools.

D.   Aggregate MDDO's

     1.   The MDDO's stated in Paragraph C.1., above, are in addition to:

     a.   the MDDO's  derived  from  the  Service Agreement between Customer and
          Pipeline under Rate Schedule FTNN dated October 17, 1995; and

     b.   the MDDO of 30,000 Dt per Day  stated in  Exhibit  A  to  the  Service
          Agreements between Customer and Pipeline under Rate Schedule FTNN  and
          Section  8 of  Rate Schedule  FTNN (FTNN-GSS Service) dated October 8,
          1993, effective November 1, 1993;  notwithstanding  the representation
          in the November 1, 1993 Agreements  that 30,000 Dt per Day  represents
          the totality of firm service to Customer at that Delivery Point.

                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                                             November 1, 1995 FTNN-GSS Agreement
                                            Between CNG Transmission Corporation
                              and Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc.
                                                                     Page 3 of 3

     2.   Absent modification or termination of  the service agreements  identi-
fied  in  paragraph  D.1.b., above, or exercise of a reduction as noted in para-
graph D.3., below, Pipeline's  aggregate MDDO at the Nokesville  Interconnection
to Customer, Customer's assignee or to any applicable Replacement Customer under
Customer's long-term firm transportation service agreements shall be:

     a.   Effective commencing November 1, 1995 -- 50,000 Dt per Day.

     b.   Effective commencing November 1, 1996 -- 60,000 Dt per Day.

     3.   If Customer exercises its option to reduce any MDTQ under this Service
Agreement or the Rate  Schedule  FTNN  Service  Agreement  between  Pipeline and
Customer dated October 17, 1995,  then the MDDO's set forth  hereunder  shall be
reduced by a corresponding  quantity as of the effective date of Customer's MDTQ