BY AND BETWEEN

                          PINE NEEDLE OPERATING COMPANY


                          PINE NEEDLE LNG COMPANY, LLC

                              DATED AUGUST 8, 1995

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


1.       Definitions                                                        1

2.       Relationship of the Parties                                        2
                  2.1      Appointment as Operator                          2
                  2.2      Operator's Authority to Execute Contracts        2

3.       Operation of the Facilities                                        2
                  3.1      Operator's Responsibilities                      2
                  3.2      Claims                                           5

4.       Employees, Consultants and Subcontractors                          5
                  4.1      Operator's Employees, Consultants and 
                           Subcontractors                                   5
                  4.2      Use of Affiliated Entities or Independent 
                           Contractors                                      5
                  4.3      Standards for Operator and its Employees         6
                  4.4      Non-Discrimination and Drugs                     6

5.       Financial and Accounting                                           6
                  5.1      Accounting and Compensation                      6
                  5.2      Budgets                                          7
                  5.3      Disputed Charges                                 7
                  5.4      Rate Reviews                                     7
                  5.5      Audit and Examination                            7

6.       Intellectual Property; License to Operator                         8

7.       Indemnification                                                    8

8.       Insurance                                                          9

9.       Term                                                              10

10.      Survival of Obligations                                           10

11.      Law of the Contract and Arbitration                               11
                  11.1     Law of the Contract                             11
                  11.2     Arbitration                                     11

12.      Special and Consequential Damages                                 12

13.      General                                                           13
                  13.1     Effect of Agreement; Amendments                 13
                  13.2     Notices                                         13
                  13.3     Counterparts                                    13
                  13.4     Waiver                                          13
                  13.5     Assignability; Successors                       13
                  13.6     Third Persons                                   14
                  13.7     Laws and Regulatory Bodies                      14
                  13.8     Section Numbers; Headings                       14
                  13.9     Severability                                    14
                  13.10    Further Assurances                              14
                  13.11    Guarantee                                       14

Exhibit A - Accounting Procedure


           This agreement  ("CO&M  Agreement"),  made and entered into as of the
8th day of August,  1995,  is by and between Pine Needle  Operating  Company,  a
Delaware  corporation  ("Operator"),  and Pine Needle LNG Company,  LLC, a North
Carolina limited liability company ("Company").

1.    Definitions.

      The  definitions  used in the  Operating  Agreement of the Company,  dated
      August  8,  1995  ("Operating  Agreement"),  shall,  except  as  otherwise
      specifically   provided  below,  have  the  same  meanings  in  this  CO&M

      1.1    Accounting Procedure.  The accounting procedure set forth in
             Exhibit A.

      1.2    Day. A period of twenty four (24)  consecutive  hours commencing at
             8:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time.

      1.3    Liabilities.  Actions,  claims,  settlements,  judgments,  demands,
             costs,   expenses   (including,   without   limitation,    expenses
             attributable  to the defense of any actions or claims),  attorneys'
             fees and liabilities related to the Operation of the Facilities.

      1.4    LNG  Storage   Services.   The  receipt,   liquefaction,   storage,
             vaporization and delivery of natural gas by the Company by means of
             the Facilities.

      1.5    Month.  A period of time  beginning  on the first Day of a calendar
             month  and  ending  at the same  time on the  first Day of the next
             succeeding calendar month.

      1.6    Operate the Facilities.  Plan, design,  construct,  test, maintain,
             repair,  replace,  improve,  expand and/or operate the  Facilities,
             including, without limitation, the duties identified in Section 3.1
             of this  Agreement.  Where  used in noun  form,  such term shall be
             "Operation of the Facilities."

      1.7    Party.  The Company or the Operator.

      1.8    Pre-Completion  Period.  The period  between the Formation Date and
             the date that the Facilities are placed into service,  which latter
             date shall be certified in writing by the Operator.

      1.9    Prohibited Conduct.  Any action by the Operator that constitutes
             bad faith, gross negligence or willful misconduct.

      1.10   Required Accounting Practice. The accounting rules and regulations,
             if any, at the time  prescribed by the regulatory  bodies under the
             jurisdiction  of which the Company is at the time operating and, to
             the extent of matters  not  covered by such rules and  regulations,
             generally accepted  accounting  principles on a consistent basis as
             practiced in the United States at the time prevailing for companies
             engaged in a business similar to that of the Company.

                                              - 1 -

      1.11   Year. Each twelve (12) Month period beginning on the first Day of a
             calendar  year and ending at the  beginning of the first Day of the
             next calendar year,  provided that the first year  hereunder  shall
             begin on the date  hereof,  and shall end at the  beginning  of the
             first Day of the following calendar year, and further provided that
             the last contract  year shall end at the  expiration of the term of
             this CO&M Agreement pursuant to Section 9 hereof.

2.    Relationship of the Parties.

      2.1    Appointment  as Operator.  Subject to the terms and  conditions  of
             this CO&M  Agreement,  the Company hereby  appoints the Operator to
             act hereunder, and the Operator hereby accepts such appointment and
             agrees to act pursuant to the provisions of this CO&M Agreement and
             the applicable provisions of the Operating Agreement. In performing
             services pursuant to this CO&M Agreement,  the Operator shall be an
             agent of the Company.

      2.2    Operator's Authority to Execute Contracts.  Subject to the terms of
             this CO&M Agreement,  contracts in connection with Operation of the
             Facilities  may  be  negotiated  and  executed  or  amended  by the
             Operator as agent for the Company.  Copies of all contracts entered
             into by the Operator on behalf of the Company  shall be provided to
             the Company. All contracts and permits, if any, relating to Company
             business and executed by the Operator  prior to the Formation  Date
             shall  be  assigned  by the  Operator  to the  Company  as  soon as
             practicable after the Formation Date.

3.    Operation of the Facilities.

      3.1    Operator's Responsibilities.  The Operator shall be responsible for
             the Operation of the Facilities, and thus subject to the provisions
             of the Operating Agreement the Operator shall:

                  3.1.1       Prepare,  file, execute and prosecute applications
                              for the Authorizations required by the Company and
                              make periodic  filings  required of the Company by
                              Governmental   Authorities  having   jurisdiction,
                              including,  without  limitation,  the preparation,
                              filing,  execution  and  prosecution  of the  FERC
                              Application  (and any amendments  thereto) and the
                              Company's   FERC   tariff   (and  any   amendments

                  3.1.2       Provide  or cause to be  provided  the  day-to-day
                              operating and maintenance services, administrative
                              liaison  and  related  services  to  the  Company,
                              including,  but not limited to, customer  support,
                              rates (including rate cases),  legal,  accounting,
                              electronic     bulletin    board,     engineering,
                              construction,  repair,  replacement,   inspection,
                              operational planning, budgeting, tax and technical
                              services,    and    insurance    and    regulatory

                  3.1.3       Prepare and/or cause to be prepared the
                              engineering design and specifications for the

                                              - 2 -

                  3.1.4       Negotiate and execute contracts for the purchase
                              of materials, equipment and supplies necessary for
                              the Operation of the Facilities.

                  3.1.5       Prepare,  negotiate and execute in the name of the
                              Company  rights-of-way,  land in fee,  permits and
                              contracts,  and  initiate  and  prosecute  eminent
                              domain  proceedings,  necessary for  construction,
                              operation and maintenance of the  Facilities,  and
                              resist the  perfection  of any  involuntary  liens
                              against Company property.

                  3.1.6       Construct and install, or cause to be constructed
                              and installed, the Facilities.

                  3.1.7       Maintain accurate and itemized  accounting records
                              for the Operation of the Facilities, together with
                              any information reasonably required by the Company
                              relating  to such  records,  consistent  with  the
                              applicable   provisions   of  Section  12  of  the
                              Operating Agreement.

                  3.1.8       Prepare the financial reports set forth in Section
                              12 of the Operating Agreement.

                  3.1.9       Cause the  Operation of the  Facilities  to be in
                              accordance with the  requirements of all
                              Governmental   Authorities  having   jurisdiction,
                              including, but not limited to, the requirements of
                              the United States Department of Transportation set
                              forth  in 49 CFR  Parts  192,  193  and 199 and in
                              accordance  with  sound and  prudent  natural  gas
                              pipeline industry practices,  and provide or cause
                              to  be  provided  such  appropriate   supervisory,
                              audit,   administrative,   technical   and   other
                              services as may be required  for the  Operation of
                              the  Facilities.

                   3.1.10     Prepare  and file all  necessary federal
                              and state income tax returns and all other
                              tax returns and filings for the Company (including
                              making the  elections set forth in Section 11.2 of
                              the  Operating   Agreement).   Each  Member  shall
                              furnish to the Operator all pertinent  information
                              in its possession  relating to Company  operations
                              that is  necessary  to enable  such  returns to be
                              prepared  and  filed.  The  Operator  shall pay on
                              behalf of the Company  such taxes as are  required
                              to be paid by the Company.

                  3.1.11      On behalf of the Company,  maintain and administer
                              bank and investment  accounts and arrangements for
                              Company  funds,  draw checks and other  orders for
                              the payment of money,  and  designate  individuals
                              with authority to sign or give  instructions  with
                              respect to those  accounts and  arrangements.  The
                              Company's funds shall not be commingled with funds
                              belonging to the Operator.

                                              - 3 -

                  3.1.12      Negotiate,  execute  and  administer  the  Service
                              Agreements in accordance  with the Company's  FERC
                              tariff,   including,   but  not  limited  to,  the
                              preparation  and  collection  of all  bills to the
                              Customers for services rendered thereunder.

                  3.1.13      Receive  requests  and  issue   confirmations  for
                              service and other gas storage related  information
                              from   Customers   and   potential   Customers  in
                              accordance with the Company's FERC tariff.

                  3.1.14      Establish such procedures as may
                              be reasonable and appropriate to comply with or to
                              obtain an exemption  from the marketing  affiliate
                              rules set forth in the FERC  Order No.  497 as the
                              same may be amended or superseded.

                  3.1.15      Dispatch and allocate daily scheduled  nominations
                              for,  and  effectuate  the  physical  receipt  and
                              delivery  of, the  natural  gas  quantities  to be
                              received,   liquefied,  stored,  vaporized  and/or
                              delivered on behalf of the Customers.

                  3.1.16      Utilize electronic flow measurement  equipment for
                              volume     determinations    and    natural    gas
                              chromatographs   as  deemed   appropriate  by  the
                              Operator  for  heating  value   determinations  at
                              applicable  metering points,  as further described
                              in the Company's FERC tariff.

                  3.1.17      Except as otherwise provided by applicable laws or
                              governmental  regulations or as otherwise directed
                              by the  Company,  retain  all  records,  books  of
                              account,  Company  tax  returns,  plans,  designs,
                              studies,  reports and other  documents  related to
                              the  Operation  of the  Facilities  for  three (3)
                              years from the date of  completion of the activity
                              to which  such  records  relate  (or  such  longer
                              period as may be required by law).

                  3.1.18      Report  to the  Company  as soon  as  practicable
                              all  non-routine occurrences that the Operator
                              determines may have a  significant  adverse impact
                              upon the  Operation  of the  Facilities,
                              make any  necessary  repairs as a result
                              of  such  occurrences  as  the  Operator
                              deems  necessary,  and make a  follow-up
                              report  at an  appropriate  time  on the
                              Operator's  response to each non-routine
                              occurrence;  provided, however, that the
                              Operator shall obtain the prior approval
                              of  the  Company   prior  to  performing
                              repairs with an  estimated  cost of over
                              $100,000    unless    the    non-routine
                              occurrence is of a nature that immediate
                              repair is  required,  in which event the
                              Operator  may make such  repair  without
                              such prior  approval but shall provide a
                              complete  and  accurate  report  to  the
                              Company  of  such   repair  as  soon  as
                              practicable thereafter.

                                              - 4 -

                  3.1.19      Perform any required major equipment
                              overhaul  and  replacement;  provided,  however,
                              that  the   Operator   shall  obtain  the  prior
                              approval of the Company prior to performing such
                              overhaul or  replacement  with an estimated cost
                              of  over   $100,000   unless  such  overhaul  or
                              replacement is of a nature that immediate action
                              must be taken,  in which event the  Operator may
                              perform  such  overhaul or  replacement  without
                              such prior approval but shall provide a complete
                              and  accurate  report to the Company of all such
                              actions as soon as practicable thereafter.
                  3.1.20      Perform  such  other  duties  as  are   reasonably
                              necessary  or   appropriate   in  the   Operator's
                              discretion and enter into such other  arrangements
                              as   reasonably   requested   by  the  Company  to
                              discharge the  Operator's  responsibilities  under
                              this CO&M Agreement.

        3.2       Claims.  Any and all claims against the Company  instituted by
                  anyone other than the Operator arising out of the Operation of
                  the Facilities that are not covered by insurance in accordance
                  with  Section 8 of this CO&M  Agreement  shall be  settled  or
                  litigated and defended by the Operator in accordance  with its
                  best  judgment  and  discretion  except  when  (a) the  amount
                  involved is stated to be (or  estimated to be, as the case may
                  be) greater than $100,000, or (b) criminal sanction is sought.
                  The settlement or defense of any claim described in (a) or (b)
                  above  shall  be  decided  by  the  Members  pursuant  to  the
                  Operating Agreement.

4.      Employees, Consultants and Subcontractors.

        4.1       Operator's  Employees,  Consultants  and  Subcontractors.  The
                  Operator shall employ or retain and have  supervision over the
                  Persons  (including  consultants and  professional  service or
                  other  organizations)  required  or  deemed  advisable  by the
                  Operator to perform its duties and responsibilities  hereunder
                  in an efficient and economically  prudent manner. The Operator
                  shall pay all  reasonable  expenses in  connection  therewith,
                  including   compensation,   salaries,   wages,   overhead  and
                  administrative  expenses  incurred  by  the  Operator,  and if
                  applicable,   social  security  taxes,  workers'  compensation
                  insurance,  retirement  and insurance  benefits and other such
                  expenses.  The compensation for the Operator's employees shall
                  be determined  by the  Operator,  provided that the amount and
                  terms  of such  compensation  shall  be  comparable  to  those
                  prevailing  in  the  natural  gas  industry  where  Operator's
                  employees are located for similar  work.  Subject to the other
                  provisions of this CO&M  Agreement,  all  authorized  expenses
                  pursuant  to this  Section  4.1  shall  be  reimbursed  to the
                  Operator  by  the  Company  as  provided  in  the   Accounting

        4.2       Use of  Affiliated  Entities or  Independent  Contractors.  In
                  addition,  the Operator may utilize,  as it deems necessary or
                  appropriate, the services of any independent contractors or of
                  its or any Member's affiliated entity; provided, however, that
                  such  services of the  Operator's  or any Member's  affiliated
                  entity  must be  utilized  on terms no less  favorable  to the
                  Company than those prevailing at the time for comparable

                                              - 5 -

                  services of nonaffiliated independent parties.

        4.3         Standards  for  Operator  and its  Employees.  The
                    Operator  shall  perform  its  services  and  carry  out its
                    responsibilities  hereunder,  and shall  require  all of its
                    employees and  contractors,  subcontractors  and materialmen
                    furnishing labor,  material or services for the Operation of
                    the    Facilities    to   carry   out    their    respective
                    responsibilities  in accordance with sound,  workmanlike and
                    prudent  practices  of the  natural  gas  pipeline  (and LNG
                    storage)  industry  and in  compliance  with  the  Company's
                    FERC-approved  tariffs and with all relevant laws, statutes,
                    ordinances,    safety   codes,   regulations,    rules   and
                    authorizations    of   Governmental    Authorities    having
                    jurisdiction    applicable    to   the    Facilities.

 4.4                Non-Discrimination  and Drugs. In performing under this CO&M
                    Agreement,  the Operator shall not discriminate  against any
                    employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed,
                    color,  religion,  sex, national origin,  age or disability,
                    and will comply with all provisions of Executive Order 11246
                    of September 24, 1965 and any successor  order  thereto,  to
                    the  extent  that  such  provisions  are  applicable  to the
                    Operator or the Company. The Company and the Operator do not
                    condone  in any way the use of illegal  drugs or  controlled
                    substances.  Any  person  known  by  the  Operator  to be in
                    possession of any illegal drug or controlled  substance will
                    be removed by the Operator  and not  permitted to work on or
                    with respect to the  Facilities.  In addition,  the Operator
                    shall meet all the  applicable  requirements  imposed by the
                    Department  of  Transportation  as  specified  in 49 C.F.R.,
                    Parts  40 and  199.  Furthermore,  upon  request  and to the
                    extent  permitted  by law,  the  Operator  will  furnish the
                    Company  copies of the records of employee drug test results
                    required to be kept under the  provisions of 49 C.F.R.  Part
                    199. The  provisions of this Section 4.4 shall be applicable
                    to any contractors,  consultants and subcontractors retained
                    in  connection  herewith,  and the Operator  shall cause the
                    agreements with any contractor,  consultant or subcontractor
                    to contain similar language.

5.      Financial and Accounting.

        5.1       Accounting and Compensation.

                  5.1.1       The  Operator  shall  keep  a  full  and  complete
                              account of all costs,  expenses  and  expenditures
                              incurred by it in connection  with its obligations
                              hereunder   in  the   manner   set  forth  in  the
                              Accounting Procedure.

                  5.1.2      The Operator shall be reimbursed by the Company at
                             the rate and in the manner set forth in the
                             Accounting Procedure for all costs and expenses of
                             the Operator in connection with the Operation of
                             the Facilities or otherwise to fulfill the
                             Operator's duties under this CO&M Agreement;
                             provided, however, that the Company shall not be
                             required to reimburse the Operator for costs and
                             expenses arising out of Prohibited Conduct or
                             claims for non-payment of any and all
                             contributions, withholding deductions or taxes
                             measured by the wages, salaries or compensation
                             paid to Persons employed by the Operator or any of

                       - 6 -

                              its affiliated Companies in connection herewith.

        5.2       Budgets and Reports. The Operator shall prepare and deliver to
                  the Company for  approval,  on a  quarterly  basis  during the
                  Pre-Completion  Period  and  thereafter  as  directed  by  the
                  Company,  a  budget  reflecting  the  estimated  costs  to  be
                  incurred for Operation of the Facilities during the ensuing 12
                  month  period.  Such budgets  shall be prepared in  sufficient
                  detail to satisfy the requirements of any lending  institution
                  providing  financing for the  Facilities.  The Operator  shall
                  also prepare and deliver to each Member such  forecasts,  cash
                  flow  projections  and financial  and  operating  reports with
                  respect to the Company as from time to time may be  reasonably
                  requested  by the Company,  including  fiscal year reports for
                  Members who report financial results on a basis other than the
                  calendar year.

        5.3       Disputed  Charges.  The Company  may,  within the audit period
                  referred to in Section 5.5 hereof,  take written  exception to
                  any  bill  or  statement  rendered  by the  Operator  for  any
                  expenditure  or any part  thereof on the ground  that the same
                  was not  appropriate  for  reimbursement  under  the  terms of
                  Section  5.1.2 above.  The Company shall  nevertheless  pay in
                  full when due the amount of all  statements  submitted  by the
                  Operator.  Such  payment  shall  not be deemed a waiver of the
                  right of the  Company to recoup any  contested  portion of any
                  bill or statement; provided, however, that if the amount as to
                  which such  written  exception is taken or any part thereof is
                  ultimately  determined in accordance with Section 11.2 of this
                  CO&M Agreement not to be appropriate for  reimbursement  under
                  the terms of Section 5.1.2 of this CO&M Agreement, such amount
                  or portion  thereof  (as the case may be) shall be refunded by
                  the Operator to the Company, together with interest thereon at
                  a rate  (which in no event  shall be higher  than the  maximum
                  rate  permitted by  applicable  law) equal to two percent (2%)
                  per  annum  over the  prime  rate of  Citibank,  N.A.  (or its
                  successor) from time to time publicly announced and in effect,
                  during the period  from the date of payment by the  Company to
                  the date of refund by the Operator.

        5.4       Rate Reviews.  The Operator shall review from time to time the
                  rates and fees charged for the LNG Storage Services and revise
                  such rates and fees as the Operator may deem  appropriate  for
                  the Company,  as such rates and fees should in general reflect
                  increased  or  decreased   costs  or  other   changes  in  the
                  conditions of service.

        5.5       Audit and Examination. The Company or any Member, after thirty
                  (30) Days' notice in writing to the  Operator,  shall have the
                  right during normal business hours to audit or examine, at the
                  expense of the  Company or the  requesting  Member as the case
                  may be, all books and records  maintained by the Operator,  as
                  well  as the  relevant  books  of  account  of the  Operator's
                  contractors,  relating  to the  Operation  of the  Facilities;
                  provided,  however,  that  the  total  number  of full  audits
                  commenced  in any Year  pursuant to this Section 5.5 shall not
                  exceed two.  Such right  shall  include the right to meet with
                  the Operator's  internal and  independent  auditors to discuss
                  matters  rele vant to the audit or  examination.  The  Company
                  shall  have two  Years  after  the close of a Year in which to
                  make  an  audit  of the  Operator's  records  for  such  Year;
                  provided,  however,  that any audits  relating to construction

                                              - 7 -

                  may be made up to twenty four (24) Months after the in-service
                  date of the Facilities  (not including any  Modifications)  or
                  after  the  date  that  construction  of the  Modification  in
                  question  was  completed,  as  certified  in  writing  by  the
                  Operator, in the case of a Modification.

6.      Intellectual  Property;  License to Operator.  Each Member hereby
        grants to the Operator an irrevocable, royalty-free, non-exclusive and
        non-assignable license to use, during the term of this CO&M Agreement,
        any confidential  information  provided to the Company or the Operator
        by said Member and designated as such by said Member.  For purposes of
        this Section 6, confidential  information shall include, but shall not
        be limited to, inventions (whether patented or not) and copyrighted or
        copyrightable  material. As a condition precedent to the effectiveness
        of such license to use, the Operator hereby  expressly  agrees that it
        will utilize such confidential  information  solely in connection with
        the performance of its duties  hereunder and further  expressly agrees
        that it will be  subject to and bound by the  provisions  set forth in
        Section 4.8.2 of the Operating  Agreement as if it were a Member. Upon
        termination  of this CO&M  Agreement or its removal as Operator,  such
        license shall terminate and the Operator shall return all confidential
        information   that  has  been  provided  to  it,   together  with  all
        reproductions thereof in the Operator's  possession,  pursuant to such
        license to use, to the Member from whom it obtained such  confidential

7.      Indemnification.  The Company agrees to indemnify,  hold harmless
        and  defend  the  Operator  and its  affiliated  companies  and  their
        respective  officers,   directors,   employees  and  agents  (but  not
        including any Member of the Company, in its capacity as such) from and
        against,  and the  indemnified  parties shall have no liability to the
        Company  for,  any  and all  Liabilities  incurred  arising  out of or
        relating to this CO&M  Agreement or the  Operation of the  Facilities,
        regardless of cause,  including Liabilities  attributable to the sole,
        joint or concurrent  negligence of the indemnified  parties hereunder;
        provided, however, that the Company shall not be required to indemnify
        or  hold  harmless  the  indemnified   parties  from  or  against  any
        Liabilities  attributable  to the actions or  omissions of Operator in
        maintaining and  administering  accounts and arrangements as set forth
        in Section 3.1.11 of this CO&M Agreement;  provided, further, that the
        Company  shall not be  required  to  indemnify  or hold  harmless  the
        indemnified  parties from or against any  Liabilities  attributable to
        Prohibited   Conduct  or  claims  for   non-payment  of  any  and  all
        contributions,  withholding deductions or taxes measured by the wages,
        salaries or compensation  paid to Persons  employed by the Operator or
        any of its affiliates in connection herewith.  In the event applicable
        law  limits  in any way the  extent  to which  indemnification  may be
        provided  to an  indemnitee,  this  Section  7 shall be  automatically
        amended,  in keeping with the express intent of the parties hereto, as
        necessary to render all the remainder of this CO&M Agreement valid and
        enforceable and to provide that the  indemnifications  provided herein
        shall extend and be effective only to the maximum extent  permitted by
        such law.  Upon  notice  therefor,  the Company  shall  advance to the
        indemnified   party   the   costs  of  any   Liabilities   for   which
        indemnification  is to be sought  hereunder  upon the execution by the
        indemnified  party of a  written  undertaking  to repay  any costs for
        which  indemnification  pursuant to this Section 7 is determined to be
        improper by mutual  agreement or pursuant to the  procedures set forth
        in Section 11.2 of this CO&M Agreement, together with interest thereon
        at a rate (which in no event  shall be higher  than the  maximum  rate
        permitted by applicable  law) equal to two percent (2%) per annum over
        the prime rate of Citibank,  N.A. (or its successor) from time to time

                                      - 8 -

        announced and in effect,  during the period from the date of advancement
        by the Company to the date of repayment by the indemnified  party.  With
        respect  to  any  claim   against  any   indemnified   party  for  which
        indemnification may be sought hereunder,  the Company shall not, without
        the indemnified party's prior written consent, settle or compromise such
        claim or  consent to entry of any  judgment  in  respect  thereof  which
        imposes any future obligation on the indemnified party or which does not
        include, as an unconditional term thereof, the giving by the claimant or
        the plaintiff to the  indemnified  party a release from all liability in
        respect of such  claim.  The Company (a) shall have the right to defend,
        at its cost and expense, such claim in all appropriate proceedings,  and
        (b) shall  have full  control  (including  choice  of  counsel)  of such
        defense and proceedings,  including any compromise or settlement thereof
        (subject  to the  foregoing  provisions  of  this  Section  7),  and the
        indemnified  parties shall  cooperate in such defense in all  reasonable
        ways.  The  Company  shall not be  required  to provide  indemnification
        pursuant to this Section 7 to the extent,  if any, that the  Liabilities
        in question are not borne or incurred by the indemnified parties because
        of the availability of insurance proceeds from the insurance required in
        Section 8.2 of this agreement to the indemnified parties.

8.      Insurance.

        8.1       During  the  initial  construction  of  the  Facilities,   the
                  Operator  shall cause to be carried and  maintained  builder's
                  risk  insurance to cover  physical  loss or damage to property
                  during construction,  with a deductible amount selected by the
                  Operator. The builder's risk insurance shall name the Operator
                  and the Company as insureds.

        8.2       At all times  during  the  Operation  of the  Facilities,  the
                  Operator  shall  provide (a) workers'  compensation  insurance
                  granting full compensation under the worker's compensation law
                  of any  state  in  which  operations  are  conducted,  and (b)
                  employer's  liability  insurance with limits of $1,000,000 per
                  occurrence for all of the Operator's employees engaged in work
                  on the Facilities,  and (c) automobile liability insurance for
                  all vehicles owned or used by the Operator,  covering injuries
                  to or death of persons and damage to property, with a combined
                  single limit of $2,000,000 per occurrence.

        8.3       If permitted by applicable  law, the Operator may  self-insure
                  the workers'  compensation and employer's  liability insurance
                  required above.

        8.4       The costs for premiums,  deductibles  and  retentions  for the
                  insurance  maintained  by the  Operator  pursuant to this CO&M
                  Agreement shall be reimbursable costs pursuant to Section 5 of
                  this  CO&M  Agreement.  In  addition,  in the  event  that the
                  Operator self-insures the workers' compensation and employer's
                  liability  insurance  required  above,  the Operator  shall be
                  reimbursed  as  provided  in  Section  3.09 of the  Accounting

                                              - 9 -

        8.5       After   completion   of   construction   of   the   Facilities
                  ("Constructed Facility"),  the Company or each Member shall be
                  responsible  for  insuring  its  respective  interest  in  the
                  property exposures with regard to the Constructed Facility and
                  the  liquefied  natural  gas in  storage.  The Company or each
                  Member shall at all times be responsible  for insuring its own
                  liability  exposures  with  regard to the  Facilities  and the
                  operation,  maintenance and  construction  thereof,  except as
                  described in Section 8.2 of this agreement.

        8.6       The Operator,  the Company and the Members  hereby waive,  and
                  the  insurers  of any of  them  shall  waive,  all  rights  of
                  recovery against one another, the affiliated companies of each
                  and the  insurers of any of them with  respect to damage to or
                  loss  of   property   that   is  a  part  of  the   Facilities
                  (collectively  referred  to  as  "Damages").  Such  waiver  of
                  recovery  shall be  effective  regardless  of the cause of the
                  Damages, including any Damages attributable to the sole, joint
                  or concurrent negligence of the party causing the Damages, but
                  excluding any Damages  attributable to the gross negligence or
                  willful misconduct of the party causing the Damages.  All such
                  policies of insurance purchased to cover the Facilities or any
                  part thereof,  or the Operation of the  Facilities or any part
                  thereof,  or any  natural  gas  received,  liquefied,  stored,
                  vaporized  or delivered  at or from the  Facilities,  shall be
                  endorsed  properly to effectuate  this waiver of recovery.  In
                  addition, each Member's general liability insurance (including
                  excess insurance) policies shall be worded to provide a waiver
                  of all  subrogation  rights  in  favor  of the  Operator,  the
                  Company and the other Members.

9.      Term.  This  CO&M  Agreement  shall be  effective  as of the date
        hereof and shall  continue  for the term of the Company as provided in
        the Company's Articles of Organization;  provided,  however, that this
        CO&M Agreement shall be terminated  earlier upon the first to occur of
        the following: (a) the Operator's affiliated company which is a Member
        ceases to be a Member;  or (b) the Operator commits a material default
        under this CO&M  Agreement and such material  default  continues for a
        period of 120 days after notice thereof by the Company to the Operator
        (provided,  however,  that no termination  shall occur if the Operator
        has initiated  action to cure such material  default but,  despite its
        good faith  efforts,  it has been unable to complete  such cure within
        such 120 day period).

10.     Survival of Obligations.  The termination of
        this CO&M  Agreement  shall not discharge any Party from any  obligation
        which  it  owes  to any  other  Party  by  reason  of  any  transaction,
        commitment  or agreement  entered into,  or any  Liabilities  that shall
        occur or arise (or the  circumstances,  events  or basis of which  shall
        occur or  arise)  prior to such  termination.  It is the  intent  of the
        Parties that any obligation  owed by a Party to the other Party (whether
        the same shall be known or unknown at the time of termination hereof, or
        whether the circumstances, events or basis of the same shall be known or
        unknown at the termination hereof) shall survive the time of termination
        of this CO&M Agreement.

11.     Law of the Contract and Arbitration.

        11.1      Law of the Contract.  THIS CO&M AGREEMENT SHALL BE GOVERNED BY
                  OF LAWS.

                                             - 10 -

        11.2      Arbitration.

               11.2.1          In the event that the Parties are unable
                               to agree on any matter  relating to this CO&M
                               Agreement,  the Company or the  Operator  may
                               upon  notice  given  to the  other  call  for
                               submission of such matter to arbitration. The
                               Party requesting  arbitration shall set forth
                               in such notice in adequate  detail the issues
                               to be  arbitrated,  and  within ten (10) Days
                               from the  receipt of such  notice,  the other
                               Party  may  set  forth  in  adequate   detail
                               additional  related  issues to be arbitrated.
                               Within ten (10) Days after the giving of such
                               latter  notice,  each Party shall  furnish to
                               the other Party a notice ("Decision  Notice")
                               setting   forth  the  decision  (on  a  word-
                               for-word  basis)  that such Party  wishes the
                               arbitrator(s)  to make  with  respect  to the
                               issues to be arbitrated. Within ten (10) Days
                               after  the  giving  of the  latter of the two
                               Decision Notices,  the Parties shall attend a
                               meeting  ("Meeting") at a mutually acceptable
                               time and place to discuss  fully the  content
                               of such  Decision  Notices and based  thereon
                               determine  whether  either  or  both  wish to
                               modify their Decision Notices in any way. Any
                               such  modifications  shall be discussed  with
                               each other, so that when each Party finalizes
                               its Decision Notice, it shall do so with full
                               knowledge of the content of the other Party's
                               final Decision  Notice.  The  finalization of
                               such  Decision  Notices  and the  delivery of
                               same by each Party to the other  shall  occur
                               at the  Meeting  unless by  mutual  agreement
                               they  agree  to have  one or more  additional
                               Meetings for such purposes. If arbitration is
                               invoked by either Party,  the decision of the
                               arbitrators  shall be final and binding  upon
                               all Parties,  and neither Party shall seek to
                               have the applicable  issues  litigated rather
                               than  arbitrated  (except as may be otherwise
                               required by law).

               11.2.2          It is the intent of
                               the Parties that, to the extent practicable, such
                               binding  arbitration  shall  be  conducted  by  a
                               person  knowledgeable and experienced in the type
                               of matter that is the subject of the dispute.  In
                               the event the  Parties  are  unable to agree upon
                               such  person  within  ten  Days  after  the  last
                               Meeting held  pursuant to Section  12.2.1  above,
                               then each  Party  shall  select a person  that it
                               believes has the  qualifications  set forth above
                               as its  designated  arbitrator  (which  selection
                               shall be  accomplished  by  notifying  the  other
                               Party of the identity of such  person),  and such
                               arbitrators  so designated  shall  mutually agree
                               upon  a  similarly   qualified  third  person  to
                               complete   the   arbitration   panel;   provided,
                               however,  that  if one of the  Parties  fails  to
                               select its  designated  arbitrator  as  specified
                               herein  within ten (10) Days of receiving  notice
                               from the other  Party that such  other  Party has
                               selected  its  designated   arbitrator  then  the
                               arbitration   provided   for   herein   shall  be
                               conducted by the one arbitrator so designated. In
                               the  event  that  the  persons  selected  by  the
                               Parties are unable to agree on a third  member of
                               the  panel   within   ten  (10)  Days  after  the
                               selection  of the latter of the two  arbitrators,
                               such person shall be  designated  by the American
                               Arbitration Association.  Upon final selection of
                               the   entire   panel,   such  panel   shall,   as
                               expeditiously as possible

                                             - 11 -

                              (and if  possible,  within  ninety (90) Days after
                              the  selection of the last  arbitrator),  render a
                              decision on the matter  submitted for arbitration.
                              Such panel shall be  required to adopt  either the
                              decision  set  forth  in  the   Operator's   final
                              Decision  Notice or the  decision set forth in the
                              Company's  final Decision Notice and shall have no
                              power  whatsoever to reach any other result.  Such
                              panel  shall  adopt  the  decision   that  in  its
                              judgement  is  the  more  fair,  equitable  and in
                              conformity   with   this   CO&M   Agreement.   The
                              arbitration shall be conducted in Charlotte, North
                              Carolina  in   accordance   with  the   commercial
                              arbitration  rules  of  the  American  Arbitration

                  11.2.3      Upon the  determination  of any such dispute,  the
                              arbitrators  shall bill the costs  attributable to
                              such  binding  arbitration  to the  losing  Party;
                              provided,  however,  that the arbitrators shall be
                              empowered  to  apportion  such costs  between  the
                              Parties if they deem it appropriate.

                  11.2.4      It  is  the  intent  of  the  Parties  that,  once
                              arbitration is invoked by either Party pursuant to
                              the provisions of this Section 11, the matters set
                              for  arbitration  shall be  decided  as set  forth
                              herein,  and  they  shall  not  seek to have  this
                              Section 11 rendered  unenforceable or to have such
                              matter   decided  in  any  other  way;   provided,
                              however,  that nothing  herein  shall  prevent the
                              Parties from negotiating a settlement of any issue
                              at any time.

                  11.2.5      Without   limiting  any  of  the  foregoing,   for
                              purposes  of this CO&M  Agreement  an  independent
                              determination  of  whether an action or failure to
                              act constitutes  Prohibited  Conduct shall be made
                              by  arbitration   pursuant  to  this  Section  11,
                              without  regard  to the  findings  of any court or
                              administrative   body   or   the   settlement   or
                              compromise  of any claim  (other than a settlement
                              of the type referred to in Section 11.2.4 above).

12.     Special  and  Consequential  Damages.  The  indemnification  provided in
        Section 7 of this CO&M Agreement shall include without limitation claims
        made by any Person for  special,  indirect,  consequential  or  punitive
        damages; otherwise,  neither Party shall have any liability hereunder to
        the other Party for any  special,  indirect,  consequential  or punitive

13.     General.

        13.1      Effect of Agreement; Amendments. This CO&M Agreement, together
                  with the Operating Agreement, reflects the whole and entire
                  agreement among the Parties with respect to  the  subject
                  matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and
                  understandings, oral and written, among the Parties with
                  respect to the subject matter hereof.  This CO&M Agreement can
                  be amended, restated or supplemented only by the written
                  agreement of the Operator and the Company.

        13.2      Notices.  Unless otherwise specifically provided in this CO&M
                  Agreement,  any  notice  or other  communication  shall be in
                  writing and may be sent by (a)

                                     - 12 -

                  personal delivery  (including  delivery by a courier service),
                  (b) telecopy to the following  telecopy numbers (until changed
                  in  accordance  with this Section  13.2) or (c)  registered or
                  certified mail, postage prepaid,  addressed as set forth below
                  (or at such other  address as may be  designated in accordance
                  with this Section 13.2):

                  13.2.1      If to the Operator:

                              Pine Needle Operating Company
                              P.O. Box 1396
                              Houston, Texas  77251-1396
                              (2800 Post Oak Blvd.  77056)
                              Attention: Vice President - Operations and
                              Telecopy number:  (713) 439-4269

                  13.2.2      If to the Company, to each of the Members as set
                              forth in the Operating Agreement.

                  Notices  shall be deemed given upon  receipt,  and a notice to
                  the Company  shall be deemed  given when  received by the last
                  Member to receive  same.  Any Party may change its  address or
                  telecopy number for notices  hereunder by providing  notice of
                  any such change to each of the other Parties.

        13.3      Counterparts.   This  CO&M   Agreement   may  be  executed  in
                  counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  but
                  all of  which  together  shall  constitute  one and  the  same

        13.4      Waiver.  No waiver by either Party of any default by the other
                  Party  in the  performance  of  any  provision,  condition  or
                  requirement  herein  shall be deemed to be a waiver  of, or in
                  any manner  release the other Party from,  performance  of any
                  other provision,  condition or requirement  herein,  nor shall
                  such  waiver be deemed to be a waiver  of, or in any  manner a
                  release  of, the other Party from  future  performance  of the
                  same  provision,   condition  or  requirement.  Any  delay  or
                  omission of either Party to exercise any right hereunder shall
                  not impair the exercise of any such right,  or any like right,
                  accruing to it thereafter.

        13.5      Assignability;  Successors.  This  CO&M  Agreement  may not be
                  assigned by either  Party  without the written  consent of the
                  other Party; provided, however, that such consent shall not be
                  withheld  unreasonably;  provided,  further,  that  this  CO&M
                  Agreement may be pledged by the Company without the consent of
                  the Operator in connection with any Financing Commitment. This
                  CO&M  Agreement and all of the  obligations  and rights herein
                  established  shall  extend  to and be  binding  upon and shall
                  inure  to  the  benefit  of  the  respective   successors  and
                  permitted  assigns of the respective  Parties  hereto.  Unless
                  otherwise agreed, any assignment of this CO&M

                                             - 13 -

                  Agreement  shall not relieve the assigning Party of any of its
                  obligations hereunder.

        13.6      Third  Persons.  Except  as  expressly  provided  in this CO&M
                  Agreement,  nothing herein expressed or implied is intended or
                  shall be  construed to confer upon or to give any Person not a
                  Party hereto any rights,  remedies or obligations  under or by
                  reason of this CO&M Agreement.

        13.7      Laws  and  Regulatory  Bodies.  This  CO&M  Agreement  and the
                  obligations  of  the  Parties  hereunder  are  subject  to all
                  applicable laws, rules, orders and regulations of Governmental
                  Authorities  having   jurisdiction,   and  to  the  extent  of
                  conflict,   such  laws,  rules,   orders  and  regulations  of
                  governmental authorities having jurisdiction shall control.

        13.8      Section Numbers; Headings.  Unless otherwise indicated,
                  references to Section numbers are to Sections of this CO&M
                  Agreement. Headings and captions are for reference purposes
                  only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of
                  this CO&M Agreement.

        13.9      Severability.  Any  provision of this CO&M  Agreement  that is
                  prohibited or unenforceable  in any jurisdiction  shall, as to
                  that  jurisdiction,  be  ineffective  to the  extent  of  that
                  prohibition  or  unenforceability   without  invalidating  the
                  remaining  provisions  hereof or  affecting  the  validity  or
                  enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction.

        13.10     Further  Assurances.  Each Party agrees to execute and deliver
                  all such other and additional instruments and documents and to
                  do such other acts and things as may be  reasonably  necessary
                  more fully to effectuate the terms and provisions of this CO&M

        13.11     Guarantee. By its execution of this CO&M Agreement as a Member
                  of the Company,  the Member (in its individual  capacity) that
                  is an  affiliate of the Operator  also hereby  guarantees  the
                  performance by the Operator of all the Operator's  obligations
                  and liabilities under this CO&M Agreement.

                                             - 14 -

           IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this CO&M Agreement to be
executed  by their duly  authorized  representatives  as of the date first above



                                      By:  ____________________________________
                        Frank J. Ferazzi
                                           Vice President


                                      PINE  NEEDLE LNG  COMPANY,  LLC By each of
                                      its Members:

                                      By:  ____________________________________
                                           Frank J. Ferazzi
                                           Vice President
                                           TransCarolina LNG Company

                                      By:  ____________________________________

                               General Provisions

           1.01 Statements and Billings.  The Operator shall bill the Company on
the first Day of each Month or as soon as possible  thereafter for the estimated
costs and expenses for the Month, including any adjustment that may be necessary
to correct prior estimated billings to actual. If requested by the Company,  the
Operator will promptly provide  reasonably  sufficient support for the estimated
costs and expenses to be incurred for the Month. Actual bills will be summarized
by  appropriate  classifications  indicative  of the nature  thereof and will be
accompanied  by such  detail and  supporting  documentation  as the  Company may
reasonably request.

           1.02 Payment by Company. The Company shall pay all bills presented by
the  Operator  as  provided in this CO&M  Agreement  on or before the  fifteenth
(15th) Day after the bill is received.  If payment is not made within such time,
the unpaid  balance shall bear interest  until paid at a rate (which shall in no
event be higher than the maximum rate permitted by applicable  law) equal to two
percent (2%) per annum over the prime rate of Citibank,  N.A. (or its successor)
from time to time publicly  announced and in effect.  Payment by or on behalf of
the  Company  shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to recoup  any amount in

           1.03 Financial Records.  The Operator shall maintain accurate books
and records in accordance with Required Accounting Practice covering all of the
Operator's actions under this CO&M Agreement.

           1.04 Purchase of  Materials.  It is  contemplated  that all material,
equipment  and supplies  will be owned by the Company and purchased or furnished
for  its  account.  So  far  as is  reasonably  practical  and  consistent  with
efficient,  safe and  economical  operation as determined by the Operator,  only
such  material  shall be obtained  for the  Facilities  as may be  required  for
immediate use, and the  accumulation  of surplus stock shall be avoided.  To the
extent  reasonably  possible,  the  Operator  shall take  advantage of discounts
available by early payments and pass such benefits on to the Company.

           1.05 Interest-Bearing Account. To the extent practicable, the funds
of the Company will be held in one or more interest-bearing accounts.

                                           ARTICLE II

                                          Capital Items

           To the extent the Operator or any of its  affiliated  companies  owns
real and/or  personal  property  necessary or desirable for the Operation of the
Facilities that (a) under Required  Accounting  Practice,  might be capitalized,
and (b) the  Operator or such  affiliate  in its sole  discretion  is willing to
transfer for  consideration to the Company,  the Operator or such affiliate may,
if approved by the Company, so transfer such property to the Company.

                                             - 15 -

In the event of such a  transfer,  the  Operator  may charge the Company the net
book value thereof (as reflected on the books of the Operator or such  affiliate
on the date of transfer).

           The cost of natural gas utilized for installation,  purging,  testing
and line pack of the Facilities shall be a capital item. Any major  modification
to information  systems  requiring  information  processing  and/or  programming
services shall be a capital item.

                                           ARTICLE III

                                       Costs and Expenses

           Subject to the limitations hereafter prescribed and the provisions of
this CO&M  Agreement,  the  Operator  shall charge the Company for all costs and
expenses  provided for in Section 5.1.2 of this CO&M Agreement,  including,  but
not limited to, the following items:

           3.01 Rentals.  All rentals paid by the Operator.

           3.02 Labor Costs. All applicable  personnel  generating the following
labor costs shall keep time  sheets so that the  portion of their  salaries  and
wages chargeable under this CO&M Agreement may be supported and calculated,  and
only such  proportionate  part of such labor costs shall be charged  pursuant to
this Section 3.02:

        (a) Salaries  and wages of employees of the Operator and its  affiliated
companies  engaged in connection with the construction,  operation,  maintenance
and administration of the Facilities and, in addition,  amounts paid as salaries
and wages of others temporarily employed in connection therewith.  Such salaries
and wages shall be loaded to include  the  Operator's  actual  costs of bonuses,
holiday,  vacation,  sickness  and jury  service  benefits  and other  customary
allowances  for time not worked  paid to persons  whose  salaries  and wages are
chargeable under this Section  3.02(a).  Direct labor charges may be billed from
the following areas: Operations, Engineering, Customer Services, Legal-Assigned,
Accounting, Tax, Rates and Planning.

        (b) Expenditures or contributions  made pursuant to assessments  imposed
by  Governmental  Authority  that are  applicable  to salaries,  wages and costs
chargeable  under Section  3.02(a)  above,  including,  but not limited to, FICA
taxes and federal and state unemployment taxes.

        (c) The costs of plans  incurred  by or on behalf  of the  Operator  for
workers'  compensation,   employers'  group  life  insurance,   hospitalization,
disability,  pension,  retirement,  savings and other  benefit  plans,  that are
applicable to salaries and wages  chargeable  under Section 3.02(a) above.  Such
costs shall be charged on the basis of a percentage  assessment on the amount of
salaries and wages chargeable under Section 3.02(a) above.

        (d) Overhead costs incurred to design and install information processing
and programming  services during the construction  period.  The total charges to
the Company for these services will not exceed $50,000.

           3.03 Reimbursable Expenses of Employees. Reasonable personal expenses
of employees  whose  salaries and wages are  chargeable  under  Section  3.02(a)
above. As used herein,  the term "personal  expenses"  shall mean  out-of-pocket
expenditures  incurred by employees in the  performance  of their duties and for
which such employees are reimbursed.

                                             - 16 -

The Operator shall maintain  documentation  for such expenses in accordance with
the standards of the Internal Revenue Service.

           3.04  Material,  Equipment  and  Supplies.  Material,  equipment  and
supplies  purchased or furnished  from the warehouse or other  properties of the
Operator's affiliated companies, priced at cost plus the affiliate's appropriate
purchasing and stores overhead ordinarily in use by the affiliate.

           3.05  Transportation.  Transportation of employees, equipment and
material and supplies necessary for the Operation of the Facilities.

           3.06  Services.  The cost of contract services and utilities procured
from outside sources.

           3.07 Legal  Expenses and Claims.  All costs and expenses of handling,
investigating  and  settling  litigation  or  claims  arising  by  reason of the
Operation of the Facilities or necessary to protect or recover any Facilities or
property,  including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, court costs, costs of
investigation  or procuring  evidence and any judgments  paid or amounts paid in
settlement  or  satisfaction  of any such  litigation  or claims.  All judgments
received or amounts  received in settlement  of  litigation  with respect to any
claim asserted on behalf of the Company shall be for the benefit of and shall be
remitted to the Company.

           3.08 Taxes. All taxes (except those measured by income) of every kind
and nature  assessed or levied upon or incurred in connection with the Operation
of the  Facilities  or on the  Facilities  or other  property of the Company and
which  taxes have been paid by the  Operator  for the  benefit  of the  Company,
including  charges for late  payment  arising  from  extensions  of the time for
filing that are caused by the Company,  or that result from the Operator's  good
faith efforts to contest the amount or application of any tax.

           3.09  Insurance.  Net of  any  returns,  refunds  or  dividends,  all
premiums,  deductibles and retentions  paid and expenses  incurred for insurance
required to be carried under this CO&M Agreement. In the event that the Operator
self-insures  the workers'  compensation and employer's  liability  insurance as
provided in Section 8 of this CO&M  Agreement,  the Operator shall be reimbursed
only for the amount equivalent to the standard  premium(s) which would have been
paid had such insurance been acquired,  and the Operator shall not be reimbursed
for the costs  associated  with any claims  paid by the  Operator  as an insurer
under such self-insurance.

           3.10  Permits, Licenses and Bond.  Cost of permits, licenses and bond
premiums necessary in the performance of the Operator's duties.

           3.11  General  Overhead.   All  other   administrative   and  general
expenditures,  including  salaries  and wages,  bonuses,  related  benefits  and
expenses  of  personnel  of  the  Operator  and/or  the  Operator's   Affiliates
(excluding  the personnel  referred to in Sections 3.02 of this Article III) who
render  services  for the benefit of the  Operator  (in the  performance  of its
obligations   hereunder)   or  the  Company,   including  but  not  limited  to,
administrative,  public relations,  personnel,  purchasing,  legal and treasury,
shall be charged as follows:

               Pre-Completion Period:  two percent (2%) of direct labor costs
               Thereafter:  five percent (5%) of direct labor costs

                                             - 17 -