Operating Agreement
                                           Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC

                                               Dated August 8, 1995

                                                Operating Agreement
                                           Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC

                                                 Table of Contents

1   Definitions and Construction..........................................1
    1.1   Definitions.....................................................1
          1.1.1   Act.....................................................1
          1.1.2   Additional Necessary Regulatory Approvals...............1
          1.1.3   Affiliate...............................................1
          1.1.4   AFUDC...................................................1
          1.1.5   Articles of Organization................................1
          1.1.6   Authorizations..........................................1
          1.1.7   Bankrupt Member.........................................1
          1.1.8   Business Day............................................2
          1.1.9   Capital Account.........................................2
          1.1.10  Capital Contribution....................................2
          1.1.11  Certificate.............................................2
          1.1.12  Certified Public Accountants............................2
          1.1.13  Code....................................................2
          1.1.14  Commitment..............................................2
          1.1.15  Commitment Date.........................................2
          1.1.16  Company.................................................2
          1.1.17  CO&M Agreement..........................................2
          1.1.18  Cost of the Facilities..................................2
          1.1.19  Cost of the Modification................................2
          1.1.20  Customer................................................3
          1.1.21  Default Interest Rate...................................3
          1.1.22  Dispose, Disposing or Disposition.......................3
          1.1.23  Estimated Cost of the Facilities........................3
          1.1.24  Estimated Cost of the Modification......................3
          1.1.25  Facilities..............................................3
          1.1.26  FERC....................................................3
          1.1.27  FERC Application........................................3
          1.1.28  FERC Rehearing Date.....................................4
          1.1.29  Financing Commitment....................................4
          1.1.30  Financing Corporation...................................4
          1.1.31  Formation Date..........................................4
          1.1.32  General Interest Rate...................................4
          1.1.33  Governmental Authority..................................4
          1.1.34  Member..................................................4
          1.1.35  Membership Interest.....................................4

                                                  - i -

          1.1.36  Modification............................................5
          1.1.37  Necessary Regulatory Approvals..........................5
          1.1.38  Operator................................................5
          1.1.39  Parent..................................................5
          1.1.40  Permitted Transferee....................................5
          1.1.41  Piedmont Interstate             ........................5
          1.1.42  Person..................................................5
          1.1.43  Pre-Formation Date Expenditures.........................5
          1.1.44  Proceeding..............................................5
          1.1.45  PUHCA...................................................5
          1.1.46  Representative..........................................6
          1.1.47  Rule 16.................................................6
          1.1.48  Sharing Ratio...........................................6
          1.1.49  Service Agreements......................................6
          1.1.50  Supermajority Vote......................................6
          1.1.51  Transco.................................................6
          1.1.52  TransCarolina...........................................6
    1.2   Construction....................................................6

2   Formation and Purpose of the Company..................................6
    2.1   Formation.......................................................6
    2.2   Name............................................................6
    2.3   Registered Office, Registered Agent.............................6
    2.4   Offices.........................................................7
    2.5   Purposes........................................................7
    2.6   Foreign Qualification...........................................7
    2.7   Term............................................................7
    2.8   No State-Law Partnership........................................7

3   Membership; Disposition of Interests..................................7
    3.1   Initial Members.................................................7
    3.2   Restrictions on the Disposition of an Interest..................8
    3.3   Additional Members..............................................12
    3.4   Interests in a Member...........................................12

4   Representations, Warranties and Covenants; Information................12
    4.1   Commitment to Construct the Facilities..........................12
    4.2   Development of a Modification...................................13
    4.3   Commitment to Construct a Modification..........................14
    4.4   General Representations and Warranties..........................15
    4.5   Regulatory Status...............................................15
    4.6   Representations, Warranties and Covenant Concerning PUHCA.......15
    4.7   Governmental Applications.......................................16
    4.8   Information.....................................................16
    4.9   Liability to Third Parties......................................17
    4.10  Withdrawal......................................................17

                                                 - ii -

    4.11  Lack of Authority...............................................17
    4.12  Reasonable and Necessary Efforts................................17

5   Capital Contributions.................................................17
    5.1   Pre-Formation Date Expenditures.................................17
    5.2   Requests for Capital Contributions..............................18
    5.3.  Loans...........................................................19
    5.4   Equalization of Capital Accounts................................20
    5.5   Voluntary Contributions.........................................20
    5.6   Return of Contributions.........................................20
    5.7   Capital Accounts................................................20

6   ALLOCATIONS AND DISTRIBUTIONS.........................................21
    6.1   Allocations.....................................................21
    6.2   Distributions...................................................21

7   MANAGEMENT............................................................22
    7.1   Management by Representatives...................................22
    7.2   Actions by Representatives; Committees; Delegation of
            Authority and Duties..........................................24
    7.3   Number and Term of Office.......................................25
    7.4   Vacancies; Removal; Resignation.................................25
    7.5   Chairman and Secretary..........................................25
    7.6   Meetings........................................................25
    7.7   Action by Written Consent or Telephone Conference...............26
    7.8   Conflicts of Interest...........................................27

8   ACTION OF MEMBERS.....................................................27
    8.1   Action of Members...............................................27

9   OPERATION OF THE FACILITIES...........................................27
    9.1   Operator........................................................27

10  INDEMNIFICATION.......................................................27
    10.1  Right to Indemnification........................................27
    10.2   Advance Payment................................................28
    10.3   Indemnification of Officers, Employees and Agents..............28
    10.4   Appearance as a Witness........................................29
    10.5   Nonexclusivity of Rights.......................................29
    10.6   Insurance......................................................29
    10.7   Member Notification............................................29
    10.8   Savings Clause.................................................29

11  TAXES.................................................................30
    11.1   Tax Returns....................................................30
    11.2   Tax Elections..................................................30
    11.3   "Tax Matters Partner"..........................................30

                                                 - iii -

12  BOOKS, RECORDS, REPORTS, AND BANK ACCOUNTS............................31
    12.1   Maintenance of Books...........................................31
    12.2   Reports........................................................31
    12.3   Accounts.......................................................33

13  INSPECTION............................................................33
    13.1   Inspection of Facilities and Records...........................33

14. BANKRUPTCY OF A MEMBER................................................33
    14.1   Bankruptcy Members.............................................33

15  DISSOLUTION, LIQUIDATION, AND TERMINATION.............................34
    15.1   Dissolution....................................................34
    15.2   Liquidation and Termination....................................34
    15.3   Deficit Capital Accounts.......................................35
    15.4   Articles of Dissolution........................................35

16  GENERAL PROVISIONS....................................................35
    16.1   Offset.........................................................35
    16.2   Notices........................................................35
    16.3   Entire Agreement; Supersedure..................................36
    16.4   Effect of Waiver or Consent....................................36
    16.5   Amendment or Modification......................................36
    16.6   Binding Effect.................................................36
    16.7   Governing Law; Severability....................................36
    16.8   Further Assurances.............................................36
    16.9   Indemnification................................................37
    16.10  Notice to Members of Provisions of this Agreement..............37
    16.11  Counterparts...................................................37

                                                      - iv -

                                                Operating Agreement
                                           Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC

         This  Operating  Agreement of Pine Needle LNG  Company,  LLC, a Limited
Liability Company under the laws of the State of North Carolina (the "Company"),
is executed and agreed to by the Members (as defined below) as of the 8th day of
August, 1995.

1        Definitions  and  Construction.  The terms  defined  in this  Section 1
         shall, for all purposes of this Agreement,  have the meanings set forth

         1.1      Definitions.

                  1.1.1      Act.  The North Carolina Limited Liability Company
                             Act as set forth in Chapter 57C of the North
                             Carolina General Statutes.

                  1.1.2      Additional  Necessary  Regulatory  Approvals.   All
                             Authorizations  as may be required  (but  excluding
                             Authorizations of a nature not customarily obtained
                             prior to commencement of construction of facilities
                             of the nature of the  Modification  in question) in
                             connection with (a) the ownership, construction and
                             operation of a Modification  and (b) the storage of
                             the   natural   gas   in   connection   with   such

                  1.1.3      Affiliate.  Any Person that, directly or indirectly
                             through one or more intermediaries,  controls or is
                             controlled  by or is under common  control with any
                             other  Person  in  question,   including,  but  not
                             limited  to: a Parent  of a Member;  a  corporation
                             100% of the  outstanding  voting  stock of which is
                             owned by a Member  or a Parent  of a  Member;  or a
                             corporation 100% of the outstanding voting stock of
                             which  is  owned  by  a  corporation  100%  of  the
                             outstanding  voting  stock  of  which is owned by a
                             Member or a Parent of a Member.

                  1.1.4      AFUDC.Allowance for funds used during construction.

                  1.1.5      Articles   of   Organization.   The   Articles   of
                             Organization   of  the   Company   filed  with  the
                             Secretary  of  State of North  Carolina  under  and
                             pursuant to the Act on August 8, 1995.

                  1.1.6      Authorizations. Licenses, certificates, permits,
                             orders, approvals, determinations and
                             authorizations from Governmental Authorities having

                  1.1.7      Bankrupt Member.  A member who shall take or be
                             subject to any of the actions described in Section
                             57C-3-02(3)a through f of the Act.

                  1.1.8      Business Day.  A day on which commercial banks are
                             open for the transaction of business in New York,
                             New York.


                  1.1.9      Capital Account.  See Section 5.7.

                  1.1.10     Capital Contribution.  Any contribution by a Member
                             to the capital of the Company.

                  1.1.11     Certificate.  The certificate(s) of public
                             convenience and necessity issued by the FERC
                             pursuant to the FERC Application.

                  1.1.12     Certified Public Accountants.  The firm(s) of
                             nationally recognized independent public
                             accountants selected from time to time by the

                  1.1.13     Code.  The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
                             amended, or any successor or replacement statute.

                  1.1.14     Commitment.  In the case of a Member executing this
                             Agreement  as of the  date of this  Agreement  or a
                             person  acquiring  that  Membership  Interest,  the
                             amount  specified for that Member as its Commitment
                             on Appendix A. In the case of a Membership Interest
                             issued  pursuant  to Section  3.3,  the  Commitment
                             established  pursuant thereto in each case, subject
                             to  adjustments  on  account  of   Dispositions  of
                             Membership Interests permitted by this Agreement.

                  1.1.15     Commitment Date.  The date of the vote of the
                             Representatives committing the Company to
                             construction of the Facilities pursuant to
                             Section 4.1.

                  1.1.16     Company.  Pine Needle LNG Company, LLC, a Limited
                             Liability Company under the laws of the State of
                             North Carolina.

                  1.1.17     CO&M Agreement.  The Construction, Operating and
                             Maintenance Agreement provided for in Section 9.1.

                  1.1.18     Cost of the  Facilities.  All costs  and  expenses,
                             including    without     limitation    AFUDC    and
                             Pre-Formation  Date  Expenditures,   borne  by  the
                             Operator  or  the  Company  for  the   acquisition,
                             planning,    design,    engineering,     financing,
                             administration,  construction  and  start-up of the
                             Facilities,   and   securing   all   Authorizations
                             required therefor.

                  1.1.19     Cost of the  Modification.  All costs and expenses,
                             including without  limitation  AFUDC,  borne by the
                             Operator  or  the  Company  for  the   acquisition,
                             planning,    design,    engineering,     financing,
                             administration   construction  and  start-up  of  a
                             Modification,   and  securing  all   Authorizations
                             required therefor.


                  1.1.20     Customer.  A Person who,  with the  approval of the
                             Representatives,   has   entered   into  a  Service
                             Agreement with the Company (or, where applicable, a
                             precedent   agreement  relating  thereto)  for  the
                             receipt,  liquefaction,  storage,  vaporization and
                             delivery of natural gas or liquefied natural gas by
                             means of the Facilities.

                  1.1.21     Default  Interest  Rate.  A rate per annum equal to
                             the lesser of (a) two  percent  (2%) per annum over
                             the prime rate of Citibank, N.A. (or its successor)
                             from time to time publicly announced and in effect,
                             or (b) the maximum  interest  rate allowed for this
                             purpose  pursuant to the laws of the State of North

                  1.1.22     Dispose,   Disposing   or   Disposition.   A  sale,
                             assignment,  transfer,  exchange, mortgage, pledge,
                             grant of a security interest,  or other disposition
                             or encumbrance (including,  without limitation,  by
                             operation of law), or the acts thereof.

                  1.1.23     Estimated Cost of the Facilities.  The estimated
                             total Cost of the Facilities as determined by the
                             Operator from time to time.

                  1.1.24     Estimated Cost of the Modification.  The estimated
                             total Cost of the Modification as determined by the
                             Operator from time to time.

                  1.1.25     Facilities.   The   real,   personal,   mixed   and
                             contractual    property    (whether   tangible   or
                             intangible) to be owned and operated by the Company
                             for    the    receipt,    liquefaction,    storage,
                             vaporization   and   delivery  of  natural  gas  or
                             liquefied  natural gas, all as more fully described
                             in  Appendix B, with such  changes in size,  design
                             and   location   as   may   be   approved   by  the
                             Representatives  (including,  but not limited to, a
                             Modification   approved   by  the   Representatives
                             pursuant to Section 4.2).

                  1.1.26     FERC.  The  Federal  Energy   Regulatory Commission
                             or any commission,  agency or other  governmental
                             body succeeding to the  powers of such  commission.

                  1.1.27      FERC Application. The documents pursuant to
                              which  application  for  a  certificate(s)  of
                              public  convenience  and  necessity is made to the
                              FERC by the Company for  authority  to  construct,
                              own and  operate  the  Facilities  and to receive,
                              store  and  deliver  natural  gas by  means of the
                              Facilities (not including any Modifications).  The
                              FERC  Application  shall seek authority to operate
                              the facilities in accordance with the FERC's "open
                              access"  regulations  and the  provisions of Order
                              No.   636   (including   the   capacity   releases


                  1.1.28     FERC Rehearing Date.  The date upon which the order
                             issuing the Certificate is no longer subject to
                             rehearing before the FERC.

                  1.1.29     Financing Commitment. Definitive agreements between
                             one or more financial institutions or other Persons
                             and  the  Company  or  the  Financing   Corporation
                             pursuant to which such  financial  institutions  or
                             other Persons agree,  subject to the conditions set
                             forth  therein,  to  lend  money  to,  or  purchase
                             securities   of,  the  Company  or  the   Financing
                             Corporation, the proceeds of which shall be used to
                             finance all or a portion of the Facilities.

                  1.1.30     Financing  Corporation.   A  corporation  or  trust
                             wholly  owned by the Company  that may be organized
                             for the purpose of issuing securities, the proceeds
                             from  which  are  to  be   advanced   directly   or
                             indirectly  to  the  Company  to  finance  all or a
                             portion of the Facilities.

                  1.1.31     Formation Date.  The date on which the Articles of
                             Organization was filed with the Secretary of State
                             of North Carolina.

                  1.1.32     General  Interest  Rate. A rate per annum equal to
                             the lesser of (a) the prime rate of Citibank, N.A.
                             (or its  successor)  from  time  to time  publicly
                             announced  and  in  effect,  or  (b)  the  maximum
                             interest rate allowed for this purpose pursuant to
                             the laws of the  State of North  Carolina.

                  1.1.33     Governmental Authority. Any court, agency,
                             authority,  board, bureau, commission,  department,
                             office or  instrumentality of any nature whatsoever
                             of any  governmental  or  quasi-governmental  unit,
                             whether federal,  state, parish, county,  district,
                             municipality,   city,   political   subdivision  or
                             otherwise,  domestic  or  foreign  whether  now  or
                             hereafter in existence.

                  1.1.34     Member.  Any Person  executing this Agreement as of
                             the  date of  this  Agreement  or who is  hereafter
                             admitted  to the Company as a member as provided in
                             this Agreement, but does not include any Person who
                             has ceased to be a member of the Company.

                  1.1.35     Membership  Interest.  All of a Member's  rights in
                             the Company,  including,  without  limitation,  the
                             Member's   share  of  profits  and  losses  of  the
                             Company, the right to receive  distributions of the
                             Company's assets,  any right to vote, and any right
                             to participate in the management of the Company.

                  1.1.36     Modification.  Any  facilities  installed  (a)  to
                             modify,  improve,  expand or increase the capacity
                             or scope of the Facilities or any portion  thereof
                             after the  Commitment  Date (except in  connection
                             with customary maintenance)


                             or (b) to  provide  a new  point  of  delivery  or
                             receipt of natural  gas for the  Facilities  after
                             the Commitment Date.

                  1.1.37     Necessary Regulatory Approvals.  All Authorizations
                             as may be required (but excluding Authorizations of
                             a  nature  not   customarily   obtained   prior  to
                             commencement  of construction of facilities such as
                             the   Facilities)   in  connection   with  (a)  the
                             construction  and operation of the Facilities  (not
                             including any Modifications),  (b) the formation of
                             the  Company,  and (c) the  receipt,  liquefaction,
                             storage,  vaporization  and delivery of natural gas
                             or  liquefied  natural  gas under  the Gas  Service

                  1.1.38     Operator.   Pine  Needle  Operating  Company,  its
                             successors  and  assigns,  pursuant  to  the  CO&M

                  1.1.39     Parent. Any Person who directly or indirectly owns
                             more than 50% of the outstanding voting stock of a

                  1.1.40     Permitted Transferee.  See Section 3.2.2.

                  1.1.41     Person.  An  individual,  a  trust,  an  estate,  a
                             domestic  corporation,  a  foreign  corporation,  a
                             professional corporation,  a partnership, a limited
                             partnership, a limited liability company, a foreign
                             limited   liability   company,   an  unincorporated
                             association, or another entity.

                  1.1.42     Piedmont Interstate.  See Section 3.1(b).

                  1.1.43     Pre-Formation Date Expenditures. Expenditures made
                             by any  Member or any of its  Affiliates  prior to
                             the   Formation   Date,   if   approved   by   the
                             Representatives  pursuant to Section 5 if required
                             to be so approved,  including, but not limited to,
                             expenditures  made  in the  course  of  activities
                             reasonably related to preparing this Agreement and
                             the CO&M Agreement, creating the Company, planning
                             and designing the Facilities,  acquiring rights of
                             way,  preparing the FERC Application and obtaining
                             the   Necessary   Regulatory   Approvals.

                  1.1.44     Proceeding. See Section 10.1.

                  1.1.45     PUHCA.  The Public Utility  Holding Company Act of
                             1935,  as  amended  (or  any   successor   statute

                  1.1.46     Representative.  The Person designated by a Member
                             to represent  that Member in  accordance  with the
                             terms of this Agreement.


                  1.1.47     Rule  16.  17  C.F.R.ss.250.16  or  any  successor
                             provision thereto.

                  1.1.48     Service   Agreements.   The  agreement(s)  by  and
                             between  the  Company  and the  Customers  for the
                             receipt,  liquefaction,  storage, vaporization and
                             delivery of natural gas or  liquefied  natural gas
                             by means of the Facilities.

                  1.1.49     Sharing  Ratio.  With  respect to any Member,  the
                             fraction   (expressed   as  a   percentage),   the
                             numerator of which is that Member's Commitment and
                             the  denominator  of  which  is  the  sum  of  the
                             Commitments of all Members.

                  1.1.50     Supermajority Vote.  A vote of Members representing
                             not less than 75% of the Sharing Ratios of all

                  1.1.51     Transco.    Transcontinental    Gas   Pipe    Line
                             Corporation,    a   Delaware   corporation,    its
                             successors and assigns.

                  1.1.52     TransCarolina.  See Section 3.1(a).

         1.2      Construction. Whenever the context requires, the gender of all
                  words used in this Agreement includes the masculine,  feminine
                  and neuter.  All  references to Sections  refer to sections of
                  this   Agreement   (unless  the  context   clearly   indicates
                  otherwise), and all references to Appendices are to Appendices
                  attached  to  this  Agreement,  each of  which  is made a part
                  hereof for all purposes.

2        Formation and Purpose of the Company.

         2.1      Formation.  The Company has been organized as a North Carolina
                  limited  liability  company by the filing of the  Articles  of
                  Organization  under and pursuant to the Act with the Secretary
                  of State of North Carolina.

         2.2      Name.  The name of the Company is "Pine Needle LNG Company,

         2.3      Registered  Office,  Registered  Agent.  The  location  of the
                  registered  office  of the  Company  shall  be in  Mecklenburg
                  County,  North Carolina;  the street address of the registered
                  office of the Company shall be 1915 Rexford  Road,  Charlotte,
                  North Carolina  28211;  the mailing  address of the registered
                  office  shall be P. O. Box 33068,  Charlotte,  North  Carolina
                  28233;  and the registered agent shall be Martin C. Ruegsegger
                  or such other  Person or Persons  as the  Representatives  may
                  designate from time to time in the manner provided by law.

         2.4      Offices.  The  principal  offices  of the  Company shall be at
                  such  place as the  Members  may from time to time  determine.
                  Notice of any  change in such offices shall be given


                  to each  Member by the  Representatives.  The Company may have
                  such other offices as the Members may  designate  from time to

         2.5      Purposes.  The  purposes  of the  Company  shall  be to  plan,
                  design, develop,  construct, own and provide for the operation
                  and  maintenance  of the  Facilities and conduct such business
                  activities  that are  necessary or  incidental  in  connection

         2.6      Foreign   Qualification.   Prior  to  the  Company  conducting
                  business in any  jurisdiction  other than North Carolina,  the
                  Members  shall  cause the  Company  to  comply,  to the extent
                  procedures  are  available  and those  matters are  reasonably
                  within  the  control  of the  Members,  with all  requirements
                  necessary  to  qualify  the  Company  as  a  foreign   limited
                  liability  company in that  jurisdiction.  Each  Member  shall
                  execute,  acknowledge,  swear to, and deliver all certificates
                  and other instruments  conforming with this Agreement that are
                  necessary or appropriate to qualify,  continue,  and terminate
                  the Company as a foreign limited liability company in all such

         2.7      Term.  The Company  commenced on the date of the filing of the
                  Articles of Organization  with the Secretary of State of North
                  Carolina and shall continue in existence until the latest date
                  on  which  the  Company  is to  dissolve  as  provided  in the
                  Articles of  Organization  or until such  earlier  date as the
                  Company may be dissolved as provided in this Agreement.

         2.8      No State-Law Partnership.  The Members intend that the Company
                  not be a partnership (including, without limitation, a limited
                  partnership)   or  joint  venture,   and  that  no  Member  or
                  Representative  be a partner  or joint  venturer  of any other
                  Member or  Representative  as a result of this Agreement,  for
                  any purposes  other than federal and state tax  purposes,  and
                  this Agreement may not be construed to suggest otherwise.

3        Membership; Disposition of Interests.

         3.1      Initial Members.  The initial members of the Company are the

                  (a)         TransCarolina  LNG  Company  ("TransCarolina"),  a
                              corporation  organized under the laws of the State
                              of Delaware, with its principal office and address
                              at P.O. Box 1396, Houston,  Texas 77251-1396 (2800
                              Post Oak Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77056).

                  (b)        Piedmont  Interstate  Pipeline  Company  ("Piedmont
                             Interstate"),  a  corporation  organized  under the
                             laws of the  State  of  North  Carolina,  with  its
                             principal  office and  address  at P.O.  Box 33068,
                             Charlotte, North Carolina 28233 (1915 Rexford Road,
                             Charlotte, North Carolina 28211).


         3.2      Restrictions on the Disposition of an Interest.

                  3.2.1      Except as  specifically  provided in Section 3.2 of
                             this Agreement, a Disposition of an interest in the
                             Company may not be effected  without the consent of
                             Members  holding at least 75% of the Sharing Ratios
                             of all  Members.  Any  attempted  Disposition  by a
                             Person of an interest or right,  or a part thereof,
                             in or in  respect  of the  Company  other  than  in
                             accordance with Section 3.2 of this Agreement shall
                             be null and void ab initio.

                  3.2.2      Notwithstanding  the  provisions of Section 3.2.1,
                             the  interest  of any Member in the Company may be
                             transferred  without the consent of Members if the
                             transfer is to an  Affiliate  of such  Member.  In
                             addition, Piedmont Interstate or TransCarolina may
                             transfer a portion of its  Membership  Interest to
                             one or  more  Permitted  Transferees  without  the
                             consent of Members  provided such  transfer  takes
                             place  prior to the date the FERC  Application  is
                             filed with the FERC and further  provided that the
                             transferee agrees in writing to avoid conflicts of
                             interest  by  agreeing  not to have an interest in
                             any project  intended to directly compete with the
                             liquefied  natural gas business of the Company.  A
                             "Permitted  Transferee"  is any one or more of the
                             following Persons or an Affiliate of such Persons:
                             Mobil Natural Gas Inc.,  Public Service Company of
                             North Carolina,  Inc.,  North Carolina Natural Gas
                             Corporation,  Amerada  Hess  Corporation  and  the
                             Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia.

                  3.2.3      If Piedmont  Interstate  wishes to transfer any of
                             its  Membership  Interest  to a Person  other than
                             Piedmont  Interstate's  Affiliate  or a  Permitted
                             Transferee,  the following procedures shall apply:
                             After receiving a bona fide offer from a Person to
                             purchase its interest,  Piedmont  Interstate shall
                             give written notice to  TransCarolina of the terms
                             of the offer and of its intent to accept the offer
                             unless TransCarolina  exercises its right of first
                             refusal as provided in this  Section  3.2.3.  Upon
                             receipt of such notice,  TransCarolina  shall have
                             the  right,  exercisable  by the giving of written
                             notice to  Piedmont  Interstate  within 30 days of
                             the receipt of such notice,  to purchase  Piedmont
                             Interstate's   interest  on  the  same  terms  and
                             conditions  as the bona  fide  offer  (except  the
                             purchase  price shall be the lesser of that amount
                             set forth in the bona fide offer or the balance in
                             Piedmont  Interstate's Capital Account on the date
                             of the proposed  transfer).  If TransCarolina does
                             not give the notice of its intent to exercise  its
                             right of first  refusal  within the 30-day  period
                             provided above,  Piedmont Interstate shall be free
                             to complete the transfer to the Person  making the
                             bona fide  offer.  If the  transfer  to the Person
                             making  the bona  fide  offer  is not  consummated
                             within 90 days after the 30-day period referred to


                             Piedmont  Interstate  may not transfer its interest
                             without again complying with this Section 3.2.3.

                  3.2.4      If a Permitted  Transferee  wishes to transfer any
                             of its Membership  Interest to a Person other than
                             Permitted  Transferee's  Affiliate,  the following
                             procedures  shall  apply:  After  receiving a bona
                             fide offer from a Person to purchase its interest,
                             the Permitted Transferee shall give written notice
                             to  TransCarolina of the terms of the offer and of
                             its   intent   to   accept   the   offer    unless
                             TransCarolina or Piedmont Interstate exercises its
                             right of first refusal as provided in this Section
                             3.2.4. Upon receipt of such notice,  TransCarolina
                             shall have the right, exercisable by the giving of
                             written notice to such Permitted Transferee within
                             30 days of the receipt of such notice, to purchase
                             the  Permitted  Transferee's  interest on the same
                             terms  and  conditions  as  the  bona  fide  offer
                             (except the purchase  price shall be the lesser of
                             that  amount  set forth in the bona fide  offer or
                             the balance in the Permitted  Transferee's Capital
                             Account on the date of the proposed transfer).  If
                             TransCarolina  does  not give  the  notice  of its
                             intent  to  exercise  its  right of first  refusal
                             within  the  30-day  period  provided  above,  the
                             Permitted  Transferee shall give written notice to
                             Piedmont  Interstate of the terms of the offer and
                             of its intent to accept the offer unless  Piedmont
                             Interstate exercises its right of first refusal as
                             provided in this  Section  3.2.4.  Upon receipt of
                             such notice,  Piedmont  Interstate  shall have the
                             right, exercisable by the giving of written notice
                             to such Permitted Transferee within 30 days of the
                             receipt of such notice,  to purchase the Permitted
                             Transferee's   interest  on  the  same  terms  and
                             conditions  as the bona  fide  offer  (except  the
                             purchase  price shall be the lesser of that amount
                             set forth in the bona fide offer or the balance in
                             the Permitted  Transferee's Capital Account on the
                             date  of  the  proposed   transfer).   If  neither
                             TransCarolina  nor Piedmont  Interstate  gives the
                             notice of intent  to  exercise  its right of first
                             refusal  within the periods  provided  above,  the
                             Permitted Transferee shall be free to complete the
                             transfer to the Person making the bona fide offer.
                             If the transfer to the Person making the bona fide
                             offer is not consummated  within 90 days after the
                             last of the 30-day periods  referred to above, the
                             Permitted Transferee may not transfer its interest
                             without again complying with this Section 3.2.4.

                  3.2.5      If  TransCarolina  wishes  to  transfer  any of its
                             Membership  Interest  to a  Person  other  than  an
                             Affiliate or a Permitted Transferee,  the following
                             procedures shall apply. After receiving a bona fide
                             offer  from a  Person  to  purchase  its  interest,
                             TransCarolina shall give written notice to Piedmont
                             Interstate  of the  terms of the  offer  and of its
                             intent  to  accept   the  offer   unless   Piedmont
                             Interstate  exercises its right of first refusal as
                             provided in this  Section  3.2.5.  Upon  receipt of
                             such notice, Piedmont Interstate shall have


                             the  right,  exercisable  by the  giving of written
                             notice  to  TransCarolina  within  30  days  of the
                             receipt of such notice, to purchase TransCarolina's
                             interest  on the same terms and  conditions  as the
                             bona fide offer (except the purchase price shall be
                             the  lesser  of that  amount  set forth in the bona
                             fide  offer  or  the  balance  in   TransCarolina's
                             Capital   Account  on  the  date  of  the  proposed
                             transfer). If Piedmont Interstate does not give the
                             notice of its intent to exercise its right of first
                             refusal  within the 30-day period  provided  above,
                             TransCarolina   shall  be  free  to  complete   the
                             transfer to the Person  making the bona fide offer.
                             If the transfer to the Person  making the bona fide
                             offer is not  consummated  within 90 days after the
                             30-day period referred to above,  TransCarolina may
                             not transfer its interest  without again  complying
                             with this Section 3.2.5.

                  3.2.6      If a Member  shall cease to be  controlled  by the
                             same Persons who control it as of the date of that
                             Member's  admission  to the  Company,  the  Member
                             shall provide  written notice thereof to the other
                             Members. On or before 30 days after such notice is
                             received by the other Members,  such other Members
                             shall  have  the  option  to  buy  that   Member's
                             Membership  Interest at a purchase  price equal to
                             the balance in that  Member's  Capital  Account on
                             the date the option is exercised. If more than one
                             of such  other  Members  wishes to  exercise  such
                             option,  they shall  exercise  such  option on the
                             same date and share in such purchase on a pro rata
                             basis based on their  respective  Sharing  Ratios.
                             This  paragraph  shall  not  apply to a change  in
                             control   that   results   from  the   merger   or
                             consolidation  of  the  corporation  who  directly
                             controls  a  Member  ("Parent  Corporation")  with
                             another   corporation   or  the  sale  of  all  or
                             substantially  all of  the  assets  of a  Member's
                             Parent  Corporation if, in each such case, (a) the
                             Parent  Corporation shall not have been formed for
                             the principal purpose of directly  controlling the
                             Member, and (b) either (i) such Parent Corporation
                             shall  be the  continuing  corporation  and  shall
                             continue to directly  control the Member,  or (ii)
                             the  successor  corporation  (if  other  than  the
                             Parent  Corporation  of  the  Member)  shall  be a
                             corporation  organized and existing under the laws
                             of the United States of America or a state thereof
                             or the  District  of Columbia  and such  successor
                             corporation  shall continue to be in substantially
                             the same business as the Parent corporation.

                  3.2.7      Subject to the provisions of Sections 3.2.8,  3.2.9
                             and 3.2.10,  a Person (who is not already a Member)
                             to whom a  Membership  Interest  is  proposed to be
                             transferred  has the  right to be  admitted  to the
                             Company  as a  Member  only  with  the  consent  of
                             Members  holding at least 75% of the Sharing Ratios
                             of all  Members.  Except  as  provided  in  Section
                             3.2.2,  any consent given pursuant to Section 3.2.1
                             shall be deemed a consent  only to the  transfer of
                             the  rights to  allocations  and  distributions  to
                             which the transferring Person would be entitled


                             but  for  the  Disposition,  unless  such  consent
                             expressly   consents  to  the   admission  of  the
                             transferee as a Member.

                  3.2.8      The Company may not  recognize for any purpose any
                             purported   Disposition   of  all  or  part  of  a
                             Membership  Interest  unless  and  until the other
                             applicable  provisions  of  Section  3.2  of  this
                             Agreement have been satisfied and the Members have
                             received, on behalf of the Company, a document (i)
                             executed   by  both  the  Member   effecting   the
                             Disposition  and the Person to whom the Membership
                             Interest  or  part  thereof  is   Disposed,   (ii)
                             including  the notice  address of any Person to be
                             admitted  to  the  Company  as a  Member  and  its
                             agreement to be bound by this Agreement in respect
                             of the  Membership  Interest or part thereof being
                             obtained,  (iii) setting forth the Sharing  Ratios
                             and the  Commitments  after the Disposition of the
                             Member effecting the Disposition and the Person to
                             whom the  Membership  Interest or part  thereof is
                             Disposed  (which  together  must total the Sharing
                             Ratio and the  Commitment of the Member  effecting
                             the Disposition before the Disposition),  and (iv)
                             containing a representation  and warranty that the
                             Disposition   was  made  in  accordance  with  all
                             applicable   laws   and   regulations   (including
                             securities  laws)  and,  if the Person to whom the
                             Membership Interest or part thereof is Disposed is
                             to be admitted as a Member, its representation and
                             warranty that the  representations  and warranties
                             in Sections  4.4 and 4.5 are true and correct with
                             respect to that Person.  Each  Disposition and, if
                             applicable,    admission    complying   with   the
                             provisions  of this Section  3.2.8 is effective as
                             of the first day of the calendar month immediately
                             succeeding the month in which the  Representatives
                             receive the  notification  of Disposition  and the
                             other   requirements   of  Section   3.2  of  this
                             Agreement have been met.

                  3.2.9      For  the  right  of  a  Member  to  Dispose  of  a
                             Membership  Interest or any part thereof or of any
                             Person to be admitted to the Company in connection
                             therewith to exist or be exercised, (i) either (A)
                             the Membership Interest or part thereof subject to
                             the  Disposition  or admission  must be registered
                             under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  and
                             any applicable  state  securities  laws or (B) the
                             Company  must  receive a favorable  opinion of the
                             Company's  legal counsel or of other legal counsel
                             acceptable  to the  Members to the effect that the
                             Disposition    or   admission   is   exempt   from
                             registration under those laws and (ii) the Company
                             must receive a favorable  opinion of the Company's
                             legal counsel or of other legal counsel acceptable
                             to the Members to the effect that the  Disposition
                             or admission, when added to the total of all other
                             sales,  assignments,  or other Dispositions within
                             the  preceding 12 months,  would not result in the
                             Company being considered to have terminated within
                             the meaning of the Code. The Members, however, may
                             waive the requirements of this Section 3.2.9.

                  3.2.10     The Member  effecting a Disposition  and any Person
                             admitted  to the  Company in  connection  therewith
                             shall pay, or reimburse  the Company for, all costs
                             incurred  by the  Company  in  connection  with the
                             Disposition   or  admission   (including,   without
                             limitation,  the legal fees  incurred in connection
                             with the  legal  opinions  referred  to in  Section
                             3.2.9) on or before the 30th day after the receipt


                             by that  Person of the  Company's  invoice  for the
                             amount due. If payment is not made by the date due,
                             the Person  owing that amount shall pay interest on
                             the unpaid amount from the date due until paid at a
                             rate per annum equal to the Default Interest Rate.

         3.3      Additional Members.  Additional Persons may be admitted to the
                  Company as Members and Membership Interests may be created and
                  issued to those  Persons and to existing  Members  only upon a
                  Supermajority  Vote.  The terms of admission or issuance  must
                  specify  the  Sharing  Ratios and the  Commitments  applicable
                  thereto and may provide for the creation of different  classes
                  or groups of Members and having different  rights,  powers and
                  duties.  The Members  shall  reflect  the  creation of any new
                  class or group in an  amendment to this  Agreement  indicating
                  the different rights,  powers,  and duties. Any such admission
                  also must comply with the provisions of Sections  3.2.8(i) and
                  (ii) and is  effective  only after the new Member has executed
                  and  delivered to the other  Members a document  including the
                  new Member's notice address, its agreement to be bound by this
                  Agreement  and  its   representation  and  warranty  that  the
                  representation and warranties in Sections 4.4 and 4.5 are true
                  and correct with respect to the new Member.  The provisions of
                  this Section 3.3 shall not apply to Dispositions of Membership

         3.4      Interests  in a  Member.  A Member  may not cause or permit an
                  interest direct or indirect,  in itself to be Disposed of such
                  that, after the  Disposition,  the Company would be considered
                  to have  terminated  within the  meaning of section 708 of the

4        Representations, Warranties and Covenants; Information.

         4.1      Commitment to Construct the Facilities.

                  4.1.1      Within  the  time  requirements  specified  in the
                             FERC's   regulations   for   acceptance   of   the
                             Certificate, the Members shall vote on whether the
                             Company  shall (a)  accept  the  Certificate,  (b)
                             reject the  Certificate  and/or (c) seek rehearing
                             of the order  issuing the  Certificate.  Within 30
                             days after the FERC Rehearing Date, if applicable,
                             the  Members  shall  vote on whether  the  Company
                             shall appeal the order issuing the Certificate.  A
                             Member may vote to reject the Certificate  only if
                             a condition of the  Certificate is unacceptable in
                             the Member's  reasonable  opinion.  Failure of the
                             FERC to preserve  the rights of  Piedmont  Natural
                             Gas  Company,  Inc.  to receive two Bcf of storage
                             capacity from the Facilities will be considered an
                             unacceptable  certificate condition.  In the event
                             the  Certificate is not  ultimately  accepted by a
                             Supermajority  Vote of the  Members,  the  Company
                             shall be dissolved.

                  4.1.2      Subject  to  Section  5.1  below,  except  upon the
                             approval by a Supermajority Vote, the Company shall
                             not incur any material  costs or  obligations  with
                             respect to the Facilities or become obligated under
                             the Financing Commitment relating to the Facilities
                             until (a) the Necessary  Regulatory  Approvals have
                             been  obtained  and  accepted,  (b)  the  Financing
                             Commitment  has been  negotiated  and is ready  for
                             acceptance by the Company (with the


                             Members to decide whether such Financing Commitment
                             utilizes a Financing Corporation),  (c) the Service
                             Agreements  have been  executed  by the Company and
                             the  Customers,  (d)  the  Estimated  Cost  of  the
                             Facilities has been  determined and (e) the Members
                             have  approved  the  commitment  to  construct  the
                             Facilities as provided in Section 4.1.3.

                  4.1.3      Immediately  following  the  last to  occur of the
                             events  referred to in Section  4.1.2(a),  (b) and
                             (d) (provided  that the  condition  that the event
                             referred  to  in  Section   4.1.2(a)   shall  have
                             occurred  may be waived by a  Supermajority  Vote)
                             and the  satisfaction  or waiver by the applicable
                             Customers  of  all  conditions  set  forth  in the
                             precedent  agreements  entered into by each of the
                             Customers for execution of the Service  Agreements
                             (other  than the vote of the  Members to commit to
                             construct the Facilities),  the Members shall vote
                             on  whether  the  Company  shall be  committed  to
                             construct  the  Facilities  (which  commitment  to
                             construct  shall  constitute  an acceptance of the
                             Financing Commitment). In the event the Members do
                             not agree by a Supermajority Vote to construct the
                             Facilities, the Company shall be dissolved.

                  4.1.4      After the Commitment Date, except with the approval
                             by a  Supermajority  Vote,  the  Company  shall not
                             incur  any  material  costs  or  obligations   with
                             respect  to the  Facilities  until  all  conditions
                             precedent to the  obtaining by the Company of funds
                             pursuant to the  Financing  Commitment  relating to
                             the Facilities have been satisfied.

                  4.1.5      If at any time the Members by a Supermajority  Vote
                             determine  that it is not in the best  interests of
                             the  Company to proceed  with the  construction  or
                             operation of the Facilities,  the Company shall not
                             thereafter  incur any additional  material costs or
                             obligations  with  respect  to  the  Facilities  or
                             become  obligated  under the  Financing  Commitment
                             relating to the  Facilities,  and the Company shall
                             be dissolved.

         4.2      Development of a Modification.

                  4.2.1      Any Member who desires the Company to  construct a
                             Modification  shall  notify the other  Members and
                             the   Operator  of  the  nature  of  the  proposed
                             Modification,  including  such details as are then
                             available,    and   shall   provide   a   detailed
                             explanation  of the reasons why such  Modification
                             is  being  requested.  Promptly,  but in no  event
                             later than one  hundred  fifty (150) days from the
                             date requested to do so by majority consent of the
                             Members, the Operator shall prepare and provide to
                             each Member a detailed description of the proposed
                             Modification  and an estimate of the cost thereof,
                             appropriate  rate  information  and  the  proposed
                             financing therefor.


                  4.2.2      Within 60 days after the information  described in
                             Section  4.2.1 has been  received by each  Member,
                             the Members  shall vote on whether to proceed with
                             the  development  of such  proposed  Modification.
                             Upon the  Supermajority  Vote to proceed  with the
                             development  of such  proposed  Modification,  the
                             Company  shall  proceed  with  such   development,
                             including,  but not limited to, the acquisition of
                             Additional  Necessary Regulatory Approvals and the
                             Financing  Commitment.  A vote to proceed with the
                             development  of a  Modification  shall be  without
                             prejudice to the vote on whether the Company shall
                             be committed to construct such Modification  under
                             Section 4.3.2.

         4.3      Commitment to Construct a Modification.

                  4.3.1      Except upon the approval by a Supermajority  Vote,
                             the  Company  shall  not incur  material  costs or
                             obligations  with respect to a Modification  or be
                             obligated under any Financing  Commitment relating
                             to  a   Modification   until  (a)  the  Additional
                             Necessary  Regulatory Approvals have been obtained
                             and accepted,  (b) such Financing  Commitment,  if
                             any,  as may be  required  in the  opinion  of the
                             Members for such  Modification has been negotiated
                             and is ready for  acceptance  by the Company (with
                             the   Representatives   to  decide   whether  such
                             Financing    Commitment   utilizes   a   Financing
                             Corporation),   (c)  if  applicable,  the  Service
                             Agreements  for  the  use of the  capacity  of the
                             Modification have been executed by the Company and
                             by one or more Customers pursuant to the Company's
                             FERC Gas  Tariff,  (d) the  Estimated  Cost of the
                             Modification  has  been  determined  and  (e)  the
                             Representatives  have  approved  a  commitment  to
                             construct such Modification as provided in Section

                  4.3.2      Immediately  following  the  last to  occur of the
                             events  referred to in Section  4.3.1(a),  (b) and
                             (d) (provided  that the  condition  that the event
                             referred  to  in  Section   4.3.1(a)   shall  have
                             occurred may be waived by a  Supermajority  Vote),
                             and  if  the  Modification   includes   additional
                             capacity,   the  satisfaction  or  waiver  by  the
                             applicable  Customers of all  conditions set forth
                             in the precedent  agreements  for execution of the
                             Service  Agreements  by the  Customers  that  will
                             utilize   the   capacity  to  be  created  by  the
                             Modification  (other  than the vote of the Members
                             to commit to construct  the  Modification),  or at
                             such  later  time as  agreed by the  Members,  the
                             Members shall vote on whether the Company shall be
                             committed to  construct  the  Modification  (which
                             commitment  to  construct   shall   constitute  an
                             acceptance of the Financing  Commitment,  if any).
                             In  the  event  the  Members  do  not  agree  by a
                             Supermajority  Vote to construct the Modification,
                             the Modification shall not be constructed.


                  4.3.3      After the  Members  vote to commit  the  Company to
                             construct a Modification,  except with the approval
                             by a  Supermajority  Vote,  the  Company  shall not
                             incur  any  material  costs  or  obligations   with
                             respect to such  Modification  until all conditions
                             precedent to the  obtaining by the Company of funds
                             pursuant  to  a  Financing   Commitment   (if  any)
                             relating to such Modification have been satisfied.

         4.4      General  Representations  and  Warranties.  Each Member hereby
                  represents  and  warrants  to the  Company  and to each  other
                  Member (a) that it is duly organized, validly existing, and in
                  good standing under the law of the state of its  incorporation
                  and is  duly  qualified  and in  good  standing  as a  foreign
                  corporation  in the  jurisdiction  of its  principal  place of
                  business (if not  incorporated  therein);  (b) that the Member
                  has full corporate power and authority to execute and agree to
                  this  Agreement and to perform its  obligations  hereunder and
                  that  all  necessary   actions  by  the  board  of  directors,
                  shareholders,   or  other   Persons   necessary  for  the  due
                  authorization,  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this
                  Agreement  have been duly taken;  (c) that the Member has duly
                  executed  and  delivered  this  Agreement;  and (d)  that  the
                  Member's authorization, execution, delivery and performance of
                  this Agreement do not and will not contravene or conflict with
                  any  provision  of law  applicable  to such Member or with any
                  agreement or  arrangement to which the Member is a party or by
                  which it is bound.

         4.5      Regulatory Status.  Each Member  acknowledges that the Company
                  will be a "natural gas company"  under the Natural Gas Act and
                  that the  Company  will be  subject  to all  applicable  laws,
                  rules,  regulations  and  orders of any  regulatory  authority
                  having jurisdiction.

         4.6      Representations, Warranties and Covenant Concerning PUHCA.

                  4.6.1      Each Member  represents and warrants that it is not
                             (i) a  "holding  company"  or  (ii)  a  "subsidiary
                             company"  or  "affiliate"  of a "holding  company,"
                             except for a "holding  company" that is exempt from
                             all  liabilities,  obligations  and duties  imposed
                             upon it as a "holding company" by the provisions of
                             PUHCA  and the rules  and  regulations  promulgated
                             thereunder  (other than Section  9(a)(2) of PUHCA);
                             in each  case  (and in each  case  within  Sections
                             4.6.2 and 4.6.3)  within  the  meaning of PUHCA and
                             the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

                  4.6.2      Except as  provided  in  Section  4.6.3,  no Member
                             shall make any  transfer or take other  action that
                             would  cause  the  Company  to  be  a   "subsidiary
                             company" or an "affiliate" of a "holding  company,"
                             except for a "holding  company" that is exempt from
                             all  liabilities,  obligations  and duties  imposed
                             upon it as a "holding company" by the provisions of
                             PUHCA  and the rules  and  regulations  promulgated
                             thereunder (other than Section 9(a)(2) of PUHCA).


                  4.6.3      A Member may make a transfer  or take other  action
                             otherwise  prohibited by Section 4.6.2, but only so
                             long as all  conditions of Rule 16 are satisfied so
                             that  the   Company   shall  be  exempt   from  all
                             liabilities, obligations and duties imposed upon it
                             as an  "affiliate"  or  "subsidiary  company"  of a
                             "holding Company."

                  4.6.4      Each Member covenants that it will take all actions
                             necessary  to assure that the  Company  will not be
                             subject  to  regulation,  for  any  purpose,  under
                             PUHCA,  or lose the benefits of the exemption under
                             Rule 16, as a result of such Member's  ownership of
                             its respective Membership Interest.

          4.7    Governmental   Applications.   Each   Member
                 agrees to support  the  Company in  securing
                 the    Necessary    Regulatory    Approvals,
                 including,  without  limitation,  preparing,
                 filing and prosecuting the FERC Application.

         4.8     Information.

                  4.8.1       In addition to the other rights  specifically  set
                              forth in this  Agreement,  each Member is entitled
                              to  all   information  to  which  that  Member  is
                              entitled to have access pursuant  toss.57C-3-04 of
                              the Act under the circumstances and subject to the
                              conditions  therein  stated.  The  Members  agree,
                              however,  that the  Representatives  from  time to
                              time   may    determine,    due   to   contractual
                              obligations,    business   concerns,    or   other
                              considerations, that certain information regarding
                              the business,  affairs,  properties, and financial
                              condition   of  the   Company   should   be   kept

                  4.8.2       Each Member  acknowledges that, from time to time,
                              it may receive  information  for or regarding  the
                              Company  in the  nature of trade  secrets  or that
                              otherwise  is  confidential,  the release of which
                              may be  damaging  to the  Company or Persons  with
                              whom it does  business.  Each Member shall hold in
                              strict  confidence  any  information  it  receives
                              regarding  the Company that is identified as being
                              confidential  (and if that information is provided
                              in  writing,  that  is  so  marked)  and  may  not
                              disclose  it to  any  Person  other  than  another
                              Member,  except for  disclosures  (i) compelled by
                              law (but the Member must notify the other  Members
                              promptly  of any  request  for  that  information,
                              before  disclosing  it, if  practicable),  (ii) to
                              advisers  or  representatives  of  the  Member  or
                              Persons to which that Member's Membership Interest
                              may be Disposed as  permitted  by this  Agreement,
                              but only if the recipients have agreed to be bound
                              by the provisions of this Section 4.8.2,  or (iii)
                              of information  that Member also has received from
                              a  source  independent  of the  Company  that  the
                              Member    reasonably    believes   obtained   that
                              information  without  breach of any  obligation of
                              confidentiality.  Each  Member  acknowledges  that
                              breach of the provisions of this Section 4.8.2 may
                              cause irreparable  injury to the Company for which
                              monetary  damages  are  inadequate,  difficult  to
                              compute, or both. Accordingly,  each Member agrees
                              that  provisions  of  this  Section  4.8.2  may be
                              enforced by specific performance.

         4.9      Liability to Third Parties. No Member or Representative  shall
                  be liable for the debts,  obligations  or  liabilities  of the
                  Company by reason of being a Member or Representative


                  or both,  and does not become so liable by  participating,  in
                  whatever  capacity,  in  the  management  or  control  of  the
                  business of the Company.

         4.10     Withdrawal.  A Member  does  not  have  the  right or power to
                  unilaterally withdraw from the Company.

         4.11     Lack of Authority.  Except as otherwise  specifically provided
                  herein, no Member or Representative has the authority or power
                  to act for or on  behalf  of the  Company,  to do any act that
                  would be binding on the Company,  or to incur any expenditures
                  on behalf of the Company.

         4.12     Reasonable  and  Necessary  Efforts.  Each Member shall devote
                  such efforts as shall be  reasonable  and necessary to develop
                  and promote the business of the  Company,  taking into account
                  its respective Sharing Ratio, resources and expertise.

5        Capital Contributions.

         5.1      Pre-Formation Date Expenditures.

                  5.1.1      Set  forth  on   Appendix  C  are  the  amounts  of
                             Pre-Formation  Date  Expenditures  that  have  been
                             incurred with respect to each Member.

                  5.1.2      If any  Member,  or  Affiliate  thereof,  has  made
                             Pre-Formation  Date Expenditures  during the period
                             immediately  preceding the Formation  Date that are
                             not set forth in Appendix C, such Member shall have
                             the   right  to   request   approval   thereof   by
                             Supermajority Vote as soon as practicable after the
                             Formation  Date (but not later  than 90 days  after
                             the Formation Date).

                  5.1.3      After all  Pre-Formation  Date  Expenditures to be
                             considered  under Section 5.1.2 have been approved
                             or disapproved by the Members,  to the extent such
                             approval  is  required,   the  applicable  Members
                             shall,   upon   request  of  the   Representatives
                             pursuant  to  Section   5.2,   make  cash  Capital
                             Contributions  or advances to the Company pro rata
                             in proportion to their Sharing  Ratios;  provided,
                             however,  that to the extent Piedmont Interstate's
                             Pre-Formation  Date  Expenditures  are  treated as
                             Capital   Contributions   or  advances,   Piedmont
                             Interstate  shall not be required to make any such
                             cash  Capital  Contributions  or  advances  to the
                             Company until such time that all Members'  Capital
                             Accounts or advance  accounts  are  initially  pro
                             rata in proportion to their Sharing Ratios.

                  5.1.4      The  assets,  if  any,  acquired  by  means  of the
                             Pre-Formation  Date  Expenditures  of  the  Members
                             shall be and are hereby contributed to the Company.
                             All applicable Members agree to execute and deliver
                             any and all  assignments  and conveyances as may be
                             necessary   or   appropriate   to   evidence   such


         5.2      Requests for Capital Contributions.

                  5.2.1      Except as  otherwise  provided  in Section  5.1 or
                             5.4, the Members shall issue or cause to be issued
                             a written request to each Member for the making of
                             Capital  Contributions  at such  times and in such
                             amounts as the Members shall approve.  All amounts
                             received by the Company  pursuant to this  Section
                             5.2,  whether  received  prior to, on or after the
                             date  specified  in  Section  5.2.2(d),  shall  be
                             credited  to  the  respective   Member's   Capital
                             Account  as  of  such   specified  date  (and  the
                             Pre-Formation Date Expenditures  approved pursuant
                             to Section  5.1.2  shall be so  credited as of the
                             date specified in Section  5.2.2(d)).  All amounts
                             received from a Member after the date specified in
                             Section  5.2.2(d) by the Company  pursuant to this
                             Section  5.2 shall be  accompanied  by interest on
                             such overdue amounts (and the default shall not be
                             cured unless such interest is also received by the
                             Company),  which  interest shall be payable to the
                             Company  and  shall  accrue  from and  after  such
                             specified  date at the Default  Interest Rate. Any
                             such  interest  paid  with  respect  to a  Capital
                             Contribution  shall be credited to the  respective
                             Capital Accounts of all the Members, on a pro rata
                             basis in  proportion to their  respective  Sharing
                             Ratios as of the date such  payment is made to the
                             Company  after giving effect to the payment of the
                             Capital  Contribution  with  respect to which such
                             interest accrued.

                  5.2.2      Each written request issued pursuant to Section
                             5.2.1 shall include the following information:

                             (a)    The total amount of Capital Contributions
                                    requested from all Members;

                             (b)    The amount of Capital Contribution requested
                                    from  the  Member  to whom  the  request  is
                                    addressed,  such amount to be in  accordance
                                    with  the  Sharing   Ratio  of  such  Member
                                    (except as provided in Section 5.1 or 5.4);

                             (c)    The purpose for which the funds are to be
                                    applied in such reasonable detail as the
                                    Representatives shall direct;

                             (d)    The date on which  payments  of the  Capital
                                    Contribution shall be made (which date shall
                                    not be less than 30 days  following the date
                                    the  request is given,  unless a sooner date
                                    is approved by the  Members)  and the method
                                    of  payment,  provided  that  such  date and
                                    method  shall  be the  same  for each of the
                                    members; and

                             (e)    Evidence  that the Members have approved the
                                    request in accordance with Section 5.2.1.

                  5.2.3      Each Member  agrees that it shall make  payments of
                             its respective Capital  Contributions in accordance
                             with requests  issued pursuant to Section 5.2.1 and
                             Section 5.2.2.


         5.3.     Loans.

                  5.3.1      At  any  time  after  the  Capital   Contributions
                             referred  to in Section  5.1.3 have been made that
                             the  Members  determine  that  the  Company  needs
                             funds,    rather   than    calling   for   Capital
                             Contributions,  the  Members may issue or cause to
                             be issued a written request to each Member for the
                             making of loans or advances to the Company at such
                             times and in such  amounts  as the  Members  shall
                             approve,  by a Supermajority  Vote,  provided that
                             the  Members  shall not call for loans or advances
                             rather  than  Capital  Contributions  if  doing so
                             would  breach any  Financing  Commitment  or other
                             agreement  of the  Company.  All amounts  received
                             from a Member after the date  specified in Section
                             5.3.2(d) by the Company  pursuant to this  Section
                             5.3  shall  be  accompanied  by  interest  on such
                             overdue  amounts  (and the  default  shall  not be
                             cured unless such interest is also received by the
                             Company),  which  interest shall be payable to the
                             Company  and  shall  accrue  from and  after  such
                             specified  date  at a rate  equal  to the  Default
                             Interest  Rate.  Any such  interest  paid shall be
                             credited to the respective Capital Accounts of all
                             the Members,  on a pro rata basis in proportion to
                             their  respective  Sharing  Ratios  as of the date
                             such payment is made to the Company, but shall not
                             be considered part of the principal of the loan.

                  5.3.2      Each written  request  issued  pursuant to Section
                             5.3.1 shall include the following information:

                             (a)    The total amount of loans or advances
                                    requested from all Members;

                             (b)    The   amount  of  the   loans  or   advances
                                    requested   from  the  Member  to  whom  the
                                    request is  addressed,  such amount to be in
                                    accordance  with the  Sharing  Ratio of such

                             (c)    The purpose for which the funds are to be
                                    applied in such reasonable detail as the
                                    Members shall direct;

                             (d)    The date on which the loans or  advances  to
                                    the Company  shall be made (which date shall
                                    not be less than 30 days  following the date
                                    the  request is given,  unless a sooner date
                                    is approved by the  Members)  and the method
                                    of  payment,  provided  that  such  date and
                                    method  shall  be the  same  for each of the
                                    members; and

                             (e)    All terms relating to such loans,  including
                                    the terms of  repayment,  provided that such
                                    terms  shall  be the  same  for  each of the
                                    Members; and

                             (f)    Evidence  that the Members have approved the
                                    request in accordance with Section 5.3.1.

                  5.3.3      Each   Member   agrees   that  it  shall  make  its
                             respective  loans or  advances in  accordance  with
                             requests  issued  pursuant  to  Section  5.3.1  and


         5.4      Equalization  of  Capital  Accounts.  It  is  understood  that
                  Piedmont  Interstate's Pre- Formation  Expenditures may result
                  in the Capital Accounts of the two Members not to be initially
                  in the same ratio as all Members'  Sharing  Ratios.  After the
                  date that all Members'  Capital  Accounts  first become in the
                  same ratio as the Members'  Sharing Ratios (as a result of the
                  Members making Capital Contributions under Section 5.2), it is
                  not  anticipated  that the provisions of this Agreement  would
                  ever again  permit the Capital  Accounts of the Members not to
                  be in the same ratio as their  Sharing  Ratios.  If such event
                  should  ever  occur,   the  Members  shall  require  (and  the
                  applicable Members shall make) Capital  Contributions so as to
                  cause the Members' Capital Accounts to be in the same ratio as
                  their Sharing Ratios.

         5.5      Voluntary  Contributions.  No  Member  shall  be  required  
                  or permitted  to make any Capital  Contributions  or loans 
                  to the Company except pursuant to this Section 5.

         5.6      Return  of  Contributions.  A Member  is not  entitled  to the
                  return of any part of its Capital  Contributions or to be paid
                  interest  in  respect  of either  its  Capital  Account or its
                  Capital Contributions. An unrepaid Capital Contribution is not
                  a liability  of the Company or of any Member.  A Member is not
                  required to  contribute or to lend any cash or property to the
                  Company to enable the Company to return any  Member's  Capital

         5.7      Capital  Accounts.  A capital account shall be established and
                  maintained for each Member.  Each Member's capital account (a)
                  shall be increased by (i) the amount of money  contributed  by
                  that  Member to the  Company,  (ii) the fair  market  value of
                  property  contributed  by that Member to the  Company  (net of
                  liabilities  secured  by the  contributed  property  that  the
                  Company  is  considered  to  assume or take  subject  to under
                  section 752 of the Code), and (iii) allocations to that Member
                  of  Company  income  and gain (or  items  thereof),  including
                  income and gain exempt from tax and income and gain  described
                  in Treas. Reg. ss. 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(g),  but excluding income
                  and gain described in Treas.  Reg. ss.  1.704-1(b)(4)(i),  and
                  (b) shall be decreased by (i) the amount of money  distributed
                  to that Member by the  Company,  (ii) the fair market value of
                  property  distributed  to that Member by the  Company  (net of
                  liabilities  secured  by the  distributed  property  that  the
                  Member  is  considered  to  assume  or take  subject  to under
                  section 752 of the Code),  (iii) allocations to that Member of
                  expenditures of the Company described in section  705(a)(2)(B)
                  of  the  Code,  and  (iv)  allocations  of  Company  loss  and
                  deduction  (or items  thereof),  including  loss and deduction
                  described  in  Treas.  Reg.  ss.   1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(g),   but
                  excluding items described in clause (b)(iii) above and loss or
                  deduction  described in Treas.  Reg. ss.  1.704-1(b)(4)(i)  or
                  Treas.  Reg.  ss.  1.704-1(b)(4)(iii).  The  Members'  capital
                  accounts also shall be maintained and adjusted as permitted by
                  the provisions of Treas. Reg. ss. 1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(f), and as
                  required by the other provisions of ss.  1.704-1(b)(2)(iv) and
                  ss.  1.704-1(b)(4),   including  adjustments  to  reflect  the
                  allocations  to  the  Members  of   depreciation,   depletion,
                  amortization,  and gain or loss as computed for book  purposes
                  rather  than  the  allocation  of the  corresponding  items as
                  computed  for tax  purposes,  as required by Treas.  Reg.  ss.
                  1.704-1(b)(2)(iv)(g).   A  Member   that  has  more  than  one
                  Membership  Interest shall have a single capital  account that
                  reflects all its Membership Interests, regardless of the class
                  of Membership Interests owned by that Member and regardless of
                  the time or manner in which those  Membership  Interests  were
                  acquired.  On the  transfer  of all or  part  of a  Membership
                  Interest, the capital account of the transferor


                  that is attributable to the transferred Membership Interest or
                  part  thereof  shall  carry over to the  transferee  Member in
                  accordance  with the  provisions  of Treas.  Reg.  ss.  1.704-


         6.1      Allocations.

                  6.1.1      Except as may be required by section  704(c) of the
                             Code and Treas. ss. 1.704-  1(b)(2)(iv)(f)(4),  all
                             items of income, gain, loss, deduction,  and credit
                             of the Company shall be allocated among the Members
                             in accordance with their Sharing Ratios.

                  6.1.2      All items of income,  gain, loss,  deduction,  and
                             credit  allocable to any Membership  Interest that
                             may  have  been  transferred  shall  be  allocated
                             between the transferor and the transferee based on
                             the portion of the calendar year during which each
                             was recognized as owning that Membership Interest,
                             without   regard  to  the   results   of   Company
                             operations  during any particular  portion of that
                             calendar  year and without  regard to whether cash
                             distributions  were made to the  transferor or the
                             transferee  during that calendar  year;  provided,
                             however,  that  this  allocation  must  be made in
                             accordance with a method permissible under section
                             706 of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

         6.2      Distributions.

                  6.2.1      From time to time (but at least once each  calendar
                             quarter)  the  Representatives  shall  determine in
                             their  reasonable  judgment to what extent (if any)
                             the Company's  cash on hand exceeds its current and
                             anticipated needs,  including,  without limitation,
                             for operating expenses, debt service, acquisitions,
                             and a reasonable  contingency  reserve.  If such an
                             excess exists,  the Members shall cause the Company
                             to  distribute to the Members,  in accordance  with
                             their  Sharing  Ratios,  an amount in cash equal to
                             that excess.

                  6.2.2      From  time to  time  the  Members  also  may  cause
                             property  of the  Company  other  than  cash  to be
                             distributed to the Members, which distribution must
                             be made in accordance with their Sharing Ratios and
                             may be made  subject to  existing  liabilities  and
                             obligations.    Immediately   prior   to   such   a
                             distribution,  the capital  accounts of the Members
                             shall be adjusted as  provided in Treas.  Reg.  ss.


         7.1      Management by Members through Representatives.

                  7.1.1      Subject to the provisions of Section 7.1.2, (i) the
                             voting of the Members  pursuant  to this  Agreement
                             shall be by their respective Representatives,  (ii)
                             the powers of the Company  shall be exercised by or
                             under the authority of, and the


                             business  and  affairs  of  the  Company  shall  be
                             managed under the direction of, the Members through
                             their  respective  Representatives,  and  (iii) the
                             Members  through their  respective  Representatives
                             may make all decisions and take all actions for the
                             Company  not   otherwise   provided   for  in  this
                             Agreement,   including,   without  limitation,  the

                             (i)      entering   into,   making  and  performing
                                      contracts,     agreements,    and    other
                                      undertakings  binding the Company that may
                                      be necessary, appropriate, or advisable in
                                      furtherance of the purposes of the Company
                                      and  making  all   decisions  and  waivers

                             (ii)     opening   and    maintaining    bank   and
                                      investment   accounts  and   arrangements,
                                      drawing  checks  and other  orders for the
                                      payment   of   money,    and   designating
                                      individuals with authority to sign or give
                                      instructions   with   respect   to   those
                                      accounts and arrangements;

                             (iii)    maintaining the assets of the Company in
                                      good order;

                             (iv)     collecting sums due the Company;

                             (v)      to the extent that funds of the Company
                                      are available therefor, paying debts and
                                      obligations of the Company;

                             (vi)     acquiring, utilizing for Company purposes,
                                      and Disposing of any asset of the Company;

                             (vii)    borrowing money or otherwise committing
                                      the credit of the Company for Company
                                      activities and voluntary prepayments or
                                      extensions of debt;

                             (viii)   selecting, removing and changing the
                                      authority and responsibility of lawyers,
                                      accountants, and other advisers and

                             (ix)     obtaining insurance for the Company;

                             (x)      determining distributions of Company cash
                                      and other property as provided in Section

                             (xi)     establishing a seal for the Company;

                             (xii)    establishing an annual budget for capital
                                      expenditures and operations; and

                             (xiii)   appointing the Operator as agent of the
                                      Company to accomplish one or more of the


                  7.1.2.     On  all  matters  decided  by  the  Members,  each
                             Representative  shall  have  a vote  equal  to the
                             Sharing Ratio of the Member he or she  represents.
                             Except as  otherwise  provided in this  Agreement,
                             the vote of the Members  necessary for a matter to
                             be  approved  shall  be a  majority  of the  total
                             Sharing  Ratios of the Members.  If the  requisite
                             majority  of Sharing  Ratios is not voted in favor
                             of a matter  being voted on, then the matter shall
                             be  deemed  to  be  denied;  furthermore,   unless
                             otherwise  provided  herein,  if the matter  being
                             voted on provides  for more than two  alternatives
                             and no alternative receives the requisite majority
                             approval then no alternative shall be selected.

                  7.1.3      Before  any vote of the  Members  is taken  through
                             their   respective   Representatives   pursuant  to
                             Section  4.1,  4.2 or 4.3 (unless the vote is taken
                             by written  consent  pursuant to Section 7.7),  all
                             Representatives  shall fully  discuss the matter at
                             the  meeting  called  for such  purpose  and  shall
                             disclose  to  each  other  their   intentions  with
                             respect to such vote,  so that when the actual vote
                             is  taken  each  Member  may  vote  in an  informed
                             manner,  with  full  knowledge  of  how  the  other
                             Members will vote on such matter.

                  7.1.4      Notwithstanding  the  provisions of Section  7.1.2,
                             the    Members     through     their     respective
                             Representatives may not cause the Company to do any
                             of the following  without obtaining a Supermajority

                             (a)      Causing  the FERC  Application  to provide
                                      for (i) a  geographic  location,  scope or
                                      size of the Facilities different than that
                                      set forth in Appendix B, (ii) other than a
                                      straight-fixed variable rate design, (iii)
                                      (iii)  an  estimated  capital  cost of the
                                      Facilities in excess of $107 million, (iv)
                                      a  capital  structure  other  than the 50%
                                      equity  and 50%  debt,  or (v) an  initial
                                      rate to be other  than a  cost-based  rate
                                      based  on a 15%  return  on  equity  and a
                                      40-year  depreciation  period or to exceed
                                      $4.85 per Mcf.

                             (b)      Agreeing to proceed  with the  development
                                      of  a  Modification  pursuant  to  Section
                                      4.2.2, approving the incurrence of certain
                                      costs or  obligations  with  respect  to a
                                      Modification  pursuant to Section 4.3.1 or
                                      4.3.3  or   committing   to   construct  a
                                      Modification pursuant to Section 4.3.2.

                             (c)      Approving a sale or abandonment of the

                             (d)      Amending, modifying, changing or otherwise
                                      altering this Agreement.

                             (e)      Electing to dissolve the Company.

                             (f)      Voting at a meeting of the Representatives
                                      on a  matter  not on the  agenda  for  the
                                      meeting  referred  to in Section  7.6.1 or
                                      shortening   the  ten  (10)   day   period
                                      provided in Section 7.6.1.

                             (g)      Approving any matter pursuant to Section


                             (h)      Approving any matter pursuant to Sections

                             (i)      Approving any matter pursuant to Section

                             (j)      Selecting, removing and changing lawyers
                                      under Section 7.1.1 (viii).

                             (k)      Requesting that loans (rather than Capital
                                      Contributions) be made to the Company
                                      pursuant to Section 5.3.1.

                             (l)      Amending, modifying, changing or otherwise
                                      altering the CO&M Agreement pursuant to
                                      Section 9.1.

                             (m)      Shortening the 10-day notice period
                                      described in Section 7.6.1.

                             (n)      Delegating any authority to any committee,
                                      Representative  or agent of the Company to
                                      take any action that  requires more than a
                                      majority  vote  of  Representatives  under
                                      this Section 7.1.4.

                             (o)      Causing any Financing Commitment to be
                                      issued on other than  non-recourse basis.

         7.2      Actions by Members; Representatives; Committees; Delegation of
                  Authority and Duties.

                  7.2.1      In managing the business and affairs of the Company
                             and  exercising  its powers,  the Members shall act
                             (i)     collectively     by    their     respective
                             Representatives   through   meetings   and  written
                             consents  pursuant  to  Section  7.6 and 7.7,  (ii)
                             through  committees  pursuant to Section 7.2.2; and
                             (iii) through Representatives to whom authority and
                             duties  have been  delegated  pursuant  to  Section

                  7.2.2      The Members may, from time to time,  designate one
                             or more  committees,  including chair of each such
                             committee.   The   chair   shall   report  to  the
                             Representatives. Any such committee, to the extent
                             provided in such  resolution or in the Articles of
                             Organization or in this Agreement,  shall have and
                             may   exercise   all  of  the   authority  of  the
                             Representatives,  subject to the  limitations  set
                             forth in  Section  7.1.4(o)  and in the  Act.  The
                             Representatives  may dissolve any committee at any
                             time, unless otherwise provided in the Articles of
                             Organization or this Agreement.

                  7.2.3      Subject to Section 7.1.4(o),  the Members may, from
                             time   to   time,   delegate   to   one   or   more
                             Representatives  such  authority  and duties as the
                             Representatives may deem advisable.  Any delegation
                             pursuant  to this  Section  7.2.3 may be revoked at
                             any time by the Representatives.

         7.3      Number and Term of Office.  Each Member shall be authorized to
                  name one person as a Representative. Each Representative shall
                  hold  office  for the  term  for  which  he is  appointed  and
                  thereafter  until his successor  shall have been appointed and
                  qualified, or


                  until his earlier death,  resignation or removal.  Each Member
                  may  designate  from time to time,  in writing,  an  alternate
                  Representative  who shall have the authority set forth in such
                  writing to act in the absence of the Member's  Representative.
                  Representatives  need not be  residents  of the State of North

         7.4      Vacancies;  Removal;  Resignation.  Any  person  serving  as a
                  Representative  of a  Member  may  resign  at any  time.  Such
                  resignation  shall be made in writing and shall take effect at
                  the time specified therein, or if no time be specified, at the
                  time  of its  receipt  by the  remaining  Representative.  The
                  acceptance of a resignation  shall not be necessary to make it
                  effective,  unless  expressly so provided in the  resignation.
                  Upon  the   resignation  of  a   representative,   the  Member
                  appointing  that  representative   shall  have  the  right  to
                  designate another person as a Representative.

         7.5      Chairman and Secretary.  The Members shall elect a Chairman to
                  serve at the pleasure of the  Representatives,  provided  that
                  the Chairman must also be a Representative. The Chairman shall
                  preside at all  meetings  of Members and shall have such other
                  duties as may be delegated  by the  Members.  The Members also
                  shall  designate a Secretary  to serve at the  pleasure of the
                  Representatives. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the
                  meetings of Members and shall have such other duties as may be
                  delegated by the Members.

         7.6      Meetings.

                  7.6.1      The Chairman or his/her  designee shall preside at
                             all meetings of the Members,  which meetings shall
                             be held quarterly subject to more or less frequent
                             meetings upon approval of the Members. A notice of
                             and an agenda for all  meetings  shall be provided
                             by the Secretary to all  Representatives  at least
                             10 days  prior to the date of such  meetings.  The
                             Secretary   shall   consult   with   each  of  the
                             Representatives   prior  to  preparing  each  such
                             agenda and shall  place on such agenda any matters
                             requested  by a  Representative  to be included on
                             such agenda for the  respective  meeting.  Special
                             meetings  of the  Members  may be  called  at such
                             times  and  places,  and in  such  manner,  as any
                             Member deems necessary. Any Member calling for any
                             such special meeting shall notify the Chairman and
                             the Secretary;  the Secretary in turn shall notify
                             all  Representatives  of the date and  agenda  for
                             such meeting at least 10 days prior to the date of
                             such meeting.  Such 10 day period may be shortened
                             by a  Supermajority  Vote.  Written minutes of all
                             meetings shall be maintained,  and the minutes for
                             each meeting shall be approved at the next meeting
                             of the Members.

                  7.6.2      Each  Representative  or  his/her  alternate  shall
                             attend each meeting of the Members unless he/she is
                             unable  to do so  because  of an event  beyond  his
                             reasonable control,  and (notwithstanding any other
                             provision   in   this   Agreement)   in   such   an
                             extraordinary   circumstance  such   Representative
                             shall   immediately  so  advise  the  Secretary  by
                             telephone,  who in turn shall similarly  notify all
                             other  Representatives  and shall  reschedule  such
                             meeting as soon as practicable.


                  7.6.3      A  Representative  who is  present at a meeting of
                             the Members at which action on any Company  matter
                             is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the
                             action unless his/her  dissent shall be entered in
                             the minutes of the meeting or unless he shall file
                             his/her  written  dissent to such  action with the
                             Person  acting as secretary of the meeting  before
                             the  adjournment  thereof  or shall  deliver  such
                             dissent  to  the  Company  immediately  after  the
                             adjournment of the meeting.  Such right to dissent
                             shall not apply to a  Representative  who voted in
                             favor of such action.

         7.7      Action by Written Consent or Telephone Conference.  Any action
                  permitted or required by the Act, the Articles of Organization
                  or this  Agreement  to be taken at a meeting of the Members or
                  any committee designated by the Members may be taken without a
                  meeting if a consent in writing,  setting  forth the action to
                  be taken, is signed by all the  Representatives  or members of
                  such  committee,  as the case may be. Such consent  shall have
                  the same force and effect as a unanimous  consent at a meeting
                  and may be stated as such in any document or instrument  filed
                  with  the  Secretary  of  State  of  North  Carolina,  and the
                  execution  of such  consent  shall  constitute  attendance  or
                  presence  in person at a meeting  of the  Members  or any such
                  committee,  as the case may be. Subject to the requirements of
                  the Act, the Articles of  Organization  or this  Agreement for
                  notice  of  meetings,   unless  otherwise  restricted  by  the
                  Articles of Organization,  Representatives,  or members of any
                  committee  designated by the Members,  may  participate in and
                  hold a meeting of the  Members or any such  committee,  as the
                  case may be, by means of a  conference  telephone  or  similar
                  communications   equipment  by  means  of  which  all  Persons
                  participating   in  the  meeting  can  hear  each  other,  and
                  participation in such meeting shall constitute  attendance and
                  presence at such meeting,  except where a Person  participates
                  in the  meeting for the express  purpose of  objecting  to the
                  transaction  of any business on the ground that the meeting is
                  not lawfully called or convened.

         7.8      Conflicts  of Interest.  Except as otherwise  provided in this
                  Agreement,  including but not limited to Section  3.2.2,  each
                  Member or Representative at any time and from time to time may
                  engage in and possess  interests in other business ventures of
                  any and  every  type and  description,  independently  or with
                  others,  including  business  ventures in competition with the
                  Company,  with no  obligation  to offer to the  Company or any
                  other  Member  or  Representative  the  right  to  participate
                  therein.   The  Company  may   transact   business   with  any
                  Representative  or Member or affiliate  thereof,  provided the
                  terms of those  transactions  are no less favorable than those
                  the Company could obtain from unrelated third parties.



         8.1      Action of Members. Unless otherwise required by this Agreement
                  or by nonwaiverable  provisions of applicable law, all actions
                  required or  permitted to be taken by a Member is delegated by
                  such Member to the  Representative  designated to act for such
                  member.  In the event action  required to be taken by a Member
                  cannot be delegated to the  Representative  representing  such
                  Member,  such action may be taken in any manner  permitted  by
                  the Act.


         9.1      Operator.  The Company  entered into a CO&M Agreement with the
                  Operator on the Formation  Date. The Members may, at any time,
                  upon a Supermajority  Vote,  agree to an amendment to the CO&M
                  Agreement provided that the Operator concurs therewith. In the
                  event that such CO&M  Agreement is terminated  pursuant to the
                  terms  thereof or the Operator  ceases to serve as Operator in
                  accordance  with  the  terms  of  the  CO&M   Agreement,   the
                  Representatives  may select a new Operator,  provided that any
                  new  Operator  must be an  Affiliate  of  Piedmont  Interstate
                  unless Piedmont  Interstate  agrees  otherwise.  Any successor
                  Operator selected pursuant to this Agreement shall execute and
                  be bound by an operating  agreement  substantially in the form
                  of the  CO&M  Agreement  existing  immediately  prior  to such


         10.1     Right  to  Indemnification.  Subject  to the  limitations  and
                  conditions as provided in Section 10 of this  Agreement,  each
                  Person who was or is made a party or is  threatened to be made
                  a  party  to or is  involved  in any  threatened,  pending  or
                  completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal,
                  administrative,  arbitrative or  investigative  (hereinafter a
                  "Proceeding"),  or any  appeal  in  such a  Proceeding  or any
                  inquiry or investigation that could lead to such a Proceeding,
                  by reason  of the fact that he or she,  or a Person of whom he
                  or she is the legal representative, is or was a Representative
                  of the Company or while a Representative  of the Company is or
                  was serving at the request of the Company as a Representative,
                  director,  officer, partner,  venturer,  proprietor,  trustee,
                  employee,  agent, or similar functionary of another foreign or
                  domestic limited liability company, corporation,  partnership,
                  joint venture,  sole proprietorship,  trust,  employee benefit
                  plan or other  enterprise  shall be indemnified by the Company
                  to the fullest extent permitted by the Act, as the same exists
                  or may  hereafter  be  amended  (but,  in the case of any such
                  amendment,  only to the extent that such amendment permits the
                  Company to provide  broader  indemnification  rights than said
                  law permitted the Company to provide prior to such  amendment)
                  against  judgments,  penalties  (including  excise and similar
                  taxes and punitive damages), fines, settlements and reasonable
                  expenses  (including,  without  limitation,  attorneys'  fees)
                  actually incurred by such Person in connection with such


                  Proceeding,  and  indemnification  under  Section  10 of  this
                  Agreement  shall  continue  as to a Person  who has  ceased to
                  serve in the capacity which initially  entitled such Person to
                  indemnity hereunder. The rights granted pursuant to Section 10
                  of this  Agreement  shall be deemed  contract  rights,  and no
                  amendment,  modification  or  repeal  of  Section  10 of  this
                  Agreement  shall have the effect of  limiting  or denying  any
                  such  rights  with  respect  to actions  taken or  Proceedings
                  arising prior to any such  amendment,  modification or repeal.
                  It  is  expressly   acknowledged  that  the  indemnifi  cation
                  provided  in  Section  10  of  this  Agreement  could  involve
                  indemnification  for  negligence  or under  theories of strict

         10.2     Advance  Payment.  The right to  indemnification  conferred in
                  Section 10 of this  Agreement  shall  include  the right to be
                  paid or  reimbursed  by the  Company the  reasonable  expenses
                  incurred by a Person of the type  entitled  to be  indemnified
                  under  Section 10.1 who was, is or is  threatened to be made a
                  named  defendant or  respondent  in a Proceeding in advance of
                  the  final  disposition  of the  Proceeding  and  without  any
                  determination  as to  the  Person's  ultimate  entitlement  to
                  indemnification;  provided,  however, that the payment of such
                  expenses  incurred  by any such Person in advance of the final
                  disposition of a Proceeding,  shall be made only upon delivery
                  to the Company of a written affirmation by such Representative
                  of his or her  good  faith  belief  that he or she has met the
                  standard  of  conduct  necessary  for  indemnification   under
                  Section 10 of this Agreement and a written undertaking,  by or
                  on behalf of such Person,  to repay all amounts so advanced if
                  it shall ultimately be determined that such indemnified Person
                  is not  entitled to be  indemnified  under  Section 10 of this
                  Agreement or otherwise.

         10.3     Indemnification  of Agents.  The  Company,  by  adoption  of a
                  resolution of the  Representatives,  may indemnify and advance
                  expenses  to an agent of the  Company  to the same  extent and
                  subject to the same  conditions  under which it may  indemnify
                  and advance  expenses to  Representatives  under Section 10 of
                  this  Agreement;  and, the Company may  indemnify  and advance
                  expenses to Persons who are not or were not Representatives or
                  agents  of the  Company  but who are or  were  serving  at the
                  request of the Company as a representative, director, officer,
                  partner,  venturer,  proprietor,  trustee,  employee, agent or
                  similar  functionary  of another  foreign or domestic  limited
                  liability company,  corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,
                  sole  proprietorship,  trust,  employee  benefit plan or other
                  enterprise  against any liability  asserted against him or her
                  and  incurred  by him or her in such a capacity or arising out
                  of his status as such a Person to the same  extent that it may
                  indemnify  and  advance  expenses  to  Representatives   under
                  Section 10 of this Agreement.

         10.4     Appearance as a Witness.  Notwithstanding any other provisions
                  of Section 10 of this Agreement,  upon approval by the Members
                  the  Company  shall pay or  reimburse  expenses  incurred by a
                  Member   in   connection   with  that   Member   or   Member's
                  Representative or other employee's  appearance as a witness or
                  other participation in


                  a   Proceeding   at  a  time  when  that  Member  or  Member's
                  Representative  is not a named  defendant or respondent in the

         10.5     Nonexclusivity of Rights. The right to indemnification and the
                  advancement and payment of expenses conferred in Section 10 of
                  this Agreement shall not be exclusive of any other right which
                  a  Representative  or other  Person  indemnified  pursuant  to
                  Section  10.3 may have or  hereafter  acquired  under  any law
                  (common  or   statutory),   provision   of  the   Articles  of
                  Organization or this Agreement, agreements, vote of Members or

         10.6     Insurance. The Company may purchase and maintain insurance, at
                  its  expense,  to protect  itself and any Person who is or was
                  serving as a  Representative  or agent of the Company or is or
                  was serving at the request of the Company as a Representative,
                  director,  officer, partner,  venturer,  proprietor,  trustee,
                  employee,  agent or similar  functionary of another foreign or
                  domestic limited liability company, corporation,  partnership,
                  joint venture,  sole proprietorship,  trust,  employee benefit
                  plan or other  enterprise  against any  expense,  liability or
                  loss,  whether  or not the  Company  would  have the  power to
                  indemnify such Person against such expense,  liability or loss
                  under Section 10 of this Agreement.

         10.7     Member  Notification.  To the  extent  required  by  law,  any
                  indemnification  of or advance of expenses to a Representative
                  in  accordance  with  Section  10 of this  Agreement  shall be
                  reported in writing to the  Members  with or before the notice
                  or waiver of notice of the next  Members'  meeting  or with or
                  before the next  submission  to Members of a consent to action
                  without  a meeting  and,  in any  case,  within  the 12- month
                  period immediately  following the date of the  indemnification
                  or advance.

         10.8     Savings Clause. If Section 10 of this Agreement or any portion
                  hereof  shall be  invalidated  on any  ground  by any court of
                  competent  jurisdiction,  then the Company shall  nevertheless
                  indemnify and hold harmless each  Representative  or any other
                  Person indemnified pursuant to Section 10 of this Agreement as
                  to costs,  charges and expenses  (including  attorneys' fees),
                  judgments,  fines and amounts paid in settlement  with respect
                  to any action, suit or proceedings,  whether civil,  criminal,
                  administrative  or  investigative to the full extent permitted
                  by any applicable portion of Section 10 of this Agreement that
                  shall  not have been  invalidated  and to the  fullest  extent
                  permitted by applicable law.

11       TAXES.

         11.1     Tax Returns.  The Members shall cause to be prepared and filed
                  all  necessary  federal  and state  income tax returns for the
                  Company,  including making the elections  described in Section
                  11.2. Each Member shall furnish to the Person preparing such


                  returns all pertinent  information in its possession  relating
                  to Company operations that is necessary to enable such returns
                  to be prepared and filed.

         11.2     Tax Elections.  The Company shall make the following elections
                  on the appropriate tax returns:

                  (a)        to adopt the calendar year as the Company's fiscal

                  (b)        to adopt the accrual method of accounting and to
                             keep the Company's books and records on the
                             income-tax method;

                  (c)        if a distribution of Company  property as described
                             in section  734 of the Code occurs or if a transfer
                             of a  Membership  Interest as  described in section
                             743 of the Code occurs,  on written  request of any
                             Member,  to elect,  pursuant  to section 754 of the
                             Code, to adjust the basis of Company properties;

                  (d)        to elect to amortize the organizational expenses of
                             the Company and the  start-up  expenditures  of the
                             Company  under Section 195 of the Code ratably over
                             a period  of 60  months  as  permitted  by  section
                             709(b) of the Code; and

                  (e)        any other election the Members may deem appropriate
                             and in their best interests.

                  Neither the Company nor any  Representative or Member may make
                  an  election   for  the  Company  to  be  excluded   from  the
                  application  of the provisions of subchapter K of chapter 1 of
                  subtitle A of the Code or any similar provisions of applicable
                  state law,  and no  provision  of this  Agreement  (including,
                  without  limitation,   Section  2.8)  shall  be  construed  to
                  sanction or approve such an election.

         11.3     "Tax Matters Partner." The Members shall designate a Member as
                  "tax  matters  partner"  of the  Company  pursuant  to section
                  6231(a)(7)  of the  Code.  TransCarolina  shall  be  the  "tax
                  matters  partner"  unless and until the  Members  designate  a
                  different "tax matters  partner." Any Member who is designated
                  "tax  matters  partner"  shall  take  such  action  as  may be
                  necessary  to cause  each  other  Member  to  become a "notice
                  partner"  within the meaning of section 6223 of the Code.  Any
                  Member who is designated  "tax matters  partner"  shall inform
                  each other Member of all significant  matters that may come to
                  its  attention  in its  capacity as "tax  matters  partner" by
                  giving  notice  thereof  on or before the fifth  Business  Day
                  after  becoming  aware  thereof and,  within that time,  shall
                  forward to each other Member copies of all significant written
                  communications it may receive in that capacity.  Before taking
                  any of the following


                  actions  as  the  "tax  matters   partner,"  the  Member  then
                  constituting   the  "tax  matter  partner"  shall  obtain  the
                  unanimous consent of the Members to such actions:

                             (1)      Entry into a settlement agreement that
                                      under Code Section 6224(c)(3) would bind
                                      any Member that is not a party to it;

                             (2)      Filing a petition under Code Section

                             (3)      Intervening pursuant to Code Section
                                      6226(b)(5) in any action brought pursuant
                                      to Code Section 6226(b);

                             (4)      Filing a request for an administrative
                                      adjustment pursuant to Code Section

                             (5)      Filing a petition pursuant to Code Section
                                      6228(a); or

                             (6)      Agreeing to the extension of a period of
                                      assessment, pursuant to Code Section


         12.1     Maintenance of Books. The Company shall keep books and records
                  of accounts and shall keep minutes of the  proceedings  of its
                  Members  and each  committee.  The  books of  account  for the
                  Company  shall be maintained on an accrual basis in accordance
                  with the  terms of this  Agreement,  except  that the  capital
                  accounts of the Members shall be maintained in accordance with
                  Section 5.7. The calendar year shall be the accounting year of
                  the Company.

         12.2     Reports.

                  12.2.1      Annual  Reports.   On  or  before  the  120th  day
                              following  the end of the fiscal  year  during the
                              term of the Company,  the Members shall cause each
                              Member to be furnished  with a balance  sheet,  an
                              income  statement,  and a statement  of changes in
                              Members'  capital of the Company for, or as of the
                              end  of,  that  year  certified  by the  Certified
                              Public  Accountants.  These  financial  statements
                              must be prepared  in  accordance  with  accounting
                              principles  generally  employed for  accrual-basis
                              records  consistently  applied  (except as therein
                              noted) and must be  accompanied by a report of the
                              Certified   Public   Accountants   certifying  the
                              statements and stating that (a) their  examination
                              was made in  accordance  with  generally  accepted
                              auditing  standards  and,  in their  opinion,  the
                              financial  statements present fairly the financial
                              position,  financial  results of  operations,  and
                              changes in  Members'  capital in  accordance  with
                              accounting principles generally employed for


                             accrual-basis  records consistently applied (except
                             as therein noted) and (b) in making the examination
                             and reporting on the financial statements described
                             above,  nothing came to their attention that caused
                             them to believe  that (i) the  income and  revenues
                             were not paid or  credited in  accordance  with the
                             financial   and   accounting   provisions  of  this
                             Agreement,  (ii) the  costs and  expenses  were not
                             charged  in  accordance   with  the  financial  and
                             accounting  provisions of this Agreement,  or (iii)
                             the  Members or any Member  failed to comply in any
                             material  respect with the financial and accounting
                             provisions  of  this  Agreement,   or  if  they  do
                             conclude  that a Member so failed,  specifying  the
                             nature and period of existence of the failure.

                  12.2.2     Interim  Reports.  Within 45 days  after the end of
                             each fiscal quarter,  the Members shall cause to be
                             prepared  and  delivered  to each  Member,  with an
                             appropriate certificate of the Person authorized to
                             prepare  the same  (provided  that the  Members may
                             make  any  change  to  the   financial   statements
                             required  by this  Section  12.2.2 as they may deem

                             (a)      A  profit   and  loss   statement   and  a
                                      statement  of cash  flows for such  fiscal
                                      quarter (including sufficient  information
                                      to permit the Members to  calculate  their
                                      tax  accruals)  and for the portion of the
                                      fiscal year then ended;

                             (b)      A balance sheet and a statement of each
                                      Member's Capital Account as of the end of
                                      such fiscal quarter and the portion of the
                                      fiscal year then ended; and

                             (c)      A statement comparing the actual financial
                                      status and  results  of the  Company as of
                                      the end of or for such fiscal  quarter and
                                      the  portion of the fiscal year then ended
                                      with the budget and  results as of the end
                                      of or for such respective periods.

                  12.2.3      Governmental  Reports.  The Operator shall prepare
                              and file,  or cause to be prepared and filed,  all
                              reports  prescribed or required by the FERC or any
                              other Governmental  Authority having  jurisdiction
                              over the Company.

                  12.2.4      Other  Reports.  The Members  also may cause to be
                              prepared or delivered  such other  reports as they
                              may deem appropriate.

                  12.2.5      Cost of Preparing and  Distributing  Reports.  The
                              Company  shall  bear the  costs of  preparing  and
                              distributing  any reports required or permitted in
                              Section 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 12.2.3 and 12.2.4.


         12.3     Accounts.  The  Members  shall  cause  to be  established  and
                  maintained one or more separate bank and  investment  accounts
                  and  arrangements for Company funds in the Company's name with
                  financial  institutions and firms that the Members  determine.
                  The Company's  funds may not be  commingled  with the funds of
                  any Member.


         13.1     Inspection   of  Facilities   and  Records.   Subject  to  the
                  provisions of Section 4.8.2,  each Member shall have the right
                  at all  reasonable  times  during  usual  business  hours upon
                  providing  reasonable  notice to the  Operator  to inspect the
                  Facilities  and other  properties of the Company and to audit,
                  examine  and make  copies  of the books of  account  and other
                  records of the Company.  Such right may be  exercised  through
                  any agent or employee of such Member  designated in writing by
                  it or by an independent public accountant, petroleum engineer,
                  attorney or other consultant so designated.  The Member making
                  the  request  shall  bear all  reasonable  costs and  expenses
                  incurred  by such  Member,  the  Company  or the  Operator  in
                  connection with any  inspection,  examination or audit made on
                  such Member's behalf.


         14.1     Bankruptcy  Members.  If any Member becomes a Bankrupt Member,
                  the Company shall have the option,  exercisable by notice from
                  the   other   Members   to  the   Bankrupt   Member   (or  its
                  representative)  at any time  prior  to the  180th  day  after
                  receipt of notice of the occurrence of the event causing it to
                  become a Bankrupt Member,  to buy, and on the exercise of this
                  option the Bankrupt Member or its  representative  shall sell,
                  its Membership Interest. The purchase price shall be an amount
                  equal to the balance in that  Member's  Capital  Account.  The
                  purchaser  shall pay the amount due the Bankrupt  Member as so
                  determined in four equal cash  installments,  the first due on
                  closing and the remainder (together with accumulated  interest
                  on the amount unpaid at the General Interest Rate) due on each
                  of the first three  anniversaries  thereof.  The payment to be
                  made to the Bankruptcy Member or its  representative  pursuant
                  to  this   Section  14.1  is  in  complete   liquidation   and
                  satisfaction  of all the rights and  interest of the  Bankrupt
                  Member and its representative (and of all Persons claiming by,
                  through,  or under the Bankrupt Member and its representative)
                  in  and  in  respect  of  the  Company,   including,   without
                  limitation,  any Membership  Interest,  any rights in specific
                  Company  property,  and any rights  against  the  Company  and
                  (insofar as the affairs of the Company are concerned)  against
                  the Members, and constitutes a compromise to which all Members
                  have agreed.


         15.1     Dissolution.  The Company shall dissolve and its affairs shall
                  be wound up on the first to occur of the following:

                  (a)        the time specified in the Articles of Organization;


                  (b)         the  Certificate is not accepted by  Supermajority
                              Vote (pursuant to Section 4.1.1) or the Members do
                              not agree by  Supermajority  Vote to construct the
                              Facilities (pursuant to Section 4.1.3);

                  (c)        the unanimous written consent of the Members;

                  (d)        any Member shall become a Bankrupt  Member (with or
                             without  the  consent  of  Required   Interest)  or
                             dissolve, or there shall occur any other event that
                             terminates the continued  membership in the Company
                             of any Member; and

                  (e)        entry of a decree of  judicial  dissolution  of the
                             Company  under  section  57C-6-02 of the Act or the
                             filing by the Secretary of State of North  Carolina
                             of  a  certificate  of  dissolution  under  section
                             57C-6-03 of the Act.

                  The death, retirement,  resignation,  expulsion, bankruptcy or
                  dissolution of a Member,  or the occurrence of any other event
                  that  terminates  the continued  membership of a Member in the
                  Company  shall not cause a  dissolution  of the Company if the
                  Company  exercises  its option under Section 14.1 or if, after
                  the Sharing  Ratios of the remaining  Members being  increased
                  pro rata so that the total of all Sharing Ratios  continues to
                  be  100%,  there  is a  Supermajority  Vote  to  continue  the
                  existence of the Company.

         15.2     Liquidation  and  Termination.  On dissolution of the Company,
                  the Members shall act as liquidator or may appoint one or more
                  Members as liquidator. The liquidator shall proceed diligently
                  to  wind  up  the  affairs  of  the  Company  and  make  final
                  distributions  as provided herein and in the Act. The costs of
                  liquidation  shall be borne as a Company expense.  Until final
                  distribution,  the  liquidator  shall  continue to operate the
                  Company  properties with all of the power and authority of the
                  Members. The steps to be accomplished by the liquidator are as

                  (a)        as promptly as possible after dissolution and again
                             after final liquidation, the liquidator shall cause
                             a  proper  accounting  to be made by the  Certified
                             Public   Accountants   of  the  Company's   assets,
                             liabilities, and operations through the last day of
                             the calendar month in which the dissolution  occurs
                             or  the  final   liquidation   is   completed,   as

                  (b)        the liquidator  shall cause the notice described in
                             section  57C-6-07  of the Act to be  mailed to each
                             known creditor of and claimant  against the Company
                             in the manner  described in section 57C-6-07 of the

                  (c)        the liquidator  shall cause the notice described in
                             section  57C-6-08 of the Act to be published in the
                             manner described in section 57-6-08 of the Act.

                  (d)        the  Company's  assets  shall  be  applied  in the
                             manner provided by Section 57C-6- 05 of the Act.

                  The  distribution  of cash  and/or  property  to a  Member  in
                  accordance   with  the   provisions   of  this   Section  15.2
                  constitutes a complete return to the Member of its Capital


                  Contributions and a complete distribution to the Member of its
                  Membership   Interest  and  all  the  Company's  property  and
                  constitutes a compromise to which all Members have  consented.
                  To the extent that a Member  returns funds to the Company,  it
                  has no claim against any other Member for those funds.

         15.3     Deficit  Capital  Accounts.  Notwithstanding  anything  to the
                  contrary contained in this Agreement,  and notwithstanding any
                  custom or rule of law to the contrary,  to the extent that the
                  deficit,  if any, in the capital account of any Member results
                  from  or is  attributable  to  deductions  and  losses  of the
                  Company  (including  non-cash items such as depreciation),  or
                  distributions  of  money  pursuant  to this  Agreement  to all
                  Members in proportion to their respective Sharing Ratios, upon
                  dissolution  of the Company such deficit shall not be an asset
                  of the  Company and such  Members  shall not be  obligated  to
                  contribute  such amount to the Company to bring the balance of
                  such Member's capital account to zero.

         15.4     Articles of Dissolution.  On completion of the distribution of
                  Company assets as provided herein,  the Company is terminated,
                  and the  Members  (or such other  Person or Persons as the Act
                  may  require or permit)  shall  cause to be filed  Articles of
                  Dissolution  with the Secretary of State of North  Carolina as
                  required  by  section  57C-6-06  of the Act,  cancel any other
                  filing made  pursuant to  Sections  2.3 or 2.6,  and take such
                  other actions as may be necessary to terminate the Company.


         16.1     Offset.  Whenever the Company is to pay any sum to any Member,
                  any amounts that Member owes the Company may be deducted  from
                  that sum before payment.

         16.2     Notices. Except as expressly set forth to the contrary in this
                  Agreement, all notices,  requests, or consents provided for or
                  permitted to be given under this  Agreement must be in writing
                  and must be given  either by  depositing  that  writing in the
                  United States mail, addressed to the recipient,  postage paid,
                  and registered or certified  with return receipt  requested or
                  by  delivering  that writing to the  recipient  in person,  by
                  courier, or by facsimile transmission;  and a notice, request,
                  or consent given under this  Agreement is effective on receipt
                  by the  Person to  receive  it.  All  notices,  requests,  and
                  consents to be sent to a Member must be sent to or made at the
                  addresses given for that Member on the signature pages of this
                  Agreement or in the  instrument  described in Section 3.2.8 or
                  3.3,  or such  other  address as that  Member  may  specify by
                  notice to the other Members.  Any notice,  request, or consent
                  to the Company must be given to the Chairman at the  following
                  addresses: 2800 Post Oak Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77056 if by
                  mail or (713) 439-4269 if by facsimile  transmission and to P.
                  O.  Box  33068,  Charlotte,  N.C.  28233  if by mail or  (704)
                  364-8320 if by facsimile transmission.  Whenever any notice is
                  required to be given by law, the Articles of  Organization  or
                  this Agreement, a written waiver thereof, signed by the Person
                  entitled  to notice,  whether  before or after the time stated
                  therein,  shall be  deemed  equivalent  to the  giving of such

         16.3     Entire Agreement;  Supersedure. This Agreement constitutes the
                  entire agreement of the Members and their Affiliates  relating
                  to  the  Company  and  supersedes   all  prior   contracts  or
                  agreements  with  respect  to the  Company,  whether  oral  or


         16.4     Effect of Waiver or Consent.  A waiver or consent,  express or
                  implied,  to or of any  breach or default by any Person in the
                  performance by that Person of its obligations  with respect to
                  the  Company  is not a  consent  or  wavier to or of any other
                  breach or default  in the  performance  by that  Person of the
                  same or any other  obligations  of that Person with respect to
                  the  Company.  Failure on the part of a Person to  complain of
                  any act of any Person or to declare any Person in default with
                  respect to the Company,  irrespective of how long that failure
                  continues,  does not constitute a waiver by that Person of its
                  rights  with  respect  to that  default  until the  applicable
                  statute-of-limitations period has run.

         16.5     Amendment or  Modification.  This  Agreement may be amended or
                  modified  from  time to  time  only  by a  written  instrument
                  adopted by a Supermajority Vote.

         16.6     Binding  Effect.  Subject to the  restrictions on Dispositions
                  set forth in this Agreement,  this Agreement is binding on and
                  inures to the  benefit  of the  Members  and their  respective
                  heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

         16.7     Governing Law; Severability. THIS AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY AND
                  event of a direct  conflict  between  the  provisions  of this
                  Agreement   and  (a)  any   provision   of  the   Articles  of
                  Organization,  or (b) any mandatory  provision of the Act, the
                  application  provision of the Articles of  Organization or the
                  Act shall  control.  If any provision of this Agreement or the
                  application  thereof  to any  Person or  circumstance  is held
                  invalid or unenforceable to any extent,  the remainder of this
                  Agreement  and the  application  of that  provision  to  other
                  Persons or  circumstances  is not  affected  thereby  and that
                  provision shall be enforced to the greatest  extent  permitted
                  by law.

         16.8     Further Assurances.  In connection with this Agreement and the
                  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  each Member shall execute
                  and deliver  any  additional  documents  and  instruments  and
                  perform  any   additional   acts  that  may  be  necessary  or
                  appropriate  to effectuate  and perform the provisions of this
                  Agreement and those transactions.

         16.9     Indemnification.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, each
                  Member shall indemnify the Company,  each  Representative  and
                  each other Member and hold them  harmless from and against all
                  losses, costs, liabilities,  damages, and expenses (including,
                  without  limitation,  costs of suit and attorney's  fees) they
                  may incur on  account  of any  breach  by that  Member of this

         16.10    Notice  to  Members  of  Provisions  of  this  Agreement.   By
                  executing this Agreement, each Member acknowledges that it has
                  actual notice of (a) all of the provisions of this  Agreement,
                  including,   without  limitation,   the  restrictions  on  the
                  transfer of  Membership  Interests  set forth in Section 3 and
                  (b) all of the  provisions  of the  Articles of  Organization.
                  Each  Member  hereby  agrees that this  Agreement  constitutes
                  adequate notice of all such


                  provisions, and each Member hereby waives any requirement that
                  any further notice thereunder be given.

         16.11    Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of
                  counterparts  with the same effect as if all  signing  parties
                  had  signed  the  same  document.  All  counterparts  shall be
                  construed together and constitute the same instrument.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Members have executed this Agreement as of the
date first set forth above.


                                         TransCarolina LNG Company

                                         Name:    Frank J. Ferazzi
                                         Title:   Vice President
                                         Date of Execution: August 8, 1995

                                         Piedmont Interstate Pipeline Company

                                         Name:    Ware F. Schiefer
                                         Title:   Vice President
                                         Date of Execution: August 8, 1995


                               APPENDIX A
                            (SHARING RATIOS)

         Member                 Commitment                   Sharing Ratio

TransCarolina                   $26,750,000                         50%

Piedmont Interstate             $26,750,000                          50%


                                                    APPENDIX B
                                            (DESCRIPTION OF FACILITIES)

         The  Facilities   will  be   constructed   on  a  site   consisting  of
approximately 828.3 acres of land in northwest Guilford County,  North Carolina,
near the town of Stokesdale. The site is accessible from N.C. Highway 68 and Haw
River Road and is approximately one mile northwest of Transco's pipeline.

         The  Facilities  will be comprised of two double shell,  suspended deck
storage  tanks  each of which is  capable  of  storing  two Bcf of  natural  gas
equivalent or  approximately  48 million gallons of liquid, a pre- treatment and
liquefaction  system, an LNG truck loading and unloading station, a vaporization
and  sendout  system,  a  hazard   detection/protection  system  and  connection
pipeline.  The pre-treatment and liquefaction systems will liquefy at a net rate
of 20 MMcf of natural gas per 24-hour period to storage.  The  vaporization  and
sendout  system will be designed to vaporize  and sendout not less than 400 MMcf
per 24- hour period. The hazard  detection/protection system will include a fire
water system with hydrants,  monitors and deluge  nozzles as well as fire,  gas,
smoke and high temperature detectors that are integrated into a plant-wide alarm


                                                    APPENDIX C

                                          Pre-Formation Date Expenditures



Piedmont Interstate Pipeline Company

                  All of  Piedmont  Interstate  Pipeline  Company's  rights  and
         interest in  approximately  828.3 acres of land in  northwest  Guilford
         County,  North  Carolina,  near the town of Stokesdale,  along with all
         engineering reports,  seismic reports and other reports relating to the
         use  of  the  land  all  services  performed  in  connection  with  the
         acquisition  and  rezoning  of the  site  prior  to June 1,  1995,  all
         consulting  and  legal  fees paid  prior to June 1, 1995 to obtain  the
         present  zoning of the site,  the  acquisition  of title,  options  and
         leases  to the site,  various  engineering  and  seismic  studies  with
         respect to the site,  and all  planning and design of the site prior to
         June 1, 1995,  all of which is estimated to have a fair market value of
         $2.5 million.

                  Such rights and  interests  shall be  conveyed  subject to the
         option of Piedmont  Interstate to repurchase  the same in the event the
         FERC Certificate is not accepted by the Members or the Members vote not
         to  construct  the  Facilities  under  Section  4.1  of  the  Operating
         Agreement.  In the event  Piedmont  Interstate  exercises its option to
         repurchase,  the  purchase  price  shall be  $1.00  plus an  amount  to
         reimburse  the  Company  for  the  costs  of  any  improvements  to the
         property,  including any amounts paid to extend any options to lease or
         purchase the  property.  In order to compensate  TransCarolina  for its
         agreement  to take  certain  front  end  regulatory  risks,  the  first
         $100,000 of such reimbursement shall be credited to TransCarolina.  The
         remainder  of such  reimbursement  shall be  credited  to all  Members,
         including Piedmont Interstate, pro rata based on their Sharing Ratios.
