Exhibit 10-A-33


                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                               GAS SALES AGREEMENT
                                    AS SELLER
                                    AS BUYER



         I.       DEFINITIONS                                            1
         II.      GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS                            3
         III.     RESERVATIONS OF SELLER                                 4
         IV.      QUANTITY OF GAS                                        4
         V.       DELIVERY PRESSURE                                     10
         Vl.      POINTS OF DELIVERY AND OWNERSHIP                      10
         VII.     TERM OF AGREEMENT                                     10
         VIII.    PRICE                                                 10
         IX.      QUALITY OF GAS                                        14
         X.       METERING AND MEASUREMENT                              14
         XI.      BILLING AND PAYMENT                                   15
         XII.     TRANSPORTATION                                        16
         XIII.    GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS                              18
         XIV.     FORCE MAJEURE                                         20
         XV.      WARRANTY OF TITLE                                     21
         XVI.     RESPONSIBILITY                                        22
         XVII.    GENERAL PROVISIONS                                    22

                               AMENDED AND RESTATED
                                GAS SALES AGREEMENT

         THIS  AGREEMENT,  effective  the 1st day of November, 1990, between

         WHEREAS,  Buyer is a local distribution  company; and
         WHEREAS,  Seller purchases  supplies  of natural gas for resale; and
         WHEREAS,  Buyer desires to purchase from Seller, and Seller desires to
sell to Buyer natural gas in the quantities and upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth; and
         WHEREAS, this agreement shall supersede and replace that certain
Gas Sales Agreement between Buyer and Seller dated January 1, 1989.
         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
herein contained, Buyer and Seller agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

         1.01     The following words and terms, wherever used in this agree-
ment, shall have the meanings set forth below:
(a)      "Annual Contract Maximum" shall be equal to the DCM multiplied by the
         number of days in the Contract Year.
(b)      "BTU" shall mean British Thermal Unit.
(c)      "Buyer's   allocated  DCM  capacity" shall  mean  a  volume  of  firm
         transportation  capacity  available to Buyer at a TGPL  receipt  point
         which is equal to the DCM  multiplied by the  percentage of capacity
         allocated  to such receipt point under TGPL's then  current FERC Gas
(d)      "Buyer's city gate" shall mean the interconnection of the facilities
         of buyer and TGPL.
(e)      "Buyer's FT Agreement" shall mean Buyer's agreement(s) with TGPL, as
         may be in effect from time to time, for firm transportation of gas from
         the TGPL receipt points to Buyer's city gate.
(f)      "Contract Year" shall mean a period of twelve (12) consecutive months
         beginning at 7:00 a.m. (C.S.T.) on November 1 and extending until 7:00
         a.m. (C.S.T.) on the next November 1.
(g)      "Daily Contract Maximum" or "DCM" shall be equal to the sum of 20,000
         dt of gas per day


         plus the quantity of gas retained by TGPL for compressor fuel and line
         loss makeup, as such quantity may change from time to time during the
         term of this agreement.
(h)      "Day" shall mean a period beginning at 7:00 a.m. (C.S.T.) on a calendar
         day and ending at 7:00 a.m. (C.S.T.) on the next calendar day.
(i)      "Dekatherm" or "dt" shall mean the quantity of heat energy which is one
         (1) MMBtu.
(j)      "FERC" shall mean the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
(k)      "Gas" or "natural gas" shall include casinghead gas produced with crude
         oil, natural gas from gas wells, coalbed methane gas, synthetic gas, 
         coal gasification gas and residue gas resulting from processing any of
         the foregoing.
(1)      "Load Factor" for the Contract Year shall mean the percentage which is
         obtained by dividing the aggregate of the daily quantities purchased by
         Buyer hereunder during a Contract Year by the Annual Contract Maximum.
         "Load Factor" for the Summer Period shall mean the percentage which is
         obtained by dividing the aggregate of the daily quantities purchased by
         Buyer hereunder during the Summer Period by a number equal to the DCM
         multiplied  by  the  number  of  days  in  the  Summer  Period.  Makeup
         quantities  taken  pursuant to Section 4.05 shall not be included for
         purposes of calculating Load Factor.
(m)      "Mcf"  shall mean one  thousand  (1,000)  cubic feet of natural gas and
         "MMcf" shall mean one million (1,000,000) cubic feet of natural gas.
(n)      "MMBTU" shall mean one million (1,000,000) British Thermal Units.
(o)      "Month" shall mean a period beginning at 7:00 a.m.(C.S.T.) on the
         first day of a calendar month and ending at 7:00 a.m.(C.S.T.) on the
         first day of the next calendar month.
(p)      "Pricing Point" shall mean Buyer's city gate or such other point as may
         be agreed upon by the parties.
(q)      "Redetermination Date" shall mean November 1, 1992 and November 1 of 
         second year thereafter during the term hereof.
(r)      "Summer Period" shall mean the period commencing at 7:00 a.m. (C.S.T.)
         on April 1 and ending at 7:00 a.m. (C.S.T.) on November 1 of each
         Contract Year.
(s)      "TGPL" shall mean Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation.
(t)      "TGPL receipt points" shall mean TGPL  Compressor  Stations 30, 45, 50,
         and 62, or other established TGPL mainline pooling points.
(u)      "Third party seller(s)" shall mean the party or parties from whom 
         Seller purchases gas.
(v)      "Transporter" shall mean any pipeline company which provides any
         portion of the transportation of the gas purchased  hereunder from the
         points of delivery stated in Article Vl to Buyer's city gate.

(w)      "Transporter's Tariff" shall mean the currently effective tariff of
         Transporter filed with the FERC.
(x)      "Year" shall  mean a  period  of  three hundred sixty-five (365)
         consecutive days with a one day adjustment for leap years.
                                   ARTICLE II
                          GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORIZATIONS
         2.01 Each of the parties hereto agrees to proceed with diligence in a
good faith effort to obtain, cause to be obtained or to assist the other party
in obtaining all such governmental authorizations as may be necessary to enable
each party to perform or cause to be performed its obligations under this
                                  ARTICLE III
                            RESERVATIONS OF SELLER
         3.01  Subject to the other terms and provisions of this agreement,
Seller expressly reserves unto itself the right, at its sole cost and expense,
to separate and extract liquid and liquefiable hydrocarbons, other than methane,
from the gas upstream of TGPL Compressor Station 65 located in St. Helena
Parish, Louisiana, together with such methane as cannot be separated from the
ethane and heavier  hydrocarbons  separated or extracted from the gas, provided
that such extraction (i) shall not reduce the total heating value per cubic foot
below a level acceptable to Transporter; (ii) shall not render the gas incapable
of meeting the quality  specifications  described in Article IX; and (iii) shall
not cause the total number of dekatherms received by Buyer at its city gate to
be less than the number of dekatherms purchased at the point of delivery
(excluding gas retained  by TGPL for fuel and line loss).  All liquid and
liquefiable hydrocarbons so recovered shall belong to Seller.  Notwithstanding
Article XVI hereof, Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from all
claims, liability, damages, and  expenses which may occur or be asserted by
reason of Seller's processing of gas hereunder.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                                QUANTITY OF GAS
         4.01  Subject to the other terms and provisions of this agreement,
beginning on the date deliveries commence hereunder, and daily throughout the
term  hereof, Seller agrees to make available to Buyer at the point(s) of
delivery a quantity of gas equal to the Daily Contract Maximum ("DCM") or such
lesser quantity as Buyer may nominate and schedule hereunder.  Anything to the
contrary notwithstanding, Seller shall not be obligated to make available to
Buyer during any Contract Year any quantities in excess of the Annual Contract
         4.02     On or before the day before the date nominations are due under
 the terms of

Transporter's Tariff ("Nomination Due Date"), Buyer shall nominate to Seller the
maximum daily  quantity of gas (up to the DCM) which Buyer  anticipates  it will
purchase in the ensuing month ("Nominated Quantity"). If Buyer fails to nominate
any quantity of gas on or before the Nomination Due Date,  Buyer shall be deemed
to have nominated a quantity equal to the DCM for such month.
         4.03 (a) If in any Summer Period Buyer fails to purchase a quantity of
gas (the "Summer Period Minimum Quantity") equal to at least forty percent (40%)
of the DCM  multiplied by the number of days in the Summer Period, Buyer shall
pay  Seller in  accordance with (i) or (ii) below, which  choice shall be at
Buyer's sole discretion:
                  (i)      a Deficiency Charge ("DC") calculated as follows:
                           DC = (SMQ - SQ) (SWACP)(.10)
         or       (ii)     a Prepayment Charge ("PC") calculated as follows:
                           PC = (SMQ - SQ) (SWACP)
         where:            SMQ              = Summer Period Minimum Quantity,
                           SQ               = total quantities purchased here-
                                              under during the Summer
                                              Period, and
                           SWACP            = Summer Weighted Average Commodity
                                            Price, the weighted average of all
                                            Commodity  Prices, as defined in
                                            Article VIII, in effect during the
                                            Summer Period (weighted by the
                                            number of days each such  price was
                                            in effect).
        (b) If in any Contract Year Buyer fails to purchase a quantity of gas
(the "Contract Year Minimum Quantity") equal to at least sixty percent (60%) of
the DCM multiplied by the number of days in the Contract Year,  Buyer shall pay
Seller either:
                  (i)      a Deficiency Charge calculated as follows:
                           DC = (CYMQ - CYQ) (CYWACP)(.20)
         or       (ii)     a Prepayment Charge calculated as follows:
                           PC = (CYMQ - CYQ) (CYWACP)
         where:            CYMQ             = Contract Year Minimum Quantity.
                           CYQ              =   total quantities purchased
                                            hereunder during the Contract Year.

                           CYWACP           =  Contract Year Weighted Average
                                            Commodity Price, the weighted
                                            average of all Buyer's monthly
                                            Commodity Prices, as defined in
                                            Article VIII, in effect during the
                                            Contract Year (weighted by the
                                            number of days each such price was
                                            in effect).

         (c) If Buyer fails to purchase the Summer Period Minimum Quantity and
the Contract Year Minimum Quantity in the same Contract Year, Buyer shall be
required to pay Deficiency or Prepayment Charges for both the Summer Period and
the Contract Year in accordance with Sections 4.03(a) and (b), provided,
however, for purposes of determining the total quantities purchased hereunder
for the Contract Year, Buyer shall be deemed to have purchased the Summer Period
Minimum Quantity during such Summer Period.
         (d) Payment by Buyer of a  Deficiency Charge for a Summer Period or a
Contract Year pursuant to Section 4.03(a) or (b) shall fully satisfy the
obligation of Buyer to purchase the applicable minimum quantity and the
obligation of Seller to deliver such quantity, and neither party shall have any
remaining quantity obligation or rights as to such Summer Period or Contract
         4.04 If Buyer fails, for reasons other than Force Majeure or adverse
governmental action as defined below, to purchase the Contract Year Minimum
Quantity for two consecutive Contract Years, Seller shall be entitled, at its
sole option, to reduce the Annual Contract Maximum by up to the average
percentage by which Buyer's purchases were deficient during such two year
period.  Such deficiency percentage shall be calculated by subtracting the
average actual Load Factor over such two (2) year period from sixty percent
(60%). Buyer's adjusted Annual Contract Maximum shall be calculated as set forth
on Attachment "A" hereto.
         4.05 If Buyer shall have failed to purchase  the Summer Period and/or
Contract Year Minimum Quantities specified in Section 4.03 and has paid a
Prepayment Charge for such gas

pursuant to Section 4.03(a)(ii) or 4.03(b)(ii)("Prepaid Gas"), Buyer shall have
the right, during the remaining term of this agreement, to receive makeup gas
equal to the quantity for which Buyer prepaid, subject to the provisions of this
section.  Subject to the nomination requirements of Section 4.02, Buyer may
receive such makeup gas at any time after that point in the Contract Year at
which  Buyer has  purchased the Summer Period and Contract Year Minimum
Quantities, or on any day during the Contract Year after Buyer has purchased the
DCM on such day (provided  Seller elects to make  available gas in excess of the
DCM). Seller or Buyer, as applicable,  shall account for any difference in price
between that at which a Prepayment  Charge was paid and that  applicable  at the
time makeup gas is taken. Gas shall be deemed made up on a "first in, first out"
basis.  The gas so made up during  any  subsequent  Contract  Year  shall not be
considered  purchased in such Contract Year for purposes of determining  whether
Buyer has purchased the Summer Period or Contract Year Minimum Quantity.  In the
event Buyer chooses to prepay and make up deficiency quantities,  any quantities
of gas  purchased  by Buyer in  subsequent  periods  that are in  excess  of the
applicable Minimum Quantities and any quantities which are purchased by Buyer in
excess of the DCM on any day shall be  considered  makeup  quantities  until all
quantities  of Prepaid Gas are made up. The foregoing  notwithstanding,  Buyer's
rights to make up Prepaid Gas shall not obligate Seller to deliver gas in excess
of the DCM on any day or in excess of the ACM in any Contract  Year, or serve to
extend the term of this agreement,  and all of Buyer's rights to make up Prepaid
Gas shall cease upon the termination of this agreement.  If upon  termination of
this  agreement,  Buyer has not made up all Prepaid Gas,  Seller  shall,  within
thirty (30) days after receipt of Buyer's invoice,  pay to Buyer an amount equal
to all Prepayment Charges paid by Buyer for the Prepaid Gas not made up, less an
amount  equal to the  Deficiency  Charges  that would have been  payable on such
quantities  based on the Commodity Price  applicable at the time such gas should
have been taken.
         4.06     (a)      If on any day Seller fails to deliver any portion of
the gas nominated and

scheduled by Buyer for delivery in accordance  with this Article IV, Buyer shall
use reasonable efforts to replace such gas from other sources at the lowest cost
reasonably  available to Buyer.  If Buyer is able to replace such gas from other
sources,  then Seller shall pay to Buyer,  as Buyer's sole and exclusive  remedy
for such failure to deliver (in addition to the adjustments specified in Section
8.03), liquidated damages in an amount equal to:
                  (i)      the excess, if any, of
                           (a)      the price per dekatherm reasonably paid by
                                    Buyer for such replacement gas, such price
                                    to be adjusted if necessary for pricing
                                    point comparability,
                  over     (b)      the effective price per dekatherm (including
                                    commodity charges and excluding reservation
                                    charges) that would have been applicable to
                                    such gas hereunder,
multiplied by
                  (ii)     the difference between
                           (a)      the quantity of gas so nominated and
                                    scheduled by Buyer, and (b) the quantity of
                                    gas actually delivered hereunder.
                           (b)      the quantity of gas actually delivered
If the price paid by Buyer for such  replacement  gas (as  described  in Section
4.06(a)(i)(a))  does not exceed the  effective  contract  price (as described in
Section 4.06(a)(i)(b)),  Buyer shall not be entitled to receive any damages from
Seller. If Buyer, in its reasonable  discretion,  replaces such gas from its own
supplies of gas in storage,  Buyer shall so advise  Seller and Seller may elect,
in lieu of paying the liquidated damages specified in this paragraph, to replace
such gas within Buyer's  storage  rights at a time  specified by Buyer.  At such
time Seller shall also reimburse Buyer for any injection and withdrawal  charges
or costs paid or incurred by Buyer in connection with the withdrawal and use of

Buyer's storage gas and the injection of replacement gas supplied by Seller.  In
such case, Seller's  replacement of such gas and reimbursement of such injection
and  withdrawal  charges or costs (in addition to the  adjustments  specified in
Section 8.03) shall  constitute  Buyer's sole and exclusive  remedy for Seller's
failure to deliver gas hereunder.
        (b) If on any  day  Seller  fails  to  deliver  any  portion  of the gas
nominated and  scheduled by Buyer for delivery in  accordance  with this Article
IV, and if Buyer is unable to replace such gas from other  sources,  then Seller
shall pay to Buyer,  as Buyer's  sole and  exclusive  remedy for such failure to
deliver (in addition to the adjustments  specified in Section 8.03),  liquidated
damages in an amount  equal to the  applicable  Commodity  Price (as  defined in
Article  VIII)  multiplied  by the  difference  between  the  quantity of gas so
nominated and scheduled by Buyer and the quantity of gas actually delivered.
        (c) Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, the provisions of Sections
4.06(a) and (b) and Section 8.03 shall not apply if Seller's  failure to deliver
is due to a force majeure condition or an adverse  governmental  action, as such
terms  are  defined  below,  or the  failure  of  Buyer  to  provide  sufficient
transportation capacity pursuant to Section 12.02(a).
         4.07 Buyer shall timely provide to Seller all nomination and scheduling
information  required by  Transporter  in connection  with the quantities of gas
Buyer desires to purchase  hereunder.  Buyer shall notify Seller by telephone of
all changes in its daily  scheduled  quantities  sufficiently in advance so that
Seller may comply with Transporter's  advance notice  requirements.  Buyer shall
take gas as nearly as  practicable  at uniform  hourly rates of flow, at uniform
daily deliveries and in conformance with any requirements of Transporter subject
to Article XII.
                                      ARTICLE V
                                  DELIVERY PRESSURE
5.01 Seller shall deliver natural gas to Buyer at Transporter's line pressure at
the point(s) of delivery

designated in Article VI hereof.
                                     ARTICLE VI
                           POINTS OF DELIVERY AND OWNERSHIP
         6.01 The  point(s) of delivery  for gas  purchased  and sold  hereunder
shall  be at the  interconnection  of the  facilities  of  Transporter  with the
facilities of third party sellers at Seller's  sources of gas.  Title shall pass
to Buyer at such point(s) of delivery.
                                     ARTICLE VII
                                  TERM OF AGREEMENT
         7.01 Subject to the other  provisions  hereof,  this agreement shall be
effective  on November  1, 1990 and shall  remain in full force and effect for a
primary term ending  November 1, 2000.  Beyond the primary term,  this agreement
shall  extend on a year to year  basis,  unless  terminated  upon six (6) months
prior written notice by either party.
                                     ARTICLE VIII
         8.01 Subject to the other  provisions  of this  agreement,  for all gas
purchased  hereunder in a month, the Base Contract Price at the Pricing Point(s)
shall be equal to the sum of:
         (a)      eighteen cents ($.18) plus the arithmetic average of the
                  (i)      the weighted average of the average prices for gas
                           delivered into TGPL for the week of publication, at
                           Wharton County, Texas - Station 30
         8.04     The Commodity Bill for each month shall be equal to the 
Commodity Price multiplied by the total quantity of gas purchased by Buyer
hereunder during such month. The Commodity  Price for a month shall be equal to
eighty  percent (80%) of the Base Contract Price for such month.  An example of
the  calculation of the Demand and Commodity Bills and adjustments thereto is
outlined in Attachment "B" hereto.

         8.05 (a)  Either  party  may  initiate  a  redetermination  of the Base
Contract Price and/or the rate design (the "applicable  price  component(s)") by
delivering written notice to the other party on or before the 60th day prior to
the next  Redetermination  Date  ("Redetermination  Notice").  If neither  party
receives a  Redetermination  Notice on or before such 60th day,  the  applicable
price  component(s)  then in effect  shall remain in effect for the next two (2)
year period commencing on the Redetermination Date.
                  (b) If either party  receives a  Redetermination  Notice on or
before  such 60th day,  the parties  shall  commence  negotiating  in good faith
within  five  (5)  days of such  notice  to  redetermine  the  applicable  price
component(s).  If the parties fail to reach agreement within twenty (20) days of
such notice,  any remaining disputed matters shall be referred to the respective
chief  executive  officers  of Seller and Buyer for  resolution.  lf the parties
reach  agreement,  the  redetermined  applicable  price  components shall become
effective on the Redetermination  Date. If said chief executive officers fail to
reach   agreement  on  or  before  the   thirtieth   (30th)  day  prior  to  the
Redetermination  Date,  either  party may  terminate  this  agreement  by giving
written notice to the other party. In such event, this agreement shall terminate
on the one hundred-fiftieth (150th) day from the date such notice of termination
is  received,  and the  applicable  price  components  in  effect  prior  to the
Redetermination Date shall remain in effect until such termination.
         8.06 On any day in which the Commodity  Price is not  competitive  with
the applicable  residual fuel oil price, Buyer shall be deemed to have purchased
the DCM for purposes of  determining  whether Buyer  purchased the Summer Period
and Contract Year Minimum Quantities, regardless of the quantity of gas actually
purchased  by buyer on such day.  For purposes of this  section,  the  Commodity
Price ("CP"),  shall be considered  competitive with the residual fuel oil price
                  (CP + GRFT) x.95 exceeds{RFR} OVER {6.287}

                  GRFT              = applicable gross receipt and franchise and
                                    sales taxes
                  RFR               = a residual fuel oil reference price which
                                    shall be the low quote for estimated
                                    Wilmington, North Carolina spot cargo prices
                                    for No. 6 - 2.9%  sulphur high pour residual
                                    fuel oil published in the most recent
                                    Platt's Oilgram Price Report.

                                    ARTICLE IX
                                  QUALITY OF GAS
         9.01 (a) The gas delivered  hereunder shall be  merchantable  gas which
shall  comply  with the  quality  requirements  stated in the  tariff(s)  of the
Transporter(s) transporting the gas purchased and sold hereunder.
                                    ARTICLE X
                            METERING AND MEASUREMENT
         10.01 The unit of measurement of the gas shall be one dekatherm of gas.
The gas  delivered  hereunder  shall be  measured  and  metered  by the  initial
Transporter  at  Seller's  sources  of gas in  accordance  with the  provisions,
specifications and standards set forth in said Transporter's  tariff. Each party
shall preserve or cause to be preserved for at least one (1) year all test data,
charts,  allocation statements and other similar records available to it, unless
a longer period is prescribed by applicable regulation.
                                    ARTICLE XI
                                BILLING AND PAYMENT
         11.01  On the  first  day of the  month  following  the  month in which
deliveries  commence  hereunder  and on the first day of each month  thereafter,
Seller shall render to Buyer a statement of the Reservation Charge for the prior
month. Such statement shall include adjustments, if any, which may be calculated
pursuant to Article VIII. Buyer shall pay Seller the Reservation  Charge by wire
transfer to Seller's  account at Citibank,  N.A.  (account  number  specified on
invoices)  on or before the tenth  (10th) day of each month or the tenth  (10th)
day following Buyer's receipt of the Reservation Charge statement,  whichever is
         11.02    On or before the tenth (10th) day of each month, Seller shall
render to Buyer a

statement showing the quantities of gas delivered by Seller during the preceding
month and the Commodity Charge  therefor,  as well as the amount and description
of any deficiency  charges owed by or liquidated damages owed to Buyer hereunder
for the preceding month.  Buyer shall pay Seller the amount of such statement by
wire transfer to Seller's account at Citibank, N.A. (account number specified on
invoices)  on or before  the  twentieth  (20th)  day of each  month or the tenth
(10th) day following the date of Buyer's receipt of such statement, whichever is
later;  provided,  however,  if any payment date is a Saturday,  Sunday or legal
holiday,  such payment  shall be due on the business day  immediately  following
such payment date.
         11.03  Liquidated  damages owed by Seller pursuant to the terms of this
agreement  for any month  shall be credited  against  Buyer's  Commodity  Charge
statement in the next month and against  Reservation Charge and Commodity Charge
statements in subsequent month(s) as necessary.
         11.04 If Buyer fails to pay any statement in whole or in part when due,
in addition to any other rights or remedies  available to Seller,  interest at a
rate equal to the prime rate of Citibank,  N.A. or its  successor  plus 2% shall
accrue  on  unpaid  amounts,  including  on unpaid  interest  compounded  daily,
beginning  on the payment due date of  Seller's  statement  and ending when such
statement is paid. The preceding  provisions of this Article XI notwithstanding,
if a legitimate good faith dispute arises between Buyer and Seller  concerning a
statement,  Buyer shall pay that portion of the  statement  not in dispute on or
before such due date,  and,  upon the  ultimate  determination  of the  disputed
portion of the statement,  Buyer shall pay Seller the remaining amount owed plus
the interest accrued thereon.  All disputes  regarding  quantities  delivered to
Buyer's city gate shall be resolved by reference to the  measurement  charts and
records of TGPL at Buyer's city gate.
         11.05 Upon  request,  either  party  shall mail or deliver to the other
party for  verification  and calculation all charts,  allocation  statements and
other  documents  used in the  measurement  of gas  delivered  hereunder (to the
extent such charts are available to the party receiving such request) within ten
(10) days after the last  charge for each  billing  period is received by Buyer.
Such  charts,  statements  or documents  shall be returned to the sender  within
thirty (30) days.

                                    ARTICLE XII
         12.01    Seller shall arrange for the transportation of the gas sold
hereunder from the point(s) of delivery to the TGPL receipt points. Any
provision herein to the contrary notwithstanding, as part

of Seller's  obligation to arrange such  transportation,  Seller shall indemnify
and hold Buyer  harmless  from all  injuries,  claims,  liabilities  and damages
irrespective  of the cause thereof (other than Buyer's  negligence)  which arise
out of or in  connection  with  the  gas or the  handling  thereof  during  such
         12.02 (a) The gas will be  transported  from the TGPL receipt points to
the  Pricing  Point  under  Buyer's FT  Agreement.  Buyer  shall  maintain  firm
transportation  capacity  with TGPL from the TGPL receipt  points to the Pricing
Point in an amount at least equivalent to the DCM plus applicable fuel and shall
make such capacity available for the transportation of all quantities  scheduled
hereunder.  Specifically,  at each TGPL receipt point Buyer shall make available
firm capacity equal to Buyer's  allocated DCM capacity at such point, and Seller
shall  deliver a  quantity  of gas equal to the  quantity  Buyer  nominates  and
schedules to be delivered at such point;  provided,  however,  that from time to
time Buyer and Seller may agree that the portion of the Nominated Quantity to be
delivered  hereunder  in the  ensuing  month at one or more of the TGPL  receipt
point(s)  shall be greater than Buyer's  allocated DCM capacity at such point(s)
if such additional firm capacity is available to Buyer,  and that the portion to
be delivered to other TGPL receipt point(s) in such month shall be less. If such
modified  allocation  is agreed to, it shall be used to  determine  the weighted
averages  described in Section  8.01.  If Buyer and Seller fail to agree to such
modified allocation on or before the seventh (7th) day prior to the first day of
the ensuing  month,  the gas scheduled by Buyer in such month shall be delivered
to the TGPL  receipt  points on a  pro-rata  basis in  accordance  with  Buyer's
allocated DCM capacity at each such point. Any other provision in this agreement
notwithstanding,  if Seller has made the  quantities  of gas  scheduled by Buyer
available  for delivery at the TGPL receipt  points in  accordance  with Buyer's
allocated  DCM  capacity  or such  modified  allocation  as the parties may have
agreed to, then to the extent Buyer fails to make  sufficient  firm  capacity on
the TGPL system  available to receive and transport  such  quantities,  Seller's
obligation  to  deliver  any  quantities  in  excess of the firm  capacity  made
available to Seller by Buyer shall be subject to and limited by the availability
of interruptible  transportation on the TGPL system,  if firm  transportation is
not otherwise available.
         (b)  Seller  shall  reimburse  or credit  Buyer for all TGPL  commodity
charges  which  are  incurred  by  Buyer  under  Buyer's  FT  Agreement  for the
transportation of gas purchased hereunder to the Pricing Point.
         12.04    Buyer and Seller shall cooperate to adjust any discrepancy
among (a) the quantity

allocated at Seller's  sources of gas,  (b) the quantity  scheduled by Buyer and
(c) the  quantity  allocated  as Seller's  gas at Buyer's city gate by the final
         12.05 Without waiver of any other  remedies,  in the event any charges,
penalties,  costs or expenses are incurred or payable to Transporter as a result
of Seller's  failure to give Buyer timely  notice of any increase or decrease in
daily  quantities to be delivered at any point of delivery or TGPL receipt point
from the quantities  nominated and scheduled by-Buyer in accordance with Article
IV, Seller shall be responsible for such charges, penalties, costs or expenses.
         12.06 Without waiver of any other  remedies,  in the event any charges,
penalties,  costs or expenses are incurred or payable to Transporter as a result
of Buyer's  failure to give Seller  timely notice of any increase or decrease in
daily  quantities to be accepted at any TGPL receipt point or Pricing Point from
the quantities  nominated and scheduled by Buyer in accordance  with Article IV,
Buyer shall be responsible for such charges,, penalties, costs or expenses.
         12.07 For the  purpose  of  Sections  12.05 and 12.06,  notice  will be
deemed  timely  if,  under the  circumstances,  it should  have  given the party
receiving such notice reasonably  sufficient time to notify  Transporter of such
changes in  quantities  by the time  required  under the terms of  Transporter's
tariff to avoid imposition of a penalty or charge.

                                  ARTICLE XIII
                             GOVERNMENTAL REGULATIONS
         13.01 This agreement  shall be subject to all valid  applicable  state,
federal and local  laws,  rules and  regulations;  provided,  that either  party
hereto shall be entitled to regard all laws, rules and regulations issued by any
federal or state  regulatory  body as valid and may act in accordance  therewith
until such time as the same may be held invalid by final  judgment in a court of
competent  jurisdiction.  Nothing  herein  shall be taken to  preclude  Buyer or
Seller or both from  contesting  the  validity  of any such  law(s),  rule(s) or
         13.02 In the event that the FERC,  Congress  or any other  governmental
body  asserting  jurisdiction   ("governmental  authority")  (i)  imposes  price
controls  on natural gas (ii)  prohibits  or  prevents  any of the  transactions
described in (a) this  agreement,  (b) any agency  agreement  between  Buyer and
Seller or (c) any  transportation  agreement  between  Transporter  and Buyer or
Seller  covering  the  transportation  of the  gas  delivered  hereunder;  (iii)
directly or indirectly  materially and adversely conditions such transactions in
a form that is unacceptable in the sole judgment of the party

affected thereby,  or (iv) adopts any law, action,  rule or order which directly
or indirectly,  materially and adversely affects a party's rights or obligations
hereunder,  (each of the events  described  above being referred to herein as an
"adverse governmental  action"),  then the party hereto affected by such adverse
governmental   action  (the  "affected  party")  may  terminate  this  agreement
effective as of the effective date of such adverse governmental action by giving
written  notice of  termination  to the other  party.  However,  if such adverse
governmental  action becomes  effective in any month from October  through April
inclusive,  upon Buyer's request, Seller shall continue to deliver gas hereunder
until the following May 1,  provided  that:  (A) Buyer or Seller can arrange the
necessary transportation;  (B) Buyer shall agree in writing to keep Seller whole
on a monthly  basis with respect to all  increased  costs Seller may incur by so
continuing  to  perform  this  agreement;  (C) so  continuing  to  perform  this
agreement  will not result in Seller being  subject to the  jurisdiction  of the
FERC or any successor  governmental  authority beyond that in effect on the date
of this agreement,  and (D) Seller is able to obtain sufficient  supplies of gas
to satisfy Buyer's requirements  hereunder without affecting Seller's ability to
fulfill Seller's other firm sales contract obligations that are not suspended by
such  adverse  governmental  action.  If  conditions  (A),  (B)  and (C) of this
paragraph are satisfied but, due to such adverse governmental action,  Seller is
unable to obtain sufficient supplies of gas to satisfy Buyer's  requirements and
meet all of Seller's other firm sales obligations,  then Buyer shall be entitled
to receive,  until the  following  May 1, such  proportion  of the total reduced
quantity Seller is able to make available at each TGPL receipt point, if any, as
Buyer's nominated  quantity for each such receipt point bears to the sum of such
nominated  quantity  under this  agreement  and the nominated  quantities  under
Seller's other firm contracts for such TGPL receipt point.  Any provision herein
to  the  contrary   notwithstanding,   the  affected  party  may  terminate  its
performance of this  agreement  effective  immediately if continued  performance
hereof would cause such party to be in violation of any enforceable law, action,
rule, order or regulation under this article.
                                  ARTICLE XIV
                                 FORCE MAJEURE
         14.01 No failure or delay in performance,  whether in whole or in part,
by either  Seller  or Buyer  shall be  deemed  to be a breach  hereof  when such
failure or delay is occasioned by or due to any acts of God, strikes,  lockouts,
or other  industrial  disturbances,  acts of the public enemy,  sabotage,  wars,
blockades,  insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightning, earthquakes,
floods, storms,

fires,   washouts,   arrests  and  restraints  of  rulers  and  peoples,   civil
disturbances,  explosions,  breakage or accident to  machinery or lines of pipe,
hydrate  obstructions  of lines  of pipe,  lack of  pipeline  capacity  due to a
declared  force  majeure event  experienced  by  Transporter  affecting the firm
transportation of gas hereunder, repairs, maintenance,  improvement, replacement
or  alterations  to  plants,  lines of pipe or  related  facilities,  partial or
complete  failure to perform by persons  transporting  or storing  gas on a firm
basis for  Buyer or  Seller,  inability  of  either  party to  obtain  necessary
machinery,  materials  or  permits  or to  obtain  easements  or  rights of way,
freezing of a well or delivery facility, well blowouts, the act of any court or
governmental  authority,  or  any  other  cause,  whether  of  the  kind  herein
enumerated or otherwise, not reasonably within the control of the party claiming
suspension and which, by the exercise of due diligence,  such party is unable to
prevent  or  overcome;  provided,  however,  that the  settlement  of strikes or
lockouts  shall be  entirely  within  the  discretion  of the party  having  the
difficulty,  and the  requirement  that any force majeure shall be remedied with
the  exercise  of  diligence  shall not  require  the  settlement  of strikes or
lockouts by acceding  to the  demands of  opposing  parties  when such course is
inadvisable in the discretion of the party having difficulty.
         14.02 Such causes or  contingencies  affecting the  performance of this
agreement  by any  party  hereto,  however,  shall  not  relieve  such  party of
liability  in the  event of its  negligence  or in the event of its  failure  to
remedy the  situation  and remove the cause in an  adequate  manner and with all
reasonable  dispatch.  Nor shall  such  causes or  contingencies  affecting  the
performance  of this  agreement  relieve any party from its  obligations to make
payments of amounts when due. Nor shall such causes or contingencies relieve any
party of liability,  unless such party shall give notice and full particulars of
the same in writing or by telegraph to the other party as soon as possible after
the  occurrence  relied on, and like notice shall be given upon  termination  of
such force majeure conditions.
         14.03 If, due to force  majeure,  the gas  available  for  delivery  by
Seller is insufficient to meet all of Seller's firm, long-term sales obligations
(those with terms of one (1) year or longer),  Buyer shall not be  disadvantaged
relative to Seller's  other firm,  long term sales  commitments  with respect to
allocation  of supplies  of gas which could  reasonably  be  delivered  to Buyer
during the continuance of the force majeure.

                                    ARTICLE XV
                                WARRANTY OF TITLE
         15.01 Seller warrants title to all gas delivered by it, that it has the
right to sell or  deliver  the same,  and that  such gas is free from  liens and
adverse claims of every kind. Seller shall pay or cause to be paid all taxes and
other sums due on the  gathering  and  handling of the gas  delivered by Seller.
Seller  shall  indemnify  and save Buyer  harmless  from and  against all suits,
actions,  damages,  costs and expenses arising from or out of any breach of this
                                    ARTICLE XVI
         16.01 As between the parties  hereto,  Seller  shall be deemed to be in
exclusive  control and possession of the gas sold  hereunder  until such gas has
been  delivered to the  point(s) of  delivery,  after which point Buyer shall be
deemed to be in exclusive control and possession of such gas.
         16.02 The party deemed to be in control and  possession of the gas sold
hereunder  shall be  responsible  for and shall  indemnify  the other party with
respect to any claims, liabilities or damages arising therefrom when such gas is
in that party's control and possession.
                                    ARTICLE XVII
                                 GENERAL PROVISIONS
         17.01 Copies of any filing  submitted  to the FERC,  or to any state or
federal regulatory agency having jurisdiction,  and any notice, request, demand,
payment or  statement  provided  for in this  agreement  shall be in writing and
shall be directed to the address of the parties hereto as follows:

For Notices, Payment and Billing:
Public Service Company of North Carolina, Inc.
800 Cox Road
Gastonia, North Carolina 28053
Attention: Vice President - Gas Supply and Transportation

For Notices:
Transco Energy Marketing Company
P. O. Box 1396
Houston, Texas 77251

2800 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77056
Attention: Vice President - Gas Marketing & Operations
For Payment and Billings:
Transco Energy Marketing Company
P. O. Box 1396
Houston, Texas 77251
Attention: TEMCO Accounting

or at such other  address as either  party shall from time to time  designate by
correspondence to the other party.
         17.02 This  agreement  shall not be assignable by either party in whole
or in part,  except  with the  consent of the other  party,  which  shall not be
unreasonably  withheld.  This  agreement  shall  inure to the  benefit of and be
binding upon permitted successors and assigns.
         17.03  This  agreement  is for the sole and  exclusive  benefit  of the
parties hereto.  Except as otherwise provided in the Guaranty Agreement attached
hereto between Buyer and Transco Energy  Company,  nothing  expressed or implied
herein is intended to benefit any other person,  firm or corporation not a party
hereto and none of such other persons  shall have any legal or equitable  right,
remedy or claim under this agreement or under any provision hereof.
         17.04 This  agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement  between  the
parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof; supersedes all prior agreements
and  understandings,  whether  oral or  written,  which the  parties may have in
connection herewith;  and may not be modified except by written agreement of the
parties.  The parties and their legal counsel have cooperated in the drafting of
this  agreement  and it shall  therefore  be deemed their joint work product and
shall not be construed against either party by reason of its preparation.
         17.06 The parties acknowledge that this agreement contains commercially
sensitive  information  and each  party  agrees  that it will not,  without  the
written consent of the other,  disclose to any third party except Transco Energy
Company and Transco  Energy  Services  Company,  this  agreement or the terms or
provisions thereof except to the extent, and only to the extent, that disclosure
is  required  (a)  by  law  or  by  a  court  or  administrative  agency  having
jurisdiction over the

disclosing  party;  (b) to obtain  transportation  of the gas purchased and sold
hereunder; or (c) in the course of an audit of the disclosing party, and further
provided that upon learning that  disclosure is required by law or by a court or
administrative  agency,  the  party  required  to  make  such  disclosure  shall
immediately notify the other party and shall take all reasonable steps requested
by such other party to limit the extent of such disclosure.
         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this instrument is executed as of the day and year
first above written.
                                       TRANSCO ENERGY MARKETING

                                       By  /s/ W. Colin Harper
                                           Vice President -
                                           Gas Marketing and Operations

                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF
                                       NORTH CAROLINA, INCORPORATED

                                       By  /s/ Franklin H. Yoho
                                           Vice President -
                                           Gas Supply and Transportation