Washington, D.C.  20549

                                  FORM 10-Q

    EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 for the quarterly period ended March 27, 2004


    EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 for the transition period
    from ____________ to ______________

                        Commission File Number 0-981

                           PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.
              (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

          Florida                              59-0324412
- -------------------------------    -----------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of    (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

3300 Airport Road
Lakeland, Florida                                      33811
- ---------------------------------------              ---------
(Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code (863) 688-1188

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

Yes     X               No _______

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  Registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

Yes     X               No _______

The number of shares  outstanding of the  Registrant's  common stock,  $1.00 par
value, as of April 30, 2004 was 179,278,596.

                               Page 1 of 12 pages

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements
- -----------------------------

                            PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.
                 (Amounts are in thousands, except share amounts)

                                              March 27, 2004   December 27, 2003
                                              --------------   -----------------

Current Assets
- --------------
Cash and cash equivalents                       $  504,356             277,072
Short-term investments                              16,592              16,661
Trade receivables                                  248,456             241,101
Merchandise inventories                            985,629             981,456
Deferred tax assets                                 61,504              55,479
Prepaid expenses                                    15,455               9,778
                                                ----------          ----------

    Total Current Assets                         1,831,992           1,581,547
                                                ----------          ----------

Long-term investments                              444,983             380,852
Other noncurrent assets                              1,575               1,119
Property, plant and equipment                    5,197,084           5,140,811
  Less accumulated depreciation                 (2,021,561)         (1,953,612)
                                                ----------          ----------

    Net property, plant and equipment            3,175,523           3,187,199
                                                ----------          ----------

         Total Assets                           $5,454,073           5,150,717
                                                ==========          ==========


Current Liabilities
- -------------------
Accounts payable                                $  736,256             724,228
Accrued contribution to retirement plans           118,830             244,848
Accrued salaries and wages                         101,728              76,050
Accrued self-insurance reserves                    136,696             123,462
Federal and state income taxes                     124,168              12,508
Other                                              244,006             190,510
                                                ----------          ----------

    Total Current Liabilities                    1,461,684           1,371,606
                                                ----------          ----------

Deferred tax liabilities, net                      291,362             284,458
Self-insurance reserves                            210,191             202,737
Accrued postretirement benefit cost                 67,808              67,960
Other noncurrent liabilities                        60,065              54,646

Stockholders' Equity
- --------------------
Common stock of $1 par value.  Authorized
  300,000,000 shares; issued 180,929,954
  shares at March 27, 2004 and 178,369,413
  shares at December 27, 2003                      180,930             178,369
Additional paid-in capital                         630,981             494,154
Retained earnings                                2,614,642           2,492,759
                                                ----------          ----------
                                                 3,426,553           3,165,282
Less 1,357,653 treasury shares
  at March 27, 2004, at cost                       (69,919)                ---

Accumulated other comprehensive earnings             6,329               4,028
                                                ----------          ----------

    Total Stockholders' Equity                   3,362,963           3,169,310
                                                ----------          ----------

         Total Liabilities and Stockholders'
           Equity                               $5,454,073           5,150,717
                                                ==========          ==========

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                             PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.
          (Amounts are in thousands, except per share and share amounts)

                                                     Three Months Ended

                                              March 27, 2004      March 29, 2003
                                              --------------      --------------
- --------
Sales                                         $  4,657,585           4,304,214
Other operating income                              29,868              28,800
                                              ------------         -----------

    Total revenues                               4,687,453           4,333,014
                                              ------------         -----------

Costs and expenses
- ------------------
Cost of merchandise sold                         3,398,894           3,137,916
Operating and administrative expenses              975,229             907,705
                                              ------------         -----------

    Total costs and expenses                     4,374,123           4,045,621
                                              ------------         -----------

    Operating profit                               313,330             287,393
                                              ------------         -----------

Investment income, net                               6,403               5,192
Other income, net                                    4,544               5,509
                                              ------------         -----------

Earnings before income tax expense                 324,277             298,094

Income tax expense                                 120,881             110,986
                                              ------------         -----------

Net earnings                                  $    203,396             187,108
                                              ============         ===========

Weighted average number of common
  shares outstanding                           178,662,333         188,513,408
                                              ============         ===========

Basic and diluted earnings per common
  share based on weighted average shares
  outstanding                                 $       1.14                 .99
                                              ============         ===========

Cash dividends paid per common share                  none                none

                                    (Amounts are in thousands)

                                                     Three Months Ended

                                              March 27, 2004      March 29, 2003
                                              --------------      --------------

Net earnings                                  $    203,396             187,108

Other comprehensive earnings
Unrealized gain on investment
  securities available-for-sale,
  net of tax effect of $1,486 and
  $1,114 in 2004 and 2003, respectively              2,365               1,775

Reclassification adjustment for net
  realized (gain) loss on investment
  securities available-for-sale, net
  of tax effect of ($41) and $29
  in 2004 and 2003, respectively                       (64)                 45
                                              ------------         -----------

Comprehensive earnings                        $    205,697             188,928
                                              ============         ===========
See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                            PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.
                           (Amounts are in thousands)

                                                     Three Months Ended

                                              March 27, 2004      March 29, 2003
                                              --------------      --------------

Cash flows from operating activities
- ------------------------------------
  Cash received from customers                $  4,661,336           4,308,806
  Cash paid to employees and suppliers          (4,129,605)         (3,755,617)
  Dividends and interest received                    6,894               5,599
  Income taxes paid                                 (9,787)            (12,712)
  Payment for self-insured claims                  (45,242)            (49,465)
  Other operating cash receipts                     21,673              19,954
  Other operating cash payments                     (1,018)             (1,869)
                                              ------------          ----------

      Net cash provided by operating
          activities                               504,251             514,696
                                              ------------          ----------

Cash flows from investing activities
- ------------------------------------
  Payment for property, plant and
    equipment                                     (113,947)           (153,272)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant
    and equipment                                   27,713               1,539
  Payment for investment securities -
    available-for-sale (AFS)                       (71,326)            (66,468)
  Proceeds from sale and maturity of
    investment securities - AFS                      9,524              56,492
  Net proceeds from joint ventures
    and other investments                              995               1,524
  Other, net                                          (467)               (195)
                                              ------------          ----------

      Net cash used in investing activities       (147,508)           (160,380)
                                              ------------          ----------

Cash flows from financing activities
- ------------------------------------
  Proceeds from sale of common stock                24,234              22,475
  Payment for acquisition of common stock         (153,562)           (240,937)
  Other, net                                          (131)               (131)
                                              ------------          ----------

      Net cash used in financing activities       (129,459)           (218,593)
                                              ------------          ----------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents          227,284             135,723
                                              ------------          ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
  of period                                        277,072             207,523
                                              ------------          ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period    $    504,356             343,246
                                              ============          ==========

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.



                                 PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.
                                 (Amounts are in thousands)

                                                     Three Months Ended

                                              March 27, 2004      March 29, 2003
                                              --------------      --------------

Reconciliation of net earnings to net cash
  provided by operating activities

Net earnings                                    $  203,396             187,108

Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net
  cash provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization                   89,592              84,145
    Retirement contributions payable in
      common stock                                  61,436              63,062
    Deferred income taxes                             (566)              4,947
    Loss on sale of property, plant and
      equipment                                      8,329               2,791
    (Gain) loss on sale of investments                (105)                 74
    Self-insurance reserves in excess of
      current payments                              20,688              12,115
    Postretirement accruals less than
      current payments                                (152)               (225)
    Increase in advance purchase allowances            818                 724
    Other, net                                         596                 333
    Change in cash from:
      Trade receivables                             (7,355)            (11,940)
      Merchandise inventories                       (4,173)             12,174
      Prepaid expenses                              (5,677)             (1,115)
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses         25,764              67,176
      Federal and state income taxes               111,660              93,327
                                                ----------             -------

          Total adjustments                        300,855             327,588
                                                ----------             -------

Net cash provided by operating activities       $  504,251             514,696
                                                ==========             =======

See accompanying notes to condensed consolidated financial statements.


                            PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.

1. The accompanying  condensed consolidated financial statements included herein
   are  unaudited;  however,  in the  opinion of  management,  such  information
   reflects all adjustments  (consisting solely of normal recurring adjustments)
   which are necessary for the fair statement of results for the interim period.
   These  condensed   consolidated   financial  statements  should  be  read  in
   conjunction with the fiscal 2003 Form 10-K Annual Report of the Company.

2. Due to the seasonal  nature of the  Company's  business,  the results for the
   three  months  ended March 27,  2004 are not  necessarily  indicative  of the
   results for the entire 2004 fiscal year.

3. The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  accounting
   principles  generally  accepted  in the  United  States of  America  requires
   management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts
   of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities
   as of the  date of the  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts  of
   revenues and expenses  during the  reporting  period.  Actual  results  could
   differ from those estimates.

4. Certain  2003  amounts  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  with  the 2004

5. In January  2003,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (FASB) issued
   Interpretation  No. 46,  "Consolidation  of Variable  Interest  Entities,  an
   interpretation of ARB No. 51" (FIN 46). FIN 46 addresses the consolidation of
   entities whose equity holders (a) have not provided sufficient equity at risk
   to allow the  entity to  finance  its own  activities  or (b) do not  possess
   certain  characteristics of a controlling financial interest. FIN 46 requires
   the  consolidation  of these entities,  known as variable  interest  entities
   (VIEs), by the primary  beneficiary of the entity. The primary beneficiary is
   the  entity,  if any,  that is subject to a majority of the risk of loss from
   the VIEs'  activities,  entitled to receive a majority of the VIEs'  residual
   returns, or both. In December 2003, the FASB issued FIN 46(R), "Consolidation
   of Variable  Interest  Entities,"  which represents a revision to FIN 46. FIN
   46(R) provided  clarifications  to FIN 46 and excluded  certain entities from
   its scope. The requirements of FIN 46(R) for entities commonly referred to as
   special-purpose  entities  (SPEs) are  effective  for  periods  ending  after
   December  15,  2003.  The  requirements  for all other types of entities  are
   effective for periods  ending after March 15, 2004. The Company does not have
   any entities classified as VIEs or SPEs; therefore, the adoption of FIN 46(R)
   had no effect on the Company's financial condition,  results of operations or
   cash flows.


                            PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.

Item 2.  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Results of Operations
- ---------------------

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------

     Cash and cash equivalents and short-term and long-term  investments totaled
approximately  $965.9  million at March 27, 2004,  compared to $738.6 million at
March 29, 2003.  Net cash  provided by operating  activities  was  approximately
$504.3  million for the three months ended March 27, 2004, as compared to $514.7
million for the three months ended March 29, 2003. Any net cash in excess of the
amount needed for current  operations  is invested in  short-term  and long-term

     Net cash used in investing  activities was approximately $147.5 million for
the three  months ended March 27,  2004,  as compared to $160.4  million for the
three  months  ended March 29,  2003.  The primary use of net cash in  investing
activities was funding capital expenditures. During the three months ended March
27, 2004,  capital  expenditures  totaled  approximately  $113.9 million.  These
expenditures  were primarily  incurred in connection  with the opening of 11 net
new supermarkets (15 new supermarkets  opened and four supermarkets  closed) and
remodeling  or  expanding  15  supermarkets.   Net  new  supermarkets  added  an
additional  0.5 million  square feet in the three months ended March 27, 2004, a
1.3% increase.  Significant  expenditures were also incurred in the expansion of
warehouses and new or enhanced information technology  applications.  During the
three months ended March 29, 2003, capital  expenditures  totaled  approximately
$153.3 million.  These  expenditures were primarily  incurred in connection with
the  opening  of 14 net new  supermarkets  (16 new  supermarkets  opened and two
supermarkets  closed) and  remodeling  or expanding  ten  supermarkets.  Net new
supermarkets  added an  additional  0.7 million  square feet in the three months
ended  March 29,  2003,  a 2.1%  increase.  Significant  expenditures  were also
incurred  in  the  expansion  of  warehouses  and  new or  enhanced  information
technology applications.

     Capital expenditures for the remainder of 2004, primarily consisting of new
supermarkets,  remodeling and expanding certain existing supermarkets, expansion
of  warehouses  and new or enhanced  information  technology  applications,  are
expected to be approximately $386.1 million.  This capital program is subject to
continuing  change and review.  In the normal course of operations,  the Company
replaces  supermarkets and closes  supermarkets that are not meeting performance
expectations.  The impact of future  supermarket  closings is not expected to be

     Net cash used in financing  activities was approximately $129.5 million for
the three  months ended March 27,  2004,  as compared to $218.6  million for the
three  months  ended March 29,  2003.  The primary use of net cash in  financing
activities  was  funding net common  stock  repurchases.  The Company  currently
repurchases  common stock at the  stockholders'  request in accordance  with the
terms of the Company's  Employee  Stock Purchase  Plan,  Non-Employee  Directors
Stock Purchase Plan,  401(k) Plan and Employee Stock  Ownership Plan. Net common
stock  repurchases  totaled  approximately  $129.3  million for the three months
ended March 27, 2004,  as compared to $218.5  million for the three months ended
March 29, 2003. The amount of common stock offered to the Company for repurchase
is not  within the  control  of the  Company,  but is at the  discretion  of the
stockholders. The Company expects to continue to repurchase its common stock, as
offered by its stockholders  from time to time, at its then currently  appraised
value for amounts similar to those in prior years. However, such repurchases are
not required and the Company retains the right to discontinue them at any time.


     On March 3, 2004,  the  Company  declared  an annual  cash  dividend on its
common stock of $.45 per share or approximately  $80.8 million,  payable on June
1, 2004, to stockholders of record as of the close of business April 19, 2004.

     In December 2003, the Company  renewed an agreement for a committed line of
credit totaling $100 million.  This 364-day line of credit facility is available
to fund liquidity requirements if necessary. The interest rate is based on LIBOR
or prime.  There were no amounts  outstanding on this line of credit as of March
27, 2004.

     The cash requirements for 2004 current operations, capital expenditures and
common stock  repurchases  are expected to be financed by  internally  generated
funds,  liquid assets or the committed line of credit described above.  Based on
the Company's financial  position,  it is expected that short-term and long-term
borrowings  would be  readily  available  to  support  the  Company's  liquidity
requirements if needed.

Results of Operations
- ---------------------

     Sales for the three  months  ended  March 27,  2004,  were $4.7  billion as
compared to $4.3 billion for the three months ended March 29, 2003,  an increase
of  $353.4  million  or  an  8.2%   increase.   This  reflects  an  increase  of
approximately  $222.2 million or 5.2% from net new  supermarkets and an increase
of approximately  $131.2 million or 3% in comparable  store sales  (supermarkets
open for the same weeks in both  periods,  including  replacement  supermarkets)
since the beginning of the first quarter of 2003.

     Gross profit, as a percentage of sales, was approximately 27% and 27.1% for
the three months ended March 27, 2004 and March 29,  2003,  respectively.  Gross
profit for the three months ended March 27, 2004 remained  relatively  unchanged
compared to the three  months ended March 29,  2003.  During  2003,  the Company
modified its  calculation of cost of  merchandise  sold. The cost of merchandise
sold  calculation  was modified to improve the  comparability  of the  Company's
gross profit to others in the food retailing industry.

     Operating  and  administrative  expenses,  as a percentage  of sales,  were
approximately  20.9% and 21.1% for the three  months  ended  March 27,  2004 and
March 29,  2003,  respectively.  The decrease in  operating  and  administrative
expenses during the three month period ended March 27, 2004 was primarily due to
decreases  in  payroll  and  workers'  compensation  costs  partially  offset by
increases  in  utilities  and  health   insurance   costs.   The  operating  and
administrative  expenses,  as a percentage  of sales,  for the prior three month
period was  adjusted due to the  modification  of the cost of  merchandise  sold
calculation discussed above.

     Net earnings were $203.4  million or $1.14 per share and $187.1  million or
$.99 per share for the three  months  ended March 27,  2004 and March 29,  2003,


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
- ----------------------------------------------------

     From time to time, certain information  provided by the Company,  including
written  or  oral   statements   made  by  its   representatives,   may  contain
forward-looking information as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934.  Forward-looking  information  includes statements about the future
performance  of the  Company,  which is based on  management's  assumptions  and
beliefs in light of the information  currently available to them. When used, the
words  "plan,"  "estimate,"  "project,"  "intend,"  "believe"  and other similar
expressions,  as they relate to the  Company,  are  intended  to  identify  such
forward-looking  statements.  These  forward-looking  statements  are subject to
uncertainties  and other  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results to differ
materially  from those  statements  including,  but not limited to:  competitive
practices and pricing in the food and drug industries generally and particularly
in the Company's principal markets;  changes in the general economy;  changes in
consumer  spending;  and other factors  affecting  the Company's  business in or
beyond the  Company's  control.  These  factors  include  changes in the rate of
inflation,  changes in state and  Federal  legislation  or  regulation,  adverse
determinations  with respect to litigation  or other claims,  ability to recruit
and retain  employees,  ability to construct new stores or complete  remodels as
rapidly as planned and stability of product costs. Other factors and assumptions
not identified  above could also cause the actual  results to differ  materially
from those set forth in the forward-looking  statements.  The Company assumes no
obligation to update publicly these forward-looking statements.

Item 3.  Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

     The Company  does not utilize  financial  instruments  for trading or other
speculative purposes, nor does it utilize leveraged financial  instruments.  The
Company  does not  consider  to be  material  the  potential  losses  in  future
earnings,  fair values and cash flows from reasonably possible near-term changes
in interest rates.

Item 4.  Controls and Procedures
- --------------------------------

     As of the end of the period covered by this quarterly  report,  the Company
carried out an evaluation,  under the supervision and with the  participation of
the Company's  management,  including the Company's Chief Executive  Officer and
Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the
Company's  disclosure  controls  and  procedures  pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule
13a-15.  Based upon that evaluation,  the Chief Executive  Officer and the Chief
Financial  Officer  concluded  that  the  Company's   disclosure   controls  and
procedures  are  effective  in  timely  alerting  them to  material  information
relating to the Company (including its consolidated subsidiaries) required to be
included in the Company's periodic  Securities and Exchange  Commission filings.
There have been no significant  changes in the Company's  internal  control over
financial  reporting  during  the  quarter  ended  March  27,  2004,  that  have
materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, the internal
control over financial reporting.


                            PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.

                            PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.    Legal Proceedings
- ----------------------------

     As  reported in the  Company's  Form 10-K for the year ended  December  27,
2003,  the Company is a party in various legal claims and actions  considered in
the normal  course of  business.  In the  opinion of  management,  the  ultimate
resolution of these legal proceedings will not have a material adverse effect on
the Company's financial condition, results of operations or cash flows.

Item 2.    Changes in Securities, Use of Proceeds and Issuer Purchases of Equity
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Shares of common stock  repurchased  by the Company during the three months
ended March 27, 2004 were as follows:

                                                 Number of         Approximate
                                                  Shares           Dollar Value
                                                Purchased as        of Shares
                       Total       Average    Part of Publicly   that May Yet Be
                     Number of      Price        Announced       Purchased Under
                      Shares       Paid per      Plans or          the Plans or
Period               Purchased      Share        Programs(1)        Programs(1)
- ------               ---------      -----        -----------        -----------

December 28, 2003
January 31, 2004       527,230     $ 46.50          N/A                N/A

February 1, 2004
February 28, 2004      857,773       46.50          N/A                N/A

February 29, 2004
March 27, 2004       1,731,243       51.50          N/A                N/A
                     ---------     -------

  Total              3,116,246     $ 49.28          N/A                N/A
                     =========     =======

(1)   Common  stock is made  available  for sale only to the  Company's  current
      employees  and members of its Board of  Directors  through  the  Company's
      Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), Non-Employee Directors Stock Purchase
      Plan (Directors  Plan) and 401(k) Plan. In addition,  common stock is made
      available  under the Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan (ESOP).  The Company
      currently   repurchases   common  stock   subject  to  certain  terms  and
      conditions.  The ESPP,  Directors Plan,  401(k) Plan and ESOP each contain
      provisions  prohibiting  any  transfer  for value  without the owner first
      offering the common stock to the Company.

      The Company's common stock is not traded on any public stock exchange. The
      amount of common stock offered to the Company for repurchase is not within
      the control of the Company,  but is at the discretion of the stockholders.
      The Company  does not believe that these  repurchases  of its common stock
      are within the scope of a publicly announced plan or program (although the
      terms  of  the  plans  discussed  above  have  been  communicated  to  the
      participants).  Thus,  the Company  does not believe  that it has made any
      repurchases  during the three months  ended March 27, 2004  required to be
      disclosed in the last two columns of the table.


Item 3.    Defaults Upon Senior Securities
- ------------------------------------------

     Not Applicable.

Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
- --------------------------------------------------------------

     Not Applicable.

Item 5.    Other Information
- ----------------------------

     Not Applicable.

Item 6(a). Exhibits
- -------------------

      10.   Since the  filing  of the  Company's  Form  10-K for the year  ended
            December 27, 2003,  the Company has entered into an  Indemnification
            Agreement  with a new officer of the  Company.  The  Indemnification
            Agreement is in the same form of Indemnification  Agreement filed as
            an exhibit to the  Company's  Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended March
            31, 2001. Such subsequent indemnified officer is listed as follows:

                  Alfred J. Ottolino

      31.1  Certification  Pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of

      31.2  Certification  Pursuant to Section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of

      32.1  Certification  Pursuant  to  18  U.S.C.  Section  1350,  as  Adopted
            Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

      32.2  Certification  Pursuant  to  18  U.S.C.  Section  1350,  as  Adopted
            Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


Item 6(b). Reports on Form 8-K
- ------------------------------

     The Company  filed a report on Form 8-K on March 5, 2004,  pursuant to Item
12 ("Results of Operations  and Financial  Condition"),  attaching the Company's
press release dated March 1, 2004.

     The Company filed a report on Form 8-K on May 4, 2004,  pursuant to Item 12
("Results of Operations and Financial Condition"), attaching the Company's press
release dated May 3, 2004.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                          PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.

Date:  May 4, 2004        /s/ John A. Attaway, Jr.
                          John A. Attaway, Jr., Secretary

Date:  May 4, 2004        /s/ David P. Phillips
                          David P. Phillips, Chief Financial Officer
                          and Treasurer (Principal Financial and
                          Accounting Officer)
