Exhibit 3.1

              This composite of the Restated Articles of Incorporation of Publix
              Super Markets, Inc. (the Corporation) reflects the provisions of
              the Corporation's Restated Articles of Incorporation as restated
              on June 25, 1979 as amended by (i) Articles of Amendment dated
              February 22, 1984, (ii) Articles of Amendment dated June 24, 1992,
              (iii) Articles of Amendment dated June 4, 1993, and (iv) Articles
              of Amendment dated April 18, 2006.

                           PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS, INC.

                    Pursuant to Florida Statute 607.194 (1977), PUBLIX SUPER
              MARKETS, INC., originally incorporated under the name LAKELAND
              GROCERY COMPANY and whose original Articles of Incorporation were
              filed with Florida's Secretary of State on December 27, 1921,
              hereby integrates all of the provisions of its Articles of
              Incorporation and Amendments thereto which are now in effect and
              operative as a result of having been previously filed by the
              Department of State.

                                    ARTICLE I
                    The name of this Corporation shall be PUBLIX SUPER MARKETS,
              INC. and its principal place of business shall be in Lakeland,
              Polk County, Florida, but it may establish branch places of
              business in any other city, county or state, and it may change its
              principal place of business by a majority vote of the stockholders
              of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE II
                    This Corporation is organized for the purpose of transacting
              any and all lawful business permitted under the Florida General
              Corporation Act.

                                   ARTICLE III
                    The amount of common capital stock authorized is One
              Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000) divided into One Billion
              (1,000,000,000) shares of stock at a par value of one dollar
              ($1.00) per share. The holders of common capital stock of this
              Corporation shall have no preemptive right to subscribe for and
              purchase their proportionate share of any additional common
              capital stock issued by this Corporation, from and after the
              issuance of the shares originally subscribed for by the
              stockholders of this Corporation, whether such additional shares
              be issued for cash, property, services or any other consideration
              and whether or not such shares be presently authorized or be
              authorized by subsequent amendment to these Articles of
              Incorporation. The Board of Directors of this Corporation shall
              have the authority to acquire by purchase and hold from time to
              time any share of its issued and outstanding common capital stock
              for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as the
              Board of Directors in its discretion shall deem proper and
              reasonable in the interest of this Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                    This Corporation shall exist perpetually.

                                    ARTICLE V
                    The business or businesses of this Corporation shall be
              conducted by its officers and Board of Directors, which Board of
              Directors until changed shall consist of seven persons but the
              number of Directors may be increased from time to time by an
              amendment by the Board of Directors of the By-Laws of the
              Corporation but the number of Directors shall never be less than