
          This  Technology  [TRANSFER  AND  LICENSE]  Agreement  (hereinafter
"Agreement")  is  effective  as of ___________ __, 1998, and is by and between
Agribrands  International,  Inc.,  a Missouri corporation having its principal
place  of  business  at  9811 South Forty Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63124 and
Ralston  Purina  Company, a Missouri corporation having its principal place of
business  at  Checkerboard  Square,  St.  Louis,  Missouri  63164.

                               WITNESSETH THAT:

          WHEREAS,  Ralston  and  Agri have simultaneously with this Agreement
entered  into a separate agreement and plan of reorganization ("Reorganization
Agreement"  as  defined  in  Section  1.17  below);
          WHEREAS,  this  Agreement  is  entered  into in conjunction with the
Reorganization  Plan  to  achieve  the  goals of the Reorganization Agreement;
          WHEREAS,  Ralston  is  the owner and/or licensee of certain valuable
technical  information  and  know  how  including,  but  not  limited  to,
confidential,  proprietary  and/or  trade  secret manufacturing and production
animal  feeds,  [AGRICULTURAL]  animal products and various other agricultural
related  products;
          WHEREAS,  Agri  desires to license certain confidential, proprietary
and  trade  secret  manufacturing  and production [MARKETING, DISTRIBUTION AND
SALES]  information  relating  to  [AGRICULTURAL] animal feeds, [AGRICULTURAL]
animal  products and various other agricultural related products from Ralston;
          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the foregoing recitals, the
mutual  covenants,  promises,  agreements, representations and obligations set
forth  herein,  and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
sufficiency  of  which  are  hereby  acknowledged, and intending to be legally
bound,  the  parties  hereto  agree  as  follows:

Article  1  -  Definitions
- --------------------------
     1.1          An AFFILIATE of Ralston or Agri shall mean any person and/or
entity: (a) who directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under
common  control  of  Agri  or Ralston; (b) who owns or controls [FIFTY PERCENT
(50%)]  or  more  of  Agri's  or  Ralston's  outstanding  voting securities or
percentage  interest;  (c)  in  whom  Agri  or Ralston owns or controls [FIFTY
PERCENT  (50%)]  or  more  of  the outstanding voting securities or percentage
interest;  or  (d)  who  is  a  director,  partner, member, manager, executive
officer  or  trustee  of  Agri  or  Ralston.
     1.2          Agri  shall  mean Agribrands International, Inc., a Missouri
corporation  having its principal place of business at 9811 South Forty Drive,
St.  Louis,  Missouri  63124,  [AND  ITS  AFFILIATES,  EXCLUDING  RALSTON  AND
     1.3        Agri business shall mean the businesses transferred to Agri by
Ralston  under  and  pursuant  to  the  Reorganization  Agreement  as  of  the
Distribution  Date  as  defined  in  said  Reorganization  Agreement.
     1.4          Agri  Products shall mean all products formulated to provide
nourishment  to  or  care  of  agricultural animals (terrestrial, aquatic, and
aviary)  which  agricultural  animals  may include, by way of example, but not
limitation,  livestock,  rabbits,  poultry,  horses,  llamas, ostriches, fish,
shrimp,  shell  fish,  turtles,  snakes,  animals  raised  for fur, laboratory
animals,  zoo  animals,  and wild or game birds (collectively "Agri Animals").
The term Agri Products expressly excludes any and all Pet Products (including,
but  not  limited to, Pet Products sold for use with zoo animals) [AND ANY AND
ALL  OTHER  PRODUCTS  OTHER THAN AGRI PRODUCTS].  Agri Products shall include,
but  not  be  limited  to,  the  following products and services only for Agri
          (a)          products and services for breeding, feeding, and health
          (b)       extraction, collection, processing, packaging, and storage
of  Agri  Products;
          (c)          pharmaceuticals,  antibiotics, wormers, disinfectants ,
pesticides,  herbicides,
     insecticides,  rodenticides,  and  fungicides;
          (d)          feeders,  embryos,  live  animals, larvae, aquaculture,
hydroponic  and  aeration
          (e)        agricultural end-use products (e.g., hams, cheese, eggs);
          (f)       products and services related to the provision of methods,
systems,  and  techniques  for  the  development, production, application, and
utilization  of  the  Agri  Products  described  in sections (a) - (e) of this
Section  1.4  such  as  farm  and  agricultural  management services, farm and
agricultural  computer  programs and software, farm and agricultural financial
services,  soil  analysis,  and  non-pet  related  veterinary  services.
     1.5        Agri Technical Information and Know-how shall mean any and all
including  confidential,  proprietary  and/or  trade  secret  know-how,
manufacturing,  research,  and  other  technical  information  that  is  being
exclusively used, has been exclusively used, and/or which is being exclusively
developed, by the Agri Business and is not being used and has not been used by
the Ralston business as of the Effective Date.  Agri Technical Information and
Know-How  shall  only  include,  and  be  limited to, trade secrets, know-how,
research  and  other  technical  information which are directly related to the
development,  research, manufacturing [, MARKETING, DISTRIBUTION, SALE] and/or
production  of  Agri  Products.
     1.6       Assignment Agreement shall mean the Assignment Agreement having
an  effective  date  of  December  2, 1997 by and between Protein Technologies
International,  Inc.,  and  Ralston,  attached  hereto  as  Schedule  A,  and
incorporated  herein  by  this  reference,  as  it  may  have been amended and
modified  as  of  the    Effective  Date.
     1.7          Effective  Date  shall  mean the date set forth in the first
paragraph  of  this  Agreement  upon  which this Agreement is to be effective.
     1.8          Expressly  Excluded  Technology  shall  mean  any  and  all
confidential,  proprietary  and/or  trade  secret  information,  formulations,
specifications,  technology,  know-how,  development, research, manufacturing,
production,  and  other  technical information identified on or referred to by
Schedule  B  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  herein  by  this  reference.
     1.9          Other  Restrictions  shall  mean  any  and all restrictions,
prohibitions,  non-compete provisions, and the like, contained in Article V of
the  Reorganization  Agreement.
     1.10          Permitted  Pet  Foods  shall  mean:
          (a)      not more than one (1) brand of dry dog food, which shall be
formulated  to  provide  sufficient  nutritional properties as are then deemed
adequate  to  maintain  an  adult  dog  under  standards  promulgated  by  the
Association  of  American  Feed  Control Officials ("AAFCO"), which in no case
shall  contain  more  than  18%  protein  and 8% fat (both as reflected in the
guaranteed  analysis  or  average analysis), which shall be formulated so that
the  top  three  (3)  ingredients  of the ration are not animal-, poultry-, or
fish-based  protein  ingredients,  and  which  shall  possess  a  calculated
metabolizable  energy  ("CME")  of no more than 3500 kilocalories per kilogram
          (b)       not more than one (1) brand of dry puppy food, which shall
be  formulated to provide sufficient nutritional properties as are then deemed
adequate for the growth of puppies under standards promulgated by AAFCO, which
shall  in  no  case contain more than 22% protein 9% fat (both as reflected in
the  guaranteed  analysis  or  average analysis), which shall be formulated so
that  the top three (3) ingredients of the ration are not animal-, poultry- or
fish-based  protein ingredients, and which shall possess a CME of no more than
3700  KCal/Kg;  and
          (c)      not more than one (1) brand of dry cat food, which shall be
formulated  to  provide  sufficient  nutritional properties as are then deemed
adequate  to maintain an adult cat under standards promulgated by AAFCO, which
shall  in no case contain more than 28% protein and 10% fat (both as reflected
in  the guaranteed analysis or average analysis), which shall be formulated so
that  the  top  three  ingredients of the ration are not animal-, poultry-, or
fish-based  protein ingredients, and which shall possess a CME of no more than
3600  KCal/Kg.
     1.11          Pet  Products  shall  mean all types and classifications of
products  produced  by  Ralston  as  of  the  Effective  Date for the feeding,
nourishment  and  care  of  dogs  and cats, and cat litter, including, without
limitation,  pet  and pet related food, pet nutritional products, any food for
dogs  or  cats other than foods formulated specifically for laboratory dogs or
laboratory  cats,  bird  food  (but  not  wild  bird  or  game bird food), pet
accessories,  pet care and/or pet health products, pet and pet-related litter,
rawhides,  bedding,  vitamins,  minerals,  flea  and  tick  control  products,
shampoos,  grooming accessories, leashes, collars, toys, aquarium accessories,
other  pet accessories, and pet or pet-related products for purchase or use by
breeders,  small  animal veterinarians, police, military, guard dog forces, or
Pet Products sold to zoos.  The term "Pets" includes, but shall not be limited
to,  dogs, cats, and other small pet animals such as birds, guinea pigs, white
mice,  and  ornamental  fish.
     [1.12       Principal Competitor shall mean a person which has, or has an
Affiliate  which has, ten percent (10%) or more of dollar sales volume [AND/OR
MARKET  SHARE]  as  measured  by A.C. Nielsen, Euromonitor, or other generally
recognized data research company (or, in the event such data is not available,
then  as  reasonably  determined  by  Ralston),  in  any country in any of the
following  product categories: [DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, PET LITTER, PET SNACKS, OR
ANY OTHER PRODUCT MANUFACTURED] or sold by the Ralston business or one or more
of  Ralston's Affiliates.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Principal Competitor
shall  also  include,  but  not  be  limited  to,  Nestle,  Mars, Heinz, Iams,
Colgate-Palmolive  and/or  Hill's  Pet  Nutrition,  Doanes,  Nutro,  Dalgety,
Cargill,  Royal  Canin,  Greens,  and  any  of  its  and/or their Affiliates.]
     1.13          Purina Mills Technology Agreement shall mean the Technology
Agreement  having  an  effective date of October 3, 1986 by and between Purina
Mills,  Inc.  and  Ralston,  attached  hereto  as Schedule C, and incorporated
herein  by  this reference, as it may have been amended and modified as of the
Effective  Date.
     1.14          "Ralston"  shall  mean  Ralston  Purina Company, a Missouri
corporation having its principal place of business at Checkerboard Square, St.
Louis,  Missouri  63164,  [AND  ITS  AFFILIATES,  EXCLUDING  AGRI  AND  AGRI'S
     1.15     Ralston business shall mean the businesses of Ralston other than
the  Agri  business.
     1.16       Ralston Designed shall mean all information which qualifies as
Proprietary  Information  hereunder  and  which  relates  to  the  research,
development,  design,  manufacture,  processes,  methods,  technology, and the
like,  created,  developed,  generated,  or  otherwise  produced  by  Ralston
(including,  but  not  limited  to,  Ralston's officers, directors, employees,
agents,  representatives,  and independent contractors) prior to the Effective
     1.17        Reorganization Agreement shall mean the Agreement and Plan of
Reorganization  dated as of ______, 1998, by and among Ralston Purina Company,
Ralston  Purina  International  Holding  Company,  Inc.,  and  Agribrands
International,  Inc.
     1.18     Shared Technical Information and Know-How shall mean any and all
including  confidential,  proprietary  and/or  trade  secret  know-how,
manufacturing,  research,  and  other  technical  information, that, as of the
Effective  Date:    (i)  has  been  used  by  and/or is being used by the Agri
Business  for  anything  other than Pet Products; and which also (ii) has been
used  by,  is  being  used  by,  and/or  is  in  the possession of the Ralston
business.   The parties understand and agree that certain Ralston Designed dry
extrusion  technology  and  Ralston  Designed  pellet  milling technology fall
within  the scope of Shared Technical Information and Know-How.  However, with
respect  to  the  Ralston  X4  and  Ralston  X4X  extrusion  technology,  Agri
acknowledges,  understands  and  agrees  that  it  may  only use:  (i) the one
Ralston  X4X extruder which is in place in Buga, Colombia, as of the Effective
Date,  in  Buga,  Colombia,  and  nowhere  else;  and  (ii) the two Ralston X4
extruders  which  are in place in Songtan, Korea, and in Strathroy, Canada, as
of  the  Effective  Date,  in  Songtan,  Korea,  and in Strathroy, Canada, and
nowhere  else;  and that Agri shall have no right to, and shall not, employ or
in  any  way  use any other Ralston X4X and/or X4 extruders and/or Ralston X4X
and/or  X4  extruder  technology.
     1.19          Territory  shall mean the entire world excluding the United
States  and  its  territories and possessions, except that the Territory shall
include  Puerto  Rico.

Article  2  -  Grants  and  Licenses
- ------------------------------------
     2.1        Ralston hereby transfers and assigns to Agri the entire right,
title  and  interest  that it has, if any, in and to the patents identified on
Schedule  D  attached  hereto, to be held and enjoyed by Agri, its successors,
and  assigns,  as  fully  and  entirely  as  the same would have been held and
enjoyed  by  Ralston  had this transfer and assignment not been made.  Ralston
agrees  to  reasonably  cooperate  with Agri, at Agri's sole cost and expense,
including  the execution of necessary recordation documents, in recording this
assignment  in  the  appropriate  patent  offices.
     2.2     Subject to Section 2.2(c), Ralston hereby grants to Agri, subject
to  the  terms,  provisions  and  conditions of this Agreement, the following:
          (a)     a perpetual, royalty-free, exclusive license to utilize, for
any purpose whatsoever (expressly subject to the Other Restrictions), the Agri
Technical  Information and Know-How only in the Territory. Agri shall have the
right  to  sub-license the Agri Technical Information and Know-How licensed to
it under this Section 2.2(a) only in and for use in the Territory, and nowhere
else,  only so long as any such sub-licensees first expressly agree in writing
to  be  bound  by  and  to  comply  with  the  Other Restrictions and the same
confidentiality  and use restrictions as Agri has agreed to be bound by and to
comply  with  under  Article  5  below;
          (b)      a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to utilize
the  Shared  Technical  Information and Know-How only in the Territory only to
develop,  make,  have  made,  use, and sell any products or services expressly
excluding  Pet  Products  (expressly subject to the Other Restrictions).  Agri
shall  have  the  right  to  sub-license  the Shared Technical Information and
Know-How  licensed  to it under this Section 2.2(b) only in and for use in the
Territory, and nowhere else, for any purpose except the production and sale of
Pet  Products; only so long as any such sub-licensees first expressly agree in
writing  to be bound by and to comply with the Other Restrictions and the same
confidentiality  and use restrictions as Agri has agreed to be bound by and to
comply  with  under  Article  5  below;
          (c)       The licenses and rights to sub-license granted in Sections
2.2(a) and 2.2(b) shall be subject in all cases to the following:  (i) no such
license  or  right  to  sub-license  shall  be  granted  to  the  extent it is
inconsistent  with  or not permitted by the original license or other grant of
rights  to  RALSTON;  (ii)  no  such  license  or  right  to  sub-license  (or
sub-license  by  AGRI)  shall  be  granted  to  the  extent consent thereto is
required  under  the  original license or other grant of rights to RALSTON and
such  consent  has  not  been  received;  (iii)  no  such  license or right to
sub-license  shall  be  granted  to  the extent it is inconsistent with or not
permitted  by,  and  any such license or right to sub-license shall be subject
to:    (1)  the  rights  granted to Purina Mills, Inc., under the Purina Mills
Technology  Agreement;  (2)  the  rights  granted  to  Protein  Technologies
International,  Inc.,  under  the  Assignment  Agreement; and/or (3) the Other
Restrictions  under  Article  V  of  the  Reorganization  Agreement.
          (d)        It is understood, acknowledged and agreed that so long as
Agri  and  any permitted sub-licensees fully comply with the applicable terms,
conditions  and  provisions  of this Agreement, and any authorized sub-license
agreements,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  the  confidentiality  and use
restrictions set forth in Article 5 below, Agri shall have the sole discretion
as  to  whether,  to  whom,  and  under  what  terms  and  conditions, it will
sub-license  the  rights  granted  it  under  Sections  2.2(a) and (b) herein.
     2.3          Agri  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  it will not grant any
sub-licenses  as  permitted  under Section 2.2 above unless and until any such
proposed  sub-licensee  agrees  in  writing  to the termination provisions set
forth  in  Section  9.2  of  this  Agreement  and  to  the  following:
          (a)      to be bound by and comply with the same confidentiality and
use  restrictions  as  Agri  has  agreed to be bound by under Article 5 below;
          (b)          to  be bound by and comply with the Other Restrictions;
     (c)          upon  the  termination  and/or expiration of any sub-license
agreement,  cease  any  and  all  use  of  the  Agri Technical Information and
Know-How  and  Shared  Technical  Information  and  Know-How which constitutes
Proprietary Information as defined herein and return any and all documents and
things  embodying  or  containing  any  such  information  to  Agri.
     2.4         Agri acknowledges and agrees that it presently has within its
custody,  possession  and/or control all of the Agri Technical Information and
Know-How  and  Shared  Technical Information and Know-How licensed to it under
this  Article  2,  and  Ralston  acknowledges  and  agrees  that Agri shall be
entitled  to  retain  all  such  information  in its possession subject to the
confidentiality  and  Other  Restrictions  set  forth  herein  and  in  the
Reorganization  Agreement.    However,  the parties acknowledge and agree that
Agri  and/or  the Agri Business shall, prior to the Effective Date, conduct an
audit and identify any and all Ralston Proprietary Information not licensed to
it  under this Agreement including, but not limited to, any Expressly Excluded
Technology, that it has within its possession and/or control, and shall within
180  days  after  the Effective Date :  (i) return any and all such documents,
materials,  media, or the like, to Ralston; and/or (ii) provide Ralston with a
written  certification,  signed  by  an  officer  of  Agri,  representing  and
warranting  that all such documents, materials, media, and the like, embodying
or  reflecting  any  such  information  has been destroyed.  Subsequent to the
Effective Date, in the event Agri and/or Ralston learn that Agri possesses any
Ralston  Proprietary  Information  not  licensed  to  it  under this Agreement
including,  but  not limited to, any Expressly Excluded Technology, Agri shall
immediately  return  any  and all such information, documents and materials to

Article  3  -  Reservations  &  Exclusions
- ------------------------------------------
     3.1      Agri understands, acknowledges and agrees that Ralston expressly
reserves,  and  does  not  grant  to Agri, either expressly or implicitly, any
right,  title  or  interest  to  utilize,  employ,  disclose,  disseminate,
distribute,  make, license, sell, or export any Expressly Excluded Technology.
     3.2       Ralston understands, acknowledges and agrees that to the extent
Agri may have or obtain the ability to use Agri Technical Information and Know
How  in  conjunction  with  publicly  available  information  or  information
rightfully  obtained  from  third-parties,  without  the use or benefit of any
Ralston  Proprietary  Information and/or any Expressly Excluded Technology, to
develop,  market,  distribute  and sell Permitted Pet Foods in accordance with
the  terms  of Article 5 of the Reorganization Agreement, this Agreement shall
not  prevent  or  preclude  such  conduct.
     3.3        Ralston understands, acknowledges and agrees that it shall not
have any right to grant any new licenses to any other persons or entity, on or
after  the  Effective  Date,  of  any  of  the  Agri Technical Information and
Know-How  anywhere  for  any  purpose.
     3.4        Ralston understands, acknowledges and agrees that it shall not
have  any right to license to any other persons or entity in the Territory, on
and  after  the  Effective  Date,  any of the Shared Technical Information and
Know-How  for  the development, use, production, manufacture and  distribution
[MARKETING  AND  SALE]  of  Agri  Products.
     3.5        Agri understands, acknowledges and agrees that Ralston has not
made  any,  and  makes  no,  representations or warranties (and Agri expressly
waives  and releases Ralston from any and all warranties), express or implied,
regarding Ralston's and/or Agri's right to make, use, offer for sale, license,
and/or  sell  any  of  the rights transferred, granted and/or licensed to Agri
under  this  Agreement,  and/or any goods and/or services employing any of the
rights  transferred,  granted  and/or  licensed  to Agri under this Agreement,
including,  but  not limited to, any implied warranties of title, or claims of
superior  rights, infringement, or the like, in or to any of the technology or
information  transferred  or  licensed  under  this  Agreement.
     3.6      Agri understands, acknowledges and agrees that in no event shall
Ralston  be  liable  to Agri, any permitted sub-licensee under this Agreement,
and/or  any  other  persons  or entities, regardless of the form of a cause of
action,  whether  in  contract,  tort  or  under a statute, including, but not
limited  to,  negligence,  strict  liability,  product  liability,  patent
infringement,  misappropriation  of  trade  secrets,  copyright  infringement,
unfair  competition,  or  the  like,  which in any way arises out of and/or is
related  to  Agri's,  any  permitted sub-licensee's, and/or any other person's
and/or entity's, manufacture, use, offer for sale, license, and/or sale of any
of  the  rights  transferred,  granted  and/or  licensed  to  Agri  under this
Agreement,  and/or  any  goods  and/or  services  employing  any of the rights
transferred,  granted  and/or  licensed  to  Agri  under  this  Agreement.
     3.7          The terms and provisions of Sections 3.5 through 3.7 of this
Article  3  shall  survive the termination and/or expiration of this Agreement
for  any  reason.

Article  4  -  Assignment  of  Technology  Agreements
- -----------------------------------------------------
     4.1      (a)     Ralston agrees, upon the receipt of a written request by
Agri, to use commercially reasonable efforts, at Agri's sole cost and expense,
to  seek  to secure any required consent of third-parties for Agri to obtain a
sub-license  from Ralston to use any Shared Technical Information and Know-How
(which  is  licensed  by  Ralston  from  a  third-party)  only for Agri's use,
production, manufacture, distribution, marketing, and sale of Agri Products in
the  Territory.
          (b)     Subject to and upon Ralston's receipt of the written consent
of  any  such  third-parties, as contemplated under Section 4.1(a) above, Agri
hereby  agrees  to  assume,  assumes, agrees to be bound by, conform with, and
undertakes  to  be  obligated  to  perform  each and every term, covenant, and
condition  contained  in  any  such license agreements between Ralston and any
such third-party in which Agri is granted a sub-license to use any such Shared
Technical  Information  and  Know-How.
          (c)         Upon effectuation of a sub-license agreement to Agri, as
contemplated  under  Sections  4.1(a)  above,  if  any, Agri agrees to defend,
indemnify,  and  hold  Ralston  harmless  from and against any and all claims,
actions,  suits,  demands,  obligations,  investigations,  causes  of  action,
judgments,  losses,  damages,  costs, and expenses (including, but not limited
to,  attorneys'  and  expert  witness fees), arising out of or relating to any
activities, omissions, and/or breaches which occur subsequent to the Effective
Date  and which could have, may have, and/or which are brought against Ralston
and/or  Agri  for  alleged  or  actual  breaches of any of the obligations and
duties  assumed  and/or  undertaken  by  Agri  under  any  such  sub-license

Article  5  -  Confidentiality
- ------------------------------
     5.1          Subject  to  the  provisions  of Section 5.9 below, the term
"Proprietary Information" shall mean and include only:  (i) the Agri Technical
Information  and Know-How; (ii) the Shared Technical Information and Know-How;
(iii)  the  Expressly Excluded Technology; and (iv) any other information that
the  parties hereto agree in writing to designate as "Proprietary Information"
under  this  Agreement.
     5.2          Agri acknowledges, understands and agrees, and any permitted
sub-licensees  shall  agree,  that: (i) Ralston has expended substantial time,
money  and effort researching and developing its Proprietary Information; (ii)
the  Proprietary  Information  provides  it  with  a  significant  competitive
advantage  in  the  marketplace;  (iii)  the  Proprietary  Information  is
confidential,  proprietary  and  trade  secret  information;  (iv)  if  the
Proprietary  Information  was  disclosed  or  misused,  Ralston  would  suffer
substantial  irreparable harm and likely lose its competitive advantage in the
marketplace;  (v)  as of the Effective Date, agri is not aware of any facts or
allegations which would, in any way or manner, compromise the confidentiality,
propriety  and  trade secret status of any of the Proprietary Information; and
(vi)  Agri will not make any use of any portion of the Proprietary Information
in  a  manner  inconsistent  with  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.
     5.3        Agri agrees, and any permitted sub-licensees shall agree, that
they  will  each  use commercially reasonable security measures and efforts to
ensure that the Proprietary Information is kept and retained in confidence and
secret;  however,  in  no event shall the degree of care exercised by Agri, or
any  permitted sub-licensee, be any less than the degree of care it employs to
maintain  and  protect  the  confidentiality  of  its  own  confidential  or
proprietary  information.
     5.4     Agri agrees, and any permitted sub-licensees shall agree, that it
will not disclose or reveal to any other person or entity (except as permitted
herein  and  to  the extent required or permitted pursuant to the terms of the
Purina  Mills  Technology  Agreement and/or the Assignment Agreement, the Agri
Technical  Information and Know-How which qualifies as Proprietary Information
subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section  5.9.
     5.5     Agri agrees, and any permitted sub-licensees shall agree, that it
will not disclose or reveal to any other person or entity (except as expressly
permitted  herein)  the  Shared  Technical Information and Know-How and/or the
Expressly  Excluded  Technology,  which  qualifies  as Proprietary Information
subject  to  the  provisions  of  Section 5.9.  Agri agrees, and any permitted
sub-licensee  shall  agree,  that  it  will only disclose the Shared Technical
Information and Know-How which qualifies as Proprietary Information subject to
the  provisions  of  Section  5.9  to  its  employees,  agents,  officers, and
directors  which  have  a need to know such information in connection with the
purpose  of  any  licenses  granted  Agri  herein  and, further, that prior to
disclosing any Proprietary Information to any such persons it will require any
such  employees,  agents,  officers,  and  directors to agree in writing to be
bound  by  and  comply  with  the confidentiality and use restrictions of this
Article  5  to  the  same  extent  Agri  is  obligated  herein.
     5.6          Agri  agrees, and any permitted sub-licensees will agree, to
promptly notify Ralston of any unauthorized use of any Proprietary Information
to  the extent Agri or a sub-licensee learns or otherwise becomes aware of any
unauthorized  use  and  to  reasonably  cooperate with Ralston in pursuing and
protecting  its  legal  rights  in  regard  to  such  unauthorized  use.
     5.7        In the event of a breach or threatened breach of any of Agri's
and/or  any  permitted  sub-licensee's  confidentiality duties and obligations
under  the  terms and provisions of this Article 5, Ralston shall be entitled,
in  addition  to any other legal or equitable remedies that it may be entitled
to  (including  any  rights  to  damages  that  it  may suffer), to temporary,
preliminary  and  permanent  injunctive  relief  restraining  such  breach  or
threatened  breach.
     5.8          Prior  to  disposing of any documentation, media, equipment,
machinery,  software,  or  the  like, containing or reflecting any Proprietary
Information, Agri agrees, and any permitted sub-licensees shall agree, that it
will  first  destroy,  obliterate,  and/or  otherwise  remove  any  and  all
Proprietary  Information  from  such  materials.
     5.9          Notwithstanding  any  other  provision  of  this  Agreement,
information shall not be considered to be Proprietary Information, and neither
party  shall  have  any obligations respecting, nor be liable for, the use and
disclosure  thereof,  if  the  party  alleging  that  such  information is not
confidential,  proprietary  and/or  a  trade  secret  can  prove  that  the
information:  (a)  was  known  to  the  trade  or  public at the time that the
information  was  disclosed to it; or (b) is or becomes generally known to the
trade  or  public  through  no  fault on the recipient party's part; or (c) is
independently  generated  after the Effective Date by employees of a party, or
on  its  behalf by its agents, contractors, or consultants, without the use or
benefit  of  any  Proprietary  Information.
     5.10     It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Agreement shall
preclude  Ralston from licensing its Shared Technical Information and Know-How
and/or  the  Expressly  Excluded  Technology to any other persons or entities,
except  that  Ralston  shall  not  license  Shared  Technical  Information and
Know-How  in connection with the manufacture or production of Agri Products in
the  Territory.
     5.11          All  of  the  provisions  of  this  Article  5  regarding
confidentiality  shall  survive  the  expiration  and/or  termination  of this

Article  6  -  Indemnification
- ------------------------------
     6.1     Subject to Section 6.2, Agri agrees to defend, indemnify and hold
Ralston  and  its  Affiliates  and  their  respective  officers,  directors,
employees,  agents,  representatives,  shareholders,  successors  and  assigns
harmless  from  and  against  any  and  all  claims,  actions, suits, demands,
obligations,  investigations,  causes  of  action, judgments, losses, damages,
costs,  and  expenses  (including,  but  not limited to, attorneys' and expert
witness  fees),  arising  out of or relating to: (i) the breach by Agri of any
material  warranty,  representation,  covenant, commitment or undertaking made
hereunder;  (ii) any act or omission of Agri; (iii) any allegation relating to
the  production, manufacture, marketing, advertising, promotion, distribution,
use,  offer  for  sale, or sale of any goods and/or services by Agri and/or on
Agri's  behalf  including, but not limited to, Agri Products; (iv) any and all
alleged  negligent  acts,  fraud  or  omissions  of  or by Agri, its officers,
directors, employees, agents, representatives, independent contractors, and/or
sub-licensees,  in  connection  with  the  production, manufacture, marketing,
advertising,  promotion,  distribution,  use,  offer  for sale, or sale of any
goods  and/or  services  including, but not limited to, Agri Products; (v) any
and  all  allegations  relating  in  any  way or manner to products liability,
defective  goods,  failure  to  warn,  or the like, as applied to goods and/or
services  produced, manufactured, marketed, advertised, promoted, distributed,
used,  offered  for  sale,  or  sold  by  or on behalf of Agri; or (vi) Agri's
alleged  or  actual failure to comply with any governmental and/or other laws,
statutes,  ordinances,  rules,  and/or  regulations.
     6.2     Notwithstanding the foregoing, Agri shall not have any obligation
to  indemnify  Ralston  for  a singly claim, action, suit, demand, obligation,
investigation,  cause  of action, judgment, loss, damage, cost, and/or expense
(including, but not limited to, attorneys' and expert witness fees), which has
a  total  damage  value  of  less  than  Ten  Thousand  Dollars  $10,000.

Article  7  -  Assignability
- ----------------------------
     7.1          Ralston  shall have the right to transfer some or all of its
rights  and  obligations under this Agreement, either by affirmative act or by
operation  of  law,  by  share  ownership or otherwise, without the consent of
Agri.   Agri shall have the right to transfer its rights and obligations under
this  Agreement,  either  by  affirmative act or by operation of law, by share
ownership, or otherwise, only upon its receipt of the prior written consent of
Ralston,  which  consent will not be unreasonably withheld.  By way of example
only,  the  parties  agree that it would be reasonable for Ralston to withhold
consent  if  Agri  desired  to  transfer its rights and obligations under this
Agreement  to  a  transferee  who  would  thus  acquire rights for a territory
covering  less  than  a continent (e.g., Africa, Europe, Asia),  or desired to
transfer  any  of  its  rights  hereunder to a Principal Competitor of Ralston
anywhere in the world.  "Transfer" as used in this Section 7.1 shall mean: (a)
the  transfer,  assignment,  or  conveyance  (by  any means including, but not
limited  to,  operation  of  law)  of all or part of Agri's interest in, to or
under this Agreement or its rights or obligations hereunder; and/or (b) one or
more  third-party(ies)  acquiring,  purchasing,  and/or  gaining (by any means
including,  but  not limited to, operation of law) a voting, profits or equity
interest  of  _______  percent  (___%) or more in Agri; and/or (c) a change in
control  transaction  involving  Agri.

Article  8  -  Notice
- ---------------------
     8.1        All notices, requests, demands, and other communications under
this  Agreement  or in connection therewith shall be given to or made upon the
respective  parties  hereto  as  follows:
     Ralston                                                  Agri
     -------                                                  ----
     Ralston  Purina  Company                   Agribrands International, Inc.
     Checkerboard  Square                              9811 South Forty Drives
     St.  Louis,  Missouri    63164                 St. Louis, Missouri  63124
     Attn:    General  Counsel                          Attn:  General Counsel

or  to  such  other  address,  and  to the attention of such other officers or
persons  as each of the parties hereto may specify by notice in writing to the
     8.2     All notices, requests, demands, and other communications given or
made  in  accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing
and  by  certified or registered mail, and if received shall be deemed to have
been  given  when  deposited  in  the  United  States  mail,  postage prepaid.

Article  9  -  Termination
- --------------------------
     9.1      In the event Agri shall commit a material breach of any material
term,  provision or condition of this Agreement, this Technology [TRANSFER AND
LICENSE] Agreement shall be terminable upon ninety (90) days written notice by
Ralston  to  Agri.  Such termination shall become effective unless: (i) within
that  ninety  (90)  day  period  Agri  has  initiated and is taking reasonable
measures  to remedy such breach; and (ii) such breach has been remedied to the
reasonable  satisfaction  of  Ralston  within  one  hundred  eighty (180) days
following such notice.  This Technology [TRANSFER AND LICENSE] Agreement shall
also  be terminable by Ralston upon ninety (90) days written notice by Ralston
to  Agri in the event Agri Products attempts or seeks to assign, convey and/or
transfer  all  or any part of this Technology [TRANSFER AND LICENSE] Agreement
in  any  way  or  manner  other  than  as  provided  in  Article 7 above.  Any
termination  shall  not  prejudice  any  cause  of action or claims of Ralston
accrued  or  to  accrue  on account of any material breach or default by Agri.

     9.2       Agri acknowledges and agrees that it will immediately terminate
any and all permitted sub-license agreements under this Agreement in the event
any  such  sub-licensee  materially  breaches  any  such sub-license agreement
including,  but  not  limited  to, the terms or provisions requiring that such
sub-licensee be bound by and comply with the terms and provisions of Article 5
herein, and fails to cure any such breach, if curable, within thirty (30) days
after  said breach.  Each sub-license agreement shall permit such termination.

Article  10  -  Miscellaneous  Provisions
- -----------------------------------------
     10.1          Agri  understands, acknowledges and agrees that any and all
licenses  and/or  technical service agreements previously entered into between
Ralston and/or Ralston International Service Corporation, on the one hand, and
the Agri Business, on the other, shall be, at a minimum, amended to conform to
be consistent with the terms, provisions and conditions of this Agreement.  In
the  event  any  of the terms, provisions of conditions of any licenses and/or
technical  service  agreements  previously entered into between Ralston and/or
Ralston  International  Service  Corporation,  on  the  one hand, and the Agri
Business, on the other, differ in any manner whatsoever, the terms, provisions
and  conditions  of  this  Agreement  shall  govern.

     10.2       Agri understands, acknowledges and agrees that because Ralston
International  Service  Corporation ("RISCO") will become an Affiliate of Agri
in  accordance  with the terms and provisions of the Reorganization Agreement,
any and all license agreements, technical service agreements, and/or the like,
which were entered into between Ralston and RISCO prior to the Effective Date,
which  granted RISCO any license rights to RISCO, or which otherwise permitted
or  allowed  RISCO,  to  use  or  in  any  way  employ  any Expressly Excluded
Technology,  are  hereby  terminated.

     10.3      Legal Enforceability.  Any provision of this Agreement which is
prohibited  or  unenforceable  in  any  jurisdiction  shall,  as  to  such
jurisdiction,  deemed  automatically  amended so that it is enforceable to the
maximum  extent  permissible  under  the  laws  of  that  jurisdiction without
invalidating  the  remaining  provisions  hereof.    Any  such  prohibition or
unenforceability  in  any  jurisdiction  shall  not  invalidate  or  render
unenforceable  such  provision  in  any  other  jurisdiction.    Each  party
acknowledges  that  money damages would be an inadequate remedy for any breach
of  the  provisions  of  this Agreement and agrees that the obligations of the
parties  hereunder  shall  be  specifically  enforceable.

     10.4      The waiver of any breach or non-enforcement of any provision of
this  Agreement  shall not be a waiver of future compliance or a waiver to the
provisions  hereof.

     10.5          Dispute  Resolution.  ]
     (a)          If any question or dispute shall arise in regard to: (i) the
interpretation  of  any  provision  of  this  Agreement; or (ii) the rights or
obligations  of  either  party hereunder; or in the event any dispute(s) shall
arise between the parties hereto which otherwise relate to or arise under this
Agreement, whether based on contract, tort, statute or otherwise, (hereinafter
collectively  "Disputes"),  such  questions  and  disputes shall, in the first
instance,  be  exclusively  governed  by  and  settled  in accordance with the
provisions  of  this  Section  10.5;  provided,  that  the foregoing shall not
preclude  equitable  or other judicial relief to enforce the provisions hereof
or  to  preserve  the  status  quo  pending  resolution of Disputes hereunder.
Either party to this Agreement (each a "Party" and together the "Parties") may
commence  proceedings  hereunder  by  delivery  of  written notice providing a
reasonable  description  of the Dispute to the other, including a reference to
this  Section  10.5  (the  "Dispute  Notice").
     (b)     Negotiations Between Executives.  The Parties shall first attempt
in  good  faith  to  resolve  promptly  any  Dispute  by  negotiations between
executives  who  are  not  directly  involved  in  the  Dispute,  and who have
authority  to settle it (as to each Party, an "Executive").  Not later than 20
days  after  delivery  of  the  Dispute  Notice, each Party shall designate an
Executive  to meet with the other Party's Executive at a reasonably acceptable
time  and  place, and thereafter as such Executives deem reasonably necessary.
The Executives shall exchange relevant information and endeavor to resolve the
Dispute.    Prior to any such meeting, each Party's Executive shall advise the
other  as  to  any  other  individuals  who  will  attend  such  meeting.  All
negotiations  pursuant to this Section 10.5(b) shall be confidential and shall
be  treated as settlement and compromise negotiations for purposes of Rule 408
of  the  Federal Rules of Evidence and similarly under other federal and state
rules  of  evidence.
     (c)        Mediation.  Except to the extent the Parties agree to continue
proceedings  pursuant  to Section 10.5(b) above, the Parties shall, commencing
not  later  than  90  days  after  the date of delivery of the Dispute Notice,
endeavor  to settle the Dispute by Mediation pursuant to the Center for Public
Resources  ("CPR")  Model  Procedure  for  Mediation  of Business Disputes, as
amended  from time to time, and/or according to such other or additional rules
or  procedures as the Parties may mutually agree upon in writing.  The neutral
third  party  in  such Mediation shall be as agreed by the Parties or, failing
such  agreement,  selected  with  the  assistance  of  the  CPR.

     10.6          This  Agreement  is deemed to be entered into, executed and
delivered within the State of Missouri, and it is the intention of the parties
that  it  shall  be  construed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the
laws  of  the  State  of  Missouri  without  regard  to  its  conflict of laws

     10.7        Ralston and Agri hereby agree that any and all disputes, 
causes of action,  lawsuits,  or  the  like, arising out of and/or under this 
Agreement, except  for the Dispute Resolution procedures set forth in Section 
10.5 above, shall  be brought only in a state court located in St. Louis, 
Missouri, or the United  States  District  Court for the Eastern District of 
Missouri.  Ralston and Agri each hereby consent and submit to the jurisdiction
of any such court and waives any  objection it may have to either jurisdiction
or venue in any such  court.

     10.8            Agri  shall  have  the  right:
          (a)      to bring suit in its own name at its own expense and on its
own  behalf,  for  infringement  of  the  exclusive  rights  licensed  to Agri
          (b)          in  any suit, to seek to enjoin the infringement by any
third-parties  of the exclusive rights licensed to it under this Agreement and
to  collect  for  its  use,  damages,  profits,  and awards of whatever nature
recoverable  for  such  infringement;  and
          (c)          to  settle  any  claim  or suit for infringement by any
third-parties  of  any  of  the  exclusive  rights  licensed  to it under this
Agreement by granting to the infringing party a sub-license in accordance with
the  provisions  set  forth  herein  including,  but not limited to, Article 5

     10.9      To the extent that Agri determines that it requires replacement
parts  for  the X4X or X4 extruders referenced in Section 1.18 above, and only
to  the  extent  that Ralston is then producing such replacement part, Ralston
agrees  to  supply  such  replacement  parts  to Agri on reasonable commercial

     10.10      Ralston and Agri agree and understand that this Agreement does
not  create  an employment, partnership, joint venture or agency relationship,
of  any  kind  or  nature,  between the parties.  Neither party shall have any
right,  power, or authority to act as a legal representative of the other, and
neither  party  shall have any power to obligate or bind the other, or to make
any  representations,  warranties,  express or implied, on behalf of or in the
name  of  the  other  in  any  manner  for  any  purpose  whatsoever.

     10.11      The headings used in this Agreement are for reference only and
shall  not  be  relied  upon  or used in the interpretation of this Agreement.

     10.12         Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement,
neither  the execution of this Agreement nor the disclosure of any Proprietary
Information  hereunder  shall  be  construed  as  granting to Ralston either a
license  (expressly,  or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise) under, or any
right  of  ownership in, any information, patent, or patent application now or
hereafter  owned  or  controlled  by  Agri.

          IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties have caused this Agreement to be
executed  in  duplicate  by  their  respective duly authorized representatives
effective  on  the  day  and  year  set  forth  in  this  Agreement.

                         RALSTON  PURINA  COMPANY
                         By:          _________________________________
                         Printed  Name:          ___________________________
                         Title:          _________________________________
                         Date:          _________________________________

                         AGRIBRANDS  INTERNATIONAL,  INC.
                         By:          __________________________________
                         Printed  Name:
                         Title:          __________________________________
                         Date:          __________________________________


     Protein  Technologies  ,  Inc.  Assignment  Agreement

     Expressly  Excluded  Technology

     1.          Ralston  Designed  16"  wet  mixers.
     2.          Ralston  Designed  extruder  slurry  technology.
     3.          Ralston  Designed  coating  technology.
     4.          Ralston  Designed  packaging  technology.
     5.          Ralston  Designed  fine  grinding  technology.
     6.          Ralston  Designed  stuffing  technology.
     7.          Ralston  Designed  double  extrusion  technology.
     8.          Ralston  Designed  liquid  animal  digest  technology.
     9.          Pet  Products  formulations.
     10.         All  Pet  Products  nutritional  data.
     11.         All  Pet  Products  palatability  data.
     12.         Specifications  for  Ralston  Designed Pet Product formulas.
     13.         Specifications  for  Ralston Designed Pet Product packaging.
     14.         Specifications for Ralston Designed Pet Products ingredients.
     15.         Specifications  for Ralston Designed Pet Products processes.
     16.         Specifications  for  Ralston  Pet  Product  suppliers.
     17.         Ralston X4X extruder technology except and only to the extent
          expressly  permitted  under  1.18  of  the  Agreement.
     18.         Ralston X4 extruder technology except and only to the extent
          expressly  permitted  under  Section  1.18  of  the  Agreement.

                                  SCHEDULE C

                       Purina Mills Technology Agreement

                                  SCHEDULE D
