85 West Tasman Drive
                            San Jose, California 95134-1703

                        Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders
                              to be Held October 25, 1995

               The  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  of SymmetriCom, Inc., a
          California corporation (the "Company"), will be  held  on Wednesday,
          October 25, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. at the offices of the Company,  at 85
          West Tasman Drive, San Jose, California 95134-1703.

               At  the  meeting, shareholders will consider and vote upon the  
          following proposals:

               1.   To elect a Board of Directors of the Company;

               2.   To approve the  amendments  to the Company's 1990 Employee
          Stock Plan (the "1990 Plan") to (i) increase  the  number  of shares
          reserved  for issuance thereunder from 1,700,000 to 2,200,000,  (ii)
          provide  that   on  the  first  day  of  each  fiscal  year  of  the
          corporation, beginning with the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1996,
          the number of shares reserved for issuance under the 1990 Plan shall
          be increased by an amount equal to 3.0% of the outstanding shares of
          the Company's Common  Stock  as  of  the  last  trading  day  of the
          Company's immediately preceding fiscal year, and (iii) provide  that
          the  number  of  shares  that  may be granted to any employee of the
          Company in any fiscal year is limited  to  250,000  shares to comply
          with the requirements applicable to "performance-based compensation"
          under  Section 162(m)  of  the  Internal  Revenue Code of  1986,  as
          amended; provided that at the time of initial  hire,  an employee of
          the  Company  may  be  granted  an  option to purchase an additional
          250,000 shares which shall not count against the 250,000 share limit
          set forth above;

               3.   To approve the amendments to  the  Company's 1990 Director
          Option  Plan  to  (i)  increase  the number of shares  reserved  for
          issuance thereunder from 150,000 to  300,000,  (ii)  provide for the
          automatic  grant  to  each  outside  director of (a) a 10,000  share
          option on the date on which such person  first  becomes  an  outside
          director and (b) a 10,000 share option on January 1 of each year, if
          on  such  date,  such  person  shall have served on the Board for at
          least six months, and (iii)  modify  the  section  pertaining to
          merger  and  sale of assets to (a) provide for full acceleration  of
          vesting  in  a  merger   or  sale  transaction  in  the  event  that
          outstanding options are not  assumed  or  substituted, (b) amend the
          definition   of   "Change  in  Control"  to  delete   reference   to
          transactions requiring  shareholder  approval,  and  (c) provide for
          full  acceleration of vesting in the event of the acquisition  by  a
          person  of 50% or more of the combined voting power of the Company's
          then outstanding securities;

               4.   To  ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the
          Company's independent auditors for the current fiscal year; and

               5.   To transact  such  other  business  as  may  properly come
          before  the  meeting  or  any  and all postponements or adjournments

               The Board of Directors has  fixed  the  close  of  business  on
          September  1,  1995  as  the  record  date  for the determination of
          shareholders  entitled  to  notice of and to vote  at  the  meeting.
          Accordingly, only shareholders of record at the close of business on
          that day will be entitled to  vote  at  the meeting, notwithstanding
          any transfer of shares on the books of the Company after that date.

               A Proxy Statement which contains information  with  respect  to
          the  matters  to  be  voted upon at the meeting and a Proxy card and
          return  envelope  are furnished  herewith.   Management  urges  each
          shareholder to carefully read the Proxy Statement.  If you cannot be
          present personally  at the meeting, you are requested to fill in and
          sign the Proxy card and  return  it  promptly  to the Company in the
          envelope enclosed for that purpose.

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                         /s/ J. Scott Kamsler

                                        J. SCOTT KAMSLER

          San Jose, California
          Dated:  September 22, 1995


                                   SYMMETRICOM, INC.
                                  85 West Tasman Drive
                            San Jose, California 95134-1703

                                    PROXY STATEMENT


          Date, Time and Place

               This  Proxy  Statement  is  furnished  to the  shareholders  of
          SymmetriCom,  Inc.,  a  California corporation (the  "Company"),  in
          connection with the solicitation  of  Proxies by the Board of Direc-
          tors of the Company for use at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to
          be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October  25,  1995,  and any and
          all  postponements or adjournments thereof.  It is anticipated  that
          this Proxy  Statement  and  the  enclosed Proxy card will be sent to
          such shareholders on or about September 22, 1995.

          Purposes of the Annual Meeting

               The purposes of the Annual Meeting  are to (1) elect a Board of
          Directors  of  the  Company,  (2)  approve amendments  to  the  1990
          Employee Stock Plan, (3) approve amendments  to  the  1990  Director
          Option Plan, (4) ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche LLP  as
          the  Company's  independent auditors for the current fiscal year and
          (5) transact such  other  business  as  may properly come before the
          meeting or any and all postponements or adjournments thereof.

          Proxy/Voting Instruction Cards and Revocability of Proxies

               When  the  Proxy  in the enclosed form  is  returned,  properly
          executed,  the shares represented  thereby  will  be  voted  at  the
          meeting in accordance  with  the  instructions  given  by the share-
          holder.   If no instructions are given, the returned Proxy  will  be
          voted in favor  of  the  election  of  the  nominees named herein as
          directors  and  in  favor  of  each  of  the  other proposals.   Any
          shareholder,  including  a  shareholder  personally   attending  the
          meeting, may revoke his or her Proxy at any time prior to its use by
          filing  with the Secretary of the Company, at the corporate  offices
          at 85 West  Tasman Drive, San Jose, California 95134-1703, a written
          notice of revocation  or  a duly executed Proxy bearing a later date
          or by voting in person at the Annual Meeting.

          Record Date and Share Ownership

               Shareholders of record at the close of business on September 1,
          1995 (the "Record Date") are  entitled  to  notice of and to vote at
          the meeting.  At the Record Date, 15,403,269 shares of the Company's
          Common Stock were issued and outstanding.  For information regarding
          security ownership by management and by 5% shareholders,  see "Other
          Information--Share   Ownership   by   Principal   Shareholders   and

          Voting and Solicitation; Quorum

               Every  shareholder  voting  for  the  election of directors may
          cumulate such shareholder's votes and give one candidate a number of
          votes equal to the number of directors to be  elected  multiplied by
          the number of votes to which the shareholder's shares are  entitled,
          or distribute the shareholder's votes on the same principle among as
          many  candidates as the shareholder thinks fit, provided that  votes
          cannot be cast for more than the number of candidates to be elected.
          However,  no  shareholder shall be entitled to cumulate votes unless
          the candidate's  name  has  been  placed  in nomination prior to the
          voting  and  the  shareholder, or any other shareholder,  has  given
          notice at the meeting  prior  to  the  voting  of  the  intention to
          cumulate  the shareholder's votes.  The Company will cumulate  votes
          in the event  that  additional  persons  are nominated at the Annual
          Meeting for election as directors.

               On matters other than the election of directors, each share has
          one  vote.   Votes against any such proposal  will  be  counted  for
          determining the  presence  or  absence  of a quorum and will also be
          counted  as  having  been voted with respect  to  the  proposal  for
          purposes of determining  whether  the  requisite  majority of voting
          shares has been obtained, but will be treated as votes  against  the

               An  automated  system  administered  by  the Company's transfer
          agent tabulates the proxies received prior to the date of the Annual
          Meeting.   While  there  is  no  definitive statutory  or  case  law
          authority in California as to the proper treatment of abstentions in
          the  counting  of votes with respect  to  a  proposal,  the  Company
          believes  that  abstentions   should  be  counted  for  purposes  of
          determining both (i) the presence  or  absence  of  a quorum for the
          transaction of business and (ii) the total number of votes cast with
          respect to a proposal.  In the absence of controlling  precedent  to
          the  contrary,  the  Company  intends  to  treat abstentions in this
          manner.  Accordingly, abstentions will have  the  same  effect  as a
          vote  against  the  proposal.   Broker non-votes will be counted for
          purposes of determining the presence or absence of a quorum for the
          transaction of business, but will not be counted  for  purposes  of
          determining the number of votes cast with respect to a proposal.

               A  majority  of  the  outstanding shares constitutes the quorum
          required to transact business at the Annual Meeting.

               The cost of this solicitation will be borne by the Company.  In
          addition,  the  Company  may reimburse  brokerage  firms  and  other
          persons representing beneficial  owners of shares for their expenses
          in  forwarding  solicitation material  to  such  beneficial  owners.
          Proxies may also be solicited by certain of the Company's directors,
          officers and regular  employees,  without  additional  compensation,
          personally or by telephone, telegram or facsimile.

          Shareholder Proposals for the Next Annual Meeting

               Any  proposal  to  be  presented  at the Company's next  Annual
          Meeting of Shareholders must be received  at the Company's principal
          office  no later than May 25, 1996 in order  to  be  considered  for
          inclusion in the Company proxy materials for such meeting.  Any such
          proposals  must  be  submitted  in  writing  and  addressed  to  the
          attention  of  the  Company's  Corporate Secretary at 85 West Tasman
          Drive, San Jose, California 95134-1703.

                                    PROPOSAL NO. ONE

                                 ELECTION OF DIRECTORS


               The  Bylaws  of  the  Company  provide  for  a  Board  of  five
          directors.  Unless otherwise instructed, the proxy holders will vote
          the proxies received by them for management's  five  nominees  named
          below,  all  of whom are presently directors of the Company.  In the
          event that any nominee of the Company is unable or declines to serve
          as a director at the time of the Annual Meeting, the proxies will be
          voted for any  nominee  who shall be designated by the present Board
          of Directors to fill the  vacancy.   It  is  not  expected  that any
          nominee will be unable or will decline to serve as a director.   The
          term  of  office  of each person elected as a director will continue
          until the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until his successor
          has been elected and qualified.

               The names of the  nominees, and certain information about them,
          are set forth below.

  Name                    Age     Director           Principal Occupation or
                                  Since              Employment                

William D. Rasdal(1)      62       1985            Chairman of the Board    
                                                    and  Chief Executive   
                                                    Officer of the Company

Paul N. Risinger          62       1989            Vice Chairman and  
                                                   Assistant Secretary
                                                   of the Company

Howard Anderson(2)(3)     51       1994            Managing Director of 
                                                   The Yankee Group

Roger A. Strauch(2)(3)    39       1995            President, Chief 
                                                   Executive Officer and
                                                   Director of TCSI 

Robert M. Wolfe(1)(2)(3)  68       1990            Telecommunications 
                                                    Network Consultant

(1) Member of the Executive Committee
(2) Member of the Audit Committee
(3) Member of the Stock Option and Compensation Committee

               Mr. Rasdal has served as Chairman of the Board of the  Company
          since  July  1989 and as Chief Executive Officer since joining  the
          Company in November  1985.  From November 1985 until July 1989, Mr.
          Rasdal was President of  the  Company.  From March 1980 until March
          1985,  Mr.  Rasdal  was  associated   with  Granger  Associates,  a
          manufacturer  of telecommunications products.   His  last  position
          with Granger Associates  was President and Chief Operating Officer.
          From November 1972 to January  1980,  Mr. Rasdal  was  employed  by
          Avantek  as  Vice  President  and  Division  Manager  for Avantek's
          microwave integrated circuit and semiconductor operations.  For the
          thirteen years prior to joining Avantek, he was associated with TRW
          in  various  management  positions.   

               Mr. Risinger has served as Vice Chairman  of the Company since
          August  1990  and  as a Director of the Company since  March  1989.
          From November 1985,  when  Mr.  Risinger  joined the Company, until
          August  1990,  he  served  as  Executive  Vice President,  Advanced
          Marketing  and Technology (AMAT).  From April  1981  to  May  1985,
          Mr. Risinger  served as Executive Vice President, AMAT, for Granger
          Associates  and   was   responsible  for  the  development  of  new
          businesses for the Digital  Signal  Processing  Division.  For four
          years  prior  thereto,  he served as Executive Vice  President  and
          Chief Operating Officer of the Safariland Companies, a manufacturer
          of equipment and accessories  in the public safety field.  Prior to
          joining Safariland, Mr. Risinger was associated with TRW in various
          management  roles  in marketing,   research  and  development,  and
          general management for seventeen years.

               Mr. Anderson has been Managing Director of The Yankee Group, a
          high technology market research and  consulting  firm,  since 1970.
          Mr.  Anderson  is  also  the  founder of Battery Ventures, a Boston
          based high technology venture capital company.

               Mr. Strauch has been Chief  Executive  Officer and Director of
          TCSI  Corporation  ("TCSI"),  a  software  products   and   service
          provider, since January 1989, and has been President of TCSI  since
          September  1987.  From January 1986 until September 1987, he served
          as Vice President of Teknekron Corporation and the Division Manager
          of Teknekron  Communications  Systems.   From August 1983, when Mr.
          Strauch joined Teknekron Corporation, until January 1986, he served
          as Division Manager of the Communications  Systems  Division.   For
          five  years  prior  thereto,  Mr.  Strauch served as a senior staff
          engineer and project manager for Hughes  Aircraft  Company's  Space
          and Communications Group.

               Mr. Wolfe  has  been an independent telecommunications network
          consultant since October 1989.  From April 1985 until October 1989,
          Mr. Wolfe  served  as  Vice  President  of  BellSouth  Services,  a
          subsidiary of BellSouth  Corporation,  where he was responsible for
          telecommunications  network  planning.   For   three   years  prior
          thereto,  he  served  as  Assistant  Vice  President  of  BellSouth
          Corporation involved in strategic planning for BellSouth after  the
          Bell  System  breakup.   Prior  to  1982,  Mr. Wolfe  held  various
          positions  in  the Bell System, including two years at AT&T in  New

          Vote Required; Recommendation of Board of Directors

               With respect  to  the election of directors, shareholders have
          cumulative voting rights, which means that each shareholder has the
          number of votes equal to  the  number  of shares held multiplied by
          the number of directors to be elected.   Each  shareholder may give
          all  such  votes to one candidate or distribute such  shareholder's
          votes among  the  candidates  as the shareholder chooses.  However,
          the  right  to  cumulate  votes may  not  be  exercised  until  the
          candidate or candidates have  been  nominated and a shareholder has
          given notice at the Annual Meeting of  the  shareholder's intention
          to  vote cumulatively.  If any shareholder present  at  the  Annual
          Meeting  gives  such  notice,  all  shareholders may cumulate their
          votes.  The candidates receiving the  highest  number  of  votes of
          shares entitled to vote for them, up to the number of directors  to
          be  elected, shall be elected.  THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 

          The Board of Directors and its Committees

               The  Board  of  Directors has an Executive Committee, an Audit
          Committee and a Stock  Option and Compensation Committee.  There is
          no Nominating Committee  or a committee performing the functions of
          a nominating committee.  The Executive Committee may, to the extent
          permitted by law, exercise  all  of  the  powers  of  the  Board of
          Directors with respect to the management of the Company.  The Audit
          Committee  monitors  the  performance  of the independent auditors,
          recommends their engagement or dismissal  to the Board of Directors
          and  monitors  the  Company's  internal  financial  and  accounting
          organization  and  financial  reporting.   The   Stock  Option  and
          Compensation  Committee recommends executive compensation arrange-  
          ments for action  by  the  Board  as  a  whole, and administers the
          Company's stock option plans.  During the  1995  fiscal  year,  the
          Audit  Committee  held  two  meetings  and  the  Stock  Option  and
          Compensation Committee held four meetings.  The Executive Committee
          held  no  meetings  separate from the Board of Directors as a whole
          during the 1995 fiscal year.

               During the 1995  fiscal  year, there were four meetings of the
          Board  of  Directors.   Each  of the  Company's  present  directors
          attended at least 75% of the aggregate  of  (i) the total number of
          meetings  of  the Board of Directors (held during  the  period  for
          which such director  has been a director) and (ii) the total number
          of meetings of committees  of  the Board of Directors on which such
          person served (during the period  that such director served) during
          the 1995 fiscal year.

          Director Compensation

               Under  the terms of the 1990 Director  Option  Plan,  on  each
          January 1, each  non-employee  director  automatically  receives  a
          nonstatutory  option  to  purchase  10,000  shares of the Company's
          Common  Stock.   As  set  forth  in  Proposal No. 3,  "Approval  of
          Amendments  to  1990  Director Option Plan,"  if  approved  by  the
          shareholders at the Annual  Meeting,  the 1990 Director Option Plan
          shall be amended to provide that each non-employee  director  shall
          automatically  receive  a  nonstatutory  stock  option  to purchase
          10,000  shares  of  the  Company's Common Stock (i) on the date  on
          which such person first becomes an outside director and
          (ii) on January 1 of each year, if on such date,
          such  person  shall have served on the Board of Directors
          for at least six months.  Non-employee directors
          of the Company are paid $2,500 for each Board meeting attended.  No
          additional compensation is  paid  for  committee meetings attended.
          The Company also reimburses its directors for certain expenses   
          incurred by them in their  capacity as directors or in connection
          with attendance at Board meetings.

                                    PROPOSAL NO. TWO



               In  December 1990,  the  Company's  shareholders  adopted  and
          approved the  1990 Employee Stock Plan (the "1990 Plan").  The 1990
          Plan originally  provided  for  the  issuance  of 700,000 shares of
          Common Stock of the Company.  Through 1994, the  shareholders  have
          approved  amendments  to  the  1990  Plan  increasing the number of
          shares subject thereto to the current reserve  of 1,700,000.  For a
          detailed  description of the 1990 Plan, see "Summary  of  the  1990


               In July 1995, the Board of Directors approved three amendments
          to the 1990  Plan.   At  the  Annual  Meeting, the shareholders are
          being requested to approve these amendments, which are discussed in
          detail below.

                 (i)     Increase in Shares Reserved  Under  the  1990  Plan.
          The proposed amendment increases the number of shares reserved  for
          issuance  under  the  1990  Plan  by 500,000 shares (the "1990 Plan
          Increase"), for a total number of shares  authorized  for  issuance
          under the 1990 Plan of 2,200,000 shares.  The 1990 Plan Increase is
          necessary  in  order  to provide an effective method of recognizing
          employee contributions  to the success of the Company.  The Company
          also believes that its ability  to  grant stock options is critical
          to  its  success  in  attracting  and  retaining   experienced  and
          qualified employees.

                (ii)     Automatic  Annual Increase in Shares Reserved  Under
          the 1990 Plan.  The Company  proposes that on the first day of each
          fiscal  year  of  the  Company,  beginning  with  the  fiscal  year
          commencing July 1, 1996, the number of shares reserved for issuance
          under the 1990 Plan shall be increased  by  an amount equal to 3.0%
          of the outstanding shares of the Company's Common  Stock  as of the
          last  trading  day  of  the  Company's immediately preceding fiscal

               (iii)     Limit to Options  Granted  Under the 1990 Plan.  The
          proposed  amendment  would limit the number of  shares  subject  to
          options, stock appreciation  rights  ("SARs")  and  stock  purchase
          rights granted to any employee in any fiscal year of the Company to
          250,000  in the aggregate; provided that the Company would be  able
          to make an additional one-time grant to newly hired employees of up
          to  250,000   shares.    The   above   limitations   would   adjust
          proportionately  in  connection  with  any  change in the Company's
          capitalization.   The  Omnibus Budget Reconciliation  Act  of  1993
          ("OBRA") added Section 162(m) to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
          as  amended (the "Code").   Under  Section  162(m),  the  allowable
          deduction  for  compensation  paid  or  accrued with respect to the
          chief  executive  officer  and  each  of  the  four   most   highly
          compensated employees of a publicly-held corporation is limited  to
          no  more  than $1,000,000 per year for fiscal years beginning on or
          after October  1, 1993.  However, this limitation does not apply to
          compensation attributable  to stock options, SARs or stock purchase
          rights  if, among other things,  the option plan includes limits on
          option, SAR and stock purchase right  grants  to  employees such as
          the limitations described above.

          Vote Required; Recommendation of Board of Directors

               The  affirmative  vote  of  the holders of a majority  of  the
          shares represented in person or by  proxy  and voting at the Annual
          Meeting  will  be required to approve the amendments  to  the  1990

          Summary of the 1990 Plan

               The essential features  of  the 1990 Plan, taking into account
          the proposed amendments,  are outlined below.

               Purpose.  The purposes of the  1990  Plan  are  to attract and
          retain   qualified   personnel   for   positions   of   substantial
          responsibility,  to  provide additional incentive to employees  and
          consultants of the Company  and its subsidiaries and to promote the
          success of the Company's business.

               Administration.  With respect  to  grants  of options or stock
          rights  to  employees  who  are also officers or directors  of  the
          Company, the 1990 Plan shall  be  administered  by (i) the Board of
          Directors of the Company if the Board of Directors  may  administer
          the 1990 Plan in a manner complying with the rules under Rule 16b-3
          promulgated  under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as  amended
          ("Exchange Act"),  or  any  successor  rule  thereto ("Rule 16b-3")
          relating  to the disinterested administration of  employee  benefit
          plans under  which  Section  16(b)  exempt discretionary grants and
          awards of equity securities are to be  made,  or  (ii) a  committee
          designated  by  the  Board  of Directors, which committee shall  be
          constituted to comply with the  rules  under Rule 16b-3 relating to
          the disinterested administration of employee  benefit  plans  under
          which  Section  16(b)  exempt  discretionary  grants  and awards of
          equity  securities  are  to  be  made.   With respect to grants  of
          options or stock rights to employees or consultants who are neither
          officers  nor  directors of the Company, the  1990  Plan  shall  be
          administered by  (i) the  Board  of  Directors  or (ii) a committee
          designated  by  the  Board of Directors, which committee  shall  be
          constituted in such a  manner as to satisfy the legal requirements,
          if any, relating to the  administration of stock option plans under
          California corporate law and the Code.  If permitted by Rule 16b-3,
          the 1990 Plan may be administered  by different bodies with respect
          to directors, non-director officers,  and employees and consultants
          who are neither officers nor directors.

               The administrators of the 1990 Plan have full power to select,
          from among the directors, officers, employees  and  consultants  of
          the  Company  eligible  for  awards, the individuals to whom awards
          will  be  granted,  to  make  any  combination  of  awards  to  any
          participant  and to determine the specific  terms  of  each  grant,
          subject to the provisions of the 1990 Plan.

               Eligibility.   The  1990 Plan provides that nonstatutory stock
          options,  SARs  and  stock  purchase   rights  may  be  granted  to
          employees, including officers and consultants of the Company or any
          subsidiary of the Company.  Incentive stock  options may be granted
          only  to  employees,  including  officers, of the  Company  or  any
          subsidiary of the Company.  No employee  shall  be  granted, in any
          fiscal year of the Company, options, SARs and stock purchase rights
          to  acquire  in  the aggregate more than 250,000 shares  of  Common
          Stock.  The Company may, however, make an additional one-time grant
          to newly hired employees of up to 250,000 shares.

               Stock Options.   The  1990  Plan permits the granting of stock
          options  that  either  qualify  as incentive  stock  options  under
          Section 422(b) of the Code ("Incentive Stock Options" or "ISOs") or
          do not so qualify ("Nonstatutory Stock Options" or "NSOs").

               The term of each option is fixed by the administrators but may
          not exceed ten years from the date  of grant in the case of ISOs or
          five years from the date of grant in  the  case  of ISOs granted to
          the  owner of Common Stock possessing more than 10%  of  the  total
          combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any
          subsidiary.  When  the  fair market value of shares subject to ISOs
          first exercisable in one  calendar  year  is greater than $100,000,
          the excess options shall be treated as NSOs.  For  these  purposes,
          fair market value is determined on the date of grant, and all  ISOs
          granted  by  the  Company  or its subsidiaries to an individual are
          aggregated.  The administrators  determine  the  time or times each
          option  may  be  exercised.   Options  may  be made exercisable  in
          installments, and the exercisability of options  may be accelerated
          by the administrators.

               Option  Price.   The  option  exercise  price for  each  share
          covered  by  an  NSO or an ISO may not be less than  85%  or  100%,
          respectively, of the  fair  market value of a share of Common Stock
          on the date of grant of such  option.   In the case of ISOs granted
          to the owner of Common Stock possessing more  than 10% of the total
          combined voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or any
          subsidiary,  the option exercise price for each  share  covered  by
          such option may not be less than 110% of the fair market value of a
          share of Common  Stock on the date of grant of such option.  For so
          long as the Company's Common Stock is traded on the Nasdaq National
          Market, the fair market  value  of a share of Common Stock shall be
          the closing sales price for such  stock  (or  the closing bid if no
          sales were reported) as quoted on such system on the date of grant.

               Consideration.  The consideration to be paid for shares issued
          upon exercise of options granted under the 1990 Plan, including the
          method of payment, is determined by the administrators (and, in the
          case  of  ISOs, determined at the time of grant)  and  may  consist
          entirely of (1) cash, (2) check, (3) promissory note, (4) shares of
          Common Stock which, in the case of shares acquired upon exercise of
          an option,  have been beneficially owned for at least six months or
          which were not  acquired  directly  or indirectly from the Company,
          with  a  fair  market  value  on the exercise  date  equal  to  the
          aggregate exercise price of the  shares  being  purchased,  (5) the
          delivery  of  a  properly  executed  notice  providing for cashless
          exercise   together   with   such   other  documentation   as   the
          administrator and a broker, if applicable,  shall require to effect
          an exercise of the option and delivery to the  Company  of the sale
          or  loan  proceeds  required  to  pay  the exercise price, (6)  the
          delivery of an irrevocable subscription  agreement  for  the shares
          which  irrevocably  obligates the optionee to take and pay for  the
          shares not more than  12  months after delivery of the subscription
          agreement, (7) any combination  of  the  foregoing  methods, or (8)
          such other consideration and method permitted by applicable laws.

               Miscellaneous Provisions.  Under the 1990 Plan,  in  the event
          of   an   optionee's   termination   of  employment  or  consulting
          relationship for any reason other than death or total and permanent
          disability, an option may thereafter be exercised, to the extent it
          was exercisable at the date of such termination, for such period of
          time as the administrator shall determine at the time of grant (not
          to exceed six months, or three months  in  the  case  of  Incentive
          Stock   Options).    If  an  optionee's  employment  or  consulting
          relationship is terminated  as a result of the optionee's permanent
          and total disability, the option will be exercisable for six months
          following  such  termination,  but   only  to  the  extent  it  was
          exercisable at the date of termination  and  to the extent that the
          term of the option has not expired.  If an optionee's employment or
          consulting relationship is terminated by reason  of  the optionee's
          death, the option will be exercisable by the optionee's  estate  or
          successor for six months following death, but only to the extent it
          was  exercisable  at  the  date of death and to the extent that the
          term of the option has not expired.

               The administrators of the  1990  Plan may at any time offer to
          buy out for a payment in cash or shares  of  Common  Stock  of  the
          Company  an  option  previously  granted,  based  on such terms and
          conditions as the administrators shall establish and communicate to
          the optionee at the time that such offer is made.

               All  options  granted under the 1990 Plan are evidenced  by  a
          stock option agreement between the Company and the optionee to whom
          such option is granted.  Options granted to persons who are subject
          to Section 16 of the  Exchange  Act  are  subject to any additional
          restrictions  applicable  to options granted  to  such  persons  in
          compliance with Rule 16b-3.

               Stock Appreciation Rights.   The  1990  Plan  also permits the
          granting of SARs.  SARs may be granted in connection  with  all  or
          any  part  of  an option, either concurrently with the grant of the
          option or at any  time thereafter during the term of the option.  A
          SAR granted in connection  with  an option entitles the optionee to
          exercise  the  SAR by surrendering to  the  Company  unexercised  a
          portion of the related  option.   The optionee receives in exchange
          from the Company an amount equal to  the  excess of the fair market
          value  on  the  date  of exercise of the SAR of  the  Common  Stock
          covered by the surrendered  portion  of the related option over the
          exercise  price  of  the Common Stock covered  by  the  surrendered
          portion of the related  option.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
          administrators of the 1990  Plan  may place limits on the aggregate
          amount that may be paid upon exercise  of a SAR; provided, however,
          that such limits may not restrict the exercisability of the related
          option.   When  a  SAR  granted in connection  with  an  option  is
          exercised, the related option, to the extent surrendered, ceases to
          be exercisable.  A SAR granted  in  connection  with  an  option is
          exercisable and expires no later than the date on which the related
          option  expires.   A  SAR granted in connection with an option  may
          only be exercised at a  time  when  the  fair  market  value of the
          Common  Stock  covered  by  the related option exceeds the exercise
          price of the Common Stock covered by the related option.

               SARs may also be granted  without related options.  In such an
          event, the SAR entitles the optionee,  by  exercising  the  SAR, to
          receive from the Company an amount equal to the excess of the  fair
          market  value  of the Common Stock covered by the exercised portion
          of the SAR as of  the  date  of such exercise, over the fair market
          value of the Common Stock covered  by  the exercised portion of the
          SAR, as of the last market trading date  prior to the date on which
          the   SAR   was   granted.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,   the
          administrators of the 1990 Plan  may  place limits on the aggregate
          amount that may be paid upon exercise of  a  SAR.   A  SAR  granted
          without  a  related option is exercisable, in whole or in part,  at
          such time as  the  administrators  specify  in  the  optionee's SAR

               The Company's obligation arising upon the exercise  of  a  SAR
          may be paid in Common Stock or in cash, or any combination thereof,
          as  the  administrators  may  determine.   Shares  issued  upon the
          exercise  of a SAR are valued at their fair market value as of  the
          date of exercise.

               SARs granted  to  persons who are subject to Section 16 of the
          Exchange Act are subject  to any additional restrictions applicable
          to SARs granted to such persons in compliance with Rule 16b-3.

               Stock Purchase Rights.   The  1990 Plan permits the Company to
          grant stock purchase rights to purchase Common Stock of the Company
          ("Stock  Purchase Rights") either alone,  in  addition  to,  or  in
          tandem with  other  awards  under  the 1990 Plan and/or cash awards
          made outside the 1990 Plan.  Upon the  granting of a Stock Purchase
          Right under the 1990 Plan, the offeree is advised in writing of the
          terms, conditions and restrictions related  to the offer, including
          the number of shares of Common Stock that the  offeree  is entitled
          to purchase, the price to be paid (which price may not be less than
          50%  of the fair market value of the shares as of the date  of  the
          offer) and the time within which the offeree must accept such offer
          (which  may in no event exceed 30 days from the date upon which the
          administrators  made  the determination to grant the Stock Purchase
          Right).  The offer is accepted  by  execution of a restricted stock
          purchase agreement between the Company and the offeree.

               Unless the administrators of the  1990  Stock  Plan  determine
          otherwise,  the  restricted  stock  purchase  agreement  grants the
          Company  a  repurchase  option  exercisable  upon the voluntary  or
          involuntary termination of the purchaser's employment or consulting
          relationship  with the Company for any reason (including  death  or
          permanent and total  disability).   The  purchase  price for shares
          repurchased pursuant to the restricted stock purchase  agreement is
          the  original  price  paid  by  the  purchaser  and may be paid  by
          cancellation of any indebtedness of the purchaser  to  the Company.
          The repurchase option lapses at such rate as the administrators may

               Upon exercise of a Stock Purchase Right, the purchaser has all
          rights of a shareholder of the Company.

               Nontransferability  of Options, Stock Appreciation Rights  and
          Stock Purchase Rights.  Options,  SARs  and  Stock  Purchase Rights
          granted  pursuant  to  the  1990  Plan are nontransferable  by  the
          participant, other than by will or  by  the  laws  of  descent  and
          distribution  and  may  be  exercised,  during  the lifetime of the
          participant, only by the participant.

               Acceleration of Options, Stock Appreciation  Rights  and Stock
          Purchase  Rights.   Subject  to  the  change  in control provisions
          described  below,  in  the  event  of  a proposed sale  of  all  or
          substantially all of the assets of the Company or the merger of the
          Company with or into another corporation,  each outstanding option,
          SAR  and Stock Purchase Right shall be assumed  or  substituted  by
          such successor  corporation  or  a  parent  or  subsidiary  of such
          successor corporation, unless the Board determines, in the exercise
          of   its  sole  discretion  and  in  lieu  of  such  assumption  or
          substitution, that the participant shall have the right to exercise
          the option, SAR or Stock Purchase Right as to all shares subject to
          such option,  SAR  or  Stock Purchase Right, including shares as to
          which the option, SAR or  Stock  Purchase Right would not otherwise
          be  exercisable.  If the Board determines  that  options,  SARs  or
          Stock  Purchase  Rights  shall  be  fully  exercisable  in  lieu of
          assumption   or   substitution,   the   Company  shall  notify  the
          participant that the option, SAR or Stock  Purchase  Right shall be
          fully  exercisable  for a period of 15 days from the date  of  such
          notice and the option,  SAR  or Stock Purchase Right will terminate
          upon the expiration of such period.

               Change in Control Provisions.   The 1990 Plan provides that in
          the  event  of a "Change in Control" of  the  Company  (as  defined
          below) any or  all  or  none  of  the  following  acceleration  and
          valuation provisions shall apply, as determined by the Board in its
          discretion  prior  to the Change in Control: (i) all stock options,
          SARs  and  Stock  Purchase  Rights  granted  under  the  1990  Plan
          outstanding as of the  date such Change in Control is determined to
          have occurred that are not  yet exercisable and vested on such date
          will become immediately vested  and  fully  exercisable and (ii) to
          the  extent exercisable and vested, the value  of  all  outstanding
          options,  SARs  and  Stock  Purchase Rights shall, unless otherwise
          determined by the Board prior  to  any  Change in Control but at or
          after  the  time of grant, will be cashed out  at  the  "Change  in
          Control Price"  (as  defined  below)  reduced by the exercise price
          applicable  to  such  options, SARs or Stock  Purchase  Rights.   A
          "Change in Control" means  the occurrence of (i) the acquisition by
          a person or entity (other than the Company, one of its subsidiaries
          or  a  Company  employee  benefit   plan  or  trustee  thereof)  of
          securities representing 50% or more of the combined voting power of
          the Company's then outstanding securities,  or  (ii)  a transaction
          requiring  shareholder  approval and involving the sale of  all  or
          substantially all of the  assets  of the Company or a merger of the
          Company with or into another corporation.   The  "Change in Control
          Price"  shall  be,  as  determined  by  the Board, (i) the  highest
          closing sale price of a share of Common Stock  as  reported  by the
          National   Association   of   Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  Automated
          Quotation System and as appearing in the Wall Street Journal at any
          time within the 60 day period immediately  preceding  the  date  of
          determination of the Change in Control Price by the Board, (ii) the
          highest  price  paid or offered, as determined by the Board, in any
          bona fide transaction  or  bona fide offer related to the Change in
          Control of the Company at any  time  within  such 60 day period, or
          (iii) some lower price, as the Board, in its discretion, determines
          to be a reasonable estimate of the fair market  value of a share of
          Common Stock.

               Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.   In  the event any
          change, such as a stock split or dividend, is made in the Company's
          capitalization  which  results  in an increase or decrease  in  the
          number of outstanding shares of Common  Stock  without  receipt  of
          consideration  by  the  Company, an appropriate adjustment shall be
          made in the number of shares  which have been reserved for issuance
          under the 1990 Plan and the price  per  share  covered by each out-
          standing option, SAR or Stock Purchase Right.  In  the event of the
          proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company, all outstanding
          options, SARs and Stock Purchase Rights will terminate  immediately
          prior to the consummation of such proposed action, unless otherwise
          provided  by  the  Board.   The Board may, in its discretion,  make
          provision for accelerating the  exercisability of shares subject to
          options, SARs or Stock Purchase Rights  under the 1990 Plan in such

               Amendment  and  Termination.   The  Board  may  amend,  alter,
          suspend  or  discontinue  the  1990  Plan  at any  time,  but  such
          amendment,  alteration,  suspension  or discontinuation  shall  not
          adversely affect any stock option, SAR or Stock Purchase Right then
          outstanding  under  the  1990  Plan, without  the  consent  of  the
          participant.  To the extent necessary  and desirable to comply with
          Rule 16b-3 or Section 422 of the Code (or  any other applicable law
          or  regulation), the Company shall obtain shareholder  approval  of
          any amendment  to  the  1990  Plan  in  such a manner and to such a
          degree as required.

          Outstanding   Options;   Outstanding   Options    Contingent   Upon
          Shareholder Approval

               As of the Record Date, outstanding options under the 1990 Plan
          were  exercisable  for  a total of 431,925 shares of Common  Stock,
          415,575 shares of Common  Stock  had  been  issued upon exercise of
          stock  options,  and  297,125 shares remained available  for  grant
          (giving effect to the increase  in  shares  being  presented to the
          shareholders pursuant to this Proposal No. Two for approval  at the
          Annual Meeting).

               Since  the 1990 Plan was amended by the Board of Directors  in
          July 1995 to  provide  for  an  increase  in  the  number of shares
          reserved for issuance thereunder from 1,700,000 shares to 2,200,000
          shares,  options  to  purchase  an aggregate of 441,000  have  been
          granted under the 1990 Plan.  All of such option shares were issued
          at  an  exercise  price  equal to the  fair  market  value  of  the
          Company's Common Stock on  the date of grant, and at a vesting rate
          of not less than 25% of the  option shares on each of the first and
          second anniversaries of the date  of  grant,  and 50% of the option
          shares on the third anniversary of the date of grant.

               Outstanding options granted, subject to shareholder  approval,
          to  (i)  the  Company's Chief Executive Officer, (ii) the Company's
          other executive  officers,  and  (iii)  all  employees,  other than
          executive officers, as a group, since the 1990 Plan was amended  by
          the Board in July 1995, are summarized as follows:

                                            Options            Price   
          Name                              Granted(#)         Per Share($)
           William D. Rasdal                40,000             22.75
           Paul N. Risinger                 30,000             22.75
           D. Ronald Duren                  40,000             22.75
           J. Scott Kamsler                 20,000             22.75
           Dale Pelletier                    5,000             22.75
           All employees (other than 
           executive officers)             306,000             22.75
                               Total       441,000              

               If  shareholder  approval  of the 1990 Plan Increase requested
          pursuant to this Proposal No. Two  is  not  received  at the Annual
          Meeting,  all  of  the  stock options described in the above  table
          shall be cancelled in accordance with the terms of the 1990 Plan.

          Tax Information

               Options granted under  the  1990 Plan may be either "incentive
          stock options," as defined in Section 422 of the Code, or nonstatu-
          tory options.

               Incentive  Stock  Options.  An  optionee  who  is  granted  an
          incentive stock option will  not recognize taxable income either at
          the time the option is granted  or  upon its exercise, although the
          exercise may subject the optionee to  the  alternative minimum tax.
          Upon the sale or exchange of the shares more  than  two years after
          grant of the option and one year after exercising the  option,  any
          gain or loss will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss.  If
          these   holding  periods  are  not  satisfied,  the  optionee  will
          recognize  ordinary income at the time of sale or exchange equal to
          the difference  between the exercise price and the lower of (i) the
          fair market value  of the shares at the date of the option exercise
          or  (ii) the sale price  of  the  shares.   A  different  rule  for
          measuring  ordinary  income  upon  such a premature disposition may
          apply if the optionee is also an officer,  director,  or 10% share-
          holder  of  the  Company  ("Corporate  Insiders").  Generally,  the
          Company will be entitled to a deduction  in  the same amount as the
          ordinary  income  recognized  by the optionee.  Any  gain  or  loss
          recognized on such a premature  disposition of the shares in excess
          of the amount treated as ordinary  income  will be characterized as
          long-term  or  short-term capital gain or loss,  depending  on  the
          holding period.

               Nonstatutory  Stock  Options.   All other options which do not
          qualify as incentive stock options are  referred to as nonstatutory
          options.  An optionee will not recognize  any taxable income at the
          time  of  grant  of  the nonstatutory option.   However,  upon  its
          exercise, the optionee  will  recognize  taxable  income  generally
          measured as the excess of the then fair market value of the  shares
          purchased  over  the purchase price.  Different rules may apply  in
          the case of Corporate  Insiders.   Any taxable income recognized in
          connection with an option exercise by  an  optionee  who is also an
          employee of the Company will be subject to tax withholding  by  the
          Company.   Upon  resale  of  such  shares by the optionee, any dif-
          ference between the sales price and  the optionee's purchase price,
          to the extent not recognized as taxable  income as described above,
          will be treated as long-term or short-term  capital  gain  or loss,
          depending on the holding period.

               Generally, the Company will be entitled to a tax deduction  in
          the  same  amount as the ordinary income recognized by the optionee
          with respect  to  shares  acquired  upon exercise of a nonstatutory

               Stock Appreciation Rights.  No income  will  be realized by an
          optionee in connection with the grant of a SAR.  When  the  SAR  is
          exercised,  the  optionee  will generally be required to include as
          taxable ordinary income in the  year of exercise an amount equal to
          the amount of cash received and the fair market value of any Common
          Stock received on the exercise.   In the case of an optionee who is
          also an employee, any income realized  upon  exercise of a SAR will
          constitute  wages  for  which  withholding will be  required.   The
          Company will be entitled to a tax deduction in the same amount.  If
          the optionee receives Common Stock  upon the exercise of a SAR, any
          gain or loss on the sale of such stock  will be treated in the same
          manner  as  discussed  above  under "Nonstatutory  Stock  Options."
          Different rules may apply in the case of Corporate Insiders.

               Stock Purchase Rights.  Stock  Purchase  Rights will generally
          be  taxed  in  the  same manner as nonstatutory options.   However,
          restricted stock is usually  purchased  upon  exercise  of  a Stock
          Purchase  Right.   At  the  time  of  purchase, restricted stock is
          subject to a "substantial risk of forfeiture" within the meaning of
          Section 83  of  the  Code.   As a result, the  purchaser  will  not
          recognize ordinary income at the  time  of  purchase.  Instead, the
          purchaser  will  recognize ordinary income on the  dates  when  the
          stock ceases to be  subject to substantial risk of forfeiture.  The
          stock will generally  cease  to be subject to a substantial risk of
          forfeiture when it is no longer  subject  to the Company's right to
          repurchase the stock upon the purchaser's termination of employment
          with  the  Company  (i.e.,  as  it  "vests").  At  such  time,  the
          purchaser will recognize ordinary income measured as the difference
          between the purchase price and the fair  market  value of the stock
          on the date the stock is no longer subject to a substantial risk of
          forfeiture.   However, a purchaser may accelerate to  the  date  of
          purchase his or her recognition of ordinary income, if any, and the
          beginning of any  capital  gain  holding period by timely filing an
          election pursuant to Section 83(b) of the Code.  In such event, the
          ordinary  income  recognized,  if  any,   would  be  equal  to  the
          difference between the purchase price and the  fair market value of
          the  stock  on the date of purchase, and the capital  gain  holding
          period would  commence  on  the purchase date.  The ordinary income
          recognized by a purchaser who  is  an  employee  will be treated as
          wages  and  will  be  subject  to  tax withholding by the  Company.
          Generally, the Company will be entitled  to  a tax deduction in the
          amount  and at the time the purchaser recognizes  ordinary  income.
          Different rules may apply in the case of Corporate Insiders.

               The  foregoing  is  only  a  summary  of the effect of federal
          income taxation upon the optionee and the Company  with  respect to
          the  grant and exercise of options, SARs and Stock Purchase  Rights
          under  the 1990 Plan, does not purport to be complete, and does not
          discuss  the tax consequences of the optionee's death or the income
          tax laws of  any municipality, state or foreign country in which an
          optionee may reside.

                                   PROPOSAL NO. THREE



               In December  1990,  the  Company's  shareholders  adopted  and
          approved  the 1990 Director Option Plan (the "Director Plan").  The
          Director Plan currently provides for the issuance of 150,000 shares
          of Common Stock of the Company.  The Director Plan provides for the
          automatic grant  of  nonstatutory options to non-employee directors
          of the Company (each an  "Outside  Director").  For a detailed
          description of the Director Plan, see "Summary of the Director


               In January 1995 and July 1995, the Board of Directors approved
          a  total  of  three amendments to the Director Plan.  At the Annual
          Meeting, the shareholders  are  being  requested  to  approve these
          amendments, which are discussed in detail below.

                 (i)     Increase in Shares Reserved Under the Director Plan.
          The proposed amendment increases the number of shares reserved  for
          issuance  under  the Director Plan by 150,000 shares (the "Director
          Plan Increase"), for  a  total  number  of  shares  authorized  for
          issuance  under  the Director Plan of 300,000 shares.  The Director
          Plan Increase is necessary  in order for the Company to continue to
          attract  and  retain  the best personnel  for  service  as  Outside
          Directors,  provide  additional   incentive   to   current  Outside
          Directors  to  serve as directors and to encourage their  continued
          service on the Board.

                (ii)     Automatic  Grant of 10,000 Share Option Upon Joining
          the Board.  The Director Plan  currently provides that each Outside
          Director  shall be automatically  granted  an  option  to  purchase
          10,000 shares  on January 1 of each year that such Outside Director
          serves on the Board.   The  Company  proposes to amend the Director
          Plan to provide for the automatic grant to each Outside Director of
          (a) a 10,000 share option on the date  on  which  such person first
          becomes an Outside Director and (b) a 10,000 share option on
          January 1 of each  year,  if  on such date, such person shall have
          served on the Board for at least six months.

               (iii)     Automatic  Acceleration  of  Vesting in Merger, Sale
          and  Change in Control Transactions.  The Director  Plan  currently
          provides  that in the event of a merger of the Company with or into
          another corporation  or the sale of all or substantially all of the
          assets of the Company (a "Merger or Sale Transaction"), all options
          shall be assumed or equivalent  options shall be substituted by the
          successor corporation, unless the  Board  determines,  in  its sole
          discretion and in lieu of such assumption or substitution, that the
          vesting of all options shall accelerate in full.  The Director Plan
          also provides that in the event of (i) the acquisition by a  person
          of  50%  or more of the combined voting power of the Company's then
          outstanding  securities  or  (ii)  the  occurrence of a transaction
          requiring shareholder approval and involving  the  sale  of  all or
          substantially all of the assets of the Company or the merger of the
          Company  with  or into another corporation (a "Shareholder Approval
          Transaction") ((i) and (ii) above are collectively referred to as a
          "Change in Control"), the Board may provide that the vesting of all
          options shall accelerate  in  full  and\or that the value of vested
          options  shall  be  cashed out at a Change  in  Control  Price  (as
          defined below) reduced  by  the  exercise  price  of  the  options.
          Change  in  Control Price is determined by the Board and means  (a)
          the highest closing sale price of the Company's Common Stock within
          the 60 day period  immediately  preceding the date of determination
          of  the Change in Control Price (the  "60  Day  Period"),  (b)  the
          highest  price  paid or offered in any transaction or offer related
          to the Change in  Control  within  the  60  Day Period, or (c) such
          lower price as the Board determines to be a reasonable  estimate of
          the fair market value of a share of the Company's Common Stock.

                         The Company proposes to amend the Director  Plan  to
          (i)  provide  for  full acceleration of vesting in a Merger or Sale
          Transaction in the event  that  outstanding options are not assumed
          or substituted, (ii) amend the definition  of  Change in Control to
          delete reference to a Shareholder Approval Transaction,  and  (iii)
          provide  for  full acceleration of vesting in the event of a Change
          in  Control.

          Vote Required; Recommendation of Board of Directors

               The affirmative  vote  of  the  holders  of  a majority of the
          shares represented in person or by proxy and voting  at  the Annual
          Meeting will be required to approve the amendments to the  Director

          Summary of the Director Plan

               The  essential  features  of  the  Director  Plan, taking into
          account the proposed amendments, are outlined below.

               Purpose.  The purposes of the Director Plan are to attract and
          retain the best available personnel for service as directors of the
          Company,  to provide additional incentive to the Outside  Directors
          and to encourage their continued service on the Board.

               Administration.    The  Director  Plan  is  designed  to  work
          automatically and not to  require  administration.  However, to the
          extent administration is necessary,  it  will  be  provided  by the
          Board   of  Directors  of  the  Company.   The  interpretation  and
          construction  of  any  provision  of the Director Plan by the Board
          shall  be  final.   Members  of  the Board  receive  no  additional
          compensation   for   their   services  in   connection   with   the
          administration of the Director Plan.

               Eligibility.  The Director  Plan  provides  for  the  grant of
          nonstatutory  stock  options  to  Outside  Directors.  Each Outside
          Director shall automatically receive an option  to  purchase 10,000
          shares  of  Common  Stock  on  the date on which such person  first
          becomes a director.  In addition,  on  January 1 of each year, each
          Outside Director shall automatically receive  an option to purchase
          10,000 shares of Common Stock, if on such date  such  person  shall
          have  served  on  the  Board for at least six months.  The Director
          Plan provides for neither  a maximum nor a minimum number of option
          shares that may be granted to  any  one  Outside  Director but does
          provide for the method of making a grant.

               Terms  of  Options.   Options granted under the Director  Plan
          have a term of ten years. Each  option  is  evidenced by a director
          option agreement between the Company and the  director to whom such
          option is granted.

               Rule 16b-3.  Options granted to Outside Directors  must comply
          with  the  applicable  provisions  of  Rule  16b-3 or any successor
          rule thereto and shall contain  such  additional  conditions or
          restrictions  as  may be required thereunder  to  qualify  for  the
          maximum exemption from  Section 16 of the Exchange Act with respect
          to the Director Plan transactions.

               Exercise  of  the Options.   The  options  become  exercisable
          cumulatively to the  extent of 25% on the first anniversary
          of the date of grant, 25% on the second anniversary of the date
          of grant, and 50% on the third anniversary of the date of
          grant,  so long as the optionee remains a director.

               Consideration.  The provisions  relating  to consideration for
          the  exercise  of stock options in the 1990 Plan description  apply
          equally to options  granted  under the Director Plan.  See Proposal
          No. Two: "Consideration."

               Option Price.  The option  price  under  the  Director Plan is
          100% of the fair market value of the Company's Common  Stock on the
          date of grant.  For so long as the Company's Common Stock is traded
          on the Nasdaq National Market, the fair market value of  a share of
          Common  Stock  shall be the closing sales price for such stock  (or
          the closing bid if no sales were reported) as quoted on such system
          on the last trading day prior to the date of grant.

               Termination  of Status as a Director Through Death, Disability
          or Otherwise.  Under  the  Director  Plan, in the event an optionee
          ceases to serve as a director of the Company  for  any reason other
          than  death  or  total  and  permanent  disability,  an option  may
          thereafter  be exercised, to the extent it was exercisable  at  the
          date of such  termination,  for  three  months.   If  an optionee's
          service as a director of the Company is terminated as a  result  of
          the  optionee's  permanent and total disability, the option will be
          exercisable for six  months following such termination, but only to
          the extent it was exercisable  at  the  date of termination.  If an
          optionee's service as a director of the Company  is  terminated  by
          reason  of  the optionee's death, the option will be exercisable by
          the optionee's  estate or successor for six months following death,
          but only to the extent  it  was  exercisable  at the date of death.
          However, in no event may an option be exercised  once  its term has

               Nontransferability  of  Options.  Options granted pursuant  to
          the Director Plan are nontransferable  by  the optionee, other than
          by  will  or  by the laws of descent and distribution  and  may  be
          exercised, during  the  lifetime  of  the  optionee,  only  by  the

               Acceleration  of  Options.  Subject  to  the change in control
          provisions described below, in the event of a proposed  sale of all
          or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or the merger of
          the  Company  with  or  into  another corporation, each outstanding
          option  shall  be  assumed  or  substituted   by   such   successor
          corporation   or   a   parent   or  subsidiary  of  such  successor
          corporation; provided, however, that  if such successor corporation
          (or  its  parent  or  subsidiary)  does  not  agree  to  assume  or
          substitute the options, each outstanding option  shall become fully
          vested and exercisable, including as to shares as to which it would
          not  otherwise  be exercisable.  In such event, the  Company  shall
          notify the optionee  that the option shall be fully exercisable for
          a period of 15 days from  the  date  of  such notice and the option
          will terminate upon the expiration of such period.

               Change in Control Provision.  In the  event  of  a  "Change in
          Control"  of  the  Company,  as  defined  below,  all stock options
          outstanding as of the date such Change in Control is  determined to
          have occurred that are not yet exercisable and vested on  such date
          will become immediately vested and fully exercisable.  A "Change in
          Control"  means  the  acquisition  by  any  person  (other then the
          Company, one of its subsidiaries or a Company employee benefit plan
          or trustee thereof) of securities representing 50% or  more  of the
          combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities.

               Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.  The Director  Plan
          is  subject to adjustment upon changes in capitalization provisions
          like  those  in  the  1990 Plan.  See Proposal No. Two: "Adjustment
          Upon Changes in Capitalization."

               Amendment  and  Termination.   The  Board  may  amend,  alter,
          suspend or discontinue  the  Director  Plan  at  any time, but such
          amendment,  alteration,  suspension  or discontinuation  shall  not
          adversely  affect  any  stock  option then  outstanding  under  the
          Director Plan, without the consent  of  the  holder of such option.
          To the extent necessary and desirable to comply with Rule 16b-3 (or
          any other applicable law or regulation), the Company  shall  obtain
          shareholder approval of any amendment to the Director Plan in  such
          a manner and to such a degree as required.

          Outstanding Options; Outstanding Options Contingent Upon Shareholder

               As of the Record Date, no outstanding options granted under the 
          Director Plan were exercisable, 55,000 shares of Common Stock had 
          been issued upon exercise of stock options, and 45,000 shares
          remained available for grant (without giving effect to the increase
          in shares being presented to the shareholders pursuant to this
          Proposal No. Three for approval at the Annual Meeting).

               The Board of Directors amended the Director Plan in January
           1995 to  provide for the automatic grant to each Outside Director
           of a 10,000 share  option on the date on which such person first
           becomes an Outside Director.  Such amendment was made in order to
           provide that Roger A. Strauch, who joined the Board of Directors
           in late January 1995, would not be required to wait until January
           1, 1996 to be granted an option to  purchase 10,000 shares.  Mr.
           Strauch was granted a 10,000 share option  on January 25, 1995 at
           an exercise price of $14.625 per share, which is  equal to the
           fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the 
           date of grant.  Mr. Strauch's option vests at a rate of 25% of
           the option shares on each of the first and second anniversaries
           of the date of grant, and 50% of the option shares on the third
           anniversary of the date of grant.

                If shareholder approval of the amendments to the Director
           Plan requested pursuant to this Proposal No. Three is not
           received at the Annual Meeting, Mr. Strauch's stock option shall
           be cancelled and he shall not be eligible to receive an automatic
           10,000 share option grant until January 1, 1996. 

          Tax Information

               Options   granted   under   the  Director  Plan  may  only  be
          nonstatutory options.  See the discussion  of  nonstatutory options
          under Proposal No. Two: "Tax Information."

                                   PROPOSAL NO. FOUR

               OF  THE COMPANY

               Deloitte & Touche LLP, Certified Public Accountants, have been
          the independent auditors  for  the  Company  since  1976  and, upon
          recommendation  of  the  Audit  Committee,  their reappointment  as
          independent auditors for the 1996 fiscal year  has been approved by
          the   Board   of   Directors,  subject  to  ratification   by   the

               The Company has  been  advised  by  Deloitte & Touche LLP that
          neither it nor any of its members has had any relationship with the
          Company or any of its affiliates during the  past three years other
          than as independent auditors.  The Company has  been advised that a
          representative  of  Deloitte &  Touche LLP will be present  at  the
          Annual  Meeting,  will  be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate
          questions, and will be given  an opportunity to make a statement if
          he or she so desires.
          Vote Required; Recommendation of the Board of Directors

               Although  not  required  to  be   submitted   for  shareholder
          approval, the Board of Directors has conditioned its appointment of
          its independent auditors upon receiving the affirmative  vote  of a
          majority  of  the  shares  represented,  in person or by proxy, and
          voting at the Annual Meeting.  In the event the shareholders do not
          approve the selection of Deloitte & Touche  LLP, the appointment of
          independent  auditors  will  be  reconsidered  by   the   Board  of

                                   OTHER INFORMATION

          Compliance with Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

               Section 16(a)  of  the  Exchange  Act  requires  the Company's
          officers  and  directors and persons who own more than ten  percent
          (10%) of a registered  class of the Company's equity securities, to
          file certain reports regarding  ownership  of, and transactions in,
          the   Company's  securities  with  the  Securities   and   Exchange
          Commission  (the  "SEC").  Such officers, directors and ten percent
          (10%) shareholders  are  also  required by SEC rules to furnish the
          Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms that they file.

               Based solely on its review  of  such  forms  furnished  to the
          Company and written representations from certain reporting persons,
          the Company believes that all filing requirements applicable to the
          Company's  executive  officers, directors and more than ten percent
          (10%) shareholders were  complied  with, except that a statement of
          changes  in beneficial ownership of securities  for  the  month  of
          April 1995  for  D.  Ronald  Duren,  an  executive  officer  of the
          Company, was filed late.

          Share Ownership by Principal Shareholders and Management

               The  following  table  sets  forth the beneficial ownership of
          Common Stock of the Company as of July 31, 1995, by (i) all persons
          known to the Company to be the beneficial owners of more than 5% of
          the  Company's  Common Stock, (ii) the  Company's  Chief  Executive
          Officer, (iii) the  four most highly compensated executive officers
          other than the Chief  Executive Officer, (iv) each director and (v)
          all directors and executive officers as a group.
                                             Shares      Approximate
                                          Beneficially     Percent
           Name and Address                  Owned          Owned

           William D. Rasdal(1)(2)           515,994         3.4%
           Paul N. Risinger(1)(3)            222,136         1.5%
           D. Ronald Duren(1)(4)             192,837         1.3%
           J. Scott Kamsler(1)               115,988            *
           Robert M. Wolfe(1)                 37,500            *
           Howard Anderson(5)                  2,000            *
           Roger A. Strauch                       __           __
           Brad P. Whitney(6)                        __           __
           All directors and executive
              officers as a group
             (9 persons)(1)                1,114,817          7.1%

           *    Less than one percent (1%).

           (1)  Includes 177,500, 79,915, 118,000, 66,012, 37,500 and 501,427 
                shares which  Messrs.  Rasdal,  Risinger,  Duren,  Kamsler,
                Wolfe and all present  directors  and executive officers as
                a group, respectively, have the right to acquire  within  60
                days of July 31, 1995 upon the exercise of stock options.

           (2)  Includes 338,494 shares held by the  Rasdal Family Trust,
                dated July 16, 1983, as amended, of which William  D. Rasdal
                and  Marilyn Kay Rasdal are Co-Trustees.

           (3)  Includes  120,360  shares held by The Risinger Third Family
                Limited Partnership, a California Limited Partnership.

           (4)  Includes an aggregate  of  800  shares  held  by Sean P.
                McHenry and Ashley  C.  Duren,  children  of  Mr. Duren, as
                to which  Mr.  Duren disclaims beneficial ownership.

           (5)  Includes  2,000  shares  registered in  the  name  of
                Yankee  Group Research, Inc. of which Mr. Anderson is the
                sole shareholder.

           (6)  Excludes 250,000 shares which  Mr.  Whitney has the right to
                acquire within 60 days of July 31, 1995 upon  the  exercise
                of stock options to purchase  shares of Common Stock of
                Linfinity  Microelectronics Inc. ("Linfinity"), a subsidiary
                of the Company.

                             EXECUTIVE OFFICER COMPENSATION

          Summary Compensation Table

               The following table sets  forth  compensation  received in the
          last  three  fiscal  years  by  (i)  the  Company's Chief Executive
          Officer  and  (ii)  the  four  most  highly  compensated  executive
          officers other than the Chief Executive Officer who were serving as
          executive  officers at the end of the fiscal year  ended  June  30,
          1995 (together, the "Named Officers").

                                                      Long Term      
                              Annual Compensation       Awards               
                              ______________________   ________
                                                Other    ities    All
   Name                                         Annual   Under-   Other
    and                                         Compen-  lying    Compen-
 Principal                   Salary     Bonus   sation   Options  sation
 Position            Year    ($)        ($)     ($)(1)    (#)     ($)(2)
 William D. Rasdal   1995   246,645   246,645      0     30,000      300
 Chairman of the     1994   225,903         0      0     80,000      300     
 Board and           1993   214,135   214,135      0          0      200    
 Chief Executive
 ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
 Paul N. Risinger    1995   190,131   190,131      0     30,000     300     
 Vice Chairman and   1994   173,927         0      0     50,000     300
 Assistant Secretary 1993   164,135   164,135      0          0     200     
 D. Ronald Duren     1995   201,062   170,904      0     40,000     300      
 President and       1994   184,119    0           0     20,000     300      
 Chief Operating
 Officer, Telecom    1993   173,558   173,558      0     20,000     200     
 ---------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
 J. Scott Kamsler    1995   167,338   167,338        0   20,000     300     
 Vice President,     1994   152,865         0        0   40,000     300     
 Chief Financial     1993   144,135   144,135        0        0     200     
 and Secretary
 Brad P. Whitney     1995   170,000    68,000       0         0     300     
 President and       1994   172,692   172,692   34,384(3)     0       0    
 Chief Operating
 Officer, Linfinity  1993    92,297    46,667   57,377(3)     0(4)   0
 ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------


 (1)  Excludes  certain  perquisites  and  other  amounts  which,  for  any
      executive  officer,  in  the  aggregate  did not exceed the lesser of
      $50,000  or  10%  of  the  total annual salary  and  bonus  for  such
      executive officer.

 (2)  Represents Company matching 401(k) Plan contributions.

 (3)  Represents reimbursed relocation  expenses.   Mr.  Whitney  
      commenced  employment with the Company in November 1992.

 (4)  On  June  28,  1993,  Mr.  Whitney  was granted an option to purchase
      500,000  shares of Common Stock of Linfinity,  a  subsidiary  of  the
      Company.   As  of  June  30, 1995, 250,000 of such option shares were
      vested and exercisable.

          Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year

               The following table sets forth,  as  to  the  Named  Officers,
          certain information relating to stock options granted during fiscal

                                                     Potential Realizable 
                                                           Value at
                                                        Assumed Annual
                                                        Rates of Stock   
                                                      Price Appreciation
                            Individual Grants         for Option Term(3)
             ------------------------------------     -----------------------
                           % of
             Number of   Granted    Exercise
             Securities   to Em-       or
             Underlying  ployees     Base          
              Options      in        Price         Expir
              Granted    Fiscal      ($/Sh)        ation      5%       10%
 Name           (#)      Year(1)      (2)          Date       ($)       ($)
 William D.   30,000      5.1%       8.9375     07/28/04   168,622    427,322
 Paul N.      30,000      5.1%       8.9375     07/28/04   168,622    427,322

 D. Ronald    40,000      6.8%       8.9375     07/28/04   224,830    569,763

 J. Scott     20,000       3.4%      8.9375     07/28/04   112,415    284,881

 Brad P.           0

 (1)    The total number of shares subject to options granted  to
        employees in fiscal 1995 was 590,500.

 (2)    The exercise price per share is equal to the closing price of the
        Company's Common Stock on the date of grant.

 (3)    The Potential Realizable Value is calculated based on the fair
        market value on the date of grant, which is equal to the exercise 
        price of options  granted  in fiscal 1995,  assuming  that the stock 
        appreciates in value from the date of grant  until the end of the 
        option  term  at the annual rate specified (5% and 10%).  Potential
        Realizable Value is net of the  option  exercise  price.  The assumed 
        rates  of appreciation are specified in rules of the SEC, and do not 
        represent the Company's estimate  or  projection  of  future stock 
        price.  Actual gains, if any, resulting from stock option exercises
        and Common Stock holdings are dependent on the future performance of 
        the Common Stock, overall  stock  market conditions, as well as the
        option holders' continued employment through the exercise/vesting  
        period.   There can be no assurance that the amounts reflected in   
        this table will be achieved.

          Aggregated  Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year End
          Option Values

               The following  table  provides  information  with  respect  to
          option exercises in fiscal 1995 by the Named Officers and the value
          of  such  officers' unexercised options at the close of business on
          June 30, 1995  (the  last  trading  day  prior  to  the  end of the
          Company's 1995 fiscal year).

- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Number of             Value of
                                         Securities           Unexercised
                                         Underlying          In-the- Money
                                         Unexercised           Options at
                                     Options at Fiscal      Fiscal Year End
              Shares                    Year End(#)             ($)(2)
           Acquired on    Value      _________________   ___________________ 
             Exercise    Realized     Exer-     Unexer-  Exer-        Unexer-
Name           (#)        ($)(1)     cisable    cisable  cisable      cisable
- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
William D.   220,000    2,713,375    190,000    90,000   3,483,750    714,375

Paul N.      200,000    2,619,834     72,415    67,500   1,252,050    590,625

D. Ronald     42,000      505,000     98,000    65,000   1,661,250    763,750

J. Scott       6,883      110,988     61,012    50,000   1,043,358    421,250

Brad P.            0            0          0         0           0          0


 (1)   Market value of underlying securities based on the  closing  price of 
       the Company's Common Stock on the date of exercise, minus the 
       exercise price.

 (2)   Market value of underlying securities based on the closing price  of  
       $21.75 of the Company's Common Stock on June 30, 1995 (the last 
       trading day prior to  the  end of the Company's 1995 fiscal year), 
       minus the exercise price.

 (3)   Mr.  Whitney has an option to purchase 500,000 shares of Common 
       Stock of Linfinity, a subsidiary  of  the  Company,   at  an  exercise  
       price of $0.50 per share, under Linfinity's employee stock option 
       plan, of which 250,000  shares are exercisable as of June 30, 1995.
       The fair market value of Linfinity's Common Stock was most recently  
       determined, by Linfinity's Board of Directors in January 1995,
       to be $2.65  per  share, based upon independent appraisal.

          Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

               The  Stock Option and Compensation Committee of the  Company's
          Board of Directors  (the  "Compensation  Committee") is composed of
          three  non-employee directors, Howard Anderson,  Roger A.   Strauch
          and Robert  M.  Wolfe.   Mr. Strauch has served on the Compensation
          Committee since April 1995.   No  interlocking  relationship exists
          between  the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  or  the compensation
          committee  of  any  other  company,  nor  has any such interlocking
          relationship existed in the past.

                                  CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

               In  November  1992,  Brad  P. Whitney joined  the  Company  as
          President and Chief Operating Officer  of Linfinity.  In accordance
          with  Mr.  Whitney's employment agreement,  in  the  event  of  his
          termination  of  employment by the Company,  Mr. Whitney shall
          continue to receive his annual base salary, currently  $187,000,
          as  well  as medical benefits  and car allowance, until the earlier of
          (i) twelve months following such  termination  or  (ii) 
          acceptance by Mr. Whitney of other employment.

               In order to induce Mr. Whitney to accept the position of
          President and Chief Operating Officer of Linfinity, the Company
          offered to assist him in his relocation from Texas to California by
          agreeing to lend him 20% of the purchase price of a home in
          California, up to a maximum of $125,000.  
          Subsequent to Mr. Whitney's relocation, the Company loaned him 
          $95,000 pursuant to a promissory note dated April 19, 1993
          (the "Loan"). Interest accrues on the Loan at the rate of 5.34% per
          annum, with all accrued interest on the outstanding principal due
          and payable on July 1, October 1, January 1 and April 1 of each
          year.  Any payments made by the Company to Mr. Whitney under the
          management incentive plan applicable to him (after applicable taxes
          and other withholdings) are to be applied to the principal amount
          of the Loan, with all remaining principal and interest
          on the Loan due and payable on April 19, 1998.  As of the Record
          Date, the Loan has been paid in full.  In addition, the Company
          made a short term advance of $10,000 to Mr. Whitney in January 1993
          in connection with the down payment on a residence Mr. Whitney
          subsequently did not purchase and has loaned him an additional
          $4,205 to cover various legal fees in connection therewith
          (collectively the "Advance").  As of the Record Date, the Advance
          has been paid in full.

               Notwithstanding anything to the contrary  set  forth in any of
          the Company's previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as
          amended,  or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  that
          might incorporate  future  filings, including this Proxy Statement,
          in whole or in part, the following report and the Performance Graph
          on page 22 shall not be deemed to be "soliciting material" or to be
          "filed" with the Securities and Exchange Commission, nor shall such
          information be incorporated  by  reference  into any further filing
          under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities  Exchange Act of
          1934,  except  to  the extent that the Company specifically  incor-
          porates it by reference into any such filing.

                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE REPORT

               The Compensation  Committee is comprised of three independent,
          non-employee directors who  have  no interlocking relationships, as
          defined by the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  As part of its
          duties, the Compensation Committee reviews  compensation  levels of
          the  executive  officers  and  evaluates  their  performance.   The
          Compensation  Committee also administers the Company's stock option
          plans.  In connection  with such duties, the Compensation Committee
          determines  base  salary  levels  and  short-term  incentive  bonus
          programs for the Company's executive officers at or about the start
          of the fiscal year, and determines  actual bonuses after the end of
          such  fiscal  year  based  upon  the  achievement   of  Company  or
          subsidiary   profit   levels.   The  Compensation  Committee   also
          determines stock option awards to executives throughout the year.
          The Compensation Committee's review of  the  Company's  executive
          pay program included a comprehensive report from an independent 
          compensation  consultant  which analyzed the  elements  of  the
          Company's executive compensation program  in comparison with 
          executive compensation programs maintained by other
          high technology companies.

               The Company's executive  pay  programs are designed to attract
          and retain executives who will contribute  to  the  Company's long-
          term  success, to reward executives for achieving both  short-  and
          long-term   strategic   Company   goals,   to  link  executive  and
          shareholder interest through equity-based plans,  and  to provide a
          compensation  package that recognizes individual contributions  and
          Company performance.   A  substantial  portion  of each executive's
          total compensation is intended to be variable and  to relate to and
          be contingent upon the achievement of Company or subsidiary  profit

               The   three   key   components   of  the  Company's  executive
          compensation program in fiscal 1995 were  base  salary,  short-term
          incentives, represented by the Company's annual bonus program,  and
          long-term  incentives, represented by the Company's stock programs.
          The Company also provides benefits to its executives to provide for
          health, welfare  and  security  needs,  as  well  as  for executive
          efficiency.   The  Company's  policies  with  respect to the  three
          principal elements of its executive compensation  program,  as well
          as  the  basis for the compensation awarded to Mr. Rasdal, Chairman
          of the Board  and  Chief  Executive  Officer  of  the  Company, are
          discussed below.

          Base Salary

               Base  salaries  of executive officers are initially determined
          by evaluating the responsibilities  of  the  position  held and the
          experience and performance of the individual, with reference to the
          competitive  marketplace  for  executive talent, including  a  com-
          parison  to  base  salaries  for  comparable   positions  for  high
          technology  companies.   The Compensation Committee  considers  not
          only the achievement of corporate  and  business unit financial and
          strategic   goals   but  also  individual  performance,   including
          managerial effectiveness, teamwork and customer satisfaction.  Base
          salaries of executive  officers  in  fiscal 1995 were set below the
          average for comparable positions at high  technology  companies  in
          order  to  place  a greater emphasis on incentive components of the
          compensation package.

          Annual Bonus Program

               At the beginning  of  the  1995  fiscal year, the Compensation
          Committee determined maximum annual incentive  bonus payments 
         based on aggressive profit targets compared to fiscal 1994.
          Following the end of the 1995 fiscal year, the Compensation
          Committee determined the amount of the annual incentive payments
          for  each executive officer based on its evaluation of the
          achievement of the
          profit  target  set  for  each  of  (a)  Linfinity,  the  Company's
          semiconductor subsidiary, with  respect  to Linfinity officers, (b)
          Telecom Solutions, the Company's telecommunications operation, with
          respect to Telecom Solutions officers, and  (c)  the  Company  as a
          whole,  with respect to the Company's Chief Executive Officer, Vice
          Chairman   of   the   Board   and  Chief  Financial  Officer.   The
          Compensation Committee's philosophy  is to set high profit targets,
          and to make each executive officer's maximum incentive bonus payout
          target  high  in  relation to such executive  officer's  salary  in
          comparison with other high technology companies, in order to obtain
          significant linkage  between overall executive compensation and the
          achievement of the applicable  profit target.  For fiscal 1995, the
          Compensation   Committee   set   the   maximum   annual   executive
          compensation payout target for the Named  Officers  at 100% of base
          salary for achievement of targeted profit goals.

               The  Company's  fiscal  1995  net sales increased by  5%  over
          fiscal 1994, operating income increased by 30% in fiscal 1995
          compared to fiscal 1994; net earnings increased  by approximately
          58% in fiscal 1995 compared to fiscal 1994, while net  earnings,
          as a percentage of net sales,  increased to 10.0% from 6.7% during
          fiscal 1995 over fiscal  1994,  and  net  earnings  per common and
          common equivalent share  increased by 53% in fiscal 1995 compared
          to  fiscal  1994.
          Based upon  the  achievement  of  targeted  performance  goals, the
          fiscal  1995 annual incentive bonus payouts were paid to the  Named
          Officers  at  the  following rates:  to Linfinity Named Officers at
          40% of annual salary, to Telecom Solutions Named Officers at 85% of
          annual salary, and corporate  Named  Officers  at  100%  of  annual

          Equity-Based Compensation

               Under  the  Company's  1990 Employee Stock Plan, stock options
          may be granted to executive officers and other key employees of the
          Company.  The size of stock option  awards is based primarily on an
          individual's performance and the individual's  responsibilities and
          position  with the Company, as well as on the individual's  present
          outstanding  vested  and unvested options.  Options are designed to
          align the interests of  executive  officers  with  those  of share-
          holders.  Stock options are granted with an exercise price equal to
          the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the  date of
          grant,  and  current  grants generally vest over three years.  This
          approach is designed to encourage the creation of shareholder value
          over the long term since  no  benefit  is  realized  from the stock
          option  grant  unless  the price of the Common Stock rises  over  a
          number of years.  With respect to Linfinity officers, such officers
          have received stock option  grants  directly from Linfinity, and do
          not  receive  stock option grants with  respect  to  the  Company's

               In addition  to  the  1990  Employee  Stock Plan, all eligible
          employees  of  the  Company,  including  executive   officers,  may
          participate  in  a  payroll deduction Employee Stock Purchase  Plan
          pursuant to which Common  Stock  of the Company may be purchased at
          85% of its fair market value at the  beginning  or end or each six-
          month offering period, whichever is less.

          Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer

               The Compensation Committee meets without the  Chief  Executive
          Officer  present  to evaluate his performance.  The Chief Executive
          Officer's base salary  and  annual  incentive  bonus was determined
          based  on  a number of factors, including comparative  salaries  of
          chief executive  officers  of  similar  performance high technology
          companies, and the Company's performance  in fiscal 1994 as well as
          targets for 1995.  Mr. Rasdal's base salary for fiscal 1995 was set
          at  levels below the average of chief executive  officers  of  high
          technology   companies  because  of  the  Compensation  Committee's
          philosophy set  forth above in "Compensation Committee Report--Base
          Salary."  Mr. Rasdal's  maximum  1995 annual incentive bonus target
          was  based  on  the Company's achievement  of  targeted  levels  of
          profits after tax.  Mr. Rasdal was paid an incentive bonus equal to
          his maximum targeted  amount,  due  to  the  Company's  fiscal 1995
          performance, as summarized above in "Compensation Committee Report-
          -Annual  Bonus  Program."   Mr. Rasdal  was  awarded  an option  to
          purchase  30,000  shares  of  the Company's Common Stock in  fiscal

                                    Stock Option and Compensation Committee
                                             Robert M. Wolfe
                                             Howard Anderson
                                             Roger A. Strauch

                             COMPARATIVE STOCK PERFORMANCE

               The  graph  below compares the cumulative total  shareholders'
          return on the Company's Common Stock for the last five fiscal years
          with the total return  on  the  S  & P 500 Index and the S & P High
          Technology - Composite Index over the  same  period  (assuming  the
          investment  of  $100  in  the Company's Common Stock, the S & P 500
          Index  and  the  S  &  P High Technology  -  Composite  Index,  and
          reinvestment of all dividends).

                                   PERFORMANCE GRAPH

                                   SymmetriCom, Inc.
                    Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return
                         SymmetriCom, Inc., S & P 500 Index and
                        S & P High Technology - Composite Index

                      1990     1991    1992     1993     1994     1995
 SymmetriCom, Inc.    $100     $117    $167     $596     $267     $725
 S&P 500 Index        $100     $107    $122     $138     $140     $177  
 S&P High Technology-
 Composite Index      $100      $94    $100     $117     $126     $206  
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     OTHER MATTERS

               The Company knows of  no  other matters to be submitted to the
          meeting.  If any other matters properly come before the meeting, it
          is the intention of the persons named in the enclosed form of Proxy
          to vote the shares they represent  as  the  Board  of Directors may

                                        BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                        /s/ J. Scott Kamsler
                                        J. Scott Kamsler,

          Dated:  September 22, 1995

              SYMMETRICOM, INC.

               The undersigned shareholder of SymmetriCom, Inc., a California
          corporation,  hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice  of  Annual
          Meeting  of  Shareholders   and   Proxy   Statement,   each   dated
          September 22,  1995,  and  hereby appoints William D. Rasdal and J.
          Scott  Kamsler, and each of them,  proxies  and  attorneys-in-fact,
          with full  power to each of substitution, on behalf and in the name
          of the undersigned, to represent the undersigned at the 1995 Annual
          Meeting  of  Shareholders  of  SymmetriCom,  Inc.  to  be  held  on
          October 25, 1995,  at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Company, at
          85 West Tasman Drive,  San  Jose,  California 95134-1703 and at any
          adjournments thereof, and to vote all  shares of Common Stock which
          the  undersigned  would  be  entitled to vote  if  then  and  there
          personally present, on the matters set forth below:

               1.   ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:

                    ___  FOR all nominees listed below (except as indicated)

                    ___  WITHHOLD authority  to  vote for all nominees listed

                    If  you  wish  to  withhold authority  to  vote  for  any
          individual nominee, strike a line  through  that  nominee's name in
          the list below:

                    William  D.  Rasdal,  Paul N. Risinger, Howard  Anderson,
                    Roger A. Strauch, Robert M. Wolfe

               2.   Proposal to amend the Company's 1990 Employee Stock Plan.

                     _____ FOR        _____AGAINST       _____ABSTAIN

               3.   Proposal  to  amend the Company's  1990  Director  Option

                     _____ FOR        _____AGAINST       _____ABSTAIN

               4.   Proposal to ratify  the  appointment of Deloitte & Touche
                    LLP as the independent auditors  of  the  Company for the
                    1996 fiscal year.

                    _____ FOR        _____AGAINST       _____

 and  upon  such other matter or matters which may properly  come  before  the
          meeting and any adjournment(s) thereof.





                                                  (This   Proxy   should   be
                                             dated,   signed  by  the  share-
                                             holder(s)  exactly as his or her
                                             name   appears    hereon,    and
                                             returned    promptly    in   the
                                             enclosed    envelope.    Persons
                                             signing in a  fiduciary capacity
                                             should so indicate.   If  shares
                                             are held by joint tenants or  as
                                             community  property, both should