






1.	Lease Premises	  1
2.	Basic Lease Provisions	  1
3.	Term	  2
4.	Construction, Possession and Commencement Date	  3
5.	Rent	  6
6.	Rental Adjustments	  6
7.	Additional Rent and Expenses	   7
8.	Rentable Area	 10
9.	Security Deposit 	 10
10.	Use 	 11
11.	Brokers	 13
12.	Holding Over	 13
13.	Taxes and Assessments	 14
14.	Condition of Premises	 16
15.	Parking Facilities	 17
16.	Utilities and Services	 17
17.	Alterations	 18
18.	Repairs and Maintenance	 18
19.	Liens	 20
20.	Indemnification and Exculpation	 20
21.	Insurance - Waiver of Subrogation	 21
22.	Damage or Destruction	 25
23.	Eminent Domain	 27
24.	Defaults and Remedies	 28
25.	Assignment or Subletting	 31
26.	Arbitration - Attorney's Fees	 33
27.	Bankruptcy	 34
28.	Definition of Landlord	 34
29.	Estoppel Certificate	 35
30.	Removal of Property 	 35
31.	Limitation of Landlord's Liability	 36
32.	[Intentionally Left Blank]	 37
33.	Quiet Enjoyment	 37
34.	Quitclaim Deed	 37
35.	Subordination and Attornment	 37
36.	Surrender	 38
37.	Waiver and Modification	 39
38.	Waiver of Jury Trial and Counterclaims	 39
39.	Hazardous Materials	 39
40.	Option to Extend	 42
41.	Right of First Refusal to Purchase	 45
42.	Miscellaneous	 46

	42.1	 Terms and Headings	 46
	42.2	 Examination of Lease	 46
	42.3	 Time	 46
	42.4	 Covenants and Conditions	 47
	42.5	 Consents	 47
	42.6	 Entire Agreement	 47
	42.7	 Severability	 47
	42.8	 Recording	 47
	42.9	 Impartial Construction	 47
	42.10  Inurement	 47
	42.11  Force Majeure	 47
	42.12  Notices	 47
	42.13  Authority to Execute Lease	 47

EXHIBIT "A" --	Work Letter

EXHIBIT "B" --	Form of Acknowledgement of Term Commencement Date

EXHIBIT "C" --	Memorandum of Lease


THIS LEASE ("Lease") is made as of June 10, 1996, by and between
NEXUS EQUITY, INC., a California corporation ("Landlord"), and
SYMMETRICOM, INC., a California corporation ("Tenant").

1.  Lease Premises.

     1.1  Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from 
Landlord those certain premises ("Premises") located on Orchard Parkway 
in San Jose, California, consisting of (i) that certain real property 
("Real Property") legally described as Parcel 2 of Parcel Map filed with 
the Santa Clara County Recorder on December 6, 1995, in Book 671 of 
Maps, Pages 40 and 41, (ii) the entirety of the building (the 
"Building") to be constructed on the Real Property, and (iii) all 
landscaping, drainage, irrigation, lighting, parking facilities, 
walkways, driveways and other improvements and appurtenances related 

	2.	Basic Lease Provisions.

		2.1	For convenience of the parties, certain basic 
provisions of this Lease are set forth herein.  The provisions set forth 
herein are subject to the remaining terms and conditions of this Lease 
and are to be interpreted in light of such remaining terms and 

			2.1.1	Rentable Area of Premises:
					118,000 square feet, subject to adjustment 
                              as provided in Section 8.2

			2.1.2	Initial Basic Annual Rent:
					$1,458,480 ($12.36 per square foot of 
                              Rentable Area per year), subject to 
                              adjustment as provided in Sections 6.1 and 

			2.1.3	Monthly Installment of Basic Annual Rent:
					$121,540 ($1.03 per square foot of 
                              Rentable Area per month), subject to 
                              adjustment as provided in Sections 6.1 and 

			2.1.4	      (a)  Estimated Term Commencement Date: 
                              April 15, 1997, subject to adjustment 
                              as provided in Section 4.6

					(b)	Term Expiration Date: Twelve (12) 
                              years from Term Commencement Date

			2.1.5	Permitted Use: Uses permitted in 
                              Section 10.1

			2.1.6	Security Deposit: $121,540

			2.1.7	Address for Rent Payment and Notices to 

					Nexus Equity, Inc.
					1740 Technology Drive, Suite 315
					San Jose, California 95110

					Address for Notices to Tenant
					Before Term Commencement Date:

					SymmetriCom, Inc.
					85 West Tasman Drive
					San Jose, California 95110

					After Term Commencement Date:  Premises
		2.2	Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this Lease 
shall have the meaning set forth in the Work Letter attached hereto as 
Exhibit "A" ("Work Letter").

	3.	Term.

		3.1	This Lease shall take effect upon the date of 
execution hereof by each of the parties hereto, and each of the 
provisions hereof shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of 
Landlord and Tenant from the date of execution hereof by each of the 
parties hereto; provided, however, the effectiveness of this Lease is 
conditioned upon Tenant's approval (in its sole discretion) on or before 
June 6, 1996, of (i) CC&Rs prepared by Atmel Corporation which will 
encumber the Real Property, and (ii) approval by Atmel Corporation in a 
form satisfactory to Tenant of elevations and schematic plans of the 
Building (described on Attachment A-2) and the placement of Tenant's 
antennas on the roof of the Building.

		3.2	The term of this Lease will be that period from the 
Term Commencement Date described in Sections 2.1.4(a) and 4.6 through 
the Term Expiration Date as set forth in Section 2.1.4(b), subject to 
earlier termination of this Lease or extension of the term of this Lease 
as provided herein.

		3.3	Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the 
contrary, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease due to 
nonperformance by Landlord if:

			(i)	Landlord has not on or before June 30, 1996, 
secured a construction loan and/or other funding, from sources 
reasonably satisfactory to Tenant as to financial ability to perform, in 
an amount reasonably necessary to complete the work required of Landlord 
under the Work Letter; provided however, that such date shall be 
extended to that date which is the earlier of (i) August 15, 1996 and 
(ii) the date to which close of escrow for the acquisition of the Real 
Property is extended by the written agreement of Atmel Corporation, the 
seller of the Real Property;

			(ii)	Landlord has not on or before September 1, 1996, 
received architectural site approval from the City of San Jose;

			(iii)	Landlord has not on or before September 15, 
1996, substantially commenced Landlord's Work, defined to mean grading 
has been substantially completed and work on footings and foundations 
has commenced and is substantially underway; or

			(iv)	Landlord fails at any time thereafter to 
diligently pursue construction of Landlord's Work to completion, defined 
to mean (for the purposes of this subsection 3.3(iv) only) substantial 
cessation of work for more than thirty (30) consecutive days.

		The time for Landlord to perform its obligations under 
subsections (i) and (ii) above will be extended on account of Tenant-
Caused Delays, but not Landlord-Caused Delays or Force-Majeure Delays.  
The time for Landlord to perform its obligations under subsection (iii) 
will be extended on account of Tenant-Caused Delays and no more than 
thirty (30) days of Force Majeure Delays, but not Landlord-Caused 
The time for Landlord to perform its obligations under subsection (iv) 
will be extended on account of Tenant-Caused Delays and Force Majeure 
Delays, but not Landlord-Caused delays.  In the event Tenant terminates 
this Lease pursuant to this Section 3.3, neither Landlord nor Tenant 
shall have any further duties, obligations or liability to the other, 
except that Landlord shall promptly return to Tenant the first month's 
Basic Annual Rent deposited under Section 5.1, and the security deposit 
deposited under Section 9.1.

	4.	Construction, Possession and Commencement Date

		4.1	Landlord shall make available to Tenant the Building 
Shell within the time period set forth in the Construction Schedule with 
Landlord's Work sufficiently complete to allow Tenant to commence 
construction of Tenant's Improvements.  Landlord shall Substantially 
Complete Landlord's work (as that term is defined in the Work Letter 
attached hereto as Exhibit "A") within the time period set forth in the 
Project Schedule.  Landlord shall use diligent good faith efforts to 
continuously prosecute the construction of Landlord's Work to 
Tenant shall Substantially Complete Tenant's Improvements within the 
time period set forth in the Project Schedule.  Landlord and Tenant 
allow each other reasonable access to the Premises for the completion of 
work required hereunder, and shall conduct such work in a commercially 
reasonable manner.  All time periods set forth in the Project Schedule 
for the construction of Landlord's Work and Tenant's Improvements shall 
be extended by Landlord-Caused Delays, Tenant-Caused Delays and/or 
Majeure Delays in the manner and to the extent set forth in the Work 
Letter, subject to the limitations on Landlord with respect to Force-
Majeure Delays set forth in the last paragraph of Section 3.3 above.

		4.2	As used in Section 4.1 above and elsewhere in this 
Lease and the Work Letter, the terms "Substantially Complete", 
"Substantially Completed", and "Substantial Completion" shall mean (i) 
with respect to Landlord's Work, the date by which all of the following 
shall have occurred: (a) construction of Landlord's Work is completed 
substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor 
and all applicable governmental laws, ordinances, regulations and 
requirements ("Laws"), (b) the Project Architect has certified in 
writing that Landlord's Work is substantially complete, (c) there exist 
no incomplete or deficient items identified by or on behalf of Tenant on 
its "punch-list" that could materially interfere with Tenant's use of 
the Premises for its intended purpose, and (d) Landlord shall have 
substantially completed Landlord's Work to such a point to enable Tenant 
to obtain all permits and approvals for Tenant's legal occupancy of the 
Premises, assuming that Tenant's Improvements are Substantially 
Completed, and (ii) with respect to Tenant's Improvements, the date by 
which all of the following shall have occurred: (a) construction of 
Tenant's Improvements is completed substantially in accordance with the 
plans and specifications therefor and all applicable Laws, (b) Tenant's 
Architect has certified in writing that Tenant's Improvements are 
substantially complete, (c) no incomplete or deficient items exist that 
would materially interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises for its 
intended purpose, and (d) Tenant shall have substantially completed 
Tenant's Improvements and shall have obtained all permits and approvals 
for Tenant's legal occupancy of the Premises.

		4.3	Tenant agrees that in the event Landlord fails to 
tender possession of the Premises with the Building Shell and Land 
Improvements Substantially Completed on or before the date set forth in 
the Project Schedule for the Substantial Completion of Landlord's Work, 
this Lease shall not be void or voidable and Landlord shall not be 
to Tenant for any loss or damage resulting therefrom except as otherwise 
set forth in Sections 3.3 and 4.4.  In such event, however, Tenant's 
obligation to pay Rent and any other amounts under this Lease shall not 
commence until the actual Term Commencement Date.

		4.4	Notwithstanding Section 4.3, in the event Landlord 
fails to tender possession of the Premises with the Building Shell and 
Land Improvements Substantially Completed on or before April 15, 1997 
such date is extended by Tenant-Caused Delays, and Tenant is unable to 
occupy the Premises on or before July 15, 1997 on account thereof, 
Landlord shall pay to Tenant liquidated damages equal to any holdover or 
penalty rent or other sums in excess of the normal rental paid by Tenant 
to the landlord of its present premises at 85 West Tasman Drive, San 
Jose, California, on account of Tenant's extension or holding over of 
its tenancy at such location, for a number of days equal to the number 
of days between April 15, 1997 and the date the Premises are tendered to 
Tenant with the Building Shell and Land Improvements Substantially 
Completed (but for no longer period than Tenant actually holds over at 
its present location).  In the event that the landlord of Tenant's 
present premises does not consent to Tenant's holding over, Landlord 
shall indemnify Tenant from any and all claims, damages, losses, costs 
and liabilities incurred by Tenant as a result of Landlord's failure to 
deliver the Building Shell and Land Improvements to Tenant Substantially 
Completed on or before April 15, 1997.

		4.5	The actual Term Commencement Date shall be the date 
set forth in the Project Schedule as the date by which Tenant's 
Improvements and Landlord's Work is to be Substantially Complete; 
provided, however, that (i) such date shall be extended by the number of 
days that Tenant is prevented from commencing construction of Tenant's 
Improvements on the date for commencement thereof as set forth in the 
Project Schedule as a result of Force Majeure Delays and Landlord-Caused 
Delays (as more particularly described in the Work Letter), (ii) such 
date shall be extended by the number of days that Tenant is prevented 
from continuously prosecuting to completion and Substantially Completing 
Tenant's Improvements as a result of Force-Majeure Delays and/or 
Landlord-Caused Delays, and (iii) in no event shall the Term 
Date occur prior to the date by which all of the following shall have 
occurred; (a) Landlord shall have Substantially Completed Landlord's 
Work, (b) the Land Improvements are Substantially Completed to a point 
where ingress and egress to the Building is not unreasonably impeded, 
parking lot is completed and the landscaping is to a point where any 
incomplete or deficient landscaping can be completed or corrected within 
thirty (30) days or which consists of trees, shrubs or other landscaping 
which have not been installed for reasons relating to the then climatic 
season, and (c) no "punch-list" items remain uncompleted that would 
materially interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises for its intended 
purposes.  Landlord and Tenant shall execute a written acknowledgment of 
the Term Commencement Date and the Term Expiration Date when such is 
established in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and 
attach it to this Lease as Exhibit "B-1"; however, failure to execute 
and deliver such acknowledgement shall not affect Tenant's liability 

		4.6	Prior to entry by Tenant onto the Premises for the 
purposes of constructing Tenant's Improvements or installation of 
personal property within the Premises which are not part of the work 
required of Landlord under the Work Letter, Tenant shall furnish to 
Landlord evidence satisfactory to Landlord that insurance coverage 
required of Tenant under the provisions of Article 21 and the Work 
are in effect.  Entry by Tenant onto the Premises prior to the Term 
Commencement Date for such purposes shall be subject to all of the terms 
and conditions of this Lease other than the payment of Rent, and shall 
not interfere with the performance by Landlord or the Project Contractor 
with the work required of Landlord under the Work Letter.  Tenant agrees 
to indemnify, protect, defend and hold Landlord harmless from any and 
all loss or damage to property, completed work, fixtures, equipment, or 
materials, or from liability for death of or injury to any person, 
during any such entry prior to the Term Commencement Date to the extent 
caused by the negligence or willful acts of Tenant or its agents and/or 
contractors (and their agents, contractors and subcontractors), and 
subject to Tenant's right to seek contribution or indemnity from 
or other responsible party.  Landlord agrees to indemnify, protect, 
defend and hold Tenant harmless from any and all loss or damage to 
property, completed work, fixtures, equipment, or materials, or from 
liability for death of or injury to any person, during any such entry 
prior to the Term Commencement Date to the extent caused by the 
negligence or willful acts of Landlord or its agents and/or contractors 
(and their agents, contractors and subcontractors), and subject to 
Landlord's right to seek contribution or indemnity from Tenant or other 
responsible party.

		4.7	Tenant shall be responsible for construction of 
Tenant's Improvements in the Premises pursuant to the Work Letter at the 
sole cost of Tenant, without any contribution or reimbursement by 
Landlord (except to the extent of Landlord's indemnity obligations under 
Section 4.6), at a cost not to be less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) 
per square foot of Rentable Area.  However, with regard to any space 
Tenant does not intend to initially occupy (up to a maximum of 20,000 
square feet of Rentable Area), Tenant shall not be required to construct 
improvements at a cost per square foot greater than that required to 
finish interior surfaces of interior walls to the extent they are ready 
for paint, the floor is carpeted or tiled, HVAC and other utility 
and bathrooms are in place.  If and to the extent required by Landlord's 
construction lender, Tenant shall provide assurances reasonably 
satisfactory to such lender of Tenant's ability to fund the construction 
of Tenant's Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Lease and 
the Work Letter.

	5.	Rent.

		5.1	Tenant agrees to pay Landlord as Basic Annual Rent 
for the Premises the sum set forth in Section 2.1.2, subject to the 
rental adjustments provided in Sections 6.1 and 8.2.  Basic Annual Rent 
shall be paid in the equal monthly installments set forth in Section 
2.1.3, subject to the rental adjustments provided in Sections 6.1 and 
8.2, each in advance on the first day of each and every calendar month 
during the term of this Lease, except that the first month's Basic 
Rent shall be paid upon the execution hereof in addition to the Security 
Deposit in the amount set forth in Section 2.1.3.  On the Term 
Commencement Date, the first month's Basic Annual Rent deposit shall be 
credited to the Basic Annual Rent due for the calendar month in which 
rental commences and any balance will be a credit against the next 
to become due.  Prior to the Term Commencement Date, the deposit of the 
first month's Basic Annual Rent shall constitute additional security for 
Tenant's obligations hereunder and be treated in like manner as the 
Security Deposit.

		5.2	In addition to Basic Annual Rent, Tenant agrees to 
pay to Landlord as additional rent ("Additional Rent"), at the times 
hereinafter specified in this Lease, the costs of management and 
administrative services as provided in Article 7.1, and all other 
that Tenant agrees to pay under the provisions of this Lease, including 
without limitation (i) any and all other sums that may become due by 
reason of any default of Tenant or failure on Tenant's part to comply 
with the agreements, terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be 
performed by Tenant, and (ii) expenses of Landlord's performance of any 
obligations of Tenant under this Lease. 

		5.3	 Basic Annual Rent and Additional Rent shall together 
be denominated "Rent".  Rent shall be paid to Landlord in lawful money 
the United States of America, at the office of Landlord as set forth in 
Section 2.1.7 or to such other person or at such other place as Landlord 
may from time to time designate in writing, without notice, demand, 
abatement, suspension, deduction, setoff, counterclaim, or defense.

		5.4	In the event the term of this Lease commences or ends 
on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, then the Rent for 
such fraction of a month shall be prorated for such period on the basis 
of a thirty (30) day month and shall be paid at the then current rate 
for such fractional month prior to the commencement of the partial 

	6.	Rental Adjustments.

		6.1	Basic Annual Rent then in effect (as increased by 
previous adjustments under this Section 6.1) shall be increased four 
percent (4%) on each annual anniversary of the Term Commencement Date.

	7.	Additional Rent and Expenses.

		7.1	As Additional Rent, Tenant shall pay or reimburse 
Landlord for costs of management and administrative services in an 
equal to two percent (2%) of the Basic Annual Rent due from Tenant 
("Management Fee"), whether or not Landlord incurs fees payable to any 
third party to provide such services and without regard to the actual 
costs incurred by Landlord for such services.

		7.2	Tenant shall pay, at its own cost and expense and 
without any cost or expense to Landlord, or reimbursement or 
by Landlord, directly to the provider of the services, all costs of any 
kind incurred in connection with the operation, maintenance, repairs, 
replacements and management of the Premises, including, except as 
otherwise set forth in Sections 7.5, 18.1, and 20.1, and Articles 22 and 
23, or elsewhere in this Lease, (i) reasonable costs directly related to 
maintenance and repairs to improvements, fixtures and personal property 
within the Premises, including the roof membranes (but not the roof 
structure itself), as appropriate to maintain the Premises in 
commercially reasonable condition (allowing wear and tear consistent 
commercially reasonable maintenance and repair standards applicable to 
comparable buildings), but shall exclude any costs related to defects in 
design, materials or construction to Landlord's Work to the extent of 
Landlord's warranties in Article 14; (ii) costs of new improvements and 
fixtures added to the Premises by Tenant; (iii) costs of utilities 
furnished to the Premises; (iv) sewer use fees; (v) costs of cable TV 
when applicable; (vi) costs of trash collection; (vii) costs of 
(viii) costs of maintenance, repairs and replacements of heating, 
ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical and other systems 
(but excluding costs related to defects in design, materials or 
construction of such systems to the extent they were included within 
Landlord's Work to the extent of Landlord's warranties in Article 14); 
(ix) costs of security services and devices; (x) costs of building 
supplies; (xi) insurance premiums pursuant to Section 21.2 and portions 
of insured losses deductible by reason of insurance policy terms subject 
to the limitations contained in Section 21.8; (xii) costs of service 
contracts and services of independent contractors retained to do work of 
a nature before referenced; (xiii) taxes and assessments pursuant to 
Sections 13.1 and 13.2; and (xv) costs of compliance with applicable 
(except costs of modifications to Landlord's Work required by something 
other than a change in Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises).  
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Lease, costs incurred 
by Tenant for replacement of major HVAC components, the parking lot, and 
the roof (including structural elements and roof membranes) and, except 
to the extent required as a result of a change in Tenant's use or 
occupancy of the Premises, costs to construct alterations, additions 
and/or improvements required by applicable Laws, with a useful life in 
excess of the balance of the initial term shall be reimbursed to Tenant 
by Landlord at the time the replacement or improvement is made in the
proportion that the remaining useful life during any period of time 
following the expiration of the initial term bears to the entire useful 
life of the item; in the event Tenant exercises its option to extend the 
term, Tenant shall at such time reimburse Landlord for the pro rata 
portion paid by Landlord for the extension term.  By way of example 
only, if in the tenth 
(10th) year of the Lease Term, Tenant is required to replace an HVAC 
compressor with a useful life of fifteen (15) years and at a cost of 
Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000), then Tenant would be responsible for 
paying for the replacement and, at the time that Tenant makes such 
payment, Landlord would be obligated to pay to Tenant in cash Fifty-Two 
Thousand Dollars ($52,000) (($60,000) x (13/15)).  If, in such example, 
Tenant exercises its option to extend the Lease Term for five (5) years, 
then at the commencement of the option term, Tenant would be obligated 
to pay Landlord Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) (($60,000/15) x (5)).

		7.3	Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, 
Landlord shall pay, at its own cost and expense and without any cost or 
expense to Tenant, or reimbursement or contribution by Tenant, the costs 
described in Section 18.1 and any other cost described herein for which 
Tenant is not responsible.

		7.4	Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the 
contrary, Tenant shall not be responsible, and Landlord shall be 
responsible, for the payment of the following costs and expenses:

			(a)	costs incurred for the construction, repair, 
maintenance or replacement of the Premises or any portion or component 
thereof, to the extent of (i) proceeds of insurance which Tenant is 
required to maintain under the Lease or maintains on the Premises (but 
Tenant shall be responsible for payment of any deductibles and uninsured 
losses as set forth in Article 21), and (ii) any reimbursement which 
Landlord receives therefor under any warranties or from any third party;

			(b)	costs incurred for the construction, repair, 
maintenance or replacement of the Premises or any portion or component 
thereof resulting from the active or passive negligence or willful 
misconduct of Landlord, or its agents, employees, contractors, or 
invitees, except to the extent of proceeds of insurance which Tenant is 
required to maintain under this Lease which covers such conduct;

			(c)	costs incurred for the repair, maintenance or 
replacement of the foundations, structural walls, floors, including the 
second floor deck, and roof of the Premises to the extent set forth in 
Section 18.1;

			(d)	costs of construction of the Landlord's Work;

			(e)	costs incurred to correct any patent or latent 
defects in the design, materials or construction of Landlord's Work to 
the extent of Landlord's warranties under Article 14;

			(f)	costs, expenses and penalties (including without 
limitation attorneys fees) incurred as a result of the use, storage, 
removal or remediation of any toxic or hazardous substances or other 
environmental contamination not caused by Tenant;

			(g)	rentals and other payments by Landlord under any 
ground lease or other lease underlying the Lease, and interest, 
principal, points and other fees on debt or amortization of any debt 
secured in whole or part by all or any portion of the Premises;

			(h)	costs incurred in connection with the financing, 
sale or acquisition of the Premises or any portion thereof;

			(i)	costs, expenses, and penalties (including 
without limitation attorneys' fees) incurred due to the violation by 
Landlord of any underlying deed of trust, mortgage or ground lease 
affecting the Premises or any portion thereof;

			(j)	depreciation on the Premises or any portion 
thereof, or any equipment or machinery owned by Landlord;

			(k)	any costs incurred as a result of Landlord's 
violation of any statute, ordinance or other source of applicable law,
or breach of contract or tort liability to any other party, including 
without limitation, any unrelated third party, or Landlord's 
employee(s), contractor(s), subcontractor(s), agent(s) or 

			(l)	leasing commissions, attorneys' fees and other 
costs and expenses incurred in connection with the leasing of the 

			(m)	advertising, marketing, media and promotional 
expenditures regarding the Premises and costs of signs in or on the 
Building identifying the owner, lender or any contractor thereof;

			(n)	costs incurred to comply with the Americans with 
Disabilities Act except to the extent otherwise expressly provided 

			(o)	costs incurred to comply with Title 24 of the 
California Code of Regulations except to the extent otherwise expressly 
provided herein;

			(p)	costs incurred to comply with any other existing 
laws, rules, regulations, codes or permits except to the extent 
otherwise expressly provided herein;

			(q)	any fees or salaries of the principals of 

			(r)	any costs and expenses arising from or related 
to breach of Landlord's warranties in Sections 14.4 and 14.5 hereof; and

			(s)	any costs and expense incurred as a result of 
conditions existing as of or prior to the Term Commencement Date to the 
extent of required modifications to Landlord's Work, unless caused by a 
change in use or occupancy of the Premises by Tenant;.

		7.5	Tenant shall not be responsible for Rent or any other 
expenses under this Lease attributable to the time period prior to the 
Term Commencement Date.

		7.6	The Management Fee for the calendar year in which 
Tenant's obligation to pay them commences and in the calendar year in 
which such obligation ceases shall be prorated.  Expenses such as taxes 
and assessments and insurance which are incurred for an extended time 
period shall be prorated based upon time periods to which they are 
applicable so that the amounts attributed to the Premises relate in a 
reasonable manner to the time period wherein Tenant has an obligation to 
pay Rent.

		7.7	In fulfilling its obligations set forth in 
Section 7.2 and Article 18, Tenant shall maintain the HVAC system, 
elevator and other systems in accordance with no less than the minimum 
standards established by the manufacturer and the minimum standards 
necessary to maintain any warranties in effect, and Tenant may enter 
such maintenance contracts as Tenant determines is reasonably necessary 
in order to do so.  Landlord shall have the right, upon reasonable 
notice, to inspect and copy any such maintenance contracts, as well as 
records of maintenance conducted by Tenant or any such service provider.

		7.8	Landlord shall have the right, upon reasonable 
notice, to inspect and copy documents showing in reasonable detail the 
actual expenses paid by Tenant pursuant to Section 7.2 and Article 16 
(Utilities and Services) of this Lease.  Tenant shall maintain such 
documents as are reasonably necessary for such purpose for a period of 
not less than three (3) years.

	8.	Rentable Area.

		8.1	The Rentable Area of the Premises as set forth in 
Section 2.1.1 and as referenced within the Work Letter and as may 
otherwise be referenced within this Lease, is determined by making 
separate calculations of the Rentable Area of each floor within the 
Building and totalling the Rentable Area of all floors within the 
Building (excluding any parking areas).  The Rentable Area of a floor is 
calculated by measuring to the outside finished surface of each 
outer Building wall where it intersects the floor.  The full area 
calculated as set forth above is included as Rentable Area of the 
Premises without deduction for (i) columns or projections, (ii) vertical 
penetrations such as stairs, elevator shafts, flues, pipe shafts, 
vertical ducts, and the like, and their enclosing walls, (iii) 
equipment rooms, rest rooms, entrance ways, elevator lobbies, and the 
like, and their enclosing walls, or (iv) any other unusable area of any 

		8.2	The Rentable Area as set forth in Section 2.1.1 is an 
estimate of the area which will upon completion of development of the 
Building constitute the Rentable Area of the Premises, which shall be 
adjusted upon Substantial Completion of the Building in accordance with 
a certification of the Rentable Area from the Project Architect.  If 
either party disputes the certification of the Project Architect, upon 
Substantial Completion of the Building Shell, the Rentable Area shall be 
field measured and confirmed by a mutually agreeable architect or civil 
engineer, which measurement shall be conclusive and binding on Landlord 
and Tenant.  If the Rentable Area as determined hereunder is greater or 
less than the Rentable Area set forth in Section 2.1.1, Basic Annual 
Rent and monthly installments of Basic Annual Rent shall be adjusted 
upward or downward, as the case may be, based on the actual Rentable 
Area of the Premises.

	9.	Security Deposit.

		9.1	Promptly upon execution of this Lease, Tenant shall 
deposit with Landlord the sum set forth in Section 2.1.6, which sum
be held by Landlord as security for the faithful performance by Tenant 
all of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this Lease to be kept and 
performed by Tenant during the term and any extension term hereof.  If 
Tenant defaults with respect to any provision of this Lease, including 
but not limited to any provision relating to the payment of Rent, and 
subject to any notice requirements and cure periods for Tenant's benefit 
set forth in Article 24, Landlord may (but shall not be required to) 
apply or retain all or any part of such security deposit for the payment 
of any Rent or any other sum in default, or to compensate Landlord for 
any other loss or damage which Landlord may suffer by reason of Tenant's 
default.  If any portion of said deposit is so used or applied, Tenant 
shall, upon demand therefor, deposit cash with Landlord in an amount 
sufficient to restore the security deposit to its original amount and 
Tenant's failure to do so shall be a material default of this Lease.  
Landlord shall not be required to keep this security deposit separate 
from its general fund, and Tenant shall not be entitled to interest on 
such deposit.

		9.2	In the event of bankruptcy or other debtor-creditor 
proceeding against Tenant, such security deposit shall be deemed to be 
applied first to the payment of Rent and other charges due Landlord for 
all periods prior to the filing of such proceedings.

		9.3	Landlord may deliver the funds deposited hereunder by 
Tenant to any purchaser of Landlord's interest in the Premises and 
thereupon Landlord shall be discharged from any further liability with 
respect thereto.  This provisions shall also apply to any subsequent 

		9.4	So long as Tenant is not in material default as of 
the Term Commencement Date, the security deposit, or any balance 
shall be returned to Tenant upon the Term Commencement Date.

	10.	Use.

		10.1	Tenant may use the Premises for any of those 
purposes, and only those purposes, allowed by (i) City of San Jose 
ordinances in effect from time to time and as applicable to the 
(ii) any other applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, permits and 
approvals applicable to the Premises, and (iii) all covenants, 
and restrictions recorded against the Real Property, and shall not use 
the Premises, or permit or suffer the Premises to be used, for any other 
purpose without the prior written consent of Landlord.  Landlord 
that, as of the Term Commencement Date, Tenant's intended use of the 
Premises for manufacture, assembly, distribution and sales of Tenant's 
products, and for office and other activities related thereto, are 
permitted uses under applicable zoning ordinances, and, to the best of 
Landlord's knowledge, under other applicable laws, regulations, 
ordinances, permits and approvals applicable to the Premises.  Landlord 
represents and warrants that there are no covenants, conditions and 
restrictions on the Real Property which will interfere with Tenant's 
intended use of the Premises.  Landlord acknowledges that Tenant intends 
to install numerous antennas on the roof of the Building.

		10.2	Tenant shall use the Premises in compliance with all 
federal, state, and local laws, regulations, ordinances, requirements, 
permits and approvals applicable to the Premises.  Tenant shall not use 
or occupy the Premises in violation of any law or regulation, or the 
certificate of occupancy issued for the Building, and shall, upon five 
(5) days' written notice from Landlord, discontinue any use of the 
Premises which is declared by any governmental authority having 
jurisdiction to be a violation of law or the certificate of occupancy.

		10.3	Tenant shall comply with any direction of any 
governmental authority having jurisdiction which shall, by reason of the 
nature of Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises, impose any duty 
Tenant or Landlord with respect to the Premises or with respect to the 
use or occupation thereof, including any duty to make structural or 
capital improvements, alterations, repairs and replacements to the 
Premises.  However, Landlord shall have the obligation to make any such 
improvements to the Land Improvements or the Building Shell unless 
required by a government authority because of a change in Tenant's use 
occupancy of the Premises.  Tenant's obligation to make structural or 
capital improvements, alterations, repairs and replacements to any 
portion of the Premises other than the Land Improvements and Building 
Shell shall not exceed the amortized amount described in the last three 
sentences of Section 7.2.  Both Landlord and Tenant shall have the right 
to contest any such direction of a governmental authority.

		10.4	Landlord warrants that the work required of Landlord 
under the Work Letter shall be in compliance with the Americans with 
Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") at the time possession is tendered to 
Tenant.  Tenant shall comply with the ADA, and the regulations 
promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time.  All 
for compliance with the ADA relating to the Premises and the activities 
conducted by Tenant within the Premises shall be exclusively that of 
Tenant and not of Landlord, including any duty to make structural or 
capital improvements, alterations, repairs and replacements to the 
Premises (subject to the limitation set forth in the last three 
of Section 7.2); however, Landlord shall have the duty to make such 
structural or capital improvements, alterations, repairs and 
to the Land Improvements and the Building Shell if the duty to do so 
under ADA is triggered by something other than a change in Tenant's use 
or occupancy of the Premises.  Any alterations to the Premises made by 
Tenant for the purpose of complying with the ADA or which otherwise 
require compliance with the ADA shall be done in accordance with 
Article 17 of this Lease; provided, that Landlord's consent to such 
alterations shall not constitute either Landlord's assumption, in whole 
or in part, of Tenant's responsibility for compliance with the ADA, or 
representation or confirmation by Landlord that such alterations comply 
with the provisions of the ADA.

			Nothing in this Lease shall be construed to require 
either Landlord or Tenant to make structural or capital improvements, 
alterations, repairs or replacements to comply with ADA unless and until 
required to do so by order of any government entity or court of law 
exercising proper jurisdiction with regard thereto, subject to any right 
to appeal or otherwise contest any such order.

		10.5	Tenant may install signage on the Building to the 
extent permitted by, and in conformity with, applicable provisions of 
City of San Jose sign ordinance, any other applicable governmental sign 
regulation, and any covenants, conditions and restrictions recorded 
against the Real Property.  Tenant acknowledges it is not relying on any 
representations or warranty of Landlord regarding the number, size or 
location of any signage.  No other sign, advertisement, or notice shall 
be exhibited, painted or affixed by Tenant on any part of the Premises 
which is visible from outside the Building, or any part of the exterior 
of the Building or elsewhere in the Premises, without the prior written 
consent of Landlord, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.  
The expense of design, permits, purchase and installation of any signs 
shall be the responsibility of Tenant and the cost thereof shall be 
by Tenant.  At the termination of the Lease, all signs shall be the 
property of Tenant and may be removed from the Premises by Tenant, 
subject to the provisions of Article 30.

 		10.6	No equipment shall be placed at a location within the 
Building other than a location designed to carry the load of the 
equipment.  Equipment weighing in excess of floor loading capacity shall 
not be placed in the Building.

		10.7	Tenant shall not use or allow the Premises to be used 
for any unlawful purpose.

	11.	Brokers.

		11.1	Landlord and Tenant represent and warrant one to the 
other that there have been no dealings with any real estate broker or 
agent in connection with the negotiation of this Lease other than The 
Commercial Property Services Company, the fees of which shall be paid by 
Landlord, and that to the best of their knowledge, no other real estate 
broker or agent is or might be entitled to a commission in connection 
with this Lease.  Each shall indemnify, defend, protect, and hold 
harmless the other from any claim of any other broker as a result of any 
act or agreement of the indemnitor.

		11.2	Landlord and Tenant each represent and warrant to the 
other that no broker or agent has made any representation or warranty 
relied upon by such party in its decision to enter into this Lease other 
than as contained in this Lease.

		11.3	The employment of brokers by Landlord is for the 
purpose of solicitation of offers of lease from prospective tenants and 
no authority is granted to any broker to furnish any representation 
(written or oral) or warranty from Landlord unless placed within this 
Lease.  Landlord and Tenant in executing this Lease do so in reliance 
upon the other's representations and warranties contained within 
Sections 11.1 and 11.2.

	12.	Holding Over.

		12.1	If, with Landlord's consent, Tenant holds possession 
of all or any part of the Premises after the expiration or earlier 
termination of this Lease, Tenant shall become a tenant from month to 
month upon the date of such expiration or earlier termination, and in 
such case Tenant shall continue to pay in accordance with Article 5 the 
Basic Annual Rent as adjusted from the Term Commencement Date, together 
with the Management Fee in accordance with Article 7 and other 
Rent as may be payable by Tenant, and such month-to-month tenancy shall 
be subject to every other term, covenant and condition contained herein.

		12.2	If Tenant remains in possession of all or any portion 
of the Premises after the expiration or earlier termination of the term 
hereof without the express written consent of Landlord, Tenant shall 
become a tenant at sufferance upon the terms of this Lease except that 
monthly rental shall be equal to one hundred fifteen percent (115%) of 
the Basic Annual Rent in effect during the last twelve (12) months of 
the Lease term.

		12.3	Acceptance by Landlord of Rent after such expiration 
or earlier termination shall not result in a renewal or reinstatement of 
this Lease.

		12.4	The foregoing provisions of this Article 12 are in 
addition to and do not affect Landlord's right to re-entry or any other 
rights of Landlord under Article 24 or elsewhere in this Lease or as 
otherwise provided by law.

	13.	Taxes and Assessments.

		13.1	Tenant shall pay and discharge as they become due, 
promptly and before delinquency, all taxes, assessment, rates, charges, 
license fees, municipal liens, levies, excises or imposts, whether 
general or special, or ordinary or extraordinary, of every name, nature, 
and kind whatsoever, including all governmental charges of whatsoever 
name, nature, or kind, which may be levied, assessed, charged, or 
imposed, or may become a lien or charge on the Premises, or any part 
thereof, or any improvements now or hereafter thereon, or on Landlord by 
reason of its ownership of the Premises or any part thereof, during the 
entire term hereof, saving and excepting only those taxes hereinafter in 
this Lease specifically excepted.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant 
shall not be in Default for failure to pay any such tax or other payment 
until ten (10) days after receipt of a written bill or statement 
therefore from Landlord.

		13.2	Specifically and without in any way limiting the 
generality of the foregoing, Tenant shall pay any and all special 
assessments or levies or charges made by any municipal or political 
subdivision for local improvements, and shall pay the same in cash as 
they shall fall due and before they shall become delinquent and as 
required by the act and proceedings under which any such assessments or 
levies or charges are made by any municipal or political subdivision. 
the right is given to pay either in one sum or in installments, Tenant 
may elect either mode of payment subject to Landlord's approval.  If by 
making an election to pay in installments, any of the installments shall 
be payable after the termination of this Lease or any extended term 
thereof, the unpaid installments shall be prorated as of the date of 
termination, and amounts payable after said date shall be paid by 
Landlord without reimbursement from Tenant.  All other taxes and charges 
payable under this Article 13 shall be prorated as of and payable at the 
commencement and expiration of the term of this Lease, as the case may 
be.  Landlord shall not during the term of this Lease undertake any 
action to place any special assessments, levies or charges on the 
Premises without first obtaining the prior written approval of Tenant, 
other than those due to Landlord's acquisition of the Real Property and 
construction of the Premises pursuant to the Work Letter, and other than 
those imposed by the City of San Jose or other government entity over 
which Landlord has no control.  If Landlord does undertake such action 
without Tenant's approval, Tenant shall not be required to pay or 
reimburse Landlord for such special assessments, levies or charges 
sought by such action.

		13.3	Anything in this Article 13 to the contrary 
notwithstanding, Tenant shall not be required to pay or reimburse 
Landlord for any estate, gift, inheritance, succession, franchise, 
income, excess profits, sales or payroll taxes, or any tax in the nature 
of a transfer tax arising from the conveyance of the Premises or the 
recording of a deed of trust or mortgage encumbering the Premises, that 
may be payable by Landlord or Landlord's legal representative, 
successors, or assigns.

		13.4	Any and all rebates on account of taxes, rates, 
levies, charges or assessments paid or reimbursed by Tenant under the 
provisions of this Lease shall belong to Tenant, and Landlord will, on 
the request of Tenant, execute any receipts, assignments, or other 
acquittances that may be necessary in order to secure the recovery of 
rebates, and will pay over to Tenant any rebates that may be received by 

		13.5	Tenant shall pay before delinquency, without 
reimbursement or contribution from Landlord, taxes levied against any 
fixtures, equipment and personal property in or about the Premises, 
including any and all personal property installed as part of the work 
required of Landlord under the Work Letter.

		13.6	If Tenant shall in good faith desire to contest the 
validity or amount of any tax, assessment, levy, or other governmental 
charge herein agreed to be paid or reimbursed by Tenant, Tenant shall be 
permitted to do so, and to defer the payment of said tax or charge, the 
validity or amount of which Tenant is so contesting, until final 
determination of the contest, by giving to Landlord written notice 
thereof prior to the commencement of any contest, which shall be at 
fifteen (15) days prior to delinquency, and, if requested by Landlord 
during the last three years of the term, by protecting Landlord on 
by a good and sufficient surety bond against any tax, levy, assessment, 
rate or governmental charge, and from any costs, penalties, interest, 
liability, or damage arising out of a contest.	Landlord shall not be 
required to join in any proceeding or contest brought by Tenant unless 
the provisions of any law require that the proceeding or contest be 
brought by or in the name of Landlord.  In that case, Landlord shall 
in the contest or permit it to be brought in Landlord's name so long as 
Landlord is not required to bear any costs.  Tenant, on final 
determination of the contest, shall immediately pay or discharge any 
decision or judgment rendered, together with all costs, charges, 
and penalties incidental to the decision or judgment.

		13.7	If Tenant shall from time to time desire to seek a 
reassessment of the Premises for real property tax purposes, Tenant 
be permitted to do so.  Landlord shall not be required to join in any 
such proceeding unless the provisions of any law require that the 
proceeding to be brought by or in the name of Landlord.  In that case, 
Landlord shall join in the proceeding and permit it to be brought in 
Landlord's name so long as Landlord is not required to bear any costs.

		13.8	To the extent Tenant fails to make any payment 
required by this Article 13 and Landlord does so on Tenant's behalf, 
Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the cost thereof pursuant to the 
provisions of Sections 7.1 and 24.3 of this Lease.

	14.	Condition of Premises.

		14.1	Tenant acknowledges that neither Landlord nor any 
agent of Landlord has made any representation or warranty, express or 
implied, with respect to the condition of the Premises, or to the work 
required of Landlord under the Work Letter, except as set forth herein, 
or with respect to their suitability for the conduct of Tenant's 

		14.2	Upon Substantial Completion of the Premises, Tenant 
shall accept the Premises in the condition in which they then exist, and 
shall waive any right or claim Tenant may have against Landlord for any 
cause directly or indirectly arising out of the condition or delay in 
delivery of possession of the Premises, appurtenances thereto, the 
improvements thereon and the equipment thereof, except for (i) damages 
the event of completion delays to the extent of Section 4.4 hereof, (ii) 
the warranties made by Landlord under Sections 14.4 and 14.5 to the 
extent thereof, (iii) covenants and representations made by Landlord in 
Article 39, (iv) the obligation to deliver the Premises lien-free 
pursuant to Section 35.4, (v) the completion of punch list items 
to the Building Shell and Land Improvements pursuant to the provisions 
the Work Letter, and (vi) any other duties or obligations of Landlord 
arising under the provisions of this Lease and applicable law.  Tenant 
shall thereafter indemnify, defend, protect and hold Landlord harmless 
from liability, as provided in Article 20 of the Lease.

		14.3	Tenant's taking possession of the Premises and 
acceptance of the Premises shall not constitute a waiver of any claims 
based upon warranty or defect in regard to design, materials, or 
construction of Landlord's Work under the Work Letter against the design 
professional, contractor, materialman, manufacturer, or other 
party (other than Landlord, whose liability is described in Section 14.4 
and 14.5 below), nor for failure of any such party (other than Landlord) 
to comply with all applicable building code requirements, regulations, 
laws, rules, orders, ordinances, directions, permits, approvals, and 
requirements of all governmental agencies, offices, departments, bureaus 
and boards having jurisdiction, nor for failure to comply with the 
orders, directions, regulations, and requirements of any applicable fire 
rating bureau.  Landlord hereby assigns to Tenant, and Tenant shall have 
the benefit of, on a non-exclusive basis, any and all warranties with 
respect to the design, materials and construction of the work required 
Landlord under the Work Letter which are assignable to Tenant, together 
with all other rights and claims it may have against any design 
professional, contractor, materialman, manufacturer, or other 
party, or from applicable insurance policies.  Landlord and Tenant agree 
to cooperate with regard to the enforcement of all such warranties, 
rights and claims.  Tenant shall comply with whatever maintenance and 
similar standards are required to maintain any applicable warranties in 

		14.4	Landlord warrants to Tenant that Landlord's Work will 
be on Substantial Completion built in a good and workmanlike manner and 
in compliance with the plans and specifications approved under the Work 
Letter and all applicable building code requirements, laws, rules, 
orders, ordinances, directions, regulations, permits, approvals, and 
requirements of all governmental agencies, offices, departments, bureaus 
and boards having jurisdiction, and with the rules, orders, directions, 
regulations, and requirements of any applicable fire rating bureau.

		14.5	Landlord warrants to Tenant that Landlord's Work will 
be on Substantial Completion free of patent and latent defects in 
materials and construction.  The warranty given by Landlord in this 
Section 14.5 shall terminate one (1) year after the recording of the 
notice of completion of the Premises, except for any breach claimed by 
Tenant as long as Tenant has notified Landlord in writing of such claim 
of breach (identifying the breach in reasonable detail) within such one 
(1) year period.  The warranty given by Landlord shall be extended to 
extent of any warranty given by a design professional, contractor, 
materialman, manufacturer, or other responsible party which exceeds one 
(1) year after the recording of the notice of completion.  
Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) Landlord's warranty with regard to 
latent defects in the design, materials and construction of the parking 
areas shall not terminate after one (1) year and shall continue for the 
entire Lease Term and any extensions hereof, and (ii) Landlord's 
with regard to defects in the design, materials and construction of the 
roof membranes shall not terminate after one (1) year, but shall 
terminate ten (10) years after the recording of the notice of completion 
of the Premises, except for any breach claimed by Tenant as long as 
Tenant has notified Landlord in writing of such claim of breach 
(identifying the breach in reasonable detail) within such ten (10) year 

		14.6	Nothing in this Article 14 shall restrict Tenant's 
right to pursue remedies against any responsible party other than 
Landlord.  Landlord and Tenant shall cooperate with regard to the repair 
and replacement of any improvements for which they are responsible from 
recoveries from any applicable warranty or insurance policy.  Any and 
warranties set forth in this Article 14 shall survive the expiration or 
earlier termination of the Lease.

	15.	Parking Facilities.

		15.1	Tenant acknowledges that any exterior areas used for 
Tenant's equipment, equipment enclosures, trash enclosures, mechanical 
systems, and the like will reduce available parking.

		15.2	Tenant shall not place any equipment, storage 
containers or any other property on the surface parking area except in 
accordance with the plans and specification approved pursuant to the 
Letter or as otherwise approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be 
unreasonably withheld.

	16.	Utilities and Services.

		16.1	Tenant shall pay directly to the provider, prior to 
delinquency, for all water, gas, electricity, telephone, sewer, and 
utilities which may be furnished to the Premises during the term of this 
Lease, together with any taxes thereon.  The cost of installing all 
utility meters shall be paid by Tenant.

		16.2	Landlord shall not be liable for, nor shall any 
eviction of Tenant result from, any failure of any such utility or 
service, provided such failure is not due to the gross negligence or 
willful misconduct of Landlord, and in the event of such failure Tenant 
shall not be entitled to any abatement or reduction of Rent, nor be 
relieved from the operation of any covenant or agreement of this Lease, 
and Tenant waives any right to terminate this Lease on account thereof.

	17.	Alterations.

		17.1	Tenant shall make no alterations, additions or 
improvements (hereinafter in this article, "improvements") in or to the 
Premises, other than interior non-structural improvements the cost of 
which does not exceed $50,000, without Landlord's prior written consent, 
which shall not be unreasonably withheld.  Tenant shall deliver to 
Landlord final plans and specifications and working drawings for the 
improvements to Landlord, and Landlord shall have fifteen (15) days 
thereafter to grant or withhold its consent.  If Landlord does not 
Tenant of its decision within the fifteen (15) days, Landlord shall be 
deemed to have given its approval.

		17.2	If a permit is required to construct the 
improvements, Tenant shall deliver a completed, signed-off inspection 
card to Landlord within ten (10) days of completion of the improvements, 
and shall promptly thereafter obtain and record a notice of completion 
and deliver a copy thereof to Landlord.  

		17.3	The improvements shall be constructed only by 
licensed contractors approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be 
unreasonably withheld.  Any such contractor must have in force a general 
liability insurance policy with commercially reasonable limits, which 
policy of insurance shall name Landlord as an additional insured.  
shall provide Landlord with a copy of the contract with the contractor 
prior to the commencement of construction.

		17.4	Tenant agrees that any work by Tenant shall be 
accomplished in such a manner as to permit any fire sprinkler system and 
fire water supply lines to remain fully operable at all times except 
minimally necessary for building reconfiguration work.

		17.5	Tenant covenants and agrees that all work done by 
Tenant shall be performed in compliance with all laws, rules, orders, 
ordinances, directions, regulations, permits, approvals, and 
of all governmental agencies, offices, departments, bureaus and boards 
having jurisdiction, and in full compliance with the rules, orders, 
directions, regulations, and requirements of any applicable fire rating 
bureau.  Tenant shall provide Landlord with "as-built" plans showing any 
change in the Premises within thirty (30) days after completion.

		17.6	Landlord shall make no improvements in or to the 
Premises without Tenant's prior written consent, and the provisions of 
this article shall apply to improvements undertaken by Landlord to the 
same extent as they apply to improvements undertaken by Tenant. 

	18.	Repairs and Maintenance.

		18.1	Landlord shall, throughout the term of this Lease, at 
its own cost and expense, and without any cost or expense to Tenant, 
and maintain in good condition and repair the structural components, but 
not the surface finishes or cosmetic improvements, of (i) the 
foundations, (ii) structural walls (including responsibility for the 
watertight integrity of the exterior glazing and framing system), (ii) 
floors, including the second floor deck, and (iii) structural roof (but 
excluding the roof membranes) of the Premises (subject to wear and tear 
consistent with commercially reasonable maintenance and repair standards 
applicable to comparable buildings).  However, Tenant shall take all 
reasonable precautions to insure that, in accordance with Section 10.6, 
the second floor deck is not over-loaded with improvements, fixtures or 
equipment.  In addition, Landlord shall, at its own cost and expense, 
without any cost or expense to Tenant, promptly repair any patent or 
latent defects in the design, materials or construction of the work 
required of Landlord under the Work Letter to the extent of Landlord's 
warranties in Section 14.4 and 14.5 hereof.

		18.2	Except as otherwise set forth in Sections 18.1 and 
elsewhere in this Lease, including without limitation Articles 7, 21, 22 
and 23, throughout the term of this Lease, at its own cost and expense, 
and without any cost or expense to Landlord, Tenant shall keep and 
maintain in good, sanitary and neat order, condition, and repair, the 
Premises and every part thereof (subject to wear and tear consistent 
commercially reasonable maintenance and repair standards applicable to 
comparable buildings), including all improvements, fixtures, equipment 
and personal property, and all appurtenances thereto, including but not 
limited to water, gas and electrical distribution systems and 
all signs, both illuminated and non-illuminated that are now or 
on the Premises, and exterior sidewalks, parking areas, curbs, internal 
roads, driveways, lighting standards, landscaping, sewers, and drainage 

		18.3	If Landlord fails to make any repairs required of 
Landlord under this Article 18, and such failure unreasonably interferes 
with Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises and continues for more 
than fifteen (15) days after written notice from Tenant to Landlord 
demanding performance by Landlord, Tenant may, without waiving or 
releasing Landlord from any obligation therefore, make such repairs on 
behalf of Landlord.  However, Tenant may not deduct the cost thereof 
from, or set off the cost against, Basic Annual Rent except in 
with the provisions of Article 26.  Tenant waives Civil Code Sections 
1941 and 1942 relating to a landlord's duty to maintain the Premises in 
tenantable condition, and under said sections or under any law, statute 
or ordinance now or hereafter in effect to make repairs at Landlord's 
expense, so that the parties' rights and obligations regarding repairs 
and maintenance shall be governed by this Article 18, Article 26, and 
other applicable provisions of this Lease.

		18.4	There shall be no abatement of Rent and no liability 
of Landlord by reason of any injury to or interference with Tenant's 
business arising from the making of any repairs, alterations or 
improvements in or to any portion of the Premises, or in or to 
improvements, fixtures, equipment and personal property therein, 
that Landlord makes commercially reasonable efforts to comply with its 
repair and replacement obligations under this Article 18 at such times 
and in such manner as do not unreasonably interfere with Tenant's use or 
occupancy of the Premises.  If repairs or replacements become necessary 
which by the terms of this Lease are the responsibility of Tenant and 
Tenant fails to make the repairs or replacements, Landlord may do so 
pursuant to the provisions of Section 24.3 of this Lease.

	19.	Liens.

		19.1	Tenant shall keep the Premises and every part thereof 
free from any liens arising out of work performed, materials furnished 
obligations incurred by Tenant.  Tenant further covenants and agrees 
any mechanic's lien filed against the Premises for work claimed to have 
been done directly for, or materials claimed to have been furnished to, 
Tenant, will be discharged by Tenant, by bond or otherwise, within 
(30) days after the filing thereof (or within ten (10) days after the 
filing thereof if requested by Landlord as necessary to facilitate a 
pending sale or refinancing), at the cost and expense of Tenant.

		19.2	Should Tenant fail to discharge any lien of the 
nature described in Section 19.1, Landlord may at Landlord's election 
such claim or post a bond or otherwise provide security to eliminate the 
lien as a claim against title and the cost thereof shall be immediately 
due from Tenant as Additional Rent.

		19.3	In the event Tenant shall lease or finance the 
acquisition of office equipment, furnishings, or other personal property 
utilized by Tenant in the operation of Tenant's business, should any 
holder of a security agreement executed by Tenant record or place of 
record a financing statement which appears to constitute a lien against 
any interest of Landlord, Tenant shall upon request of Landlord (i) 
copies of the security agreement or other documents to which the 
financing statement pertains to be furnished to Landlord to facilitate 
Landlord's being in a position to show such lien is not applicable to 
interest of Landlord, and (ii) cause the holder of the security interest 
to amend documents of record so as to clarify that such lien is not 
applicable to any interest of Landlord in the Premises.  Nothing herein 
shall be deemed to imply any security interest in favor of Landlord in 
any fixtures or personal property owned by Tenant, or that Tenant may 
grant security interests in its property to others.  Upon request of 
Tenant, Landlord shall execute documents in a form reasonably acceptable 
to Tenant to evidence Landlord's waiver of any right, title, lien or 
interest in any fixtures or personal property owned by Tenant which 
Tenant has the right to remove.

	20.	Indemnification and Exculpation.
		20.1	Except to the extent of Landlord's indemnity 
obligations set forth in Sections 20.2 and 21.6 and other applicable 
provisions of the Lease, Tenant agrees to indemnify Landlord, and its 
partners and affiliates, and their respective shareholders, directors, 
officers, agents, contractors (and their subcontractors) and employees 
(collectively, "Landlord's Agents") against, and to protect, defend, and 
save them harmless from, all demands, claims, causes of action, 
liabilities, losses and judgments, and all reasonable expenses incurred 
in investigating or resisting the same (including reasonable attorneys' 
fees), for death of or injury to person or damage to property arising 
of (i) any occurrence in, upon or about the Premises during the term of 
this Lease to the extent of proceeds of insurance required to be 
maintained by Tenant under this Lease and applicable deductibles, 
(ii) Tenant's use, occupancy, repairs, maintenance, and improvements of 
the Premises and all improvements, fixtures, equipment and personal 
property thereon, and (iii) any act or omission of Tenant, its 
shareholders, directors, officers, agents, employees, servants, 
contractors (and their subcontractors), invitees and subtenants.  
Tenant's obligation under this Section 20.1 shall survive the expiration 
or earlier termination of the term of this Lease. 

		20.2	Landlord agrees to indemnify Tenant, and its partners 
and affiliates, and their respective shareholders, directors, officers, 
agents, contractors (and their subcontractors) and employees 
(collectively, "Tenant's Agents") against, and to protect, defend, and 
save them harmless from, all demands, claims, causes of action, 
liabilities, losses and judgments, and all reasonable expenses incurred 
in investigating or resisting the same (including reasonable attorneys' 
fees), for death of or injury to person or damage to property by 
and arising out of (i) any occurrence in, upon or about the Premises 
during the term of this Lease to the extent caused by the willful 
misconduct or gross negligence of Landlord or Landlord's Agents, 
(ii) Landlord's repairs, maintenance, and improvements of the Premises, 
and (iii) any act or omission of Landlord or Landlord's Agents 
servants, contractors and their subcontractors and invitees).  
obligation under this Section 20.2 shall survive the expiration or 
earlier termination of the term of this Lease. 

		20.3	Notwithstanding any provision of Sections 20.1 and 
20.2 to the contrary, Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant and Tenant 
assumes all risk of damage to any fixtures, goods, inventory, 
merchandise, equipment, records, research, experiments, computer 
and software, leasehold improvements, and other personal property of any 
nature whatsoever (including any personal property installed as part of 
the work required of Landlord under the Work Letter), and Landlord shall 
not be liable for injury to Tenant's business or any loss of income 
therefrom relative to such damage, unless caused by Landlord's or 
Landlord's Agents' willful misconduct or gross negligence.

		20.4	The indemnity obligations of both Landlord and Tenant 
under this Section 20 shall be satisfied to the extent of proceeds of 
applicable insurance maintained by Tenant to the extent thereof, and 
thereafter to proceeds of any applicable insurance maintained by 
Landlord; Landlord and Tenant shall be required to satisfy any such 
obligation only to the extent it is not satisfied by proceeds of 
applicable insurance as set forth above.

		20.5	Security devices and services, if any, while intended 
to deter crime may not in given instances prevent theft or other 
acts and it is agreed that Landlord shall not be liable for injuries or 
losses caused by criminal acts of third parties and the risk that any 
security device or service may malfunction or otherwise be circumvented 
by a criminal is assumed by Tenant.  Tenant shall at Tenant's cost 
insurance coverage to the extent Tenant desires protection against such 
criminal acts.

	21.	Insurance - Waiver of Subrogation.

		21.1	Commencing prior to Tenant's first entry onto the 
Premises for purposes of constructing Tenant's Improvements, and 
continuing at all times during the term of this Lease, Tenant shall 
maintain, at Tenant's expense and without any cost or expense to 
Landlord, or any reimbursement or contribution by Landlord, commercial 
general liability insurance, on an occurrence basis (or on a claims made 
basis as long as Tenant makes adequate arrangements for claims made 
the expiration of the term or earlier termination of the Lease for 
occurrences during the term of the Lease), insuring Tenant and Tenant's 
agents, employees and independent contractors against all bodily injury, 
property damage, personal injury and other covered loss arising out of 
the use, occupancy, improvement and maintenance of the Premises and the 
business operated by Tenant, or any other occupant, on the Premises.  
Such insurance shall have a minimum combined single limit of liability 
per occurrence of not less than $3,000,000.00 and a general aggregate 
limit of $3,000,000.00.  Such insurance shall: (i) name Landlord, and 
Landlord's lenders if required by such lenders, and any management 
company retained to manage the Premises if requested by Landlord, as 
additional insureds; (ii) include a broad form contractual liability 
endorsement insuring Tenant's indemnity obligations under Section 20.1; 
(iii) include boiler and machinery liability endorsement, and a products 
completed operations coverage endorsement; (iv) provide that it is 
primary coverage and noncontributing with any insurance maintained by 
Landlord or Landlord's lenders, which shall be excess insurance with 
respect only to losses arising out of Tenant's negligence; and 
(v) provide for severability of interests or include a cross-liability 
endorsement, such that an act or omission of an insured shall not reduce 
or avoid coverage of other insureds.

		21.2	At all times during the term of this Lease, Tenant 
shall also maintain "all risk" insurance, including, but not limited to, 
coverage against loss or damage by fire, flood, vandalism, and malicious 
mischief covering the Premises and all improvements and fixtures 
whether owned by Landlord or Tenant, and all other improvements and 
fixtures that may be constructed or installed on the Premises, in an 
amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the full replacement value 
thereof, subject to commercially reasonable premiums and deductibles.  
The parties acknowledge that Landlord's investment in the Premises is 
limited to the Real Property, Land Improvements and Building Shell only 
and that Tenant, with its own funds, will construct Tenant's 
and all other improvements in the Building other than the Building 
 Landlord and Tenant desire that neither Landlord, any lender of 
Landlord, nor any other person or entity have any interest in any 
insurance proceeds attributable to Tenant's Improvements and/or any 
improvements constructed by Tenant at its sole cost and that Tenant have 
exclusive control over any such proceeds (subject to any obligation of 
Tenant to use proceeds for repairs and reconstruction as set forth 
herein).  To this end, Tenant shall have the right to satisfy its 
obligations under this section 21.2 by insuring the Land Improvements 
Building Shell and all other building improvement under one policy of 
insurance or separately under one or more policies and such policy or 
policies shall provide that neither Landlord, any Lender of Landlord, 
any other person or entity shall have any interest in, or have the right 
to exercise any control over, any insurance proceeds attributable to any 
improvements other than the Land Improvements and the Building Shell and 
any other improvements constructed by Landlord at its sole cost (subject 
to any obligation of Tenant to use proceeds for repairs and 
reconstruction as set forth herein).  In addition, Tenant shall 
to the extent it is reasonably available, earthquake insurance, covering 
such losses and subject to premiums and deductibles as are commercially 
reasonable and comparable to such insurance covering similar buildings 
the San Jose area.  If any boilers or other pressure vessels or systems 
are installed on the Premises, Tenant shall maintain boiler and 
insurance in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the full 
replacement value thereof, subject to commercially reasonable 
deductibles.  The insurance described in this Section 21.2 shall: 
(i) with regard to the policy insuring the Land Improvements and 
Shell only (or, if only one policy insures the Land Improvements, 
Building Shell and all other elements of the Building, including, 
limitation, Tenant's Improvements, then with regard to the portion of 
policy insuring the Land Improvements and Building Shell or any proceeds 
payable on account thereof), name Landlord and Landlord's lenders as 
additional insureds; (ii) with regard to the policy insuring the Land 
Improvements and Building Shell only (or, if only one policy insures the 
Land Improvements, Building Shell and all other elements of the 
including, without limitation, Tenant's Improvements, then with regard 
the portion of the policy insuring the Land Improvements and Building 
Shell or any proceeds payable on account thereof), contain a Lender's 
Loss Payable Form (Form 438 BFU or equivalent) in favor of Landlord's 
lenders and name Landlord, or Landlord's lender if required by such 
lender, as the loss payee (subject to the obligation to use proceeds for 
repairs and reconstruction as set forth herein); (iii) provide for 
severability of interests or include a cross-liability endorsement, such 
that an act or omission of an insured shall not reduce or avoid coverage 
of other insureds; (iv) include a building ordinance endorsement, an 
agreed amount endorsement and an inflation endorsement; and (v) provide 
that it is noncontributing with any insurance maintained by Landlord, 
shall be excess insurance to that maintained by Landlord.  The full 
replacement value of the Building, improvements and fixtures insured 
thereunder shall be determined by the company issuing the insurance 
policy and shall be redetermined by said company within twelve (12) 
months after completion of any material alterations or improvements to 
the Premises and otherwise at intervals of not more than three (3) 
 Tenant shall increase the amount of the insurance carried pursuant to 
this Section 21.2 to the amount so redetermined.  The proceeds of the 
insurance described in this Section shall be used for the repair, 
replacement and restoration of the Premises and other improvements and 
fixtures insured thereunder, as further provided in Article 22; 
however, if this Lease is terminated after damage or destruction, all 
proceeds of the insurance policy or policies related to such damage or 
destruction, and the right to collect such proceeds, shall be allocated 
as follows: (i) Landlord shall be entitled to all proceeds allocable to 
the Building Shell and Land Improvements, and (ii) (a) if Landlord 
terminates the Lease, Tenant shall be entitled to all proceeds 
attributable to Tenant's Improvements and any alterations, additions, 
and/or improvements subsequently made by Tenant, and (b) if Tenant 
terminates the Lease, Tenant shall be entitled to the proceeds 
attributable to Tenant's Improvements and any alterations, additions, 
and/or improvements subsequently made by Tenant to the extent of the 
unamortized value of Tenant's Improvements, alterations, additions 
improvements based upon the cost to construct the same and an 
amortization period equal to the initial Lease Term.  Any deed of trust 
affecting the Premises and all loan documentation relating thereto shall 
provide that all insurance proceeds shall be used for the repair and 
reconstruction of the Premises pursuant to the terms hereof, and shall 
not conflict with the provisions of this Lease concerning the 
of insurance proceeds.

		21.3	At all times during the term of this Lease, Tenant 
shall maintain workers' compensation insurance in accordance with 
California law and employers' liability insurance with a limit of not 
less than that required by California law.

		21.4	All of the policies of insurance referred to in this 
Article 21 shall be written by companies authorized to do business in 
California and rated A+VII or better in Best's Insurance Guide, except 
otherwise reasonably approved by Landlord.  Each insurer referred to in 
this Article 21 shall agree, by endorsement on the applicable policy or 
by independent instrument furnished to Landlord, that it will give 
Landlord, and Landlord's lenders if required by such lenders, at least 
ten (10) days' prior written notice by registered mail before the 
applicable policy shall be cancelled for non-payment of premium, and 
thirty (30) days' prior written notice by registered mail before the 
applicable policy shall be cancelled or altered in coverage, scope, 
amount or other material term for any other reason (although any failure 
of an insurer to give notice as provided herein shall not be a breach of 
this Lease by Tenant).  Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, 
Tenant shall pay all of the premiums for such insurance and all 
deductible amounts provided for thereunder.  No policy shall provide for 
a deductible amount in excess of that which is commercially reasonable, 
unless approved in advance in writing by Landlord, which approval shall 
not be unreasonably withheld.  Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, and to 
Landlord's lenders if required by such lenders, copies of the insurance 
policies, certified by the insurer, or certificates evidencing such 
insurance policies, issued by the insurer, together with evidence of 
payment of the required premiums, prior to the required date for 
commencement of such coverage.  At least thirty (30) days prior to 
expiration of any such policy, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord, and 
Landlord's lenders if required by such lenders, a certificate evidencing 
renewal, or a certified copy of a new policy or certificate evidencing 
the same, together with evidence of payment of the required premiums.  
Tenant fails to provide to Landlord any such policy or certificate by 
required date for commencement of coverage, or within fifteen (15) days 
prior to expiration of any policy, or to pay the premiums therefor when 
required, Landlord shall have the right, but not the obligation, to 
procure said insurance and pay the premiums therefor.  Any premiums paid 
by Landlord shall be repaid by Tenant to Landlord with the next due 
installment of rent, and failure to repay the same shall have the same 
consequences as failure to pay any installment of Rent.

		21.5	Tenant may provide the property insurance only 
required under this Article 21 pursuant to a so-called blanket policy or 
policies of property insurance maintained by Tenant; provided, however, 
that the amount and type of coverage afforded to the Landlord shall not 
be reduced or adversely affected from that which would exist under a 
separate policy or policies meeting all of the requirements of this 
by reason of the use of a blanket policy of property insurance, and 
provided further that the requirements of this Article 21 are otherwise 

		21.6	Landlord and Tenant each hereby waive any and all 
rights of recovery against the other or against the officers, directors, 
partners, employees, agents, subtenants, contractors and representatives 
of the other, on account of loss or damage to property occasioned to 
waiving party or its property or the property of others under its 
control, to the extent that such loss or damage is caused by or results 
from risks insured against under any insurance policy which insures such 
waiving party at the time of such loss or damage (or which would have 
been insured against under a policy of insurance required to be carried 
by such waiving party under this Lease had such waiving party carried 
such insurance), which waiver shall continue in effect as long as the 
parties' respective insurers permit such waiver under the terms of their 
respective insurance policies or otherwise in writing.  Any termination 
of such waiver shall be by written notice as hereinafter set forth.  
Prior to obtaining policies of insurance required or permitted under 
Lease, Tenant shall give notice to the insurers that the foregoing 
waiver is contained in this Lease, and each party shall use its best 
efforts to cause such insurer to approve such waiver in writing and to 
cause each insurance policy obtained by it to provide that the insurer 
waives all right of recovery by way of subrogation against the other 
party.  If such written approval of such waiver of subrogation cannot be 
obtained from any insurer or is obtainable only upon payment of an 
additional premium which the party seeking to obtain the policy 
reasonably determines to be commercially unreasonable, the party seeking 
to obtain such policy shall notify the other thereof, and the latter 
shall have twenty (20) days thereafter to either:  (i) identify other 
insurance companies reasonably satisfactory to the other party that will 
provide the written approval and waiver of subrogation; or (ii) agree to 
pay such additional premium.  If neither (i) nor (ii) are done, the 
mutual waiver set forth above shall not be operative, and the party 
seeking to obtain the policy shall be relieved of the obligation to 
obtain the insurer's written approval and waiver of subrogation with 
respect to such policy during such time as such policy is not obtainable 
or is obtainable only upon payment of a commercially unreasonable 
additional premium as described above.  If such policies shall at any 
subsequent time be obtainable or obtainable upon payment of a 
commercially reasonable additional premium, neither party shall be 
subsequently liable for failure to obtain such insurance until a 
reasonable time after notification thereof by the other party.  If the 
release of either Landlord or Tenant, as set forth in the first sentence 
of this Section 21.9, shall contravene any law with respect to 
exculpatory agreements, the liability of the party in question shall be 
deemed not released but shall be secondary to the other's insurer.

		21.7	Any property management firm retained by Landlord to 
manage the Premises shall be required to maintain commercial general 
liability insurance with such limits of liability as are commercially 
reasonable naming Tenant as an additional insured.

		21.8	It is understood and agreed that insurance policies 
required under this Article 21 may be blanket policies covering other 
locations operated by Landlord or Tenant, or by their affiliates or 
subsidiaries, subject to the reasonable approval of the other party.

		21.9	Notwithstanding anything in this Section 21 or 22 to 
the contrary, in the event damages attributable to uninsured losses and 
deductibles relating to earthquake and flood losses exceed twenty 
(20%) of the replacement cost of the Premises, either Landlord or Tenant 
may terminate this Lease in the manner and within the time periods set 
forth in Article 22.  In the event damages attributable to uninsured 
losses and deductibles relating to earthquake and flood losses do not 
exceed twenty percent (20%) of the value of the Premises, or if they do 
and neither party elects to terminate this Lease, Tenant shall pay for 
one-seventeenth (1/17th) of fifty percent (50%) of the loss or 
for each year remaining in the initial term and first extension period, 
and Landlord shall pay the balance.  Tenant shall not be required to pay 
any deductible amount under any policy of insurance if either Landlord 
Tenant terminate this Lease in accordance with its terms.

	22.	Damage or Destruction.

		22.1	In the event of damage to or destruction of all or 
any portion of the Premises or the improvements and fixtures thereon 
(collectively in this Article 22, "improvements") arising from a risk 
covered by the insurance described in Section 21.2, Landlord shall, with 
the use of the insurance proceeds and any deductibles payable by Tenant, 
and within a reasonable time, commence and proceed diligently to repair, 
reconstruct and restore (collectively in this Article 22, "restore" or 
"restoration") such improvements to substantially the same condition as 
they were in immediately prior to the casualty, whether or not the 
insurance proceeds and deductibles are sufficient to cover the actual 
cost of restoration, and this Lease shall continue in full force and 
effect notwithstanding such damage or destruction.  Subject to the 
limitations and rights set forth in Section 21.8 hereof, Landlord shall 
contribute any amounts necessary to restore the Land Improvements and 
Building Shell in excess of the proceeds of insurance attributable 
thereto and applicable deductibles, and Tenant shall contribute any 
amounts necessary to restore Tenant's Improvements in excess of the 
proceeds of insurance attributable thereto together with any applicable 

		22.2	In the event of damage to or destruction of all or 
any portion of the improvements arising from a risk which is not covered 
by the insurance described in Section 21.2, Landlord may elect to 
the improvements, and this Lease shall continue in full force and 
 Landlord shall give Tenant written notice of its election to restore 
improvements within sixty (60) days after the damage or destruction 
occurs, and shall, at its expense and within a reasonable period of time 
thereafter, commence and proceed diligently to restore the improvements 
to substantially the same condition as they were in immediately prior to 
the casualty.  If Landlord does not elect to restore the improvements 
within such 60-day period, then this Lease shall terminate unless Tenant 
delivers to Landlord written notice of its election to continue this 
Lease within thirty (30) days thereafter.  If Tenant elects to continue 
this Lease, Tenant shall, at its expense and within a reasonable period 
of time, commence and proceed diligently to restore the improvements to 
substantially the same condition as they were in immediately prior to 
casualty, and this Lease shall continue in full force and effect 
notwithstanding such damage or destruction.  Notwithstanding anything to 
the contrary in this Section 22.2, the rights and obligations of 
and Tenant under this Section 22.2 shall be subject to the terms and 
conditions of Section 21.8.

		22.3	Notwithstanding anything in Section 22.1 or 22.2 to 
the contrary, if, in the opinion of an independent architect selected by 
Landlord and Tenant, the damage or destruction is so substantial that it 
cannot be corrected within eight (8) months of the date of damage, 
may elect to terminate this Lease by delivering to Landlord written 
notice of its election to terminate within thirty (30) days after the 
damage or destruction.

		22.4	In the event the Lease is terminated in accordance 
with the forgoing provisions, (i) Tenant shall surrender possession of 
the Premises within a reasonable period of time, (ii) this Lease shall 
terminate as of the date possession of the Premises is surrendered, 
(iii) insurance proceeds shall be distributed in accordance with the 
provisions of Section 21.2, and (iv) the parties shall be released from 
all obligations arising under this Lease after such termination date.

		22.5	In satisfying any restoration obligations under this 
Article 22, neither party shall be required to restore improvements with 
improvements identical to those which were damaged or destroyed; rather, 
with the consent of the other party, which consent will not be 
unreasonably withheld, the restoring party may restore the damage or 
destruction with improvements reasonably equivalent to those damaged or 
destroyed.  In no event shall Tenant be required to restore its own 
fixtures or equipment.

		22.6	In the event of damage, destruction and/or 
restoration as herein provided, there shall be no abatement of Rent, and 
Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation or damages occasioned 
any such damage, destruction or restoration.

		22.7	Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in 
this Lease, if the damage or destruction occurs during the last year of 
the term or any extended term of this Lease, Tenant shall not be 
to repair the damage or destruction so long as it tenders to Landlord 
insurance proceeds and applicable deductibles for restoration which 
otherwise been required under this Article 22.

		22.8	The provisions of Article 17 shall apply to any 
restoration work under this Article as if the restoration was an 
alteration, addition or improvement thereunder.

		22.9	Tenant waives the provisions of Civil Code 
Section 1932(2) and 1933(4) or any similar statute now existing or 
hereafter adopted governing destruction of the Premises, so that the 
parties' rights and obligations in the event of damage or destruction 
shall be governed by the provisions of this Lease.

	23.	Eminent Domain.

		23.1	In the event the whole of the Premises shall be taken 
for any public or quasi-public purpose by any lawful power or authority 
by exercise of the right of appropriation, condemnation or eminent 
domain, or sold to prevent such taking, Tenant or Landlord may terminate 
this Lease effective as of the date possession is required to be 
surrendered to said authority.  The condemnation proceeds shall be 
reasonably allocated to Tenant to the extent of its trade fixtures, the 
value of any improvements (as that term is referred to in Article 17, 
including, without limitation, Tenant's Improvements constructed by 
Tenant pursuant to the Work Letter) which Tenant has the right to remove 
from the Premises, the unamortized value allocable to the remainder of 
the term of this Lease of any improvements (as that term is referred to 
in Article 17 hereof, including, without limitation, Tenant's 
Improvements constructed by Tenant pursuant to the Work Letter) 
at Tenant's expense which are not removable, good will, and moving 
expenses, and Landlord shall be entitled to any condemnation proceed 
attributable to the Real Property, the Land Improvements, the Building 
Shell, the value of any improvements not allocated to Tenant above, and 
any severance damages.

		23.2	In the event of a partial taking of the Premises for 
any public or quasi-public purpose by any lawful power or authority by 
exercise of right of appropriation, condemnation, or eminent domain, or 
sold to prevent such taking, then Tenant may elect to terminate this 
Lease if such taking is of material detriment to, and substantially 
interferes with, Tenant's use and occupancy of, and conduct of its 
business from, the Premises, including but not limited to materially 
affecting Tenant's parking or Tenant's ingress and egress from the 
Premises, unless Landlord provides reasonable alternatives thereto 
acceptable to Tenant.  In no event shall this Lease be terminated when 
such a partial taking does not have a material adverse effect upon 
Landlord or Tenant or both.  Termination pursuant to this section shall 
be effective as of the date possession is required to be surrendered to 
said authority.  In the event of a partial taking and whether or not 
Tenant terminates this Lease, Tenant and Landlord shall be entitled to 
those condemnation proceeds attributable to those items for which they 
are entitled to compensation pursuant to Section 23.1 (excluding moving 

		23.3	If upon any taking of the nature described in this 
Article 23 this Lease continues in effect, then Landlord shall promptly 
proceed to restore the remaining portion of the Premises, and all 
improvements and fixtures located thereon, to substantially their same 
condition prior to such partial taking.  Landlord shall contribute any 
amount necessary for restoration of Landlord's Work described in the 
Letter in excess of the condemnation proceeds awarded for such purpose, 
and Tenant shall contribute any amount necessary for restoration of 
Tenant's Improvement Work described in the Work Letter in excess of the 
condemnation proceeds awarded for such purposes.  Basic Annual Rent 
be abated proportionately on the basis of the rental value of the 
Premises, including improvements and fixtures, as restored after such 
taking compared to the rental value of the Premises prior to such 

		23.4	The provisions of Article 17 shall apply to any 
restoration work under this Article as if the restoration was an 
alteration, addition or improvement thereunder.

	24.	Defaults and Remedies.

		24.1	Late payment by Tenant to Landlord of Rent and other 
sums due will cause Landlord to incur costs not contemplated by this 
Lease, the exact amount of which will be extremely difficult and 
impracticable to ascertain.  Such costs include, but are not limited to, 
processing and accounting charges and late charges which may be imposed 
on Landlord by the terms of any mortgage or trust deed covering the 
Premises.  Therefore, if any installment of Rent due from Tenant is not 
received by Landlord within fifteen (15) days of the date such payment 
due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord an additional sum of five percent (5%) 
of the overdue rent as a late charge.  The parties agree that this late 
charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs that 
Landlord will incur by reason of late payment by Tenant.  In addition to 
the late charge, Rent not paid within thirty (30) days of the date such 
payment is due shall bear interest from thirty (30) days after the date 
due until paid at the lesser of (i) ten percent (10%) per annum or (ii) 
the maximum rate permitted by law.

		24.2	No payment by Tenant or receipt by Landlord of a 
lesser amount than the rent payment herein stipulated shall be deemed to 
be other than on account of the rent, nor shall any endorsement or 
statement on any check or any letter accompanying any check or payment 
rent be deemed an accord and satisfaction, and Landlord may accept such 
check or payment without prejudice to Landlord's right to recover the 
balance of such rent or pursue any other remedy provided.  If at any 
a dispute shall arise as to any amount or sum of money to be paid by 
Tenant to Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to make payment "under 
protest" and such payment shall not be regarded as a voluntary payment, 
and there shall survive the right on the part of Tenant to institute 
for recovery of the payment paid under protest.

		24.3	If Tenant fails to pay any sum of money (other than 
Basic Annual Rent) required to be paid by it hereunder, or shall fail to 
perform any other act on its part to be performed  hereunder, Landlord 
may, without waiving or releasing Tenant from any obligations of Tenant, 
but shall not be obligated to, make such payment or perform such act; 
provided, that such failure by Tenant continued for fifteen (15) days 
after written notice from Landlord demanding performance by Tenant was 
delivered to Tenant, or that such failure by Tenant unreasonably 
interfered with the use or efficient operation of the Premises, or 
resulted or could have resulted in a violation of law or the 
of an insurance policy maintained by Landlord.  All sums so paid or 
incurred by Landlord, together with interest thereon, from the date such 
sums were paid or incurred, at the annual rate equal to ten percent 
per annum or highest rate permitted by law, whichever is less, shall be 
payable to Landlord on demand as Additional Rent.

		24.4	The occurrence of any one or more of the following 
events shall constitute a "Default" hereunder by Tenant:

			(a)	The failure by Tenant to make any payment of 
Rent, as and when due, where such failure shall continue for a period of 
fifteen (15) days after written notice thereof from Landlord to Tenant.  
Such notice shall be in lieu of, and not in addition to, any notice 
required under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1161;

			(b)	The failure by Tenant to observe or perform any 
material obligation other than described in Section 24.4(a) to be 
performed by Tenant, where such failure shall continue for a period of 
thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from Landlord to Tenant; 
provided, however, that if the nature of Tenant's default is such that 
more than thirty (30) days are reasonably required to cure the default, 
then Tenant shall not be deemed to be in default if Tenant shall 
such cure within said thirty (30) day period and thereafter diligently 
prosecute the same to completion.  Such notice shall be in lieu of, and 
not in addition to, any notice required under California Code of Civil 
Procedure Section 1161;

			(c)	Tenant makes an assignment for the benefit of 

			(d)	A receiver, trustee or custodian is appointed 
to, or does, take title, possession or control of all, or substantially 
all, of Tenant's assets;

			(e)	An order for relief is entered against Tenant 
pursuant to a voluntary or involuntary proceeding commenced under any 
chapter of the Bankruptcy Code;

			(f)	Any involuntary petition is filed against the 
Tenant under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code and is not dismissed 
within ninety (90) days; or

			(g)	Tenant's interest in this Lease is attached, 
executed upon, or otherwise judicially seized and such action is not 
released within ninety (90) days of the action.

			Notices given under this Section shall specify the 
alleged default and shall demand that Tenant perform the provisions of 
this Lease or pay the Rent that is in arrears, as the case may be, 
the applicable period of time, or quit the Premises.  No such notice 
shall be deemed a forfeiture or a termination of this Lease unless 
Landlord elects otherwise in such notice, and in no event shall a 
forfeiture or termination occur without such written notice.

		24.5	In the event of a Default by Tenant, and at any time 
thereafter while such Default is continuing, and without limiting 
Landlord in the exercise of any right or remedy which Landlord may have, 
Landlord shall be entitled to terminate Tenant's right to possession of 
the Premises by any lawful means, in which case this Lease shall 
terminate and Tenant shall immediately surrender possession of the 
Premises to Landlord.  In such event Landlord shall have the immediate 
right to re-enter and remove all persons and property by any lawful 
means, and such property may be removed and stored in a public warehouse 
or elsewhere at the cost of, and for the account of Tenant, all without 
service of notice and without being deemed guilty of trespass, or 
becoming liable for any loss or damage which may be occasioned thereby, 
subject to the rights of personal property lessors or secured parties 
with validly granted and duly perfected ownership or security interests 
in any such property.  In the event that Landlord shall elect to so 
terminate this Lease, then Landlord shall be entitled to recover from 
Tenant all damages incurred by Landlord by reason of Tenant's default, 

			(a)	The worth at the time of award of any unpaid 
Rent which had been earned at the time of such termination; plus

			(b)	The worth at the time of award of the amount by 
which the unpaid Rent which would have been earned after termination 
until the time of award exceeds the amount of such rental loss which 
Tenant proves could have been reasonably avoided; plus

			(c)	The worth at the time of award of the amount by 
which the unpaid Rent for the balance of the term after the time of 
exceeds the amount of such rental loss which Tenant proves could have 
been reasonably avoided; plus

			(d)	Any other amount necessary to compensate 
Landlord for all the detriment proximately caused by Tenant's failure to 
perform its obligation under this Lease or which in the ordinary course 
of things would be likely to result therefrom; plus

			(e)	At Landlord's election, such other amounts in 
addition to or in lieu of the foregoing as may be permitted from time to 
time by applicable law.

			As used in Subsections (a), (b) and (c), the "time of 
award" shall mean the date upon which the judgment in any action brought 
by Landlord against Tenant by reason of such default is entered or such 
earlier date as the court may determined.  As used in Subsections (a) 
(b), the "worth at the time of award" shall be computed by allowing 
interest at the rate specified in Section 24.1.  As used in Subsection 
(c) above, the "worth at the time of award" shall be computed by taking 
the present value of such amount using the discount rate of the Federal 
Reserve Bank of San Francisco at the time of award plus one percentage 

			Nothing in this Section 24.4 is intended to increase 
or enlarge the damages recoverable by Landlord under Section 1951.2 of 
the Civil Code, as same may be amended from time to time.

		24.6	If Landlord does not elect to terminate this Lease as 
provided in Section 24.5 or otherwise terminate Tenant's right to 
possession of the Premises, Landlord shall have the remedy described in 
Section 1951.4 of the Civil Code.  Landlord may continue the lease in 
effect for so long as Landlord does not terminate Tenant's right to 
possession of the Premises, and may enforce all of its rights and 
remedies under the Lease, including the right from time to time to 
recover Rent as it becomes due under the Lease.  At any time thereafter, 
Landlord may elect to terminate this Lease and to recover damages to 
which Landlord is entitled.

		24.7	Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, 
Landlord's reentry to perform acts of maintenance or preservation of, or 
in connection with efforts to relet, the Premises, or any portion 
thereof, or the appointment of a receiver upon Landlord's initiative to 
protect Landlord's interest under this Lease, shall not terminate 
Tenant's right to possession of the Premises or any portion thereof and, 
until Landlord does elect to terminate this Lease or terminates Tenant's 
right to possession of the Premises, this Lease shall continue in full 
force and Landlord may pursue all its remedies hereunder, including, 
without limitation, the right to recover from Tenant as they become due 
hereunder all Rent and other charges required to be paid by Tenant under 
the terms of this Lease.

		24.8	All rights, options, and remedies of Landlord 
contained in this Lease shall be construed and held to be nonexclusive 
and cumulative.  Landlord shall have the right to pursue any one or all 
of such remedies or any other remedy or relief which may be provided by 
law, whether or not stated in this Lease.  No waiver of any default of 
Tenant hereunder shall be implied from any acceptance by Landlord of any 
rent or other payments due hereunder or by any omission by Landlord to 
take any action on account of such default if such default persists or 
repeated, and no express waiver shall affect defaults other than as 
specified in said waiver.

		24.9	Termination of this Lease or Tenant's right to 
possession by Landlord shall not relieve Tenant from any liability to 
Landlord which has theretofore accrued or shall arise based upon events 
which occurred prior to the last to occur of (i) the date of Lease 
termination or (ii) the date possession of Premises is surrendered or 
taken by Landlord.

		24.10	Landlord shall not be in default unless Landlord 
fails to perform obligations required of Landlord within a reasonable 
time, but in no event later than thirty (30) days after written notice 
Tenant specifying wherein Landlord has failed to perform such 
provided, however, that if the nature of Landlord's obligation is such 
that more than thirty (30) days are required for performance, then 
Landlord shall not be in default if Landlord commences performance 
such thirty (30) day period and thereafter diligently prosecutes the 
to completion.

		24.11	In the event of any default on the part of Landlord, 
Tenant will give notice by registered or certified mail to any 
beneficiary of a deed of trust or mortgagee of a mortgage covering the 
Premises whose address shall have been furnished and shall offer such 
beneficiary and/or mortgagee a reasonable opportunity to cure the 

	25.	Assignment or Subletting.

		25.1	Except as hereinafter provided, Tenant shall not, 
either voluntarily or by operation of law, sell, hypothecate or transfer 
this Lease, or sublet the Premises or any part thereof, or permit or 
suffer the Premises or any part thereof to be used or occupied as work 
space, storage space, concession or otherwise by anyone other than 
or Tenant's employees, without the prior written consent of Landlord in 
each instance, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or 

		25.2	If Tenant desires to sublet all or any part of the 
Premises, or to assign this Lease, to any entity into which Tenant is 
merged, with which Tenant is consolidated, or which acquires all or 
substantially all of the assets of Tenant, or to a parent, subsidiary, 
other affiliate of Tenant, provided that the subtenant or assignee first 
executes, acknowledges and delivers to Landlord an agreement whereby the 
subtenant or assignee agrees to be bound by all of the covenants and 
agreements in this Lease to the extent relating to the unexpired term of 
the Lease and, in the event of a sublease, the portion of the Premises 
sublet, then Landlord upon receipt thereof will consent to the sublease 
or assignment.

		25.3	In the event Tenant desires to assign, sublease, 
hypothecate or otherwise transfer this Lease or sublet the Premises to 
assignee other than one set forth in Section 25.2, then at least fifteen 
(15) days, but not more than ninety (90) days, prior to the date when 
Tenant desires the assignment or sublease to be effective (the 
"Assignment Date"), Tenant shall give Landlord a notice (the "Assignment 
Notice") which shall set forth the name, address and business of the 
proposed assignee or sublessee, information (including references and 
financial statements) concerning the reputation and financial ability of 
the proposed assignee or sublessee, the Assignment Date, any ownership 
commercial relationship between Tenant and the proposed assignee or 
sublessee, and the consideration and all other material terms and 
conditions of the proposed assignment or sublease, all in such detail as 
Landlord shall reasonably require.

		25.4	Landlord in making its determination as to whether 
consent should be given to a proposed assignment or sublease, may give 
consideration to the reputation of a proposed successor, the financial 
strength of such successor (notwithstanding the assignor remaining 
for Tenant's performance), and any use which such successor proposes to 
make of the Premises.  If Landlord fails to deliver written notice of 
determination to Tenant within fifteen (15) days following receipt of 
Assignment Notice and the information required under Section 25.3, 
Landlord shall be deemed to have approved the request.  In no event 
Landlord be deemed to be unreasonable for declining to consent to a 
transfer to a successor of poor reputation, lacking financial 
qualification, seeking a change in use which would involve the 
generation, storage, use, treatment or disposal of Hazardous Materials 
any manner for a purpose prohibited by any applicable Law, so long as 
Landlord is reasonable in making its determination based on such 
 As a condition to any assignment or sublease to which Landlord has 
consent, any such assignee or sublessee must execute, acknowledge and 
deliver to Landlord an agreement whereby the assignee or sublessee 
to be bound by all of the covenants and agreements in this Lease to the 
extent relating to the unexpired term of the Lease and, in the event of 
sublease, the portion of the Premises so sublet.

		25.5	Any sale, assignment, hypothecation or transfer of 
this Lease or subletting of Premises that is not in compliance with the 
provisions of this Article 25 shall be void.

		25.6	The consent by Landlord to an assignment or 
subletting shall not relieve Tenant or any assignee of this Lease or 
sublessee of the Premises from obtaining the consent of Landlord to any 
further assignment or subletting or as releasing Tenant or any assignee 
or sublessee of Tenant from full and primary liability.

		25.7	If Tenant shall sublet the Premises or any part 
thereof Tenant hereby immediately and irrevocably assigns to Landlord, 
security for Tenant's obligations under this Lease, all rent from any 
subletting of all or a part of the Premises and Landlord as assignee, or 
a receiver for Tenant appointed on Landlord's application, may collect 
such rent and apply it toward Tenant's obligations under this Lease; 
except that, until the occurrence of a Default in the payment of Basic 
Annual Rent by Tenant, Tenant shall have the right to collect such rent.

		25.8	Notwithstanding any subletting or assignment  Tenant 
shall remain fully and primarily liable for the payment of all Rent and 
other sums due, or to become due hereunder, and for the full performance 
of all other terms, conditions, and covenants to be kept and performed 
Tenant.  The acceptance of rent or any other sum due hereunder, or the 
acceptance of performance of any other term, covenant, or condition 
hereof, from any other person or entity shall not be deemed to be a 
waiver of any of the provisions of this Lease or a consent to any 
subletting or assignment of the Premises.  Landlord shall not 
unreasonably withhold consent to an assignment back to the original 
Tenant hereunder from a subsequent assignee.

		25.9	Any sublease of the Premises shall be subject and 
subordinate to the provisions of this Lease, shall not extend beyond the 
term of this Lease, and shall provide that the sublessee shall attorn to 
Landlord, at Landlord's sole option, in the event of the termination of 
this Lease.  Landlord and any lender shall upon Tenant's request provide 
any subtenant of the entirety of the Premises with a recognition and 
nondisturbance agreement in the form set forth in Article 35 hereof on 
the condition that the sublessee agrees to attorn to Landlord on exactly 
the same terms and conditions as this Lease.

	26.	Arbitration - Attorney's Fees.

		26.1	In the event Tenant claims a breach of this Lease by 
Landlord, Tenant may demand arbitration of the claim before a panel of 
three arbitrators, one appointed by Tenant, one appointed by Landlord, 
and the third selected by the two arbitrators so appointed.  In the 
arbitration is demanded by Tenant, Landlord may, but shall not be 
required to, include in the arbitration any other claims or disputes 
arising from or related to this Lease.  The arbitrators shall be 
instructed to conclude the arbitration within ninety (90) days of the 
time the claim is submitted to arbitration.  Notwithstanding the 
provisions of Section 5.3, Tenant may deduct from or set off against 
the amount of any final award of the arbitrators in favor of Tenant, 
if the award is appealed by Landlord (but subject to Landlord's right to 
collect the amount deducted or set off in the event the appeal is 
successful).  The remedy described in this Section 26.1 is optional only 
and nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver of any other 
remedy that Tenant may have at law or equity.

		26.2	If either party commences an arbitration, action or 
proceeding against the other party arising out of or in connection with 
this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to have and recover 
from the other party reasonable attorneys' fees, expert witness fees and 
costs of suit or arbitration.

	27.	Bankruptcy.

		27.1	In the event a debtor or trustee under the Bankruptcy 
Code, or other person with similar rights, duties and powers under any 
other law, proposes to cure any default under this Lease or to assume or 
assign this Lease, and is obliged to provide adequate assurance to 
Landlord that (i) a default will be cured, (ii) Landlord will be 
compensated for its damages arising from any breach of this Lease, or 
(iii) future performance under this Lease will occur, then adequate 
assurance shall include any or all of the following, as determined by 
Bankruptcy Court:

			(a)	Those acts specified in the Bankruptcy Code or 
other law as included within the meaning of adequate assurance;

			(b)	A cash payment to compensate Landlord for any 
monetary defaults or damages arising from a breach of this Lease;

			(c)	The credit worthiness and desirability, as a 
tenant, of the person assuming this Lease or receiving an assignment of 
this Lease, at least equal to Landlord's customary and usual credit 
worthiness requirements and desirability  standards in effect at the 
of the assumption or assignment, as determined by the Bankruptcy Court; 

			(d)	The assumption or assignment of all of Tenant's 
interest and obligations under this Lease.

	28.	Definition of Landlord.

		28.1	The term "Landlord" as used in this Lease, so far as 
covenants or obligations on the part of Landlord are concerned, shall be 
limited to mean and include only Landlord or the successor-in-interest 
Landlord under this Lease at the time in question.  In the event of any 
transfer, assignment or conveyance of Landlord's title or leasehold, the 
Landlord herein named (and in case of any subsequent transfers or 
conveyances, the then grantor and any prior grantors) shall be 
automatically freed and relieved from and after the date of such 
transfer, assignment or conveyance of all liability for the performance 
of any covenants or obligations contained in this Lease thereafter to be 
performed by Landlord and, without further agreement, the transferee of 
such title or leasehold shall be deemed to have assumed and agreed to 
observe and perform any and all obligations of Landlord hereunder, 
its ownership of the Premises.  Landlord may transfer its interest in 
Premises or this Lease without the consent of Tenant and such transfer 
subsequent transfer shall not be deemed a violation on the part of 
Landlord or the then grantor of any of the terms or conditions of this 

		28.2	Notwithstanding the foregoing, the term "Landlord" 
shall include the Landlord herein named with regard to (i) construction 
of the work required by Landlord under the Work Letter pursuant to 
Sections 4.1 hereof, (ii) damages in the event of completion delays to 
the extent of Section 4.4 hereof, (iii) the warranties made by Landlord 
under Sections 14.4 and 14.5 to the extent thereof, (iv) covenants and 
representations made by Landlord in Article 39, (v) the obligation to 
deliver the Premises lien-free pursuant to Section 35.4, (vi) the 
completion of punch list items relating to the Building Shell and Land 
Improvements pursuant to the provisions of the Work Letter, and (vii) 
other duties or obligations of Landlord arising under the provisions of 
this Lease and applicable Law.

	29.	Estoppel Certificate.

		29.1	Each party shall, within fifteen (15) days of written 
notice from the other party, execute, acknowledge and deliver to the 
other party a statement in writing on a form reasonably requested by a 
proposed lender, purchaser, assignee or subtenant (i) certifying that 
this Lease is unmodified and in full force and effect (or, if modified, 
stating the nature of such modification and certifying that this Lease 
so modified is in full force and effect) and the dates to which the 
rental and other charges are paid in advance, if any, (ii) acknowledging 
that there are not, to each party's knowledge, any uncured defaults on 
the part of Landlord or Tenant hereunder (or specifying such defaults if 
any are claimed) and (iii) setting forth such further information with 
respect to this Lease or the Premises as may be reasonably requested 

	30.	Removal of Property.

		30.1	Except as provided below, all fixtures and personal 
property owned by Tenant (but excluding any property specifically 
described in Section 30.2 even if it would otherwise be defined as a 
fixture) shall be and remain the property of Tenant, and may be removed 
by Tenant at the expiration of the term of this Lease, or at such 
time as Tenant is not in default hereunder.

		30.2	All fixtures and improvements provided by Landlord 
under the Work Letter, and all other improvements, additions, 
alterations, and decorations constructed or installed by Tenant that are 
of general utility to the operation of the Building (but excluding trade 
fixtures and personal property owned by Tenant unless specifically 
described below) attached to or built into the Premises shall be deemed 
real property and shall become the property of Landlord upon the 
expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, and shall remain upon 
and be surrendered with the Premises as a part thereof, including, 
without limiting the generality of the foregoing, walls, partitions and 
related coverings; flooring and floor coverings; ceilings; insulation; 
doors, frames and related hardware; built-in cabinet work and paneling; 
lighting fixtures; built-in security systems; fire sprinkler system; 
lobbies; rest rooms; mechanical (HVAC) system, including central plant 
and controls, and including equipment, screens and enclosures; 
environmental control and monitoring systems; telephone, electrical and 
other wires and cabling; elevator and related components; plumbing 
and fixtures; and electrical and other utility systems and components 
thereof and appurtenances thereto.  Tenant shall have the right to 
any improvement, addition, alteration, decoration and/or trade fixture 
that is not of general utility to the operation of the Building and/or 
that is used in the operation of Tenant's business so long as any damage 
caused by such removal is repaired, including, without limitation, the 
following: (1) antenna farm; (ii) environmental chambers in 
areas; (iii) special audio-visual cabinets; (iv) up-graded interior 
office doors (provided, Tenant replaces such doors with standard doors); 
(v) fencing in stock room area or other areas; (vi) hoist; (vii) power 
equipment that extends from the tray to the manufacturing floor; (viii) 
air compressor; and (ix) special sound equipment in exercise room.  
Tenant shall not be required to remove any of such property from the 
Premises or restore the Premises except as set forth in Section 30.3.

		30.3	Notwithstanding Sections 30.1 hereof, Tenant may not 
remove any property if such removal would cause material damage to the 
Premises, unless such damages can be and is repaired by Tenant.  
Furthermore, Tenant shall repair any damage to the Premises caused by 
Tenant's removal of any such property, and shall, prior to the 
or earlier termination of this Lease, restore and return the Premises to 
the condition they were in when first occupied by Tenant (or after they 
were altered as allowed by Article 17, and excepting Tenant's 
Improvements and subject to the provisions of Articles 22 and 23), 
reasonable wear and tear excepted.  At a minimum, Tenant shall leave in 
place and repair any damage to the interior floors, walls and ceilings 
the Premises.  The provisions of Article 17 shall apply to any 
restoration work under this Article as if the restoration was an 
alteration, addition or improvement thereunder.  Should Tenant require 
any period beyond the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease to 
complete such restoration, Tenant shall be a tenant at sufferance 
to the provisions of Section 12.2 hereof.

		30.4	If Tenant shall fail to remove any fixtures or 
personal property which it is entitled to remove under this Article 30 
from the Premises prior to termination of this Lease, then Landlord may 
dispose of the property under the provisions of Section 1980 et seq. of 
the California Civil Code, as such provisions may be modified from time 
to time, or under any other applicable provisions of California law.

 	31.	Limitation of Landlord's Liability.

		31.1	Except as set forth in Section 31.4, if Landlord is 
in default of this Lease, and as a consequence, Tenant recovers a money 
judgment against Landlord, the judgment shall be satisfied only out of 
the proceeds of sale received on execution of the judgment and levy 
against the right, title, and interest of Landlord in the Premises, and 
out of insurance proceeds, rent or other income from the Premises 
receivable by Landlord or out of the consideration received by Landlord 
from the sale or other disposition of all or any part of Landlord's 
right, title, and interest in the Premises.

		31.2	Neither Landlord nor Landlord's Agents shall be 
personally liable for any deficiency except to the extent liability is 
based upon willful and intentional misconduct.  If Landlord is a 
partnership or joint venture, the partners of such partnership shall not 
be personally liable and no partner of Landlord shall be sued or named 
a party in any suit or action, or service of process be made against any 
partner of Landlord, except as may be necessary to secure jurisdiction 
the partnership or joint venture or to the extent liability is caused by 
willful and intentional misconduct.  If Landlord is a corporation, the 
shareholders, directors, officers, employees, and/or agents of such 
corporation shall not be personally liable and no shareholder, director, 
officer, employee, or agent of Landlord shall be sued or named as a 
in any suit or action, or service of process be made against any 
shareholder, director, officer, employee, or agent of Landlord, except 
may be necessary to secure jurisdiction of the corporation.  No partner, 
shareholder, director, employee, or agent of Landlord shall be required 
to answer or otherwise plead to any service of process and no judgment 
will be taken or writ of execution levied against any partner, 
shareholder, director, employee, or agent of Landlord.

		31.3	Each of the covenants and agreements of this Article 
31 shall be applicable to any covenant or agreement either expressly 
contained in this Lease or imposed by statute or by common law.

		31.4	Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Landlord herein 
named shall remain liable or responsible for (i) construction of the 
required by Landlord under the Work Letter pursuant to Sections 4.1 
hereof, (ii) damages in the event of completion delays to the extent of 
Section 4.4 hereof, (iii) the warranties made by Landlord under Sections 
14.4 and 14.5 to the extent thereof, (iv) covenants and representations 
made by Landlord in Article 39, (v) the obligation to deliver the 
Premises lien-free pursuant to Section 35.4, (vi) the completion of 
list items relating to the Building Shell and Land Improvements pursuant 
to the provisions of the Work Letter, and (vii) any other duties or 
obligations of Landlord arising under the provisions of this Lease and 
applicable law.

	32.	[Intentionally Left Blank].

	33.	Quiet Enjoyment.

		33.1	So long as Tenant is not in Default, Tenant may 
peaceably and quietly have, hold, use, occupy and enjoy the Premises 
during the term and any extended term of this Lease.

	34.	Quitclaim Deed.

		34.1	Tenant shall execute and deliver to Landlord on the 
expiration or termination of this Lease, immediately on Landlord's 
request, a quitclaim deed to the Premises or other document in 
form suitable to evidence of record termination of this Lease and the 
right of first refusal and option contained herein.

	35.	Subordination and Attornment.

		35.1	Unless the mortgagee or beneficiary elects otherwise 
at any time prior to or following a default by Tenant, this Lease shall 
be subject to and subordinate to the lien of any mortgage or deed of 
trust now or hereafter in force against the Premises or any portion 
thereof, and to all advances made or hereafter to be made upon the 
security thereof without the necessity of the execution and delivery of 
any further instruments on the part of Tenant to effectuate such 
subordination, provided that the lienholder, beneficiary, or mortgagee 
executes and delivers to Tenant a non-disturbance, attornment, and 
subordination agreement ("Non-Disturbance Agreement") in recordable 
in the form as the lienholder, beneficiary, or mortgagee may reasonably 
request and is approved by Tenant, which approval will not be 
unreasonably withheld, setting forth that so long as Tenant is not in 
Default hereunder, Landlord's and Tenant's rights and obligations 
hereunder (including the use of insurance proceeds as set forth herein) 
shall remain in force and Tenant's right to possession shall be upheld.  
Each Non-Disturbance Agreement shall provide for use of insurance 
proceeds as set forth in Article 21 of this Lease.

		35.2	Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall upon 
request of Landlord promptly execute and deliver such further instrument 
or instruments reasonably required by Landlord and reasonably acceptable 
to Tenant evidencing such subordination of this Lease to the lien of any 
such mortgage or deed of trust as may be required by Landlord, provided 
that the lienholder, beneficiary, or mortgagee has previously executed 
and delivered to Tenant a Non-Disturbance Agreement in recordable form.  
However, if any such mortgagee or beneficiary so elects at any time 
to or following a default by Tenant, this Lease shall be deemed prior in 
lien to any such mortgage or deed of trust regardless of date and Tenant 
will execute a statement in writing to such effect at Landlord's 

		35.3	In the event any proceedings are brought for 
foreclosure, or in the event of the exercise of the power of sale under 
any mortgage or deed of trust made by the Landlord covering the 
the Tenant shall at the election of the purchaser at such foreclosure or 
sale attorn to the purchaser upon any such foreclosure or sale and 
recognize such purchaser as the Landlord under this Lease in accordance 
with the terms of the Non-Disturbance Agreement.

		35.4	Landlord represents that there are no mortgages or 
deeds of trust encumbering the Premises, nor will there be any mortgages 
or deeds of trust encumbering the Premises, with interests which will be 
superior to Tenant's leasehold, on the date a memorandum of the Lease is 
duly recorded in the Official Records of Santa Clara County, other than 
those interests for which Tenant has been provided a Non-Disturbance 
Agreement.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall use 
commercially reasonable efforts to insure that the Premises are free of 
material and mechanics' liens on account of the work required of 
under the Work Letter as soon as is reasonably practical after Tenant 
occupies the Premises.  At the request of Tenant, Landlord shall provide 
such documentation as may be reasonably requested by a title company for 
the purpose of allowing the leasehold policy to be issued without 
any such liens as exceptions, so long as Landlord incurs no expense 
therefor.  In any event, however, Landlord shall insure such a policy 
without exceptions for such liens may be issued no later than six (6) 
months from the Substantial Completion of the Premises.

	36.	Surrender.

		36.1	No surrender of possession of any part of the 
Premises shall release Tenant from any of its obligations hereunder 
unless accepted by Landlord.

		36.2	The voluntary or other surrender of this Lease by 
Tenant shall not work a merger, unless Landlord consents, and shall, at 
the option of Landlord, operate as an assignment to it of any or all 
subleases or subtenancies.

	37.	Waiver and Modification.

		37.1	No provision of this Lease may be waived, modified, 
amended or added to except by an agreement in writing.  The waiver by 
either party hereto of any breach of any term, covenant or condition 
herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent 
breach of the same or any other term, covenant or condition herein 

	38.	Waiver of Jury Trial and Counterclaims.

		38.1	The parties hereto shall and they hereby do waive 
trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim brought by 
of the parties hereto against the other on any matters whatsoever 
out of or in any way connected with this Lease, the relationship of 
Landlord and Tenant, Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises, and/or 
any claim of injury or damage.

	39.	Hazardous Material.

		39.1	Tenant, at its sole cost, shall comply with all 
federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, regulations 
and orders relating to Tenant's receiving, handling, use, storage, 
accumulation, transportation, generation, spillage, migration, 
release and disposal of Hazardous Material (as hereinafter defined in 
Section 39.12 hereof) in or about the Premises.  Tenant shall not cause 
or permit any Hazardous Material to be brought upon, kept or used in or 
about the Premises by Tenant, its agents, employees, contractors, 
invitees or subtenants, in a manner or for a purpose prohibited by any 
federal, state or local agency or authority.  The accumulation of 
Hazardous Material shall be in approved containers and removed from the 
Premises by duly licensed carriers.

		39.2	Tenant shall promptly provide Landlord with 
telephonic notice, which shall promptly be confirmed by written notice, 
of any and all spillage, discharge, release and disposal of Hazardous 
Material onto or within the Premises, including the soils and subsurface 
waters thereof, which by law must be reported to any federal, state or 
local agency, and any injuries or damages resulting directly or 
indirectly therefrom.  Further, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord each 
every notice or order, when said order or notice identifies a violation 
which may have the potential to adversely impact the Premises, received 
from any federal, state or local agency concerning Hazardous Material 
the possession, use and/or accumulation thereof promptly upon receipt of 
each such notice or order by Tenant.  Landlord shall have the right, 
reasonable notice, to inspect and copy each and every notice or order 
received from any federal, state or local agency concerning Hazardous 
Material and the possession, use and/or accumulation thereof.

		39.3	Tenant shall be responsible for and shall indemnify, 
protect, defend and hold harmless Landlord and Landlord's Agents from 
and all liability, damages, injuries, causes of action, claims, 
judgments, costs, penalties, fines, losses, and expenses which arise 
during or after the term of this Lease and which result from Tenant's 
from Tenant's Agents, assignees, subtenants, employees, agents, 
contractors, licensees, or invitees) receiving, handling, use, storage, 
accumulation, transportation, generation, spillage, discharge, release, 
disposal of Hazardous Material in, upon or about the Premises, including 
without limitation (i) damages for the loss or restriction on use of any 
portion or amenity of the Premises, (ii) damages arising from any 
impact on marketing of space in the Building, and (iii) reasonable 
consultant fees, expert fees, and attorneys' fees.  Landlord shall be 
responsible for and shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless 
Tenant on the same basis as above for all other claims which arise from 
receiving, handling, use, storage, accumulation, transportation, 
generation, spillage, migration, discharge, release or disposal of 
Hazardous Material in, upon or about the Premises (subject to applicable 
insurance, if any, required to be maintained by Tenant under this 

		39.4	The indemnification pursuant to the preceding Section 
39.3 includes, without limiting the generality of Section 39.3, 
reasonable costs incurred in connection with any investigation of site 
conditions or any cleanup, remedial, removal or restoration work 
by any federal, state or local governmental agency or political 
subdivision because of Hazardous Material present in the soil, subsoil, 
ground water, or elsewhere on, under or about the Premises.  Without 
limiting the foregoing, if the presence of any Hazardous Material on the 
Premises results in any contamination of the Premises, or underlying 
or groundwater, the party responsible therefore under Section 39.3 shall 
promptly take all actions at its sole expense as are necessary to return 
the Premises to the condition existing prior to the introduction of any 
such Hazardous Material, provided that the other party's approval of 
action shall first be obtained, which approval shall not be unreasonably 
withheld so long as such actions would not potentially have any material 
adverse long-term or short-term effect on the Premises, except that the 
responsible party shall not be required to obtain the other party's 
approval of any action of an emergency nature reasonably required or any 
action mandated by a governmental authority.

		39.5	Landlord acknowledges that it is not the intent of 
this Article 39 to prohibit Tenant from operating its business as 
described in Article 10 or to unreasonably interfere with the operation 
of Tenant's business.  Tenant may operate its business according to the 
custom of the industry so long as the use or presence of Hazardous 
Material is strictly and properly monitored according to all applicable 
governmental requirements.  As a material inducement to Landlord to 
Tenant to use Hazardous Material in connection with its business, Tenant 
agrees to deliver to Landlord prior to the Term Commencement Date a list 
identifying each type of Hazardous Material to be present in or upon the 
Premises and setting forth any and all governmental approvals or permits 
required in connection with the presence of Hazardous Material on the 
Premises ("Hazardous Material Summary") and a copy of the Hazardous 
Material business plan prepared pursuant to Health and Safety Code 
Section 25500 et seq.  At Landlord's request, and at reasonable times, 
Tenant shall make available to Landlord the latest available Hazardous 
Materials Summary and true and correct copies of the following documents 
(hereinafter referred to as the "Hazardous Material Documents") relating 
to the handling, storage, disposal and emission of Hazardous Material: 
permits; approvals; reports and correspondence; storage and management 
plans; notice of violations of any laws; plans relating to the 
installation of any storage tanks to be installed in or under the 
Premises (provided said installation of tanks shall be permitted only 
after Landlord has given Tenant its written consent to do so, which 
consent may not be unreasonably withheld); and all closure plans or any 
other documents required by any and all federal, state and local 
governmental agencies and authorities for any storage tanks installed 
on or about the Premises for the closure of any such tanks.  Tenant 
not be required, however, to provide Landlord with that portion of any 
document which contains information of a proprietary nature and which, 
and of itself, does not contain a reference to any Hazardous Material 
which are not otherwise identified to Landlord in such documentation, 
unless any such Hazardous Material Document names Landlord as an "owner" 
or "operator" of the facility in which Tenant is conducting its 
 It is not the intent of this subsection to provide Landlord with 
information which could be detrimental to Tenant's business should such 
information become possessed by Tenant's competitors.  Landlord shall 
treat all information furnished by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to this 
Section 39.5 as confidential and shall not disclose such information to 
any person or entity without Tenant's prior written consent, which 
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, except as 
by law.

		39.6	Notwithstanding other provisions of this Article 39, 
it shall be a default under this Lease, and Landlord shall have the 
to terminate the Lease and/or pursue its other remedies under Article 
in the event that (i) Tenant's use of the Premises for the generation, 
storage, use, treatment or disposal of Hazardous Material is in a manner 
or for a purpose prohibited by applicable law unless Tenant is 
pursuing compliance with such law, (ii) Tenant has been required by any 
governmental authority to take remedial action in connection with 
Hazardous Material contaminating the Premises if the contamination 
resulted from Tenant's action or use of the Premises, unless Tenant is 
diligently pursuing compliance with such requirement, or (iii) Tenant is 
subject to an enforcement order issued by any governmental authority in 
connection with the use, disposal or storage of a Hazardous Material on 
the Premises, unless Tenant is diligently seeking compliance with such 
enforcement order.

		39.7	Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 25, if any 
anticipated use of the Premises by a proposed assignee or subtenant 
involves the generation or storage, use, treatment or disposal of 
Hazardous Material in any manner or for a purpose prohibited by any 
applicable law, it shall not be unreasonable for Landlord to withhold 
consent to an assignment or subletting to such proposed assignee or 

		39.8	Landlord represents that, to the best of its 
knowledge, as of the date of this Lease and as of the Term Commencement 
Date, there is no Hazardous Material on the Premises, and will deliver 
Tenant a certification to that effect promptly upon the Term 
Date.  Landlord shall at its expense provide Tenant with a Phase I 
Environmental Site Assessment as of the Term Commencement Date.  In 
addition, Landlord may at its expense also provide Tenant with a Phase 
Environmental Site Assessment as of the Term Commencement Date.  Should 
either assessment disclose the presence of Hazardous Material, Landlord 
shall remedy the problems to Tenant's reasonable satisfaction, and shall 
cause a further update of the Phase I and any Phase II Environmental 
Assessment to be issued reflecting the remedy therein.  The Phase I and 
any Phase II Environmental Site Assessments and all updates thereto are 
hereinafter referred to as the "Base Line Report."

		39.9	At any time prior to the expiration or earlier 
termination of the term of the Lease, Landlord shall have the right to 
enter upon the Premises at all reasonable times and at reasonable 
intervals in order to conduct appropriate tests regarding the presence, 
use and storage of Hazardous Material, and to inspect Tenant's records 
with regard thereto.  Tenant will pay the reasonable costs of any such 
test which demonstrates that contamination in excess of permissible 
levels has occurred and such contamination is the responsibility of 
Tenant under Section 39.3.  Tenant shall correct any deficiencies 
identified in any such tests in accordance with its obligations under 
this Article 39.

		39.10	Tenant shall at its own expense cause a Phase I 
environmental site assessment of the Premises to be conducted and a 
report thereof delivered to Landlord upon the expiration or earlier 
termination of the Lease, such report to be as complete and broad in 
scope as the Base Line Report as is necessary to identify any impact on 
the Premises Tenant's operations might have had.  Should the assessment 
disclose the presence of Hazardous Material, Tenant shall, prior to the 
expiration of this Lease, remedy the problems for which it is 
under Section 39.3 to the extent required by applicable law, and shall 
cause a further update of the environmental site assessment to be issued 
reflecting the remedy therein.  The assessment and all updates thereto 
are hereinafter referred to as the "Exit Report."  This Article 39 is 
exclusive provision in this Lease regarding clean-up, repairs or 
maintenance arising from receiving, handling, use, storage, 
transportation, generation, spillage, migration, discharge, release or 
disposal of Hazardous Material in, upon or about the Premises, and the 
provisions of Article 18 (Repairs and Maintenance) shall not apply 

 		39.11	Landlord's and Tenant's obligations under this 
Article 39 shall survive the termination of the Lease.

		39.12	As used herein, the term "Hazardous Material" means 
any hazardous or toxic substance, material or waste which is or becomes 
regulated by any local governmental authority, the State of California 
the United States Government.  The term "Hazardous Material" includes, 
without limitation, any material or substance which is (i) defined as a 
"hazardous waste," "extremely hazardous waste" or "restricted hazardous 
waste" under Sections 25515, 25117 or 25122.7, or listed pursuant to 
Section 25140, of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, 
Chapter 6.5 (Hazardous Waste Control Law), (ii) defined as a "hazardous 
substance" under Section 25316 of the California Health and Safety Code, 
Division 2, Chapter 6.8 (Carpenter-Presly-Tanner Hazardous Substance 
Account Act), (iii) defined as a "hazardous material," hazardous 
substance" or "hazardous waste" under Section 25501 of the California 
Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.95 (Hazardous 
(v) petroleum, (vi) asbestos, (vii) listed under Article 9 and defined 
hazardous or extremely hazardous pursuant to Article 11 of Title 22 of 
the California Administrative Code, Division 4, Chapter 20, (viii) 
designated as a "hazardous substance" pursuant to Section 311 of the 
Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. Section 1317), (ix) 
defined as a "hazardous waste" pursuant to Section 1004 of the Federal 
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901, et. seq. 
(42 U.S.C. Section 6903), or (x) defined as a "hazardous substance" 
pursuant to Section 101 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response 
Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et. seq. (42 
U.S.C. Section 9601).

	40.	Options to Extend.

		40.1	Landlord grants to Tenant two (2) options to extend 
the term of this Lease for (5) years each under the same terms and 
conditions existing in the original Lease except as set forth in this 
Article 40.  Basic Annual Rent shall be adjusted on the first day of the 
first extension term to an amount equal to the fair market rental value 
of the Premises as if in shell condition only (as more particularly 
described in Section 40.4) as of the commencement of the first extension 
term, but in no event less than the average Basic Annual Rent payable 
during the initial term.  Basic Annual Rent shall be adjusted on the 
first day of the second extension term to an amount equal to the fair 
market rental value of the Premises as if in shell condition only (as 
more particularly described in Section 40.4) as of the commencement of 
the second extension term, but in no event less than the average Basic 
Annual Rent payable during the first extension term.  Tenant shall 
exercise such right to extend the term of this Lease by written notice 
Landlord no later than eight (8) months prior to the end of the original 
term or the first extension term, as the case may be.  The second 
extension option shall lapse and have no further force or effect if the 
first extension option is not exercised.

		40.2	Landlord shall obtain at its expense and deliver to 
Tenant an independent appraisal of the fair market rental value of the 
Premises as if in shell condition only as of the commencement of each 
extension term.  Following its receipt of Landlord's appraisal, Tenant 
may elect to obtain at its expense and deliver to Landlord a second 
independent appraisal of the fair market rental value of the Premises as 
if in shell condition only as of the commencement of the extension term. 
 If Tenant elects not to obtain a second appraisal, Landlord's appraisal 
shall be conclusive.  If Tenant's appraisal is no more than five percent 
(5%) less than Landlord's appraisal, the fair market rental value of the 
Premises as if in shell condition only shall be the arithmetic average 
the two appraisals.  If Tenant's appraisal is more than five percent 
less than Landlord's appraisal, the two appraisers shall appoint a third 
appraiser to appraise the fair market rental value of the Premises as if 
in shell condition only as of the commencement of the extension term, 
the fair market rental value of the Premises as if in shell condition 
only shall be the arithmetic average of the two appraisals closest in 
their determination of fair market rental value.  Landlord and Tenant 
shall bear equally the expense of the third appraiser.

		40.3	All appraisers appointed hereunder shall have at 
least ten (10) years' experience in the appraisal of 
commercial/industrial real property in the San Jose area and shall be 
members of professional organizations such as the American Appraisal 
Institute with a designation of MAI or equivalent.

		40.4	The parties acknowledge that Landlord will construct 
at its expense the Building Shell and Land Improvements only (as 
described in the Work Letter and Exhibits "A-1" and "A-2" attached 
thereto) and that Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, will construct 
Tenant's Improvements (as described in the Work Letter) which consist of 
all mechanical equipment, interior partitions, floor and wall coverings, 
lighting fixtures, and all other improvements in the Premises other than 
the Building Shell and Land Improvements.  The initial Basic Annual Rent 
payable as of the initial Term Commencement Date was based only upon 
Landlord's investment in the Building Shell and Land Improvements (and 
the Land itself), and did not, nor was it intended, to provide Landlord 
with a return based upon the cost or value added by Tenant's 
Improvements.  It is the intention of the parties that Basic Annual Rent 
for the extended terms shall be based only upon Landlord's investment in 
the Building Shell and Land Improvements (and the Land itself), and 
not reflect a return for or investment in Tenant's Improvements.  
Accordingly, as used herein, the term "fair market rental value of the 
Premises as if in shell condition only" shall mean the price that a 
and willing tenant would pay, as of the commencement of the extension 
term in question, as Basic Annual Rent, to a ready and willing landlord, 
for the Building Shell and Land Improvements only, assuming that 
Improvements did not exist in the Premises, that the landlord would 
provide no tenant improvement allowance for the improvement of the 
Building Shell, and that the tenant would be solely responsible for 
constructing at its cost all mechanical equipment, interior partitions, 
and other tenant improvements necessary to operate the Premises for the 
uses being conducted by Tenant as of the commencement of the extension 
term in question.  In addition, such fair market rental value shall be 
based upon the assumption that the term of the extension is for five (5) 
years and shall be on all other terms set forth in the Lease (other than 
the amount of Basic Annual Rent and annual rental adjustments), 
determined as if such property were exposed for lease on the open market 
for a reasonable period of time and taking into account all of the 
purposes for which such property is then being used.

		40.5	Any increase or decrease in Basic Annual Rent under 
this Article 40 which is not determined until after the effective date 
the increase shall nevertheless be retroactive to the effective date; 
Tenant shall pay any such retroactive increase with the installment of 
Rent next due, and Landlord shall promptly reimburse Tenant an amount 
equal to any such retroactive decrease.  The parties hereto understand 
that any increase or decrease in Basic Annual Rent shall necessarily 
increase or decrease the management fee payable under Section 7.1(ii) 
which is calculated as a percentage of Basic Annual Rent.

		40.6	Basic Annual Rent as of the commencement of each 
extension term as determined under this Article 40 shall be increased on 
each annual anniversary of the first day of the extension term in 
question (each an "Adjustment Date") as follows:

			(a)	With regard to each extension term, the "Base 
Month" for purposes of each adjustment of Basic Annual Rent shall be 
month immediately preceding the month during which the first day of the 
extension term in question occurs, and the "Comparison Month" shall be 
that month immediately preceding the month in which the Adjustment Date 
in question occurs.  By way of example only, with regard to the first 
extension term, assuming the first extension term commences on April 15, 
2009, the Base Month would be March 2009.

			(b)	As used in this subsection, the term "Consumer 
Price Index" means the All Urban Consumers (All Items) for the San 
Francisco-Oakland-San Jose Metropolitan Area (1982-1984 = 100) as 
published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor 
Statistics.  If the 1982-84 base of the Consumer Price Index is 
changed, then the new base will be converted to the 1982-84 base and the 
base as so converted shall be used.  In the event that the Bureau ceases 
to publish the Consumer Price Index once every month, then the successor 
or most nearly comparable index thereto selected by Landlord subject to 
Tenant's reasonable approval shall be used.

			(c)	In the event that the Consumer Price Index for 
the Comparison Month exceeds the Consumer Price Index for the Base 
the Basic Annual Rent payable on the first day of the extension term in 
question shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is 
Consumer Price Index figure for the Comparison Month, and the 
of which is the Consumer Price Index figure for the Base Month.  Such 
amount as calculated shall be the Basic Annual Rent to be paid until the 
next Adjustment Date.  Any of the foregoing notwithstanding, in no event 
shall the Basic Annual Rent as previously adjusted increase less than 
percent (2%) or more than six percent (6%) each year.

			(d)	Prior to each Adjustment Date, or as soon as 
reasonably practical thereafter, Landlord will calculate and give Tenant 
notice of any increase in Basic Annual Rent under this Article 40.  
Delivery of such notice after the effective date of any such increase 
shall not waive Landlord's right to collect such increase, and Tenant 
shall pay to Landlord, upon receipt of such notice, any such increase 
from the last anniversary of the Term Commencement Date.

		40.7	Tenant shall not have the right to exercise either 
option to extend the term, notwithstanding anything set forth above to 
the contrary, (a) during the time commencing from the date Landlord 
to Tenant a written notice that Tenant is in Default under any provision 
of this Lease and continuing until the default alleged in said notice is 
cured, or (b) after the expiration or earlier termination of the initial 
or first extension term, as the case may be.  The period of time within 
which either option to extend may be exercised shall not be extended or 
enlarged by reason of the Tenant's inability to exercise the option 
because of the foregoing provisions.  At the election of Landlord, all 
rights of Tenant under the provisions of this Article 40 shall terminate 
and be of no further force or effect even after Tenant's due and timely 
exercise of an option to extend if, after such exercise, but prior to 
commencement of the extension term, (1) Tenant fails to cure a monetary 
Default for a period of thirty (30) days after the date Landlord gives 
notice to Tenant of such default, or (2) Tenant fails to commence to 
any other default within thirty (30) days after the date Landlord gives 
notice to Tenant of such default.

	41.	Right of First Refusal to Purchase.  Tenant shall have 
the right of first refusal to purchase the Premises ("Right of First 
Refusal") upon the following terms and conditions:

		41.1	If at any time during the initial or any extended 
term of this Lease Landlord determines to sell the Premises, Landlord 
shall give written notice to Tenant ("Right of First Refusal Notice") of 
the economic terms and conditions on which Landlord would be willing to 
sell the Premises.  If Tenant, within thirty (30) days after receipt of 
Landlord's Right of First Refusal Notice, agrees in writing to purchase 
the Premises on the terms and conditions stated in the notice, Landlord 
shall sell and convey the Premises to Tenant on the economic terms and 
conditions stated in the notice.

		41.2	If Tenant does not agree in writing to purchase the 
Premises within thirty (30) days after receipt of Landlord's Right of 
First Refusal Notice, or if Landlord and Tenant have not entered into a 
purchase and sale agreement within thirty (30) days thereafter, Landlord 
shall have the right to sell and convey the Premises to a third party on 
economic terms and conditions no more favorable than the economic terms 
and conditions stated in the Right of First Refusal Notice, except that 
the purchase price may be two and one half percent (2.5%) less than that 
stated in the Right of First Refusal Notice, and, upon any such sale, 
Right of First Refusal shall terminate.  If Landlord does not sell and 
convey the Premises within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Right 
of First Refusal Notice, any sale transaction thereafter shall be deemed 
a new determination by Landlord to sell and convey the Premises and the 
provisions of this Section shall again be applicable.

		41.3	If Tenant purchases the Premises pursuant to the 
Right of First Refusal, this Lease shall terminate on the date title 
vests in Tenant, and Landlord shall remit to Tenant any security deposit 
and all prepaid and unearned Rent.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if 
Tenant, at its option, should determine to take title to the Premises in 
the name of an affiliate of Tenant, this Lease shall not terminate on 
date title vests in any such affiliate of Tenant unless Tenant and such 
affiliate agree otherwise.

		41.4	The Right of First Refusal herein granted to Tenant 
is not assignable separate and apart from this Lease, and shall expire 
upon the expiration or earlier termination of the term.

		41.5	Tenant shall not have the right to exercise the Right 
of First Refusal, notwithstanding anything set forth above to the 
contrary, (a) during the time commencing from the date Landlord gives to 
Tenant a written notice that Tenant is in Default under any provision of 
this Lease and continuing until the default alleged in said notice is 
cured, or (b) after the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease. 
 The period of time within which the Right of First Refusal may be 
exercised shall not be extended or enlarged by reason of the Tenant's 
inability to exercise the Right of First Refusal because of the 
provisions.  At the election of Landlord, all rights of Tenant under the 
provisions of this Article 41 shall terminate and be of no further force 
or effect even after Tenant's due and timely exercise of the Right of 
First Refusal, if, after such exercise, but prior to the transfer of 
title, (1) Tenant fails to cure a monetary Default for a period of 
(30) days after the date Landlord gives notice to Tenant of such 
or (2) Tenant fails to commence to cure any other default within thirty 
(30) days after the date Landlord gives notice to Tenant of such 

		41.6	Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Right of First 
Refusal shall not be applicable to a sale or other transfer of the 
Premises to an affiliate of which more than fifty percent (50%) is owned 
or controlled by Landlord or the partners or members of Landlord, so 
as such sale or other transfer to such affiliate of Landlord is not 
primarily intended as a means of ultimately transferring substantially 
all of the ownership of the Premises to an entity or entities not more 
than fifty percent (50%) owned or controlled by Landlord or its partners 
or members without first complying with this Right of First Refusal.
	42.	Miscellaneous.

		42.1	Terms and Headings.  Where applicable in this 
Lease, the singular includes the plural and the masculine or neuter 
includes the masculine, feminine and neuter.  The section headings of 
this Lease are not a part of this Lease and shall have no effect upon 
construction or interpretation of any part hereof.

		42.2	Examination of Lease.  Submission of this 
instrument for examination or signature by Tenant does not constitute a 
reservation of or option for lease, and it is not effective as a lease 
otherwise until execution by and delivery to both Landlord and Tenant.

		42.3	Time.  Time is of the essence with respect to the 
performance of every provision of this Lease in which time of 
is a factor.

		42.4	Covenants and Conditions..  Each provision of 
this Lease performable by Landlord, and each provision of this Lease 
performable by Tenant, shall be deemed both a covenant and a condition.

		42.5	Consents.  Whenever consent or approval of either 
party is required, that party shall not unreasonably withhold or delay 
such consent or approval, except as may be expressly set forth to the 

		42.6	Entire Agreement.  The terms of this Lease and the 
Work Letter attached hereto are intended by the parties as a final 
expression of their agreement with respect to the terms as are included 
herein, and may not be contradicted by evidence of any prior or 
contemporaneous agreement.

		42.7	Severability.  Any provision of this Lease which 
shall prove to be invalid, void, or illegal in no way affects, impairs 
invalidates any other provision hereof, and such other provisions shall 
remain in full force and effect.

		42.8	Recording.  Within thirty (30) days from the 
execution of this Lease, Landlord and Tenant shall record a short form 
memorandum hereof in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "D", subject to 
the requirement to execute and deliver a quitclaim deed pursuant to the 
provisions of Section 34.1 hereof.

		42.9	Impartial Construction.  The language in all 
parts of this Lease shall be in all cases construed as a whole according 
to its fair meaning and not strictly for or against either Landlord or 

		42.10	Inurement.  Each of the covenants, conditions, and 
agreements herein contained shall inure to the benefit of and shall 
to and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, 
legatees, devisees, executors, administrators, successors, assigns, 
sublessees, or any person who may come into possession of said Premises 
or any part thereof in any manner whatsoever.  Nothing in this section 
shall in any way alter the provisions against assignment or subletting 
this Lease provided.

		42.11	Force Majeure.  The definition of Force-Majeure 
Delay in Section 1.6 of the Work Letter is incorporated herein by this 

		42.12	Notices.  Any notice, consent, demand, bill, 
statement, or other communication required or permitted to be given 
hereunder must be in writing and may be given by personal delivery or by 
mail, and if given by personal delivery shall be deemed given on the 
of delivery, and if given by mail shall be deemed given on the date of 
delivery or refusal of delivery, to Landlord or Tenant at the addresses 
shown in Section 2.1.7 hereof, or to such other address as either party 
may specify by notice to the other given pursuant to this Section.

		42.13	Authority to Execute Lease.  Landlord and Tenant 
each acknowledge that it has all necessary right, title and authority to 
enter into and perform its obligations under this Lease, that this Lease 
is a binding obligation of such party and has been authorized by all 
requisite action under the party's governing instruments, that the 
individuals executing this Lease on behalf of such party are duly 
authorized and designated to do so, and that no other signatories are 
required to bind such party.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease as 
of the date first above written.


A California corporation

By:	/s/ R. Darrell Gary
	Authorized Officer


SymmetriCom, Inc.
A California corporation

By:	/s/Paul N. Risinger
	Authorized Officer





	Orchard Parkway at Guadalupe Parkway


	Provisions Relating to the Design and Construction
	of Project

	This Work Letter ("Work Letter") dated June 10, 1996, is made by 
and between NEXUS EQUITY, INC., a California corporation ("Landlord"), 
and SYMMETRICOM, INC., a California corporation ("Tenant"), and is 
attached to and made a part of the Lease of the same date by and between 
such parties ("Lease").



	Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in the Lease shall have 
meaning set forth below.  Except as defined in this Work Letter to the 
contrary, all terms utilized in this Work Letter shall have the same 
meaning ascribed to them in the Lease.  When consents or approvals are 
be provided by or on behalf of either party, the term "Landlord" or 
"Tenant", as the case may be, shall include Landlord's Representative 
Tenant's Representative, as the case may be.  The provisions of the 
Lease, except where clearly inconsistent or inapplicable to this Work 
Letter, are incorporated into this Work Letter.

	1.1	"BUILDING."  That certain concrete tilt-up two-story 
building to be constructed by Landlord on the Real Property described in 
the Lease.

	1.2	"BUILDING SHELL."  The basic shell of the Building, 
consisting of concrete panel exterior and other structural walls, steel 
columns, footings, foundations, concrete slab first floor, concrete-
filled metal deck second floor, and panelized wood sub-roof with four-
cover, with electrical service, natural gas, telephone, water, plumbing 
and other utilities necessary for Tenant's Improvements extended from 
street and stubbed to the Building.  A more complete description of the 
components of the Building Shell is attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1", 
a schematic drawing of the Building is attached hereto as Exhibit "A-2", 
both of which are incorporated herein by this reference.

	1.3	"CITY."  The City of San Jose, and any other governmental 
agencies and entities involved in the permit and approval process for 
Landlord's Plans or Tenant's Improvement Plans.

	1.4	"CONSTRUCTION PANEL."  A panel consisting of one of 
Landlord's Representatives, one of Tenant's Representatives, the Project 
Architects, and the Project Contractor.

	1.5	"FORCE-MAJEURE DELAY."  Any delay which is attributable 
to any: (1) event or condition beyond the reasonable control of Landlord 
and Tenant including, without limitation, defective supplies, equipment 
and/or materials; the failure of the Project Contractor to timely and 
fully perform its duties and obligations under its construction 
with Landlord and Tenant; failure to obtain customary materials, 
or labor through ordinary sources by reason of regulation or order of 
government or regulatory body or any other governmental entity with 
jurisdiction, provided any such failure is not the result of an act or 
omission of the party who seeks to raise Force-Majeure as the reason for 
failing to perform its obligation hereunder; strike, lockout or other 
labor or industrial disturbance (whether or not on the part of the 
employees of either party hereto or their contractors or other 
representatives); and civil disturbance, act of a public enemy, war, 
riot, sabotage, blockade, or embargo; (2) failure to secure permits and 
approvals within the time periods set forth in the Project Schedule due 
to action or inaction of the City, provided any such failure is not the 
result of an act or omission of the party who seeks to raise Force-
Majeure as the reason for failing to perform its obligation hereunder; 
(3) delay in completing plans and specifications because of changes in 
any laws (including, without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities 
Act of 1990, Pub. L. 101-336 (the "ADA")) or building requirements, or 
the interpretation thereof; or (4) delay attributable to lightning, 
earthquake, fire, rain, storm, hurricane, tornado, flood, washout, 
explosion, or other similar acts of God.

	1.6	"LAND IMPROVEMENTS."  Surface parking areas, landscaping, 
drainage, irrigation, gutters, sidewalks, lighting, walkways, driveways 
and other improvements and appurtenances relating to ingress and egress, 
and preparation of sites for Tenant's exterior enclosures and 
 A more complete description of the components of the Land Improvements 
is included on Exhibit "A-1".

	1.7	"LANDLORD'S CHANGE."  Any change requested by Landlord to 
Landlord's Plans, Landlord's Work, Tenant's Improvement Plans or 
Improvement work after the plans are approved by Tenant, but excluding 
any change required by the City.

 	1.8	"LANDLORD'S PLANS."  Final calculations, designs, drawings 
and specifications prepared by the Project Architect and its engineers 
and other consultants for the Land Improvements and Building Shell as 
approved by Landlord and Tenant.

	1.9	"LANDLORD'S REPRESENTATIVE."  R. Darrell Gary, Michael 
J. Reidy, or such other individual as may be designated by Landlord from 
time to time.

	1.10	"LANDLORD'S WORK."  The construction, purchase and/or 
installation of the Building Shell and Land Improvements (including the 
plans, specifications and permits relating thereto).

	1.11	"LANDLORD-CAUSED DELAY."  Any delay caused by the failure 
of Landlord to act within the time limits set forth in the Project 
Schedule and this Work Letter other than a delay described as a Force-
Majeure Delay or Tenant-Caused Delay, and any interference with the 
construction of Tenant's Improvements by Landlord, Landlord's Architect 
or any employee, agent or contractor of Landlord, and any act or 
of Landlord in breach of this Agreement or the Lease.

	1.12	"PROJECT."  The real property upon which the Building is 
located, the Building, and the Land Improvements.

	1.13	"PROJECT ARCHITECT."  The architect selected by Landlord 
and Tenant and retained by Landlord for the design of the Land 
Improvements and Building Shell, and retained by Tenant for the design 
Tenant's Improvements, and civil engineers, structural engineers, 
landscaping architects and other consultants retained by the Project 

	1.14	"PROJECT CONTRACTOR."  The contractor selected by Landlord 
and Tenant and retained by Landlord for the construction of Landlord's 
Work and retained by Tenant for the construction of Tenant's Improvement 

	1.15	"PROJECT SCHEDULE."  The time and responsibility schedule 
for development, design and construction of the Land Improvements, 
Building Shell and Tenant's Improvements, including time periods for 
preparation and review of construction documents, obtaining necessary 
approvals, construction of Landlord's Work and Tenant's Improvements, 
other performances required by this Work Letter, whether by Landlord or 
by Tenant, as such schedule may be adjusted from time to time by mutual 
written agreement of Landlord and Tenant or as otherwise set forth in 
this Work Letter.  The  initial Project Schedule is attached hereto as 
Exhibit "A-3" and incorporated herein by this reference.

	1.16	"SOFT COSTS."  The indirect costs of development and 
construction of the Project described on Exhibit "A-4" and incorporated 
herein by this reference.

and "SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION" shall have the meaning ascribed to them 
in Section 4.2 of the Lease.

	1.18	"TENANT'S CHANGE."  Any change requested by Tenant to 
Landlord's Plans, Landlord's Work, Tenant's Improvement Plans or 
Improvement Work after the plans are approved by Tenant, but excluding 
any change required by the City.

	1.19	"TENANT'S REPRESENTATIVES."  An individual selected from 
time to time by Tenant.

	1.20	"TENANT'S EQUIPMENT."  Equipment and other personal 
property required by Tenant in the operation of its business, including 
equipment and other installations necessary for obtaining a "right to 
occupy" from the City, and including installation of necessary utility 
meters, but excluding any such personal property installed as a part of 
Tenant's Improvement Plans.

	1.21	"TENANT'S IMPROVEMENTS."  The improvements within the 
Building Shell necessary to the operation of Tenant's business described 
in Tenant's Improvement Plans except to the extent defined as Landlord's 
Work, including but not limited to interior partitions; insulation; 
ceilings; flooring; interior doors; frames; hardware; central 
telephone, elevator, and other equipment and storage rooms; fire 
sprinkler system; security system; interior and exterior trash and 
equipment enclosures; fire exit and other corridors; elevator; lobbies; 
rest rooms; mechanical (HVAC) system, including central plant and 
controls, and including equipment, screens and enclosures; electrical, 
telephone, and plumbing systems; all other interior and exterior 
equipment and storage facilities; and necessary utility facilities.

	1.22	"TENANT'S IMPROVEMENT PLANS."  Final calculations, 
designs, drawings and specifications prepared by the Project Architect 
and its engineers and other consultants for Tenant's Improvements (as 
modified by changes required by the City and otherwise required or 
permitted under this Work Letter), including (i) fully detailed and 
dimensioned 1/4" and 1/8" scale construction drawings, including all 
architectural, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical drawings, and 
identification of built-in furnishings and equipment, (ii) a schedule of 
construction specifications, and (iii) all structural calculations, 
energy calculations and other engineering calculations necessary to 
acquire a building permit.

	   1.23	"TENANT'S IMPROVEMENT WORK."  The construction, 
purchase and/or installation of Tenant's Improvements shown on the 
approved Tenant's Improvement Plans (including plans, specifications and 
permits related thereto).

	1.24	"TENANT-CAUSED DELAY."  Any delay, unless attributable to 
a condition or event described as a Force-Majeure Delay or a Landlord-
Caused Delay, (i) caused by the failure of Tenant to act within the time 
limits set forth in the Project Schedule and this Work Letter; (ii) 
resulting from Tenant's request for materials, finishes or installations 
which are unavailable at the time or such request or nonstandard; (iii) 
resulting from the untimely delivery of any of Tenant's Equipment; 
(iv) defined as a Tenant-Caused Delay in this Work Letter; and (v) 
attributable to any interference with the construction of Landlord's 
by Tenant, the Project Architect or any employee, agent or contractor of 
Tenant and any act or omission of Tenant in breach of this Agreement or 
the Lease.



	2.1	Project Schedule.  Landlord agrees to design and construct 
the Land Improvements and Building Shell, and Tenant agrees to design 
construct Tenant's Improvements, in a good and workmanlike manner, in 
accordance with this Work Letter and the time and responsibility 
set forth in the Project Schedule, and in compliance with all applicable 
laws, regulations and other governmental requirements.  Landlord and 
Tenant shall use diligent good faith efforts to continuously prosecute 
the construction of the Building Shell, Land Improvements and Tenant's 
Improvements to completion.

	2.2	Consents and Approvals.  Any consents or approvals 
required or allowed by this Work Letter shall not be unreasonably 
withheld or delayed.

	2.3	Time of the Essence.  Landlord and Tenant agree that time 
and strict punctual performance are of the essence with respect to this 
Work Letter and the Project Schedule.



	3.1	Familiarization with Documents by Architects.  The 
Project Architect, and each engineer, consultant and other professional 
retained by the Project Architect, shall thoroughly familiarize 
themselves with this Work Letter, all applicable building codes, and all 
other applicable city, county, state and federal ordinances, rules and 
regulations, including, without limitation, the energy conservation and 
handicap access requirements of Title 24 of the California 
Code and the Americans With Disabilities Act, and shall prepare 
Landlord's Plans and Tenant's Improvement Plans with full knowledge and 
compliance therewith.  The Project Architect and each engineer retained 
by the Project Architect shall be fully qualified and licensed by the 
State of California to prepare the plans they are responsible for.  
However, notwithstanding the foregoing, or any other provisions in the 
Lease or this Work Letter, Landlord shall be allowed to construct 
Landlord's Work and Tenant shall be allowed to construct Tenant's 
Improvement Work in conformity with City building codes even if they are 
less restrictive than the requirements of ADA or Title 24. 

	3.2	Preparation and Approval of Landlord's Plans.

		3.2.1	Landlord and Tenant acknowledge that Tenant has 
approved the conceptual plans for Landlord's Work.  Within the time 
period set forth in the Project Schedule, Landlord shall cause final 
Landlord's Plans to be prepared by the Project Architect and delivered 
Tenant for Tenant's approval.

		3.2.2	Tenant shall review and approve or disapprove 
Landlord's Plans in writing within seven (7) business days after receipt 
of the plans.  If Tenant disapproves any portion of the plans, Tenant 
shall specifically (a) approve those portions which are acceptable and 
(b) disapprove those portions which are not acceptable, specifying the 
reasons for such disapproval and describing in detail any change 
requested for each item disapproved.  If Landlord agrees with the 
changes, it shall cause the changes to be made; otherwise, the parties 
shall meet and confer and in good faith attempt to reach agreement on 
plans, and if they fail to agree, the issue shall be resolved pursuant 
Article 6.

		3.2.3  Provided that the parties are acting reasonably, each 
day of delay incurred as a result of making material changes requested 
Tenant to Landlord's Plans and any proceedings associated therewith 
Article 6 shall be a Force-Majeure Delay.

		3.2.4  Fees of the Project Architect in preparing Landlord's 
Plans shall be at Landlord's expense.

		3.2.5  To the extent Landlord and Tenant agree it would be 
convenient to include a portion of Tenant's Improvement Work on 
Landlord's Plans in order to effect cost savings or speed completion of 
the Project, Landlord will cooperate with Tenant in making the 
and arranging for appropriate payment or reimbursement for the work by 

	3.3	Preparation and Approval of Tenant's Improvement 

		3.3.1	Approval of Conceptual Plans.	Within the time period set forth in 
the Project Schedule, Tenant shall cause conceptual plans of Tenant's 
Improvements to be prepared by the Project Architect and delivered to 
Landlord for Landlord's approval.	Landlord shall review and approve or 
disapprove the conceptual plans in writing within two (2) business days 
after receipt of the plans.  If Landlord disapproves any portion of the 
plans, Landlord shall specifically (a) approve those portions which are 
acceptable and (b) disapprove those portions which are not acceptable, 
specifying the reasons for such disapproval and describing in detail any 
change requested for each item disapproved.  If Tenant agrees with the 
changes, it shall cause the changes to be made; otherwise, the parties 
shall meet and confer and in good faith attempt to reach agreement on 
plans, and if they fail to agree, the issue shall be resolved pursuant 
Article 6.  Provided that the parties are acting 
reasonably, each day of delay incurred as a result of making material 
changes requested by Landlord to conceptual plans of Tenant's 
Improvements and any proceedings associated therewith under Article 6 
shall be a Force-Majeure Delay.  Fees of the Project Architect in 
preparing conceptual plans of Tenant's Improvements shall be at Tenant's 

		3.3.2	Approval of Tenant's Improvement Plans.	Within the time period set forth in 
the Project Schedule, Tenant shall cause Tenant's Improvement Plans to 
prepared by the Project Architect and delivered to Landlord for 
Landlord's approval.	Landlord shall review and approve or 
disapprove Tenant's Improvement Plans in writing within seven (7) 
business days after receipt of the plans.  If Landlord disapproves any 
portion of the plans, Landlord shall specifically (a) approve those 
portions which are acceptable and (b) disapprove those portions which 
not acceptable, specifying the reasons for such disapproval and 
describing in detail any change requested for each item disapproved.  If 
Tenant agrees with the changes, it shall cause the changes to be made; 
otherwise, the parties shall meet and confer and in good faith attempt 
reach agreement on the plans, and if they fail to agree, the issue shall 
be resolved pursuant to Article 6.  Provided that the parties are acting 
reasonably, each day of delay incurred as a result of making material 
changes requested by Landlord to Tenant's Improvement Plans and any 
proceedings associated therewith under Article 6 shall be a Force-
Delay.  Fees of the Project Architect in 
preparing Tenant's Improvement Plans shall be at Tenant's expense.  To the extent Landlord and Tenant agree 
it would be convenient to include a portion of Landlord's Work on 
Tenant's Improvement Plans in order to effect cost savings or speed 
completion of the Project, Tenant will cooperate with Landlord in making 
the adjustment and arranging for appropriate payment or reimbursement 
the work by Landlord.

	3.4	Building Permits for Landlord's Work.

		3.4.1	Landlord shall cause the Project Architect to obtain 
any permits required for construction of Landlord's Work from the City 
or before the dates set forth in the Project Schedule.  If the City 
rejects any of the plans and thereby prevents the issuance of a building 
permit, Landlord shall cause Landlord's Architect to immediately make 
necessary changes required by the City subject to Tenant's approval.

		3.4.2	Any delay incurred as a result of a change to 
Landlord's Plans required by the City shall be a Force-Majeure Delay.

	3.5	Building Permits for Tenant's Improvement Work.

		3.5.1	Tenant shall cause the Project Architect to obtain 
any permits required for construction of Tenant's Improvement Work from 
the City on or before the dates set forth in the Project Schedule.  If 
the City rejects any of the plans and thereby prevents the issuance of a 
building permit, Tenant shall cause the Project Architect to immediately 
make all necessary changes required by the City subject to Landlord's 
approval.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant shall have the right to 
challenge any changes required by the City so long as Tenant is acting 
reasonably in doing so, and any delay incurred as a result thereof shall 
be a Force-Majeure Delay.

		3.5.2	Any delay incurred as a result of a change to 
Tenant's Improvement Plans required by the City shall be a Force-Majeure 

	3.6	Subsequent Landlord or Tenant Changes.  From time to 
time after the plans are approved, either party may request a change in 
the plans caused to be prepared by the other party, subject to the 
approval of the other party.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord 
shall not have the right to request any changes to Tenant's Improvement 
Plans unless the change is required by applicable Law.  Each day of 
caused by the change shall be attributed to the party requesting the 
change (a Landlord-Caused Delay or a Tenant-Caused Delay, as the case 
be), and all architectural and engineering fees and costs incurred in 
connection with the change shall be paid by the party requesting the 

	3.7	Subsequent City-Required Changes.  Any delay incurred as 
a result of a change required by the City after the issuance of the 
building permit shall be a Force-Majeure Delay.  If the change is to 
Landlord's Plans, it shall be at Landlord's expense, and if to Tenant's 
Improvement Plans, it shall be paid by Tenant.

	3.8	Allocation of Soft Costs.  Soft Costs shall be allocated 
between Landlord and Tenant, and shall be paid by Landlord and Tenant, 
accordance with the Schedule of Soft Costs attached hereto as Exhibit 



	4.1	Construction of Landlord's Work.  Landlord agrees, as 
soon as practical after Landlord's Plans have been approved by the City, 
and after grading, foundation and building permits have been issued, to 
construct Landlord's Work, within the time period set forth in the 
Project Schedule, in accordance with Landlord's Plans (as the same may 
have been subsequently amended by Landlord and Tenant).  All costs and 
expenses incurred by Landlord in connection with the design and 
construction of Landlord's Work shall be paid by Landlord without 
reimbursement by Tenant.

	4.2	Construction of Tenant's Improvement Work.  Tenant 
agrees, after receipt of the building permit for Tenant's Improvement 
Work, to cause the Project Contractor to construct, within the time 
period set forth in the Project Schedule, Tenant's Improvement Work in 
accordance with the approved Tenant's Improvement Plans.  The costs and 
expenses incurred in connection with the design and construction of 
Tenant's Improvement Work shall be paid by Tenant.

	4.3	Installation of Tenant's Equipment.  Tenant agrees, at 
its own expense, to install Tenant's Equipment within the time period 
forth in the Project Schedule.  Tenant's Equipment shall be installed in 
compliance with all governmental ordinances, rules and regulations 
relating thereto and shall not be constructed in a manner inconsistent 
with the approved Tenant's Improvement Plans.  Any costs, expenses or 
damages incurred by Landlord arising out of or related to the 
installation of Tenant's Equipment by Tenant, its contractors, 
subcontractors or other agents, shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord.

	4.4	Landlord's and Tenant's Representatives.  Any one of 
Landlord's Representatives is authorized to approve a Landlord's Change, 
and any one of Tenant's Representatives is authorized to approve a 
Tenant's Change.  Any questions arising during construction requiring 
attention of Landlord or Tenant shall be directed to one of Landlord's 
Representatives or one of Tenant's Representatives, as the case may be.

	4.5	Construction Period Insurance.

		4.5.1	From the commencement of Landlord's Work until the 
completion of the Premises, Landlord shall obtain and maintain, or shall 
cause to be obtained and maintained, comprehensive general liability 
insurance, on an occurrence basis with limits of liability of not less 
than $2,000,000 to protect Landlord and Tenant from and against 
for death or injury to persons and for damage to property caused by or 
arising from the performance of Landlord's Work.  All such insurance 
shall name Tenant and as an additional insured.  In addition, from the 
commencement of Landlord's Work until the completion of the Premises, 
Landlord shall obtain and maintain, or shall cause to be obtained and 
maintained, "all risk" builder's risk insurance covering Landlord's 
including, but not limited to, coverage against loss of damage by fire, 
vandalism and malicious mischief, covering improvements in place and all 
material and equipment at the job site furnished under contract, in an 
amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the full replacement value 
thereof.  All of the policies of insurance referred to in this section 
shall be written by companies authorized to do business in California 
rated A VII or better in Best's Insurance Guide.  Each insurer referred 
to in this article shall agree, by endorsement on the applicable policy 
or by independent instrument furnished to Landlord, that it will give 
Landlord, and Landlord's lenders if required by such lenders, and 
at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice by registered mail 
the applicable policy shall be cancelled or altered in coverage, scope, 
amount or other material term, except in the case of non-payment of 
premium, in which event the policy may be cancelled on ten (10) days' 
prior written notice.  The cost of such insurance shall be paid by 

		4.5.2	From the commencement of Tenant's Improvement Work 
until the completion of the Premises, Tenant shall obtain and maintain, 
or shall cause to be obtained and maintained, comprehensive general 
liability insurance, on an occurrence basis with limits of liability of 
not less than $2,000,000 to protect Tenant and Landlord from and against 
liability for death or injury to persons and for damage to property 
caused by or arising from the performance of Tenant's Improvement Work.  
All such insurance shall name Landlord as an additional insured.  In 
addition, from the commencement of Tenant's Improvement Work until the 
completion of the Premises, Tenant shall obtain and maintain, or shall 
cause to be obtained and maintained, "all risk" builder's risk insurance 
covering Tenant's Improvement Work, including, but not limited to, 
coverage against loss of damage by fire, vandalism and malicious 
mischief, covering improvements in place and all material and equipment 
at the job site furnished under contract, in an amount equal to one 
hundred percent (100%) of the full replacement value thereof.  All of 
policies of insurance referred to in this section shall be written by 
companies authorized to do business in California and rated A VII or 
better in Best's Insurance Guide.  Each insurer referred to in this 
article shall agree, by endorsement on the applicable policy or by 
independent instrument furnished to Landlord, that it will give Tenant, 
Landlord, and Landlord's lenders if required by such lenders at least 
thirty (30) days' prior written notice by registered mail before the 
applicable policy shall be cancelled or altered in coverage, scope, 
amount or other material term, except in the case of non-payment of 
premium, in which event the policy may be cancelled on ten (10) days' 
prior written notice.  The cost of the insurance required to be carried 
by Tenant shall be paid by Tenant.

	4.6	Contractor and Subcontractor Insurance.  The Project 
Contractor and all other contractors and subcontractors shall carry 
worker's compensation insurance covering all of their respective 
employees as more particularly specified below; and shall also carry 
public liability insurance, including property damage, with limits and 
the same form and with the same companies as required to be carried by 
Tenant under the Lease except as stated otherwise below; and the 
therefor shall insure Landlord and Tenant as their interests may appear, 
as well as the contractor or subcontractor.  Such policies shall name 
Landlord and Tenant, and, if requested by Landlord, Landlord's 
or beneficiaries, as additional loss payees and shall be for the mutual 
and joint benefit and protection of Landlord, Tenant, and Landlord's 
mortgagees or beneficiaries, as their interests may appear.  The Project 
Contractor's and all other contractor's and subcontractor's required 
minimum coverages and limits of liability are as follows:

		(a)	Worker's compensation, including employer's liability 
insurance, with limits required by applicable Law, with the policy in 
full compliance with all current laws governing workers' compensation 
insurance in California.

		(b)	Comprehensive general liability insurance (including 
contractor's protective liability) in an amount not less than One 
Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit (CSL) bodily injury and 
property damage, provided however, that subcontractors shall only be 
required to carry an amount that is commercially reasonable.  Such 
insurance shall provide for explosion, collapse, underground hazards 
(X.C.U.) coverage and broad form contractual liability coverage and 
insure the general contractor and/or subcontractors against any and all 
claims for personal injury, including death resulting therefrom, and 
damage to the property of others and arising from its operations under 
the contract and whether such operations are performed by the general 
contractor, subcontractor or any of their subcontractors, or by anyone 
directly or indirectly employed by any of them.  Fire liability shall be 
maintained in the amount of the costs of construction or an appropriate 
amount deemed reasonable by the Landlord.

		(c)	Comprehensive automobile liability insurance, 
including the ownership, maintenance and operation of any automotive 
equipment owned, hired and non-owned in the following minimum amounts:  
Bodily Injury and Property Damage, each occurrence, Combined Single 
of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00).

	4.6	As-Built Drawings.  Landlord shall cause the Project 
Contractor to maintain a set of "as-built" drawings of Landlord's Work, 
and Tenant shall cause the Project Architect to maintain a set of "as-
built" drawings of Tenant's Improvement Work, which shall be available 
for inspection by the parties during normal business hours.

	4.7	Reliance on Construction Warranties.  Landlord and 
Tenant acknowledge that, under Article 14 and other provisions of the 
Lease and this Work Letter, each may have the non-exclusive benefit of 
any applicable warranties from design professionals, contractors, 
materialmen, manufacturers, or other responsible parties.  Landlord 
make commercially reasonable efforts to obtain, or to insure the Project 
Contractor obtains, the warranties described in Section 6.6 hereof.

	4.8	Soils.  All contaminated soils, if any, including any fill 
imported to the property, shall, as part of Landlord's Work and at 
Landlord's expense, be treated, removed or otherwise remediated if and 
the extent required by applicable law.



	5.1	Completion of Landlord's Work.

		5.1.1	Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to 
Substantially Complete Landlord's Work within the time periods indicated 
in the Project Schedule and on or before the estimated Term Commencement 
Date set forth in Section 2.1.4(a) of the Lease as such time is extended 
one day for each day of delay resulting from a Force-Majeure Delay or 
Tenant-Caused Delay.

		5.1.2	The estimated Term Commencement Date shall be 
extended one day for each day of delay in Substantial Completion of 
Landlord's Work which results from a Force-Majeure Delay or Tenant-

	5.2	Completion of Tenant's Improvement Work.

		5.2.1	Tenant shall use commercially reasonable efforts to 
substantially complete Tenant's Improvement Work within the time periods 
indicated in the Project Schedule and on or before the estimated Term 
Commencement Date set forth in Section 2.1.4(a) of the Lease as such 
is extended one day for each day of delay resulting from a Force-Majeure 
Delay or Landlord-Caused Delay.

		5.2.2	The Term Commencement Date shall be extended one day 
for each day of delay in Substantial Completion of Tenant's Improvement 
Work which results from a Force-Majeure Delay or Landlord-Caused Delay.  
Tenant's obligation to pay Basic Annual Rent and Additional Rent under 
the Lease shall be extended one day for each day of delay in Substantial 
Completion of Tenant's Improvement Work which results from a Force-
Majeure Delay or Landlord-Caused Delay.

	5.3	Calculations of Delays/Update of Project Schedule.  
Any delay in Landlord's or Tenant's performance beyond the date and time 
for such performance set forth in the Project Schedule shall be a Force-
Majeure Delay, a Tenant-Caused Delay or a Landlord-Caused Delay.  
Landlord and Tenant, through their designated construction 
representatives, shall periodically update the Project Schedule and 
account for and allocate all Force-Majeure Delays, Landlord-Caused 
and Tenant-Caused Delays.  If Landlord and Tenant through their 
designated construction representatives are unable to agree on the 
allocation of Force-Majeure Delays, Landlord-Caused Delays and 
Tenant-Caused Delays, then such dispute shall be resolved in accordance 
with Article 6.  If a Force-Majeure Delay, a Landlord-Caused Delay, or a 
Tenant-Caused Delay is deemed to have occurred but such delay has no 
effect on the Project Schedule, then such delay shall be waived; if more 
than one type of delay contributed to a delay, the delay shall be fairly 
apportioned between or among the contributing types of delay.  The 
parties will make reasonable efforts to resolve all delays at periodic 
on-site meetings.  A Landlord-Caused Delay shall not commence until 
written notice of the events giving rise to such Landlord-Caused Delay 
has been given by Tenant to Landlord.  A Tenant-Caused Delay shall not 
commence until written notice of the events giving rise to such Tenant-
Caused Delay has been given by Landlord to Tenant.  With regard to 
Majeure Delays, the party who seeks to claim that the time for 
performance of its obligations should be delayed as a result of a Force-
Majeure Delay shall give written notice to the other of the event 
constituting Force-Majeure Delay within a reasonable period of time 
such party discovers the existence of such event, but if such notice is 
given more than five (5) days after such party discovers such event and 
the other party was not otherwise aware that the event was causing a 
Force-Majeure Delay, then the period of Force-Majeure Delay attributable 
to such event shall not commence until the date the other party receives 
such notice.

	5.4	Walk-Through.  On or before the date Tenant occupies the 
Premises for the purpose of conducting its business therein, Landlord 
Tenant shall conduct a walk-through inspection of the Premises and shall 
jointly prepare a list of initial construction items that need to be 
corrected.  Landlord and Tenant shall cause the Project Contractor to 
correct such items within thirty (30) days thereafter, provided, 
if by the nature of such correction more than thirty (30) days is 
required to effect such correction, neither Landlord nor Tenant shall 
be in default hereunder if such correction is commenced within such 
thirty (30) day period and is diligently pursued to completion.

	5.5	Warranties and Guarantees.  Each contractor and 
subcontractor participating in the Landlord's Work and Tenant's 
Improvement Work shall guarantee that the portion thereof for which he 
responsible shall be free from any defects in workmanship and materials 
for a period of not less than one (1) year from the date of the 
of the certificate of completion of the Premises.  Every such contractor 
or subcontractor shall be responsible for the replacement or repair, 
without additional charge, of all work done or furnished in accordance 
with its contract which shall become defective within one (1) year after 
the date of the recording of the certificate of completion.  The 
correction of such work shall include, without additional charge, all 
additional expenses and damages in connection with such removal or 
replacement of all or any part of the Land Improvements, Building Shell 
and Tenant's Improvements which may be damaged or disturbed thereby.  
such warranties or guarantees as to materials or workmanship of or with 
respect to any work shall be contained in the contract or subcontract 
which shall be so written that such guarantees or warranties shall inure 
to the benefit of both Landlord and Tenant, as their respective interest 
may appear, and can be directly enforced by either.  Landlord covenants 
to give to Tenant any assignment or other assurances necessary to effect 
such right of direct enforcement.



	6.1	Dispute Resolution.  If any dispute arises in connection 
with this Work Letter, such dispute shall be resolved in accordance with 
this Article.  All proceedings contemplated by this Article shall take 
place at the location for all job-site meetings, unless the Construction 
Panel unanimously agrees to another location, or unless any Arbitrator 
appointed hereunder selects another location.

	6.2	Notice.  All disputes to be determined in accordance with 
this Article shall be raised by Landlord or Tenant by written notice to 
the other party.  Notice of any dispute with an issue resolved in any 
minutes of a periodic on-site review meeting must be given within thirty 
(30) days of receipt of the minutes, or the resolution of the issue as 
reflected in the minutes shall be deemed conclusive.

	6.3	Resolution by Construction Panel.  The Construction 
Panel shall meet within two (2) business days of receipt of the notice 
and attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute by unanimous agreement, 
and no resolution shall be binding on the parties unless resolved by 
unanimous agreement.

	6.4	Resolution by Arbitrator.  If the Construction Panel has 
not resolved the dispute for any reason within four (4) business days of 
receipt of the notice, it shall promptly select by unanimous agreement a 
disinterested arbitrator ("Arbitrator") with extensive development and 
construction experience to resolve the dispute.  In the event a 
is not made within six (6) business days after the written notice, the 
Arbitrator shall, upon the request of Landlord or Tenant, be appointed 
the American Arbitration Association.  Once an Arbitrator is appointed 
hereunder, such Arbitrator shall serve as Arbitrator for all subsequent 
disputes arising in connection with this Work Letter unless the 
Construction Panel unanimously agrees otherwise.  The Arbitrator shall 
resolve the dispute as soon as is reasonably practical in accordance 
the provisions of Section 1280 et seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure.  
The cost for the Arbitrator's services shall be paid by the 
non-prevailing party in the dispute being determined by the Arbitrator, 
unless the Arbitrator determines otherwise.
	6.5	Interpretation and Resolution.  In determining any 
dispute, the Construction Panel and the Arbitrator shall apply the 
pertinent provisions of this Work Letter and the Lease.  As part of 
resolving a dispute, the Construction Panel or the Arbitrator, as the 
case may be, shall determine the days of delay, if any, in completing 
Landlord's Work and Tenant's Improvement Work which directly result from 
the dispute being considered by the Construction Panel or the 
and from the proceedings pursuant to this Article 6.  The days of delay 
shall be designated as either Tenant-Caused Delays, Landlord-Caused 
Delays or Force-Majeure Delays or any combination thereof as determined 
by the Construction Panel or the Arbitrator, as the case may be.

	6.6	Continued Performance.  During any proceedings pursuant 
to this Article, Landlord and Tenant shall, to the extent possible, 
continue to perform and discharge all of their respective obligations 
under this Work Letter and the Lease.

	6.7	Binding Resolution.  Any and all decisions of the 
Construction Panel made by unanimous agreement as to the matter in 
dispute shall be binding upon both Landlord and Tenant.  In the absence 
of such unanimous agreement, any and all decisions by the Arbitrator 
shall be binding upon both Landlord and Tenant.  The provisions of this 
Article 6 is an arbitration agreement enforceable under Section 1280 et 
seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Work 
Letter to be effective on the date first above written.


Nexus Equity, Inc.
A California corporation

By:	/s/ Michael J. Reidy
	Michael J. Reidy, President

By:	/s/R. Darrell Gary
	R. Darrell Gary, Vice President


A California corporation

By:	/s/ Paul N. Risinger
	Title:  Vice Chairman





		Those certain schematic plans consisting of eleven pages 
prepared by Dennis Kobza AIA and dated and submitted to the 
City of San Jose on May 29, 1996, are incorporated herein by 
this reference.








	Pursuant to Section 4.5 of that certain Lease dated __________, 
1996, by and between NEXUS EQUITY, INC., Landlord, and SYMMETRICOM INC., 
Tenant, for the Premises located on Orchard Parkway in San Jose, 
California, legally described as Parcel 2 of Parcel Map filed with the 
Santa Clara County Recorder on December 6, 1995, in Book 671 of Maps, 
Pages 40 and 41, we hereby acknowledge that the Term Commencement Date 
the Lease, as defined therein, is __________, 1997, and the Term 
Expiration Date of the Lease, as defined therein, is __________, 2009.

	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this 
Acknowledgment of Term Commencement Date as of __________, 1997.


Nexus Equity, Inc.
A California corporation

By:	_________________________
	Authorized Office


SymmetriCom, Inc.
A California corporation

By:	_________________________
	Authorized Officer




Nexus Equity, Inc.


Nexus Equity, Inc.
Attn: R. Darrell Gary
1740 Technology Drive, Suite 315
San Jose, CA 95110
							(Space Above for Recorder's 


	This MEMORANDUM OF LEASE ("Memorandum") is effective as of 
__________, 1996, by and between NEXUS EQUITY, INC., a California 
corporation ("Landlord"), and SYMMETRICOM INC., a California corporation 

	NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

	1.	Lease of Premises.  Pursuant to that certain Lease of even 
date herewith ("Lease"), Landlord hereby leases to Tenant for a term of 
twelve (12) years commencing on the Term Commencement Date as defined in 
the Lease, on the terms and conditions set forth in the Lease, all of 
which are made a part of this Memorandum as though fully set forth 
herein, those certain premises located on and including real property 
("Real Property") located in the City of San Jose, County of Santa 
State of California, more particularly described as follows:

		Parcel 2 of Parcel Map filed with the Santa Clara County 
Recorder on December 6, 1995, in Book 671 of Maps, Pages 40 
and 41

	2.	Options to Extend Term.  Pursuant to Article 40 of the 
Landlord hereby grants to Tenant two (2) options to extend the term of 
the Lease, which may be exercised prior to the expiration or earlier 
termination of the term or extended term of the Lease, as the case may 
be, on the terms and conditions set forth therein.

	3.	Right of First Refusal to Purchase.  Pursuant to Article 41 
of the Lease, Landlord hereby grants to Tenant the right to acquire the 
Real Property, which may be exercised prior to the expiration or earlier 
termination of the term of the Lease on the terms and conditions set 
forth therein.

	4.	Purpose of This Memorandum.  This Memorandum is executed for 
the purpose of being recorded, in order to give notice of the Lease, the 
Options to Extend Term, and the Right of First Refusal to Purchase.  
Memorandum is not a complete summary of the terms and conditions of the 
Lease, and is subject to, and shall not be used to interpret or modify, 
the Lease.

	The parties hereto have entered into this Memorandum of Lease as 
the date first written above.


Nexus Equity, Inc.
A California corporation

By:	_________________________
	Authorized Officer


SymmetriCom, Inc.
A California corporation

By:	_________________________
	Authorized Officer

					) ss.
COUNTY OF _________		)

	On __________, 1996, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in 
and for said County and State, personally appeared

_____ personally known to me
_____ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be
the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument 
and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in 
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their 
signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf 
of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

	Witness my hand and official seal.

	Signature of Notary

					) ss.
COUNTY OF _________		)

	On __________, 1996, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in 
and for said County and State, personally appeared

_____ personally known to me
_____ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be
the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument 
and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in 
his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their 
signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf 
of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.

	Witness my hand and official seal.

	Signature of Notary