Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported)   February 8, 2005

                          FIRST MONTAUK FINANCIAL CORP.
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               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

       New Jersey                   0-6729                    22-1737915
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(State or other jurisdic-        (Commission                 (IRS Employer
 tion of incorporation)          File Number)              Identification No.)

Parkway 109 Office Center, 328 Newman Springs Road, Red Bank, N.J.      07701
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(Address of principal executive offices)                             (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code  (732) 842-4700

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)


        [ ] Written communications pursuant to Rule 425 under the Securities Act
            (17 CFR 230.425)

        [ ] Soliciting material pursuant to Rule 14a-12 under the Exchange Act
            (17 CFR 20.14a-12)

        [ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 14d-2(b) under the
            Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.14d-2(b))

        [ ] Pre-commencement communications pursuant to Rule 13e-4(c) under the
            Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13e-4(c))


Item 1.01       Entry Into Material Definitive Agreements

Item 1.02       Termination of Material Definitive Agreements

Item 3.02       Unregistered Sale of Equity Securities

Item 5.02       Departure of Directors or Principal Officers; Appointment of
                Principal Officers

Item 5.03       Amendments to Articles of Incorporation

     First Montauk Financial  Corporation  ("First Montauk" or "Registrant") has
completed  several  definitive  agreements  as of February 8, 2005 that  include
changes to its  management,  the  approval of new senior  management  employment
agreements, and the issuance of unregistered securities.

     First  Montauk has entered  into a  Separation  Agreement as of February 8,
2005 with William J. Kurinsky,  which provides for Mr. Kurinsky to terminate his
employment  with the Registrant  effective  immediately.  Under the terms of the
Separation  Agreement,  Mr.  Kurinsky has agreed to  relinquish  his position as
Chief  Executive  Officer of First Montauk and its  subsidiaries,  including its
broker dealer subsidiary First Montauk Securities Corp. Mr. Kurinsky will remain
as a director of the  Registrant.  The Separation  Agreement was approved by the
Registrant's Board of Directors on February 8, 2005.

     First Montauk had  previously  announced on Form 8-K dated October 12, 2004
that it had  entered  into a letter  of  intent to merge  with  Olympic  Cascade
Financial  Corporation.  First Montauk and Olympic  Cascade are  negotiating the
final  terms  of the  transaction.  The  announced  transaction  is  subject  to
shareholder  and regulatory  approval.  The Board and Mr. Kurinsky agreed that a
change  in  leadership  of  the  Company  was  in  the  best  interests  of  the
shareholders whether or not the merger is completed.  Moreover, the transactions
set forth in the  Separation  Agreement with Mr.  Kurinsky would  facilitate the
pending   transaction  with  Olympic  Cascade  since  the  potential   financial
obligations  that would be  incurred  in the event of a change in control of the
Company under Mr. Kurinsky's existing  employment  agreement would significantly
exceed the financial obligations under the Separation Agreement.

     The Separation Agreement also includes the following provisions:

     Mr. Kurinsky's employment agreement dated January 1, 2004, which had a term
set to expire in December 2008, will be terminated in full.

     Mr.  Kurinsky will be retained as a consultant to the Registrant for a term
of two years with consulting fee of approximately $12,600 per month.

     Mr.  Kurinsky  will be issued an  aggregate  of  197,824  shares of a newly
created class of Series B Preferred Stock, par value $0.10 per share, which will
have a deemed issue price of  $1,000,000,  and will be  convertible  into Common
Stock on the  basis of ten  shares of  Common  Stock for each  share of Series B
Preferred  Stock.  The Series B Stock also  provides that the Series B Preferred
shares have voting  rights  based upon the number of shares of Common Stock into
which it would be  converted.  The  Series B  Preferred  Stock  also  includes a
cumulative  dividend of 8% per year. The shares are restricted  securities under
the  Securities  Act of 1933 and the  regulations  of the SEC and the Registrant
relied upon the exemption from registration under Section 4(2) of the Securities
Act of 1933 to issue the  shares  of  Series B  Preferred  Stock.  The  Series B
Preferred  Stock also  includes a  provision  that it will be  converted  into a
similar class of preferred  stock of Olympic Cascade if the merger is completed,
subject to the exchange  ratio in the merger.  The Series B Preferred  Stock was
authorized  by the  Board  out  of,  and in  accordance  with,  the  Registrants
authorized but  undesignated  class of preferred  stock under its certificate of


     The  Registrant  will  issue  to Mr.  Kurinsky  a  promissory  note  in the
principal  amount of $200,000  payable in one year and bears  interest at 8% per

     The Company will make a lump sum cash payment to Mr. Kurinsky in the amount
of $136,000.

     Mr. Kurinsky's  existing options to purchase 325,000 shares of Common Stock
of the Registrant with exercise prices of between $0.83 to $2.00 per share, will
be terminated and Mr. Kurinsky, in connection with his services as a consultant,
will receive new options to purchase an  aggregate  of 200,000  shares of Common
Stock with an exercise  price of $0.83 per share.  The new  options  will have a
three year exercise  term. Mr.  Kurinsky's  existing  restricted  stock grant of
250,000 common shares will also immediately vest.

     The  Registrant  will  continue to pay for the benefits  such as health and
medical plans that Mr.  Kurinsky was otherwise  entitled to under his employment
agreement for a period of 24 months.

     Mr. Kurinsky will be entitled to receive his portion of the securities that
he would have been entitled to in the Registrant's  corporate finance bonus pool
and also his pro rata bonus which he had been  entitled to under his  employment
agreement through his date of termination.

     The Registrant and Mr. Kurinsky have also exchanged  mutual releases except
to the extent each has  reserved  their  rights as  provided  in the  Separation

     In  connection  with Mr.  Kurinsky's  termination  as the  Chief  Executive
Officer,  the Board  approved the  appointment  of Mr.  Victor K. Kurylak as the
Registrant's  Chief  Executive  Officer.  Mr.  Kurylak  currently  serves as the
Registrant's  President and Chief Operating  Officer.  The Board also approved a
new employment  agreement for Mr.  Kurylak and the issuance,  as a bonus payment
for the  performance of the Registrant for the year ended December 31, 2004, and
in  consideration  of Mr.  Kurylak  assuming  the  position  of Chief  Executive
Officer,  1,000,000  shares of Common Stock.  His prior  agreement  entered into
effective January 1, 2004 was terminated. Mr. Kurylak agreed to the cancellation
of 250,000 of his outstanding  stock options with an exercise price of $0.75 per
share. The 1,000,000 shares vest in annual increments of one third commencing on
February  1,  2005.  In the event of a change of  control  of the  Company,  all
unvested shares would vest.

     Under the terms of Mr. Kurylak's employment agreement,  which has a term of
three years expiring  December 31, 2007 and is effective as of February 8, 2005,
Mr.  Kurylak  receives a base  salary of  $275,000  per year,  subject to annual
increases of 10% provided the  Registrant  has net profits of at least  $500,000
per annum.  In addition,  Mr.  Kurylak is entitled to receive  medical and other
benefits  which the Company has is effect for its  executives,  as well as other
benefits and automobile expenses.  Mr. Kurylak is entitled to participate in the
Registrant's  executive  bonus pool which has been  established  by the Board to
constitute  15% of the net pre tax  profit of the  Company  and would  receive a
bonus from such pool as determined by the Compensation  Committee.  Further, Mr.
Kurylak may purchase,  for a nominal sum, a portion of the securities  earned by
the  Registrant's  broker dealer  subsidiary  in  connection  with its corporate
finance activities.

     In the event of termination without cause, Mr. Kurylak would be entitled to
a severance  payment  consisting of accrued  compensation,  continuation  of his
benefits  and  payment of his base  salary for a period of the  greater of three
months or the unexpired term.

     The Board also appointed Mindy Horowitz as acting Chief Financial  Officer.
Ms Horowitz was previously senior vice president of finance.

     The Registrant  also agreed to new employment  agreements with three senior
executive officers,  namely, Robert Rabinowitz,  Mindy Horowitz and Brian Cohen.
Mr.  Rabinowitz  serves as Vice President,  General  Counsel and Secretary;  Ms.
Horowitz serves as Chief  Financial  Officer and Mr. Cohen serves as Senior Vice
President-Information  Systems.  The Board also approved restricted stock awards
to each of these persons,  of 100,000 shares as a performance bonus award and as
an incentive to continue their  employment with the Company.  The agreements are
for one year terms ending  February 8, 2006 and are renewable for successive one
year terms unless the Registrant  provides 120 prior notice of its intention not
to renew the agreements.

     Mr.  Rabinowitz  is entitled  to a base salary of $190,000  per year and is
eligible to participate  in the  Registrant's  bonus and option plans,  receives
health and benefits as provided to the  Registrant's  executives and is entitled
to a car allowance. In the event of termination of his employment without cause,
Mr. Rabinowitz would be entitled to receive a severance payment equal to the sum
of (i) one year's  salary and (ii) his  portion  of the bonus pool  payments  he
would  otherwise  be  entitled  to and (iii)  payment of the costs of health and
other benefits for 12 months.

     The  agreements  with Ms.  Horowitz and Mr. Cohen have similar terms except
that Ms.  Horowitz  receives a base salary of $140,000 and Mr. Cohen  receives a
base salary of $130,000.


Item 9.01.   Financial Statements and Exhibits.

(c) Exhibits.

The following exhibit is filed herewith:

            Exhibit No.           Description of Document

            3.1                   Form of Certificate of Amendment of
                                  Certificate of Designation of Rights and
                                  Preferences of Series B Preferred Stock.


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report on Form 8-K to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Dated: February 9, 2005                   First Montauk Financial Corp.

                                          By /s/ Victor K. Kurylak
                                            Victor K. Kurylak, Chief Executive
                                             Officer and President

                                                                Exhibit 3.1
                          FIRST MONTAUK FINANCIAL CORP.
                        RELATIVE RIGHTS, PREFERENCES AND
                        LIMITATIONS AND NUMBER OF SHARES

                   (Pursuant to Section l4A:7-2 of the General
                  Corporations Law of the State of New Jersey)

     First Montauk  Financial Corp., a corporation  organized and existing under
the laws of the State of New Jersey, DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT:

     FIRST: The name of the Corporation is First Montauk Financial Corp.

     SECOND:  Pursuant to authority conferred upon the Board of Directors by the
Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation  under  the  provisions  of
l4A:7-2(2) of the General  Corporations  Law of the State of New Jersey,  all of
the Directors of the Corporation, duly adopted, the following resolution:

          RESOLVED,  that  pursuant  to the  authority  vested  in the  Board of
     Directors  of  this   Corporation   by  Section   l4A:7-2  of  the  General
     Corporations  Law of the State of New  Jersey  and in  accordance  with the
     provisions of its Certificate of Incorporation,  a class of preferred stock
     of  this  Corporation  to be  known  as  Series  B  Convertible  Redeemable
     Preferred  Stock,  is hereby  created  and  provided  for, to be limited in
     amount to 445,102 shares and this Board of Directors  hereby fixes,  states
     and expresses the terms,  designation,  relative  rights,  preferences  and
     limitations  of  such  Class  in  the  particulars   required  by  but  not
     specifically  set  forth  in  said  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  or any
     amendment thereto, as follows:

     1. Designation.

     The  designation  of this  class of  preferred  shares  shall be  "Series B
Convertible  Redeemable Preferred Stock", par value $0.10 per share (the "Series
B Preferred Stock").

     2. Dividends

     (a) Holders of shares of the Series B Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to
receive,  if and  when  declared  payable  from  time to time  by the  Board  of
Directors from funds legally available  therefor,  dividends in cash at the rate
of 8% per  share  per  annum  (computed  on the  basis of a 360 day year for the
actual number of days elapsed), and no more, payable quarterly on the 1st day of
January, April, July and October in each year (unless such day is not a business
day, in which event on the next  business  day)  commencing on April 1, 2005, to
holders of record as they  appear on the  register  for the  Series B  Preferred
Stock on the 15th of December,  the 15th of March,  the l5th of June or the 15th
of  September  immediately  preceding  the  dividend  payment  date. A quarterly
dividend period shall begin on the day following each dividend  payment date set
forth above and end on the next succeeding  dividend  payment date. If dividends
shall not have been  paid,  or  declared  and set apart for  payment,  upon each
outstanding  share of the Series B Preferred Stock at the aforesaid rates,  such
deficiency shall be cumulative in full (and thereby accumulate).

     (b) Such  dividends  shall be payable  before any cash  dividends  shall be
declared or paid upon or set apart for the common stock,  no par value,  or such
other  stock  into  which  said  common  stock  may  be  converted,  issued  and
outstanding of the Corporation (the "Common Stock"),  so that if at any time any
dividends upon the outstanding shares of Series B Preferred Stock at the rate of
8% per annum shall not have been paid thereon or declared and set apart therefor
with respect to all preceding  dividend  periods,  the amount of the  deficiency
shall be fully paid or declared and set apart for payment, but without interest,
before any distribution,  whether by way of dividend or otherwise, but excluding
stock dividends payable in Common Stock,  shall be declared or paid upon, or set
apart for, the Common Stock.


     (c)  Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  in  this  Certificate  of
Designation,  the declaration and payment of any and all dividends of the Series
B  Preferred  Stock  shall be on a parity  with the  right to  receive,  and the
payment of, any dividend upon the Corporation's Series A Preferred Stock.

     3. Redemption.

     (a)  Optional  Redemption.  Other  than  in  connection  with a  merger  or
consolidation of the Company with another entity  ("Survivor")  which results in
the  shareholders  of the Company  receiving  securities of a Survivor which are
listed  for  trading  (or  quotes  for the  securities  may be  obtained)  on an
exchange, on the Nasdaq Stock Market, the Over the Counter Bulletin Board or the
"Pink  Sheets" , and the Survivor is a reporting  company  under the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  in the event the  Corporation  ceases to be a
reporting company under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or its
Common Stock ceases to be publicly  traded for any reason  (each,  a "Redemption
Event"),  each  Holder of the  Series B  Preferred  Stock will have the right to
require the  Corporation  to redeem all or a portion of such  Holder's  Series B
Preferred  Stock by paying to such  holder in cash an amount per share  equal to
the Issue Price (as defined in this Certificate of Designation) plus all accrued
but unpaid dividends to the date of redemption (the "Redemption  Price"). At any
time within 180 days following the occurrence of a Redemption Event, a Holder of
the Series B Preferred Stock may send a notice to the  Corporation  stating that
such  Holder  elects to have the  Corporation  redeem  all or a portion  of such
Holder's Series B Preferred Stock. Such notice shall state,  among other things,
the date of redemption (the "Redemption Date"),  which shall be not less than 15
nor more  than 30 days  from the date of such  notice.  Each  Holder of Series B
Preferred Stock electing  redemption pursuant to this Section 3(a) shall deliver
to the Corporation not less than three (3) business days prior to the Redemption
Date original  certificates  representing the shares of Series B Preferred Stock
being  redeemed.  On the  Redemption  Date,  the  Corporation  shall deliver the
Redemption Price to the Holders of Series B Preferred Stock electing redemption.
After the  Redemption  Date,  dividends  will  cease to accrue on the  shares of
Series B  Preferred  Stock  submitted  for  redemption,  unless the  Corporation
defaults  in the  payment of the  Redemption  Price,  the  Corporation  will pay
interest  on the entire  amount of the  Redemption  Price at the rate of 10% per
annum  from  the  Redemption  Date  until  the  date of  payment  in full of the
Redemption Price and all accrued and unpaid interest.

     (b) There shall be no mandatory  redemption or sinking fund obligation with
respect to the Series B Preferred Stock.

     4. Liquidation.

     In the event of any voluntary or  involuntary  liquidation,  dissolution or
winding up of the affairs of the Corporation,  subject to the prior  preferences
and other rights of any Senior  Stock,  but before any  distribution  or payment
shall be made to the  holders  of Junior  Stock,  the  holders  of the  Series B
Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to be paid $5.055 per share,  and no more, in
cash and/or in property  taken at its fair value as  determined  by the Board of
Directors, at the election of the Board of Directors. If such payment shall have
been made in full to the holders of the Series B Preferred Stock, and if payment
shall have been made in full to the  holders of any Senior  Stock of all amounts
to which such holders shall be entitled,  the remaining  assets and funds of the
Corporation shall be distributed among the holders of Junior Stock, according to
their  respective  shares  and  priorities.   If,  upon  any  such  liquidation,
dissolution  or other  winding  up of the  affairs of the  Corporation,  the net
assets of the  Corporation  distributable  among the holders of all  outstanding
shares of the  Series B  Preferred  Stock  shall be  insufficient  to permit the
payment in full to such  holders of the  preferential  amounts to which they are
entitled,  then the  entire net assets of the  Corporation  remaining  after the
distributions  to holders of any Senior  Stock of the full amounts to which they
may be entitled shall be distributed among the holders of the Series B Preferred
Stock ratably in proportion to the full amounts to which they would otherwise be
respectively  entitled.  Neither the  consolidation or merger of the Corporation
into or with another corporation,  entity or other entities, nor the sale of all
or  substantially  all of the  assets  of the  Corporation  shall  be  deemed  a
1iquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Corporation within
the  meaning  of  this  paragraph  4.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein  to the
contrary, except as provided in Section 5(d) below, while any shares of Series B
Preferred Stock are outstanding,  the Corporation shall not establish any Senior
Stock  without  the prior  affirmative  vote of a majority of the holders of the
shares of Series B Preferred Stock.

     5. Voting Rights.

     The  holders  of record of shares  of  Series B  Preferred  Stock  shall be
entitled to the following voting rights:

     (a) The holders of the Series B Stock  shall be  entitled to vote  together
with  the  Common  Stock  of  the  Corporation  on  all  matters  on  which  the
Corporation's shareholders are entitled to vote. For purposes of this Section 5,
the number of votes to which  holders of the Series B  Preferred  Stock shall be
entitled to cast shall be based upon the Conversion Rate then in effect.


     (b) Except as  otherwise  provided in Section  5(d)  below,  so long as any
shares of Series B Preferred  Stock shall be outstanding  and unless the consent
or approval of a greater  number of shares shall then be required  under the New
Jersey  Business  Corporation  Act,  without first  obtaining the approval of at
least a majority of the then  outstanding  shares of Series B  Preferred  Stock,
given in person or by proxy  either by written  consent or at a meeting at which
the holders of such shares shall be entitled to vote separately as a class,  the
Corporation shall not (A) amend,  alter or repeal any provisions of the Series B
Preferred  Stock,  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or Bylaws so as to  adversely
affect any of the  preferences,  rights,  powers or  privileges  of the Series B
Preferred Stock or the holders thereof, (B) create, authorize or issue any other
class or series of  preferred  stock on a parity  with,  or  having  greater  or
preferential  rights  than,  the  Series  B  Preferred  Stock  with  respect  to
liquidation  or dividends,  (C) directly or  indirectly,  redeem,  repurchase or
otherwise  acquire for value,  or set aside for payment or make  available for a
sinking fund for the purchase or redemption  of, any stock ranking  junior to or
on a parity with the Series B Preferred  Stock,  or (D) enter into any agreement
which would prohibit or restrict the Corporation's right to pay dividends on the
Series B Preferred Stock.

     (c) As otherwise provided by the New Jersey Business Corporation Act.

     (d) The holders of the Series B Preferred Stock agree that  notwithstanding
anything to the contrary in this  Certificate  of  Designation  or under the New
Jersey Business Corporation Act, the Corporation, and/or a successor corporation
in the event of a merger  of the  Corporation  with  another  corporation  which
merger is approved by the Board of Directors of the  Corporation  within 90 days
of the Issue Date,  shall have the right to  establish  a class of Senior  Stock
with  liquidation  and  dividend  rights which are senior to and superior to the
Series  B  Preferred  Stock,  provided  that  such  Senior  Stock is  issued  in
connection with a financing resulting in net proceeds to the Corporation (and/or
its  successor in the case of a merger of the  Corporation)  of not less than $3
million in the aggregate, which financing is completed on or before September 1,

     6. Conversion.

     (a) Optional Conversion.

     (i) Each holder of Series B Preferred Stock may, at any time after February
1, 2005, upon surrender of the certificates therefor,  convert any or all of his
Series B  Preferred  Stock into fully paid and non  assessable  shares of Common
Stock of the Corporation at a conversion rate of ten (10) shares of Common Stock
for each one (1) share of Series B  Preferred  Stock being  converted  ("Initial
Conversion Rate"), subject to adjustment in accordance with Section 7 below) (as
adjusted from time to time, the "Conversion Rate"). At the time of conversion of
any shares of Series B Preferred stock, all cumulated but unpaid dividends shall
be paid in cash to the converting shareholder.

     (ii) Such option to convert  shall be  exercised by  surrendering  for such
purpose to the Corporation or its agent,  the  certificate(s)  representing  the
shares of Series B Preferred  Stock to be  converted,  duly endorsed in blank or
accompanied  by  proper  instruments  of  transfer,  and at  the  time  of  such
surrender,  the person  exercising  such option to convert shall be deemed to be
the  holder  of  record  of  the  Common  Stock  issuable  on  such  conversion,
notwithstanding  that the certificates  representing such Common Stock shall not
then be actually delivered to him. No fractional shares of Common Stock shall be
issued upon  conversion of Series B Preferred Stock but, in lieu of any fraction
of a share of Common  Stock which would  otherwise be issuable in respect of the
aggregate number of shares of this Series surrendered for conversion at one time
by the same holder,  the  Corporation  shall pay in such case an amount equal to
the sum of the current market price of the Corporation's Common Stock multiplied
by a number equal to the fraction of a share.

     (b) Automatic Conversion

     Each share of Series B Preferred  Stock shall  automatically  be  converted
into shares of the Corporation's Common Stock, at the then applicable Conversion
Rate, without any action by the holder, if (i) (a) the Closing Price (as defined
in Article Third below) of the Corporation's  Common Stock, as defined below, is
$1.01 or more for 60  consecutive  trading  days and the average and the average
daily  trading  volume for the  Corporation's  Common  Stock  during such 60 day
trading  period  exceeds  20,000  shares;  or  (b)  the  Closing  Price  of  the
Corporation's Common Stock exceeds $1.26 for 60 consecutive trading days and the
average daily trading volume for the  Corporation's  Common Stock during such 60
day trading  period  exceeds  10,000  shares;  or (c) the Closing  Price for the
Corporation's  Common Stock  exceeds $1.51 for 60  consecutive  trading days and
(ii) the shares  issuable upon  conversion  of the Series B Preferred  Stock are
registered  for public sale by the holder under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as
amended.  The date of any such  automatic  conversion  in  accordance  with this
Section 6 (b) shall be defined as an "Automatic Conversion Date".  Commencing on
the Automatic  Conversion  Date,  each  certificate for Series B Preferred Stock
shall be deemed to represent the number of shares of Common Stock into which the


Series B Preferred Stock represented by such certificate shall be convertible at
the then  applicable  Conversion  Rate;  and the  Corporation  shall  treat  all
certificates for Series B Preferred Stock as certificates for the maximum number
of shares of Common  Stock into which the Series B  Preferred  Stock  originally
represented by such certificate was  convertible.  At the time of conversion all
cumulated but unpaid dividends shall be paid in cash to the converting Preferred

     (c) The Corporation  shall pay all  documentary,  stamp,  transfer or other
transactional taxes attributable to the issuance or delivery of shares of Common
Stock upon conversion of any shares of Series B Preferred  Stock;  provided that
the  Corporation  shall not be required to pay any taxes which may be payable in
respect of any transfer  involved In the issuance or delivery of any certificate
for such  shares in a name other than that of the holder of the shares of Series
B Preferred Stock in respect of which such shares are being issued.

     (d) The  Corporation  shall  reserve  at all times so long as any shares of
Series B Preferred Stock remain outstanding, free from preemptive rights, out of
its treasury stock (if  applicable)  or its  authorized  but unissued  shares of
Common Stock, or both, solely for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the
shares of Series B Preferred Stock, sufficient shares of Common Stock to provide
for the conversion of all outstanding shares of Series B Preferred Stock.

     7. Adjustments to Conversion Rate.

     (a) The Initial Conversion Rate provided for in this Section 7 hereof shall
be deemed the Issue Price for each share of Series B Preferred Stock.

     (b) The Initial  Conversion Rate and the number and kind of securities into
which  the  Series B  Preferred  Shares  are  convertible  shall be  subject  to
adjustment from time to time upon the happening of certain events as hereinafter
provided.  The Conversion  Rate in effect at any time and the number and kind of
securities  into  which the Series B  Preferred  stock is  convertible  shall be
subject to adjustment as follows:

     (i) In case the Corporation shall (A) pay a dividend or make a distribution
on its  shares of Common  Stock in shares of  Common  Stock,  (B)  subdivide  or
reclassify its outstanding  Common Stock into a greater number of shares, or (C)
combine or  reclassify  its  outstanding  Common Stock into a smaller  number of
shares,  the  Conversion  Rate in effect at the time of the record date for such
dividend  or  distribution  or  of  the  effective  date  of  such  subdivision,
combination or  reclassification  shall be proportionately  adjusted so that the
holder of Series B Preferred Shares after such date shall be entitled to receive
the aggregate  number and kind of shares which,  if the Series B Preferred Stock
had been converted by such shareholder  immediately prior to such date, he would
have owned upon such conversion and been entitled to receive upon such dividend,
subdivision, combination or reclassification.

     (ii) In the event that the Corporation shall sell or issue,  after the date
of  initial  issuance  of shares  of  Series B  Preferred  Stock,  Common  Stock
Equivalents or rights,  options,  warrants or convertible securities (or options
to acquire  convertible  securities)  containing  the right to subscribe  for or
purchase  Common  Stock  Equivalents  (excluding  shares (or  options  therefor)
issuable upon exercise of warrants,  options or rights to purchase  Common Stock
issued to officers, directors or employees of the Corporation pursuant to a duly
established  employee  incentive  stock option or similar plan to the extent the
aggregate  number of shares  issued or issuable upon the exercise of options and
rights  issued  pursuant  to such  plans does not exceed the number of shares of
Common Stock authorized under such plans) (such rights,  options,  warrants,  or
convertible  securities  (or options to acquire  convertible  securities)  shall
hereinafter  be referred to as "New  Options") at an aggregate  price per Common
Stock  Equivalent  (including  any initial  price and any  subsequent  exercise,
conversion  or exchange  price),  less than the Issue Price  divided by the then
applicable Conversion Rate, then the number of shares of Common Stock into which
the Series B Preferred Stock is convertible  shall be that number  determined by
multiplying  the  number  of  shares of Common  Stock  into  which the  Series B
Preferred Stock would have been convertible into immediately  prior to the first
public  announcement (or consummation of such transaction if the Common Stock is
not  then  publicly  traded)  of  such  transaction  (or  the  record  date  for
determination of stockholders entitled to receive (or purchase) such New Options
in  the  case  of  a  distribution  or  issuance   thereof  in  respect  of  the
Corporation's capital stock) by a fraction (not to be less than one):

     (A) the  numerator  of which equals the product of (A) the number of shares
of Common Stock Equivalents of the Corporation  (other than shares issuable upon
the conversion of Series B Preferred Stock)  outstanding  after giving effect to
such sale or issuance  (and  assuming  with respect to New Options that such New
Options had been fully exercised or converted into Common Stock Equivalents,  as
the case may be; provided, however, that Common Stock Equivalents which are also
convertible  securities  shall be counted only once in determining the number of
shares of the  Corporation  outstanding)  and (B) the Conversion Rate determined
immediately before such public  announcement  date,  consummation date or record
date, as the case may be; and


     (B) the  denominator  of which equals the sum of (A) the product of (x) the
number of shares of Common  Stock  Equivalents  of the  Corporation  (other than
shares  issuable upon the  conversion of Series B Preferred  Stock)  outstanding
immediately before such public  announcement  date,  consummation date or record
date as the case may be (and assuming, with respect to New Options that such New
Options had been fully exercised or converted into Common Stock Equivalents,  as
the case may be; provided, however, that Common Stock Equivalents which are also
convertible  securities  shall be counted only once in determining the number of
shares of the Corporation outstanding),  and (y) the Conversion Price determined
immediately before such public  announcement  date,  consummation date or record
date,  as the case may be, and (B) the aggregate  consideration  received by the
Corporation  for the Common Stock  Equivalents  to be so issued or sold or to be
purchased or subscribed for,  whether directly or issuable upon exercise of such
New Options. For the purposes of such adjustments,  the Common Stock Equivalents
which the holders of any such New Options  shall be entitled to subscribe for or
purchase  shall be deemed to be issued  and  outstanding  as of the date of such
public announcement date,  consummation date or record date, as the case may be,
and the consideration received by the Corporation therefor shall be deemed to be
the  consideration  received by the Corporation  for such New Options,  plus any
underwriting discounts or selling commissions paid by the Corporation,  plus the
consideration  or premiums  stated in such New Options to be paid for the Common
Stock  Equivalents  covered  thereby,  and  minus  the face  amount  of any debt
securities issued to holders of such New Options in connection with the right to
acquire such Common Stock  Equivalents.  In case the  Corporation  shall sell or
issue Common Stock Equivalents or New Options  containing the right to subscribe
for or purchase  Common Stock  Equivalents for a  consideration  consisting,  in
whole  or  part,  of  property  other  than  cash  or its  equivalent,  then  in
determining the "consideration received by the Corporation" for purposes of this
paragraph (ii), the Board shall  determine the fair value of said property,  and
such determination, if reasonable and based upon the Board's good faith business
judgment, shall be binding upon the Holder.

     In the event an adjustment  is made pursuant to this Section  7(b)(ii) upon
the issuance of any security convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for
Common  Stock  Equivalents,  no  subsequent  adjustment  shall be made  upon the
conversion,  exchange  or  exercise of such  security  and the  issuance of such
Common Stock Equivalent if such subsequent adjustment would be duplicative.

     For purposes of this Section  7(b)(ii),  "Common Stock  Equivalents"  shall
mean all  Common  Stock  and any  securities  (whether  voting  common  stock or
nonvoting common stock) of any class of the Corporation  which has no preference
in respect  of amounts  payable  in the event of any  voluntary  or  involuntary
liquidations, dissolution or winding up of the Corporation.

     (iii) In case the Corporation shall hereafter  distribute to the holders of
its  Common  Stock  evidences  of its  indebtedness  or assets  (excluding  cash
dividends  or  distributions  and  dividends  or  distributions  referred  to in
subsection  (i)  above) or  subscription  rights or  warrants  (excluding  those
referred to in  Subsection  (ii) above),  then in each such case the  Conversion
Rate then in effect  thereafter  shall be determined by multiplying  the rate of
conversion in effect  immediately prior thereto by a fraction,  the numerator of
which shall be the total number of shares of Common Stock outstanding multiplied
by $0.5055, less the fair market value (as determined by the Corporation's Board
of Directors) of said assets or evidences of  indebtedness  so distributed or of
such rights or warrants,  and the denominator of which shall be the total number
of shares of Common Stock outstanding  multiplied by $0.5055 per share of Common
Stock. Such adjustment shall be made successively whenever such a record date is
fixed.  Such adjustment shall be made whenever any such distribution is made and
shall become effective  immediately  after the record date for the determination
of shareholders entitled to receive such distribution.

     (iv)  Whenever  the  Conversion  Rate of the  Series B  Preferred  Stock is
adjusted  pursuant to Subsections (i), (ii) or (iii) above, the number of shares
of Common Stock issuable upon  conversion of the Series B Preferred  Stock shall
simultaneously  be  adjusted  by  multiplying  the  number of  shares  initially
issuable upon  conversion of the Series B Preferred Stock by the Conversion Rate
in effect on the date  hereof  and  dividing  the  product  so  obtained  by the
Conversion Rate, as adjusted.


     (c) No  adjustment  in the  Conversion  Rate shall be required  unless such
adjustment would require an increase or decrease of at least one cent ($0.01) in
such price;  provided,  however,  that any  adjustments  which by reason of this
Section 7(c) are not required to be made shall be carried forward and taken into
account  in  any  subsequent  adjustment  required  to be  made  hereunder.  All
calculations  under this  Section 7 shall be made to the nearest  cent or to the
nearest one-hundredth of a share, as the case may be. Anything in this Section 7
to the contrary  notwithstanding,  the Corporation shall be entitled,  but shall
not be required, to make such changes in the rate of conversion,  in addition to
those required by this Section 7, as it, in its sole discretion, shall determine
to be advisable in order that any dividend or  distribution  in shares of Common
Stock, subdivision, reclassification or combination of Common Stock, issuance of
warrants to purchase  Common Stock or  distribution of evidences of indebtedness
or other assets  (excluding  cash  dividends)  referred to  hereinabove  in this
Section 7) hereafter made by the  Corporation to the holders of its Common Stock
shall not result in any tax to the  holders of its  Common  Stock or  securities
convertible into Common Stock.

     (d) Whenever the rate of conversion is adjusted,  as herein  provided,  the
Corporation  shall  promptly  cause a notice  setting forth the adjusted rate of
conversion and adjusted  number of Shares issuable upon conversion of each share
of  Series B  Preferred  Stock  to be  mailed  to the  holders  of the  Series B
Preferred  Stock, at their last addresses.  The Corporation may retain a firm of
independent certified public accountants selected by the Board of Directors (who
may be  the  regular  accountants  employed  by the  Corporation)  to  make  any
computation  required by this Section 7, and a  certificate  signed by such firm
shall be conclusive evidence of the correctness of such adjustment.

     (e)  Whenever the rate of  conversion  shall be adjusted as required by the
provisions  of this  Section  7, the  Corporation  shall  forthwith  file in the
custody of its Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary at its principal  office, an
officer's  certificate  showing the adjusted  rate of  conversion  determined as
herein  provided,  setting forth in reasonable  detail the facts  requiring such
adjustment,  including a statement of the number of additional  shares of Common
Stock, if any, and such other facts as shall be necessary to show the reason for
the manner of computing such adjustment.  Each such officer's  certificate shall
be made  available  at all  reasonable  times  for  inspection  by any  Series B
Preferred Stock  shareholder,  and the Corporation  shall,  forthwith after each
such  adjustment,  mail a copy by  certified  mail of such  certificate  to each
Series B Preferred Stock shareholder.

     (f) In case the  Corporation  shall fix a record  date for the  making of a
distribution  to all holders of shares of its Common  Stock (i) of shares of any
class other than its Common  Stock or (ii) of evidence  of  indebtedness  of the
Corporation  or any Subsidiary or (iii) of assets  (excluding  cash dividends or
distributions,  and dividends or distributions  referred to in subparagraph 7(b)
above),  or  (iv)  of  rights  or  warrants  (excluding  those  referred  to  in
subparagraph  7(b)  above),  each holder of a share of Series B Preferred  Stock
shall,  upon the  exercise  of his right to  convert  after  such  record  date,
receive, in addition to the shares of Common Stock to which he is entitled,  the
amount  of such  shares,  indebtedness  or  assets  (or,  at the  option  of the
Corporation,  the sum equal to the value thereof at the time of  distribution as
determined  by the Board of  Directors in its sole  discretion)  that would have
been  distributed  to such  holder  if he had  exercised  his  right to  convert
immediately prior to the record date for such determination.

     (g) In case of any consolidation  with or merger of the Corporation with or
into another  corporation or entity, or in case of any sale, lease or conveyance
to  another  Corporation  of the assets of the  Corporation  as an  entirety  or
substantially as an entirety, each share of Series B Preferred Stock shall after
the  date  of  such  consolidation,   merger,   sale,  lease  or  conveyance  be
convertible,  at the option of the holder of the Series B Preferred Stock,  into
the number of shares of stock or other  securities or property  (including cash)
to which the Common Stock issuable (at the time of such  consolidation,  merger,
sale,  lease or conveyance)  upon conversion of such share of Series B Preferred
Stock would have been entitled upon such consolidation,  merger,  sale, lease or
conveyance;  and in any such case, if necessary, the provisions set forth herein
with respect to the rights and interests thereafter of the holders of the shares
of  Series  B  Preferred  Stock  shall  be  appropriately  adjusted  so as to be
applicable,  as nearly  as may  reasonably  be, to any  shares of stock or other
securities or property thereafter deliverable on the conversion of the shares of
Series  B  Preferred  Stock.  No  provision  set  forth in this  Certificate  of
Designation  shall  be  deemed  so as to  require  the  holder  of the  Series B
Preferred Stock to convert, or serve as an automatic conversion, of the Series B
Preferred  Stock  in  the  event  of a  consolidation  with  or  merger  of  the
Corporation with or into another  corporation or entity, or in case of any sale,
lease or  conveyance  to  another  corporation  or entity  of the  assets of the
Corporation as an entirety or substantially as an entirety.


     (h) In any case in which the  provisions  of this  Section 7 shall  require
that any adjustment shall become effective  immediately  after a record date for
an event,  the  Corporation  may defer  until the  occurrence  of such event (i)
issuing to the holder of any share of Series B Preferred  Stock  converted after
such record date and before the occurrence of such event the  additional  shares
of Common  Stock  issuable  upon  such  conversion  by reason of the  adjustment
required by such event over and above the shares of Common Stock  issuable  upon
such conversion  before giving effect to such adjustment and (ii) paying to such
holder any amount of cash in lieu of a fractional share of Common Stock pursuant
to this Section 7, provided that the  Corporation  upon request shall deliver to
such holder a due bill or other appropriate  instrument evidencing such holder's
right to receive such additional  shares,  and such cash, upon the occurrence of
the event requiring such adjustment.

     (i) Whenever the  Conversion  Rate shall be adjusted as provided in Section
7, the Corporation shall forthwith file, at the office of any transfer agent for
the Series B Preferred Stock and at the principal office of the  Corporation,  a
statement  showing  in  detail  the  facts  requiring  such  adjustment  and the
Conversion  Rate  that  shall  be in  effect  after  such  adjustment,  and  the
Corporation  shall also cause a copy of such  statement to be sent by registered
or certified mail, return receipt requested,  postage prepaid, to each holder of
shares of Series B Preferred Stock at its address appearing on the Corporation's

     8. Automatic  Conversion  into New Class of Preferred Stock in the Event of
Merger of Corporation.

     (a) The provisions of this Section 8 shall control and be deemed in effect,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Certificate of Designation,  in
the event that the Corporation  shall merge or consolidate  with Olympic Cascade
Financial  Corporation or any other  corporation or entity which is an affiliate
of Olympic  Cascade  Financial  Corporation  ("Olympic")  within a date which is
within 9 months of the Issue  Date.  For  purposes  of this  Section 8, any such
transaction shall be referred to as an "Applicable Merger").

     (b) In the event of an Applicable Merger, if Olympic has issued, either (i)
immediately   prior  to  the  effective  date  of  the   Applicable   Merger  or
simultaneously  therewith,  or (ii)  consummated a financing in contemplation of
the  Applicable  Merger  which  includes a class of  preferred  stock of Olympic
("Olympic   Preferred   Stock"),   then  the  Series  B  Preferred  Stock  shall
automatically  be converted into such class of Olympic  Preferred Stock on a pro
rata basis and shall be of no further force or effect.

     (c) The holder of the Series B Preferred Stock shall thereafter be entitled
to receive shares of the Olympic Preferred Stock based upon the Aggregate Series
B  Preferred  Stock  upon the same  terms as the other  holders  of the  Olympic
Preferred Stock and shall be entitled to all such other rights and privileges as
he may otherwise be entitled as a holder of Olympic Preferred Stock.

     THIRD : For  purposes  of this  Certificate  of  Designation  for  Series B
Preferred Stock, the following definitions shall apply

     Aggregate Series B Issue Price.  The term "Aggregate  Series B Issue Price"
shall mean the sum of $2,250,000.

     Closing Price. The term "Closing Price" shall mean (i) the last sales price
regular  way or, in case no sales  takes  place on such day,  the average of the
closing bid and asked prices regular way, in either case on the on the principal
national  securities exchange on which the Common Stock is listed or admitted to
trading, or (ii) if not listed or admitted to trading on any national securities
exchange,  the  average  of the high  bid and low  asked  price  for such day as
reported by the National  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc.  through the
Nasdaq Stock Market (National or SmallCap Market,  as applicable)  ("Nasdaq") or
(ii) if the  Common  Stock is not listed on a national  securities  exchange  or
Nasdaq then the average of the bid and asked prices for such day reported by the
OTC,  or (iv) if no such bid and asked  prices  can be  obtained  for the Common
Stock , the fair  market  value of one share of the Common  Stock on such day as
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

     Issue Date. The term "Issue Date" shall mean February 8, 2005.

     Issue Price. The term "Issue Price" shall mean $5.055 per share of Series B
Preferred Stock.

     Junior  Stock.  The term  "Junior  Stock" shall mean any class or series of
capital stock of the Corporation,  including the Common Stock, ranking junior to
the Series B Preferred Stock in respect of the right to receive  dividends,  and
for the purposes of paragraph below, any class or series of capital stock of the
Corporation,  including  the  Common  Stock,  ranking  junior  to the  Series  B
Preferred Stock in respect of the right to receive assets upon the  liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the affairs of the Corporation.


     Senior  Stock.  The term  "Senior  Stock" shall mean any class or series of
stock of the  Corporation  issued  after the Issue  Date  ranking  senior to the
Series B  Preferred  Stock in respect of the right to  receive  dividends  or to
receive assets upon the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the affairs of
the Corporation. The term Senior Stock shall not include the Corporation's class
of Series A Preferred Stock outstanding on the Issue Date.

     Series B Preferred Shares . The term "Series B Preferred Shares" means then
shares of Series B Preferred Stock.

     Subsidiary.  The term  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean any  Corporation  of which
shares of stock  possessing  at least a majority of the general  voting power in
electing the board of directors  are, at the time as of which any  determination
is being made, owned by the Corporation,  whether directly or indirectly through
one or more Subsidiaries.

     FOURTH:  The  foregoing  resolution  of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  the
Corporation was duly adopted by Unanimous Consent on February 8, 2005.

                            [signature page is next]


     FIFTH:  The Certificate of Incorporation is amended so that the designation
and the number of shares of each class and series  acted upon in the  resolution
and the relative  rights,  preferences  and  limitations  of each such class and
series, are as stated in the resolution.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  hereby  executes  this document and
affirms that the facts set forth herein are true under the  penalties of perjury
this 8th day of February 2005.

                                            FIRST MONTAUK FINANCIAL CORP.

                                            /s/ Victor K. Kurylak
                                            Victor K. Kurylak, President,
                                             Chief Executive Officer



/s/ Robert I. Rabinowitz
- ---------------------------------
Robert I. Rabinowitz, Secretary