Exhibit 10.3

                            ESCROW DEPOSIT AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT dated as of this 5th day of May 2006, by and among FMFG
OWNERSHIP, INC. ("FMFG"), a Delaware corporation, having an address at 10800
Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 309, Richmond, VA 23235, FIRST MONTAUK FINANCIAL
CORP. ("FMFC" or "First Montauk"), a New Jersey corporation, having an office at
Parkway 109 Office Center, 328 Newman Springs Road, Red Bank, 07701, and
SIGNATURE BANK (the "Escrow Agent"), a New York State chartered bank and having
an office at 261 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016.


         WHEREAS, FMFG and First Montauk have agreed that a certain sum of money
shall be held in escrow upon certain terms and conditions; and

         WHEREAS, FMFG and First Montauk appoint Escrow Agent as escrow agent of
such escrow subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Escrow Deposit
Agreement ("Agreement"); and

         WHEREAS, Escrow Agent accepts such appointment as escrow agent subject
to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

         NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED as follows:

1. Delivery of Escrow Funds. FMFG and First Montauk will deliver, or shall be
caused to be delivered, to the Escrow Agent checks made payable to the order of
Signature Bank as Escrow Agent for TWO MILLION DOLLARS AND NO CENTS
($2,000,000.00) to be held in an account at Signature Bank entitled "Signature
(the "Escrow Account"). The Escrow Agent shall have no duty or responsibility to
enforce the collection or demand payment of these checks or any other funds
delivered to Escrow Agent for deposit into the Escrow Account. If, for any
reason, these checks or any other funds deposited into the Escrow Account shall
be returned unpaid to the Escrow Agent, the sole duty of the Escrow Agent shall
be to advise FMFG and First Montauk promptly thereof and return check in the
manner directed in writing by FMFG and First Montauk. The collected funds
deposited into the Escrow Account are referred to as the "Escrow Funds".

For purposes of the deposit of the Escrow Funds, the wire transfer instructions
of the Escrow Agent are as follows: Signature Bank, 261 Madison Avenue, New
York, NY 10016, ABA# 026013576, Beneficiary Account Title: Signature Bank as
Beneficiary Account No. 1500768106.

2. Acceptance by Escrow Agent. The Escrow Agent hereby accepts and agrees to
perform its obligations hereunder, provided that:

(a) The names and true signatures of each individual authorized to act singly on
behalf of FMFG and First  Montauk are stated in Schedule A. The Escrow Agent may
act in reliance upon any signature believed by it to be genuine,  and may assume
that any  person  who has been  designated  in  Schedule  A to give any  written
instructions,  notice or receipt,  or make any statements in connection with the
provisions  hereof has been duly authorized to do so. Escrow Agent shall have no

duty  to  make  inquiry  as to the  genuineness,  accuracy  or  validity  of any
statements or instructions or any signatures on statements or instructions.  The
names and true signatures of each individual  authorized to act singly on behalf
of FMFG and First Montauk are stated in Schedule A, which is attached hereto and
made a part hereof.

(b) The Escrow Agent may act relative  hereto in reliance upon advice of counsel
in reference  to any matter  connected  herewith.  The Escrow Agent shall not be
liable for any  mistake of fact or error of  judgment or law, or for any acts or
omissions  of any  kind,  unless  caused  by its  willful  misconduct  or  gross

(c) In the event of any disagreement between or among FMFG and First Montauk, or
between any of them and any other person, resulting in adverse claims or demands
being made to Escrow  Agent in  connection  with the Escrow  Account,  or in the
event that the Escrow  Agent,  in good  faith,  be in doubt as to what action it
should take  hereunder,  the Escrow  Agent may, at its option,  refuse to comply
with any claims or demands on it, or refuse to take any other action  hereunder,
so long as such  disagreement  continues or such doubt  exists,  and in any such
event,  the Escrow Agent shall not become liable in any way or to any person for
its  failure or  refusal  to act,  and the Escrow  Agent  shall be  entitled  to
continue  so to refrain  from acting  until (i) the rights of all parties  shall
have been fully and finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction, or
(ii) all  differences  shall  have  been  adjusted  and all  doubt  resolved  by
agreement among all of the interested  persons,  and the Escrow Agent shall have
been notified  thereof in writing  signed by all such persons.  The Escrow Agent
shall have the option,  after 30 days'  notice to FMFG and First  Montauk of its
intention to do so, to file an action in  interpleader  requiring the parties to
answer and litigate any claims and rights  among  themselves.  The rights of the
Escrow Agent under this  paragraph  are  cumulative of all other rights which it
may have by law or otherwise.

(d) In the event that the Escrow  Agent shall be  uncertain  as to its duties or
rights hereunder,  the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to (i) refrain from taking
any action other than to keep safely the Escrow Funds until it shall be directed
otherwise by a court of competent jurisdiction, or (ii) deliver the Escrow Funds
to a court of competent jurisdiction.

(e) The  Escrow  Agent  shall  have no duty,  responsibility  or  obligation  to
interpret  or  enforce  the terms of any  agreement  other than  Escrow  Agent's
obligations  hereunder,  and the Escrow  Agent  shall not be  required to make a
request that any monies be delivered to the Escrow Account, it being agreed that
the sole  duties  and  responsibilities  of the  Escrow  Agent to the extent not
prohibited by applicable law shall be (i) to accept checks or other  instruments
for the payment of money  delivered to the Escrow  Agent for the Escrow  account
and deposit  said checks or  instruments  into the Escrow  Account,  and (ii) to
disburse or refrain from disbursing the Escrow Funds as stated herein,  provided
that the checks or instruments  received by the Escrow Agent have been collected
and are available for withdrawal.

4.       Investment. The Escrow Funds shall be held and invested in a
non-interest bearing demand deposit at Signature Bank.

5. Release of Escrow  Funds.  The Escrow Funds shall be paid by the Escrow Agent
in accordance with the written instructions,  in form and substance satisfactory
to the Escrow Agent,  received jointly from FMFG and First Montauk or in absence
of such joint  instructions in accordance with the order of a court of competent
jurisdiction.  The Escrow  Agent shall not be  required  to pay any  uncollected

funds or any funds that are not available for  withdrawal.  The Escrow Agent may
act in reliance upon any instructions,  court orders,  notices,  certifications,
demands,  consents,  authorizations,  receipts,  powers  of  attorney  or  other
writings delivered to it without being required to determine the authenticity or
validity thereof or the correctness of any fact stated therein, the propriety or
validity of the service  thereof,  or the  jurisdiction of the court issuing any
judgment  or order.  The Escrow  Agent may act in  reliance  upon any  signature
believed by it to be genuine,  and may assume that such person has been properly
authorized to do so.

6.  Resignation and Termination of the Escrow Agent. The Escrow Agent may resign
at any time by giving 30 days' written  notice of such  resignation  to FMFG and
First  Montauk.  Upon  providing  such  notice,  the Escrow  Agent shall have no
further  obligation  hereunder  except  to hold  the  Escrow  Funds  that it has
received  as of the date on which it  provided  the  notice  of  resignation  as
depositary. In such event, the Escrow Agent shall not take any action until FMFG
and First  Montauk  jointly  designates a banking  corporation,  trust  company,
attorney or other person as successor escrow agent. Upon receipt of such written
instructions  signed jointly by FMFG and First  Montauk,  the Escrow Agent shall
promptly  deliver the Escrow  Funds,  net of any  outstanding  charges,  to such
successor  escrow  agent  and  shall  thereafter  have  no  further  obligations
hereunder.  If such  instructions  are not received within 30 days following the
effective date of such resignation, then the Escrow Agent may deposit the Escrow
Funds and any other amounts held by it pursuant to this  Agreement  with a clerk
of a court of  competent  jurisdiction  pending the  appointment  of a successor
escrow agent.  In either case provided for in this  paragraph,  the Escrow Agent
shall be relieved of all further  obligations  and released  from all  liability
thereafter arising with respect to the Escrow Funds.

7.  Termination.  FMFG and First Montauk may terminate  the  appointment  of the
Escrow Agent  hereunder upon a joint written  notice to Escrow Agent  specifying
the date upon which such  termination  shall take  effect.  In the event of such
termination,  FMFG and  First  Montauk  shall,  within  30 days of such  notice,
jointly  appoint a  successor  escrow  agent and the Escrow  Agent  shall,  upon
receipt of written instructions signed by both FMFG and First Montauk, turn over
to such successor escrow agent all of the Escrow Funds; provided,  however, that
if FMFG and First  Montauk fail to appoint a successor  escrow agent within such
30-day  period,  such  termination  notice shall be null and void and the Escrow
Agent shall continue to be bound by all of the provisions  hereof.  Upon receipt
of the Escrow Funds,  the  successor  escrow agent shall become the Escrow Agent
hereunder  and shall be bound by all of the  provisions  hereof  and the  Escrow
Agent  shall be  relieved  of all  further  obligations  and  released  from all
liability thereafter arising with respect to the Escrow Funds.

8. Costs,  Expenses and Fees. Escrow Agent shall be entitled,  for the duties to
be performed by it  hereunder,  to a fee of  $2,500.00,  which fee shall be paid
jointly  by FMFG and  First  Montauk  upon the  signing  of this  Agreement.  In
addition,  FMFG and Part B shall be obligated to reimburse  Escrow Agent for all
fees,  costs and expenses  incurred or that becomes due in connection  with this
Agreement or the Escrow Account,  including reasonable  attorney's fees. Neither
the modification,  cancellation, termination or rescission of this Agreement nor
the  resignation  or  termination  of the Escrow Agent shall affect the right of
Escrow  Agent to retain  the  amount of any fee  which has been  paid,  or to be
reimbursed or paid any amount which has been  incurred or becomes due,  prior to
the  effective  date  of  any  such  modification,   cancellation,  termination,
resignation or rescission.  If said amounts are not paid within 30 days from the
date they are due or by the date this Agreement terminates, if earlier, then the
Escrow Agent may use funds in the Escrow Account to pay said amounts.

9. Notices. All notices,  requests, demands and other communications required or
permitted to be given  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have
been duly given if sent by hand-delivery,  by facsimile  followed by first-class
mail,  by  nationally   recognized  overnight  courier  service  or  by  prepaid
registered or certified  mail,  return receipt  requested,  to the addresses set
forth below.

         If to FMFG:

                  FMFG OWNERSHIP, INC.
                  10800 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 309
                  Richmond, VA 23235
                  Attention: Lara Coleman
                  Fax No: (804) 594-3556

         If to First Montauk:

                  Parkway 109 Office Center
                  328 Newman Springs Road
                  Red Bank, NJ 07701
                  Attention:  Victor K. Kurylak
                  Fax No.: (732) 842-9047

         If to Escrow Agent:

                  Signature Bank
                  261 Madison Avenue
                  New York, New York 10016
                  Attention: Arlene Eliades, Group Director and
                  Senior Vice President
                  Fax No.: 646-822-1364

11. Indemnification: FMFG and First Montauk, jointly and severally, agree to
indemnify and hold the Escrow Agent harmless from and against any and all
claims, losses, costs, liabilities, damages, suits, demands, judgments or
expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees, costs and
disbursements, (collectively "Claims") claimed against or incurred by Escrow
Agent arising out of or related, directly or indirectly, to the Escrow Agreement
and the Escrow Agent's performance hereunder or in connection herewith, except
to the extent such Claims arise from Escrow Agent's willful misconduct or gross
negligence as adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction.

12. General.
(a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of New York applicable to agreements made and to be
entirely performed within such State without regard to choice of law principles.
The parties hereto irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of
a federal or state court located in the Borough of Manhattan, City, County and
State of New York, in connection with any proceedings commenced regarding this
Escrow Agreement, including but not limited to, any interpleader proceeding or

proceeding for the appointment of a successor escrow agent the Escrow Agent may
commence pursuant to this Agreement, and all parties irrevocably submit to the
jurisdiction of such courts for the determination of all issues in such
proceedings, without regard to any principles of conflicts of laws, and
irrevocably waive any objection to venue or inconvenient forum.
(b) This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the
parties in respect to the matters contained herein and supersedes all prior
agreements, arrangements and understandings relating thereto. (c) All of the
terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the
benefit of and be enforceable by, the parties hereto.
(d) This Agreement may be amended, modified, superseded or canceled, and any of
the terms or conditions hereof may be waived, only by a written instrument
executed by each party hereto or, in the case of a waiver, by the party waiving
compliance. The failure of any party at any time or times to require performance
of any provision hereof shall in no manner affect its right at a later time to
enforce the same. No waiver of any party of any condition, or of the breach of
any term contained in this Agreement, whether by conduct or otherwise, in any
one or more instances shall be deemed to be or construed as a further or
continuing waiver of any such condition or breach or a waiver of any other
condition or of the breach of any other term of this Agreement. No party may
assign any rights, duties or obligations hereunder unless all other parties have
given their prior written consent. (e) If any provision included in this
Agreement proves to be invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the
validity of the remaining provisions.
(f) This Agreement and any modification or amendment of this Agreement may be
executed in several counterparts or by separate instruments and all of such
counterparts and instruments shall constitute one agreement, binding on all of
the parties hereto.

13. Form of Signature. The parties hereto agree to accept a facsimile
transmission copy of their respective actual signatures as evidence of their
actual signatures to this Agreement and any modification or amendment of this
Agreement; provided however, that each party who produces a facsimile signature

agrees, by the express terms hereof, to place, promptly after transmission of
his or her signature by fax, a true and correct original copy of his or her
signature in overnight mail to the address of the other party.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date
first set forth above.


     /s/ Lara Coleman
By:  -------------------------------------------
     Name:   Lara Coleman
     Title:  Chief Operating Officer


     /s/ Victor K. Kurylak
By:  -------------------------------------------
     Name:  Victor K. Kurylak
     Title: President and Chief Executive Officer


     /s/ Arlene Eliades
By:  --------------------------------------------
     Name: Arlene Eliades
     Title: Group Director and Senior Vice President

     /s/ Marilyn Feeney
By:  ---------------------------------------------
     Name:  Marilyn Feeney
     Title: Vice President

                                   Schedule A

         The Escrow Agent is authorized to accept instructions signed or
believed by the Escrow Agent to be signed by any one of the following on behalf
("First Montauk").

                          FMFG OWNERSHIP, INC. ("FMFG")

         Name                                     True Signature

Edward H. Okun                                    /s/ Edward H. Okun

Lara Coleman                                      /s/ Lara Coleman

                 FIRST MONTAUK FINANCIAL CORP. ("First Montauk")

         Name                                     True Signature

Victor K. Kurylak                                 /s/ Victor K. Kurylak

Robert I. Rabinowitz                              /s/ Robert I. Rabinowitz