Summary - Executive Severance Package

Purpose:  To provide reduction- in- force benefits for
          certain key employees from January 1997
          through June 1998

Requirements:       - Employees must fulfill service and
                      performance stipulations through designated
                      termination date
Severance Payment   Tiers               Amounts
                    Tier I - Office of  18 months base salary
                    the Chief           plus 1997 termination
                    Executive           allowance package
                    Tier II - all       12 months base salary
                    other officers of   plus 1997 termination
                    Reynolds Metals     allowance package
                    Tier  III - other   6 months base salary
                    key employees       plus 1997 termination
                                        allowance package
Outplacement        Full individualized outplacement services
                    until individual is successfully placed.
Incentive           If the employee works at least six months
                    during the incentive year, then a pro-rata
                    award based on performance and number of
                    months worked during incentive year will be
Release             Employees must sign a release to be
Requirement         eligible for benefits under this policy.

Note:  "Officer" does not include assistant officers.