Confidential Portions of This Agreement Which Have Been Redacted Are
Marked With Brackets ("[***]").  The Omitted Material Has Been Filed Separately
With The United States Securities and Exchange Commission.


         This First Amendment to Asset Purchase  Agreement (the  "Amendment") is
entered  into  as  of  the  1st  day  of  December,  1999  by  and  among  ORKIN
EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Orkin"), REDD PEST CONTROL
COMPANY,  INC., a  Mississippi  corporation  ("Redd"),  and RICHARD L. REDD,  an
individual resident of the state of Mississippi ("Richard Redd").


         WHEREAS,  on October 19,  1999,  the parties  entered into that certain
ASSET  PURCHASE  AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement";  capitalized  terms  used but not
otherwise  defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth in the Agreement),
whereby  Redd  agreed  to  sell  all of the  Assets  owned  and  used by Redd in
connection  with the Pest  Business and assume  certain  liabilities  of Redd in
connection therewith (other than the Excluded Assets); and

         WHEREAS, Redd has heretofore transferred certain of its assets to
Richard Redd, and

         WHEREAS,  certain  actions  which have  occurred at or with  respect to
Redd's pest control  operations  in [***],[***],  and [***]could be construed as
having a material  adverse  change upon the Business,  but Orkin desires to
waive its right to terminate the Agreement as a result thereof, subject to the
agreements as further set forth herein; and

         WHEREAS,  the parties  hereto  desire to amend the Agreement in certain
other respects as specifically set forth herein; and

         WHEREAS,  except as specifically  set forth herein,  the parties hereto
desire to affirm  the terms and  conditions,  and their  obligations,  under the
Agreement,  and wish to agree that such terms, conditions,  and obligations,  as
amended  pursuant  to this  Amendment,  are and shall  remain in full  force and

         NOW, THEREFORE,  for good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency  of  which is  hereby  acknowledged,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

         1.  The  recitals  set  forth  above  are  true  and  correct  and  are
incorporated into this Amendment by this reference.

         2. The parties  acknowledge  and agree that the Closing  shall occur on
Friday,  December  3, 1999 at the offices of Barnes,  Broom,  Dallas and McLeod,
PLLC,  in Jackson,  Mississippi.  The Closing  shall be  effective as of 12:01am
local time on December 4, 1999 (or, if the Closing does not occur on December 3,
1999, on such other date as may be mutually  acceptable  to the parties),  which
shall be the "Closing Date".

         3. Orkin  acknowledges that Redd has transferred all of the depreciable
assets used in the conduct of the Business to Richard Redd on or before the date
hereof ( the "Transferred

                                        [***] - CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED

Assets"),  and  further  acknowledges  that such  transaction  is not a material
adverse  change upon the Business.  Richard Redd agrees to sell and transfer the
Transferred  Assets to Orkin at the  Closing by Bill of Sale,  free and clear of
all liens and encumbrances  other than the Permitted  Encumbrances,  in exchange
for a payment equal to the book value of the Transferred Assets (as set forth on
Redd's last  financial  statement  immediately  preceding  the Closing  Date) in
immediately  available funds. Redd acknowledges and agrees that the Closing Cash
Payment shall be reduced by the amount paid to Richard Redd for the  Transferred
Assets. Redd further acknowledges and agrees that,  notwithstanding the transfer
of the Transferred Assets to Richard Redd, each and every of its representations
and  warranties  with  respect  to  the  Transferred   Assets  (other  than  the
representation  and warranty  with respect to title to the  Transferred  Assets,
which is amended to provide that Redd represents and warrants that title to such
assets is in Richard Redd, as opposed to Redd) are true, correct,  and complete,
are being relied upon by Orkin, and a breach thereof shall entitle Orkin to make
a claim for indemnification against Redd under the provisions of Section 8.01 of
the Agreement.

         4. The parties acknowledge and agree that,  notwithstanding the Closing
Date,  Orkin shall be entitled to all  revenues  generated in the conduct of the
Business  from and after  December 1, 1999 (the  "Cutover  Date"),  and shall be
obligated  to  pay,  or to  reimburse  Redd  for,  all  ordinary  and  necessary
operational  expenses incurred in the operation of the Business by Redd from and
after the Cutover  Date until the Closing  Date.  Provided,  however,  that such
expenses  shall not include  insurance  expenses and other  comparable  overhead
expenses  incurred by Redd, other than Orkin's  obligation to reimburse Redd for
[***] of Redd's cost of providing  health  insurance for Redd's  employees for
the month of December,  1999, promptly upon presentation of a bill therefor, and
also  shall  not  include  any  lease  or  other  occupancy  costs  or  expenses
attributable  to any Redd locations  other than those locations which are listed
on Schedule  1.01(d) of the Agreement.  Except as specifically set forth in this
paragraph or as expressly set forth in the Agreement,  Orkin does not assume any
expense, obligation, loss, cost or liability incurred by Redd before the Closing
Date,  whether  incurred  before,  on, or after the Cutover Date, and Redd shall
indemnify  Orkin  therefor  pursuant to the  provisions  of Section  8.01 of the
Agreement.  Redd shall  establish  a separate  account  into which all  revenues
attributable  to the  operation of the Business  from and after the Cutover Date
shall be deposited, which account shall be delivered to Orkin at the Closing.

         5.  The  parties  acknowledge  and  agree  that,   notwithstanding  the
provisions of the Agreement to the contrary, the Closing Cash Payment shall also
be reduced by [***] DOLLARS (the [***]).
The [***] shall not be delivered to a third party, but shall
be retained by Orkin in whole or in part,  or shall be paid by Orkin in whole or
in part to Redd, pursuant to the further provisions of this paragraph.

            Redd represents and warrants that, as of [***], the monthly
recurring pest control  revenue  attributable  to the customers  serviced by its
[***] and [***] branches,  and by [***] and [***] in its [***] branch,  is equal
to or greater than [***]. For purposes hereof, [***] is the "Base Revenue". Redd
further  represents  and warrants  that those  accounts  listed on  Attachment 1
hereto are all of the accounts serviced by its [***] and [***] branches, and


                                        [***] - CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED

by [***] and [***] in its [***] branch, which generate recurring pest control
revenue. The accounts listed on Attachment 1 are the "Target Revenue Accounts"
for purposes hereof.

            The parties hereto agree that "Target Revenue",for  purposes hereof,
shall be equal to [***] of the Base Revenue, or [***].

            As soon as practicable  after [***],  Orkin shall determine
the monthly  recurring pest control  revenue  attributable to the Target Revenue
Accounts for the month of [***] (the "True Up Revenue").  If the True Up
Revenue  is equal to or  greater  than the  Target  Revenue,  then  Orkin  shall
promptly  deliver the [***],  plus simple interest thereon from the Closing Date
until the date of payment at an interest rate of [***],  to Redd. If the True Up
Revenue is less than the Target Revenue (the amount being the "Shortfall"), then
Orkin shall be entitled to retain  that  portion of the Revenue  Holdback  which
shall be equal to the [***] (ie, the [***]  multiplied by [***]),  multiplied by
[***] (the "Orkin Holdback Retention").  If the Orkin Holdback Retention is less
than the [***],  then Orkin shall  promptly  deliver  the [***],  less the Orkin
Holdback Retention, plus simple interest thereon from the Closing Date until the
date of payment at an interest rate of [***] to Redd.

            For  example,  if  Orkin  determined  that the  True Up  Revenue  is
[***],  then the [***] will be [***]. If the Shortfall is [***],  then the Orkin
Holdback Retention will be [***]. Orkin shall be entitled to retain [***] of the
[***], and shall be required to deliver [***], plus simple interest thereon from
the  Closing  Date until the date of payment at an  interest  rate of [***],  to
Redd, promptly after Orkin has determined the True Up Revenue.

            Orkin acknowledges that, subject to the forgoing provisions,  to its
knowledge,  there are no  additional  issues,  conditions or  developments  with
respect  to Redd's  revenues  which  Orkin  would  contend  as having a material
adverse  effect  or  change  upon the  Business  so as to give  Orkin a right to
terminate the Agreement  pursuant to the provisions of Section 6.01 and/or 10.07
thereof, or which Orkin would claim to be a breach of Redd's representations and
warranties  set forth in the fourth  sentence of Section 3.05,  Section 3.11, or
Section 6.01 of the Agreement.

         6. Redd and Richard Redd shall deliver an indemnity agreement,  in form
and substance reasonably satisfactory to Orkin, which shall set forth Redd's and
Richard  Redd's  acknowledgement  and agreement  that Orkin shall not assume and
shall be indemnified  against any obligations due Richard Redd from Redd.  Orkin
acknowledges  that  the  delivery  of  such  an  instrument  shall  satisfy  the
conditions precedent to the Closing set forth in Section 6.05 of the Agreement.

         7. The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that the Days Off Accruals,
for purposes of determining the adjustment to the Purchase Price as set forth in
Section 2.03 of the  Agreement,  shall not include  accrued but unused  vacation
days for Redd  employees,  and that therefore such  obligation is not an Assumed
Liability. Redd covenants and agrees to pay its


employees an amount necessary to
satisfy its vacation pay accrual  with respect to its  employees,  and to obtain
documentation  acknowledging  that they have no carryover  vacation pay accruals
upon the commencement of their employment with Orkin.

         8. The  Agreement,  as amended by this  Amendment,  contains the entire
agreement  and  understanding  between  the parties  hereto with  respect to the
subject matters  thereof,  and no amendment or modification  thereto may be made
except  in  writing  signed  by all  parties  hereto.  This  Amendment  shall be
construed  in  accordance  with the  internal  laws of the State of  Mississippi
applicable to agreements  made and to be performed  entirely  within such state,
without regard to the conflicts of law  principles of such state.  Any claim for
indemnification  for a breach of a  representation  or  warranty as set forth in
this  Amendment  shall be  governed  by the  provisions  of Article  VIII of the
Agreement,  and any dispute  between the parties with respect to this  Amendment
shall be settled in the manner set forth in Section 10.09(b) of the Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Amendment as of the date
first set forth above.


                                     ORKIN EXTERMINATING COMPANY, INC.



                                     REDD PEST CONTROL COMPANY, INC.


                                     "RICHARD REDD"

                                     Richard L. Redd


                                  Attachment 1

                             Target Revenue Accounts
