ROLLINS, INC.

                2170 Piedmont Road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30324


     PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Rollins,
Inc., a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company"),  will be held at the  Company's
offices located at 2170 Piedmont Road, N.E., Atlanta,  Georgia on Tuesday, April
27, 2004, at 1:30 P.M., or any adjournment thereof, for the following purposes:

     (a) To elect two Class III directors to the Board of Directors;

     (b) To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting
         or any adjournment thereof.

     The Proxy Statement dated March 19, 2004, is attached.

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 5, 2004, as
the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of, and
to vote at, the meeting.

     Stockholders  who do not expect to be present at the  meeting  are urged to
complete,  date,  sign, and return the enclosed proxy. No postage is required if
the enclosed envelope is used and mailed in the United States.

                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          /s/ Michael W. Knottek
                                          Michael W. Knottek, Secretary

Atlanta, Georgia
March 19, 2004

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This Proxy  Statement and a form of proxy were first mailed to stockholders
on or about March 26, 2004.  The following  information  concerning the enclosed
proxy and the matters to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to
be held on April 27, 2004, is submitted by the Company to the  stockholders  for
their information.


     A form of  proxy  is  enclosed.  Each  proxy  submitted  will be  voted  as
directed,  but if not  otherwise  specified,  proxies  solicited by the Board of
Directors of the Company will be voted in favor of the  candidates  for election
to the Board of Directors.

     A stockholder executing and delivering a proxy has power to revoke the same
and the  authority  thereby  given at any time  prior  to the  exercise  of such
authority, if he so elects, by contacting either proxy holder.

                                  CAPITAL STOCK

     The outstanding  capital stock of the Company on March 5, 2004 consisted of
45,361,408 shares of Common Stock, par value $1.00 per share.  Holders of Common
Stock are  entitled  to one vote  (non-cumulative)  for each share of such stock
registered in their  respective names at the close of business on March 5, 2004,
the record date for determining  stockholders  entitled to notice of and to vote
at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     A majority of the outstanding shares will constitute a quorum at the Annual
Meeting. Abstentions will be counted for purposes of determining the presence or
absence of a quorum for the transaction of business.  Because the only currently
scheduled item to be acted on at the meeting is the election of directors, there
will be no broker non-votes..  In accordance with General Corporation Law of the
state of Delaware,  the election of the nominees  named herein as Directors will
require the  affirmative  vote of a plurality of the votes cast by the shares of
Company Common Stock entitled to vote in the election  provided that a quorum is
present at the Annual Meeting.  In the case of a plurality vote  requirement (as
in the election of directors),  where no particular percentage vote is required,
the  outcome is solely a matter of  comparing  the number of votes cast for each
nominee,  with those nominees receiving the most votes being elected,  and hence
only votes for  director  nominees  (and not  abstentions)  are  relevant to the
outcome.  Abstentions  will have the effect of a vote  against the  proposal and
broker  non-votes will be disregarded  and will have no effect on the outcome of
the vote.

     The names of the executives named in the Summary Compensation Table and the
name and address of each stockholder who owned beneficially five percent (5%) or
more of the shares of Common  Stock of the  Company  on March 5, 2004,  together
with the  number  of shares  owned by each such  person  and the  percentage  of
outstanding shares that ownership represents, and information as to Common Stock
ownership  of the  executive  officers  and  directors of the Company as a group
(according to information received by the Company) is set out below:

                                                                                          Amount           Percent of
                                                                                       Beneficially       Outstanding
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                                                    Owned (1)            Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R. Randall Rollins....................................................................   22,305,109 (2)       49.1
Chairman of the Board
2170 Piedmont Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Gary W. Rollins.......................................................................   23,012,486 (3)       50.5
Chief Executive Officer, President
and Chief Operating Officer
2170 Piedmont Road, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia

Mario Gabelli.........................................................................    5,931,225 (4)       13.1
One Corporate Center
Rye, New York 10020


                                                                                          Amount           Percent of
                                                                                       Beneficially       Outstanding
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner                                                    Owned (1)            Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael W. Knottek....................................................................    1,595,558 (5)        3.5
Senior Vice President and Secretary

Harry J. Cynkus.......................................................................      505,064 (6)        1.1
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Glen Rollins..........................................................................      393,765 (7)        0.9
Vice President

All Directors and Executive Officers as a group (9 persons)...........................   26,166,405 (8)       57.0

- ------------------------------

(1)  Except as otherwise noted,  the nature of the beneficial  ownership for all
     shares is sole voting and investment power.

(2)  Includes  22,018  shares  of the  Company  held as  Trustee,  Guardian,  or
     Custodian for his children.  Also  includes  928,050  shares of the Company
     held in three trusts of which he is a Co-Trustee  and as to which he shares
     voting and investment power. Does not include 94,354* shares of the Company
     held by his wife. Also includes  21,231,277 shares owned by RFPS Management
     Company  I,  Limited  Partnership.  The  general  partner  of  RFPS  is RFA
     Management  Company,  LLC, a Georgia limited liability company,  managed by
     LOR,  Inc.  Mr.  Rollins is an officer  and  director of LOR,  Inc.  Mr. R.
     Randall  Rollins and Mr. Gary W. Rollins have voting  control of LOR,  Inc.
     Also includes 142 shares of 401(k) stock. Also includes options to purchase
     90,000 shares,  which are currently  exercisable or will become exercisable
     within 60 days of the date hereof. This excludes options to purchase 60,000
     shares that are not currently  exercisable and will not become  exercisable
     within 60 days of the date hereof.

(3)  Includes  928,050  shares  of the  Company  in three  trusts of which he is
     Co-Trustee and as to which he shares voting and investment  power. Does not
     include  106,439*  shares of the Company  held by his wife.  Also  includes
     21,231,277 shares owned by RFPS Management Company I, Limited  Partnership.
     The  general  partner  of RFPS is RFA  Management  Company,  LLC, a Georgia
     limited liability  company,  managed by LOR, Inc. Mr. Rollins is an officer
     and director of LOR,  Inc.  Mr. R. Randall  Rollins and Mr. Gary W. Rollins
     have voting  control of LOR,  Inc.  Also  includes  23,208 shares of 401(k)
     stock.  Also  includes  options  to  purchase  180,000  shares,  which  are
     currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of the date
     hereof.  Excludes options to purchase 120,000 shares that are not currently
     exercisable  and will not  become  exercisable  within  60 days of the date

 (4) Based upon information  received by the Company,  an aggregate of 5,931,225
     shares of Company Common Stock are beneficially  owned by Mario Gabelli and
     entities  controlled  directly or  indirectly  by Mario Gabelli as follows:
     GAMCO Investors,  Inc., 3,974,675 shares; Gabelli Funds, L.L.C.,  1,950,550
     shares; and Mr. Mario Gabelli, 6,000 shares. GAMCO Investors, Inc. does not
     have authority to vote 197,550 shares of the total 3,974,675 held.  Several
     of these entities share voting and  disposition  powers with respect to the
     shares of Company Common Stock held by them.

(5)  Includes   options  to  purchase   130,645  shares,   which  are  currently
     exercisable or will become  exercisable  within 60 days of the date hereof.
     Also includes  1,444,859 shares held by the Rollins 401(k) Plan as to which
     Mr. Knottek has voting power,  including 1,558 shares,  which he also has a
     pecuniary interest. Excludes options to purchase 34,500 shares that are not
     currently exercisable and will not become exercisable within 60 days of the
     date hereof.

(6)  Includes options to purchase 36,950 shares, which are currently exercisable
     or will  become  exercisable  within 60 days of the date  hereof.  Includes
     454,050 shares held by the Rollins  Pension Plan as to which Mr. Cynkus has
     voting  power.  Also  includes  991 shares of 401(k) stock and 73 shares of
     common  stock  in the  Dividend  Reinvestment  Plan.  Excludes  options  to
     purchase  18,000  shares that are not  currently  exercisable  and will not
     become exercisable within 60 days of the date hereof.


(7)  Includes  72,584 shares of the Company held as  Custodian/Guardian  for his
     minor  children.  Includes  options to purchase  89,400  shares,  which are
     currently exercisable or will become exercisable within 60 days of the date
     hereof.  Does not include  18,301*  shares of the Company held by his wife.
     Also  includes  9,206 shares of 401(k) stock and 255 Purchase  Plan shares.
     Excludes   options  to  purchase  62,850  shares  that  are  not  currently
     exercisable  and will not  become  exercisable  within  60 days of the date

(8)  Shares held in trusts as to which more than one officer and/or director are
     Co-Trustees have been included only once.

*    Mr. R. Randall Rollins,  Mr. Gary W. Rollins, and Mr. Glen Rollins disclaim
     any beneficial interest in these holdings.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     At the Annual  Meeting,  Mr.  Wilton Looney and Mr. Bill J. Dismuke will be
nominated to serve as Class III directors  for a term of three years,  and until
the election and qualification of their successors. Four other individuals serve
as  directors  but are not  standing  for  re-election  because  their  terms as
directors  extend  past  this  Annual  Meeting  pursuant  to  provisions  of the
Company's  Bylaws,  which  provide for the election of directors  for  staggered
terms,  with each  director  serving a three  year  term.  Unless  authority  is
withheld,  the proxy  holders will vote for the  election of each nominee  named
below as a director.  Although  Management does not contemplate the possibility,
in the event any nominee is not a candidate or is unable to serve as director at
the time of the  election,  unless  authority is  withheld,  the proxies will be
voted for any nominee who shall be  designated by the present Board of Directors
and screened by the Nominating and Governance Committee to fill such vacancy.

     The name and age of each of the two nominees,  their principal occupations,
together with the number of shares of Common Stock beneficially owned,  directly
or indirectly,  by each nominee and the  percentage of  outstanding  shares that
ownership represents,  all as of the close of business March 5, 2004, (according
to information  received by the Company) are set out below.  Similar information
is also provided for those directors whose terms expire in future years.

                                                                                                      Shares            Percent of
                                                                          Service as                of Common          Outstanding
Name                                      Principal Occupation (1)         Director      Age        Stock (2)             Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class I
(Term Expires 2005)
R. Randall Rollins (3)............   Chairman of the Board of the       1968 to date        72       22,305,109 (4)        49.1
                                     Company; and Chairman of the
                                     Board of RPC, Inc. (oil and gas
                                     field services); and Chairman of
                                     the Board of Marine Products
                                     Corporation (boat manufacturing)

James B. Williams.................   Chairman of the Executive          1978 to date        70           30,000               *
                                     Committee of SunTrust Banks, Inc.
                                     (bank holding company) since
                                     1998; and Chairman of the Board
                                     and Chief Executive Officer of
                                     SunTrust Banks, Inc. from 1991 to


                                                                                                      Shares            Percent of
                                                                          Service as                of Common          Outstanding
Name                                      Principal Occupation (1)         Director      Age        Stock (2)             Shares
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class II
(Term Expires 2006)
Gary W. Rollins (3)...............   Chief Executive Officer,           1981 to date        59       23,012,486 (5)        50.5
                                     President and Chief Operating
                                     Officer of the Company

Henry B. Tippie...................   Chairman of the Board and Chief    1960 to 1970;       77          515,700 (6)         1.1
                                     Executive Officer of Tippie        1974 to date
                                     Services, Inc. (management
                                     services); Chairman of the Board
                                     of Dover Downs Gaming and
                                     Entertainment, Inc. (operator of
                                     multi- purpose gaming and
                                     entertainment complex) since
                                     January 2002; and Chairman of the
                                     Board of Dover Motorsports, Inc.
                                     (operator of motorsports tracks)

Class III
(Term Expires 2007)

Wilton Looney.....................   Honorary Chairman of the Board of  1975 to date        84                2,250           *
                                     Genuine Parts Company (automotive
                                     parts distributor)

Bill J. Dismuke...................   Retired President of Edwards       1984 to date        67                1,350           *
                                     Baking Company (manufacturer of
                                     baked pies and pie pieces)

- ------------------------------

(1)  Except  as  noted,  each  of  the  Directors  has  held  the  positions  of
     responsibility  set out in this  column  (but not  necessarily  his present
     title) for more than five years. In addition to the directorships listed in
     this  column,  the  following  individuals  also  serve  on the  Boards  of
     Directors of the  following  companies:  James B.  Williams:  The Coca-Cola
     Company,  Genuine Parts  Company,  and  Georgia-Pacific  Corp.;  R. Randall
     Rollins:   SunTrust  Banks,   Inc.,   SunTrust  Banks  of  Georgia,   Dover
     Motorsports,  Inc.  and Dover  Downs  Gaming and  Entertainment,  Inc.  All
     persons  named in the above  table,  other than Bill J.  Dismuke,  are also
     directors of RPC, Inc. and Marine Products Corporation.

(2)  Except as otherwise noted,  the nature of the beneficial  ownership for all
     shares is sole voting and investment power.

(3)  R. Randall Rollins and Gary W. Rollins are brothers.

(4)  See information contained in footnote (2) to the table appearing in Capital
     Stock section.

(5)  See information contained in footnote (3) to the table appearing in Capital
     Stock section.

(6)  Includes  35,550** shares of Common Stock of the Company held by a trust of
     which he is  Co-Trustee  and as to which he shares  voting  and  investment
     power and 150 shares held in a wholly owned  corporation as to which shares
     he has beneficial interest.  Does not include shares of Common Stock of the
     Company  owned  by  Rollins  Holding  Company,  an  interest  in  which  is
     indirectly  held by a trust of which Mr.  Tippie is a Co-Trustee  but not a
     beneficiary, and 450** shares held by his wife.

*    Less than 1% of outstanding shares.

**   Mr. Henry B. Tippie disclaims any beneficial interest in these holdings.



Board Meetings and Compensation

     During 2003, non-employee directors received $12,000 from the Company, plus
$1,000 for each meeting of the Board of Directors or committee they attended. In
addition,  a  non-employee  director  that  served as  Chairman  of a  Committee
received $4,000 for each committee of which he or she was chairman. The Board of
Directors  met four times during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  2003.  No
director  attended  fewer than 75 percent of the Board  meetings and meetings of
committees on which he or she served during 2003.  Board members are  encouraged
to  attend  our  Annual  Stockholder  Meetings  and all  Board  members  were in
attendance  at last year's  meeting.  The Board of Directors  has the  following
Committees:  Audit  Committee,   Compensation  Committee,  Executive  Committee,
Nominating and Governance Committee and Diversity Committee.

Audit Committee

     The Audit  Committee of the Board of  Directors of the Company  consists of
Henry B. Tippie,  (Chairman),  Wilton  Looney and James B.  Williams.  The Audit
Committee held five meetings during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003. The
Board of Directors has determined that all of the members of the Audit Committee
are  independent  as that term is  defined  by the rules of the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") and the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE").  The Board
of Directors at its meeting on January 27, 2004 has  determined  that all of the
Audit Committee members are "Audit Committee Financial  Expert(s)" as defined in
the SEC rules. Additionally, at the January 27, 2004 Board of Directors meeting,
the Board of Directors has determined that the simultaneous service by Mr. James
B. Williams on the Audit  Committees of three other  publicly  traded  companies
does not  impair his  ability to  effectively  serve on the Audit  Committee  of
Rollins,  Inc. The Audit Committee meets with the Company's  independent  public
accountants,  internal  auditor,  Chief  Executive  Officer and Chief  Financial
Officer to review the scope and results of audits and recommendations  made with
respect to internal and external accounting controls and specific accounting and
financial  reporting  issues.  The Audit  Committee  has the authority to obtain
advice and  assistance  from, and receive  appropriate  funding from the Company
for, outside legal,  accounting or other advisors as it deems necessary to carry
out its duties.  On January 27, 2004, the Audit  Committee  recommended  and the
Board of Directors approved changes to the audit committee charter. This charter
is included herein as Appendix A and is also available on the Company's  website
at www.rollins.com, under the Governance section.

Compensation Committee

     The  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Company
consists of Henry B. Tippie (Chairman),  Wilton Looney and James B. Williams. It
held one meeting during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003. The function of
the  Compensation  Committee is to set the base salary and cash based  incentive
compensation of all of the Named  Executives.  The  Compensation  Committee also
administers the Rollins, Inc. Employee Stock Incentive Plan.

Executive Committee

     The Executive  Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company  consists
of R. Randall  Rollins and Gary W. Rollins.  It held one meeting and took action
twice by unanimous  consent  during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003. The
function of the  Executive  Committee  is to take all  permitted  actions of the
Board in its stead as permitted  by the  Company's  by-laws.  The members of the
Executive Committee do not receive any additional  compensation for their duties
on the Committee.


Nominating and Governance Committee

     The Nominating  and  Governance  Committee of the Board of Directors of the
Company  consists  of Henry B.  Tippie  (Chairman),  Wilton  Looney and James B.
Williams,  each of whom is independent,  as discussed  above.  The Committee was
formed in 2002 pursuant to a resolution passed by the Board of Directors for the
following purposes:

     -    to recommend  to our Board of  Directors  nominees for director and to
          consider any nominations properly made by a stockholder;

     -    upon  request of our Board of  Directors,  to review and report to the
          Board with regard to matters of corporate governance; and

     -    to make recommendations to our Board of Directors regarding the agenda
          for our annual stockholders'  meetings and with respect to appropriate
          action to be taken in response to any stockholder proposals.

     The Nominating and Governance  Committee held one meeting during the fiscal
year ended  December  31,  2003.  The Company is not  required by law or by NYSE
rules to have a nominating  committee or a  compensation  committee  composed of
independent directors since we are a "controlled corporation" as defined by NYSE
Rule  303A.  The  Company  is a  "controlled  corporation"  because a group that
includes the  Company's  Chairman of the Board R. Randall  Rollins,  his brother
Gary W.  Rollins  who is a  director,  his nephew  Glen  Rollins  who is Gary W.
Rollins' son and Vice  President of Rollins,  Inc. and certain  companies  under
their control, possess in excess of fifty percent of the Company's voting power.
The Board of Directors of the Company  established the Nominating and Governance
Committee to promote responsible  corporate  governance  practices and currently
intends to maintain the Committee going forward.

     Under Delaware law, there are no statutory  criteria or qualifications  for
directors.  No criteria or  qualifications  have been prescribed by the Board at
this  time.  The  Nominating  and  Governance  Committee  does not have a formal
charter  or a  formal  policy  with  regard  to the  consideration  of  director
candidates,  however  it acts under the  guidance  of the  corporate  governance
guidelines  approved by the Board of Directors on January 27, 2004 and posted on
the Company's website at www.rollins.com under the Governance section. The Board
believes  that it  should  preserve  maximum  flexibility  in  order  to  select
directors  with sound  judgment  and other  qualities,  which are  desirable  in
corporate   governance.   According  to  the  Company's   corporate   governance
guidelines,  the Board of Directors  will be  responsible  for selecting its own
members.  The Board delegates the screening  process  involved to the Nominating
and Governance  Committee.  This Committee is responsible  for  determining  the
appropriate skills and characteristics  required of Board members in the context
of the then current make-up of the Board.  This  determination  should take into
account  all  factors  which  the  Committee  considers  appropriate,   such  as
independence,  experience,  strength of character,  mature  judgment,  technical
skills,  diversity,  age and the  extent to which the  individual  would  fill a
present need on the Board.  The Company's  by-laws provide that  nominations for
the election of directors  may be made by any  stockholder  entitled to vote for
the  election of  directors.  Nominations  must  comply  with an advance  notice
procedure  which generally  requires,  with respect to nominations for directors
for  election  at an  annual  meeting,  that  written  notice be  addressed  to:
Secretary,  Rollins Inc., 2170 Piedmont Road, N.E., Atlanta,  Georgia 30324, not
less than  ninety  days  prior to the  anniversary  of the prior  year's  annual
meeting and set forth the name, age,  business address and, if known,  residence
address of the nominee  proposed  in the notice,  the  principal  occupation  or
employment of the nominee for the past five years, the nominee's qualifications,
the class or series and number of shares of capital  stock of the Company  which
are owned  beneficially  or of record by the  person  and any other  information
relating  to the  person  that  would be  required  to be  disclosed  in a proxy
statement or other  filings.  The  Committee is  responsible  for  screening the
nominees that are selected by the Board of Directors for nomination to the Board
and for service on  committees  of the Board.  The  Company  has not  received a
recommendation  for a director  nominee from a shareholder.  All of the nominees
for  directors  being  voted upon at the Annual  Meeting to be held on April 27,
2004 are directors standing for re-election.

     The  Company  also  has  a  process  for  interested   parties,   including
stockholders,  to send communications to our Board of Directors.  Communications
to the Board of Directors may be sent in the following  manner: By corresponding
with The General  Counsel,  Rollins,  Inc., 2170 Piedmont Road,  N.E.,  Atlanta,
Georgia 30324.


Instructions for communications  with the directors are posted on our website at
www.rollins.com  under the Governance section. All communications  received from
interested  parties are forwarded to the Board of Directors.  Any  communication
addressed solely to the non-management directors will be forwarded to them.

Diversity Committee

     The Diversity  Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company  consists
of Henry B. Tippie (Chairman),  Wilton Looney and James B. Williams. It held one
meeting  during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  2003.  The function of the
Diversity Committee is to monitor compliance with applicable  non-discrimination


     None of the directors  named above who serve on the Company's  Compensation
Committee are employees of the Company.  There are no discloseable  Compensation
Committee Interlocks.

                             AND PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth in any of the Company's
filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, as amended, that might incorporate other Company filings, including
this Proxy  Statement,  in whole or in part,  the following  Report of the Audit
Committee,  Report of the Compensation  Committee on Executive  Compensation and
the  Performance  Graph included  herein shall not be  incorporated by reference
into any such filings.

                          REPORT OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE

     Management  is  responsible  for the  Company's  internal  controls and the
financial  reporting process.  The Company's  independent public accountants are
responsible  for performing an independent  audit of the Company's  consolidated
financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in
the  United  States  of  America  and for  issuing a report  thereon.  The Audit
Committee's  responsibility is generally to monitor and oversee these processes,
as described  in the Audit  Committee  Charter.  It is not the duty of the Audit
Committee to plan or conduct audits or to determine that the Company's financial
statements are complete and accurate and in accordance  with generally  accepted
accounting principles; that is the responsibility of management.

     In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities with respect to the year ended
December 31, 2003, the Audit Committee:

     -    Approved  the  terms  of  the  engagement  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP as
          independent  public  accountants  of the  Company  for the year  ended
          December 31, 2003;

     -    Reviewed with  management and the independent  public  accountants the
          interim  financial  information  included in the Form 10-Q's  prior to
          their being filed with the SEC. In addition,  the  Committee  reviewed
          all  earnings   releases  with  management  and   independent   public
          accountants prior to their release;

     -    Reviewed  and  discussed   with  the  Company's   management  and  the
          independent  public  accountants  the audited  consolidated  financial
          statements of the Company as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 and for the
          three years then ended. The discussion included matters related to the
          conduct of the audit,  such as the selection and changes in accounting
          policies,  significant  adjustments  arising  from the  audit  and the
          absence of any  disagreements  with management over the application of
          accounting principles, the basis for management's accounting estimates
          and the disclosures in the financial statements;

     -    Discussed with the independent public accountants the matters required
          to  be  discussed  by   Statement  on  Auditing   Standards   No.  61,
          "Communications with Audit Committees;" and


     -    Received  from  the   independent   public   accountants  the  written
          disclosures and the letter  required by  Independence  Standards Board
          Standard No. 1, "Independence  Discussions with Audit Committees," and
          has discussed with the public accountants the firm's independence from
          the Company.

     Based upon the review and  discussions  referred  to above,  the  Committee
recommended  to the Board of Directors that the audited  consolidated  financial
statements of the Company and  subsidiaries as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 and
for the three years then ended,  be included in the  Company's  Annual Report on
Form  10-K  for the  year  ended  December  31,  2003  and for  filing  with the
Securities and Exchange Commission.

     In giving its recommendation to the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee
has relied on (i)  management's  representation  that such financial  statements
have been  prepared  with  integrity  and  objectivity  and in  conformity  with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United  States of America and
(ii) the report of the Company's  independent public accountants with respect to
such financial statements.

     Submitted by the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.

                                    AUDIT COMMITTEE
                                    Henry B. Tippie, Chairman
                                    Wilton Looney
                                    James B. Williams


     During fiscal year 2003, the members of the  Compensation  Committee of the
Board of Directors held  responsibility  for determining the base salary for all
of the Named  Executives,  the stock-based  incentive plans for all of the Named
Executives as well as the cash incentive  plan for all of the Named  Executives.
The  Compensation  Committee  is  comprised  of  outside  directors  who are not
eligible to participate in the Company's compensation plans and over whose names
this report is presented.

     The Company is engaged in a highly competitive industry. The actions of the
executive  officers  have a  profound  impact on the  short-term  and  long-term
profitability  of the Company;  therefore,  the design of the executive  officer
compensation  package is very important.  In order to retain key employees,  the
Company has an executive  compensation  package that is driven by an increase in
shareholder  value, the overall  performance of the Company,  and the individual
performance of the executive.  The measures of the Company's performance include
revenue growth,  pretax profit plan achievement,  and pretax profit  improvement
over the past year.

     Pursuant to the above compensation philosophy, the three main components of
the executive  compensation  package are base salary, an incentive cash plan and
stock-based incentive plans.

     The factors subjectively used in determining base salary include the recent
profit performance of the Company, the magnitude of responsibilities,  the scope
of the position, individual performance and the pay received by peers in similar
positions  in the  same  geographic  area.  These  factors  are not  used in any
specific formula or weighting. The salaries of the Named Executives are reviewed
annually. Five Named Executives received raises in 2003 that were based on their
individual performances and overall departmental improvements.

     At the Annual  Meeting on April 22,  2003,  the  stockholders  approved the
terms  relating to  incentive  cash  compensation  to be paid to  Rollins,  Inc.
executive  officers pursuant to the incentive cash plan.  Executive officers are
entitled to receive  bonuses up to 80% of their base  salaries,  not to exceed a
maximum dollar amount of $2,000,000 per individual per year, upon achievement of
bonus performance goals,  which have been preset by the Compensation  Committee.
These  performance  goals must be one or more of the  following:  Rollins,  Inc.
revenue growth,  pretax profit plan achievement,  and pretax profit  improvement
over the prior year. The bonus performance  goals for 2003 were  pre-established
by the  Compensation  Committee  and ratified by the Board of Directors  for all
executive  officers.  For future years, goals will be set prior to the beginning
of the  year.  Rollins,  Inc.  believes  that the  incentive-related  provisions
provide performance  incentives that are and will be beneficial to Rollins, Inc.
and its


stockholders.  This plan will be in place until April 22, 2008. All of the Named
Executives  participating  in this  plan  earned a bonus for 2003 as a result of
achievement of pre-established performance goals.

     Awards under the Company's stock incentive plans are purely  discretionary,
and are not based upon any specific formula and may or may not be granted in any
given fiscal year. When considering the grant of stock options, the Compensation
Committee gives  consideration to the overall performance of the Company and the
performance of individual  employees.  Grants are made under the Company's stock
incentive plans and the plans are administered by non-employee  directors within
the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
During the fiscal year 2003, one non-Director Named Executive was granted 37,500
Incentive Stock Options.  In general,  these grants were based upon the scope of
the position and the individual performance of the individual.

     The Compensation  Committee currently believes that option grants under the
Company's  1998  Employee  Stock  Incentive  Plan will be exempt for purposes of
determining the $1 million deductibility limit of Section 162(m) of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended.  However,  the  Committee  has  evaluated the
future  status  of the  participants  in  the  Company's  stock  plans  and  has
determined  that  certain  participants  will  exceed the $1  million  aggregate
compensation  limit during  future fiscal  years.  The  Committee  believes that
awards made under the performance-based incentive compensation plan for 2004 and
later years will qualify for the exemption  under Section 162(m) for purposes of
calculating the $1 million deductibility limit.


     The CEO's  compensation is determined by the  Compensation  Committee.  For
fiscal year 2003, the cash  compensation for Gary W. Rollins was $1,400,000,  of
which $1,000,000 was base salary and $400,000 was a cash incentive bonus paid in
the first  quarter  of 2004 for 2003.  Mr.  Rollins  received a bonus due to the
achievement of pre-set bonus  performance  goals, as discussed  above. The CEO's
base salary is determined  based upon the factors  discussed above. The decision
of the Compensation Committee is, however,  subjective and is not based upon any
specific  formula or guidelines.  The CEO does not consult with the Compensation
Committee when his salary is determined.  In 2003, no member of the Compensation
Committee participated in any Company incentive program.

                                    COMPENSATION COMMITTEE
                                    Henry B. Tippie, Chairman
                                    Wilton Looney
                                    James B. Williams


                               PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     As part of the executive  compensation  information presented in this Proxy
Statement,  the SEC  requires a five year  comparison  of the  cumulative  total
stockholder  return  based on the  performance  of the stock of the  Company  as
compared  with both a broad  equity  market  index and an industry or peer group
index. The indices included in the following graph are the S&P 500 Index and the
S&P 500 Commercial Services Index.



                        12/31/98   12/31/99   12/31/00   12/31/01   12/31/02   12/31/03
Rollins                   100.00      86.79     117.38     118.50     152.25     204.22
S&P 500                   100.00     121.04     110.02      96.95      75.52      97.18
S&P Comm'l Serv           100.00      76.70      93.44      92.67      91.30     101.95

                       ASSUMES INITIAL INVESTMENT OF $100


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     Shown below is information concerning the annual and long-term compensation
for  services in all  capacities  to the Company  for the  calendar  years ended
December 31, 2003,  2002 and 2001,  of those  persons who were,  at December 31,
2003 (i) the chief executive officer and (ii) the other most highly  compensated
executive  officers of the  Company  whose total  annual  compensation  exceeded
$100,000 (the "Named Executives"):

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                            Long-Term Compensation Awards
                                          Annual Compensation           Restricted     Securities                     All Other
                                     ----------------------------------   Stock        Underlying        LTIP       Compensation
Name and Principal Position           Year      Salary        Bonus     Awards (2)    Options (#)      Payouts           (1)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R. Randall Rollins................      2003    $  700,000   $280,000        ---            ---           ---          $ 3,600
Chairman of the Board                   2002       500,000    200,000        ---        150,000           ---            3,300
                                        2001       450,000        ---        ---            ---           ---            2,500

Gary W. Rollins...................      2003    $1,000,000   $400,000        ---            ---           ---          $ 3,600
Chief Executive Officer, President      2002       900,000    300,000        ---        300,000           ---            3,300
    & Chief Operating Officer           2001       850,000        ---        ---            ---           ---            2,400

Michael W. Knottek................      2003    $  250,000   $ 84,375        ---            ---           ---          $ 3,600
Senior Vice President                   2002       234,250     94,800   $ 50,000         30,000           ---            3,300
    and Secretary                       2001       223,500     90,400        ---         30,000           ---            2,550

Harry J. Cynkus...................      2003    $  210,000   $ 70,875        ---            ---           ---          $ 3,600
Chief Financial Officer                 2002       195,433     79,200   $ 50,000         30,000           ---            3,300
   and Treasurer                        2001       184,533     76,120        ---            ---           ---            2,550

Glen Rollins......................      2003    $  315,000   $126,000        ---         37,500           ---          $ 3,600
Vice President                          2002       213,800    106,900   $ 50,000         30,000           ---            3,300
                                        2001       195,133     69,374        ---         30,000           ---            2,550

- ------------------------------

(1)  The amounts shown in this column  represent the Company match for the Named
     Executives  under the Rollins  401(k)  Plan  ("401(k)  Plan"),  a qualified
     retirement  plan  adopted by the Company on October 1, 1983 and designed to
     meet the  requirements of Section 401(k) of the Internal  Revenue Code. The
     401(k)  Plan  provides  for a  matching  contribution  (made in the form of
     Common  Stock of the  Company) of thirty  cents  ($.30) for each one dollar
     ($1.00) of a  participant's  contributions  to the 401(k)  Plan that do not
     exceed  6  percent  of his  or  her  annual  compensation  (which  includes
     commissions,  overtime and  bonuses).  A  participant's  voluntary  pre-tax
     salary  deferrals  made  under the  401(k)  Plan are in lieu of  payment of
     compensation to the participant.

(2)  At the January 28, 2003 Board Meeting,  the  Compensation  Committee of the
     Board of Directors granted to three non-Director Named Executives a $50,000
     bonus each for 2002  performance to be paid in Rollins,  Inc.  Common Stock
     less any applicable  withholding  taxes.  On February 28, 2003, each of the
     three  non-Director  Named  Executives  received 1,719 shares at an average
     price of $19.07.  Applicable  withholding taxes were approximately  $17,000
     per grant.  At December 31, 2003, the value of the 1,719 shares was $38,763
     based on the closing price as of December 31, 2003 of $22.55 per share.


                      OPTION/SAR GRANTS IN FISCAL YEAR 2003

     During 2003,  the Named  Executives set forth below received stock options.
No stock  options were  granted to the other Named  Executives.  Also,  no Named
Executive received any Stock Appreciation Rights during 2003.

                                                             Individual Grants
                                                         Percent of                                       Potential Realizable
                                                           Total                                          Value at Annual Rates
                                         Number of        Options                                             Of Stock Price
                                        Securities       Granted to                                          Appreciation for
                                        Underlying       Employees        Exercise                            Option Term (2)
                                          Options        in Fiscal        or Base        Expiration  -------------------------------
Name                                      Granted           Year        Price ($/Sh)        Date          5% ($)        10% ($)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Glen Rollins........................     37,500(1)          8.3%          $18.64          1/28/13        $439,597     $1,114,026

- ------------------------------

(1)  These  Incentive  Stock  Options  were  granted on January  28,  2003 at an
     exercise price of $18.64 per share,  the market price on the date of grant.
     These  options vest and become  exercisable  20% each year over 5 years and
     expire after 10 years.

(2)  These amounts, based on assumed appreciation rates of 5% and 10% prescribed
     by the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  rules,  are not  intended to
     forecast  possible  future  appreciation,  if any, of the  Company's  stock
     price. These numbers do not take into account certain provisions of options
     providing  for   termination  of  the  option   following   termination  of
     employment,  nontransferability,  or phased-in vesting. The Company did not
     use an alternative formula for a grant date valuation as it is not aware of
     any formula that will  determine with  reasonable  accuracy a present value
     based on future unknown or volatile factors.  Future compensation resulting
     from option  grants is based  solely on the  performance  of the  Company's
     stock price.

                         AND YEAR-END OPTION/SAR VALUES

                                                                                         Number of
                                                                                         Securities               Value of
                                                                                         Underlying              Unexercised
                                                                                        Unexercised             In-the-Money
                                                                                       Options/SAR's            Options/SAR's
                                                                                       At FY-End (#)          At FY-End ($) (1)
                                            Shares Acquired            Value            Exercisable/            Exercisable/
Name                                        On Exercise (#)        Realized ($)        Unexercisable            Unexercisable
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R. Randall Rollins...................             ---               $   ---            60,000/90,000          $567,083/$850,625
Gary W. Rollins......................             ---                   ---          120,000/180,000        1,154,081/1,731,122
Michael W. Knottek...................          11,305                72,069           104,545/60,600          1,066,711/603,979
Harry J. Cynkus......................           8,250                87,740            31,350/27,600            304,036/276,829
Glen Rollins.........................             ---                   ---            65,100/84,300            665,992/624,364

- ------------------------------

(1) Based on the closing  price of the  Company's  Common Stock on the New York
    Stock Exchange on December 31, 2003 of $22.55 per share.



     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain  information  regarding  equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2003.

                                                                                                            Number of Securities
                                                                                                           Remaining Available for
                                                  Number of Securities To Be  Weighted Average Exercise     Future Issuance Under
                                                   Issued Under Exercise of      Price of Outstanding     Equity Compensation Plans
                                                     Outstanding Options,       Options, Warrants and       (Excluding Securities
                                                     Warrants and Rights                Rights            Reflected in Column (A))
Plan Category                                                (A)                         (B)                         (C)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equity compensation plans approved
    by Security holders.............                      3,020,673                     $13.31                     943,417
Equity compensation plans not
    approved by security holders....                        150,000(1)                  $12.77                         ---
Total...............................                      3,170,673                     $13.31                     943,417

- ------------------------------

(1)  These stock  options were granted to Mr. Gary W. Rollins,  Chief  Executive
     Officer of Rollins,  Inc.,  on January 22,  2002.  The total  amount of the
     grant was 300,000, however the Company's 1998 Employee Stock Incentive Plan
     under  which  these  options  were  granted  states  that no one person may
     receive in any one year over  100,000 in options  (Mr.  Rollins'  pre-split
     option grant was for 200,000 shares).  Therefore,  the excess is deemed not
     issued under a security holder approved equity  compensation  plan.  Shares
     issued upon exercise of these options must be of treasury shares.

                                  BENEFIT PLANS

     The Rollins,  Inc.  Retirement  Income Plan is a trusteed  defined  benefit
pension plan. The amounts shown on the following table are those annual benefits
payable for life on retirement at age 65. The amounts  computed in the following
table  assume:  (a) that the  participant  remains in the service of the Company
until his normal retirement date at age 65; (b) that the participant's  earnings
continue at the same rate as paid in the year ended December 31, 2003 during the
remainder of his service  until age 65; (c) that the normal form of benefit is a
single-life  annuity;  and (d)  that  the  Plan  continues  without  substantial

                               PENSION PLAN TABLE

                                                Years of Service
   Remuneration         15          20          25           30           35           40
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $  100,000         18,000      24,000      30,000       36,000      42,000        42,000
       200,000         36,000      48,000      60,000       72,000      84,000        84,000
       300,000         54,000      72,000      90,000      108,000     126,000       126,000
       400,000         72,000      96,000     120,000      144,000     168,000       168,000
       500,000         90,000     120,000     150,000      180,000     210,000       210,000
       600,000        108,000     144,000     180,000      216,000     252,000       252,000
       700,000        126,000     168,000     210,000      252,000     294,000       294,000
       800,000        144,000     192,000     240,000      288,000     336,000       336,000
       900,000        162,000     216,000     270,000      324,000     378,000       378,000
     1,000,000        180,000     240,000     300,000      360,000     420,000       420,000

     The above  table does not  reflect  the Plan's  offset for Social  Security
average earnings,  the maximum limit on compensation under Section 401(a)(17) of
the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code"),  or the maximum
benefit  limitations  under Section 415 of the Code.  The  compensation  for the
Named  Executives  is  identical  to the  compensation  reflected in the Summary
Compensation Table under the two columns titled "Salary" and "Bonus".


     Retirement  income  benefits  are based on the  average  of the  employee's
compensation  from the Company for the five consecutive  complete calendar years
of highest  compensation during the last ten consecutive complete calendar years
("final average  compensation")  immediately preceding the employee's retirement
date or, if earlier, the date of his termination of employment. All employees of
the Company and its  subsidiaries  (other than  employees  subject to collective
bargaining  agreements)  who commenced  employment  prior to January 1, 2002 are
eligible to participate in the Retirement  Income Plan after completing one year
of service (a  consecutive  12-month  period with 1,000 hours of  service).  The
benefit formula is 1.2% of final average compensation less 0.6% of final average
FICA earnings,  multiplied by years of service  (maximum 35 years).  However,  a
participant's  benefits will not be less than the greater of his benefit  earned
as of December 31, 2001 or his benefit as of December 31, 2001  multiplied  by a
fraction  in which the  numerator  is the final  average  compensation  when the
participant's  credited  service ends and the  denominator is the  participant's
final average  compensation at December 31, 2001. The Plan also provides reduced
early retirement benefits under certain conditions. In accordance with the Code,
the  maximum  annual  benefit  that  may be paid  to a  Retirement  Income  Plan
beneficiary in 2004 is $165,000.  In accordance with the Code (as amended by the
Economic  Growth  and  Tax  Relief  Reconciliation  Act of  2001),  the  maximum
compensation  recognized  by the  Retirement  Income  Plan is  $205,000 in 2004.
Retirement  benefits accrued at the end of any calendar year will not be reduced
by any subsequent changes in the maximum compensation limit.

     The current  credited  years of service for the Named  Executives,  each of
whom is a participant in the Plan, are: R. Randall  Rollins,  20 years;  Gary W.
Rollins,  35 years;  Michael W. Knottek,  6 years; Harry J. Cynkus, 5 years; and
Glen Rollins, 14 years.

     Effective October 1, 1983, the Company adopted a qualified  retirement plan
designed to meet the requirements of Section 401(k) of the Code ("401(k) Plan").
The only form of  benefit  payment  under the 401(k)  Plan is a single  lump-sum
payment equal to the vested balance in the participant's account on the date the
distribution  is  processed.  Under  the  401(k)  Plan,  the  full  amount  of a
participant's  vested  benefit is payable upon his  termination  of  employment,
retirement,  total  and  permanent  disability,  or  death.  While  employed,  a
participant  may withdraw  contributions  to the extent that  certain  specified
instances  of  financial  hardship,  and may  withdraw all or any portion of his
pre-tax  account after  attaining the age of 59 1/2. In addition,  a participant
may withdraw all or any portion of his rollover  account at any time and for any
reason.  Amounts  contributed by the Company to the accounts of Named Executives
for 2003 under this plan are included in the "All Other Compensation"  column of
the Summary Compensation Table on Page 12.


     On July 23, 2002 Rollins, Inc. ("Rollins") voted to dismiss its independent
accountants,  Arthur  Andersen LLP  ("Andersen"),  and to engage the services of
Ernst & Young LLP ("Ernst & Young") to serve as its new independent accountants,
effective  immediately.  This  determination  followed Rollins' decision to seek
proposals from independent  accountants to audit Rollins'  financial  statements
for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 2002. The decision to dismiss  Andersen
and to engage the  services of Ernst & Young was  approved by Rollins'  Board of
Directors upon the recommendation of its Audit Committee.

     During  Rollins' two most recent  fiscal years ended  December 31, 2001 and
2000,  and the subsequent  interim  period through July 23, 2002,  there were no
disagreements   between  Rollins  and  Andersen  on  any  matter  of  accounting
principles or practices,  financial statement  disclosure,  or auditing scope or
procedure,  which disagreements if not resolved to Andersen's satisfaction would
have caused them to make reference to the subject matter of the  disagreement in
connection with their reports.

     None  of  the  reportable  events  described  under  Item  304(a)(1)(v)  of
Regulation  S-K  occurred  within  Rollins'  two most recent  fiscal years ended
December 31, 2001 and 2000, or during any subsequent interim period through July
23, 2002.



     The audit reports of Andersen on the consolidated  financial  statements of
Rollins and  subsidiaries  as of and for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001
did not contain  any adverse  opinion or  disclaimer  of opinion,  nor were they
qualified or modified as to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles.

     As required under Securities and Exchange Commission  regulations,  Rollins
provided  Andersen with a copy of the foregoing  disclosures  and requested that
Andersen  furnish  Rollins  with a letter  addressed to the  Commission  stating
whether it agrees with the statements by Rollins in this disclosure and, if not,
stating the  respects in which it does not agree.  Although  reasonable  efforts
have been made by  Rollins,  it has been  unable  to obtain  such a letter  from

     During  Rollins' years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, and the subsequent
interim period through July 23, 2002, Rollins did not consult with Ernst & Young
with  respect  to  the  application  of  accounting  principles  to a  specified
transaction  or  regarding  any of the  matters  or  events  set  forth  in Item
304(a)(2)(i) and (ii) of Regulation S-K.

     Ernst & Young has served as the Company's  independent  public  accountants
since July 24, 2002 for the fiscal years ended  December  31, 2003 and 2002.  In
addition  to  performing  the  audit  of the  Company's  consolidated  financial
statements, Ernst & Young provided various other services during 2003 and 2002.

     The  Audit  Committee  has  appointed  Ernst &  Young  as  Rollins,  Inc.'s
independent  public  accountants  for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 2004.
Representatives  of Ernst & Young  are  expected  to be  present  at the  annual
meeting and will have the  opportunity  to make a statement if they desire to do
so and are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.

                                                         2003           2002
                                                    -------------   ------------
Audit Fees (1)                                        $199,762       $161,321
Audit-Related Fees (2)                                  43,000            ---
Tax Fees (3)                                            12,923         17,640
All Other Fees                                             ---            ---
                                                    -------------   ------------
Total                                                 $255,685       $178,961 *
                                                    =============   ============
- ------------------------------

(1)  Audit fees represent fees for professional  services provided in connection
     with the audit of our  financial  statements  and  review of our  quarterly
     financial  statements and audit services  provided in connection with other
     statutory or regulatory filings.

(2)  Audit-related  fees  consisted   primarily  of  accounting   consultations
     and employee benefit plan audits.

(3)  Consists of tax return preparation fees.

*    Andersen,  the  Company's  previous  independent  auditors,  were  paid the
     following for fiscal year 2002: $3,300 for audit fees, $7,615 for all other
     fees. Andersen served as the Company's independent auditors from January 1,
     2002 thru July 23, 2002.

     All of the services  described  above were approved by the Company's  Audit
Committee.  The Audit  Committee  has  determined  that the payments made to its
independent   public   accountants   for  these  services  are  compatible  with
maintaining  such  auditors'  independence.  All of the  hours  expended  on the
principal  accountant's  engagement  to audit the  financial  statements  of the
Company  for the year  2003 and 2002  were  attributable  to work  performed  by
full-time,  permanent  employees  of  the  principal  accountant.  There  are no
pre-approved amounts currently set by the Audit Committee.


     The  Audit  Committee  is  directly  responsible  for the  appointment  and
termination (subject, if applicable, to shareholder ratification), compensation,
and  oversight  of the work of the  independent  public  accountants,  including
resolution  of  disagreements  between  management  and the  independent  public
accountants  regarding financial  reporting.  The Audit Committee is responsible
for pre-approving  all audit and non-audit  services provided by the independent
public  accountants  and  ensuring  that they are not  engaged  to  perform  the
specific non-audit services proscribed by law or regulation. The Audit Committee
has delegated  pre-approval  authority to its Chairman with the stipulation that
his  decision is to be presented  to the full  Committee  at its next  scheduled


     At the  Company's  October  22,  2002  Board  of  Directors'  meeting,  the
independent directors of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee approved
three  related  party  transactions.  The Audit  Committee  and the  independent
directors  were furnished with full  disclosure of the  transactions,  including
independent  appraisals,  and determined that the terms of each transaction were
reasonable  and fair to the Company.  The first approval was the purchase of the
Rollins  Training  Center on October 31, 2002 for $3.1 million from RTC,  LLC, a
company controlled by R. Randall Rollins, Chairman of the Board of Rollins, Inc.
The second approval was the purchase of hand-held computer software  development
known as PowerTrak Version 1.0 from RRR Associates,  a company  controlled by R.
Randall  Rollins.  The purchase was made during the fourth quarter of 2002 at an
approved  purchase price of $250,000.  The third approval was a lease  agreement
effective  July 1, 2002 that  expires  June 30, 2007 for company  real estate in
Okeechobee  County,  Florida to be leased to Rollins  Ranch,  a division of LOR,
Inc., a company  controlled  by R. Randall  Rollins and Gary W.  Rollins,  Chief
Executive  Officer,  President and Chief Operating Officer of Rollins,  Inc. The
annual lease rate on this real estate is $131,939. In the opinion of Management,
these related party  transactions  were  reasonable  and fair to the Company and
will not have a material effect on the Company's financial position,  results of
operations or liquidity.

     At the  Company's  January  28,  2003  Board  of  Directors'  meeting,  the
independent directors of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee approved
four  related  party  transactions.  The  Audit  Committee  and the  independent
directors  were furnished with full  disclosure of the  transactions,  including
independent  appraisals,  and determined that the terms of each transaction were
reasonable  and fair to the Company  and will not have a material  effect on the
Company's  financial  position,  results of operations  or liquidity.  The first
approval was the ratification of the current arrangement  between Rollins,  Inc.
and LOR, Inc., a company  controlled by R. Randall  Rollins and Gary W. Rollins,
related to sharing the aviation hangar located at the  Dekalb-Peachtree  Airport
as well as the usage of a JetStar II, owned by Rollins, Inc., and the Gulfstream
III N30WR,  owned by LOR,  Inc.  The  Jetstar II was sold by  Rollins,  Inc.  in
October 2003 and Rollins,  Inc.  purchased a Gulfstream III N330WR to replace it
in October 2003 (see discussion below). LOR, Inc. leases half of the hangar from
Rollins,  Inc. for a total annual lease amount of $14,873. This lease expires on
January 24, 2008. The hangar currently houses three airplanes,  two of which are
not owned by Rollins,  Inc.  and reside on the  portion of the hangar  leased by
LOR, Inc. All other  expenses  related to the hangar are also shared  equally by
Rollins, Inc. and LOR, Inc. Total expenses for 2003 were approximately $116,000,
which  includes  rental,  utilities,   maintenance  and  repairs,  depreciation,
property tax and miscellaneous  expense.  Pursuant to this arrangement the usage
is billed on a monthly  basis.  The  Jetstar II was  charged at a rate of $5,250
before it was sold and the  Gulfstream  III's are  charged  at a rate of $12,745
each, per month.  These amounts are charged regardless of whether the planes are
used. All expenses related to each respective aircraft are paid for by the owner
of each aircraft,  except for fuel. Fuel is paid for by Rollins, Inc. and billed
monthly to the company  using the  aircraft.  Additionally,  when Mr. R. Randall
Rollins and Mr. Gary W. Rollins  used the JetStar II, prior to its sale,  or use
the  Gulfstream  III N330WR for personal use they are billed for such use at the
rate of $1,000 per hour,  which  approximates  the fuel cost.  The total  hourly
usage for 2003 was  approximately  5.4 hours or $5,400.  The Company on occasion
uses the Gulfstream III N30WR and is also billed for its use at a rate of $1,000
per  hour,  which  approximates  the fuel  cost.  The  second  approval  was the
ratification  of the  arrangement  concerning the rental of office space to LOR,
Inc. located at 2170 Piedmont Road, N.E.,  Atlanta,  Georgia 30324. The property
located at 2170  Piedmont  Road is owned by Rollins  Continental,  Inc. a wholly
owned subsidiary of Rollins, Inc. Currently LOR, Inc. occupies approximately 360
square feet of office space in the building  located at 2170 Piedmont  Road. The
annual rental rate is $3,924.  The third  approval was the  ratification  of the
arrangement  concerning  the rental of office space to LOR, Inc.  located at 710
Lakeshore Circle, Atlanta,  Georgia 30324. The property located at 710 Lakeshore
Circle is also owned by Rollins  Continental,  Inc. Currently LOR, Inc. occupies
approximately  3,344 square feet of office space in the building  located at 710
Lakeshore Circle. The annual rental rate is $40,800. The fourth approval was the
ratification of the current  arrangement  related to the payment of fees for the
services of a


programmer/analyst  that was employed by LOR,  Inc.  but has become  employed by
Rollins, Inc. in the first quarter of 2003. The programmer/analyst is being used
to further  develop  the  PowerTrak  Version  1.0  hand-held  computer  software
purchased in the fourth  quarter of 2002 (as discussed in the above  paragraph).
The hourly wage paid to LOR, Inc. was $32 per hour, which equated to $66,560 per
year,  including  overhead.  In the opinion of  Management,  these related party
transactions  were  reasonable  and  fair to the  Company  and  will  not have a
material effect on the Company's  financial  position,  results of operations or

     At the  Company's  October  28,  2003  Board  of  Directors'  meeting,  the
independent directors of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee approved
an amendment  to the  arrangements  with LOR,  Inc.  regarding  the usage of the
aircrafts,  as  discussed  above,  to  provide  that they would  substitute  the
Gulfstream  III  N330WR  for the  Jetstar  II,  that was  sold,  with all  other
provisions  remaining the same except that the  Gulfstream III N330WR is charged
at a rate of  $12,745  per  month.  The  decision  was based on full  disclosure
including  independent  appraisals.  In the opinion of Management,  this related
party  transaction  was  reasonable  and fair to the Company and will not have a
material effect on the Company's  financial  position,  results of operations or

     Employees  of Rollins,  Inc.  confer with  employees  of LOR,  Inc. and RRR
Associates and vice versa.  No fees are charged for these services  because,  in
the opinion of Management, the activity is mutually beneficial and offsetting.

     The Company is contemplating the sale of real estate in Okeechobee  County,
Florida to LOR,  Inc. or an entity  wholly owned by LOR, Inc. The real estate is
under a lease agreement,  as discussed above. The Company is also  contemplating
the sale of two pieces of real estate in Sussex County, Delaware to LOR, Inc. or
an entity  wholly owned by LOR, Inc. In addition,  the Company is  contemplating
the  purchase of real  estate  located at 2158  Piedmont  Road,  N.E.,  Atlanta,
Georgia 30324, adjacent to the Company's headquarters,  from LOR, Inc. The Board
of  Directors,  at its  quarterly  meeting on January  27,  2004,  approved  the
formation  of a  committee  made up of  Messrs.  Bill J.  Dismuke  and  James B.
Williams,  who are  independent  directors,  to evaluate the  transactions.  The
Company is currently unable to quantify the dollar amounts involved with respect
to these proposed transactions.

     The Committee will be furnished with full  disclosure of the  transactions,
including independent  appraisals,  and will only approve each transaction if it
determines  that the terms of the  transaction  are  reasonable  and fair to the
Company and its stockholders. If the transactions are approved by the Committee,
the transactions are expected to close in the first or second quarter of 2004.


     The  Company  has  completed  a review  of Forms 3, 4 and 5 and  amendments
thereto furnished to the Company by all directors,  officers and greater than 10
percent  stockholders  subject to the provisions of Section 16 of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. In addition, the Company has a written representation from
all directors,  officers and greater than 10 percent  stockholders  from whom no
Form 5 was received, indicating that no Form 5 filing was required. Based solely
on this  review,  the  Company  believes  that all filing  requirements  of such
persons under Section 16 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003 were timely


                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Appropriate  proposals  of  stockholders  intended to be  presented  at the
Company's  2005  Annual  Meeting  of the  Stockholders,  pursuant  to Rule 14a-8
promulgated  under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,  must be
received  by the  Company  by  November  19,  2004 for  inclusion  in its  proxy
statement  and form of proxy  relating  to that  meeting.  With  respect  to the
Company's annual meeting of the stockholders to be held in 2005, all stockholder
proposals  submitted  outside the  stockholder  proposal rules contained in Rule
14a-8 promulgated under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  which
pertains  to  the  inclusion  of  stockholder  proposals  in a  Company's  proxy
materials,  must be received by the Company by February 2, 2005,  in order to be
considered timely. With regard to such stockholder proposals, if the date of the
next annual meeting of stockholders is advanced or delayed more than 30 calendar
days from April 27,  2005,  the Company  will,  in a timely  manner,  inform its
stockholders  of the  change  and of the date by which  such  proposals  must be
received.  With respect to  stockholder  nomination of directors,  the Company's
by-laws  provide that  nominations  for the election of directors may be made by
any stockholder entitled to vote for the election of directors. Nominations must
comply with an advance notice procedure which generally requires with respect to
nominations for directors for election at an annual meeting, that written notice
be addressed to: Secretary,  Rollins,  Inc., 2170 Piedmont Road, N.E.,  Atlanta,
Georgia 30324,  not less than ninety days prior to the  anniversary of the prior
year's  annual  meeting and set forth the name,  age,  business  address and, if
known,  residence  address of the nominee proposed in the notice,  the principal
occupation or  employment of the nominee for the past five years,  the nominee's
qualifications, the class or series and number of shares of capital stock of the
Company  which are owned  beneficially  or of record by the person and any other
information  relating to the person that would be required to be  disclosed in a
proxy statement or other filings.  Such nominations must be submitted by January
27, 2005,  with respect to directors to be elected at the 2005 Annual Meeting of


     The  Company's  Annual  Report on Form  10-K for the  calendar  year  ended
December 31, 2003 is being mailed to stockholders with this proxy statement.

     Management  knows of no business  other than the  matters set forth  herein
which will be presented  at the  meeting.  Inasmuch as matters not known at this
time may come before the  meeting,  the  enclosed  proxy  confers  discretionary
authority  with respect to such matters as may properly come before the meeting;
and it is the  intention of the persons named in the proxy to vote in accordance
with their best judgment on such matters.

                                          BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          /s/ Michael W. Knottek
                                          Michael W. Knottek, Secretary

Atlanta, Georgia
March 19, 2004


                                                                      APPENDIX A

                                  ROLLINS, INC.
                         CHARTER OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE
                            OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS


     The  Audit  Committee  (the  "Committee")  is  appointed  by the  Board  of
Directors  (the  "Board")  to  assist  the  Board in  fulfilling  its  oversight
responsibilities. The Committee's primary purpose is to monitor the integrity of
the  Company's  financial  reporting  process,   including  (by  overseeing  the
financial reports and other financial information provided by the Company to any
governmental  or  regulatory  body,  the  public  or other  users  thereof)  the
Company's systems of internal accounting and financial controls, the performance
of  the  Company's   internal  audit   function,   the   independent   auditor's
qualifications and independence,  the Company's  compliance with ethics policies
and legal and regulatory  requirements  statements,  and the annual  independent
audit of the Company's  financial  statements.  The  Committee  will monitor the
independence,  performance,  and  qualifications  of the  Company's  independent

     In  discharging   its  oversight   role,  the  Committee  is  empowered  to
investigate  any matter  brought to its attention with full access to all books,
records, facilities and personnel of the Company. The Committee is authorized to
retain outside  counsel,  auditors or other experts and  professionals  for this
purpose.  The Board and the  Committee  are in place to represent  the Company's
shareholders;  accordingly, the outside auditor is ultimately accountable to the
Board and the Committee.

     The  Company  shall  provide  appropriate  funding,  as  determined  by the
Committee,  for payment of compensation to any registered public accounting firm
engaged for the purpose of  rendering or issuing an audit report or related work
or performing other audit,  review or attest services for the company and to any
advisors employed by the Company as well as ordinary  administrative expenses of
the Committee that are necessary or appropriate in carrying out its duties.


     The  Committee  shall be  comprised  of not less than three  members of the
Board, and the Committee's  composition shall meet all requirements of the Audit
Committee policy of the New York Stock Exchange.

     Accordingly, all of the members must be directors:

     ---  Who are  independent  of  management  and the Company.  Members of the
          Committee  shall  be  considered  independent  as  long as they do not
          accept any consulting,  advisory, or compensatory fee from the Company
          and are not an affiliated  person of the Company or its  subsidiaries,
          and meet the independence requirements of the New York Stock Exchange.
          Under  Rule  10A-3 to  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  disallowed
          payments to an Audit Committee member includes  payments made directly
          or indirectly,  and for these  purposes  "indirect"  acceptance  shall
          include (a) payments to spouses,  minor  children or  stepchildren  or
          children  or  stepchildren  sharing  a home  with the  member  and (b)
          payments  accepted  by an entity in which  such  member is a  partner,
          member,  officer  such as a managing  director  occupying a comparable
          position or executive officer,  or occupies a similar position (except
          limited  partners,  non-managing  members and those occupying  similar
          positions who, in each case, have no active role in providing services
          to the  entity)  and which  provides  accounting,  consulting,  legal,
          investment  banking  or  financial  advisory  to  the  Company  or any

     ---  Who are financially literate or who become financially literate within
          a reasonable  period of time after  appointment to the  Committee.  In
          addition,  at  least  one  member  of the  Committee  must be an Audit
          Committee "financial expert" as defined by SEC regulations.



     The  Committee's  primary   responsibility  is  to  oversee  the  Company's
financial  reporting  process on behalf of the Board and report results of their
activities  to the  Board  on a  regular  basis.  While  the  Committee  has the
responsibilities and powers set forth in this Charter, it is not the duty of the
Committee to plan or conduct audits or to determine that the Company's financial
statements  are  complete  and accurate  and are in  accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting  principles.  Management is responsible for the preparation,
presentation,  and integrity of the Company's  financial  statements and for the
appropriateness  of the accounting  principles  and reporting  policies that are
used by the Company as well as the Company's internal controls.  The independent
auditors are  responsible  for performing an independent  audit of the Company's
financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in
the United States and for issuing a report hereon.

     The Committee, in carrying out its responsibilities,  believes its policies
and  procedures  should  remain  flexible,  in order to best  react to  changing
conditions and circumstances.  The Committee should take appropriate  actions to
set the overall corporate "tone" for quality financial reporting, sound business
risk  practices,  and ethical  behavior.  The  following  shall be the principal
duties and responsibilities of the Committee. These functions are set forth as a
guide with the  understanding  that the Committee may diverge from this guide as
appropriate under the circumstances.

     The  Committee  shall  be  directly  responsible  for the  appointment  and
termination (subject, if applicable, to shareholder ratification), compensation,
and oversight of the work of the independent  auditors,  including resolution of
disagreements  between management and the auditor regarding financial reporting.
The Committee shall pre-approve all audit and non-audit services provided by the
independent  auditors and shall not engage the  independent  auditors to perform
the specific non-audit services  proscribed by law or regulation.  The Committee
may delegate pre-approval authority to a member of the Committee.  The decisions
of any  Committee  member to whom  pre-approval  authority is delegated  must be
presented to the full Committee at its next scheduled meeting.

     At least  annually,  the Committee  shall obtain and review a report by the
independent auditors describing:

     ---  The firm's internal quality control procedures.

     ---  Any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality control
          review,   or  peer  review,   of  the  firm,  or  by  any  inquiry  or
          investigation by governmental or professional authorities,  within the
          preceding  five  years,  respecting  one or  more  independent  audits
          carried  out by the firm,  and any  steps  taken to deal with any such

     ---  All relationships  between the independent auditor and the Company (to
          assess the auditor's independence).

     In addition, the Committee shall set clear hiring policies for employees or
former  employees of the independent  auditors that meet the SEC regulations and
the New York Stock Exchange listing standards.

     The Committee shall discuss with the internal  auditors and the independent
auditors the overall scope and plans for their respective audits,  including the
adequacy of staffing and  compensation.  Also, the Committee  shall discuss with
management, the internal auditors, and the independent auditors the adequacy and
effectiveness of the accounting and financial controls,  including the Company's
policies and procedures to assess,  monitor, and manage business risk, and legal
and ethical compliance programs (e.g., Company's Code of Conduct).

     The Committee  shall meet  separately  periodically  with  management,  the
internal auditors,  and the independent  auditors to discuss issues and concerns
warranting   Committee   attention.   The  Committee  shall  provide  sufficient
opportunity  for the  internal  auditors  and the  independent  auditors to meet
privately with the members of the Committee. The Committee shall review with the
independent   auditor  any  audit  problems  or  difficulties  and  management's


     The Committee shall receive regular reports from the independent auditor on
the  critical  policies  and  practices  of the  Company,  and  all  alternative
treatments  of  financial   information  within  generally  accepted  accounting
principles that have been discussed with management.

     The Committee shall review management's  assertion on its assessment of the
effectiveness of internal  controls as of the end of the most recent fiscal year
and the independent auditors' report on management's assertion.

     The Committee shall review and discuss earnings press releases,  as well as
financial  information  and  earnings  guidance  provided to analysts and rating

     The Committee shall review the interim financial statements and disclosures
under Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Operations with  management and the independent  auditors prior to the filing of
the Company's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q. Also, the Committee shall discuss
the  results  of the  quarterly  review  and any other  matters  required  to be
communicated  to the  committee  by the  independent  auditors  under  generally
accepted auditing standards. The chair of the Committee may represent the entire
Committee for the purposes of this review.

     The Committee shall review with management and the independent auditors the
financial statements and disclosures under Management's  Discussion and Analysis
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations to be included in the Company's
Annual Report on Form 10-K (or the annual report to  shareholders if distributed
prior to the filing of Form 10-K),  including  their judgment about the quality,
not just the  acceptability,  of accounting  principles,  the  reasonableness of
significant  judgments,  and the  clarity of the  disclosures  in the  financial
statements.  Also,  the Committee  shall discuss the results of the annual audit
and any other  matters  required  to be  communicated  to the  Committee  by the
independent auditors under generally accepted auditing standards.

     The Committee shall establish  procedures for the receipt,  retention,  and
treatment of complaints  received by the issuer regarding  accounting,  internal
accounting  controls,  or  auditing  matters,  and the  confidential,  anonymous
submission  by  employees  of the  issuer  of  concerns  regarding  questionable
accounting or auditing matters.

     The Committee shall receive corporate  attorneys'  reports of evidence of a
material violation of securities laws or breaches of fiduciary duty.

     The  Committee  also  prepares  its report to be included in the  Company's
annual proxy statement, as required by SEC regulations.

     The  Committee  shall perform an  evaluation  of its  performance  at least
annually to determine whether it is functioning effectively.


                                  ROLLINS, INC.
           Proxy Solicited by the Board of Directors of Rollins, Inc.
     for Annual Meeting of Stockholders, Tuesday, April 27, 2004, 1:30 P.M.

     The  undersigned  hereby  constitutes  and appoints  GARY W. ROLLINS and R.
RANDALL ROLLINS,  and each of them,  jointly and severally,  proxies,  with full
power of substitution,  to vote all shares of Common Stock which the undersigned
is entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  to be held on April
27, 2004, at 1:30 P.M. at 2170 Piedmont Road,  N.E.,  Atlanta,  Georgia,  or any
adjournment  thereof.

     The  undersigned  acknowledges  receipt of Notice of the Annual Meeting and
Proxy Statement, each dated March 19, 2004, grants authority to said proxies, or
either of them, or their substitutes,  to act in the absence of others, with all
the powers which the  undersigned  would possess if  personally  present at such
meeting  and  hereby  ratifies  and  confirms  all that said  proxies,  or their
substitutes,  may lawfully do in the  undersigned's  name,  place or stead.  The
undersigned instructs said proxies, or either of them, to vote as follows:

1.  |_|    FOR Wilton Looney and Bill J. Dismuke                                |_|  WITHHOLD authority to vote for the
           as Class III Directors, except as set forth below                         election  of all  Class III nominees

          (INSTRUCTIONS:  To refrain from voting for any individual nominee, write that nominee's name on the line provided below:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                  ROLLINS, INC.
                           (continued from other side)


                                    Please sign below, date and return promptly.




                                     (Signature should conform to name and title
                                     stenciled hereon.  Executors,
                                     administrators, trustees, guardians and
                                     attorneys should add their title upon

                          MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES.