STANDARD FORM A OF
                              EXECUTIVE BONUS PLAN

[Rollins logo] Executive Offices

                             PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL

TO:      [NAME OF RECIPIENT]             FROM:          Gary W. Rollins*

         * [cover memo is not delivered with Gary Rollins's bonus plan]

DATE:    [DATE]                          OFFICE:        [TITLE OF RECIPIENT]


COPIES:         file

I am  pleased  to  enclose  your  [PREVIOUS  YEAR]  Executive  Bonus  check  and

Additionally,  the Rollins, Inc. Board of Directors  Compensation  Committee has
approved your participation in a [CURRENT YEAR] Executive Bonus Plan program and
the details of your bonus opportunity are enclosed.

This plan is designed to support  shareholder  interests  by  rewarding  you for
Rollins Inc.'s achievements in the areas of Profit Improvements, Profit to Plan,
and Combined Revenues to Plan.

Attached are two copies of your [CURRENT YEAR] Executive Bonus Plan. Please keep
one copy for your  records  and return one signed  copy to Human  Resources  for
company  record  keeping  purposes.  Also attached is a copy of the Agreement to
Arbitrate,  which,  according to our Company  Dispute  Resolution  Policy,  is a
required document of every bonus-eligible employee.  Please return a signed copy
of the Agreement to Arbitrate  with your signed bonus plan.  You are required to
sign it only once.

With your assistance we expect [CURRENT YEAR] to be a continuation of our profit
and revenue  successes that we've established over recent years. Your individual
efforts  will  be key to the  success  of the  Company  for  our  employees  and

                              [TITLE OF RECIPIENT]
                    Incentive Compensation Plan - [PLAN YEAR]

                            FOR: [NAME OF RECIPIENT]

The elements of the plan are as follows:


The Profit to Plan element will be paid according to the following scale up to a
maximum of 20% of your annual salary:

      -------------------------------------- ------------------------------
        Rollins Inc. Pre-Tax Profit to            Annual % of Salary
               Plan Achievement
      -------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                    100+%                               20%
      -------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                    97.5%                               15%
      -------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                     95%                                10%
      -------------------------------------- ------------------------------
                     90%                                5%
      -------------------------------------- ------------------------------

The Company must have a profit and a profit  improvement  for this element to be

Your CY [YEAR] Pre-Tax Profit Plan is:          $[TARGET AMOUNT]
                                                  Annual [YEAR]


You will be paid [1.12% for chairman of the board, 1.56% for CEO of Rollins, .7%
for President of Orkin] of the profit  increase up to the maximum of 20% of your
annual salary.

The Company must have a profit and a profit  improvement  for this element to be

Your CY[LAST YEAR] Pre-Tax Adjusted Profit base was:          $
                                                                   Annual `0__


The Revenue to Planned  Increase element will be paid according to the following
scale up to a maximum of 20% of your annual salary:

              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
               Rollins Inc. Combined Net Revenue       Planned Percentage           Annual % of Salary
                to Planned Increase Achievement     Increase over Prior Year
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                             100%                            _____%                         20%
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                          95 - 99.9%                         _____%                         15%
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                          90 - 94.9%                         _____%                         10%
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------
                          85 - 89.9%                         _____%                         5%
              ------------------------------------ ---------------------------- ----------------------------

The Company must have a profit and a profit  improvement  for this element to be

Your CY0__ Combined Revenue Plan is:

  $[plan year target amt.]       $__________          [target percentage]
  ------------------------       -----------       --------------------------
  Annual '0__                    Actual '0__              % increase

                        Glossary of Terms and Conditions

                    [year] Rollins, Inc. Executive Bonus Plan

I.   General Plan Qualifiers and Provisions

     A.   The plan year for this bonus is January 1, 200_ to December 31, 200_.

     B.   Your bonus plan is subject to change each year.

     C.   Your bonus will be calculated using your actual current base salary as
          of December 31, 200_.

     D.   Your  eligibility  for a bonus and the amount  due will be  determined
          solely by the Company.

     E.   Bonus  payments  will be made in one lump sum no later  than March 15,
          200_, minus  applicable state and federal taxes.  Other deductions may
          apply, e.g., 401(K) deductions, etc.

     F.   You must be employed in the same  position on December  31, 200_ to be
          eligible for a bonus, except as described below in (H.)

     G.   You will not  receive a bonus if for any  reason you are in a position
          on December  31, 200_ that is not  eligible  for a bonus or if you are
          not actively employed on the date that the bonus is paid.

     H.   If you are  promoted  during  the plan  year  from one  bonus-eligible
          position  to another  bonus-eligible  position,  the bonus  components
          common to both plans carry over to the new position.  Plan  components
          unique to the original  bonus-eligible  position will be paid based on
          time  spent in the  position  (must be at least 50 percent of the plan
          year).  Bonus amounts on these unique components will be calculated at
          the time of the transfer based on year-to-date results.

     I.   If you are hired into a bonus-eligible position during the year, or if
          you  are  promoted  during  the  plan  year  from a  position  that is
          ineligible  for a bonus into a  bonus-eligible  position,  you will be
          eligible  for a  pro-rated  bonus  if you  are  in the  bonus-eligible
          position for at least 50 percent of the plan year.

     J.   You will not  receive  any  bonus if you  falsify  documents,  violate
          company  policy  or know of  such  actions  by  employees  under  your
          direction without taking corrective actions.

     K.   Any  disputes  over your bonus will be  resolved  by the  Compensation

     L.   The Compensation  Committee  reserves the right to reward  outstanding
          performance  in unique  situations  by  awarding  an  employee a bonus
          outside the terms of the 200_ Home Office Bonus Plan.

     M.   The  actual  profit  from  which the bonus  may be  determined  may be
          subject to adjustments as recommended by the President and approved by
          the Compensation Committee for the year 200_.

     N.   Acquisitions  over  $5,000,000 in revenue will be added to the Company
          strategic  plan  (revenue  and  profit)  based  on a pro  forma of the
          acquisition model for bonus calculations.

II.  Plan Components

          A.   General Provisions
               The  200_  Home  Office   Executive   Bonus  Plans  divide  bonus
               opportunity into three  components:  profit to plan  performance,
               profit  increase over last year, and combined  revenue to planned
               increase.  No bonus will be paid under any  component  if Rollins
               Inc.'s pre-tax profit does not result in a profit  improvement in
               200_, as compared to 2004.

          B.   Profit Increase Performance Component
                If Rollins Inc.'s pre-tax profit in 200_ increases compared to
                2004, you will receive a percentage of the profit increase up to
                the maximum allowable percentage of salary under your bonus plan
                for this component.

          C.   Profit To Plan Performance Component
               If Rollins  Inc.'s  pre-tax  profit  meets or exceeds  90% of the
               Company's plan in 200_, you will receive a bonus based on a scale
               up to the maximum allowable percentage of salary under your bonus
               plan for this component. Payouts will begin at 90% of Profit Plan
               and rise to 100% payout at 100% of Profit Plan.

          D.   Combined Revenue to Planned Increase
               If Rollins  Inc.'s  combined  revenues  meet or exceed 85% of the
               Company's  revenue planned  increase for 200_, you will receive a
               bonus based on a scale up to the maximum allowable  percentage of
               salary under your bonus plan for this component.


     I have received and read a copy of my Incentive Plan with the  accompanying
     Glossary of Terms and Conditions.  I understand that  participation in this
     Plan should in no way be construed  as a contract or promise of  employment
     and/or  compensation.  Employment is at-will,  and therefore employment and
     compensation can terminate,

     with or without cause and with or without notice, at any time at the option
     of the Company or employee. I also understand that this Incentive Plan will
     be subject to review, and likely to change next year.

- ----------------------------------------                      -----------
Plan Participant                                              Date