May 15, 1996

Dear Shareholder:

The  proxy form sent to you with the annual report  has  not
been  received  by  us.  We are anxious to  have  all  stock
represented at our meeting.  Even though you plan to  attend
in  person,  it  is still important that you  send  in  your
proxy.   The proxy can be revoked prior to or at the meeting
and you can vote your shares in person.

We  hope you will attend this meeting.  However, please sign
the  duplicate  proxy we have provided  and  return  in  the
enclosed  envelope.  If stock is registered in the  name  of
two  or more persons, each must sign whether it states "and"
or  "or."  If one party is deceased, please write "deceased"
on the proxy.  If you have already mailed your proxy, please
disregard this notice.

If  you  have  any questions regarding the meeting  or  your
proxy, please feel free to call 916-786-1111 or 786-1112.



Chairman of the Board
