SAFETY-KLEEN CORP.
                                                       1000 N. Randall Road
                                                       Elgin, IL 60123

                                                       (847) 697-8460
                                                       For further information:


                      15% INCREASE IN NET EARNINGS FOR 1996

ELGIN, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 10, 1997 -- Safety-Kleen Corp. today announced record
fourth quarter and full year results for the period ended December 28, 1996.

Revenue for the year increased 7% to $923 million, compared with $859 million in
1995. Net earnings grew 15% to $61.1 million, compared with $53.3 million one
year ago. On a per share basis, earnings were $1.05, up 14% from $.92 one year

For the sixteen weeks ended December 28, 1996, revenue increased 12% to $297
million compared with $264 million in the similar quarter in 1995. Net income
was $20.4 million, up $2.4 million or 14% over the fourth quarter one year ago.

Safety-Kleen President and Chief Executive Officer, John G. Johnson, Jr.,
underlined the Company's solid performance in 1996. "We are extremely pleased
with our achievements in both revenue and earnings growth. As expected, the
Company's Industrial Services and Oil Recovery Services represent the largest
share of the revenue increase during the year. The new Vacuum Service business
for the Automotive/Retail Repair market contributed $5 million to consolidated
revenue. Additionally, our European operations posted a $7 million or 7%
increase in revenue over the previous year. The increase in net income reflects
both revenue growth and our focus on greater efficiencies in our recycle
operations together with other cost improvements."

Johnson further commented on the fourth quarter performance, "Compared with the
same quarter of 1995, revenue from our North American Industrial Parts Cleaner
Service grew 12%, our Industrial Fluid Recovery Service increased 22%, Imaging
Services was up 30%, and the Oil Recovery Service gained 18%. Our Oil Recovery
Service ("ORS") revenue reflects the acquisition made in early 1996 of certain
assets of Industrial Service Corp," Johnson noted.

Johnson further added, "Net earnings of our Oil Recovery Service were impacted
in 1996 due largely to lower lube oil selling prices witnessed in the fourth
quarter. Our average base oil selling price in the final quarter of
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Printed on recycled paper.

1996 decreased by approximately 7.5% from the fourth quarter of 1995. The
declining price of lube oil reflects excess industry capacity from two new
plants which are projected to add approximately a 10% increase to the total
capacity in North America."

"Looking ahead to 1997, the Company expects continued growth in its Industrial
Services and, with the addition of the new Vacuum Service, anticipates a
stronger year in the Automotive/Retail Repair Service as well. Although the
depressed base oil pricing will affect the Oil Recovery Services performance
until some of the older, less-efficient plants shut down, we remain focused on
generating double digit consolidated revenue and earnings growth in 1997,"
concluded Johnson.

Safety-Kleen is an environmental and industrial service company dedicated to
helping businesses recycle and process their waste streams. Safety-Kleen's stock
is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "SK". For further
information, visit "SK" on the internet at www.safety-kleen.com. To request
specific information, contact finance@safety-kleen.com.

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act Disclosure

This press release contains various forward-looking statements, including
revenue and operating projections. There are many factors that could cause
actual results to differ materially, such as: adoption of new environmental laws
and regulations and changes in the ways such laws and regulations are
interpreted and enforced; general business conditions, such as the level of
competition, changes in demand for the Company's services and the strength of
the economy in general; and prices for petroleum based products.
                                     - END -

                      (thousands, except per share amounts)

                                       ------------------------ -------------------------
                                               SIXTEEN                 FIFTY-TWO
                                             WEEKS ENDED              WEEKS ENDED
                                        Dec. 28,    Dec. 30,      Dec. 28,    Dec. 30,
                                          1996        1995          1996        1995
  North America

     Industrial Services
       Parts Cleaner                       $41,527     $37,045      $128,801    $118,854
       Fluid Recovery                       46,451      38,186       143,038     122,762
       Total Industrial                     87,978      75,231       271,839     241,616

     Automotive/Retail                      79,662      73,314       244,969     239,668
Repair Services
     Oil Recovery Services                  48,350      40,805       150,838     129,039
     Other                                  46,561      43,756       149,156     149,755
     Total North America                   262,551     233,106       816,802     760,078

  Europe                                    34,399      30,865       106,324      99,173

Consolidated Revenue                       296,950     263,971       923,126     859,251

Operating costs and expenses               216,086     191,827       671,971     628,469
Selling and administrative expenses         41,382      36,339       131,665     122,319

Restructuring Credit                        -         (15,217)       -          (15,217)
Charge for Remediation Costs                -           11,956       -            11,956

Operating income                            39,482      39,066       119,490     111,724
Interest income                                758         318         1,398         974
Interest expense                           (6,142)     (6,172)      (19,240)    (20,230)

Earnings before income taxes                34,098      33,212       101,648      92,468

Income taxes                                13,674      15,237        40,539      39,165

Net earnings                               $20,424     $17,975       $61,109     $53,303
                                       ======================== =========================

Earnings per common and
  equivalent share                           $0.35       $0.31         $1.05       $0.92
                                       ======================== =========================

Average number of common and
  equivalent shares                         58,364      57,882        58,152      57,857
                                       ======================== =========================

Cash dividends per common                    $0.09       $0.09         $0.36       $0.36
                                       ========================= =========================

- ------------------------------
1.  The 16 weeks ended December 30, 1995 included a pre-tax charge of $12
    million to increase the Company's reserves for
    environmental remediation costs at its facilities.  In addition, the
    results for the fourth interim period of 1995 included a
    $15.2 million pre-tax credit to income to reduce the amount of
    restructuring reserves, previously established in 1993, to the
    expected required levels.  These two items combined
    after-tax had no effect on net earnings.

2.  The Company's interim reporting periods are twelve weeks each for the first
    three reporting periods of the year and sixteen weeks for the fourth
    reporting period.