The Directors of Safety-Kleen Corp. have heretofore decided to compensate
      their officers and key management personnel under a compensation plan that
      will include base salary plus incentive bonus. The purpose of the
      incentive plan is to supplement by incentive bonuses the remuneration for
      officers and key management personnel which is competitive externally,
      equitable internally, and properly rewarding for performance in the
      responsibility assigned. On the recommendation of the Compensation
      Committee, the following Management Incentive Plan is hereby established
      for officers and key management personnel of the Company.


      Each year the Board of Directors will establish an EVA Target for the year
      and create an incentive fund, consisting of both a formula and
      discretionary fund, based on the improvement in EVA relative to the target
      as Follows:

      A.    Expected EVA improvement is the dollar amount by which EVA must
            increase in any plan year relative to the actual EVA achieved in the
            prior plan year, in order for target bonuses to be funded

            Expected EVA improvement is an estimate of investor's expectations
            for Safety-Kleen operating performance. This estimate is derived
            based on the relationship between Safety-Kleen's market
            capitalization, its Capital, and its current EVA as of a certain

      B.    EVA INTERVAL

            The EVA Interval represents the amount of deviation from Expected
            EVA Improvement that doubles (positive deviation) or eliminates
            (negative deviation) target bonuses.

            The EVA Interval reflects the inherent volatility of a business to
            ensure that short-term cyclical business changes do not result in
            extreme positive or negative bonus declarations. The effect of a
            volatility based interval is that: (1) zero bonuses are declared for
            performance at about the 15th percentile of potential outcomes; and
            (2) Two times target bonuses are declared for performance at about
            the 85th percentile of potential outcomes.

            The EVA Interval for Safety-Kleen is initially based on the
            volatility of Safety-Kleen stock and the relationship of stock price
            to EVA improvement. The EVA Interval in future plan years will
            change in proportion to the aggregate target bonus pool. This
            maintains a consistent share of incremental EVA improvement between
            management and the shareholders.


            In addition to the fund created by the above calculations, an
            additional fund consisting of an amount not exceeding 50% of the
            formula amount will be available for discretionary incentive



            Determination of who will participate in the Plan will be determined
            by the Compensation Committee (Committee). The Chief Executive
            Officer/Chairman of the Board (Chairman) and the President/COO
            (President) in consultation with other corporate officers, will make
            recommendations to the Committee. Eligibility will be in accordance
            with job responsibility and salary grade. The list of job
            classifications to be included in the Plan will be submitted at the
            beginning of each calendar year for the approval of the Committee.


            The percentage share formula incentive fund for each officer
            participant will be recommended by the President and the Chairman
            and submitted to the Compensation Committee for its approval at the
            beginning of each calendar year. Non-officer participant percent
            shares will be developed by the President and the Chairman in
            consultation with other officers.


            The individual share calculations for the formula incentive
            resulting from the above calculation, together with the recommended
            discretionary share, which can range from 0% to 50% of the formula
            amount, shall be submitted to the Compensation Committee for its
            final approval during the first quarter of the year following the
            fiscal year involved.

            The President and the Chairman will recommend the discretionary
            amount for each officer based on his analysis of each individual's
            performance during the year. A non-officer participant's
            discretionary share will be recommended by the participant's
            immediate supervisor for approval by the President and the Chairman.

      D.    BONUS BANK

            Declared bonuses for participants will be paid from a Bonus Bank. A
            participant's declared bonus in a given year will be deposited into
            the Bonus Bank (and thereby added to any existing Bonus Bank
            balance). (Exhibit 1)

            Bonuses will be paid from the Bonus Bank as follows:

            1.    100% of available Bonus Bank balance will be paid up to
                  the participant's target award;

            2.    an additional 1/3 of any excess positive Bonus Bank balance
                  will also be paid in the given year;

            3.    the remaining 2/3 of any excess positive Bonus Bank balance
                  will remain in the Bonus Bank, to be paid out in future years
                  based on future EVA performance of the participant's EVA
                  business unit.


      The President and the Chairman shall notify the Compensation Committee of
      the Board regarding officers and the key management position that will be
      included in the Plan for the current year. Such a list should be
      determined as early as possible in any fiscal year and no later than the
      end of the first quarter of each fiscal year. Early identification of
      participants is desirable to provide maximum opportunity for communicating
      throughout the year regarding company performance and each individual
      participant's related bonus opportunity, thereby maximizing the
      effectiveness of the Incentive Plan.



            To be eligible to participate under the plan, an officer or employee
            must be actively employed with the company on the last working day
            of the year for which the year's compensation is payable; provided,
            that in the event a participant's employment is terminated prior to
            year-end by reason of death occurring after June 1, his share of the
            formula incentive fund will be adjusted on the basis of his
            full-year share, prorated for the period of his actual employment.


            In the event a participant's employment commences after January 1st
            and before October 1st, adjustment of his share of the formula
            incentive fund will be on the basis of his full share, prorated for
            the period of the participant's actual employment. Participants
            hired after October 1st will not receive an award for the current

      C.    TRANSFERS

            A plan participant who is transferred from one EVA business unit to
            another EVA business unit during a plan year will receive bonus
            declarations and payments according to the following rules:

            1.    The award declared for the year of the transfer will be
                  determined according to the full year EVA results of both EVA
                  business units in which the participant worked during the plan
                  year, and pro rated based on the number of months of service
                  in each EVA business unit.

            2.    Any positive or negative bonus bank balance will be carried


            In cases of termination's due to retirement at or after attainment
            of age 55, death, disability, reduction in force, or the sale or
            closing of a plant or EVA business unit, all positive Bonus Bank
            balances attributable to a terminating participant will be paid in
            full at the end of the plan year of termination.

            Bonus Bank balances are forfeitable upon termination for any reason
            not delineated above.


      A.    In the event of a Change of Control, the Company shall pay or
            cause to be paid to each eligible participant as of the date of
            the Change of Control a bonus ("the Guaranteed Bonus") for each
            performance period which ends after the Change of Control.
            "Performance Period" means each period of time designated in
            accordance with any bonus arrangement ("Bonus Plan") which is
            based upon performance and approved by the Board or any committee
            of the Board.  The Guaranteed Bonus shall be at least equal to
            the greatest of:

            1.    The On Plan Bonus, which shall mean the cash bonus which the
                  Participant would accrue under any Bonus Plan for the
                  Performance Period for which the Guaranteed Bonus is awarded
                  ("Current Performance Period") as if the performance achieved
                  100% of plan established pursuant to such Bonus Plan and the
                  maximum level of discretionary portion is achieved;

            2.    The Actual Bonus, which shall mean the cash bonus which the
                  Participant would accrue under any Bonus Plan for the Current
                  Performance Period if the performance during the Current
                  Performance Period were measured by actual performance and the
                  maximum level of discretionary portion is achieved; and

            3.    The Historical Bonus, which shall mean the bonus that the
                  Participant accrued in the last Performance Period that ended
                  before the Change of Control.

      B.    "Change of Control" means the occurrence of any of the following:

            1.    any person (as such term is used in Rule 13(d)-5 of the
                  SEC under the 1934 Act) or group (as such term is defined
                  in Section 13(d) of the 1934 Act), other than a Subsidiary
                  or any employee benefit plan (or any related trust) of the
                  Company or a Subsidiary, becomes the beneficial owner of
                  twenty percent (20%) or more  of the common stock of the
                  Company or of Voting Securities representing 20% or more of
                  the combined voting power of all Voting Securities of the

            2.    Within a period of twenty-four (24) months or less, the
                  individuals who, as of any date, constitute the Board (the
                  "Incumbent Directors") cease for any reason to constitute at
                  least a majority of the Board unless at the end of such
                  period, the majority of individuals then constituting the
                  Board were nominated upon recommendation of a majority of the
                  Incumbent Directors.

            3.    Approval by the stockholders of the Company of any of the

                  a)    a merger, reorganization or consolidation ("Merger")
                        with respect to which the individuals and entities
                        who were the respective beneficial owners of the
                        stock and Voting Securities of the Company
                        immediately before such Merger do no, after such
                        Merger, beneficially own, directly or indirectly,
                        more than 80 percent (80%) of, respectively, the
                        common stock and the combined voting power of the
                        Voting Securities of the corporation resulting from
                        such Merger in substantially the same proportion as
                        their ownership immediately before such Merger, or

                  b)    the sale or other disposition of all or
                        substantially all of the assets of the Company.


      A.    Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, all matters pertaining to
            the administration of this Plan, including but not limited to the
            determination of the Fund amount, selection of participants, amounts
            of awards to be paid to individual participants, and other policy
            matters, shall be within the sole discretion of the Board of

      B.    Nothing in this document is to be construed as to provide for a
            duplicative payment under the Change of Control Severance Agreement
            for any participant covered by such an agreement.

      C.    This plan may be revoked, amended or revised by the Board of
            Directors of the Company. In the event that the Plan is revoked,
            amended or revised during the Plan year, participants will be paid a
            bonus pro-rated to the date the Plan is revoked, amended or revised
            based upon the Plan formula. A discretionary award will be granted
            that is no less than the award granted in the previous year as
            determined by the Board of Directors.

                                    EXHIBIT 1



   Base Salary                    $100,000     Plan Year EVA(R)($000s)      1,055.0
   Target Award %                      30%     Prior Year Actual EVA(R)     (6,445.0)
   Target EVA Award                $27,000     Expected EVA(R) Improvement  6,500.0
   Beginning Bonus Bank Balance$     5,000     EVA(R) Interval              12,500.0

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  Plan Year EVA                 $1,055.0
            -     Prior Year Actual EVA         (6,445.0)
            =     EVA Improvement               7,500.0
            -     Expected EVA Improvement      6,500.0
            =     Excess EVA Improvement        1,000.0
            /     EVA Interval                  12,500.0
            =     Performance Multiple          8.0%
            +     Target Multiple               100.0%
            =     Bonus Multiple                108.0%
            x     Target Bonus                  27,000.0
            =     Bonus Declaration             29,160.0


                              EXHIBIT 1 (CONTINUED)

                            CALCULATION OF BONUS PAID

                  Beginning Bonus Bank Balance        $5,000.0
            +     Plan Year Bonus Declaration         29,160.0
            =     Available Bonus Bank Balance        34,160.0
            -     Target Bonus                        27,000.0
            =     Excess Bonus Bank Balance            7,160.0

                  Payment up to Target Bonus          27,000.0
            +     1/3 Excess Bonus Bank Balance        2,386.7
            =     Plan Year Payment                   29,386.7

                  Available Bonus Bank Balance        34,160.0
            -     Plan Year Payment                   29,386.7
            =     Ending Bonus Bank Balance            4,773.3