AS RESTATED
                     DECEMBER 1, 1989

     ARTICLE                                                   PAGE
              PREAMBLE  1
     I        DEFINITIONS                                        2
     II       SERVICE   9
     III      MEMBERSHIP                                         12
     IV       ELIGIBILITY FOR PLAN BENEFITS                      13
     V        BENEFIT ACCRUAL                                    14
     VI       AMOUNT OF BENEFIT                                  16
     VII      MANNER AND FORM OF PAYMENT                         20
     VIII     CONTRIBUTIONS AND FUNDING                          27
     X        TOP-HEAVY PLAN YEARS                               34
     XI       ADMINISTRATION; CLAIMS PROCEDURE                   40
     XII      THE TRUST FUND                                     43
              EMPLOYEES 47

     XV       MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS                           48

              APPENDIX A                                         50


     Salant Corporation hereby amends the Salant Corporation
Retirement Plan (the "Plan") and the Manhattan Industries Inc. Employees'
Benefit Plan (the "Manhattan Plan") to comply with requirements of the
Tax Reform Act of 1986, the Revenue Act of 1987, the Technical and
Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1989, the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of
1989, the Unemployment Compensation Amendments of 1992 and the
Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 (the "Acts") effective as of December
1, 1989 with respect to the Plan and February 1, 1989 with respect to the
Manhattan Plan, or with respect to certain provisions as of the pertinent
effective dates contained in the provisions of the Acts, merges the
Manhattan Plan into the Plan effective as of March 1, 1992 and restates the
Plan as follows:

         ARTICLE I


The following words and phrases when us4p13ed with the initial capital
letter throughout this Plan and any subsequent amendment thereof shall
have the meanings set forth below unless a different meaning is plainly
required by the context.

1.1  "Accrued Benefit" means the monthly amount of benefit to
     which a Member would be entitled, determined in accordance
     with Article V, commencing on the later of (a) his Normal
     Retirement Date and (b) his Benefit Commencement Date with
     the manner of payment being a Life Annuity as described in
     Section 7.3.

1.2  "Actuarial Equivalent" means

     (a)      in the case of a benefit other than a lump sum, an
     amount of equivalent value determined on the basis of (1) the
     Member's (and where applicable, the beneficiary's) age as of
     his Benefit Commencement Date, (2) the 1971 Group Annuity
     Mortality Table weighted 60% female, 40% male for Members
     and 60% male, 40% female for beneficiaries, and (3) an
     investment rate of 7% compounded annually; and

     (b)      in the case of a lump sum payable to a Member or
     former Member, an amount equivalent to the present value as
     of the Member's Benefit Commencement Date of the Member's
     Retirement Benefit or Vested Deferred Benefit payable as of
     his Normal Retirement Date in the form of a single life
     annuity, determined on the basis of (1) the Member's age as of
     his Benefit Commencement Date, and (2) the mortality table
     specified in (a) and (3) the interest rates promulgated by the
     Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation for single employer plan
     terminations occurring on the first day of the Plan Year of the
     date of payment.

     (c)      in the case of a lump sum payable to the surviving
     Spouse or beneficiary of a Member, an amount equivalent to
     the present value, as of the Benefit Commencement Date, of
     the survivor annuity payable under Section 4.6 or 4.7 in the
     form of a single life annuity commencing on the date specified
     in Section 7.8 or 7.9 based on (1) the age of the surviving
     Spouse or beneficiary as of the Benefit Commencement Date,
     (2) the Mortality Tables described in Subsection (a) above, and
     (3) the interest rates promulgated by the Pension Benefit
     Guaranty Corporation for single employer terminations
     occurring on the first day of the Plan Year of the date of

     In determining the Actuarial Equivalent of the minimum
     Accrued Benefit under Section 5.2 of a Member who was a
     participant in the Manhattan Plan, the actuarial equivalent
     factors set forth in the Manhattan Plan prior to this restatement
     shall be used.

1.3  "Affiliate" means any corporation or unincorporated business
     in control of, controlled by, or under common control with, the
     Company within the meaning of Sections 414(b) and (c) of the
     Code and any organization which is a member of an affiliated
     service group of which the Company is a Member within the
     meaning of Section 414(m) of the Code; provided, however,
     that, for the purposes of the limitations upon the benefits of a
     member contained in Article IX, "Affiliate" status shall be
     determined in accordance with Section 415(h) of the Code. 
     Except to the extent approved by the Board of Directors, a
     corporation or unincorporated business shall not be deemed an
     Affiliate for any purpose under the Plan with respect to any
     period before it becomes an Affiliate.

1.4  "Average Final Compensation" means an Employee's average
     annual Compensation received during the five consecutive
     calendar years (disregarding calendar years in which the
     Employee was not employed during the entire calendar year,
     unless including the Compensation for such a calendar year
     results in a greater Average Final Compensation) in the last
     fifteen years of his Service affording the highest such average
     Compensation.  In the case of an Employee with fewer than
     five complete consecutive calendar years of Compensation,
     Final Average Compensation will be the Employee's average
     monthly compensation for those months in his Period of
     Service during which he was paid for the complete month
     multiplied by twelve.

1.5  "Benefit Commencement Date" means the date on which a
     Member's benefit payments commence under the Plan.

1.6  "Board of Directors"  means the Board of Directors of Salant

1.7  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

1.8  "Committee" means the person or persons appointed by the
     Board to administer the Plan.

1.9  "Company" means Salant Corporation and any other Affiliate
     or other entity which, with the consent of the Board of
     Directors, has adopted the Plan and any successor to such
     Company.  Each participating Company delegates all such
     rights, powers, and duties, including amendment or termination
     of the Plan, to Salant Corporation.  Appendix A to the Plan
     lists the Companies that have adopted the Plan and the
     effective date of such adoption.

1.10 "Compensation" means the total wages within the meaning of
     Section 3401(a) of the Code and all other payments of
     compensation paid by the Company to an employee for which
     the Company is required to furnish the employee a written
     statement under Sections 6041(d), 6051(a)(3) and 6052 of the
     Code with respect to any period of Service together with any
     salary deferral contributions made under the Company's
     Savings and Investment Plan or any other employee plan
     qualified under Section 401(k) or Section 125 of the Code, but
     excluding all of the following items (even if includible in
     gross income): reimbursements or other expense allowances,
     fringe benefits (cash and non-cash), moving expenses, deferred
     compensation and welfare benefits, severance payments to
     former Employees, income from the exercise of stock options,
     and any amount in excess of the amount specified in Section
     401(a)(17) of the Code (as amended by the Revenue
     Reconciliation Act of 1993 and as adjusted for increases in the
     cost of living by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to
     Section 401(a)(17)(B) of the Code).  "Compensation" earned
     prior to December 1, 1989 (February 1, 1989 in the case of a
     Member who participated in the Manhattan Plan) shall be,
     determined based upon the terms of the Plan (or the Manhattan
     Plan, if applicable) as in effect prior to such date. 
     Compensation earned prior to January 1, 1992 by Denton
     Mills and West Dallas Employees, and Compensation earned
     by an individual while he is not classified as an Employee,
     shall be disregarded.

1.11 "Covered Compensation" means, with respect to a Member,
     the average (without indexing) of the Social Security Limits in
     effect for each calendar year during the 35-year period ending
     with the last day of the calendar year in which the Member
     attains, or will attain, Social Security Retirement Age.  In
     determining a Member's Covered Compensation for a Plan
     Year, the Social Security Limit for such Plan Year and any
     subsequent Plan Year shall be assumed to be the same as the
     Social Security Limit in effect as of the beginning of such
     Plan Year.  A Member's Covered Compensation for a Plan
     Year commencing after the 35-year period described above is
     his Covered Compensation for the Plan Year during which the
     35-year period ends.  A Member's Covered Compensation for
     a Plan Year prior to the 35-year period described above is the
     Social Security Limit as of the beginning of such Plan Year.

1.12 "Deferred Retirement" means a Member's retirement after his
     Normal Retirement Date.

1.13 "Deferred Retirement Date" means the first day of the month
     coincident with or next following a Member's Deferred

1.14 "Early Retirement Age" means (a) the date a Member has both
     (1) attained his 55th birthday and (2) completed a 10-year
     period of Vesting Service, (b) with respect to a Member whose
     Severance from Service Date is prior to January 1, 1994, the
     date the Member has both (1) attained his 60th birthday and
     (2) completed a 10-year period of Vesting Service, or (c) with
     respect to a Member who was a participant in the Manhattan
     Plan whose Severance from Service Date is prior to January 1,
     1994, the date a Member has both (1) attained his 55th
     birthday and (2) completed a 20-year period of Vesting
     Service, if such date is earlier than the date determined in (b)

1.15 "Early Retirement Date" means the first day of any month
     before his Normal Retirement Age as of which a Member
     elects to retire provided he has attained his Early Retirement
     Age by such date.

1.16 "Effective Date" means June 3, 1973.

1.17 "Eligible Spouse" means the person to whom a Member has
     been legally married during the 12-month period immediately
     preceding the Member's date of death, if such death is earlier
     than his Benefit Commencement Date, or the person to whom
     a Member is legally married as of such date, if applicable.

1.18 "Employee" means any person, including officers, employed
     by the Company who is classified by the Committee under
     uniform rules as a regular salaried, office, sales, security,
     supervisory or technical employee, provided that no such
     person shall be an Employee if such person is included in a
     unit of employees covered by a collective bargaining
     agreement between employee representatives and the Company
     or an Affiliate, unless such agreement provides that such
     employees shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.

1.19 "Employment Commencement Date" means the date on which
     an Employee first performs an Hour of Service for the

1.20 "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security
     Act of 1974, as amended.

1.21 "Hour of Service" means -

              (a)  each hour for which an Employee is paid or 
     entitled to payment, by the Company for the performance of
     duties for the Company, credited for 
     the Plan Year or other computation period in which such
     duties were performed; or

              (b)  each hour of a period during which no duties are
     performed due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity, layoff,
     jury duty, military duty or leave of absence; and

              (c)  each hour for which an Employee has been
     awarded, or is otherwise entitled to, back pay from the
     Company, irrespective of mitigation of damages, if he is not
     entitled to credit for such hour under any other Subsection of
     this Section 1.21.

1.22 "Manhattan Plan" means the Manhattan Industries, Inc.
     Employees' Benefit Plan as it existed prior to March 1, 1992,
     the date of its merger into the Plan.

1.23 "Member" means an Employee who satisfies the requirements
     for Membership pursuant to Article III, and whose
     Membership shall not have terminated pursuant to such Article
     and any former Employee who is receiving or is entitled to
     receive a deferred benefit under the Plan.

1.24 "Normal Retirement Age" means the later of (a) the date a
     Member attains his 65th birthday and (b) the fifth anniversary
     of the commencement of his participation in the Plan,
     provided, however, that in the case of a Member who was a
     participant in the Manhattan Plan and who attained age 65
     prior to January 1, 1992, "Normal Retirement Age" means the
     date such Member attains his 65th birthday.

1.25 "Normal Retirement Date" means the first day of the month
     coinciding with or next following a Member's Normal
     Retirement Age.

1.26 "Period of Service" means a period of Service commencing on
     an Employee's Employment Commencement Date or
     Reemployment Commencement Date, whichever is applicable,
     and ending on the earlier of the first anniversary of the date on
     which an Employee began a period of absence for any reason
     other than quit, retirement, discharge or death, and his
     Severance from Service Date, except as provided in Sections
     2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 for purposes of, respectively, eligibility,
     benefit accrual and vesting.

              The length of each Period of Service shall be equal to
     the number of complete years in such Period of Service,
     counting from the Employment Commencement Date on which
     it began, and including each month as 1/12 of a year and each
     partial month as a full month.

     The Period of Service of a Member who had been a
     participant in the Manhattan Plan shall be the greater of (a) the
     sum of (1) his "Service" as determined under the terms of the
     Manhattan Plan through January 31, 1991 and (2) his Period of
     Service commencing on February 1, 1991 or (b) the sum of (1)
     his "Service" as determined under the terms of the Manhattan
     Plan through January 31, 1992 and (2) his Period of Service
     commencing on February 1, 1992.

1.27 "Period of Severance" means the period of time commencing
     on an Employee's Severance from Service Date and ending on
     the date on which the Employee again performs an Hour of
     Service for the Company.

1.28 "Plan" means the provisions of the Salant Corporation
     Retirement Plan as restated and set forth herein; and prior to
     March 1, 1992 also means the provisions of the Manhattan
     Industries, Inc. Employees' Benefit Plan as restated and set
     forth herein.

1.29 "Plan Administrator" means Salant Corporation. 

1.30 "Plan Year" means for periods prior to December 1, 1991,
     each twelve month period beginning on December 1 and
     ending on November 30; the month of December 1991; and
     each calendar year thereafter.  With respect to the Manhattan
     Plan prior to the Merger, "Plan Year" means for periods prior
     to February 1, 1991, each twelve month period beginning on
     February 1 and ending on January 31; the eleven month period
     beginning on February 1, 1991 and ending on December 31,
     1991; and each calendar year thereafter.

1.31 "Profit Sharing Plan Company Amount" means any amount
     transferred to the Trust Fund attributable to the Company's
     contributions made under the Salaried Employees' Profit
     Sharing Savings Plan of Salant Corporation on behalf of the
     Member, together with interest compounded annually at the
     rate of 6% a year from the date of transfer.

1.32 "Profit Sharing Plan Member Amount" means any amount
     transferred to the Trust Fund attributable to a Member's
     contributions made under the Salaried Employees' Profit
     Sharing Savings Plan of Salant Corporation, together with
     interest compounded annually at the rate of 6% a year from
     the date of transfer.

1.33 "Reemployment Commencement Date" means the first day
     following a Period of Severance on which an Employee
     performs an Hour of Service for the Company.

1.34 "Retirement Date" means the Member's Early Retirement Date,
     Normal Retirement Date or Deferred Retirement Date, as the
     case may be.

1.35 "Service" means an Employee's period of employment with the
     Company credited in accordance with Article II.  For Members
     who participated in the Manhattan Plan, Service for periods
     prior to February 1, 1989 shall be determined based on the
     terms of the Manhattan Plan as in effect prior to such date.

     Service shall include periods during which an Employee is
     absent for military service provided employment is resumed
     within the period prescribed by the statutes of the United
     States, as from time to time in effect, for the exercise of
     veteran's reemployment rights and periods during which an
     employee is absent pursuant to an authorized leave of absence
     approved by the Committee under uniform rules.

     Service with an Affiliate shall be taken into account as
     provided under Section 2.1 and 2.3 for purposes of,
     respectively, eligibility and vesting.  For this purpose,

                   (a)  the word "Company" shall be replaced by
     the term "Company or Affiliate" whenever it appears in
     Sections 1.19, 1.21, 1.27, 1.33 and 1.36; and

                   (b)  the word "Employee" when used in those
     Sections enumerated in Subsection (a) shall include a person
     employed by an Affiliate.

     To the extent that such periods would have counted as Service
     had the employer then been the Company, Service shall also
     include periods of employment by any employer acting as a
     field warehouseman if such employment is determined by the
     Committee to be solely in connection with a field warehousing
     arrangement with the Company.

1.36 "Severance from Service Date" means the earlier of (a) the
     date on which an Employee quits, retires, is discharged or
     dies, and (b) the later of (1) the first anniversary of the first
     day of a period in which an Employee remains absent from
     Service (with or without pay) with the Company for any
     reason other than quit, retirement, discharge or death, such as
     vacation, holiday, sickness, disability, leave of absence or
     layoff, and (2) the second anniversary of the date on which an
     Employee began a period of absence for any reason other than
     quit, retirement, discharge or death, if his absence beyond the
     first anniversary of the date on which he began such absence
     is by reason of the pregnancy of such Employee, the birth of a
     child of such Employee, the placement of a child in
     connection with the adoption of such child by the Employee,
     or the caring for such child for a period beginning immediately
     following such birth or placement.

1.37 "Social Security Limit" means, with respect to any calendar
     year, the contribution and benefit base determined under
     section 230 of the Social Security Act for such calendar year.

1.38 "Social Security Retirement Age" means, in the case of a
     Member born before January l, l938, age 65; in the case of a
     Member born after December 3l, l937 and before January l,
     l955, age 66; and in the case of a Member born after
     December 3l, l954, age 67.

1.39 "Spousal Consent" means, with respect to the election by a
     Member to waive the Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity
     form pursuant to Section 7.2 or the Spouse's Benefit pursuant
     to Section 6.6, that

              (a)  the Member's Eligible Spouse consents in
     writing to such election, and the Spouse's consent
     acknowledges the effect of such election and is witnessed by a
     Member of the Committee or by a notary public; or

              (b)  it is established to the Committee's satisfaction
     that the consent required under Subsection (a) hereof is
     unobtainable because the Member is unmarried, because the
     Member's Eligible Spouse cannot be located, or because of
     such other circumstances as the Secretary of the Treasury may
     by regulation prescribe.

     Any such consent and any such determination as to the
     impossibility of obtaining such consent shall be effective only
     with respect to the individual who signs such consent or with
     respect to whom such determination is made and not with
     respect to any individual who may subsequently become the
     Eligible Spouse of such Member.

1.40 "Thomson Company Plan Company Amount" means an
     amount equal to the value of the Member's Benefit Units
     attributable to the Thomson Company contributions under the
     Retirement Plan of Thomson Company on behalf of the
     Member as of October 1, 1973 multiplied by a factor of 1.098,
     together with interest compounded annually at the rate of 6% a
     year from such date.

1.41 "Thomson Company Plan Member Amount" means any
     amount transferred to the Trust Fund attributable to a
     Member's contributions made under the Retirement Plan of the
     Thomson Company, together with interest compounded
     annually at the rate of 6% a year from October 2, 1973.

1.42 "Trust" or "Trust Fund" means the trust established pursuant to
     the Trust Agreement to hold the assets of the Plan.  The assets
     of the Plan may be held in one or more Trust Funds.

1.43 "Trust Agreement" means the agreement entered into between
     Salant Corporation and the Trustee pursuant to which the
     Trustee holds the Trust Fund.

1.44 "Trustee" means anyone serving as trustee under the Trust

              The masculine pronoun whenever used shall include the
     feminine and the singular shall include the plural.

           ARTIC                    LE II

SERVI                      CE

2.1  Eligibility Service

     Eligibility Service means the aggregate Period of Service
     credited to an Employee and not forfeited due to a Period of
     Severance in accordance with Section 2.4(a)(1).  For purposes
     of this Section 2.1, the aggregate Period of Service credited to
     an Employee shall include each Period of Service as an
     employee of the Company not included in the definition of
     Employee under Section 1.18, each Period of Service with an
     Affiliate and each Period of Severance taken into account
     under Section 2.4(b).

2.2  Benefit Accrual Service

     Benefit Accrual Service means the aggregate Period of Service
     credited to an Employee with the exception of (a) any Period
     of Service forfeited due to a Period of Severance in
     accordance with Section 2.4(a)(1), (b) any Period of Service
     by an individual while he is not classified as an Employee and
     (c) in the case of an Employee employed at the West Dallas or
     Denton Mills divisions of the Company, any Period of Service
     prior to January 1, 1992.

     To the extent that such period would count as Benefit Accrual
     Service if the employer were the Company, Benefit Accrual
     Service shall also include any period of employment by any
     employer acting as a field warehouseman if such employment
     is determined by the Committee to be solely in connection
     with a field warehousing arrangement with the Company,
     provided that the amount of retirement benefit payable to the
     Member or his beneficiary under this Plan attributable to any
     such period of employment shall be reduced (but not to less
     than zero) by the amount of any pension or other benefit
     derived from employer contributions attributable to such
     periods of employment that is payable to the Member or to his
     beneficiary under any other plan or arrangement to provide
     retirement benefits that is maintained in whole or in part at the
     expense of such employer.  For purposes of computing such
     reduction, the amount payable under any such plan or
     arrangement to provide retirement benefits shall be valued by
     the Committee to determine the appropriate actuarially
     equivalent value using the factors specified for such purpose
     under this Plan.

     Notwithstanding the above, to determine a Member's period of
     Benefit Accrual Service prior to January 1, 1979, he shall be
     considered to have completed a one-year Period of Benefit
     Accrual Service for each year of credited service earned in
     accordance with the provisions of the Plan as then in effect
     and shall receive credit for a one-year Period of Benefit
     Accrual Service for each year of such credited service.

2.3  Vesting Service

     Vesting Service means whole years of the aggregate Period of
     Service credited to an Employee, whether or not such Periods
     of Service were rendered consecutively.

     For purposes of this Section 2.3, the aggregate Periods of
     Service credited to an Employee shall include each Period of
     Service as an employee of the Company not included in the
     definition of Employee under Section 1.18, each Period of
     Service with an Affiliated Company and each Period of
     Severance taken into account under Section 2.4(b).

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, such aggregate Period
     of Service shall not include any Period of Service forfeited due
     to a Period of Severance in accordance with Section 2.4(a)(2).

     Notwithstanding the above, to determine a Member's period of
     Vesting Service prior to January 1, 1979, he shall be
     considered to have completed a one-year Period of Vesting
     Service for each year of credited service earned in accordance
     with the provisions of the Plan as then in effect and shall
     receive credit for a one-year Period of Vesting Service for
     each year of such credited service.

     The Vesting Service of a Member who had been a participant
     in the Manhattan Plan shall be the sum of his "Vesting
     Service" as determined under the terms of the Manhattan Plan
     through December 31, 1991 plus his Period of Service
     commencing on January 1, 1992.  Furthermore, if such a
     Member is credited with at 
     least 1,000 Hours of Service for the period from February 1,
     1991 through January 31, 1992 and is credited with a Period
     of Service of one year for the period for January 1, 1992
     through December 31, 1992 shall be credited with two whole
     years of Vesting Service for the period from February 1, 1991
     through December 31, 1992.

2.4  Period of Severance:

                   (a)  Effect of a Period of Severance

                        (1)  an Employee who incurs a Period of
     Severance before he has a vested interest under the Plan that
     equals or exceeds the greater of (A) his Period of Eligibility
     Service credited prior to such Period of Severance and (B) five
     years shall forfeit the Period of Eligibility Service and Period
     of Benefit Accrual Service previously credited to him.

                        (2)  an Employee who incurs a Period
     of Severance before he has a vested interest under the Plan
     that equals or exceeds the greater of (A) his Period of Vesting
     Service credited prior to the Period of Severance and (B) five
     years shall forfeit the Period of Vesting Service previously
     credited to him.

                        (3)  the Period of Service of a person
     who incurs a Period of Severance shall include Service
     following such Period of Severance but shall not include
     Service prior to such Period of Severance until such person
     completes a 12 consecutive month Period of Service following
     such Period of Severance.

                   (b)  Crediting of Period of Severance

                        (1)  if an Employee has a Severance
     from Service Date by reason of a quit, discharge or retirement
     and then performs an Hour of Service within 12 months of his
     Severance from Service Date, the Period of Severance shall be
     taken into account for purposes of determining his aggregate
     Periods of Service under Sections 2.1 and 2.3.

                        (2)  if an Employee has a Severance
     from Service Date by reason of a quit, discharge or retirement
     during a period of 12 months or less in which the Employee
     remains absent from Service for any reason other than a quit,
     discharge, retirement or death and then performs an Hour of
     Service within 12 months of the date on which he was first
     absent from service, the Period of Severance shall be taken
     into account for purposes of determining his aggregate Periods
     of Service under Sections 2.1 and 2.3.
3.1  Each Employee who was a Member of the Plan immediately
     preceding the effective date of this amendment and restatement
     shall participate in this Plan in accordance with the provisions
     of the Plan in effect on and after such effective date.

3.2  Each other Employee shall become a Member of the Plan on
     the January 1, April 1, July 1 or October 1 coinciding with or
     next following the later of (a) the date on which he becomes
     an Employee as defined in section 1.18 and (b) the date on
     which he attains his 21st birthday, and is credited with a one-
     year Period of Eligibility Service, provided, however, that (i)
     an Employee hired before July 1, 1993 shall become a
     Member of the Plan on the January 1 or July 1 coinciding with
     or next following the later of (a) the date on which he
     becomes an Employee as defined in section 1.18 and (b) the
     earlier of (1) the later of the date on which he attains his 21st
     birthday or is credited with a one-year Period of Eligibility
     Service, or (2) the date he is credited with a two-year Period
     of Eligibility Service, and (ii) an Employee hired before
     December 1, 1988 (February 1, 1988 in the case of an
     Employee who was an employee of Manhattan Industries, Inc.)
     who had attained age 60 prior to his Employment
     Commencement Date shall become a Member of the Plan on
     the later of December 1, 1988 (or February 1, 1988, as the
     case may be) and the January 1 or July 1 coinciding with or
     next following the date on which he is credited with a one-
     year period of Eligibility Service.

3.3  A Member of the Plan who forfeits his Period of Eligibility
     Service due to a Period of Severance in accordance with
     Section 2.4(a)(1) will cease to be a Member of the Plan.  He
     may re-enter the Plan as a new Member by again satisfying
     the Membership requirements in accordance with Section 3.2. 
     If a Member has a Period of Severance of at least one year but
     does not forfeit his Period of Eligibility Service in accordance
     with Section 2.4(a)(1), he is eligible to participate immediately
     upon his Reemployment Commencement Date.



4.1  Normal Retirement Benefit

     A Member shall be eligible for a Normal Retirement Benefit if
     his employment is terminated on or after his attainment of his
     Normal Retirement Age but on or immediately before his
     attainment of his Normal Retirement Date.

4.2  Early Retirement Benefit

     A Member shall be eligible for an Early Retirement Benefit if
     his employment is terminated before he attains his Normal
     Retirement Age but on or after his attainment of his Early
     Retirement Age.

4.3  Vested Deferred Benefit

     A Member shall be eligible for a Vested Deferred Benefit if
     his employment is terminated for any reason other than death
     or retirement and after he has a vested interest under the Plan.

4.4  Deferred Retirement Benefit

     A Member shall be eligible for a Deferred Retirement Benefit
     if his employment is terminated after his Normal Retirement

4.5  Disability Benefit

     A Member shall be eligible for a Disability Benefit if, prior to
     January 1, 1995, he (a) has at least 15 years of Service and (b)
     becomes totally and permanently disabled while in the service
     of the Company so that he is eligible for, and receiving, Social
     Security disability benefits.

4.6  Spouse's Benefit

     A Member shall be eligible to have a Spouse's Benefit
     provided for his Eligible Spouse if he dies prior to his Benefit
     Commencement Date survived by an Eligible Spouse and is
     vested in any portion of his Accrued Benefit.

4.7  Death Benefit

     A Member who is not survived by an Eligible Spouse or
     whose Eligible Spouse is not eligible for immediate
     distribution of the Spouse's Benefit shall be eligible to have a
     Death Benefit provided for his designated beneficiary if he
     dies while an active Employee or after having attained Early
     Retirement Age and prior to his Benefit Commencement Date,
     if he has been credited with a Period of Vesting Service of at
     least 10 years and has attained age 45, and if the sum of his
     age and Period of Vesting Service is not less than 65.
ART       ICLE V

BEN                   EFIT ACCRUAL

5.1  Accrued Benefit

     Each Member shall accrue a monthly benefit equal to 1/12 of
     the sum of (a) and (b) reduced by (c), if applicable 

                   (a)  the greatest of (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv):

                        (i)  (A) 0.65% of his Average Final
                   Compensation not in excess of 140% of his
                   Covered Compensation plus 1.25% of his
                   Average Final Compensation in excess of 140%
                   of his Covered Compensation, if any, multiplied
                   by (B) his Period of Benefit Accrual Service
                   (not in excess of 35 years); or

                        (ii)  $96 multiplied by his Period of
                   Benefit Accrual Service after November 30,
                   1988 and $60 multiplied by his Period of
                   Benefit Accrual Service before December 1,
                   1988; provided, however, that no more than 30
                   years of Benefit Accrual Service shall be taken
                   into account, and for this purpose, those years
                   of a Member's Benefit Accrual Service shall be
                   applied that produce the greatest Accrued
                   Benefit; or

                        (iii)  the sum of (A) and (B):

                        (A)  the greater of an amount determined
                        under Subsection (a)(i) or (a) (ii) above
                        based on his Period of Benefit Accrual
                        Service after June 2, 1973; and

                        (B)  the Actuarial Equivalent of his
                        Profit Sharing Plan Company Amount, if
                        any; or

                        (iv)  the sum of (A) and (B):

                        (A)  an amount determined under
                        Subsection (a)(i) above based on his
                        Period of Benefit Accrual Service after
                        October 1, 1973; and

                        (B)  the Actuarial Equivalent of his
                        Thomson Company Plan Company
                        Amount, if any; and

                   (b)  the Actuarial Equivalent of his Profit
     Sharing Plan Member Amount or Thomson Company Plan
     Member Amount, if any; less

                   (c)  the Member's accrued benefit under the
     terminated Manhattan Industries Inc. Employees' Benefit Plan
     (As Amended Effective February 1, 1984) or the terminated
     Vera Companies Division Employees' Pension Plan or the
     terminated Manhattan Accessories Division Employees'
     Pension Plan.

5.2. Minimum Accrued Benefit

                   (a)  Notwithstanding any provision of the
              Plan to the contrary, a Member's Accrued Benefit,
              determined after November 30, 1989, shall not be less
              than his Accrued Benefit, determined as of the earlier
              of his Severance from Service Date and December 31,
              1991, under the terms (including but not limited to
              actuarial assumptions and equivalents) of the Plan or, if
              applicable, the Manhattan Plan as in effect prior to this
              Amendment and Restatement, based on his Period of
              Benefit Accrual Service, Compensation and Average
              Final Compensation, determined on the earlier of his
              Severance from Service Date and December 31, 1991;
              provided, however, that with respect to any Member
              who was a highly compensated employee within the
              meaning of section 414(q)(1)(A) or (B) of the Code for
              the Plan Years ending November 30, 1990 and
              November 30, 1991, such a Member's Accrued Benefit,
              determined after November 30, 1989, shall not be less
              than his Accrued Benefit, determined as of
              November 30, 1989, under the terms of the Plan as in
              effect prior to this Amendment and Restatement, based
              on his years of Benefit Accrual Service, Compensation
              and Average Final Compensation determined on
              November 30, 1989; provided further, however, that a
              Member who was such a highly compensated employee
              for the Plan Year which ended November 30, 1991 but
              not the Plan Year ended November 30, 1990, the
              Member's Accrued Benefit, determined after
              November 30, 1990, shall not be less than his Accrued
              Benefit, determined as of November 30, 1990, under
              the terms of the Plan as in effect prior to this
              Amendment and Restatement, based on his years of
              Benefit Accrual Service, Compensation and Average
              Final Compensation determined on November 30, 1990;
              and provided further, that any provision in the Plan to
              the contrary notwithstanding, this Section 5.2 shall be
              interpreted in a manner consistent with and reflective of
              section 411(d)(6) of the Code such that nothing in the
              Plan shall have the effect of decreasing an accrued
              benefit of a Member or of eliminating or reducing an
              early retirement benefit or a retirement-type subsidy or
              eliminating an optional form of benefit with respect to
              benefits attributable to service prior to January 1, 1992. 
              With respect to Members who were participants in the
              Manhattan Plan, the references to November 30, 1989,
              November 30, 1990, and November 30, 1991, in this
              Section 5.2 shall be replaced with January 31, 1989,
              January 31, 1990 and January 31, 1991, respectively,
              and references to the terms of the Plan prior to this
              Amendment and Restatement shall be replaced by the
              terms of the Manhattan Plan prior to this Amendment
              and Restatement.
                   (b)  Notwithstanding any provision of the
              Plan to the contrary, a Member's Accrued Benefit,
              determined after December 31, 1993, shall not be less
              than the greater of (1) his Accrued Benefit, determined
              under the term of the Plan as in effect on and after
              January 1, 1994, based on his entire Period of Benefit
              Accrual Service, and (2) the sum of (1) his Accrued
              Benefit, determined as of the earlier of his Severance
              from Service Date and December 31, 1993, under the
              terms (including but not limited to actuarial
              assumptions and equivalents and the terms of
              Subsection (a)) of the Plan as in effect prior to January
              1, 1994, based on his Period of Benefit Accrual
              Service, Compensation and Average Final
              Compensation, determined on the earlier of his
              Severance from Service Date and December 31, 1993,
              and frozen in accordance with Treasury Regulation
              Section 1.401(a)(4)-13 and (2) a Member's Accrued
              Benefit, determined under the term of the Plan as in
              effect on and after January 1, 1994, based on his Period
              of Benefit Accrual Service and Compensation credited
              after December 31, 1993.

6.1  Amount of Normal Retirement Benefit

     A Member's Normal Retirement Benefit shall be the amount
     determined in either (a) or (b), whichever is applicable.

              (a)  A Member who retires on the Life Annuity
     form described in Section 7.3 shall receive a monthly benefit
     equal to the Accrued Benefit determined in Section 5.1. or
     Section 5.2.

              (b)  A Member who retires on a form of annuity
     other than the Life Annuity form shall receive a monthly
     benefit equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of the Accrued
     Benefit determined in Section 5.1 or Section 5.2.

     In no event, however, shall a Member's Normal Retirement
     Benefit be less than the greatest Early Retirement Benefit he
     would have been entitled to receive if he had retired early
     under the provisions of Section 4.2.

6.2  Amount of Early Retirement Benefit

     A Member who elects to retire at an Early Retirement Date
     shall receive a monthly benefit equal to the Actuarial
     Equivalent of his Normal Retirement Benefit. 

6.3  Amount of Vested Deferred Benefit

              (a)  The monthly amount of a Member's Vested
     Deferred Benefit commencing at his Normal Retirement Date
     on the Life Annuity form, as described in Section 7.3, shall be
     equal to the sum of (i) and (ii):  

                   (i)  the greater of (A) and (B):

                   (A)  a percentage, in accordance with the
                   following schedule, of the Accrued Benefit, as
                   determined in Section 5.1 (disregarding Sections
                   5.1(a) (iii) and (iv) and 5.1(b)):

              Period of Vesting Service         Percentage

                   less than 5 years                    0
                   5 or more years                    100 


                   (B)  the sum of (1) and (2):

                        (1)  a percentage, in accordance with the
                        schedule in Subsection (a)(i)(A) above,
                        of the amount determined in Section
                        5.1(a)(iii) or (iv), if any; and

                        (2)  the Actuarial Equivalent of his Profit
                        Sharing Plan Company Amount and
                        Thomson Company Plan Company
                        Amount, if any; and

                   (ii) his Profit Sharing Plan Member Amount and
     Thomson Company Plan Member Amount, if any.

     A Member who was a participant in the Manhattan Plan on
     January 31, 1989, and whose Period of Vesting Service is 4 or
     more years but less than 5 years shall be 40% vested in his
     Accrued Benefit.

     In no event shall the annual amount of a Member's Vested
     Deferred Benefit be less than a percentage of his Minimum
     Accrued Benefit determined in Section 5.2 in accordance with
     the schedule in Subsection (a)(i)(A) above.

              (b)  The monthly amount of a Member's Vested
     Deferred Benefit commencing at his Normal Retirement Date
     on a form other than the Life Annuity form, as described in
     Section 7.3, shall be equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of the
     amount otherwise determined under subsection (a), above.

     Subject to Section 7.14, a Member may elect to receive his
     Vested Deferred Benefit at an Early Retirement Date, in which
     case such benefit shall be equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of
     the amount otherwise determined under this Section 6.3.

6.4  Amount of Deferred Retirement Benefit

     Subject to Section 7.14, a Member's Deferred Retirement
     Benefit shall commence on his Deferred Retirement Date and
     shall be a monthly benefit equal to the greater of (a) his
     Accrued Benefit as of his Benefit Commencement Date and
     (b) the Actuarial Equivalent of his Normal Retirement Benefit
     determined as of his Benefit Commencement Date.

6.5  Amount of Disability Benefit

              (a)  A Member's Disability Benefit shall commence
     on the first day of the sixth month following disability and
     shall be an annual benefit on the Life Annuity form, as
     described in Section 7.3, in an amount equal to his Accrued

              (b)  The monthly amount of a Member's Disability
     Benefit on a form other than the Life Annuity form, as
     described in Section 7.3, shall be equal to the Actuarial
     Equivalent of the amount otherwise determined under
     subsection (a) above.

6.6  Amount of Spouse's Benefit

     The Spouse's Benefit payable for life to a Member's Eligible
     Spouse shall be:

              (a)  in the case of a Member who dies on or after
     his Early Retirement Date, the annuity to which such
     Member's Eligible Spouse would have been entitled if the
     Member had retired on the day before his death and his
     retirement benefit had been payable in the Qualified Joint and
     Survivor Annuity form, reduced in accordance with Section
     6.2; and

              (b)  in the case of a Member who dies prior to his
     Early Retirement Date, the annuity to which his Eligible
     Spouse would have been entitled if the Member's Severance
     from Service Date had occurred on the date of his death (if the
     Member had not already had a Severance from Service prior to
     the date of his death), and such Member had survived to his
     Early Retirement Date, had retired immediately upon
     attainment of his Early Retirement Date with an immediate
     Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form, reduced as
     provided in Section 6.2, and had died on the day next
     succeeding such retirement; and

              (c)  in any case, not less than the Actuarial
     Equivalent of the sum of the Member's Profit Sharing Plan
     Member Amount and Profit Sharing Plan Company Amount or
     Thomson Company Plan Member Amount and Thomson
     Company Plan Company Amount, if any.

6.7  Amount of Death Benefit 

     Any Member who has no Eligible Spouse or whose Eligible
     Spouse is not eligible for immediate distribution of a Spouse's
     Benefit under Section 6.6 and whose service has not
     terminated or who has left employment after reaching his
     Early Retirement Age is eligible for a death benefit if he has
     at least 10 years of service and has attained age 45 and if the
     sum of his age and his Period of Service is not less than 65. 
     If, after becoming eligible for the death benefit provided by
     this section, a Member dies prior to his Benefit
     Commencement Date, a death benefit shall be paid to his
     Eligible Spouse or, if there is no Eligible Spouse, to a
     surviving beneficiary designated by the Member in a written
     election filed with the Committee.  The Member may change
     his designated beneficiary at any time.  If no validly
     designated beneficiary survives the Member, the death benefit
     shall be paid to the Member's estate.

     Subject to Section 7.6, the death benefit so payable shall be an
     annual amount continued for the life of the payee (or in the
     case of an Eligible Spouse, until such spouse becomes eligible
     for distribution of the Spouse's Benefit under Section 6.6)
     equal to the annual amount that would be payable to such
     person if such person were the Member's surviving joint
     annuitant under a 50% joint and survivor annuity (as
     hereinafter defined) if such 50% joint and survivor annuity,
     which commenced on the day preceding the Member's death,
     had an actuarial value on the day preceding the Member's
     death equal to the Actuarial Equivalent of the Member's
     Accrued Benefit.  A 50% joint and survivor annuity is a form
     of annuity whereby an amount would be payable annually to
     the Member during his life and thereafter, if the joint annuitant
     survived the Member, 50% of such amount would be payable
     annually to the Member's joint annuitant for life.  

     The death benefit payable to the Member's estate shall be a
     lump sum equal to the actuarial value of the death benefit (as
     measured immediately after the 
     Member's death) payable to a hypothetical surviving
     designated beneficiary born on the third anniversary of the
     Member's birth.

     In no event shall the Death Benefit payable under this Section
     7.6 be less than the Actuarial Equivalent of the sum of the
     Member's Profit Sharing Plan Member Amount and Profit
     Sharing Plan Company Amount or Thomson Company Plan
     Member Amount and Thomson Company Plan Company
     Amount, if any.


7.1  A Member's Retirement Benefit or Vested Deferred Benefit
     shall, except as provided under Section 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.14
     or 7.15, be payable as an annuity commencing on the
     Member's Retirement Date, or as of the first day of the month
     coinciding with or next following his termination of
     employment, if later.  The annuity shall be paid on one of the
     forms described in the following paragraphs of this Article.

7.2  A Member who has an Eligible Spouse at his Benefit
     Commencement Date shall have his benefit paid on the
     Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form under Section 7.4. 
     However, such Member may, prior to his Benefit
     Commencement Date and subject to Spousal Consent, elect in
     writing and on a form provided by the Plan Administrator, not
     to have his benefit paid in this manner and may, prior to such
     Benefit Commencement Date, instead elect, in writing and on
     a form provided by the Plan Administrator, to have his benefit
     paid on one of the following:

                   (a)  the Life Annuity form under Section 7.3,

                   (b)  subject to the conditions and restrictions
     of Section 7.6, the Non-Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity
     form under Section 7.4, 

                   (c)  subject to the conditions and restrictions
     of Section 7.6, the Period Certain Life Annuity form under
     Section 7.5, or

                   (d)  subject to the conditions and restrictions
     of Section 7.6, the Optional Temporary Annuity form under
     Section 7.7.

     No less than 90 days before the Member's Benefit
     Commencement Date, the Plan Administrator shall furnish the
     Member with written notification of the availability of making
     an election not to have his benefit paid on the Qualified Joint
     and Survivor Annuity form.  This notification shall also inform
     the Member that he may request an explanation of the terms,
     conditions and financial effect of making such elections.  Any
     explanation shall be furnished to the Member within 30 days
     of his request provided the Member furnishes the Plan
     Administrator with proof of the date of birth of his Eligible
     Spouse and such other information as the Plan Administrator
     may require the Member to provide in order to give such

     A Member who elects not to have his benefit paid on the
     Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form may revoke such
     election at any time prior to his Benefit Commencement Date.

     A Member who does not have an Eligible Spouse at his
     Benefit Commencement Date shall have his benefit paid on the
     Life Annuity form under Section 7.3, unless, subject to the
     conditions and restrictions of Section 7.6, he elects the Non-
     Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form under Section 7.4,
     the Period Certain Life Annuity form under Section 7.5 or the
     Optional Temporary Annuity form under Section 7.7.

7.3  Life Annuity form provides for monthly payments to the
     Member continuing to the first day of the month in which his
     death occurs.

7.4  Joint and Survivor Annuity form provides for monthly
     payments to be made in accordance with one of the following

     Qualified Option   -    a monthly benefit payable
                             during the lifetime of the
                             Member and upon his death
                             50% of such monthly benefit
                             payable to his Eligible Spouse
                             for the Eligible Spouse's
                             lifetime.  No benefit shall be
                             payable after the death of the
                             Member and his Eligible

     Non-Qualified Option    -      a monthly benefit
                             payable during the lifetime of
                             the Member and following his
                             death a monthly benefit
                             payable to his surviving joint
                             annuitant for the joint
                             annuitant's lifetime equal to
                             50%, 75% or 100% of the
                             monthly benefit payable to the
                             Member during his lifetime. 
                             No benefit shall be payable
                             after the death of the Member
                             and his joint annuitant.

7.5  Period Certain Life Annuity form provides for monthly
     payments continuing to the first day of the month in which the
     Member's death occurs or the end of the certain period,
     whichever is later.  The certain period may be either 60
     months, 120 months or 180 months.  If the Member dies
     before the end of the certain period, payments in the same
     amount shall be continued to the end of such period to the
     beneficiary authorized to receive payments in accordance with
     Section 15.5.

7.6  The following conditions and restrictions are applicable to the
     election of the Non-Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form
     or the Period Certain Life Annuity form:

                   (a)  A Member shall make his election on a
     form provided by the Plan Administrator, and must designate
     either his Normal Retirement Age, his Deferred Retirement
     Date, his required beginning date determined under
     Section 7.15, or, if earlier, the date he intends to retire as the
     effective date of the election.

                   (b)  If a Member elects the Non-Qualified
     Joint and Survivor Annuity form, he must designate his joint
     annuitant, the percentage of his benefit to be continued to his
     joint annuitant, and provide satisfactory proof of the joint
     annuitant's age.

                   (c)  If a Member elects the Period Certain
     Life Annuity form he must designate his beneficiary.

                   (d)  If a Member, or, in the case of the Non-
     Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity form, the joint annuitant,
     dies before the effective date of the election, the election will
     be cancelled.

                   (e)  If a joint annuitant or a beneficiary is
     other than a Member's Eligible Spouse and if the value of the
     Member's benefit under the elected form of annuity would be
     less than 51% of the value of his benefit that would be
     payable on the Life Annuity form, such benefit on the form of
     annuity elected shall be adjusted so that the value of the
     Member's benefit under the form elected shall be equal to 51%
     of the value of the Member's benefit on the Life Annuity form.

7.7  Optional Temporary Annuity Form

     A Member whose Retirement Benefit or Vested Deferred
     Benefit commences under the Plan before the earliest date on
     which his primary insurance amount beginning under the
     Social Security Act may elect to receive an adjusted benefit
     prior to the first date on which he becomes eligible to receive
     such primary insurance amount and a reduced benefit
     thereafter.  The adjusted benefit shall be calculated so that the
     Retirement Benefit or Vested Deferred Benefit payable to the
     Member prior to the date on which he becomes eligible to
     receive his primary insurance amount shall be equal as nearly
     as possible to the sum of (a) the reduced amount payable after
     such date and (b) the estimated primary insurance amount
     payable to the Member beginning on such date.

     A Member may elect this Optional Temporary Annuity by
     filing a written request with the Committee prior to his
     Retirement Date.

7.8  Payment of Spouse's Benefit

              (a)  The Spouse's Benefit shall commence to be paid
     on the first day of the month next following the later of the
     Member's death and the date on which the Member would
     have attained Early Retirement Age.

              (b)  A surviving Spouse may elect that the Spouse's
     Benefit commence on the first day of any month following the
     date specified in Subsection(a) subject to the limitations of
     Section 7.15.

              (c)  If a surviving Spouse elects to defer payment
     pursuant to Subsection (b), the annuity payable to such Spouse
     shall be the Actuarial Equivalent of the annuity payable as of
     the date specified in Subsection (a).

7.9  Lump Sums

     If any portion of a Member's Accrued Benefit consists of a
     Profit Sharing Plan Member Amount or Thomson Company
     Plan Member Amount, the Member may elect, subject to
     Spousal Consent, to receive such amount at any time following
     his Severance from Service Date in a lump sum.

     If as of a Member's Benefit Commencement Date, his Accrued
     Benefit is equal to the sum of the amounts specified in
     Sections 5.1(a)(iii) and 5.1(b) or 5.1(a)(iv) and 5.1(b):

              (a)  the Member may elect, subject to Spousal
     Consent, to receive distribution of his Retirement Benefit or
     Vested Deferred Benefit, as the case may be, in a lump sum,

              (b)  the Member's Eligible Spouse or designated
     beneficiary may elect to receive distribution of the Spouse's
     Benefit or Death Benefit, as the case may be, in a lump sum.

7.10 Payment of Death Benefit

     The Death Benefit payable under Section 6.7 shall commence
     to be paid on the first day of the month next following the
     date of the member's death.

7.11 Small Benefit Payments

     In the case of a Member whose Severance from Service is
     after December 31, 1991, the Trustee shall distribute to the
     Member or his Spouse, as the case may be, as soon as
     practicable after the Member's Severance from Service, in a
     single lump sum payment the Actuarial Equivalent of the
     Member's vested Accrued Benefit, if the amount of such
     distribution does not exceed $3,500.  In the case of a Member
     whose Severance from Service is before January 1, 1992, the
     Trustee shall distribute to the Member or his Spouse, as the
     case may be, as soon as practicable after the Member's
     Retirement Date, in a single lump sum payment the Actuarial
     Equivalent of the Member's vested Accrued Benefit, if the
     amount of such distribution does not exceed $3,500.  A
     Member with no vested interest in his Accrued Benefit as of
     his Severance from Service shall be deemed to have received a
     distribution of his entire vested Accrued Benefit of zero dollars
     as of his Severance from Service.

7.12 Qualified Domestic Relations Order - If required to do so by a
     qualified domestic relations order, as defined in Section 414(p)
     of the Code, the Trustee may commence distribution of all or
     a portion of a Member's Accrued Benefit to an alternate payee,
     as defined in Section 414(p) of the Code, at a time after the
     Member attains age 50, but prior to the Member's Retirement
     Date or termination of employment.

7.13 Retirement Benefit Payments - The annual retirement benefits
     for life shall be payable in monthly installments and shall end
     with the last monthly payment prior to the death of the
     Member, or his beneficiary if receiving benefits.  

7.14 Reemployment after Retirement - If any retired Member is
     reemployed by the Company, his retirement benefit payments,
     if any, shall cease until his subsequent retirement and his
     Service and Credited Service shall be restored to him but the
     benefit payable upon the Member's subsequent retirement or
     death shall be reduced (but not to less than zero) by the
     Actuarial Equivalent of any payments under the Plan
     previously received by the Member and by the cost of any
     retirement benefit coverage of the Member's beneficiary under
     the Plan during such reemployment provided that no reduction
     shall be made for Disability Benefits received under Section

7.15 Required Distributions

     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Plan

              (a)  The entire interest of each Member must either:

                   (1)  be paid to him not later than the April
     1st next following the close of his taxable year in which he
     attains age seventy and one-half (70-1/2); or  

                   (2)  commence to be paid to him not later
     than the date specified in Paragraph (1) and payable, in
     accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the
     Treasury, over a period not extending beyond the life of such
     Member or the joint lives of such Member and his designated
     beneficiary, or the life expectancy of such Member or the joint
     and last survivor life expectancy of such Member and his
     designated beneficiary; provided, however, that if the
     distribution of a Member's Retirement Benefit has commenced
     in accordance with this Paragraph (2), any portion remaining
     to be distributed at such Member's death shall continue to be
     distributed at least as rapidly as under the method of
     distribution in effect as of such Member's death.

              (b)  If a Member has died prior to the
     commencement of distributions to him in accordance with
     Paragraph (a)(2), the entire interest of such Member shall be

                   (1)  within five (5) years after the death of
     such Member, or

                   (2)  where distribution is to be made to the
     Member's designated beneficiary, commencing

                        (A)  within one (1) year (or such
     longer time as the Secretary of the Treasury may be
     regulations prescribe) after the Member's death, or

                        (B)  if the designated beneficiary is
     such Member's surviving Spouse, no later than the date on
     which such Member would have attained age seventy and one-
     half (70-1/2),

              and payable, in accordance with regulations prescribed
     by the Secretary of Treasury, over a period not extending
     beyond the life expectancy of such designated beneficiary.

              (c)  For purposes of Paragraphs (a)(2) and (b)(2), at
     the election of the Member or a surviving Spouse the life
     expectancy of a Member and/or his Spouse may be
     redetermined, but not more often than annually.  In the
     absence of such an election, life expectancies shall not be
     redetermined once benefit distribution has commenced.

              (d)  Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of
     the Treasury, any amount paid to a Member's child shall be
     treated as if it had been paid to such Member's surviving
     Spouse if such amount will become payable to such spouse
     upon the child reaching maturity or such other designated
     event which may be permitted under such regulations.

              (e)  For purposes of this Section 7.14, the term
     "designated beneficiary" shall mean a Member's surviving
     Spouse or an individual designated by the Member pursuant to
     Section 15.5.

              (f)  Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the
     contrary, the form and timing of all distributions under the
     Plan shall be in accordance with regulations issued by the
     Department of the Treasury under section 401(a)(9) of the
     Code, including the incidental death benefit requirements of
     section 401(a)(9)(g) of the Code.

7.16 Direct Transfers - If a Member who is entitled to a distribution
     of at least $200 which is an "eligible rollover distribution," as
     defined in section 402(f)(2)(a) of the Code, elects in writing on
     a form provided by the Plan Administrator to have such
     distribution, or a portion of such distribution equal to at least
     $500 (or the entire distribution if less than $500) paid directly
     to a specified "eligible retirement plan," as defined in section
     402(c)(8)(B) of the Code, which is a defined contribution plan
     the terms of which permit the acceptance of rollover
     distributions, the portion of such distribution which would
     otherwise be includible in the Member's gross income shall be
     distributed in the form of a direct trustee-to-trustee transfer to
     the eligible retirement plan so specified.


8.1  The Plan shall be funded for the exclusive purposes of
     providing benefits to Members and their beneficiaries and for
     defraying reasonable expenses in administering the Plan.

8.2  All contributions to the Plan shall be made to the Trust and all
     benefit payments shall be made held in the Trust.

8.3  Contributions to the Plan shall be returned to the Company in
     the following instances:

              (a)  In the case of a contribution made by the
     Company pursuant to a mistake in fact, such contribution shall
     be returned to the Company within one year after the payment
     of the contribution.

              (b)  Each contribution to the Plan is hereby
     conditioned on its deductibility under Section 404 of the Code,
     and if any part or all of a contribution is disallowed, then to
     the extent of such disallowance the contribution shall be
     returned to the Company.

8.4  Forfeitures resulting from a Member's early retirement,
     termination of employment or death shall not be applied to
     increase the benefit that any Member would otherwise receive
     under the Plan and shall be applied as soon as possible to
     reduce Company contributions.



9.1  As used in this Article IX -

                   (a)  "Annual Addition," for a Limitation
     Year, means, in the case of any Defined Contribution Plan, the
     aggregate of -

                        (1)  the amount of a Member's
     voluntary contributions for the Limitation Year; and

                        (2)  Employer contributions and
     forfeitures allocated to the Member's accounts for the
     Limitation Year.

                   (b)  "Annual Benefit" under a Defined
     Benefit Plan means a retirement benefit payable annually in
     the form of a straight life annuity under such plan.

                        For purposes of this Subsection (b) -

                        (1)  if a retirement benefit is provided
     in a form other than a straight life annuity or a qualified joint
     and survivor annuity (within the meaning of Section 417(b)(1)
     of the Code), such benefit shall be adjusted (in accordance
     with regulations prescribed by the Secretary) to an equivalent
     benefit in the form of a straight life annuity on the basis of the
     actuarial assumptions specified in Section 1.2 for optional
     forms of payment other than the lump sum option (except that
     the interest rate assumption shall be 5% if the rate specified is
     less than 5%);

                        (2)  if a retirement benefit is provided
     in the form of a qualified joint and survivor annuity (within
     the meaning of Section 417(b)(1) of the Code) which includes
     additional post-retirement death benefits, such benefit need not
     be adjusted to the extent the value of the benefit in such form
     exceeds the sum of (A) the value of a straight life annuity and
     (B) the value of any post retirement death benefits that would
     be payable even if the annuity was not in the form of a joint
     and survivor annuity;

                        (3)  if such annual retirement benefit
     is attributable in part to employee contributions or to roll-over
     contributions (as defined in Section 402(a)(5), 403(a)(4) or
     408(d)(3) of the Code or Section 409(b)(3)(C) of the Code as
     in effect prior to 1984), the annual retirement benefit shall be
     reduced on the basis of the actuarial assumptions specified in
     Section 1.2 for optional forms of payment other than the lump
     sum option (except that the interest rate assumption shall be
     5% if the rate specified is less than 5%) so that it will be the
     equivalent of an annual retirement benefit derived solely from
     employer contributions.

                   (c)  "Defined Benefit Plan" means any
     Retirement Plan that is not a Defined Contribution Plan.

                   (d)  "Defined Benefit Plan Fraction," for a
     Limitation Year, means a fraction,

                        (1)  the numerator of which is the
     aggregate Projected Annual Benefit (determined as of the last
     day of the Limitation Year) of the Member under all Defined
     Benefit Plans, and

                        (2)  the denominator of which is the
     greater of -

                             (A)  an amount equal to the
     lesser of -

                                  (i)  the product of 1.25
     and the dollar limitation in effect under Section 415(b)(1)(A)
     of the Code for such Limitation Year (adjusted as described in
     Subsections 9.2(d) and (e)), or

                                  (ii)  the product of 1.4 and
     the aggregate Projected Annual Benefit (determined as of the
     last day of the Limitation Year) that the Member would
     receive under all such plans if the plans, in the aggregate,
     provided the benefit described in Section 415(b)(1)(B) of the
     Code; or

                             (B)  in the case of an
     individual who participated in a Defined Benefit Plan that was
     in existence on July 1, 1982, the product of 1.25 and his
     Accrued Benefit under the Plan.  For purposes of this
     Subparagraph (B) and Paragraph 9.2(a)(2), an individual's
     "Accrued Benefit" under a Defined Benefit Plan means the
     individual's accrued benefit under the Plan (determined as of
     the end of the last Plan Year beginning before January 1,
     1983), expressed as an annual benefit (within the meaning of
     Section 415(b)(2) of the Code as in effect before the
     amendments made by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility
     Act of 1982).

                             (C)  in the case of an
     individual who participated in a Defined Benefit Plan that was
     in existence on May 6, l986, the product of l.25 and his
     Accrued Benefit under the Plan.  For purposes of this
     Subparagraph (C) and Paragraph 9.2(a)(2), an individual's
     "Accrued Benefit" under a Defined Benefit Plan means the
     individual's accrued benefit under the plan (determined as of
     the end of the last plan year beginning before January l, l987),
     expressed as an annual benefit (within the meaning of Section
     4l5(b)(2) of the Code as in effect before the amendments made
     by the Tax Reform Act of l986).

              (e)  "Defined Contribution Plan" means a Retirement
     Plan that provides for an individual account for each Member
     and for benefits based solely on the amount contributed to
     such account and any income, expense, gains, losses, and
     forfeitures of accounts of other Members in respect of such

              (f)  "Defined Contribution Plan Fraction," for a
     Limitation Year, means a fraction,

                   (1)  the numerator of which is the sum of the
     Annual Additions to a Member's accounts under all Defined
     Contribution Plans, as of the close of the Limitation Year and
     for all prior Limitation Years, and

                   (2)  the denominator of which is the sum of
     the lesser of the following amounts, determined for such
     Limitation Year and for each prior year of the Member's
     service with the Company or an Affiliate:

                        (A)  the product of 1.25 and the dollar
     limitation in effect under Section 415(c)(1)(A) of the Code, or

                        (B)  the product of 1.4 and the amount
     that may be taken into account under Section 415(c)(1)(B) of
     the Code; provided, however,

                   (3)  the Company may elect, on a uniform
     and nondiscriminatory basis, to make use of the special
     transition rule of Section 415(e)(6) of the Code applicable to
     plan years ending before January 1, 1983, and Section
     1106(i)(4) of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 applicable to years
     ending before January 1, 1987, to determine the denominator
     of the Defined Contribution Plan Fraction, and

                   (4)  in accordance with regulations
     promulgated under Section 415 of the Code, the portion of the
     numerator of the Defined Contribution Plan Fraction
     attributable to Limitation Years beginning before January 1,
     1983 or January 1, 1987 as the case may be, shall be reduced,
     to the extent necessary, so that the sum of the Defined Benefit
     Plan Fraction and Defined Contribution Plan Fraction for the
     last Limitation Year beginning before January 1, 1983 or
     January 1, 1987, as the case may be, does not exceed one

              (g)  "Limitation Year" means the Plan Year.

              (h)  A Member's "Projected Annual Benefit" under a
     Defined Benefit Plan shall be equal to the Annual Benefit to
     which he would be entitled under such plan if he were to
     continue employment until his normal retirement age under
     such plan (or until his current age, if later), his Section 415
     Compensation for the Limitation Year under consideration
     remains the same until the date he attains such age, and all
     other relevant factors used to determine benefits under the plan
     were to remain the same as in the current Limitation Year for
     all future Limitation Years.

              (i)  "Retirement Plan" means any plan maintained
     by the Company or an Affiliate that is (A) a pension, profit
     sharing or stock bonus plan, described in Section 401 (a) and
     501(a) of the Code, (B) an annuity plan or annuity contract
     described in Section 403(a) of the Code, (C) a simplified
     employee pension plan described in Section 408(k) of the
     Code, or (D) a qualified bond purchase plan described in
     Section 405(a) of the Code.  In addition, Retirement Plan shall
     include (A) an individual retirement account or an individual
     retirement annuity described in Section 408(a) or 408(b) of the
     Code (or an individual retirement bond described in 409 of the
     Code as in effect prior to 1984), or an annuity contract
     described in Section 403(b) of the Code, if such account or
     annuity (or bond) is considered to be maintained by the
     Company or an Affiliate under Section 1.415-7(h) or (i) of the
     Federal Income Tax Regulations and (B) a program of
     voluntary contributions contained in a defined benefit pension

              (j)  "Section 415 Compensation," for any period,
     means an individual's current compensation from the Company
     or an Affiliate required to be reported on Form W-2 for such
     period, including those items listed in Paragraph (1) of Section
     1.415-2(d) of the Federal Income Tax Regulations but
     excluding those items listed in Paragraph (2) thereof.

9.2           (a)  Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the
     contrary, the Annual Benefit to which a Member is entitled at
     any time under this Plan, when added to his aggregate Annual
     Benefit under all other Defined Benefit Plans, shall not, during
     a Limitation Year exceed the greatest of -

                        (1)  the lesser of -

                             (A)  $90,000, or

                             (B)  100 percent (100%) of the
     average of his Section 415 Compensation for his high three (3)
     consecutive calendar years during which he was a Member of
     the Plan, 

                        (2)  in the case of an individual who
     was a Member prior to January 1, 1983, his Accrued Benefit
     as defined in Subparagraph 9.1(d)(2)(B), and

                        (3)  in the case of an individual who
     was a Member prior to January 1, 1987, his Accrued Benefit
     as defined in Subparagraph 9.1(d)(2)(C).

              (b)  The Annual Benefit payable under this Plan
     with respect to which a Member shall be deemed to meet the
     requirements of Paragraph (a)(1) if -

                        (1)  such Member's Annual Benefit,
     when added to his aggregate Annual Benefit under all other
     Defined Benefit Plans, does not exceed $10,000 for the current
     Limitation Year and for any prior Limitation Year, and

                        (2)  such Member has not at any time
     participated in a Defined Contribution Plan.

              (c)  In the case of a Member who has completed
     fewer than ten (10) years of participation in the Plan, the
     maximum Annual Benefit allowable under this Plan shall be
     computed by multiplying the amount determined under
     Subsection (a) or (b), whichever is applicable, by a fraction,
     the numerator of which shall be the aggregate of his years of
     participation and the denominator of which shall be ten (10). 
     The provisions of the previous sentence shall apply to the
     limitations under Subparagraph (a)(l)(B) and Subsection (b) of
     this Section 9.2, except that such Subparagraph and Subsection
     shall be applied with respect to years of the Member's Period
     of Service rather than years of participation in the Plan.  In no
     event shall the reductions set forth in this Subsection (c)
     reduce the limitations referred to in Subsections (a) or (b) to
     an amount less than l/l0 of such limitation (determined without
     regard to the reductions in this Subsection (c)).

              (d)  If the Member's Annual Benefit commences
     after the Social Security Retirement Age, the dollar limitation
     contained in Section 9.2(a)(1) shall be adjusted (in accordance
     with regulations prescribed by the Secretary) based on the
     actuarial assumptions specified in Section 1.2 for optional
     forms of payment other than the lump sum option (except that
     the interest rate assumption shall be 5% if the rate specified is
     greater than 5%) so that such limitation equals an annual
     benefit, beginning at the age at which the Member's benefit
     commences, which is equivalent to a benefit equal to the
     dollar amount specified under Section 9.2(a)(1) beginning at
     the Social Security Retirement Age.

              (e)  In the case of an annual retirement benefit that
     begins before a Member's Social Security Retirement Age, the
     dollar limitation contained in Subsection (a)(1) shall be
     adjusted (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the
     Secretary) to the actuarial equivalent, as of the date such
     benefits commence, of a benefit equal to the amount specified
     in Subsection (a)(1) commencing at the Social Security
     Retirement Age on the basis of the actuarial assumptions
     specified in Section 1.2 for optional forms of payment other
     than the lump sum option (except that the interest rate shall be
     5% if the rate specified is less than 5%).

              (f)  The dollar limitations contained in Subsection
     (a) shall be adjusted for increases in the cost of living in
     accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the
     Treasury under Section 415(d) of the Code.  Each annual
     adjustment shall be limited to the scheduled annual increase,
     as determined by the Secretary, and shall become effective on
     January 1 of the year for which the increase has been

9.3  Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 9.2, for each
     Member who is also a participant in any Defined Contribution
     Plan, the Trustee will compute such Member's Defined Benefit
     Plan Fraction and Defined Contribution Plan Fraction and will
     adjust his Annual Additions under the Defined Contribution
     Plans and his Projected Annual Benefit under the Defined
     Benefit Plan, so that the sum of such fractions, for any
     Limitation Year, will not exceed (1.0).  Reductions in such
     Annual Additions and such Projected Annual Benefit shall be
     made in the following order:

              (a)  First, voluntary contributions constituting
     Annual Additions under each Retirement Plan shall be reduced
     proportionately to the voluntary contributions which the
     Member could otherwise have made to such Retirement Plans;

              (b)  Second, the Member's Projected Annual Benefit
     under this Plan shall be reduced by the proportion that his
     Projected Annual Benefit under each such Plan bears to his
     aggregate Projected Annual Benefit under all such Plans;

              (c)  Third, Employer Contributions (other than
     Salary Reduction Contributions) to profit sharing plans and
     stock bonus plans shall be reduced proportionately to such
     Employer Contributions that would otherwise be made to the
     Member's accounts under such Plans; and

              (d)  Fourth, Salary Reduction Contributions to
     Defined Contribution Plans shall be reduced proportionately to
     the Salary Reduction Contributions that would otherwise be
     made to the Member's accounts under such Plans.

9.4  If, on a Member's Benefit Commencement Date, his Accrued
     Benefit, computed without regard to this Article IX, exceeds
     the maximum annual benefit which 
     he may receive under the provisions hereof, his retirement
     benefit shall be adjusted on the first day of each subsequent
     Plan Year to take into account any increase, since his Benefit
     Commencement Date, in the maximum permissible retirement
     benefit; provided, however, that such retirement benefit shall
     not at any time exceed his Accrued Benefit, computed without
     regard to this Article IX, as of his Benefit Commencement

9.5  The limitation imposed by this Article IX shall be
     administered in accordance with the final regulations and
     rulings issued by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section
     415 of the Code.
ART       ICLE X

TOP                -HEAVY PLAN YEARS

10.1 For purposes of this Article X:

              (a)  (1)  "Key Employee" means any Employee
     who, at any time during the Plan Year or any of the four (4)
     preceding Plan Years, is --

                        (A)  one of the ten (10) Employees
     owning the largest interests in the Company and all Affiliates
     considered as a unit;

                        (B)  an owner of (i) more than five
     percent (5%) of the outstanding stock, or of stock possessing
     more than five percent (5%) of the total combined voting
     power, of the Company or any Affiliate, or (ii) more than five
     percent (5%) of the capital or profits interest in any Affiliate
     which is not a corporation;

                        (C)  an owner of (i) more than one
     percent (1%) of the outstanding stock or of stock possessing
     more than one percent (1%) of the total combined voting
     power of the Company or any Affiliate or (ii) more than one
     percent (1%) of the capital or profits interest in any Affiliate
     which is not a corporation, in either case if and only if the
     Section 415 Compensation of such owner from the Company
     and all Affiliates combined exceeds $150,000; or

                        (D)  an officer of the Company or an
     Affiliate whose Section 415 Compensation exceeds 50% of the
     dollar limitation in effect under Section 415(b)(1)(A) for any
     such Plan Year.

                   (2)  For purposes of Subparagraph (1)(A),

                        (A)  no Employee shall be considered a
     Key Employee if such Employee's Compensation is not more
     than the amount determined under Section 415(c)(1)(A) of the
     Code (as adjusted pursuant to Section 415(d)(1)(B) of the
     Code) for the calendar year in which falls the Determination
     Date; and

                        (B) if any two Employees own the same
     interest in the Company or any Affiliate, the Employee having
     the larger Section 415 Compensation will be considered to
     own the larger interest.

                   (3)  For purposes of Subparagraphs (1)(A)-
     (C), an Employee shall be considered as owning all interests in
     the Company or an Affiliate in which he owns directly or
     would be considered as owning under the rules contained in
     Section 318 of the Code, except that subparagraph (C) of
     Section 318(a)(2) shall be applied by substituting "5%" for

                   (4)  No more than the greater of three (3)
     Employees or ten percent (10%) of all Employees (up to a
     maximum of fifty (50)) of the Company and all Affiliates
     combined shall be considered officers for purposes of
     Subparagraph (1)(D) and, with respect to Plan Years beginning
     on or before February 28, 1985 no Employee of the Company
     or an Affiliate which is not a corporation shall be considered
     an officer for such purposes.  Where the actual number of such
     officers exceeds the limits imposed by the preceding sentence,
     those Employees who will be considered officers for purposes
     of Subparagraph (1)(D) shall be the officers having the highest
     annual compensation during the five (5) year period consisting
     of the Plan Year and the four (4) preceding Plan Years.

              (b)  "Determination Date" means with respect to any
     Plan Year, the last day of the immediately preceding Plan

              (c)  "Aggregation Group" means

                   (1)  each plan of the Company or Affiliate,
     which --

                        (A)  has one or more participants
     who are Key Employees, or

                        (B)  enables any plan described in
     Subparagraph (A) to meet the requirements of Section
     401(a)(4) or Section 410 of the Code.

     plus, at the Board's election,

                   (2)  any other plan or plans which, when
     considered together with the plan or plans described in
     Paragraph (1), satisfy the requirements of Section 401(a)(4)
     and/or Section 410 of the Code.

              (d)  "Employee" and "Key Employee" include their

              (e)  "Top-Heavy Plan Year" means any Plan Year
     with respect to which the Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan described
     in Section 10.3, such Section 10.3 to be read as incorporating
     the definitions supplied by Section 416 of the Code and the
     regulations promulgated thereunder, and those of any successor
     statute thereto.

              (f)  "Section 415 Compensation" has the meaning
     assigned to it in Section 9.1(j) of the Plan, but determined
     without regard to Sections 125, 402(a)(8) and 402(h)(1)(B) of
     the Code.
10.2 To the extent required under Section 401(a)(10)(B) and/or
     Section 416 of the Code (or any successor statute(s) thereto),
     for any Top-Heavy Plan Year, the provisions of the Plan shall
     apply only to the extent not inconsistent with Sections 10.4
     through 10.7 of the Plan.

10.3          (a)  Except as provided in Section 10.3(a)(3), the
     Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan with respect to a Plan Year, if, as of
     the Determination Date of such Plan Year --

                   (1)  the cumulative accrued benefits of Key
     Employees under the Plan exceeds sixty percent (60%) of the
     cumulative accrued benefits of all Employees under the Plan
     unless the Plan is a Member of an Aggregation Group with
     respect to which the percentage test described in Subparagraph
     (2)(B) is not met; or

                   (2)  the Plan is a Member of an Aggregation
     Group --

                        (A)  which is described in
     Section 10.1(c)(1),and 

                        (B)  with respect to which the sum
     of --

                              (i)  the present value of the
     cumulative accrued benefits of all Key Employees under all
     defined benefit plans within the Aggregation Group, and

                             (ii)  the aggregate of the
     account balances of all Key Employees under all defined
     contribution plans in the Aggregation Group --

     exceeds sixty percent (60%) of the sum of --

                              (i)  the present value of the
     cumulative accrued benefits of all Employees under all defined
     benefit plans included in the Aggregation Group, and

                             (ii)  the aggregate of the
     account balances of all Employees under all defined
     contribution plans in the Aggregation Group.

                   (3)  Notwithstanding Paragraphs (1) and (2) of
     this Section 10.3(a), the Plan shall not be a Top-Heavy Plan
     for any Plan Year in which the Plan is a member of an
     Aggregation Group with respect to which the percentage test
     described in Section 10.3(a)(2)(B) is not met.

              (b)  For purposes of this Section 10.3:

                   (1)  the accrued benefit and/or account balances
     of any Employee who is not a Key Employee during the Plan
     Year but who was a Key Employee during any prior Plan Year
     shall be disregarded;

                   (2)  the present value of an Employee's accrued
     benefit under a defined benefit plan as of a Determination
     Date shall be determined as of that valuation date which
     occurs within the twelve (12) month period ending on such
     Determination Date and is used by the enrolled actuary for
     computing Plan costs for minimum funding, as if the
     Employee's separation from service occurred on such valuation

                   (3)  the account balance of an Employee in a
     defined contribution plan as of any Determination Date shall
     be equal to the account balance of the Employee on the
     valuation date which occurs within the twelve (12) month
     period ending on such Determination Date including an
     adjustment for contributions made or which are due as of such
     Determination Date.

                   (4)  for any Plan Year beginning after 1984, the
     present value of the accrued benefit or the account balance of
     any Employee who has not performed services for the
     Company during the five (5) year period ending on the
     Determination Date shall be disregarded.

                   (5)  the account balance of an Employee in a
     defined contribution plan or the present value of the accrued
     benefit of an Employee in a defined benefit plan, as of a
     Determination Date -

                        (A)  excludes any rollover
     contribution or similar transfer to such plan made after
     December 31, 1983 and attributable to the Participant's interest
     in a plan other than a plan maintained by the Company or an
     Affiliate, and

                        (B)  includes any amount distributed
     with respect to the Employee under the plan within the five (5)
     year period ending on the Determination Date, except to the
     extent that such amount is included in such Employee's
     account balance or the present value of his accrued benefit
     pursuant to Paragraph (2) or (3).  This Subparagraph (B) shall
     also apply to distributions under a terminated plan which if it
     had not been terminated would have been required to be
     included in an Aggregation Group, and

                   (6)  the present value of Employees' accrued
     benefits shall be determined using the actuarial assumptions
     specified in Section 1.2.

10.4          (a)  The Accrued Benefit, commencing on or after
     the Normal Retirement Date of each individual, other than a
     Key Employee, who was a Member during any Top-Heavy
     Plan Year shall be the greater of:

                   (1)  such Member's Accrued Benefit
     determined under Article V, or

                   (2)  an amount equal to two percent (2%) of
     such Member's Highest Average Compensation for each of the
     first ten (10) years of his Top-Heavy Service adjusted pursuant
     to Subsection (c); provided, however, that in the case of a
     Member whose Benefit Commencement Date is later than his
     Normal Retirement Date, the amount determined under this
     Paragraph (2) commencing on such Benefit Commencement
     Date shall not be less than the Actuarial Equivalent of the
     Accrued Benefit that would have been payable pursuant to this
     Paragraph (2) on the Member's Normal Retirement Date.

              (b)  For purposes of this Section 10.4:

                   (1) "Highest Average Compensation" means a
     Member's average Section 415 Compensation for the five (5)
     consecutive years during which his aggregate Section 415
     Compensation was highest, excluding compensation earned by
     such Member --

                        (A)  after the close of the last Top-
     Heavy Plan Year, or

                        (B)  prior to December 1, 1984,
     except to the extent that compensation prior to December 1,
     1984 is required to be taken into account so that such average
     is based on a five (5) year period.

                   (2)  "Top-Heavy Service" means the
     Member's Period of Service, excluding any Year of Service --

                        (A)  during a Plan Year which was
     not a Top-Heavy Plan Year, or

                        (B)  prior to December 1, 1984.

              (c)  In the case of a Member who is also a
     participant in a defined contribution plan maintained by the
     Company or an Affiliate, the amount described in Paragraph
     (a)(2) shall be reduced by the actuarial equivalent, determined
     as of the date of the Member's Benefit Commencement Date,
     of the Member's account balance under such defined
     contribution plan derived from employer contributions (which
     account balance shall be deemed to include prior withdrawals
     made by the Member accumulated at interest to the Member's
     Benefit Commencement Date).  For purposes of this
     Subsection (c), actuarial equivalence and the interest rate
     referred to in the preceding sentence shall be determined using
     the actuarial assumptions described in Section 1.2.

10.5          (a)  For any Top-Heavy Plan Year, each Member
     shall be vested in his Accrued Benefit in accordance with the
     following schedule:

     Years of Service                               

     Fewer than Two years                               
     Two years but less than Three Years                
     Three years but less than Four years               
     Four years but less than Five years                
     Five or more years                                 

              (b)  Any portion of a Member's Accrued Benefit
     which has become vested pursuant to Subsection (a) shall
     remain vested after the Plan has ceased to be a Top-Heavy

              (c)  Any Member who has completed a Period of
     Service of at least three (3) years prior to the beginning of the
     Plan Year in which the Plan ceased to be a Top-Heavy Plan
     shall continue to vest in his Accrued Benefit according to the
     schedule set forth in Subsection (a) after the Plan has ceased
     to be a Top-Heavy Plan.

10.6          For any Top-Heavy Plan Year, the limitations contained in
     Article IX of the Plan shall be applied by substituting "1.0" for
     "1.25" in Section 9.1(d)(2) and 9.1(f)(2) of the Plan, and the
     transitional rule under Section 415(e)(6) of the Code, the use
     of which is provided for by Section 9.1(f)(3) of the Plan shall
     be applied by substituting $41,500 for $51,875, unless for such
     Plan Year --

              (a)  the requirements of Section 10.4 would be satisfied
     if "three percent (3%)" were substituted for "two percent (2%)"
     in Subsection (a)(1) thereof; and

              (b)  the Plan would not be a Plan described in Section
     10.3 if "ninety percent (90%)" were substituted for "sixty
     percent (60%)" wherever the latter figure appears in Section



11.1 Salant Corporation by its approval of the Plan, as amended,
     accepts responsibility as a named fiduciary of the Plan with
     respect to the selection and retention of the Trustee of the
     Fund, the selection and retention of any Investment Manager,
     the selection of the members of the Committee and for
     reviewing the performance of such Committee as to the
     fiduciary duties and responsibilities vested in it under the Plan
     as hereinafter set forth.  Salant Corporation shall act by
     resolution of its Board of Directors.  Such action shall be
     evidenced by written resolution certified in writing by the
     Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of Salant Corporation.

     11.2     The Committee shall consist of not fewer than 3 nor
     more than 5 members and may, but need not, include members
     of the Board of Directors of Salant Corporation.  Any member
     may resign at will by notice to Salant Corporation or be
     removed (with or without cause) by Salant Corporation.  The
     Committee shall have exclusive responsibility and authority for
     approving and reviewing the Plan's investment and funding
     objectives and policies; and for reviewing and evaluating the
     performance and policies of the Trustee and of any Investment
     Manager.  The Committee shall report regularly, at least
     annually, to the Board of Directors of Salant Corporation with
     respect to its evaluation of same.  The Committee shall also
     have primary responsibility and authority for the administration
     of the Plan, including the authority to interpret its provisions,
     to authorize distributions from Plan assets, to establish and
     enforce such rules and regulations as it shall deem proper for
     the administration of the Plan, to determine the amount of
     benefits which shall be payable to any person in accordance
     with the provisions the Plan, to establish benefit claim
     procedures, to consider and decide conclusively appeals by any
     claimant in accordance with an appeals procedure established
     by the Committee and to authorize the payment of benefits
     from Plan assets.  The decisions of the Committee in the
     interpretation of the provisions of the Plan and the
     determination of questions regarding eligibility for and the
     amount of benefits payable in accordance with the provisions
     of the Plan shall be conclusive and binding on all parties.  The
     Committee shall also have the responsibility for compiling and
     communicating to the Investment Manger, if any, the financial
     information and projections with respect to anticipated
     contributions to and distributions from the Plan so that the
     current and ongoing liquidity and other financial needs of the
     Plan may be properly integrated into the recommendations of
     the Investment Manager respecting the Plan's investment
     objectives.  The Committee shall have the authority to engage
     independent actuaries, counsel and consultants in order to
     fulfill its responsibilities, to rely on the advice of same and to
     compensate same out of Plan assets.  The Committee shall
     also have the responsibility with respect to reporting and
     disclosure requirements under the Employee Retirement
     Income Security Act of 1974.  The Committee shall also, from
     time to time, recommend Plan amendments to the Board of
     Directors of Salant Corporation as the Committee in
     consultation with others may deem appropriate.  In addition to
     and in furtherance of the powers and authorities herein
     conveyed, the Committee shall be authorized, in its discretion,
     to allocate responsibilities among one or more of its members,
     and to delegate responsibilities to any person or persons
     selected by it.  Any action taken by the Committee shall be
     taken by a majority of its members at a meeting or by written
     instrument approved by such majority in the absence of a
     meeting.  A written resolution or memorandum signed by at
     least two members or by one member and the secretary of the
     Committee shall be sufficient evidence to any person of any
     action taken by such Committee.

11.3 Salant Corporation shall have the power to appoint one or
     more Investment Managers of the Fund.  Any Investment
     Manager appointed by Salant Corporation shall have
     responsibility for recommending investment objectives and
     policies to the Committee and for implementing same.  The
     Investment Manager shall be responsible for investment
     decisions involving assets of the Fund over which the
     Investment Manager has authority and shall make regular
     reports to the Committee.

11.4 Any person, corporation or other entity may serve in more
     than one fiduciary capacity under the Plan.

11.5 In the event of a dispute between the Trustees or Committee
     and a Member or beneficiary over the amount of benefits
     payable under the Plan, the Member or 
     beneficiary may file a claim for benefits by notifying the
     Committee of such claim.  Such notification may be in any
     form adequate to give reasonable notice to the Committee,
     shall set forth the basis of such claim and shall authorize the
     Committee to conduct such examinations as may be necessary
     to determine the validity of the claim and to take such steps as
     may be necessary to facilitate the payment of any benefits to
     which the claimant may be entitled under the Plan.

11.6 The Committee shall decide whether to grant a claim within
     ninety (90) days of the date on which the claim is filed, unless
     special circumstances require a longer period for adjudication
     and the claimant is notified in writing of the reasons for an
     extension of time within such ninety (90) day period;
     provided, however, that no extension shall be permitted
     beyond ninety (90) days after the date on which the claimant
     received notice of the extension of time from the Committee. 
     If the Committee fails to notify the claimant of their decision
     to grant or deny the claim, such claim shall be deemed to have
     been denied by the Committee and the review procedure
     described in Section 11.7 shall become available to the

11.7          (a)  Whenever a claim for benefits is denied, written
     notice, prepared in a manner calculated to be understood by
     the claimant, shall be provided to the claimant, setting forth
     the specific reasons for the denial and explaining the procedure
     for review of the decision made by the Committee.  If the
     denial is based upon submission of information insufficient to
     support a decision, the Committee shall specify the
     information which is necessary to perfect the claim and its
     reasons for requiring such additional information.

              (b)  Any claimant whose claim is denied, may,
     within sixty (60) days after the receipt of written notice of
     such denial, request in writing a review by the Board, the
     Members of which shall be "named fiduciaries," within the
     meaning of Section 402(a) of ERISA for the purpose of
     adjudicating such appeals.  Such claimant or the claimant's
     representative may examine any Plan documents relevant to
     the claim and may submit the issues and comments in writing. 
     The Board shall adjudicate the claimant's appeal within sixty
     (60) days after its receipt of the claimant's written request for
     review, unless special circumstances require a longer period
     for adjudication and the claimant is notified in writing of the
     reasons for an extension of time within such sixty (60) day
     period; provided, however, that such adjudication shall be
     made no later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the
     Board's receipt by them of the claimant's written request for

              (c)  If the Board fails to notify the claimant of its
     decision with respect to the claimant's request for review
     within the time specified by this Section, such claim shall be
     deemed to have been denied on review.

11.8 If the claim is denied by the Board, such decision shall be in
     writing, shall state specifically the reasons for the decision,
     shall be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the
     claimant and shall make specific reference to the pertinent
     Plan provisions upon which it is based.

11.9 The procedure set forth in this Article XI shall be revised as
     necessary to conform to regulations promulgated by the United
     States Department of Labor or any successor authority
     regulating claims procedures for employee benefit plans.


THE                    TRUST FUND

12.1 Salant Corporation shall enter into a Trust Agreement with the
     Trustee, for the establishment and maintenance of the Trust
     Fund.  The Trust Agreement shall be deemed to form a part of
     the Plan, and all rights which may accrue to any person under
     the Plan shall be subject to the terms of the Trust Agreement.

12.2 The Trustee shall manage and control the Trust Fund in
     accordance with the terms of the Trust Agreement.  The
     Trustees shall pay benefits to Members or former Members
     only upon the specific instructions of the Committee.

12.3 Administrative expenses of the Plan shall be paid out of the
     Trust Fund unless and to the extent paid by the Company. 
     The Company may reimburse the Trust Fund for any payment
     so made.


13.1 Amendment of the Plan

     Salant Corporation reserves the right to modify or amend this
     Plan from time to time and to any extent that it may deem
     advisable, including without limitation any amendment deemed
     necessary to insure the continued qualification of this Plan
     under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.  Any
     amendment shall be made pursuant to a resolution duly
     adopted by Salant Corporation's Board of Directors.  No
     amendment shall have the effect of returning to the Company
     the whole or any part of the assets of this Plan or of diverting
     any part of the assets of this Plan to purposes other than for
     the exclusive benefit of the Members and their beneficiaries at
     any time prior to the satisfaction of all the liabilities under this
     Plan with respect to such persons.  If such amendment reduces
     the Accrued Benefit of any Member, such amendment shall
     not be valid unless approved by the Secretary of Labor or
     unless he fails to take action disapproving such amendment
     within 90 days after receiving notice of it.

     Except as otherwise provided in regulations prescribed by the
     Secretary of the Treasury, an amendment to the Plan which
     has the effect of eliminating or reducing an early retirement
     benefit or eliminating an optional form of benefit with respect
     to benefits attributable to service prior to such amendment
     shall be treated as reducing Accrued Benefits for purposes of
     this Section 13.1.

     A Plan amendment that changes the Plan's vesting schedule
     shall not be effective with respect to any Member with a three-
     year Period of Vesting Service who makes an irrevocable
     election during the election period to have his benefit
     determined without regard to such amendment.

     For purposes of the preceding paragraph the election period
     shall begin on the date the Plan amendment is adopted and end
     on the latest of the following dates:

                        (i)  The date which is 60 days after the
     day the Plan amendment is adopted,

                        (ii)  The date which is 60 days after the
     day the Plan amendment is effective, or

                        (iii)  The date which is 60 days after the
     day the Member is issued written notice of the Plan
     amendment by the Plan Administrator.

13.2 Termination of the Plan

                   (a)  Termination.  The Company reserves the
     right to terminate the Plan, in whole or in part, at any time.  

                   (b)  Benefits are Non-Forfeitable.  Upon
     termination or partial termination of the Plan, the rights of all
     affected Members to their Accrued Benefits in accordance with
     Section 5.1 to the date of termination or date of partial
     termination shall be non-forfeitable, except as provided under
     the provisions of Article XIV.

13.3 Allocation of Assets Upon Plan Termination

     Upon termination of the Plan in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 13.2, the Plan's assets shall be allocated
     in accordance with the following order, subject to the
     provisions of Title IV of ERISA:

                   (a)  Benefits payable as an annuity to
     (i) Members and their beneficiaries who began receiving
     benefits at least three years prior to the termination date of the
     Plan and (ii) Members and their beneficiaries who could have
     been receiving benefits as of three years prior to the
     termination date of the Plan if they had retired prior to the
     beginning of the three year period and if their benefits had
     commenced (on the Life Annuity form under this Plan) as of
     the beginning of such period, based on the provisions of the
     Plan (as in effect during the five year period ending on such
     termination date) under which such benefit would be the least.

              Salant Corporation may at any time require any other
     Company to withdraw from the Plan, and any Affiliate may
     voluntarily withdraw with Salant Corporation's consent, and
     upon any such withdrawal, the Plan, in respect of such
     Affiliate, shall be terminated.

              Upon a termination of the Plan with respect to an
     Affiliate, the Trustees shall allocate and segregate for the
     benefit of the Members then or theretofore employed by such
     Affiliate their proportionate interest in the Trust Fund.

                   (b)  All other benefits which are insured by
     the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation determined without
     regard to Section 4022(b)(5) of ERISA or which would have
     been so insured if Section 4022(b)(6) of ERISA did not apply.

                   (c)  All other non-forfeitable benefits under
     the Plan.

                   (d)  All other benefits under the Plan.

              If the assets of the Plan available for allocation under
     (a) or (b) are insufficient to satisfy in full the benefits which
     are described, the assets shall be allocated pro rata among such
     individuals on the basis of the present value (as of the Plan's
     date of termination) of their respective benefits.

              Any residual assets of the Plan remaining after the
     satisfaction of all liabilities of the Plan shall be distributed to
     the Company.

13.4 Merger or Consolidation

     No merger or consolidation with, or transfer of assets or
     liabilities to, any other plan shall be made unless each Member
     in this Plan would receive a benefit, if the Plan terminated
     immediately after the merger, consolidation or transfer, equal
     to or greater than the benefit he would have been entitled to
     receive immediately before the merger, consolidation or
     transfer if this Plan had then terminated.


14.1 In the event of Plan termination, the benefit payable to any
     highly compensated employee or any highly compensated
     former employee (as defined in section 414(q) of the Code and
     regulations thereunder) shall be limited to a benefit that is
     nondiscriminatory under section 401(a)(4) of the Code.  If
     payment of benefits is restricted in accordance with this
     Subsection (a), assets in excess of the amount required to
     provide such restricted benefits shall become a part of the
     assets available under Section 13.3 for allocation among
     Members and their contingent annuitants and beneficiaries
     whose benefits are not restricted under this Section 14.1.

14.2 The restrictions of this Section 14.2 shall apply prior to
     termination of the Plan to any Member who is a highly
     compensated employee or a highly compensated former
     employee and who is one of the 25 highest paid employees of
     the Company and its Affiliates for any Plan Year.  The annual
     payments to any such Member shall be limited to an amount
     equal to the payments that would have been made to the
     Member under a single life annuity that is the Actuarial
     Equivalent of the sum of the Member's Accrued Benefit and
     any other benefits under the Plan.

14.3 The restrictions in Section 14.2 shall not apply:

                   (a)  if, after the payment of all benefits payable
     to such Member, the value of the Plan assets equals or exceeds
     110 percent of the value of the current liabilities (within the
     meaning of section 412(1)(7) of the Code); 

                   (b) if the value of all benefits payable to such
     Member is less than one percent (1%) of the value of current
     liabilities; or

                   (c) if the value of all benefits payable to such
     Member does not exceed $3,500 (or such other amount as is
     specified in section 411(a)(11) of the Code.


15.1 Evidence of Survival

     Where a benefit payment is contingent upon the survival of
     any person, evidence of such person's survival must be
     furnished either by personal endorsement of the check drawn
     for such payment or by other evidence satisfactory to the Plan

15.2 Non-Alienation of Benefits

     Except in the case of a qualified domestic relations order
     within the meaning of Section 414(p) of the Code, benefit
     payments may not be assigned or hypothecated and, to the
     extent permitted by law, no such payment will be subject to
     legal process or attachment for the payment of any claims
     against any person entitled to receive the same.  No portion of
     any benefit payable under the Plan shall be alienated except
     for those amounts designated by the Member, provided (a)
     such amounts do not exceed 10% of any benefit payment and
     (b) any such designation made by a Member may be revoked
     by him at any time.

15.3 Payments to Incompetents

     If the Company receives evidence satisfactory to it that (a) a
     payee entitled to receive any payment under the Plan is
     physically or mentally incompetent to receive such payment or
     is a minor, (b) another person or an institution is then
     maintaining or has custody of such payee and (c) no guardian,
     committee or other representative of the estate of such payee
     has been appointed, the Plan Administrator may direct that
     payments be made (in the case of a minor at a rate not
     exceeding $50 a month) to such other person or institution.

15.4 Misstated Information

     If any information has been misstated on which a benefit
     under the Plan with respect to a person was based, such
     benefit shall not be invalidated but the amount of the benefit
     shall be adjusted to the proper amount as determined on the
     basis of the correct information.  Overpayments, if any, with
     interest as determined by the Plan Administrator shall be
     charged against any payments accruing with respect to the
     person.  The Plan Administrator reserves the right to require
     proof of age of any person entitled to a benefit under this

15.5 Beneficiary

     Subject to Section 7.2, a Member shall designate, with the
     right to change such designation, a beneficiary to receive any
     payment or payments to which a beneficiary may become
     entitled under the Plan.  Any other person to whom periodic
     payments are payable under this Plan may designate, with the
     right to change such designation, a beneficiary to receive any
     remaining periodic payments becoming due upon the death of
     such person provided that no prior conflicting designation by a
     Member is then in effect with respect thereto.  If no
     designated beneficiary is surviving when a payment is to be
     made to a beneficiary, the commuted value of any remaining
     periodic payments shall be made to the person or persons in
     the first surviving class of the following classes of successive
     preference beneficiaries:  (a) the Member's widow or widower,
     (b) the Member's surviving children, (c) the Member's
     surviving parents, (d) the Members surviving brothers and
     sisters, (e) the executors or administrators of the person upon
     whose death the payments become due.

15.6 The law of the State of New York shall be the controlling
     state law in all matters relating to the Plan and shall apply to
     the extent it is not preempted by the laws of the United States
     of America.

              IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Salant Corporation, by its
     duly authorized officers, with its corporate seal affixed, has
     caused this Plan to be executed 
     this              day of December, 1994.


     By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . .


        APPENDIX A

                   ADOPTING COMPANIES

Effective Date

Salant Corporation                                    
January 1, 1979

Denton Mills, Inc.                                    
January 1, 1992