EIGHTH AMENDMENT TO CREDIT AGREEMENT, dated as of June 1, 1996
(this "Amendment"),  to the Revolving Credit,  Factoring and Security Agreement,
dated as of September 20, 1993, as amended by letter  agreement Re: Amendment to
Credit Agreement with respect to the Mississippi  Property,  dated June 14, 1994
(the  "First  Amendment")  and by  letter  agreement  Re:  Amendment  to  Credit
Agreement  with  respect to  Additional  Guarantors,  dated August 24, 1994 (the
"Second Amendment"), and by the Third Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated as of
February 28, 1995 (the "Third Amendment"), and by the Fourth Amendment to Credit
Agreement, dated as of March 1, 1995 (the "Fourth Amendment"),  and by the Fifth
Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated as of June 28, 1995 (the "Fifth Amendment")
and by the Sixth Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated as of August 15, 1995 (the
"Sixth Amendment") and by the Seventh Amendment to Credit Agreement, dated as of
March 27, 1996 (the "Seventh Amendment") (as so amended, and as further amended,
supplemented or otherwise  modified from time to time, the "Credit  Agreement"),
between  THE  CIT   GROUP/COMMERCIAL   SERVICES,   INC.  ("Lender")  and  SALANT
CORPORATION ("Borrower").

                               W I T N E S S E T H

          WHEREAS, Lender and Borrower are parties to the Credit Agreement;

                  WHEREAS,  Borrower  has  requested  Lender to amend the Credit
Agreement  (i) to finance  rather than  factor,  as is now the case,  Borrower's
uunts arising from sales through its Perry Ellis division, and (ii) to factor
on a non-notification  basis rather than on a notification  basis, as is now the
case,  Borrower's  Accounts  arising from sales  through its Fashion Shirt Group
division and its Salant Accessories division; and

                  WHEREAS,  Lender is  willing  to make such  amendments  to the
Credit  Agreement upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in this

                  NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises, the parties
hereto hereby agree,  effective as of the Effective  Date, as defined below,  as

                  1.       Defined Terms.  Initially capitalized terms used
                           and not otherwise defined herein
                           shall have their respective
                           meanings as defined in the Credit Agreement.
                  2.       Amendment of Section 1.35.  Section 1.35 of the
Credit Agreement is amended in its
entirety to read as follows:

                  "1.35    'Factored Accounts' shall mean all Notification 
                           Accounts and all
         Non-Notification Accounts.

                  3.       Addition of Sections 1.62A and 1.62B. 
 Section 1.62A and Section 1.62B are added to
the Credit Agreement as follows:

                  "1.62A  'Non-Notification  Accounts'  shall mean  Accounts  of
         Borrower  arising from sales through its Fashion  Shirt Group  division
         and Salant Accessories division."

                  "1.62B 'Notification Accounts' shall mean Accounts of Borrower
         arising from sales through its Made in the Shade/West Dallas division."

                  4.       Amendment of Section 3.6(c).  The first sentence of
                           Section 3.6(c) of the Credit
                           Agreement is amended in its entirety to read
                           as follows:

                  "(c)  Each  invoice  of  Borrower  evidencing  a  Notification
         Account  shall bear a notice that such Account has been assigned to, is
         owned by, and is payable to Lender in United States Dollars; no invoice
         of Borrower evidencing a Non-Notification  Account shall be required to
         bear such a notice."

                  5.       Amendment of Section 3.6(d).  Section 3.6(d) of the 
         Credit Agreement is amended in its
          entirety to read as follows:

                  "(d) Lender shall purchase the Factored  Accounts at the gross
         amount of the  respective  invoices  therefor,  less any trade and cash
         discounts  (based  on  the  longest  or  shortest  terms  allowable  to
         Borrower's   customers,   as  Lender  elects),  and  less  credits  and
         allowances  ("Net  Sales").  Net Sales  factored with Lender each month
         shall be posted to  Borrower's  account (i) in respect of  Notification
         Accounts,  as of  the  date  Lender  receives  confirmatory  assignment
         schedules thereof,  and (ii) in respect of  Non-Notification  Accounts,
         when and as Lender  receives  from Borrower  accountings  of Borrower's
         sales in respect of Non-Notification  Accounts as hereinafter  provided
         for in this  Section  3.6(d).  Until  otherwise  requested  by  Lender,
         Borrower  agrees to  furnish to Lender the  following  information  and
         reports  with  respect to  Non-Notification  Accounts.  Borrower  shall
         provide  Lender  with a  confirmatory  assignment  schedule of assigned
         Non-Notification  Accounts on a daily basis in respect of the preceding
         day's sales,  which  confirmatory  assignment  schedule shall be in the
         form attached as Exhibit N. Within five (5) business days after the end
         of each month,  Borrower shall render to Lender an accounting of all of
         Borrower's  sales in  respect  of  Non-Notification  Accounts  for such
         month,  showing  gross  sales  and  Net  Sales  and  an  aged  accounts
         receivable  trial balance as of the close of such month,  including the
         names  and  addresses  of  all  Account   Debtors   obligated  on  such
         Non-Notification  Accounts.  All checks and other  amounts  received by
         Lender in respect of  Notification  Accounts in the form of remittances
         which are not  immediately  available  will be credited  to  Borrower's
         account  three (3)  business  days  after  such  remittances  have been
         received. All amounts received by Lender in respect of Non-Notification
         Accounts  shall be credited to  Borrower's  account as provided  for in
         Section  9.1(b)  hereof.  Borrower  agrees to submit to Lender  written
         requests  for  adjustment  of past  due  Non-Notification  Accounts  at
         Lender's Credit Risk asking Lender to mature  invoices  evidencing such
         Accounts no later than ninety (90) days after the longest maturity date
         of such  invoices.  The Net Sales  amount  of (x) any  Non-Notification
         Account  with  respect to which  Borrower  has duly made such a written
         request,  and (y) any Notification  Account,  shipped, in each case, at
         Lender's  Credit Risk,  which remains unpaid due solely to Credit Risk,
         will be credited to Borrower's account:

                  (i) as of the date of the Factored Account's longest maturity,
                  if such  customer:  makes an  assignment  for the  benefit  of
                  creditors;  files or has filed against it a petition under any
                  bankruptcy  or  insolvency   act;   calls  a  meeting  of  its
                  creditors;  institutes  any proceeding to compromise or adjust
                  its debts;  or if any  proceeding  is instituted by or against
                  such customer for relief under any state or federal bankruptcy
                  or  insolvency  law; or if a receiver or trustee is  appointed
                  for the customer; or

                  (ii) if  requested  by Borrower  and if agreed to by Lender in
                  the exercise of its  discretion,  as of the 90th day following
                  the Factored Account's maturity date, if such Factored Account
                  remains unpaid as of said date without the happening of any of
                  the events specified in clause (i) hereinabove.

As to all such  Non-Notification  Accounts  which Lender is  maturing,  Borrower
shall,  together with its request that such Accounts be matured,  furnish Lender
with true copies of the invoices  therefor,  the original proofs of delivery,  a
written report of the efforts made by Borrower to effect collection thereof, and
confirmation  of Borrower's  prior  notification  to Lender  pursuant to Section
3.6(e) hereof of a collectability  problem. Should it subsequently be determined
that any such Factored Account  credited to Borrower's  account pursuant to this
Section 3.6(d) remained unpaid due to any reason other than Credit Risk,  Lender
shall  have the  right to  reverse  the  credit,  and debit  Borrower's  account

                  6.       Amendment of Section 3.6(h).  Section 3.6(h) of
the Credit Agreement is amended in its entirety to read as follows:

                  "(h) For  providing  factoring  services  hereunder,  Borrower
         shall pay to Lender a factoring  commission  on the  Factored  Accounts
         created in each calendar month during the term of this Agreement in the
         amount of (i) with respect to Notification Accounts sixty hundredths of
         one  percent  (.60%) of the  gross  face  amount  of such  Notification
         Accounts,  less trade and cash discounts thereon, and (ii) with respect
         to Non-Notification  Accounts,  twenty hundredths of one percent (.20%)
         of the gross face amount of such Non-Notification  Accounts, less trade
         and cash discounts thereon.  Factoring  commissions with respect to any
         calendar  month  shall be due and  payable  by  Borrower  and  shall be
         charged to  Borrower's  account on each day that sales are  assigned to

                  7.       Amendment of Section 3.6(i).  Section 3.6(i) of
 the Credit Agreement is amended in its entirety to read as follows:

                  "(i) Borrower shall sell and assign to Lender in each calendar
         year Non-Notification Accounts in an aggregate gross face amount of not
         less than  $100,000,000,  pro  rated,  however,  in respect of the 1996
         calendar  year  for the  period  June 1,  1996  through  and  including
         December 31, 1996.  If in any calendar  year the  aggregate  gross face
         amount of  Non-Notification  Accounts  actually  sold and  assigned  to
         Lender  is  less  than  $100,000,000,  then  an  amount  equal  to  ten
         hundredths of one percent (.10%) of the amount of such deficiency shall
         be charged to Borrower's  account after the end of such calendar  year.
         In the  event  this  Agreement  is  terminated  by  Borrower  or Lender
         pursuant to Section 10.1(b) hereof before the end of any calendar year,
         then,  and in such event,  Borrower's  obligation  to Lender under this
         Section  3.6(i) shall be pro-rated  based upon the period of time which
         has elapsed from the  beginning of such  calendar year to the effective
         date of termination of this Agreement."

                  8.       Amendment of Section 3.6(k).  Section 3.6(k) of the
          Credit Agreement is hereby amended
          in its entirety to read as follows:

                  "(k)  If  pursuant  to  Section   10.1(b)   hereof,   Borrower
         terminates  this  Agreement  on March 31,  1997,  then  Borrower  shall
         continue to factor the  Non-Notification  Accounts with Lender  through
         September  30,  1998  on the  same  terms  as  are  contained  in  this

                  9.       Addition of Section 3.6(l).  Section 3.6(l) is
         added to the Credit Agreement as follows:

                  "(l)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained in
         this  Agreement,  Borrower  shall incur in each calendar year the first
         $100,000  of credit  losses  (as  hereinafter  defined)  in  respect of
         Non-Notification Accounts for which Lender has the Credit Risk. As used
         herein,  "credit  losses" in each  calendar  year  means the  aggregate
         amount of  Non-Notification  Accounts  for which  Lender has the Credit
         Risk which are unpaid in each calendar year due to Credit Risk."

                  10.      Amendment of Section 9.1(a).  Section 9.1(a) of the 
         Credit Agreement is hereby amended
         in its entirety to read as follows:

                  "(a) All invoices  relating to  Non-Notification  Accounts and
         Non-Factored  Accounts  shall  indicate that  remittances  with respect
         thereto are to be made to: SALANT  CORPORATION,  P.O. BOX 4076,  CHURCH
         STREET  STATION,  NEW YORK, NEW YORK  10261-4076,  a lock box opened by
         Lender pursuant to a Lock Box Deposit Service  Agreement dated June 25,
         1990   with    Manufacturers    Hanover   Trust   Company,    immediate
         predecessor-in-interest  to Chemical Bank, (the "Lock Box  Agreement").
         All such  remittances  shall be  deposited  in  Lender's  account  with
         Chemical Bank pursuant to the Lock Box Agreement (the "CIT Account")."

                  11.      Amendment of Section 9.1(b).  The first three 
         sentences of Section 9.1(b) of the
         Credit Agreement are amended in their entirety to read as follows:

                  "(b) Any  checks  or other  forms of  remittance  which may be
         received  directly  by  Borrower  in  respect  of the  Non-Notification
         Accounts,  the Non-Factored  Accounts and other Collateral shall not be
         commingled with Borrower's property,  but shall be segregated,  held by
         Borrower  in trust  for  Lender  as  Lender's  exclusive  property  and
         immediately deposited by Borrower, in the identical form received, with
         proper  endorsements,  into such  account  or  accounts  as Lender  may
         designate from time to time. All amounts  received by Lender in respect
         of Non-Notification Accounts, Non-Factored Accounts or other Collateral
         in  immediately  available  funds will be  credited  to any  account or
         accounts  maintained by Lender  pursuant to this Agreement after adding
         one (1)  business  day.  All  amounts  received by Lender in respect of
         Non-Notification Accounts, Non-Factored Accounts or other Collateral in
         remittances  which are not immediately  available,  will be credited to
         any account or accounts maintained by Lender pursuant to this Agreement
         one (1) business day after such remittances have been collected."

                  12.      Amendment of clauses (d) and (e) of Section 9.5.
         Clauses (d) and (e) of Section 9.5
         of the Credit Agreement are amended in their entirety to read as

                  "...(d)   with  respect  to   Non-Notification   Accounts  and
         Non-Factored  Accounts,  on or  after  the  occurrence  of an  Event of
         Default,  or an event which with notice,  passage of time or both would
         constitute  an Event of  Default,  to notify  Account  Debtors  to make
         payment  directly to Lender;  (e) (i) with respect to  Non-Notification
         Accounts,  at any time  after the  earlier of (A) sixty (60) days after
         the  respective due dates thereof and (B) the occurrence of an Event of
         Default or an event  which with notice of passage of time or both would
         constitute an Event of Default,  and (ii) with respect to  Non-Factored
         Accounts,  on or after the  occurrence  of an Event of  Default,  or an
         event which with notice,  passage of time or both would  constitute  an
         Event of Default,  to take or bring, in the name of Lender or Borrower,
         all steps, actions,  suits or proceedings deemed by Lender necessary or
         desirable to effect collection of the  Non-Notification  Accounts,  the
         Non-Factored Accounts or the other Collateral, as the case may be;..."

                  13.      Additional Exhibit.  The attached "Salant Accounts
         Receivable Schedule" is hereby
         added to the Credit Agreement as "Exhibit N" thereto

                  14. Representations and Warranties. Borrower hereby represents
and  warrants to Lender that the  representations  and  warranties  set forth in
Section 6 of the Credit  Agreement  are true on and as of the date  hereof as if
made on and as of the date hereof after giving effect to this Amendment,  except
to the extent any such  representation or warranty  expressly relates to a prior
date,  and  breach of any of the  representations  and  warranties  made in this
paragraph 13 shall constitute an Event of Default under Section 8.1(b) or 8.1(c)
of the Credit Agreement, as applicable. Borrower further represents and warrants
that, after giving effect to this Amendment, no Event of Default or event which,
with the lapse of time or the giving of notice or both, would become an Event of
Default has occurred and is continuing.

                  15.      Effectiveness.  This Amendment shall become 
effective on the date (the "Effective
Date") Lender shall have received each of the following:

                                    a.      The written consent of all 
 Participants to the execution and delivery of this Amendment by Lender.

                                    b.      Counterparts of this Amendment, 
duly executed and delivered by Borrower and Lender.

                                    c.      A duly executed copy of the Consent
of Guarantors substantially in the form of Exhibit A hereto.

                  16.  Continuing  Effect of Credit  Agreement.  This  Amendment
shall not  constitute  a waiver or  amendment  of any  provision  of the  Credit
Agreement  not  expressly  referred  to herein and shall not be  construed  as a
consent  to any  further  or future  action on the part of  Borrower  that would
require consent of Lender.  Except as expressly  amended,  the provisions of the
Credit Agreement are and shall remain in full force and effect.

                  17.      Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed in
counterparts, and all of such counterparts taken together shall be
deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.

                  18.      Governing Law.  This Amendment shall be governed by,
and construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the state of
New York.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  caused  this
Amendment  to be duly  executed  and  delivered  in New York,  New York by their
proper and duly authorized officers as of the day and year first above written.

                                        THE CIT GROUP/COMMERCIAL
                                                 SERVICES, INC.


                                       SALANT CORPORATION


                                    EXHIBIT A

                              CONSENT OF GUARANTORS

                  Each of the  undersigned,  CLANTEXPORT,  INC.,  DENTON  MILLS,
its respective Guarantee, each dated as of September 20, 1993, and SALANT CANADA
INC.  and J.J.  FARMER  CLOTHING  INC.,  each a guarantor  under its  respective
Guaranty   (Unlimited   Liability),   each  dated  as  of  September   20,  1994
(individually,   in  the  case  of  each  of  the  foregoing   Guarantors,   its
"Guarantee"),   made  in  favor  of  the  CIT  Group/Commercial  Services,  Inc.
("Lender"),  pursuant to the Credit Agreement as defined in the Eighth Amendment
to  Credit  Agreement,  dated  as of June 1,  1996  between  Lender  and  Salant
Corporation  (the  "Amendment"),  to which  this  Consent  is  attached,  hereby
consents to the  Amendment  and the  matters  contemplated  thereby,  and hereby
confirms  and agrees that its  Guarantee  is, and shall  continue to be, in full
force and effect and is hereby  ratified and  confirmed  in all respects  except
that, on and after the effective  date of the  Amendment,  each reference in its
Guarantee to "the Credit  Agreement",  "thereunder",  "thereof" or words of like
import  referring to the Credit  Agreement  shall mean and be a reference to the
Credit Agreement as amended by the Amendment.

                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  each of the  undersigned has caused this
Consent of  Guarantors  to be duly  executed  and  delivered  by its  authorized
officer as of the 1st day of June, 1996.


By:                                     By:

Title:                                  Title:

DENTON MILLS, INC.                      SLT SOURCING, INC.

By:                                     By:

Title:                                 Title:

VERA LICENSING, INC.                                 SALANT CANADA INC.

By:                                                  By:

Title:                                               Title:

                       [SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE]



