Financial Initiatives to Enhance Financial Flexibility, EPS Growth Rate

      SAN DIEGO, Jan. 26, 2000 - Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE) today
      simultaneously reported increased 1999 earnings and announced
      a tender offer and dividend reduction designed to further
      accelerate earnings growth and enhance the company's
      competitive position.

      Sempra Energy reported unaudited 1999 earnings of $394 million,
      or $1.66 per diluted share, up 34 percent from $294 million, or
      $1.24 per diluted share, for the year 1998. Unaudited earnings,
      excluding nonrecurring items, in 1999 rose to $408 million, or
      $1.72 per diluted share, up nearly 8 percent, from $379 million, or
      $1.60 per diluted share, in 1998.

      Sempra Energy has commenced a "Dutch Auction" self-tender
      offer to purchase up to 36 million shares, or approximately 15
      percent, of outstanding common shares at a premium to the
      closing price of Sempra Energy's common stock on Tuesday, Jan.
      25, 2000. The company intends to finance substantially all of the
      repurchase by issuing a combination of senior notes and trust
      preferred securities.

      Sempra Energy also plans to reduce the quarterly dividend
      payable on shares of its common stock to $0.25 per share ($1.00
      annualized rate) from its previous level of $0.39 per share ($1.56
      annualized rate).

      "These financial initiatives give us increased financial flexibility to
      invest in our growing domestic and international businesses, bring
      our dividend payout ratio in line with our industry peers and help us
      achieve our goal of increasing our compound average growth rate
      in earnings per share to 8 percent to 10 percent over the next three
      years," said Richard D. Farman, chairman and chief executive
      officer of Sempra Energy. "These initiatives are consistent with our
      strategies and our objective of being a focused, flexible and
      competitive energy services company.

      "Today's actions return capital to shareholders while maintaining a
      solid balance sheet, excellent cash flow and strong
      investment-grade credit ratings," Farman added.

      "We've successfully delivered on our primary performance
      objectives since Sempra Energy's creation 18 months ago," said
      Stephen L. Baum, vice chairman, chief operating officer and
      president of Sempra Energy. "We exceeded our earnings goal in
      1999 and achieved profitability in our unregulated businesses one
      year ahead of target. We're on track to meet our objective to
      generate one-third of our earnings from these units by the end of
      2003. We're particularly pleased with the progress of our energy
      trading and our international businesses. We've also produced
      returns from our California regulated utility operations that exceed
      their authorized rates of return on equity.

      "Going forward, we will intensify development of our growth
      businesses, including retail energy services, international utilities,
      trading and technology ventures," Baum said. "At the same time,
      we'll continue to enhance the competitive position and returns from
      our regulated delivery services in California and to add generation
      capacity in selected markets to support our retail businesses."

      Dividend Reduction

      The company plans to reduce the quarterly dividend payable on
      shares of its common stock to $0.25 per share ($1.00 annualized
      rate) from its previous $0.39 per share ($1.56 annualized rate)
      commencing with the dividend payable in the second quarter of
      2000. Reducing the dividend rate improves the company's
      financial flexibility, increases cash flow available for investment in
      higher-growth businesses, and brings the company's dividend
      payout ratio in line with industry peers. This move positions
      Sempra Energy's common stock for increased growth in earnings
      per share and market value.

      1999 Earnings

      Sempra Energy reported unaudited fourth-quarter 1999 earnings
      of $105 million, or $0.44 per diluted share, up 24 percent from $85
      million, or $0.36 per diluted share, for the fourth quarter of 1998
      (or, excluding nonrecurring items, up 18 percent from $89 million,
      or $0.38 per diluted share, in 1998).

      Revenues for Sempra Energy increased 8.8 percent to $5.5 billion
      in the full-year 1999, compared to $5.0 billion in 1998.

      The weighted average number of common shares outstanding
      (diluted) in 1999 increased to 237.6 million, versus 237.1 million in

      The following results from Sempra Energy's business units are
      exclusive of non-recurring costs:

      Southern California Gas Company recorded net income of $201
      million in 1999, up from $193 million during the previous year,
      primarily due to increased sales to commercial and industrial
      customers, lower operating costs and 1998 regulatory contract
      settlements. Net income for San Diego Gas & Electric in 1999
      was $192 million, down from $220 million in 1998, primarily due to
      reductions in its authorized rate of return and generation rate base,
      as well as to increased interest expense, all related to California's
      electric industry restructuring.

      For the full-year 1999, non-utility and new-business operations,
      including Sempra Energy Solutions, Sempra Energy Trading,
      Sempra Energy International, Sempra Energy Resources, Sempra
      Energy Financial and the parent company, recorded net income of
      $15 million, compared to a net loss of $34 million last year. The
      improvement in results for this group of companies was due
      primarily to a $32 million net income increase by Sempra Energy
      Trading, a $14 million rise in net income by Sempra Energy
      International and an additional $8 million earnings contribution
      from Sempra Energy Financial. Sempra Energy Trading's profits
      rose due to a 37-percent increase in physical natural gas trading
      volumes and a successful entry into European markets. Sempra
      Energy International's earnings growth was generated primarily by
      its South American utilities, two of which - Chilquinta Energia and
      Luz del Sur - were acquired in 1999.

       Stock Repurchase Plan

      Sempra Energy plans to repurchase up to 36 million shares of its
      common stock at a single, per-share price within a price range of
      $17.50 to $20.00 per share. Under the company's Dutch Auction
      tender offer, shareholders will have the opportunity to tender all --
      or a portion of -- their shares at a price within this specified price
      range. The closing price of Sempra Energy's common stock on
      Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2000, was $17.25 per share. Based on the
      number of shares tendered and the prices specified by the
      tendering shareholders, the company will determine the single,
      per-share price within the range that will allow it to buy 36 million
      shares (or the lesser number of shares that are properly tendered
      at a price within the range). Shareholders whose shares are
      purchased in the offer will be paid the set purchase price net in
      cash, without interest, after expiration of the offer period.

      Neither Sempra Energy nor its board of directors makes any
      recommendation to shareholders as to whether to tender or refrain
      from tendering their shares. Shareholders must decide how many
      shares they will tender, if any, and the price within the stated range
      at which they will offer their shares for purchase.

      The tender offer will expire Feb. 25, 2000, at 5 p.m., EST, unless
      the company elects to extend the offer. The offer is subject to
      various conditions, including the company's obtaining financing
      through the issuance of senior notes and trust preferred securities
      on satisfactory terms and conditions.

      Shareholders shortly will receive more detailed information about
      the repurchase plan through the tender offer mailing. The dealer
      manager for the offer is Goldman, Sachs & Co. The information
      agent is D.F. King & Co., Inc. Copies of the Offer to Purchase and
      related materials, dated Jan. 26, 2000, will be mailed to all
      shareholders. The terms of the offer and procedures for tendering
      are explained in detail in these materials. Shareholders are urged
      to carefully read these materials prior to making any decision with
      respect to the offer. Additional information or assistance may be
      obtained from the information agent by calling (800) 431-9645 (toll
      free) or (212) 269-5550 (call collect).

      Sempra Energy, based in San Diego, is a Fortune 500 energy
      services holding company with 12,000 employees and annual
      revenues of $5.5 billion. Through its seven principal subsidiaries -
      Southern California Gas Company, San Diego Gas & Electric,
      Sempra Energy Solutions, Sempra Energy Trading, Sempra
      Energy International, Sempra Energy Resources and Sempra
      Energy Financial - Sempra Energy serves 9 million customers in
      the United States, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and South America.

  This press release contains statements that are not historical fact and
  constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E
  of  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,as amended (the "Exchange Act").
 It has not been judicially determined that the safe harbor provided by
 Section 21E of the Exchange Act applies to forward-looking statements
 in a press release by an issuer regarding the issuer's business which also
 contains information relating to a tender offer. Some sentences may
 receive the benefit of the safe harbor, while others may not. When we use
 words like "believes," "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans,"
 "estimates," "may," "should" or similar  expressions, or when we discuss
 our strategy or plans, we are making  forward-looking statements.
 Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of  performance. They involve
 risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could  cause the Company's
 future results to differ materially from those expressed in these
 forward-looking statements. Many of the factors that will determine these
 results are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict. These
 statements are necessarily based upon various assumptions involving
 judgments with respect to the future. These risks and uncertainties,
 include, among others: national, international, regional and local
 economic, competitive
 and regulatory conditions and developments; capital market conditions,
 inflation rates and interest rates; energy markets, including the timing and
 extent of changes in commodity prices; weather conditions; business,
 regulatory and legal decisions; the pace of deregulation of retail natural
 gas and electricity delivery; technological developments; the timing and
 success of business development efforts; and other uncertainties, all of
 which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond the Company's
 control. These risks and uncertainties are further discussed in the Company's
 Annual Report on  Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998.