This section includes management's discussion and analysis of operating results
from 2000 through 2002, and provides information about the capital resources,
liquidity and financial performance of Sempra Energy and its subsidiaries
(collectively referred to as "the company"). This section also focuses on the
major factors expected to influence future operating results and discusses
investment and financing activities and plans. It should be read in conjunction
with the Consolidated Financial Statements included in this Annual Report.

The company, headquartered in San Diego, California, is a Fortune 500 energy
services company whose principal subsidiaries are San Diego Gas & Electric
(SDG&E) and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), collectively referred
to as the California Utilities, and Sempra Energy Global Enterprises (Global),
itself a holding company owning most of the company's other subsidiaries.

Business Combination

Sempra Energy was formed to serve as a holding company for Pacific Enterprises
(PE), the parent corporation of SoCalGas, and Enova Corporation (Enova), the
parent corporation of SDG&E, in a tax-free business combination that became
effective on June 26, 1998.

The California Utilities

SDG&E provides service to 3.1 million consumers through 1.3 million electric
meters in San Diego and southern Orange counties, and 789,000 natural gas
meters in San Diego County. SDG&E's service area encompasses 4,100 square
miles, covering 26 cities. SoCalGas is the nation's largest natural gas
distribution utility and provides service to 18.9 million customers through 5.3
million meters. SoCalGas' service territory encompasses 23,000 square miles,
from San Luis Obispo on the north to the Mexican border in the south, and 535
cities. Within that territory it does not provide retail service in the City of
Long Beach or SDG&E's service territory in San Diego County but does provide
wholesale service to the retail providers in these areas. Together, the two
utilities serve more than 21 million customers through approximately 7 million
gas and electric meters.

Sempra Energy Global Enterprises

Global's primary subsidiaries, headquartered in San Diego unless otherwise
noted, are as follows:

Sempra Energy Trading (SET), headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, is a
trading company that markets and trades physical and financial commodity
products, including natural gas, power, petroleum products and base metals.
During 2002, SET completed acquisitions that add base metals trading and
warehousing to its business. See further discussion under "Investments"
below. SET has more than 2,100 customers worldwide, including most of the
major oil, gas and power companies in North America, Europe and Asia.

Sempra Energy Resources (SER) acquires, develops and operates power plants for
the competitive market. On October 31, 2002, SER acquired a coal-fired power
plant from Texas-New Mexico Power

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 1.

Company, as further discussed under "Capital Expenditures" below. SER's other
merchant power plants use state-of-the-art, combined-cycle power generation
technology and clean-burning natural gas to generate electricity for the
wholesale market and retail electric providers, such as utilities, marketers
and large energy users. It currently has two merchant power plants in operation
(aggregating 525 megawatt (mW)), three under construction (aggregating 2,135
mW), and seven (not all of which will be built) that are at or beyond the
permitting stage (aggregating 4,750 mW). The following table lists the mW of
each power plant currently in operation, under construction or under

    Power Plant                   Capacity Location
    In operation:
    Twin Oaks Power                 305    Bremond, TX
    El Dorado (50% owned)           220    Boulder City, NV
       Total mW                     525
    Under construction:
    Mesquite Power                1,250    Arlington, AZ
    Termoelectrica De Mexicali      600    Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico
    Elk Hills Power (50% owned)     285    Bakersfield, CA
       Total mW                   2,135
    Permitting Stage:
    Bonnet Carre'                 1,200    La Place, LA
    Cedar Power                     600    Dayton, TX
    MC Energy                       600    Dobbin, TX
    Copper Mountain Power           600    Boulder City, NV
    Eastalco                        600    Frederick, MD
    South Shore Power               600    Lake Township, MI
    Palomar                         550    Escondido, CA
       Total mW                   4,750
    Total mW                      7,410

Sempra Energy International (SEI) develops, operates and owns energy projects
in international markets. SEI currently is involved in joint or solo ventures
that provide natural gas or electricity to more than 2.7 million customers in
Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and the United States.

Sempra Energy Solutions (SES) sells energy commodities and provides an
integrated mix of energy services, including facility management, supply and
price-risk management, energy efficiency, energy asset management, performance
contracting, and infrastructure ownership to assist commercial and industrial
businesses in the changing energy environment.


Sempra Energy Financial (SEF) invests in limited partnerships which own 1,300
affordable-housing properties throughout the United States, including Puerto
Rico and the Virgin Islands. It also holds an interest in a limited partnership
that produces synthetic fuel from coal.

Through other subsidiaries, the company is involved in other energy-related
products and services.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 2.


Overall Operations

Operating Income--2002 Compared to 2001

California Utility Revenues and Cost of Sales.  Natural gas revenues decreased
to $3.3 billion in 2002 from $4.4 billion in 2001, and the cost of natural gas
distributed decreased to $1.4 billion in 2002 from $2.5 billion in 2001. For
the fourth quarter, natural gas revenues increased to $968 million in 2002 from
$773 million in 2001, and the cost of natural gas distributed increased to $436
million in 2002 from $319 million in 2001. These changes were primarily
attributable to changes in natural gas prices, as discussed below in
"California Utility Operations."

Electric revenues decreased to $1.3 billion in 2002 from $1.7 billion in 2001,
and the cost of electric fuel and purchased power decreased to $0.3 billion in
2002 from $0.8 billion in 2001. For the fourth quarter, electric revenues
increased to $312 million in 2002 from $284 million in 2001, and the cost of
electric fuel and purchased power decreased to $76 million in 2002 from $87
million in 2001. These changes were mainly due to the effect of the California
Department of Water and Resource's (DWR's) purchasing the net short position of
SDG&E, and changes in electric commodity costs and operating costs, as
discussed in "California Utility Operations."

Other Operating Revenues.  Other operating revenues, which consist primarily of
revenues from Global, decreased to $1.5 billion in 2002 from $1.7 billion in
2001. This decrease was primarily due to lower revenues from SET and SEI,
partially offset by an increase in SER's sales to the DWR. For the fourth
quarter of 2002, other operating revenues increased to $408 million in 2002
from $242 million in 2001, due primarily to increases at SET and SER. See
further discussion in "Sempra Energy Global Enterprises" below.

Other Cost of Sales.  Other cost of sales, which consists primarily of cost of
sales at Global, decreased to $709 million in 2002 from $873 million in 2001
primarily due to the lower operating revenues as noted above for SET and SEI,
offset by increased costs associated with SER's contract with the DWR as
discussed below in "Sempra Energy Resources." For the fourth quarter, other
cost of sales increased to $206 million in 2002 from $174 million in 2001 due
primarily to increased operating revenues at SET and SER. See "Sempra Energy
Global Enterprises" below for further discussion of the change in other cost of

Other Operating Expenses.  Other operating expenses, primarily those of the
California Utilities, increased to $1.9 billion in 2002 from $1.8 billion in
2001. The increase is due primarily to increased operating costs at the
California Utilities and at SET. See further discussion below in "California
Utility Operations" and "Sempra Energy Global Enterprises." Additionally, in
2001, there was a $30 million pre-tax charge for the surrender of a natural gas
distribution franchise in Nova Scotia, offset by a $33 million pre-tax gain on
the sale of a subsidiary, Energy America.

Operating Income--2001 Compared to 2000

California Utility Revenues and Cost of Sales.  Natural gas revenues increased
to $4.4 billion in 2001 from $3.3 billion in 2000, and the cost of natural gas
distributed increased to $2.5 billion in 2001 from $1.6 billion in 2000,
primarily as the result of higher average costs and higher natural gas volumes
in 2001. For the fourth quarter, natural gas revenues decreased to $773 million
in 2001 from $969 million in 2000, and the cost of natural gas distributed
decreased to $319 million in 2001 from $511 million in 2000. These decreases
were attributable to the overall decrease in natural gas costs during the
fourth quarter of 2001.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 3.

Electric revenues decreased to $1.7 billion in 2001 from $2.2 billion in 2000,
and the cost of electric fuel and purchased power decreased to $0.8 billion in
2001 from $1.3 billion in 2000. For the fourth quarter, electric revenues
decreased to $284 million in 2001 from $717 million in 2000, and the cost of
electric fuel and purchased power decreased to $87 million in 2001 from $485
million in 2000. These decreases were attributable to the DWR's purchasing
SDG&E's net short position for most of 2001, as compared to higher electric
commodity costs paid directly by SDG&E in 2000. See additional discussion below
in "California Utility Operations."

Other Operating Revenues.  Other operating revenues increased to $1.7 billion
in 2001 from $1.3 billion in 2000, primarily due to higher revenues from SET.
For the fourth quarter of 2001, other operating revenues decreased to $242
million from $481 million in 2000 primarily due to lower revenues from SET,
resulting from the decreased volatility in energy commodity markets in the
fourth quarter of 2001. See additional discussion below in "Sempra Energy
Global Enterprises."

Other Cost of Sales.  Other cost of sales increased to $873 million in 2001
from $648 million in 2000, as discussed below in "Sempra Energy Global

Other Operating Expenses.  Other operating expenses increased to $1.8 billion
in 2001 from $1.6 billion in 2000, as discussed below in "California Utility
Operations" and "Sempra Global Enterprises."

Other Income

Other income, which primarily consists of interest income from short-term
investments, equity earnings from unconsolidated subsidiaries and interest on
regulatory balancing accounts, was $57 million, $86 million and $127 million in
2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The decrease in 2002 was primarily due to
lower interest income from short-term investments and lower equity earnings
from international investments, partially offset by increased earnings from
SER's investment in the El Dorado power plant, as well as $22 million (pretax)
in business interruption insurance proceeds related to outages at SER's
El Dorado plant during 2001. The decrease in 2001 was primarily due to lower
earnings from the El Dorado power plant and the 2000 gain on the sale of
SoCalGas' minority investment in Plug Power, partially offset by higher
interest income and the $19 million gain from SDG&E's sale of its property in
Blythe, California in 2001.

Other income for the fourth quarter was $16 million, $3 million and $42 million
for 2002, 2001, and 2000, respectively. The increase in 2002 was due primarily
to lower net regulatory interest expense. The decrease in 2001 from 2000 was
due primarily to decreased equity earnings from unconsolidated subsidiaries.

Interest Expense

Interest expense was $294 million, $323 million and $286 million in 2002, 2001
and 2000, respectively. The decrease in 2002 was primarily due to an increase
in capitalized interest related to construction projects, lower interest rates
and the favorable effects of interest rate swaps. Interest rates on certain of
the company's debt can vary with credit ratings, as described in Notes 4 and 5
of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. The increase in 2001 was
primarily due to interest expense incurred on long-term debt issued in December
of 2000 and June of 2001, and on higher short-term commercial paper borrowings
in 2001.

Interest expense for the fourth quarter was $70 million, $63 million and $70
million in 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The increase in 2002 was
attributable to the issuance of $600 million of equity units by the company and
$250 million of first-mortgage bonds issued by SoCalGas, partially offset by

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 4.

debt maturities at the California Utilities. The decrease in 2001 was due to
lower debt balances and interest rates.

Income Taxes

Income tax expense was $146 million, $213 million and $270 million in 2002,
2001 and 2000, respectively. The effective income tax rates were 20.2 percent,
29.1 percent and 38.6 percent, respectively. The decreases in income tax
expense and the effective rate for 2002 compared to 2001 were primarily due to
the favorable resolution of income-tax issues at SDG&E in the second quarter of
2002 and increased income tax credits from synthetic fuel investments in 2002.
The decreases in income tax expense and in the effective tax rate for 2001
compared to 2000 were primarily due to the favorable settlement of various tax
issues and higher income tax credits, partially offset by the fact that any
income tax benefits from certain losses outside the United States, primarily
related to the Nova Scotia franchise surrender noted above, were not yet
recordable in 2001.

Income tax expense for the fourth quarter was $3 million in 2002, compared to a
benefit of $40 million in 2001 and expense of $103 million in 2000. The
increase in 2002 was due primarily to increased income before taxes, as well as
the resolution in 2001 of prior-year tax issues. The decrease in 2001 compared
to 2000 was due to the 2001 prior-year tax resolution, and lower income before
taxes in the fourth quarter of 2001. The low effective income tax rate in the
2002 quarter was primarily due to increased income tax credits from affordable
housing and synthetic fuel investments. These investments are discussed in Note
3 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Net Income

Net income was $591 million, or $2.87 per diluted share of common stock, in
2002, compared to $518 million, or $2.52 per diluted share of common stock in
2001, and $429 million, or $2.06 per diluted share of common stock in 2000. Net
income in 2002 includes an extraordinary item of $16 million ($0.08 per diluted
share of common stock) net of tax, related to SET's acquisitions in 2002. ($2
million of the after-tax gain was recorded in the quarter ended June 30, 2002,
and $14 million in the quarter ended December 31, 2002.) Excluding the effects
of the extraordinary item, the increase in net income in 2002 was primarily due
to improved results at SER, lower interest expense, the 2001 after-tax charge
of $25 million for the surrender of the Nova Scotia natural gas distribution
franchise and the effects of the income-tax matters referred to above,
partially offset by lower income in 2002 from SET and the $20 million after-tax
gain on sale of Energy America in 2001. The increase in 2001 compared to 2000
was primarily due to higher earnings from SET, as a result of higher volatility
in the energy markets during the first half of 2001 and a substantial increase
in trading volumes. Also contributing to the increase was the gain on the sale
of Energy America, the favorable settlement of income tax issues and the effect
in 2000 of a $30 million after-tax charge at SDG&E for regulatory issues. These
factors were partially offset by the surrender of the Nova Scotia natural gas
distribution franchise, and lower income from SER and SEI. See additional
discussion in "California Utility Operations", "Sempra Energy Trading" and
"Sempra Energy International" below.

Net income for the fourth quarter was $148 million, or $0.72 per diluted share
of common stock in 2002, compared with $107 million, or $0.52 per diluted share
of common stock in 2001, and $95 million, or $0.47 per diluted share of common
stock in 2000. Net income for the fourth quarter of 2002 includes the
extraordinary item related to SET's acquisitions that increased net income by
$14 million ($0.07 per diluted share of common stock). Excluding the effects of
the extraordinary item, the increase in quarterly earnings in 2002 was
primarily attributable to increased earnings at SET (from increased volatility
in the energy markets and the contribution from the metals business) and
increased earnings at SER from the DWR contract, offset partially by decreased
profitability from SEI's Argentine investments. The increase in quarterly
earnings for 2001 compared to 2000 was primarily attributable to the favorable
settlement of various

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 5.

income tax issues, partially offset by lower prices and reduced volatility in
the energy markets, and development costs of new power plants.

Book value per share was $13.79, $13.16 and $12.35, at December 31, 2002, 2001
and 2000, respectively. The increases in 2002 and 2001 were primarily the
result of net income exceeding the sum of dividends and the foreign currency
translation losses related to the Argentine peso (See Note 1 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements).

California Utility Operations

To understand the operations and financial results of the California Utilities,
it is important to understand the ratemaking procedures to which they are

The California Utilities are regulated primarily by the California Public
Utilities Commission (CPUC). It is the responsibility of the CPUC to regulate
investor-owned utilities (IOUs) in a manner that serves the best interests of
their customers while providing the IOUs the opportunity to earn a reasonable
return on investment.

In 1996, California enacted legislation restructuring California's electric
industry. The legislation and related decisions of the CPUC were intended to
stimulate competition and reduce electric rates. As part of the framework for a
competitive electric-generation market, the legislation established the
California Power Exchange (PX) and the Independent System Operator (ISO). The
PX served as a wholesale power pool and the ISO scheduled power transactions
and access to the electric transmission system. Supply/demand imbalances and a
number of other factors resulted in abnormally high electric commodity costs
beginning in mid-2000 and continuing into 2001. Due to subsequent industry
restructuring developments, the PX suspended its trading operations in January
2001. As a result of the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) X1 in February 2001, the
DWR began to purchase power from generators and marketers to supply a portion
of the power requirements of the state's population that is served by IOUs.
Through December 31, 2002, the DWR was purchasing SDG&E's full net short
position (the power needed by SDG&E's customers other than that provided by
SDG&E's nuclear generating facilities or its previously existing purchased
power contracts). Starting on January 1, 2003, SDG&E and the other IOUs resumed
their electric commodity procurement function based on a CPUC decision issued
in October 2002.

The natural gas industry experienced an initial phase of restructuring during
the 1980s by deregulating natural gas sales to noncore customers. In December
2001, the CPUC issued a decision related to natural gas industry restructuring,
adopting several provisions that the California Utilities believe will make
natural gas service more reliable, more efficient and better tailored to the
desires of customers. The CPUC anticipated implementation during 2002; however,
implementation has been delayed.

In connection with restructuring of the electric and natural gas industries,
the California Utilities received approval from the CPUC for Performance-Based
Ratemaking (PBR). Under PBR, income potential is tied to achieving or exceeding
specific performance and productivity measures, such as demand side management
and customer growth, rather than solely to expanding utility plant.

See additional discussion of these situations under "Factors Influencing Future
Performance" and in Notes 13 and 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 6.

The tables below summarize the California Utilities' natural gas and electric
volumes and revenues by customer class for the years ended December 31, 2002,
2001 and 2000.

(Dollars in millions, volumes in billion cubic feet)
for the years ended December 31

                                                  Transportation &
                                Natural Gas Sales    Exchange           Total
                                Volumes  Revenue  Volumes  Revenue Volumes Revenue
    Residential                   289    $2,089       2     $  8      291  $2,097
    Commercial and industrial     117       635     294      183      411     818
    Electric generation plants     --        --     264       51      264      51
    Wholesale                      --        --      16        4       16       4
                                  406    $2,724     576     $246      982   2,970
    Balancing accounts and
      other                                                                   285
        Total                                                              $3,255

    Residential                   297    $2,797       2     $  6      299  $2,803
    Commercial and industrial     113       903     262      174      375   1,077
    Electric generation plants     --        --     417      104      417     104
    Wholesale                      --        --      40       10       40      10
                                  410    $3,700     721     $294    1,131   3,994
    Balancing accounts and
      other                                                                   377
        Total                                                              $4,371

    Residential                   284    $2,446       3     $ 13      287  $2,459
    Commercial and industrial     107       760     339      225      446     985
    Electric generation plants     --        --     373      130      373     130
    Wholesale                      --        --      25       18       25      18
                                  391    $3,206     740     $386    1,131   3,592
    Balancing accounts and
      other                                                                  (287)
        Total                                                              $3,305

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 7.

(Dollars in millions, volumes in million kWhs)
for the years ended December 31

                                   2002            2001            2000
                              Volumes Revenue Volumes Revenue Volumes Revenue
  Residential                  6,266  $  649   6,011  $  775   6,304  $  730
  Commercial                   6,053     633   6,107     753   6,123     747
  Industrial                   1,883     160   2,792     325   2,614     310
  Direct access                3,448     117   2,464      84   3,308      99
  Street and highway lighting     88       9      89      10      74       7
  Off-system sales                 5      --     413      88     899      59
                              17,743   1,568  17,876   2,035  19,322   1,952
  Balancing and other                   (306)           (359)            232
     Total                    17,743  $1,262  17,876  $1,676  19,322  $2,184

Although commodity-related revenues from the DWR's purchasing of SDG&E's net
short position are not included in revenue, the associated volumes and
distribution revenue are included herein.

California Utility Operations--2002 Compared to 2001

Natural Gas Revenue and Cost of Gas Distributed.  Natural gas revenues
decreased to $3.3 billion in 2002 from $4.4 billion in 2001, and the cost of
natural gas distributed decreased to $1.4 billion in 2002 from $2.5 billion in
2001. The decrease in natural gas revenue is primarily due to lower natural gas
prices and decreased transportation for electric generation plants and the loss
of approximately 100 million cubic feet per day in load on the San Diego system
when the North Baja pipeline began service in September 2002. The decrease in
cost of natural gas distributed was primarily due to lower average natural gas
commodity prices. For the fourth quarter, natural gas revenues increased to
$968 million in 2002 from $773 million in 2001, and the cost of natural gas
distributed increased to $436 million in 2002 from $319 million in 2001 due
primarily to increased natural gas prices.

Under the current regulatory framework, changes in core-market natural gas
prices (natural gas purchased for customers that are primarily residential and
small commercial and industrial customers, without alternative fuel capability)
or consumption levels do not affect net income, since core customer rates
generally recover the actual cost of natural gas on a substantially concurrent
basis and consumption levels are fully balanced. However, SoCalGas' Gas Cost
Incentive Mechanism (GCIM) allows SoCalGas to share in the savings or costs
from buying natural gas for customers below or above monthly benchmarks. The
mechanism permits full recovery of all costs within a tolerance band above the
benchmark price and refunds all savings within a tolerance band below the
benchmark price. The costs or savings outside the tolerance band are shared
between customers and shareholders. See further discussion in Notes 1 and 14 of
the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Electric Revenue and Cost of Electric Fuel and Purchased Power.  Electric
revenues decreased to $1.3 billion in 2002 from $1.7 billion in 2001, and the
cost of electric fuel and purchased power decreased to $0.3 billion in 2002
from $0.8 billion in 2001. These decreases were primarily due to the DWR's
purchases of SDG&E's net short position for a full year in 2002, the effect of
lower electric commodity costs and decreased off-system sales. Under the
current regulatory framework, changes in commodity costs normally do not affect
net income. The commodity costs associated with the DWR's purchases and the
corresponding sale to SDG&E's customers are not included in the Statements of
Consolidated Income as SDG&E was merely transmitting the electricity from the
DWR to the

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 8.

customers. Similarly, in 2001, PX/ISO power revenues have been netted against
purchased-power expense to avoid double counting as SDG&E sold power to the
PX/ISO and then purchased power therefrom.

For the fourth quarter, electric revenues increased to $312 million in 2002
from $284 million in 2001, and the cost of electric fuel and purchased power
decreased to $76 million in 2002 from $87 million in 2001. The increase in
electric revenues was due primarily to higher electric distribution and
transmission revenue as well as additional revenues from the Incremental Cost
Incentive Pricing (ICIP) mechanism, while the decrease in cost of electric fuel
and purchased power was due primarily to a decrease in average electric
commodity costs. Refer to Note 13 of the notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements for further discussion of ICIP and the San Onofre Nuclear Generating
Station (SONGS).

Other Operating Expenses.  Other operating expenses increased to $1.4 billion
in 2002 from $1.3 billion in 2001. For the fourth quarter, other operating
expenses increased to $445 million in 2002 from $366 million in 2001. The
increases were primarily due to higher labor and employee benefits costs and
increases in other operating costs, including operating costs that are
associated with SDG&E's nuclear generating facilities and balancing account
costs at SoCalGas.

California Utility Operations--2001 Compared to 2000

Natural Gas Revenue and Cost of Gas Distributed.  Natural gas revenues
increased to $4.4 billion in 2001 from $3.3 billion in 2000, and the cost of
natural gas distributed increased to $2.5 billion in 2001 from $1.6 billion in
2000. These increases were due to higher average natural gas commodity prices
and higher volumes of natural gas sales in 2001. For the fourth quarter,
natural gas revenues decreased to $773 million in 2001 from $969 million in
2000, and the cost of natural gas distributed decreased to $319 million in 2001
from $511 million in 2000. These decreases were attributable to the lower
natural gas costs in the fourth quarter of 2001.

Electric Revenue and Cost of Electric Fuel and Purchased Power.  Electric
revenues decreased to $1.7 billion in 2001 from $2.2 billion in 2000, and the
cost of electric fuel and purchased power decreased to $0.8 billion in 2001
from $1.3 billion in 2000. For the fourth quarter, electric revenues decreased
to $284 million in 2001 from $717 million in 2000, and the cost of electric
fuel and purchased power decreased to $87 million in 2001 from $485 million in
2000. These decreases were primarily due to the DWR's purchasing of SDG&E's net
short position starting in February 2001, offset by a $30 million after-tax
charge for regulatory issues in 2000 related to a potential regulatory
disallowance for the acquisition of wholesale power in the newly deregulated
California market.

Other Operating Expenses.  Other operating expenses increased to $1.3 billion
in 2001 from $1.1 billion in 2000. For the fourth quarter, other operating
expenses increased to $366 million in 2001 from $338 million in 2000. These
increases were primarily due to increased wages and employee benefits costs, as
well as increases in the operating costs that are associated with balancing
accounts and, therefore, do not affect net income.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 9.

Sempra Energy Global Enterprises

The following table is a summary of Global's operating revenues, cost of sales,
operating expenses and operating income (loss) by business unit.

                                          For the Years ended December 31
              Dollars in millions            2002       2001       2000
              Sempra Energy Trading       $  821     $1,047     $  822
              Sempra Energy Resources        349        178         11
              Sempra Energy International    176        289        159
              Sempra Energy Solutions        177        180        103
              Other                            2         59        243

              Total                       $1,525     $1,753     $1,338

              COST OF SALES
              Sempra Energy Trading       $  293     $  320     $  266
              Sempra Energy Resources        218        185          2
              Sempra Energy International    148        257        141
              Sempra Energy Solutions         56         92         57
              Other                           --         26        211

              Total                       $  715     $  880     $  677

              Sempra Energy Trading       $  304     $  370     $  269
              Sempra Energy Resources         44         21         19
              Sempra Energy International     49         70         40
              Sempra Energy Solutions         66         68         51
              Other                           20         32         42

              Total                       $  483     $  561     $  421

              Sempra Energy Trading       $  203     $  330     $  256
              Sempra Energy Resources         84        (29)       (13)
              Sempra Energy International    (34)       (51)       (30)
              Sempra Energy Solutions         43          4        (18)
              Other                          (20)        (3)       (21)

              Total                       $  276     $  251     $  174

Operating income (loss) is also net of depreciation and amortization expense,
and taxes other than income taxes. It does not include foreign-currency gains,
interest income, equity earnings from unconsolidated subsidiaries and other
items that are included in "other income--net" in the Statements of
Consolidated Income.

Revenues and cost of sales for the other business units of Global were higher
in 2000 due to the sale of Energy America in January 2001.

Global--2002 Compared to 2001

Operating Revenues.  Operating revenues for Global decreased to $1.5 billion in
2002 from $1.8 billion in 2001. This decrease was primarily due to lower
revenues from SET as a result of decreased volatility in energy commodity
markets and decreased energy commodity prices during 2002, partially offset by
increased revenues from new acquisitions. Additionally, SEI experienced lower
revenues as a result of decreased prices for power from its Rosarito pipeline.
These decreases were partially offset by the increase in SER's sales to the DWR
that commenced in June 2001 through September 2001 at below cost, and
recommenced in April 2002 at favorable contract rates under its

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 10.

long-term contract. For the fourth quarter of 2002, other operating revenues
increased to $416 million from $294 million in 2001. The increase was primarily
due to increased revenues at SET as a result of higher volatility in energy
commodity markets in the fourth quarter of 2002, as well as the increased
revenues at SER.

Cost of Sales.  Other cost of sales decreased to $715 million in 2002 from $880
million in 2001. This decrease was primarily due to the lower operating
revenues discussed above for SET and SEI, and lower costs for SES related to
project deliveries, offset by increased costs associated with SER's contract
with the DWR. For the fourth quarter, other cost of sales increased to
$207 million in 2002 from $180 million in 2001, primarily related to the
increased operating revenues at SET and SER.

Operating Expenses.  Operating expenses for Global decreased to $483 million in
2002 from $561 million in 2001. Operating expenses decreased due primarily to
decreased labor costs associated with the lower SET and SEI revenues discussed
above. For the fourth quarter, operating expenses increased to $138 million in
2002 from $109 million in 2001, due primarily to increased costs associated
with the higher fourth quarter revenues at SET and SER.

Global--2001 Compared to 2000

Operating Revenues.  Operating revenues for Global increased to $1.8 billion in
2001 from $1.3 billion in 2000. This increase was primarily due to higher
revenues from SET as a result of increased volatility and trading volumes in
energy commodity markets during the first half of 2001, and due to SER's
contracted sale of electricity to the DWR at a discounted price in 2001. This
was partially offset by the sale of Energy America in the first quarter of
2001. For the fourth quarter, other operating revenues decreased in 2001 from
2000 primarily due to lower revenues from SET as the result of the decreased
volatility in energy commodity markets in the fourth quarter of 2001, as well
as the sale of Energy America.

Cost of Sales.  Other cost of sales increased to $880 million in 2001 from $677
million in 2000, primarily due to the increase in operating revenues for SET
noted above and SER's costs associated with the DWR contract. For the fourth
quarter, other cost of sales decreased in 2001 from 2000, primarily due to the
decrease in the volatility of energy commodity markets previously mentioned.

Operating Expenses.  Operating expenses increased to $561 million in 2001 from
$421 million in 2000 due primarily to increased labor costs for SET's
operations. For the fourth quarter, operating expense decreased in 2001 from
2000, primarily due to lower volatility of energy commodity markets.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 11.

Net Income by Business Unit

                                                 For the years ended December 31
            Dollars in millions                   2002       2001       2000
            California Utilities
               Southern California Gas Company   $212       $207      $ 206
               San Diego Gas & Electric           203        177        145

                   Total Utilities                415        384        351
            Global Enterprises
               Sempra Energy Trading              126        196        155
               Sempra Energy Resources             60        (27)        29
               Sempra Energy International         26         25         33
               Sempra Energy Solutions             21          1        (14)
               Interest and other                 (38)       (22)       (28)

                   Total Global Enterprises       195        173        175
            Sempra Energy Financial                36         28         28
            Parent and other                      (55)       (67)      (125)

            Consolidated                         $591       $518      $ 429

Southern California Gas Company

Net income for SoCalGas increased to $212 million in 2002 compared to $207
million in 2001 primarily due to lower interest expense in 2002, partially
offset by higher depreciation in 2002 and the 2000 GCIM award recorded in 2001.
Net income for the fourth quarter of 2002 decreased compared to the fourth
quarter of 2001, primarily due to increased operating costs, partially offset
by lower interest expense in 2002.

Net income for SoCalGas increased to $207 million in 2001 from $206 million in
2000 primarily due to higher natural gas volumes in 2001, offset by the gain on
sale of SoCalGas' minority investment in Plug Power during 2000. Net income for
the fourth quarter of 2001 decreased compared to the fourth quarter of 2000,
primarily due to the sale of the investment in Plug Power.

San Diego Gas & Electric

Net income increased to $203 million in 2002 from $177 million in 2001. The
increase was primarily due to a $25 million after-tax benefit from the
favorable resolution of prior year income-tax issues in the second quarter of
2002 and lower interest expense in 2002, partially offset by the 2001 gain on
sale of SDG&E's Blythe property and lower interest income in 2002. Net income
increased to $53 million for the fourth quarter of 2002, compared to $45
million for the corresponding period in 2001 primarily due to higher natural
gas and electric distribution and transmission revenues and income tax
adjustments in 2002, partially offset by the 2001 Blythe gain.

Net income increased to $177 million in 2001 from $145 million in 2000. The
increase was primarily due to the Blythe gain, lower interest expense and a $30
million after-tax charge in 2000 related to a potential regulatory
disallowance. These increases were partially offset by lower interest income
from affiliates. Net income increased to $45 million for the fourth quarter of
2001, compared to $38 million for the corresponding period in 2000 as a result
of the Blythe property sale.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 12.

Sempra Energy Trading

SET recorded net income of $126 million in 2002, compared to net income of $196
million and $155 million in 2001 and 2000, respectively. The decrease in net
income in 2002 compared to 2001 was primarily due to increased revenues in 2001
resulting from higher volatility in energy commodity markets during the first
half of 2001, partially offset by the extraordinary gain of $16 million,
earnings from new acquisitions and increased synthetic fuel credits in 2002.
The increase in net income for 2001 compared to 2000 was primarily due to high
volatility in energy commodity markets during the first half of 2001 and an
increase in trading volumes, partially offset by reduced profitability in

A summary of SET's net unrealized revenues for trading activities for the years
ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 (dollars in millions) follows:

                                                 2002    2001
                  Balance at beginning of year $ 405  $  (72)
                  Additions                      442   1,333
                  Realized                      (667)   (856)

                  Balance at end of year       $ 180  $  405

The estimated fair values for SET's net unrealized trading assets as of
December 31, 2002, and the periods during which unrealized revenues are
expected to be realized, are (dollars in millions):

                                                     2004 2006             Total
                                                      and  and              Fair
Source of fair value                           2003  2005 2007 Thereafter  Value
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prices actively quoted                       $ 175  $100  $12     $--     $ 287
Prices provided by other external
 sources                                        (6)   (3)  (4)     21         8
Prices based on models and other valuation
  methods                                        4     9   11       2        26

Over-the-counter revenue (1)                   173   106   19      23       321
Exchange contracts (2)                        (166)   24    1      --      (141)

Total                                        $   7  $130  $20     $23     $ 180
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) The present value of unrealized revenue to be received or (paid) from
outstanding OTC contracts.
(2) Cash (paid) or received associated with open Exchange contracts.

Sempra Energy Resources

SER recorded net income of $60 million in 2002, compared to a net loss of $27
million in 2001 and net income of $29 million in 2000. The increase in results
for 2002 was primarily due to SER's sales to the DWR that recommenced in April
2002 at contract rates under its long-term contract, compared to 2001 sales
which were at below cost, and the recovery in 2002 of business interruption
insurance related to outages at the El Dorado plant in 2001. Losses in 2001
arose from development costs of new generation projects and from selling power
to the DWR at below cost in 2001.

Sempra Energy International

Net income for SEI in 2002 was $26 million, compared to $25 million and $33
million for 2001 and 2000, respectively. The increase in net income for 2002
was primarily due to the after-tax charge of $25 million in 2001 following the
surrender of Sempra Atlantic Gas' natural gas distribution franchise in Nova
Scotia, partially offset by reduced profitability from SEI's Argentine
subsidiaries in 2002. A discussion of the Argentine economic issue is included
in Notes 1 and 3 of the notes to

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 13.

Consolidated Financial Statements. The decrease in net income for 2001 was
primarily due to the surrender of the natural gas franchise noted above,
partially offset by increased earnings at the Latin American subsidiaries.
Additional information concerning the company's international operations is
provided in Note 3 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Sempra Energy Solutions

SES recorded net income of $21 million in 2002, compared to net income of $1
million in 2001 and a net loss of $14 million in 2000. The increase in net
income from 2001 to 2002 is primarily due to increased commodity sales. The
loss for 2000 is primarily attributable to start-up costs, which continued in
2001 but which were more than offset by increased commodity sales in 2001.

In delivering electric and natural gas supplies to its commercial and
industrial customers, SES hedges its price exposure through the use of
exchange-traded and over-the-counter financial instruments. A summary of SES'
net unrealized revenues for trading activities for the years ended December 31,
2002 and 2001 (dollars in millions) follows:

                                                  2002 2001
                    Balance at beginning of year $ 55  $ 1
                    Additions                      90   62
                    Realized                      (55)  (8)

                    Balance at end of year       $ 90  $55

The estimated fair values for SES' net unrealized trading assets as of December
31, 2002, and the periods during which unrealized revenues are expected to be
realized, are (dollars in millions):

                                        2004  2006            Total
                                         and   and             Fair
            Source of fair value   2003 2005  2007 Thereafter Value
            Exchange contracts     $ 1  $--  $  --   $  --     $ 1
            Prices actively quoted  48   32      8       1      89

            Total                  $49  $32  $   8   $   1     $90

Sempra Energy Financial

SEF invests as a limited partner in affordable-housing properties. SEF's
portfolio includes 1,300 properties throughout the United States, including
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. These investments are expected to provide
income tax benefits (primarily from income tax credits) over 10-year periods.
SEF also has an investment in a limited partnership which produces synthetic
fuel from coal. SEF recorded net income of $36 million in 2002 and $28 million
in each of 2001 and 2000. The increase in 2002 was due primarily to increased
tax benefits resulting from increased synthetic fuel production. Whether SEF
will invest in additional properties will depend on Sempra Energy's income tax

Parent and Other

Net losses for Parent and Other were $55 million, $67 million and $125 million
in 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The decrease in net losses in 2002 was
attributable to the consolidating elimination of intercompany profits. During
2001, certain intercompany mark-to-market revenues recognized by subsidiaries
were deferred in consolidation until the completion of the sales to the end
customer. In 2002, most of these deferred revenues were no longer deferred. The
decrease in net losses from 2000 to 2001 was due primarily to charges in 2000
relating to income tax and credit issues associated with pre-merger operations
of subsidiaries that are no longer active.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 14.


The company's California Utility operations are the major source of liquidity.
Funding of other business units' capital expenditures is partly dependent on
the California Utilities' paying sufficient dividends to Sempra Energy.
Beginning in the third quarter of 2000 and continuing into the first quarter of
2001, SDG&E's liquidity and its ability to make funds available to Sempra
Energy were adversely affected by the electric cost undercollections resulting
from a temporary ceiling on electric rates legislatively imposed in response to
high electric commodity costs. Growth in these undercollections ceased as a
result of an agreement with the DWR, under which the DWR was obligated to
purchase electricity for SDG&E's customers to fill SDG&E's full net short
position consisting of the power and ancillary services required by SDG&E's
customers that were not provided by SDG&E's nuclear generating facilities or
its previously existing purchased-power contracts. The agreement with the DWR
extended through December 31, 2002. Starting on January 1, 2003, SDG&E and
other California IOUs resumed their electric commodity procurement function
based on a CPUC decision issued in October 2002. In addition, AB 57 and
implementing decisions by the CPUC provide for periodic adjustments to rates
that would reflect the costs of power and are intended to ensure the timely
recovery of any undercollections.

Another issue with potential implications to capital resources and liquidity is
the ownership of certain power sale contracts. The company believes that all
profits associated with the contracts properly are for the benefit of SDG&E
shareholders rather than customers, whereas the CPUC asserted that all the
profits should accrue to the benefit of customers. On December 19, 2002, in a
3-to-2 decision, the CPUC approved a proposed settlement that divides the
profits from these contracts, $199 million for SDG&E customers and $173 million
for SDG&E shareholders. Of the $199 million in profits allocated to customers,
$175 million had already been credited to ratepayers in 2001. The remaining $24
million was applied as a balancing account transfer that reduced the AB 265
balancing account in December 2002. The profits allocated to customers reduce
SDG&E's AB 265 undercollection, but do not adversely affect SDG&E's financial
position, liquidity or results of operations. The term of a commissioner who
voted to approve the settlement has expired, and a new commissioner has been
appointed. On January 29, 2003, the CPUC's Office of Ratepayer Advocates, the
City of San Diego and the Utility Consumers' Action Network, a
consumer-advocacy group, filed requests for a CPUC rehearing of the decision.
On February 13, 2003, the company filed its opposition to rehearing of the
decision. Parties requesting a rehearing and parties to any rehearing may also
appeal the CPUC's final decision to the California appellate courts.

For additional discussion, see "Factors Influencing Future Performance-Electric
Industry Restructuring and Electric Rates" herein and Note 13 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

At December 31, 2002, the company had $455 million in cash and $2.25 billion in
unused, committed lines of credit available. As of December 31, 2002, $600
million of the lines was supporting commercial paper and variable-rate debt.
In addition, in February 2003, the company issued $400 million of senior
unsecured notes with a 10-year term at a fixed interest coupon of 6 percent.
The proceeds were used to repay short-term debt.

Management believes these amounts, cash flows from operations, and new security
issuances will be adequate to finance capital expenditure requirements,
shareholder dividends, any new business acquisitions or start-ups, and other
commitments. If cash flows from operations were significantly reduced and/or
the company was unable to issue new securities under acceptable terms, neither
of which is considered likely, the company would be required to reduce
non-utility capital expenditures and investments in new businesses. Management
continues to regularly monitor the company's ability to adequately meet the
needs of its operating, financing and investing activities.

At the California Utilities, cash flows from operations and from new and
refunding debt issuances are expected to continue to be adequate to meet
utility capital expenditure requirements and provide significant dividends to
Sempra Energy.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 15.

SET provides cash to or requires cash from Sempra Energy as the level of its
net trading assets fluctuates with prices, volumes, margin requirements (which
are substantially affected by credit ratings and price fluctuations) and the
length of its various trading positions. Its status as a source or use of
Sempra Energy cash also varies with its level of borrowing from its own
sources. During 2002, SET's borrowings from the company varied from a low of
$6 million to a high of $754 million, and were $418 million at December 31,
2002. Company management continuously monitors the level of SET's cash
requirements in light of the company's overall liquidity. Such monitoring
includes the procedures discussed in "Market Risk" below.

SER's projects are expected to be financed through a combination of the
existing synthetic lease, project financing, SER's borrowings and funds from
the company. Its capital expenditures over the next several years may require
some additional funding.

SEI is expected to require funding from the company and/or external sources to
continue the expansion of its existing natural gas distribution operations in
Mexico and its planned development of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities.

SES is expected to require moderate amounts of cash in the near future as its
commodity and energy services businesses continue to grow.

SEF is expected to continue to be a net provider of cash through reductions of
consolidated income tax payments resulting from its investments in affordable
housing and synthetic fuel.


Net cash provided by operating activities totaled $1.4 billion, $0.7 billion
and $0.9 billion for 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The increase in cash
flows from operations in 2002 compared to 2001 was attributable to SDG&E's
collection of a portion of prior purchased-power costs (the remaining balance
of which decreased to $392 million at December 31, 2001 and $215 million at
December 31, 2002 from a high in mid-2001 of $750 million), the refunds to
large customers in 2001 resulting from AB 43X (which extended a temporary
6.5-cents rate cap to include SDG&E's large customers), and the change to a net
income tax liability position at December 31, 2002 compared to a net income tax
asset position at the end of 2001. In addition, cash flows from operations
increased due to less growth in net trading assets and the payment of higher
trade payables in 2001. These increases were partially offset by a decrease in
deferred income taxes and investment tax credits and higher accounts receivable
in 2002 resulting from an increase in SoCalGas' natural gas commodity costs for
the fourth quarter of 2002 compared to the corresponding period in the prior
year. See further discussion on the 2001 impact of regulatory balancing
accounts activity for the California Utilities below.

The decrease in cash flows from operating activities in 2001 compared to 2000
was primarily attributable to the decrease in accounts payable due to lower
natural gas costs in 2001 compared to 2000 and the result of balancing account
activity at SoCalGas. This included returns of prior overcollections and the
temporary effects of higher-than-expected costs of natural gas and
public-purpose programs and lower-than-expected sales volumes. The decrease was
partially offset by lower accounts receivable balances at the end of 2001. The
SoCalGas activity was further offset by the increase in overcollected balancing
accounts at SDG&E and the fact that 2001 included refunds by SDG&E to large
customers resulting from AB 43X. In 2000, SDG&E paid higher customer refunds
for surplus rate-reduction-bond proceeds.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 16.


Net cash used in investing activities totaled $1.7 billion, $1.0 billion and
$0.9 billion for 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The increase in cash used
in investing activities in 2002 compared to 2001 was primarily due to increased
capital expenditures primarily at SER and the California Utilities.

For 2001, cash flows used in investing activities primarily consisted of
capital expenditures for the upgrade and expansion of utility plant in
California, construction costs for facilities under development in Mexico, and
investments in generating plants being constructed in the western United
States, partially offset by net proceeds received from the sale of the
company's investment in Energy America.

Capital Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment

Capital expenditures increased to $1.2 billion in 2002, compared with $1.1
billion in 2001. The increase was due to higher expenditures by SER and the
California Utilities in 2002. Capital expenditures in 2001 were $300 million
higher than in 2000 primarily due to power plant construction costs at SER. See
further discussion below.

The California Utilities

Capital expenditures for property, plant, and equipment by the California
Utilities were $731 million in 2002 compared to $601 million in 2001 and $522
million in 2000. The increases in 2002 and 2001 were due to additions to
SDG&E's natural gas and electric distribution systems, improvements to
SoCalGas' distribution system, and expansion of pipeline capacity to meet
increased demand by electric generators and by commercial and industrial
customers. The expansion of SoCalGas' pipeline capacity was completed in 2002.

Sempra Energy Resources

On October 31, 2002, SER purchased a 305-megawatt, coal-fired power plant
(renamed Twin Oaks Power) from Texas-New Mexico Power Company for $120 million.
SER has a five-year contract to sell substantially all of the output of the
plant. In connection with the acquisition, SER also assumed a contract which
includes annual commitments to purchase lignite coal either until an aggregate
minimum volume has been achieved or through 2025. See discussion below on SER's
2003 commitments for construction of its power plants.

In September 2001, ground was broken for the Mesquite Power Plant. Located near
Phoenix, Arizona, the $690 million, 1,250-megawatt project will provide
electricity to wholesale energy markets in the Southwest region. Commercial
operations at 50-percent capacity are expected to commence in June 2003 and
project completion is anticipated in January 2004. The project is being
financed primarily via the synthetic lease agreement described in Note 15 of
the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. Construction expenditures as of
December 31, 2002 were $558 million and SER has commitments of $50 million
related to this project. Financing under the synthetic lease in excess of $280
million requires 103 percent collateralization through the purchase of U.S.
Treasury obligations in similar amounts. During 2002, the company purchased
$228 million of U.S. Treasury obligations as collateral, which is included in
"Investments" on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

In February 2001, the company announced plans to construct Termoelectrica de
Mexicali, a $350 million, 600-megawatt power plant near Mexicali, Mexico. Fuel
for the plant will be supplied via the pipeline from Arizona to Tijuana
discussed below. It is anticipated that the electricity produced by the plant
will be available for markets in California, Arizona and Mexico via a newly
constructed 230,000-volt transmission line. Construction of the power plant
began in the second half of 2001. During 2002

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 17.

and as of December 31, 2002, $158 million and $308 million, respectively, have
been invested in the project, which has begun testing and is scheduled for
completion by mid-2003.

Sempra Energy International

In the third quarter of 2002, SEI completed construction of the 140-mile
Gasoducto Bajanorte Pipeline that connects the Rosarito Pipeline south of
Tijuana, Mexico, with a pipeline being built by PG&E Corporation that will
connect to Arizona. The 30-inch pipeline can deliver up to 500 million cubic
feet per day of natural gas to new generation facilities in Baja California,
including SER's Termoelectrica de Mexicali power plant discussed above.
Capacity on the pipeline is fully subscribed. Total capital expenditures of
$124 million have been made by SEI through December 31, 2002.

SEI's Mexican subsidiaries Distribuidora de Gas Natural (DGN) de Mexicali, DGN
de Chihuahua and DGN de La Laguna Durango built and operate natural gas
distribution systems in Mexicali, Chihuahua and the La Laguna-Durango zone in
north-central Mexico, respectively. At December 31, 2002, SEI owned interests
of 60, 95 and 100 percent in the projects, respectively. Through December 31,
2002, DGN de Mexicali, DGN de Chihuahua and DGN de La Laguna Durango have made
capital expenditures of $23 million, $57 million and $32 million, respectively.
Total capital expenditures for these subsidiaries in 2002 were $15 million. On
February 7, 2003, SEI completed its purchase of the remaining interests in DGN
de Mexicali, DGN de Chihuahua, Transportadora de Gas Natural, a supplier of
natural gas to the Presidente Juarez power plant in Rosarito, Baja California,
and other subsidiaries.

In October 2001, Sempra Energy announced plans to develop a major new LNG
receiving terminal to bring natural gas supplies into northwestern Mexico and
southern California. The plant, Energia Costa Azul, would be located on the
Pacific Coast, north of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. SEI initially
purchased a 300-acre site for the terminal for a purchase price of $19.7
million. Subsequently, it purchased additional land for the terminal for $2.6
million. As currently planned, the plant would have a send-out capacity of
approximately 1 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas through a new 40-mile
pipeline between the terminal and existing pipelines in the San Diego/Baja
California border area. The project is currently estimated to cost $600 million
and to commence commercial operations in 2007.

In 2000, SEI invested $159 million in two Argentine natural gas utility holding
companies (Sodigas Pampeana S.A. and Sodigas Sur S.A.).


In February 2003, Sempra LNG Corp., a newly created subsidiary of Global,
announced an agreement to acquire the proposed Hackberry, La., LNG project from
a subsidiary of Dynegy, Inc. Sempra LNG Corp. initially will pay Dynegy $20
million, with additional payments contingent on the performance of the project.
The project has received preliminary approval from the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (FERC) and expects a final decision later this year. If
the project is approved, Sempra LNG Corp. would build an LNG receiving facility
capable of processing up to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas. The
total cost of the project is expected to be about $700 million. The project
could begin commercial operations as early as 2007.


Investments and acquisition costs were $442 million, $111 million and $243
million for 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The increase in 2002 was due to
collateral requirements associated with the synthetic lease financing for the
construction of the Mesquite Power Plant and SET's acquisition of new
businesses. For discussion of the synthetic lease, see Note 15 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 18.

Sempra Energy Trading

During 2002, SET completed acquisitions that added base metals trading and
warehousing to its trading business. On February 4, 2002, SET completed the
acquisition of London-based Sempra Metals Limited, a leading metals trader on
the London Metals Exchange, for $65 million, net of cash acquired. On
April 26, 2002, SET completed the acquisition of the assets of New York-based
Sempra Metals & Concentrates Corp., a leading global trader of copper, lead
and zinc concentrates, for $24 million. Also in April 2002, SET completed the
acquisition of the Liverpool, England-based Henry Bath & Sons Limited, which
provides warehousing services for non-ferrous metals in Europe and Asia, and
the assets of the U.S. warehousing business of Henry Bath, Inc., for a total
of $30 million, net of cash acquired. All of these entities were part of the
former MG Metals Group, which had been recently acquired by Enron. In
January 2003, SET purchased from CMS Energy's marketing and trading unit a
substantial portion of its wholesale natural gas trading book for $17 million.

Sempra Energy Resources

During 2002 and 2001, SER invested $39 million and $91 million, respectively,
in the Elk Hills Power Project (Elk Hills), a $395 million, 570-megawatt power
plant near Bakersfield, California, which is anticipated to be completed in May
2003. SER anticipates its share of the remaining construction costs will be $35
million. Elk Hills, an unconsolidated subsidiary, is being developed in a 50/50
joint venture with Occidental Energy Ventures Corporation (Occidental) and will
supply electricity to California. Information concerning litigation with
Occidental is provided in Note 15 of the notes to Consolidated Financial


In August 2000, SES purchased its partner's 50-percent interests in
Atlantic-Pacific Las Vegas and Atlantic-Pacific Glendale for a total of $40
million, thereby acquiring full ownership of these companies.

In September 2000, the company acquired for $8 million a significant minority
interest in Atlantic Electric and Gas, a United Kingdom retail energy marketer.

See further discussion of investing activities, including the $223 million
foreign currency exchange adjustment relating to Argentina, in Note 3 of the
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Future Construction Expenditures and Investments

The company expects to make capital expenditures of $1.3 billion in 2003,
including $300 million which is not yet committed. Significant capital
expenditures are expected to include $750 million for California utility plant
improvements and $230 million for SER power plant construction and other
capital projects. These expenditures are expected to be financed by operations
and security issuances.

Over the next five years, the company expects to make capital expenditures of
approximately $4 billion at the California Utilities and is committed to $350
million of capital expenditures at the other subsidiaries, including completion
of the three power plants being constructed by SER. In addition, the company is
evaluating an additional $2 billion of capital expenditures, which is not yet

Construction, investment and financing programs are periodically reviewed and
revised by the company in response to changes in economic conditions,
competition, customer growth, inflation, customer rates, the cost of capital,
and environmental and regulatory requirements. In addition, the unprecedented
number of existing power plants and other energy-related facilities that are in
excess of market demand in certain regions of the country or that are owned by
companies in financial distress may provide the company with opportunities to
acquire existing power plants instead of or in addition to new construction.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 19.

The company's level of construction expenditures and investments in the next
few years may vary substantially, and will depend on the availability of
financing and business opportunities providing desirable rates of return. The
company's intention is to finance any sizeable expenditures so as to maintain
the company's strong investment-grade ratings and capital structure. Smaller
expenditures will be made by the use of existing liquidity.


Net cash provided by financing activities totaled $138 million, $275 million
and $192 million for 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

Cash flows from financing activities decreased in 2002 from 2001 due primarily
to the higher temporary drawdowns of lines of credit in 2001, partially offset
by new debt issuances in 2002.

Net cash provided by financing activities in 2001 was more than that provided
in 2000 due to a $160 million loan obtained from an unconsolidated affiliate in

Long-Term and Short-Term Debt

In 2002, the company issued $1.2 billion in long-term debt, including $600
million of equity units at Sempra Energy and $250 million of 4.80%
first-mortgage bonds at SoCalGas. The 4.80% first-mortgage bonds mature on
October 1, 2012. The bonds are not subject to a sinking fund and are not
redeemable prior to maturity except through a make-whole mechanism. Proceeds
from the bond sale have become part of the company's general treasury funds to
replenish amounts previously expended to refund and retire indebtedness and
will be used for working capital and other general corporate purposes. Each
equity unit consists of $25 principal amount of the company's 5.60% senior
notes due May 17, 2007 and a contract to purchase for $25 on May 17, 2005,
between .8190 and .9992 of a share of the company's common stock (to be
determined by the then-prevailing market prices). The company used the net
proceeds of the offering to repay a portion of its short-term debt, including
debt used to finance the capital expenditure program for Global. In addition,
SER drew down $300 million against a line of credit to finance construction
projects and acquisitions.

Repayment of long-term debt of $479 million included repayments at maturity of
$100 million of SoCalGas' 6.875% first-mortgage bonds and $28 million of
SDG&E's 7.625% first-mortgage bonds, and the calling of $10 million of SDG&E's
8.5% first-mortgage bonds. Additionally, the company repaid $200 million of the
$300 million borrowed under a line of credit in 2002 and $66 million of
rate-reduction bonds.

The net short-term debt reduction of $307 million in 2002 primarily consisted
of the paydown of commercial paper.

On September 30, 2002, SoCalGas cancelled a fixed-to-variable interest-rate
swap on $175 million of first-mortgage bonds. The $6 million gain on the
transaction is being amortized over the life of the bonds, which mature in 2025.

On September 10, 2002, Global replaced its expiring $1.2 billion revolving line
of credit with a $950 million syndicated line. The new revolving line of credit
is guaranteed by Sempra Energy and its interest rate varies with market rates
and credit ratings. It expires in September 2003, at which time outstanding
borrowings may be converted to a one-year term loan. The agreement requires
Sempra Energy to maintain a debt-to-total capitalization ratio (as defined in
the agreement) of not to exceed 65 percent.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 20.

In May 2002, SDG&E and SoCalGas replaced their individual revolving lines of
credit with a combined revolving credit agreement under which each utility may
individually borrow up to $300 million, subject to a combined borrowing limit
for both utilities of $500 million. Each utility's revolving credit line
expires on May 16, 2003, at which time it may convert its then outstanding
borrowings to a one-year term loan, subject to having obtained any requisite
regulatory approvals. Borrowings under the agreement, which are available for
general corporate purposes including back-up support for commercial paper and
variable-rate long-term debt, would bear interest at rates varying with market
rates and the borrowing utility's credit rating. The agreement requires each
utility to maintain a debt-to-total capitalization ratio (as defined in the
agreement) of not to exceed 60 percent. The rights, obligations and covenants
of each utility under the agreement are individual rather than joint with those
of the other utility, and a default by one utility would not constitute a
default by the other.

In 2001, the company issued $500 million in long-term debt, primarily for
capital expenditures by the Global subsidiaries. The net short-term debt
increase of $310 million in 2001 primarily represented borrowings through
Global. Funds were used to finance construction costs of various power
plant and pipeline projects in California, Arizona and Mexico. During 2001,
$82 million of the Employee Stock Ownership (ESOP) debt and $25 million of
variable-rate unsecured bonds were remarketed at 7.375 percent and 6.75
percent, respectively. In addition, SEI refinanced $160 million of its
long-term notes through an Offering Memorandum of Chilquinta Energia Finance
Co. LLC, which, like the company's other investments in Peru and Chile, is
owned 50 percent by SEI and 50 percent by PSEG Global. Repayments on long-term
debt in 2001 included $150 million of first-mortgage bonds, $66 million of
rate-reduction bonds and $120 million of unsecured debt.

In 2000, the company issued $500 million of long-term notes and $200 million of
mandatorily redeemable trust preferred securities to finance the repurchase of
36.1 million shares of its outstanding common stock. The company issued an
additional $300 million of long-term notes during 2000 to repay a portion of
its short-term debt. The net increase in short-term debt primarily represents
borrowings through Global used to finance the construction of natural gas
distribution systems by SEI and borrowings by SET to finance increased trading
activities. Repayments on long-term debt in 2000 included $10 million of
first-mortgage bonds, $66 million of rate-reduction bonds and $51 million of
unsecured debt. In addition, in December 2000, $60 million of variable-rate
industrial development bonds were put back by the holders and remarketed in
February 2001 at a fixed interest rate of 7 percent.

In February 2003, the company issued $400 million of senior unsecured notes
with a 10-year term at a fixed interest rate of 6 percent. The proceeds were
used to replace short-term debt.

Capital Stock Transactions

In April and May of 2002, the company publicly offered and sold $600 million of
"Equity Units." Each unit consists of $25 of the company's 5.60% senior notes
due May 17, 2007 and a contract to purchase for $25 on May 17, 2005, between
..8190 and .9992 of a share of the company's common stock, with the precise
number determined by the then-prevailing market price. The company used the net
proceeds of the offering primarily to repay a portion of its short-term debt,
including the repayment of $200 million borrowed by SER in April 2002 and other
debt used to finance the capital expenditure program for Global.

As noted above, in February 2000, the company completed a self-tender offer,
purchasing 36.1 million shares of its outstanding common stock at $20 per
share. In March 2000, the company's board of directors authorized the optional
expenditure of up to $100 million to repurchase shares of common stock from
time to time in the open market or in privately negotiated transactions. Under
this authorization, the company acquired 162,400 shares in July 2000, 60,000
shares in November 2001 and 674,400 shares in July 2002.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 21.


Dividends paid on common stock amounted to $205 million in 2002, $203 million
in 2001 and $244 million in 2000. The lower dividends in 2001 and 2002 were due
to the company's repurchase of 36.1 million shares of its outstanding common
stock in 2000.

The payment of future dividends and the amount thereof are within the
discretion of the company's board of directors. The CPUC's regulation of the
California Utilities' capital structure limits the amounts that are available
for loans and dividends to the company from the California Utilities. At
December 31, 2002, SDG&E and SoCalGas each could have provided $250 million to
Sempra Energy (combined loans and dividends). At December 31, 2002, SDG&E and
SoCalGas had loans to Sempra Energy of $250 million and $86 million,


Total capitalization, including the current portion of long-term debt and
excluding the rate-reduction bonds (which are non-recourse to the company) at
December 31, 2002 was $7.8 billion. The debt-to-capitalization ratio was 59
percent at December 31, 2002. Significant changes in capitalization during 2002
included long-term borrowings and dividends.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

At December 31, 2002, the company had $455 million of cash and $2.35 billion of
committed lines of credit, $100 million of which was borrowed. As of
December 31, 2002, $600 million of the lines was supporting commercial paper
and variable-rate debt. Management believes these amounts and cash flows from
operations and new security issuances will be adequate to finance capital
expenditures, shareholder dividends, any new business acquisitions or
start-ups, and other commitments.

Other information concerning the credit lines and related matters is provided
in Notes 4, 5 and 10 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


The following is a summary of the company's principal contractual commitments
at December 31, 2002 (dollars in millions). Trading liabilities are not
included herein as such derivative transactions are primarily hedged against
trading assets. In addition, liabilities reflecting fixed price contracts and
other derivatives are excluded as they are primarily offset against regulatory
assets at the California Utilities. Additional information concerning
commitments is provided above and in Notes 4, 5, 11 and 15 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

                                                    By Period
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    2004   2006
                                                     and    and
Description                                  2003   2005   2007 Thereafter   Total
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-term debt                            $  570 $   -- $   --   $   --   $   570
Long-term debt                                281  1,145    783    2,159     4,368
Mandatorily redeemable trust preferred
  securities                                   --     --     --      200       200
Preferred stock of subsidiaries subject to
  mandatory redemption                         --      3      3       19        25
Operating leases                               94    205    208    1,385     1,892
Purchased power contracts                     257    455    437    2,285     3,434
Natural gas contracts                         897    424    135      157     1,613
Construction commitments                      162      7     --       95       264
Twin Oaks coal supply                          28     54     46      310       438
SONGS decommissioning                          20     22      9      258       309
Environmental commitments                      16     31     11       --        58
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Totals                                     $2,325 $2,346 $1,632   $6,868   $13,171
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 22.

Credit Ratings

As of January 31, 2003, credit ratings for Sempra Energy and its primary
subsidiaries were as follows:

                                                     S&P Moody's Fitch
         Unsecured Debt                               A-  Baa1      A
         Commercial Paper                            A-2   P-2     F1
         Trust Preferred Securities                  BBB  Baa2     A-

         Secured Debt                                 A+    A1     AA
         Unsecured Debt                                A    A2    AA-
         Preferred Stock                              A-  Baa1     A+
         Commercial Paper                            A-1   P-1    F1+

         Secured Debt                                 A+    A1     AA
         Unsecured Debt                                A    A2    AA-
         Preferred Stock                              A-  Baa1     A+
         Commercial Paper                            A-1   P-1    F1+

         Preferred Stock                            BBB+    --     A+

         Unsecured Debt guaranteed by Sempra Energy   --  Baa1     --
         Sempra Guaranteed Commercial Paper          A-2   P-2     F1


As of January 31, 2003, the company has a stable outlook rating from all three
credit rating agencies.


Base results of the company in the near future will depend primarily on the
results of the California Utilities, while earnings growth and fluctuations
will result primarily from activities at SET, SER, SEI and other businesses.
The factors influencing future performance are summarized below.


Electric Industry Restructuring and Electric Rates

Supply/demand imbalances and a number of other factors resulted in abnormally
high electric-commodity costs beginning in mid-2000 and continuing into 2001.
This caused SDG&E's customer bills to be substantially higher than normal. In
response, legislation enacted in September 2000 imposed a ceiling of 6.5
cents/kilowatt hour (kWh) on the cost of electricity that SDG&E could pass on
to its small-usage customers on a current basis. SDG&E accumulated the amount
that it paid for electricity in excess of the ceiling rate in an
interest-bearing balancing account. This undercollection amounted to $447
million, $392 million and $215 million at December 31, 2000, 2001 and 2002,

In February 2001, the DWR began to purchase power from generators and marketers
to supply a portion of the state's power requirements that is served by IOUs.
From early 2001 to December 31, 2002, the DWR purchased SDG&E's full net short
position (the power needed by SDG&E's customers, other than that provided by
SDG&E's nuclear generating facilities or its previously existing purchase power
contracts). In October 2002, the CPUC issued a decision directing the
resumption of the electric commodity procurement function by IOUs by January 1,

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 23.

An unresolved issue is the ownership of certain power sale profits stemming
from intermediate term purchase power contracts entered into by SDG&E during
the early stages of California's electric utility industry restructuring. On
December 19, 2002, the CPUC rendered a 3-to-2 decision approving the June 2002
proposed settlement previously described in the company's Quarterly Report on
Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2002, that divides the profits
from these contracts, $199 million for SDG&E customers and $173 million for
SDG&E shareholders. Of the $199 million in profits allocated to customers, $175
million had already been credited to ratepayers in 2001. The remaining $24
million was applied as a balancing account transfer that reduced the AB 265
balancing account in December 2002. The profits allocated to customers reduce
SDG&E's AB 265 undercollection, but do not adversely affect SDG&E's financial
position, liquidity or results of operations. The term of a commissioner who
voted to approve the settlement has expired, and a new commissioner has been
appointed. On January 29, 2003, the CPUC's Office of Ratepayer Advocates, the
City of San Diego and the Utility Consumers' Action Network, a
consumer-advocacy group, filed requests for a CPUC rehearing of the decision.
On February 13, 2003, the company filed its opposition to rehearing of the
decision. Parties requesting a rehearing and parties to any rehearing may also
appeal the CPUC's final decision to the California appellate courts.

Operating costs of SONGS Units 2 and 3 (including nuclear fuel and related
financing costs) and incremental capital expenditures are recovered through the
ICIP mechanism which allows SDG&E to receive approximately 4.4 cents per
kilowatt-hour for SONGS generation. Any differences between the actual amounts
of these costs and the incentive price affect net income. For the year ended
December 31, 2002, ICIP contributed $50 million to SDG&E's net income. The CPUC
has rejected an administrative law judge's proposed decision to end ICIP prior
to its December 31, 2003 scheduled expiration date. However, the CPUC has also
denied the previously approved market-based pricing for SONGS beginning in 2004
and instead provided for traditional rate-making treatment under which the
SONGS ratebase would begin at zero, essentially eliminating earnings from SONGS
until ratebase grows. The company has applied for rehearing of this decision.

See additional discussion of this and related topics in Note 13 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Natural Gas Restructuring and Gas Rates

On December 11, 2001, the CPUC issued a decision adopting the following
provisions affecting the structure of the natural gas industry in California,
some of which could introduce additional volatility into the earnings of the
California Utilities and other market participants: a system for shippers to
hold firm, tradable rights to capacity on SoCalGas' major gas transmission
lines, with SoCalGas' shareholders at risk for whether market demand for these
rights will cover the cost of these facilities; a further unbundling of
SoCalGas' storage services, giving SoCalGas greater upward pricing flexibility
(except for storage service for core customers) but with increased shareholder
risk for whether market demand will cover storage costs; new balancing
services, including separate core and noncore balancing provisions; a
reallocation among customer classes of the cost of interstate pipeline capacity
held by SoCalGas and an unbundling of interstate capacity for natural gas
marketers serving core customers; and the elimination of noncore customers'
option to obtain natural gas procurement service from the California Utilities.
During 2002 the California Utilities filed a proposed implementation schedule
and revised tariffs and rules required for implementation. However, protests of
these compliance filings were filed and the CPUC has not yet authorized
implementation of most of the provisions of its decision. On December 30, 2002,
the CPUC deferred acting on a plan to implement its decision.

Allowed Rates of Return

Effective January 1, 2003, SoCalGas' authorized rate of return on ratebase
(ROR) is 8.68 percent and its rate of return on common equity (ROE) is 10.82
percent. These rates will be effective until the next

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 24.

periodic review by the CPUC unless market interest-rate changes are large
enough to trigger an automatic adjustment prior thereto, which last occurred in
October 2002 and adjusted rates downward from the previous 9.49 percent (ROR)
and 11.6 percent (ROE) to the current levels. This change results in a revenue
requirement decrease of $10.5 million.

Effective January 1, 2003, SDG&E's authorized rate of return on equity is 10.9
percent (increased from 10.6 percent) for SDG&E's electric distribution and
natural gas businesses. This change results in a revenue requirement increase
of $2.4 million ($1.9 million electric and $0.5 million natural gas) and
increases SDG&E's overall rate of return from 8.75 percent to 8.77 percent.
These rates remain in effect through 2003.

Either utility can earn more than the authorized rate by controlling costs
below approved levels or by achieving favorable results in certain areas such
as various incentive mechanisms. In addition, earnings are affected by customer

Cost of Service (COS) and Performance-Based Regulation

The COS and PBR cases for the California Utilities were filed on December 20,
2002. The filings outline projected expenses (excluding the commodity cost of
electricity or natural gas consumed by customers or expenses for programs such
as low-income assistance) and revenue requirements for 2004 and a formula for
2005 through 2008. SoCalGas' cost of service study proposes an increase in
natural gas base rate revenues of $130 million. SDG&E's cost of service study
proposes increases in electric and natural gas base rate revenues of $58.9
million and $21.6 million, respectively. The filings also requested a
continuance and expansion of PBR in terms of earnings sharing and performance
service standards that include both reward and penalty provisions related to
customer satisfaction, employee safety and system reliability. The resulting
new base rates are expected to be effective on January 1, 2004. A CPUC decision
is expected in late 2003. The California Utilities' profitability is dependent
upon their ability to control costs within base rates. The California
Utilities' PBR mechanisms are in effect through December 31, 2003, at which
time the mechanisms will be updated. That update will include, among other
things, a reexamination of the California Utilities' reasonable costs of
operation to be allowed in rates.

An October 10, 2001 decision denied the California Utilities' request to
continue equal sharing between ratepayers and shareholders of the estimated
savings for the merger discussed in Note 1 and, instead, ordered that all of
the estimated 2003 merger savings go to ratepayers. This decision will
adversely affect the California Utilities' 2003 net income by $35 million.

Utility Integration

On September 20, 2001, the CPUC approved Sempra Energy's request to integrate
the management teams of the California Utilities. The decision retains the
separate identities of each utility and is not a merger. Instead, utility
integration is a reorganization that consolidates senior management functions
of the two utilities and returns to the utilities the majority of shared
support services previously provided by Sempra Energy's centralized corporate
center. Once implementation is completed, the integration is expected to result
in more efficient and effective operations. In a related development, an August
2002 CPUC interim decision denied a request by the California Utilities to
combine their natural gas procurement activities at this time, pending
completion of the CPUC's ongoing investigation of market power issues.


Electric-Generation Assets

As discussed in "Cash Flows Used In Investing Activities" above, the company is
involved in the development of several electric-generation projects that will
significantly impact the company's future performance. The power plants that
SER is building in Arizona, California and Mexico are on schedule to commence
operations by January 2004. SER has approximately 2,700 megawatts of new

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 25.

generation in operation or under construction. The 570-megawatt Elk Hills power
project, 50 percent owned by SER and located near Bakersfield, California, is
expected to begin commercial operations in May 2003. The 1,250-megawatt
Mesquite Power Plant near Phoenix, Arizona, is expected to commence commercial
operations at 50-percent capacity in June 2003 and at full capacity in January
2004. Termoelectrica de Mexicali, a 600-megawatt power plant near Mexicali,
Baja California, Mexico, is expected to commence commercial operations in the
summer of 2003. The 305-megawatt Twin Oaks Power Plant located near Bremond,
Texas, was acquired in October 2002. Electricity from the plants will be
available for markets in California, Arizona, Texas and Mexico. SER's projected
portfolio of plants in the western United States and Baja California may be
used to supply power to California under SER's agreement with the DWR. See
further discussion concerning SER's contract with the DWR in Note 15 of the
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

See additional discussion of these projects in "Investments," below and in
Notes 2, 3 and 15 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


As discussed in "Cash Flows Used In Investing Activities" above, during 2002,
SET completed acquisitions that added base metals trading and warehousing to
its trading business. These acquisitions are Sempra Metals Limited, Sempra
Metals & Concentrates Corp., Henry Bath & Sons Limited and Henry Bath, Inc.,
and are further described in "Cash Flows From Investing Activities." In
addition, on October 31, 2002, SER completed its previously announced
acquisition of a 305-megawatt, coal-fired power plant (renamed Twin Oaks Power)
from Texas-New Mexico Power Company for $120 million. SER has a five-year
contract to sell substantially all of the output of the plant. In connection
with the acquisition, SER also assumed a contract which includes annual
commitments to purchase lignite coal either until an aggregate minimum volume
has been achieved or through 2025. These acquisitions contributed to Sempra
Energy's earnings in 2002.

Also during 2002, SEI purchased over 300 acres of land north of Ensenada, Baja
California, for $22.3 million. The land is the planned site of Energia Costa
Azul, the LNG receiving terminal SEI is developing to bring natural gas
supplies into northwestern Mexico and southern California. As currently
planned, the plant would have a send-out capacity of 1 billion cubic feet per
day of natural gas through a new 40-mile pipeline between the terminal and
existing pipelines in the San Diego/Baja California border area. The plant is
expected to cost $600 million and to commence commercial operations in 2007.

In February, 2003, Sempra LNG Corp., a newly created subsidiary of Global,
announced an agreement to acquire the proposed Hackberry, La., LNG project from
a subsidiary of Dynegy, Inc. Sempra LNG Corp. initially will pay Dynegy $20
million, with additional payments contingent on the performance of the project.
The project has received preliminary approval from the FERC and expects a final
decision later this year. If the project is approved, Sempra LNG Corp. would
build an LNG receiving facility capable of processing up to 1.5 billion cubic
feet per day of natural gas. The total cost of the project is expected to be
about $700 million. The project could begin commercial operations as early as

See additional discussion of these investments and projects in "Capital
Expenditures for Property, Plant and Equipment" above and in Notes 2, 3 and 15
of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

The devaluation of the Argentine peso, which is noted above and further
described in Note 3 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, is
expected to have an adverse effect on future earnings of the Argentine
operations, but the extent of the effect is not yet determinable.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 26.


Market risk is the risk of erosion of the company's cash flows, net income,
asset values and equity due to adverse changes in prices for various
commodities, and in interest and foreign-currency rates.

The company's policy is to use derivative physical and financial instruments to
reduce its exposure to fluctuations in interest rates, foreign-currency
exchange rates and commodity prices. The company also uses and trades
derivative physical and financial instruments in its energy trading and
marketing activities. Transactions involving these financial instruments are
with major exchanges and other firms believed to be credit worthy. The use of
these instruments exposes the company to market and credit risks which, at
times, may be concentrated with certain counterparties. At December 31, 2002,
SET was due approximately $100 million from the ISO, for which the company
believes adequate reserves have been recorded. Except for the ISO receivable
there were no unusual concentrations at December 31, 2002, that would indicate
an unacceptable level of risk. Credit risks associated with concentration are
discussed below under "Credit Risk."

The company has adopted corporate-wide policies governing its market-risk
management and trading activities. Assisted by the company's Energy Risk
Management Group (ERMG), the company's Energy Risk Management Oversight
Committee, consisting of senior officers, oversees company-wide energy risk
management activities and monitors the results of trading activities to ensure
compliance with the company's stated energy-risk management and trading
policies. Utility management receives daily information on positions and the
ERMG receives information detailing positions creating market and credit risk
from all company affiliates (on a delayed basis as to the California
Utilities). The ERMG independently measures and reports the market and credit
risk associated with these positions. In addition, all affiliates have groups
that monitor energy-price risk management and trading activities independently
from the groups responsible for creating or actively managing these risks.

Along with other tools, the company uses Value at Risk (VaR) to measure its
exposure to market risk. VaR is an estimate of the potential loss on a position
or portfolio of positions over a specified holding period, based on normal
market conditions and within a given statistical confidence interval. The
company has adopted the variance/covariance methodology in its calculation of
VaR, and uses both the 95-percent and 99-percent confidence intervals. VaR is
calculated independently by the ERMG for all company affiliates. Historical
volatilities and correlations between instruments and positions are used in the

SET derives a substantial portion of its revenue from trading activities in
natural gas, electricity, petroleum, petroleum products, metals and other
commodities. Profits are earned as SET acts as a dealer in structuring and
executing transactions that assist its customers in managing their energy-price
risk. In addition, SET may take positions in commodity markets based on the
expectation of future market conditions. These positions include options,
forwards, futures and swaps.

Following is a summary of SET's trading VaR profile (using a one-day holding
period) in millions of dollars:

                                             95%  99%
                          December 31, 2002 $4.6 $6.5
                          2002 average       6.2  8.7
                          December 31, 2001  6.9  9.7
                          2001 average       6.1  8.6

SES derives a substantial portion of its revenue from delivering electric and
natural gas supplies to its commercial and industrial customers. Such contracts
are hedged to preserve margin and carry minimal market risk. Exchange-traded
and over-the-counter instruments are used to hedge contracts.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 27.

The California Utilities use energy derivatives to manage natural gas price
risk associated with servicing their load requirements. In addition, they make
limited use of natural gas derivatives for trading purposes. These instruments
can include forward contracts, futures, swaps, options and other contracts. In
the case of both price-risk management and trading activities, the use of
derivative financial instruments by the California Utilities is subject to
certain limitations imposed by company policy and regulatory requirements. See
the continuing discussion below and Note 10 of the notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements for further information regarding the use of energy
derivatives by the California Utilities.

Additional information is provided in Note 10 of the notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements.

The following discussion of the company's primary market-risk exposures as of
December 31, 2002 includes a discussion of how these exposures are managed.

Commodity-Price Risk

Market risk related to physical commodities is created by volatility in the
prices and basis of certain commodities. The company's market risk is impacted
by changes in volatility and liquidity in the markets in which these
commodities or related financial instruments are traded. The company's various
affiliates are exposed, in varying degrees, to price risk primarily in the
petroleum, metals, natural gas and electricity markets. The company's policy is
to manage this risk within a framework that considers the unique markets, and
operating and regulatory environments of each affiliate.

Sempra Energy Trading

SET derives a substantial portion of its revenue from its worldwide trading
activities in natural gas, petroleum, metals, electricity, and other
commodities. As a result, SET is exposed to price volatility in the related
domestic and international markets. SET conducts these activities within a
structured and disciplined risk management and control framework that is based
on clearly communicated policies and procedures, position limits, active and
ongoing management monitoring and oversight, clearly defined roles and
responsibilities, and daily risk measurement and reporting.

Sempra Energy Solutions

SES derives a portion of its revenue from delivering electric and gas supplies
to its customers. Such contracts are designed to preserve margin and carry
minimal market risk. Exchange-traded and over-the-counter instruments are used
to hedge contracts. The derivatives and financial instruments used to hedge the
transactions include swaps, forwards, futures, options or combinations thereof.

California Utilities

With respect to the California Utilities, market risk exposure is limited due
to CPUC authorized rate recovery of commodity purchase, sale and storage
activity. However, the California Utilities may, at times, be exposed to market
risk as a result of activities under SDG&E's natural gas PBR and electric
procurement or SoCalGas' GCIM, which are discussed in Notes 13 and 14 of the
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. They manage their risk within the
parameters of the company's market-risk management and trading framework. As of
December 31, 2002, the total VaR of the California Utilities' natural gas and
electric positions was not material.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 28.

Interest-Rate Risk

The company is exposed to fluctuations in interest rates primarily as a result
of its long-term debt. The company historically has funded utility operations
through long-term debt issues with fixed interest rates and these interest
rates are recovered in utility rates. With the restructuring of the regulatory
process, the CPUC has permitted greater flexibility in the use of debt. As a
result, some recent debt offerings have been selected with short-term
maturities to take advantage of yield curves, or have used a combination of
fixed-rate and floating-rate debt. Subject to regulatory constraints,
interest-rate swaps may be used to adjust interest-rate exposures when
appropriate, based upon market conditions.

At December 31, 2002, the California Utilities had $1.9 billion of fixed-rate
debt and $0.1 billion of variable-rate debt. Interest on fixed-rate utility
debt is fully recovered in rates on a historical cost basis and interest on
variable-rate debt is provided for in rates on a forecasted basis. At December
31, 2002, utility fixed-rate debt had a one-year VaR of $394 million and
utility variable-rate debt had a one-year VaR of $0.1 million. Non-utility debt
(fixed-rate and variable-rate) was $2.3 billion at December 31, 2002, with a
one-year VaR of $199 million.

At December 31, 2002, the notional amount of interest-rate swap transactions
totaled $500 million. See Notes 5 and 10 of the notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements for further information regarding these swap transactions.

In addition the company is ultimately subject to the effect of interest rate
fluctuation on the assets of its pension plan.

Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk of loss that would be incurred as a result of
nonperformance by counterparties of their contractual obligations. As with
market risk, the company has adopted corporate-wide policies governing the
management of credit risk. Credit risk management is under the oversight of the
Energy Risk Management Oversight Committee, assisted by the ERMG and the
California Utility's credit department. Using rigorous models, the ERMG
continuously calculates current and potential credit risk to counterparties to
ensure the risk stays within approved limits. The company avoids concentration
of counterparties and management believes its credit policies with regard to
counterparties significantly reduce overall credit risk. These policies include
an evaluation of prospective counterparties' financial condition (including
credit ratings), collateral requirements under certain circumstances, and the
use of standardized agreements that allow for the netting of positive and
negative exposures associated with a single counterparty. At December 31, 2002,
SET was due approximately $100 million from the ISO, for which the company
believes adequate reserves have been recorded. Except for this matter, neither
the company nor its subsidiaries are party to any material concentration of
credit risk.

The company monitors credit risk through a credit-approval process and the
assignment and monitoring of credit limits. These credit limits are established
based on risk and return considerations under terms customarily available in
the industry.

The company periodically enters into interest-rate swap agreements to moderate
exposure to interest-rate changes and to lower the overall cost of borrowing.
The company would be exposed to interest-rate fluctuations on the underlying
debt should other parties to the agreement not perform. See the "Interest-Rate
Risk" section above for additional information regarding the company's use of
interest-rate swap agreements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 29.

Foreign-Currency-Rate Risk

The company is subject to foreign-currency-rate risk in its international
operations. The company has investments in entities whose functional currency
is not the U.S. dollar, which exposes the company to foreign exchange
movements, primarily in Latin American currencies. As a result of the
devaluation of the Argentine peso, as of December 31, 2002, SEI has adjusted
its investment in its two unconsolidated Argentine subsidiaries downward by
$223 million, which is included in "other comprehensive income (loss)" on
the Consolidated Balance Sheets. As the Argentine peso has been significantly
devalued and will float freely in the foreign exchange market, the company
recognizes that both income and cash flows associated with the investments are
likely to be reduced; however, the company believes that they will remain
sufficiently positive to support the carrying values of the investments. The
company does not anticipate adverse developments that would change this view.
On September 5, 2002, SEI filed for international arbitration under the 1994
Bilateral Investment Treaty between the United States and Argentina for
recovery of the diminution of the value of its investments resulting from
government actions. See further discussion in Note 3 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

In appropriate instances, the company may attempt to limit its exposure to
changing foreign-exchange rates through both operational and financial market
actions. Financial actions may include entering into forward, option and swap
contracts to hedge existing exposures, firm commitments and anticipated
transactions. As of December 31, 2002, the company had no significant
arrangements of this type.


Certain accounting policies are viewed by management as critical because their
application is the most relevant, judgmental and/or material to the company's
financial position and results of operations, and/or because they require the
use of material judgments and estimates.

The company's most significant accounting policies are described in Note 1 of
the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. The most critical policies, all
of which are mandatory under generally accepted accounting principles and the
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, are the following:

       Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 71 "Accounting for
       the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," has a significant effect on
       the way the California Utilities record assets and liabilities, and the
       related revenues and expenses, that would not otherwise be recorded,
       absent the principles contained in SFAS 71.

       SFAS 133 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities"
       and SFAS 138 "Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain
       Hedging Activities," have a significant effect on the balance sheets of
       the California Utilities but have no significant effect on their income
       statements because of the principles contained in SFAS 71.

       Issue 02-3 of the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) of the Financial
       Accounting Standards Board (FASB) "Issues Involved in Accounting for
       Derivative Contracts Held for Trading Purposes and Contracts Involved in
       Energy Trading and Risk Management Activities" has a significant effect
       on the financial statements of SET and SES, both of which had been
       recording transactions in accordance with EITF Issue 98-10, which is
       being eliminated by EITF Issue 02-3. However, most of the trading assets
       and liabilities of SET and SES will now be covered by SFAS 133 and SFAS
       138, which have a similar effect.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 30.

In connection with the application of these and other accounting policies, the
company makes estimates and judgments about various matters. The most
significant of these involve:

       The calculation of fair or realized values (including the likelihood of
       fully realizing the value of the investments in Argentina under the
       Bilateral Investment Treaty).

       The collectibility of regulatory and other assets.

       The costs to be incurred in fulfilling certain contracts that have been
       marked to market.

       The likelihood of recovery of various deferred tax assets.

Differences between estimates and actual amounts have had significant impacts
in the past and are likely to do so in the future.

As discussed elsewhere herein, the company uses exchange quotations or other
third-party pricing to estimate fair values whenever possible. When no such
data is available, it uses internally developed models and other techniques.
The assumed collectibility of regulatory assets considers legal and regulatory
decisions involving the specific items or similar items. The assumed
collectibility of other assets considers the nature of the item, the
enforceability of contracts where applicable, the creditworthiness of the other
parties and other factors. Costs to fulfill marked-to-market contracts are
based on prior experience. The likelihood of deferred tax recovery is based on
analyses of the deferred tax assets and the company's expectation of future
financial and/or taxable income, based on its strategic planning.

Choices among alternative accounting policies that are material to the
company's financial statements and information concerning significant estimates
have been discussed with the audit committee of the board of directors.


New pronouncements by the FASB that have recently become effective or are yet
to be effective are SFAS 142 through SFAS 149 and Interpretations 45 and 46.
They are described in Note 1 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
SFAS 142 affects net income by replacing the amortization of goodwill with
periodic reviews thereof for impairment with charges against income when
impairment is found. SFAS 143 requires accounting and disclosure changes
concerning legal obligations related to future asset retirements. SFAS 144
supercedes SFAS 121 in dealing with other asset impairment issues. SFAS 145
makes technical corrections to previous statements. SFAS 146 deals with exit
and disposal activities, replacing EITF Issue 94-3. SFAS 147 deals with
acquisitions of financial institutions. SFAS 148 amends SFAS 123 and adds two
additional transition methods to the fair value method of accounting for
stock-based compensation. SFAS 149 establishes standards for accounting for
financial instruments with characteristics of liabilities and equity.
Interpretation 45 clarifies that a guarantor is required to recognize a
liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken in issuing a
guarantee. Interpretation 46 addresses consolidation by business enterprises of
variable-interest entities (previously referred to as "special-purpose
entities" in most cases). Pronouncements that have or potentially could have a
material effect on future earnings are described below.

SFAS 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations": SFAS 143, issued in
July 2001, addresses financial accounting and reporting for legal obligations
associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets. It requires
entities to record the fair value of a liability for an asset retirement
obligation in the period in which it is incurred. SFAS 143 is effective for the
company beginning in 2003. See further discussion in Note 1 of the notes to
Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 31.

SFAS 149, "Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of
Liabilities and Equity": On January 22, 2003, the FASB directed its staff to
prepare a draft of SFAS 149. The final draft is expected to be issued in March
2003. The statement will establish standards for accounting for financial
instruments with characteristics of liabilities, equity, or both. The FASB
decided that SFAS 149 will prohibit the presentation of certain items in the
mezzanine section (the portion of a balance sheet between liabilities and
equity) of the statement of financial position. As such, certain mandatorily
redeemable preferred stock, which is currently included in the mezzanine
section, may be classified as a liability once SFAS 149 goes into effect. The
proposed effective date of SFAS 149 is July 1, 2003 for the company.

EITF Issue 02-3, "Issues Involved in Accounting for Derivative Contracts Held
for Trading Purposes and Contracts Involved in Energy Trading and Risk
Management Activities": In June 2002, EITF Issue 02-3, codified and reconciled
existing guidance on the recognition and reporting of gains and losses on
energy trading contracts and addressed other aspects of the accounting for
contracts involved in energy trading and risk management activities. Among
other things, the consensus requires that SES change its method of recording
trading activities from gross to net.

In October 2002, the EITF reached a consensus to rescind Issue 98-10
"Accounting for Contracts Involved in Energy Trading and Risk Management
Activities," the basis for mark-to-market accounting used for recording
energy-trading activities by SET and SES. The consensus requires that all new
energy-related contracts entered into subsequent to October 25, 2002,
including inventory, should be accounted for under accrual accounting and
will not qualify for mark-to-market accounting unless the contracts meet the
requirements stated under SFAS 133 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and
Hedging Activities" and all contracts entered into on or before October
25, 2002 are similarly affected beginning January 1, 2003. See Note 10 of the
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information
concerning SFAS 133 derivatives.


This Annual Report contains statements that are not historical fact and
constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private
Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "estimates," "believes,"
"expects," "anticipates," "plans," "intends," "may," "would" and "should" or
similar expressions, or discussions of strategy or of plans are intended to
identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not
guarantees of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions.
Future results may differ materially from those expressed in these
forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon various assumptions
involving judgments with respect to the future and other risks, including,
among others, local, regional, national and international economic,
competitive, political, legislative and regulatory conditions and developments;
actions by the CPUC, the California Legislature, the DWR and the FERC; capital
market conditions, inflation rates, interest rates and exchange rates; energy
and trading markets, including the timing and extent of changes in commodity
prices; weather conditions and conservation efforts; war and terrorist attacks;
business, regulatory and legal decisions; the pace of deregulation of retail
natural gas and electricity delivery; the timing and success of business
development efforts; and other uncertainties, all of which are difficult to
predict and many of which are beyond the control of the company. Readers are
cautioned not to rely unduly on any forward-looking statements and are urged to
review and consider carefully the risks, uncertainties and other factors which
affect the company's business described in this report and other reports filed
by the company from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 32.


                              At December 31 or for the years ended December 31
                                 (Dollars in millions except per share amounts)

                                          2002    2001    2000    1999    1998
  California utilities:
   Gas                                 $ 3,255 $ 4,371 $ 3,305 $ 2,911 $ 2,752
   Electric                              1,262   1,676   2,184   1,818   1,865
  Other                                  1,503   1,683   1,271     631     364
   Total                               $ 6,020 $ 7,730 $ 6,760 $ 5,360 $ 4,981
  Operating income                     $   987 $   997 $   884 $   763 $   626
  Income before extraordinary item     $   575 $   518 $   429 $   394 $   294
  Net income                           $   591 $   518 $   429 $   394 $   294
  Income before extraordinary item per
    common share:
   Basic                               $  2.80 $  2.54 $  2.06 $  1.66 $  1.24
   Diluted                             $  2.79 $  2.52 $  2.06 $  1.66 $  1.24
  Net income per common share:
   Basic                               $  2.88 $  2.54 $  2.06 $  1.66 $  1.24
   Diluted                             $  2.87 $  2.52 $  2.06 $  1.66 $  1.24
  Dividends declared per common
    share                              $  1.00 $  1.00 $  1.00 $  1.56 $  1.56
  Pretax income/revenue                  12.0%    9.5%   10.3%   10.7%    8.7%
  Return on common equity                21.4%   19.5%   15.7%   13.4%   10.0%
  Effective income tax rate              20.2%   29.1%   38.6%   31.2%   31.9%
  Dividend payout ratio:
   Basic (a)                             35.7%   39.4%   48.5%   94.0%  125.8%
   Diluted (a)                           35.8%   39.7%   48.5%   94.0%  125.8%
  Price range of common shares         $26.25- $28.61- $24.88- $26.00- $29.31-
                                         15.50   17.31   16.19   17.13   23.75
  Current assets                       $ 7,010 $ 4,790 $ 6,525 $ 3,090 $ 2,482
  Total assets                         $17,757 $15,080 $15,540 $11,124 $10,456
  Current liabilities                  $ 7,247 $ 5,472 $ 7,490 $ 3,236 $ 2,466
  Long-term debt (excludes current
    portion)                           $ 4,083 $ 3,436 $ 3,268 $ 2,902 $ 2,795
  Shareholders' equity                 $ 2,825 $ 2,692 $ 2,494 $ 2,986 $ 2,913
  Common shares outstanding (in
    millions)                            204.9   204.5   201.9   237.4   237.0
  Book value per common share          $ 13.79 $ 13.16 $ 12.35 $ 12.58 $ 12.29
  Price/earnings ratio (a)                 8.4     9.7    11.3    10.5    20.5
  Number of meters (in thousands):
   Natural gas                           6,127   6,053   5,981   5,915   5,837
   Electricity                           1,278   1,258   1,238   1,218   1,192

(a) Based on income before extraordinary item.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 33.

Statement of Management's Responsibility for Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared by management in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The integrity and
objectivity of these financial statements and the other financial information
in the Financial Report, including the estimates and judgments on which they
are based, are the responsibility of management. The financial statements have
been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent auditors appointed by the
board of directors. Their report is shown on the next page. Management has made
available to Deloitte & Touche LLP all of the company's financial records and
related data, as well as the minutes of shareholders' and directors' meetings.

Management maintains a system of internal control which it believes is adequate
to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are properly
safeguarded, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's
authorization and are properly recorded, and that the accounting records may be
relied on for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, and for
the prevention and detection of fraudulent financial reporting. The concept of
reasonable assurance recognizes that the cost of a system of internal control
should not exceed the benefits derived and that management makes estimates and
judgments of these cost/benefit factors.

Management monitors the system of internal control for compliance through its
own review and an internal auditing program, which independently assesses the
effectiveness of the internal controls. The company's independent auditors also
consider certain elements of internal controls in order to determine their
audit procedures for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the company's
financial statements. Management considers the recommendations of the internal
auditors and independent auditors concerning the company's system of internal
controls and takes appropriate actions. Management believes that the company's
system of internal control is adequate to provide reasonable assurance that the
accompanying financial statements present fairly the company's financial
position and results of operations.

Management also recognizes its responsibility for fostering a strong ethical
climate so that the company's affairs are conducted according to the highest
standards of personal and corporate conduct. This responsibility is
characterized and reflected in the company's code of corporate conduct, which
is publicized throughout the company. The company maintains a systematic
program to assess compliance with this policy.

The board of directors has an audit committee, composed of independent
directors, to assist in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for
management's conduct of the company's financial reporting processes. The audit
committee meets regularly to discuss financial reporting, internal controls and
auditing matters with management, the company's internal auditors and the
independent auditors, and recommends to the board of directors any appropriate
response to those discussions. The audit committee recommends for approval by
the full board the appointment of the independent auditors. The independent
auditors and the internal auditors periodically meet alone with the audit
committee and have free access to the audit committee at any time.


       /s/ Neal E. Schmale          /s/ Frank H. Ault
       Neal E. Schmale              Frank H. Ault
       Executive Vice President and Senior Vice President and Controller
       Chief Financial Officer

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 34.


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Sempra Energy:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Sempra Energy
and subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December 31, 2002 and 2001, and the
related statements of consolidated income, cash flows and changes in
shareholders' equity for each of the three years in the period ended December
31, 2002. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally
accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all
material respects, the financial position of Sempra Energy and subsidiaries as
of December 31, 2002 and 2001, and the results of their operations and their
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2002,
in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche, LLP
San Diego, California
February 14, 2003

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 35.

[This Page Intentionally Left Blank]

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 36.


                                                     Years ended December 31,
 (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)      2002      2001      2000
 California utilities:
  Natural gas                                    $  3,255  $  4,371  $  3,305
  Electric                                          1,262     1,676     2,184
 Other                                              1,503     1,683     1,271

    Total                                           6,020     7,730     6,760

 California utilities:
  Cost of natural gas distributed                   1,381     2,549     1,599
  Electric fuel and net purchased power               297       782     1,326
 Other cost of sales                                  709       873       648
 Other operating expenses                           1,873     1,760     1,560
 Depreciation and amortization                        596       579       563
 Franchise fees and other taxes                       177       190       180

    Total                                           5,033     6,733     5,876

 Operating income                                     987       997       884
 Other income -- net                                   57        86       127
 Preferred dividends of subsidiaries                  (11)      (11)      (11)
 Trust preferred distributions by subsidiary          (18)      (18)      (15)
 Interest expense                                    (294)     (323)     (286)

 Income before income taxes                           721       731       699
 Income taxes                                         146       213       270

 Income before extraordinary item                     575       518       429
 Extraordinary item, net of tax (Note 1)               16        --        --

 Net income                                      $    591  $    518  $    429

 Weighted-average number of shares outstanding:
  Basic*                                          205,003   203,593   208,155

  Diluted*                                        206,062   205,338   208,345

 Income before extraordinary item
 per share of common stock
  Basic                                          $   2.80  $   2.54  $   2.06

  Diluted                                        $   2.79  $   2.52  $   2.06

 Net income per share of common stock
  Basic                                          $   2.88  $   2.54  $   2.06

  Diluted                                        $   2.87  $   2.52  $   2.06

 Common dividends declared per share             $   1.00  $   1.00  $   1.00

* In thousands of shares

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 37.


                                                                        December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                                                  2002     2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                                       $   455  $   605
   Accounts receivable -- trade                                        754      657
   Accounts and notes receivable -- other                              135      138
   Due from unconsolidated affiliates                                   80       57
   Income taxes receivable                                              --       98
   Deferred income taxes                                                20       --
   Trading assets                                                    5,064    2,740
   Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives                           3       57
   Regulatory assets arising from fixed-price contracts and other
     derivatives                                                       151      168
   Other regulatory assets                                              75       75
   Inventories                                                         134      124
   Other                                                               139       71

       Total current assets                                          7,010    4,790

Investments and other assets:
   Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives                          42       27
   Due from unconsolidated affiliates                                   57       --
   Regulatory assets arising from fixed-price
     contracts and other derivatives                                   812      784
   Other regulatory assets                                             532    1,004
   Nuclear-decommissioning trusts                                      494      526
   Investments                                                       1,313    1,169
   Sundry                                                              665      564

       Total investments and other assets                            3,915    4,074

Property, plant and equipment:
   Property, plant and equipment                                    13,816   12,806
   Less accumulated depreciation and amortization                   (6,984)  (6,590)

       Total property, plant and equipment -- net                    6,832    6,216

Total assets                                                       $17,757  $15,080
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 38.


                                                                   December 31,
 (Dollars in millions)                                            2002     2001
 Current liabilities:
    Short-term debt                                           $   570  $   875
    Accounts payable -- trade                                     694      701
    Accounts payable -- other                                      50      113
    Income taxes payable                                           22       --
    Deferred income taxes                                          --       70
    Trading liabilities                                         4,094    1,793
    Dividends and interest payable                                133      133
    Regulatory balancing accounts -- net                          578      733
    Regulatory liabilities                                         18       19
    Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives                   153      171
    Current portion of long-term debt                             281      242
    Other                                                         654      622

        Total current liabilities                               7,247    5,472

 Long-term debt                                                 4,083    3,436

 Deferred credits and other liabilities:
    Due to unconsolidated affiliate                               162      160
    Customer advances for construction                             91       72
    Post-retirement benefits other than pensions                  136      145
    Deferred income taxes                                         800      847
    Deferred investment tax credits                                90       95
    Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives                   813      788
    Regulatory liabilities                                        121       86
    Deferred credits and other liabilities                        985      883

        Total deferred credits and other liabilities            3,198    3,076

 Preferred stock of subsidiaries                                  204      204

 Mandatorily redeemable trust preferred securities                200      200

 Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 15)


 Preferred stock (50,000,000 shares authorized, none issued)       --       --
 Common stock (750,000,000 shares authorized; 204,911,572 and
   204,475,362 shares outstanding at December 31, 2002 and
   December 31, 2001, respectively)                             1,436    1,495
 Retained earnings                                              1,861    1,475
 Deferred compensation relating to ESOP                           (33)     (36)
 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)                   (439)    (242)

 Total shareholders' equity                                     2,825    2,692

 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                   $17,757  $15,080

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 39.


                                                                     Years ended December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                                                    2002     2001   2000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                                                           $   591  $   518  $ 429
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
  operating activities:
   Extraordinary item, net of tax                                        (16)      --     --
   Depreciation and amortization                                         596      579    563
   Foreign currency loss (gain)                                          (63)      --     --
   Customer refunds paid                                                  --     (127)  (628)
   Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits                      (92)     106    258
   Equity in (income) losses of unconsolidated affiliates                 55      (12)   (62)
   Gain on sale of Energy America                                         --      (29)    --
   Loss on surrender of Nova Scotia franchise                             --       30     --
   Loss (gain) on sale and disposition of assets                          14      (14)    --
   Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives income                     (5)      (1)    --
   Changes in other assets                                               168     (214)    22
   Changes in other liabilities                                           40       99   (108)
   Net changes in other working capital components                        83     (203)   408

       Net cash provided by operating activities                       1,371      732    882


   Expenditures for property, plant and equipment                     (1,214)  (1,068)  (759)
   Investments and acquisitions of affiliates, net of cash acquired     (442)    (111)  (243)
   Dividends received from unconsolidated affiliates                      11       80     30
   Net proceeds from sale of assets                                       --      128     24
   Loan to affiliate                                                      --      (57)    --
   Other -- net                                                          (14)     (11)    24

       Net cash used in investing activities                          (1,659)  (1,039)  (924)


   Common stock dividends                                               (205)    (203)  (244)
   Repurchases of common stock                                           (16)      (1)  (725)
   Issuances of common stock                                              13       41     12
   Issuance of trust preferred securities                                 --       --    200
   Issuances of long-term debt                                         1,150      675    813
   Payments on long-term debt                                           (479)    (681)  (238)
   Loan from unconsolidated affiliate                                     --      160     --
   Increase (decrease) in short-term debt -- net                        (307)     310    386
   Other -- net                                                          (18)     (26)   (12)

       Net cash provided by financing activities                         138      275    192

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                        (150)     (32)   150
Cash and cash equivalents, January 1                                     605      637    487

Cash and cash equivalents, December 31                               $   455  $   605  $ 637
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 40.

                                                                    Years ended December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                                                  2002    2001    2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Excluding cash and cash equivalents, and debt due within one year)
Accounts and notes receivable                                       $ (121)  $ 353   $(655)
Net trading assets                                                      66    (362)   (290)
Income taxes -- net                                                     86    (121)    120
Due to/from affiliates -- net                                          (69)     --      --
Inventories                                                            (11)     33     (97)
Regulatory balancing accounts                                          115      70     545
Regulatory assets and liabilities                                        1      39      (2)
Other current assets                                                   102      69     (84)
Accounts payable                                                      (103)   (302)    733
Other current liabilities                                               17      18     138

   Net change in other working capital components                   $   83   $(203)  $ 408


Interest payments, net of amounts capitalized                       $  279   $ 302   $ 291

Income tax payments, net of refunds                                 $  140   $ 138   $ 104


Acquisition of subsidiaries:
   Assets acquired                                                  $1,134   $  --   $  40
   Cash paid, net of cash acquired                                    (119)     --     (39)

   Liabilities assumed                                              $1,015   $  --   $   1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 41.

For the years ended December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000

                                                                            Deferred    Accumulated
                                                                        Compensation          Other          Total
                                       Comprehensive   Common Retained      Relating  Comprehensive  Shareholders'
(Dollars in millions)                         Income    Stock Earnings       to ESOP  Income (Loss)         Equity
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1999                          $1,966    $1,101          $(42)         $ (39)        $2,986
Net income                                     $ 429               429                                         429
Comprehensive income adjustments:
  Foreign currency translation losses
   (Note1)                                        (2)                                            (2)            (2)
  Available-for-sale securities                  (10)                                           (10)           (10)
  Pension                                          2                                              2              2
Comprehensive income                           $ 419
Common stock dividends declared                                   (201)                                       (201)
Sale of common stock                                      11                                                    11
Repurchase of common stock                              (558)     (167)                                       (725)
Long-term incentive plan                                   1                                                     1
Common stock released from ESOP                                                    3                             3
Balance at December 31, 2000                           1,420     1,162           (39)           (49)         2,494
Net income                                     $ 518               518                                         518
Comprehensive income adjustments:
  Foreign currency translation losses
   (Note 1)                                     (186)                                          (186)          (186)
  Pension                                         (7)                                            (7)            (7)
Comprehensive income                           $ 325
Common stock dividends declared                                   (205)                                       (205)
Quasi-reorganization adjustment
 (Note 1)                                                 35                                                    35
Sale of common stock                                      41                                                    41
Repurchase of common stock                                (1)                                                   (1)
Common stock released from ESOP                                                    3                             3
Balance at December 31, 2001                           1,495     1,475           (36)          (242)         2,692
Net income                                     $ 591               591                                         591
Comprehensive income adjustments:
  Foreign currency translation losses
   (Note 1)                                     (162)                                          (162)          (162)
  Pension                                        (35)                                           (35)           (35)
Comprehensive income                           $ 394
Common stock dividends declared                                   (205)                                       (205)
Issuance of equity units (Note 5)                        (61)                                                  (61)
Repurchase of common stock                               (16)                                                  (16)
Sale of common stock                                      18                                                    18
Common stock released from ESOP                                                    3                             3
Balance at December 31, 2002                          $1,436    $1,861          $(33)         $(439)        $2,825
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 42.



Business Combination

Sempra Energy (the company) was formed as a holding company for Enova
Corporation (Enova) and Pacific Enterprises (PE) in connection with a business
combination of Enova and PE that was completed on June 26, 1998.

Principles of Consolidation

The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of Sempra Energy and
all majority-owned subsidiaries. Investments in affiliated companies at which
Sempra Energy has the ability to exercise significant influence, but not
control, are accounted for using the equity method. All material intercompany
accounts and transactions have been eliminated.


In 1993, PE divested its merchandising operations and most of its oil and
natural gas exploration and production business. In connection with the
divestitures, PE effected a quasi-reorganization for financial reporting
purposes as of December 31, 1992. Certain of the liabilities established in
connection with the quasi-reorganization, including various income tax issues,
were favorably resolved in 2001, resulting in restoring $35 million to
shareholders' equity in that year. This did not affect the calculation of net
income or comprehensive income. The remaining liabilities will be resolved in
future years. Management believes the provisions established for these matters
are adequate.

Use of Estimates in the Preparation of the Financial Statements

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting
period, and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure
of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements.
Actual amounts can differ significantly from those estimates.

Basis of Presentation

Certain prior-year amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current
year's presentation.

Regulatory Matters

Effects of Regulation

The accounting policies of the company's principal utility subsidiaries, San
Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas)
(collectively, the California Utilities), conform with generally accepted
accounting principles for regulated enterprises and reflect the policies of the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC).

The California Utilities prepare their financial statements in accordance with
the provisions of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 71,
"Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 43.

of Regulation," under which a regulated utility records a regulatory asset if
it is probable that, through the ratemaking process, the utility will recover
that asset from customers. Regulatory liabilities represent future reductions
in rates for amounts due to customers. To the extent that portions of the
utility operations cease to be subject to SFAS 71, or recovery is no longer
probable as a result of changes in regulation or the utility's competitive
position, the related regulatory assets and liabilities would be written off.
In addition, SFAS 144, "Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived
Assets" affects utility plant and regulatory assets such that a loss must be
recognized whenever a regulator excludes all or part of an asset's cost from
ratebase. The application of SFAS 144 continues to be evaluated in connection
with industry restructuring. Information concerning regulatory assets and
liabilities is described below in "Revenues", "Regulatory Balancing Accounts,"
and "Regulatory Assets and Liabilities," and industry restructuring is
described in Notes 13 and 14.

Regulatory Balancing Accounts

The amounts included in regulatory balancing accounts at December 31, 2002,
represent net payables (payables net of receivables) of $184 million and $394
million for SoCalGas and SDG&E, respectively. The corresponding amounts at
December 31, 2001 were net payables of $158 million and $575 million for
SoCalGas and SDG&E, respectively. The undercollected electric commodity costs
accumulated under Assembly Bill (AB) 265 are anticipated to be recovered in
rates (recovery is expected to occur before the end of 2005) and are included
in "regulatory balancing accounts--net" at December 31, 2002.

Balancing accounts provide a mechanism for charging utility customers the
amount actually incurred for certain costs, primarily commodity costs. As a
result of California's electric-restructuring law, fluctuations in certain
costs and consumption levels that had been balanced now affect earnings from
electric operations. In addition, fluctuations in certain costs and consumption
levels affect earnings for SDG&E's natural gas operations. As SoCalGas' natural
gas operations are mostly balanced, such fluctuations do not affect earnings.
In December 2002, the CPUC issued a decision approving 100 percent balancing
account treatment for variances between forecast and actual for SoCalGas'
noncore revenues and throughput. The change eliminates the impact on earnings
from any throughput and revenue variances compared to adopted forecast levels,
effective January 1, 2003. Additional information on regulatory matters is
included in Notes 13 and 14.

Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

In accordance with the accounting principles of SFAS 71, the company records
regulatory assets (which represent probable future revenues associated with
certain costs that will be recovered from customers through the rate-making
process) and regulatory liabilities (which represent probable future reductions
in revenue associated with amounts that are to be credited to customers through
the rate-making process). They are amortized over the periods in which the
costs are recovered from or refunded to customers in regulatory revenues.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 44.

Regulatory assets (liabilities) as of December 31 consist of the following:

         (Dollars in millions)                            2002    2001
         Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives   $  638  $  715
         Recapture of temporary discount*                 326     409
         Undercollected electric commodity costs**         --     392
         Deferred taxes recoverable in rates              190     162
         Unamortized loss on retirement of debt -- net     49      52
         Employee benefit costs                            35      39
         Other                                              5      26
            Total                                       1,243   1,795
         Environmental remediation                         43      55
         Fixed-price contracts and other derivatives      325     232
         Unamortized loss on retirement of debt -- net     38      41
         Deferred taxes refundable in rates              (164)   (158)
         Employee benefit costs                          (142)   (132)
         Other                                              8       5
            Total                                         108      43
         PE -- Employee benefit costs                      80      88
            Total PE consolidated                         188     131
         Total                                         $1,431  $1,926

    *  In connection with electric industry restructuring, which is described
       in Note 13, SDG&E temporarily reduced rates to its small-usage
       customers. That reduction is being recovered in rates through 2004.

    ** The undercollected electric commodity costs accumulated under Assembly
       Bill 265 are anticipated to be recovered in rates before the end of 2005
       and are included in regulatory balancing accounts--net at December 31,

Net regulatory assets are recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheets at
December 31 as follows (dollars in millions):

                                                    2002    2001
               Current regulatory assets         $  226  $  243
               Noncurrent regulatory assets       1,344   1,788
               Current regulatory liabilities       (18)    (19)
               Noncurrent regulatory liabilities   (121)    (86)
                  Total                          $1,431  $1,926

All the assets earn a return or the cash has not yet been expended and the
assets are offset by liabilities that do not incur a carrying cost.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash equivalents are highly liquid investments with maturities of three months
or less at the date of purchase.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 45.

Collection Allowance

The allowance for doubtful accounts receivable was $12 million, $22 million and
$26 million at December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The company
recorded a provision for doubtful accounts of $13 million, $21 million and $25
million in 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

The allowance for realization of trading assets was $53 million, $23 million
and $8 million, at December 31, 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. The company
recorded a provision for trading assets of $0.2 million, $15 million and $7
million in 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

Trading Instruments

Trading assets and trading liabilities include option premiums paid and
received; unrealized gains and losses from exchange-traded futures and options,
over-the-counter (OTC) swaps, forwards, physical commodities and options; and
base metals. Trading instruments are recorded by Sempra Energy Trading (SET)
and Sempra Energy Solutions (SES) on a trade-date basis and adjusted daily to
current market value. Unrealized gains and losses on OTC transactions reflect
amounts which would be received from or paid to a third party upon settlement
of the contracts. Unrealized gains and losses on OTC transactions are reported
separately as assets and liabilities unless a legal right of setoff exists
under an enforceable master netting arrangement. Additionally, as a result of
SET's acquisitions in 2002, the company acquired $0.8 billion of base metals
inventory. As of December 31, 2002 and 2001, trading assets include commodity
inventory of $2.0 billion and $165 million, respectively. In accordance with
Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) Issue 02-3, commodity inventory purchased
on or before October 25, 2002 is carried at fair value, the majority of the
inventory purchased after October 25, 2002 (base metals) is carried at fair
value, and the remainder of the inventory purchased after October 25, 2002 is
carried at average cost. On a limited basis, average cost includes the use of
fair value for the quantity on hand at October 24, 2002, since historical
cost data is not available for that portion. See Note 2 for further
discussion of the acquisitions made. See further discussion of EITF Issue
02-3 below.

Futures and exchange-traded option transactions are recorded as contractual
commitments on a trade-date basis and are carried at current market value based
on current closing exchange quotations. Derivative commodity swaps and forward
transactions are accounted for as contractual commitments on a trade-date basis
and are carried at fair value derived from current dealer quotations and
underlying commodity-exchange quotations. OTC options are carried at fair value
based on the use of valuation models that utilize, among other things, current
interest, commodity and volatility rates. For long-dated forward transactions,
current market values are derived using internally developed valuation
methodologies based on available market information. Where market rates are not
quoted, current interest, commodity and volatility rates are estimated by
reference to current market levels. Given the nature, size and timing of
transactions, estimated values may differ significantly from realized values.
Changes in market values are recorded in the calculation of net income.
Although trading instruments may have scheduled maturities in excess of one
year, the actual settlement of these transactions can occur sooner, resulting
in the current classification of trading assets and liabilities on the
Consolidated Balance Sheets. Refer to "New Accounting Standards" below for a
discussion of the rescission of EITF 98-10.


At December 31, 2002, inventory, excluding amounts presented in trading assets,
included natural gas of $77 million and materials and supplies of $57 million.
The corresponding balances at December 31, 2001 were $68 million and $56
million, respectively. Natural gas at the California Utilities ($74 million and
$68 million at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively) is valued by the
last-in first-out (LIFO) method. When the California Utilities' inventory is
consumed, differences between this LIFO valuation

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 46.

and replacement cost will be reflected in customer rates. Materials and
supplies at the California Utilities are generally valued at the lower of
average cost or market.

Property, Plant and Equipment

Property, plant and equipment primarily represents the buildings, equipment and
other facilities used by the California Utilities to provide natural gas and
electric utility services.

The cost of utility plant includes labor, materials, contract services and
related items, and an allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC). The
cost of most retired depreciable utility plant, plus removal costs minus
salvage value, is charged to accumulated depreciation.

Property, plant and equipment balances by major functional categories are as

                               Property, Plant and
                               Equipment at          Depreciation rates for years ended
                                December 31                 December 31
       (Dollars in billions)    2002        2001         2002        2001        2000
       California utilities:
        Natural gas operations $ 7.7       $ 7.5        4.25%       4.25%       4.29%
        Electric distribution    3.0         2.9        4.66%       4.67%       4.67%
        Electric transmission    0.9         0.8        3.17%       3.19%       3.21%
        Other electric           0.6         0.3        9.37%       8.46%       8.33%
          Total                 12.2        11.5
       Other operations          1.6         1.3     various     various     various
          Total                $13.8       $12.8

Accumulated depreciation and decommissioning of natural gas and electric
utility plant in service were $4.5 billion and $2.2 billion, respectively, at
December 31, 2002, and were $4.2 billion and $2.1 billion, respectively, at
December 31, 2001. Depreciation expense is based on the straight-line method
over the useful lives of the assets or a shorter period prescribed by the CPUC.
See Note 13 for discussion of the sale of generation facilities and industry
restructuring. Maintenance costs are expensed as incurred.

AFUDC, which represents the cost of funds used to finance the construction of
utility plant, is added to the cost of utility plant. AFUDC also increases
income, partly as an offset to interest charges and partly as a component of
other income, shown in the Statements of Consolidated Income, although it is
not a current source of cash. AFUDC amounted to $34 million, $17 million and
$13 million for 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively. Total carrying costs
capitalized, including AFUDC and the impact of Sempra Energy Resources' (SER)
construction projects, were $63 million, $28 million and $16 million for 2002,
2001 and 2000, respectively.

Long-Lived Assets

The company periodically evaluates whether events or circumstances have
occurred that may affect the recoverability or the estimated useful lives of
long-lived assets. Impairment occurs when the estimated future undiscounted
cash flows is less than the carrying amount of the assets. If that comparison
indicates that the assets' carrying value may be permanently impaired, such
potential impairment is measured based on the difference between the carrying
amount and the fair value of the assets based on quoted market prices or, if
market prices are not available, on the estimated discounted cash flows. This
calculation is performed at the lowest level for which separately identifiable
cash flows exist. See further discussion of SFAS 144 in "New Accounting

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 47.

Nuclear-Decommissioning Liability

At December 31, 2002 and 2001, deferred credits and other liabilities include
$139 million and $151 million, respectively, of accrued decommissioning costs
associated with SDG&E's interest in San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
(SONGS) Unit 1, which was permanently shut down in 1992. The corresponding
liability for SONGS Units 2 and 3 decommissioning (included in accumulated
depreciation and amortization) is $355 million and $375 million at December 31,
2002 and 2001, respectively. Additional information on SONGS decommissioning
costs is included below in "New Accounting Standards."

Comprehensive Income

Comprehensive income includes all changes, except those resulting from
investments by owners and distributions to owners, in the equity of a business
enterprise from transactions and other events, including foreign-currency
translation adjustments, minimum pension liability adjustments, unrealized
gains and losses on marketable securities that are classified as
available-for-sale, and certain hedging activities. The components of other
comprehensive income are shown in the Statements of Consolidated Changes in
Shareholders' Equity.

Stock-Based Compensation

At December 31, 2002, the company has stock-based employee compensation plans,
which are described more fully in Note 9. The company accounts for those plans
under the recognition and measurement principles of Accounting Principles Board
(APB) Opinion 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees," and related
Interpretations. For certain grants, no stock-based employee compensation cost
is reflected in net income, since the options granted under those plans had an
exercise price equal to the market value of the underlying common stock on the
date of grant.

The following table illustrates the effect on net income and earnings per share
if the company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS 123,
"Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," and SFAS 148, "Accounting for
Stock-Based Compensation--Transition and Disclosure."

                                                            Years Ended December 31
 Dollars in millions,                                       -----------------------
 except per share amounts                                     2002     2001   2000
 -                                                          -----------------------
 Net income as reported                                     $ 591    $ 518   $ 429
 Stock-based employee compensation expense determined under
   the fair value based method, net of related income taxes    (8)      (1)     --
 Pro forma net income                                       $ 583    $ 517   $ 429
 Earnings per share:
  Basic - as reported                                       $2.88    $2.54   $2.06
  Basic - pro forma                                         $2.84    $2.54   $2.06
  Diluted - as reported                                     $2.87    $2.52   $2.06
  Diluted - pro forma                                       $2.83    $2.52   $2.06

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 48.


Revenues of the California Utilities are derived from deliveries of electricity
and natural gas to customers and changes in related regulatory balancing
accounts. Revenues from electricity and natural gas sales and services are
generally recorded under the accrual method and these revenues are recognized
upon delivery. The portion of SDG&E's electric commodity that was procured for
its customers by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is not
included in SDG&E's revenues or costs. For 2001, California Power Exchange (PX)
and Independent System Operator (ISO) power revenues have been netted against
purchased-power expense to avoid double-counting as SDG&E sold power into the
PX/ISO and then purchased power therefrom. Refer to Note 13 for a discussion of
the electric industry restructuring. Natural gas storage contract revenues are
accrued on a monthly basis and reflect reservation, storage and injection
charges in accordance with negotiated agreements, which have one-year to
three-year terms. Operating revenue includes amounts for services rendered but
unbilled (approximately one-half month's deliveries) at the end of each year.

Operating costs of SONGS Units 2 and 3 (including nuclear fuel and nuclear fuel
financing costs) and incremental capital expenditures are recovered through the
Incremental Cost Incentive Pricing (ICIP) mechanism which allows SDG&E to
receive approximately 4.4 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) through 2003. Any
differences between these costs and the incentive price affect net income and,
for the year ended December 31, 2002, the ICIP contributed $50 million to
SDG&E's net income. The CPUC has rejected an administrative law judge's
proposed decision to end ICIP prior to its December 31, 2003 scheduled
expiration date. However, the CPUC has also denied the previously approved
market-based pricing for SONGS beginning in 2004 and instead provided for
traditional rate-making treatment, under which the SONGS ratebase would begin
at zero, essentially eliminating earnings from SONGS until ratebase grows. The
company has applied for rehearing of this decision.

Additional information concerning utility revenue recognition is discussed
above under "Regulatory Matters."

SET generates a substantial portion of its revenues from market making and
trading activities, as a principal, in natural gas, electricity, petroleum,
metals and other commodities, for which it quotes bid and asked prices to end
users and other market makers. Principal transaction revenues are recognized
on a trade-date basis, and include realized gains and losses, and the net
change in unrealized gains and losses measured at current fair value. SET
also earns trading profits as a dealer by structuring and executing
transactions that permit its counterparties to manage their risk profiles.
In addition, it takes positions in energy markets based on the expectation
of future market conditions. These positions include options, forwards,
futures, physical commodities and swaps. Options, which are either
exchange-traded or directly negotiated between counterparties, provide the
holder with the right to buy from or sell to the other party an agreed amount
of commodity at a specified price within a specified period or at a specified

As a writer of options, SET generally receives an option premium and then
manages the risk of an unfavorable change in the value of the underlying
commodity by entering into related transactions or by other means. Forward and
future transactions are contracts for delayed delivery of commodities in which
the counterparty agrees to make or take delivery at a specified price.
Commodity swap transactions may involve the exchange of fixed and floating
payment obligations without the exchange of the underlying commodity. These
financial instruments represent contracts with counterparties whereby payments
are linked to or derived from market indices or on terms predetermined by the
contract, which may or may not be financially settled by SET. All
of SET's derivative transactions are held for trading and marketing purposes
and were recorded at current fair value. Any post October 25, 2002
non-derivative contracts are being accounted for on an accrual basis.
Hence, the related profit or loss will be recognized as the contract is
performed. Inventory purchased after October 25, 2002 is being carried on a
lower of cost or market basis.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 49.

Revenues of SES are generated from commodity sales and energy-related products
and services to commercial, industrial, government and institutional markets.
Energy supply revenues from natural gas and electricity commodity sales are
recognized on a current fair value basis and include realized gains and losses
and the net change in unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value.
Revenues on construction projects are recognized during the construction period
using the percentage-of-completion method, and revenues from other operating
and maintenance service contracts are recorded under the accrual method and
recognized as service is rendered.

SET and SES record revenues from trading activities on a net basis in
accordance with EITF 02-3. See further discussion of this matter and the
rescission of EITF Issue 98-10 under "New Accounting Standards".

Revenues of SER are derived primarily from the sale of electric energy to
governmental and wholesale power marketing entities, which are recognized in
accordance with provisions of EITF 91-6, "Revenue Recognition of Long-term
Power Supply Contracts", and EITF 96-17, "Revenue Recognition Under Long-term
Power Sales Contacts that Contain Both Fixed and Variable Terms." During 2002,
electric energy sales to the DWR accounted for a significant portion of total
SER revenues.

The consolidated subsidiaries of Sempra Energy International (SEI) which
operate in Mexico recognize revenue similarly to the California Utilities,
except that SFAS 71 is not applicable due to the different regulatory
environment. The balance of SEI's revenues consists of its share of the income
of its unconsolidated subsidiaries.

Foreign Currency Translation

The assets and liabilities of the company's foreign operations are generally
translated into U.S. dollars at current exchange rates, and revenues and
expenses are translated at average exchange rates for the year. Resulting
translation adjustments do not enter into the calculation of net income or
retained earnings, but are reflected in comprehensive income and accumulated
other comprehensive income, a component of shareholders' equity, as described
below. Foreign currency transaction gains and losses are included in
consolidated net income. To reflect the devaluation in the Argentine peso, the
functional currency of the company's Argentine operations, SEI adjusted its
investment in its two Argentine natural gas utility holding companies downward
by $103 million and $120 million in 2002 and 2001, respectively. These non-cash
adjustments did not affect net income, but did reduce comprehensive income and
increase accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). Additional information
concerning these investments is described in Note 3.

Related Party Transactions--Loans To Unconsolidated Affiliates

In December 2001, SEI issued two U.S. dollar denominated loans totaling $35
million and $22 million to its affiliates Camuzzi Gas Pampeana S. A. and
Camuzzi Gas del Sur S. A., respectively. These loans have variable interest
rates (8.863% at December 31, 2002) and are due on December 11, 2003. The total
balance outstanding under the notes was $57 million at December 31, 2002 and
2001. At December 31, 2002, this amount is included in non-current assets,
under the caption "Due from unconsolidated affiliates." Additionally, at
December 31, 2002 SET had $79 million due from its affiliate, Atlantic Electric
& Gas and the company had $1 million due from other affiliates. This amount is
included in current assets, under the caption "Due from unconsolidated

New Accounting Standards

SFAS 142, "Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets":  In July 2001, the Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued SFAS 142, which provides guidance on
how to account for goodwill and other

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 50.

intangible assets after an acquisition is complete, and is effective for the
company in 2002. SFAS 142 calls for amortization of goodwill to cease and
requires goodwill and certain other intangibles to be tested for impairment at
least annually. Amortization of goodwill, including the company's share of
amounts recorded by unconsolidated subsidiaries, was $24 million and $35
million in 2001 and 2000, respectively. In accordance with the transitional
guidance of SFAS 142, recorded goodwill attributable to the company was tested
for impairment in 2002 by comparing the fair value to its carrying value. Fair
value was determined using a discounted cash flow methodology. As a result,
during the first quarter of 2002, SEI recorded a pre-tax charge of $6 million
related to the impairment of goodwill associated with its two domestic
subsidiaries. Impairment losses are reflected in other operating expenses in
the Statements of Consolidated Income.

The following table shows what net income and earnings per share would have
been if amortization related to goodwill that is no longer being amortized had
also not been amortized in prior periods. (This comparison ignores the fact
that a 2002 goodwill impairment charge would have been larger if goodwill had
not been amortized in prior periods.)

                                                          Years ended December 31,
    Dollars in millions, except for the per share amounts  2002     2001    2000
     Reported income before extraordinary item            $ 575    $ 518   $ 429
     Add: goodwill amortization, net of tax                  --       15      21
     Pro forma adjusted income before extraordinary item  $ 575    $ 533   $ 450
     Reported net income                                  $ 591    $ 518   $ 429
     Add: goodwill amortization, net of tax                  --       15      21
     Pro forma adjusted net income                        $ 591    $ 533   $ 450
     Reported basic earnings per share                    $2.88    $2.54   $2.06
     Add: goodwill amortization, net of tax                  --      .07     .10
     Pro forma adjusted basic earnings per share          $2.88    $2.61   $2.16
     Reported diluted earnings per share                  $2.87    $2.52   $2.06
     Add: goodwill amortization, net of tax                  --      .07     .10
     Pro forma adjusted diluted earnings per share        $2.87    $2.59   $2.16

During 2002, SET completed several acquisitions as further discussed in Note 2.
As a result of SET's acquisitions, the company recorded $21 million of goodwill
on the Consolidated Balance Sheets and $16 million as an after-tax
extraordinary gain for 2002.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 51.

The change in the carrying amount of goodwill (included in noncurrent sundry
assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheets) for the years ended December 31,
2002 and 2001 are as follows:

              (Dollars in millions)               SET Other Total
              Balance as of January 1, 2001     $131   $57  $188
              Amortization of goodwill           (11)   (5)  (16)
              Balance as of December 31, 2001    120    52   172
              Goodwill acquired during the year   21    --    21
              Impairment losses                   --    (6)   (6)
              Other                               --    (5)   (5)
              Balance as of December 31, 2002   $141   $41  $182

SET is the only reportable segment that has goodwill. In addition, unamortized
goodwill related to unconsolidated subsidiaries (included in investments on the
Consolidated Balance Sheets), primarily those located in South America, was
$294 million at both December 31, 2002 and 2001 before foreign currency
translation adjustments. Including foreign currency translation adjustments,
these amounts were $219 million and $233 million, respectively. Unamortized
other intangible assets were not material at December 31, 2002 and 2001.

SFAS 143, "Accounting for Asset Retirement Obligations":  SFAS 143, issued in
July 2001, addresses financial accounting and reporting for obligations
associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived assets and the associated
asset retirement costs. This applies to legal obligations associated with the
retirement of long-lived assets that result from the acquisition, construction,
development and/or normal operation of long-lived assets, such as nuclear
plants. It requires entities to record the fair value of a liability for an
asset retirement obligation in the period in which it is incurred. When the
liability is initially recorded, the entity increases the carrying amount of
the related long-lived asset by the present value of the future retirement
cost. Over time, the liability is accreted to its full value and paid, and the
capitalized cost is depreciated over the useful life of the related asset. SFAS
143 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years beginning
after June 15, 2002. The items noted below were identified by the company to
have a material asset retirement obligation.

Adoption of SFAS 143 will change the accounting for the decommissioning of the
company's share of SONGS. Prior to the adoption of SFAS 143, the company
recorded the obligation for decommissioning over the lives of the plants. At
December 31, 2002, the company's share of decommissioning cost for the SONGS'
units has been estimated to be $309 million in 2002 dollars, based on a 2001
cost study filed with the CPUC. The adoption of this standard, effective
January 1, 2003, will require a cumulative adjustment to adjust plant assets
and decommissioning liabilities to the values they would have been had this
standard been employed from the in-service dates of the plants. Upon adoption
of SFAS 143 in 2003, the company will record an addition of $70 million to
utility plant, representing the company's share of SONGS estimated future
decommissioning costs (as discounted to the present value at the date the
various units began operation), and a corresponding retirement obligation
liability of $309 million. The nuclear decommissioning trusts' balance of $494
million at December 31, 2002 represents amounts collected for future
decommissioning costs and earnings thereon, and has a corresponding offset in
accumulated depreciation ($355 million related to SONGS Units 2 and 3) and
deferred credits ($139 million related to SONGS Unit 1). The difference between
the amounts results in a regulatory liability of $214 million to reflect that
SDG&E has collected the funds from its customers more quickly than SFAS 143
would accrete the retirement liability and depreciate the asset. See further
discussion of SONGS' decommissioning and the related nuclear decommissioning
trusts in Note 6.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 52.

As of January 1, 2003, the company had additional asset retirement obligations
estimated to be $23 million associated with the retirement of a power plant and
a storage field.

SFAS 144, "Accounting for Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets":  In
August 2001, the FASB issued SFAS 144, which replaces SFAS 121, "Accounting for
the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed
Of." SFAS 144 applies to all long-lived assets, including discontinued
operations. SFAS 144 requires that those long-lived assets classified as held
for sale be measured at the lower of carrying amount (cost less accumulated
depreciation) or fair value less cost to sell. Discontinued operations will no
longer be measured at net realizable value or include amounts for operating
losses that have not yet occurred. SFAS 144 also broadens the reporting of
discontinued operations to include all components of an entity with operations
that can be distinguished from the rest of the entity and that will be
eliminated from the ongoing operations of the entity in a disposal transaction.
The company has identified no material effects to the financial statements from
the implementation of SFAS 144.

SFAS 148, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation--Transition and
Disclosure":  In December 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 148, an amendment to SFAS
123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," which gives companies electing
to expense employee stock options three methods to do so. In addition, the
statement amends the disclosure requirements to require more prominent
disclosure about the method of accounting for stock-based employee compensation
and the effect of the method used on reported results in both annual and
interim financial statements.

The company has elected to continue using the intrinsic value method of
accounting for stock-based compensation. Therefore, the amendment to SFAS 123
will not have any effect on the company's financial statements. See Note 9 for
additional information regarding stock-based compensation.

SFAS 149, "Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of
Liabilities and Equity":  On January 22, 2003, the FASB directed its staff to
prepare a draft of SFAS 149. The final draft is expected to be issued in March
2003. The statement will establish standards for accounting for financial
instruments with characteristics of liabilities, equity, or both. Subsequent to
the issuance of SFAS 149, certain investments that are currently classified as
equity in the financial statements might have to be reclassified as
liabilities. In addition, the FASB decided that SFAS 149 will prohibit the
presentation of certain items in the mezzanine section (the portion of a
balance sheet between liabilities and equity) of the statement of financial
position. For example, certain mandatorily redeemable preferred stock, which is
currently included in the mezzanine section, may be classified as a liability
once SFAS 149 goes into effect. The proposed effective date of SFAS 149 is July
1, 2003 for the company.

EITF Issue 02-3, "Issues Involved in Accounting for Derivative Contracts Held
for Trading Purposes and Contracts Involved in Energy Trading and Risk
Management Activities":  In June 2002, a consensus was reached in EITF Issue
02-3, which codifies and reconciles existing guidance on the recognition and
reporting of gains and losses on energy trading contracts, and addresses other
aspects of the accounting for contracts involved in energy trading and risk
management activities. Among other things, the consensus requires that
mark-to-market gains and losses on energy trading contracts should be shown on
a net basis in the income statement, effective for financial statements issued
for periods ending after July 15, 2002. This required that SES change its
method of recording trading activities from gross to net, which had no impact
on previously recorded gross margin, net income or cash provided by operating
activities. SET was already recording revenues from trading activities net and
required no change.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 53.

The following table shows the impact of changing from gross to net
presentations for energy trading activities on the company's revenues for prior
years (dollars in millions):

                                                    Years ended
                                                   December 31,
                                                   2001    2000
                Revenues as previously reported $8,078  $7,037
                Adjustment                        (348)   (277)
                Revenues as restated            $7,730  $6,760

In October 2002, the EITF reached a consensus to rescind Issue 98-10
"Accounting for Contracts Involved in Energy Trading and Risk Management
Activities," the basis for fair value accounting used for recording
energy-trading activities by SET and SES. The consensus requires that all new
energy-related contracts entered into subsequent to October 25, 2002 should not
be accounted pursuant to Issue 98-10. Instead, those contracts should be
accounted for at historical cost and will not qualify for mark-to-market
accounting unless the contracts meet the requirements stated under SFAS 133
"Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities". Contracts
entered into through October 25, 2002 are to be accounted for at fair value
through December 31, 2002. Except for inventory, capacity contracts and natural
gas storage, the company's transactions recorded at fair value by EITF Issue
98-10 will still be recorded at fair value based on SFAS 133 (see Note 10 for
additional information concerning SFAS 133 derivatives). Furthermore, the EITF
decided to retain the guidance in Issue 02-3, which states that energy trading
contracts and derivative instruments under SFAS 133 must be presented on a net
basis in the income statement whether or not physically settled. Adoption of
this statement will result in a cumulative-effect charge in the first quarter
of 2003 (preliminarily estimated to be less than $20 million after tax) and
likely will have a material impact on the company's financial statements in
future periods from the delay in profit recognition on transactions that were
covered by EITF 98-10 but are not covered by SFAS 133.

FASB Interpretation 45, "Guarantor's Accounting and Disclosure Requirements for
Guarantees":  In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation 45, which
elaborates on the disclosures to be made in interim and annual financial
statements of a guarantor about its obligations under certain guarantees that
it has issued. It also clarifies that a guarantor is required to recognize, at
the inception of a guarantee, a liability for the fair value of the obligation
undertaken in issuing a guarantee. Initial recognition and measurement
provisions of the Interpretation are applicable on a prospective basis to
guarantees issued or modified after December 31, 2002. The disclosure
requirements are effective for financial statements of interim or annual
periods ending after December 15, 2002. As of December 31, 2002, substantially
all of the company's guarantees were intercompany, whereby the parent issues
the guarantees on behalf of its consolidated subsidiaries to a third party. The
only significant guarantee for which disclosure is required is that of the
synthetic lease for the Mesquite Power Plant, which is also affected by FASB
Interpretation 46, as described below.

FASB Interpretation 46, "Consolidation of Variable Interest Entities":  In
January 2003, the FASB issued Interpretation 46, which addresses consolidation
by business enterprises of variable-interest entities. The interpretation is
effective immediately for variable-interest entities created after January 31,
2003. For variable-interest entities created before February 1, 2003, the
interpretation is effective for fiscal or interim periods beginning after June
15, 2003. As of December 31, 2002, the company had commitments of $70 million
related to a synthetic lease agreement to finance the construction of the
Mesquite Power Plant. As a synthetic lease, neither the plant asset nor the
related liability is included on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. If they were,
property, plant and equipment and long-term debt would each have been increased
by $545 million at December 31, 2002, reflecting reimbursements for costs
incurred on the project, including costs subject to collateralization

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 54.

requirements. Under Interpretation 46, the company would be required to
increase property, plant and equipment and long-term debt by the total cost
incurred and subject to collateralization requirements under the synthetic
lease beginning July 1, 2003. See further discussion of the synthetic lease
agreement in Note 15.

Other Accounting Standards:  During 2002 and 2001 the FASB and the EITF issued
several statements that are currently not applicable to the company. In April
2002, the FASB issued SFAS 145, which rescinds SFAS 4, "Reporting Gains and
Losses from Extinguishment of Debt", and SFAS 64, "Extinguishments of Debt Made
to Satisfy Sinking-Fund Requirements." In June 2002, the FASB issued SFAS 146,
"Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities," which
addresses accounting for restructuring and similar costs. SFAS 146 supersedes
previous accounting guidance, principally EITF Issue 94-3, "Liability
Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit
an Activity (including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring)." In October
2002, the FASB issued SFAS 147, "Accounting for Certain Financial
Institutions--an amendment of SFAS 72 and 144 and FASB Interpretation 9," which
applies to acquisitions of financial institutions.


Sempra Energy Trading

During 2002, SET completed acquisitions that added base metals trading and
warehousing to its trading business. On February 4, 2002, SET completed the
acquisition of London-based Sempra Metals Limited, a leading metals trader on
the London Metals Exchange, for $65 million, net of cash acquired. On
April 26, 2002, SET completed the acquisition of the assets of New York-based
Sempra Metals & Concentrates Corp., a leading global trader of copper, lead
and zinc concentrates, for $24 million. Also in April 2002, SET completed the
acquisition of Liverpool, England-based Henry Bath & Sons Limited, which
provides warehousing services for non-ferrous metals in Europe and Asia, and
the assets of the U.S. warehousing business of Henry Bath, Inc., for a total
of $30 million, net of cash acquired.

All of these entities were part of the former MG Metals Group, which had
recently been acquired by Enron. Related to these acquisitions, the company
recognized an extraordinary after-tax gain of $16 million and goodwill of $21
million, which is expected to be fully deductible for tax purposes.

In January 2003, SET purchased from CMS Energy's marketing and trading unit a
substantial portion of its wholesale natural gas trading book for $17 million.

Sempra Energy Resources

On October 31, 2002, SER purchased a 305-megawatt, coal-fired power plant
(renamed Twin Oaks Power) from Texas-New Mexico Power Company for $120 million.
SER has a five-year contract to sell substantially all of the output of the
plant. In connection with the acquisition, SER also assumed a contract which
includes annual commitments to purchase lignite coal either until an aggregate
minimum volume has been achieved or through 2025. The wholly owned
1,250-megawatt Mesquite Power Plant near Phoenix, Arizona, is expected to
commence commercial operations at 50-percent capacity in June 2003 and at full
capacity in January 2004. This project has been financed through a synthetic
lease agreement. Under this agreement, SER is reimbursed monthly for most
project costs. Through December 31, 2002, SER had received $500 million under
this facility. All amounts above $280 million require collateralization through
purchases of U.S. Treasury obligations, which must at least equal 103 percent
of the amount drawn. That collateralization was $228 million at December 31,
2002, and is included in "Investments" on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 55.

Sempra Energy International

SEI's Mexican subsidiaries Distribuidora de Gas Natural (DGN) de Mexicali, DGN
de Chihuahua and DGN de La Laguna Durango built and operate natural gas
distribution systems in Mexicali, Chihuahua and the La Laguna-Durango zone in
north-central Mexico, respectively. At December 31, 2002, SEI owned interests
of 60, 95 and 100 percent in the projects, respectively. Through December 31,
2002, DGN de Mexicali, DGN de Chihuahua and DGN de La Laguna Durango have made
capital expenditures of $23 million, $57 million and $32 million, respectively.
Total capital expenditures for these subsidiaries in 2002 were $15 million. On
February 7, 2003, SEI completed its purchase of the remaining interests in DGN
de Mexicali, DGN de Chihuahua, Transportadora de Gas Natural, a supplier of
natural gas to the Presidente Juarez power plant in Rosarito, Baja California,
and other subsidiaries.


Investments, other than housing partnerships, in which the company has an
interest of twenty percent to fifty percent are accounted for under the equity
method. The company has no investments where its ability to influence or
control an investee differs from its ownership percentage. The company's pro
rata shares of the subsidiaries' net assets are included under the caption
"Investments" on the Consolidated Balance Sheets, and are adjusted for the
company's share of each investee's earnings/losses, dividends and foreign
currency translation effects. Earnings are recorded as equity earnings on the
Statements of Consolidated Income within the caption "Other income -- net." In
accordance with EITF D-46, the company accounts for investments in housing
partnerships made after May 18, 1995 according to the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants' Statement of Position 78-9 "Accounting for
Investments in Real Estate," which generally requires the use of the equity
method unless the investor has virtually no influence over the partnership
operating and financial policies. Investments in housing partnerships accounted
for by the cost method are amortized over ten years based on the expected
residual value. The company's investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries
accounted for by the equity and cost methods are summarized as follows:

                                                            Investments at
                                                              December 31
       (dollars in millions)                                  2002    2001
       Equity method investments:
        Chilquinta Energia (including Luz del Sur)          $  504  $  484
        Sodigas Pampeana and Sodigas Sur                        17     140
        Elk Hills power project                                172     133
        El Dorado Energy                                        73      57
        Sempra Energy Financial housing partnerships           206     228
        Sempra Energy Financial synthetic fuel partnerships      8       9
        Other                                                   --       4
          Total                                                980   1,055
       Cost method investments:
        Sempra Energy Financial housing partnerships            57      81
        Other                                                    3      33
          Total                                                 60     114
        Mesquite Power Plant project (see Note 15)
          Collateralized U.S. Treasury obligations             228      --
          Reimbursable project costs                            45      --
          Total                                                273      --
       Total investments                                    $1,313  $1,169

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 56.

For equity method investments, costs in excess of equity in net assets were
$219 million and $233 million at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.
Through December 31, 2001, the excess of the investment over the related equity
in net assets had been amortized over various periods, primarily forty years
(see Note 1). In accordance with SFAS 142, amortization has ceased in 2002.
Costs in excess of the underlying equity in net assets will continue to be
reviewed for impairment in accordance with Accounting Principles Board Opinion
18, "The Equity Method of Accounting for Investments in Common Equity". See
additional discussion of SFAS 142 in "New Accounting Standards" in Note 1.
Descriptive information concerning each of these subsidiaries follows.

Sempra Energy Resources

In December 2000, SER obtained approvals from the appropriate state agencies to
construct the Elk Hills Power Project (Elk Hills), a $395 million, 570-megawatt
power plant near Bakersfield, California, which is anticipated to be completed
by May 2003. Elk Hills is being developed in a joint venture with Occidental
Energy Ventures Corporation (Occidental). Information concerning litigation
with Occidental is provided in Note 15.

In 2000, El Dorado Energy, a 50/50 partnership between SER and Reliant Energy
Power Generation, completed construction of a $280 million, 440-megawatt
merchant power plant near Las Vegas, Nevada.

In December 2000, SER obtained approval from the appropriate state agencies to
construct the Mesquite Power Plant. Located near Phoenix, Arizona, Mesquite
Power is a $690 million, 1,250-megawatt project which will provide electricity
to wholesale energy markets in the Southwest region. Ground was broken in
September 2001. Commercial operations at 50-percent capacity are expected to
commence in June 2003 and project completion is anticipated in January 2004.
The project is being financed primarily via the synthetic lease agreement
described in Note 15. Construction expenditures as of December 31, 2002 were
$558 million. Financing under the synthetic lease in excess of $280 million
requires collateralization through the purchase of U.S. Treasury obligations,
which must at least equal 103 percent of the amount drawn. During 2002, the
company purchased $228 million of U.S. Treasury obligations as collateral,
which is included in "Investments" on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Sempra Energy International

SEI and PSEG Global (PSEG), an unaffiliated company, each own a 50-percent
interest in Chilquinta Energia S.A. (Energia), a Chilean electric utility, and
44 percent of the outstanding shares of Luz del Sur S.A.A. (Luz), a Peruvian
electric utility.

In October 2000, SEI increased its existing investment in two Argentine natural
gas utility holding companies (Sodigas Pampeana S.A. and Sodigas Sur S.A.) from
21.5 percent to 43 percent. Shortly after December 31, 2001, the Argentine
peso, the functional currency of the companies' operations, began to float
freely in the foreign exchange market. As a result of the decline in the value
of the Argentine peso, SEI has reduced the carrying value of its investment by
reducing shareholders' equity by $223 million, which is included in accumulated
other comprehensive income (loss). These non-cash adjustments, which began at
the end of 2001 and continued into the early part of 2002, did not affect net
income, but did reduce comprehensive income and did increase accumulated other
comprehensive income (loss).

The related Argentine economic decline and government responses (including
Argentina's unilateral, retroactive abrogation of utility agreements early in
2002) are continuing to adversely affect the operations of these Argentine
utilities. On September 5, 2002, SEI filed for international arbitration under
the 1994 Bilateral Investment Treaty between the United States and Argentina
for recovery of

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 57.

the diminution of the value of its investments resulting from the government
actions. SEI had its Request for Arbitration registered on December 6, 2002,
and expects the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes to
recognize the filing and set the matter for arbitration, but resolution is
expected to take more than a year. Sempra Energy also has political-risk
insurance that could recover a portion of the diminution.

SEI and the majority owner of the Argentine companies have an agreement
whereby, under certain, specified circumstances, SEI could compel the majority
owner to purchase SEI's interest or the majority owner could compel SEI to sell
its interest to the majority owner.

Sempra Energy Financial (SEF)

SEF invests as a limited partner in affordable-housing properties. SEF's
portfolio includes 1,300 properties throughout the United States, including
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. These investments are accounted for in
accordance with EITF Issue 94-1 "Accounting for Tax Benefits Resulting from
Investments in Affordable Housing Projects." These investments are expected to
provide income tax benefits (primarily from income tax credits) over 10-year
periods. SEF also has an investment in a limited partnership which produces
synthetic fuel from coal. Whether SEF will invest in additional properties will
depend on Sempra Energy's income tax position.


At December 31, 2002, the company had available $2.25 billion in unused,
committed lines of credit to provide liquidity and support commercial paper.
As of December 31, 2002, $600 million of the lines was supporting commercial
paper and variable-rate debt. Borrowings under these lines are subject to
compliance with certain covenants. Under the most restrictive of these
covenants Sempra Energy and its subsidiaries could have issued in excess of
$3 billion of additional debt at December 31, 2002.

Committed Lines of Credit

At December 31, 2002, Global had a $950 million syndicated revolving line of
credit guaranteed by Sempra Energy. The revolving credit commitment expires in
September 2003, at which time outstanding borrowings may be converted to a
one-year term loan. The agreement requires Sempra Energy to maintain a
debt-to-total capitalization ratio (as defined in the agreement) of not to
exceed 65 percent.

Borrowings under the agreement bear interest at rates varying with market rates
and Sempra Energy's credit rating. Global's line of credit was unused at
December 31, 2002, and is available to support commercial paper and
variable-rate long-term debt. Global had $422 million and $705 million of
commercial paper, guaranteed by Sempra Energy, outstanding at December 31, 2002
and 2001, respectively.

At December 31, 2002, the California Utilities had a combined revolving line of
credit, under which each utility individually could borrow up to $300 million,
subject to a combined borrowing limit for both utilities of $500 million.
Borrowings under the agreement, which are available for general corporate
purposes including support for commercial paper and variable-rate long-term
debt, bear interest at rates varying with market rates and the individual
borrowing utility's credit rating. This revolving credit commitment expires in
May 2003, at which time the outstanding borrowings may be converted into

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 58.

a one-year term loan subject to any requisite regulatory approvals related to
long-term debt. This agreement requires each utility to maintain a
debt-to-total capitalization ratio (as defined in the agreement) of not to
exceed 60 percent. The rights, obligations and covenants of each utility under
the agreement are individual rather than joint with those of the other utility,
and a default by one utility would not constitute a default by the other. These
lines of credit were unused at December 31, 2002. At December 31, 2002, the
California Utilities had no commercial paper outstanding.

At December 31, 2002, SER had a syndicated $400 million, three-year revolving
line of credit, guaranteed by Sempra Energy, primarily to finance power plant
and natural gas pipeline construction projects. The agreement requires Sempra
Energy to maintain a debt-to-total capitalization ratio (as defined in the
agreement) of not to exceed 65 percent. The agreement expires in August 2004
and borrowings bear interest at rates varying with market rates and Sempra
Energy's credit rating. At December 31, 2002, SER's outstanding borrowing under
the line of credit, classified as long-term, was $100 million. See Note 5 for
additional information on SER's borrowings. There were no loans outstanding
under the line of credit at December 31, 2001.

At December 31, 2002, PE had a $500 million two-year revolving line of credit,
guaranteed by Sempra Energy, for the purpose of providing loans to Global. The
revolving credit commitment expires in April 2003, at which time the
outstanding borrowings may be converted into a two-year term loan. Borrowings
would be subject to mandatory repayment prior to the maturity date should PE's
credit rating cease to be at least BBB- by Standard & Poor's (S&P) or SoCalGas'
unsecured long-term credit ratings cease to be at least BBB by S&P and Baa2 by
Moody's Investor Services, Inc. (Moody's), should Sempra Energy's or SoCalGas'
debt-to-total capitalization ratio (as defined in the agreement) exceed 65
percent, or should there be a change in law materially and adversely affecting
the ability of SoCalGas to pay dividends or make distributions to PE.
Borrowings bear interest at rates varying with market rates and the amount of
outstanding borrowings. PE's line of credit was unused at December 31, 2002 and
December 31, 2001.

Uncommitted Lines of Credit

At December 31, 2002, SET had $690 million in various uncommitted lines of
credit that are guaranteed by Sempra Energy and bear interest at rates varying
with market rates and Sempra Energy's credit rating. At December 31, 2002 and
2001, SET had $115 million and $120 million, respectively, in short-term
borrowings, and $345 million and $167 million, respectively, of letters of
credit outstanding against these lines.

The company's weighted average interest rate for short-term borrowings
outstanding was 2.02% and 2.18%, at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 59.


                                                                                   December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                                                            2002     2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
First-mortgage bonds
 5.75% November 15, 2003                                                       $  100   $  100
 4.8% October 1, 2012                                                             250       --
 6.8% June 1, 2015                                                                 14       14
 5.9% June 1, 2018                                                                 68       68
 5.9% to 6.4% September 1, 2018                                                   176      176
 6.1% September 1, 2019                                                            35       35
 Variable rates (1.34% to 1.35% at December 31, 2002) September 1, 2020            58       58
 5.85% June 1, 2021                                                                60       60
 7.375% March 1, 2023                                                             100      100
 7.5% June 15, 2023                                                               125      125
 6.875% November 1, 2025                                                          175      175
 6.4% and 7% December 1, 2027                                                     225      225
 8.5% April 1, 2022                                                                --       10
 7.625% June 15, 2002                                                              --       28
 6.875% August 15, 2002                                                            --      100
     Total                                                                      1,386    1,274
Other long-term debt
 5.60% Equity units May 17, 2007                                                  600       --
 Notes payable at variable rates after a fixed-to-floating rate swap (2.69% to
   2.73% at December 31, 2002) July 1, 2004                                       500      500
 7.95% Notes March 1, 2010                                                        500      500
 Rate-reduction bonds, 6.19% to 6.37% annually through 2007                       329      395
 6.95% Notes December 1, 2005                                                     300      300
 Debt incurred to acquire limited partnerships, secured by real estate, at
   7.11% to 9.35% annually through 2009                                           145      187
 5.9% June 1, 2014                                                                130      130
 SER line of credit at variable rates (3.073% at December 31, 2002)
   August 21, 2004                                                                100       --
 Employee Stock Ownership Plan
   Bonds at 7.375% November 1, 2014                                                82       82
   Bonds at variable rates (1.92% at December 31, 2002) November 2014              19       46
 5.67% January 15, 2003                                                            75       75
 Variable rates (2.00% at December 31, 2002) December 1, 2021                      60       60
 Variable rates (1.75% at December 31, 2002) July 1, 2021                          39       39
 6.75% March 1, 2023                                                               25       25
 6.375% May 14, 2006                                                                8        8
 Other variable-rate debt                                                          18       27
 Capitalized leases                                                                10       14
 Market value adjustments for interest rate swaps -- net                           42       22
     Total                                                                     ----------------
                                                                                4,368    3,684
   Current portion of long-term debt                                              281      242
   Unamortized discount on long-term debt                                           4        6
                                                                                  285      248
Total                                                                          $4,083   $3,436
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 60.

Excluding capital leases, which are described in Note 15, and market value
adjustments for interest-rate swaps, maturities of long-term debt are $278
million in 2003, $745 million in 2004, $397 million in 2005, $100 million in
2006, $683 million in 2007 and $2.2 billion thereafter. Holders of
variable-rate bonds may require the issuer to repurchase them prior to
scheduled maturity. However, since repurchased bonds would be remarketed and
funds for repurchase are provided by revolving lines of credit (which are
generally renewed upon expiration and which are described in Note 4), it is
assumed the bonds will be held to maturity for purposes of determining the
maturities listed above. Interest rates on the $300 million and $500 million of
notes maturing in 2005 and 2010, respectively, can vary with the company's
credit ratings.

First-mortgage Bonds

The first-mortgage bonds were issued by the California Utilities and are
secured by a lien on their respective utility plant. The California Utilities
may issue additional first-mortgage bonds upon compliance with the provisions
of their bond indentures, which require, among other things, the satisfaction
of pro forma earnings-coverage tests on first-mortgage bond interest and the
availability of sufficient mortgaged property to support the additional bonds.
The most restrictive of these tests (the property test) would permit the
issuance, subject to CPUC authorization, of an additional $2.7 billion of
first-mortgage bonds at December 31, 2002.

During the first quarter of 2001, SDG&E remarketed $150 million of
variable-rate first-mortgage bonds for a five-year term at a fixed rate of 7%.
At SDG&E's option, the bonds may be remarketed at a fixed or floating rate at
December 1, 2005, the expiration of the fixed term. In November 2001, SoCalGas
called its $150 million 8.75% first-mortgage bonds at a premium of 3.59
percent. On December 11, 2001, SoCalGas entered into an interest-rate swap
which effectively exchanged the fixed rate on its $175 million 6.875%
first-mortgage bonds for a floating rate. On September 30, 2002, SoCalGas
terminated the swap, receiving cash proceeds of $10 million, comprised of $4
million in accrued interest and a $6 million amortizable gain. Additional
information is provided under "Interest-Rate Swaps" below. In June and July
2002, SDG&E paid off its $28 million 7.625% first-mortgage bonds and $10
million 8.5% first-mortgage bonds, respectively. In August 2002, SoCalGas paid
off its $100 million 6.875% first-mortgage bonds.

In October 2002, SoCalGas publicly offered and sold $250 million of 4.8%
first-mortgage bonds, maturing on October 1, 2012. The bonds are not subject to
a sinking fund and are not redeemable prior to maturity except through a
make-whole mechanism. Proceeds from the bond sale have become part of the
company's general funds to replenish amounts previously expended to refund and
retire indebtedness, and for working capital and other general corporate
purposes. These bonds were assigned ratings of A+ by the S&P rating agency, A1
by Moody's and AA by Fitch, Inc.

Callable Bonds

At the company's option, certain bonds may be called at a premium, including
$157 million of variable-rate bonds that are callable at various dates in 2003.
Of the company's remaining callable bonds, $860 million are callable in 2003,
$25 million in 2004, $105 million in 2005 and $8 million in 2006.

Rate-Reduction Bonds

In December 1997, $658 million of rate-reduction bonds were issued on behalf of
SDG&E at an average interest rate of 6.26 percent. These bonds were issued to
facilitate the 10% rate reduction mandated by California's
electric-restructuring law, which is described in Note 13. These bonds are
being repaid over ten years by SDG&E's residential and small-commercial
customers via a

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 61.

specified charge on their electricity bills. These bonds are secured by the
revenue streams collected from customers and are not secured by, or payable
from, utility assets.

The sizes of the rate-reduction bond issuances were set so as to make the
investor owned utilities (IOUs) neutral as to the 10% rate reduction, and were
based on a four-year period to recover stranded costs. Because SDG&E recovered
its stranded costs in only 18 months (due to the greater-than-anticipated
plant-sale proceeds), the bond sale proceeds were greater than needed.
Accordingly, during the third quarter of 2000, SDG&E returned to its customers
$388 million of surplus bond proceeds in accordance with a June 8, 2000 CPUC
decision. The bonds and their repayment schedule are not affected by this

Equity Units

In April and May of 2002, the company publicly offered and issued $600 million
of Equity Units. Each unit consists of $25 principal amount of the company's
5.60% senior notes due May 17, 2007 and a contract to purchase for $25 on May
17, 2005, between .8190 and .9992 of a share of the company's common stock (to
be determined by the then-prevailing market prices). The company used the net
proceeds of the offering to repay a portion of its short-term debt, including
debt used to finance the capital expenditure program for Global.

Unsecured Long-term Debt

In February 2001, SDG&E remarketed $25 million of variable-rate unsecured bonds
as 6.75 percent fixed-rate debt for a three-year term. At SDG&E's option, the
bonds may be remarketed at a fixed or floating rate at February 29, 2004, the
expiration of the fixed term. Various long-term obligations totaling $355
million are unsecured at December 31, 2002. In October 2001, SoCalGas repaid
$120 million of 6.38 percent medium-term notes upon maturity. In June 2001, the
company issued $500 million of three-year notes due July 1, 2004 at an interest
rate of 6.8 percent. Sempra Energy has a fixed-to-floating rate swap on these
notes. (See discussion under "Interest-Rate Swaps" below.)

In February 2000, the company issued $500 million of long-term 7.95% notes due
in 2010 to partially finance the self-tender offer described in Note 12. In
December 2000, the company issued an additional $300 million in long-term notes
due in 2005 in order to reduce short-term debt. The notes bear interest at 6.95
percent. In July 2000, SoCalGas repaid $30 million of 8.75% medium-term notes
upon maturity.

In October 2002 SER borrowed $100 million on its $400 million line of credit.
This loan is due August 2004 and bears a variable interest rate (3.073 percent
at December 31, 2002).

On January 15, 2003, $70 million of SoCalGas' 5.67% $75 million medium term
notes were put back to the company. The remaining $5 million matures on January
18, 2028.

In January 2003, the company issued $400 million of long-term 6% notes due
February 2013. The bonds are not subject to a sinking fund and are not
redeemable prior to maturity except through a make-whole mechanism. Proceeds
were used to pay down commercial paper. These bonds were assigned ratings of A-
by the S&P rating agency, Baa1 by Moody's and A by Fitch, Inc.

Debt of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and Trust (Trust)

The Trust has covered substantially all of SoCalGas' employees and, effective
January 1, 2000, employees of Sempra Energy and some of its unregulated
affiliates. The Trust is used to fund part of the retirement savings plan. The
15-year notes are repriced weekly and subject to repurchase by the

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 62.

company at the holder's option, depending on market demand. In June 2001,
utilizing the term option provisions of the notes, $82 million of the notes
were remarketed at a fixed rate of 7.375 percent for three years. The variable
interest rate and weekly repricing resume in May 2004. In September 2001 and
2002, ESOP debt was reduced by $2.5 million and $0.9 million, respectively,
when 40,000 shares and 17,000 shares, respectively, of company common stock
were released from the Trust in order to fund the employer contribution to the
company savings plan. Additional information on the company savings plan is
included in Note 8. Interest on ESOP debt amounted to $7 million in 2002, $6
million in 2001 and $9 million in 2000. Dividends used for debt service
amounted to $3 million each in 2002, 2001 and 2000.

Interest-Rate Swaps

The company periodically enters into interest-rate swap agreements to moderate
its exposure to interest-rate changes and to lower its overall cost of
borrowing. At December 31, 2002, Sempra Energy has a fixed-to-floating-rate
swap agreement on $500 million of underlying debt which matures in 2004 and
effectively causes the interest rate on the debt to vary at a rate of LIBOR
plus 1.329%. On December 11, 2001, SoCalGas executed a cancelable-call
interest-rate swap, exchanging its fixed-rate obligation of 6.875% on its $175
million first-mortgage bonds for a floating rate of LIBOR plus 4 basis points.
On September 30, 2002, SoCalGas terminated the swap, receiving cash proceeds of
$10 million, comprised of $4 million in accrued interest and a $6 million
amortizable gain. The company believes the remaining swap is fully effective in
its purpose of converting the underlying debt's fixed rate to a floating rate
and meets the criteria for accounting under the short-cut method defined in
SFAS 133 for fair value hedges of debt instruments. Accordingly, market value
adjustments to long-term debt of $20 million and $22 million were recorded at
December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively, to reflect, without affecting net
income or other comprehensive income, the favorable/unfavorable economic
consequences (as measured at December 31, 2002 and 2001) of having entered into
the swap transactions. During 2002 and 2001, SDG&E had an interest-rate swap
agreement that matured in 2002 that effectively fixed the interest rate on $45
million of variable-rate underlying debt at 5.4 percent. This
floating-to-fixed-rate swap did not qualify for hedge accounting and,
therefore, the gains and losses associated with the change in fair value are
recorded in the Statements of Consolidated Income. The effect on income was a
$1 million gain in 2002 and a $1 million loss in 2001. See additional
discussion of interest-rate swaps in Note 10.

Foreign-Currency Hedges

The company's primary objective with respect to currency risk is to reduce net
income volatility that would otherwise occur due to exchange-rate fluctuations.

Sempra Energy's net investment in its Latin American operating companies and
the resulting cash flows are partially protected against normal exchange-rate
fluctuations by rate-setting mechanisms which are intended to compensate for
local inflation and currency exchange-rate fluctuations. In addition to
establishing such tariff-based protections, the company hedges material
cross-currency transactions and net income exposure through various means,
including financial instruments and short-term investments.

Because the company does not hedge its net investment in foreign countries, it
is susceptible to volatility in other comprehensive income, as occurred in the
years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 as a result of Argentina's decoupling
its peso from the U.S. dollar as discussed in Note 3.

See additional discussion in Note 10.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 63.

Loans Due to Affiliates

In March 2001, SEI refinanced $160 million of long-term notes through its
unconsolidated affiliate Chilquinta Energia Finance, LLC. At both December 31,
2002 and 2001, long-term notes payable to affiliates include $60 million at
6.47 percent due April 1, 2008 and $100 million at 6.62% due April 1, 2011. The
loans are secured by SEI's investments in Energia and Luz.

Financial Covenants

The California Utilities' first-mortgage bond indentures require the
satisfaction of certain bond interest coverage ratios and the availability of
sufficient mortgaged property to issue additional first-mortgage bonds, but do
not restrict other indebtedness. Note 4 discusses the financial covenants
applicable to short-term debt.


SONGS and the Southwest Powerlink transmission line are owned jointly with
other utilities. The company's interests at December 31, 2002, are as follows:

           Project (Dollars in millions)             SONGS Powerlink
           Percentage ownership                        20%     88%
           Utility plant in service                   $76    $222
           Accumulated depreciation and amortization  $53    $134
           Construction work in progress              $ 5    $ 12

The company and the other owners each hold its interest as an undivided
interest as tenants in common. Each owner is responsible for financing its
share of each project and participates in decisions concerning operations and
capital expenditures.

The company's share of operating expenses is included in the Statements of
Consolidated Income. Participants in each project must provide their own
financing. The amounts specified above for SONGS include nuclear production,
transmission and other facilities. Certain substation equipment at SONGS is
wholly owned by the company.

SONGS Decommissioning

Objectives, work scope and procedures for the future dismantling and
decontamination of the SONGS units must meet the requirements of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the CPUC and other
regulatory bodies.

The company's share of decommissioning costs for the SONGS units is estimated
to be $309 million in 2002 dollars, based on a 2001 cost study completed and
filed with the CPUC in 2002. At this time, the cost study and resulting
contributions are expected to be finalized and approved or disapproved by the
CPUC in April of 2003. Cost studies are updated every three years and approved
by the CPUC. The next such update is expected to occur in 2005. Rate recovery
of decommissioning costs is allowed until the time that the costs are fully
recovered, and is subject to adjustment every three years based on costs
allowed by regulators. The amount accrued each year is currently being
collected in rates. Currently, collections are authorized to continue until
2013, but may be extended upon request to the CPUC until 2022. The requested
amount is considered sufficient to cover the company's share of future
decommissioning costs. Payments to the nuclear decommissioning trusts
(described below under "Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts") are expected to
continue until sufficient funds have been collected to fully decommission
SONGS, which is not expected to begin before 2022.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 64.

Unit 1 was permanently shut down in 1992, and physical decommissioning began in
January 2000. Several structures, foundations and large components have been
dismantled and removed. Preparations have been made for the remaining major
work to be performed in 2003 and beyond. That work will include dismantling,
removal and disposal of all remaining Unit 1 equipment and facilities (both
nuclear and non-nuclear components), decontamination of the site and completion
of an on-site storage facility for Unit 1 spent fuel. These activities are
expected to be completed by 2008.

The amounts collected in rates are invested in externally managed trust funds
(described below under "Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts"). The securities held
by the trust are considered available for sale and the trust is shown on the
Consolidated Balance Sheets at market value. These values reflect unrealized
gains of $95 million and $122 million at December 31, 2002, and 2001,
respectively, with the offsetting credit recorded to accumulated depreciation
and amortization on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.

See discussion regarding the impact of SFAS 143 in Note 1.

Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts

SDG&E has a Nonqualified Nuclear Decommissioning Trust and a Qualified Nuclear
Decommissioning Trust. CPUC guidelines prohibit investments in derivatives and
securities of Sempra Energy or related companies. They also establish maximum
amounts for investments in equity securities (50 percent of the qualified trust
and 60 percent of the nonqualified trust), international equity securities (20
percent) and securities of electric utilities having ownership interests in
nuclear power plants (10 percent). Not less than 50 percent of the equity
portion of the Trusts shall be invested passively.

At December 31, 2002 and 2001, trust assets were allocated as follows (dollars
in millions):

                                        Qualified Trust     Trust
                                        2002    2001    2002   2001
                     Domestic equity    $143    $144    $36    $48
                     Foreign equity       69      76     --     --
                        Total equity     212     220     36     48
                     Total fixed income  220     225     26     33
                        Total           $432    $445    $62    $81

Decommissioning cost studies are conducted every three years to determine the
appropriate level of contributions to be collected in utility-customer rates to
ensure adequate funding at the decommissioning date. Customer contribution
amounts are determined by estimates of after-tax investment returns,
decommissioning costs and decommissioning cost escalation rates. Lower actual
investment returns or higher actual decommissioning costs would result in an
increase in customer contributions.

Additional information regarding SONGS is included in Notes 13 and 15.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 65.


The reconciliation of the statutory federal income tax rate to the effective
income tax rate is as follows:

           For the years ended December 31        2002   2001   2000
           Statutory federal income tax rate     35.0%  35.0%  35.0%
           Depreciation                           5.2    5.9    6.7
           State income taxes -- net of federal
             income tax benefit                   7.0    6.4    6.6
           Tax credits                          (18.5) (13.7) (13.0)
           Income from unconsolidated foreign
             subsidiaries                        (2.0)  (3.0)  (1.8)
           Settlement of Internal Revenue
             Service audit                       (3.6)    --     --
           Other -- net                          (2.9)  (1.5)   5.1
           Effective income tax rate             20.2%  29.1%  38.6%

The components of income tax expense are as follows:

            (Dollars in millions)                  2002  2001  2000
               Federal                           $ 195  $ 36  $ (8)
               State                                30    60    (5)
               Foreign                              13    11    25

                   Total                           238   107    12

               Federal                            (113)  104   207
               State                                31     1    57
               Foreign                              (5)    7    (1)

                   Total                           (87)  112   263

            Deferred investment tax credits         (5)   (6)   (5)

                   Total income tax expense      $ 146  $213  $270

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 66.

Accumulated deferred income taxes at December 31 consist of the following:

   (Dollars in millions)                                         2002   2001
   Deferred tax liabilities:
      Differences in financial and tax bases of utility plant  $  883 $  672
      Balancing accounts and other regulatory assets              305    489
      Partnership income                                           45     37
      Other                                                       312    279

   Total deferred tax liabilities                               1,545  1,477

   Deferred tax assets:
      Investment tax credits                                       62     65
      General business tax credit carryforward                    148     24
      Net operating losses of foreign entities                     89     46
      Postretirement benefits                                      32     36
      Other deferred liabilities                                  157    174
      Restructuring costs                                          40     40
      Other                                                       247    187

      Total deferred tax assets                                   775    572

   Net deferred income tax liability                              770    905

      Valuation allowance                                          10     12

   Net deferred income tax liability                           $  780 $  917

The net deferred income tax liability is recorded on the Consolidated Balance
Sheets at December 31 as follows:

                    (Dollars in millions)        2002   2001
                    Current (asset) liability $  (20) $   70
                    Noncurrent liability         800     847

                    Total                     $  780  $  917

In connection with its affordable-housing investments, the company has $148
million of unused general business tax credits dating back to 1999. The
cumulative credit carryforwards will expire between the years 2019 and 2022.
The company fully expects to utilize the credits in future years. In addition,
the company has $19 million of alternative minimum tax credits with no
expiration date. All of these credits have been included in the company's
calculation of income tax expense.

Foreign subsidiaries have $275 million in unused net operating losses available
to reduce future income taxes, primarily in Mexico, Canada and the United
Kingdom. Utilization of these losses began to expire in 2002. Financial
statement benefits have been recorded on all but $32 million of these losses,
primarily by offsetting them against deferred tax liabilities with the same
expiration pattern and country of jurisdiction.

The company has not provided for U.S. income taxes on foreign subsidiaries'
undistributed earnings ($304 million at December 31, 2002), which are expected
to be reinvested indefinitely outside the U.S. It is not possible to predict
the amount of U.S. income taxes that might be payable if these earnings were
eventually repatriated.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 67.


The information presented below covers the plans of the company and its
principal subsidiaries.

Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits

The company sponsors several qualified and nonqualified pension plans and other
postretirement benefit plans for its employees.

During 2002, the company had amendments reflecting retiree cost of living
adjustments which resulted in an increase in the pension plan benefit
obligation of $51 million. Amendments to other postretirement benefit plans
related to the transfer of employees to SDG&E and changes to their specific
benefits which resulted in a decrease in the benefits obligation of $7 million.
The amortization of these changes will affect pension expense in future years.

During 2001, SDG&E participated in a voluntary separation program. As a result,
the company recorded a $13 million special termination benefit, a $1 million
curtailment cost and a $19 million settlement gain.

During 2000, Sempra Energy and most of its subsidiaries participated in another
voluntary separation program. As a result, the company recorded a $56 million
special termination benefit, a $2 million curtailment credit and a $26 million
settlement gain.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 68.

The following tables provide a reconciliation of the changes in the plans'
projected benefit obligations and the fair value of assets over the two years,
and a statement of the funded status as of each year end:

                                                     Pension Benefits            Benefits
(Dollars in millions)                                   2002     2001      2002      2001
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Discount rate                                          6.50%    7.25%  6.50%     7.25%
Expected return on plan assets                         8.00%    8.00%  7.80%     7.85%
Rate of compensation increase                          4.50%    5.00%  4.50%     5.00%
Cost trend of covered health-care charges                --       --   7.00%(1)  7.25%(1)

Net obligation at January 1                          $2,010   $2,027  $ 590     $ 551
Service cost                                             57       49     13        11
Interest cost                                           149      141     42        41
Plan amendments                                          51       --     (7)       --
Actuarial (gain) loss                                   197      (27)   191        13
Curtailments                                             --       (7)    --        --
Settlements                                              --        1     --        --
Special termination benefits                             --       13     --        --
Other                                                    13       --     --        --
Benefits paid                                          (187)    (187)   (32)      (26)

Net obligation at December 31                         2,290    2,010    797       590

Fair value of plan assets at January 1                2,449    2,910    469       515
Actual return on plan assets                           (281)    (277)   (50)      (37)
Employer contributions                                    3        3     22        17
Benefits paid                                          (187)    (187)   (32)      (26)

Fair value of plan assets at December 31              1,984    2,449    409       469

Plan assets net of benefit obligation at December 31   (306)     439   (388)     (121)
Unrecognized net actuarial (gain) loss                  283     (426)   266       (14)
Unrecognized prior service cost                          93       49    (14)      (10)
Unrecognized net transition obligation                    1        2     --        --

Net recorded asset (liability) at December 31        $   71   $   64  $(136)    $(145)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Decreasing to ultimate trend of 6.50% in 2004.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 69.

The following table provides the amounts recognized on the Consolidated Balance
Sheets (under noncurrent sundry assets, deferred credits and other liabilities
and postretirement benefits other than pensions) at December 31:

                                                  Pension Benefits      Benefits
   (Dollars in millions)                            2002    2001     2002    2001
   Prepaid benefit cost                           $ 203    $146    $  --      --
   Accrued benefit cost                            (132)    (82)    (136)  $(145)
   Additional minimum liability                     (93)    (18)      --      --
   Intangible asset                                  12       3       --      --
   Accumulated other comprehensive income, pretax    81      15       --      --
   Net recorded asset (liability)                 $  71    $ 64    $(136)  $(145)

The following table provides the components of net periodic benefit cost
(income) for the plans:

(Dollars in millions)                        Pension Benefits Postretirement Benefits
Years ended December 31                    2002   2001   2000  2002    2001    2000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost                             $  57  $  49  $  41  $ 13    $ 11    $ 11
Interest cost                              149    141    153    42      41      37
Expected return on assets                 (204)  (219)  (239)  (39)    (39)    (37)
Amortization of:
 Transition obligation                       1      1      1     9      10      11
 Prior service cost                          7      6      6    (1)     (1)     (2)
 Actuarial gain                            (18)   (39)   (55)   --      (3)     (8)
Special termination benefit                 --     13     54    --      --       2
Curtailment cost (credit)                   --      1     (2)   --      --      --
Settlement credit                           --    (19)   (26)   --      --      --
Regulatory adjustment                       32     51     18    25      30      26

Total net periodic benefit cost (income) $  24  $ (15) $ (49) $ 49    $ 49    $ 40
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Assumed health-care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts
reported for the health-care plans. A one-percent change in assumed health-care
cost trend rates would have the following effects:

                                                                                  1%       1%
(Dollars in millions)                                                       Increase Decrease
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Effect on total of service and interest cost components of net periodic
  postretirement health-care benefit cost                                     $  9     $ (7)
Effect on the health-care component of the accumulated other postretirement
  benefit obligation                                                          $119     $(96)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Except for one plan, all funded pension plans had plan assets in excess of
accumulated benefit obligations. For that one plan, the projected benefit
obligation and accumulated benefit obligation were $613 million and $575
million, respectively, as of December 31, 2002, and $448 million and $442
million, respectively, as of December 31, 2001.

The company maintains dedicated assets in support of its Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan.

Other postretirement benefits include retiree life insurance, medical benefits
for retirees and their spouses, and Medicare Part B reimbursement for certain

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 70.

Savings Plans

The company offers savings plans, administered by plan trustees, to all
eligible employees. Eligibility to participate in the plans is immediate for
salary deferrals. Employees may contribute, subject to plan provisions, from
one percent to 25 percent of their regular earnings. After one year of
completed service, the company begins to make matching contributions. Employer
contribution amounts and methodology vary by plan, but generally the
contributions are equal to 50 percent of the first 6 percent of eligible base
salary contributed by employees and, if certain company goals are met, an
additional amount related to incentive compensation payments. Employer
contributions are invested in company stock and must remain so invested until
termination of employment. At the direction of the employees, the employees'
contributions are invested in company stock, mutual funds, institutional trusts
or guaranteed investment contracts. The plans of certain non-wholly owned
subsidiaries may not contain Sempra Energy stock. In this case, the employer
matching contributions are invested to mirror the employee-directed
contributions. Employer contributions for the Sempra Energy and SoCalGas plans
are partially funded by the employee stock ownership plan referred to below.
Company contributions to the savings plans were $20 million in 2002, $17
million in 2001 and $15 million in 2000. The market value of company stock held
by the savings plan was $533 million and $530 million at December 31, 2002 and
2001, respectively.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

All contributions to the Trust are made by the company; there are no
contributions made by the participants.

As the company makes contributions to the ESOP, the ESOP debt service is paid
and shares are released in proportion to the total expected debt service.
Compensation expense is charged and equity is credited for the market value of
the shares released. Income tax deductions are based on the cost of the shares.
Dividends on unallocated shares are used to pay debt service and are applied
against the liability. The Trust held 2.6 million shares and 2.7 million shares
of Sempra Energy common stock, with fair values of $61.0 million and $65.9
million, at December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively.


Sempra Energy has stock-based compensation plans intended to align employee and
shareholder objectives related to the long-term growth of the company. The
plans permit a wide variety of stock-based awards, including nonqualified stock
options, incentive stock options, restricted stock, stock appreciation rights,
performance awards, stock payments and dividend equivalents.

In 2002 and 2001, 544,100 shares and 777,500 shares of restricted company
stock, respectively, were awarded to key employees. The corresponding weighted
average fair values of the shares granted were $24.77 and $23.37, respectively.
There was no restricted company stock awarded in 2000. Subject to earlier
forfeitures upon termination of employment, each award is scheduled to vest at
the end of seven years, but is also subject to earlier vesting over a four-year
period upon satisfaction of objective performance-based goals. Holders of
restricted stock have full voting and dividend rights. Compensation expense for
the issuance of restricted stock was approximately $7 million in 2002, $5
million in 2001 and $1 million in 2000.

In 2002, 2001 and 2000, Sempra Energy granted to officers and key employees
3,444,300, 2,934,800 and 4,339,000 stock options, respectively. The option
price is equal to the market price of common stock at the date of grant. The
options vest over a four-year period and do not include dividend equivalents.
The stock options expire 10 years from the date of grant, subject to earlier
expiration upon termination of employment. Compensation expense (or reduction
thereof) for stock option grants (all

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 71.

associated with outstanding options with dividend equivalents, all of which
were issued before 2000) and similar awards was ($2 million), $7 million and
$14 million in 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

As of December 31, 2002, 12,250,231 shares were authorized and available for
future grants of restricted stock and/or stock options. In addition, on January
1 of each year, additional shares amounting to 1.5 percent of the outstanding
shares of Sempra Energy common stock become available for grant.

The plans permit the granting of dividend equivalents, which provide grantees
the opportunity to receive some or all of the cash dividends that would have
been paid on the shares since the grant date. All grants that have included
dividend equivalents have made the dividend equivalents dependent on the
attainment of certain performance goals. For grants prior to July 1, 1998,
payment of the dividend equivalents is also contingent upon an in-the-money
exercise of the related options.

In 1995, SFAS 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation," was issued. It
encourages a fair-value-based method of accounting for stock-based
compensation. As permitted by SFAS 123, the company adopted only its disclosure
requirements and continues to account for stock-based compensation in
accordance with the provisions of Accounting Principles Board Opinion 25,
"Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees." See additional discussion of SFAS
148, the amendment to SFAS 123, in Note 1.


                                            Shares  Average        Options
                                             Under Exercise    Exercisable
                                            Option    Price at December 31
      December 31, 1999                 4,693,197   $21.96    1,844,079
         Exercised                       (399,875)   18.91
         Cancelled                       (264,749)   23.39

      December 31, 2000                 4,028,573    22.17    2,462,574
         Exercised                       (588,315)   20.92
         Cancelled                       (119,911)   22.46

      December 31, 2001                 3,320,347    22.38    2,508,328
         Exercised                       (172,358)   19.87
         Cancelled                        (68,124)   24.03

      December 31, 2002                 3,079,865   $22.48    2,777,590

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 72.

On January 1, 2003, approximately two-thirds of the shares under options and
the options exercisable ceased to have dividend equivalents, due to expiration
or payment of the dividend equivalents.

                                              Shares  Average        Options
                                               Under Exercise    Exercisable
                                              Option    Price at December 31
    December 31, 1999                     3,953,005   $22.67    1,019,056
       Granted                            4,339,000    19.03
       Exercised                           (329,313)   19.10
       Cancelled                           (397,271)   25.07

    December 31, 2000                     7,565,421    20.61    1,659,244
       Granted                            2,934,800    22.50
       Exercised                           (421,633)   18.79
       Cancelled                           (204,134)   23.59

    December 31, 2001                     9,874,454    21.19    3,143,319
       Granted                            3,444,300    24.71
       Exercised                           (223,430)   17.70
       Cancelled                            (84,137)   21.70

    December 31, 2002                    13,011,187   $22.18    5,287,437

Additional information on options outstanding at December 31, 2002, is as

                                               Weighted Weighted
                                                Average  Average
               Range of             Number of Remaining Exercise
               Exercise Prices         Shares      Life    Price
               Outstanding Options
               $14.29-$16.12          149,576   2.10     $15.99
               $16.87-$22.65        9,930,929   6.98     $20.48
               $23.45-$27.64        6,010,547   7.58     $25.26
                                   16,091,052   7.16     $22.22
               Exercisable Options
               $14.29-$16.12          149,576            $15.99
               $16.87-$22.65        5,287,704            $20.20
               $23.45-$27.64        2,627,747            $25.93
                                    8,065,027            $21.99

The grant-date market value of each option grant (including dividend
equivalents where applicable) was estimated using the modified Black-Scholes
option-pricing model. Weighted average grant-date market values for options
granted in 2002, 2001 and 2000 were $4.45, $4.29 and $3.07, respectively.

The assumptions that were used to determine these grant-date market values are
as follows:

                                            2002    2001    2000
                Stock price volatility       22%     24%     20%
                Risk-free rate of return    4.8%    4.6%    6.8%
                Annual dividend yield       4.1%    4.3%    5.4%
                Expected life            6 Years 6 Years 6 Years

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 73.


Fair Value

The fair values of certain of the company's financial instruments (cash,
temporary investments, funds held in trust, notes receivable, dividends
payable, short-term debt and customer deposits) approximate the carrying
amounts. The following table provides the carrying amounts and fair values of
the remaining financial instruments at December 31:

                                                       2002            2001
                                                  Carrying   Fair Carrying   Fair
(Dollars in millions)                               Amount  Value   Amount  Value
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in limited partnerships                $  271  $  346  $  317  $  390
U.S. Treasury obligations                          $  228  $  228  $   --  $   --
First-mortgage bonds                               $1,386  $1,452  $1,274  $1,297
Notes payable                                       1,300   1,424   1,300   1,327
Equity units                                          600     577      --      --
SDG&E rate-reduction bonds                            329     357     395     411
Debt incurred to acquire limited partnerships         145     169     187     206
Other long-term debt                                  608     623     528     545
   Total long-term debt                            $4,368  $4,602  $3,684  $3,786
Preferred stock of subsidiaries                    $  204  $  168  $  204  $  162
Mandatorily redeemable trust preferred securities  $  200  $  205  $  200  $  214
- -------------------------------------------------

The fair values of investments in limited partnerships accounted for under the
equity and cost methods were estimated based on the present value of remaining
cash flows, discounted at rates available for similar investments. The fair
values of debt incurred to acquire limited partnerships, which do not have
readily determinable quoted market prices, were estimated based on the present
value of the future cash flows, discounted at rates available for similar notes
with comparable maturities. The fair values of the other long-term debt,
preferred stock, mandatorily redeemable trust preferred securities and U.S.
Treasury obligations were estimated based on quoted market prices for them or
for similar issues.

Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities

SFAS 133 "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities," as
amended by SFAS 138, "Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain
Hedging Activities" recognizes all derivatives as either assets or liabilities
in the statement of financial position, measures those instruments at fair
value and recognizes changes in the fair value of derivatives in earnings in
the period of change unless the derivative qualifies as an effective hedge that
offsets certain exposure. For related matters see discussion of EITF Issue 02-3
"Issues Involved in Accounting for Derivative Contracts Held for Trading
Purposes and Contracts Involved in Energy Trading and Risk Management
Activities" and the rescission of EITF Issue 98-10 in Note 1.

The company utilizes derivative financial instruments to reduce its exposure to
unfavorable changes in commodity prices, which are subject to significant and
often volatile fluctuation. Derivative financial instruments include futures,
forwards, swaps, options and long-term delivery contracts. These contracts
allow the company to predict with greater certainty the effective prices to be
received by the company and, in the case of the California Utilities, their
customers. Since adoption of SFAS 133 on January 1, 2001, the company
classifies its forward contracts as follows:

Normal Purchase and Sales: These contracts generally are long-term contracts
that are settled by physical delivery and, therefore, are eligible for the
normal purchases and sales exception of

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 74.

SFAS 133. The contracts are accounted for at historical cost with gains and
losses reflected in the Statements of Consolidated Income at the contract
settlement date.

Electric and Natural Gas Purchases and Sales: The unrealized gains and losses
related to these forward contracts, as they relate to the California Utilities,
are reflected on the Consolidated Balance Sheets as regulatory assets and
liabilities to the extent derivative gains and losses will be recoverable or
payable in future rates. If gains and losses at the California Utilities are
not recoverable or payable through future rates, the California Utilities apply
hedge accounting if certain criteria are met. When a contract no longer meets
the requirements of SFAS 133, the unrealized gains and losses will be amortized
over the remaining contract life.

In instances where hedge accounting is applied to derivatives, cash flow hedge
accounting is elected and, accordingly, changes in fair values of the
derivatives are included in other comprehensive income, but not reflected in
the Statements of Consolidated Income until the corresponding hedged
transaction is settled. The effect on other comprehensive income for the years
ended December 31, 2002 and 2001 was not material. In instances where
derivatives do not qualify for hedge accounting, gains and losses are recorded
in the Statements of Consolidated Income.

The following were recorded in the Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31:

            (Dollars in millions)                         2002 2001
            Fixed-priced contracts and other derivatives:
               Current assets                             $  3 $ 57
               Noncurrent assets                            42   27

                   Total                                    45   84

               Current liabilities                         153  171
               Noncurrent liabilities                      813  788

                   Total                                   966  959

            Net liabilities                               $921 $875

            Regulatory assets and liabilities:
               Current regulatory assets                   151  168
               Noncurrent regulatory assets                812  784

                   Total                                   963  952

               Regulatory balancing account liabilities     --   50
               Current regulatory liabilities                2    4
               Noncurrent regulatory liabilities            --    1

                   Total                                     2   55

            Net regulatory assets                         $961 $897

The remaining differences between net liabilities and regulatory assets were
primarily due to market value adjustments of $42 million and $22 million at
December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively, to long-term debt related to two
fixed-to-floating interest rate swaps. The market value adjustment in 2002
included a reversing effect for the cancellation of one of the swap agreements
on September 30, 2002.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 75.

$4 million of income in 2002 and $5 million of losses in 2001 were recorded in
operating revenues and $1 million of income in 2002 and $1 million of losses in
2001 were recorded in "other income -- net" in the Statements of Consolidated

Market Risk

The company's policy is to use derivative instruments to manage exposure to
fluctuations in interest rates, foreign-currency exchange rates and prices. The
company also uses and trades derivative instruments in its trading and
marketing of energy and other commodities. Transactions involving these
instruments are with major exchanges and other firms believed to be
credit-worthy. The use of these instruments exposes the company to market and
credit risk which may at times be concentrated with certain counterparties,
although counterparty nonperformance is not anticipated.

Interest-Rate Risk Management

The company periodically enters into interest-rate swap agreements to moderate
exposure to interest-rate changes and to lower the overall cost of borrowing.

SDG&E had an interest-rate swap agreement that matured in December 2002 and
effectively fixed the interest rate on $45 million of variable-rate underlying
debt at 5.42 percent. This floating-to-fixed-rate swap did not qualify for
hedge accounting and, therefore, the gains and losses associated with the
change in fair value were recorded in the Statements of Consolidated Income.
The effect on income was a $1 million gain and a $1 million loss for the years
ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively. Although this financial
instrument did not meet the hedge accounting criteria of SFAS 133, it was
effective in achieving the risk management objectives for which it was intended.

During 2002 the company also had two fixed-to-floating rate swaps. At December
31, 2002, it had a fixed-to-floating-rate swap agreement on $500 million of
underlying debt which matures in 2004 and effectively causes the interest rate
on the debt to vary at a rate of LIBOR plus 1.329%. SoCalGas had the other
agreement, which was a cancelable-call interest-rate swap, exchanging its
fixed-rate obligation of 6.875% on its $175 million first-mortgage bonds for a
floating rate of LIBOR plus four basis points. On September 30, 2002, SoCalGas
terminated the swap, receiving cash proceeds of $10 million, comprised of $4
million in accrued interest and a $6 million amortizable gain. The company
believes both swaps have been fully effective in their purpose of converting
the fixed rate stated in the debt to a floating rate and the swaps meet the
criteria for accounting under the short-cut method defined in SFAS 133 for fair
value hedges of debt instruments. Accordingly, market value adjustments of $20
million and $22 million (as discussed above) were added to long-term debt
during the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, respectively, and no net
gains or losses were recorded in income in respect to these swaps.

Energy Derivatives

The company utilizes derivative instruments to reduce its exposure to
unfavorable changes in energy prices, which are subject to significant and
often volatile fluctuation. Derivative instruments are comprised of futures,
forwards, swaps, options and long-term delivery contracts. These contracts
allow the company to predict with greater certainty the effective prices to be
received and, in the case of the California Utilities, the prices to be charged
to their customers. See Note 1 for discussion of how these derivatives are
classified under SFAS 133.

Energy Contracts

The California Utilities record natural gas and electric energy contracts in
"Cost of natural gas distributed" and "Electric fuel and net purchased power,"
respectively, in the Statements of

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 76.

Consolidated Income. For open contracts not expected to result in physical
delivery, changes in market value of the contracts are recorded in these
accounts during the period the contracts are open, with an offsetting entry to
a regulatory asset or liability. The company's trading operations include the
net effects of its contracts in "other operating revenues." The majority of the
California Utilities' contracts result in physical delivery, which is
infrequent at the trading operations.

Sempra Energy Trading and Sempra Energy Solutions

SET derives a substantial portion of its revenue, as a principal, from market
making and trading activities in natural gas, electricity, petroleum products,
metals and other commodities, for which it quotes bid and asked prices to other
market makers and end users. It also earns trading profits as a dealer by
structuring and executing transactions that permit its counterparties to manage
their risk profiles. In addition, it takes positions in markets based on the
expectation of future market conditions. These positions include options,
forwards, futures and swaps. These instruments represent contracts with
counterparties under which payments are linked to or derived from energy market
indices or on terms predetermined by the contract, which may or may not be
financially settled by SET. All of SET's derivatives were held for trading and
marketing purposes. Sempra Energy guarantees many of SET's transactions.

SES derives a portion of its revenue from delivering electric and natural gas
supplies to its commercial and industrial customers. Such contracts are hedged
to preserve margin and carry minimal market risk. Exchange-traded and
over-the-counter instruments are used to hedge contracts. The derivative
instruments used to hedge the transactions include swaps, forwards, futures,
options or combinations thereof.

Both SET and SES mark to market these derivative instruments on a daily basis,
with gains and losses recognized in earnings. These instruments are included in
the Consolidated Balance Sheets as trading assets or liabilities. Certain swaps
and certain other instruments are entered into and closed out within the same
period. SET and SES record net gains and losses on these derivative
transactions in "other operating revenues" in the Statements of Consolidated

The sections of Note 1 dealing with trading instruments, revenues and EITF
Issue 02-3 provide information that pertains to this topic.

At SET, market risk arises from the potential for changes in the value of
physical and financial instruments resulting from fluctuations in prices and
basis for natural gas, electricity, petroleum, petroleum products, metals and
other commodities. Market risk is also affected by changes in volatility and
liquidity in markets in which these instruments are traded. Market risk for SES
from fluctuations in natural gas or electricity prices is reduced by SES'
hedging strategy as described above.

SET's credit risk from physical and financial instruments as of December 31,
2002 is represented by their positive fair value after consideration of
collateral. Options written do not expose SET to credit risk. Exchange traded
futures and options are not deemed to have significant credit exposure since
the exchanges guarantee that every contract will be properly settled on a daily
basis. For SES, credit risk is associated with its retail customers.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 77.

The following table summarizes the counterparty credit quality and exposure for
SET and SES at December 31, 2002 and 2001, expressed in terms of net
replacement value. These exposures are net of $240 million of collateral in the
form of customer margin and/or letters of credit.

             (Dollars in millions) December 31,         2002   2001
             Counterparty credit quality*
                Commodity Exchanges                   $   49 $  133
                AAA                                       69     53
                AA                                       194    105
                A                                        316    577
                BBB                                      559    476
                Below investment grade                   504    335
                    Total                             $1,691 $1,679
                AA                                    $    8 $    4
                A                                         11     18
                BBB                                       24      7
                Below investment grade and not rated      86    190
                    Total                             $  129 $  219

   * As determined by rating agencies or internal models intended to
     approximate rating-agency determinations.

Trading assets and trading liabilities are primarily carried at fair value.
Trading assets at December 31, 2002 include commodity inventory, which is
carried at fair value for inventory purchased on or before October 25, 2002.
The majority of inventory purchased after October 25, 2002 (base metals) is
carried at fair value and the remainder of the inventory purchased after
October 25, 2002 is carried at average cost. On a limited basis, average
cost includes the use of fair value for the quantity on hand at
October 24, 2002, since historical cost data is not available for that
portion. Furthermore, on January 1, 2003, all commodity inventory will be
at lower of cost or market. SES has determined that the carrying amounts
of its retail energy and wholesale energy contracts and instruments
approximate fair value.

Trading assets and liabilities are recorded on a trade-date basis and adjusted
daily to current value, and include amounts due from commodity clearing
organizations, amounts due to/from trading counterparties, unrealized gains and
losses from exchange-traded futures and and options, derivative OTC swaps,
forwards and options. Unrealized gains and losses on OTC derivative
transactions reflect amounts which would be received from or paid to a third
party upon liquidation of these contracts under current market conditions.
Unrealized gains and losses on OTC transactions are reported separately as
assets and liabilities unless a legal right of setoff exists.

Based on quarterly measurements, the average fair values during 2002 for
trading assets and liabilities approximate $3.0 billion and $2.3 billion,
respectively. For 2001, the amounts were $3.0 billion and $2.2 billion,

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 78.

The carrying values of trading assets and trading liabilities approximate the

December 31, (Dollars in millions)                                    2002    2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Unrealized gains on swaps and forwards                          $1,226  $1,635
   OTC commodity options purchased                                    480     425
   Due from trading counterparties                                  1,279     320
   Due from commodity clearing organizations and clearing brokers      49     133
   Commodities owned                                                1,968     165
       Total                                                        5,002   2,678
   Unrealized gains on swaps and forwards                              96     149
       Total                                                           96     149
Less intercompany eliminations                                        (34)    (87)
Total                                                              $5,064  $2,740
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Unrealized losses on swaps and forwards                         $  816  $1,313
   OTC commodity options written                                      569     290
   Due to trading counterparties                                    1,196     162
   Repurchase obligations                                           1,511      --
       Total                                                        4,092   1,765
   Unrealized losses on swaps and forwards                              6      81
       Total                                                            6      81
Less intercompany eliminations                                         (4)    (53)
Total                                                              $4,094  $1,793
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Futures and exchange-traded option transactions are recorded as contractual
commitments on a trade-date basis and are carried at fair value based on
closing exchange quotations. Commodity swaps and forward transactions are
accounted for as contractual commitments on a trade-date basis and are carried
at fair value derived from dealer quotations and underlying commodity exchange
quotations. OTC options purchased and written are recorded on a trade-date
basis. OTC options are carried at fair value based on the use of valuation
models that utilize, among other things, current interest, commodity and
volatility rates, as applicable.

Notional amounts do not necessarily represent the amounts exchanged by parties
to the physical and financial instruments and do not measure SET's or SES'
exposure to credit or market risks. The notional or contractual amounts are
used to summarize the volume of instruments, but do not reflect the extent to
which positions may offset one another. Accordingly, both companies are exposed
to much smaller amounts.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 79.

The notional amounts of SET's and SES' physical and financial instruments at
December 31 were:

               (Dollars in millions)               2002     2001
               Forwards and commodity swaps   $ 87,621  $34,567
               Options purchased                33,893   21,552
               Options written                  32,163   18,265
               Futures and exchange options     27,838    4,712
                  Total                        181,515   79,096
               Forwards and commodity swaps      1,742       10
               Options purchased                    --        3
               Options written                       1        3
               Futures and exchange options         12        9
                  Total                          1,755       25
               Less intercompany eliminations   (1,380)  (1,008)
               Total                          $181,890  $78,113

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 80.


December 31, (Dollars in millions, except call price)        Call Price 2002 2001
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pacific Enterprises (not subject to mandatory redemption and
  without par value), authorized 15,000,000 shares:
   $4.75 Dividend, 200,000 shares outstanding                 $100.00   $ 20 $ 20
   $4.50 Dividend, 300,000 shares outstanding                 $100.00     30   30
   $4.40 Dividend, 100,000 shares outstanding                 $101.50     10   10
   $4.36 Dividend, 200,000 shares outstanding                 $101.00     20   20
   $4.75 Dividend, 253 shares outstanding                     $101.00     --   --
       Total                                                              80   80
SoCalGas (not subject to mandatory redemption):
$25 par value, authorized 1,000,000 shares:
   6% Series, 28,041 shares outstanding                                    1    1
   6% Series A, 783,032 shares outstanding                                19   19
Without par value, authorized 10,000,000 shares                           --   --
       Total                                                              20   20
Not subject to mandatory redemption:
   $20 par value, authorized 1,375,000 shares:
       5% Series, 375,000 shares outstanding                  $ 24.00      8    8
       4.5% Series, 300,000 shares outstanding                $ 21.20      6    6
       4.4% Series, 325,000 shares outstanding                $ 21.00      7    7
       4.6% Series, 373,770 shares outstanding                $ 20.25      7    7
   Without par value:
       $1.70 Series, 1,400,000 shares outstanding             $ 25.85     35   35
       $1.82 Series, 640,000 shares outstanding               $ 26.00     16   16
       Total not subject to mandatory redemption                          79   79
Subject to mandatory redemption:
   Without par value: $1.7625 Series, 1,000,000 shares
     outstanding                                              $ 25.00     25   25
       Total                                                            $204 $204
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PE preferred stock is callable at the applicable redemption price for each
series, plus any unpaid dividends. All series have one vote per share and
cumulative preferences as to dividends, and have a liquidation value of $100
per share plus any unpaid dividends.

None of SoCalGas' preferred stock is callable. All series have one vote per
share and cumulative preferences as to dividends, and have a liquidation value
of $25 per share, plus any unpaid dividends. In addition, the 6% Series
preferred stock would also share pro rata with common stock in the remaining

All series of SDG&E's preferred stock have cumulative preferences as to
dividends. The $20 par value preferred stock has two votes per share on matters
being voted upon by shareholders of SDG&E and a liquidation value at par,
whereas the no-par-value preferred stock is nonvoting and has a liquidation
value of $25 per share, plus any unpaid dividends. SDG&E is authorized to issue
10,000,000 shares of no-par-value preferred stock (both subject to and not
subject to mandatory redemption). All series are callable at December 31, 2002,
except for the $1.7625 and $1.70 Series (callable in January and October 2003,
respectively). The $1.7625 Series has a sinking fund requirement to redeem
50,000 shares per year from 2003 to 2007; the remaining 750,000 shares must be
redeemed in 2008.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 81.

Mandatorily Redeemable Trust Preferred Securities

On February 23, 2000, a wholly owned subsidiary trust of the company issued
8,000,000 shares of preferred stock in the form of 8.90-percent Cumulative
Quarterly Income Preferred Securities, Series A (QUIPS). The QUIPS have
cumulative preferences as to distributions, are nonvoting and have a par and
liquidation value of $25 per share. Cash dividends are paid quarterly and the
QUIPS mature on February 23, 2030, subject to extension to a date not later
than February 23, 2049, and shortening to a date not earlier than February 23,
2015. The QUIPS are subject to mandatory redemption and the company has
guaranteed payments to the extent that the trust does not have funds available
to make distributions. The trust has no assets except its corresponding
receivable from Sempra Energy. The QUIPS are callable on or after February 23,
2005 and there are no sinking fund provisions. The QUIPS are reflected as
"Mandatorily redeemable trust preferred securities" on the company's
Consolidated Balance Sheets and cash dividend payments are shown as "Trust
preferred distributions by subsidiary" on the company's Statements of
Consolidated Income. Proceeds of this issuance, together with $500 million of
long-term 7.95 percent notes due 2010 (see Note 5), were used to finance
substantially all of the tender offer referred to in Note 12.


The only difference between basic and diluted earnings per share is the effect
of common stock options. For 2002, 2001 and 2000, the effect of dilutive
options was equivalent to an additional 1,059,000, 1,745,000, and 190,000
shares, respectively. This is based on using the treasury stock method, whereby
the proceeds from the exercise price are assumed to be used to repurchase
shares on the open market at the average market price for the year. The
calculation excludes options covering 6.0 million shares, 2.1 million shares
and 6.6 million shares for 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively, for which the
exercise price was greater than the average market price for common stock
during the respective year.

The company is authorized to issue 750,000,000 shares of no-par-value common
stock and 50,000,000 shares of preferred stock. Excluding shares held by the
ESOP, common stock activity consisted of the following:

                                                2002         2001         2000
 Common shares outstanding, January 1   204,475,362  201,927,524  237,408,051
  Stock options exercised                   395,788    1,009,948      729,188
  Long-term incentive plan                  544,100      777,500           --
  Common stock investment plan*             212,411      761,154           --
  Shares released from ESOP                 130,486      134,645      125,848
  Shares repurchased                       (674,400)     (60,000) (36,304,740)
  Shares forfeited and other               (172,175)     (75,409)     (30,823)
 Common shares outstanding, December 31 204,911,572  204,475,362  201,927,524

   * In 2002 and 2001 participants in the Direct Stock Purchase Plan reinvested
     dividends and purchased newly issued shares. In 2000 open-market shares
     were used.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 82.

The payment of future dividends and the amount thereof are within the
discretion of the company's board of directors. The CPUC's regulation of the
California Utilities' capital structure limits the amounts that are available
for loans and dividends to the company from the California Utilities. At
December 31, 2002, SDG&E and SoCalGas each could have provided $250 million to
Sempra Energy (combined loans and dividends). At December 31, 2002, SDG&E and
SoCalGas had loans to Sempra Energy of $250 million and $86 million,

Tender Offer

On February 25, 2000, the company completed a self-tender offer, purchasing
36.1 million shares of its outstanding common stock at $20 per share. In March
2000, the company's board of directors authorized the optional expenditure of
up to $100 million to repurchase additional shares of common stock from time to
time in the open market or in privately negotiated transactions. The company
acquired 674,400 shares, 60,000 shares and 162,400 shares under this
authorization in 2002, 2001 and 2000, respectively.

Equity Units

During the second quarter of 2002, the company issued $600 million of "Equity
Units." Each unit consists of $25 principal amount of the company's 5.60%
senior notes due May 17, 2007 and a contract to purchase for $25 on May 17,
2005, between .8190 and .9992 of a share of the company's common stock (with
the precise number to be determined by the then-prevailing market prices). The
number of shares would range from 20 million to 24 million. The net proceeds of
the offering were used primarily to repay a portion of the company's short-term
debt, including debt used to finance the capital expenditure program for
Global. The Equity Units are recorded as long-term debt in the Consolidated
Balance Sheets. $61 million was charged to the common stock account in
connection with the transaction.



Supply/demand imbalances and a number of other factors resulted in abnormally
high electric-commodity prices beginning in mid-2000 and continuing into 2001.
This caused SDG&E's customer bills to be substantially higher than normal.
These higher prices were initially passed through to customers and resulted in
bills that in most cases were double or triple those from 1999 and early 2000.
This resulted in several legislative and regulatory responses, including AB
265, enacted in September 2000 and in effect through December 31, 2002. AB 265
imposed a ceiling of 6.5 cents/kWh on the cost of the electric commodity that
SDG&E could pass on to its small-usage customers on a current basis, effective
retroactive to June 1, 2000.

SDG&E accumulated the amount that it paid for electricity in excess of the
ceiling rate in an interest-bearing balancing account (the AB 265
undercollection). It increased to approximately $750 million in the first
quarter of 2001 and decreased to $392 million at December 31, 2001 and $215
million at December 31, 2002 (included in current "regulatory balancing

In June 2001, representatives of California Governor Davis, the DWR, Sempra
Energy and SDG&E entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) contemplating
the implementation of a series of transactions and regulatory settlements and
actions to resolve many of the issues affecting SDG&E and its customers arising
out of the California energy crisis. During 2001, implementation of some of the
MOU's provisions (with the rest no longer likely to be implemented) resulted in
a partial reduction of the AB 265 undercollection (see above). In addition, the
DWR's procurement of SDG&E's full net short position during 2001 and 2002 (see
below) resulted in the cessation of growth in the AB 265 undercollection.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 83.

The Department of Water Resources and Power Procurement

In February 2001, through the passage of Assembly Bill 1, Chapter 4, Statutes
of the 2001 First Extraordinary Session (AB X1), the DWR began to purchase
power from generators and marketers and entered into long-term contracts for
the purchase of a portion of the state's power requirements that is served by
the IOUs. SDG&E and the DWR had an agreement under which the DWR purchased the
net short supply for bundled SDG&E customers through December 31, 2002.

Since early 2001, the DWR has procured power for each of the California IOUs
and the CPUC has established the allocation of the power and the related cost
responsibility among the IOUs for that power. SDG&E's allocation results in its
overall rates being comparable to those of the other two California electric
IOUs, Southern California Edison (Edison) and Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E).
On December 17, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision allocating the cost of the
DWR's revenue requirement for its 2003 power purchases. The decision pools the
total fixed costs of the DWR's contracts and allocates these costs among the
IOUs on the basis of the quantity of the energy supplied to each IOU from the
contracts. Variable costs related to the energy supplied under each contract go
to the IOU assigned each contract. This decision allocates $643 million to
SDG&E and will be handled within existing utility rates. That amount is
currently under additional review as the DWR revenue requirement was reduced
when the IOUs began power procurement on January 1, 2003 (see discussion below).

The CPUC's objective was for the IOUs to take the procurement function back
from the DWR by the beginning of 2003. On September 19, 2002, the CPUC issued a
decision on how the power from the long-term contracts signed by the DWR should
be allocated to the customers of each of the IOUs for purposes of determining
the amount of additional power each utility is required to procure in 2003 and
thereafter to fulfill its resource needs. The reasonableness of the IOUs'
administration and dispatch of the allocated contracts will be reviewed by the
CPUC in an annual proceeding. AB 57, signed by California Governor Davis on
September 24, 2002, requires the CPUC to make this determination, and to
establish procedures that will allow the IOUs to recover their electric
procurement costs in a timely fashion without the need for retrospective
reasonableness reviews. SDG&E believes that the return to the procurement
function in accordance with AB 57 will have no adverse impact on its financial
position or results of operations.

On August 22, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision that authorized the California
IOUs to begin interim procurement of power to cover their net short energy
requirements starting on January 1, 2003. The net short is the difference
between the amount of electricity needed to cover a utility's customer demand
and the power provided by owned generation and existing contracts, including
the long-term power contracts allocated to the customers of each IOU by the DWR
(see above). The IOUs are authorized to enter into contracts of up to five
years for power from traditional sources, and up to 15 years for power from
renewable sources. SDG&E is required to purchase approximately 10 percent of
its customer requirements in 2003, based on the allocation of the DWR power
approved by the CPUC on December 17, 2002.

On October 24, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision in the Electric Procurement
proceeding that officially directs the resumption of the electric commodity
procurement function by IOUs by January 1, 2003, and begins the implementation
of recent legislation regarding procurement and renewables portfolio standards
addressed in AB 57 and Senate Bill 1078. The decision established a process for
review and approval of the utilities' updated 2003 and long-term (20-year)
procurement plans. The CPUC approved SDG&E's 2003 procurement plan in December
2002 and approval of the long-term plan is expected during 2003. The CPUC has
authorized the utilities to use derivatives to manage procurement risk and to
acquire a variety of resource types including utility ownership, conventional
generation, distributed generation, self generation, demand side resources,
transmission and renewables. A semiannual cost review and rate revision
mechanism is established, and a trigger is

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 84.

established for more frequent changes if undercollected commodity costs exceed
five percent of annual, non-DWR generation revenues, to provide for timely
recovery of any undercollections.

The Electric Procurement decision described above also directed each IOU to
procure from renewable sources at least one percent of its 2003 total energy
sales and an additional one percent of energy sales each year thereafter, until
a 20-percent renewable resources portfolio is achieved by the year 2017. SDG&E
has contracted to procure approximately four percent of its 2003 total energy
sales from renewable sources and, pursuant to a December 2002 CPUC resolution,
may "bank" or credit toward future years' compliance any excess over its
one-percent requirement.

The CPUC has placed a moratorium on the IOUs' purchasing electricity from their
affiliates for the earlier of two years or until the CPUC completes a
rulemaking on this matter. SDG&E believes that this moratorium will have no
adverse impact on its financial position or results of operations. During 2002,
SDG&E's purchases of electricity from its affiliate Sempra Energy Trading were
less than one percent of total electricity purchases.

DWR Operating and Servicing Agreements

On December 19, 2002, the CPUC issued an Operating Order setting the terms by
which the IOUs will administer the DWR contracts allocated to the customers of
each of the utilities (see above). The DWR continues to bear the credit risk on
the contracts and the IOUs have assumed the administrative burden of the
contracts. The order requires the IOUs to take financial responsibility for
acquiring natural gas supplies for the generation facilities that are subject
to the DWR contracts.

SDG&E currently has pending an operating and servicing agreement signed by the
DWR and SDG&E which, if approved by the CPUC, will supercede the CPUC's
operating order referred to above. The pending agreement will clearly delineate
that the natural gas procurement and associated risk will continue to reside
with the DWR.

Effect on Customer Rates

On December 19, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision denying SDG&E's application
for a rate surcharge to expedite recovery of the AB 265 undercollection.
However, even at current rates and allocation of the resulting revenues between
the DWR and SDG&E, the balance is expected to be completely recovered before
the end of 2005. Also at issue is the ownership of certain power sale profits
stemming from intermediate term purchase power contracts entered into by SDG&E
during the early stages of California's electric utility industry
restructuring. The company believes that all profits associated with these
contracts properly are for the benefit of SDG&E shareholders rather than
customers, whereas the CPUC asserted that all the profits should accrue to the
benefit of customers. Accordingly, SDG&E challenged the CPUC's disallowance of
profits from the contracts in both the California Court of Appeals and in
Federal District Court.

These court proceedings have been held in abeyance pending the CPUC's
consideration of various other proposed settlements. On December 19, 2002, the
CPUC rendered a 3-to-2 decision approving the June 2002 proposed settlement,
previously described in the company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the
quarter ended September 30, 2002, that divides the profits from these
contracts, $199 million for SDG&E customers and $173 million for SDG&E
shareholders. Of the $199 million in profits allocated to customers, $175
million had already been credited to ratepayers in 2001. The remaining $24
million was applied as a balancing account transfer that reduced the AB 265
balancing account in December 2002. The profits allocated to customers reduce
SDG&E's AB 265 undercollection, but do not adversely affect SDG&E's financial
position, liquidity or results of operations. The term of a commissioner who
voted to approve the settlement has expired, and a new commissioner has been

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 85.

appointed. On January 29, 2003, the CPUC's Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA),
the City of San Diego and the Utility Consumers' Action Network, a
consumer-advocacy group, filed requests for a CPUC rehearing of the decision.
On February 13, 2003, the company filed its opposition to rehearing of the
decision. Parties requesting a rehearing and parties to any rehearing may also
appeal the CPUC's final decision to the California appellate courts.

Direct Access

On March 21, 2002, the CPUC affirmed its decision prohibiting new direct access
(DA) contracts after September 20, 2001, but rejected a proposal to make the
prohibition retroactive to July 1, 2001. Contracts in place as of September 20,
2001 may be renewed or assigned to new parties. On November 7, 2002, the CPUC
issued a decision adopting DA exit fees with an interim cap of 2.7 cents per
kWh, effective January 1, 2003. This decision will have no effect on SDG&E's
cash flows or results of operations, because any shortfall due to the cap on
the exit fees will be funded by bundled customers in current rates. The CPUC is
conducting further proceedings to determine whether, or to what extent, the
interim cap should be revised after July 1, 2003. The CPUC's decisions
concerning direct access affect SES' ability to enter into contracts to sell
electricity in California.


Operating costs of SONGS Units 2 and 3, including nuclear fuel and related
financing costs, and incremental capital expenditures are recovered through the
ICIP mechanism which allows SDG&E to receive approximately 4.4 cents per
kilowatt-hour for SONGS generation. Any differences between these costs and the
incentive price affect net income. For the year ended December 31, 2002, ICIP
contributed $50 million to SDG&E's net income. The CPUC has rejected an
administrative law judge's proposed decision to end ICIP prior to its December
31, 2003 scheduled expiration date. However, the CPUC has also denied the
previously approved market-based pricing for SONGS beginning in 2004 and
instead provided for traditional rate-making treatment, under which the SONGS
ratebase would begin at zero, essentially eliminating earnings from SONGS until
ratebase grows. The company has applied for rehearing of this decision.

FERC Actions

The FERC is investigating prices charged to buyers in the California PX and ISO
markets by various electric suppliers. It is seeking to determine the extent to
which individual sellers have yet to be paid for power supplied during the
period of October 2, 2000 through June 20, 2001 and to estimate the amounts by
which individual buyers and sellers paid and were paid in excess of competitive
market prices. Based on these estimates, the FERC could find that individual
net buyers, such as SDG&E, are entitled to refunds and individual net sellers,
such as SET, are obliged to provide refunds. To the extent any such refunds are
actually realized by SDG&E, they would reduce SDG&E's rate-ceiling balancing
account. To the extent that SET is required to provide refunds, they could
result in payments by SET after adjusting for any amounts still owed to SET for
power supplied during the relevant period. Such payments, if any, are not
expected to be material to the company's financial position, results of
operations or liquidity. In December 2002, a FERC administrative law judge's
(ALJ) preliminary findings indicate that California owes power suppliers $1.2
billion (the $3 billion that California still owes energy companies less $1.8
billion the ALJ finds the energy companies overcharged California). California
is seeking $8.9 billion in refunds and indicated it would appeal if the ALJ's
findings are adopted. A FERC decision is not expected before the second half of
2003. More recently, FERC has launched an investigation into whether there was
manipulation of short-term energy prices in the West that resulted in unjust
and unreasonable long-term power sales contracts.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 86.

In addition, in February 2002 the CPUC and the California Electricity Oversight
Board petitioned the FERC to determine that the long-term power contracts the
DWR signed with energy companies during the height of the energy crisis do not
provide just and reasonable rates, and to abrogate or reform the contracts. In
April 2002, the FERC ordered hearings on the complaints. The order requires the
complainants to satisfy a "heavy" burden of proof to support a revision of the
contracts, and cited the FERC's long-standing policy to recognize the sanctity
of contracts, from which it has deviated only in "extreme circumstances." In
December 2002, a FERC administrative law judge held formal hearings and in
January 2003 issued a partial, initial decision recommending that the validity
of SER's contract be determined under a "public interest" standard that
requires the complainants to satisfy a significantly higher standard of review
to invalidate the SER contract than would a just and reasonable standard. Final
briefs were submitted to the full FERC commission later in January with respect
to the public interest standard of review and the FERC has indicated that it
expects to issue a final decision by March 2003.

Effect On Other Subsidiaries

At December 31, 2002, SET was due approximately $100 million from the ISO for
which the company believes adequate reserves have been recorded. The collection
of these receivables may depend on satisfactory resolution of the financial
difficulties being experienced by the other IOUs as a result of the California
electric industry situation described above.


Gas Industry Restructuring

In January 1998, the CPUC released a staff report initiating a project to
assess the current market and regulatory framework for California's natural gas
industry. In July 1999, after hearings, the CPUC issued a decision stating
which natural gas regulatory changes it found most promising, encouraging
parties to submit settlements addressing those changes, and providing for
further hearings if necessary.

On December 11, 2001, the CPUC issued a decision adopting much of a settlement
that had been submitted in 2000 by the California Utilities and approximately
30 other parties representing all segments of the natural gas industry in
Southern California, but opposed by some parties. The CPUC decision adopts the
following provisions: a system for shippers to hold firm, tradable rights to
capacity on SoCalGas' major natural gas transmission lines, with SoCalGas'
shareholders at risk for whether market demand for these rights will cover the
cost of these facilities; a further unbundling of SoCalGas' storage services,
giving SoCalGas greater upward pricing flexibility (except for storage service
for core customers) but with increased shareholder risk for whether market
demand will cover storage costs; new balancing services, including separate
core and noncore balancing provisions; a reallocation among customer classes of
the cost of interstate pipeline capacity held by SoCalGas and an unbundling of
interstate capacity for natural gas marketers serving core customers; and the
elimination of noncore customers' option to obtain natural gas procurement
service from the California Utilities. The CPUC modified the settlement to
provide increased protection against the exercise of market power by persons
who would acquire rights on the SoCalGas natural gas transmission system. The
CPUC also rejected certain aspects of the settlement that would have provided
more options for natural gas marketers serving core customers.

During 2002 the California Utilities filed a proposed implementation schedule
and revised tariffs and rules required for implementation. However, protests of
these compliance filings were filed, and the CPUC has not yet authorized
implementation of most of the provisions of its decision. On December 30, 2002,
the CPUC deferred acting on a plan to implement its decision.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 87.

The California Utilities believe that the implementation of the decision would
make natural gas service more reliable, more efficient and better tailored to
meet the needs of customers. The decision is not expected to adversely affect
the California Utilities' earnings.

Cost of Service (COS) and Performance-Based Regulation (PBR)

To promote efficient operations and improved productivity and to move away from
reasonableness reviews and disallowances, the CPUC adopted PBR for SDG&E
effective in 1994 and for SoCalGas effective in 1997. PBR has resulted in
modification to the general rate case and certain other regulatory proceedings
for the California Utilities. Under PBR, regulators require future income
potential to be tied to achieving or exceeding specific performance and
productivity goals, rather than relying solely on expanding utility plant to
increase earnings. The three areas that are eligible for PBR rewards are
operational incentives based on measurements of safety, reliability and
customer satisfaction; demand-side management (DSM) rewards based on the
effectiveness of the programs; and natural gas procurement rewards. These
incentive rewards are not included in the company's earnings before they are
approved by the CPUC.

The COS and PBR cases for the California Utilities were filed on December 20,
2002. The filings outline projected expenses (excluding the commodity cost of
electricity or natural gas consumed by customers or expenses for programs such
as low-income assistance) and revenue requirements for 2004 and a formula for
2005 through 2008. SoCalGas' cost of service study proposes an increase in
natural gas base rate revenues of $130 million. SDG&E's cost of service study
proposes increases in electric and natural gas base rate revenues of $58.9
million and $21.6 million, respectively. The filings also requested a
continuance and expansion of PBR in terms of earnings sharing and performance
service standards that include both reward and penalty provisions related to
customer satisfaction, employee safety and system reliability. The resulting
new base rates are expected to be effective on January 1, 2004. A CPUC decision
is expected in late 2003. The California Utilities' PBR mechanisms are in
effect through December 31, 2003, at which time the mechanisms will be updated.
That update will include, among other things, a reexamination of the California
Utilities' reasonable costs of operation to be allowed in rates.

An October 10, 2001 decision denied the California Utilities' request to
continue equal sharing between ratepayers and shareholders of the estimated
savings for the PE/Enova merger as more fully discussed in Note 1 and, instead,
ordered that all of the estimated 2003 merger savings go to ratepayers. This
decision will adversely affect the California Utilities' 2003 net income by $35

In August 2002, the CPUC issued a resolution approving SDG&E's 2000 PBR report.
The resolution approved SDG&E's request for a total net reward of $11.7 million
(pretax), as well as SDG&E's actual 2000 rate of return (applicable only to
electric distribution and natural gas transportation) of 8.74 percent, which is
below the authorized 8.75 percent. This results in no sharing of earnings in
2000 under the PBR sharing mechanism. The financial results herein include the
reward during the third quarter of 2002.

During 2002, SDG&E filed its 2001 PBR report with the CPUC. Based on the
results against the performance indicator benchmarks, SDG&E requested a total
net reward of $12.2 million.

On January 16, 2003, the CPUC issued a resolution approving SoCalGas' report on
its PBR results for 2000. The resolution approved SoCalGas' calculation of the
amount that should be retained by shareholders. The resolution also approved
SoCalGas' request for an $80,000 reward for employee safety results. SoCalGas
is not eligible for any other rewards and was not found by the resolution to
owe any penalties.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 88.

During 2002, SoCalGas filed its 2001 PBR report with the CPUC. Based on the
results against the performance indicator benchmarks, SoCalGas requested a
total net reward of $0.5 million.

These proceedings do not encompass electric transmission issues. By the end of
February 2003, SDG&E will file an electric transmission rate request with the
FERC, updating its ratebase and its revenue requirement for operating and
maintenance costs.

Natural Gas Procurement PBR

SDG&E has a Natural Gas Procurement PBR mechanism that allows SDG&E to receive
a share of the savings it achieves by buying natural gas for customers below a
monthly benchmark. SDG&E's request for a reward of $6.7 million for the PBR
natural gas procurement period ended July 31, 2001 (Year 8) was approved by the
CPUC on January 30, 2003. As part of the reward calculation is based on
California-Arizona natural gas border price indices, the decision reserved the
right to revise the reward in the future, depending on the outcome of the
CPUC's border price investigation (see below) and the FERC's investigation into
alleged energy price manipulation (see Note 13 above). In October 2002, SDG&E
filed its Year 9 report for the PBR natural gas procurement period ended July
31, 2002, reporting a $1.4 million disallowance, which was recorded during the
three-month period ended September 30, 2002. SDG&E also filed an application on
October 31, 2002, seeking to modify and extend the Natural Gas PBR mechanism
beyond Year 10, which ends July 31, 2003.

Gas Cost Incentive Mechanism (GCIM)

SoCalGas' GCIM allows SoCalGas to receive a share of the savings it achieves by
buying natural gas for customers below monthly benchmarks. The mechanism
permits full recovery of all costs within a tolerance band above the benchmark
price and refunds all savings within a tolerance band below the benchmark
price. The costs or savings outside the tolerance band are shared between
customers and shareholders. The CPUC approved the use of natural gas futures
for managing risk associated with the GCIM. SoCalGas enters into natural gas
futures contracts in the open market to mitigate risk and better manage natural
gas costs.

On December 17, 2002, the CPUC issued its final decision in the GCIM Year 6
Phase 2 proceeding, approving, with modifications, a settlement agreement among
SoCalGas, the CPUC's ORA and The Utility Reform Network, a consumer-advocacy
group, and extending the GCIM mechanism to Year 7 and beyond.

SoCalGas has requested that the CPUC approve rewards of $30.8 million and $17.4
million for GCIM Years 7 and 8, respectively. CPUC approval of these rewards is
expected in 2003, subject to possible future adjustment as a result of its
investigation into the run-up in California border natural gas prices during
the winter of 2000-2001 (discussed below). In the past shareholder rewards
associated with the GCIM had been recorded to SoCalGas' Purchased Gas Balancing
Account after the close of the GCIM period covering the utility's natural gas
supply operations for the twelve months ended March 31. In June 2002, the CPUC
issued a decision allowing SoCalGas to recover its GCIM earnings through its
monthly core procurement filing beginning January 1, 2003. These awards are not
included in SoCalGas' earnings until approved by the CPUC.

Demand Side Management and Energy Efficiency Awards

Since the 1990s, the IOUs have been eligible to earn awards for implementing
and/or administering energy-conservation programs. The California Utilities
have offered these programs to customers and have consistently achieved
significant earnings therefrom. Beginning in 2002, earnings for non-low-income
energy-efficiency programs were eliminated; however, awards related to DSM and
low-income energy-efficiency programs may still be requested.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 89.

SoCalGas has outstanding before the CPUC applications to recover shareholder
rewards earned for performance under the DSM programs for 1995 through 2001.
Reward requests in these applications total $9.1 million.

SDG&E has outstanding before the CPUC applications to recover shareholder
rewards earned for performance under the DSM programs for 1995 through 2001.
Reward requests in these applications total $35.5 million.

A CPUC Administrative Law Judge has scheduled a pre-hearing conference to
review the IOUs' DSM programs. The review may include reanalyzing the
uncollected portion of past rewards earned by IOUs (which have not been
included in the California Utilities' income), and potentially recompute the
amount of the DSM rewards. The California Utilities have opposed such a
recalculation. The issue is still pending before the CPUC.

Pending Incentive Awards

At December 31, 2002, the following performance incentives were pending CPUC
approval and, therefore, were not included in the company's earnings (dollars
in millions):

                 Program                 SoCalGas SDG&E  Total
                 PBR                      $ 0.5   $12.2 $ 12.7
                 Natural gas procurement   48.2     6.7   54.9
                 DSM                        9.1    35.5   44.6

                 Total                    $57.8   $54.4 $112.2

Cost of Capital

Effective January 1, 2003, SoCalGas' authorized rate of return on common equity
(ROE) is 10.82 percent and its return on ratebase (ROR) is 8.68 percent. These
rates will continue to be effective until the next periodic review by the CPUC
unless market interest-rate changes are large enough to trigger an automatic
adjustment prior thereto, which last occurred in October 2002 and adjusted
rates downward from the previous 11.6 percent (ROE) and 9.49 percent (ROR) to
the current levels. This change results in an annual revenue requirement
decrease of $10.5 million.

Effective January 1, 2003, SDG&E's authorized rate of return on equity is 10.9
percent (increased from 10.6 percent) for SDG&E's electric distribution and
natural gas businesses. This change results in an annual revenue requirement
increase of $2.4 million ($1.9 million electric and $0.5 million natural gas)
and increases SDG&E's overall rate of return from 8.75 percent to 8.77 percent.
These rates remain in effect through 2003. The electric-transmission cost of
capital is determined under a separate FERC proceeding.

Border Price Investigation

On November 21, 2002, the CPUC instituted an investigation into the Southern
California natural gas market and the price of natural gas delivered to the
California-Arizona (CA-AZ) border during the period of March 2000 through May
2001. The CPUC intends to examine the possible reasons for and issues
potentially related to the elevated border prices that affected California
consumers during this period.

The California Utilities are included among the respondents to the
investigation. If the investigation determines that the conduct of any
respondent contributed to the natural gas price spikes at the CA-AZ border
during this period, the CPUC may modify the respondent's applicable natural gas

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 90.

incentive mechanism, reduce the amount of any shareholder award for the period
involved, or order the respondent to issue a refund to ratepayers to offset the
higher rates paid. The California Utilities are fully cooperating with the CPUC
in the investigation and believe that the CPUC will ultimately determine that
they were not responsible for the high border prices during this period.

Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding (BCAP)

The BCAP determines the allocation of authorized costs between customer classes
and the rates and rate design applicable to such classes for natural gas
transportation service. The BCAP adjusts SoCalGas' rates to reflect variances
in customer demand as compared to the adopted forecasts previously used in
establishing customer natural gas transportation rates. The mechanism in effect
through the end of 2002 largely eliminated the effect on SoCalGas' income of
variances in customer demand and natural gas transportation costs. SDG&E filed
its 2003 BCAP on October 5, 2001 and SoCalGas filed its 2003 BCAP on September
21, 2001. In February 2003, a CPUC Administrative Law Judge granted a motion
to defer the BCAP. As a result of that ruling, the California Utilities must
submit an amended application by September 2003, with new rates scheduled to be
implemented by September 2004. On December 5, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision
approving 100 percent balancing account protection for all core and noncore
transportation costs, effective in 2003.

Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts

On June 17, 2002, SDG&E amended its March 21, 2002 joint application with
Edison, requesting the CPUC to set contribution levels for the SONGS nuclear
decommissioning trust funds. SDG&E requested a rate increase to cover its share
of projected increased decommissioning costs for SONGS. If approved, the
current annual contribution to SDG&E's trust funds, which is recovered in
rates, would increase to $11.5 million annually from $4.9 million. Prior to
August 1999, SDG&E's annual contribution had been $22 million.

Utility Integration

On September 20, 2001, the CPUC approved Sempra Energy's request to integrate
the management teams of the California Utilities. The decision retains the
separate identities of each utility and is not a merger. Instead, utility
integration is a reorganization that consolidates senior management functions
of the two utilities and returns to the utilities the majority of shared
support services previously provided by Sempra Energy's centralized corporate
center. Once implementation is completed, the integration is expected to result
in more effective operations.

In a related development, an August 2002 CPUC interim decision denied a request
by the California Utilities to combine their natural gas procurement activities
at this time, pending completion of the CPUC's Border Price Investigation
referred to above.

CPUC Investigation of Energy-Utility Holding Companies

The CPUC has initiated an investigation into the relationship between
California's IOUs and their parent holding companies. Among the matters to be
considered in the investigation are utility dividend policies and practices and
obligations of the holding companies to provide financial support for utility
operations under the agreements with the CPUC permitting the formation of the
holding companies.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 91.

On January 11, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision to clarify under what
circumstances, if any, a holding company would be required to provide financial
support to its utility subsidiaries. The CPUC broadly determined that it would
require the holding company to provide cash to a utility subsidiary to cover
its operating expenses and working capital to the extent they are not
adequately funded through retail rates. This would be in addition to the
requirement of holding companies to cover their utility subsidiaries' capital
requirements, as the IOUs have previously acknowledged in connection with the
holding companies' formations. On January 14, 2002, the CPUC ruled on
jurisdictional issues, deciding that the CPUC had jurisdiction to create the
holding company system and, therefore, retains jurisdiction to enforce
conditions to which the holding companies had agreed. The company's request for
rehearing on the issues was denied by the CPUC and the company subsequently
filed appeals in the California Court of Appeal, which are still pending.

Valley-Rainbow Interconnect

On December 19, 2002, the CPUC issued a decision finding that the
Valley-Rainbow Interconnect, a proposed 500-kv transmission line connecting
SDG&E's and Edison's transmission systems, is not needed to meet SDG&E's
projected resource needs within a planning horizon that the CPUC deemed
appropriate (five years). If it chooses to, SDG&E can refile at a later date.
In January 2003, SDG&E and the ISO filed applications for rehearing of the
decision. If this project is abandoned SDG&E plans to seek recovery of its
costs ($20 million through December 31, 2002) in a FERC filing to be made in
February 2003.


Natural Gas Contracts

The California Utilities buy natural gas under short-term and long-term
contracts. Short-term purchases are from various Southwest U.S. and Canadian
suppliers and are primarily based on monthly spot-market prices. The California
Utilities transport natural gas under long-term firm pipeline capacity
agreements that provide for annual reservation charges, which are recovered in
rates. SoCalGas has commitments for firm pipeline capacity under contracts with
pipeline companies that expire at various dates through 2006.

SDG&E has long-term natural gas transportation contracts with various
interstate pipelines that expire on various dates between 2003 and 2023. SDG&E
has a long-term purchase agreement with a Canadian supplier that expires in
August 2003, and in which the delivered cost of natural gas is tied to the
California border spot-market price. SDG&E purchases natural gas on a spot
basis to fill its additional long-term pipeline capacity. SDG&E intends to
continue using the long-term pipeline capacity in other ways as well, including
the transport of other natural gas for its own use and the release of a portion
of this capacity to third parties.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 92.

At December 31, 2002, the future minimum payments under natural gas contracts

                                        Storage and Natural
              (Dollars in millions)  Transportation     Gas  Total
              2003                        $210       $687   $  897
              2004                         214          3      217
              2005                         204          3      207
              2006                         117          2      119
              2007                          14          2       16
              Thereafter                   157         --      157

              Total minimum payments      $916       $697   $1,613

Total payments under natural gas contracts were $1.4 billion in 2002, $2.6
billion in 2001, and $1.6 billion in 2000.

Purchased-Power Contracts

On January 17, 2001, the California Assembly passed AB X1 to allow the DWR to
purchase power under long-term contracts for the benefit of California
consumers. In accordance with AB X1, SDG&E entered into an agreement with the
DWR under which the DWR purchases SDG&E's full net short position (the power
needed by SDG&E's customers, other than that provided by SDG&E's nuclear
generating facilities or its previously existing purchased power contracts)
through December 31, 2002. Starting on January 1, 2003, SDG&E and the other
IOUs resumed their electric commodity procurement function based on a CPUC
decision issued in October 2002. For additional discussion of this matter see
Note 13.

For 2003, SDG&E expects to receive 43 percent of its customer power requirement
from DWR allocations. Of the remaining requirements that SDG&E must provide,
SONGS will account for 21 percent, long-term contracts for 26 percent and spot
market purchases for 10 percent. As of January 2003, SDG&E has approximately 90
percent of its electric power requirements met by a combination of long-term
contracts, DWR-allocated contracts and its share of nuclear generating
facilities. The contracts expire on various dates between 2003 and 2025. Prior
to January 1, 2001, the cost of these contracts was recovered by bidding them
into the PX and receiving revenue from the PX for bids accepted. As of January
1, 2001, in compliance with a FERC order prohibiting sales to the PX, SDG&E no
longer bids those contracts into the PX. Those contracts are now used to serve
customers in compliance with a CPUC order. In late 2000, SDG&E entered into
additional contracts to serve customers instead of buying all of its power from
the PX. These contracts expire in 2003. In addition, during 2002 SDG&E entered
into contracts which will provide approximately four percent of its 2003 total
energy sales from renewable sources. These contracts expire from 2008 through

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 93.

At December 31, 2002, the estimated future minimum payments under the long-term
contracts (not including the DWR allocations) were:

                         (Dollars in millions)
                         2003                   $  257
                         2004                      227
                         2005                      228
                         2006                      224
                         2007                      213
                         Thereafter              2,285

                         Total minimum payments $3,434

The payments represent capacity charges and minimum energy purchases. SDG&E is
required to pay additional amounts for actual purchases of energy that exceed
the minimum energy commitments. Total payments under the contracts were $235
million in 2002, $512 million in 2001 and $257 million in 2000.


The company has leases (primarily operating) on real and personal property
expiring at various dates from 2003 to 2045. Certain leases on office
facilities contain escalation clauses requiring annual increases in rent
ranging from 2 percent to 7 percent. The rentals payable under these leases are
determined on both fixed and percentage bases, and most leases contain
extension options which are exercisable by the company. The company also has
long-term capital leases on real property. Property, plant and equipment
included $35 million at both December 31, 2002 and 2001, related to these
leases. The associated accumulated amortization was $21 million and $18
million, respectively. SDG&E terminated its capital lease agreement for nuclear
fuel in mid-2001 and now owns its nuclear fuel.

At December 31, 2002, the minimum rental commitments payable in future years
under all noncancellable leases were as follows:

                                             Operating Capitalized
             (Dollars in millions)              Leases      Leases
             2003                             $   94       $ 3
             2004                                101         3
             2005                                104         3
             2006                                103         1
             2007                                105         1
             Thereafter                        1,385         1
             Total future rental commitments  $1,892        12
             Imputed interest (7% to 10%)                   (2)
             Net commitments                               $10

In connection with the quasi-reorganization described in Note 1, PE recorded
liabilities of $102 million to adjust to fair value the operating leases
related to its headquarters and other facilities at December 31, 1992. The
remaining amount of these liabilities was $42 million at December 31, 2002.
These leases are included in the above table.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 94.

Rent expense for operating leases totaled $90 million in 2002, $92 million in
2001 and $102 million in 2000. Depreciation expense for capitalized leases is
included in depreciation on the Consolidated Statements of Income.

Construction Projects

In October 2001, Sempra Energy announced plans to develop a major new liquefied
natural gas (LNG) receiving terminal to bring natural gas supplies into
northwestern Mexico and southern California. SEI initially purchased a 300-acre
site on the Pacific Coast, north of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico for the
terminal for a purchase price of $19.7 million. Subsequently, it purchased
additional land for the terminal for $2.6 million. As currently planned, the
plant would have a send-out capacity of approximately 1 billion cubic feet per
day of natural gas through a new 40-mile pipeline between the terminal and
existing pipelines in the San Diego/Baja California border area. The project is
currently estimated to cost $600 million and to commence commercial operations
in 2007.

In February 2003, Sempra LNG Corp., a newly created subsidiary of Global,
announced an agreement to acquire the proposed Hackberry, La., LNG project from
a subsidiary of Dynegy, Inc. Sempra LNG Corp. initially will pay Dynegy $20
million, with additional payments contingent on the performance of the project.
The project has received preliminary approval from the FERC and expects a final
decision later this year. If the project is approved, Sempra LNG Corp. intends
to build an LNG receiving facility capable of processing up to 1.5 billion
cubic feet per day of natural gas. The total cost of the project is expected to
be about $700 million. The project could begin commercial operations as early
as 2007.

In February 2001, the company announced plans to construct Termoelectrica de
Mexicali, a $350 million, 600-megawatt power plant near Mexicali, Mexico. Fuel
for the plant will be supplied via the newly constructed pipeline from Arizona
to Tijuana referred to below. It is anticipated that the electricity produced
by the plant will be available for markets in California, Arizona and Mexico
via a newly constructed 230,000-volt transmission line. Construction of the
power plant began in the second half of 2001. $308 million has been invested in
the project, which is scheduled for completion by mid-2003. SER has
approximately $8 million of commitments remaining in the project at December
31, 2002.

In December 2000, SER obtained approvals from the appropriate state agencies to
construct the Elk Hills Power Project, a $395 million 570-megawatt power plant
near Bakersfield, California. Elk Hills is being developed in a 50/50 joint
venture with Occidental. As of December 31, 2002, SER has invested $172 million
in the project and has commitments of approximately $15 million. The project is
anticipated to be completed in May 2003. Information concerning related
litigation with Occidental is provided below.

In December 2000, SER obtained approval from the appropriate state agencies to
construct the Mesquite Power Plant (Mesquite Power). Located near Phoenix,
Arizona, Mesquite Power is a $690 million, 1,250-megawatt project which will
provide electricity to wholesale energy markets in the Southwest. Construction
began in September 2001, commercial operations at 50-percent capacity are
expected to commence in June 2003 and project completion is anticipated for
January 2004. Expenditures as of December 31, 2002 are $558 million and SER has
commitments of $70 million related to this project. Most project expenditures
are financed through a synthetic lease agreement. Financing under the synthetic
lease in excess of $280 million requires 103 percent collateralization through
the purchase of U.S. Treasury obligations in similar amounts. As of December
31, 2002, the company had purchased $228 million of U.S. Treasury obligations
as collateral, which is included in investments on the Consolidated Balance

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 95.

SER, as construction agent for the lessor, is responsible for completing
construction in a timely manner. Upon completion of Mesquite Power, SER is
required to make lease payments to the lessor in an amount sufficient to
provide a specified return to the investors. In 2005, SER has the option to
extend the lease at fair market value, purchase the project at a fixed amount,
or act as remarketing agent for the lessor to sell the project. If SER elects
the remarketing option, it may be required to pay the lessor up to 85 percent
of the project cost if the proceeds from remarketing are insufficient to repay
the lessor's investors. The lease is guaranteed by Sempra Energy, and the
availability of additional financing is conditioned upon Sempra Energy's
continuing to have credit ratings of at least BBB- by S&P or Baa3 by Moody's.
The lease also requires Sempra Energy to maintain a debt-to-total
capitalization ratio, (as defined in the lease), of not to exceed 65 percent.
As a synthetic lease, neither the plant asset nor the related liability is
included on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. If they were, property, plant and
equipment and long-term debt would each have been increased by $545 million at
December 31, 2002, reflecting reimbursements for costs incurred on the project,
including costs subject to the collateralization requirements noted above. The
company is currently reviewing the synthetic lease to determine the application
of FASB Interpretation 46 (FIN 46), "Consolidation of Variable Interest
Entities" related to the Mesquite Power Plant. Under FIN 46, the company would
be required to increase property, plant and equipment and long-term debt by the
total costs incurred and subject to collateralization requirements under the
synthetic lease, as noted above. See further discussion of FIN 46 in Note 1.

In addition, as of December 31, 2002, SER has commitments of $73 million
related to two natural gas turbines for use in future power plant development.

In the third quarter of 2002, SEI completed construction of the 140-mile
Gasoducto Bajanorte Pipeline that connects the Rosarito Pipeline south of
Tijuana, Mexico, with a pipeline being built by PG&E Corporation that will
connect to Arizona. The 30-inch pipeline can deliver up to 500 million cubic
feet per day of natural gas to new generation facilities in Baja California,
including SER's Termoelectrica de Mexicali power plant discussed above.
Capacity on the pipeline is fully subscribed. Total capital expenditures of
$124 million have been made by SEI through December 31, 2002.

Other Commitments and Contingencies

In May 2001, SER entered into a ten-year agreement with the DWR to supply up to
1,900 megawatts of power to the state. SER may, but is not obligated to,
deliver most of this electricity from its projected portfolio of plants in the
western United States and Baja California, Mexico. If SER elects to use these
plants to supply the DWR, those sales would comprise more than two-thirds of
the projected capacity of the plants. The profits from the sales to the DWR are
significant to the company's ability to increase its earnings. Subsequent to
the state's signing of this contract and electricity-supply contracts with
other vendors, various state officials have contended that the rates called for
by the contracts are too high. These rates substantially exceed current
spot-market prices for electricity, but are substantially lower than those
prevailing at the time the contracts were signed. This contract is discussed
further under "Litigation."

In February 2002, the CPUC and the California Electricity Oversight Board
petitioned the FERC to determine that the contracts do not provide just and
reasonable rates, and to abrogate or reform the contracts. On April 24, 2002,
the FERC ordered hearings on the complaints. The order requires the
complainants to satisfy a "heavy" burden of proof to support a revision of the
contracts, and cited the FERC's long-standing policy to recognize the sanctity
of contracts, from which it has deviated only in "extreme circumstances." In
December 2002, a FERC administrative law judge held formal hearings and in
January 2003 issued a partial, initial decision recommending that the validity
of SER's contract be determined under a "public interest" standard that
requires the complainants to satisfy a significantly higher standard of review
to invalidate the SER contract than would a just and reasonable standard.
Hearings began in December 2002 and settlement negotiations are ongoing. The
FERC has indicated

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 96.

that it expects to issue a final decision by March 2003. The company believes
that the contract prices were fair, but had been discussing (and continues to
be willing to further discuss) with the DWR changing certain aspects of the
contract (which would not affect the long-term profitability) in a manner
mutually beneficial to SER and the state.

On October 31, 2002, SER completed the acquisition of Twin Oaks Power from
Texas-New Mexico Power Company for $120 million. Located near Bremond, Texas,
Twin Oaks Power is a 305-megawatt lignite-fired power plant which provides
electricity under a 5-year offtake agreement expiring in September 2007. In
connection with the acquisition, SER also assumed a contract which includes
annual commitments to purchase lignite coal either until an aggregate minimum
volume has been achieved or through 2025. At December 31, 2002, SER's future
minimum payments under the lignite coal agreement were $28 million for 2003,
$27 million for 2004, $27 million for 2005, $23 million for 2006, $23 million
for 2007 and $310 million thereafter. The minimum payments have been adjusted
for allowed shortfalls and 90 percent minimum contract requirements under the

On March 21, 2002, the CPUC affirmed its decision prohibiting new direct access
contracts after September 20, 2001, but rejected a proposal to make the
prohibition retroactive to July 1, 2001. Contracts in place as of September 20,
2001 may be renewed or assigned to new parties. On November 7, 2002, the CPUC
issued a decision adopting DA exit fees with an interim cap of 2.7 cents per
kWh for rates effective January 1, 2003. The CPUC is conducting further
proceedings to determine whether, or to what extent, the interim cap should be
revised after July 1, 2003. The CPUC's decisions concerning direct access
affect SES' ability to enter into contracts to sell electricity in California.

Environmental Issues

The company's operations are subject to federal, state and local environmental
laws and regulations governing hazardous wastes, air and water quality, land
use, solid waste disposal and the protection of wildlife. Most of the
environmental issues faced by the company occur at the California Utilities.
However, as SER constructs new power plants, additional environmental issues
will arise requiring the company's attention. As applicable, appropriate and
relevant, these laws and regulations require that the company investigate and
remediate the effects of the release or disposal of materials at sites
associated with past and present operations, including sites at which the
company has been identified as a Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) under the
federal Superfund laws and comparable state laws. Costs incurred at the
California Utilities to operate the facilities in compliance with these laws
and regulations generally have been recovered in customer rates.

Significant costs incurred to mitigate or prevent future environmental
contamination or extend the life, increase the capacity or improve the safety
or efficiency of property utilized in current operations are capitalized. The
company's capital expenditures to comply with environmental laws and
regulations were $8 million in 2002, $6 million in 2001 and $4 million in 2000.
The cost of compliance with these regulations over the next five years is not
expected to be significant.

At the California Utilities, costs that relate to current operations or an
existing condition caused by past operations are generally recorded as a
regulatory asset due to the assurance that these costs will be recovered in

The environmental issues currently facing the company or resolved during the
latest three-year period include investigation and remediation of the
California Utilities' manufactured-gas sites (25 completed as of December 31,
2002 and 20 to be completed), cleanup at SDG&E's former fossil fuel power
plants (all sold in 1999 and actual or estimated cleanup costs included in the
transactions), cleanup of third-party waste-disposal sites used by the company,
which has been identified as a PRP (investigations and remediations are
continuing) and mitigation of damage to the marine environment caused by the
cooling-water discharge from SONGS (the requirements for enhanced fish
protection, a 150-acre artificial reef and restoration of 150 acres of coastal
wetlands are in process). Through December 31, 2003, the SONGS mitigation costs
are recovered through the ICIP mechanism.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 97.

Environmental liabilities are recorded when the company's liability is probable
and the costs are reasonably estimable. In many cases, however, investigations
are not yet at a stage where the company has been able to determine whether it
is liable or, if the liability is probable, to reasonably estimate the amount
or range of amounts of the cost or certain components thereof. Estimates of the
company's liability are further subject to other uncertainties, such as the
nature and extent of site contamination, evolving remediation standards and
imprecise engineering evaluations. The accruals are reviewed periodically and,
as investigations and remediation proceed, adjustments are made as necessary.
At December 31, 2002, the company's accrued liability for environmental matters
was $57.8 million, of which $42.7 million related to manufactured-gas sites,
$12.1 million to cleanup at SDG&E's former fossil-fueled power plants, $2.3
million to waste-disposal sites used by the company (which has been identified
as a PRP) and $0.7 million to other hazardous waste sites. The accruals for the
manufactured-gas and waste-disposal sites are expected to be paid ratably over
the next four years. The accruals for SDG&E's former fossil-fueled power plants
are expected to be paid ratably over the next three years.

Nuclear Insurance

SDG&E and the other co-owners of SONGS have insurance to respond to any nuclear
liability claims related to SONGS. The insurance policy provides $200 million
in coverage, which is the maximum amount available. In addition to this primary
financial protection, the Price-Anderson Act provides for up to $9.25 billion
of secondary financial protection if the liability loss exceeds the insurance
limit. Should any of the licensed/commercial reactors in the United States
experience a nuclear liability loss which exceeds the $200 million insurance
limit, all utilities owning nuclear reactors could be assessed under the
Price-Anderson Act to provide the secondary financial protection. SDG&E and the
other co-owners of SONGS could be assessed up to $176 million under the
Price-Anderson Act. SDG&E's share would be $36 million unless default occurs by
any other SONGS co-owner. In the event the secondary financial protection limit
is insufficient to cover the liability loss, the Price-Anderson Act provides
for Congress to enact further revenue raising measures to pay claims. These
measures could include an additional assessment on all licensed reactor
operators. SDG&E and the other co-owners of SONGS have $2.75 billion of nuclear
property, decontamination and debris removal insurance. The coverage also
provides the SONGS owners up to $490 million for outage expenses incurred
because of accidental property damage. This coverage is limited to $3.5 million
per week for the first 52 weeks, and $2.8 million per week for up to 110
additional weeks. Coverage is also provided for the cost of replacement power,
which includes indemnity payments for up to three years, after a waiting period
of 12 weeks. The insurance is provided through a mutual insurance company owned
by utilities with nuclear facilities. Under the policy's risk sharing
arrangements, insured members are subject to retrospective premium assessments
if losses at any covered facility exceed the insurance company's surplus and
reinsurance funds. Should there be a retrospective premium call, SDG&E could be
assessed up to $7.6 million.

Both the nuclear liability and property insurance programs include industry
aggregate limits for SONGS losses resulting from acts of terrorism.

Department Of Energy Decommissioning

The Energy Policy Act of 1992 established a fund for the decontamination and
decommissioning of the Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear fuel enrichment
facilities. Utilities which have used DOE enrichment services are being
assessed a total of $2.3 billion, subject to adjustment for inflation, over a
15-year period ending in 2006. Each utility's share is based on its share of
enrichment services purchased from the DOE through 1992. SDG&E's annual
assessment is approximately $1 million, which is recovered through SONGS

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 98.

Department Of Energy Nuclear Fuel Disposal

The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 made the DOE responsible for the disposal
of spent nuclear fuel. However, it is uncertain when the DOE will begin
accepting spent nuclear fuel from SONGS. This delay by the DOE will lead to
increased cost for spent fuel storage. This cost will be recovered through
SONGS revenue unless the company is able to recover the increased cost from the
federal government.


Lawsuits filed in 2000 and currently consolidated in San Diego Superior Court
seek class-action certification and damages, alleging that Sempra Energy,
SoCalGas and SDG&E, along with El Paso Energy Corp. and several of its
affiliates, unlawfully sought to control and have manipulated natural gas and
electricity markets. On October 16, 2002, the assigned San Diego Superior Court
judge ruled that the case can proceed with discovery and that the California
courts, rather than the FERC, have jurisdiction in the case. This was a
preliminary ruling and not a ruling on the merits or facts of the case.
Northern California cases, which only name El Paso as a defendant, are
scheduled for trial in September 2003 and the remainder of the cases are set
for trial in January 2004. During the fourth quarter of 2002, additional
similar lawsuits have been filed in various jurisdictions.

Various 2000 lawsuits, which seek class-action certification, allege that
certain company subsidiaries unlawfully manipulated the electric-energy market.
These lawsuits were consolidated in San Diego Superior Court by order of the
Judicial Council, but have recently been removed to Federal Court where motions
to remand are pending. Similar, subsequent lawsuits are expected to be
consolidated with the existing matters in San Diego.

SER is a defendant in an action brought by Occidental Energy Ventures
Corporation with respect to the Elk Hills power project being jointly developed
by the two companies. Occidental alleges that SER breached the joint venture
agreement by not providing that Occidental would be a party to the contract
with the DWR or receiving its share of the proceeds from providing the DWR with
power from Elk Hills under the contract. The court has ordered that the
agreement requires the matter be arbitrated in accordance with the agreement.

SER, SET and SDG&E, along with all other sellers in the western power market,
have been named defendants in a complaint filed at the FERC by the California
Attorney General's office seeking refunds for electricity purchases based on
alleged violations of FERC tariffs. The FERC has dismissed the complaint. The
California Attorney General's office requested a rehearing, which the FERC
denied. The California Attorney General has filed an appeal in the 9th Circuit.

Except for the matters referred to above, neither the company nor its
subsidiaries are party to, nor is their property the subject of, any material
pending legal proceedings other than routine litigation incidental to their

Management believes the above allegations are without merit and will not have a
material adverse effect on the company's financial condition or results of

Other Legal Proceedings

In connection with its investigation into California energy prices, in May 2002
the FERC ordered all energy companies engaged in electric energy trading
activities to state whether they had engaged in "death star," "load shift,"
"wheel out," "ricochet," "inc-ing load" and various other specific trading
activities as described in memos prepared by attorneys retained by Enron
Corporation and in which it was asserted that Enron was manipulating or
"gaming" the California energy markets. In response to

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 99.

the inquiry, Sempra Energy's electricity trading subsidiaries have denied using
any of these strategies. SDG&E did disclose and explain a single de minimus
100-mW transaction for the export of electricity out of California. In response
to a related FERC inquiry regarding natural gas trading, SDG&E and SoCalGas
have also denied engaging in "wash" or "round trip" trading activities. The
companies are also cooperating with the FERC and other governmental agencies
and officials in their various investigations of the California energy markets.

In October 2002, the FERC also requested the largest North American natural gas
marketers in 2001 to submit information regarding natural gas trading data
provided by these marketers to energy trade publications in 2000 and 2001.
During this period individual employees at SET received unsolicited information
requests from trade publications, many of which were telephone inquiries
seeking an immediate telephonic response. SET has advised the FERC and the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) that, out of several hundred
communications during the relevant period, prices were inaccurately reported by
perhaps $.01 to $.02 per mmbtu on a handful of occasions involving an area in
the Rocky Mountain region. No records of these telephone conversations exist.
SET has also advised the FERC that it has found no instances involving
inaccurate written information provided by SET to trade publications and is
cooperating with the CFTC's inquiries about the matter.

On May 28, 2002, SER filed a complaint for declaratory judgment in San Diego
Superior Court regarding its contract with the DWR. In addition to other
relief, SER is seeking a binding declaration from the court that, contrary to
DWR's stated position, SER is meeting the terms of the agreement and that DWR
is obligated to take delivery of and pay for wholesale electric power, as
provided for under the agreement. In response to SER's complaint for a
declaratory judgment, on July 2, 2002, the DWR filed a cross-complaint against
SER, seeking to void the 10-year energy-supply contract by alleging that SER
misrepresented its intentions regarding the Elk Hills Power Plant as well as
the other plants currently under construction. The DWR continues to accept all
scheduled power from SER and has made all payments for such power. The
construction of the Elk Hills Power Plant is on schedule to begin operating in
the spring of 2003. The DWR has stated its belief that the contract requires
SER to build power plants to supply the contract and, specifically, required
the Elk Hills plant to begin operations of a simple-cycle function while
completing its combined cycle facility. SER denies both of these contentions
and insists that it may supply the power as it chooses, although it has the
option of supplying the DWR from one or more of the plants. Trial has been
scheduled for May 2003. Additional information regarding the contract between
SER and the DWR is included under "Other Commitments and Contingencies" and
"FERC Actions" above.

SER is a defendant in an action brought by the CPUC and the California
Electricity Oversight Board at the FERC alleging that, because of the
dysfunctional energy market in California, the long-term power contracts
entered into by the DWR should be revised or set aside as being unjust and
unreasonable. Additional information regarding this complaint and the contract
between SER and the DWR is included under "Other Commitments and Contingencies"
and "FERC Actions" above.

SET is a defendant in the action at the FERC concerning rates charged certain
utilities by sellers of electricity. Management believes it has provided fully
for any adverse outcomes of this action.

At December 31, 2002, SET remains due approximately $100 million from energy
sales made in 2000 and 2001 through the California Independent System Operator
and the PX markets. The collection of these receivables depends on satisfactory
resolution of the financial difficulties being experienced by other California
IOUs as a result of the California electric industry crisis. SET has submitted
relevant claims in the PG&E and PX bankruptcy proceedings. The company believes
adequate reserves have been recorded.

Management believes that these matters will not have a material adverse effect
on the company's financial condition or results of operations.

                               SEMPRA ENERGY 100.

Electric Distribution System Conversion

Under a CPUC-mandated program and through franchise agreements with various
cities, SDG&E is committed, in varying amounts, to converting overhead
distribution facilities to underground. As of December 31, 2002, the aggregate
unexpended amount of this commitment was $98 million. Capital expenditures for
underground conversions were $33 million in 2002, $12 million in 2001 and $26
million in 2000.

Concentration Of Credit Risk

The company maintains credit policies and systems to manage overall credit
risk. These policies include an evaluation of potential counterparties'
financial condition and an assignment of credit limits. These credit limits are
established based on risk and return considerations under terms customarily
available in the industry. The California Utilities grant credit to utility
customers and counterparties, substantially all of whom are located in their
service territories, which together cover most of Southern California and a
portion of central California.

As discussed in Note 13, SDG&E accumulated certain costs of electricity
purchases in a balancing account (the AB 265 undercollection). SDG&E may
experience an increase in customer credit risk as it passes on these costs to
customers, as well as charges on behalf of the state of California to repay the
state bonds issued in connection with its past purchases of power for IOU
customers. However, mitigating this increase in customer credit risk are the
decline in the cost of the electric commodity and return to stability thereof,
and the October 2002 CPUC decision which allows SDG&E to enter into new
contracts to procure electric energy and to establish a cost recovery
mechanism. The decision establishes a semiannual cost review and rate recovery
mechanism with a trigger for more frequent rate changes if balances exceed five
percent of annual, non-DWR generation revenues, to provide for timely recovery
of any undercollections.

SET monitors and controls its credit-risk exposures through various systems
which evaluate its credit risk, and through credit approvals and limits. To
manage the level of credit risk, SET deals with a majority of counterparties
with good credit standing, enters into master netting arrangements whenever
possible and, where appropriate, obtains collateral. Master netting agreements
incorporate rights of setoff that provide for the net settlement of subject
contracts with the same counterparty in the event of default.


The company is a holding company, whose subsidiaries are primarily engaged in
the energy business. It has four separately managed reportable segments
comprised of SoCalGas, SDG&E, SET and SER. (During the third quarter of 2002,
SER first met the requirements for disclosure as a reportable segment.) The
California Utilities operate in essentially separate service territories under
separate regulatory frameworks and rate structures set by the CPUC. SDG&E
provides electric service to San Diego and southern Orange counties and natural
gas service to San Diego county. SoCalGas is a natural gas distribution
utility, serving customers throughout most of southern California and part of
central California. SET, based in Stamford, Connecticut, is a wholesale trader
of physical and financial energy products and other commodities, and a trader
and wholesaler of metals, serving a broad range of customers in the United
States, Canada, Europe and Asia. SER develops, owns and operates power plants
and natural gas storage, production and transportation facilities within the
western United States and Baja California, Mexico.

The accounting policies of the segments are described in Note 1, and segment
performance is evaluated by management based on reported net income. California
Utility transactions are based on rates set by the CPUC and FERC.

                              SEMPRA ENERGY 101.

                                                        Years ended December 31,
 (Dollars in millions)                                     2002     2001    2000
 Southern California Gas                                $2,858   $3,716  $2,854
 San Diego Gas & Electric                                1,696    2,362   2,671
 Sempra Energy Trading                                     821    1,047     822
 Sempra Energy Resources                                   349      178      11
 All other                                                 333      458     467
 Intersegment revenues                                     (37)     (31)    (65)
     Total                                              $6,020   $7,730  $6,760
 Southern California Gas                                $    5   $   22  $   27
 San Diego Gas & Electric                                   10       21      51
 Sempra Energy Trading                                      11       11       8
 Sempra Energy Resources                                     4        6      --
 All other                                                  84       73      88
 Intercompany elimination                                  (72)     (50)   (106)
     Total interest income                                  42       83      68
 Equity in income (losses) of unconsolidated affiliates    (55)      12      62
 Sundry income (loss)                                       70       (9)     (3)
     Total other income                                 $   57   $   86  $  127
 Southern California Gas                                $  276   $  268  $  263
 San Diego Gas & Electric                                  230      207     210
 Sempra Energy Trading                                      21       27      32
 Sempra Energy Resources                                     2        1       2
 All other                                                  67       76      56
     Total                                              $  596   $  579  $  563
 Southern California Gas                                $   44   $   68  $   74
 San Diego Gas & Electric                                   77       92     118
 Sempra Energy Trading                                      43       14      18
 Sempra Energy Resources                                     6        7       3
 All other                                                 196      192     179
 Intercompany elimination                                  (72)     (50)   (106)
     Total                                              $  294   $  323  $  286
 Southern California Gas                                $  178   $  169  $  183
 San Diego Gas & Electric                                   91      141     144
 Sempra Energy Trading                                      60       87      63
 Sempra Energy Resources                                    36      (18)     15
 All other                                                (219)    (166)   (135)
     Total                                              $  146   $  213  $  270
 Southern California Gas                                $  212   $  207  $  206
 San Diego Gas & Electric                                  203      177     145
 Sempra Energy Trading                                     126      196     155
 Sempra Energy Resources                                    60      (27)     29
 All other                                                 (10)     (35)   (106)
     Total                                              $  591   $  518  $  429

                              SEMPRA ENERGY 102.

                                        At December 31 or years ended
                                               December 31,
              (Dollars in millions)         2002      2001      2000
               Southern California Gas  $ 4,079   $ 3,733   $ 4,128
               San Diego Gas & Electric   5,123     5,399     4,734
               Sempra Energy Trading      5,614     2,997     4,627
               Sempra Energy Resources    1,347       577       276
               All other                  2,580     3,094     2,421
               Intersegment receivable     (986)     (720)     (646)
                 Total                  $17,757   $15,080   $15,540
               Southern California Gas  $   331   $   294   $   198
               San Diego Gas & Electric     400       307       324
               Sempra Energy Trading         21        45        22
               Sempra Energy Resources      356       225        59
               All other                    106       197       156
                 Total                  $ 1,214   $ 1,068   $   759
              Long-lived assets
               United States            $ 7,062   $ 6,515   $ 6,071
               Latin America              1,062       836       911
               Europe                        18        10         9
               Canada                         3        24        23
                 Total                  $ 8,145   $ 7,385   $ 7,014
              Operating revenues
               United States            $ 5,475   $ 7,169   $ 6,423
               Latin America                168       280       154
               Europe                       328       250       158
               Canada                        28        15        14
               Asia                          21        16        11
                 Total                  $ 6,020   $ 7,730   $ 6,760

                              SEMPRA ENERGY 103.


Quarters ended (Dollars in millions, except per share amounts) March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Operating revenues                                     $1,460  $1,488     $1,384      $1,688
         Operating expenses                                      1,209   1,260      1,074       1,490

         Operating income                                       $  251  $  228     $  310      $  198

         Income before extraordinary item                       $  146  $  145     $  150      $  134
         Net income                                             $  146  $  147     $  150      $  148
         Average common shares outstanding (diluted)             206.4   207.1      205.4       205.6
         Income per common share before extraordinary
           item (diluted)                                       $ 0.71  $ 0.70     $ 0.73      $ 0.65
         Net income per common share (diluted)                  $ 0.71  $ 0.71     $ 0.73      $ 0.72

         Operating revenues                                     $3,119  $1,895     $1,417      $1,299
         Operating expenses                                      2,747   1,623      1,198       1,165

         Operating income                                       $  372  $  272     $  219      $  134

         Net income                                             $  178  $  137     $   96      $  107
         Average common shares outstanding (diluted)             203.0   206.0      206.6       206.0
         Net income per common share (diluted)                  $ 0.88  $ 0.66     $ 0.46      $ 0.52
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Reclassifications have been made to certain of the amounts since they were
presented in the Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.


                                 First  Second   Third  Fourth
                               Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
                  Market price
                     High      $25.92  $26.25  $24.11  $24.62
                     Low        22.15   21.52   15.50   16.70


                  Market price
                     High      $23.94  $28.61  $28.00  $26.68
                     Low        17.31   21.98   23.25   22.00

Dividends declared were $0.25 in each quarter.


Sempra Energy's annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission on Form
10-K is available to shareholders at no charge by writing to Shareholder
Services at 101 Ash Street, San Diego, CA 92101.

                              SEMPRA ENERGY 104.