Exhibit 99.1

For more information contact:  
ENOVA CORPORATION - Doug Kline or Pat  
Riddle: (619) 696-4292  
After-hours pager: (619) 526-9555  
Internet: http://www.enova.com  
PACIFIC ENTERPRISES - Jeri Love: (213) 244- 
- -- Combination to Benefit Shareholders and Customers of  
Both Companies --  
- -- Combination Builds on Increasing Competitive  
in Energy and Energy-Related Services in California  
Marketplace --  
- -- New Company a "Natural Outgrowth" of California  
Industry Restructuring --  
SAN DIEGO AND LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14, 1996 -- Enova   
Corporation and Pacific Enterprises today jointly  
announced  an agreement, which both Boards have  
unanimously approved,  for the combination of the two  
companies. This strategic  combination will combine  
Pacific Enterprises, the parent of  Southern California  
Gas Company, the largest natural gas  distribution  
company in the United States, with Enova  Corporation,  
the parent company of San Diego Gas &  Electric, the  
investor-owned utility with the lowest rates  in the  
State of California. The new company, to be   
headquartered in San Diego, will have a combined market   
value of $5.2 billion. 
Thomas A. Page, Chairman of Enova Corporation, and   
Willis B. Wood, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of   
Pacific Enterprises, said, "We are very excited about  
the  company we are creating. The strategic combination  
of  Pacific Enterprises and Enova Corporation grows  
naturally  from the deregulation and electric industry  
restructuring  that is reshaping the energy industry in  
California as well  as throughout the nation. Our  
shareholders, communities and  customers we serve will  
all benefit from this combination.  This transaction  
strategically joins two excellent  companies of similar  
market capitalization, with similar  visions of the  
future of the industry, and with highly  complementary  
operations that are geographically  contiguous. The new  
combined company will pursue  unregulated businesses  
that will focus on providing  customers with new energy  
products and services in the  competitive marketplace  
arising from deregulation. This  will strengthen  
California's economy and spur the move to  an  
increasingly competitive energy industry."  
Pacific Enterprises shareholders will receive 1.5038  
shares  of the new parent company's common stock for  
each share of  Pacific Enterprises common stock they  
own, and Enova  Corporation shareholders will receive  
1.0 share of the new  parent company's common stock for  
each share of Enova  Corporation common stock. The  
combination will not amend  any other class of capital  
stock of Pacific Enterprises or  Enova Corporation, or  
their subsidiaries. The exchange of  shares for both  
Pacific Enterprises and Enova Corporation  shareholders  
is expected to be tax free, and the  transaction will  
be a pooling of interests for accounting  purposes.  
Enova Corporation and Pacific Enterprises expect  to  
set the new company's dividend at the rate of $1.56 per   
share, which is currently the dividend paid to Enova   
Corporation shareholders.  
Pacific Enterprises and Enova Corporation expect their   
combination to produce cost savings of approximately  
$1.2  billion over the next 10 years through synergies  
and  economies of scale. The cost savings will be  
derived mainly  from combining and reducing management  
and administrative  functions of both companies.  
Shareholders and customers  will share the benefits of  
these savings.  
The new company will have approximately 6 million  
utility  customers -- the largest number of customers  
of any  investor-owned energy utility in the United  
States -- with  the size and scope to position the new  
company to be a  prominent competitor in the emerging  
and increasingly  competitive unregulated energy  
services business. Pacific  Enterprises brings  
substantial gas expertise to complement  the gas  
expertise of Enova Corporation, and Enova  Corporation  
brings electric business knowledge to the  combination.  
The new company also will be financially  stronger. It  
will have significant operating cash flows and  a  
solidly capitalized balance sheet. These will enable it   
to be very competitive in pursuing new business   
opportunities in energy services.  
Headquarters for the new company will be located in San   
Diego. Pacific Enterprises' operating subsidiaries,   
including Southern California Gas Company, and Enova   
Corporation's operating subsidiaries, including San  
Diego  Gas & Electric, will continue to operate under  
their  existing names. The headquarters of the Southern  
California  Gas Company will stay in Los Angeles and  
the headquarters  of San Diego Gas & Electric will stay  
in San Diego.  
The new parent company will combine the high-quality   
management of Pacific Enterprises and Enova  
Corporation.  Richard D. Farman, President and Chief  
Operating Officer of  Pacific Enterprises, will become  
Chairman and Chief  Executive Officer; and Stephen L.  
Baum, President and Chief  Executive Officer of Enova  
Corporation, will become Vice  Chairman, President and  
Chief Operating Officer. Baum will  become CEO two  
years after the effective date of the  merger, and will  
add the title of Chairman by September  2000, when  
Farman retires. Baum will chair a transition  committee  
and coordinate its activities with the  concurrence of  
Farman. Warren Mitchell, President of  Southern  
California Gas Company, will become President and  the  
principal executive officer of the new company's   
regulated operations; and Donald E. Felsinger,  
President  and CEO of San Diego Gas & Electric, will  
become President  and the principal executive officer  
of the unregulated  businesses, both reporting to the  
new Office of the  Chairman which will consist of  
Farman and Baum. Thomas A.  Page, Chairman of Enova  
Corporation, will retire at the end  of December 1997,  
and Willis B. Wood, Chairman and Chief  Executive  
Officer of Pacific Enterprises, will retire upon   
completion of the transaction.  
The Board of the new company, which will include Farman  
and  Baum, will have an equal number of outside  
directors from  both companies.  
The combination, which is subject to regulatory  
approvals  and the approvals of the shareholders of  
both Enova  Corporation and Pacific Enterprises, is  
expected to close  by the end of 1997, consistent with  
the California Public  Utilities Commission's  
implementation of electric industry  restructuring in  
January 1998. In order to prepare for  competition as  
soon as possible, Pacific Enterprises and  Enova  
Corporation intend to form a new joint venture that   
will use their combined skills, capabilities and  
resources  to provide integrated energy and energy- 
related products  and services to select market  
segments. Headquarters of the  joint venture will be  
located in Los Angeles.  
Farman said, "The State of California will be a  
particular  beneficiary of our merger. The new  
California company will  be more competitive. Utility  
customers will directly  benefit through lower costs.  
The combination of the cost- management expertise and  
service-quality-related skills of  the two companies  
will strengthen the combined enterprise  and benefit  
customers and shareholders alike. The new  company will  
be a vigorous competitor with the two giant  utilities  
in the state and their unregulated affiliates, as  well  
as with out-of-state utilities and energy providers.   
Our new, stronger company will ultimately provide new  
jobs  for California in our growth-oriented unregulated   
"Companies that will succeed in the future energy  
industry  are those that will be able to deliver energy  
and energy- related services in whichever form  
customers prefer, at the  most competitive prices.  
Through this transaction, we will  create an enterprise  
that can develop and market new  products and services,  
while our utility customers will  continue to do  
business with San Diego Gas & Electric  Company and  
Southern California Gas Company, which they  already  
know and trust. Our companies have achieved an   
outstanding record of customer satisfaction and will   
continue to maintain a strong commitment to safety and   
excellent customer service," said Baum.  
On a pro forma basis, the new company will have a   
relatively balanced revenue base from its operations,  
with  about 60% of its revenue from gas operations,  
about 35%  from electric operations, with the rest  
coming from other  operations.  
In addition to the cost savings realized by the utility   
subsidiaries, significant incremental revenues for the  
new  company are expected to result from plans of the   
unregulated segment to market competitive products and   
services in California, and grow nationally and   
Baum said, "Shareholders of both companies will benefit   
from the long-term growth opportunities and from   
substantial cost savings that the combined entity will   
enjoy. We believe that Enova Corporation shareholders  
will  find the new company's enhanced long-term growth  
potential  particularly attractive, while Pacific  
Enterprises'  shareholders will also benefit from an  
increase in their  dividend."  
"Individually, Pacific Enterprises and Enova  
Corporation  are financially strong companies with a  
history of  innovation and customer focus, and a strong  
commitment to  workforce diversity, minority  
procurement and support of  the communities they  
serve," said Farman. "Together, we  will be even  
stronger in all these areas. We look forward  to  
becoming a leading energy company as our industry   
increasingly moves towards deregulation both regionally  
and  nationally. Both companies have begun to offer  
energy- related services in out-of-state markets, and  
in the  international arena, Pacific Enterprises has  
utility  investments in Argentina and the two companies  
are partners  in new energy-distribution ventures in  
Mexico. Our new  joint venture will further our  
combined efforts and shared  vision."  
Pacific Enterprises (NYSE:PET) is a Los Angeles-based   
energy services company whose principal subsidiary is   
Southern California Gas Company, the nation's largest   
natural gas distribution utility.  
Founded 110 years ago in San Francisco as the Pacific   
Lighting Corporation, Pacific Enterprises originally   
marketed gas lighting. Over the years, the company  
acquired  several small gas utility systems in Southern  
California,  gradually combining them into Southern  
California Gas  Company. More recently, the company  
strategically realigned  its operations in 1995 to  
focus its people and resources  more closely on  
customer needs to become a more effective  competitor  
in the utility/energy marketplace.  
With over 4.7 million meters in 535 communities,  
Southern  California Gas Company's service territory  
covers 23,000  square miles, and a population of 17  
million. It is the  largest of Pacific Enterprises'  
subsidiaries, which include  Pacific Enterprises  
International, and Energy Management  Services. Pacific  
Enterprises has interests in interstate  and offshore  
natural gas pipelines, international utility   
operations, electricity generation through alternative   
energy sources and centralized heating and cooling   
operations for large building complexes.  
Pacific Enterprises has $2.3 billion in revenues, a  
market  capitalization of $2.7 billion, and $4.8  
billion in total  assets.  
Enova Corporation (NYSE:ENA), based in San Diego, is a   
leading energy management company providing  
electricity,  gas and value-added products and  
services, with $1.87  billion in revenues, $4.7 billion  
in assets and 3,900  employees. Enova Corporation is  
the parent company of San  Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)  
and six other U.S.-based  subsidiaries -- Enova Energy,  
Enova International, Enova  Technologies, Enova  
Financial, Califia and Pacific  Diversified Capital.   
SDG&E accounted for 97 percent of Enova Corporation's  
1995  revenues. SDG&E is an operating public utility  
that  provides regulated electric service to 1.2  
million  customers in San Diego and southern Orange  
Counties, and  regulated gas service to 700,000  
customers in San Diego  County. The SDG&E service area  
encompasses 4,100 square  miles, covering two counties  
and 25 cities.  
SDG&E purchases 62 percent of its power from other   
producers and generates the rest from its two fossil- 
fuel  plants in Carlsbad, Calif., and Chula Vista,  
Calif., and  the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station  
(SONGS) in San  Clemente, Calif., in which SDG&E owns a  
20-percent stake.  
SDG&E is the 37th largest electric and gas utility in  
the  nation in total revenues and the 20th largest in  
total  customers. Enova Corporation is the largest  
public company  in San Diego in terms of both total  
revenues and net  income. ###