Exhibit 10.10
I. Purpose 
The purpose of this Plan is to enhance the ability of Sempra Energy to attract  
and retain outstanding members to serve on its Board of Directors. 
II. Definitions 
A. "Account" means each separate unfunded booking account established for a  
Participant under Paragraph A of Article V. 
B. "Beneficiary" means the person or persons or entity or entities designated  
by a Participant to receive the benefits payable to a Beneficiary in  
accordance with Article IX of the Plan after the Participant's death. 
C. "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of  
D. "Company" means Sempra Energy. 
E. "Compensation" means all compensation earned for services as a Director,  
including retainer payments and meeting and other fees.  
F. "Eligible Director" means each member of the Company's Board of Directors  
who is not an employee of the Company.  
G. "Fixed Account" means the investment option that provides a fixed rate of  
return tied to the Moody's Rate. 
H. "Investment Return" means the actual earnings or loss under any of the  
investment options, other than the fixed return option, made available to the  
I. "Moody's Plus Rate" means the Moody's Rate as defined below plus the  
greater of (1) 10% of the Moody's Rate or (2) one percentage point per annum.   
Moody's Rate is the Moody's Corporate Bond Yield Average - Monthly Average  
Corporates as published by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. (or any successor  
thereto).  The Moody's Rate for the month of June, as used in this Plan, means  
the average of the daily Moody's Rates for June. 
J. "Participant" means an Eligible Director who has elected to defer  
compensation pursuant to Article III. 
K. "Plan" means this Deferred Compensation Plan for Directors. 
L. "Plan Year" means a payroll calendar year except that the first Plan Year  
shall be from July 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998. 
M. "Surviving Spouse" means a Participant's spouse married to the Participant  
on the Participant's date of death and still living on the date benefits are  
payable to a Surviving Spouse under Paragraph B of Article IX of the Plan. 
N. The masculine pronoun whenever used shall include the feminine pronoun, and  
the singular shall include the plural, as the context requires. 
III. Participation 
Election to Participate 
Each Eligible Director shall become a Participant in the Plan by electing to  
defer all or any portion of his Compensation in accordance with Article IV of  
this Plan.  Each Eligible Director shall remain a Participant in the Plan,  
whether or not eligible to continue deferring Compensation until all amounts  
credited to his Account have been distributed or until his death, if earlier. 
IV. Deferral 
A. Amount of Deferral  
An Eligible Director may elect to defer 100% or any smaller percentage of his  
Compensation payable during a Plan Year.  The amount of Compensation deferred  
shall be withheld on the date or dates it otherwise would be payable to the  
B. Election to Defer 
An election to defer shall be made before the beginning of the Plan Year  
during which Compensation is to be earned.  Election shall be in writing,  
shall be modified only by  adjustments permitted under the Plan, shall be made  
at the time and in the form prescribed by the Company, and shall be effective  
only upon delivery to the Company.  The election shall specify the amount  
deferred, the deferral period, the payment method and any other matter  
required to be specified by the Company.  
C. Adjustments and Special Deferral Elections  
Notwithstanding the above, in the event an individual first becomes an  
Eligible Director during any Plan Year for which the Company permits deferrals  
of Compensation, the Eligible Director may elect to defer Compensation  
thereafter payable, as permitted by the Company in its sole and absolute  
discretion.  Such an election must be made by the date specified by the  
Company, and for Compensation payable during the Plan Year of initial  
eligibility, within 30 days of the date the individual first becomes an  
Eligible Director, and for Compensation payable during any subsequent Plan  
Year, before the start of the Plan Year. 
A Participant may modify his/her deferral election in the event that there is  
a change in a Participant's marital status or number of Dependents or there is  
a termination or commencement of employment of the Participant's spouse.  A  
Participant shall be entitled to change his deferral election in a manner that  
is consistent with such change in marital, dependent, or employment status, by  
providing written notice thereof to the Company, in a form acceptable to the  
Company.  Any such change shall be effective on the first day of the calendar  
month next coincident to the month in which written notice is received by the  
V. Accounts 
A. Participants' Accounts 
For deferrals permitted by the Company and elected by a Participant a  
separate Account or Accounts shall be established as specified by the Company  
for each Plan Year.  Each Account shall be treated separately for purposes of  
payment of benefits under the Plan.  Compensation shall be credited to each  
Account as of the date they otherwise would have been paid to the  
Participant.  The deferral shall be invested in the Fixed Account or as  
permitted by the Company, to purchase Company stock, or other equity  
securities.  All such purchases must be made through an investment tracking  
device, a Rabbi Trust, or other similar instrument that causes the deferred  
amount not to become taxable to the Participant.  All such purchases must be  
made in accordance with applicable Company procedures as they may be amended  
from time to time.  The Company may permit funds in one investment option to  
be transferred to other investment options. 
B. Interest Credited on Deferrals 
Interest shall be credited to each Account invested in the Fixed Account  
during each Plan Year at a rate equal to the Moody's Plus Rate for the month  
of June immediately prior to the Plan Year in which such interest rate is to  
be credited. The interest rate credited to Participants' Accounts may  
fluctuate from Plan Year to Plan Year.  However, when distribution is to begin  
as to a Participant's Account, and the Participant has elected installment  
payments, the rate shall be fixed on the date installment payments are to  
begin.  The fixed rate shall be the average of the Moody's Plus Rates for the  
June of the five prior calendar years, and that rate thereafter shall be  
credited to the Participant's Account from which the installment payments are  
to be made.  Interest on each Account balance shall be credited monthly at  
one-twelfth the appropriate rate, compounded monthly. 
C. Investment Return Credited on Deferral in  Other Investment Option  
The investment return credited to each Account during each Plan Year shall be  
the actual return earned or lost on the investment option. 
VI. Length of Deferral 
A. Basic Deferral Period 
At the time of electing deferral, a Participant shall select the period of  
deferral from the deferral periods specified by the Company on its prescribed  
election form.  The period of deferral shall end, and distribution from the  
Participant's Account shall begin at the earliest of the Participant's death,  
retirement, or other separation from the Company's Board of Directors, unless  
the Company offers and the Participant selects some other deferral period 
B. In-Service Distributions 
1. Fixed Term Election  
A Participant may elect to receive an in service distribution on such date and  
upon such other terms as the Company specifies at the time of the  
Participant's deferral election provided that no fixed term election shall be  
for a period of less than five years.  Each in service distribution shall  
equal the amount in the account for the Plan Year for which the in service  
distribution is elected  Amounts remaining in the Participant's Account  
thereafter shall continue to accrue interest or Investment Return as the case  
may be. 
2. Unplanned Early Distribution 
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, by a written request filed  
with the Committee, a Participant, may elect to receive an immediate lump sum  
payment equal to the amount or a percentage of the amount deferred, or the  
actual amount in the Account reduced by a penalty, which shall be forfeited to  
the Plan, equal to ten percent (10%) of the deferrals withdrawn in lieu of  
payments in accordance with the form previously elected by the Participant.   
The Amount remaining in the Participant's Account shall continue to earn  
credited interest or Investment Return.  A participant electing such an early  
in service distribution shall be ineligible to make deferrals for the two  
succeeding Plan Years. 
C. Hardship Withdrawal 
If a Participant suffers an extreme financial hardship, the Committee, in its  
sole and absolute discretion and upon the Participant's written application,  
will determine whether to permit withdrawal from the Participant's Account or  
Accounts.  Any withdrawal that is permitted shall not exceed the amount of  
Compensation deferred by the Participant exclusive of credited interest or the  
actual amount in the Account, if less.  Requests for withdrawals are expected  
to be unusual, and the Committee will make all determinations regarding  
extreme financial hardship in a uniform, nondiscriminatory manner. 
The term "extreme financial hardship" shall mean a severe financial hardship  
to the Participant resulting from a sudden and unexpected illness or accident  
of the Participant or of a dependent (as defined in Section 152(A) of the  
Internal Revenue Code) of the Participant, loss of the Participant's property  
due to casualty, or other similar extraordinary and unforeseeable  
circumstances arising as a result of events beyond the control of the  
Participant.  The circumstances that will constitute an extreme financial  
hardship will depend upon the facts of each case, but, in any case, payment  
may not be made to the extent that such hardship is or may be relieved  
(1) through reimbursement or compensation by insurance or otherwise, (2) by  
liquidation of the Participant's assets, to the extent the liquidation of such  
assets would not itself cause severe financial hardship, or (3) by cessation  
of deferrals under the Plan.  Examples of what are not considered to be  
extreme financial hardships include the need to send a Participant's child to  
college or the desire to purchase a home. 
VII. Method of Distribution 
General Distribution Election Definitions 
Any amount a Participant elects to receive as an in service distribution shall  
be paid to the Participant in a single lump sum, or in such other optional  
form of payment as the Company may offer and the Participant may elect at the  
time of his deferral election.  Distribution of all other amounts credited to  
each Account of a Participant shall be made, as specified by the Participant  
at the time of electing deferral of the Compensation credited to the Account.  
The distribution election may be modified if, and only if, a written change of  
distribution election form is received by the Company no less than 12 months  
prior to the Participant's retirement or other separation from service on the  
Board of Directors. As elected by the Participant, distribution shall be in  
fifteen, ten or five approximately equal annual installments  or in lump sum,  
or in such other payment form as offered by the Company and elected by the  
Participant at the time of electing deferral, except as otherwise provided in  
Article VIII and Article IX.  In the case of installment payments, all  
Participant account balances will be transferred to the Fixed Account.  
Interest at the fixed rate specified in Paragraph B of Article V shall be  
credited on all amounts remaining in the Participant's Account from which the  
installment payments are to be made. 
Notwithstanding anything in this Plan to the contrary, any payment made to a  
Participant or to his Beneficiary shall be according to the Participant's  
election after the distribution event that entitles the Participant or  
Beneficiary to such payment. 
VIII. Benefits on Death 
Distribution of benefits from each Account of a Participant shall begin as  
soon as practicable following the Participant's death in accordance with  
Paragraph A or B below, depending on whether the Participant dies before or  
after beginning to receive benefits from the Account.  Each Account of a  
Participant shall be treated separately. 
A. Before Payments Have Begun 
If a Participant dies before payment from an Account has begun, other than  
any in service distributions made under Paragraph B(2) of Article VI, the  
Participant's Beneficiary will receive payment of the Participant's Account  
as soon as practicable after the Participant's death, as if the Participant  
had started to receive payment from the Account one day prior to his death.   
Payment to the Beneficiary shall be made in the same payment method as  
elected by the Participant, whether over fifteen, ten or five years, or in  
lump sum, or as otherwise permitted by the Company and elected by the  
Participant at the time of his deferral election or by subsequent election as  
permitted by the Plan.  
B. After Payments Have Begun 
If a Participant dies after beginning to receive payment from an Account,  
other than any in service distributions made under Paragraph B(2) of Article  
VI, the Participant's Beneficiary shall receive the remaining payments to be  
made from the Account if any.  
C. Designation of Beneficiary 
A Participant shall, as a condition of the right to make deferrals, designate  
a Beneficiary to receive the distributions described in Paragraph A or B  
above, whichever is applicable, following his death.  Beneficiary  
designations shall be on the form prescribed by the Company for this purpose  
and shall only be effective upon delivery to the Company before the  
Participant's death.  If a Participant designates a Beneficiary other than  
his spouse, his spouse's written consent to such designation must be obtained  
on the prescribed Beneficiary designation form.  A Participant may change his  
Beneficiary from time to time by delivering a new designation form to the  
Company.  If there is no designated beneficiary living at the time of a  
Participant's death, the estate of the deceased Participant shall be the  
After a Participant's death, a designated Beneficiary who is to receive  
installment payments (not the Participant's estate) may designate a secondary  
beneficiary to receive any amounts due under this Plan to the Beneficiary in  
the event of the death of the Participant's designated Beneficiary prior to  
full payment to the Beneficiary.  If there is no designated secondary  
beneficiary living at the time of death of the Participant's designated  
Beneficiary and installment payments remain to be paid to the Participant's  
Beneficiary, the estate of the Participant's designated Beneficiary shall be  
the beneficiary of any distributions due to the Participant's designated  
Beneficiary under the Plan. 
D. Cash Out of Small Amounts 
Following a Participant's death, the Company shall distribute all amounts  
remaining in the Participant's Account if less than $10,000, but such cash-out  
shall not affect the timing or the amount of benefits payable under Paragraph  
B above. 
E. Modification of Payment Method 
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, by a written request filed  
with the Committee, a retired Participant, or Beneficiary of a deceased  
Participant receiving benefits from the decedents Deferral Account(s), may  
elect to receive an immediate lump sum payment of the balance of his Deferral  
Account(s), reduced by a penalty, which shall be forfeited to the Plan, equal  
to ten percent (10%) of the balance of such Account(s), in lieu of payments in  
accordance with the form previously elected by the Participant. 
IX. Administration 
This Plan shall be administered by the Committee.  Subject to the express  
provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall have full and final authority to  
interpret the Plan, to prescribe, amend and rescind rules, regulations and  
guidelines relating to the Plan, and to make any other determinations it  
believes necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.  All  
decisions and determinations by the Committee shall be final and binding upon  
all parties.  No member of the Committee who is also a Participant in this  
Plan shall decide or vote on any matter that would affect such Participant in  
a manner materially different from other Participants. 
The Company's Senior  Human Resources Officer shall have discretionary  
authority with respect to administrative matters relating to this Plan, except  
when exercise of such authority would materially affect the cost of the Plan  
to the Employer or materially increase benefits to Participants. 
X. Amendment or Termination of the Plan 
The Committee may, in its sole discretion, suspend, amend or terminate this  
Plan at any time, in whole or in part.  However, such action shall be  
prospective only and shall not adversely affect the rights of any Participant,  
Beneficiary or Surviving Spouse to any amounts previously credited to a  
Participant's Account or Accounts under the Plan.  The Committee may increase  
or decrease the interest rate credited to Participants' Fixed Accounts   
including Compensation previously deferred, but the rate shall not be  
decreased for periods prior to such action.  Any termination of the Plan shall  
not result in automatic payment of Accounts, and Participants' Accounts shall  
be paid under the terms of the Plan as in effect prior to termination.   
However, in the event a final determination is made by a court of competent  
jurisdiction, or by the relevant tax authorities, and no appeal is taken  
therefrom, that amounts deferred under this Plan are taxable income to a  
Participant prior to the time they otherwise would be distributed under the  
Plan, the Committee may terminate the Plan as to such Participant and  
immediately pay to him, or on his death to his Beneficiary, all amounts that  
are so taxable. 
XI. Miscellaneous 
A. Insurance 
As a condition of participation in this Plan, each Participant shall, if  
requested by the Company, undergo such examination and provide such  
information as may be required by the Company with respect to any insurance  
contracts on the Participant's life, and shall authorize the Company to  
purchase life insurance on his life, payable to the Company. 
If an insurance policy is invalidated because a Participant commits suicide  
during the two-year period beginning on the first day of the first Plan Year  
of such Participant's participation in the Plan, or if the Participant makes  
any material misstatement of information or nondisclosure of medical history,  
then no benefits will be payable hereunder to such Participant, his  
Beneficiary or his Surviving Spouse, other than payment of the amount of  
deferrals of Compensation then credited to the Participant's Accounts, without  
any interest, including interest theretofore credited under this Plan. 
B. Source of Payment 
This Plan is unfunded, and distributions shall be made solely on a current  
disbursement basis.  Each Participant, his Beneficiary and his Surviving  
Spouse shall be no more than unsecured general creditors of the Company, and  
nothing contained in this Plan shall be deemed to create a trust of any kind,  
for the benefit of any Participant, Beneficiary or Surviving Spouse, or create  
any fiduciary relationship between the Company and any Participant,  
Beneficiary, or Surviving Spouse with respect to any assets of the Company,  
including, but not limited to, any insurance policies which the Company may  
purchase on the life of the Participant. 
The Company, however, retains the right to establish reserves for the  
obligations hereunder including, but not limited to corporate owned life  
insurance, and assets held in a "Rabbi Trust."  Provided that in the event  
that the Chief Executive Officer determines that a change in control as  
defined in the Sempra Energy Long Term Incentive Plan, is imminent then assets  
shall be placed in the Key Employee and Director Deferred Compensation Trust  
Agreement which when combined with any assets then in the trust shall equal  
the full accrued liability under this Plan as determined by Towers and Perrin,  
or a successor actuarial firm.  
C. Withholding 
Each Participant, Beneficiary and Surviving Spouse to whom distribution is  
made shall make appropriate arrangements for the satisfaction of any federal,  
state, or local income tax withholding requirements, any social security or  
other employment tax requirements applicable to the payment of benefits under  
this Plan, and any payments the Participant agreed to make to the Company or  
to his Employer.  If no other arrangements are made, the Company may provide,  
at its discretion, for such withholding and tax payments as may be required. 
D. Nonassignment 
To the maximum extent permitted by law, no benefit under this Plan shall be  
assignable or subject in any manner to alienation, sale, transfer, claims of  
creditors, pledge, attachment or encumbrances of any kind. 
E. Governing Law 
This Plan is established under and will be construed according to the laws of  
the State of California to the extent that such laws are not preempted by the  
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended. 
F. Effective Date 
This Plan is effective June 1, 1998 
(Effective June 1, 1998) 
I. Purpose 1 
II. Definitions 1 
III. Participation 3 
IV. Deferral 3 
A. Amount of Deferral 3 
B. Election to Defer 3 
C. Adjustments and Special 
 Deferred Elections 4 
V. Accounts 5 
A. Participants' Accounts 5 
B. Interest Credited on Deferrals 6 
C. Investment Return Credited on 
Deferral in Other Investment Option 6 
VI. Length of Deferral 7 
A. Basic Deferral Period 7 
B. In-Service Distributions 7 
1. Fixed Term Election 7 
2. Unplanned Early Distribution 8 
C. Hardship Withdrawal 8 
VII. Method of Distribution 9 
General Distribution Election Definitions 9 
VIII. Benefits on Death 11 
A. Before Payments Have Begun 11 
B. After Payments Have Begun 11 
C. Designation of Beneficiary 12 
D. Cash Out of Small Amounts 13 
E. Modification of Payment Method 13 
IX. Administration 13 
X. Amendment or Termination of the Plan 14 
XI. Miscellaneous 15 
A. No Employment Right 15 
B. Insurance 16 
C. Source of Payment 17 
D. Withholding 17 
E. Nonassignment 17 
F. Governing Law 17 
G. Effective Date 17 
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