This section includes management's analysis of operating results 
from 1996 through 1998, and is intended to provide information 
about the capital resources, liquidity and financial performance of 
Sempra Energy and its subsidiaries (the company). This section also 
focuses on the major factors expected to influence future operating 
results and discusses investment and financing plans. It should be 
read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements 
included in this Annual Report.
     The company is a California-based Fortune 500 energy-services 
company whose principal subsidiaries are San Diego Gas & Electric 
(SDG&E), which provides electric and natural gas service to San 
Diego County and southern Orange County, and Southern California 
Gas Company (SoCalGas), the nation's largest natural gas 
distribution utility, serving 4.8 million meters throughout most of 
southern California and part of central California. Together, the 
two utilities serve approximately 7 million meters. Sempra Energy 
Trading is engaged in the wholesale trading and marketing of 
natural gas, power and petroleum. Sempra Energy Solutions is 
engaged in the buying and selling of natural gas for large users, 
integrated energy-management services targeted at large 
governmental and commercial facilities, and consumer-market 
products and services. Sempra Energy Financial invests in limited 
partnerships representing 1,250 affordable-housing properties 
throughout the United States. Through other subsidiaries, the 
company owns and operates interstate and offshore natural gas 
pipelines and centralized heating and cooling for large building 
complexes, and is involved in domestic and international energy-
utility operations, nonutility electric generation and other 
energy-related products and services.


Sempra Energy was formed to serve as a holding company for Pacific 
Enterprises (the parent corporation of the Southern California Gas 
Company) and Enova Corporation (the parent corporation of San Diego 
Gas & Electric Company) in connection with a business combination 
that became effective on June 26, 1998 (the PE/Enova Business 
Combination). In January 1998, PE and Enova jointly acquired 
CES/Way International, Inc. Expenses incurred in connection with 
these business combinations are $85 million, aftertax, and $20 
million, aftertax, for the years ended December 31, 1998 and 1997, 
respectively. These costs consist primarily of employee-related 
costs, and investment banking, legal, regulatory and consulting 
     In connection with the PE/Enova Business Combination, the 
holders of common stock of PE and Enova became the holders of the 
company's common stock. PE's common shareholders received 1.5038 
shares of the company's common stock for each share of PE common 
stock, and Enova's common shareholders received one share of the 
company's common stock for each share of Enova common stock. The 
preferred stock of PE remained outstanding. The combination was 
approved by the shareholders of both companies on March 11, 1997, 
and was a tax-free transaction. The Consolidated Financial 
Statements of the company gave effect to the combination using the 
pooling-of-interests method and are preserved as if the companies 
were combined during all periods included therein.


The company's utility operations continue to be a major source of 
liquidity. In addition, working capital requirements are met 
primarily through the issuance of short- and long-term debt. Cash 
requirements primarily include capital investments in the utility 
operations. Nonutility cash requirements include investments in 
Sempra Energy Resources, Sempra Energy Utility Ventures, Sempra 
Energy Solutions, Sempra Energy Trading, CES/Way International, and 
other domestic and international ventures.
     Additional information on sources and uses of cash during the 
last three years is summarized in the following condensed statement 
of consolidated cash flows:
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Year Ended December 31
(Dollars in millions)               1998     1997     1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Activities               $1,323    $918    $1,164
Investing Activities: 
   Capital expenditures	              (438)   (397)     (413)
   Acquisitions of subsidiaries      (191)   (206)      (50)
   Other                              (50)      1       (51)
      Total Investing Activities     (679)   (602)     (514)
Financing Activities:
   Common stock dividends            (325)   (301)     (300)
   Sale of common stock                34      17         8
   Repurchase of common stock          (1)   (122)      (24)
   Redemption of preferred stock      (75)      _      (225)
   Long-term debt-net                (356)    382      (155)
   Short-term debt-net               (311)     92        29
      Total Financing Activities   (1,034)     68      (667)
Increase (decrease) in cash 
   and cash equivalents             $(390)   $384      $(17)
- ------------------------------------------------------------


The increase in cash flows from operating activities in 1998 was 
primarily due to lower working-capital requirements for natural gas 
operations in 1998. This was caused by higher throughput compared 
to 1997, combined with natural gas costs that were lower than 
amounts being collected in rates, which resulted in overcollected 
regulatory balancing accounts at year-end 1998. This increase was 
partially offset by expenses incurred in connection with the 
business combinations. The fluctuation in cash flows from 
operations was also affected by electric-industry restructuring, 
including the acceleration of depreciation of electric-generating 
assets, offset by recovery of stranded costs via the competition 
transition charge and the 10-percent rate reduction reflected in 
customers' bills in 1998. 
     The decrease in cash flows from operating activities in 1997 
was primarily due to greater working-capital requirements for 
natural gas operations in 1997. This was caused by natural gas 
costs being higher than amounts collected in rates, resulting in 
undercollected regulatory balancing accounts at year-end 1997. The 
cash flow from electric operations for 1997 was consistent with 
results from 1996.


Cash flows from investing activities primarily represent capital 
expenditures and investments in new businesses.

Capital Expenditures 

Capital expenditures were $41 million higher in 1998 than in 1997 
due to greater capital spending at the company's corporate center 
related to facility improvements and equipment purchases, and at 
SDG&E related to industry-restructuring needs and improvements to 
the electric distribution system, partially offset by lower capital 
spending at SoCalGas.
     Capital expenditures were $16 million lower in 1997 than in 
1996 due to changes in the scope and timing of several major 
capital projects primarily related to information systems. SoCalGas 
had lower capital spending related to the customer information 
system's being completed in early 1996 and other nonrecurring 
computer system expenditures in 1996. The decrease was partially 
offset by higher capital expenditures related to the purchase of a 
data processing facility and a plant expansion at a non-utility 
subsidiary. SDG&E's capital expenditures were lower due to changes 
in scope and timing of several major capital projects.
     At SDG&E, payments to the nuclear-decommissioning trusts are 
expected to continue until San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 
(SONGS) is decommissioned, which is not expected to occur before 
2013. Unit 1, although permanently shut down in 1992, was scheduled 
to be decommissioned concurrently with Units 2 and 3. However, 
SDG&E and the other owners of SONGS have requested that the CPUC 
grant authority to begin decommisioning Unit 1 on January 1, 2000. 
See Note 6 of the notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 
for additional information.
     The decision of the CPUC approving the PE/Enova Business 
Combination required, among other things, that SDG&E divest itself 
of all its fossil fueled generation facilities. In December 1998, 
SDG&E entered into agreements to accomplish that. Completion is 
pending regulatory approvals and is expected during the first half 
of 1999. See "Electric-Generation Assets" below for further 
discussion of the divestiture. Anticipated proceeds from these 
plant assets, net of the assets' book value, the costs of the sales 
and certain environmental cleanup costs, will be applied for 
accounting purposes directly to the recovery of SDG&E's other 
transition costs. On a cash basis, the proceeds will be available 
for general corporate purposes. However, the divestiture of the 
facilities will eventually lead to reduced cash flow from 
     Capital expenditures at the utilities are estimated to be $419 
million in 1999. They will be financed primarily by internally 
generated funds and will largely represent investment in utility 
operations. The level of capital expenditures in the next few years 
will depend heavily on the impact of electric-industry 
restructuring and the timing and extent of expenditures to comply 
with environmental requirements.


In December 1997, PE and Enova jointly acquired Sempra Energy 
Trading for $225 million. In July 1998, Sempra Energy Trading 
purchased a subsidiary of Consolidated Natural Gas, a wholesale 
trading and commercial marketing operation, for $36 million to 
expand its operation in the eastern United States.
     In December 1997, Sempra Energy Resources and Reliant Energy 
Power Generation formed El Dorado Energy, a joint venture to build, 
own and operate a natural gas power plant in Boulder City, Nevada. 
Sempra Energy Resources invested $19.7 million and $2.3 million in 
El Dorado Energy in 1998 and 1997, respectively. Total cost of the 
project is projected to be $263 million. In October 1998, El Dorado 
Energy obtained a 15-year, $158-million, senior secured credit 
facility to finance the project. This financing represents 
approximately 60 percent of the estimated total project costs.
     In September 1997, Sempra Energy Utility Ventures formed a 
joint venture with Bangor Hydro to build, own and operate a $40 
million natural gas distribution system in Bangor, Maine. The 
project is under construction and is expected to be operational in 
the fourth quarter of 1999. In December 1997, Sempra Energy Utility 
Ventures entered into a partnership with Frontier Utilities of 
North Carolina to build and operate a $55 million natural gas 
distribution system in North Carolina. Gas delivery began in 
December 1998. Subsequent to December 31, 1998, Sempra Energy 
Utilities Ventures acquired 100 percent ownership of the system.
     In May 1997, Sempra Energy Solutions, together with Conectiv 
Thermal Systems, Inc., formed two joint ventures to provide 
integrated energy management services to commercial and industrial 
customers. Specific projects of these joint ventures are described 
in Note 3 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
     As noted above, Sempra Energy Solutions acquired CES/Way 
International, Inc. (CES/Way) in 1998. CES/Way provides energy-
efficiency services, including energy audits, engineering design, 
project management, construction, financing and contract 
     In March 1998, the company increased its existing investment 
in two Argentine natural gas utility holding companies from 12.5 
percent to 21.5 percent by purchasing an additional interest for 
$40 million. 
     Fluctuations in Sempra Energy's level of investments in the 
next few years will depend primarily on the activities of its 
subsidiaries other than SoCalGas and SDG&E.


Net cash used in financing activities increased in 1998 due to 
greater short- and long-term debt repayments and the redemption of 
preferred stock in 1998, and the issuance of rate-reduction bonds 
in 1997, partially offset by the repurchase of common stock in 
     Net cash was provided by financing activities in 1997 compared 
to net cash being used in 1996 due to the issuance of rate 
reduction bonds and lower repayments of long-term debt in 1997, and 
the redemption of preferred stock in 1996, partially offset by the 
redemption of common stock in 1997.

Long-Term Debt 

In December 1997, $658 million of Rate Reduction Bonds were issued 
on SDG&E's behalf at an average interest rate of 6.26 percent. A 
portion of the bond proceeds was used to retire variable-rate, 
taxable Industrial Development Bonds (IDBs). Additional information 
concerning the Rate Reduction Bonds is provided below under 
"Electric Industry Restructuring." In 1998, cash was used for the 
repayment of $247 million of first-mortgage bonds, and $66 million 
of rate-reduction bonds. Short-term debt repayments included 
repayment of $94 million of debt issued to finance SoCalGas' 
Comprehensive Settlement as discussed in Note 14 of the notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements. 
     In 1997, cash was used for the repayment of $96 million of 
debt issued to finance the Comprehensive Settlement and repayment 
of $252 million of SoCalGas' first-mortgage bonds. This was 
partially offset by the issuance of $120 million in medium-term 
notes and short-term borrowings used to finance working capital 
requirements at SoCalGas.
     SDG&E has $83 million of temporary investments that will be 
maintained into the future to offset, for regulatory purposes, a 
like amount of long-term debt. The specific debt series being 
offset consists of variable-rate IDBs. The CPUC has approved 
specific ratemaking treatment which allows SDG&E to offset IDBs as 
long as there is at least a like amount of temporary investments. 
If and when SDG&E requires all or a portion of the $83 million of 
IDBs to meet future needs for long-term debt, such as to finance 
new construction, the amount of investments which are being 
maintained will be reduced below $83 million and the level of IDBs 
being offset will be reduced by the same amount.

Stock Purchases and Redemptions 

The company, through PE and Enova, repurchased $1 million, $122 
million and $24 million of common stock in 1998, 1997 and 1996, 
respectively. The stock repurchase programs of PE and Enova were 
suspended as a result of the PE/Enova Business Combination. Sempra 
Energy does not have a stock-repurchase program. 
     On February 2, 1998, SoCalGas redeemed all outstanding shares 
of its 7 3/4% Series Preferred Stock at a cost of $25.09 per share, 
or $75.3 million including accrued dividends. 


Dividends paid on common stock amounted to $325 million in 1998, 
compared to approximately $300 million in 1997 and 1996. The 
increase in 1998 is the result of the company's paying dividends on 
its common stock at the rate previously paid by Enova, which, on an 
equivalent-share basis, is higher than the rate paid by PE.
     Dividends are paid quarterly to shareholders. The payment of 
future dividends and the amount thereof are within the discretion 
of the board of directors.


The debt to capitalization ratio was 50 percent at year-end 1998, 
below the 54 percent ratio in 1997. The decrease was primarily due 
to the repayment of debt. The debt to capitalization ratio 
increased to 54 percent in 1997 from 50 percent in 1996, primarily 
due to the issuance of SDG&E's Rate Reduction Bonds.


Cash and cash equivalents were $424 million at December 31, 1998. 
This cash is available for investment in energy-related domestic 
and international projects, and the retirement of debt and other 
corporate purposes.
     The company anticipates that cash required in 1999 for capital 
expenditures and dividend and debt payments will be provided by 
cash generated from operating activities and existing cash 
     In addition to cash from ongoing operations, the company has 
multiyear credit agreements that permit term borrowings of up to 
$995 million, of which $43 million is outstanding at December 31, 
1998. For further discussion, see Note 4 of the notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements.


1998 Compared to 1997

Net income for 1998 decreased to $294 million, or $1.24 per share 
of common stock (diluted) in 1998, compared to net income of $432 
million, or $1.82 per share of common stock (diluted) in 1997.
     The decrease in net income is primarily due to the costs 
associated with the business combinations, and a lower base margin 
established at SoCalGas in its Performance Based Regulation 
decision (SoCalGas PBR Decision) which became effective on August 
1, 1997, as further described in Note 14 of the notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements. Expenses related to the business 
combinations were $85 million ($0.36 per share) and $20 million 
($0.08 per share), aftertax, for 1998 and 1997, respectively.
     Also contributing to lower net income for 1998 were 
significant start-up costs at Sempra Energy Solutions and at Sempra 
Energy Trading as discussed under "Other Operations" below.
     For the fourth quarter, net income decreased compared to the 
prior fourth quarter due to PBR and Demand-Side Management awards 
in the 1997 quarter, electric seasonality effects compared to 1997, 
and the factors that affected the annual comparison. 
     Book value per share decreased to $12.29 from $12.56, due to 
common dividends' exceeding the decreased net income in 1998. 

1997 Compared to 1996 

Net income for 1997 increased to $432 million, or $1.82 per share 
of common stock (diluted), compared to net income of $427 million, 
or $1.77 per share (diluted), in 1996. The increase in net income 
per share is due primarily to the repurchases of common stock, 
which caused the weighted average number of shares of common stock 
outstanding to decrease 2 percent in 1997. The increase in net 
income is primarily due to increased net income from utility 
operations, partially offset by costs related to the PE/Enova 
Business Combination and the start-up of unregulated operations. 
     Book value per share increased to $12.56 from $12.21, due to 
net income's exceeding the combined effect of common dividends and 
the stock repurchases. 


To understand the operations and financial results of SoCalGas and 
SDG&E, it is important to understand the ratemaking procedures that 
SoCalGas and SDG&E follow.
     SoCalGas and SDG&E are regulated by the CPUC. It is the 
responsibility of the CPUC to determine that utilities operate in 
the best interests of their customers and have the opportunity to 
earn a reasonable return on investment. In response to utility-
industry restructuring, SoCalGas and SDG&E have received approval 
from the CPUC for PBR.
     PBR replaces the general rate case (GRC) procedure and certain 
other regulatory proceedings. Under ratemaking procedures in effect 
prior to PBR, SoCalGas and SDG&E typically filed a GRC with the 
CPUC every three years. In a GRC, the CPUC establishes a base 
margin, which is the amount of revenue to be collected from 
customers to recover authorized operating expenses (other than the 
cost of fuel, natural gas and purchased power), depreciation, taxes 
and return on rate base. 
     Under PBR, regulators allow income potential to be tied to 
achieving or exceeding specific performance and productivity 
measures, rather than relying solely on expanding utility rate base 
in a market where a utility already has a highly developed 
infrastructure. See additional discussion of PBR in Note 14 of the 
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
     In September 1996, California enacted a law restructuring 
California's electric-utility industry. The legislation adopted the 
December 1995 CPUC policy decision restructuring the industry to 
stimulate competition and reduce rates. Beginning on March 31, 
1998, customers were able to buy their electricity through the 
California Power Exchange (PX) that obtains power from qualifying 
facilities, nuclear units and, lastly, from the lowest-bidding 
suppliers. The PX serves as a wholesale power pool, allowing all 
energy producers to participate competitively.
     The natural gas industry experienced an initial phase of 
restructuring during the 1980s by deregulating natural gas sales to 
noncore customers. In January 1998, the CPUC initiated a project to 
assess the current market and regulatory framework for California's 
natural gas industry. The general goals of the plan are to consider 
reforms to the current regulatory framework emphasizing market-
oriented policies.
     See additional discussion of electric-industry and natural 
gas-industry restructuring below in "Electric-Industry 
Restructuring" and "Gas-Industry Restructuring" and in Note 14 of 
the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.
     The table below summarizes the components of utility natural 
gas and electric volumes and revenues by customer class for 1998, 
1997 and 1996. 

(Dollars in millions, volumes in billion cubic feet)

                           Gas Sales     Transportation & Exchange          Total
                        Throughput   Revenue   Throughput   Revenue    Throughput   Revenue
  Residential                  304    $2,234            3       $11           307    $2,245
  Commercial and Industrial    102       571          329       277           431       848
  Utility Electric Generation*  57         9          139        66           196        75
  Wholesale                                            28         7            28         7
                               463    $2,814          499      $361           962     3,175
  Balancing accounts and other                                                         (403)
    Total                                                                            $2,772
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Residential                  268    $1,957            3       $10           271    $1,967
  Commercial and Industrial    102       617          332       273           434       890
  Utility Electric Generation*  49        14          158        76           207        90
  Wholesale                                            18        12            18        12
                               419    $2,588          511      $371           930     2,959
  Balancing accounts and other                                                            5
    Total                                                                            $2,964
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Residential                  264    $1,809            3       $10           267    $1,819
  Commercial and Industrial    104       573          314       257           418       830
  Utility Electric Generation*  43         9          139        70           182        79
  Wholesale                                            17        10            17        10
                               411    $2,391          473      $347           884     2,738
  Balancing accounts and other                                                          (28)
    Total                                                                            $2,710
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The portion representing SDG&E's sales for electric generation includes margin only.

(Dollars in millions, volumes in millions of Kwhrs)
                                  1998                    1997                    1996
                            Volumes   Revenue      Volumes   Revenue       Volumes   Revenue
  Residential                6,282      $637        6,125      $684         5,936       $647
  Commercial                 6,821       643        6,940       680         6,467        625
  Industrial                 3,097       233        3,607       268         3,567        261
  Direct access                964        44           -         -             -          -
  Street and highway lighting   85         8           76         7            75          7
  Off-system sales             706        15        4,919       116           650         13
                            17,955     1,580       21,667     1,755        16,695      1,553
  Balancing and other                    285                     14                       38
     Total                  17,955    $1,865       21,667    $1,769        16,695     $1,591

1998 Compared to 1997  

Utility natural gas revenues decreased 6 percent in 1998 primarily 
due to the lower natural gas margin established in the SoCalGas PBR 
Decision, a decrease in the average cost of natural gas and a 
decrease in sales to utility electric-generation customers, 
partially offset by increased sales to residential customers due to 
colder weather in 1998.
     Electric revenues increased 5 percent in 1998 compared to 
1997, primarily due to the recovery of stranded costs via the 
competition transition charge (CTC), and to alternate costs 
incurred (including fuel and purchased power) due to the delay from 
January 1 to March 31, 1998, in the start-up of operations of the 
PX and Independent System Operator (ISO). These factors were 
partially offset by a decrease in retail revenue as a result of the 
10-percent small customer rate reduction, which became effective in 
January 1998, and by a decrease in sales to other utilities, due to 
the start-up of the PX. The 10-percent rate reduction and PX are 
described further under "Factors Influencing Future Performance" 
and in Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 
     Revenues from the ISO/PX reflect sales from the company's 
power plants and from long-term purchased-power contracts to the 
ISO/PX commencing April 1, 1998. 
     The company's cost of natural gas distributed decreased 18 
percent in 1998, largely due to a decrease in the average cost of 
natural gas purchased, partially offset by increases in sales 
     Purchased power decreased 34 percent in 1998 primarily as a 
result of ISO/PX purchases' replacing short-term energy sources 
commencing April 1, 1998. 
     Depreciation and amortization expense increased 54 percent in 
1998, primarily due to the recovery of stranded costs via the CTC. 
The earnings impact of the increase is offset by CTC revenue (see 
     Operating expenses increased 16 percent in 1998, primarily due 
to the higher business-combination costs ($142 million in 1998, 
compared to $30 million in 1997) and additional operating expenses 
due to start-up operations in 1998, including the acquisitions of 
Sempra Energy Trading and CES/Way.

1997 Compared to 1996 

Utility natural gas revenues increased 9 percent in 1997 primarily 
due to an increase in the average unit cost of natural gas, which 
is recoverable in rates. To a lesser extent, the increase was due 
to increased throughput to utility electric-generation customers 
due to increased demand for electricity. The increase was partially 
offset by an increase in customer purchases of natural gas directly 
from other suppliers.
     Utility electric revenues increased 11 percent in 1997, 
primarily due to an increase in sales for resale to other utilities 
and increased retail sales volume due to weather.
     Utility cost of natural gas distributed increased 22 percent 
in 1997, largely due to an increase in the average cost of natural 
gas purchased and increases in sales volume.
     Purchased power increased 42 percent in 1997, primarily due to 
increased volume, which resulted from lower nuclear-generation 
availability due to refuelings at SONGS and increased use of 
purchased power due to decreased purchased-power prices. 
     Operating expenses increased 15 percent in 1997, primarily due 
to the startup of unregulated operations, partially offset by lower 
utility operating expenses. The extent of this offset was lessened 
by reduced costs in 1996 from favorable litigation settlements.


Performance of the company in the near future will depend primarily 
on the results of SDG&E and SoCalGas. Because of the ratemaking and 
regulatory process, electric- and natural gas-industry 
restructuring, and the changing energy marketplace, there are 
several factors that will influence future financial performance. 
These factors are summarized below. 

KN Energy Acquisition

On February 22, 1999, the company announced a definitive agreement 
to acquire KN Energy, Inc., subject to approval by the shareholders 
of both companies and by various regulatory agencies. See Note 16 
of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional 

Electric-Industry Restructuring  

As discussed above, in September 1996, California enacted a law 
restructuring California's electric-utility industry (AB 1890). 
Consumers now have the opportunity to choose to continue to 
purchase their electricity from the local utility under regulated 
tariffs, to enter into contracts with other energy service 
providers (direct access) or to buy their power from the PX that 
serves as a wholesale power pool allowing all energy producers to 
participate competitively. The local utility continues to provide 
distribution service regardless of which source the consumer 
chooses. See Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial 
Statements for additional information.

Transition Costs   

AB 1890 allows utilities, within certain limits, the opportunity to 
recover their stranded costs incurred for certain above-market 
CPUC-approved facilities, contracts and obligations through the 
establishment of the CTC.
     Utilities are allowed a reasonable opportunity to recover 
their stranded costs through December 31, 2001. Stranded costs 
include sunk costs, as well as ongoing costs the CPUC finds 
reasonable and necessary to maintain generation facilities through 
December 31, 2001. These costs also include other items SDG&E has 
accrued under traditional cost-of-service regulation.
     Through December 31, 1998, SDG&E has recovered transition 
costs of $500 million for nuclear generation and $200 million for 
nonnuclear generation. Excluding the costs of purchased power and 
other costs whose recovery is not limited to the pre-2002 period, 
the balance of SDG&E's stranded assets at December 31, 1998, is 
$600 million, consisting of $400 million for the power plants and 
$200 million of related deferred taxes and undercollections. During 
the 1998-2001 period, recovery of transition costs is limited by a 
rate cap. See Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial 
Statements for additional information.

Electric-Generation Assets 

In November 1997, SDG&E adopted a plan to auction its power plants 
and other electric-generating assets so that it could continue to 
concentrate its business on the transmission and distribution of 
electricity and natural gas as California opens its electric-
utility industry to competition. This plan included the divestiture 
of SDG&E's fossil-fueled power plants and combustion turbines, its 
20-percent interest in SONGS and its portfolio of long-term 
purchased-power contracts. The power plants, including the interest 
in SONGS, have a net book value as of December 31, 1998, of $400 
million ($100 million for fossil and $300 million for SONGS).
     The March 1998 decision of the CPUC approving the PE/Enova 
Business Combination required, among other things, the divestiture 
by SDG&E of its fossil-fueled generation units. On December 11, 
1998, SDG&E entered into agreements for the sale of its South Bay 
Power Plant, Encina Power Plant and 17 combustion-turbine 
generators. The sales are subject to regulatory approval and are 
expected to close during the first half of 1999. See Note 14 of the 
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements for additional 
     As mentioned above, Sempra Energy Resources and Reliant Energy 
Power Generation formed a joint venture to build, own and operate a 
natural gas power plant (El Dorado) in Boulder City, Nevada. The 
joint venture plans to sell the plant's electricity into the 
wholesale market, which, in turn, sells to utilities throughout the 
Western United States. The new plant will employ an advanced 
combined-cycle gas-turbine technology, enabling it to become one of 
the most efficient and environmentally friendly power plants in the 
nation. Its proximity to existing natural gas pipelines and 
electric transmission lines will allow El Dorado to actively 
compete in the deregulated electric-generation market. The project, 
funded equally by the company and Reliant, began in the first 
quarter of 1998, with an expected operational date set for the 
fourth quarter of 1999. 

Electric Rates  

AB 1890 provides for a 10-percent reduction in rates for 
residential and small commercial customers effective in January 
1998, and provided for the issuance of rate-reduction bonds by an 
agency of the State of California to enable its investor-owned 
utilities (IOUs) to achieve this rate reduction. In December 1997, 
$658 million of rate-reduction bonds were issued on behalf of SDG&E 
at an average interest rate of 6.26 percent. These bonds are being 
repaid over 10 years by SDG&E's residential and small commercial 
customers via a nonbypassable charge on their electricity bills. In 
September 1997, SDG&E and the other California IOUs received a 
favorable ruling by the Internal Revenue Service on the tax 
treatment of the bond transaction. The ruling states, among other 
things, that the receipt of the bond proceeds does not result in 
gross income to SDG&E at the time of issuance, but rather the 
proceeds are taxable over the life of the bonds. The Securities and 
Exchange Commission determined that these bonds should be reflected 
on the utilities' balance sheets as debt, even though the bonds are 
not secured by, or payable from, utility assets, but rather by the 
future revenue streams collected from customers. SDG&E formed a 
subsidiary, SDG&E Funding LLC, to facilitate the issuance of the 
rate-reduction bonds. In exchange for the bond proceeds, SDG&E sold 
to SDG&E Funding LLC all of its rights to the revenue streams. 
Consequently, the revenue streams are not the property of SDG&E and 
are not available to creditors of SDG&E.
     AB 1890 also included a rate freeze for all customers. Until 
the earlier of March 31, 2002, or when transition-cost recovery is 
complete, SDG&E's average system rate will be held at 9.64 cents 
per kilowatt-hour, except for the impacts of fuel-cost changes and 
the 10-percent rate reduction described above. Beginning in 1998, 
system-average rates were fixed at 9.43 cents per kwh, which 
includes the maximum permitted increase related to fuel-cost 
increases and the mandatory rate reduction. SDG&E's ability to 
recover its transition costs is dependent on its total revenues 
under the rate freeze exceeding traditional cost-of-service 
revenues during the transition period by at least the amount of the 
CTC less the net proceeds from the sale of electric-generating 
assets. During the transition period, SDG&E will not earn awards 
from special programs, such as Demand-Side Management, unless total 
revenues are also adequate to cover the awards. Fuel-price 
volatility is one of the more significant uncertainties in the 
ability of SDG&E to recover its transition costs and program 
     In early 1999, SDG&E filed with the CPUC for an interim 
mechanism to deal with electric rates after the rate freeze ends, 
noting the possibility that the SDG&E rate freeze could end in 

Performance-Based Regulation 

As discussed above, under PBR, regulators allow future income 
potential to be tied to achieving or exceeding specific performance 
and productivity measures, as well as cost reductions, rather than 
by relying solely on expanding utility rate base. See additional 
discussion of PBR in Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial 

Regulatory Accounting Standards  

SoCalGas and SDG&E are accounting for the economic effects of 
regulation on all of their utility operations, except for electric 
generation, in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting 
Standards (SFAS) No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain 
Types of Regulation." Under SFAS No. 71, a regulated entity records 
a regulatory asset if it is probable that, through the rate-making 
process, the utility will recover the asset from customers. 
Regulatory liabilities represent future reductions in revenues for 
amounts due to customers. See Notes 2 and 14 of the notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.

Affiliate Transactions  

On December 16, 1997, the CPUC adopted rules establishing uniform 
standards of conduct governing the manner in which California IOUs 
conduct business with their affiliates. The objective of these 
rules, which became effective January 1, 1998, is to ensure that 
the utilities' energy affiliates do not gain an unfair advantage 
over other competitors in the marketplace and that utility 
customers do not subsidize affiliate activities.
     The CPUC excluded utility-to-utility transactions between 
SDG&E and SoCalGas from the affiliate-transaction rules in its 
March 1998 decision approving the PE/Enova Business Combination. As 
a result, the affiliate-transaction rules will not substantially 
impact the company's ability to achieve anticipated synergy 
savings. See Notes 1 and 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial 
Statements for additional information.

Allowed Rate of Return  

For 1998, SoCalGas was authorized to earn a rate of return on rate 
base of 9.49 percent and a rate of return on common equity of 11.6 
percent, which is unchanged from 1997. SDG&E was authorized to earn 
a rate of return on rate base of 9.35 percent and a rate of return 
on common equity of 11.6 percent, unchanged from 1997. See 
additional discussion in Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements.

Management Control of Expenses and Investment  

In the past, management has been able to control operating expenses 
and investment within the amounts authorized to be collected in 
     It is the intent of management to control operating expenses 
and investments within the amounts authorized to be collected in 
rates in the PBR decision. The utilities intend to make the 
efficiency improvements, changes in operations and cost reductions 
necessary to achieve this objective and earn their authorized rates 
of return. However, in view of the earnings-sharing mechanism and 
other elements of the PBR, it is more difficult to exceed 
authorized returns to the degree experienced in past years. See 
additional discussion of PBR in Note 14 of the notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements.

Gas-Industry Restructuring  

The natural gas industry experienced an initial phase of 
restructuring during the 1980s by deregulating natural gas sales to 
noncore customers. On January 21, 1998, the CPUC initiated a 
project to assess the current market and regulatory framework for 
California's natural gas industry. The general goals of the plan 
are to consider reforms to the current regulatory framework 
emphasizing market-oriented policies benefiting California natural 
gas consumers. On August 25, 1998, California enacted a law 
prohibiting the CPUC from enacting any natural gas-industry 
restructuring decision for core customers prior to January 1, 2000. 
The CPUC continues to study the issue.

Noncore Bypass  

SoCalGas' throughput to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) customers in 
the Kern County area has decreased significantly since 1992 because 
of the bypass of SoCalGas' system by competing interstate 
pipelines. The decrease in revenues from EOR customers has not had 
a material impact on SoCalGas' earnings. 
     Bypass of other markets also may occur, and SoCalGas is fully 
at risk for a reduction in non-EOR, noncore volumes due to bypass. 
However, significant additional bypass would require construction 
of additional facilities by competing pipelines. SoCalGas is 
continuing to reduce its costs to maintain cost competitiveness in 
order to retain transportation customers.

Noncore Pricing  

To respond to bypass, SoCalGas has received authorization from the 
CPUC for expedited review of long-term gas-transportation service 
contracts with some noncore customers at lower-than-tariff rates. 
In addition, the CPUC approved changes in the methodology that 
eliminates subsidization of core-customer rates by noncore 
customers. This allocation flexibility, together with negotiating 
authority, has enabled SoCalGas to better compete with new 
interstate pipelines for noncore customers.

Noncore Throughput  

SoCalGas' earnings may be adversely impacted if natural gas 
throughput to its noncore customers varies from estimates adopted 
by the CPUC in establishing rates. There is a continuing risk that 
an unfavorable variance in noncore volumes may result from external 
factors such as weather, electric deregulation, the increased use 
of hydroelectric power, competing pipeline bypass of SoCalGas' 
system and a downturn in general economic conditions. In addition, 
many noncore customers are especially sensitive to the price 
relationship between natural gas and alternate fuels, as they are 
capable of readily switching from one fuel to another, subject to 
air-quality regulations. SoCalGas is at risk for the lost revenue.
     Through July 31, 1999, any favorable earnings effect of higher 
revenues resulting from higher throughput to noncore customers has 
been limited as a result of the Comprehensive Settlement discussed 
in Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Excess Interstate Pipeline Capacity  

Existing interstate pipeline capacity into California exceeds 
current demand by over one billion cubic feet (Bcf) per day. This 
situation has reduced the market value of the capacity well below 
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) tariffs. SoCalGas 
has exercised its step-down option on both the El Paso and 
Transwestern systems, thereby reducing its firm interstate capacity 
obligation from 2.25 Bcf per day to 1.45 Bcf per day. 
     FERC-approved settlements have resulted in a reduction in the 
costs that SoCalGas possibly may have been required to pay for the 
capacity released back to El Paso and Transwestern that cannot be 
remarketed. Of the remaining 1.45 Bcf per day of capacity, 
SoCalGas' core customers use 1.05 Bcf per day at the full FERC 
tariff rate. The remaining 0.4 Bcf per day of capacity is marketed 
at significant discounts. Under existing California regulation, 
unsubscribed capacity costs associated with the remaining 0.4 Bcf 
per day are recoverable in customer rates. While including the 
unsubscribed pipeline cost in rates may impact SoCalGas' ability to 
compete in highly contested markets, SoCalGas does not believe its 
inclusion will have a significant impact on volumes transported or 


The company's operations are conducted in accordance with 
applicable federal, state and local environmental laws and 
regulations governing such things as hazardous wastes, air and 
water quality, and the protection of wildlife.
     These costs of compliance are normally recovered in customer 
rates. Whereas it is anticipated that the environmental costs 
associated with natural gas operations and with electric 
transmission and generation operations will continue to be 
recoverable in rates, the restructuring of the California electric-
utility industry, described above under "Electric Industry 
Restructuring," will change the way utility rates are set and costs 
associated with electric generation are recovered. Capital costs 
related to environmental regulatory compliance for electric 
generation are intended to be included in transition costs for 
recovery through 2001. However, depending on the final outcome of 
industry restructuring and the impact of competition, the costs of 
future compliance with environmental regulations may not be fully 
     Capital expenditures to comply with environmental laws and 
regulations were $1 million in 1998, $5 million in 1997 and $9 
million in 1996, and are not expected to be significant during the 
next five years. These projected expenditures primarily consist of 
the estimated cost of reducing air emissions by retrofitting power 
plants. This estimate anticipates that SDG&E completes the planned 
sale of its fossil-fueled power plants during the first half of 
1999. Additional information on SDG&E's divestiture of its 
electric-generating assets is discussed above under "Electric 
Generation Assets" and in Note 14 of the notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements. 

Hazardous Substances  

In 1994, the CPUC approved the Hazardous Waste Collaborative, a 
mechanism which allows SoCalGas, SDG&E and other utilities to 
recover, through rates, costs associated with the cleanup of sites 
contaminated with hazardous waste. In general, utilities are 
allowed to recover 90 percent of their cleanup costs and any 
related costs of litigation through rates. In early 1998, the CPUC 
modified this mechanism to exclude these costs related to electric-
generation activities. These costs are now eligible for inclusion 
in the Competition Transition Cost (CTC) recovery process described 
     During the early 1900s, SDG&E, SoCalGas and their predecessors 
manufactured gas from coal or oil, the sites of which have often 
become contaminated with the hazardous residual by-products of the 
process. SDG&E has identified three former manufactured-gas plant 
sites. One of these sites has been remediated and a site-closure 
letter has been received from the San Diego County Department of 
Environmental Health. An environmental site assessment has been 
conducted and the estimated cost to remediate the other two sites 
is $6 million. SoCalGas has identified 42 former manufactured-gas 
plant sites at which it (together with other utilities of these 
sites) may have clean up obligations. As of December 31, 1998, 12 
of these sites have been remediated and a certificate of closure 
has been received from the California Environmental Protection 
Agency for 10 of the sites. A preliminary environmental site 
assessment has been conducted on 39 of the sites and it is 
estimated that the cost for the remaining sites is $68 million. In 
addition, other company subsidiaries have been named as potentially 
responsible parties (PRPs) in relation to two landfills and three 
industrial waste disposal sites, and it is estimated that the 
subsidiaries' share of the costs to remediate such sites is $5 
million. Ninety percent of SoCalGas' and SDG&E's costs to clean up 
the gas plants and to meet their PRP obligations, a total estimated 
to be $75 million, is recoverable through the Hazardous Waste 
Collaborative mechanism.
     As a part of its sale of the South Bay and Encina power plants 
and 17 combustion turbines (described above), SDG&E retained 
limited remediation obligations for contamination existing on these 
sites upon the closing of the sales. SDG&E's costs to perform its 
remediation obligations as a part of such sales is estimated to be 
$10 million. These costs are eligible for inclusion in the CTC 
recovery process.

Air and Water Quality   

California's air quality standards are more restrictive than 
federal standards. However, due to the sale of the electric-
generating power plants, the company's primary air-quality issue 
compliance with these standards will be less significant in the 
     In connection with the issuance of operating permits, SDG&E 
and the other owners of SONGS reached agreement with the California 
Coastal Commission to mitigate the environmental damage to the 
marine environment attributed to the cooling-water discharge from 
SONGS Units 2 and 3. This mitigation program includes an enhanced 
fish-protection system, a 150-acre artificial reef and restoration 
of 150 acres of coastal wetlands. In addition, the owners must 
deposit $3.6 million with the state for the enhancement of marine 
fish hatchery programs and pay for monitoring and oversight of the 
mitigation projects. SDG&E's share of the cost is estimated to be 
$23 million. The pricing structure contained in the CPUC's decision 
regarding accelerated recovery of SONGS Units 2 and 3 is expected 
to accommodate most of these added mitigation costs.
     The environmental laws and regulations regarding natural gas 
affect the operations of customers as well as the company's 
regulated natural gas entities. Increasingly complex administrative 
and reporting requirements of environmental agencies applicable to 
commercial and industrial customers utilizing natural gas are not 
generally required of those using electricity. However, anticipated 
advancements in natural gas technologies are expected to enable 
natural gas equipment to remain competitive with alternate energy 
     The transmission and distribution of natural gas require the 
operation of compressor stations, which are subject to increasingly 
stringent air-quality standards. Costs to comply with these 
standards are recovered in rates.


Sempra Energy International (SEI) was formed in June 1998, merging 
the international operations of PE and Enova. Prior to the business 
combination, PE and Enova were already partners in two natural gas 
distribution projects in Mexico. In addition, PE held an interest 
in two natural gas utility holding companies in Argentina. 
     SEI develops, operates and invests in energy-infrastructure 
systems and power-generation facilities outside the United States. 
SEI has interests in natural gas transmission and distribution 
projects in Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay and is pursuing projects 
in other parts of Latin America and in Asia.
     In March 1998, PE increased its existing investment in two 
Argentine natural gas utility holding companies (Sodigas Pampeana 
S.A. and Sodigas Sur S.A.) by purchasing an additional 9-percent 
interest for $40 million. With this purchase, PE's interest in the 
holding companies was increased to 21.5 percent. The distribution 
companies serve 1.2 million customers in central and southern 
Argentina, respectively, and have a combined sendout of 650 million 
cubic feet per day.
     SEI is part of a binational consortium named Distribuidora de 
Gas Natural de Mexicali, S. de R.L. de C.V. (DGN-Mexicali), a 
Mexican company that won the first license awarded to a private 
company to build a natural gas distribution system in Mexico. On 
August 20, 1997, DGN-Mexicali began to deliver natural gas to 
customers in Mexicali, Baja California. DGN-Mexicali will invest up 
to $25 million to provide service to 25,000 customers during the 
first five years of operation. Proxima Gas, S.A. de C.V. (Proxima), 
a group of prominent Mexican businesspeople, is the project 
partner. SEI owns a 60-percent interest in the Mexicali project. 
     SEI also has partnered with Proxima to form Distribuidora de 
Gas Natural de Chihuahua, S. de R.L. de C.V. (DGN-Chihuahua), which 
distributes natural gas to the city of Chihuahua, Mexico and 
surrounding areas. On July 9, 1997, DGN-Chihuahua assumed ownership 
of a 16-mile transmission pipeline serving 20 industrial customers. 
DGN-Chihuahua will invest nearly $50 million to provide service to 
50,000 customers in the first five years of operation. SEI owns a 
95-percent interest in DGN-Chihuahua.
     On August 27, 1998, SEI was awarded a 10-year agreement by the 
Mexican Federal Electric Commission to provide natural gas for the 
Presidente Juarez power plant in Rosarito, Baja California. The 
contract includes provisions for delivery of up to 300 million 
cubic feet per day of natural gas transportation services in the 
United States and construction of a 23-mile pipeline from the U.S.-
Mexico border to the plant. This pipeline will also serve other 
customers in the region. In today's dollars, future revenues under 
the contract could approach $1 billion.
     In May 1998, PE was awarded a concession by the government of 
Uruguay to build a natural gas and propane distribution system to 
serve most of the country, excluding Montevideo. SEI is currently 
in discussions with regards to the terms of the concession 
agreement with the Uruguayan government.
     The net losses for international operations were $4 million 
and $9 million, aftertax, for 1998 and 1997, respectively.


Sempra Energy Trading (SET), a leading natural gas power marketing 
firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, was jointly acquired 
by PE and Enova on December 31, 1997. For the year ended December 
31, 1998, SET recorded aftertax income of $1 million from its 
operations and a net loss of $13 million after amortization of 
costs associated with the acquisition. Additional information 
concerning SET is provided in Note 10 of the notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements.
     Sempra Energy Solutions (Solutions), formed in 1997 as a joint 
venture of PE and Enova, incorporates several existing unregulated 
businesses from each of PE and Enova. It is pursuing a variety of 
opportunities, including buying and selling natural gas for large 
users, integrated energy-management services targeted at large 
governmental and commercial facilities, and consumer-market 
products and services such as earthquake shutoff valves. CES/Way 
International, Inc. (CES/Way), which was acquired by Solutions in 
January 1998, provides energy-efficiency services including energy 
audits, engineering design, project management, construction, 
financing and contract maintenance.
     Solutions' operating losses were $27 million and $14 million, 
aftertax, for the years ended December 31, 1998, and 1997, 
respectively. The losses are primarily due to startup costs.


Other Income   

Other income, which primarily consists of interest income from 
short-term investments and regulatory-balancing accounts, decreased 
in 1998 to $44 million from $58 million in 1997. The decrease was a 
result of lower interest income from short-term investments. The 
increase to $58 million from $28 million in 1996 was due to higher 
interest from short-term investments during much of 1997.

Interest Expense  

Interest expense for 1998 increased slightly to $207 million from 
$206 million in 1997. Interest expense for 1997 increased to $206 
million from $200 million in 1996, as a result of a higher long-
term debt balance.

Income Taxes  

Income tax expense for 1998 was $138 million, less than the $301 
million for 1997. The effective income tax rate was 32 percent for 
1998 and 41 percent for 1997. The decrease in income tax expense is 
primarily due to the decrease in pretax income, combined with an 
increase in affordable-housing tax credits.


The company's policy is to use derivative financial instruments to 
manage exposure to fluctuations in interest rates, foreign currency 
exchange rates and energy prices. The company also uses and trades 
derivative financial instruments in its energy trading and 
marketing activities. Transactions involving these financial 
instruments are with reputable firms and major exchanges. The use 
of these instruments may expose the company to market and credit 
risks. At times, credit risk may be concentrated with certain 
counterparties, although counterparty nonperformance is not 
     Sempra Energy Trading derives a substantial portion of its 
revenue from risk management and trading activities in natural gas, 
petroleum and electricity. Profits are earned as SET acts as a 
dealer in structuring and executing transactions that assist its 
customers in managing their energy-price risk. In addition, SET 
may, on a limited basis, take positions in energy markets based on 
the expectation of future market conditions. These positions 
include options, forwards, futures and swaps. See Note 10 of the 
notes to Consolidated Financial Statements and the following 
"Market Risk Management Activities" section for additional 
information regarding SET's use of derivative financial 
     The company's regulated operations periodically enter into 
interest-rate swap and cap agreements to moderate exposure to 
interest-rate changes and to lower the overall cost of borrowing. 
These swap and cap agreements generally remain off the balance 
sheet as they involve the exchange of fixed-rate and variable-rate 
interest payments without the exchange of the underlying principal 
amounts. The related gains or losses are reflected in the income 
statement as part of interest expense. The company would be exposed 
to interest-rate fluctuations on the underlying debt should other 
parties to the agreement not perform. Such nonperformance is not 
anticipated. At December 31, 1998, the notional amount of swap 
transactions associated with the regulated operations totaled $45 
million. See Note 5 of the notes to Consolidated Financial 
Statements for further information regarding these swap 
     The company's regulated operations use energy derivatives to 
manage natural gas price risk associated with servicing their load 
requirements. In addition, they make limited use of natural gas 
derivatives for trading purposes. These instruments include forward 
contracts, futures, swaps, options and other contracts, with 
maturities ranging from 30 days to 12 months. In the case of both 
price-risk management and trading activities, the use of derivative 
financial instruments by the company's regulated operations is 
subject to certain limitations imposed by established company 
policy and regulatory requirements. See Note 10 of the notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements and the "Market Risk Management 
Activities" section below for further information regarding the use 
of energy derivatives by the company's regulated operations.


Market risk is the risk of erosion of the company's cash flows, net 
income and asset values due to adverse changes in interest and 
foreign-currency rates, and in prices for equity and energy. The 
company has adopted corporate-wide policies governing its market-
risk management and trading activities. An Energy Risk Management 
Oversight Committee, consisting of senior corporate officers, 
oversees company-wide energy-price risk-management and trading 
activities to ensure compliance with the company's stated energy 
risk management and trading policies. In addition, all affiliates 
have groups that monitor and control energy-price risk management 
and trading activities independently from the groups responsible 
for creating or actively managing these risks.
     Along with other tools, the company uses Value at Risk (VaR) 
to measure its exposure to market risk. VaR is an estimate of the 
potential loss on a position or portfolio of positions over a 
specified holding period, based on normal market conditions and 
within a given statistical confidence level. The company has 
adopted the variance/covariance methodology in its calculation of 
VaR, and uses a 95 percent confidence level. Holding periods are 
specific to the types of positions being measured, and are 
determined based on the size of the position or portfolios, market 
liquidity, tenor and other factors. Historical volatilities and 
correlations between instruments and positions are used in the 
     The following is a discussion of the company's primary market-
risk exposures as of December 31, 1998, including a discussion of 
how these exposures are managed.

Interest-Rate Risk  

The company is exposed to fluctuations in interest rates primarily 
as a result of its fixed-rate long-term debt. The company has 
historically funded utility operations through long-term bond 
issues with fixed interest rates. With the restructuring of the 
regulatory process, greater flexibility has been permitted within 
the debt-management process. As a result, recent debt offerings 
have been selected with short-term maturities to take advantage of 
yield curves or used a combination of fixed- and floating-rate 
debt. Interest-rate swaps, subject to regulatory constraints, may 
be used to adjust interest-rate exposures when appropriate, based 
upon market conditions.
     A portion of the company's borrowings are denominated in 
foreign currencies, which expose the company to market risk 
associated with exchange-rate movements. The company's policy 
generally is to hedge major foreign-currency cash exposures through 
swap transactions. These contracts are entered into with major 
international banks, thereby minimizing the risk of credit loss.
     The VaR on the company's fixed rate long term debt is 
estimated at approximately $312 million as of December 31, 1998, 
assuming a one-year holding period. The VaR attributable to 
currency exchange rates nets to zero as a result of a currency swap 
that is directly matched to the company's Swiss Franc debt 
obligation, its only non-dollar-denominated debt.

Energy-Price Risk  

Market risk related to physical commodities is based upon potential 
fluctuations in natural gas, petroleum and electricity commodity 
exchange prices and basis. The company's market risk is impacted by 
changes in volatility and liquidity in the markets in which these 
instruments are traded. The company's regulated and unregulated 
affiliates are exposed, in varying degrees, to price risk in the 
natural gas, petroleum and electricity markets. The company's 
policy is to manage this risk within a framework that considers the 
unique markets, operating and regulatory environment of each 

Sempra Energy Trading  

Sempra Energy Trading derives a substantial portion of its revenue 
from risk management and trading activities in natural gas, 
petroleum and electricity. As such, SET is exposed to price 
volatility in the domestic and international natural gas, petroleum 
and electricity markets. SET conducts these activities within a 
structured and disciplined risk management and control framework 
that is based on clearly communicated policies and procedures, 
position limits, active and ongoing management monitoring and 
oversight, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and daily 
risk measurement and reporting.
     Market risk of SET's portfolio is measured using a variety of 
methods, including VaR. SET computes the VaR of its portfolio based 
on a three-day holding period. As of December 31, 1998, the 
diversified VaR of SET's portfolio was $5.3 million. 


SDG&E is exposed to market risk in its natural gas purchase, sale 
and storage activities whenever natural gas prices fall outside the 
PBR tolerance band. SDG&E manages this risk within the parameters 
of the company's market-risk management and trading framework. As 
of December 31, 1998, the total VaR of SDG&E's natural gas 
positions was not material. 
     SDG&E is exposed to market risk on its electricity purchases 
and sales under the electricity rate cap. See Note 14 of the notes 
to Consolidated Financial Statements and the discussion under 
"Factors Influencing Future Performance" for further information 
regarding the electricity rate cap. 


SoCalGas is exposed to market risk on its natural gas purchase, 
sale and storage activities whenever natural gas prices fall 
outside the Gas Cost Incentive Mechanism tolerance band. SoCalGas 
manages this risk within the parameters of the company's market 
risk management and trading framework. As of December 31, 1998, the 
total VaR of SoCalGas' natural gas positions was not material. 

Credit Risk  

Credit risk relates to the risk of loss that would be incurred as a 
result of nonperformance by counterparties pursuant to the terms of 
their contractual obligations. The company avoids concentration of 
counterparties and maintains credit policies with regard to 
counterparties that management believes significantly minimize 
overall credit risk. These policies include an evaluation of 
potential counterparties' financial condition (including credit 
rating), collateral requirements under certain circumstances, and 
the use of standardized agreements that allow for the netting of 
positive and negative exposures associated with a single 
     The company monitors credit risk through a credit-approval 
process and the assignment and monitoring of credit limits. These 
credit limits are established based on risk and return 
considerations under terms customarily available in the industry.


Most companies are affected by the inability of many automated 
systems and applications to process the year 2000 and beyond. The 
Year 2000 issues are the result of computer programs and other 
automated processes using two digits to identify a year, rather 
than four digits. Any of the company's computer programs that 
include date-sensitive software may recognize a date using "00" as 
representing the year 1900, instead of the year 2000, or "01" as 
1901, etc., which could lead to system malfunctions. The Year 2000 
issues impact both Information Technology (IT) systems and also 
non-IT systems, including systems incorporating "embedded 
processors." To address this problem, in 1996, both Pacific 
Enterprises and Enova Corporation established company-wide Year 
2000 programs. These programs have now been consolidated into the 
company's overall Year 2000 readiness effort. The company has 
established a central Year 2000 Program Office, which reports to 
the company's Chief Information Technology Officer and reports 
periodically to the audit committee of the board of directors.

The Company's State of Readiness  

Sempra Energy is identifying all IT and non-IT systems that might 
not be Year 2000 ready and categorizing them in the following 
areas: IT applications, computer hardware and software 
infrastructure, telecommunications, embedded systems and third 
parties. The company is currently evaluating its exposure in all of 
these areas. These systems and applications are being tracked and 
measured through four key phases: inventory, assessment, 
remediation/testing, and Year 2000 readiness. Those applications 
and systems, which, if not appropriately remediated, may have a 
significant impact on energy delivery, revenue collection or the 
safety of personnel, customers or facilities, are being assessed 
and modified/replaced first. The testing effort includes functional 
testing of Year 2000 dates and validating that changes have not 
altered existing functionality. The company uses an independent, 
internal-review process to verify that the appropriate testing has 
     Inventory and assessment for all company systems were 
completed by January 1999 and ongoing inventory and assessment will 
be performed, as necessary, on any new applications. The project is 
on schedule and the company estimates that by June 30, 1999, all 
critical systems will be suitable for continued use into the year 
2000 with no significant operational problems.
     The company's current schedule for Year 2000 testing, 
readiness and development of contingency plans is subject to change 
depending upon the remediation and testing phases of the company's 
compliance effort and upon developments that may arise as the 
company continues to assess its computer-based systems and 
operations. In addition, this schedule is dependent upon the 
efforts of third parties, such as suppliers (including energy 
producers) and customers. Accordingly, delays by third parties may 
cause the company's schedule to change.

Costs to Address the Company's Year 2000 Issues  

Sempra Energy's budget for the Year 2000 program is $48 million, of 
which $38 million has been spent. As the company continues to 
assess its systems and as the remediation and testing efforts 
progress, cost estimates may change. The company's Year 2000 
readiness effort is being funded entirely by operating cash flows.

The Risks of the Company's Year 2000 Issues   

Based upon its current assessment and testing of the Year 2000 
issue, the company believes the reasonably likely worst-case Year 
2000 scenarios would have the following impacts upon Sempra Energy 
and its operations. With respect to the company's ability to 
provide energy to its domestic utility customers, the company 
believes that the reasonably likely worst-case scenario is for 
small, localized interruptions of natural gas or electrical service 
which are restored in a timeframe that is within normal service 
levels. With respect to services that are essential to Sempra 
Energy's operations, such as customer service, business operations, 
supplies and emergency response capabilities, the scenario is for 
minor disruptions of essential services with rapid recovery and all 
essential information and processes ultimately recovered.
     To assist in preparing for and mitigating these possible 
scenarios, Sempra Energy is a member of several industry-wide 
efforts established to deal with Year 2000 problems affecting 
embedded systems and equipment used by the nation's natural gas and 
electric power companies. Under these efforts, participating 
utilities are working together to assess specific vendors' system 
problems and to test plans. These assessments will be shared by the 
industry as a whole to facilitate Year 2000 problem solving.
     A portion of this risk is due to the various Year 2000 
schedules of critical third-party suppliers and customers. The 
company is in the process of contacting its critical suppliers and 
customers to survey their Year 2000 remediation programs. While 
risks related to the lack of Year 2000 readiness by third parties 
could materially and adversely affect the company's business, 
results of operations and financial condition, the company expects 
its Year 2000 readiness efforts to reduce significantly the 
company's level of uncertainty about the impact of third party Year 
2000 issues on both its IT systems and non-IT systems.

Company's Contingency Plans 

Sempra Energy's contingency plans for interruptions related to Year 
2000 issues are being incorporated in the company's existing 
overall emergency preparedness plans. To the extent appropriate, 
such plans will include emergency backup and recovery procedures, 
remediation of existing systems parallel with installation of new 
systems, replacing electronic applications with manual processes, 
identification of alternate suppliers and increasing inventory 
levels. The company expects these contingency plans to be completed 
by June 30, 1999. Due to the speculative and uncertain nature of 
contingency planning, there can be no assurances that such plans 
actually will be sufficient to reduce the risk of material impacts 
on the company's operations due to Year 2000 issues.


In April 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public 
Accountants issued Statement of Position 98-5 "Reporting on the 
Costs of Start-up Activities". This statement is effective for 
1999, but is not expected to have a significant effect on the 
company's Consolidated Financial Statements. 
     In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued 
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 133 
"Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." 
This statement, which is effective January 1, 2000, requires that 
an entity recognize all derivatives as either assets or liabilities 
in the statement of financial position, measure those instruments 
at fair value and recognize changes in the fair value of 
derivatives in earnings in the period of change unless the 
derivative qualifies as an effective hedge that offsets certain 
exposures. The effect of this standard on the company's 
Consolidated Financial Statements has not yet been determined.


This Annual Report includes forward-looking statements within the 
definition of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 
21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. The words "estimates," 
"believes," "expects," "anticipates," "plans" and "intends," 
variations of such words, and similar expressions, are intended to 
identify forward-looking statements that involve risks and 
uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially 
from those anticipated. These statements are necessarily based upon 
various assumptions involving judgments with respect to the future 
including, among others, local, regional, national and 
international economic, competitive, political and regulatory 
conditions and developments, technological developments, capital 
market conditions, inflation rates, interest rates, energy markets, 
weather conditions, business and regulatory or legal decisions, the 
pace of deregulation of retail natural gas and electricity 
industries, the timing and success of business development efforts, 
and other uncertainties, all of which are difficult to predict and 
many of which are beyond the control of the company. Accordingly, 
while the company believes that the assumptions are reasonable, 
there can be no assurance that they will approximate actual 
experience, or that the expectations will be realized. Readers are 
urged to carefully review and consider the risks, uncertainties and 
other factors which affect the company's business described in this 
annual report and other reports filed by the company from time to 
time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


The consolidated financial statements have been prepared by 
management in accordance with generally accepted accounting 
principles. The integrity and objectivity of these financial 
statements and the other financial information in the Annual 
Report, including the estimates and judgments on which they are 
based, are the responsibility of management. The financial 
statements have been audited by Deloitte & Touche LLP, independent 
certified public accountants appointed by the Board of Directors. 
Their report is shown below. Management has made available to 
Deloitte & Touche LLP all of the company's financial records and 
related data, as well as the minutes of shareholders' and 
directors' meetings.
     Management maintains a system of internal accounting control 
which it believes is adequate to provide reasonable, but not 
absolute, assurance that assets are properly safeguarded and 
accounted for, that transactions are executed in accordance with 
management's authorization and are properly recorded and reported, 
and for the prevention and detection of fraudulent financial 
reporting. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes that the 
cost of a system of internal controls should not exceed the 
benefits derived and that management makes estimates and judgments 
of these cost/benefit factors.
     Management monitors the system of internal control for 
compliance through its own review and a strong internal auditing 
program which also independently assesses the effectiveness of the 
internal controls. In establishing and maintaining internal 
controls, the company must exercise judgment in determining whether 
the benefits derived justify the costs of such controls.
     Management acknowledges its responsibility to provide 
financial information (both audited and unaudited) that is 
representative of the company's operations, reliable on a 
consistent basis, and relevant for a meaningful financial 
assessment of the company. Management believes that the control 
process enables it to meet this responsibility.
     Management also recognizes its responsibility for fostering a 
strong ethical climate so that the company's affairs are conducted 
according to the highest standards of personal and corporate 
conduct. This responsibility is characterized and reflected in the 
company's code of corporate conduct, which is publicized throughout 
the company. The company maintains a systematic program to assess 
compliance with this policy.
     The Board of Directors has an Audit Committee composed solely 
of directors who are not officers or employees. The Committee 
recommends for approval by the full Board the appointment of the 
independent auditors. The Committee meets regularly with 
management, with the company's internal auditors and with the 
independent auditors. The independent auditors and the internal 
auditors periodically meet alone with the Audit Committee and have 
free access to the Audit Committee at any time.

/s/ Neal E. Schmale

Neal E. Schmale
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

/s/ Frank H. Ault

Frank H. Ault
Vice President and Controller  


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Sempra Energy:

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of 
Sempra Energy and subsidiaries (the "company") as of December 31, 
1998 and 1997, and the related statements of consolidated income, 
changes in shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the 
three years in the period ended December 31, 1998. These financial 
statements are the responsibility of the company's management. Our 
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial 
statements based on our audits.
     We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted 
auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and 
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the 
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit 
includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the 
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also 
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant 
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits 
provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
     In our opinion, such consolidated financial statements present 
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Sempra 
Energy and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1998, and 1997, and the 
results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the 
three years in the period ended December 31, 1998, in conformity 
with generally accepted accounting principles.

/s/ Deloitte & Touche LLP

San Diego, California
January 27, 1999, except for Note 16 as to which the date is 
February 22, 1999

Statements of Consolidated Income

                                                        Years Ended December 31,
(Dollars in millions, except per share amounts)     1998          1997         1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues and Other Income
  Utility revenues:
    Natural gas                                $   2,772     $   2,964    $   2,710
    Electric                                       1,865         1,769        1,591
    PX/ISO power                                     500            --           --
  Other operating revenues                           344           336          195
  Other income                                        44            58           28
                                                --------      --------     --------
        Total                                      5,525         5,127        4,524
                                                --------      --------     --------
  Cost of natural gas distributed                    954         1,168          958
  PX/ISO power                                       468            --           --
  Purchased power                                    292           441          311
  Electric fuel                                      177           164          134
  Operating expenses                               1,872         1,615        1,405
  Depreciation and amortization                      929           604          587
  Franchise payments and other taxes                 182           178          180
  Preferred dividends of subsidiaries                 12            18           22
                                                --------      --------     --------
        Total                                      4,886         4,188        3,597
                                                --------      --------     --------
Income Before Interest and Income Taxes              639           939          927
Interest                                             207           206          200
                                                --------      --------     --------
Income Before Income Taxes                           432           733          727
Income taxes                                         138           301          300
                                                --------      --------     --------
Net Income                                      $    294      $    432     $    427
                                                ========      ========     ========
Net Income Per Share of Common Stock (Basic)    $   1.24      $   1.83     $   1.77
                                                ========      ========     ========
Net Income Per Share of Common Stock (Diluted)  $   1.24      $   1.82     $   1.77
                                                ========      ========     ========
Common Dividends Declared Per Share             $   1.56      $   1.27     $   1.24
                                                ========      ========     ========

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                      December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                               1998        1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                    $    424    $    814
   Accounts receivable - trade                       586         633
   Accounts and notes receivable - other             159         202
   Deferred income taxes                              93          15
   Energy trading assets                             906         587
   Inventories                                       151         111
   Regulatory balancing accounts - net                --         297
   Other                                             139         102
                                                 -------     -------
      Total current assets                         2,458       2,761
                                                 -------     -------

Investments and other assets:
   Regulatory assets                                 980       1,186
   Nuclear-decommissioning trusts                    494         399
   Investments                                       548         429
   Other assets                                      535         439
                                                 -------     -------
      Total investments and other assets           2,557       2,453
                                                 -------     -------

Property, plant and equipment:
   Property, plant and equipment                  11,235      10,902
   Less accumulated depreciation      
     and amortization                             (5,794)     (5,360)
                                                 -------     -------
      Total property, plant and 
        equipment - net                            5,441       5,542
                                                 -------     -------
      Total assets                              $ 10,456    $ 10,756
                                                 =======     =======

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                    December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                              1998       1997
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt                             $     43    $   354
  Accounts payable - trade                         702        625
  Accrued income taxes                              27          5
  Energy trading liabilities                       805        557
  Dividends and interest payable                   168        121
  Regulatory balancing accounts - net              120         --
  Long-term debt due within one year               330        270
  Other                                            271        279
                                               -------    -------
      Total current liabilities                  2,466      2,211
                                               -------    -------
Long-term debt:
  Long-term debt                                 2,795      3,045
  Debt of Employee Stock Ownership Plan             --        130
                                               -------    -------
      Total long-term debt                       2,795      3,175
                                               -------    -------
Deferred credits and other liabilities:
  Customer advances for construction                72         72
  Post-retirement benefits other than pensions     240        248
  Deferred income taxes                            634        741
  Deferred investment tax credits                  147        155
  Deferred credits and other liabilities           985        916
                                               -------    -------
      Total deferred credits and 
        other liabilities                        2,078      2,132
                                               -------    -------
Preferred stock of subsidiaries                    204        279
                                               -------    -------
Commitments and contingent liabilities (Note 13)

Shareholders' Equity
Common stock                                     1,883      1,849
Retained earnings                                1,075      1,157
Less deferred compensation relating to 
  Employee Stock Ownership Plan                    (45)       (47)
                                               -------    -------
      Total shareholders' equity                 2,913      2,959
                                               -------    -------
      Total liabilities and shareholders' 
        equity                                $ 10,456   $ 10,756
                                               =======    =======

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows 

                                                               Years Ended December 31     
(Dollars in millions)                                      1998        1997         1996   
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
  Net Income                                            $     294   $     432   $     427   
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash  
    provided by operating activities:  
      Depreciation and amortization                           929         604         587   
      Deferred income taxes and investment tax credits       (199)        (16)         26   
      Other - net                                            (180)         62          56   
      Net changes in other working capital components         479        (164)         68   
                                                        ----------   ---------   ---------  
        Net cash provided by operating activities           1,323         918       1,164   
                                                        ----------   ---------   ---------  
  Expenditures for property, plant and equipment             (438)       (397)       (413)  
  Acquisitions of subsidiaries                               (191)       (206)        (50)  
  Contributions to decommissioning trusts                     (22)        (22)        (22)  
  Other                                                       (28)         23         (29)  
                                                        ---------  -----------  ---------- 
        Net cash used in investing activities                (679)       (602)       (514)  
                                                        ---------  -----------  ---------- 
  Common stock dividends                                     (325)       (301)       (300)  
  Sale of common stock                                         34          17           8   
  Repurchase of common stock                                   (1)       (122)        (24)  
  Redemption of preferred stock                               (75)         --        (225)  
  Issuances of other long-term debt                            75         140         304   
  Issuance of rate-reduction bonds                             --         658          --   
  Payment on long-term debt                                  (431)       (416)       (459)  
  Increase (decrease) in short-term debt - net               (311)         92          29   
                                                        ---------  -----------  ----------  
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities        (1,034)         68        (667)  
                                                        ---------  -----------  ----------  
Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents             (390)        384         (17)  
Cash and Cash Equivalents, January 1                          814         430         447   
                                                        ---------  -----------  ----------  
Cash and Cash Equivalents, December 31                  $     424   $     814   $     430   
                                                        =========  ===========  ========== 

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows 

                                                               Years Ended December 31      
(Dollars in millions)                                      1998        1997         1996   
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
 (Excluding cash and cash equivalents, short-term
   debt and long-term debt due within one year) 

  Accounts and notes receivable                         $      90   $    (129)  $     (58)  
  Net trading assets                                          (71)         --          --   
  Inventories                                                 (40)         (2)         32   
  Regulatory balancing accounts                               417          48           9   
  Other current assets                                        (26)         41          40   
  Accounts payable and other current liabilities              109        (122)         45   
                                                         --------    --------     --------  
          Net change in other working
           capital components                           $     479   $    (164)  $      68   
                                                         ========    ========     ========  

Cash paid during the year for:
   Interest (net of amounts capitalized)                $     211   $     193   $      205  

   Income taxes (net of refunds)                        $     366   $     274   $      268  

    Acquisition of Sempra Energy Trading:
      Assets acquired                                   $      --   $    609    $      --  
      Cash paid                                                --       (225)          --  
                                                       ----------  -----------  --------- 
      Liabilities assumed                               $      --   $    384    $      --  
                                                       ==========  ===========  ========= 

    Liabilities assumed for real estate investments     $      36   $    126    $      97 
                                                       ==========  ===========  ========= 

    Nonutility electric generation assets sold:
      Book value of assets sold                         $      --   $     77   $      --  
      Cash received                                            --        (20)         --  
      Loss on sale                                             --         (6)         --  
                                                       ----------  -----------  --------- 
      Note receivable obtained                          $      --   $     51   $      --  
                                                       ==========  ===========  ========= 

See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


For the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, 1996 
(Dollars in millions)

                                                          Compensation  Total
                                 Common       Retained    Relating      Shareholders'
                                 Stock        Earnings    to ESOP       Equity
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1995     $ 1,968      $  899      $  (52)       $ 2,815

Net income                                       427                        427  
Common stock dividends declared                 (300)                      (300)  
Sale of common stock                   8                                      8
Repurchase of common stock           (24)                                   (24)
Common stock released
   from ESOP                                                   3              3 
Long-term incentive plan               1                                      1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Balance at December 31, 1996       1,953       1,026         (49)         2,930

Net income                                       432                        432
Common stock dividends declared                 (301)                      (301)
Sale of common stock                  17                                     17
Repurchase of common stock          (122)                                  (122)
Common stock released
   from ESOP                                                   2              2
Long-term incentive plan               1                                      1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1997       1,849       1,157         (47)         2,959

Net income                                       294                        294
Common stock dividends declared                 (376)                      (376) 
Sale of common stock                  34                                     34
Repurchase of common stock            (1)                                    (1)
Common stock released
   from ESOP                                                   2              2
Long-term incentive plan               1                                      1
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at December 31, 1998     $ 1,883      $1,075      $  (45)       $ 2,913
See notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 



On June 26, 1998, Enova Corporation (Enova) and Pacific Enterprises 
(PE) combined into a new company named Sempra Energy (the company). 
As a result of the combination, (i) each outstanding share of 
common stock of Enova was converted into one share of common stock 
of Sempra Energy, (ii) each outstanding share of common stock of PE 
was converted into 1.5038 shares of common stock of Sempra Energy 
and (iii) the preferred stock and preference stock of Enova's 
principal subsidiary, San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E); PE; 
and PE's principal subsidiary, Southern California Gas Company 
(SoCalGas) remained outstanding. The combination was approved by 
the shareholders of both companies on March 11, 1997, and was a 
tax-free transaction.
     As required by the March 1998 decision of the California 
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approving the business 
combination, SDG&E has entered into agreements to sell its fossil-
fueled generation units. The sales are subject to regulatory 
approvals and are expected to close during the first half of 1999. 
Additional information concerning the sale of SDG&E's power plants 
is provided in Note 14. In addition, SoCalGas has sold its options 
to purchase the California portions of the Kern River and Mojave 
Pipeline natural gas-transmission facilities. The Federal Energy 
Regulatory Commission's (FERC) approval of the combination includes 
conditions that the combined company will not unfairly use any 
potential market power regarding natural gas transportation to 
fossil-fueled electric-generation plants. The FERC also 
specifically noted that the divestiture of SDG&E's fossil-fueled 
generation plants would eliminate any concerns about vertical 
market power arising from transactions between SDG&E and SoCalGas.
     The Consolidated Financial Statements are those of the company 
and its subsidiaries and give effect to the business combination 
using the pooling-of-interests method and, therefore, are presented 
as if the companies were combined during all periods included 
therein. The per-share data shown on the Statements Of Consolidated 
Income reflect the conversion of Enova common stock and of PE 
common stock into Sempra Energy common stock as described above. 
All significant intercompany transactions, including SoCalGas' 
sales of natural gas transportation and storage to SDG&E, have been 
eliminated. These sales amounted to approximately $60 million in 
each of the years presented. 
     The results of operations for PE and Enova as reported as 
separate companies through June 30, 1998, are as follows:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------
                          Six months 
                        ended June 30,
(Dollars in millions)        1998          1997          1996
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Revenue and Other Income    $1,263        $2,777        $2,588
Net Income                  $   50        $  180        $  196

Revenue and Other Income    $1,299        $2,224        $1,996
Net Income                  $   68        $  252        $  231
- ---------------------------------------------------------------


Property, Plant and Equipment  

This primarily represents the buildings, equipment and other 
facilities used by SDG&E and SoCalGas to provide natural gas and 
electric utility service. The cost of utility plant includes labor, 
materials, contract services and related items, and an allowance 
for funds used during construction. The cost of retired depreciable 
utility plant, plus removal costs minus salvage value, is charged 
to accumulated depreciation. Information regarding electric-
industry restructuring and its effect on utility plant is included 
in Note 14. Utility plant balances by major functional categories 
at December 31, 1998, are: natural gas operations $7.0 billion, 
electric distribution $2.4 billion, electric transmission $0.7 
billion, electric generation $0.6 billion and other electric $0.3 
billion. The corresponding amounts at December 31, 1997, were 
essentially the same. Accumulated depreciation and decommissioning 
of natural gas and electric utility plant in service at December 
31, 1998, are $3.5 billion and $2.2 billion, respectively, and at 
December 31, 1997, were $3.3 billion and $2.0 billion, 
respectively. Depreciation expense is based on the straight-line 
method over the useful lives of the assets or a shorter period 
prescribed by the CPUC. The provisions for depreciation as a 
percentage of average depreciable utility plant (by major 
functional categories) in 1998, 1997, and 1996, respectively are: 
natural gas operations 4.32, 4.31, 4.35, electric generation 6.49, 
5.60, 5.60, electric distribution 4.49, 4.39, 4.38, electric 
transmission 3.31, 3.28, 3.25, and other electric 6.29, 6.02, 5.95. 
The increase for electric generation in 1998 reflects the 
accelerated recovery of generation facilities. See Note 14 for 
additional discussion of generation facilities and industry 


Included in inventories at December 31, 1998, are $61 million of 
utility materials and supplies ($56 million in 1997), and $78 
million of natural gas and fuel oil ($47 million in 1997). 
Materials and supplies are generally valued at the lower of average 
cost or market; fuel oil and natural gas are valued by the last-in 
first-out method.

Trading Instruments  

Trading assets and trading liabilities are recorded on a trade-date 
basis at fair value and include option premiums paid and received, 
and unrealized gains and losses from exchange-traded futures and 
options, over the counter (OTC) swaps, forwards, and options. 
Unrealized gains and losses on OTC transactions reflect amounts 
which would be received from or paid to a third party upon 
settlement of the contracts. Unrealized gains and losses on OTC 
transactions are reported separately as assets and liabilities 
unless a legal right of setoff exists under a master netting 
arrangement enforceable by law. Revenues are recognized on a trade-
date basis and include realized gains and losses, and the net 
change in unrealized gains and losses.
     Futures and exchange-traded option transactions are recorded 
as contractual commitments on a trade-date basis and are carried at 
fair value based on closing exchange quotations. Commodity swaps 
and forward transactions are accounted for as contractual 
commitments on a trade-date basis and are carried at fair value 
derived from dealer quotations and underlying commodity-exchange 
quotations. OTC options are carried at fair value based on the use 
of valuation models that utilize, among other things, current 
interest, commodity and volatility rates, as applicable. For long-
dated forward transactions, where there are no dealer or exchange 
quotations, fair values are derived using internally developed 
valuation methodologies based on available market information. 
Where market rates are not quoted, current interest, commodity and 
volatility rates are estimated by reference to current market 
levels. Given the nature, size and timing of transactions, 
estimated values may differ from realized values. Changes in the 
fair value are recorded currently in income.

Effects of Regulation  

SDG&E and SoCalGas accounting policies conform with generally 
accepted accounting principles for regulated enterprises and 
reflect the policies of the CPUC and the FERC. The company's 
interstate natural gas transmission subsidiary follows accounting 
policies authorized by the FERC.
     SDG&E and SoCalGas have been preparing their financial 
statements in accordance with the provisions of Statement of 
Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 71, "Accounting for the 
Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," under which a regulated 
utility may record a regulatory asset if it is probable that, 
through the ratemaking process, the utility will recover that asset 
from customers. Regulatory liabilities represent future reductions 
in rates for amounts due to customers. To the extent that portions 
of the utility operations were no longer subject to SFAS No. 71, or 
recovery was no longer probable as a result of changes in 
regulation or their competitive position, the related regulatory 
assets and liabilities would be written off. In addition, SFAS No. 
121, "Accounting for the Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and for 
Long-Lived Assets to Be Disposed Of," affects utility plant and 
regulatory assets such that a loss must be recognized whenever a 
regulator excludes all or part of an asset's cost from rate base. 
As discussed in Note 14, California enacted a law restructuring the 
electric-utility industry. The law adopts the December 1995 CPUC 
policy decision, and allows California electric utilities the 
opportunity to recover existing utility plant and regulatory assets 
over a transition period that ends in 2001. In 1997, SDG&E ceased 
the application of SFAS No. 71 with respect to its electric-
generation business. The application of SFAS No. 121 continues to 
be evaluated as industry restructuring progresses. Additional 
information concerning regulatory assets and liabilities is 
described below in "Revenues and Regulatory Balancing Accounts" and 
in Note 14.

Revenues and Regulatory Balancing Accounts  

Revenues from utility customers consist of deliveries to customers 
and the changes in regulatory balancing accounts. The amounts 
included in regulatory balancing accounts at December 31, 1998, 
represent a $129 million net payable for SoCalGas combined with a 
$9 million net receivable for SDG&E. The corresponding amounts at 
December 31, 1997 were $355 million net receivable and $58 million 
net payable for SoCalGas and SDG&E, respectively.
     Previously, earnings fluctuations from changes in the costs of 
fuel oil, purchased energy and natural gas, and consumption levels 
for electricity and the majority of natural gas were eliminated by 
balancing accounts authorized by the CPUC. This is still the case 
for most natural gas operations. However, as a result of 
California's electric-restructuring law, overcollections recorded 
in SDG&E's Energy Cost Adjustment Clause and Electric Revenue 
Adjustment Mechanism balancing accounts were transferred to the 
Interim Transition Cost Balancing Account, which is being applied 
to transition cost recovery, and fluctuations in costs and 
consumption levels can affect earnings from electric operations. 
Additional information on electric-industry restructuring is 
included in Note 14.

Regulatory Assets  

Regulatory assets include San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 
(SONGS), unrecovered premium on early retirement of debt, post-
retirement benefit costs, deferred income taxes recoverable in 
rates and other regulatory-related expenditures that the utilities 
expect to recover in future rates. See Note 14 for additional 

Nuclear-Decommissioning Liability  

Deferred credits and other liabilities at December 31, 1998, 
include $146 million ($117 million in 1997) of accumulated 
decommissioning costs associated with SDG&E's SONGS Unit 1, which 
was permanently shut down in 1992. Additional information on SONGS 
Unit 1 decommissioning costs is included in Note 6. The 
corresponding liability for Units 2 and 3 is included in 
accumulated depreciation and amortization.

Comprehensive Income  

In 1998, the company adopted SFAS No. 130, "Reporting Comprehensive 
Income." This statement requires reporting of comprehensive income 
and its components (revenues, expenses, gains and losses) in any 
complete presentation of general-purpose financial statements. 
Comprehensive income describes all changes, except those resulting 
from investments by owners and distributions to owners, in the 
equity of a business enterprise from transactions and other events 
including, as applicable, foreign-currency items, minimum pension 
liability adjustments and unrealized gains and losses on certain 
investments in debt and equity securities. Comprehensive income was 
equal to net income for the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, 
and 1996.


In 1993, PE completed a strategic plan to refocus on its natural 
gas utility and related businesses. The strategy included the 
divestiture of its merchandising operations and all of its oil and 
gas exploration and production business. In connection with the 
divestitures, PE effected a quasi-reorganization for financial 
reporting purposes, effective December 31, 1992. Certain of the 
liabilities established in connection with discontinued operations 
and the quasi-reorganization will be resolved in future years. 
Management believes the provisions previously established for these 
matters are adequate at December 31, 1998.

Use of Estimates in the Preparation of the Financial Statements  

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in 
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires 
management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the 
reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of 
contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial 
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during 
the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those 

Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows  

Cash equivalents are highly liquid investments with original 
maturities of three months or less, or investments that are readily 
convertible to cash.

Basis of Presentation  

Certain prior-year amounts have been reclassified from the 
predecessor companies' classifications to conform to the format of 
these financial statements.

New Accounting Standard

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued 
Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 133 
"Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities." 
This statement, which is effective January 1, 2000, requires that 
an entity recognize all derivatives as either assets or liabilities 
in the statement of financial position, measure those instruments 
at fair value and recognize changes in the fair value of 
derivatives in earnings in the period of change unless the 
derivative qualifies as an effective hedge that offsets certain 
exposures. The effect of this standard on the company's 
Consolidated Financial Statements has not yet been determined.


Sempra Energy Trading  

In December 1997, PE and Enova jointly acquired Sempra Energy 
Trading (SET) for $225 million. SET is a wholesale-energy trading 
company based in Stamford, Connecticut. It participates in 
marketing and trading physical and financial energy products, 
including natural gas, power, crude oil and associated commodities. 
     In July 1998, SET purchased CNG Energy Services Corporation, a 
subsidiary of Pittsburgh-based Consolidated Natural Gas Company, 
for $36 million. The acquisition expands SET's business volume by 
adding large, commodity-trading contracts with local distribution 
companies, municipalities and major industrial corporations in the 
eastern United States.

Sempra Energy Resources  

In December 1997, Sempra Energy Resources (SER) in partnership with 
Reliant Energy Power Generation, formed El Dorado Energy. In April 
1998, El Dorado Energy began construction on a 480-megawatt power 
plant near Boulder City, Nevada. SER invested $2.3 million in 1997 
and $19.7 million in 1998 on this $263-million project. In October 
1998, El Dorado Energy obtained a $158-million senior secured 
credit facility, which entails both construction and 15-year term 
financing for the project. This financing represents approximately 
60 percent of estimated total project costs.

Sempra Energy Utility Ventures  

In September 1997, Sempra Energy Utility Ventures (SEUV) formed a 
joint venture with Bangor Hydro to build, own and operate a $40-
million natural gas distribution system in Bangor, Maine. 
Construction began in June 1998. The new Bangor Gas Company expects 
to begin deliveries in the fourth quarter of 1999.
     In December 1997, SEUV formed Frontier Energy with Frontier 
Utilities of North Carolina to build and operate a $55-million 
natural gas distribution system in North Carolina. Natural gas 
delivery began in December 1998. Subsequent to December 31, 1998, 
SEUV purchased Frontier Utilities' interest and acquired 100 
percent ownership of the system.

Sempra Energy Solutions  

In January 1998, Sempra Energy Solutions completed the acquisition 
of CES/Way International, a national leader in energy-service 
performance contracting headquartered in Houston, Texas. CES/Way 
provides energy-efficiency services, including energy audits, 
engineering design, project management, construction, financing and 
contract maintenance.
     In May 1997, Sempra Energy Solutions entered into a joint 
venture agreement with Conectiv Thermal Systems, Inc. (formerly 
Atlantic Thermal System, Inc.) to form Atlantic-Pacific Las Vegas, 
with each receiving a 50-percent interest. Atlantic-Pacific Las 
Vegas provides integrated energy-management services to commercial 
and industrial customers, including the construction of facilities. 
In May 1997, Atlantic-Pacific Las Vegas entered into an energy-
services agreement with three other parties to finance, own, 
operate and maintain an integrated thermal-energy production 
facility at the site of the future Venetian Casino Resort in Las 
Vegas. Construction costs incurred to date are $48 million.
     A second joint venture agreement was entered into with 
Conectiv Thermal Systems to form Atlantic-Pacific Glendale in 
August 1997, with each receiving a 50-percent interest. Atlantic-
Pacific Glendale entered into an integrated energy-management 
services agreement with Dreamworks Animation, LLC to develop, 
manage and finance the construction and operation of a central 
chiller plant, emergency power generators and chilled-water 
distribution and circulation system at Dreamworks' Glendale 
facilities. The cost of the project, completed in May 1998, was $7 

International Natural Gas Projects  

Sempra Energy International (SEI) is a wholly owned subsidiary of 
Sempra Energy. Sempra Energy International and Proxima Gas S.A. de 
C.V., partners in the Mexican companies Distribuidora de Gas 
Natural (DGN) de Mexicali and Distribuidora de Gas Natural de 
Chihuahua, are the licensees to build and operate natural gas 
distribution systems in Mexicali and Chihuahua. DGN-Mexicali will 
invest up to $25 million during the first five years of the 30-year 
license period. DGN-Chihuahua will invest up to $50 million over 
the first five years of operation. DGN-Mexicali and DGN-Chihuahua 
assumed ownership of natural gas distribution facilities during the 
third quarter of 1997. SEI owns interests of 60 and 95 percent in 
the DGN-Mexicali and DGN-Chihuahua projects, respectively. In 
August 1998, SEI was awarded a 10-year agreement by the Mexican 
Federal Electric Commission to provide a complete energy-supply 
package for a power plant in Rosarito, Baja California. The 
contract includes provisions for delivery of up to 300 million 
cubic feet per day of natural gas, transportation services in the 
U.S. and construction of a 23-mile pipeline from the U.S.-Mexico 
border to the plant. The pipeline is expected to cost approximately 
$35 million and take a year to build. Delivery of natural gas is 
expected to commence in December 1999. 
     SEI also has interests in Argentina and Uruguay. In March 
1998, SEI increased its existing investment in two Argentine 
natural gas utility holding companies (Sodigas Pampeana S.A. and 
Sodigas Sur S.A.) from 12.5 percent to 21.5 percent by purchasing 
an additional interest for $40 million.


PE has a $300 million multi-year credit agreement. SoCalGas has an 
additional $400 million multi-year credit agreement. These 
agreements expire in 2001 and bear interest at various rates based 
on market rates and the companies' credit ratings. SoCalGas' lines 
of credit are available to support commercial paper. At December 
31, 1998, PE had $43 million of bank loans under the credit 
agreement outstanding, due and paid in January 1999. SoCalGas' bank 
line of credit was unused. At December 31, 1997, both bank lines of 
credit were unused.
     SDG&E has $30 million of bank lines available to support 
commercial paper and $265 million of bank lines available to 
support variable-rate, long-term debt. The credit agreements expire 
at varying dates from 1999 through 2000 and bear interest at 
various rates based on market rates and the company's credit 
rating. SDG&E's bank lines of credit were unused at both December 
31, 1998, and 1997.
     At December 31, 1998, there were no commercial-paper 
obligations outstanding. At December 31, 1997, SoCalGas had $354 
million of commercial-paper obligations outstanding, of which 
approximately $94 million related to the restructuring costs 
associated with certain long-term gas-supply contracts under the 
Comprehensive Settlement. See Note 14 for additional information.


- --------------------------------------------------------------
                                             December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                     1998          1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Debt
First mortgage bonds
     5.25% March 1, 1998               $     _     $     100
     7.625% June 15, 2002                    28           80
     6.875% August 15, 2002                 100          100
     5.75% November 15, 2003                100          100
     6.8% June 1, 2015                       14           14
     5.9% June 1, 2018                       71           71
     5.9% September 1, 2018                  93           93
     6.1% and 6.4% September 1, 2018
        and 2019                            118          118
     9.625% April 15, 2020                   10           54
     Variable rates September 1, 2020        58           75
     5.85% June 1, 2021                      60           60
     8.75% October 1, 2021                  150          150
     8.5% April 1, 2022                      10           44
     7.375% March 1, 2023                   100          100
     7.5% June 15, 2023                     125          125
     6.875% November 1, 2025                175          175
     Various rates December 1, 2027         250          250
          Total                           1,462        1,709
Rate-reduction bonds                        592          658
Debt incurred to acquire limited 
  partnerships, secured by real estate,
  at 6.8% to 9.0%, payable annually 
  through 2008                              305          313
Various unsecured bonds at 4.15%
  to 10% from 1998 to 2006                  453          296
Various unsecured bonds at 5.9%
  or at variable rates (4.3% to 5.0% at
  December 31, 1998) from 2014 to 2023      254          254
Capitalized leases                           76          106
          Total                           3,142        3,336
Current portion of long-term debt           330          270
Unamortized discount on long-term debt       17           21
                                            347          291
Total                                 $   2,795    $   3,045
- --------------------------------------------------------------

     Excluding capital leases, which are described in Note 13, 
maturities of long-term debt, including PE's Employees Stock 
Ownership Plan, are $271 million in 1999, $96 million in 2000, $186 
million in 2001, $193 million in 2002 and $241 million in 2003. 
SDG&E and SoCalGas have CPUC authorization to issue an additional 
$752 million in long-term debt. Although holders of variable-rate 
bonds may elect to redeem them prior to scheduled maturity, for 
purposes of determining the maturities listed above, it is assumed 
the bonds will be held to maturity.

First-Mortgage Bonds  

First-mortgage bonds are secured by a lien on substantially all 
utility plant. In addition, certain non-utility subsidiary assets 
are pledged as collateral for SoCalGas' first-mortgage bonds. SDG&E 
and SoCalGas may issue additional first-mortgage bonds upon 
compliance with the provisions of their bond indentures, which 
provide for, among other things, the issuance of additional first-
mortgage bonds ($1.5 billion as of December 31, 1998).
     During 1998, the company retired $247 million of first-
mortgage bonds, of which $147 million was retired prior to 
scheduled maturity. 
     Certain first-mortgage bonds may be called at SDG&E's or 
SoCalGas' option. SoCalGas has no variable-rate bonds. SDG&E has 
$188 million of bonds with variable interest-rate provisions that 
are callable at various dates within one year. Of the company's 
remaining callable bonds, $10 million are callable in the year 
2000, $150 million in 2001, $203 million in 2002, and $624 million 
in 2003. $242 million of the bonds are not callable.

Rate-Reduction Bonds  

In December 1997, $658 million of rate-reduction bonds were issued 
on behalf of SDG&E at an average interest rate of 6.26 percent. 
These bonds were issued to facilitate the 10-percent rate reduction 
mandated by California's electric-restructuring law. See Note 14 
for additional information. These bonds are being repaid over 10 
years by SDG&E's residential and small commercial customers via a 
charge on their electricity bills. These bonds are secured by the 
revenue streams collected from customers and are not secured by, or 
payable from, utility assets.

Unsecured Debt  

Various long-term obligations totaling $707 million are unsecured. 
During 1998, SoCalGas issued $75 million of unsecured debt in 
medium-term notes used to finance working capital requirements. 
Unsecured bonds totaling $124 million have variable-interest-rate 

Debt of Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) and Trust 

The Trust covers substantially all of the company's former PE 
employees and is used to fund part of their retirement savings 
program. It has an ESOP feature and holds approximately 3.1 million 
shares of the company's common stock. The variable-rate ESOP debt 
held by the Trust bears interest at a rate necessary to place or 
remarket the notes at par. The balance of this debt was $130 
million at December 31, 1998, and is included in the table above as 
part of the various unsecured bonds at 4.15 percent to 10 percent. 
Principal is due on November 30, 1999, and interest is payable 
monthly. The company is obligated to make contributions to the 
Trust sufficient to satisfy debt service requirements. As the 
company makes contributions to the Trust, these contributions, plus 
any dividends paid on the unallocated shares of the company's 
common stock held by the Trust, will be used to repay the debt. As 
dividends are increased or decreased, required contributions are 
reduced or increased, respectively. Interest on ESOP debt amounted 
to $6 million each in 1998, 1997 and 1996. Dividends used for debt 
service amounted to $3 million each in 1998, 1997, and 1996, and 
are deductible only for federal income tax purposes.

Currency Interest-Rate Swaps  

SDG&E periodically enters into interest-rate swap and cap 
agreements to moderate its exposure to interest-rate changes and to 
lower its overall cost of borrowings. At December 31, 1998, SDG&E 
had such an agreement, maturing in 2002, with underlying debt of 
$45 million.


SONGS and the Southwest Powerlink transmission line are owned 
jointly with other utilities. The company's interests at December 
31, 1998, are:

- -----------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                         Southwest
Project                            SONGS      Powerlink
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Percentage ownership                 20            89
Regulatory assets                $  312             _
Utility plant in service              _        $  217
Accumulated depreciation 
  and amortization                    -        $  104
Construction work in progress    $   18        $    1
- -----------------------------------------------------------

     The company's share of operating expenses is included in the 
Statements of Consolidated Income. Each participant in the project 
must provide its own financing. The amounts specified above for 
SONGS include nuclear production, transmission and other 
facilities. $11 million of substation equipment included in these 
amounts is wholly owned by the company.

SONGS Decommissioning  

Objectives, work scope and procedures for the future dismantling 
and decontamination of the SONGS units must meet the requirements 
of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Environmental Protection 
Agency, the California Public Utilities Commission and other 
regulatory bodies.
     The company's share of decommissioning costs for the SONGS 
units is estimated to be $425 million in today's dollars and is 
based on a cost study completed in 1998. Cost studies are performed 
and updated periodically by outside consultants. Although electric-
industry restructuring legislation requires that stranded costs, 
which include SONGS' costs, be amortized in rates by 2001, the 
recovery of decommissioning costs is allowed until the time that 
the costs are fully recovered.
     The amount accrued each year is based on the amount allowed by 
regulators and is currently being collected in rates. This amount 
is considered sufficient to cover the company's share of future 
decommissioning costs. Payments to the nuclear-decommissioning 
trusts are expected to continue until SONGS is decommissioned, 
which is not expected to occur before 2013. Unit 1, although 
permanently shut down in 1992, was scheduled to be decommissioned 
concurrently with Units 2 and 3. However, the company and the other 
owners of SONGS have requested that the CPUC grant authority to 
begin decommissioning Unit 1 on January 1, 2000.
     The amounts collected in rates are invested in externally 
managed trust funds. The securities held by the trust are 
considered available for sale and shown on the Consolidated Balance 
Sheets adjusted to market value. The fair values reflect unrealized 
gains of $149 million and $89 million at December 31, 1998, and 
1997, respectively.
     The Financial Accounting Standards Board is reviewing the 
accounting for liabilities related to closure and removal of long-
lived assets, such as nuclear power plants, including the 
recognition, measurement and classification of such costs. The 
Board could require, among other things, that the company's future 
balance sheets include a liability for the estimated 
decommissioning costs, and a related increase in the cost of the 
     Additional information regarding SONGS is included in Notes 13 
and 14.


The reconciliation of the statutory federal income tax rate to the 
effective income tax rate is as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------
                                     1998      1997      1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Statutory federal income tax rate    35.0%     35.0%     35.0%
Depreciation                          6.3       7.1       6.2
State income taxes-net of 
  federal income tax benefit          7.4       6.7       6.2
Tax credits                         (12.9)     (5.7)     (4.8)
Equipment leasing activities         (1.5)     (1.1)     (1.4)
Capitalized expenses not deferred     0.2      (1.4)     (2.1)
Other-net                            (2.6)      0.5       2.2
    Effective income tax rate        31.9%     41.1%     41.3%
- --------------------------------------------------------------

The components of income tax expense are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                  1998     1997     1996
- --------------------------------------------------------------
  Federal                              $278     $236     $183
  State                                  89       63       65
    Total current taxes                 367      299      248
  Federal                              (165)       1       52
  State                                 (58)       7        6
    Total deferred taxes               (223)       8       58
Deferred investment tax credits-net      (6)      (6)      (6)
    Total income tax expense           $138     $301     $300
- --------------------------------------------------------------

Accumulated deferred income taxes at December 31 result from the 

- --------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                           1998     1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Deferred Tax Liabilities:
  Differences in financial and
    tax bases of utility plant                  $924   $1,063
  Regulatory balancing accounts                   23      133
  Regulatory assets                               76      120
  Partnership income                              27       21
  Other                                           71       53
  Total deferred tax liabilities               1,121    1,390
Deferred Tax Assets:
  Unamortized investment tax credits              88       89
  Comprehensive Settlement (see Note 14)          95      117
  Postretirement benefits                         76       90
  Other deferred liabilities                     102      110
  Restructuring costs                             42       54
  Other                                          177      204
  Total deferred tax assets                      580      664
Net deferred income tax liability                541      726
Current portion (net asset)                       93       15
Non-current portion (net liability)             $634     $741
- --------------------------------------------------------------


The information presented below describes the plans of the company 
and its principal subsidiaries. In connection with the PE/Enova 
Business Combination described in Note 1, certain of these plans 
have been or will be replaced or modified, and numerous 
participants have been or will be transferred from the 
subsidiaries' plans to those of Sempra Energy.

Pension and Other Postretirement Benefits  

The company sponsors several qualified and nonqualified pension 
plans and other postretirement benefit plans for its employees. The 
following tables provide a reconciliation of the changes in the 
plans' benefit obligations and fair value of assets over the two 
years, and a statement of the funded status as of each year end:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        Pension Benefits      Postretirement Benefits
(Dollars in millions)                     1998      1997            1998       1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weighted-Average Assumptions 
as of December 31:

Discount rate                              6.75%     7.07%          6.75%     7.02%
Expected return on plan assets             8.50%     8.13%          8.50%     7.87%
Rate of compensation increase              5.00%     5.00%          5.00%     5.00%
Cost trend of covered 
  health-care charges                         _         _           8.00%(1) 7.00%(2)

Change in Benefit Obligation:

Net benefit obligation at January 1        $2,117    $1,981         $ 531     $ 442
Service cost                                   55        53            13        15
Interest cost                                 148       144            36        35
Plan participants' contributions                _         _             1         1
Plan amendments                                18         _             _         _
Actuarial (gain) loss                         (44)       54             _        57
Special termination benefits                   63        13             3         2
Gross benefits paid                          (277)     (128)          (21)      (21)
Net benefit obligation at December 31       2,080     2,117           563       531
Change in Plan Assets:

Fair value of plan assets at January 1      2,653     2,373           363       286
Actual return on plan assets                  407       406            64        59
Employer contributions                         13         2            36        38
Plan participants' contributions                _         _             1         1
Gross benefits paid                          (277)     (128)          (21)      (21)
Fair value of plan assets at December 31    2,796     2,653           443       363
Funded status at December 31                  716       536          (120)     (168)
Unrecognized net actuarial gain              (926)     (733)         (107)      (66)
Unrecognized prior service cost                73        61           (13)      (14)
Unrecognized net transition obligation          3         4             _         _
Net liability at December 31 (3)           $ (134)   $ (132)        $(240)    $(248)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Decreasing to ultimate trend of 6.50% in 2004.
(2) Decreasing to ultimate trend of 6.50% in 1998.
(3) Approximates amounts recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 

The following table provides the components of net periodic 
benefit cost for the plans:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      Pension Benefits        Postretirement Benefits
(Dollars in millions)             1998     1997     1996       1998     1997    1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service cost                       $55      $53      $58        $13      $15     $18
Interest cost                      148      144      141         36       35      36
Expected return on assets         (196)    (178)    (161)       (24)     (22)    (19)
Amortization of:
  Transition obligation              1        1        1          2        2       2
  Prior service cost                 6        5        5         (1)      (1)     (1)
  Actuarial (gain) loss            (23)     (18)      (4)         _        1       1
Special termination benefit         63       13        _          3        2       _
Settlement credit                  (30)       _        _          _        _       _
Regulatory adjustment                _        _      (12)         9       12      12
Total net periodic benefit cost    $24      $20      $28        $38      $44     $49
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Assumed health care cost trend rates have a significant effect 
on the amounts reported for the health care plans. A 1% change in 
assumed health care cost trend rates would have the following 

- ------------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                1% Increase       1% Decrease
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Effect on total of service 
  and interest cost components of
  net periodic postretirement 
  health care benefit cost                 $11              $(10)

Effect on the health care component
  of the accumulated postretirement 
  benefit obligation                       $72              $(65)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------

     The projected benefit obligation and accumulated benefit 
obligation were $55 million and $45 million, respectively, as of 
December 31, 1998, and $53 million and $44 million, as of December 
31, 1997. There were no pension plans with accumulated benefit 
obligations in excess of plan assets for 1998 or 1997.
     Other postretirement benefits include medical benefits for 
retirees and their spouses (and Medicare Part B reimbursement for 
certain retirees) and retiree life insurance.

Savings Plans  

Sempra Energy and its subsidiaries offer savings plans, 
administered by plan trustees, to all eligible employees. 
Eligibility to participate in the various employer plans ranges 
from one month to one year of completed service. Employees may 
contribute, subject to plan provisions, from 1 percent to 15 
percent of their regular earnings. Employer contributions, after 
one year of completed service, are made in shares of company common 
stock. Employer contribution methods vary by plan, but generally 
the contribution is equal to 50 percent of the first 6 percent of 
eligible base salary contributed by employees. During 1998, the 
SDG&E plan contribution was age-based for represented employees. 
The employee's contributions, at the direction of the employees, 
are primarily invested in company stock, mutual funds or guaranteed 
investment contracts. Employer contributions for the Sempra and 
SoCalGas plans are partially funded by the Pacific Enterprises 
Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust. Annual expense for the 
savings plans was $14 million in 1998, $11 million in 1997 and $10 
million in 1996.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan  

The Pacific Enterprises Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Trust 
(Trust) covers substantially all employees of PE and SoCalGas and 
is used to partially fund their retirement savings plan programs. 
All contributions to the Trust are made by the company, and there 
are no contributions made by the participants. As the company makes 
contributions to the ESOP, the ESOP debt service is paid and shares 
are released in proportion to the total expected debt service. 
     Compensation expense is charged and equity is credited for the 
market value of the shares released. Income-tax deductions are 
allowed based on the cost of the shares. Dividends on unallocated 
shares are used to pay debt service and are charged against 
liabilities. The Trust held 3.1 million and 3.3 million shares of 
company common stock, with fair values of $77.9 million and $80.3 
million, at December 31, 1998, and 1997, respectively.


Sempra Energy has stock-based compensation plans that align 
employee and shareholder objectives related to the long-term growth 
of the company. The company's long-term incentive stock 
compensation plan provides for aggregate awards of Sempra Energy 
non-qualified stock options, incentive stock options, restricted 
stock, stock appreciation rights, performance awards, stock 
payments or dividend equivalents.
     In 1995, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) 
No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-Based compensation," was issued. It 
encourages a fair-value-based method of accounting for stock-based 
compensation. As permitted by SFAS No. 123, the company adopted its 
disclosure-only requirements and continues to account for stock-
based compensation in accordance with the provisions of accounting 
Principles Board Opinion No. 25, "Accounting for Stock Issued to 
     In 1998, 102,640 shares of Sempra Energy common stock were 
awarded to officers. Under the predecessor plan, in each of the 
last 10 years, Enova awarded between 49,000 and 75,000 shares to 
key executives. These awards are subject to forfeiture over four 
years if certain corporate goals are not met. Holders of this stock 
have voting rights and receive dividends prior to the time the 
restrictions lapse if, and to the extent, dividends are paid on 
Sempra Energy common stock. Compensation expense for the issuance 
of these restricted shares was approximately $2 million in 1998, $1 
million in 1997 and $1 million in 1996.
     In 1998, Sempra Energy granted 3,425,800 stock options. The 
option price is equal to the market price of common stock at the 
date of grant. The grants, which vest over a four-year period, 
include options with and without performance-based features. The 
stock options expire in ten years from the date of grant. All 
options granted prior to 1997 became immediately exercisable upon 
approval by PE's shareholders of the business combination with 
Enova. The options were originally scheduled to vest annually over 
a service period ranging from three to five years.
     Sempra Energy's plans allow for the granting of dividend 
equivalents based upon performance goals. This feature provides 
grantees, upon exercise of the option, with the opportunity to 
receive all or a portion of the cash dividends that would have been 
paid on the shares if the shares had been outstanding since the 
grant date. Dividend equivalents are payable only if corporate 
goals are met and, for grants prior to July 1, 1998, if the 
exercise price exceeds the market value of the shares purchased. 
The percentage of dividends paid as dividend equivalents will 
depend upon the extent to which the performance goals are met. 
     The following information is presented after conversion of PE 
stock into company stock as described in Note 1. 
     Stock option activity is summarized in the following tables.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Options With Performance Features
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        Shares       Average        Options
                        Under        Exercise      Exercisable
                        Option        Price        at Year End
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1995       846,188       $16.23              _
     Granted          1,030,404        17.95
December 31, 1996     1,876,592        17.17         282,063
     Granted          1,040,103        20.37
     Exercised         (359,288)       16.53
     Cancelled          (71,190)       20.37
December 31, 1997     2,486,217        18.51       1,513,545
     Granted          2,131,803        25.23
     Exercised         (512,059)       17.12
     Cancelled         (509,301)       23.00
December 31, 1998     3,596,660       $22.06       1,387,523
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Options Without Performance Features
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                        Shares       Average        Options
                        Under        Exercise      Exercisable
                        Option        Price        at Year End
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
December 31, 1995     2,302,018       $18.14       1,200,183
     Exercised         (304,520)       15.00
     Cancelled         (125,417)       26.05
December 31, 1996     1,872,081        18.12       1,197,687
     Exercised         (493,848)       14.94
     Cancelled          (14,737)       35.24
December 31, 1997     1,363,496        19.08       1,363,496
     Granted          1,293,997        26.33
     Exercised         (596,629)       15.72
     Cancelled         (240,632)       29.78
December 31, 1998     1,820,232       $23.92         523,661
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

Additional information on options outstanding at December 31, 1998, 
is as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Outstanding Options
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Range of                 Number        Average         Average
Exercise                     of      Remaining        Exercise
Prices                   Shares           Life           Price
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
$12.80-$16.12            623,362           5.55          $15.29
$16.79-$20.36          1,584,272           7.47          $19.03
$24.10-$31.00          3,209,258           9.05          $25.82
                       5,416,892           8.19          $22.64

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Exercisable Options
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Range of                 Number                        Average
Exercise                     of                       Exercise
Prices                   Shares                          Price
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
$12.80-$16.12            623,362                         $15.29
$16.79-$20.36          1,109,878                         $18.46
$24.11-$31.00            177,944                         $26.70
                       1,911,184                         $18.20
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     The fair value of each option grant (including the dividend 
equivalent) was estimated on the date of grant using the modified 
Black-Scholes option-pricing model. Weighted average fair values 
for options granted in 1998, 1997, and 1996 were $8.20, $5.23 and 
$5.00, respectively.
     The assumptions that were used to determine these fair values 
are as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Year Ended December 31
                                  1998     1997     1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Stock price volatility             16%      18%      19%
Risk-free rate of return          5.6%     6.4%     6.1%
Annual dividend yield               0%       0%       0%
Expected life                  6 Years   3.8 Years  4.3 Years
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     Compensation expense for the stock option grants was $11.7 
million, $16.9 million and $5.5 million in 1998, 1997 and 1996, 
respectively. The differences between compensation cost included in 
net income and the related cost measured by the fair-value-based 
method defined in SFAS No. 123 are immaterial.


Fair Value  

The fair values of the company's financial instruments (cash, 
temporary investments, funds held in trust, notes receivable, 
investments in limited partnerships, dividends payable, short- and 
long-term debt, customer deposits, and preferred stock of 
subsidiaries) are not materially different from the carrying 
amounts, except for long-term debt and preferred stock of 
subsidiaries. The carrying amounts and fair values of long-term 
debt are $3.1 billion and $3.2 billion, respectively, at December 
31, 1998, and $3.4 billion and $3.5 billion at December 31, 1997. 
The carrying amounts and fair values of subsidiaries' preferred 
stock are $204 million and $182 million, respectively, at December 
31, 1998, and $279 million and $258 million, respectively, at 
December 31, 1997. The fair values of the first-mortgage and other 
bonds and preferred stock are estimated based on quoted market 
prices for them or for similar issues. The fair values of long-term 
notes payable are based on the present value of the future cash 
flows, discounted at rates available for similar notes with 
comparable maturities. Included in long-term debt are SDG&E's rate-
reduction bonds. The carrying amounts and fair values of the bonds 
are $592 million and $607 million, respectively, at December 31, 

Off-Balance-Sheet Financial Instruments  

The company's policy is to use derivative financial instruments to 
manage its exposure to fluctuations in interest rates, foreign-
currency exchange rates and energy prices. Transactions involving 
these financial instruments expose the company to market and credit 
risks which may at times be concentrated with certain 
counterparties, although counterparty nonperformance is not 
anticipated. Additional information on this topic is discussed in 
Note 2.

Swap Agreements  

The company periodically enters into interest-rate-swap and cap 
agreements to moderate exposure to interest-rate changes and to 
lower the overall cost of borrowing. These agreements generally 
remain off the balance sheet as they involve the exchange of fixed- 
and variable-rate interest payments without the exchange of the 
underlying principal amounts. The related gains or losses are 
reflected in the consolidated income statement as part of interest 
     At December 31, 1998, and 1997, SDG&E had one interest-rate-
swap agreement: a floating-to-fixed-rate swap associated with $45 
million of variable-rate bonds maturing in 2002. SDG&E expects to 
hold this financial instrument to its maturity. This swap agreement 
has effectively fixed the interest rate on the underlying variable-
rate debt at 5.4 percent. SDG&E would be exposed to interest-rate 
fluctuations on the underlying debt should the counterparty to the 
agreement not perform. Such nonperformance is not anticipated. This 
agreement, if terminated, would result in an obligation of $3 
million at December 31, 1998, and $2 million at December 31, 1997. 
Additional information on this topic is included in Note 5.

Energy Derivatives  

Information on derivative financial instruments of SET is provided 
below. The company's regulated operations use energy derivatives 
for both price-risk management and trading purposes within certain 
limitations imposed by company policies and regulatory 
requirements. Energy derivatives are used to mitigate risk and 
better manage costs. These instruments include forward contracts, 
swaps, options and other contracts which have maturities ranging 
from 30 days to 12 months.
     SoCalGas is subject to price risk on its natural gas purchases 
if its cost exceeds a 2-percent tolerance band above the benchmark 
price. This is discussed further in Note 14. SoCalGas becomes 
subject to price risk when positions are incurred during the 
buying, selling and storage of natural gas. As a result of the Gas 
Cost Incentive Mechanism (GCIM), SoCalGas enters into a certain 
amount of gas futures contracts in the open market with the intent 
of reducing gas costs within the GCIM tolerance band. The CPUC has 
approved the use of gas futures for managing risk associated with 
the GCIM. For the years ended December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, 
gains and losses from natural gas futures contracts are not 
material to SoCalGas' financial statements.

Sempra Energy Trading  

SET derives a substantial portion of its revenue from market making 
and trading activities, as a principal, in natural gas, petroleum 
and electricity. It quotes bid and offer prices to end users and 
other market makers. It also earns trading profits as a dealer by 
structuring and executing transactions that permit its 
counterparties to manage their risk profiles. In addition, it takes 
positions in energy markets based on the expectation of future 
market conditions. These positions may be offset with similar 
positions or may be offset in the exchange-traded markets. These 
positions include options, forwards, futures and swaps. These 
financial instruments represent contracts with counterparties 
whereby payments are linked to or derived from energy-market 
indices or on terms predetermined by the contract, which may or may 
not be physically or financially settled by SET. For the year ended 
December 31, 1998, substantially all of SET's derivative 
transactions were held for trading and marketing purposes.
     Market risk arises from the potential for changes in the value 
of financial instruments resulting from fluctuations in natural 
gas, petroleum and electricity commodity-exchange prices and basis. 
Market risk is also affected by changes in volatility and liquidity 
in markets in which these instruments are traded.
     SET adjusts the book value of these derivatives to market each 
month with gains and losses recognized in earnings. These 
instruments are included in other current assets on the 
Consolidated Balance Sheet. Certain instruments such as swaps are 
entered into and closed out within the same month and, therefore, 
do not have any balance-sheet impact. Gains and losses are included 
in electric or natural gas revenue or expense, whichever is 
appropriate, in the Consolidated Income Statements.
     SET also carries an inventory of financial instruments. As 
trading strategies depend on both market making and proprietary 
positions, given the relationships between instruments and markets, 
those activities are managed in concert in order to maximize 
trading profits.
     SET's credit risk from financial instruments as of December 
31, 1998, is represented by the positive fair value of financial 
instruments after consideration of master netting agreements and 
collateral. Credit risk disclosures, however, relate to the net 
accounting losses that would be recognized if all counterparties 
completely failed to perform their obligations. Options written do 
not expose SET to credit risk. Exchange-traded futures and options 
are not deemed to have significant credit exposure as the exchanges 
guarantee that every contract will be properly settled on a daily 
     The following table approximates the counterparty credit 
quality and exposure of SET expressed in terms of net replacement 
value (in millions of dollars):

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                               forward and
                                      swap    Purchased
Counterparty credit quality:     contracts      options     Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
AAA                                  $32           $1         $33
AA                                    41           14          55
A                                    129           19         148
BBB                                  290           26         316
Below investment grade                69            2          71
Exchanges                             30            8          38
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                    $591          $70        $661
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     Financial instruments with maturities or repricing 
characteristics of 180 days or less, including cash and cash 
equivalents, are considered to be short-term and, therefore, the 
carrying values of these financial instruments approximate their 
fair values. SET's commodities owned, trading assets and trading 
liabilities are carried at fair value. The average fair values 
during the year, based on quarterly observation, for trading assets 
and trading liabilities which are considered financial instruments 
with off-balance-sheet risk approximate $952 million and $890 
million, respectively. The fair values are net of the amounts 
offset pursuant to rights of setoff based on qualifying master 
netting arrangements with counterparties, and do not include the 
effects of collateral held or pledged.
     As of December 31, 1998, and 1997, SET's trading assets and 
trading liabilities approximate the following:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                         1998          1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Trading Assets
  Unrealized gains on swaps and forwards      $756          $497
  Due from commodity clearing organization
    and clearing brokers                        75            41
  OTC commodity options purchased               45            33
  Due from trading counterparties               30            16
     Total                                    $906          $587
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Trading Liabilities
  Unrealized losses on swaps and forwards     $740          $487
  Due to trading counterparties                 35            41
  OTC commodity options written                 30            29
     Total                                    $805          $557
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     Notional amounts do not necessarily represent the amounts 
exchanged by parties to the financial instruments and do not 
measure SET's exposure to credit or market risks. The notional or 
contractual amounts are used to summarize the volume of financial 
instruments, but do not reflect the extent to which positions may 
offset one another. Accordingly, SET is exposed to much smaller 
amounts potentially subject to risk. The notional amounts of SET's 
financial instruments are:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)                                   Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Forwards and commodity swaps                           $5,916
Futures and exchange options                            2,915
Options purchased                                       1,320
Options written                                         1,298
     Total                                            $11,449
- -----------------------------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Pacific Enterprises                       Call       December 31,
(Dollars in millions except call price)   Price     1998     1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Cumulative preferred
  without par value:
    $4.75 Dividend, 200,000 shares
       authorized and outstanding        $100.00     $20    $20
    $4.50 Dividend, 300,000 shares
       authorized and outstanding        $100.00      30     30
    $4.40 Dividend, 100,000 shares
       authorized and outstanding        $101.50      10     10
    $4.36 Dividend, 200,000 shares
       authorized and outstanding        $101.00      20     20
    $4.75 Dividend, 253 shares
       authorized and outstanding        $101.00       _      _
          Total                                      $80    $80
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     All or any part of every series of presently outstanding PE 
preferred stock is subject to redemption at PE's option at any time 
upon not less than 30 days' notice, at the applicable redemption 
price for each series, together with the accrued and accumulated 
dividends to the date of redemption. All series have one vote per 
share and cumulative preferences as to dividends. No shares of 
Unclassified or Class A preferred stock are outstanding.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
SoCalGas                                           December 31,
(Dollars in millions)                             1998     1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Not subject to mandatory redemption:
  $25 par value, authorized 1,000,000 shares
    6% Series, 28,664 shares outstanding              $1      $1
    6% Series A, 783,032 shares outstanding           19      19
  Without par value, authorized 10,000,000 shares
    7.75% Series                                       _      75
                                                     $20     $95
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     None of SoCalGas' series of preferred stock is callable. All 
series have one vote per share and cumulative preferences as to 
dividends. On February 2, 1998, SoCalGas redeemed all outstanding 
shares of 7.75% Series Preferred Stock at a price per share of $25 
plus $0.09 of dividends accruing to the date of redemption. The 
total cost to SoCalGas was approximately $75.3 million.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
SDG&E                                      Call      December 31,
(Dollars in millions except call price)   Price     1998     1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Not subject to mandatory redemption
  $20 par value, authorized 
       5% Series, 375,000 
         shares outstanding              $24.00       $8      $8
       4.50% Series, 300,000 
         shares outstanding              $21.20        6       6 
       4.40% Series, 325,000 
         shares outstanding              $21.00        7       7
       4.60% Series, 373,770 
         shares outstanding              $20.25        7       7 
  Without par value: 
       $1.70 Series, 1,400,000 
         shares outstanding              $25.85       35      35
       $1.82 Series, 640,000
         shares outstanding              $26.00       16      16
   Total not subject to
     mandatory redemption                            $79     $79
Subject to mandatory redemption
  Without par value:  
       $1.7625 Series, 1,000,000 
         shares outstanding              $25.00      $25     $25
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     All series of SDG&E's preferred stock have cumulative 
preferences as to dividends. The $20 par value preferred stock has 
two votes per share on matters being voted upon by shareholders of 
SDG&E and a liquidation value at par, whereas the no-par-value 
preferred stock is nonvoting and has a liquidation value of $25 per 
share. SDG&E is authorized to issue 10,000,000 shares of no-par-
value stock (both subject to and not subject to mandatory 
redemption). All series are currently callable except for the $1.70 
and $1.7625 series (callable in 2003). The $1.7625 series has a 
sinking fund requirement to redeem 50,000 shares per year from 2003 
to 2007; the remaining 750,000 shares must be redeemed in 2008.


The company's outstanding stock options represent the only forms of 
potential common stock at December 31, 1998, 1997 and 1996. The 
reconciliation between basic and diluted EPS is as follows:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                       Income           Shares           Earnings
                   (in millions)     (in thousands)     Per Share
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Basic                    $294           236,423           $1.24  
Effect of dilutive 
  stock options                             701
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted                  $294           237,124           $1.24
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Basic                    $432           236,662           $1.83
Effect of dilutive 
  stock options                             587
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted                  $432           237,249           $1.82
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Basic                    $427           240,825           $1.77
Effect of dilutive 
  stock options                             332
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Diluted                  $427           241,157           $1.77
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     The company is authorized to issue 750,000,000 shares of no 
par value common stock and 50,000,000 shares of Preferred Stock. At 
December 31, 1998, there were 240,026,439 shares of common stock 
outstanding, compared to 235,598,111 shares outstanding at December 
31, 1997. No shares of Preferred Stock were issued and outstanding.


Natural Gas Contracts  

The company buys natural gas under several short-term and long-term 
contracts. Short-term purchases are based on monthly spot-market 
prices. SoCalGas has commitments for firm pipeline capacity under 
contracts with pipeline companies that expire at various dates 
through the year 2006. These agreements provide for payments of an 
annual reservation charge. SoCalGas recovers such fixed charges in 
     SDG&E has long-term capacity contracts with interstate 
pipelines which expire on various dates between 2007 and 2023. 
SDG&E has long-term natural gas supply contracts (included in the 
table below) with four Canadian suppliers that expire between 2001 
and 2004. SDG&E has been involved in negotiations and litigation 
with the suppliers concerning the contracts' terms and prices. 
SDG&E has settled with three of the suppliers. One of the three is 
delivering natural gas under the terms of the settlement agreement; 
the other two have ceased deliveries. The fourth supplier has 
ceased deliveries pending legal resolution. A U.S. Court of Appeal 
has upheld a U.S. District Court's invalidation of the contracts 
with two of these suppliers. If the supply of Canadian natural gas 
to SDG&E is not resumed to a level approximating the related 
committed long-term pipeline capacity, SDG&E intends to continue 
using the capacity in other ways, including the transport of 
replacement gas and the release of a portion of this capacity to 
third parties.
     At December 31, 1998, the future minimum payments under 
natural gas contracts were:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                               Storage and
(Dollars in millions)       Transportation          Natural Gas 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1999                                $193                $288
2000                                 195                 170
2001                                 197                 175
2002                                 197                 179
2003                                 193                 181
Thereafter                           587                   _
Total minimum payments            $1,562                $993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     Total payments under the short-term and long-term contracts 
were $1.0 billion in 1998, $1.2 billion in 1997, and $1.0 billion 
in 1996.
     All of SDG&E's gas is delivered through SoCalGas pipelines 
under a short-term transportation agreement. In addition, SoCalGas 
provides SDG&E six billion cubic feet of natural gas storage 
capacity under an agreement expiring March 2000. These agreements 
are not included in the above table.

Purchased-Power Contracts  

SDG&E buys electric power under several long-term contracts. The 
contracts expire on various dates between 1999 and 2025. Under 
California's Electric Industry Restructuring law, which is 
described in Note 14, the California investor-owned electric 
utilities (IOUs) are obligated to bid their power supply, including 
owned generation and purchased-power contracts, into the California 
Power Exchange (PX). As a result, SDG&E's system requirements are 
met primarily through purchases from the PX.
     At December 31, 1998, the estimated future minimum payments 
under the long-term contracts were:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
(Dollars in millions)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1999                                                      $249
2000                                                       211
2001                                                       174
2002                                                       136
2003                                                       135
Thereafter                                               2,001
Total minimum payments                                  $2,906
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     These payments for actual purchases represent capacity charges 
and minimum energy purchases. SDG&E is required to pay additional 
amounts for actual purchases of energy that exceed the minimum 
energy commitments. Total payments, including actual energy 
payments, under the contracts were $293 million in 1998, $421 
million in 1997 and $296 million in 1996. Payments under purchased-
power contracts decreased in 1998 as a result of the purchases from 
the PX, which commenced April 1, 1998.
     SDG&E has entered into agreements to sell its power plants and 
other electric-generating resources (excluding SONGS), and has 
announced a plan to auction its long-term purchased power 
contracts. Additional information on this topic is provided in Note 


The company has leases (primarily operating) on real and personal 
property expiring at various dates from 1999 to 2030. Certain 
leases on office facilities contain escalation clauses requiring 
annual increases in rent ranging from 2 percent to 7 percent. The 
rentals payable under these leases are determined on both fixed and 
percentage bases, and most leases contain options to extend, which 
are exercisable by the company. The company also has nuclear fuel, 
office buildings, a generating facility and other properties that 
are financed by long-term capital leases. Utility plant includes 
$177 million at December 31, 1998, and $198 million at December 31, 
1997, related to these leases. The associated accumulated 
amortization is $114 million and $102 million, respectively.
     The minimum rental commitments payable in future years under 
all noncancellable leases are:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                     Operating     Capitalized
(Dollars in millions)                   Leases          Leases
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
1999                                     $60             $31
2000                                      58              14
2001                                      55              14
2002                                      52              14
2003                                      51              11
Thereafter                               380               9
Total future rental commitment          $656              93
Imputed interest (6% to 9%)                              (17)
Net commitment                                           $76
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

     Rent expense totaled $105 million in 1998, $137 million in 
1997 and $146 million in 1996.
     In connection with the quasi-reorganization described in Note 
2, PE established reserves of $102 million to fair value operating 
leases related to its headquarters and other leases at December 31, 
1992. The remaining amount of these reserves was $76 million at 
December 31, 1998. These leases are reflected in the above table.

Environmental Issues  

The company believes that its operations are conducted in 
accordance with federal, state and local environmental laws and 
regulations governing hazardous wastes, air and water quality, land 
use, and solid waste disposal. SoCalGas and SDG&E incur significant 
costs to operate their facilities in compliance with these laws and 
regulations. The costs of compliance with environmental laws and 
regulations generally have been recovered in customer rates.
     In 1994, the CPUC approved the Hazardous Waste Collaborative 
Memorandum account allowing utilities to recover their hazardous 
waste costs, including those related to Superfund sites or similar 
sites requiring cleanup. Recovery of 90 percent of cleanup costs 
and related third-party litigation costs and 70 percent of the 
related insurance-litigation expenses is permitted. Environmental 
liabilities that may arise are recorded when remedial efforts are 
probable and the costs can be estimated.
     The company's capital expenditures to comply with 
environmental laws and regulations were $1 million in 1998, $5 
million in 1997, and $9 million in 1996, and are not expected to be 
significant during the next five years. These expenditures 
primarily include the cost of retrofitting SDG&E's power plants to 
reduce air emissions. These costs will be reduced significantly by 
SDG&E's sale of its non-nuclear generating facilities. The company 
has been associated with various sites which may require 
remediation under federal, state or local environmental laws. The 
company is unable to determine fully the extent of its 
responsibility for remediation of these sites until assessments are 
completed. Furthermore, the number of others that also may be 
responsible, and their ability to share in the cost of the cleanup, 
is not known. The company does not anticipate that such costs, net 
of the portion recoverable in rates, will be significant.
     As discussed in Note 14, restructuring of the California 
electric-utility industry will change the way utility rates are set 
and costs are recovered. SDG&E asked that the collaborative account 
be modified, and that electric generation-related cleanup costs be 
eligible for transition-cost recovery. The final outcome of this 
decision is that SDG&E's costs of compliance with environmental 
regulations may be fully recoverable.

Nuclear Insurance  

SDG&E and the co-owners of SONGS have purchased primary insurance 
of $200 million, the maximum amount available, for public-liability 
claims. An additional $8.7 billion of coverage is provided by 
secondary financial protection required by the Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission and provides for loss sharing among utilities owning 
nuclear reactors if a costly accident occurs. SDG&E could be 
assessed retrospective premium adjustments of up to $32 million in 
the event of a nuclear incident involving any of the licensed, 
commercial reactors in the United States, if the amount of the loss 
exceeds $200 million. In the event the public-liability limit 
stated above is insufficient, the Price-Anderson Act provides for 
Congress to enact further revenue-raising measures to pay claims, 
which could include an additional assessment on all licensed 
reactor operators.
     Insurance coverage is provided for up to $2.8 billion of 
property damage and decontamination liability. Coverage is also 
provided for the cost of replacement power, which includes 
indemnity payments for up to three years, after a waiting period of 
17 weeks. Coverage is provided primarily through mutual insurance 
companies owned by utilities with nuclear facilities. If losses at 
any of the nuclear facilities covered by the risk-sharing 
arrangements were to exceed the accumulated funds available from 
these insurance programs, SDG&E could be assessed retrospective 
premium adjustments of up to $6 million.

Department of Energy Decommissioning  

The Energy Policy Act of 1992 established a fund for the 
decontamination and decommissioning of the Department of Energy 
nuclear-fuel-enrichment facilities. Utilities which have used DOE 
enrichment services are being assessed a total of $2.3 billion, 
subject to adjustment for inflation, over a 15-year period ending 
in 2006. Each utility's share is based on its share of enrichment 
services purchased from the DOE through 1992. SDG&E's annual 
assessment is approximately $1 million. This assessment is 
recovered through SONGS revenue.


The company is involved in various legal matters, including those 
arising out of the ordinary course of business. Management believes 
that these matters will not have a material adverse effect on the 
company's results of operations, financial condition or liquidity.

Electric Distribution System Conversion  

Under a CPUC-mandated program and through franchise agreements with 
various cities, SDG&E is committed, in varying amounts, to 
converting overhead distribution facilities to underground. As of 
December 31, 1998, the aggregate unexpended amount of this 
commitment was approximately $104 million. Capital expenditures for 
underground conversions were $17 million in 1998, $17 million in 
1997, and $15 million in 1996.

Concentration of Credit Risk  

The company maintains credit policies and systems to minimize 
overall credit risk. These policies include, when applicable, the 
use of an evaluation of potential counterparties' financial 
condition and an assignment of credit limits. These credit limits 
are established based on risk and return considerations under terms 
customarily available in the industry. SDG&E and SoCalGas grant 
credit to their utility customers, substantially all of whom are 
located in their service territories, which together cover most of 
Southern California and a portion of central California.
     SET monitors and controls its credit-risk exposures through 
various systems which evaluate its credit risk, and through credit 
approvals and limits. To manage the level of credit risk, SET deals 
with a majority of counterparties with good credit standing, enters 
into master netting arrangements whenever possible and, where 
appropriate, obtains collateral. Master netting agreements 
incorporate rights of setoff that provide for the net settlement of 
subject contracts with the same counterparty in the event of 


Electric-Industry Restructuring  

In September 1996, California enacted a law restructuring its 
electric-utility industry (AB 1890). The legislation adopts the 
December 1995 CPUC policy decision restructuring the industry to 
stimulate competition and reduce rates.
     Beginning on March 31, 1998, customers were given the 
opportunity to choose to continue to purchase their electricity 
from the local utility under regulated tariffs, to enter into 
contracts with other energy-service providers (direct access) or to 
buy their power from the independent Power Exchange (PX) that 
serves as a wholesale power pool allowing all energy producers to 
participate competitively. The PX obtains its power from qualifying 
facilities, from nuclear units and, lastly, from the lowest-bidding 
suppliers. The California investor-owned electric utilities (IOUs) 
are obligated to sell their power supply, including owned-
generation and purchased-power contracts, to the PX. The IOUs are 
also obligated to purchase from the PX the power that they 
distribute. An Independent System Operator (ISO) schedules power 
transactions and access to the transmission system. The local 
utility continues to provide distribution service regardless of 
which source the consumer chooses. An example of these changes in 
the electric-utility environment is the U.S. Navy, SDG&E's largest 
customer. The U.S. Navy's contract to purchase energy from SDG&E 
was not renewed when it expired on September 30, 1998. Instead, the 
U.S. Navy elected to obtain energy through direct access and SDG&E 
continues to provide the distribution service.
     Utilities are allowed a reasonable opportunity to recover 
their stranded costs via a competition transition charge (CTC) to 
customers through December 31, 2001. Stranded costs include sunk 
costs, as well as ongoing costs the CPUC finds reasonable and 
necessary to maintain generation facilities through December 31, 
2001. These costs also include other items SDG&E has recorded under 
traditional cost-of-service regulation. Certain stranded costs, 
such as those related to reasonable employee-related costs directly 
caused by restructuring, and purchased-power contracts (including 
those with qualifying facilities) may be recovered beyond December 
31, 2001. To the extent that the opportunity to recover stranded 
costs is reduced by the costs to accommodate the implementation of 
direct access and the ISO/PX during the rate freeze, those 
displaced stranded costs may be recovered after December 31, 2001. 
Outside of those exceptions, stranded costs not recovered through 
2001 will not be collected from customers. Such costs, if any, 
would be written off as a charge against earnings. Nuclear 
decommissioning costs are nonbypassable until fully recovered, but 
are not included as part of transition costs. Additional 
information is provided in Note 10.
     Through December 31, 1998, SDG&E has recovered transition 
costs of $500 million for nuclear generation and $200 million for 
non-nuclear generation. Excluding the costs of purchased power and 
other costs whose recovery is not limited to the pre-2002 period, 
the balance of SDG&E's stranded assets at December 31, 1998, is 
$600 million, consisting of $400 million for the power plants and 
$200 million of related deferred taxes and undercollections.
     In November 1997, SDG&E announced a plan to auction its power 
plants and other electric-generating assets. This plan includes the 
divestiture of SDG&E's fossil power plants and combustion turbines, 
its 20-percent interest in SONGS and its portfolio of long-term 
purchased-power contracts. The power plants, including the interest 
in SONGS, have a net book value as of December 31, 1998, of $400 
million ($100 million for fossil and $300 million for SONGS) and a 
combined generating capacity of 2,400 megawatts. The proceeds from 
the sales, net of the costs of the sales and certain environmental 
cleanup costs, will be applied directly to SDG&E's transition 
costs. The fossil-fuel assets' auction is being separated from the 
auction of SONGS and the purchased-power contracts. In October 1998 
the CPUC issued an interim decision approving the commencement of 
the fossil fuel assets' auction. 
     On December 11, 1998, contracts were executed for the sale of 
SDG&E's South Bay Power Plant, Encina Power Plant and 17 
combustion-turbine generators. The South Bay Power Plant is being 
sold to the San Diego Unified Port District for $110 million. The 
Encina Power Plant and the combustion-turbine generators are being 
sold to a special-purpose entity owned equally by Dynegy Power 
Corp. and NRG Energy, Inc. for $356 million. The sales are subject 
to regulatory approval and are expected to close during the first 
half of 1999.
     During the 1998-2001 period, recovery of transition costs is 
limited by the rate freeze discussed below. Management believes 
that rates and the proceeds from the sale of electric-generating 
assets will be sufficient to recover all of SDG&E's approved 
transition costs by December 31, 2001, not including the post-2001 
purchased-power contracts payments that may be recovered after 
2001. However, if 1998-2001 generation costs, principally fuel 
costs, are greater than anticipated, SDG&E may be unable to recover 
all of its approved transition costs. This would result in a charge 
against earnings at the time it ceases to be probable that SDG&E 
will be able to recover all of the transition costs.
     AB 1890 requires a 10-percent reduction of residential and 
small commercial customers' rates, beginning in January 1998, and 
provides for the issuance of rate-reduction bonds by an agency of 
the state of California to enable the IOUs to achieve this rate 
reduction. In December 1997, $658 million of rate-reduction bonds 
were issued on behalf of SDG&E at an average interest rate of 6.26 
percent. These bonds are being repaid over 10 years by SDG&E's 
residential and small commercial customers via a nonbypassable 
charge on their electric bills. In 1997, SDG&E formed a subsidiary, 
SDG&E Funding LLC, to facilitate the issuance of the bonds. In 
exchange for the bond proceeds, SDG&E sold to SDG&E Funding LLC all 
of its rights to certain revenue streams collected from such 
customers. Consequently, the transaction is structured to cause 
such revenue streams not to be the property of SDG&E nor to be 
available to satisfy any claims of SDG&E's creditors.
     AB 1890 includes a rate freeze for all electric customers. 
Until the earlier of March 31, 2002, or when transition-cost 
recovery is complete, SDG&E's system-average rate will be frozen at 
the June 10, 1996, levels of 9.64 cents per kwh, except for the 
impact of fuel-cost changes and the 10-percent rate reduction 
described above. Beginning in 1998, system-average rates were fixed 
at 9.43 cents per kwh, which includes the maximum permitted 
increase related to fuel-cost increases and the mandatory rate 
     In early 1999, SDG&E filed with the CPUC for an interim 
mechanism to deal with electric rates after the rate freeze ends, 
noting the possibility that the SDG&E rate freeze could end in 
     As discussed in Note 2, SDG&E has been accounting for the 
economic effects of regulation in accordance with SFAS No. 71. The 
SEC indicated a concern that California's investor-owned utilities 
(IOUs) may not meet the criteria of SFAS No. 71 with respect to 
their electric-generation regulatory assets. SDG&E has ceased the 
application of SFAS No. 71 to its generation business, in 
accordance with the conclusion of the Emerging Issues Task Force of 
the Financial Accounting Standards Board that the application of 
SFAS 71 should be discontinued when legislation is issued that 
determines that a portion of an entity's business will no longer be 
subject to traditional cost-of-service regulation. The 
discontinuance of SFAS No. 71 applied to the IOUs' generation 
business did not result in a write-off of their net regulatory 
assets since the CPUC has approved the recovery of these assets by 
the distribution portion of their operations, subject to the rate 
     In October 1997, the FERC approved key elements of the 
California IOUs' restructuring proposal. This included the transfer 
by the IOUs of the operational control of their transmission 
facilities to the ISO, which is under FERC jurisdiction. The FERC 
also approved the establishment of the California PX to operate as 
an independent wholesale power pool. The IOUs pay to the PX an 
upfront restructuring charge (in four annual installments) and an 
administrative-usage charge for each megawatt hour of volume 
transacted. SDG&E's share of the restructuring charge is 
approximately $10 million, which is being recovered as a transition 
cost. The IOUs have guaranteed $300 million of commercial loans to 
the ISO and PX for their development and initial start-up. SDG&E's 
share of the guarantee is $30 million.
     Thus far, electric-industry deregulation has been confined to 
generation. Transmission and distribution have remained subject to 
traditional cost-of-service regulation. However, the CPUC is 
exploring the possibility of opening up electric distribution to 
competition. During 1999, the CPUC will be conducting a rulemaking, 
one objective of which may be to develop a coordinated proposal for 
the state legislature regarding how various distribution 
competition issues should be addressed. SDG&E and SoCalGas will 
actively participate in this effort.

Gas Industry Restructuring  

The natural gas industry experienced an initial phase of 
restructuring during the 1980s by deregulating gas sales to noncore 
customers. On January 21, 1998, the CPUC released a staff report 
initiating a project to assess the current market and regulatory 
framework for California's natural gas industry. The general goals 
of the plan are to consider reforms to the current regulatory 
framework emphasizing market-oriented policies benefiting 
California natural gas consumers.
     On August 25, 1998, California adopted a law prohibiting the 
CPUC from enacting any natural gas industry restructuring decision 
for customers prior to January 1, 2000. During the implementation 
moratorium, the CPUC will hold hearings throughout the state and 
intends to give the California Legislature a report for its review 
detailing specific recommendations for changing the natural gas 
market within California. SDG&E and SoCalGas will actively 
participate in this effort.

Performance-Based Regulation (PBR)  

To promote efficient operations and improved productivity and to 
move away from reasonableness reviews and disallowances, the CPUC 
has been directing utilities to use PBR. PBR has replaced the 
general rate case and certain other regulatory proceedings for both 
SoCalGas and SDG&E. Under PBR, regulators require future income 
potential to be tied to achieving or exceeding specific performance 
and productivity measures, as well as cost reductions, rather than 
relying solely on expanding utility rate base in a market where a 
utility already has a highly developed infrastructure.
     SoCalGas' PBR is in effect through December 31, 2002; however, 
the CPUC decision allows for the possibility that changes to the 
PBR mechanism could be adopted in a decision to be issued in 
SoCalGas' 1999 Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding, which is 
anticipated to become effective before year end 1999. Key elements 
of the SoCalGas PBR include an initial reduction in base rates, an 
indexing mechanism that limits future rate increases to the 
inflation rate less a productivity factor, a sharing mechanism with 
customers if earnings exceed the authorized rate of return on rate 
base, and rate refunds to customers if service quality 
deteriorates. Specifically, the key elements of SoCalGas' PBR 
include the following:

- --Earnings up to 25 basis points in excess of the authorized rate 
of return on rate base are retained 100 percent by shareholders. 
Earnings that exceed the authorized rate of return on rate base by 
greater than 25 basis points are shared between customers and 
shareholders on a sliding scale that begins with 75 percent of the 
additional earnings being given back to customers and declining to 
0 percent as earned returns approach 300 basis points above 
authorized amounts. There is no sharing if actual earnings fall 
below the authorized rate of return. In 1999, SoCalGas is 
authorized to earn a 9.49 percent return on rate base, the same as 
in 1998.

- --Revenue or base margin per customer is indexed based on inflation 
less an estimated productivity factor of 2.1 percent in the first 
year (1998), increasing 0.1 percent per year up to 2.5 percent in 
the fifth year (2002). This factor includes 1 percent to 
approximate the projected impact of a declining rate base. 

- --The CPUC decision allows for pricing flexibility for residential 
and small commercial customers, with any shortfalls in revenue 
being borne by shareholders and with any increase in revenue shared 
between shareholders and customers.

     Under SoCalGas' PBR, annual cost of capital proceedings are 
replaced by an automatic adjustment mechanism if changes in certain 
indices exceed established tolerances. The mechanism is triggered 
if the 12-month trailing average of actual market interest rates 
increases or decreases by more than 150 basis points and is 
forecasted to continue to vary by at least 150 basis points for the 
next year. If this occurs, there would be an automatic adjustment 
of rates for the change in the cost of capital according to a 
preestablished formula which applies a percentage of the change to 
various capital components.
     SDG&E continues to participate in a PBR process for base rates 
for its electric and natural gas distribution business. In 
conjunction therewith, in December 1998, a Cost of Service 
settlement agreement among SDG&E, the CPUC's Office of Ratepayers' 
Advocates (ORA) and the Utility Consumers' Action Network (UCAN) 
was approved by the CPUC, resulting in an authorized revenue 
increase of $12 million (an electric-distribution increase of $18 
million and a natural gas decrease of $6 million). The electric-
distribution increase does not affect rates during the rate freeze 
and, therefore, reduces the amount available for transition cost 
recovery. Revised rates were effective January 1, 1999.
     In January 1999, an administrative law judge's proposed 
decision was issued on SDG&E's distribution PBR application. The 
proposed decision recommends a revenue-per-customer indexing 
mechanism (similar to the indexing mechanism in SoCalGas' PBR) 
rather than the rate-indexing mechanism proposed by SDG&E. In 
addition, the proposed decision recommends much tighter earnings 
sharing bands (similar to SoCalGas'). The performance indicators 
are as adopted in the settlement agreement, including employee 
safety, electric reliability, customer satisfaction, call-center 
responsiveness and electric-system maintenance. SDG&E would be 
authorized to earn or be penalized up to a maximum of $14.5 million 
annually as a result of its performance in those areas. 

Comprehensive Settlement Of Natural Gas Regulatory Issues

In July 1994, the CPUC approved a comprehensive settlement for 
SoCalGas (Comprehensive Settlement) of a number of regulatory 
issues, including rate recovery of a significant portion of the 
restructuring costs associated with certain long-term contracts 
with suppliers of California-offshore and Canadian natural gas. In 
the past, the cost of these supplies had been substantially in 
excess of SoCalGas' average delivered cost for all natural gas 
supplies. The restructured contracts substantially reduced the 
ongoing delivered costs of these supplies. The Comprehensive 
Settlement permits SoCalGas to recover in utility rates 
approximately 80 percent of the contract-restructuring costs of 
$391 million and accelerated amortization of related pipeline 
assets of approximately $140 million, together with interest, 
incurred prior to January 1, 1999. In addition to the supply 
issues, the Comprehensive Settlement addressed the following other 
regulatory issues:

- --Noncore Customer Rates.  The Comprehensive Settlement changed the 
procedures for determining noncore rates to be charged by SoCalGas 
for the five-year period commencing August 1, 1994. These rates are 
based upon SoCalGas' recorded throughput to these customers for 
1991. SoCalGas will bear the full risk of any declines in noncore 
deliveries from 1991 levels. Any revenue enhancement from 
deliveries in excess of 1991 levels will be limited by a crediting 
account mechanism that will require a credit to customers of 87.5 
percent of revenues in excess of certain limits. These annual 
limits above which the credit is applicable increase from $11 
million to $19 million over the five-year period from August 1, 
1994, through July 31, 1999. SoCalGas' ability to report as 
earnings the results from revenues in excess of SoCalGas' 
authorized return from noncore customers due to volume increases 
has been limited for the five years beginning August 1, 1994, as a 
result of the Comprehensive Settlement. The 1999 Biennial Cost 
Allocation Proceeding is intended to adopt measures to replace this 
aspect of the Comprehensive Settlement when it expires during 1999.

- --Gas Cost Incentive Mechanism (GCIM).  On April 1, 1994, SoCalGas 
implemented a new process for evaluating its natural gas purchases, 
substantially replacing the previous process of reasonableness 
reviews. Initially a three-year pilot program, in December 1998 the 
CPUC extended the GCIM program indefinitely. Automatic annual 
extensions to the program will continue unless the CPUC issues an 
order stating otherwise.
     GCIM compares SoCalGas' cost of natural gas with a benchmark 
level, which is the average price of 30-day firm spot supplies in 
the basins in which SoCalGas purchases the natural gas. The 
mechanism permits full recovery of all costs within a "tolerance 
band" above the benchmark price and refunds all savings within a 
"tolerance band" below the benchmark price. The costs or savings 
outside the "tolerance band" are shared equally between customers 
and shareholders. 
     The CPUC approved the use of natural gas futures for managing 
risk associated with the GCIM. SoCalGas enters into natural gas 
futures contracts in the open market on a limited basis to mitigate 
risk and better manage natural gas costs. 
     In June 1997, SoCalGas requested a shareholder award of $11 
million, which was approved by the CPUC in June 1998 and is 
included in pretax income in 1998. In June 1998, SoCalGas filed its 
annual GCIM application with the CPUC requesting an award of $2 
million for the annual period ended March 31, 1998. This request 
was approved by the CPUC in December 1998 and is included in pretax 
income in 1998.

- --Attrition Allowances.  The Comprehensive Settlement authorized 
SoCalGas an annual allowance for increases in operating and 
maintenance expenses. However, no attrition allowance was 
authorized for 1997 and beyond, based on an agreement reached as 
part of the PBR application. 
     PE and SoCalGas recorded the impact of the Comprehensive 
Settlement in 1993. Upon giving effect to liabilities previously 
recognized by the companies, the costs of the Comprehensive 
Settlement, including the restructuring of natural gas supply 
contracts, did not result in any future charge to PE's earnings.

Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding (BCAP)  

In the second quarter of 1997, the CPUC issued a decision on 
SoCalGas' 1996 BCAP filing. In this decision, the CPUC considered 
SoCalGas' relinquishments of interstate pipeline capacity on both 
the El Paso and Transwestern pipelines. This resulted in a 
reduction in the pipeline demand charges allocated to SoCalGas' 
customers and surcharges allocated to firm capacity holders through 
pipeline rate-case settlements adopted at the FERC. However, the 
CPUC and FERC are reviewing the decision.
     In October 1998, SoCalGas and SDG&E filed 1999 BCAP 
applications requesting that new rates become effective August 1, 
1999 and remain in effect through December 31, 2002. The proposed 
beginning date follows the conclusion of the Comprehensive 
Settlement (discussed above), and the proposed end date aligns with 
the expiration of SoCalGas' and SDG&E's PBRs. The applications seek 
overall decreases in natural gas revenues of $204 million for 
SoCalGas and $9 million for SDG&E.

Cost of Capital  

Under PBR, annual Cost of Capital proceedings were replaced by an 
automatic adjustment mechanism if changes in certain indices exceed 
established tolerances. For 1999, SoCalGas is authorized to earn a 
rate of return on common equity (ROE) of 11.6 percent and a 9.49 
percent return on rate base (ROR), the same as in 1998, unless 
interest-rate changes are large enough to trigger an automatic 
adjustment as discussed above under "Performance-Based Regulation." 
For SDG&E, electric-industry restructuring is changing the method 
of calculating the utility's annual cost of capital. In May 1998, 
SDG&E filed with the CPUC its unbundled Cost of Capital application 
for 1999 rates. The application seeks approval to establish new, 
separate rates of return for SDG&E's electric-distribution and 
natural gas businesses. The application proposes a 12.00 percent 
ROE, which would produce an overall ROR of 9.33 percent. The ORA, 
UCAN and other intervenors have filed testimony recommending 
significantly lower RORs. The ORA is recommending an electric ROR 
of 7.68 percent and a gas ROR of 8.01 percent. A CPUC decision is 
expected during the second quarter of 1999. In 1998, SDG&E's 
electric and natural gas distribution operations were authorized to 
earn an ROE of 11.6 percent and an ROR of 9.35 percent, unchanged 
from 1997. In addition, the authorized rates of return on nuclear 
and non-nuclear generating assets are 7.14 percent and 6.75 
percent, respectively.

Transactions Between Utilities and Affiliated Companies  

On December 16, 1997, the CPUC adopted rules, effective January 1, 
1998, establishing uniform standards of conduct governing the 
manner in which IOUs conduct business with their energy-related 
affiliates. The objective of the affiliate-transaction rules is to 
ensure that these affiliates do not gain an unfair advantage over 
other competitors in the marketplace and that utility customers do 
not subsidize affiliate activities. The rules establish standards 
relating to non-discrimination, disclosure and information 
exchange, and separation of activities.
     The CPUC excluded utility-to-utility transactions between 
SDG&E and SoCalGas from the affiliate-transaction rules in its 
March 1998 decision approving the business combination of Enova and 
PE (see Note 1).


The company, primarily an energy-services company, has three 
separately managed reportable segments comprised of SoCalGas, SDG&E 
and Sempra Energy Trading (SET). The two utilities operate in 
essentially separate service territories under separate regulatory 
frameworks and rate structures set by the CPUC. As described in 
Note 1, SDG&E provides electric and natural gas service to San 
Diego and southern Orange counties. SoCalGas is a natural gas 
distribution utility, serving customers throughout most of Southern 
California and part of central California. SET is based in 
Stamford, Connecticut, and is engaged in the nationwide wholesale 
trading and marketing of natural gas, power and petroleum. The 
accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described 
in Note 2, and segment performance is evaluated by management based 
on reported net income. Intersegment transactions generally are 
recorded the same as sales or transactions with third parties. 
Utility transactions are primarily based on rates set by the CPUC 
and FERC.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                   For the year ended December 31
(Dollars in millions)                   1998     1997     1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Revenues:
  Southern California Gas           $2,427     $2,641     $2,422
  San Diego Gas & Electric           2,749      2,167      1,939
  Sempra Energy Trading                110          _          _
  Intersegment revenues                (59)       (55)       (60)
  All other                            254        316        195
    Total                           $5,481     $5,069     $4,496
Interest Revenue:
  Southern California Gas               $4        $16         $5
  San Diego Gas & Electric              40          9          7
  Sempra Energy Trading                  3          _          _
  All other interest                     3         21         23
    Total interest                      50         46         35
  Sundry income (loss)                  (6)        12         (7)
    Total other income                 $44        $58        $28
Depreciation and Amortization:
  Southern California Gas             $254       $251       $248
  San Diego Gas & Electric          
    (See Note 14)                      603        324        314
  Sempra Energy Trading                 13          _          _
  All other                             59         29         25
    Total                             $929       $604       $587
Interest Expense:
  Southern California Gas              $80        $87        $86
  San Diego Gas & Electric             116         86         91
  Sempra Energy Trading                  5          _          _
  All other                              6         33         23
    Total                             $207       $206       $200
Income Tax Expense (Benefit):
  Southern California Gas             $128       $178       $148
  San Diego Gas & Electric             142        219        198
  Sempra Energy Trading                 (9)         _          _
  All other                           (123)       (96)       (46)
    Total                             $138       $301       $300
Net Income:
  Southern California Gas             $158       $231       $193
  San Diego Gas & Electric             185        232        216
  Sempra Energy Trading                (13)         _          _
  All other                            (36)       (31)        18
    Total                             $294       $432       $427

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                       At December 31, or for
                                        the year then ended
(Dollars in millions)                  1998     1997     1996
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  Southern California Gas           $3,834     $4,205     $4,354
  San Diego Gas & Electric           4,257      4,654      4,161
  Sempra Energy Trading              1,225        846          _
  All other                          1,253      1,181      1,257
  Eliminations                        (113)      (130)       (10)
    Total                          $10,456    $10,756     $9,762
Capital Expenditures:
  Southern California Gas             $128       $159       $197
  San Diego Gas & Electric             227        197        209
  Sempra Energy Trading                  _          _          _
  All other                             83         41          7
    Total                             $438       $397       $413

Geographic Information:
  Long-lived assets:
    United States                   $5,849     $5,904     $6,647
    Latin America                      140         67         50
      Total                         $5,989     $5,971     $6,697
Operating Revenues:
    United States                   $5,474     $5,058     $4,488
    Latin America                        7         11          8
      Total                         $5,481     $5,069     $4,496
- -----------------------------------------------------------------


On February 22, 1999, the company and KN Energy, Inc. (KN Energy) 
announced that their respective boards of directors approved the 
company's acquisition of KN Energy, subject to approval by the 
shareholders of both companies and by various federal and state 
regulatory agencies. If the transaction is approved, holders of KN 
Energy common stock will receive 1.115 shares of company common 
stock or $25 in cash, or some combination thereof, for each share 
of KN Energy common stock. In the aggregate, the cash portion of 
the transaction will constitute not more than 30 percent of the 
total consideration of $1.7 billion. The companies anticipate that 
the closing will occur in six to eight months. The transaction will 
be treated as a purchase for accounting purposes.

Sempra Energy
Quarterly Financial Data (unaudited)

                                                                          Quarter ended
                                                       March 31     June 30     September 30     December 31
Dollars in millions except per share amounts                                                                    
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revenues and other income                              $  1,350    $  1,335         $  1,398        $  1,442
Operating expenses                                        1,164       1,249            1,192           1,281
Operating income                                       $    186    $     86         $    206        $    161
Net income                                             $     87    $     31         $     91        $     85
Average common shares outstanding (diluted)               236.4       236.9            237.4           237.6
Net income per common share (diluted)                  $   0.37    $   0.13         $   0.38        $   0.36

Revenues and other income                              $  1,301    $  1,130         $  1,251        $  1,445
Operating expenses                                        1,093         878            1,018           1,199
Operating income                                       $    208    $    252         $    233        $    246
Net income                                             $     98    $    112         $    102        $    120
Average common shares outstanding (diluted)               239.2       236.3            236.2           236.6
Net income per common share (diluted)                  $   0.41    $   0.47         $   0.43        $   0.51
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Quarterly Common Stock Data (unaudited)

                                                  1998                                  1997
                                   First    Second    Third    Fourth    First    Second    Third    Fourth
                                  Quarter  Quarter   Quarter  Quarter   Quarter  Quarter   Quarter  Quarter
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Market price
    High                             *        *       28       29 5/16      *        *        *       *    
    Low                              *        *       23 3/4   24 9/16      *        *        *       *    
Dividends declared(1)               $0.32    $0.46   $0.39    $0.39        $0.31    $0.45    $0.19   $0.32
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Not presented as the formation of Sempra Energy was not completed until June 26, 1998.

(1) Prior to the formation of Sempra Energy on June 26, 1998, dividends declared represents the sum of 
dividends declared by Pacific Enterprises and Enova Corporation, divided by the sum of the combining 
companies' shares after the conversion of PE's shares into Sempra Energy shares as described in Note 1 to 
the notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.