Exhibit 10.09
This Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan provides retirement income,  
disability income and death benefits to key executives and their spouses  
under specified circumstances. 
This amended and restated Plan is effective July 1, 1998. 
TC "1. Definitions"\l  
1.1 "Actuarial Equivalent" means equivalent value when computed using the  
applicable mortality table promulgated by the IRS under Code Section  
417(e)(3) as in effect on the first day of the Plan Year and the applicable  
interest rate promulgated by the IRS under Code Section 417(e)(3) for the  
November preceding the first day of the Plan Year.  
1.2 "Average Bonus" means the average of the three highest annual incentive  
awards earned by a Participant under the Executive Incentive Plan during the  
Participant's last ten years of Service, determined an follows: 
(a) Annual incentive awards shall be counted whether or not deferred under  
the Deferred Compensation Plan. 
(b) If a Participant was designated as a participant in the Executive  
Incentive Plan for a year, but earned no annual incentive award during that  
year, the award will be counted as zero, and if the Participant did not earn  
three annual incentive awards during the other years during the last ten  
years of Service, the zero amount will be used to attain the average of the  
three highest annual incentive awards. 
(c) If the Participant was not designated as a participant in the Executive  
Incentive Plan for three full years of the last ten years of Service, the  
average shall be based on the number of full years the Participant was  
designated as a participant in the Executive Incentive Plan during the last  
ten years of Service. 
(d) As to a Participant in the Executive Incentive Plan who did not earn  
annual incentive awards during the last ten years of Service solely due to a  
disability which qualified him for a Basic Disability Plan Benefit, a  
Supplemental Disability Benefit or both, the applicable ten year period will  
be extended backwards for each year of such occurrence. 
(e) Prorated annual incentive awards earned under the Executive Incentive  
Plan will not be used in determining the average. 
(f) If a Participant works past his Normal Retirement Date, his "Average  
Bonus" will be determined and fixed as of such date. 
1.3 "Average Earnings" means the average Earnings of the highest two years  
of Service in the last ten years while a Participant was not receiving a  
Basic Disability Plan Benefit, a Supplemental Disability Benefit or both. 
1.4 "Basic Disability Plan" means a disability plan maintained by Sempra  
Energy or a subsidiary which provides coverage for most full time employees  
of the plan sponsor. 
1.5 "Basic Disability Plan Benefit" means the annual amount of benefit  
payable from the Basic Disability Plan to a Participant. 
1.6 "Basic Pension Plan" means the Sempra Energy Cash Balance Plan, and  
where applicable by the context, the pension plan of a subsidiary of Sempra  
1.7 "Basic Pension Plan Benefit" means the annual amount of benefit payable  
from the Basic Pension Plan to a Participant on his Retirement Date in the  
form of a straight life annuity without a cost-of-living feature. 
1.8 "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of  
1.9 "Company" means Sempra Energy. 
1.10 "Deferred Compensation Plan" means the Sempra Energy Executive Deferred  
Compensation Plan. 
1.11 "Earnings" means base compensation only including any deferral under  
the Savings Plan, the Supplemental Savings Plan and the Deferred  
Compensation Plan. 
1.12 "Employer" means the Company and any of its subsidiaries (any  
corporation of which 50% or more of the issued and outstanding stock having  
ordinary voting rights is owned directly or indirectly by the Company or any  
other business entity or association of which 50% or more of the outstanding  
equity interest is so owned) which adopt this Plan. 
1.13 "Employment" means employment by the Employer, including the period  
during which a Participant is receiving a Basic Disability Plan Benefit, and  
any additiona1 period during which a Participant is receiving a Supplemental  
Disability Benefit under this Plan. 
1.14 "Executive Incentive Plan" means the Sempra Energy Executive Incentive  
1.15 "Normal Retirement Date" means the first day of the month following the  
month in which a Participant attains age 65. 
1.16 "Participant" means an employee of the Employer designated to  
participate in this Plan as specified in Section 2.1. 
1.17 "Plan" means this Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan. 
1.18 "Preretirement Spouse's Benefit" means the benefit payable or paid  
under the Basic Pension Plan and Excess Cash Balance Plan to a Surviving  
Spouse of a Participant who dies in Employment.  
1.19 "Prior Plan" shall mean the Pacific Enterprises Supplemental Retirement  
and Survivor Plan and the San Diego Gas and Electric Supplemental Executive  
Retirement Plan. 
1.20 "Retirement" means the termination of a Participant's Employment with  
the Employer after five years of Service on or after the Participant attains  
age 55.  
1.21 "Retirement Date" means the first day of the month following a  
Participant's Retirement. 
1.22 "Service" means  a Participant's credited service which would be used  
to compute retirement benefits under the Basic Pension Plan.  
1.23 "Social Security Benefit" means the annual Primary Insurance Amount  
estimated to be payable to the Participant at age 65 under the Federal  
Social Security Act in effect at the time of the event. 
1.24 "Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefits" means the benefit payable  
to the Surviving Spouse of a Participant under Section 2.3 of this Plan  
after the Participant has died on or after his Retirement Date. 
1.25 "Supplemental Disability Benefit" means the benefit payable to a  
disabled Participant under Section 2.5 of this Plan. 
1.26 "Excess Cash Balance Plan" means the Sempra Energy Excess Cash Balance  
Plan, or any other supplemental pension plan of any Employer providing  
essentially the same benefits for one or more Participants. 
1.27 "Excess Cash Balance Plan Benefits" means the annual amount of benefit  
payable or paid from the Excess Cash Balance Plan to a Participant on his  
Retirement Date in the form of a straight life annuity without a cost-of- 
living adjustment feature. 
1.28 "Supplemental Retirement Benefit" means the benefit payable to a  
Participant under Section 2.2 of this Plan on his Retirement Date. 
1.29 "Surviving Spouse" means in the case of a Spouse's Death Benefit, a  
spouse married to the Participant for at least the one-year period ending on  
the Participant's date of death, and means in the case of a Spouse's  
Supplemental Retirement Benefit, a spouse who is married to the Participant  
for at least the one-year period ending on the Participant's Retirement Date  
and who is still married to the Participant on the date of the Participant's  
death.  Surviving Spouse also means a Spousal Equivalent as defined by the  
Company (subject to the one year requirements) under the Company Medical  
1.30 The masculine pronoun whenever used shall include the feminine pronoun,  
and the singular shall include the plural where the context requires it. 
1.31 "Vesting Factor" means the following for a Participant who qualifies  
for Retirement under paragraph 1.20 
Vesting Schedule 
                 55     56     57     58     59     60 and older 
5                50%    60%    70%    80%    90%    100% 
6                55%    60%    70%    80%    90%    100% 
7                60%    65%    70%    80%    90%    100% 
8                65%    70%    75%    80%    90%    100% 
9                70%    75%    80%    85%    90%    100% 
10               75%    80%    85%    90%    95%    100% 
11               80%    85%    90%    95%    100%   100% 
12               85%    90%    95%    100%   100%   100% 
13               90%    95%    100%   100%   100%   100% 
14               95%    100%   100%   100%   100%   100% 
15 and more      100%   100%   100%   100%   100%   100% 
Based on attained age and completed years of service. 
TC "2. Eligibility for Benefits"\l  
TC "2.1 Participation "\l2  
2.1 Participation 
Executive Officers of the Company as designated shall be eligible to  
participate in this Plan.  The Committee may designate additional officers  
and key employees of the Employer who shall participate in this Plan and the  
effective date of such participation, subject to agreement by the Board of  
Directors of the executive's Employer (if not the Company) that such  
executive participate and that such Employer pay the costs of this Plan for  
the executive and his Surviving Spouse.  
TC "2.2 Supplemental Retirement Benefit "\l2  
2.2 Supplemental Retirement Benefit 
Each Participant is eligible to retire and receive a benefit under this Plan  
as specified in Sections 3.1 and 3.4 beginning on his Retirement Date.  No  
Supplemental Retirement Benefit will be paid to a Participant who leaves  
Employment prior to attaining age 55 or completing five years of Service,  
except as provided under other agreements. 
TC "2.3 Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit "\l2  
2.3 Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit 
The Surviving Spouse of a Participant who dies on or after his Retirement  
Date who did not receive a lump sum payment is eligible for a Spouse's  
Supplemental Retirement Benefit in accordance with Sections 3.2 and 3.4. 
TC "2.4 Spouse's Death Benefit "\l2  
2.4 Spouse's Death Benefit 
The Surviving Spouse of a Participant who dies in Employment is eligible for  
a Spouse's Death Benefit as specified in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 in either the  
form of a lump sum benefit or lifetime annuity benefit as elected by the  
Participant.  There is no cost to the Participant for this benefit.  If a  
Participant dies during Employment without an eligible Surviving Spouse, no  
Spouse's Death Benefit is payable under this Plan. 
TC "2.5 Supplemental Disability Benefit "\l2  
2.5 Supplemental Disability Benefit 
A Participant who becomes disabled may be eligible to receive a supplemental  
Disability Benefit  as specified in Section 5. 
TC "3. Retirement Benefits "\l  
TC "3.1 Amount of Supplemental Retirement Benefit "\l2  
3.1 Amount of Supplemental Retirement Benefit 
The annual Supplemental Retirement Benefit payable to a Participant as of  
his Retirement Date is equal to (a) minus (b) with the resultant product  
multiplied by the Participant's Vesting Factor and then the resultant  
product multiplied by the early retirement reduction (pursuant to Appendix  
A) for Retirement Dates which precede attainment of 62 years of age.  The  
benefit will also be reduced as provided in Section 8: 
(a) is the sum of the following percent of the total of the Participant's  
Average Earnings and Average Bonus 
(i) 1/3% for each month of Service  through 120 (40% for 10 years of  
Service), plus 
(ii) 1/6% for each month of Service in excess of 120, through 240 (60% for  
20 years of Service), plus 
(iii) 1/48% for each month of Service in excess of 240 (65% for 40 years of  
(b) is the sum of his 
(i) Basic Pension Plan Benefit, plus  
(ii) Excess Cash Balance Plan Benefit  
Provided however, that if a Participant commences receipt of benefits under  
this Plan on a different date than the Participant commences receipt of  
benefits under the Basic Pension Plan, this paragraph (b) shall be  
calculated based on the benefits the Participant would have received if the  
Participant elected the same Retirement Date under the Basic Pension Plan  
that he elected under this Plan.  
If (a) minus (b) results in zero or less, then no Supplemental Retirement  
Benefit is payable. 
The Participant may elect to receive the Supplemental Retirement Plan  
benefits, payable on his behalf, paid in an actuarially equivalent lump sum,  
provided the Participant elects such lump sum one year prior to retirement  
and submits evidence of good health satisfactory to the Committee. 
TC "3.2 Amount of Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit "\l2  
3.2 Amount of Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit 
The annual Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit payable to a Surviving  
Spouse of a Participant who did not receive a lump sum optional payment is  
equal to 50% of the Participant's Supplemental Retirement Benefit in Station  
3.1(a) without the reduction in 3.1(b) but adjusted by the Vesting Factor  
and the early retirement reduction pursuant to appendix A.  
TC "3.3 Adjustments "\l2  
3.3 Adjustments 
The annual Supplemental Retirement Benefit or the annual Spouse's  
Supplemental Retirement Benefit will not be decreased or increased on  
account of any increase or decrease in the Basic Pension Plan Benefit,  
Supplemental Pension Plan Benefit, or Social Security Benefit occurring  
after a Participant's Retirement Date or death. 
TC "3.4 Payment "\l2  
3.4 Payment 
A Supplemental Retirement Benefit will be paid monthly, beginning on the  
last day of the month of the Participant's Retirement Date, and will  
continue to be paid monthly during the life of the Participant, the last  
payment to be made to the Participant's spouse, or if none, to the  
Participant's estate, on the last day of the month in which the death of the  
Participant occurs.  If the Participant is survived by a Surviving Spouse,  
the Surviving Spouse will receive a Spouse's Supplemental Retirement  
Benefit.  The Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit will be paid monthly,  
and will commence on the last day of the month following the month in which  
the Participant dies and will continue during the life of the Surviving  
The Participant may elect to receive all Supplemental Retirement Plan  
benefit payable on behalf of the Participant in an actuarially equivalent  
lump sum, provided the Participant elects one year prior to retirement and  
submits evidence satisfactory to the Committee of his/her good health. 
TC "4. Supplemental Preretirement Spouse's Death Benefits "\l  
TC "4.1 Benefit "\l2  
4.1 Benefit 
The annual Spouse's Death Benefit that will be paid to a Surviving Spouse of  
a Participant who dies in Employment prior to his Retirement Date is equal  
to (a) minus (b) when:  
(a) is 50% of the Participant's accrued benefit calculated in accordance  
with 3.1(a).  If the Participant is under age 55 at the time of death, the  
age 55 early retirement factor shall be used, and 
(b) is the Surviving Spouse's Preretirement Spouse's Benefit, plus any life  
insurance benefit payable under any Split Dollar Life Insurance purchased in  
accordance with Section 8.1 herein.  
 TC "4.2 Form of Benefit "\l2  
4.2 Form of Benefit 
A Participant may elect to have his Surviving Spouse receive either the  
annuity benefit described above or, an Actuarially Equivalent lump sum  
payment.  The payment of a lump sum requires that the election be made at  
least one year prior to the Participant's date of death and that the  
Surviving Spouse submits evidence satisfactory to the Committee of his/her  
good health.  
The initial election of benefit form must be made at the time of  
commencement of Participation.   
If a Participant wishes to change from the lump sum benefit to the lifetime  
annuity benefit or vice versa thereafter, the Participant may apply for such  
change as long as it is received by the Company in writing at least one year  
prior to termination under the Basic Plan. Spouse's Death Benefit shall  
automatically cease upon the earliest of: 
(i) the Participant's termination of Employment,  
(ii) the death of the Surviving Spouse, and  
(iii) the Participant's Retirement Date.  
TC "5. Supplemental Disability Benefits "\l  
TC "5.1 Amount "\l2  
5.1 Amount 
The annual Supplemental Disability Benefit payable to a Participant is equal  
to (a) minus (b) when: (a) is 60% multiplied by the total of the  
Participant's Average Bonus and annual rate of Earnings in effect on the day  
immediately preceding the day the Participant becomes eligible, and (b) is  
the sum of 
(i) the Participant's Basic Disability Plan Benefit, and any other Company  
provided disability plan, plus 
(ii) the amount of benefits for which the Participant is eligible under the  
provisions of any federal or state law providing payments on account of  
disability, as these payments are defined in the Basic Disability Plan,  
during the period of eligibility for a Supplemental Disability Benefit.  
If (a) minus (b) results in zero or less, then no Supplemental Disability  
Benefit is payable.  If the Basic Disability Plan Benefit increases under  
the Basic Disability Plan, the Supplemental Disability Benefit will be  
decreased by the same amount. 
TC "5.2 Payment "\l2  
5.2 Payment 
Eligibility for a Supplemental Disability Benefit is determined by the  
Committee.  The Supplemental Disability Benefit will be paid monthly. The  
last Supplemental Disability Benefit will be paid to the Participant at the  
earliest of (i) when the Committee deems that the Participant is no longer  
disabled, (ii) when Participant starts receiving a Supplemental Retirement  
Benefit, or (iii) when the Participant attains age 65. 
TC "6. Administration "\l  
TC "6.1 Authority of Committee "\l2  
6.1 Authority of Committee 
This Plan shall be administered by the Committee. Subject to the express  
provisions of this Plan, the Committee shall have full and final authority  
to interpret this Plan, to prescribe, amend and rescind rules, regulations  
and guides relating to the Plan, and to make any other determinations that  
it believe. necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan.  The  
Committee may delegate certain responsibilities in the administration of the  
Plan.  All decisions and determinations by the Committee shall be final and  
binding upon all parties. 
TC "6.2 Calculation of Benefits "\l2  
6.2 Calculation of Benefits 
Any and all payments to be made under this Plan and all Actuarial  
Equivalents shall be calculated by the Company's regularly employed  
independent actuaries, and their determinations shall be final and binding  
on all parties. 
TC "7. Miscellaneous "\l  
TC "7.1 Amendment, Termination or Removal of Participant "\l2  
7.1 Amendment, Termination or Removal of Participant 
The Committee may, in its sole discretion, terminate, suspend, or amend this  
Plan at any time, in whole or in part.  However, no amendment or suspension  
of the Plan will affect a retired or disabled Participant's right or the  
right of a Surviving Spouse to continue receiving a benefit in accordance  
with this Plan as in effect on the date such Participant or Surviving Spouse  
began to receive a benefit under this Plan.  The Committee may, in its sole  
discretion, remove an executive as a Participant in this Plan due to changed  
job responsibilities or other changed circumstances as long as no benefits  
are then being paid to the Participant under this Plan. 
TC "7.2 No Employment Right "\l2  
7.2 No Employment Right 
Nothing contained herein will confer upon any Participant the right to be  
retained in Employment, nor will it interfere with the right of his Employer  
to discharge or otherwise deal with the Participant without regard to the  
existence of this Plan. 
TC "7.3 Funding "\l2  
7.3 Funding 
This Plan is unfunded, and the Employer will make Plan Benefit Payments  
solely on a current disbursement basis.  Participants and their  
Beneficiaries shall have no legal or equitable rights, claims, or interest  
in any specific property or assets of the Employer, and the rights of the  
Participants and Beneficiaries shall be no greater than those of unsecured  
general creditors. 
TC "7.4 Allocation of Costs "\l2  
7.4 Allocation of Costs 
Amounts accrued as expenses under this Plan, and the cost of any life  
insurance policies purchased to fund for benefits payable under this Plan,  
shall be allocated to Employers whose employees are Participants in this  
TC "7.5 Nonassignment "\l2  
7.5 Nonassignment 
To the maximum extent permitted by law, no benefit under this Plan will be  
assignable or subject in any manner to alienation, sale, transfer, claims of  
creditors, pledge, attachment, or encumbrances of any kind. 
TC "7.6 Governing Law "\l2  
7.6 Governing Law 
This Plan is established under and will be construed according to the laws  
of the State of California. 
TC "8. Offset for Certain Benefits Payable Under Split-Dollar Life Insurance  
8.1 Some of the Participants under this Plan own life insurance policies  
(the "Policies") purchased on their behalf by the Company.  The ownership of  
these Policies by each Participant is, however, subject to certain  
conditions (set forth in a "Split 
Dollar Life Insurance Agreement" or other comparable agreements between the  
Participant and the Company) and, if the Participant fails to meet the  
conditions set forth in the Split 
Dollar Life Insurance Agreement, the Participant may lose certain rights  
under the Policy.  In the event that a Participant satisfies the conditions  
specified in Section 5 or 6 of the Split 
Dollar Life Insurance Agreement, so that the Participant or his beneficiary  
becomes entitled to benefits under one of those sections, the value of those  
benefits shall constitute an offset to any benefits otherwise payable under  
this Plan.  As the case may be, this offset (the "Offset Value") shall be  
calculated by determining the value of benefits payable under the Split 
Dollar Life Insurance Agreement, that is, the cash surrender value of the  
Policy, or in the case of the Participant's death, the death benefits  
payable to the beneficiary under the Policy.  The Offset Value shall then be  
compared to the Actuarial Equivalent (as defined in Section 8.4) of the  
benefits payable under this Plan (the "Plan Values), and the Plan Value  
shall be reduced by the Offset Value. 
8.2 At the time when the Participant terminates employment for any reason,  
if the Plan Value exceeds the present value (determined using the interest  
rate specified in Section 8.4) of the Offset Value, the excess of the Plan  
Value over the present value of the Offset Value shall be paid to the  
Participant or beneficiary at that time in a lump sum.  Provided that the  
Participant or beneficiary submits evidence satisfactory to the Committee of  
his/her good health.  If the Participant is not in good health, the benefits  
will be paid as an annuity.  The Participant may choose, one year prior to  
the date of termination, to receive the remaining amount as an annuity.   
Such payment shall completely discharge all obligations owed under this Plan  
on account of Participant's participation in this Plan. 
8.3 If the Policy described in Section 8.1 is not on the life of the  
Participant, the insured dies prior to the Participant becoming eligible for  
benefits under the Plan, and the Participant or the Participant's  
beneficiary subsequently becomes eligible for benefits hereunder, the  
Actuarial Equivalent  of the benefits payable hereunder shall be offset by  
the Actuarial Equivalent of the payments previously paid to the Participant  
in the Split 
Dollar Life Insurance Agreement.  Any remaining amount due the Participant  
or the Participant's beneficiary shall thereupon be paid in a cash lump sum,  
provided that the Participant or beneficiary submits evidence satisfactory  
to the Committee of his/her good health.  If the Participant is not in good  
health, the benefits will be paid as an annuity.  The Participant may  
choose, one year prior to the date of termination, to receive the remaining  
amount as an annuity. 
8.4 Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, in the event  
that a Participant has a benefit under Excess Cash Balance Plan, the Offset  
Value shall first be applied to reduce benefits paid under the Excess Cash  
Balance Plan and any remaining Offset Value shall then be applied to reduce  
the Plan Value under this Plan; provided, however, that for purposes of  
determining the amount of benefits payable under this Plan, any benefits  
payable under the Excess Cash Balance Plan shall be determined without  
regard to such offset. 
8.5 The Committee may offer additional options which are of equivalent  
                            62 and later   61   60   59   58   57   56   55 
Early Retirement Factor*    100%           97%  94%  90%  86%  82%  78%  74% 
*Reduction factors vary by age and months. 
Current Participants in the Prior Plans are permanently grandfathered under  
the Prior Plan provisions if the benefit is greater. 
Section	Page 
1. Definitions	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840980   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840980  
2. Eligibility for Benefits	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840981   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840981  
2.1  Participation	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840982   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840982  
2.2  Supplemental Retirement Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840983   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840983  
2.3  Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840984   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840984  
2.4  Spouse's Death Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840985   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840985  
2.5  Supplemental Disability Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840986   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840986  
3.  Retirement Benefits	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840987   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840987  
3.1  Amount of Supplemental Retirement Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840988   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840988  
3.2  Amount of Spouse's Supplemental Retirement Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840989   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840989  
3.3  Adjustments	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840990   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840990  
3.4  Payment	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840991   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840991  
4.  Supplemental Preretirement Spouse's Death Benefits	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840992   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840992  
4.1  Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840993   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840993  
4.2  Form of Benefit	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840994   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840994  
5.  Supplemental Disability Benefits	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840995   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840995  
5.1  Amount	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840996   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840996  
5.2  Payment	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840997   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840997  
6.  Administration	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840998   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840998  
6.1  Authority of Committee	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416840999   
 PAGEREF _Toc416840999  
6.2  Calculation of Benefits	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841000   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841000  
7.  Miscellaneous	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841001   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841001  
7.1  Amendment, Termination or Removal of Participant	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841002   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841002  
7.2  No Employment Right	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841003   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841003  
7.3  Funding	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841004   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841004  
7.4  Allocation of Costs	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841005   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841005  
7.5  Nonassignment	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841006   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841006  
7.6  Governing Law	 
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841007   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841007  
8.  Offset for Certain Benefits Payable Under Split-Dollar Life  
 GOTOBUTTON _Toc416841008   
 PAGEREF _Toc416841008