is entered into as of the 4th day of November, 1998, by and 
between Southern California Gas Company ("Utility") and San Diego 
Gas & Electric Company ("Service User") and sets forth the terms 
and conditions under which Utility will provide storage services 
to Service User.  This Agreement shall be attached to and 
incorporated as Schedule J to the Master Services Contract 
("MSC") entered into by the parties.


(a)  For the Time Period for Service indicated below (the "Service 
Period"), Utility shall provide Service User with the storage 
services set forth below.  This Agreement and the rights 
established herein shall be subject to the terms and conditions of 
Utility's Tariff Rate Schedule G-TBS and other applicable Tariff 
Rules hereto from time to time (including, without limitation, the 
definitions in Utility's Tariff Rule No. 1).

Storage    Maximum         Firm or        Time Period for Service
Services   Quantity        As-Available      ("Service Period")

Inventory  6,000,000 (Dth)     Firm,          4/1/99 to 3/31/00
Injection  28,037 (Dth/day)    Firm           4/1/99 to 10/31/99
Withdrawal 225,000, (Dth/day)  Firm           11/1/99 to 3/31/00

(b)  All gas to be stored under this Agreement must be delivered 
by Service User to Utility system at the California border during 
the period from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000, subject, however, 
to Utility system constraints.  Withdrawals must be completed by  
March 31, 1999 .

(c)  If storage injection and withdrawal services are offered 
hereunder on an "as-available" basis, such services may be 
temporarily restricted in accordance with Utility Tariff Rule 
23.C.1.(4), Utility Tariff Rule 30.F.2 and G, and G-IMB Special 
Conditions 3.

(d)  Upon Service User's request for withdrawal, Utility will re-
deliver all gas stored by Service User under this Agreement at the 
California border or other mutually agreed upon locations.

(e)  Other: Service User has multiple cycling rights.


Service User agrees to pay to Utility the following charges:
                                          Variable Storage Charges
Storage    Quantity     Unit Reservation    In-Kind  O&M Injection
Services    (Dth)           Charges          Fuel    or Withdrawal

Inventory  6,000,000 (Dth)   0.21 $/(Dth)
Injection  28,037 (Dth/day)  0.10554 $/(Dth)  2.44%  0.0302$/(Dth)
Withdrawal 225,000 (Dth/day) 13.306, $/(Dth/day)     0.0235$/(Dth)

Other charges:  The inventory, injection, and withdrawal 
reservation charges are adjusted effective April 1, 1999 with 
their percentage change equal to the percentage change of the 
Coinsumer Price Index - All Urban Consumbers ("CPI") for 
September as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the 
United States Department of Labor in December.  The percentage 
change is detemined by subtracting the previous Septmeber CPI from 
the latest September CPI and dividing the result by the previous 
September CPI.  Injection variable charges (in-kind and O&M) apply 
april through November.  Withdrawal variable chargesm (O&M) apply 
November through March.  Variable charges are set by the G-TBS 


Service User agrees to pay Utility all applicable transportation 
charges incurred to move gas to Utility system, including the 
Wheeler Ridge access fee, if applicable.

Other transportation charges and conditions:  All gas delivered 
for injection (less in-kind fuel) shall be assessed a transmission 
charge of $0.567 per deatherm and all gas withdrawn shall receive 
a credit of $0.567 per decatherm.  The transmission charge and 
credit shall also apply to gas injected or withdrawn through 
imbalance trading or through a transfer with another storage 


(a)  All reservation charges shall be billed by Utility and paid 
by Service User in equal monthly installments over the Service 
Period of this Agreement.  Provided, however, that if Service User 
is not an end-use customer of Utility, 25% of the reservation 
charges shall be paid to Utility prior to the commencement of the 
Service Period and the balance shall be billed and paid in equal 
monthly installments over the Service Period.  All other charges 
shall be billed and paid as the applicable services are provided.

(b)  All bills shall be timely paid.  In addition to any remedies 
provided under Utility's Tariff Rate Schedules and Tariff Rules, 
in the event that Service User fails to timely pay any amounts due 
hereunder and such amounts are not paid in full within seven (7) 
days following notice by Utility that such payment is in arrears, 
Utility may, without any additional notice, immediately suspend 
service hereunder until Service User pays all amounts due.

(c)  In the event of a billing dispute, the bill must be paid in 
full by Service User pending resolution of the dispute.  Such 
payment shall not be deemed a waiver of Service User's right to a 
refund.  All bills shall be sent to Service User as specified 
below in Section 5 (a).


(a)  Notices - All notices and requests under this Agreement shall 
be deemed to have been duly given if sent by facsimile (fax) 
properly addressed, as with confirming original copy thereof being 
sent by postage prepaid, certified mail properly addressed, as 

SERVICE USER                             UTILITY
                    Operating Matters
Contact Name:                        Contact Name: 
Lonnie Mansi                         Gas Transactions Hotline
Contact Title:                       Contact Title:
Natural Gas Scheduler                Gas Transactions & Operations
Fax No.: (619) 650-6169              Fax No.: (213) 244-3900
Telephone: (619) 650-6192            Telephone: (213) 244-8281

                    Billing Matters
Contact Name:                        Contact Name:,
Mike G. Strong                       Susana Santa Maria
Contact Title:                       Contact Title:
Manger, Entergy Restructuring        Billing Analyst
& Entergy Accounting
Fax No.: (619) 650-6170              Fax No.: (213) 244-4337
Telephone: (619) 650-6192            Telephone: (213) 244-8449

                    Contract Matters
Contact Name:                        Contact Name:
Carl Funke                           Gwoon Tom
Contact Title:                       Contact Title:
Sr. Energy Administrator             Storage Products Manager
Fax No.: (619) 650-6170              Fax No.: (213) 244-3692
Telephone: (619) 650-6192            Telephone: (213) 244-8645

Either party may change its designation set forth above by giving 
the other party at least seven (7) days prior written notice.

(b)  Governing Law - This Agreement shall be construed in 
accordance with the laws of the State of California and the 
orders, rules and regulations of the Public Utilities Commission 
of the State of California in effect from time to time.

(c)  Credit Worthiness - From time to time, as is deemed 
necessary, Utility may request that Service User furnish Utility 
with all relevant information or data to establish Service User's 
credit worthiness, including, without limitation, financial 
statements of Service User which are audited or otherwise attested 
to Utility's satisfaction.  Following review of such information, 
Utility may require that Service User supply additional assurance 
as may be necessary to establish Service User's ongoing financial 
ability to perform under this Agreement during the Term, 
including, without limitation, contractual guarantees or financial 
instruments such as letters of credit.  

(d)  Limited Storage Liability - Utility shall not be responsible 
for any loss of gas in storage, including, without limitation, 
losses due to the inherent qualities of gas (including leakage and 
migration) or due to physical or legal inability to withdraw gas 
from storage, unless such loss is caused by failure of Utility to 
exercise the ordinary care and diligence required by law.  In the 
event of any such loss, the portion of such loss which is 
attributable to Service User shall be determined based on Service 
User's pro rata share of the total recoverable working gas 
inventory in Utility's storage facilities at the time of the loss.

(e)  Incorporated Provisions - The provisions of Section 6 of the 
MSC are incorporated by reference herein as if set forth in full 
herein, except to the extent such Section 6 is superseded by 
Utility's Tariff Rule 4.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the parties 
have executed two (2) duplicate original copies of this Agreement 
as of the date first written above.


By                                 By

Title:                             Title: