Contact:   Michael Clark               Paul Rosengren    
      In the United States:  (877) 866-2066      (973) 430-5911       
      International calls:  (619) 696-4068        
Partners to Acquire Solid Market Position in Fast-Growing  
Latin American Energy Market 
   SAN DIEGO and RIDGEWOOD, N.J., April 13, 1999 -- The international  
subsidiaries of San Diego-based Sempra Energy [NYSE: SRE], and New Jersey-
based  Public Service Enterprise Group [NYSE: PEG] today announced that 
the board of  directors of Chilquinta S.A., based in Santiago, Chile, 
approved their offer to  acquire, under a 50-50 partnership, the shares of 
its subsidiary, Chilquinta Energia  S.A., in a transaction valued at 
approximately $830 million.  The transaction is  conditioned on the 
buyers' review and approval of the schedules for the definitive  stock 
purchase agreement. 
- -more- 
   Under the terms of the agreement, Sempra Energy International and  PSEG 
Global will acquire 90 percent of the shares of Chilquinta Energia from 
its  parent, Chilquinta.  Upon final acquisition of the shares held by 
Chilquinta, the  two purchasers will make a tender offer to acquire the 
remaining 10 percent of  Chilquinta Energia shares from other 
shareholders.  The acquisition will be funded  by approximately $510 
million in equity provided equally by the two partners and  $320 million 
in non-recourse debt provided by a syndicate of banks at the time of  
closing.  Chase Manhattan Securities is the advisor and provider of 
acquisition  financing for PSEG Global.  Dresdner Kleinwort Benson is the 
advisor and provider of  acquisition financing for Sempra Energy 
   Both Sempra Energy International and PSEG Global expect the purchase of  
Chilquinta Energia to be accretive to the earnings of each company in 
1999.     Chilquinta Energia is one of the leading energy companies in 
Latin America,  with operations in Chile, Argentina and Peru.  Chilquinta 
Energia is the third- largest electricity distributor in Chile, serving 
405,000 customers in central  Chile, north and west of the capital, 
Santiago.  The company's other holdings  include: 
  Energas S.A., a new natural gas distribution company that began delivery 
to  customers in central Chile in May 1998 and plans to reach more than 
50,000  customers by its fifth year of operation. 
  37 percent (a controlling interest) in Luz Del Sur, S.A., the second-
largest  electricity distributor in Peru, serving 690,000 customers in the 
southern zone  of metropolitan Lima. 
  32 percent of Central Puerto S.A., the largest thermal electricity 
generator in  Argentina, with 2,100 MW of capacity. 
- -more- 
   "This strategic acquisition gives Sempra Energy International a solid  
platform for growth in the rapidly expanding Latin American energy market, 
more than  doubling our investment in the region and adding substantial 
electric utility assets  to our already sizeable portfolio of gas 
distribution properties," said Stephen L.  Baum, vice chairman, president 
and chief operating officer of Sempra Energy and  acting president of 
Sempra Energy International.  "The acquisition also effectively  doubles 
the number of customers served by Sempra Energy International and its  
partners in Latin America, allowing us to provide energy services to 2.5 
million  homes and businesses in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay and 
Mexico.   "Additionally, Sempra Energy International will be able to 
integrate its  operations in the Southern Cone of South America with 
Chilquinta Energia and achieve  efficiencies of scale.  We also plan to 
establish a base for future development in  Santiago," Baum added. 
   "The acquisition of Chilquinta Energia is consistent with the strategy 
PSEG  Global has been pursuing in the rapidly growing Latin American 
market for the last  two years," said Thomas R. Smith, president of PSEG 
Americas, the PSEG Global  company that operates in the United States and 
Latin America.  "We have gained  considerable experience in owning and 
operating electric distribution businesses in  Argentina and Brazil and we 
look forward to applying our knowledge to the Chilquinta  Energia 
companies.  We are also pleased that this acquisition gives us a foothold 
in  two additional Latin American countries - Chile and Peru. "We look 
forward to working together with Chilquinta Energia's employees to  
combine PSEG Global's and Sempra Energy International's considerable 
experience in  electric and gas distribution with Chilquinta Energia's 
strong track record of  financial performance and growing market 
penetration in Latin America," Smith added. 
- -more- 
  Smith and Baum said that Chilquinta Energia is a profitable business and  
prospects for future growth are encouraging, especially since electric 
demand in  Chile has grown at an average of about 8 percent per year since 
1991, versus only 1  percent to 2 percent in the United States.  The 
company's major business units are  located in high-growth industrial 
areas, including Chile's two most important ports,  Valparaiso and San 
Antonio, as well as metropolitan Lima, Peru, and Buenos Aires,  Argentina. 

Sempra Energy International and PSEG Global will have shared control and  
equal representation on Chilquinta Energia's board of directors.  Sempra 
Energy  International will oversee operations in Chile, while PSEG Global 
will oversee  operations in Peru and Argentina. 
The transaction requires the approval of Chilquinta Energia's shareholders  
and regulatory notifications in Chile and is expected to close in early 
June. PSEG Global develops, owns, and operates private power and 
distribution  facilities with at least 26 projects in Argentina, Brazil, 
China, India, the U.S.,  Venezuela and now Chile and Peru.  The company 
has assets valued at $1.5 billion.   PSEG Americas is the company's North 
and South American subsidiary and is  headquartered in Miami, supported by 
offices in Ridgewood, New Jersey, Sao Paulo,  Caracas, and Buenos Aires.  
Investments in this region include Rio Grande Energia,  an electric 
distribution company in southern Brazil, a 180 MW low sulfur heavy fuel  
oil plant in Hawaii and a gas-fired plant in Venezuela.  PSEG Global is a 
subsidiary  of Public Service Enterprise Group [NYSE: PEG] with revenues 
of $5.9 billion.   
- -more- 
Sempra Energy International develops, operates and owns energy projects  
outside the United States.  The company currently is involved in gas 
transmission  and distribution partnerships in Mexico, Argentina and 
Uruguay.  Sempra Energy  International is a subsidiary of Sempra Energy 
[NYSE: SRE], a Fortune 500 energy  services holding company, based in San 
Diego, with 12,000 employees, revenues of  $5.5 billion and more than 6 
million natural gas and electric meters serving 21  million customers. 
This release contains forward-looking statements within the definition of 
the  Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  
Although the  companies believe that these statements are based on 
reasonable assumptions, it can  give no assurance that their goals will be 
achieved.  The words "expects, "plans"  and variations of such words, and 
similar expressions are intended to identify  forward-looking statements 
that involve risk and uncertainty.  These statements are  necessarily 
based upon various assumptions involving judgments with respect to the  
future including, among others, national, international, regional and 
local  economic, competitive and regulatory conditions and developments; 
technological  developments; capital market conditions; inflation rates; 
interest rates; foreign  exchange rates; energy markets; weather 
conditions; business and regulatory or legal  decisions; the timing and 
success of business development efforts; and other  uncertainties, all of 
which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond  the control 
of the companies. Accordingly, while the Companies believe that the  
assumptions are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will 
approximate  actual experience.  
Chilquinta Energia S.A. 
Chilquinta S.A.  
(involved in energy, water,  
Santiago, Chile 
Electricity distribution (3rd  
largest in Chile) 
Sempra Energy International (San  
Diego, Calif.)  
PSEG Global (Ridgewood, N.J.) 
$830 million  
(approximately $510 million in  
equity and $320 million in non- 
recourse debt) 
90 % of shares purchased from  
parent, Chilquinta S.A.; 
future tender offer for remaining  
Energas S.A. (100%) - gas  
distribution, Chile 
Luz del Sur S.A. (37%) -  
electricity distribution, Peru 
Central Puerto, S.A. (32%) -  
electricity generation, Argentina 
1.1 million (Chile, Argentina,  
Sempra Energy International and PSEG Global