WASHINGTON, D. C.  20549

                Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d)

                  of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                   For Quarter Ended September 28, 1996
                       Commission file number 1-2936

                             SCHWERMAN TRUCKING CO.
          (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                  Wisconsin                         39-0767397
       -------------------------------         ------------------
       (State or other jurisdiction of           (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)          Identification No.)

       P. O. Box 1601, 611 South 28 Street, Milwaukee, WI  53201
        (Address of principal executive offices)       (Zip Code)

           (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.         Yes   X  .  No
                                                            ---       ---

Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                                          Outstanding at
        Class                            October 31, 1996
        -----                            -----------------
   Common, $1 par value                       422,089



                                                             Page No.

PART I.  Financial Information:

       Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheet at
       September 28, 1996 and March 30, 1996                      3

       Consolidated Condensed Statements of Income
       for the three months and six months ended
       September 28, 1996 and September 23, 1995                  4

       Consolidated Condensed Statements of Cash Flows
       for the six months ended September 28, 1996
       and September 23, 1995                                     5

       Notes to Consolidated Condensed Financial Statements       6

       Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
       Condition and Results of Operations                        7

PART II.  Other Information                                       9


                                               SEPTEMBER 28,    MARCH 30,
ASSETS                                             1996            1996
                                               -------------   -----------
Current Assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                  $   106,312     $   113,476
    Accounts receivable (less allowances of
      $40,000)                                   6,366,349       4,033,387
    Other accounts and notes receivable            440,475         801,451
    Operating supplies and parts                 1,117,915       1,072,286
    Tires in service                               849,367         741,079
    Prepaid expenses                               526,722         620,267
    Other current assets                           261,025         258,661
                                               -----------     -----------
                                                 9,668,165       7,640,607
                                               -----------     -----------
Property, plant and equipment at cost           60,316,859      55,498,489
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization (36,394,360)    (34,528,615)
                                               -----------     -----------
                                                23,922,499      20,969,874
                                               -----------     -----------
Receivable from parent and affiliates            1,190,363         589,972
Other non-current assets                         1,564,957       1,409,482
                                               -----------     -----------
                                               $36,345,984     $30,609,935
                                               ===========     ===========

Current Liabilities:
    Current portion of long-term debt          $ 3,471,557     $ 3,042,540
    Accounts payable                             2,090,547       2,043,522
    Accrued liabilities                          4,058,376       3,600,518
    Income taxes payable                           402,854          31,755
    Deferred income taxes - current                328,230         328,230
                                               -----------     -----------
                                                10,351,564       9,046,565
                                               -----------     -----------
Long-term debt                                  14,009,726      11,098,695
Deferred income taxes                            2,111,025       1,746,025
Other non-current liabilities                      727,519         710,610

Stockholders' Equity
    Preferred stock                              1,497,470       1,497,470
    Common stock                                   422,089         422,089
    Additional paid-in capital                     232,792         232,792
    Retained earnings                            6,993,799       5,855,689
                                               -----------     -----------
                                                 9,146,150       8,008,040
                                               -----------     -----------
                                               $36,345,984     $30,609,935
                                               ===========     ===========

            The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
               condensed consolidated financial statements.


                            --Three Months Ended--    --Six  Months  Ended--
                              Sept. 28,  Sept. 23,       Sept. 28, Sept. 23,
                              1996         1995          1996        1995
                            ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------
   Operating revenues       $16,643,766  $15,840,452  $31,395,068  $31,135,879
   Equip. and other rentals     227,115      205,987      434,745      422,788
   Other                        562,066      583,836    1,093,108    1,173,867
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                             17,432,946   16,630,275   32,922,921   32,732,534
                            -----------  -----------  -----------  -----------
Operating Expenses
   Salaries, wages and fringe
     benefits                 7,807,161    7,391,259   14,818,348   14,588,069
   Fuel and fuel taxes        1,806,470    1,519,527    3,409,094    3,075,600
   Parts, repairs and tires   1,089,063    1,013,604    1,978,064    1,967,288
   Insurance and workers'
     compensation             1,099,108   1,051,844    2,089,355     2,172,961
   Depreciation and amort.    1,060,368     913,969    2,097,515     1,802,889
   Purchased transportation   1,033,642   1,400,614    2,088,755     2,739,820
   Rent expense                 164,900     286,667      344,207       589,261
   Other operating expenses   1,787,509   1,474,420    3,468,263     3,000,418
   (Gain) loss on disposal
     of property, plant and
     equipment, net                 (13)     (3,150)      (2,628)      (26,752)
                            -----------  ----------  -----------  ------------
                             15,848,208  15,048,754   30,290,973    29,909,554 
                            -----------  ----------  -----------  ------------
   Operating income           1,584,738   1,581,521    2,631,948     2,822,980

Interest expense, net           359,392     317,010      711,426       674,743
                            -----------  ----------  -----------  ------------
Income before income taxes    1,225,346   1,264,511    1,920,522     2,148,237

Federal & state income taxes    466,000     480,000      730,000       816,000
                             ----------  ----------  -----------  ------------
    Net Income                  759,346     784,511    1,190,522     1,332,237

Dividends on preferred shrs     (26,206)    (26,206)     (52,412)      (52,412)
                            -----------  ----------  -----------  ------------
Net income applicable common
   shares                   $   733,140  $  758,305  $ 1,138,110  $  1,279,825
                            ===========  ==========  ===========  ============
Weighted Average Number of
   Common Shares Outstanding    422,089     422,089      422,089       422,089
                            ===========  ==========  ===========  ============
Net Income Per Common Share $      1.74  $     1.79  $      2.70  $       3.03
                            ===========  ==========  ===========  ============
            The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
               condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                               ------Six Months Ended------
                                               September 28,  September 23,
                                                   1996           1995
                                               -------------  -------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
    Net income                                 $ 1,190,522    $ 1,332,237
    Adjustments to reconcile net income
      to net cash provided by
      operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization             2,097,515      1,802,889
       Provision for deferred income taxes         365,000        408,000
       (Gain) loss on disposal of
         property, plant and equipment              (2,628)       (26,752)

       Change in assets and liabilities:
         Accounts and notes receivable          (1,971,986)    (1,194,005)
         Operating supplies and parts              (45,629)       (55,896)
         Tires in service, prepaid expenses
          and other current assets                 (17,107)        13,051
         Receivable from parent and affiliates    (600,391)      (115,513)
         Other noncurrent assets                  (155,475)      (186,028)
         Accounts payable                           47,025       (109,025)
         Accrued liabilities                       457,858        152,955
         Income taxes payable                      371,099        312,980
         Other noncurrent liabilities               16,909         49,939
                                               -----------    -----------
             Net cash provided by (used in)
               operating activities              1,752,712      2,384,832
                                               -----------    -----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
   Proceeds from sale of property,
     plant and equipment                            29,928         65,120
   Payments for property, plant and equipment     (908,056)    (1,896,948)
                                               -----------    -----------
             Net cash provided by (used in)
               investing activities               (878,128)    (1,831,828)
                                               -----------    -----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
    Proceeds from long-term debt                 1,815,166      1,676,544
    Payments of long-term debt                  (2,644,502)    (1,993,402)
    Preferred stock dividends                      (52,412)       (52,412)
                                               -----------    -----------
             Net cash provided by (used in)
               financing activities               (881,748)      (369,270)
                                               -----------    -----------
Increase (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents      (7,164)       183,734

Cash and cash equivalents:
    Beginning of year                              113,476         87,702
                                               -----------    -----------
    End of quarter                             $   106,312    $   271,436
                                               ===========    ===========
Cash paid (received) during the year for:
    Interest                                   $   691,880    $   649,818
    Income taxes                               $    (6,099)   $    95,020

            The accompanying notes are an integral part of the
               condensed consolidated financial statements.



   In  the  opinion of management, the accompanying unaudited  consolidated
   condensed  financial statements contain all adjustments  (consisting  of
   only  normal  recurring  accruals)  necessary  to  present  fairly   the
   consolidated  financial   position  of  Schwerman   Trucking   Co.   and
   Subsidiaries  as  of  September 28, 1996 and March  30,  1996,  and  the
   consolidated results of operations for the three months and  six  months
   ended September 28, 1996 and September 23, 1995 and changes in financial
   position for the six months then ended.
   The  results  of  operations for the three months and six  months  ended
   September 28, 1996 and September 23, 1995 are not necessarily indicative
   of the results to be expected for a full year.
   Certain   information  and  financial  statement  disclosures   normally
   included  in financial statements prepared in accordance with  Generally
   Accepted  Accounting Principles have been condensed or omitted  pursuant
   to  S.E.C.  rules  and  regulations.   The  Company  believes  that  the
   disclosures  made are adequate to make the information  not  misleading.
   These  financial  statements  should be read  in  conjunction  with  the
   financial statements and notes thereto included in the Company's Form 10-
   K for the year ended March 30, 1996.


   The  Company  had  non-cash  property,  plant  and  equipment  additions
   totaling  $4,169,000 and $3,603,000 for the six months  ended  September
   28,  1996  and  September 23, 1995, respectively,  which  were  financed
   through capital leases and equipment obligations.

        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                         and Results of Operations


Revenues  for  the three months ended September 28, 1996 were approximately
$803,000  or  4.8% higher than the comparable three-month period  of  1995.
Revenues   for   the  six  months  ended  September  28,   1996   increased
approximately  $190,000 or .6% compared to the same period  of  1995.   The
increase  in revenue is due to an increase in the number of miles  traveled
for  the  quarter  and year to date and an increase in the average  payload
compared  to  the prior year.  The Company has opened two new terminals  in
March  1996,  and the revenues generated at these terminals has  more  than
offset the softness experienced at the Company's other terminals.

The  Company's  customers  are shippers or consignees  of  dry  and  liquid
commodities.  During fiscal 1996, 65% of the Company's shipments  were  dry
cement and, consequently, the Company's business is very seasonal.  Dry and
liquid chemicals, fertilizers and food products account for a large portion
of the remaining commodities.

Operating  expenses  increased by approximately $799,000  or  5.3%  in  the
current quarter and increased by $381,000 or 1.3% for the six months  ended
year  to  date  compared  to the same periods of  1995.   The  increase  in
operating  expenses  is  due to the increase in  volume,  the  increase  in
depreciation expense and the increase in fuel expense.

Salaries, wages and fringe benefits increased $416,000 or 5.6% and $230,000
or  1.6%  for  the  three months and six months ended September  28,  1996,
respectively,  compared to the same periods of 1995  as  a  result  of  the
increase in volume and higher health, welfare and pension costs.

Fuel  and fuel taxes increased $287,000 or 18.9% and $333,000 or 10.8%  for
the  current  quarter  and  year  to date for  fiscal  1996,  respectively,
compared  to  the same periods of 1995 as a result of the increase  in  the
number of miles traveled and higher fuel prices.

Depreciation  and amortization increase $146,000 or 16.0% and  $295,000  or
16.3%  for  the  three  months and six months  ended  September  28,  1996,
respectively,  compared to the same periods of 1995  as  a  result  of  the
purchase of 63 new tractors in April 1996.

Purchased transportation decreased $367,000 or 26.2% and $651,000 or  23.8%
for  the  current  quarter and year to date for fiscal 1996,  respectively,
compared  to the same periods of 1995 as a result of the reduced number  of
owner operators leased on to the Company.

Rent  expense  decreased $122,000 or 42.5% and $245,000 or  41.6%  for  the
current quarter and year to date for fiscal 1996, respectively, as compared
to  the  same  periods of 1995 as a result of renting  fewer  tractors  and
trailers  in  1996 and as a result of lower rental rates on some  equipment
rented in the current year as compared to the prior year.

Other  operating expenses increased $313,000 or 21.2% and $468,000 or 15.6%
for the three months and six months ended September 28, 1996, respectively,
compared to the same periods of 1995 as a result of the increase in volume,
the  increased  cost  of  hiring  and screening  drivers,  an  increase  in
communication costs and higher toll charges.


Total current assets increased $2,028,000 at September 28, 1996 as compared
to  March  30,  1996  primarily as a result of  the  seasonal  increase  in
accounts  receivable offset in part by a drop in other accounts  and  notes
receivable  due to a payment received in April 1996.  Property,  plant  and
equipment  increased $4,818,000 from 1996 fiscal year end  primarily  as  a
result  of the tractors and trailers delivered in April 1996.  The $600,000
increase  in  the  receivable from parent since  March  30,  1996  is  also
seasonal in nature.

Accrued liabilities increased $458,000 at September 28, 1996 as compared to
March  30,  1996  primarily  as a result of  the  seasonal  nature  of  the
Company's  business.  The $371,000 and $366,000 increase  in  income  taxes
payable  and  noncurrent  deferred income taxes,  respectively,  from  1996
fiscal year and is a result of intra period tax allocation and the seasonal
nature of the Company's business.

Total  notes payable and long-term debt was $17,481,000 and $14,141,000  at
September  28,  1996 and March 30, 1996, respectively.  The $3,340,000  net
increase in debt is the result of $5,984,000 in new obligations to  finance
the  equipment  additions  and  seasonal working  capital  needs  less  the
reduction resulting from making the scheduled debt payments.


The  Company had a net decrease in cash of $7,000 for the six months  ended
September 28, 1996 versus a $184,000 net increase for the six months  ended
September  23,  1995.  Cash provided by operating activities  decreased  by
$632,000  for  the six months ended September 28, 1996 as compared  to  the
same  period  of  1995 primarily as a result of lower  net  income  in  the
current  year  and  an increase in cash requirements for  working  capital.
Cash used in investing activities decreased $953,000 in the current year as
compared  to 1995 primarily as a result of fewer cash purchases of trailers
in  the current year.  Cash used in financing activities increased $512,000
primarily  as a result of making the scheduled payments.  The  Company  has
paid  $52,000  in  preferred  stock dividends  for  the  six  months  ended
September 28, 1996, representing the required dividends for two quarters.

                        PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 3.    Defaults Upon Senior Securities

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
            (a) Exhibits - Exhibit 27.  Financial Data Schedule
            (b) Reports on Form 8-K - November 1, 1996, reporting the
                  reorganization of the Company's Sales Department and
                  the resignation of the Vice President - Sales, a
                  Director of the Company.

       Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,

the  Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by  the

undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                       SCHWERMAN TRUCKING CO.

DATE:     November 8, 1996        BY:  Jack F. Schwerman
                                       Jack F. Schwerman
                                       Chairman of the Board,
                                       President and Treasurer