Scudder New Asia Fund, Inc.                     345 Park Avenue (at 51st Street)
                                                        New York, New York 10154
                                                                  (800) 349-4281

                                                                 August 25, 2000

To the Stockholders:

     The Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of Scudder New Asia Fund,  Inc.  (the
"Fund") is to be held at 10:30 a.m.,  Eastern  time,  on  Wednesday,  October 4,
2000, at the offices of Scudder Kemper  Investments,  Inc., 25th Floor, 345 Park
Avenue (at 51st Street),  New York, New York 10154.  Stockholders who are unable
to attend  this  meeting  are  strongly  encouraged  to vote by proxy,  which is
customary in corporate  meetings of this kind. A Proxy  Statement  regarding the
meeting,  a proxy card for your vote at the  meeting  and an envelope -- postage
prepaid -- in which to return your proxy card are enclosed.

     At the  Annual  Meeting,  the  stockholders  will elect two  Directors  and
consider the ratification of the selection of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the
Fund's independent accountants.  In addition, the stockholders present will hear
a report on the  Fund.  There  will be an  opportunity  to  discuss  matters  of
interest to you as a stockholder.

     Your  Fund's  Directors  recommend  that  you  vote in favor of each of the
foregoing matters.


/s/Nicholas Bratt                                          /s/Daniel Pierce

Nicholas Bratt                                             Daniel Pierce
President                                                  Chairman of the Board

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          SCUDDER NEW ASIA FUND, INC.

                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders

To the Stockholders of
Scudder New Asia Fund, Inc.:

Please take notice that the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  of Scudder New Asia
Fund,  Inc.  (the  "Fund")  has been called to be held at the offices of Scudder
Kemper  Investments,  Inc.,  25th Floor,  345 Park Avenue (at 51st Street),  New
York, New York 10154, on Wednesday, October 4, 2000 at 10:30 a.m., Eastern time,
for the following purposes:

     (1) To elect two  Directors  of the Fund to hold office for a term of three
years or until  their  respective  successors  shall have been duly  elected and

     (2) To ratify or reject the action of the Board of  Directors  in selecting
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2000.

The  appointed  proxies  will vote on any other  business as may  properly  come
before the meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

Holders  of  record of the  shares  of common  stock of the Fund at the close of
business  on  August  15,  2000  are  entitled  to vote at the  meeting  and any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

                                       By order of the Board of Directors,

                                       John Millette, Secretary

August 25, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMPORTANT -- We urge you to sign and date the enclosed  proxy card and return it
in the enclosed addressed envelope which requires no postage and is intended for
your  convenience.  Your prompt  return of the enclosed  proxy card may save the
Fund the  necessity and expense of further  solicitations  to ensure a quorum at
the Annual  Meeting.  If you can attend the meeting and wish to vote your shares
in person at that time, you will be able to do so.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                PROXY STATEMENT

     This Proxy  Statement is furnished in connection  with the  solicitation of
proxies by the Board of  Directors of Scudder New Asia Fund,  Inc.  (the "Fund")
for use at the Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders,  to be held at the  offices of
Scudder Kemper Investments, Inc. ("Scudder Kemper" or the "Investment Manager"),
25th  Floor,  345 Park Avenue (at 51st  Street),  New York,  New York 10154,  on
Wednesday,  October 4, 2000 at 10:30 a.m., Eastern time, and at any adjournments
or postponements thereof (collectively, the "Meeting").

     This Proxy  Statement,  the Notice of Annual Meeting and the proxy card are
first being  mailed to  stockholders  on or about  August 25, 2000 or as soon as
practicable  thereafter.  Any stockholder giving a proxy has the power to revoke
it by mail (addressed to the Secretary at the principal  executive office of the
Fund, 345 Park Avenue,  New York, New York 10154) or in person at the Meeting by
executing a  superseding  proxy or by  submitting a notice of  revocation to the
Fund.  All properly  executed  proxies  received in time for the Meeting will be
voted as  specified  in the  proxy  or, if no  specification  is made,  for each
proposal referred to in the Proxy Statement.

     The  presence  at any  stockholders'  meeting,  in person  or by proxy,  of
stockholders  entitled to cast a majority of the votes entitled to be cast shall
be  necessary  and  sufficient  to  constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of
business.  For purposes of determining  the presence of a quorum for transacting
business at the Meeting,  abstentions and broker  "non-votes" will be treated as
shares  that are present but which have not been  voted.  Broker  non-votes  are
proxies received by the Fund from brokers or nominees when the broker or nominee
has neither  received  instructions  from the beneficial  owner or other persons
entitled to vote nor has  discretionary  power to vote on a  particular  matter.
Accordingly,  stockholders  are  urged  to  forward  their  voting  instructions

     Abstentions and broker  non-votes will not be counted in favor of, but will
have no other effect on, the vote for  proposals  (1) and (2) which  require the
approval of a majority of shares voting at the Meeting.

     Holders of record of the common  stock of the Fund at the close of business
on August 15, 2000 (the "Record Date") will be entitled to one vote per share on
all business of the Meeting and any adjournments. There were 8,827,983 shares of
common stock outstanding on the Record Date.

     The Fund provides  periodic  reports to all  stockholders  which  highlight
relevant  information,  including  investment  results and a review of portfolio
changes.  You may receive an additional copy of the annual report for the fiscal
year  ended  December  31,  1999  and a copy of the  semiannual  report  for the
six-month period ended June 30, 2000, without charge, by calling 800-349-4281 or
writing the Fund at 345 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10154.

                           (1) ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     Persons  named on the  accompanying  proxy card  intend,  in the absence of
contrary  instructions,  to vote all proxies in favor of the election of the two
nominees  listed  below as Directors of the Fund (Class III) to serve for a term
of three years,  or until their  successors are duly elected and qualified.  All
nominees  have  consented to stand for election and to serve if elected.  If any
such  nominee  should  be unable to  serve,  an event not now  anticipated,  the
proxies will be voted for such  person,  if any, as shall be  designated  by the
Board of Directors to replace any such nominee.


Information Concerning Nominees

     The following table sets forth certain  information  concerning each of the
two  nominees as a Director of the Fund.  Unless  otherwise  noted,  each of the
nominees has engaged in the principal  occupation  listed in the following table
for more than five years, but not necessarily in the same capacity. For election
of Directors at the Meeting,  the Board of Directors has approved the nomination
of the individuals listed below.

Class III - Nominees to serve until 2003 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:
- ---------

                          Present Office with the Fund, if                        Beneficially
                            any; Principal Occupation or            Year First       Owned         Percent
                          Employment and Directorships              Became a        June 30,          of
Name (Age)                 in Publicly Held Companies                Director       2000 (1)        Class
- ----------                 --------------------------                --------       --------        -----


                          President;    Managing   Director   of        --           8,977         Less than
                          Scudder Kemper Investments,  Inc.; and                                   1/4 of 1%
                          Director,   Korea   Society   (private
                          society).  Mr.  Bratt  serves  on  the
                          boards of certain  other funds managed
                          by Scudder Kemper.

Nicholas Bratt (51)*

                          Visiting Professor/Executive-in-Residence,   1994            500         Less than
                          Columbia  Business  School,   Columbia                                   1/4 of 1%
                          University;      Director,     ARAMARK
                          Corporation,  Barnes  Group,  Inc. and
                          Omnicom Group, Inc.;  Member,  Council
                          on  Foreign  Relations;  and  Managing
                          Director,      Metropolitan      Opera
                          Association.  Mr.  Callander serves on
                          the  boards  of  certain  other  funds
                          managed by Scudder Kemper.

Robert J. Callander (69)


Information Concerning Continuing Directors

     The Board of  Directors is divided  into three  classes with each  Director
serving for a term of three years.  The terms of Class I and II Directors do not
expire this year. The following table sets forth certain  information  regarding
the Directors in such classes. Unless otherwise noted, each Director has engaged
in the principal  occupation  listed in the  following  table for more than five
years, but not necessarily in the same capacity.

Class I - Directors serving until 2001 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:
- -------

                          Present Office with the Fund, if                        Beneficially
                            any; Principal Occupation or            Year First       Owned         Percent
                          Employment and Directorships              Became a        June 30,          of
Name (Age)                 in Publicly Held Companies                Director       2000 (1)        Class
- ----------                 --------------------------                --------       --------        -----

                          Chairman   of  the   Board;   Advisory       1991         24,449 (2)     .28%
                          Managing  Director  of Scudder  Kemper
                          Investments,   Inc.;   and   Director,
                          Fiduciary   Trust  Company  (bank  and
                          trust  company) and Fiduciary  Company
                          Incorporated (bank and trust company).

Daniel Pierce (66)*+

                          Chief  Executive  Officer,   President       1998            --            --
                          and  Director,   Scientific   Learning
                          Corporation;  and  President and Chief
                          Operating     Officer,     Physicians'
                          Online, Inc. (electronic  transmission
                          of    clinical     information     for
                          physicians) (1994-95).

Sheryle J. Bolton (54)

                          Visiting  Professor of Finance,  Stern       1999            200         Less than
                          School   of    Business,    New   York                                   1/4 of 1%
                          University;  Managing  Director,  J.P.
                          Morgan   (investment   banking   firm)
                          (until 1996).  Mr.  Froewiss serves on
                          the  boards  of  certain  other  funds
                          managed by Scudder Kemper.

Kenneth C. Froewiss (54)


Class II - Directors serving until 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders:
- --------

                          Present Office with the Fund, if                        Beneficially
                            any; Principal Occupation or            Year First       Owned         Percent
                          Employment and Directorships              Became a        June 30,          of
Name (Age)                 in Publicly Held Companies                Director       2000 (1)        Class
- ----------                 --------------------------                --------       --------        -----

                          R.D.     Calkins      Professor     of       1993          8,669         Less than
                          International    Business,    Graduate                                   1/4 of 1%
                          School    of    Business,     Columbia
                          University;    Director,   Center   on
                          Japanese    Economy   and    Business,
                          Columbia   University;    Co-Director,
                          APEC    Study     Center,     Columbia
                          University;    and   Director,   Japan
                          Society.  Mr.  Patrick  serves  on the
                          board of one  additional  fund managed
                          by Scudder Kemper.

Hugh T. Patrick (70)

                          Chairman   and   President,    United        1998            500         Less than
                          Nations  Association  of  The  United                                    1/4 of 1%
                          States  of  America;  President,  The
                          Metropolitan Museum of Art (1986-99);
                          Director;  IDEX  Corporation  (liquid
                          handling   equipment   manufacturer);
                          Wickes   Lumber   Company   (building
                          materials);                StoryFirst
                          Communications,  Inc.  (until  1998);
                          Transco Energy  Company  (natural gas
                          transmission company, until 1995) and
                          the Discount  Corporation of New York
                          (bond trading, until 1993). Mr. Luers
                          serves on the board of one additional
                          fund managed by Scudder Kemper.

William H. Luers (71)


                          Present Office with the Fund, if                        Beneficially
                            any; Principal Occupation or            Year First       Owned         Percent
                          Employment and Directorships              Became a        June 30,          of
Name (Age)                 in Publicly Held Companies                Director       2000 (1)        Class
- ----------                 --------------------------                --------       --------        -----


                          Dean,      College     of     Business       1999           --             --
                          Administration,     Seoul     National
                          University,   Seoul,  Korea;  Visiting
                          Professor  of London  Business  School
                          (1997-98);       President,      Korea
                          Securities    &   Economy    Institute
                          (1994-95);    President,   Korea   Tax
                          Association (1994-95).  Mr. Yun serves
                          on the  board of one  additional  fund
                          managed by Scudder Kemper.

Kesop Yun (55)

All Directors and Officers as a group                                               43,295           .49%

- ----------------------------------
*    Persons considered by the Fund and its counsel to be "interested  persons,"
     which as used in this  proxy  statement  is as  defined  in the  Investment
     Company Act of 1940, as amended, of the Fund or of Scudder Kemper.  Messrs.
     Bratt and  Pierce  are  deemed to be  interested  persons  because of their
     affiliation  with Scudder Kemper,  or because they are Officers of the Fund
     or both.
+    Mr.  Pierce and Ms.  Quirk,  a current  Director  who is not  standing  for
     reelection, are members of the Executive Committee of the Fund.
(1)  The information as to beneficial ownership is based on statements furnished
     to the Fund by the Directors.  Unless otherwise noted, beneficial ownership
     is based on sole voting and investment power.
(2)  Mr. Pierce's total includes 8,133 shares held in a fiduciary capacity.


Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

     Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended,  and
Section  30(j) of the  Investment  Company  Act of 1940,  as amended  (the "1940
Act"),  as  applied  to a fund,  requires  the fund's  Officers  and  Directors,
Investment  Manager,  affiliates  of the  Investment  Manager,  and  persons who
beneficially  own more than ten  percent  of a  registered  class of the  fund's
outstanding securities  ("Reporting  Persons"),  to file reports of ownership of
the fund's  securities  and changes in such  ownership  with the  Securities and
Exchange  Commission (the "SEC") and The New York Stock  Exchange.  Such persons
are  required  by SEC  regulations  to furnish  the fund with copies of all such

     Based solely upon its review of the copies of such forms received by it and
written  representations from certain Reporting Persons that no year-end reports
were required for those  persons,  the Fund believes that during the fiscal year
ended  December 31, 1999,  its Reporting  Persons  complied with all  applicable
filing requirements.

     According to filings made with the SEC on Schedule 13G in July 2000,  First
Union  Corporation,  One First Union Center,  Charlotte,  North  Carolina  28288
reported  beneficial  ownership  of  657,785  shares,  or  7.47%  of the  Fund's
outstanding shares.

     Except as noted above, to the best of the Fund's knowledge,  as of June 30,
2000, no person owned beneficially more than 5% of the Fund's outstanding stock.

Honorary Directors

     James W. Morley,  Robert G. Stone,  Jr.,  William H.  Gleysteen  and Wilson
Nolen serve as Honorary Directors of the Fund. Honorary Directors are invited to
attend all Board meetings and to participate in Board  discussions,  but are not
entitled to vote on any matter presented to the Board.  Messrs.  Morley,  Stone,
Gleysteen  and Nolen had served as  Directors  of the Fund since  1986.  Messrs.
Morley,  Stone and Gleysteen  retired as Directors in 1993, 1994, 1998 and 1999,
respectively, in accordance with the Board of Directors' retirement policy.

Committees of the Board -- Board Meetings

     The Board of  Directors  of the Fund met four times  during the fiscal year
ended December 31, 1999.

     The Board of Directors, in addition to an Executive Committee, has an Audit
Committee, a Valuation Committee and a Committee on Independent  Directors.  The
Executive  and  Valuation  Committees  consist  of  regular  members,   allowing

Audit Committee

     The Board has an Audit Committee  consisting of those Directors who are not
interested persons of the Fund or of Scudder Kemper ("Noninterested Directors"),
as defined in the 1940 Act, which met once during the fiscal year ended December
31, 1999.  The Audit  Committee  reviews  with  management  and the  independent
accountants  for the Fund,  among other  things,  the scope of the audit and the
internal  controls of the Fund and its agents,  reviews and  approves in advance
the type of services to be rendered by independent  accountants,  recommends the
selection  of  independent  accountants  for the Fund to the Board,  reviews the
independence of such firm and, in general, considers and reports to the Board on
matters regarding the accounting and financial  reporting practices of the Fund.
The Audit  Committee  meets  privately with the  independent  accountants of the
Fund,  will receive  annual  representations  from the  accountants  as to their
independence,  and has a written charter that delineates the Committee's  duties
and powers.


Committee on Independent Directors

     The  Board has a  Committee  on  Independent  Directors  consisting  of the
Noninterested  Directors,  which met three  times  during the fiscal  year ended
December  31,  1999.  The  Committee  is  charged  with the duty of  making  all
nominations for Noninterested  Directors,  establishing  Directors' compensation
policies  and  retirement   policies,   periodically   assessing  and  reviewing
evaluations  of the Board of Directors'  effectiveness,  and  considering  other
matters of  special  relevance  to the  Noninterested  Directors.  Stockholders'
recommendations  as to  nominees  received  by  management  are  referred to the
Committee for its consideration and action.

Executive Officers

     In addition to Mr.  Bratt,  a nominee to serve as a Director who is also an
Executive Officer of the Fund, the following  persons are Executive  Officers of
the Fund:

                                            Present Office with the Fund;                  Year First Became
          Name (Age)                    Principal Occupation or Employment (1)              an Officer (2)
          ----------                    --------------------------------------              --------------

Elizabeth J. Allan (47)            Vice President; Senior Vice President of Scudder Kemper.       1989

Bruce H. Goldfarb (35)             Vice President and Assistant Secretary; Senior Vice            1997
                                   President of Scudder  Kemper  since  February
                                   1997;  previously  practiced law with the law
                                   firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore.

Theresa Gusman (40)                Vice President; Managing Director of Scudder Kemper.           1996

Judith A. Hannaway (47)            Vice President; Senior Vice President of Scudder Kemper.       1997

John R. Hebble (42)                Treasurer; Senior Vice President of Scudder Kemper.            1998

Brenda Lyons (37)                  Assistant Treasurer; Senior Vice President of Scudder          2000

Ann M. McCreary (43)               Vice President; Managing Director of Scudder Kemper.           1998

John Millette (38)                 Vice President and Secretary; Vice President of Scudder        1999

Caroline Pearson (39)              Assistant Secretary; Senior Vice President of Scudder          1998
                                   Kemper since September 1997; previously practiced law
                                   with the law firm of Dechert Price & Rhoads.

Tien Yu Sieh (30)                  Vice President; Senior Vice President of Scudder Kemper.       1999

(1)  Unless otherwise stated,  all Executive  Officers have been associated with
     Scudder  Kemper for more than five years,  although not  necessarily in the
     same capacity.

(2)  The President, Treasurer and Secretary each hold office until his successor
     has been duly elected and qualified,  and all other officers hold office in
     accordance with the By-Laws of the Fund.


Transactions with and Remuneration of Directors and Officers

     The aggregate  direct  remuneration by the Fund of Directors not affiliated
with Scudder Kemper was $147,410,  including expenses, for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 1999. Each such unaffiliated  Director currently receives fees paid
by the Fund of $750 per Directors' meeting attended and an annual Director's fee
of $6,000.  Each Director also  receives  $250 per  committee  meeting  attended
(other than Audit  Committee  meetings  and  meetings  held for the  purposes of
considering  arrangements  between  the Fund and the  Investment  Manager  or an
affiliate of the Investment  Manager,  for which such Director receives a fee of
$750).  Scudder Kemper supervises the Fund's investments,  pays the compensation
and certain expenses of its personnel who serve as Directors and Officers of the
Fund and  receives  a  management  fee for its  services.  Several of the Fund's
Officers and Directors are also officers,  directors,  employees or stockholders
of Scudder Kemper and participate in the fees paid to that firm (see "Investment
Manager,"  page 10),  although  the Fund makes no direct  payments to them other
than for  reimbursement  of travel expenses in connection with the attendance at
Directors' and committee meetings.

The following Compensation Table, provides in tabular form, the following data:

Column (1) All Directors who receive compensation from the Fund.

Column (2) Aggregate compensation received by a Director from the Fund.

Columns (3) and (4)  Pension or  retirement  benefits  accrued or proposed to be
paid by the Fund. The Fund does not pay its Directors such benefits.

Column  (5) Total  compensation  received  by a  Director  from the  Fund,  plus
compensation  received  from all funds  managed  by  Scudder  Kemper for which a
Director serves.  The total number of funds from which a Director  receives such
compensation is also provided in column (5).



                                             Compensation Table
                                for the year ended December 31, 1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          (1)                      (2)                     (3)              (4)                  (5)
                                                        Pension or         Annual
                                Aggregate          Retirement Benefits    Benefits     Total Compensation From
    Name of Person,            Compensation         Accrued As Part of      Upon     Fund and Fund Complex Paid
       Position                 From Fund             Fund Expenses      Retirement         To Directors
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sheryle J. Bolton,                 $12,060                  N/A              N/A               $179,860
Director                                                                                      (26 funds)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert J. Callander,               $12,900                  N/A              N/A                $39,600
Director                                                                                       (3 funds)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenneth Froewiss,                  $1,920                   N/A              N/A                $19,496
Director*                                                                                      (3 funds)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William H. Luers,                  $13,810                  N/A              N/A               $212,596
Director                                                                                      (28 funds)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hugh T. Patrick,                   $12,750                  N/A              N/A                $26,750
Director                                                                                       (2 funds)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kesop Yun,                         $1,695                   N/A              N/A                $3,915
Director*                                                                                      (2 funds)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Messrs. Froewiss and Yun became members of the Board on October 20, 1999.

Required Vote

     Election  of  each  of  the  listed  nominees  for  Director  requires  the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting in person or by
proxy.  Your Fund's Directors  recommend that stockholders vote in favor of each
of the nominees.


     At a meeting  held on July 6,  2000,  the Board of  Directors  of the Fund,
including a majority  of the  Noninterested  Directors,  voted to  recommend  to
stockholders the selection of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP to act as independent
accountants  for the Fund for the fiscal year ending  December 31, 2000.  One or
more representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP are expected to be present at
the Meeting and will have an  opportunity to make a statement if they so desire.
Such  representatives  are expected to be  available  to respond to  appropriate
questions posed by stockholders or management.

     The Fund's financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1999
were audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Required Vote

     Ratification  of the  selection  of  independent  accountants  requires the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes cast at the Meeting in person or by
proxy. Your Fund's Directors recommend that stockholders ratify the selection of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as independent accountants.


Investment Manager

    The  Investment  Manager  is a  Delaware  corporation.  Rolf  Huppi*  is the
Chairman of the Board and a Director, Edmond D. Villani# is the President, Chief
Executive  Officer  and a  Director,  Harold  D.  Kahn# is the  Chief  Financial
Officer,  Kathryn L. Quirk# is the General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and
Secretary,  Nicholas  Bratt# and Lynn S. Birdsong# are Corporate Vice Presidents
and Directors,  and Laurence Cheng*,  Gunther Gose* and William H. Bolinder[ are
Directors of the  Investment  Manager.  The  principal  occupation  of Edmond D.
Villani,  Harold D. Kahn, Kathryn L. Quirk,  Nicholas Bratt and Lynn S. Birdsong
is serving as a Managing  Director  of the  Investment  Manager;  the  principal
occupation of Rolf Huppi is serving as an officer of Zurich Allied AG and Zurich
Financial Services,  Inc.; the principal occupation of Laurence Cheng is serving
as a senior  partner of Capital Z Partners,  an investment  fund;  the principal
occupation of Gunther Gose is serving as the Chief  Financial  Officer of Zurich
Insurance  Company  ("Zurich");  and the  principal  occupation  of  William  H.
Bolinder is serving as a member of the Group Executive Board of Zurich.

    The  outstanding  voting  securities of the  Investment  Manager are held of
record 1.56% by Zurich;  38.75% by Zurich Holding Company of America ("ZHCA"), a
subsidiary  of Zurich;  32.34% by ZKI Holding  Corp.  ("ZKIH"),  a subsidiary of
Zurich;  19.62% by Stephen R. Beckwith,  Lynn S. Birdsong,  Kathryn L. Quirk and
Edmond  D.  Villani  in  their  capacity  as  representatives  (the  "Management
Representatives")  of the Investment  Manager's  management  holders and retiree
holders  pursuant to a Second Amended and Restated  Security  Holders  Agreement
among   the   Investment   Manager,   Zurich,   ZHCA,   ZKIH,   the   Management
Representatives,  the  management  holders,  the  retiree  holders and Edmond D.
Villani, as trustee of Scudder Kemper Executive Defined  Contribution Plan Trust
(the  "Trust");  and  7.73%  by the  Trust.  ZHCA  owns  100% of the  non-voting
securities of the Investment Manager.

    On September 7, 1998, the businesses of Zurich (including  Zurich's interest
in the  Investment  Manager)  and the  financial  services  businesses  of B.A.T
Industries  p.l.c.  ("B.A.T")  were combined to form a new global  insurance and
financial  services  holding company known as Zurich  Financial  Services,  Inc.
("ZFS"),  and Zurich  became a subsidiary  of ZFS. ZFS is currently 57% owned by
Zurich Allied AG, a listed Swiss holding company, and 43% owned by Allied Zurich
p.l.c., a listed U.K. holding company. The home offices of ZFS and Zurich Allied
AG are located at Mythenquai 2, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland, and the home office of
Allied Zurich p.l.c. is located at 22 Arlington Street,  London,  England SW 1A,
1RW, United Kingdom.

- ------------------------

*    Mythenquai 2, Zurich, Switzerland

#    345 Park Avenue, New York, New York

[    1400 American Lane, Schaumburg, Illinois


    On May 3, 2000,  the Boards of Zurich Allied AG and ZFS and the committee of
the  Independent  Directors  of Allied  Zurich  p.l.c.  announced  that they had
entered into an agreement to unify the corporate  structure under a single Swiss
holding  company  which,  following  completion,  will  take  the  name  "Zurich
Financial Services" ("new Zurich Financial Services"). The unification plan will
involve  the  statutory  merger of Zurich  Allied AG with new  Zurich  Financial
Services,  and the combination of Allied Zurich p.l.c.  and new Zurich Financial
Services under a scheme of arrangement.  Upon  unification,  it is expected that
former  shareholders  of Zurich  Allied  AG will  hold 57% of the  shares in new
Zurich Financial  Services and former  shareholders of Allied Zurich p.l.c. will
hold 43% of the shares in new Zurich Financial  Services  (subject to the effect
of a proposed share repurchase by Allied Zurich p.l.c.).

    Shareholders of Zurich Allied AG and Allied Zurich p.l.c.  approved the plan
unification  on May 25,  2000 and June 20,  2000,  respectively.  Subject to the
satisfaction of certain conditions and regulatory approvals, it is expected that
the planned  unification  will be completed before the end of the year 2000. The
transaction  will not  affect  Zurich's  ownership  interest  in the  Investment
Manager,  which was 72.5% as of December 31, 1999, or the  Investment  Manager's

     On April 5,  2000,  the  Directors  of the Fund  approved  a  Research  and
Advisory  Agreement  between Scudder Kemper and Scudder  Investments  Singapore,
Limited,  a wholly owned  subsidiary  of Scudder  Kemper  ("Scudder  Investments
Singapore"),  which  would  serve as  sub-adviser  to the Fund.  The  address of
Scudder  Investments  Singapore is 30 Cecil  Street,  #24-10  Prudential  Tower,
Singapore  049712.  Scudder  Investments  Singapore has registered with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission as an investment adviser under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended,  and is expected to serve as sub-adviser to the
Fund on or about September 1, 2000. Scudder Investments Singapore is expected to
render investment  advisory and management  services with regards to the portion
of the Fund's portfolio as allocated by Scudder Kemper.

Brokerage Commissions on Portfolio Transactions

     To the maximum extent feasible,  Scudder Kemper places orders for portfolio
transactions  through Scudder Investor Services,  Inc., Two International Place,
Boston,  Massachusetts 02110 (the "Distributor") (a corporation  registered as a
broker/dealer  and a subsidiary of Scudder Kemper),  which in turn places orders
on behalf of the Fund with issuers,  underwriters  or other brokers and dealers.
The Distributor  receives no commissions,  fees or other  remuneration  from the
Fund for this  service.  In  selecting  brokers and dealers  with which to place
portfolio  transactions for the Fund, Scudder Kemper may place such transactions
with brokers and dealers that sell shares of funds advised by Scudder Kemper. In
addition, when it can be done consistently with its policy of obtaining the most
favorable net results in placing Fund brokerage, Scudder Kemper is authorized to
place such brokerage with brokers and dealers who supply  brokerage and research
services to Scudder Kemper.  Allocation of portfolio  transactions is supervised
by Scudder Kemper.

Other Matters

     The Board of  Directors  does not know of any matters to be brought  before
the Meeting other than those  mentioned in this Proxy  Statement.  The appointed
proxies will vote on any other  business that properly  comes before the Meeting
or any  adjournments  or  postponements  thereof in  accordance  with their best



     Proxies  will be  solicited  by mail and may be  solicited  in person or by
telephone or  facsimile by Officers of the Fund or personnel of Scudder  Kemper.
The Fund has retained Shareholder Communications  Corporation,  17 State Street,
New York, New York 10004 to assist in the proxy solicitation.  The cost of their
services is estimated at $3,500 plus expenses.  The costs and expenses connected
with the  solicitation  of the proxies and with any further proxies which may be
solicited by the Fund's Officers or Shareholder Communications  Corporation,  in
person,  by telephone or by facsimile  will be borne by the Fund.  The Fund will
reimburse banks,  brokers and other persons holding the Fund's shares registered
in their names or in the names of their nominees for their expenses  incurred in
sending proxy material to and obtaining  proxies from the  beneficial  owners of
such shares.

     In the event that  sufficient  votes in favor of any  proposal set forth in
the Notice of this  Meeting  are not  received  by October 4, 2000,  the persons
named as appointed  proxies on the  enclosed  proxy card may propose one or more
adjournments of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of proxies. Any such
adjournment  will require the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of
the  shares  present in person or by proxy at the  session of the  Meeting to be
adjourned.  The persons  named as appointed  proxies on the enclosed  proxy card
will vote in favor of such adjournment  those proxies which they are entitled to
vote in favor of the proposal for which further solicitation of proxies is to be
made. They will vote against any such  adjournment  those proxies required to be
voted against such proposal.  The costs of any such additional  solicitation and
of any adjourned session will be borne by the Fund.

Stockholder Proposals

     Stockholders wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in a proxy statement
for the 2001  meeting of  stockholders  of the Fund  should  send their  written
proposals  to  John  Millette,   Secretary  of  the  Fund,  c/o  Scudder  Kemper
Investments,  Inc. at 345 Park Avenue,  New York,  New York 10154,  by April 27,
2001. The timely submission of a proposal does not guarantee its inclusion.

     The Fund may  exercise  discretionary  voting  authority  with  respect  to
stockholder  proposals  for the  2001  meeting  of  stockholders  which  are not
included in the proxy  statement and form of proxy,  if notice of such proposals
is not  received by the Fund at the above  address on or before  July 11,  2001.
Even if timely notice is received,  the Fund may exercise  discretionary  voting
authority in certain other circumstances.  Discretionary voting authority is the
ability to vote proxies that stockholders have executed and returned to the Fund
on matters not specifically reflected on the form of proxy.

By order of the Board of Directors,

John Millette

345 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10154

August 25, 2000


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PROXY                       SCUDDER NEW ASIA FUND, INC.                    PROXY


               Annual Meeting of Stockholders -- October 4, 2000

   The undersigned hereby appoints Bruce H. Goldfarb,  Daniel Pierce and Kathryn
L. Quirk and each of them,  the proxies for the  undersigned,  with the power of
substitution  to each of them, to vote all shares of Scudder New Asia Fund, Inc.
which the  undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of  Scudder  New Asia Fund,  Inc.  to be held at the  offices of Scudder  Kemper
Investments,  Inc., 25th Floor, 345 Park Avenue (at 51st Street),  New York, New
York 10154,  on Wednesday,  October 4, 2000 at 10:30 a.m.,  Eastern time, and at
any adjournments or postponements thereof.

Unless otherwise specified in the squares provided,  the undersigned's vote will
be cast "FOR" each numbered item listed on the reverse side.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       ENVELOPE. NO POSTAGE IS REQUIRED.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Please sign exactly as your name or names appear. When signing as attorney,
           executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give
                            your full title as such.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ---------------------------------              ---------------------------------

- ---------------------------------              ---------------------------------

- ---------------------------------              ---------------------------------

                           (Continued on other side.)


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                           SCUDDER NEW ASIA FUND, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark box at right if an address change or comment has been  /    /
noted on the reverse side of this card.

     Please be sure to sign and date this Proxy.       | Date |
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----Stockholder sign here---------------------Co-owner sign here (if any)------

                                                      For All
                                            For All     Nom-    For All
1. The election of Directors:               Nominees   inees    Except

Class III Nominees:                         /    /    /    /   /    /

 (01) Robert J. Callander
 (02) Nicholas Bratt

Instruction: If you do not wish your shares voted "For" a particular
nominee, mark the "For All Except" box and strike a line through the
name(s) of the particular nominee(s). Your shares will be voted for the
remaining nominee(s).

                                              For    Against   Abstain
2. Ratification of the selection of
   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
   as independent accountants:              /    /    /    /   /    /

The Proxies are  authorized to vote in their  discretion  on any other  business
which may properly come before the meeting and any adjournments or postponements