Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc.,

                       Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb LLC and

                               Sequoia Fund, Inc.

                                 Code of Ethics

                 (Amended and Restated as of December 13, 2004)

1.   Introduction

     Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc. ("Ruane Cunniff"),  the Sequoia Fund, Inc.
     (the "Fund") and Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb LLC, the Fund's  distributor,
     (the "Distributor") believe that adherence to the highest ethical standards
     is essential  to  maintaining  the  continuing  confidence  of its clients.
     Therefore,  Ruane Cunniff, the Fund and the Distributor adopt the following
     Code of Ethics (the  "Code") and Policies for  Preventing  Insider  Trading
     (the "Insider Trading Policy") to establish  procedures designed to address
     potential  conflicts of interest  resulting  from the  personal  securities
     trading of employees, officers and directors of Ruane Cunniff, the Fund and
     the Distributor (collectively, "Covered Persons").

2.   Definitions

     The following  definitions  of  underlined  terms apply for purposes of the
     Code  and  the  Insider  Trading  Policy  in  addition  to the  definitions
     contained elsewhere herein.

     (a)  "Advisers Act" means the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended.

     (b)  "Beneficial Ownership" means ownership by any person who has or shares
          a direct or indirect financial interest in a Covered Security.

     (c)  "Client"  means any person or entity for which Ruane Cunniff  provides
          advisory  services  and for which Ruane Cunniff  receives an advisory
          fee.  Independent  Directors  of the Fund who have  Personal  Accounts
          managed by Ruane Cunniff  shall not be treated as "Clients"  under the
          Code and the Insider Trading Policy.

     (d)  "Company Act" means the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

     (e)  "Covered Security" means the instruments  commonly known as securities
          (as set forth in Section 2(a)(36) of the Company Act) and includes any
          derivative of a security,  commodities,  options or forward contracts,
          but  does  not  include  shares  of  open-end   investment   companies
          registered  under the  Company  Act  (other  than those for whom Ruane
          Cunniff  acts as an  investment  adviser  or the  Distributor  acts as
          principal  underwriter),  direct  obligations of the Government of the
          United States,  bankers'  acceptances,  bank  certificates of deposit,
          commercial  paper,  and high  quality  short  term  debt  instruments,
          including repurchase agreements.

     (f)  "Designated Supervisory Person" refers to Joe Quinones.

     (g)  "Head of Trading" refers to Jim Berkery.

     (h)  "Initial  Public  Offering"  or "IPO" means an offering of  securities
          registered  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 (the "1933  Act"),  the
          issuer of which, immediately before the registration,  was not subject
          to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

     (i)  "Insider  Trading  Policy"  means the  "Policies  for  Preventing  and
          Detecting Insider Trading" adopted by Ruane Cunniff.

     (j)  "Limited  Offering" means an offering that is exempt from registration
          under the 1933 Act.

     (k)  "Personal  Account" means an account in which a Covered Person has any
          Beneficial  Ownership.  The Covered Person's Personal Accounts include
          accounts of:

          (i)  the Covered  Person's  spouse (other than a legally  separated or
               divorced spouse) or minor children,

          (ii) any person who resides with the Covered Person, and

         (iii) any  other  account  (except  a Client  account)  managed  by the
               Covered Person.

          Notwithstanding the above, for purposes of this Code, Acacia Partners,
          L.P., Acacia Partners II, L.P and Acacia Institutional  Partners, L.P.
          will not be treated as "Personal Accounts".

     (l)  "Purchase"  or "sale"  of a Covered  Security  includes,  among  other
          things,  the  writing  of an  option  to  purchase  or sell a  Covered

     (m)  A Covered  Security is "Under  Active  Consideration"  for purchase or
          sale when it is subject to active analytical review in anticipation of
          developing or refining an investment  opinion or it may be a candidate
          to be  purchased  or sold at or about at the current  market  price on
          behalf of a Client as determined by the Head of Trading.

3.   Objectives of the Code

     (a)  The  Code  is  designed  to  ensure  that  the   personal   securities
          transactions  of Covered  Persons are conducted in accordance with the
          following standards:

          (i)  A duty at all times to place first the interests of Clients;

          (ii) The  requirement  that all personal  securities  transactions  be
               conducted  consistent  with the  Code and in such a manner  as to
               avoid any actual or  potential  conflict of interest or any abuse
               of an individual's responsibility and position of trust; and

         (iii) The   fundamental   standard   that  Covered   Persons  not  take
               inappropriate advantage of their positions.

          (iv) The  fundamental  standard  that all Covered  Persons must comply
               with the federal securities laws

     (b)  Prohibited  Conduct.  Even if a transaction is otherwise  permitted by
          the Code, all Covered Persons are prohibited from:

          (i)  acting in any manner to defraud any Client;

          (ii) making to any Client,  to the Head of Trading or to a  Designated
               Supervisory  Person any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or
               omitting to state to such  person a material  fact  necessary  in
               order to make the statements made, in light of the  circumstances
               under which they are made, not misleading;

         (iii) engaging in any act,  practice  or course of business  which does
               or could defraud or deceive any Client;

          (iv) engaging in any manipulative practice with respect to any Client;

          (v)  revealing to any other person (except in the normal course of his
               or her duties on behalf of a Client)  any  information  regarding
               securities transactions by any Client or the consideration by any
               Client or Ruane Cunniff of any such securities transactions.

4.   Personal Trading Restrictions and Procedures

     (a)  Transactions in Covered Securities must be effected in accordance with
          the following provisions:

          (i)  Preclearance.  Generally,  all personal  transactions  in Covered
               Securities must be precleared. The Head of Trading (assuming that
               he has no personal  interest in the subject  transaction,  if so,
               then a  Designated  Supervisory  Person  [or  any  qualified  and
               properly   registered   assistant   trader])   may   approve  the
               transaction if he concludes that the transaction is not likely to
               have any  adverse  economic  impact on a Client.  A  preclearance
               request is made by completing the "Preclearance  Request," a copy
               of which is attached.

          (ii) Black Out Period. - Preclearance  requests will not be granted if
               there  is a  pending  buy or  sell  order  in that  same  Covered
               Security  for any  Client  or if the  Covered  Security  is Under
               Active Consideration for purchase or sale on behalf of a Client.

         (iii) Two-Day  Waiting  Period.  Once a Covered  Security  is no longer
               Under  Active  Consideration  for  purchase  or sale by a Client,
               Covered  Persons  may be  permitted  to buy or sell that  Covered
               Security after a waiting period of two business days. The two day
               waiting period may be waived,  in the sole discretion of the Head
               of  Trading  or  a  Designated   Supervisory  Person,  under  the
               following  circumstances:  (a) if an order by a Covered Person to
               purchase or sell a Covered  Security would represent less than 5%
               of the  average  daily  market  trading  volume for that  Covered
               Security  for the  preceding  three  months  (as  determined  and
               documented  by the  Head  of  Trading)  and  (b)  if the  Covered
               Person's  order is a sell  order,  all Client  orders  within the
               prior two  business  days have  been  sell  orders  and no Client
               currently owns such Covered Security.  In the event a decision is
               made to waive the waiting period,  the basis of the decision must
               be reflected in writing on the approval form.

          (iv) Commingling of Covered  Person Trades with Client Trades.  Orders
               for Clients and Covered Persons for Covered Securities may not be
               commingled  unless  the  Head  of  Trading  has  determined  that
               commingling would not disadvantage any Client.

          (v)  Board  Service.  Covered  Persons  who  serve  on the  board of a
               publicly   traded  company  or  who  have  a  material   business
               relationship   involving   a  Covered   Security   Under   Active
               Consideration  must  disclose  such  board  service  or  business
               relationship  to the  Head of  Trading  before  recommending  the
               purchase or sale of an affected Covered Security.

     (b)  Personal transactions  involving shares of the Fund are subject to the
          preclearance requirements in Section 4(a) of the Code.

5.   Exempted Transactions

     (a)  The  requirements  of Section  4(a)(i) through (iv) of the Code do not
          apply to:

          (i)  purchases or sales of Covered  Securities that are non-volitional
               on the  part of  either  a  Covered  Person  or a  Client  or are
               pursuant to an automatic  reinvestment  plan,  such as a dividend
               reinvestment plan; and

          (ii) purchases  effected  upon the  exercise  of  rights  issued by an
               issuer  pro  rata  to all  holders  of a  class  of the  issuer's
               securities,  to the extent such rights  were  acquired  from such
               issuer, and sales of such rights so acquired.

     (b)  Shareholders  of Ruane Cunniff  and  Members  of the  Distributor.  A
          shareholder of Ruane Cunniff or a member of the Distributor who is not
          an employee, officer or director of Ruane Cunniff or a member, officer
          or manager of the Distributor,  shall not be subject to the provisions
          of  this  Code  unless  the  shareholder  owns  25%  or  more  of  the
          outstanding voting securities of Ruane Cunniff or the Distributor,  as

6.   Reporting

     (a)  Personal  Accounts to be  maintained  at  Neuberger  Berman.  Personal
          Accounts  should be maintained at Neuberger  Berman,  LLC  ("Neuberger
          Berman").  Neuberger  Berman  will  provide  monthly  reports to Ruane
          Cunniff  regarding  Covered  Person  trading.  Each Covered Person who
          maintains a Personal  Account at a broker other than Neuberger  Berman
          must receive  written  approval  for such account from the  Designated
          Supervisory  Person  and must  direct  the  broker  to  submit  to the
          Designated  Supervisory Person a duplicate copy of the confirmation of
          each  personal  transaction  in Covered  Securities  in such  Personal
          Account  and a copy  of the  Covered  Person's  monthly  or  quarterly
          statements for the account.  All such  statements  must be received by
          Ruane Cunniff,  the Distributor or the Fund, as applicable,  within 30
          days  after  the  close  of the  month  or  quarter  covered  by  such

     (b)  Statement of Security Ownership. Covered Persons must, within ten (10)
          days of commencement of employment with Ruane Cunniff, the Distributor
          or the  Fund,  and  annually  thereafter,  submit a  statement  to the
          Designated  Supervisory  Person  listing  all of the (i) the title and
          type,  the exchange  ticker  symbol or CUSIP  number (if  applicable),
          number of shares and principal  amount of Covered  Securities in which
          the  Covered  Person  has  any  Beneficial  Ownership,  (ii)  business
          activities  in  which  the  Covered  Person  has  a  significant  role
          (including any service as a director of a publicly traded company) and
          (iii)  the names of the  brokerage  firms or banks  where the  Covered
          Person  maintains  a  securities  account and the date the account was
          established.  The statement  must be current as of a date no more than
          30 days  before the  statement  is  submitted.  Statements  under this
          Section  shall  carry  the  date  when  submitted  to  the  Designated
          Supervisory Person.

     (c)  Annual  Certification of Code. Each person subject to the Code and the
          Insider  Trading Policy must certify  annually that he or she has read
          and understands them, recognizes that he or she is subject thereto and
          has  complied  with their  provisions  and  disclosed  or reported all
          personal securities  transactions required to be disclosed or reported
          thereunder.  Such  certificates  and  reports  are to be  given to the
          Designated Supervisory Person.

     (d)  Confidentiality  of Reports.  All reports  furnished  pursuant to this
          Section will be kept confidential, subject to the rights of inspection
          by a  Designated  Supervisory  Person,  the  Securities  and  Exchange
          Commission  or other  regulatory  bodies  and by other  third  parties
          pursuant to applicable law.

     (e)  Acknowledgement  of  Receipt.  The  Designated  Supervisory  Person is
          responsible for providing each Covered Person with a copy of this Code
          and any amendments  thereto.  Each Covered  Person is responsible  for
          providing   the   Designated   Supervisory   Person   with  a  written
          acknowledgement  receipt of the Code and any amendments  thereto.  The
          Designated  Supervisory  Person is  responsible  for ensuring that all
          such written acknowledgements are received.

7.   Prohibited Purchases and Sales and Reporting  Requirements For Non-Employee
     Directors of Ruane Cunniff and the Fund and Managers of the Distributor

     (a)  The  requirements  in Section  4(a)(i) - (iv) apply to an  independent
          director of the Fund or an independent manager of the Distributor only
          if the director or manager had actual knowledge that during the 15-day
          period preceding or following a purchase or sale of a Covered Security
          in the director's or manager's  Personal Account such Covered Security
          was Under Active  Consideration  for purchase or sale by a Client (for
          independent  directors of Ruane Cunniff or independent managers of the
          Distributor)  or the Fund (for  independent  directors  of the  Fund).
          Nevertheless,  the requirements of Section  4(a)(ii)-(iv)  above shall
          apply  to  transactions  by  or  for  any  Personal   Accounts  of  an
          independent director that are managed by Ruane Cunniff.

     (b)  Independent  directors  of the Fund need not submit the  confirmations
          and account  statements  described  in Section  6(a) above  unless the
          director  knew or, in the  ordinary  course of  fulfilling  his or her
          official duties as a Fund director,  should have known that during the
          15-day period immediately  before or after the director's  transaction
          in a  Covered  Security,  the  Fund  purchased  or  sold  the  Covered
          Security,  or the  Fund (or  Ruane  Cunniff  on  behalf  of the  Fund)
          considered purchasing or selling the Covered Security.

     (c)  The  statement  described  in Section  6(b)  above  shall not apply to
          independent directors of the Fund.

8.   Sanctions

     Upon learning of a violation of the Code,  Ruane  Cunniff,  may impose such
     sanctions  as  it  deems  appropriate,   including,   among  other  things,
     disgorgement  of profits,  censure,  suspension or  termination of service.
     Further,  such violation may also be a violation of the federal  securities
     laws or other  federal and state laws.  Any such person who is suspected of
     violating  the  Code  should  be  reported   immediately  to  a  Designated
     Supervisory Person.

9.   Recordkeeping

     (a)  The Designated Supervisory Person will keep the following records:

          (i)  a copy of each Code that is in effect,  or at any time within the
               past five years was in effect, maintained in an easily accessible

          (ii) a record of any  violation of the Code and of any action taken as
               a result of the  violation,  maintained  in an easily  accessible
               place for at least five years after the end of the fiscal year in
               which the violation occurs;

         (iii) a copy of each report made by Covered  Persons  maintained for at
               least  five years  after the end of the fiscal  year in which the
               report is made,  the  first  two  years in an  easily  accessible

          (iv) a record of all persons  currently or within the past five years,
               who  are or were  required  to  make  reports  or who are or were
               responsible for reviewing these reports,  maintained in an easily
               accessible place; and

          (v)  a copy of all preclearance request approvals.

          A copy of every  report  required by this  Section of the Code must be
          maintained for at least five years after the end of the fiscal year in
          which it is made, the first two years in an easily accessible place.

10.  Administration of the Code

     (a)  The Head of  Trading  or the  Designated  Supervisory  Person  will be
          responsible for approving Preclearance Requests.

     (b)  The Designated  Supervisory  Person will be responsible  for reviewing
          reports of securities holdings,  brokerage  confirmations and periodic
          statements to determine whether all Covered Persons are complying with
          the Code.

     (c)  The Designated Supervisory Person will inform Covered Persons of their
          reporting and other obligations under the Code.

     (d)  The Designated  Supervisory Person will maintain a current list of all
          Covered Persons subject to the Code.

     (e)  The  Designated  Supervisory  Person will  periodically  report to the
          President of Ruane Cunniff regarding the administration of the Code.

     (f)  The  Designated  Supervisory  Person  will  submit  a  written  report
          annually  to the Board of  Directors  of the Fund (i)  describing  any
          issues  arising under the Code since the last such report,  including,
          but not limited to, information about material  violations of the Code
          and sanctions imposed in response to the material violations; and (ii)
          certifying  that Ruane Cunniff and the  Distributor  have each adopted
          procedures  reasonably  necessary to prevent  relevant Covered Persons
          from violating the Code.

Approved by action of Adviser's Board of Directors, Sequoia Fund, Inc's Board of
Directors and the Board of Managers of the Distributor on December 13, 2004.

By:                                          /s/ Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc.

By:                                          /s/ Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb LLC

By:                                          /s/ Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Sequoia Fund, Inc.

                                                 EXHIBIT A
                                                 RUANE, CUNNIFF & GOLDFARB INC.
                                                 RUANE CUNNIFF & GOLDFARB LLC
                                                 SEQUOIA FUND, INC.

                                  Request Date:

Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc.
767 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4701
New York, New York 10153-4798

                              PRECLEARANCE REQUEST

   I hereby request preclearance for the following trade(s) for the account of

                             (Please print name* )

(Note Purchase or Sale)     Security          Number of Shares      Broker

Please signify your approval by signing below.


- ----------------------------                  ----------------------------------
Trading Desk                                       Covered Person Signature

- ----------
*    Self,  spouse or other family members  (including minor children and adults
     living in the same household).

This  trading  intention  applies to current  strategy for  near-term  execution
(within 5 business days),  allowing for market conditions and in accordance with
the guidelines in the Code of Ethics of Ruane,  Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc., Ruane
Cunniff & Goldfarb LLC and Sequoia Fund, Inc.

Note:     Waive (2) day waiting period due to daily trading volume
          (see attached):                (_)

          Waive (2) day waiting  period;  all customers'  holdings in securities
          sold.                          (_)

                                    EXHIBIT B

                         RUANE, CUNNIFF & Goldfarb INC.
                          RUANE CUNNIFF & Goldfarb LLC


A.   Introduction

          Ruane,  Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc. (the  "Adviser") and Ruane Cunniff &
Goldfarb LLC (the  "Distributor")  (each, a "Firm" and together,  the "Firms")
seek to foster a reputation for integrity and  professionalism.  To further that
goal, this Insider Trading Policy  implements  procedures to deter the misuse of
material, nonpublic information in securities transactions.

          Trading   securities  while  in  possession  of  material,   nonpublic
information or improperly  communicating  that  information to others may expose
you to  stringent  penalties.  Criminal  sanctions  may  include a fine of up to
$1,000,000 and/or ten years imprisonment.  Finally, you may be sued by investors
seeking to recover damages for insider trading violations.

          The Firms view seriously any violation of this Insider Trading Policy.
Violations  may  constitute  grounds  for  disciplinary   sanctions,   including

B.   Scope of the Insider Trading Policy

          This Insider Trading Policy will be applied and  interpreted  broadly.
This Insider  Trading  Statement  applies to securities  trading and information
handling by directors,  managers,  officers and employees of the Firms including
family members, and extends to activities within and outside their duties at the

          The law of insider  trading is unsettled;  an individual  legitimately
may be  uncertain  about the  application  of the  Insider  Trading  Policy in a
particular   circumstance.   Often,  asking  a  single  question  can  forestall
disciplinary  action or complex legal problems.  You should direct any questions
relating to the Insider Trading Policy to the Designated Supervisory Person. You
also must notify the Designated  Supervisory  Person immediately if you have any
reason to believe that a violation of the Insider Trading Policy has occurred or
is about to occur.

C.   Insider Trading Policy

          The Firms  forbid any  officer,  director,  manager or  employee  from
trading, either personally or on behalf of others, including accounts managed by
the  Adviser,  on  material  nonpublic  information  or  communicating  material
nonpublic  information  to others  in  violation  of the law.  This  conduct  is
frequently  referred to as "insider trading." Every officer,  director,  manager
and employee  must read and retain this Insider  Trading  Policy.  Any questions
regarding the Firms' policy and procedures  should be referred to the Designated
Supervisory Person.

          The term  "insider  trading" is not defined in the federal  securities
laws,  but  generally  is  used  to  refer  to  the  use of  material  nonpublic
information  to trade in  securities  (whether or not one is an "insider") or to
communications of material nonpublic information to others.

          While  the  law  concerning  insider  trading  is  not  static,  it is
generally understood that the law prohibits:

                    a.   trading by an insider,  while in possession of material
                         nonpublic information, or

                    b.   trading  by  a  non-insider,  while  in  possession  of
                         material nonpublic  information,  where the information
                         either was disclosed to the non-insider in violation of
                         an  insider's  duty  to  keep  it  confidential  or was
                         misappropriated, or

                    c.   communicating material nonpublic information to others.

          The elements of insider  trading and the  penalties  for such unlawful
conduct are discussed below. If, after reviewing this Policy Statement, you have
any questions you should consult the Designated Supervisory Person.

D.   Who is an Insider?

          The concept of "insider" is broad.  It includes  officers,  directors,
managers and employees of a company.  In addition,  a person can be a "temporary
insider" if he or she enters  into a special  confidential  relationship  in the
conduct of a company's  affairs and as a result is given  access to  information
solely for the  company's  purposes.  A  temporary  insider can  include,  among
others, a company's attorneys, accountants,  consultants, bank lending officers,
and the  employees  of such  organizations.  In  addition,  the  Adviser  or the
Distributor may become a temporary  insider of a company it advises or for which
it performs other  services.  According to the Supreme  Court,  the company must
expect the outsider to keep the disclosed nonpublic information confidential and
the  relationship  must at least imply such a duty before the  outsider  will be
considered an insider.

E.   What is Material Information?

          Trading on insider information is not a basis for liability unless the
information is material.  Information is "material"  when there is a substantial
likelihood that a reasonable  investor would consider it important in making his
or  her  investment  decisions,  or  if it  is  reasonably  certain  to  have  a
substantial  effect on the price of a  company's  securities.  Information  that
officers,  directors,  managers and employees should consider material includes,
but  is not  limited  to:  dividend  changes,  earnings  estimates,  changes  in
previously  released  earnings  estimates,  significant  merger  or  acquisition
proposals  or  agreements,   major   litigation,   liquidation   problems,   and
extraordinary management developments.

          Material  information does not have to relate to a company's business,
but may also relate to the market for a company's  securities.  For example,  in
Carpenter v. U.S., 108 U.S. 316 (1987), the Supreme Court considered as material
certain  information  about the contents of a forthcoming  newspaper column that
was  expected  to affect the market  price of a security.  In that case,  a Wall
Street Journal reporter was found criminally liable for disclosing to others the
dates that reports on various  companies would appear in the Journal and whether
those reports would be favorable or not.

          No simple "bright line" test exists to determine  when  information is
material; assessments of materiality involve a highly fact-specific inquiry. For
this reason,  you should  direct any  questions  about  whether  information  is
material to the Designated Supervisory Person.

F.   Contacts with Public Companies.

          For the Firms,  contacts with public companies  represent an important
part of our research  efforts and other services.  For example,  the Adviser may
make  investment  decisions  on the basis of the  Adviser's  conclusions  formed
through such contacts and analysis of publicly-available information.  Difficult
legal issues arise,  however,  when, in the course of these  contacts,  a Firm's
employee or other person subject to this Insider Trading Policy becomes aware of
material,  nonpublic  information.  This could  happen,  for example,  if a Firm
employee serves as a director on the board of a publicly  traded  company,  if a
company's Chief Financial Officer prematurely  discloses quarterly results to an
analyst or if an investor relations  representative makes a selective disclosure
of adverse news to a handful of investors.  In such  situations,  that Firm must
make a judgment as to its further conduct. To protect yourself,  our clients and
the Firms, you should contact the Designated  Supervisory Person immediately and
before trading in the  securities of a company on whose board you serve,  if you
believe that you may have received material, nonpublic information.

G.   Tender Offers.

          Tender  offers  represent a  particular  concern in the law of insider
trading  for  two  reasons.   First,   tender  offer   activity  often  produces
extraordinary gyrations in the price of the target company's securities. Trading
during  this time  period is more likely to attract  regulatory  attention  (and
produces a  disproportionate  percentage of insider trading cases).  Second, the
SEC has adopted a rule which  expressly  forbids  trading and "tipping" while in
possession of material,  nonpublic information regarding a tender offer received
from the  tender  offeror,  the  target  company  or anyone  acting on behalf of
either.  The employees of the Firms and others  subject to this Insider  Trading
Policy  should  exercise  particular  caution  any  time  they  become  aware of
nonpublic information relating to a tender offer.

H.   What is Nonpublic Information?

          Information is nonpublic until it has been effectively communicated to
the  market  place.  One  must be able to point  to some  fact to show  that the
information  is generally  public.  For example,  information  found in a report
filed with the SEC, or appearing in Dow Jones,  Reuters Economic  Services,  The
Wall  Street  Journal  or other  publications  of general  circulation  would be
considered public.

I.   Bases for Liability

     i.   Fiduciary Duty Theory

          In 1980,  the  Supreme  Court  found that there is no general  duty to
disclose before trading on material nonpublic information,  but that such a duty
arises only where there is a fiduciary  relationship.  That is,  there must be a
relationship  between the parties to the  transaction  such that one party has a
right to expect  that the other  party  will  disclose  any  material  nonpublic
information or refrain from trading. Chiarella v. U.S., 445 U.S. 22 (1980).

          In Dirks v.  SEC,  463 U.S.  646  (1983),  the  Supreme  Court  stated
alternate  theories under which non-insiders can acquire the fiduciary duties of
insiders:  they can enter  into a  confidential  relationship  with the  company
through which they gain information (e.g., attorneys,  accountants), or they can
acquire a fiduciary duty to the company's  shareholders as "tippees" if they are
aware or  should  have  been  aware  that  they  have  been  given  confidential
information  by an insider who has violated his fiduciary  duty to the company's

          However,  in the "tippee"  situation,  a breach of duty occurs only if
the insider personally  benefits,  directly or indirectly,  from the disclosure.
The benefit does not have to be  pecuniary,  but can be a gift,  a  reputational
benefit  that  will  translate  into  future  earnings,  or even  evidence  of a
relationship that suggests a quid pro quo.

     ii.  Misappropriation Theory

          Another basis for insider trading liability is the  "misappropriation"
     theory,  where  liability is  established  when trading  occurs on material
     nonpublic  information  that was stolen or  misappropriated  from any other
     person. In U.S. v. Carpenter,  supra, the Court found, in 1987, a columnist
     defrauded  The  Wall  Street  Journal  when he stole  information  from the
     Journal and used it for  trading in the  securities  markets.  It should be
     noted  that the  misappropriation  theory can be used to reach a variety of
     individuals  not previously  thought to be encompassed  under the fiduciary
     duty theory.

J.   Penalties for Insider Trading

         Penalties for trading on or communicating material nonpublic
         information are severe, both for individuals involved in such unlawful
         conduct and their employers. A person can be subject to some or all of
         the penalties below even if he or she does not personally benefit from
         the violation. Penalties include:

                    -    civil injunctions

                    -    treble damages

                    -    disorgement of profits

                    -    jail sentences

                    -    fines for the person who  committed  the violation o up
                         to three time the profit gains or loss avoided, whether
                         or not the person actually benefited, and

                    -    fines for the employer or other  controlling  person of
                         up to the  greater  of  $1,000,000  or three  times the
                         amount of the profit gains or loss avoided.

          In  addition,  any  violation of this  Insider  Trading  Policy can be
expected to result in serious sanctions by the Firms, including dismissal of the
persons involved.


          The following  procedures  have been  established to aid the officers,
          directors,  managers and  employees  of the Firms in avoiding  insider
          trading,  and to aid the Firms in  preventing,  detecting and imposing
          sanctions against insider trading.  Every officer,  director,  manager
          and employee of the Firms must follow these procedures or risk serious
          sanctions,  including  dismissal,  substantial  personal liability and
          criminal  penalties.  If you have any questions about these procedures
          you should consult the Designated Supervisory Person.

A.   Identifying Insider Information

          Before trading for yourself or others,  including  accounts managed by
          the Adviser or for whom either of the Firms performs services,  in the
          securities  of a company  about  which you may have  potential  inside
          information, ask yourself the following questions:

          i.   Is the information material? Is this information that an investor
               would  consider   important  in  making  his  or  her  investment
               decisions?  Is this information that would  substantially  affect
               the market price of the securities if generally disclosed?

          ii.  Is the information  nonpublic?  To whom has this information been
               provided?  Has the information been  effectively  communicated to
               the  marketplace by being  published in Reuters,  The Wall Street
               Journal or other publications of general circulation?

          If, after consideration of the above, you believe that the information
is  material  and  nonpublic,  or  if  you  have  questions  as to  whether  the
information is material and nonpublic, you should take the following steps:

          i.   Report  the  matter  immediately  to the  Designated  Supervisory

          ii.  Do not purchase or sell the  securities  on behalf of yourself or
               others,  including  accounts  managed by the  Adviser or for whom
               either of the Firms perform services.

          iii. Do not communicate  the information  inside or outside your Firm,
               other than to the Designated Supervisory Person.

          iv.  After the Designated  Supervisory  Person has reviewed the issue,
               you will be  instructed  to  continue  the  prohibitions  against
               trading  and  communication,  or you will be allowed to trade and
               communicate the information.

B.   Personal Securities Trading.

          The Firms have  adopted a Code of Ethics (the  "Code"),  which,  among
other things, restricts personal securities trading and requires preclearance of
personal  securities  transactions.  Transactions  permitted  under the Code may
nevertheless be prohibited under this Insider Trading Policy.

          All  officers,  directors,  managers and  employees of the Firms shall
submit  to the  Designated  Supervisory  Person  a report  of  every  securities
transaction in which they, their families (including the spouse,  minor children
and adults  living in the same  household as the officer,  director,  manager or
employee), have a beneficial interest.

C.   High-Risk Trading Activities.

          Certain high-risk trading activities, if used in the management of the
Firms'  officers',   directors',   managers'  or  employees'   personal  trading
portfolios  are  risky  not  only  because  of  the  nature  of  the  securities
transactions themselves, but also because of the potential that action necessary
to close out the  transaction may become  prohibited  during the pendency of the
transactions.  Examples of such  activities  include short sales of common stock
and  trading in  derivative  instruments  such as option  contracts  to purchase
("call") or sell ("put") securities at certain predetermined  prices.  Officers,
directors,  managers and employees of either of the Firms should understand that
short   sales  and   trading   in   derivative   instruments   involve   special
risks--derivative  instruments,  for  example,  ordinarily  have  greater  price
volatility  than the underlying  security.  The  fulfillment of the  obligations
owned by each officer,  director, manager and employee to the Firms may heighten
those  risks.  For  example,  if a Firm  becomes  aware of  material,  nonpublic
information about the issuer of the underlying securities, that Firm's personnel
may find themselves "frozen" in a position in a derivative security. A Firm will
not bear any losses resulting in personal accounts through the implementation of
this Insider Trading Policy.

D.   Restricting Access to Material Nonpublic Information

          Information  in your  possession  that you  identify as  material  and
nonpublic may not be communicated to anyone,  including persons within either of
the Firms, except as provided in paragraph 1 above. In addition,  care should be
taken so that such information is secure. For example, files containing material
nonpublic  information  should be sealed;  access to computer  files  containing
material  nonpublic   information   should  be  restricted,   and  conversations
containing  such  information,  if  appropriate  at all,  should be conducted in
private  (for   example  not  by  cellular   telephone),   to  avoid   potential

E.   Resolving Issues Concerning Insider Trading

          If, after  consideration  of the items set forth in paragraph 1, doubt
remains as to whether  information is material or nonpublic,  or if there is any
unresolved  question as to the  applicability or interpretation of the foregoing
procedures,  or as to the propriety of any action, it must be discussed with the
Designated Supervisory Person before trading or communicating the information to

F.   Acknowledgment

          I have read and understand the foregoing procedures and will comply in
all  respects  with such  procedures.  I  understand  that any  violation of the
Insider Trading Policy may lead to sanctions, including dismissal.

- -------------------------------              -----------------------------------
NAME                                                     DATE


          The roles of the Head of Trading and the Designated Supervisory Person
are critical to the  implementation  and  maintenance  of the Firms'  policy and
procedures against insider trading.  Supervisory  Procedures can be divided into
two  classifications--prevention  of insider  trading and  detection  of insider

A.   Prevention of Insider Trading

          To   prevent insider trading, the Firms should:

          i.   distribute and review the Firms' policy and  procedures  with new
               employees and periodically  review them with existing  directors,
               managers, officers and employees

          ii.  answer questions regarding the Firms' policy and procedures

          iii. resolve  issues of whether  information  received  by an officer,
               director, manager or employee of a Firm is material and nonpublic

          iv.  review on a regular  basis and  update as  necessary  the  Firms'
               policy and procedures

          v.   when it has been determined that an officer, director, manager or
               employee of a Firm has material nonpublic information

               a.   implement   measures  to  prevent   dissemination   of  such
                    information, and

               b.   if  necessary,  restrict  officer,  directors,  managers and
                    employees from trading the securities.

          vi.  promptly  review and either  approve or  disapprove,  in writing,
               each  request of an officer,  director,  manager or employee  for
               clearance to trade in specified securities.

B.   Detection of Insider Trading

          To detect insider trading, the Designated Supervisory Person should:

          i.   Monitor trading activities of the relevant Firm's own account, if
               any,   on  a  daily   basis  in   addition  to  review  of  trade
               confirmations  and monthly  customer  statements  provided by any
               NASD Member  broker-dealer  with whom that Firm may  establish an
               account (transactions in that Firm's account.

          ii.  Monitor trading  activities of a Firm's employees  through review
               of duplicates of confirmations and customer  statements  provided
               by any NASD Member  broker-dealer  with whom the  employee has an
               account (the Firms  recommend  that all employees  maintain their
               Personal Accounts, as defined in Section 2 of the Firms' Code, at
               Neuberger  Berman  but if,  with the  written  permission  of the
               Designated  Supervisory  Person, a Personal Account is maintained
               at a brokerage firm other than Neuberger  Berman,  a duplicate of
               all  brokerage  confirmations  should  be sent to the  Designated
               Supervisory Person.

          iii. Coordinate  the review of such  reports  with  other  appropriate
               officers,  directors,  managers or employees  of the  appropriate

          iv.  Promptly  investigate  all reports of any possible  violations of
               the Firms' Policy and Statement.

C.   Special Reports

          Promptly, upon learning of a potential violation of the Firms' Insider
Trading  Policy,  the  Designated  Supervisory  Person should  prepare a written
report providing full details and  recommendations  for further action which may
include any or all of the following:

          i.   the name of particular securities involved, if any,

          ii.  the  date(s) the  Designated  Supervisory  Person  learned of the
               potential violation and began investigating,

          iii. the accounts and individuals involved,

          iv.  actions taken as a result of the investigation, if any, and

          v.   recommendations for further action.

D.   General Reports to Management and/or the Board of Directors or Managers

          On an as-needed or periodic basis, it may be useful for the Designated
Supervisory  Person to  prepare a written  report to the  management  and/or the
Board of  Directors  of the Adviser or the Board of Managers of the  Distributor
setting forth some or all of the following:

          i.   a summary of existing  procedures  to detect and prevent  insider

          ii.  a summary of changes in procedures made in the last year,

          iii. full details of any  investigation  since the last report (either
               internal  or by a  regulatory  agency) of any  suspected  insider
               trading,  the results of the  investigation  and a description of
               any changes in procedures prompted by any such investigation,

          iv.  an evaluation  of the current  procedures  and a  description  of
               anticipated changes in procedures, and

          v.   a  description  of each  Firm's  continuing  educational  program
               regarding  insider trading,  including the dates of such programs
               since the last report to management.

E.   Annual Reports

          On an annual basis,  the Adviser's Board of Directors and the Board of
Managers of the Distributor will re-evaluate the current policies and procedures
in place.

          Approved by action of Adviser's  Board of  Directors  and the Board of
Managers of the Distributor on December 13, 2004.

By:                                          /s/ Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Ruane, Cunniff & Goldfarb Inc.

By:                                          /s/ Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Joseph Quinones, Jr.
                                             Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb LLC

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