SECOND AMENDMENT TO
        (As Amended and Restated Effective as of December 31, 1993)

                           W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, Service Corporation International (the "Company") executed the
plan entitled "Service Corporation International Supplemental Executive
Retirement Plan for Senior Officers (as Amended and Restated Effective as of
December 31, 1993)" (hereinafter called the "Plan"); and

     WHEREAS, the Company retained the right in Section 8.1 of the Plan to amend
the Plan from time to time; and

     WHEREAS, the Company adopted, on February 27, 1995, the First Amendment to
the Plan, to be effective as of November 9, 1994; and

     WHEREAS, the Company now wishes to clarify certain provision of the Plan as
amended by said First Amendment thereto, and to make other desired changes to
the Plan, by adopting this Second Amendment to the Plan:

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:

A.   Effective as of November 9, 1994:

     1. Section 3.2, relating to the standard form of payment, is amended to 
revise the heading of subsection (a) thereof, so that such heading provides 
"Standard Form: Life and 180-Month Certain Annuity."

     2. Section 3.2(b), is amended by revising the last sentence of the last 
paragraph thereof to delete the period at the end thereof and to substitute 
the words "by such Participant."

     3. Section 3.2(c), is amended by adding the following sentence at the 
end thereof:

        "The opportunity to elect in-service commencement under this Section
        3.2(c) shall be available only once to any Participant and, once such 
        an election is made, it may not be revoked by the Participant except 
        to the extent that such Participant requests, and the Committee 
        approves, a lump sum payment under Section 3.2(e) below."

     4. Section 3.2(d), is amended by adding the following sentence at the 
end thereof:

        "The opportunity to elect in-service commencement under this Section
        3.2(d) shall be available only once to any Participant and, once such 
        an election is made, it may not be revoked by the Participant except 
        to the extent that such Participant requests, and the Committee 
        approves, a lump sum payment under Section 3.2(e) below."

     5. Section 3.2(e), is amended by adding the following sentence at the 
end thereof:

        "The  opportunity  to request, under this  Section  3.2(e),  a lump sum
        payment after  commencement of an annuity  under Section  3.2(c) or (d)
        above shall be available only once to any Participant  and, once such a
        request is made, it may not be revoked by such Participant."

     6. Clause (i) of the first sentence of Article IV is amended in its 
entirety to provide as follows:

        "...(i) each Participant who, on the date of the Change of Control, (a)
        is an active Employee of the Company, and (b) has not commenced receipt
        of his Retirement Benefit under the Plan, a lump sum cash payment equal
        to the  Actuarially Equivalent value, as of the date of such Change of
        Control, of the Accrued Benefit to which the Participant would have 
        been entitled if he had continued to earn Credited Service from the 
        date of the Change of Control to the date of his 65th birthday; and"

B.   Effective as of January 1, 1997:

     1.  Article  I, relating  to  definitions,  is  amended  to  insert in the
alphabetically appropriate  place the new  defined  term  "Cause,"  which shall
provide as follows:

        ""Cause" means the reason or reasons for which the Company terminates a
        Participant's  employment as such reasons are  described in, and as the
        quoted term is defined in, the latest employment agreement entered into
        by and between the Company and each Participant, and such definition of
        "Cause" is incorporated by reference into this Plan."

     2.  Section  3.2(b),  relating  to lump sum  payments, is  amended to add,
immediately  after the subsection  heading thereof, and immediately  before the
first sentence thereof, the new paragraph heading that provides:

        "(1)Participants May Request."

     3. Section 3.2(b) is further amended by adding, immediately following the
last  paragraph  of  paragraph  (1), as so  designated  by this Amendment,  the
following new paragraph (2) that provides in its entirety as follows:

            "(2)Committee  May  Initiate.  Regardless of whether a  Participant
        requests a single  lump sum  payment of his entire  Retirement  Benefit
        pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Section 3.2(b), the Committee may, in
        its sole  discretion,  determine  that any Participant  who  terminates
        employment with the Company for any reason (except a Participant who is
        discharged by  the  Company  for  Cause)  shall  receive,  as  soon  as
        administratively feasible  after such  termination,  a single  lump sum
        payment  of  the Actuarially  Equivalent  value  (determined  as of the
        Participant's termination date) of his unpaid vested Retirement Benefit
        otherwise payable upon his attainment of age 65.

            Within  such   time  as  it   considers   appropriate   under   the
        circumstances, the Committee shall notify a Participant whose 
        Retirement Benefit is to be paid pursuant to this paragraph (2) of 
        Section 3.2(b)."

     4. Section 3.2(d), relating to in-service commencement of benefits, is 
amended in its entirety to provide as follows:

        "(d)In-Service Commencement of Retirement Benefits.

            (1) Years Prior to 1997. During  calendar years ending on or before
        December 31, 1996, a  Participant  who is under the age of 65 but is at
        least age 59, and is an active Employee  of the  Company,  may elect to
        receive his entire  Retirement Benefit in the form of a monthly annuity
        that is payable for the lesser of 180 months or his lifetime, 
        commencing as of the  first day of the  month  following  the later of 
        the date the Participant  attains  age 60 or the  subsequent  date  
        specified  by the Participant   that  is  prior  to  this  age  65;   
        provided   that  the Participant's  written  election  of such form of 
        payment is received by the Committee not less than 12 calendar months  
        before the  applicable commencement date.

           (2) Years  Beginning  After 1996. During  calendar years  beginning
       after December 31, 1996, a Participant who is under the age of 65 but 
       is at least age 54, and is an active Employee of the Company, may elect 
       to receive his entire Retirement Benefit in the form of a monthly 
       annuity that is payable for the lesser of 180 months or his lifetime, 
       commencing as of the first day of the month following the later of the 
       date the Participant attains age 55 or the subsequent date specified by 
       the Participant that is prior to his age 65; provided that the 
       participant's written election of such form of payment is received by 
       the Committee not less than 12 calendar months before the applicable 
       commencement date.

           (3) Rules  Applicable to All Pre-Age 65  Commencements. Because the
       Retirement  Benefit annuity  described in this Section 3.2(d) commences
       before the Participant attains the age of 65, the monthly amount of the
       Participant's annuity that would otherwise commence at his age 65 shall
       be discounted to the Actuarially Equivalent value of such annuity having
       a commencement date determined under paragraphs (1) or (2), whichever is
       applicable.  Moreover,  the amount of any annuity commenced prior to age
       65 pursuant to paragraphs (1) or (2) of this Section 3.2(d) shall not be
       increased  after  its  payment  commencement  date  on  account  of  any
       subsequent  increase in the  Participant's  years of  Credited  Service,
       compensation, or otherwise; provided, however, that the Committee in its
       sole discretion may provide for  cost-of-living  increases in the amount
       of such annuity.

           The  opportunity to elect  in-service  commencement  prior to age 65
       under  this  Section   3.2(d)  shall  be  available  only  once  to  any
       Participant and, once such an election is made, it may not be revoked by
       the Participant except to the extent that such Participant requests, and
       the Committee approves, a lump sum payment under Section 3.2(e) below."

    5. Section 6.3, relating to forfeiture for cause, is amended:

       (1) by adding,  immediately  after the heading  thereof and  immediately
    before the first sentence thereof,  the new subsection heading "(a) General

       (2) by revising the first  sentence  thereof to delete the words "fraud,
    embezzlement,  theft,  commission  of a felony,  proven  dishonesty  in the
    course of his employment that damaged the Company,  or for disclosing trade
    secrets of the Company" and to insert in their place the word "Cause";

       (3) by revising the second  sentence  thereof in its entirety to provide
    "The decision of the Committee as to whether a Participant  was  discharged
    for Cause will be final.";

       (4) by revising the fourth sentence to add, immediately after the word 
"Section," the word "6.3(a)";

       (5) by adding at the end of  subsection  (a), as so  designated  by this
    Amendment, the following new subsection (b), which provides in its entirety
    as follows:

       "(b)Special  Rule.  Notwithstanding  any  provision  of this Plan to the
       contrary except the succeeding provisions of this subsection (b), in the
       event  that,  at any time  within the first ten  calendar  years after a
       Participant  (including  for  purposes  of  this  subsection,  a  former
       Participant)  terminates  employment  with the  Company,  he  becomes an
       employee, director, partner, member, advisor, agent or consultant of any
       business  entity that is in  competition  with the Company or any of its
       Subsidiaries or affiliates (the "Noncompete  Rule"),  such Participant's
       entire Accrued  Benefit  attributable to his  participation  in the Plan
       after December 31, 1996 shall be immediately forfeited, and neither such
       Participant  nor any  Beneficiary  shall have any claim to benefits that
       accrued  on or after  January  1,  1997  under  this  Plan.  After  full
       consideration  of the facts  presented on behalf of both the Company and
       the Participant, the decision of the Committee as to whether Participant
       has violated the Noncompete Rule shall be final.

       In the event  that a  Participant  violates  the  Noncompete  Rule after
       having received all or part of his Retirement Benefit that is subject to
       forfeiture under that rule, such Participant  shall be required,  and by
       agreeing  to  participate  in this  Plan each  Participant  specifically
       agrees, to repay the Company the full amount of such Retirement Benefits
       he has  received,  plus  interest  from the date of the violation of the
       Noncompete  Rule  as  determined  by the  Committee;  and to  make  such
       repayment  at the  time or times  and in the  manner  determined  by the
       Committee.  The  interest  rate  shall  be the  weekly  quoted  one-year
       Treasury bill rate at the last weekly  auction held  immediately  before
       the  Committee's  determination  that such  Participant has violated the
       Noncompete Rule, plus one percent (1%).

       By  agreeing  to  participate  in this  Plan  each  Participant  further
       consents to the Company's  deduction from any amounts the Company or any
       of its  Subsidiaries or affiliates owes to such Participant from time to
       time  (including  amounts  owed to such  Participant  as  wages or other
       compensation, fringe benefits, or other amounts owed to such Participant
       by the  Company) to the extent of the amount such  Participant  owes the
       Company under this subsection (b).  Whether or not the Company elects to
       make any set-off in whole or in part under this  subsection  (b), if the
       Company does not recover the full amount such  Participant owed to it by
       such Participant, calculated as set forth above, such Participant agrees
       to pay the  unpaid  balance  to the  Company.  Such  Participant  may be
       released  from  this  obligation  to  repay  the  Company  only  if  the
       Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  determines  that his action is not
       detrimental  to  the  best  interests  of  the  Company  or  any  of its
       Subsidiaries or affiliates.

       The  covenants  in this  subsection  (b)  shall not be held  invalid  or
       unenforceable  because of the specified period of time within which such
       covenant  is  operative,  but the  maximum  period of time in which such
       covenants are operative is subject to determination by a final judgement
       of any court that has jurisdiction over the parties and subject matter."

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, the  company  adopts,  approves  and  consents to the
amendment of the Plan by this Second Amendment this 21st day of April, 1997, to
be effective as of the dates provided herein.

                                       SERVICE CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL

                                       By: /s/ JACK L. STONER
By: /s/ HELEN R. DUGAND                   Name: JACK L. STONER
   -------------------------              Title: Sr. V.P. Administration
Name: HELEN R. DUGAND                     
Title: Dir. Human Resources