AS AMENDED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 22, 1993


     Section 1 - Principal Office:  The principal office of
     the corporation shall be at 20-24 N. W. Fourth Street,
     Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana.

     Section 2 - Other Offices:  The corporation may have
     and maintain such other offices as the Board of
     Directors may deem expedient.


     The corporation shall have a corporate seal with the
     name of the corporation and the words "Evansville,
     Indiana" inscribed about a circle and the words
     "Incorporated, 1912" within such circle.


     The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin on the
     first day of January and end on the thirty-first day of
     December of each year.


     Section 1 - Place of Meetings:  All meetings of the
     shareholders shall be held at the principal office of
     the corporation, except such meetings as the Board of
     Directors by resolution determine shall be held
     elsewhere, in which case meetings may be held upon
     notice, as hereinafter provided, at such place or
     places within or without the State of Indiana as the
     Board of Directors may determine.

     Section 2 - Annual Meeting:  The annual meeting of the
     shareholders shall be held at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on the
     fourth Tuesday of March in each year, or on such other
     date or time as may be fixed by the Board of Directors
     and stated in the notice of the meeting, provided such
     annual meeting shall be held in any event within five
     (5) months after the close of the fiscal year of the
     corporation for the election of Directors and the
     transaction of such other business as may properly come
     before the meeting.

     Section 3 - Special Meetings:  Except as otherwise
     required by law and subject to the rights of any class
     or series of stock having a preference over the common
     stock as to dividends or upon liquidation, a special
     meeting of the shareholders of the corporation may be
     called by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the
     Board or the Chief Executive Officer, or by the
     Secretary upon the request in writing of the holders of
     not less than seventy percent (70%) of the voting stock
     of the corporation.

     Section 4 - Notices:  At least ten (10) days before any
     meeting of shareholders written or printed notice
     stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and, in
     case of a special meeting or when required by law or by
     the Amended Articles of Incorporation, the purpose or
     purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be
     delivered or mailed by the Secretary or by the officers
     or persons calling the meeting to each shareholder of
     record entitled by law, these By-Laws or the Amended
     Articles of Incorporation to vote at such meeting, at
     such address as appears on the records of the
     corporation.  Notice of any shareholders' meeting may
     be waived in writing by any shareholder if the waiver
     sets forth in reasonable detail the purpose or purposes
     for which the meeting is called and the time and place
     thereof.  Attendance at any meeting in person or by
     proxy when the instrument of proxy sets forth in
     reasonable detail the purpose or purposes for which the
     meeting is called, shall constitute a waiver of notice
     of such meeting.  No notice of the holding of an
     adjourned meeting shall be necessary.  Each shareholder
     who has, in the manner above provided, waived notice of
     a shareholders' meeting or who personally attends a
     shareholders' meeting or is represented thereat by a
     proxy authorized to appear by an instrument of proxy
     complying with the requirements above set forth, shall
     be conclusively presumed to have been given due notice
     of such meeting.

     Section 5 - Quorum:  Subject to the provisions of the
     Amended Articles of Incorporation, at any meeting of
     the shareholders one-third (1/3) of the shares of the
     outstanding capital stock represented in person or by
     proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
     business, but a lesser number may convene and adjourn.

     Section 6 - Voting:  Shareholders entitled by law,
     these ByLaws or the Amended Articles of Incorporation
     to vote at any meeting of shareholders may vote either
     in person or by proxy executed in writing by the
     shareholder or a duly authorized attorney-in-fact.  No
     proxy shall be valid after eleven (11) months from the
     date of its execution unless a longer time is expressly
     provided therein. At all meetings of the shareholders
     the holder of each share of the preferred stock $100.00
     par value and of the common stock shall be entitled to
     one (1) vote for each share of such stock standing in
     his name on the books of the corporation and the holder
     of each share of the preferred stock, no par value,
     shall be entitled to a fraction of one (l) vote per
     share, which fraction shall be equal to the ratio of
     the involuntary liquidation value of such share to
     $100.00, upon all questions; and a majority of the
     votes cast at any such meeting shall be sufficient for
     the adoption or rejection of any question presented
     unless otherwise provided by law or by the Amended
     Articles of Incorporation.  No shareholder shall have
     cumulative voting rights in connection with the
     election of Directors.

     No share shall be voted at any meeting:

     (1)  Upon which any installment is due and unpaid, or

     (2)  Which belongs to the corporation.

     For the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to
     vote at any meeting of the shareholders or any
     adjournment thereof or shareholders entitled to receive
     payment of any dividend or in order to make a
     determination of shareholders for any other purpose,
     only those shareholders who are shareholders of record
     on the record date fixed by the Board of Directors or
     as provided in Article XI, Section 2 hereof, shall be
     entitled to vote.  Any shareholder acquiring title to
     shares of stock after said record date shall, upon
     written request to the shareholder of record, be
     entitled to receive a proxy from such shareholder with
     power of substitution to vote such stock.

     Shares standing in the name of a corporation (other
     than Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company) may be
     voted by such officers, agents or proxy as the Board of
     Directors of such corporation may appoint.  Shares held
     by fiduciaries may be voted by the fiduciaries in such
     manner as the instrument or order appointing such
     fiduciaries may direct.  In the absence of any such
     direction or the inability of the fiduciaries to act in
     accordance therewith, shares held jointly by three (3)
     or more fiduciaries shall be voted in accordance with
     the will of the majority.  Where the fiduciaries or a
     majority of them cannot agree or where they are equally
     divided upon the questions of voting such shares, any
     court of general equity jurisdiction may, upon petition
     filed by any of such fiduciaries or by any party in
     interest, direct the voting of such shares as it may
     deem for the best interests of the beneficiaries and
     such shares shall be voted in accordance with such
     direction.  Shares that are pledged may, unless
     otherwise provided in the agreement of pledge, be voted
     by the shareholder pledging the same until the shares
     have been transferred to the pledgee on the books of
     the corporation and thereafter they may be voted by the

     Section 7 - Voting Lists:  At least five (5) days
     before each election of Directors, the officer or agent
     having charge of the stock transfer books shall make a
     complete list of the shareholders, arranged in
     alphabetical order, with the address and number of
     shares and votes held by each, which list shall be on
     file at the principal office of the company and subject
     to inspection by any shareholder.  Such list shall be
     produced and kept open at the time and place of
     election and subject to the inspection of any
     shareholder during the holding of such election.  The
     original stock register or transfer books, or
     duplicates thereof kept in the State of Indiana, shall
     be the only evidence as to who are the shareholders
     entitled to examine such list or the stock ledger or
     transfer book or to vote at any meeting of the


     Section 1 - Number:  The Board of Directors of this
     corporation shall consist of eleven (11) members.

     Section 2 - Classes:  The Board of Directors shall be
     and is divided into three (3) Classes - Class I, Class
     II and Class III - which will be as nearly equal in
     number as possible.  No Class shall include less than
     three (3) Directors.

     Section 3 - Election:  At the annual meeting of
     shareholders during which the members of the Board of
     Directors are initially divided into the above
     described Classes by appropriate amendment of the
     Amended Articles of Incorporation of the corporation,
     those Directors who are assigned to Class I shall be
     elected for one-year terms, those assigned to Class II
     shall be elected for two-year terms and those assigned
     to Class III shall be elected for three-year terms.  At
     each succeeding annual meeting of the shareholders, an
     election of Directors of the corporation shall be held
     for the Class of Directors whose terms of office expire
     at such time.  In the event of a failure to hold an
     annual meeting of the shareholders or to conduct an
     election of Directors at any annual meeting of
     shareholders which-is held, the Directors to be elected
     at such meeting may be elected at any special meeting
     of the shareholders called for that purpose.  At any
     election of Directors, the Chairman of the Board, if
     presiding, or the Chief Executive Officer, if other
     than the Chairman of the Board, may appoint inspectors
     or judges who shall report to the meeting upon the
     validity of all proxies received, count the votes cast
     and make a report thereof at such meeting.

     Section 4 - Term of Office, Qualification and

     A.   With Respect to Each Director Elected Prior to
          July 23, 1985, except for each initial Director in
          Class I and Class II who shall serve for the
          respective terms designated in the preceding
          Section 3, each such Director shall serve for a
          term ending on the date of the third annual
          meeting of shareholders following the annual
          meeting at which such Director was elected;
          provided, however, that any Director who arrives
          at the age of seventy-two (72) years subsequent to
          January 1, 1991, shall tender his resignation to
          become effective at the end of the calendar year
          prior to the year of expiration of the term during
          which the Director attains his seventy-second
          (72nd) birthday, and his successor shall be chosen
          in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of
          this Article V.

     B.   With Respect to Each Director Elected After July
          22, 1985, each such Director shall serve for a
          term ending on the date of the third annual
          meeting of shareholders following the annual
          meeting at which such Director was elected;
          provided, however, that any such Director who
          arrives at the age of seventy (70) years during
          his elected term shall tender his resignation to
          become effective at the end of the calendar year
          during which he attains his seventieth (70th)
          birthday, and his successor shall be chosen in
          accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of
          this Article V.

     C.   By invitation of the Board of Directors, board
          members who have held the position of Chairman of
          the Board or Chief Executive Officer of the
          Company may, upon retirement from the Board of
          Directors, be elected, on an annual basis, to
          serve in the capacity of an advisory board member. 
          Advisory board members are entitled to receive the
          annual stipend portion of the regularly
          established directors compensation then in effect
          pursuant to Section 7 of this Article V; however,
          they shall not enjoy voting privileges. 
          Furthermore, advisory board members shall not
          receive regular committee assignments, but may,
          from time to time, be called for committee service
          for which they will be compensated at the
          established per meeting fee.

     Section 5 - Vacancies:  Each Director shall serve until
     his successor is elected and qualified or until his
     death, retirement, resignation or removal.  Should a
     vacancy occur or be created, whether arising through
     the death, resignation or removal of a Director or
     through an increase in the number of Directors, such
     vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the
     remaining Directors of all Classes of the Board of
     Directors or, at the discretion of the Board of
     Directors, such vacancy may be filled by vote of the
     shareholders at a special meeting called for that
     purpose.  A Director so elected to fill a vacancy shall
     serve for the remainder of the then-present term of
     office of the Class to which such Director was elected.
     Section 6  - Removal:  Any Director, or the entire
     Board of Directors, may be removed; provided, however,
     that such removal must be for cause and must be
     approved in accordance with provisions of this Section
     6.  Removal for cause must be approved by at least
     seventy percent (70%) of the combined voting power of
     the outstanding shares of stock of the corporation then
     entitled to be voted at an election for that Director,
     voting together as a single Class, and the action for
     removal must be brought within three (3) years of the
     occurrence of such cause.

     Section 7 - Compensation:  The Directors shall receive
     such compensation for their service as Directors and as
     members of any committee appointed by the Board as may
     be prescribed by the Board of Directors.  The Directors
     shall also be reimbursed for ordinary and reasonable
     expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. 
     No such payment shall preclude any Director from
     serving the corporation in any other capacity and
     receiving compensation therefor.


     Section 1 - Regular Meetings:  Regular meetings of the
     Board of Directors shall be held at the principal
     office of the corporation on the third Tuesday of each
     month at 10:00 o'clock A.M., or on such other day of
     the month, time of the day or place, within or without
     the State, as the Board of Directors may designate.

     Section 2 - Special Meetings:  Special meetings of the
     Board of Directors may be held at any time at the
     principal office of the corporation or elsewhere within
     or without the State as shall be specified in the
     notice of such meeting.

     The Secretary shall call a special meeting whenever and
     wherever so requested by the Chairman of the Board, the
     Chief Executive Officer or any three (3) Directors.

     Section 3 - Organization Meeting:  Immediately
     following the meeting of the shareholders at which the
     members of any Class of Directors are elected, the
     members of all Classes of the Board of Directors shall
     meet and organize and transact such other business as
     may properly be presented at such meeting.

     Section 4 - Notice:  No notice shall be required for a
     regular meeting of the Board of Directors or of an
     adjourned meeting.  A reasonable notice of special
     meetings, in writing or otherwise, shall be given to
     each Director or sent to his residence or place of
     business.  Notice of a special meeting shall specify
     the time and place of holding the meeting.  Unless
     otherwise stated in the notice thereof, any and all
     business may be transacted at a special meeting of the
     Board of Directors.  No notice shall be required to be
     given to any Director who signs a written waiver of
     notice before the meeting, at the time of the meeting
     or at any time thereafter.

     Section 5 - Quorum:  At all meetings of the Board of
     Directors a majority of the whole Board shall be
     necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of
     any business except the filling of vacancies, but a
     lesser number may convene and adjourn.

     Section 6 - Voting:  All questions coming before any
     meeting of the Board of Directors for action shall be
     decided by a majority vote of all Classes of the Board
     of Directors present at such meeting unless otherwise
     provided by law, the Amended Articles of Incorporation
     or the other provisions of these By-Laws.


     Section 1 - Number, Qualification, Appointment,
     Alternates:  The Board of Directors shall appoint not
     less than two (2) Directors who, together with the
     Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer
     (if other than the Chairman), shall constitute the
     Executive Committee.  The Board of Directors in its
     discretion may also appoint one (1) or more Directors
     as alternate members of the Executive Committee to
     serve in place of any regular member of the Executive
     Committee (other than the Chairman of the Board or the
     Chief Executive Officer) during any period of time when
     such regular member is unavailable as a member of the
     Executive Committee on account of illness, absence or
     otherwise.  The Chief Executive Officer of the
     corporation shall serve as Chairman of the Executive

     Section 2 - Powers and Duties:  The Executive Committee
     shall have and exercise all the authority of the entire
     Board of Directors when the Board is not in session
     with respect to all matters except the following:

     (1)  Amending the Amended Articles of Incorporation;

     (2)  Adopting an Agreement or a Plan of Merger,
          Consolidation or other "Business Combination" as
          that term is defined in Article XI of the Amended
          Articles of Incorporation;

     (3)  Proposing a special corporate transaction such as
          the sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge or
          disposition of all fixed assets of the
          corporation; or

     (4)  Terminating, winding up and/or changing the nature
          of the corporation's business.
     Section 3 - Term of Office:  The members of the
     Executive Committee shall hold office from the date of
     their appointment until the next succeeding
     organization meeting of the Directors, provided that
     the Board of Directors shall at all times have the
     power to remove any member of the Executive Committee.

     Section 4 - Vacancies:  Any vacancy or vacancies in the
     Executive Committee arising from any cause shall be
     filled by the remaining Directors.

     Section 5 - Fees:  Members of the Executive Committee,
     as such, shall not receive any stated salary for their
     services, but expenses of attendance, if any, and a fee
     in such an amount as may be determined by the Board of
     Directors from time to time shall be paid for
     attendance at each Executive Committee meeting.

     Section 6 - Meetings:  The Executive Committee shall
     meet at such times and places as the Chairman of the
     Board or Chief Executive Officer or a majority of the
     Committee members may designate, provided that
     reasonable notice of such meeting shall be given each
     member.  A majority of the Executive Committee shall
     constitute a quorum for the transaction of all

     Section 7 - Minutes:  The Executive Committee shall
     keep minutes of all its meetings which shall be
     recorded in the minute book of the corporation and
     shall be promptly submitted to the Board of Directors
     for approval.


     The Board of Directors shall appoint an Audit Committee
     consisting of not less than three (3) nor more than
     five (5) members of the Board of Directors, none of
     whom shall be an officer of the corporation.  Each
     member of the Audit Committee shall receive a fee fixed
     by the Board of Directors for attendance at each
     meeting of the Audit Committee.


     Section 1 - Titles:  The mandatory officers of the
     corporation shall consist of a Chairman of the Board, a
     President, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  In addition,
     the Chairman of the Board or the President shall be
     elected by the Board of Directors to be Chief Executive
     Officer of the corporation.  In the event of a vacancy
     in the office of Chief Executive Officer, or the
     absence or disability of the officer serving in such
     capacity, then the other officer eligible to be elected
     to such office (if not one and the same person) shall
     perform the duties of Chief Executive Officer.  The
     Board of Directors may elect, at the request of the
     Chief Executive Officer, one (1) or more Executive Vice
     Presidents, one (1) or more Senior Vice-Presidents, one
     (1) or more Vice-Presidents, one (1) Controller, one
     (1) or more Assistant Controllers, one (1) or more
     Assistant Secretaries, one (1) or more Assistant
     Treasurers, Assistant or Assistants to the President or
     any Executive Vice-President or Vice-President.

     The Board of Directors may designate the President or
     any Vice President as the Chief Operating Officer of
     the Corporation and may designate any Vice President or
     the Secretary or the Treasurer as the Chief Financial
     Officer of the Corporation.

     Section 2 - Qualifications of the Chairman of the Board
     and President:  The Chairman of the Board and the
     President shall be chosen from among the members of the
     Board of Directors.

     Section 3 - Election of Officers:  The mandatory
     officers of the corporation shall be elected annually
     at the organization meeting of the Board of Directors. 
     Any other officers not so elected at such meeting may
     be elected subsequently at any regular or special
     meeting of the Board.

     Section 4 - Term of Office Qualification and
     Retirement:  All officers shall serve at the pleasure
     of the Board and shall hold office from the date of
     their election until the next succeeding annual
     organization meeting of the Board of Directors or until
     their successors are elected and shall qualify;
     provided, however, that any officer, except those
     having attained age 64 as of January 1, 1989, shall
     tender his resignation to become effective at the end
     of the calendar month during which the officer attains
     his sixty-fifth (65th) birthday.

     Section 5 - Vacancies:  Any vacancy or vacancies among
     the officers arising from any cause may be filled by
     the Board of Directors.

     Section 6 - Compensation of Officers:  The Board of
     Directors shall fix the compensation of the Chief
     Executive Officer, the President, the Chief Operating
     Officer, the Chief Financial Officer and the Chairman
     of the Board, when said Chairman is also serving as an
     active employee of the Company.  The compensation of
     all other officers shall be fixed by the Chief
     Executive Officer.

     Section 7 - Combining Offices:  Any two (2) or more
     offices may be held by the same person except that the
     duties of President and Secretary shall not be
     performed by the same person. 

     Section 1 - Directors:  The business and affairs of the
     corporation shall be managed by the Board of Directors,
     except where specifically excepted by law, the Amended
     Articles of Incorporation or the other provisions of
     these By-Laws.

     Section 2 - Chairman of the Board:  The Chairman of the
     Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board of
     Directors and at all meetings of shareholders and shall
     in general perform all duties incident to the office of
     Chairman of the Board and such other duties as may be
     assigned to him from time to time by the Board of
     Directors.  The Chairman of the Board when acting as
     the Chief Executive Officer shall also exercise the
     duties set forth in Section 3 of this Article X.

     Section 3 - Chief Executive Officer:  The Chief
     Executive Officer of the corporation shall have the
     general control and management of its business and
     affairs subject to the control of the Board of

     Section 4 - President:  The President shall perform all
     duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by
     the Chief Executive Officer (if other than the
     President) or by the Board of Directors.  The President
     when acting as the Chief Executive Officer of the
     corporation shall also exercise the duties set forth in
     Section 3 of this Article X.

     Section 5 - Vice-Presidents:  The Executive, Senior or
     other Vice-Presidents shall have such responsibilities
     and perform such duties as may be respectively assigned
     to them from time to time by the Board of Directors,
     the Executive Committee or the Chief Executive Officer. 
     In the absence or disability of the President, an
     Executive Vice-President or a Senior Vice-President may
     be designated by the Board of Directors or Executive
     Committee to perform and exercise all of the powers of
     the President.

     Section 6 - Secretary:  The Secretary shall have the
     custody of the corporate seal and records of the
     corporation and be in charge of all the records and
     accounts of the corporation.  He shall act as Secretary
     at meetings of the shareholders, Directors and
     Executive Committee and enter the minutes of such
     meetings in a book provided for that purpose and shall
     attend to publishing, giving and serving all official
     notices of the corporation.  He shall perform such
     other duties as may be assigned to him.

     Section 7 - Assistant Secretaries:  In the absence or
     disability of the Secretary, the Assistant Secretaries
     shall act with all the powers of the Secretary.  They
     shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to
     Section 8 - Treasurer:  The Treasurer shall have the
     custody of all negotiable instruments and securities of
     the corporation and be in charge of collection of
     amounts due the corporation.  He shall disburse the
     funds of the corporation only by check upon properly
     authorized vouchers and shall keep a record of all
     receipts and disbursements by him.  He shall have
     authority to give receipts for moneys paid to the
     corporation and to endorse checks, drafts and other
     instruments for the payment of money for deposit or
     collection where necessary or proper and to deposit the
     same to the credit of the corporation in such bank or
     banks or depositary as the Board of Directors or the
     Executive Committee may designate and he may endorse
     all commercial documents requiring endorsements for or
     on behalf of the corporation.  He shall perform such
     other duties as may be assigned to him.

     Section 9 - Assistant Treasurers:  In the absence or
     disability of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurers
     shall act with all the powers of the Treasurer.  They
     shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to

     Section 10 - Controller:  The Controller shall have
     general supervision of the accounting of the
     corporation including the preparation of all pertinent
     accounting reports.  He shall perform such other duties
     as may be assigned to him.  In the event that a
     Controller has not been elected by the Board of
     Directors, the powers and duties of the Controller
     shall be assigned to the Treasurer.

     Section 11 - Assistant Controllers:  In the absence or
     disability of the Controller, the Assistant Controllers
     shall act with all the powers of the Controller.  They
     shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to


     Section 1 - Stock Certificates:  Each shareholder shall
     be entitled to a certificate signed by the President or
     a VicePresident and the Secretary or an Assistant
     Secretary of the corporation and sealed with the
     corporate seal of the corporation, certifying to the
     number of shares owned by him in the corporation.  If
     such certificate is counter-signed by the written
     signature of a transfer agent other than the
     corporation or its employee, the signatures of the
     officers of the corporation may be facsimiles.  If such
     certificate is counter-signed by the written signature
     of a registrar other than the corporation or its
     employee, the signatures of the transfer agent and the
     officers of the corporation may be facsimiles.  In case
     any officer, transfer agent or registrar who has signed
     or whose facsimile signature has been placed upon a
     certificate shall have ceased to be such officer,
     transfer agent or registrar before such certificate is
     issued, it may be issued by the corporation with the
     same effect as if he were such officer, transfer agent
     or registrar at the date of its issue.

     Section 2 - Transfer of Shares:  Stock shall be
     transferable on the stock transfer books of the
     corporation in person or by attorney duly authorized
     and upon surrender and cancellation of the old
     certificates therefor.

     The Board of Directors of the corporation may close its
     stock transfer books for a period not exceeding fifty
     (50) days preceding the date of any meeting of
     shareholders or the date for the payment of any
     dividend.  In lieu of closing the stock transfer books
     the Board of Directors may fix in advance a date not
     more than fifty (50) days prior to the date of any
     meeting of shareholders or the date for the payment of
     any dividend as the record date for the determination
     of the shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote
     at any such meeting or entitled to receive payment of
     such dividend; and such shareholders, and only such
     shareholders, as shall be shareholders of record on the
     date so fixed shall be entitled to such notice of and
     to vote at such meeting or be entitled to receive
     payment of such dividend, as the case may be,
     notwithstanding the transfer of any stock on the books
     of the corporation after such record date fixed as
     aforesaid.  If the stock transfer books are not closed
     and no record date is fixed by the Board of Directors,
     no shares shall be voted at any meeting which shall
     have been transferred on the books of the corporation
     within ten (10) days next preceding the date of such

     Section 3 - Replacing Certificates:  In case of the
     loss or destruction of any certificate of stock and the
     submission of proper proof thereof by the owner, a new
     certificate may be issued in lieu thereof under such
     regulations and restrictions as the Board of Directors
     may prescribe.


     All checks, drafts and other negotiable instruments
     issued by the corporation shall be made in the name of
     the corporation and shall be signed by such one (1) of
     the officers of the corporation and countersigned by
     such other officer of the corporation or by such other
     person as the Board of Directors from time to time
     direct; provided, however, that the same person shall
     not both sign and countersign the same instrument;
     provided further, that dividend checks, payroll checks,
     customer deposit refund checks and cashier's checks
     drawn upon special accounts with designated
     depositaries need not be countersigned.

     The officers and employees of the corporation shall, in
     the discretion of the Board of Directors, Executive
     Committee or Chief Executive Officer, give bonds for
     the faithful discharge of their respective duties in
     such form and for such amounts as they or any of them
     may direct.


     Section 1 - Every person (and the heirs, executors and
     administrators of such person) who is or was a director
     or officer of this corporation or of any subsidiary of
     this corporation or who, at the request of this
     corporation, served in any position or capacity or on
     any committee for this corporation or for or in any
     other corporation, partnership, association, trust,
     foundation, not-for-profit corporation, employee
     benefit plan or other organization or entity, shall be
     indemnified by the corporation against any and all
     liability and reasonable expense that may be incurred
     by him in connection with or resulting from any claim,
     action, suit or proceeding in which either (i) such
     person is wholly successful, thereby entitling such
     person to Mandatory Indemnification, or (ii) such
     person is not wholly successful but it is nevertheless
     determined, pursuant to the procedures set forth below
     in Section 2 of this Article IX of these By-Laws, that
     such person acted in good faith and that such person
     reasonably believed that (a) in the case of conduct in
     his official capacity, his conduct was in the
     corporation's best interests, or (b) in all other
     cases, his conduct was at least not opposed to the best
     interests of such corporation, entity or organization,
     and, in addition, with respect to any criminal action
     or proceeding, either had reasonable cause to believe
     his conduct was lawful or had no reasonable cause to
     believe his conduct was unlawful, thereby entitling
     such person to Permissive Indemnification.  The terms
     "claim", "action", "suit" or "proceeding" shall mean
     and include any claim, action, suit or proceeding
     (whether brought by or in the right of the corporation
     or any other corporation or otherwise), civil,
     criminal, administrative or investigative action, or
     threat thereof, in which a director or officer of the
     corporation (or his heirs, executors or administrators)
     may become involved as a party or otherwise:

     (a)  by reason of his being or having been a director
          or officer of the corporation, or of any
          subsidiary corporation of the corporation, or of
          any other corporation where he served as such at
          the request of the corporation, or

     (b)  by reason of his acting or having acted in any
          position or capacity or on any committee for this
          corporation or any subsidiary corporation of this
          corporation or in any position or capacity in or
          for a partnership, association, trust, foundation,
          not-for-profit corporation, employee benefit plan
          or other organization or entity where he served as
          such at the request of the corporation, or

     (c)  by reason of any action taken or not taken by him
          in any such capacity, whether or not he continues
          in such capacity at the time such liability or
          expense shall have been incurred.

     The terms "liability" and "expenses" shall include, but
     shall not be limited to, counsel fees and disbursements
     and amounts of judgments, fines or penalties against,
     and amounts paid in settlement by or on behalf of, a
     person, and excise taxes assessed with respect to an
     employee benefit plan, but shall not on account of
     profits realized by him in the purchase or sale of
     securities of the corporation.  The term "wholly
     successful" shall mean termination of any action, suit
     or proceeding against the person in question without
     any finding of liability or guilt against him or the
     expiration of a reasonable period of time after the
     making of any claim or threat of an action, suit or
     proceeding with out the institution of the same,
     without any payment or promise made to induce a

     Section 2 - With regard to Permissive Indemnification,
     the determination that a person acted in good faith and
     that such person reasonably believed that (a) in the
     case of conduct in his official capacity, his conduct
     was in the corporation's best interests, or (b) in all
     other cases, his conduct was at least not opposed to
     the best interests of the corporation, and, in
     addition, with respect to any criminal action or
     proceeding, either had reasonable cause to believe that
     his conduct was lawful or had no reasonable cause to
     believe that his conduct was unlawful with regard to a
     specific claim, action, suit or proceeding in or as to
     which such person is not wholly successful shall be
     made by or for the board of directors of the
     corporation in the manner hereinafter described.  Any
     request for such indemnification must first be proposed
     to the board of directors of the corporation, and a
     motion for such indemnification may be made by any
     director of the corporation, including a director who
     is seeking such indemnification for himself.  If a
     quorum of directors eligible to decide the matter
     exists within the limitations and requirements of I. C.
     23-1-37-12(b)(1), such directors may either (i) decide
     the question themselves; (ii) refer the matter to
     Special Legal Counsel for decision pursuant to I. C.
     23-1-37-12(b)(3)(A); or (iii) decline to take any
     action to either decide the question of such
     indemnification or refer the matter for decision to
     Special Legal Counsel.  If there does not exist a
     quorum of directors eligible to decide the matter
     within the limitations and requirements of I.C. 23-1-
     37-12(b)(1), a majority of the entire board of
     directors may either (i) refer the matter to a
     committee of two or more directors who are eligible to
     vote thereon pursuant to I.C. 23-1-37-12(b)(2) who may
     either decide the matter themselves or refer the matter
     to Special Legal Counsel for decision pursuant to I.C.
     23-1-37-12(b)(3)(B); or (iii) decline to take any
     action to refer the matter of such indemnification to a
     committee or to Special Legal Counsel.  Any decision on
     the question of entitlement to such Permissive
     Indemnification by a majority of a quorum of the board
     of directors eligible to vote pursuant to I.C. 23-1-37-
     12(b)(1); by a special committee of eligible directors
     pursuant to I.C. 23-1-27-12(b)(2); or by Special Legal
     Counsel duly appointed pursuant to the provisions of
     I.C. 23-1-37-12(b)(3), shall be in the sole and
     absolute discretion of such person or persons who are
     to make such determination.  If it is determined and
     decided that such Permissive Indemnification should be
     given in a specific situation, the authorization for
     such indemnification and a determination of the amount
     thereof shall be made in accordance with the procedures
     and requirements of I.C. 23-1-37-12(c).  For purposes
     of this Section 2, Permissive Indemnification shall be
     deemed to have been denied (i) if a majority of any
     group of persons who are to decide the question do not
     vote in favor of the proposed indemnification; (ii) if
     the board of directors or any committee thereof
     declines to take any permitted action to either decide
     the question, refer it to a committee, or refer it to
     Special Legal Counsel; (iii) if no decision is made by
     the person or persons who were to decide such question
     within a period of six (6) months after such
     indemnification was first proposed to the board of
     directors of the corporation; or (iv) to the extent
     that the dollar amount of any indemnification to be
     made by the corporation is less than the total dollar
     amount of indemnification proposed or requested to be
     made.  If proposed Permissive Indemnification is
     denied, the question may not be reconsidered at any
     subsequent time by the corporation.

     Section 3 - Expenses incurred with respect to any
     claim, action, suit or proceeding may be advanced by
     the corporation (by action of the board of directors,
     whether or not a disinterested quorum exists) prior to
     the final disposition thereof upon receipt of an
     undertaking by or on behalf of the recipient to repay
     such amount unless he is entitled to indemnification
     under this Article of these By-Laws.

     Section 4 - The rights of Mandatory and Permissive
     Indemnification provided in this Article of the By-Laws
     shall be in addition to any rights to which any such
     person may otherwise be entitled by contract, as matter
     of law, or pursuant to I.C. 23-1-37.  Any person
     claiming the right to indemnification pursuant to any
     provisions of these By-Laws may at any time apply for
     indemnification to or seek review of any decision
     denying indemnification or determining the amount
     thereof by a court pursuant to I.C. 23-1-37-11. 
     Persons who are not directors or officers of the
     corporation but who are employees or agents of the
     corporation or any subsidiary or who are directors or
     officers of any subsidiary may be indemnified to the
     extent authorized at any time or from time to time by
     the board of directors.

     Section 5 - Irrespective of the provisions of this
     Article of the By-Laws, the board of directors may, at
     any time or from time to time, approve indemnification
     of directors and officers or other persons to the full
     extent permitted by the provisions of the Indiana
     Business Corporation Law at the time in effect, whether
     on account of past or future transactions.

     Section 6 - To the extent not inconsistent with Indiana
     law as in effect from time to time, the board of
     directors may, at any time or from time to time,
     approve the purchase and maintenance of insurance on
     behalf of any such director, officer or other person
     against any liability asserted against him in his
     capacity or arising out of his status as a director,
     officer, employee or agent of the corporation or any
     corporation, partnership, association, employee benefit
     plan, trust, foundation, not-for-profit corporation or
     other organization or entity in which he served as such
     at the request of the corporation, whether or not the
     corporation would have the power to indemnify him under
     the provisions of this Article of the By-Laws.  In the
     event that any expense or liability otherwise subject
     to indemnification hereunder is covered entirely or in
     part by any insurance, the indemnification provided for
     by this Article of these By-Laws shall only be
     available, if at all, as to any uninsured liability or
     expense or that portion which is in excess of the
     amount of all available insurance coverage.  Under no
     circumstances shall any insurer or other person making
     payment under such an insurance policy or contract be
     subrogated to the rights of any person entitled to
     indemnification under this Article of these By-Laws.

     Section 7 - Any and all references contained in Article
     XIV of these By-Laws to any provision, section, sub-
     section or portion of the Indiana Code (I.C.) shall
     mean the Indiana Code as the same existed on June 26,
     1987, and no subsequent amendment, repeal,
     modification, change, or judicial invalidation of any
     provision of the Indiana Code subsequent to June 26,
     1987, shall alter, modify, or otherwise affect these
     By-Laws, and these By-Laws shall be construed and
     interpreted under the statutory law of the State of
     Indiana as it existed as of the date of adoption of
     these By-Laws.
     Section 8 - The indemnification herein required or
     permitted by these By-Laws shall be a contractual
     obligation, under-taking and commitment of the
     corporation as to any person who either continued to
     serve or commenced to serve, following the date of the
     adoption of these amended indemnification By-Laws, as a
     director or officer of this corporation or any
     subsidiary of this corporation, or in any other
     position or capacity, at the request of this
     corporation or any subsidiary corporation, on any
     committee, partnership, association, trust, foundation,
     not-for-profit corporation, employee benefit plan, or
     other organization or entity, and no subsequent
     amendment or repeal of these By-Laws and no judicial
     decision invalidating the legislation authorizing the
     indemnification provided for by these By-Laws or
     invalidating all or any part of these indemnification
     By-Laws shall in any manner deny, diminish, limit,
     restrict, or qualify the indemnification herein
     provided for any such person who so continued to serve
     or commenced to serve with regard to any claim
     concerning any matter which occurred, which commenced
     to occur, or which continued to occur subsequent to the
     adoption of these indemnification By-Laws and prior to
     any such amendment, repeal, or judicial invalidation.


     Section 1 - Depositaries:  The funds of the corporation
     shall be deposited in the name of the corporation with
     such depositaries as may be designated by the Board of

     Section 2 - Gender:  The masculine pronoun wherever
     used in these By-Laws shall mean or include the
     feminine pronoun where applicable.


     These By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed by a
     majority vote of the whole Board of Directors at any
     meeting, the notice of which shall include notice of
     the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal.