MANAGEMENT   INCENTIVE  PLAN


                             Effective May 12, 1993

                       Amended and Restated May 10, 1994
                               Table of Contents


1.     Purpose of the Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

2.     Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3

3.     Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6

4.     Eligibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7

5.     Incentive Award Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8

6.     Procedures for Calculating and Paying Actual Awards . . . . . . . . .  8

7.     Performance Shares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

8.     Participant Terminations and Transfers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

9.     Changes in Capital Structure and Other Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

10.    Provisions Regarding Withholding Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

11.    Provisions Applicable to Common Stock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

12.    Effective Date; Stockholder Approval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

13.    Amendment and Termination of the Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

14.    Benefit Claims Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

15.    General Provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

                           SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION

                         1993 Management Incentive Plan



      This 1993 Management Incentive Plan is intended to both replace the 
      existing Southwest Gas Corporation Management Incentive Plan and 
      encourage a selected group of highly compensated or management employees 
      of the Company to remain in its employment and to put forth maximum 
      efforts to achieve the Company's short- and long-term performance goals.


      (a)  "Actual Award" means the dollar amount earned by a Participant on
           the basis of the performance of the Company during the annual
           Performance Period.

      (b)  "Annual Base Salary" means the calendar year-end rate of
           compensation paid to a Key Employee, including salary deferrals, but
           excluding bonuses, incentives, commissions, overtime, monetary and
           nonmonetary awards for employment service to the Company or payments
           or Company contributions to or from this Plan or any other Company
           retirement or deferred compensation, or similar plans.

      (c)  "Annual Performance Measures" shall mean the performance criteria
           used by the Committee in determining the performance of the Company
           for the purpose of calculating Actual Awards for Participants earned
           under the Plan during a Performance Period.

      (d)  "Award Conversion" means the division of Actual Awards earned into
           two portions:

           (i)    A portion payable in cash as soon as the Committee deems
                  practicable following the end of an annual Performance Period.

           (ii)   A portion converted into Performance Shares and subject to a
                  Restriction Period.

      (e)  "Award Conversion Date" means the day that the Committee performs
           the Award Conversion on Actual Awards for a Performance Period.
      (f)  "Board" or "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of
           Southwest Gas Corporation.

      (g)  "Committee" means the Nominating and Compensation Committee of the
           Board of Directors, or any such other committee designated by the
           Board to administer the Plan.
      (h)  "Common Stock" means the common stock of Southwest Gas Corporation.

      (i)  "Company" means Southwest Gas Corporation and its present and future
           subsidiaries (other than PriMerit Bank and its subsidiaries) and any
           successor thereto.

      (j)  "Disability" or "Disabled".  A Participant shall be considered to be
           "Disabled" or to have incurred a "Disability" if he or she qualifies
           for a disability benefit under Southwest Gas Corporation's group
           long-term disability plan.  In the event a Participant does not
           qualify for benefits under such disability plan, the Committee, in
           its sole and absolute discretion, may determine that a Participant
           is Disabled for purposes of this Plan.

      (k)  "Dividend Credits" means the additional Performance Shares
           determined as set forth in Plan Section 7(d) calculated for each
           Restriction Period for the Participant's Performance Shares subject
           to such period.

      (l)  "Employee" means any person who is a regular full-time employee of
           the Company, including those who are officers or Board members.

      (m)  "Fiscal Year" means the Fiscal Year of the Company beginning each
           January 1st and ending the following December 31st.

      (n)  "Incentive Award Opportunity" means the range of an Actual Award
           available to each Participant in this Plan for a given Performance

      (o)  "Involuntary Termination Without Cause" means a Participant's
           termination of employment (i) due to reorganization, downsizing,
           restructuring or layoff and (ii) not due to what the Committee
           determines was, in its sole and absolute discretion, either the
           Participant's inability to adequately perform his or her job, a
           violation of Company work rules or policies, or misconduct that the
           Committee determines is detrimental to the Company's best interests. 

      (p)  "Key Employee" means a management or highly compensated Employee of
           the Company who the Committee determines to (i) have a direct and
           significant impact on the performance of the Company, and (ii) has a
           position or compensation that allows him or her to affect or
           influence, through negotiation or otherwise, the design or operation
           of this Plan so as to eliminate the Employee's need for the
           substantive rights and protections of Title I of the Employee
           Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

      (q)  "Long-Term Performance Measures" means the performance measures
           developed and utilized by the Committee in determining the
           performance of the Company for the purpose of calculating the number
           of shares of Common Stock payable to the Participant following the
           end of a Restriction Period.

      (r)  "Participant" means a Key Employee who in the Committee's sole and
           absolute discretion is determined to be eligible to receive an
           Incentive Award Opportunity under this Plan.

      (s)  "Peer Group" means the companies comprising the group against which
           the Committee assesses the performance of the Company for the
           purposes of determining Actual Awards earned, or for modifying the
           number of shares of Common Stock that are payable to Participants
           following the end of a Restriction Period.

      (t)  "Performance Period" means a period of twelve months corresponding
           to the Company's Fiscal Year and for which the Company's performance
           is assessed by the Committee for the purpose of its determining
           Actual Awards earned.

      (u)  "Performance Share" means a hypothetical share of Common Stock that
           will be converted into, and paid out, as a share of Common Stock
           only if all restrictions and conditions set forth in this Plan have
           been satisfied.  The Performance Share carries no voting rights but
           does entitle the Participant to receive Dividend Credits
           determinable under Plan Section 7(d).

      (v)  "Plan" means the Southwest Gas Corporation 1993 Management Incentive
           Plan as set forth herein and as amended from time to time.

      (w)  "Restriction Period" means, with respect to each grant of
           Performance Shares to a Participant, a period of at least thirty six
           (36) consecutive calendar months beginning with the last day of
           February prior to the Award Conversion Date applicable to such
      (x)  "Retire" or "Retirement" means the termination of a Participant's
           employment with the Company on or after the Participant has attained
           his or her early retirement date, normal retirement date, or
           deferred retirement date as defined in the Retirement Plan for
           Employees of Southwest Gas Corporation, as amended and in effect
           from time to time.  

      (y)  "Target Award" means the Incentive Award Opportunity available to
           each Participant if all Performance Measures for a Performance
           Period are fully met but not exceeded.


      (a)  The Plan shall be administered by non-Employee members of the
           Committee, which shall be composed of not less than three members of
           the Board of Directors.  The non-Employee members of the Committee
           chosen to administer the Plan shall not have received an award under
           this Plan or any plan preceding this Plan within the last calendar
           year.  The Board of Directors may designate alternate members of the
           Committee from non-Employee Board members who satisfy the above
           criteria to act in the place and stead of any absent member of the

      (b)  The Committee shall have full and final authority to operate,
           manage, and administer the Plan on behalf of the Company.  This
           authority includes but is not limited to the following:

           (i)     Determination of eligibility for participation in the Plan;

           (ii)    Determination of Actual Awards earned and the Award
                   Conversion of the Actual Awards;

           (iii)   Payment of Actual Awards that have become nonforfeitable;

           (iv)    Directing the Company to make the accruals and payments
                   provided for by the Plan;

           (v)     Interpretation of the Plan and the resolution of any
                   inconsistent or conflicting Plan language as well as factual
                   or nonfactual questions regarding a Participant's eligibility
                   for, and the amount of, benefits payable under the Plan;

           (vi)    Power to prescribe, amend, or rescind rules and regulations
                   relating to the Plan;
           (vii)   Power to determine the vesting schedules, if any, for all
                   awards; and 

           (viii)  Powers prescribed to the Committee elsewhere in the Plan.

      (c)  With respect to Incentive Award Opportunities and Actual Awards
           earned, the Committee shall have full and final authority in its
           sole and absolute discretion to determine the Incentive Award
           Opportunities for individual Participants; determine the time or
           times at which Actual Awards may be calculated; determine the length
           of all applicable Performance Periods and/or Restriction Periods;
           determine the award schedule and the Annual and Long-Term
           Performance Measures (and the Company's satisfaction or failure to
           satisfy such measures) that will be used in calculating Actual
           Awards and in determining the number of shares of Common Stock
           payable to Participants at the end of the Restriction Period; and
           determine the composition of the Peer Group to be used in assessing
           the Company's performance.

      (d)  A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum, and the acts
           of a majority of the members present at any meeting at which a
           quorum is present, or acts approved in writing by all the members in
           the absence of a meeting, shall be the acts of the Committee.  All
           Committee interpretations, determinations, and actions will be
           final, conclusive, and binding on all parties.

      (e)  No member of the Board or the Committee will be liable for any
           action taken or determination made in good faith by the Board or the
           Committee with respect to the Plan or any Actual Award calculated
           and paid hereunder.


      (a)  In determining the Key Employees that will be Participants and the
           Incentive Award Opportunity for each Participant, the Committee
           shall take into account the duties of the respective Participant,
           their present and potential contributions to the success of the
           Company, and such other factors as the Committee shall deem relevant
           in connection with accomplishing the purpose of the Plan.

      (b)  No Incentive Award Opportunity will be available to any person who,
           at the beginning of the applicable Performance Period, is a member
           of the Committee responsible for the administration of the Plan.

      (a)  The Committee will establish the Incentive Award Opportunity for
           each Participant or class of Participants designated by the
           Committee.  The Incentive Award Opportunity will be expressed as
           percentages of the Participant's Annual Base Salary.

      (b)  An Incentive Award Opportunity will range from zero to some specific
           maximum percentage of the Participant's Annual Base Salary (or
           maximum dollar amount).

      (c)  Before or during each Performance Period a Participant will be
           assigned a specific Target Award that will fall within the range of
           the Participant's Incentive Award Opportunity.  The Target Award
           will be awarded to the Participant if, in the judgement of the
           Committee, all applicable Annual Performance Measures have been
           fully met.

      (d)  Actual Awards for each Participant in the Plan shall be determined
           by the Committee following the end of the applicable Performance
           Period, taking into account how the Company performed on the basis
           of the Annual Performance Measures developed and utilized by the
           Committee for the Performance Period.  Notwithstanding the
           foregoing, if Southwest Gas Corporation's Chief Executive Officer
           (hereinafter the "CEO") or Chief Financial Officer (hereinafter the
           "CFO") are Participants, the Committee may consider the performance
           of PriMerit Bank during a Performance Period when examining the
           Annual Performance Measures and determining the Actual Award for the
           CEO and/or CFO for the period.


      (a)  The Committee shall establish the Annual Performance Measures that
           will be utilized for one or more Performance Periods in assessing
           the performance of the Company for the purpose of determining the
           Actual Awards earned under this Plan.  These measures and the
           standards of performance associated with them may change from year
           to year and may receive different emphasis or weight according to
           the changing priorities of the Company.  It is expected that the
           Annual Performance Measures generally will be tied to the financial
           performance of the Company and will be based on a combination of (i)
           the Company's performance in relation to its own performance
           standards and (ii) the Company's performance in relation to that of
           its Peer Group.  In addition to the Annual Performance Measures,
           each Participant will be expected to meet individual performance
      (b)  Following the end of each Performance Period, the Committee will
           compare the Company's actual performance during such period with the
           Annual Performance Measures it established for the period, and the
           Actual Award, if any, for a Participant will be calculated.  For
           each Performance Period the Committee will utilize an award schedule
           for calculating the Actual Awards earned on the basis of the
           Company's performance.  The award schedule may be modified by the
           Committee from year to year as Annual Performance Measures or the
           standards of performance associated with such measures change.  

      (c)  Following the calculation of Actual Awards, the Chief Executive
           Officer will make an overall assessment of each Participant's
           attainment of individual performance goals and may reduce a
           Participant's Actual Award based upon such assessment.  Further, the
           Chief Executive Officer may recommend to the Committee that no
           Actual Award be given to a Participant based on his assessment of
           individual performance.  The assessment of the individual
           performance of the Chief Executive Officer will be made by the Board
           of Directors.

      (d)  Following the calculation of the Actual Awards, adjusted as provided
           for in Plan Section 6 (c), an Award Conversion will be made whereby
           the Actual Awards for each Participant will be split into two
           components.  The first component will be a dollar amount that is
           payable to the Participant in cash as soon as the Committee deems
           practical following the Award Conversion Date.  The second component
           will be a dollar amount that is converted into whole or partial
           Performance Shares, which shall be restricted for a period of at
           least thirty six consecutive calendar months beginning on the Award
           Conversion Date applicable to such shares.  The number of
           Performance Shares allocable to each Participant shall be determined
           by dividing (i) the dollar amount available for the Participant's
           Performance Shares (determined by the Award Conversion), by (ii) the
           closing per share value of the Common Stock on the New York Stock
           Exchange on the last trading day on the Exchange before the Award
           Conversion Date.  Payment of Performance Shares shall occur at the
           time provided in Plan Section 7(c).

      (e)  The Committee shall have the sole and absolute responsibility for
           determining Actual Awards of Participants.  Generally, the Actual
           Awards generated by application of the award schedule established by
           the Committee for one or more Performance Periods will be the Actual
           Awards that will be payable to each Participant; provided, however,
           that the Committee may, prior to the Award Conversion Date, alter
           the Actual Awards generated by the awards schedule if, in the
           opinion of the Committee, there have been exceptional circumstances
           that have either created inappropriate windfalls or shortfalls in
           the Company's performance (or the performance of PriMerit Bank in
           the case of the CFO and CEO), which, in turn, have resulted in
           inappropriately large or small Actual Awards.

      (f)  If, during a Performance Period, the Committee determines that the
           established Annual Performance Measures are no longer suitable due
           to a change in the Company's business, operations, corporate
           structure, capital structure, or other conditions the Committee
           deems to be material, the Committee may modify the Annual
           Performance Measures as it considers appropriate and equitable.


      (a)  On the Award Conversion Date, Participants who earned an Actual
           Award during the preceding Performance Period will have an entry
           made on the Company's books reflecting the Performance Shares
           allocable to them as determined pursuant to Plan Section 6(c).

      (b)  A Participant's Performance Shares earned in a given Performance
           Period will be subject to a Restriction Period of at least thirty
           six consecutive calendar months beginning on the Award Conversion
           Date applicable to such shares.  During the Restriction Period, the
           Participant may not, except as provided in Plan Section 8(d),
           receive payment for his or her Performance Shares.

      (c)  For the Restriction Period applicable to each Performance Period,
           the Committee shall establish certain Long-Term Performance Measures
           that will be used to determine the number of Performance Shares that
           shall be paid to the Participant on the date(s) determined by the
           Committee which shall be within a reasonable period following the
           end of the Restriction Period.  Notwithstanding anything in this
           Plan to the contrary, if the Committee determines that the Company
           has satisfied or failed to satisfy the Long-Term Performance
           Measures, it may, as provided in Plan Section 7(e), increase or
           decrease the number of Performance Shares credited to the
           Participant at the beginning, and over the course of the Restriction
           Period.  The Long-Term Performance Measures will be tied to the
           performance of the Company (in the case of the CEO and CFO, the
           Committee may also consider the performance of PriMerit Bank) as
           measured against certain financial criteria and may be specified in
           absolute terms or specified relative to the performance of a Peer
           Group (in the case of the CEO and CFO the Committee may also
           consider the performance of PriMerit Bank).
      (d)  During each Restriction Period, a Participant will receive Dividend
           Credits equal to the quarterly dividend paid per share of Common
           Stock, multiplied by the number of Performance Shares then credited
           to the Participant on the Company's records, and divided by the
           closing per share value of the Common Stock on the New York Stock
           Exchange on the date such dividends are paid or the last trading day
           on the Exchange before such payment.  These additional Performance
           Shares will be subject to the same restrictions as the Performance
           Shares already credited to the Participant, and such restrictions
           will lapse at the same time as the restrictions lapse on the
           Performance Shares granted at the Award Conversion Date.

      (e)  Following the end of a Restriction Period, the Participant shall
           receive a specific number of shares of Common Stock equal to the
           total number of Performance Shares allocated to the Participant at
           the beginning of such Restriction Period plus the Performance Shares
           credited quarterly through Dividend Credits during the Restriction
           Period.  The total number of shares of Common Stock the Participant
           is entitled to receive may be modified by up to plus or minus 20% on
           the basis of how the Company performs (as to the CEO and CFO, the
           Committee may also consider the performance of PriMerit Bank) during
           the length of the Restriction Period against the Long-Term
           Performance Measures established by the Committee for the
           Restriction Period.  Payment of Common Stock pursuant to this
           paragraph shall occur on the date(s) determined by the Committee
           which shall be within a reasonable period following the end of the
           Restriction Period applicable to such Performance Shares.

      (f)  Notwithstanding anything else in this Plan to the contrary, if the
           Plan is not approved by Southwest Gas Corporation shareholders
           pursuant to Plan Section 12, the Performance Shares shall not
           entitle the Participant to receive shares of Common Stock of the
           Company following the end of the Restriction Period but shall
           instead entitle the Participant to receive a cash payment following
           the end of the Restriction Period.  The cash payment shall equal the
           fair market value of the shares of Common Stock the Participant
           would have received hereunder.  For this purpose, the fair market
           value of  the Common Stock shall be determined using closing per
           share value of the stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the last
           trading day on the Exchange of the applicable Restriction Period.


      (a)  Should a Participant's continuous employment with the Company
           terminate for any reason other than death, Disability, Retirement,
           or Involuntary Termination Without Cause during a Performance
           Period, the Participant's right to receive an Actual Award for such
           period will be forfeited by the Participant.

      (b)  Should a Participant's continuous employment with the Company
           terminate for any reason other than death, Disability, Retirement,
           or Involuntary Termination Without Cause during a Restriction
           Period, the Participant's right to receive payments of his or her
           outstanding Performance Shares will be forfeited by the Participant.

      (c)  Should a Participant die, become Disabled, Retire, or have his or
           her employment Involuntarily Terminated Without Cause during the
           Performance Period, the Participant (or the Participant's
           beneficiary in the case of a deceased Participant) will be entitled
           to receive an Actual Award at the end of the Performance Period
           determined on a pro rata basis according to the number of months of
           the Performance Period actually worked while being a Participant in
           the Plan.

      (d)  Should a Participant die, become Disabled, Retire, or have his or
           her employment Involuntarily Terminated Without Cause during a
           Restriction Period, the Participant (or the Participant's
           beneficiary in the case of a deceased Participant) will receive a
           distribution of Common Stock equal to the total number of
           Performance Shares then credited to the Participant.  If Plan
           Section 7(f) applies, cash and not Common Stock shall be paid and
           the amount of such payment shall be determined by multiplying the
           Participant's Performance Shares by the closing per share value of
           the Common Stock on the New York Stock Exchange on the date of such
           event or the last trading day on the Exchange before such event. 
           Payment of Common Stock (or cash if Plan Section 7(f) applies) shall
           occur within a reasonable period (as determined by the Committee)
           following the date of the Participant's death, Disability,
           Retirement, Disability, or Involuntary Termination Without Cause. 

           A Participant shall have the right to designate any person as his or
           her Beneficiary to whom benefits determined under Plan Section 8(c)
           and the preceding paragraph ("Death Benefits") shall be paid in the
           event of the Participant's death prior to the total distribution of
           his/her Death Benefits.  If greater than 50 percent of the Death
           Benefits is designated to a beneficiary other than the Participant's
           lawful spouse, such beneficiary designation must be consented to by
           the Participant's lawful spouse.  Each beneficiary designation must
           be in written form prescribed by the Committee and will be effective
           only when filed with the Committee, or its designee, during the
           Participant's lifetime.
           A Participant may change a beneficiary designation, subject to
           spousal consent under the preceding paragraph, by filing a new
           beneficiary designation with the Committee or its designee.  The
           filing of a new beneficiary designation form will cancel all
           beneficiary designations previously filed.  The Committee shall be
           entitled to rely on the beneficiary designation last filed by the
           Participant prior to his/her death.  Any payment made in accordance
           with such designation shall fully discharge the  Company from all
           further obligations with respect to the amount of such payments.
           If a beneficiary entitled to receive benefits under the Plan is a
           minor or a person declared incompetent, the Committee may direct
           payment of such benefits to the guardian or legal representative of
           such minor or incompetent person.  The Committee may require proof
           of incompetency, minority or guardianship as it may deem appropriate
           prior to distribution of any Death Benefits.  Such distribution
           shall completely discharge the Committee and the Company from all
           liability with respect to such payments.

           If no beneficiary designation is in effect at the time of the
           Participant's death, or if the named beneficiary predeceased the
           Participant, then the beneficiary shall be: (1) the surviving lawful
           spouse; (2) if there is no surviving lawful spouse, then
           Participant's issue per stirpes; or (3) if no surviving lawful
           spouse or issue, then Participant's estate.

      (e)  If a Participant changes jobs with the Company during the course of
           a Performance Period and his or her new job has a different
           Incentive Award Opportunity under the Plan, the Participant's
           Incentive Award Opportunity for the Performance Period shall be the
           sum of the products obtained by multiplying (i) the percentage of
           the full Performance Period spent in each job by (ii) the Incentive
           Award Opportunity for each such job.  In special circumstances,
           which the Committee may identify from time to time, the Participant
           may be assigned for the full Performance Period the Incentive Award
           Opportunity that corresponds to any one of the jobs held by the
           Participant during the Performance Period rather than combining
           partial Incentive Award Opportunities for the jobs.

      (f)  Should a Key Employee become eligible to participate in the Plan
           after the beginning of a Performance Period, the Participant will be
           entitled to an Incentive Award Opportunity on the basis of the
           number of months of the full Performance Period the Key Employee is
           a Participant in the Plan.

      (a)  Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, upon
           dissolution or liquidation of the Company (or upon a reorganization,
           merger, or consolidation of the Company with one or more
           corporations as a result of which the Company is not the surviving
           corporation,) or upon the sale of all or substantially all of the
           assets of the Company, Performance Shares then outstanding under the
           Plan will, within a reasonable time period following such change, be
           determined by the Committee and settled and paid on the basis of the
           amount, and other terms, as determined by the Committee, unless
           provisions are made for the continuance of the Plan and the
           assumption or the substitution of such Performance Shares with new
           awards by such successor employer corporation, or a parent or
           subsidiary thereof, with appropriate adjustments as to the number
           and kind of units, prices, and Performance Share values.

      (b)  All determinations, decisions, and adjustments made by the Committee
           pursuant to Plan Section 9(a) will be final, binding, and
           conclusive.  No fractional interest will be issued under the Plan on
           account of such adjustments.

      (c)  In the event (i) a report on Schedule 13D is filed with the
           Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to Section 13(d) of the
           Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (referred to as the "Act")
           disclosing that any "person" (as defined in Section 13(d) of the
           Act) other than the Company or one of its subsidiaries or an
           employee benefit plan sponsored by the Corporation or one of its
           subsidiaries is the beneficial owner, directly or indirectly, or
           twenty percent (20%) or more of the combined voting power of the
           then outstanding securities of the Company; (ii) any "person" (as
           defined in Section 13(d) of the Act) other than the Company or one
           of its subsidiaries, or an employee benefit plan sponsored by the
           Company or one of its subsidiaries  shall  purchase securities
           pursuant to a tender offer or exchange offer to acquire any Common
           Stock of the Company (or securities convertible in Common Stock) for
           cash, securities, or any other consideration, provided that after
           the consummation of the offer, the person in question is the
           "beneficial owner" (as such term is defined in Rule 13d-3 under the
           Act), directly or indirectly or twenty percent (20%) or more of the
           combined voting power of the then outstanding securities of the
           Company (as determined under paragraph (d) of Rule 13d-3 under the
           Act, in the case of rights to acquire Common Stock); (iii) the
           stockholders of the Company shall approve (a) any consolidation or
           merger of the Company (1) in which the Company is not the continuing
           or surviving corporation, (2) pursuant to which shares of Common
           Stock of the Company would be converted into cash securities, or
           other property, or (3) with a corporation that prior to such
           consolidation or merger owned twenty percent (20%) or more of the
           cumulative voting power of the then outstanding securities of the
           corporation, or (b) any sale, lease, exchange, or other transfer (in
           one transaction or a series of related transactions) of all or
           substantially all the assets of the Company; or (iv) there shall
           have been a change in the majority of the Board of the Company
           within a twelve-month period, unless the election or nomination for
           election by the Company's stockholders of each director during such
           twelve-month period was approved by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of
           the directors then in office who were directors at the beginning of
           such twelve-month period, the Committee may in its sole and absolute
           discretion, without obtaining stockholder approval, at the time of
           any one or more of the foregoing actions, to the extent permitted in
           Plan Section 7, with respect to all Participants:

           (i)    Accelerate the settlement dates of some or all outstanding
                  Performance Shares;

           (ii)   Make any other adjustments or amendments to the Plan and
                  outstanding Incentive Award Opportunities and Performance
                  Shares; or

           (iii)  Substitute new Incentive Award Opportunities.


      (a)  The Committee may require a Participant receiving Common Stock upon
           conversion of Performance Shares awarded hereunder to reimburse the
           Company for any taxes required by any government to be withheld or
           otherwise deducted and paid by the Company in respect of the
           issuance to or disposition of shares by the Participant (a "Taxable
           Event").  Any payment on account of a tax obligation shall be in a
           form acceptable to the Committee.  If upon the occurrence of a
           Taxable Event the Participant does not, in the time required by law
           or designated by the Committee, reimburse the Company for taxes as
           provided for above:  (i) the Company shall have the right to
           withhold some or all of the amount of such taxes from any other sums
           due or to become due from the Company to the Participant upon such
           terms and conditions as the Committee shall prescribe, and (ii) the
           Company may satisfy some or all of the tax obligation of such
           Participant by withholding shares of Common Stock acquired by the
           Participant in the conversion of any Performance Shares and may in
           the same manner satisfy some or all of any additional tax obligation
           resulting from such withholding.
      (b)  At any time that the Company becomes subject to a withholding
           obligation under applicable law with respect to the conversion of
           Performance Shares, except as set forth below with respect to
           persons subject to Section's 16(a) and (b) of the Exchange Act, a
           Participant may elect to satisfy, in whole or in part, the
           Participant's related estimated personal tax liabilities by
           directing the Company to withhold from the shares of Common Stock
           issuable in the related conversion of Performance Shares either (i)
           a specified percentage of shares, (ii) a specified number of shares
           or (iii) shares having a specified value, in each case with a value
           not in excess of such estimated tax liabilities.  Such an election
           shall be irrevocable.  The shares of Common Stock withheld in
           payment shall be valued at their fair market value on the date that
           the withholding obligation arises (the "Tax Date").  The Committee
           may disapprove of any election, suspend or terminate the right to
           make elections or provide that the right to make elections shall not
           apply to particular conversions.  If a Participant is a person
           subject to Sections 16(a) and (b) of the Exchange Act then (A) any
           election by such Participant must be made either (i) at least six
           months prior to the relevant Tax Date or (ii) on or prior to the
           relevant Tax Date and during a period that begins on the third
           business day following the date of release for publication of the
           Company's quarterly or annual summary statements of sales and
           earnings and that ends on the twelfth business day following such
           date and (B) the election may not be made with respect to shares of
           Common Stock representing a conversion of a Performance Shares
           grant, or the withholding obligation arising thereon, if the
           relevant Performance Shares were granted six months or less prior to
           the date of election.  The Committee may impose any other conditions
           or restrictions on the right to make an election as it shall deem


      (a)  Shares of Common Stock to be delivered to Participants at the end of
           the Restriction Period may be previously authorized but unissued
           shares or may be previously issued and reacquired shares.

      (b)  If at any time the Board shall determine in its discretion that the
           listing, registration or qualification upon any national securities
           exchange or under any state or federal law, or the consent or
           approval of any governmental regulatory body, is necessary or
           desirable as a condition of, or in connection with, the sale,
           purchase, issuance or delivery of Common Stock under the Plan, no
           Common Stock shall be sold, purchased, issued or delivered, as the
           case may be, unless and until such listing, registration,
           qualification, consent or approval shall have been effected or
           obtained, or otherwise provided for, free of any conditions not
           acceptable to the Board.

      (c)  Except as hereafter provided and if so required by the Committee,
           the recipient of any Performance Share award shall, upon receipt of
           any shares of Common Stock due to the Award Conversion of
           Performance Shares represented by the award, execute and deliver to
           the Company a written statement, in form satisfactory to the
           Company, in which such Participant represents and warrants that such
           Participant is acquiring the shares for such Participant's own
           account, for investment only and not with a view to the resale or
           distribution thereof, and agrees that any subsequent offer for sale
           or sale or distribution of any such shares of Common Stock shall be
           made only pursuant to either (a) a Registration Statement on an
           appropriate form under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
           "Securities Act"), which Registration Statement has become effective
           and is current with regard to the shares of Common Stock being
           offered or sold, or (b) a specific exemption from the registration
           requirements of the Securities Act, but in claiming such exemption
           the holder or recipient shall, if required by the Company, prior to
           any offer for sale or sale of such shares, obtain a favorable
           written opinion, in form and substance satisfactory to the Company,
           from counsel for or approved by the Company, as to the applicability
           of such exemption thereto.  The foregoing restriction shall not
           apply to (i) issuances by the Company so long as the shares being
           acquired are registered under the Securities Act and a prospectus in
           respect thereof is current or (ii) reofferings of shares by
           affiliates of the Company (as defined in Rule 405 or any successor
           rule or regulation promulgated under the Securities Act) if the
           shares being reoffered are registered under the Securities Act and a
           prospectus in respect thereof is current.

      (d)  The Company may endorse such legend or legends upon the certificates
           for shares of Common Stock issued upon conversion of Performance
           Shares made hereunder and may issue such "stop transfer"
           instructions to its transfer agent in respect of such shares as, in
           its discretion, it determines to be necessary or appropriate to (i)
           prevent a violation of, or to perfect an exemption from, the
           registration requirements of the Securities Act, or (ii) implement
           the provisions of the Plan and any agreement between the Company and
           the Participant.
      (e)  The Company shall pay all issue taxes with respect to the issuance
           of shares of Common Stock upon conversion of Performance Shares, as
           well as all fees and expenses necessarily incurred by the Company in
           connection with such issuance.

      The Plan shall become effective upon adoption by the Board, provided,
      however, that unless and until the Plan is approved by a vote of the
      shareholders of Southwest Gas Corporation at the 1994 annual
      shareholders' meeting, all Performance Shares awarded hereunder shall,
      when otherwise payable under the Plan, be, as provided in Plan Section
      7(f), converted into cash and not Common Stock.


      The Board at any time and from time to time may, without prior notice to
      Participants, suspend, terminate, modify, or amend the Plan.  Except as
      otherwise provided for in Plan Sections 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, no suspension,
      termination, modification, or amendment of the plan may adversely affect
      any award previously granted, unless the written consent of the
      Participant is obtained.  Notwithstanding the authority granted to the
      Board herein, if the shareholder's of Southwest Gas Corporation have
      approved this Plan as contemplated in Plan Section 12 above, no amendment
      to the Performance Share provisions of this Plan shall become effective
      without shareholder approval if, as to executive officer Participants,
      such amendment would:

      (i)    materially increase the benefits accruing to such Participants
             under the Plan;

      (ii)   materially increase the number of Performance Shares which may be
             issued to such Participants under the Plan; or

      (iii)  materially modify the requirements as to eligibility for
             executive participation in the Plan.


      (a)  Any claim for money or stock awards under the Plan shall be made in
           writing to the Committee.  If such claim is wholly or partially 
           denied, the Committee shall, within ninety (90) days after receipt
           of the claim, notify the Participant or Beneficiary of the denial of 
           the claim.  Such notice of denial shall (i) be in writing, (ii) be 
           written in a manner calculated to be understood by the Participant or
           Beneficiary, and (iii) contain the specific reason or reasons for 
           denial of the claim, a specific reference to the pertinent Plan 
           provisions upon which the denial is based, a description of any 
           additional material or information necessary to perfect the claim,
           along with an explanation of why such material or information is 
           necessary, and an explanation of the claim review procedure.  The 
           ninety (90) day period may, under special circumstances, be extended
           up to an additional ninety (90) days upon written of such extension
           to the Participant or Beneficiary which notice shall specify the
           special circumstances and the extended date of the decision.  Notice
           of extension must be given prior to expiration of the initial ninety
           (90) day period.  If not notice of decision is given within the
           periods specified above, the claim shall, on the last day of the
           notice period, be deemed to have been denied and the Participant or
           Beneficiary may file a request for review as provided in the next

      (b)  Within sixty (60) days after the receipt of the decision denying a 
           claim (or the occurrence of the date that a claim is deemed denied) 
           by the Participant or Beneficiary, the Participant or Beneficiary may
           file a written request with the Committee that it conduct a full and 
           fair review of the denial of the claim.  The Participant or 
           Beneficiary or his or her duly authorized representative may review
           pertinent documents and submit issues and comments in writing to the
           Committee in connection with the review.

      (c)  The Committee shall deliver to the Participant or Beneficiary a 
           written decision on the review of the denial within sixty (60) days 
           after receipt of the aforesaid request for review, except that if 
           there are special circumstances (such as the need to hold a hearing, 
           if necessary) which require an extension of time for processing, the 
           aforesaid sixty (60) day period shall, upon written notice to the 
           Participant or Beneficiary be extended an additional sixty (60) days.
           Such decision shall (i) be in writing, (ii) be written in a manner 
           calculated to be understood by the Participant or Beneficiary, (iii) 
           include the specific reason or reasons for the decision, and 
           (iv) contain a specific reference to the pertinent Plan provisions 
           upon which the decision is based.  If the decision on review is not 
           delivered to the Participant or Beneficiary within the periods 
           specified, the claim shall be considered denied on the last day of 
           the review period.
      (d)  Upon a Participant or Beneficiary filing a claim, the Committee shall
           notify the party filing of the claim and review procedure including 
           the time periods involved.


      (a)  Nothing in this Plan or in any award granted pursuant hereto shall
           confer on an individual any right to continue in the employ of the
           company or any of its subsidiaries or interfere in any way with the
           right of the Company or any such subsidiary to terminate any 

      (b)  Upon its adoption by the Board, this Plan shall replace the existing
           Southwest Gas Corporation Management Incentive Plan with respect to
           periods commencing January 1, 1993.

      (c)  Awards granted under the Plan shall not be transferable otherwise
           than as provided for in Plan Section 8(d), by will or by the laws of
           descent and distribution, and awards may be realized during the
           lifetime of the Participant only by the Participant or by his
           guardian or legal representative.

      (d)  The section and subsection heading are contained herein for
           convenience only and shall not affect the construction hereof.

      (e)  A Participant's rights to Performance Shares and other Plan benefits
           represent rights to merely an unfunded and unsecured promise of a
           future payment of money or property.  A Participant shall look only
           to the Company for the payment of Performance Shares and other Plan
           benefits and such shares and benefits shall, until paid, be subject
           to the claims of Company creditors.  A Participant's rights under the
           Plan shall be only that of an unsecured general creditor of the

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Southwest Gas Corporation has caused this Plan to be
executed this 13th day of May, 1994.

                                       SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION

                                       By        /s/ MICHAEL O. MAFFIE

                                       Its    President/Chief Executive Officer