EXECUTIVE DEFERRAL PLAN

                            Effective March 1, 1986

                       Amended and restated March 1, 1988

                       Amended and restated March 1, 1989

                       Amended and restated March 1, 1990

                     Amended and restated October 29, 1992

                       Amended and restated May 10, 1994
                           MASTER PLAN DOCUMENT
                                  OF THE
                         SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION
                          EXECUTIVE DEFERRAL PLAN


The purpose of this Plan is to provide specified benefits to a select group
of key employees who contribute materially to the continued growth,
development and future business success of SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION. 

                                 ARTICLE 1

For purposes hereof, unless otherwise clearly apparent from the context, the
words and phrases listed below shall be defined as follows:

1.1  "Account Balance" means a Participant's individual fund comprised of
     Deferrals, Company Contributions and interest earnings credited thereon
     up to the time of Benefit Distribution.

1.2  "Base Annual Salary" means the yearly compensation paid to an Executive,
     excluding bonuses, commissions, overtime, and nonmonetary awards for
     employment services to the Company.

1.3  "Beneficiary" means the person or persons, or the estate of a
     Participant, named to receive any benefits under the Plan upon the death
     of a Participant.

1.4  "Benefit Account Balance" shall have the meaning set forth in Article

1.5  "Benefit Distribution" means the date benefits under the Plan commence
     or are paid in full to a Participant, or because of his death, to his
     Beneficiary, which will occur within 90 days of notification to the
     Company of the event that gives rise to such distribution.

1.6  "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of Southwest Gas

1.7  "Bonus" means the portion of actual awards, if any, paid in cash
     following the end of a Performance Period under the terms of Southwest
     Gas Corporation's 1993 Management Incentive Plan.
1.8  "Committee" means the administrative committee appointed by the Board of
     Directors to manage and administer the Plan in accordance with the
     provisions of the Plan.

1.9  "Company" means Southwest Gas Corporation and such of its Subsidiaries
     as the Board of Directors may select to become parties to the Plan.

1.10 "Company Contributions" means the amount added, if any, to a
     Participant's Account Balance in accordance with Article 3.2 of the

1.11 "Deferral(s)" means the amount of Base Annual Salary and Bonus
     transferred to the Plan accounts.

1.12 "Executive" means any officer of Southwest Gas Corporation.

1.13 "Employee" means any full-time employee of the Company as determined
     under the personnel policies and practices of the Company.

1.14 "Master Plan Document" means this legal instrument containing the
     provisions of the Plan.

1.15 "Moody's Rate" means Moody's Seasoned Corporate Bond Rate which is an
     economic indicator consisting of an arithmetic average of yields of
     representative bonds (industrial and AAA, AA and A rated public
     utilities) as of January 1 prior to each Plan Year as published by
     Moody's Investors Service, Inc. (or any successor thereto), or, if such
     index is no longer published, a substantially similar index selected by
     the Board of Directors.

1.16 "Moody's Composite Rate" means the average of the Moody's Rate on
     January 1 for the five years prior to Benefit Distribution.

1.17 "Participant"  means any Executive who is an officer of Southwest Gas
     Corporation who executes a Plan Agreement or an Employee of the Company
     who has been selected to participate in the Plan and who executes a Plan

1.18 "Plan" means the Executive Deferral Plan of the Company evidenced by
     this Master Plan Document.

1.19 "Plan Agreement" means the form of written agreement which is entered
     into from time to time, by and between the Company and a Participant.  

1.20 "Plan Year" means the year beginning on March 1 of each year.
1.21 "Retire" or "Retirement"  means the severance from employment with the
     Company on or after attaining age fifty-five (55) with ten Years of
     Service, other than by death, disability or Termination of Employment.

1.22 "Subsidiary" means any corporation, partnership, or other organization
     which is at least 50 percent owned by the Company or a Subsidiary of the

1.23 "Terminates Employment" means the ceasing of employment with the
     Company, either voluntarily or involuntarily, excluding Retirement,
     disability or death.

1.24 "Years of Service" means the length of time a Participant has been
     employed by the Company as defined in the Southwest Gas Corporation
     Retirement Plan for Employees. 

                                 ARTICLE 2

2.1  An Executive shall become eligible to participate in the Plan as of the
     effective date of his election as an officer by the Board of Directors. 
     The Committee in its sole discretion may select any other Employee to
     become eligible to participate in the Plan. 

2.2  If a Participant ceases to be an officer of Southwest Gas Corporation
     and he continues as an Employee, the Committee in its sole discretion
     will determine whether such Employee will continue to be eligible to
     participate in the Plan. 

2.3  Once eligible to participate in the Plan, an Executive or an Employee
     has to complete, execute and return to the Committee a Plan Agreement to
     become a Participant in the Plan.  Continued participation in the Plan
     is subject to compliance with any further conditions as may be
     established by the Committee.

                                 ARTICLE 3

3.1  A Participant may defer up to 50 percent of his Base Annual Salary and
     Bonus received during a Plan Year; provided, that such Deferral exceeds
     $2,000 per Plan Year.

3.2  If a Participant makes a Deferral commitment, the Company will
     contribute an amount equal to 50 percent of the Participant's Deferral,
     up to a maximum of 3 percent of the Participant's Base Annual Salary, to
     the Participant's Account Balance.
3.3  Prior to the commencement of each Plan Year, a Participant will advise
     the Committee, in writing, of his Base Annual Salary Deferral commitment
     for the upcoming Plan Year.  At that same time, a Participant will also
     make his Bonus Deferral commitment for the Plan Year following the
     upcoming Plan Year.  If a Participant fails to so advise the Committee,
     through no fault of the Company, he will not be permitted to defer any
     of his Base Annual Salary during upcoming Plan Year or Bonus during the
     next subsequent Plan Year.

3.4  A Participant's Deferral commitment will be exercised on a per pay
     period basis for the portion of his Base Annual Salary that is deferred. 
     The exercise of a Participant's Deferral commitment with respect to his
     Bonus will occur at the time the Bonus is paid.

3.5  The Committee reserves the right to adjust any Participant's Deferral
     commitment during a Plan Year to ensure that a Participant's actual
     Deferral does not exceed the maximum allowable amount.

3.6  In the event an Executive or an Employee becomes a Participant in the
     Plan during a Plan Year, such Participant may defer up to 50 percent of
     the remaining portion of his Base Annual Salary for the current Plan
     Year.  At that same time, a Participant will also make his Bonus
     Deferral commitment for the upcoming Plan Year.  Such Participant must
     make his Deferral commitment by advising the Committee, in writing, at
     the time he elects to become a Participant in the Plan.

3.7  In the event a Participant defaults on his Base Annual Salary Deferral
     commitment, the Participant will not be allowed to make any further
     Deferrals during the current Plan Year and may not make any Deferrals
     for the subsequent Plan Year. In the event a Participant defaults on his
     Bonus Deferral commitment for a particular Plan Year, the Participant
     will not be able to defer any of his Bonus for that Plan Year or the
     subsequent Plan Year.  

3.8  The Committee may waive for good cause the default penalty specified in
     Article 3.7 upon the request of the Participant.
                                ARTICLE 4

4.1  A Participant's Account Balance at the start of a Plan Year and any
     Deferrals and Company contributions made during a Plan Year will earn,
     except as provided for in Article 4.2, interest annually at 150 percent
     of the Moody's Rate.  Interest will be credited to a Participant's
     account for Deferrals and Company contributions made during the Plan
     Year, as if all Deferrals and contributions were made on the first day
     of the Plan Year.

4.2  If a Participant Terminates Employment prior to completing five (5)
     Years of Service with the Company, interest credited for all Deferrals
     and vested Company contributions to a Participant's Account Balance will
     be adjusted based on the Moody's Rate during the period he participated in
     the Plan. 

4.3  Company contributions and interest earned on such contributions will
     vest to a Participant at the rate of 20 percent per Year of Service and
     will vest completely once a Participant has five Years of Service with
     the Company.  

4.4  In the event a Participant is allowed to postpone Benefit Distribution
     under the Plan, his Account Balance will earn interest annually under
     the provisions of Article 4.1, until Benefit Distribution. 

                                 ARTICLE 5
                           PLAN BENEFIT PAYMENTS

5.1  A Participant's Account Balance will be paid to the Participant in a
     lump-sum payment at the time of Benefit Distribution, unless the
     Participant qualifies to receive benefit payments over a specific
     benefit payment period.  

5.2  A Participant's Account Balance will earn interest under the provisions
     of Article 4.1 until the time of Benefit Distribution.

5.3  If a Participant is entitled to receive Plan benefit payments over a
     specific benefit payment period, his Account Balance at the commencement
     of Benefit Distribution will be credited with an amount equal to the
     interest such balance would have earned assuming distribution in equal
     monthly installments over the specific benefit payment period, at a
     specified interest rate, thereby creating a Benefit Account Balance. 
     The Benefit Account Balance will then be paid to the Participant in
     equal monthly installments over the specific benefit payment period.
                                 ARTICLE 6
                        RETIREMENT BENEFIT PAYMENTS

6.1  A Participant who Retires from the Company qualifies to receive his
     Account Balance over a period of either 120, 180 or 240 months.  The
     Committee will have complete discretion to determine the retirement
     benefit payment period that will be awarded to an individual

6.2  A Participant who Terminates Employment after attaining age 55 with less
     than ten (but more than five) Years of Service with the Company, may
     qualify to receive his Account Balance under the provisions of Article
     6.1, if the Committee permits postponing Benefit Distribution under the
     provisions of Article 9.2.

6.3  The interest rate used to calculate the amount that will be credited to
     a Participant's Account Balance, to determine his Benefit Account
     Balance under the provisions of Article 5.3, will be 150 percent of the
     Moody's Composite Rate.

                                 ARTICLE 7

7.1  If a Participant dies while he is an employee of the Company, his
     Account Balance will be paid to his Beneficiary in a lump sum
     distribution at the time of Benefit Distribution or in equal monthly
     installments over the 180 month survivor benefit payment period. The
     Committee, in its sole discretion, will  determine whether the
     Participant's Beneficiary will qualify for payment over the survivor
     benefit payment period.  

7.2  If the Committee determines to pay the Beneficiary over the survivor
     benefit payment period, the interest rate used to determine the amount
     that will be credited to a Participant's Account Balance, to determine
     his Benefit Account Balance under the provisions of Article 5.3, will be
     the Moody's Composite Rate.  

                                 ARTICLE 8

8.1  If a Participant dies after the commencement of retirement or disability
     benefit payments under Articles 6 or 10 but prior to such benefits
     having been paid in full, the Participant's benefit payments will continue
     to be paid to the Participant's Beneficiary through the end of the 
     originally awarded benefit payment period, except as provided for in
     Article 11.7.
8.2  If a Participant, who has been permitted by the Committee to postpone
     Benefit Distribution under the provisions of Article 9.2, dies after he
     Terminates Employment but prior to the commencement of benefit payments,
     his Beneficiary will commence receiving retirement benefit payment at
     the time the Participant would have qualified for such payments under
     the provisions of Article 6.2. 

                                 ARTICLE 9

9.1  A Participant who Terminates Employment with the Company prior to
     Retirement will receive his Account Balance in a lump sum payment at
     Benefit Distribution, unless he is permitted by the Committee to
     postpone Benefit Distribution under the provisions of Article 9.2. 

9.2  If a Participant Terminates Employment prior to completing ten (but more
     than five) Years of Service after attaining age 55, the Committee, in
     its sole discretion, may postpone Benefit Distribution until the date
     the Participant would have qualified to Retire under the provisions of
     the Plan.  

                                ARTICLE 10
                        DISABILITY BENEFIT PAYMENTS

10.1 A Participant shall be considered disabled if he qualifies for a
     disability benefit under the Company's group long-term disability plan. 
     In the event a Participant does not qualify for benefits under the group
     long-term disability plan, the Committee, in its sole discretion, may
     determine that a Participant is disabled under the provisions of the

10.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.3, Company contributions and
     interest earned on such contributions will be fully vested to the
     Participant at the time he is determined to be disabled under this

10.3 If a Participant is disabled within the first five Years of Service with
     the Company, he will receive his Account Balance in a lump sum payment
     at Benefit Distribution.  

10.4 If a Participant is disabled after five Years of Service with the
     Company, his Account Balance will be paid to him in equal monthly
     installments over the 180 month disability benefit payment period.

10.5 If a Participant qualifies to receive his Account Balance over the
     disability benefit payment period, the interest rate used to calculate
     the amount that will be credited to a Participant's Account Balance, to
     determine his Benefit Account Balance under the provisions of Article
     5.3, will be 150 percent of the Moody's Composite Rate.
                                ARTICLE 11

11.1 A Participant shall have the right to designate any person as his
     Beneficiary to whom benefits under this Plan shall be paid in the event
     of the Participant's death prior to the total distribution of his
     Benefit Account Balance under the Plan.  If greater than 50 percent of
     the Benefit Account Balance is designated to a Beneficiary other than
     the Participant's spouse, such Beneficiary designation must be consented
     to by the Participant's spouse.  Each Beneficiary designation must be in
     written form prescribed by the Committee and will be effective only when
     filed with the Committee during the Participant's lifetime.

11.2 A Participant shall have the right to change the Beneficiary
     designation, subject to spousal consent under the provisions of Article
     11.1, without the consent of any designated Beneficiary by filing a new
     Beneficiary designation with the Committee.  The filing of a new
     Beneficiary designation form will cancel all Beneficiary designations
     previously filed.

11.3 The Committee shall acknowledge, in writing, receipt of each Beneficiary
     designation form.

11.4 The Committee shall be entitled to rely on the Beneficiary designation
     last filed by the Participant prior to his death.  Any payment made in
     accordance with such designation shall fully discharge the Company from
     all further obligations with respect to the amount of such payments.

11.5 If a Beneficiary entitled to receive benefits under the Plan is a minor
     or a person declared incompetent, the Committee may direct payment of
     such benefits to the guardian or legal representative of such minor or
     incompetent person.  The Committee may require proof of incompetency,
     minority or guardianship as it may deem appropriate prior to
     distribution of any Plan benefits.  Such distribution shall completely
     discharge the Committee and the Company from all liability with respect
     to such payments.

11.6 If no Beneficiary designation is in effect at the time of the
     Participant's death, or if the named Beneficiary predeceased the
     Participant, then the Beneficiary shall be: (1) the surviving spouse;
     (2) if there is no surviving spouse, then his issue per stirpes; or (3)
     if no surviving spouse or issue, then his estate.

11.7 If a Beneficiary receiving benefit payments under the provisions of
     Articles 7 or 8 of the Plan dies prior to the completion of the benefit
     payment period, the total of the remaining benefit payments will be
     paid, in a lump sum amount, to the contingent Beneficiary designated by
     the Participant under the provisions of Article 11.1.
     If the Participant has failed to designate a contingent Beneficiary, the 
     total of the remaining benefit payments will be paid, in lump sum amount, 
     to the Beneficiary's estate.                                

                                ARTICLE 12
                             LEAVE OF ABSENCE

12.1 If a Participant is authorized by the Company for any reason to take a
     paid leave of absence, the Participant's Deferral commitment shall
     remain in full force and effect.

12.2 If a Participant is authorized by the Company for any reason to take an
     unpaid leave of absence, the Participant's Deferral commitment shall be
     suspended until the leave of absence ends and the Participant's
     employment resumes.

                                ARTICLE 13
                            EMPLOYER LIABILITY

13.1 Amounts payable to a Participant shall be paid exclusively from the
     general assets of the Company.

13.2 The Company shall have no obligation under the Plan to a Participant or
     a Participant's Beneficiary, except as provided in this Master Plan

13.3 The Participant must cooperate with the Committee in furnishing all
     information requested by the Company to facilitate the payment of his
     Benefit Account Balance.  Such information may include the results of a
     physical examination if any is required for participation in the Plan.

                                ARTICLE 14

14.1 The terms and conditions of this Plan shall not be deemed to constitute
     a contract of employment between the Company and a Participant. 
     Moreover, nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to give a Participant the
     right to be retained in the service of the Company or to interfere with
     the right of the Company to discipline or discharge the Participant at
     any time.
                                ARTICLE 15

15.1 The Board of Directors may at any time, without notice, amend the Plan
     in whole or in part provided, however, that no amendment shall be
     effective to decrease or restrict the amount of interest to be credited
     under the provisions of Article 4.1 on an Account Balance as of the date
     of such amendment.  

15.2 The Board of Directors reserves the right to partially or completely
     terminate the Plan at any time and for any reason.
15.3 The Board of Directors may partially terminate the Plan by instructing
     the Committee not to accept any additional Deferral commitments.  In the
     event of a partial termination, the remaining provisions of the Plan
     shall continue to operate and be effective for all Participants in the
     Plan, as of the date of such partial termination.

15.4 In the event that the Board of Directors completely terminates the Plan,
     the Plan shall cease to operate and the Committee shall pay out to each
     Participant his Account Balance, plus interest to be credited to the
     Account Balance, as of the date of the Plan's termination. The
     Committee, in its sole discretion, may either make a lump sum
     distribution at the time of Benefit Distribution or in equal monthly
     installments over the 60 month Plan termination benefit payment period. 
     If the Committee determines to pay a Participant over the Plan
     termination benefit payment period, the interest rate used to calculate
     the amount that will be credited to a Participant's Account Balance, to
     determine his Benefit Account Balance under the provisions of Article
     5.3, will be 150 percent of the Moody's Composite Rate.  

15.5 In the event of a hostile or non-negotiated takeover of the Company, the
     benefits of this Plan will become 100 percent vested for all
     Participants and the interest credited to a Participant's Account
     Balance under any provision of this Plan will be adjusted based on 200
     percent of the Moody's Rate.  

15.6 Once benefits payments have commenced, termination of the Plan shall not
     terminate the rights of a Participant or his Beneficiary to continue to 
     receive such payments.  For all other Participants, the termination of
     the Plan will limit benefits under the Plan to those provided for in
     Article 15.4 herein.
                                ARTICLE 16

16.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, no interest or benefit under the
     Plan shall be assignable or subject in any manner to alienation, sale,
     transfer, claims of creditors, pledge, attachment or encumbrances of any

                                ARTICLE 17
                        ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

17.1 The general administration of the Plan, as well as construction and
     interpretation thereof, shall be vested in the Committee.  The number of
     members of the Committee shall be established by, and the members shall
     be appointed from time to time by, and shall serve at the pleasure of,
     the Board of Directors of the Company.
17.2 Subject to the Plan, the Committee shall from time to time establish
     rules, forms and procedures for the administration of the Plan.  Except
     as otherwise expressly provided, the Committee shall have the exclusive
     right to interpret the Plan and to decide any and all matters arising
     thereunder.  The Committee's decisions shall be conclusive and binding
     upon all persons having or claiming to have any right or interest under
     the Plan.

17.3 The Committee may employ such consultants, advisors and managers as it
     deems necessary or useful in carrying out its duties.

17.4 No member of the Committee shall be liable for any act or omission of
     any other member of the Committee, nor for any act or omission on his
     own part, excepting his own willful misconduct.  The Company shall
     indemnify and save harmless each member of the Committee against any and
     all expenses and liabilities arising out of his membership on the
     Committee, with the exception of expenses and liabilities arising out of
     his own willful misconduct.

17.5 To enable the Committee to perform its functions, the Company shall
     supply full and timely information to the Committee on all matters
     relating to the compensation of all Participants, their retirement,
     death or other cause for termination of employment, and such other
     pertinent facts as the Committee may require.

17.6 The Committee shall have the power, in its sole discretion, to change
     the manner and time of payments to be made to a Participant or
     Beneficiary from that set forth herein, if requested to do so by such
     Participant or Beneficiary.
                                ARTICLE 18

18.1 Any notice given under the Plan shall be in writing and shall be mailed
     or delivered to:

                         SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION
                         Executive Deferral Plan
                         Administrative Committee
                         5241 Spring Mountain Road
                         Las Vegas, NV  89102

18.2 The Plan shall be binding upon the Company and its respective
     successors, and upon a Participant, Participant's Beneficiary, assigns,
     heirs, executors and administrators.

18.3 The Plan shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State
     of Nevada.
18.4 Headings in this Master Plan Document are inserted for convenience of
     reference only.  Any conflict between such headings and the text shall
     be resolved in favor of the text.

18.5 Masculine pronouns wherever used shall include feminine pronouns and
     when the context dictates, the singular shall include the plural.

18.6 In case any provision of the Plan shall be held illegal or invalid for
     any reason, said illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining
     parts hereof, but the Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such
     illegal and invalid provisions had never been inserted herein.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has executed this Master Plan Document
     this 13th day of May, 1994.

                                   SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION

                                   By        /s/  Michael O. Maffie

                                   Its  President/Chief Executive Officer  