LONG-TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

                      (Including March 29, 2000 Amendments)

                  1.       PURPOSE.

                  The purpose of the  Chevron  Corporation  Long-Term  Incentive
Plan is to promote and  advance the  interests  of Chevron  Corporation  and its
stockholders   by   strengthening   the  ability  of  the  Corporation  and  its
Subsidiaries to attract, motivate and retain managerial and other key employees,
and to  strengthen  the  mutuality of interests  between such  employees and the
Corporation's   stockholders.   The  Plan  replaces  the  Management  Contingent
Incentive Plan. Certain  capitalized terms used in the Plan have the meaning set
forth in Section 2.

                  2.       DEFINITIONS.

                  For purposes of the Plan,  the following  terms shall have the
meanings set forth below:

                  (a)  "Award"  or  "Awards"  means a grant  of a Stock  Option,
Restricted  Stock, a Stock  Appreciation  Right, an Other Share-Based Award or a
Nonstock Award under the Plan.

                  (b) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

                  (c)  "Code"  means  the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as

                  (d) "Committee" means the committee  appointed by the Board to
administer the Plan as provided in Section 3.

                  (e) "Common  Stock"  means the $1.50 par value common stock of
the Corporation or any security of the  Corporation  identified by the Committee
as having been issued in substitution, exchange or lieu thereof.

                  (f)  "Corporation"  means  Chevron  Corporation,   a  Delaware
corporation, or any successor corporation.

                  (g)  "Disability"  means that because of an injury or sickness
the Participant is unable to perform any occupation for which the Participant is
qualified or may reasonably  become qualified by reason of education,  training,
or  experience,  whether or not a job  involving  such  occupation  is available
within the Corporation.


                  (h) "Employee" means any individual who is a salaried employee
on the payroll of the Corporation or any Subsidiary.

                  (i) "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934,  as amended from time to time, or any successor statute.

                  (j)  "Fair  Market  Value" of a Share as of a  specified  date
means the price per share at which  Shares  were traded at the close of business
on such date as reported in the New York Stock Exchange  composite  transactions
published in the Western Edition of the Wall Street Journal or, if no trading of
Common Stock is reported for that day, the next  preceding  day on which trading
was reported.

                  (k)  "Incentive  Stock Option" means any Stock Option  granted
pursuant to the Plan that is intended to be and is specifically designated as an
"Incentive Stock Option" within the meaning of section 422A of the Code.

                  (l) "Nonstatutory Stock Option" means any Stock Option granted
pursuant to the provisions of the Plan that is not an Incentive Stock Option.

                  (m) "Nonstock Award" means an Award under the Plan the amount,
value  and  denomination  of which  is not  determined  with  reference  to,  or
expressed in, Shares. "Nonstock Award Agreement" means the agreement between the
Corporation  and the  recipient of a Nonstock  Award that contains the terms and
conditions pertaining to the Nonstock Award.

                  (n) "Optionee" means an Employee who has received the grant of
a Stock Option.

                  (o) "Other  Share-Based Award" means an Award granted pursuant
to  Section  8 of the  Plan.  "Other  Share-Based  Award  Agreement"  means  the
agreement  between the  Corporation  and the  recipient of an Other  Share-Based
Award that contains the terms and conditions pertaining to the Other Share-Based

                  (p)  "Participant"  means an Employee  who is granted an Award
under the Plan.

                  (q) "Plan" means the Chevron  Corporation  Long-Term Incentive
Plan, as amended from time to time.

                  (r) "Restricted  Stock Award" means an Award granted  pursuant
to the  provisions  of Section 7 of the Plan.  "Restricted  Stock"  means Shares
granted  pursuant to Section 7 of the Plan.  "Restricted  Stock Agreement" means
the agreement between the Corporation and the recipient of Restricted Stock that
contains the terms,  conditions and  restrictions  pertaining to such Restricted


                  (s) "Rules" means  regulations  and rules adopted from time to
time by the Committee.

                  (t)  "Share"  means  one share of Common  Stock,  adjusted  in
accordance with Section 10 (if applicable).

                  (u)  "Stock  Option"  means an  Incentive  Stock  Option  or a
Nonstatutory  Stock  Option  granted  pursuant to Section 6 of the Plan.  "Stock
Option  Agreement" means the agreement  between the Corporation and the Optionee
that contains the terms and conditions pertaining to a Stock Option.

                  (v) "Subsidiary"  means any corporation or entity in which the
Corporation  directly or  indirectly  controls more than 50% of the total voting
power of all classes of its stock  having  voting  power and which the Board has
designated as a Subsidiary for purposes of the Plan.

                  In addition,  the terms "Rule 16b-3" and "Restriction  Period"
have the meanings set forth below in Sections 3(a) and 7(b) respectively.

                  3.       ADMINISTRATION.

                  (a)      Composition of the Committee.

                  The Plan shall be administered by a Committee appointed by the
Board,  consisting of not less than a sufficient number of disinterested members
of  the  Board  so as to  qualify  the  Committee  to  administer  the  Plan  as
contemplated by Rule 16b-3 promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission
pursuant to the Exchange  Act, or any successor or  replacement  rule adopted by
the Commission  ("Rule  16b-3").  The Board may from time to time remove members
from,  or add members to, the  Committee.  Vacancies on the  Committee,  however
caused, shall be filled by the Board. The Board shall appoint one of the members
of the  Committee as  Chairman.  The term  "disinterested  members of the Board"
shall  be  interpreted  pursuant  to Rule  16b-3.  The  Management  Compensation
Committee of the Board shall serve as the  Committee.  The Board may at any time
replace the Management  Compensation  Committee with another  Committee.  In the
event that the  Management  Compensation  Committee  shall  cease to satisfy the
requirements of Rule 16b-3, the Board shall appoint another Committee that shall
satisfy such requirements. If any member of the Committee does not qualify as an
"outside  director" for purposes of section 162(m) of the Code, Awards under the
Plan for the  chief  executive  officer  and the four  most  highly  compensated
officers of the Corporation  (other than the chief  executive  officer) shall be
administered by a subcommittee of the Board  consisting of each Committee member
who  qualifies as an "outside  director."  If fewer than two  Committee  members
qualify as an  "outside  director,"  the Board  shall  appoint one or more other
members to such  subcommittee  who do qualify as "outside  directors"


so that it will at all times  consist of at least two  members who qualify as an
"outside director" for purposes of section 162(m) of the Code.

                  (b)      Actions by the Committee.

                  The Committee  shall hold meetings at such times and places as
it may  determine.  Acts  approved by a majority of the members of the Committee
present  at a  meeting  at which a quorum  is  present,  or acts  reduced  to or
approved in writing by a majority of the members of the Committee,  shall be the
valid acts of the Committee.

                  (c)      Powers of the Committee.

                  The Committee  shall have the authority to administer the Plan
in its sole discretion. To this end, the Committee is authorized to construe and
interpret  the Plan,  to  promulgate,  amend and rescind  Rules  relating to the
implementation  of the Plan and to make all other  determinations  necessary  or
advisable  for the  administration  of the  Plan,  including  the  selection  of
Employees who shall be granted Awards, the number of Shares or Share equivalents
to be subject to each Award, the Award price, if any, the vesting or duration of
Awards,  the  designation  of  Stock  Options  as  Incentive  Stock  Options  or
Nonstatutory  Stock  Options,  other  terms and  conditions  of  Awards  and the
disposition of Awards in the event of a Participant's  divorce or dissolution of
marriage.  Subject to the  requirements  of  applicable  law, the  Committee may
designate  persons  other  than  members  of the  Committee  to  carry  out  its
responsibilities  and may prescribe such  conditions  and  limitations as it may
deem appropriate,  except that the Committee may not delegate its authority with
regard  to the  selection  for  participation  of or the  granting  of Awards to
persons subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act. Any  determination,  decision
or action of the Committee in connection with the construction,  interpretation,
administration,  or  application  of the Plan  shall be  final,  conclusive  and
binding  upon all  persons  participating  in the Plan  and any  person  validly
claiming under or through persons participating in the Plan.

                  (d)      Liability of Committee Members.

                  No member of the Board or the Committee will be liable for any
action or  determination  made in good faith by the Board or the Committee  with
respect to the Plan or any Award under it.

                  (e) Administration of the Plan Following a Change in Control.

                  Within 30 days after the  occurrence  of a "change of control"
of the Corporation as defined in Article VI of the bylaws of the Corporation, as
such  bylaws may be  amended  from time to time (a  "Change  in  Control"),  the
Committee  shall  appoint an  independent  organization  which shall  thereafter
administer  the Plan and have all of the  powers and  duties  formerly  held and
exercised by the Committee with respect to the Plan


as provided in Section 3(c). Upon such appointment, the Committee shall cease to
have any responsibility with respect to the administration of the Plan.


                  (a)      Duration of the Plan.

                  The Plan was adopted by the Board on January 24,  1990,  to be
effective upon the date it is approved by the  stockholders of the  Corporation.
The Plan shall remain in effect until terminated by the Board.

                  (b)      Shares Subject to the Plan.

                  The maximum  number of Shares for which  Awards may be granted
under the Plan in each  calendar  year  during  any part of which the Plan is in
effect shall be one percent (1%) of the total issued and  outstanding  Shares as
of January 1 of such year;  provided,  however,  that for the first ten years in
which the Plan is in effect, no more than ten million  (10,000,000) Shares shall
be  cumulatively  available  for the  issuance  of Shares  upon the  exercise of
Incentive  Stock  Options  under the  Plan.  The  limitations  set forth in this
Section 4(b) shall be subject to adjustment as provided in Section 10.

                  (c)      Accounting for Numbers of Shares.

                  For the  purpose  of  computing  the  total  number  of Shares
available  for Awards  under the Plan in a calendar  year there shall be counted
against the limitation for the current calendar year the number of Shares issued
or subject to issuance upon exercise or settlement of Stock Options  (whether or
not granted in conjunction with a stock appreciation right) and Restricted Stock
Awards  granted in that  calendar  year and the number of Shares that equals the
value of Other  Share-Based  Awards and Nonstock Awards granted in that calendar
year,  determined  as of the dates on which such  Awards are  granted.  For this
purpose,  Nonstock  Awards shall be  converted  into Shares by dividing the cash
value (or target cash value,  in the case of an Award with a fluctuating  value)
of the  Nonstock  Award  by the Fair  Market  Value on the date of grant of such
Award. In the case of a stock  appreciation right not granted in connection with
a Stock Option,  the full number of underlying  Shares shall be counted  against
the limitation.  Dividends paid,  dividend  equivalents  granted and interest or
other  amounts  credited  with respect to any Award  outstanding  under the Plan
shall not be taken into consideration in applying the Plan limitation.

                  (d)      Source of Stock Issued Under the Plan.

                  Common Stock  issued  under the Plan may be either  authorized
and  unissued  Shares  or  issued  Shares  that  have  been  reacquired  by  the
Corporation,  as


determined in the sole  discretion  of the  Committee.  No fractional  Shares of
Common Stock shall be issued under the Plan.


                  Persons  eligible for Awards  under the Plan shall  consist of
managerial and other key Employees (including officers,  whether or not they are
directors)  of the  Corporation  and its  Subsidiaries  who  hold  positions  of
significant  responsibility or whose performance or potential  contribution,  in
the  judgment  of  the  Committee,  would  benefit  the  future  success  of the
Corporation.  A Participant may receive more than one Award, including Awards of
the same type subject to the restrictions of the Plan.

                  The following limits shall apply to grants of Awards under the

                  (a) Stock  Options,  Restricted  Stock  and Other  Share-Based
         Awards:  The aggregate number of Shares that may be granted in the form
         of Stock Options,  Restricted Stock and Other Share-Based Awards in any
         one  calendar  year to any  Participant  shall not exceed  0.15% of the
         Shares outstanding on the date of grant.

                  (b) Nonstock Awards:  The value of all Nonstock Awards granted
         in any  single  calendar  year to any  Participant  shall not exceed $1
         million.  For this  purpose,  the value of a  Nonstock  Award  shall be
         determined  on the  date of  grant  without  regard  to any  conditions
         imposed on the Nonstock Award.

                  6.       STOCK OPTIONS.

                  Stock  Options  granted  under  the Plan may be in the form of
Incentive  Stock Options or  Nonstatutory  Stock Options and shall be subject to
the following terms and conditions and shall contain such  additional  terms and
conditions,  not  inconsistent  with the express  provisions of the Plan, as the
Committee in its sole discretion shall deem desirable:

                  (a)      Awards of Stock Options.

                  Subject  to the  terms of the Plan the  Committee  shall  have
complete  authority in its sole  discretion to determine the persons to whom and
the time or times at which grants of Stock  Options  will be made.  The terms of
each Stock Option shall be set forth in a Stock  Agreement,  which shall contain
such provisions not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan, including,  without
limitation,  restrictions  upon the exercise of the Stock Option or restrictions
on the  transferability of Shares issued upon the exercise of a Stock Option, as
the Committee shall deem advisable in its sole discretion.  Stock Options may be
granted alone, in addition to, or in tandem with other Awards under the Plan.


                  (b)      Number of Shares.

                  Each Stock Option shall state the number of Shares to which it
pertains and shall provide for the  adjustment  thereof in  accordance  with the
provisions  of Section 10. No fractional  Shares will be issued  pursuant to the
exercise of a Stock Option.

                  (c)      Exercise Price.

                  Each Stock Option shall state the price per Share,  determined
by the  Committee  in its sole  discretion,  at which  the Stock  Option  may be
exercised;  provided, however, that in the case of an Incentive Stock Option the
exercise  price shall not be less than the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the
date of grant; and provided that in the case of a Nonstatutory  Stock Option the
exercise  price  shall not be less than fifty  percent  (50%) of the Fair Market
Value of a Share on the date of grant.
                  (d)      Method of Payment.

                  A Stock  Option  may be  exercised,  in whole  or in part,  by
giving  written notice of exercise to the  Corporation  specifying the number of
Shares to be purchased.  Such notice shall be  accompanied by payment in full of
the  purchase  price in cash or,  if  acceptable  to the  Committee  in its sole
discretion, and in accordance with its Rules, (i) in Shares already owned by the
Participant  or (ii) by the  withholding  and surrender of the Shares subject to
the Stock Option.  The Committee in its sole discretion,  and in accordance with
its Rules,  may also permit payment to be made by delivery (on a form prescribed
by the Committee) of an irrevocable direction to a securities broker approved by
the Committee to sell Shares and to deliver all or part of the sales proceeds to
the  Corporation  in  payment  of all or  part  of the  purchase  price  and any
withholding taxes. The Committee in its sole discretion,  and in accordance with
its  Rules,  may  also  permit  payment  to be made by the  delivery  (on a form
prescribed by the Committee) of an  irrevocable  direction to pledge Shares to a
securities broker or lender approved by the Committee as security for a loan and
to deliver all or part of the loan proceeds to the Corporation in payment of all
or part of the purchase  price and any  withholding  taxes.  Payment may also be
made in any other form approved by the  Committee,  consistent  with  applicable
law, regulations and rules.

                  (e) Term and Exercise of Stock Options; Nontransferability
                      of Stock Options.

                  Each  Stock  Option  shall  state  the time or  times  when it
becomes  exercisable  and the time or times  when any stock  appreciation  right
granted with it may be exercised,  which shall be determined by the Committee in
its sole discretion.  No Stock Option shall be exercisable before six (6) months
have  elapsed  from  the  date it is  granted  (except  in the  case of death or
Disability)  and no  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall be  exercisable  after  the
expiration  of ten (10) years from the date it is granted.  Except as  otherwise
provided in the Rules or in a Stock Option Agreement, during the lifetime of


the  Optionee,  the Stock Option shall be  exercisable  only by the Optionee and
shall not be assignable or transferable.  In the event of the Optionee's  death,
no Incentive Stock Option shall be  transferable by the Optionee  otherwise than
by will or the laws of descent and distribution.  In the event of the Optionee's
death,  any  Nonstatutory  Stock Option shall be transferred to the  beneficiary
designated by the Optionee for this purpose  pursuant to  procedures  adopted by
the Committee.

                  (f)      Termination of Employment.

                  Each  Stock  Option  Agreement  shall set forth the  extent to
which the Optionee  shall have the right to exercise the Stock Option  following
termination  of  the  Optionee's   employment   with  the  Corporation  and  its
Subsidiaries.  Such provisions shall be determined in the sole discretion of the
Committee,  need not be uniform among all Stock Options  issued  pursuant to the
Plan,  and may reflect  distinctions  based on the reasons  for  termination  of

                  (g)      Rights as a Stockholder.

                  An  Optionee  or a  transferee  of an  Optionee  shall have no
rights as a stockholder  with respect to any Shares  covered by his or her Stock
Option until the date of the issuance of a stock certificate for such Shares. No
adjustment shall be made for dividends  (ordinary or  extraordinary,  whether in
cash,  securities or other property) or  distributions or other rights for which
the record date is prior to the date such stock certificate is issued, except as
provided in Section 10.

                  (h)      Stock Appreciation Rights.

                  In connection  with the grant of any Stock Option  pursuant to
the  Plan,  the  Committee,  in its  sole  discretion,  may  also  grant a stock
appreciation  right  pursuant  to which  the  Optionee  shall  have the right to
surrender all or part of the unexercised portion of such Stock Option,  exercise
the stock  appreciation  right, and thereby obtain payment of an amount equal to
(or less than, if the Committee shall so determine in its sole discretion at the
time of grant) the  difference  obtained by subtracting  the aggregate  exercise
price of the Shares  subject to the Stock  Option (or the  portion  thereof)  so
surrendered  from  the Fair  Market  Value  of such  Shares  on the date of such
surrender.  The  exercise of such stock  appreciation  right shall be subject to
such  limitations  (including,  but not limited to,  limitations  as to time and
amount)  as the  Committee  shall  deem  appropriate.  The  payment  of a  stock
appreciation  right may be made in Shares (determined with reference to its Fair
Market  Value on the date of  exercise),  or in cash,  or  partly in cash and in
Shares,  as determined in the sole discretion of the Committee.  In the event of
the exercise of a stock appreciation  right, the underlying Stock Option will be
deemed to have been exercised for all purposes under the Plan, including Section


                  7.       RESTRICTED STOCK.

                  Restricted  Stock  Awards  shall be subject  to the  following
terms and conditions and shall contain such additional terms and conditions, not
inconsistent  with the express  provisions  of the Plan, as the Committee in its
sole discretion shall deem desirable.

                  (a)      Restricted Stock Awards.

                  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the  Committee  shall
have complete authority in its sole discretion to determine the persons to whom,
and the time or times at which,  grants of  Restricted  Stock will be made,  the
number of Shares of  Restricted  Stock to be  awarded,  the price (if any) to be
paid by the recipient of Restricted  Stock,  the time or times within which such
Awards may be subject to  forfeiture,  and all other terms and conditions of the
Awards.  Any price that the  recipient  shall be required to pay shall be either
(i) not less  than 50% of the Fair  Market  Value of the  Shares on the date the
award is made or (ii) the amount  required to be received by the  Corporation in
order to  assure  compliance  with  applicable  state  law.  The  Committee  may
condition the grant of a Restricted Stock Award upon the attainment of specified
performance  goals  (such as earnings  per share,  total  shareholder  return or
return  on  capital  employed)  or  such  other  factors  as the  Committee  may
determine, in its sole discretion. Restricted Stock Awards may be granted alone,
in addition to or in tandem with other Awards under the Plan.

                  The terms of each Restricted Stock Award shall be set forth in
a Restricted  Stock Agreement  between the  Corporation and the Employee,  which
Agreement  shall  contain such  provisions  as the  Committee  determines  to be
necessary  or  appropriate  to carry out the intent of the Plan with  respect to
such Award. Each Participant  receiving a Restricted Stock Award shall be issued
a stock  certificate  in  respect  of such  Shares  of  Restricted  Stock.  Such
certificate shall be registered in the name of such Participant,  and shall bear
an  appropriate  legend  referring to the terms,  conditions,  and  restrictions
applicable to such Award.  The Committee  shall require that stock  certificates
evidencing such Shares be held by the Corporation until the restrictions thereon
shall have lapsed,  and that, as a condition of any Restricted  Stock Award, the
Participant  shall have delivered to the Corporation a stock power,  endorsed in
blank, relating to the stock covered by such Award.

                  (b)      Restrictions and Conditions.

     The Shares of Restricted  Stock awarded pursuant to this Section 7 shall be
subject to the following terms, conditions and restrictions:

                  (i) The  Committee in its sole  discretion  shall  specify the
         terms,  conditions  and  restrictions  under which Shares of Restricted
         Stock  shall  vest  or  be  forfeited.   These  terms,  conditions  and
         restrictions must include continued employment with the Corporation for
         at least six (6) months except in the case


         of death or Disability,  and
         may include  continued  employment with the Corporation or a Subsidiary
         for  a  specified  period  of  time,   termination  of  the  Employee's
         employment for specified  reasons such as death or Disability  prior to
         the  completion of the specified  period,  or the attainment of certain
         performance objectives.  The period of time commencing with the date of
         such  Award and  ending on the date on which all  Shares of  Restricted
         Stock in such Award either vest or are forfeited  shall be known as the
         "Restriction  Period".  With respect to the Restricted Stock during the
         Restriction Period the Committee,  in its sole discretion,  may provide
         for  the  lapse  of  any  such  term,   condition  or   restriction  in
         installments  and may  accelerate  or waive  such  term,  condition  or
         restriction in whole or in part, based on service, performance,  and/or
         such other  factors or criteria as the  Committee  may determine in its
         sole  discretion.  Except as  otherwise  provided  in the Rules or in a
         Restricted   Stock  Agreement,   during  the  Restriction   Period  the
         Participant shall not be permitted to sell, transfer, pledge, assign or
         encumber Shares of Restricted Stock awarded under the Plan.

             (ii) Except as provided in this  paragraph  (ii) and  paragraph (i)
         above,  the  Participant  shall  have,  with  respect  to the Shares of
         Restricted   Stock,   all  of  the  rights  of  a  stockholder  of  the
         Corporation,  including  the right to vote the  Shares and the right to
         receive  any  cash or  stock  dividends.  The  Committee,  in its  sole
         discretion,  as determined  at the time of Award,  may provide that the
         payment of cash dividends  shall or may be deferred.  Any deferred cash
         dividends may be reinvested  as the  Committee  shall  determine in its
         sole  discretion,   including  reinvestment  in  additional  Shares  of
         Restricted  Stock.  Stock  dividends  issued with respect to Restricted
         Stock shall be Restricted  Stock and will be subject to the same terms,
         conditions  and  restrictions  that apply to the Shares with respect to
         which such dividends are issued.  Any  additional  shares of Restricted
         Stock  issued  with  respect  to cash or stock  dividends  shall not be
         counted  against the maximum  number of shares for which  awards may be
         granted under the Plan in each calendar year as set forth in Section 4.

             (iii) If and when the  Restriction  Period  applicable to Shares of
         Restricted  Stock expires without a prior  forfeiture of the Restricted
         Stock,  certificates for an appropriate  number of unrestricted  Shares
         shall be delivered  promptly to the  Participant,  and the certificates
         for the Shares of Restricted Stock shall be canceled.

                  8.       OTHER SHARE-BASED AWARDS.

                  (a)      Grants.

                  Other  Share-Based  Awards may be granted  either  alone or in
addition to or in conjunction  with other Awards under the Plan. Any such Awards
are to be bonus awards, issued for no consideration other than services rendered
or to be rendered.


The Committee may  condition  the grant of an Other  Share-Based  Award upon the
attainment  of specified  performance  goals (such as earnings per share,  total
shareholder  return or return on capital  employed) or such other factors as the
Committee may determine, in its sole discretion. Awards under this Section 8 may
include,  but are not limited to, stock  units,  stock  appreciation  rights not
granted in connection  with the grant of any Stock Option pursuant to Section 6,
dividend equivalents, the grant of Shares conditioned upon some specified event,
the  ownership  for a specified  period of time of Shares  obtained  through the
exercise of a Stock Option or the lapse of restrictions on Restricted Stock, the
payment  of cash  based  upon the  performance  of the  Shares  or the  grant of
securities convertible into Shares.

                  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the  Committee  shall
have sole and complete  authority to determine  the persons to whom and the time
or times at which Other  Share-Based  Awards shall be made, the number of Shares
or other securities, if any, to be granted pursuant to Other Share-Based Awards,
and all other  conditions of the Other  Share-Based  Awards.  In making an Other
Share-Based  Award,  the Committee may determine  that the recipient of an Other
Share-Based  Award  shall be entitled  to  receive,  currently  or on a deferred
basis,  interest or dividends or dividend equivalents with respect to the Shares
or other  securities  covered by the Award,  and the  Committee may provide that
such  amounts  (if any) shall be deemed to have been  reinvested  in  additional
Shares or otherwise  reinvested.  The terms of any Other Share-Based Award shall
be set forth in an Other Share-Based Award Agreement between the Corporation and
the Employee,  which  Agreement  shall contain such  provisions as the Committee
determines  to be necessary or  appropriate  to carry out the intent of the Plan
with respect to such Award.

                  (b)      Terms and Conditions.

                  In addition to the terms and conditions specified in the Other
Share-Based  Award  Agreement,  Other  Share-Based  Awards made pursuant to this
Section 8 shall be subject to the following:

                  (i) Except as  otherwise  provided in the Rules or in an Other
         Share-Based  Award Agreement,  any Other  Share-Based  Award may not be
         sold, assigned,  transferred,  pledged or otherwise encumbered prior to
         the date on which the Shares are issued or the Award  becomes  payable,
         or, if later, the date on which any applicable restriction, performance
         or deferral period lapses.

             (ii) The Other Share-Based Award Agreement shall contain provisions
         dealing  with  the  disposition  of  such  Award  in  the  event  of  a
         termination  of  the  Employee's  employment  prior  to  the  exercise,
         realization or payment of such Award.


                  9.       NONSTOCK AWARDS.

                  (a)      Grants.

                  Nonstock  Awards may be granted either alone or in addition to
or in  conjunction  with other Awards under the Plan.  Any such Awards are to be
bonus awards,  issued for no consideration other than services rendered or to be
rendered.  Awards under this  Section 9 may take any form that the  Committee in
its sole discretion shall determine.

                  Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the  Committee  shall
have sole and complete  authority to determine  the persons to whom and the time
or times at which  Nonstock  Awards  shall be made,  the amount of any  Nonstock
Award and all  other  conditions  of the  Nonstock  Awards.  The  Committee  may
condition  the  grant of a  Nonstock  Award  upon the  attainment  of  specified
performance  goals  (such as earnings  per share,  total  shareholder  return or
return  on  capital  employed)  or  such  other  factors  as the  Committee  may
determine, in its sole discretion.  The terms of any Nonstock Award shall be set
forth in Nonstock  Award  Agreement  between the  Corporation  and the Employee,
which Agreement shall contain such provisions as the Committee  determines to be
necessary  or  appropriate  to carry out the intent of the Plan with  respect to
such Award.

                  (b)      Terms and Conditions.

                  In  addition  to the terms  and  conditions  specified  in the
Nonstock Award Agreement,  Nonstock Awards made pursuant to this Section 9 shall
be subject to the following:

                  (i) Except as otherwise provided in the Rules or in a Nonstock
         Award  Agreement,  any  Nonstock  Award  may  not  be  sold,  assigned,
         transferred, pledged or otherwise encumbered prior to the date on which
         the  Award  becomes  payable,  or,  if  later,  the date on  which  the
         requirements of any applicable restriction, condition, performance goal
         or deferral period is met or lapses.

             (ii) The Nonstock Award Agreement shall contain  provisions dealing
         with the disposition of such Award in the event of a termination of the
         Employee's employment prior to the exercise,  realization or payment of
         such Award.

                  10.      RECAPITALIZATION.

                  Subject to any required action by the stockholders, the number
of Shares  covered  by the Plan as  provided  in Section 4, the number of Shares
covered by or  referred  to in each  outstanding  Award  (other than an Award of
Restricted  Stock that is


outstanding  at the time of the  event  described  in this  paragraph),  and the
Exercise  Price of each  outstanding  Stock Option and any price  required to be
paid for Restricted Stock not yet outstanding at the time of the event described
in this paragraph or Other Share-Based Award shall be  proportionately  adjusted
for: (a) any increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares  resulting from
a subdivision or  consolidation  of Shares,  (b) the payment of a stock dividend
(but only of Common  Stock) or any other  increase  or decrease in the number of
such Shares effected without receipt of consideration by the Corporation, or (c)
the declaration of a dividend  payable in cash that has a material effect on the
price of issued Shares.

                  Subject to any  required  action by the  stockholders,  if the
Corporation shall be the surviving  corporation in any merger,  consolidation or
other reorganization,  each outstanding Award (other than an Award of Restricted
Stock  that  is  outstanding  at such  time)  shall  pertain  and  apply  to the
securities to which a holder of the number of Shares  subject to the Award would
have  been  entitled.  In the  event  of a  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the
corporation  or a merger,  consolidation  or other  reorganization  in which the
Corporation is not the surviving  corporation,  each  outstanding  Stock Option,
each  unvested  Restricted  Stock  Award or  Other  Share-Based  Award  and each
Nonstock  Award  shall be assumed by the  surviving  corporation  and each Stock
Option,  unvested  Restricted  Stock  Award and Other  Share-Based  Award  shall
pertain to a comparable  number of shares in the surviving  corporation,  unless
the terms of the agreement of merger,  consolidation or reorganization  call for
the full vesting and cash out of such Awards.

                  In the event of a change in the Common Stock, which is limited
to a change of all of the  Corporation's  authorized  shares with par value into
the same number of shares with a different  par value or without par value,  the
shares  resulting  from any such change  shall be deemed to be the Common  Stock
within the meaning of the Plan.

                  The Committee may make  appropriate  adjustments in the number
of Shares  covered by the Plan and the price or other  value of any  outstanding
Awards in the event of a spin-off or other distribution  (other than normal cash
dividends) of Corporation assets to stockholders.

                  To the extent that the foregoing  adjustments  relate to stock
or  securities  of the  Corporation,  such  adjustments  shall  be  made  by the
Committee in its sole discretion, and its determination in that respect shall be
final, binding and conclusive, provided that each Incentive Stock Option granted
pursuant  to the Plan shall not be  adjusted  in a manner  that causes the Stock
Option to fail to continue to qualify as an incentive  stock  option  within the
meaning of section 422A of the Code.

                  Except as expressly provided in this Section 10, a Participant
shall have no rights by reason of any subdivision or  consolidation of shares of
stock of any class or the payment of any stock dividend or any other increase or
decrease  in the  number  of  shares  of stock of any  class or by reason of any
dissolution, liquidation, merger or consolidation


or spin-off of assets or stock of another  corporation,  and any issuance by the
Corporation  of  shares  of stock of any class or  securities  convertible  into
shares of stock of any class,  shall not  affect,  and no  adjustment  by reason
thereof shall be made with respect to, the number or price of Shares  subject to
the Stock Option.

                  The grant of an Award pursuant to the Plan shall not affect in
any  way  the  right  or  power  of  the   Corporation   to  make   adjustments,
reclassifications,  reorganizations  or  changes  of  its  capital  or  business
structure or to merge or consolidate or to dissolve, liquidate, sell or transfer
all or any part of its business or assets.

                  In the event that another  corporation  or business  entity is
acquired by the  Corporation and the  Corporation  agrees to assume  outstanding
employee  stock  options,  the aggregate  number of Shares  available for Awards
under Section 4 shall be increased accordingly.

                  The Committee  shall  prescribe rules governing the adjustment
of the  number of shares  covered  by the Plan as  provided  in Section 4 and of
awards outstanding under the Plan in the event that the preferred stock purchase
rights  issued  pursuant  to the  Corporation's  stockholder  rights plan or any
successor rights plan detach from the Common Stock and become exercisable.

                  11.      SECURITIES LAW REQUIREMENTS.

                  No Shares  shall be issued and no Stock  Options  shall become
exercisable pursuant to the Plan unless and until the Corporation has determined
that: (i) it and the Participant have taken all actions required to register the
Shares  under  the  Securities  Act of 1933 or  perfect  an  exemption  from the
registration  requirements  thereof;  (ii) any applicable listing requirement of
any stock exchange on which the Common Stock is listed has been  satisfied;  and
(iii) any other applicable provision of state or federal law has been satisfied.

                  12.      AMENDMENTS OF THE PLAN AND AWARDS.

                  (a)      Plan Amendments.

                  The Board may, insofar as permitted by law, from time to time,
with  respect  to any  Shares at the time not  subject  to  Awards,  suspend  or
discontinue the Plan or revise or amend it in any respect  whatsoever.  However,
unless the Board specifically otherwise provides, any revision or amendment that
would cause the Plan to fail to comply with Rule 16b-3 or any other  requirement
of  applicable  law or  regulation  if such  amendment  were not approved by the
holders of the Common Stock of the Corporation shall not be effective unless and
until  the  approval  of the  holders  of  Common  Stock of the  Corporation  is
obtained. The foregoing notwithstanding,  no amendment,  revision, suspension or
discontinuation  of the  Plan  (including  any  amendment  to this  Section  12)


approved by the Board after six months prior to the public  announcement  of the
proposed transaction which, when effected,  is a Change in Control or before the
date  which is two years  after the date of a Change in  Control  (the  "Benefit
Protection  Period")  shall be valid or effective if such  amendment,  revision,
suspension or  discontinuation  would alter the provisions of this Section 12 or
adversely affect an Award outstanding  under the Plan;  provided,  however,  any
amendment,  revision,  suspension or discontinuation may be effected, even if so
approved after such a public  announcement,  if (a) the amendment or revision is
approved after any plans have been abandoned to effect the transaction which, if
effected,  would have  constituted a Change in Control and the event which would
have constituted the Change in Control has not occurred, and (b) within a period
of six months  after such  approval,  no other  event  constituting  a Change in
Control shall have  occurred,  and no public  announcement  of a proposed  event
which  would  constitute  a Change  in  Control  shall  have been  made,  unless
thereafter any plans to effect the Change in Control have been abandoned and the
event which would have  constituted the Change in Control has not occurred.  Any
amendment, revision, suspension or discontinuation of the Plan which is approved
by the Board  prior to a Change in Control at the  request of a third  party who
effectuates a Change in Control  shall be deemed to be an  amendment,  revision,
suspension  or  discontinuation  of the  Plan so  approved  during  the  Benefit
Protection Period.

                  (b)      Amendments of Awards.

                  Subject to the terms and conditions and within the limitations
of  the  Plan,  the  Committee  may  amend,  cancel,  modify,  extend  or  renew
outstanding Awards granted under the Plan, or accept the exchange of outstanding
Awards (to the extent not theretofore  exercised) for the granting of new Awards
(at the same or a different price, if applicable) in substitution therefor.

                  (c)      Rights of Participant.

                  No amendment,  suspension or  termination  of the Plan nor any
amendment,  cancellation or modification of any Award  outstanding under it that
would  adversely  affect  the right of any  Participant  in an Award  previously
granted  under the Plan will be  effective  without the  written  consent of the
affected Participant.

                  13.      GENERAL PROVISIONS.

                  (a)      Application of Funds.

                  The  proceeds  received  by the  Corporation  from the sale of
Common  Stock  pursuant  to the  exercise  of a Stock  Option  or the  grant  of
Restricted Stock will be used for general corporate purposes.


                  (b)      Employment Rights.

                  Neither the Plan nor any Award granted under the Plan shall be
deemed to give any individual a right to remain employed by the Corporation or a
Subsidiary.  The Corporation and its Subsidiaries reserve the right to terminate
the  employment  of any employee at any time and for any reason,  which right is
hereby reserved.

                  (c)      Stockholders' Rights.

                  A Participant shall have no dividend rights,  voting rights or
other rights as a stockholder  with respect to any Shares  covered by his or her
Award  prior  to the  issuance  of a  stock  certificate  for  such  Shares.  No
adjustment shall be made for cash dividends or other rights for which the record
date is prior to the date when such certificate is issued.

                  (d)      Creditors' Rights.

                  A holder of an Other  Share-Based  Award or a  Nonstock  Award
shall have no rights other than those of a general  creditor of the Corporation.
Other  Share-Based  Awards and  Nonstock  Awards  shall  represent  unfunded and
unsecured obligations of the Corporation, subject to the terms and conditions of
the applicable  Other  Share-Based  Award  Agreement and of the Nonstock  Award.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the Committee is authorized to arrange for the
creation of one or more trusts to fund payments of Other  Share-Based  Awards or
Nonstock  Awards  payable or to become  payable under the Plan. In such case the
rights of affected  Participants shall be determined with reference to the terms
of the applicable trust agreement pursuant to which the trust was created.

                  (e)      No Obligation to Exercise Stock Option.

                  The granting of a Stock Option shall impose no obligation upon
the Optionee to exercise such Stock Option.

                  (f)      Deferral Elections.

                  The Committee  may permit a Participant  to elect to defer his
or her  receipt of the  payment  of cash or the  delivery  of Shares  that would
otherwise be due to such Participant by virtue of the exercise, the satisfaction
of any requirements or goals or lapse of restrictions of an Award made under the
Plan. If any such election is permitted, the Committee shall establish Rules and
procedures  for such payment  deferrals,  including  the possible (i) payment or
crediting,  with respect to deferred  amounts  credited in cash,  of  reasonable
interest or other investment  return determined with reference to any investment
performance  measurement  selected  by the  Committee  from  time to time,  (ii)
payment or crediting of dividend equivalents in respect of deferrals credited in
units  of  Common  Stock,  and  (iii)  impact  on a  Participant's  current  tax


                  (g)      Withholding Taxes.

                  (i)      General.

                  To the extent required by applicable federal,  state, local or
         foreign law, the  recipient  of any payment or  distribution  under the
         Plan shall make  arrangements  satisfactory  to the Corporation for the
         satisfaction of any withholding tax obligations that arise by reason of
         such payment or distribution.  The Corporation shall not be required to
         make such payment or distribution until such obligations are satisfied.

             (ii) Stock Withholding.

                  The Committee in its sole  discretion may permit a Participant
         to  satisfy  all or  part  of his or her  withholding  tax  obligations
         incident to the exercise of a Nonstatutory  Stock Option or the vesting
         of Restricted Stock by having the Corporation withhold a portion of the
         Shares that otherwise  would be issued to him or her. Such Shares shall
         be valued at their Fair Market  Value on the date when taxes  otherwise
         would  be  withheld  in  cash.  The  payment  of  withholding  taxes by
         surrendering Shares to the Corporation,  if permitted by the Committee,
         shall be subject to such  restrictions  as the  Committee  may  impose,
         including  any  restrictions  required by rules of the  Securities  and
         Exchange Commission.

                  (h)      Other Corporation Benefit and Compensation Programs.

                  Payments and other  benefits  received by a Participant  under
the Plan  shall  not be  deemed  a part of a  Participant's  regular,  recurring
compensation  for purposes of the termination  indemnity or severance pay law of
any country,  state or political  subdivision  thereof and shall not be included
in,  nor have any  effect  on, the  determination  of  benefits  under any other
employee  benefit plan or similar  arrangement  provided by the Corporation or a
Subsidiary  unless  expressly so provided by such other plan or arrangement,  or
except where the Committee  expressly  determines  that inclusion of an Award or
portion of an Award is necessary to accurately reflect competitive  compensation
practices  or to  recognize  that an Award has been made in lieu of a portion of
competitive  annual  cash  compensation.  Awards  under  the Plan may be made in
combination  with or in tandem with, or as  alternatives  to, grants,  awards or
payments under any Corporation or Subsidiary  plans.  The Plan  notwithstanding,
the Corporation or any Subsidiary may adopt such other compensation programs and
additional  compensation  arrangements as it deems necessary to attract,  retain
and  reward   employees  for  their  service  with  the   Corporation   and  its


                  (i)      Costs of the Plan.

                  The costs and  expenses  of  administering  the Plan  shall be
borne by the Corporation.

                  (j)      Participant's Beneficiary.

                  The Rules may provide that in the case of an Award that is not
forfeitable by its terms upon the death of the Participant,  the Participant may
designate a  beneficiary  with  respect to such Award in the event of death of a
Participant.  If such beneficiary is the executor or administrator of the estate
of the Participant,  any rights with respect to such Award may be transferred to
the person or persons or entity  (including a trust, if permitted under rules or
procedures  approved  by  the  Committee)  entitled  thereto  by  bequest  of or
inheritance from the holder of such Award.

                  (k)      Awards in Foreign Countries.

                  The   Committee   shall  have  the  authority  to  adopt  such
modifications,  procedures  and  subplans as may be  necessary  or  desirable to
comply with provisions of the laws of foreign countries in which the Corporation
or its  Subsidiaries  may  operate to assure the  viability  of the  benefits of
Awards made to Participants employed in such countries and to meet the intent of
the Plan.

                  (l)      Severability.

                  The  provisions of the Plan shall be deemed  severable and the
validity or  unenforceability  of any provision shall not affect the validity or
enforceability of the other provisions hereof.

                  (m)      Binding Effect of Plan.

                  The Plan shall be binding  upon and shall inure to the benefit
of the Corporation, its successors and assigns and the Corporation shall require
any successor or assign to expressly assume and agree to perform the Plan in the
same  manner and to the same extent  that the  Corporation  would be required to
perform it if no such  succession or assignment  had taken place.  The term "the
Corporation" as used herein shall include such successors and assigns.  The term
"successors and assigns" as used herein shall mean a corporation or other entity
acquiring all or  substantially  all the assets and business of the  Corporation
(including the Plan) whether by operation of law or otherwise.

                  (n)      No Waiver of Breach.

                  No waiver by either  party hereto at any time of any breach by
the other party hereto of, or compliance with, any condition or provision of the
Plan to be


performed by such other party shall be deemed a waiver of similar or  dissimilar
provisions of conditions at the same or at any prior or subsequent time.

                  (o)  Authority to Establish Grantor Trust.

                  The  Committee  is  authorized  in  its  sole   discretion  to
establish a grantor trust for the purpose of providing  security for the payment
of Awards  under the  Plan;  provided,  however,  that no  Participant  shall be
considered  to  have a  beneficial  ownership  interest  (or any  other  sort of
interest) in any specific  asset of the  Corporation or of its  subsidiaries  or
affiliates as a result of the creation of such trust or the transfer of funds or
other property to such trust.

                  14.      APPROVAL OF STOCKHOLDERS.

                  Adoption   of  the  Plan  shall  be  subject  to  approval  by
affirmative  vote of the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  in accordance  with
applicable law.