                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 10-Q


                For the quarterly period ended September 30, 2000



                         Commission File Number 1-368-2

                               Chevron Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              Delaware                                     94-0890210
  ------------------------------                -------------------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)                      Identification Number)

      575 Market Street, San Francisco, California               94105
      --------------------------------------------           -------------
        (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (415) 894-7700

           (Former  name or former address, if changed since last report.)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.   Yes     X        No
                                        ---------         ---------

Indicate the number of shares of each of the issuer's  classes of common  stock,
as of the latest practicable date:

         Class                            Outstanding as of September 30, 2000
- ----------------------------------        ------------------------------------
 Common stock, $.75 par value                       641,816,765


                                                                       Page No.
           Cautionary Statements Relevant to Forward-Looking
           Information for the Purpose of "Safe Harbor" Provisions
           of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995         1


    Item 1.       Financial Statements

                  Consolidated Statement of Income for the three months
                   and nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999       2

                  Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for
                   the three months and nine months ended
                   September 30, 2000 and 1999                             2

                  Consolidated Balance Sheet at September 30, 2000
                   and December 31, 1999                                   3

                  Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the
                   nine months ended September 30, 2000 and 1999           4

                  Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements            5-13

    Item 2.       Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                     Financial Condition and Results of Operations     14-25


    Item 1.       Legal Proceedings                                       26

    Item 6.       Listing of Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K             26

    Signature                                                             27

    Exhibit:      Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges       28


This quarterly report on Form 10-Q contains forward-looking  statements relating
to Chevron's  operations  that are based on management's  current  expectations,
estimates and projections  about the petroleum and chemicals  industries.  Words
such as "expects," "intends," "plans," "projects,"  "believes,"  "estimates" and
similar expressions are used to identify such forward-looking statements.  These
statements are not guarantees of future  performance  and involve certain risks,
uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict.  Therefore,  actual
outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed or forecast in
such forward-looking statements.

Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are crude
oil and natural gas prices; refining and marketing margins; chemicals prices and
competitive  conditions affecting supply and demand for the company's aromatics,
olefins and additives products; potential failure to achieve expected production
from existing and future oil and gas development  projects;  potential delays in
the  development,  construction  or  start-up  of  planned  projects;  potential
disruption  or  interruption  of  the  company's   production  or  manufacturing
facilities  due to  accidents  or  political  events;  potential  liability  for
remedial  actions  under  existing  or  future  environmental   regulations  and
litigation   (including,   regulations  and  litigation  dealing  with  gasoline
composition and characteristics); and potential liability resulting from pending
or future litigation.  In addition, such statements could be affected by general
domestic and international  economic and political conditions.  Unpredictable or
unknown factors not discussed herein also could have material adverse effects on
forward-looking statements.  Chevron undertakes no obligation to update publicly
any forward-looking statements,  whether as a result of new information,  future
events or otherwise.


                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION



                                                           Three Months Ended                 Nine Months Ended
                                                                September 30,                     September 30,
                                                           ------------------                ------------------
Millions of Dollars,  Except Per-Share Amounts             2000          1999                2000          1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------
Sales and other operating revenues*                    $ 12,962       $ 9,965             $37,267       $24,837
Income from equity affiliates                               276           127                 647           404
Other income                                                348            85                 561           366
   Total Revenues                                        13,586        10,177              38,475        25,607
Costs and Other Deductions
- --------------------------
Purchased crude oil and products                          6,953         5,327              20,460        12,394
Operating expenses                                        1,359         1,117               3,901         3,721
Selling, general and administrative expenses                399           357               1,162         1,203
Exploration expenses                                         98           205                 317           389
Depreciation, depletion and amortization                    801           767               2,151         1,966
Taxes other than on income*                               1,205         1,181               3,475         3,402
Interest and debt expense                                   101           116                 356           334
   Total Costs and Other Deductions                      10,916         9,070              31,822        23,409
Income Before Income Tax Expense                          2,670         1,107               6,653         2,198
Income Tax Expense                                        1,139           525               2,962           937
Net Income                                             $  1,531       $   582             $ 3,691       $ 1,261

Per Share of Common Stock:
   Net Income                 - Basic                  $   2.36       $  0.88             $  5.66       $  1.92
                              - Diluted                $   2.35       $  0.88             $  5.65       $  1.91
   Dividends                                           $   0.65       $  0.61             $  1.95       $  1.83

Weighted Average Number of
 Shares Outstanding (000s)    - Basic                   648,520       657,190             652,641       656,268
                              - Diluted                 649,577       660,649             653,827       659,403

*   Includes consumer excise taxes.                    $  1,032       $ 1,023             $ 2,932       $ 2,921

                                            CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME

                                                           Three Months Ended                 Nine Months Ended
                                                                September 30,                     September 30,
                                                           ------------------                ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                        2000          1999                2000          1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                                             $  1,531       $   582            $  3,691      $  1,261
   Currency translation adjustment                            -           (30)                 (3)          (41)

   Holding gain on securities
   arising during period                                     55            11                  59            33
   Less: reclassification adjustment for gains
    included in net income                                  (99)            -                 (99)            -
   Net change during period                                 (44)           11                 (40)           33

   Minimum pension liability adjustment                       -             -                 (15)          (11)
 Other Comprehensive Loss, net of tax                       (44)          (19)                (58)          (19)
Comprehensive Income                                   $  1,487       $   563            $  3,633      $  1,242

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                 CHEVRON CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                      CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                                           September 30,
                                                                                    2000               December 31,
Millions of Dollars                                                          (Unaudited)                       1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       $  1,342                  $   1,345
Marketable securities                                                              1,318                        687
Accounts and notes receivable                                                      3,727                      3,688
    Crude oil and petroleum products                                                 631                        585
    Chemicals                                                                        164                        526
    Materials, supplies and other                                                    262                        291
                                                                                   1,057                      1,402
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                          1,227                      1,175
       Total Current Assets                                                        8,671                      8,297
Long-term receivables                                                                835                        815
Investments and advances                                                           8,004                      5,231

Properties, plant and equipment, at cost                                          51,985                     54,212
Less: accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization                        29,040                     28,895
                                                                                  22,945                     25,317
Deferred charges and other assets                                                  1,191                      1,008
            Total Assets                                                         $41,646                    $40,668
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Short-term debt                                                                 $  1,714                   $  3,434
Accounts payable                                                                   3,350                      3,103
Accrued liabilities                                                                1,117                      1,210
Federal and other taxes on income                                                  1,630                        718
Other taxes payable                                                                  449                        424
       Total Current Liabilities                                                   8,260                      8,889
Long-term debt                                                                     5,059                      5,174
Capital lease obligations                                                            300                        311
Deferred credits and other non-current obligations                                 2,064                      1,739
Deferred income taxes                                                              5,185                      5,010
Reserves for employee benefit plans                                                1,862                      1,796
       Total Liabilities                                                          22,730                     22,919
Preferred stock (authorized 100,000,000
    shares, $1.00 par value, none issued)                                              -                          -
Common stock (authorized 2,000,000,000 shares,
$.75 par value at September 30, 2000 and 1,000,000 shares,
$1.50 per value at December 31, 1999; 712,487,068 shares issued at
September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999)                                            534                      1,069
Capital in excess of par value                                                     2,753                      2,215
Deferred compensation                                                               (611)                      (646)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                                (173)                      (115)
Retained earnings                                                                 19,825                     17,400
Treasury stock, at cost (70,670,321 and 56,140,994 shares
    at September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999, respectively)                    (3,412)                    (2,174)
       Total Stockholders' Equity                                                 18,916                     17,749
           Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                            $41,646                    $40,668

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                                 CHEVRON CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                                  CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                                                                                  Nine Months Ended
                                                                                                      September 30,
Millions of Dollars                                                                          2000              1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Activities
     Net income                                                                            $3,691            $1,261
       Depreciation, depletion and amortization                                             2,151             1,966
       Dry hole expense related to prior years' expenditures                                   27               103
       Distributions less than income from equity affiliates                                 (247)             (244)
       Net before-tax gains on asset retirements and sales                                   (215)             (300)
       Net foreign exchange (gains) losses                                                    (80)               37
       Deferred income tax provision                                                          285              (120)
       Net decrease in operating working capital                                              752             1,698
       Other, net                                                                              47              (767)
          Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                                         6,411             3,634
Investing Activities
     Capital expenditures                                                                  (2,757)           (3,489)
     Proceeds from asset sales                                                                381               583
     Other investing cash flows, net                                                          857                40
     Net sales of marketable securities                                                       208                72
     Net purchase of other short-term investments                                            (748)                -
          Net Cash Used for Investing Activities                                           (2,059)           (2,794)

Financing Activities
     Net (payments) borrowings of short-term obligations                                   (1,722)              127
     Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                                                  25               702
     Repayments of long-term debt and other financing obligations                            (127)             (443)
     Cash dividends paid                                                                   (1,272)           (1,199)
     Net (purchases) sales of treasury shares                                              (1,259)              105
          Net Cash Used for Financing Activities                                           (4,355)             (708)
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents                                    -                 2
Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                                        (3)              134
Cash and Cash Equivalents at January 1                                                      1,345               569
Cash and Cash Equivalents at September 30                                                  $1,342            $  703

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Note 1. Interim Financial Statements

The accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements of Chevron Corporation and
its subsidiaries (the company) have not been audited by independent accountants,
except  for the  balance  sheet at  December  31,  1999.  In the  opinion of the
company's  management,  the interim data include all adjustments necessary for a
fair statement of the results for the interim periods. These adjustments were of
a normal recurring nature, except for the special items described in Note 2, and
the 1999 material reclassification described in Note 3.

Certain  notes and other  information  have been  condensed  or omitted from the
interim  financial  statements  presented in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Therefore,  these financial  statements  should be read in conjunction  with the
company's 1999 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

The results for the three- and nine-month  periods ended September 30, 2000, are
not necessarily indicative of future financial results.

Note 2. Net Income

Net income for the third  quarter 2000  included net charges of $116 million for
special  items,  compared  with net  charges  of $120  million in the 1999 third
quarter.   The  2000  third  quarter   included  charges  of  $136  million  for
environmental   remediation   provisions   at  U.S.   refining,   marketing  and
transportation  and  chemical  facilities;  $80  million for the  impairment  of
certain U.S.  producing  properties and pipeline  assets;  and $26 million for a
prior-year tax adjustment.  These charges were partially  offset by gains of $99
million from the sale of marketable  securities  and $27 million from the equity
accounting  effect of common stock  transactions by Chevron's Dynegy Inc. equity

Net  income  for the first  nine  months of 2000  included  net  charges of $203
million from  special  items,  compared  with net charges of $206 million in the
comparable  1999  period.  In  addition  to the third  quarter  2000 net special
charges of $116  million  noted above,  the  nine-month  2000  results  included
special charges of $62 million for a patent matter currently being litigated and
$25 million for prior-year tax adjustments.

Foreign  currency  gains  included  in third  quarter  2000 net income  were $75
million, compared with losses of $7 million in 1999. For the nine-month periods,
foreign  currency  gains were $150 million in 2000,  compared with losses of $48
million in the comparable 1999 period.

Note 3.  Formation of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC

Effective July 1, 2000, Chevron and Phillips Petroleum Company (Phillips) formed
Chevron  Phillips  Chemical  Company LLC (CPCC),  a Delaware  limited  liability
company. CPCC is a joint venture that combined the petrochemicals  businesses of
Chevron  and  Phillips  and is owned 50  percent  by each  partner.  Chevron  is
accounting for its interest in CPCC using the equity method.  Under this method,
the net amount of assets and liabilities contributed to CPCC was reclassified to
"Investments and Advances" in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Chevron's share of
CPCC's  results of  operations  is recorded to "Income from equity  affiliates."
Because CPCC is a limited liability  company,  Chevron records the provision for
income taxes and related tax liability  applicable to its share of CPCC's income
in its consolidated financial statements.

The  equity  accounting   treatment  for  Chevron's  share  of  the  net  assets
contributed to CPCC resulted in significant  variances between the 2000 and 1999
periods in the individual line captions  appearing in the financial  statements.
The carrying amounts at July 1, 2000, of the principal assets and liabilities of
the  businesses  Chevron  contributed  to CPCC were $0.6  billion of net working
capital assets and $2.1 billion of net properties, plant and equipment, and $0.1
billion of investments and advances.

In July, the joint venture  obtained debt financing,  and made a cash payment of
$835 million to each owner.  The  finalization and settlement of the net working
capital items contributed by each partner is expected in the fourth quarter. Any
imbalances  between the partners'  contributions will be settled in cash and are
not expected to be material.


Note 4. Information Relating to the Statement of Cash Flows

The "Net decrease in operating working capital" is composed of the following:

                                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,
Millions of Dollars                                                2000              1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase in accounts and notes receivable                      $   (573)         $   (475)
(Increase) decrease in inventories                                  (59)                2
Increase in prepaid expenses and other current assets               (98)             (143)
Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities                481             1,532
Increase in income and other taxes payable                        1,001               782
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Net decrease in operating working capital                 $    752          $  1,698
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In June 1999, the company reclassified a reserve of $964 million established for
the Cities  Service  litigation  from  "Deferred  credits and other  non-current
obligations" to "Accrued liabilities."

"Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities" includes the following cash payments
for interest on debt and for income taxes:

                                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,
Millions of Dollars                                                2000              1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interest paid on debt (net of capitalized interest)             $   352           $   333
Income taxes paid                                               $ 1,766           $   321
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  "Net  sales of  marketable  securities"  consists  of the  following  gross

                                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                                            September 30,
Millions of Dollars                                                2000              1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Marketable securities purchased                                 $(1,955)          $(2,230)
Marketable securities sold                                        2,163             2,302
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Net sales of marketable securities                         $   208           $    72
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Other investing cash flows,  net"includes  $835 million paid to Chevron in July
2000 by its affiliate, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC.

"Net purchases of other short-term investments," of $748 million in 2000 were in
a variety of short-term money market instruments, with maturities similar to the
company's commercial paper portfolio.

Included in "Proceeds  from issuance of long-term  debt" of $702 million in 1999
were cash proceeds of $620 million from the company's  Employee Stock  Ownership
Plan (ESOP) in exchange for the assumption of $620 million of existing ESOP debt
in July  1999.  This  transaction  was  recorded  as an  increase  in cash and a
reduction in "Deferred Compensation."

The  Consolidated  Statement  of Cash  Flows  excludes  the  following  non-cash

The  company  combined  its  petrochemicals  businesses  with those of  Phillips
Petroleum  Company in July 2000.  An  increase  in  Chevron's  "Investments  and
advances"  of  $2.8  billion   resulted   primarily  from  the  contribution  of
"Properties, plant and equipment" of $2.1 billion, net working capital assets of
$0.6 billion, and investments and advances of $0.1 billion.


The ESOP  repaid $10  million  and $70  million of matured  debt  guaranteed  by
Chevron  Corporation in January of 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  These payments
were  recorded  by the  company as a reduction  in its debt  outstanding  and in
"Deferred  compensation."  In June 1999,  the ESOP  borrowed an  additional  $25
million,  which is guaranteed by Chevron  Corporation.  This was recorded by the
company as an increase in its debt outstanding and in "Deferred compensation."

In July 1999,  the ESOP borrowed  $620 million of fixed-rate  debt in July 1999,
guaranteed by Chevron  Corporation,  to refinance  ESOP debt assumed by Chevron.
This was recorded by the company as an increase in its debt  outstanding  and in
"Deferred compensation."

The  Rutherford-Moran  Oil  Corporation  and  another  interest  in Block B 8/32
offshore  Thailand  were  acquired in March  1999.  The  consideration  for this
acquisition  included 1.1 million shares of the company's  treasury stock valued
at $91 million.

Note 5.  Gain from the Equity Accounting Effect of Common Stock Transactions
         by Dynegy Inc.

In  accordance  with its  accounting  policy under the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission's Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 51 (SAB 51), the company recorded, as
part of other  income,  a  before-tax  gain of $42 million in the third  quarter
2000,  resulting  mainly  from  stock  issuances  by its  Dynegy  Inc.  (Dynegy)
affiliate related to employee stock option programs. Income tax expense includes
$15 million for deferred  income  taxes  related to these  transactions.  In the
fourth  quarter  2000,  the  Company  expects  to record an  additional  special
before-tax  gain of about $100 million  related to Dynegy's  public common stock
offering in October 2000.

Note 6.  Proposed Merger with Texaco Inc.

On October 16, 2000,  the Company  announced that it had agreed to a merger with
Texaco Inc.,  creating a new company to be known as  ChevronTexaco  Corporation.
The merger,  to be accounted  for as a pooling of  interests,  is expected to be
accretive  to the new  company's  earnings  and cash flow per  share.  Under the
merger agreement,  Texaco shareholders will receive .77 shares of Chevron common
stock for each share of Texaco  common stock they own, and Chevron  shareholders
will  retain  their  existing  shares.  As  a  result  of  the  merger,  Chevron
stockholders will own approximately 61 percent of the combined equity and Texaco
stockholders  will  own  about  39  percent.  The  merger  is  conditioned  upon
shareholder  approval  by  both  companies,   pooling  of  interests  accounting
treatment and regulatory approvals.

For additional  information regarding the merger, refer to the Current Report on
Form 8-K we filed with the U.S.  Securities  and Exchange  Commission on October
16, 2000.

Note 7.  Operating Segments and Geographic Data

Chevron  manages  its  exploration  and  production;   refining,  marketing  and
transportation;  and chemicals  businesses  separately.  The  company's  primary
country of operation is the United States,  its country of domicile.  Activities
in no other country meet the materiality requirements for separate disclosure.

"All  Other"  activities  include  the  company's  share  of  earnings  from and
investment  in Dynegy  Inc.,  corporate  administrative  costs,  worldwide  cash
management  and debt financing  activities,  coal mining  operations,  insurance
operations, and real estate activities.


Sales and other operating revenues by segments,  including  internal  transfers,
for the three- and  nine-month  periods ended  September 30, 2000 and 1999,  are
presented in the following table.

                                                                Three Months Ended           Nine Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,              September 30,
                                                               --------------------      ----------------------
 Millions of Dollars                                              2000         1999         2000          1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exploration and Production
- --------------------------
  United States                                                $ 1,693      $ 1,147      $ 4,254       $ 2,610
  International                                                  2,696        1,853        7,644         4,234
                                                                 4,389        3,000       11,898         6,844
  Intersegment Elimination - United States                        (863)        (577)      (2,343)       (1,299)
  Intersegment Elimination - International                      (1,183)        (879)      (3,426)       (1,967)
Total Exploration and Production                                 2,343        1,544        6,129         3,578
Refining, Marketing and Transportation
- --------------------------------------
  United States                                                  8,160        6,071       22,337        15,097
  International                                                  2,163        1,454        6,363         3,616
                                                                10,323        7,525       28,700        18,713
  Intersegment Elimination - United States                         (30)        (107)        (312)         (255)
  Intersegment Elimination - International                          (1)          (3)          (8)          (11)
Total Refining, Marketing and Transportation                    10,292        7,415       28,380        18,447
- ---------
  United States                                                     82          773        2,055         2,120
  International                                                    193          195          593           563
                                                                   275          968        2,648         2,683
  Intersegment Elimination - United States                         (20)         (45)        (119)         (125)
  Intersegment Elimination - International                           -           (1)           -            (1)
Total Chemicals                                                    255          922        2,529         2,557
All Other
- ---------
  United States                                                     93           99          294           293
  International                                                      4            1           12             5
                                                                    97          100          306           298
  Intersegment Elimination - United States                         (23)         (15)         (69)          (40)
  Intersegment Elimination - International                          (2)          (1)          (8)           (3)
Total All Other                                                     72           84          229           255

Sales and Other Operating Revenues
- ----------------------------------
  United States                                                 10,028        8,090       28,940        20,120
  International                                                  5,056        3,503       14,612         8,418
                                                                15,084       11,593       43,552        28,538
  Intersegment Elimination - United States                        (936)        (744)      (2,843)       (1,719)
  Intersegment Elimination - International                      (1,186)        (884)      (3,442)       (1,982)
Total Sales and Other Operating Revenues                       $12,962      $ 9,965      $37,267       $24,837

*    Effective  July 1, 2000,  does not  include  revenues  from  petrochemicals
     operations that were contributed to the Chevron  Phillips  Chemical Company
     LLC joint venture, which is accounted for under the equity method.


The company evaluates the performance of its operating  segments on an after-tax
basis,  excluding the effects of debt financing  interest  expense or investment
interest income, both of which are managed by Chevron Corporation on a worldwide
basis.  Corporate  administrative  costs and  assets  are not  allocated  to the
operating segments;  however, operating segments are billed for direct corporate
services.  Nonbillable costs remain as corporate center expenses.  Net income by
segment for the three- and nine-month  periods ended September 30, 2000 and 1999
is presented in the following table.

                                                                 Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
                                                                      September 30,              September 30,
                                                               --------------------        -------------------
 Millions of Dollars                                              2000         1999         2000          1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exploration and Production
- --------------------------
  United States*                                               $   522       $  219       $1,275        $  347
  International                                                    718          322        1,951           659
Total Exploration and Production                                 1,240          541        3,226         1,006
Refining, Marketing and Transportation
- --------------------------------------
  United States                                                    105           97          265           288
  International                                                     47          (21)          76           127
Total Refining, Marketing and Transportation                       152           76          341           415
- ---------
  United States                                                      3           25           93             4
  International                                                     21            6           50            37
Total Chemicals                                                     24           31          143            41

Total Segment Income                                             1,416          648        3,710         1,462

Interest Expense                                                   (70)         (82)        (246)         (236
Interest Income                                                     22           17           57            44
Other*                                                             163           (1)         170            (9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                                                     $ 1,531       $  582       $3,691        $1,261

*    1999 restated to conform to the 2000  presentation.  Effective  January 1, 2000,  the company's  share of
     earnings from Dynegy Inc. is reported in Other.


Segment  assets at September 30, 2000,  and December 31, 1999,  are presented in
the following table. Segment assets do not include  intercompany  investments or
intercompany receivables.

                                                                     September 30,        December 31,
Millions of Dollars                                                           2000                1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exploration and Production
- --------------------------
   United States                                                           $ 5,518             $ 5,215
   International                                                            14,125              13,748
Total Exploration and Production                                            19,643              18,963
Refining, Marketing and Transportation
- --------------------------------------
   United States                                                             8,357               8,178
   International                                                             3,923               3,609
Total Refining, Marketing and Transportation                                12,280              11,787
- ---------
   United States                                                             2,495               3,303
   International                                                               711                 923
Total Chemicals                                                              3,206               4,226

Total Segment Assets                                                        35,129              34,976
All Other
- ---------
   United States                                                             4,417               3,825
   International                                                             2,100               1,867
Total All Other                                                              6,517               5,692

Total Assets - United States                                                20,787              20,521
Total Assets - International                                                20,859              20,147
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Assets                                                               $41,646             $40,668

Note 8.  Summarized Financial Data - Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

At September 30, 2000, Chevron U.S.A. Inc. was Chevron  Corporation's  principal
operating  company,  consisting  primarily  of  the  company's  U.S.  integrated
petroleum  operations  (excluding most of the domestic pipeline  operations) and
the  majority  of  the  company's  worldwide  petrochemical  operations.   These
operations were conducted by Chevron U.S.A. Production Company, Chevron Products
Company and, until June 30, 2000, by Chevron  Chemical Company LLC. As described
in Note 3 above,  Chevron combined its  petrochemicals  businesses with those of
Phillips  Petroleum  Company on July 1, 2000, to form Chevron Phillips  Chemical
Company LLC.  Chevron U.S.A.  Inc. holds a 50 percent equity  ownership in CPCC.
Summarized  financial  information for Chevron U.S.A.  Inc. and its consolidated
subsidiaries is presented as follows:

                                                       Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                                             September 30,               September 30,
                                                      --------------------          ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                        2000       1999             2000       1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales and other operating revenues                      $10,444     $8,182          $30,127    $20,481
Costs and other deductions                                9,586      7,918           28,079     20,142
Net income                                                  778        213            1,606        421


                                                          At September 30,             At December 31,
Millions of Dollars                                                   2000                       1999*
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets                                                    $  4,109                    $  3,889
Other assets                                                        20,523                      20,687

Current liabilities                                                  4,218                       4,685
Other liabilities                                                    8,650                       9,730

Net equity                                                          11,764                      10,161

Memo: Total Debt                                                  $  5,415                    $  7,462
*    Certain asset and liability balances have been restated. Net equity remains unchanged

Note 9. Summarized Financial Data - Chevron Transport Corporation Limited

Chevron  Transport  Corporation  Limited  (CTC),  a Bermuda  corporation,  is an
indirect,  wholly owned  subsidiary of Chevron  Corporation.  Effective  July 1,
1999, Chevron Transport  Corporation,  a Liberian  corporation,  was merged into
CTC,  which  assumed  all of the assets  and  liabilities  of Chevron  Transport
Corporation.  CTC is the principal  operator of Chevron's  international  tanker
fleet and is  engaged  in the  marine  transportation  of crude oil and  refined
petroleum  products.  Most of CTC's  shipping  revenue is  derived by  providing
transportation  services to other Chevron  companies.  Chevron  Corporation  has
guaranteed  this  subsidiary's  obligations  in  connection  with  certain  debt
securities  where  CTC  is  deemed  to be an  issuer.  In  accordance  with  the
Securities and Exchange Commission's disclosure requirements for CTC, summarized
financial  information  for CTC and its  consolidated  subsidiaries is presented
below. This summarized  financial data was derived from the financial statements
prepared  on a  stand-alone  basis  in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States.

                                                       Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                                             September 30,               September 30,
                                                       -------------------           -----------------
Millions of Dollars                                        2000       1999             2000       1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sales and other operating revenues                         $193       $122             $486       $392
Costs and other deductions                                  205        140              548        437
Net loss                                                    (10)       (20)             (62)       (31)

                                                          At September 30,             At December 31,
Millions of Dollars                                                   2000                        1999
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current assets                                                    $    256                    $    184
Other assets                                                           503                         742

Current liabilities                                                    460                         580
Other liabilities                                                      249                         264

Net equity                                                              50                          82

In April 2000,  CTC's parent  contributed  an additional  $30 million of paid in
capital to CTC.

Separate  financial  statements  and other  disclosures  with respect to CTC are
omitted,  as such separate  financial  statements and other  disclosures are not
material to investors in the debt securities deemed issued by CTC. There were no
restrictions  on CTC's  ability to pay  dividends  or make loans or  advances at
September 30, 2000.

Note 10. Summarized Financial Data - Caltex Group of Companies

Summarized  financial  information  for the Caltex Group of Companies,  owned 50
percent  by  Chevron  and 50 percent  by Texaco  Inc.,  is as  follows  (amounts
reported are on a 100 percent Caltex Group basis):


                                                        Three Months Ended            Nine Months Ended
                                                              September 30,               September 30,
                                                        -------------------          ------------------
 Millions of Dollars                                        2000       1999             2000       1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Gross revenues*                                          $5,129     $4,048          $14,034    $10,185
 Income before income taxes                                  299        148              782        666
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Net income                                                  148         35              378        378

 * 1999 reclassified to conform to the 2000 presentation, netting
   certain  offsetting trading sale and purchase  contracts.  The
   reclassification had no impact on net income.

Note 11.  Income Taxes

"Income Tax  Expense"  for the third  quarter and nine months of 2000 was $1.139
billion and $2.962  billion,  respectively,  compared with $525 million and $937
million for the  comparable  1999  periods.  The effective tax rate for the 2000
nine  months was 44.5  percent  compared  with 42.6  percent in last year's nine
months. The increase in the effective tax rate was primarily the result of lower
after-tax  earnings for equity affiliates as a proportion of before-tax  income,
the absence of tax  benefits  attributable  to the 1999  utilization  of capital
losses,  and a decline in U.S. tax credits as a proportion of before-tax income.
Partially  offsetting these factors in 2000 were lower foreign income taxes as a
percentage  of  income  and  a  reduction  in  the  impact  of  prior-year   tax

Note 12.  Litigation

Chevron and five other oil companies  filed suit in 1995 contesting the validity
of a patent  granted to Unocal  Corporation  for  reformulated  gasoline,  which
Chevron sells in California  in certain  months of the year. In March 2000,  the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal  Circuit  upheld a trial court's  decision
that Unocal's  patent was valid and  enforceable,  and assessed  damages of 5.75
cents per gallon for gasoline  produced in  infringement  of the patent.  In May
2000,  the Federal  Circuit Court denied a petition for rehearing  with the U.S.
Court of Appeals  for the  Federal  Circuit  filed by Chevron and the five other
defendants  in this case.  The  defendant  companies  have  petitioned  the U.S.
Supreme Court for the case to be heard. Amicus briefs have been filed in support
of the  petition  by  California,  thirty  two other  states,  the  District  of
Columbia,  seven members of Congress, the American Petroleum Institute and other
trade  associations,  and General  Motors.  In October  2000,  the Supreme Court
issued an order requesting the U.S. Solicitor General to submit a brief with its
views as to whether the case should be heard. If Unocal's  patent  ultimately is
upheld,  the company's  financial  exposure includes royalties for production of
gasoline that is ruled to have infringed the patent, plus interest.  As a result
of the March 2000  ruling,  the  company  recorded  an  after-tax  charge of $62
million in the first  quarter.  The  majority  of this charge  pertained  to the
estimated royalty on gasoline production in the early part of a four-year period
ending  December  31,  1999,  before  the  company  modified  its  manufacturing
processes to minimize the  production  of gasoline that  allegedly  infringed on
Unocal's  patented  formulations.  Subsequently,  the company has accrued in the
normal course of business  additional amounts for potential  infringement of the
patent  covered by the trial court's  ruling.  In June 2000,  Chevron paid $22.7
million to Unocal - $17.2  million for the  original  court  judgement  and $5.5
million  of  interest  and fees.  Unocal has  obtained  additional  patents  for
alternate  formulations  that  could  affect  a larger  share  of U.S.  gasoline
production.   Chevron  believes  these   additional   patents  are  invalid  and
unenforceable.  However,  if such patents are ultimately upheld, the competitive
and financial effects on the company's refining and marketing operations,  while
presently indeterminable, could be material.

There is an ongoing  public debate  concerning  the petroleum  industry's use of
MTBE and its potential  environmental  impact through seepage into  groundwater.
Along with other oil  companies,  the company is a party to lawsuits  and claims
related to the use of the chemical MTBE in certain oxygenated  gasolines.  These
actions may require the company to correct or ameliorate the alleged  effects on
the  environment  of prior  disposal  or release of MTBE by the company or other
parties.  Additional lawsuits and claims related to the use of MTBE may be filed
in the future.  Costs to the company  related to these  lawsuits  and claims are
indeterminable  due  to  such  factors  as the  unknown  magnitude  of  possible
contamination,  the unknown timing and extent of the corrective actions that may
be required, the determination of the company's liability in proportion to other
responsible  parties,  and the extent to which such costs are  recoverable  from
third  parties.  Chevron has  eliminated the use of MTBE in gasoline it sells in
certain areas.


Note 13. Other Contingencies and Commitments

The U.S. federal income tax liabilities of the company have been settled through
1993.  The  company's  California  franchise tax  liabilities  have been settled
through  1991.  Settlement  of open tax  years,  as well as tax  issues in other
countries where the company  conducts its businesses,  is not expected to have a
material  effect on the  consolidated  financial  position or  liquidity  of the
company and, in the opinion of management,  adequate provision has been made for
income and franchise taxes for all years under  examination or subject to future

The company and its subsidiaries have certain other contingent  liabilities with
respect to guarantees,  direct or indirect,  of debt of affiliated  companies or
others  and  long-term   unconditional  purchase  obligations  and  commitments,
throughput  agreements  and  take-or-pay  agreements,  some of which  relate  to
suppliers' financing arrangements.

The company is subject to loss contingencies  pursuant to environmental laws and
regulations  that in the future may require the company to correct or ameliorate
the  effects on the  environment  of prior  disposal  or release of  chemical or
petroleum  substances,  including  MTBE, by the company or other  parties.  Such
contingencies  may  exist for  various  sites  including,  but not  limited  to:
Superfund sites and refineries,  oil fields,  service stations,  terminals,  and
land development areas,  whether  operating,  closed or sold. The amount of such
future cost is  indeterminable  due to factors such as the unknown  magnitude of
possible contamination,  the unknown timing and extent of the corrective actions
that may be required, the determination of the company's liability in proportion
to other responsible parties, and the extent to which such costs are recoverable
from third  parties.  While the company  has  provided  for known  environmental
obligations  that are probable and  reasonably  estimable,  the amount of future
costs may be material to results of  operations  in the period in which they are
recognized. The company does not expect these costs to have a material effect on
its consolidated financial position or liquidity.

The company believes it has no material market or credit risk to its operations,
financial  position  or  liquidity  as a result  of its  commodities,  and other
derivatives  activities.  However,  the  results  of  operations  and  financial
position of the company's equity affiliates  Caltex and Dynegy,  may be affected
by their business activities involving the use of derivative instruments.

The company's  operations,  particularly oil and gas exploration and production,
can be affected by changing economic,  regulatory and political  environments in
the various  countries in which it operates,  including  the United  States.  In
certain  locations,  host  governments have imposed  restrictions,  controls and
taxes; and, in others,  political  conditions have existed that may threaten the
safety of employees and the  company's  continued  presence in those  countries.
Internal unrest or strained  relations between a host government and the company
or other  governments may affect the company's  operations.  Those  developments
have, at times,  significantly  affected the company's  related  operations  and
results, and are carefully considered by management when evaluating the level of
current and future  activity in such  countries.  Areas in which the company has
significant operations include the United States, Canada,  Australia, the United
Kingdom,  Norway,  Republic of Congo,  Angola,  Nigeria,  Democratic Republic of
Congo, Papua New Guinea, China, Venezuela,  Thailand,  Argentina and Brazil. The
company's  Caltex  affiliates have significant  operations in Indonesia,  Korea,
Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and South Africa. The company's
Tengizchevroil affiliate operates in Kazakhstan.  The company's Dynegy affiliate
has  operations  in the United  States,  Canada,  the United  Kingdom  and other
European countries.

Note 14. New Accounting Standards

In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement
No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities"  (FAS
133).  In June 1999,  the FASB issued  Statement  No. 137,  which  deferred  the
effective  date of FAS  133,  making  the  statement  effective  for all  fiscal
quarters of fiscal years beginning  after June 15, 2000,  with earlier  adoption
encouraged.  In June 2000, the FASB issued Statement No. 138, which amended some
of the  accounting  and reporting  provisions of FAS 133. The company will adopt
FAS 133, as amended by FAS 138,  effective January 1, 2001. Based on its current
level of activity  with  derivative  instruments,  the  Company  does not expect
adoption of FAS 133 and FAS 138 to have a  significant  impact on its results of
operations  and  financial  position.  The results of  operations  and financial
position  of certain  equity  affiliates  may,  however,  be  affected  by their
business activities involving the use of derivative  instruments and adoption of
FAS 133 and FAS 138.  The effect of the adoption of FAS 133 and FAS 138 is under
review by these equity affiliates.



               Third Quarter 2000 Compared With Third Quarter 1999
               And Nine Months 2000 Compared With Nine Months 1999

Financial Results
- -----------------

                                EARNINGS SUMMARY

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                           ---------------------       -------------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Earnings
    Exploration and Production                             $1,290         $  586        $3,276      $1,103
    Refining, Marketing and Transportation                    307            117           558         430
    Chemicals and Other                                        50             (1)           60         (66
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total*                                               1,647            702         3,894       1,467
Special Items                                                (116)          (120)         (203)       (206
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Net Income*                                  $1,531         $  582        $3,691      $1,261
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*  Includes Foreign Currency Gains (Losses)                   $75            $(7)         $150        $(48)

Net income for the third quarter of 2000 was $1.531  billion  ($2.35 per share -
diluted), compared with third quarter 1999 net income of $582 million ($0.88 per
share - diluted).  Net income for this year's third quarter included charges for
environmental remediation for U.S. refining,  marketing and chemicals facilities
of $136 million,  impairment of U.S. producing properties and pipeline assets of
$80 million and prior-period tax adjustments of $26 million.  These charges were
partially offset by gains of $99 million from the sale of marketable  securities
and $27 million from the equity accounting  effect of common stock  transactions
by Chevron's  equity  affiliate,  Dynegy Inc. Last year's third quarter included
special charges of $79 million for asset impairments,  $31 million for losses on
asset  dispositions and $10 million for  environmental  remediation  provisions.
Excluding  net  charges  for  special  items in both  quarters,  earnings  on an
operational  basis were $1.647  billion  ($2.53 per share - diluted),  more than
double the $702 million ($1.07 per share - diluted), earned in the 1999 quarter.

Net income for the first nine months of 2000 was $3.691 billion ($5.65 per share
- - diluted),  compared with nine months 1999 net income of $1.261  billion ($1.91
per share - diluted).  Net income for the first nine months of 2000 included net
special  charges of $203 million,  while the 1999 period included net charges of
$206 million.  After  excluding  these special  items,  operating  earnings were
$3.894 billion ($5.96 per share - diluted) in 2000, compared with $1.467 billion
($2.23 per share - diluted) in 1999.

The  improved  financial  performance  for the  quarter  and  year-to-date  2000
primarily   reflected  the  continued   strength  of  the  company's   worldwide
exploration and production (upstream)  operations,  which benefited from sharply
higher crude oil and natural gas prices and increased  worldwide  production - a
result  of the  company's  ongoing  strategic  focus  on  growing  the  upstream

Higher profits in the U.S. refining and marketing  (downstream)  business in the
third quarter 2000 complemented the very strong performance from the exploration
and production  operations.  U.S. downstream results reflected stronger industry
margins  for most  products  and the absence of  operating  problems at the West
Coast  refineries  experienced  in the  1999  period.  International  downstream
operating earnings remained depressed in the third quarter,  driven primarily by
poor  results from the  company's  Caltex  affiliate.  Though  refining  margins
gradually  have  strengthened  in the Far East,  product  prices  have not risen
sufficiently  to recover  the  higher  cost of crude oil and  improve  marketing

The strong operating earnings in the third quarter resulted in an average return
on capital  employed for the 12 months  ending  September  30, 2000, of about 20


Operating Environment and Outlook
- ---------------------------------
Chevron's  earnings are  significantly  affected by fluctuations in the price of
crude  oil and  natural  gas.  Prices  in the  first  nine  months  of 2000 were
considerably  higher than in the  corresponding  period in 1999 - primarily  the
result of the 1999  agreement  among  certain OPEC and  non-OPEC  oil  producing
countries to restrict the  production of crude oil, as well as rising  worldwide
demand and low petroleum inventories worldwide.  The average spot price for West
Texas  Intermediate  (WTI), a benchmark crude oil, was $29.78 per barrel for the
first nine  months of 2000,  up nearly 70 percent  from $17.58 per barrel in the
corresponding  1999 period.  Average  U.S.  natural gas prices for the 2000 nine
months were also  significantly  higher.  The average Henry Hub spot natural gas
price of $3.56 per thousand cubic feet  increased 63 percent,  compared with the
1999 nine  months.  Crude oil and natural gas prices will  continue to fluctuate
for the remainder of the year,  but are likely to remain higher than last year's
levels  if  worldwide  demand  continues  to be  strong  and the  oil  producing
countries do not increase production substantially.

Chevron's  production  levels had not been  materially  affected  by  production
curtailments  prior to the easing of the OPEC and non-OPEC  restrictions  in the
second and third quarters of this year.  Similarly,  the company does not expect
any  change to these  restrictions  to have a  material  impact  on its  overall
production  levels.  However,  such curtailments or limits may have an effect on
the level of new production  from current and future  development  projects.  As
producing   countries'  revenue  streams  fluctuate  with  changing  prices  and
production, their capital available to fund petroleum development activities may
change. In addition, civil unrest, political uncertainty and economic conditions
may affect the company's producing operations. Community protests have disrupted
the  company's  production  in the past,  most  notably in Nigeria.  The company
continues to monitor developments closely in the countries in which it operates.

Earnings from the company's  worldwide  refining,  marketing and  transportation
businesses generally remain low relative to the amount of capital employed. U.S.
downstream  earnings  improved in the third  quarter  2000,  and earnings in the
future  will  depend on refined  products  margins  in  Chevron's  primary  U.S.
operating areas - the West Coast, the South and Southwest.  Caltex operations in
the Far East continue to suffer from weak refined product margins resulting from
over-capacity,  higher feedstock costs and a highly  competitive  environment in
the Asia-Pacific  market.  Caltex may continue to be adversely affected by these
conditions throughout the remainder of this year.

The outlook for the company's chemicals  businesses remains mixed. While results
early  in  the  year  benefited  from  price  increases  for  certain  commodity
chemicals, the industry has experienced a recent weakening of margins that could
result in lower near-term earnings.

Significant Developments
- ------------------------
Some of the operational highlights since the second quarter of this year were as

ChevronTexaco  Merger  Agreement:  Chevron  and Texaco  announced  in October an
agreement to combine the two companies into an integrated energy company that is
expected to achieve annual savings of at least $1.2 billion within 6 to 9 months
of the merger completion.  Chevron will issue 0.77 of its common shares for each
share of Texaco common stock. The new company - ChevronTexaco - will have strong
upstream   positions,   including  oil  and  gas  reserves  and  production  and
exploration  opportunities;  an  integrated,  worldwide  refining and  marketing
business;  a global chemicals business;  significant growth platforms in natural
gas and power; and industry-leading skills in technology innovation.  The merger
is conditioned upon shareholder approval by both companies, pooling of interests
accounting treatment for the merger and government agency regulatory approvals.

Tengiz:  Chevron  reached  final  agreement on the  purchase of an  additional 5
percent stake in  Tengizchevroil  (TCO). Upon obtaining local approvals to close
the  transaction,  Chevron's equity interest in TCO will increase to 50 percent.
In the third quarter of 2000, TCO's average total gross crude oil production was
223,000  barrels  per  day.  Gross  production  in the  fourth  quarter  2000 is
projected  to  average  260,000  barrels  per  day,  as a result  of the  recent
completion of a processing plant expansion and turnaround work.

Caspian Pipeline:  Construction of a pipeline by the Caspian Pipeline Consortium
(CPC),  in which  Chevron  owns a 15  percent  interest,  is on  schedule  for a
mid-2001  start-up.  The  pipeline  will  connect  the  Tengiz  Field in western
Kazakhstan to the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. Nearly all of the 460 miles of
new pipe have been installed,  and refurbishment  work on the existing 475 miles
of pipeline is progressing.  Work is also under way on the terminal, storage and
mooring facilities at Novorossiysk. CPC has spent more than $1.3 billion to date
on the project.


Angola:  Chevron  announced its sixth major discovery since 1997, and the second
this year,  in deepwater  Block 14, where the company is operator and holds a 31
percent interest.  This discovery,  named Lobito, followed the Tomboco discovery
earlier this year. The Lobito  discovery will be followed by appraisal  drilling
as well as geologic and engineering studies to evaluate the field and assess its
potential  reserves.  The  first  appraisal  well is  currently  being  drilled.
Development  plans  for both the  Lobito  and  Tomboco  fields  are in the early
stages,  but could provide  synergies  with the  development of the Benguela and
Belize fields that were discovered in 1998.

Australia:  In September,  the North West Shelf Venture,  in which Chevron has a
one-sixth  interest,  announced  the  signing of letters of intent to supply one
million  tons of  liquefied  natural  gas per year for 25 years to two  Japanese
customers.  These  agreements  provide the  foundation  for the expansion of the
joint venture's production facilities by 50 percent.

Gas-to-Liquids  Activities:  In  September,  Chevron and the  Nigerian  National
Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) announced additional major initiatives to convert natural
gas into clean petroleum fuels and to significantly reduce the amount of natural
gas being flared in their  Nigerian  joint venture  exploration  and  production
operations.  A Chevron  and NNPC  gas-to-liquids  facility,  which will  combine
technologies  from  Sasol  and  Chevron,  will be built  adjacent  to the  joint
venture's existing operations at Escravos.  In a separate  development,  Chevron
and Sasol also  announced the signing of the final  agreements for the formation
of a new company,  Sasol Chevron  Holdings,  as part of their 50/50 global joint
venture  founded  on  gas-to-liquids  technology.  The new  company  intends  to
implement  gas-to-liquids ventures worldwide,  anticipating investments totaling
in  excess  of $5  billion  over the next 5 to 10 years  and  using  proprietary
technologies of both companies.

Contingencies and Significant Litigation
- ----------------------------------------
Chevron and five other oil companies  filed suit in 1995 contesting the validity
of a patent  granted to Unocal  Corporation  for  reformulated  gasoline,  which
Chevron sells in California  in certain  months of the year. In March 2000,  the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal  Circuit  upheld a trial court's  decision
that  Unocal's  patent was valid and  enforceable  and assessed  damages of 5.75
cents per gallon for gasoline  produced in  infringement  of the patent.  In May
2000,  the Federal  Circuit Court denied a petition for rehearing  with the U.S.
Court of Appeals  for the  Federal  Circuit  filed by Chevron and the five other
defendants in this case. The defendant  companies  petitioned  the U.S.  Supreme
Court in August 2000 for the case to be heard.  Amicus briefs have been filed in
support of the petition by California,  thirty two other states, the District of
Columbia,  seven members of Congress, the American Petroleum Institute and other
trade  associations,  and General  Motors.  In October  2000,  the Supreme Court
issued an order requesting the U.S. Solicitor General to submit a brief with its
views as to whether the case should be heard. If Unocal's  patent  ultimately is
upheld, the company's financial exposure includes royalties,  plus interest, for
production of gasoline that is ruled to have  infringed the patent.  As a result
of the March 2000 ruling, the company recorded a special after-tax charge of $62
million in the first  quarter.  The  majority  of this charge  pertained  to the
estimated royalty on gasoline production in the early part of a four-year period
ending  December  31,  1999,  before  the  company  modified  its  manufacturing
processes to minimize the  production  of gasoline that  allegedly  infringed on
Unocal's  patented  formulations.  Subsequently,  the company has accrued in the
normal  course  of  business  any  future  estimated   liability  for  potential
infringement  of the patent covered by the trial court's  ruling.  In June 2000,
Chevron  paid $22.7  million to Unocal - $17.2  million for the  original  court
judgement and $5.5 million of interest and fees. Unocal has obtained  additional
patents for  alternate  formulations  that could  affect a larger  share of U.S.
gasoline  production.  Chevron believes these additional patents are invalid and
unenforceable.  However,  if such patents are ultimately upheld, the competitive
and financial effects on the company's refining and marketing operations,  while
presently indeterminable, could be material.

There is an ongoing  public debate  concerning  the petroleum  industry's use of
MTBE and its potential  environmental  impact through seepage into  groundwater.
Along with other oil  companies,  the company is a party to lawsuits  and claims
related to the use of the chemical MTBE in certain oxygenated  gasolines.  These
actions may require the company to correct or ameliorate the alleged  effects on
the  environment  of prior  disposal  or release of MTBE by the company or other
parties.  Additional lawsuits and claims related to the use of MTBE may be filed
in the future. Costs to the company related to these lawsuits and claims are not
presently  determinable.  Chevron has  eliminated the use of MTBE in gasoline it
sells in certain areas.

Chevron is subject to loss  contingencies  pursuant  to  environmental  laws and
regulations  that in the future may require the company to correct or ameliorate
the  effects on the  environment  of prior  disposal  or release of  chemical or
petroleum  substances,  including  MTBE, by the company or other  parties.  Such
contingencies  may  exist for  various  sites  including,  but not  limited  to:
Superfund sites,  refineries,  oil fields, service stations,  terminals and land


development areas, whether operating,  closed or sold. The amount of such future
cost is indeterminable  due to factors such as the unknown magnitude of possible
contamination;  the unknown timing and extent of the corrective actions that may
be required; the determination of the company's liability in proportion to other
responsible  parties;  and the extent to which such costs are  recoverable  from
third  parties.   While  the  company  has  provided  for  known   environmental
obligations  that are probable and  reasonably  estimable,  the amount of future
costs may be material to results of  operations  in the period in which they are
recognized. The company does not expect these costs to have a material effect on
its consolidated financial position or liquidity.

The company and its subsidiaries have certain other contingent  liabilities with
respect to  guarantees,  direct or  indirect,  debt of  affiliated  companies or
others, long-term unconditional purchase obligations and commitments, throughput
agreements  and  take-or-pay  agreements,  some of which  relate  to  suppliers'
financing arrangements.

Chevron utilizes various derivative  instruments to manage its exposure to price
risk stemming from its integrated petroleum activities. All of these instruments
are  commonly  used  in oil  and  gas  trading  activities  and  are  relatively
straightforward,  involve little  complexity  and are of a short-term  duration.
Most of the  activity  in these  instruments  is  intended  to hedge a  physical
transaction.  The company  believes it has no material market or credit risks to
its operations,  financial  position or liquidity as a result of its commodities
and other  derivatives  activities,  including  forward  exchange  contracts and
interest  rate swaps.  Chevron's  control  systems  are  designed to monitor and
manage  its  financial   exposures  in  accordance  with  company  policies  and
procedures.  The results of operations  and financial  position of the company's
equity affiliates Dynegy and Caltex may be affected by their business activities
involving the use of derivative instruments.

The company's  operations,  particularly oil and gas exploration and production,
can be affected by changing economic,  regulatory and political  environments in
the various  countries in which it operates,  including  the United  States.  In
certain  locations,  host  governments have imposed  restrictions,  controls and
taxes; and, in others,  political  conditions have existed that may threaten the
safety of employees and the  company's  continued  presence in those  countries.
Internal unrest or strained  relations between a host government and the company
or other  governments may affect the company's  operations.  Those  developments
have, at times,  significantly  affected the company's  related  operations  and
results, and are carefully considered by management when evaluating the level of
current and future  activity in such  countries.  Areas in which the company has
significant operations include the United States, Canada,  Australia, the United
Kingdom,  Norway,  Republic of Congo,  Angola,  Nigeria,  Democratic Republic of
Congo, Papua New Guinea, China, Venezuela,  Thailand,  Argentina and Brazil. The
company's  Caltex  affiliates have significant  operations in Indonesia,  Korea,
Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and South Africa. The company's
Tengizchevroil affiliate operates in Kazakhstan.  The company's Dynegy affiliate
has  operations  in the United  States,  Canada,  the United  Kingdom  and other
European countries.

Chevron  receives  claims  from,  and  submits  claims  to,  customers,  trading
partners, host governments,  contractors, insurers and suppliers. The amounts of
these claims,  individually  and in the aggregate,  may be significant  and take
lengthy  periods to resolve.  The company also suspends the costs of exploratory
wells pending a final  determination of the commercial  potential of the related
oil and gas fields. The ultimate disposition of these well costs is dependent on
the results of future drilling  activity and/or  development  decisions.  If the
company  decides  not to  continue  development,  the  costs of these  wells are
expensed.  The company and its  affiliates  also  continue to review and analyze
their operations and may close, abandon, sell, exchange,  acquire or restructure
assets  to  achieve   operational   or   strategic   benefits   and  to  improve
competitiveness and profitability.  These activities,  individually or together,
may result in gains or losses in future periods.

New Accounting Standards
- ------------------------
In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement
No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments and Hedging  Activities"  (FAS
133).  In June 1999,  the FASB issued  Statement  No. 137,  which  deferred  the
effective  date of FAS  133,  making  the  statement  effective  for all  fiscal
quarters of fiscal years beginning  after June 15, 2000,  with earlier  adoption
encouraged.  In June 2000, the FASB issued Statement No. 138, which amended some
of the  accounting  and reporting  provisions of FAS 133. The company will adopt
FAS 133, as amended by FAS 138,  effective January 1, 2001. Based on its current
level of activity  with  derivative  instruments,  the  company  does not expect
adoption of FAS 133 and FAS 138 to have a  significant  impact on its results of
operations  and  financial  position.  The results of  operations  and financial
position  of certain  equity  affiliates  may,  however,  be  affected  by their
business activities involving the use of derivative  instruments and adoption of
FAS 133 and FAS 138.  The effect of the adoption of FAS 133 and FAS 138 is under
review by these equity affiliates.


Review of Operations
- --------------------
Total  revenues for the quarter were $13.6 billion,  a 33 percent  increase from
$10.2 billion in last year's third  quarter.  For the first nine months of 2000,
total revenues were $38.5 billion,  compared with $25.6 billion in the 1999 nine
months.  Revenues  increased  primarily on sharply  higher prices for crude oil,
natural gas and refined products.

Third quarter 2000 total operating  expenses  (operating,  selling,  general and
administrative  expenses) were $1.539 billion,  excluding  special items, or $90
million  higher than during the 1999 third quarter.  For the nine-month  period,
total operating expenses, excluding special items, were $4.755 billion, compared
with $4.557 billion in last year's period.  On a per-barrel basis, the company's
total  operating  expenses were up 77 cents to $5.77 in the first nine months of
2000, compared with the prior-year period. Most of the increase was attributable
to higher fuel costs - associated with higher crude oil and natural gas prices -
for the  company's  refineries  and other  facilities,  along with higher tanker
chartering  rates  to  satisfy  the  company's  increased  international  tanker
transportation requirements.

Depreciation,  depletion and amortization  (DD&A) expense of $801 million in the
third  quarter  2000 was $34  million  higher  than the  1999  quarter.  For the
nine-month period,  DD&A of $2.151 billion was $185 million higher than the 1999
nine months.  DD&A related to asset  impairments  was $139 million for the third
quarter and first nine months of 2000. In 1999, asset impairments raised DD&A by
$156 million for the third  quarter and $211 million in the year to date period.
After adjusting for asset impairments,  the remaining  increases in DD&A for the
third quarter and year-to-date  periods were primarily related to properties in
Thailand and Argentina  acquired in 1999. In the third quarter,  these increases
were partially offset by lower DD&A for chemicals  operations due to the absence
of depreciation for assets  contributed to the Chevron Phillips Chemical Company
LLC equity affiliate in July 2000.

Taxes on  income  for the third  quarter  and nine  months  of 2000 were  $1.139
billion and $2.962  billion,  respectively,  compared with $525 million and $937
million for the  comparable  1999  periods.  The effective tax rate for the 2000
nine-month  period was 44.5  percent,  compared with 42.6 percent in last year's
nine months.  The increase in the effective tax rate was primarily the result of
lower  after-tax  earnings from equity  affiliates as a proportion of before-tax
income,  the absence of tax benefits  attributable  to the 1999  utilization  of
capital losses,  and a decline in U.S. tax credits as a proportion of before-tax
income.  Partially  offsetting  these factors in 2000 was lower  foreign  income
taxes as a percentage  of income and a reduction in the impact of prior year tax

Foreign  currency gains  increased third quarter 2000 net income by $75 million,
while losses of $7 million decreased  earnings in the year-ago quarter.  For the
nine-month  periods,  foreign currency gains were $150 million in 2000, compared
with losses of $48 million in the 1999  period.  During  2000,  the U.S.  dollar
strengthened  against  the  currencies  of a number of  countries,  particularly
Australia, the United Kingdom, Norway and Canada.

The  following  table  details  the  company's  after-tax  net  income  by major
operating area.



                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exploration and Production
    United States (1)                                      $ 522            $219        $1,275      $  347
    International                                             718            322         1,951         659
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Exploration and Production                            1,240            541         3,226       1,006
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Refining, Marketing and Transportation
    United States                                             105             97           265         288
    International                                              47            (21)           76         127
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Refining, Marketing and Transportation                  152             76           341         415
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chemicals                                                      24             31           143          41
All Other (1),(2)                                             115            (66)          (19)       (201)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income                                             $1,531           $582        $3,691      $1,261
(1) 1999 restated to conform to the 2000 presentation. Effective with the first quarter 2000, the company's
    share of earnings for Dynegy, Inc. is reported in All Other.
(2) Includes coal-mining operations, Dynegy Inc. equity earnings, worldwide cash
    management and debt financing  activities,  corporate  administrative costs,
    marketable securities, corporate center costs, insurance operations and real
    estate activities.

U.S. Exploration and Production
- -------------------------------

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                            --------------------        ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Earnings                                           $572           $264        $1,325        $444
Special Items                                                 (50)           (45)          (50)        (97)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income                                               $522           $219        $1,275        $347

U.S.  exploration and production  operating earnings rose in the 2000 periods on
significantly higher crude oil and natural gas realizations, offset partially by
higher operating  expenses - mainly higher fuel costs - and the absence of gains
from property sales.  Special items for the third quarter and year-to-date  2000
consisted  of charges  for the  impairment  of Mobile  Blocks 861 and 916 in the
Norphlet Trend and the Gemini  development  located in Mississippi  Canyon Block
292.  Special  items for the 1999  third  quarter  included  write-downs  of $45
million  for oil and gas  properties  in the Gulf of Mexico.  In addition to the
third  quarter  write-downs,  earnings in the 1999 nine  months were  reduced by
special  charges  of $26  million  for  restructuring  costs,  $23  million  for
litigation and regulatory  issues and $3 million for  environmental  remediation

For the third quarter  2000,  the company's  average  crude oil  realization  of
$28.36 per  barrel was up 57 percent  from the  year-ago  quarter;  the  average
natural gas  realization of $4.42 per thousand cubic feet rose 78 percent.  On a
year-to-date  basis,  crude oil realizations in 2000 were $26.67 per barrel,  88
percent higher than the $14.20 per barrel  obtained in 1999.  Natural gas prices
were $3.41 per thousand cubic feet in the nine-month  period,  66 percent higher
than the $2.06 per thousand cubic feet obtained last year.

Net liquids  production  for the third  quarter and nine months of 2000 averaged
319,000 and 312,000 barrels per day,  respectively,  both down slightly from the
corresponding  1999  periods.  Third  quarter  2000 net natural  gas  production
averaged  1.6  billion  cubic feet per day,  down 3 percent  from the 1999 third
quarter.  On a  year-to-date  basis,  natural  gas  production  was down about 7
percent to 1.5 billion cubic feet per day this year. On an oil-equivalent basis,
overall  production  decreased  about 2 percent from the year-ago  quarter and 3
percent year to date.  New and enhanced  production in deepwater and other areas
of the Gulf of Mexico was more than  offset by the  effects  of asset  sales and
normal field  declines.  The third quarter's  oil-equivalent  production was the
highest quarterly average thus far in 2000, partly as a result of increased well
workover and development  drilling  activity,  undertaken to realize  additional
benefits from higher oil and gas prices through increased production.


International Exploration and Production
- ----------------------------------------

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                             -------------------         -----------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Earnings*                                          $718           $322        $1,951        $659
Special Items                                                   -              -             -           -
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income*                                              $718           $322        $1,951        $659

*  Includes Foreign Currency Gains (Losses)                   $42            $(3)          $91        $(31)

International exploration and production earnings more than doubled in the third
quarter 2000, and nine-month  earnings nearly  tripled,  primarily due to higher
crude oil and natural gas prices and higher oil-equivalent  production. The 2000
third quarter also included a benefit of about $30 million from a new Memorandum
of  Understanding  issued by the Nigerian  government  in the third quarter that
changed the method of compensation to joint venture oil operators retroactive to
the beginning of the year.

Net liquids  production  increased 4 percent  versus the 1999 quarter to 822,000
barrels per day and 5 percent, compared with nine months 1999 to 836,000 barrels
per day. Production increases in Angola and Australia,  combined with production
from properties acquired last year in Argentina and Thailand, offset declines in
Indonesia  and  Colombia.  The  lower  production  in  Indonesia  was  primarily
associated with the effect of higher prices on cost-oil recovery volumes under a
production-sharing agreement. Third quarter 2000 production does not include any
production  from  Colombia,  compared  with  12,000  barrels per day in the 1999
period under a joint venture  agreement  that expired  earlier in the year.  The
company  operated  under an operating  service  agreement from February 1, 2000,
until its expiration on July 31, 2000.

Net natural gas production declined 4 percent to 888 million cubic feet per day,
compared  with last year's  quarter.  Decreases  in net  natural gas  production
occurred  primarily  in the United  Kingdom  and  Canada.  These  declines  were
partially  offset by increases in production  from the properties  acquired last
year in Thailand and Argentina and higher production from Nigeria and Tengiz. On
a year-to-date basis, 2000 natural gas production was 906 million cubic feet per
day, up nearly 5 percent  from 1999 levels on higher  production  rates  earlier
this year in Argentina, United Kingdom, Thailand and Kazakhstan.

On an  oil-equivalent  basis,  production  rose over 2 percent in the 2000 third
quarter and was up nearly 5 percent year to date. Absent the unfavorable  effect
of higher  prices on  cost-oil  recovery  volumes  allowed  under an  Indonesian
production-sharing  agreement  and on the company's  share of  production  under
certain variable royalty agreements,  oil-equivalent production would have risen
nearly 5 percent in the quarter and more than 8 percent year to date.

For the third quarter 2000, the company's average liquids  realization of $28.83
per barrel was up 47 percent from $19.63 in the year-ago quarter.  The company's
average  natural  gas  realization  of $2.36  per  thousand  cubic  feet rose 25
percent. On a year-to-date basis, crude oil realizations in 2000 were $26.83 per
barrel,  78 percent  higher than in 1999,  and natural gas prices were $2.26 per
thousand cubic feet, 23 percent higher than last year.

Results for the 2000 third quarter and nine months included net foreign currency
gains of $42 million and $91 million,  respectively,  compared with losses of $3
million  and $31  million  in the  corresponding  periods of 1999.  The  changes
primarily  reflect  this year's  favorable  currency  swings of the U.S.  dollar
relative to the Australian, United Kingdom, Norwegian and Canadian currencies.


U.S. Refining, Marketing and Transportation
- -------------------------------------------

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                            --------------------        ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Earnings                                           $260           $107          $482        $302
Special Items                                                (155)           (10)         (217)        (14)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income                                               $105          $  97          $265        $288

Operating earnings for the third quarter 2000 were more than double the year-ago
quarter.  Year-to-date  operating earnings were $482 million,  60 percent higher
than the first nine months of 1999. The third quarter 2000 included a benefit of
$34 million from  business  interruption  insurance  proceeds  related to a 1999
refinery incident. Last year's quarter included substantially higher losses from
refinery incidents that required the purchase of high-cost  replacement products
to meet supply commitments.

Special items for the third  quarter 2000  included  charges of $125 million for
environmental  remediation at the company's U.S.  refining and marketing  sites,
most of which are no longer owned or operated by the company,  and a $30 million
charge for the impairment of a regulated pipeline system. The 1999 third quarter
included charges of $10 million for environmental remediation. In the first nine
months of 2000 and 1999, special charges reduced net income $217 million and $14
million,  respectively.  In addition to the third quarter  special items in each
year's results, a charge of $62 million for a litigation matter reduced earnings
in the  2000  nine  months  and in the  1999  period  environmental  remediation
provisions  of $55 million  and  restructuring  costs of $24  million  more than
offset a $75 million gain on the sale of a pipeline.

The company's average refined product sales realization for the third quarter of
2000  increased  about 40 percent to $41.03 per barrel.  Chevron  benefited from
higher overall  industry  margins on the Gulf Coast in the 2000 quarter and from
significantly  higher  industry  margins  for jet and  diesel  fuels on the West
Coast. Motor gasoline margins on the West Coast were only slightly improved from
last year's quarter.  The company's average refined product price was $38.47 per
barrel in the first nine months of 2000,  compared  with $25.43 in the 1999 nine

Refined product sales volumes  increased 3 percent to 1,396,000  barrels per day
in the  quarter  and 2 percent to  1,331,000  barrels  per day in the first nine
months of 2000.  Sales volumes for most products were higher than the prior-year
periods,  including motor gasoline.  However,  branded  gasoline sales were down
slightly from a year ago.

International Refining, Marketing and Transportation
- ----------------------------------------------------

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                            --------------------        ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Earnings*                                           $47            $10           $76        $128
Special Items                                                   -            (31)            -          (1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income*                                               $47          $ (21)          $76        $127
*  Includes Foreign Currency Gains (Losses)                   $36             $1           $70        $(15)

International  refining,  marketing and  transportation  operating  earnings are
composed  primarily of Chevron's interest in Caltex  Corporation,  international
supply and trading activities,  Canadian  downstream and international  shipping

There were no  special  items this year.  A special  charge of $31  million  was
recorded on the sale of an equity  interest in an affiliate in the third quarter
of last year.  In addition to the third  quarter  special  charge in last year's
results,  the 1999 nine  months  included  restructuring  charges of $30 million
attributable  to both Caltex and Chevron  operations and a favorable  Korean tax
adjustment of $60 million.

Net income from Caltex operations contains the effects from special items, other
non-recurring  items, and foreign currency gains and losses. The following table
identifies the effects of these items:



                                                       Three Months Ended          Nine Months Ended
                                                             September 30,             September 30,
                                                      --------------------        ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                    2000           1999          2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reported Net Income (Loss)                            $   1          $ (18)        $  (2)        $97
   Special Items                                          -            (31)            -         (66)
   Foreign Currency Gain (Loss)                          35              1            65         (11)
   Inventory Adjustments                                  -             14             -          78
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adjusted Net (Loss) Income                            $ (34)         $  (2)        $ (67)        $96
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Caltex's  Asia-Pacific  market continues to suffer from surplus refined products
manufacturing capacity and a highly competitive  environment,  which has limited
the ability of companies to raise product prices  sufficiently to recover higher
crude oil costs and improve  marketing  margins.  While refinery  margins in the
Asia-Pacific  region increased in the third quarter 2000, refined product prices
and marketing margins remained weak.

Operating earnings for the company's  international supply, trading and shipping
operations  and Canadian  downstream  businesses  improved in the third  quarter
2000.  For the  nine  months  2000,  results  from the  company's  international
shipping  operations  were  lower as a result of losses  arising  earlier in the
year.  These  losses  stemmed  from the  inability  to recover  higher costs for
in-charters  through  freight  rates charged to the  company's  U.S.  downstream

Chevron's third quarter total international  downstream sales volumes were lower
in the 2000 periods due mainly to the absence in 2000 of Caltex's share of sales
by an affiliate that was sold in the 1999 third quarter and lower Caltex trading
volumes.  Quarterly  sales  volumes  declined  from  815,000  barrels per day to
763,000 barrels per day.  Nine-month sales volumes declined from 833,000 barrels
per day to 758,000 barrels per day.

- ---------

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                            --------------------       -------------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Operating Earnings*                                           $35            $31          $154        $132
Special Items                                                 (11)             -           (11)        (91)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income*                                               $24            $31          $143        $ 41

*  Includes Foreign Currency Losses                           $(2)           $(3)          $(4)        $(1)

Operating earnings for chemicals in the third quarter improved compared with the
third quarter last year.  Year-to-date  operating earnings were up 17 percent to
$154 million.  The third quarter and first nine months of 2000 included  special
charges of $11 million for environmental provisions, while the 1999 year to date
included  special charges of $43 million for asset  write-offs,  $28 million for
environmental provisions and restructuring costs of $20 million.

Earnings for the 2000 third  quarter  included the company's 50 percent share of
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC (CPCC),  which was formed on July 1, 2000.
For these contributed  operations,  earnings declined in the third quarter 2000,
as a result of lower margins  across most product lines and interest  charges on
debt  incurred  by  CPCC.  Slightly  offsetting  were  increased  earnings  from
Chevron's  retained  specialty  additives  business due to improved  margins and
higher sales volumes


All Other
- ---------

                                                              Three Months Ended         Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September 30,             September 30,
                                                            --------------------         -----------------
Millions of Dollars                                          2000           1999          2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Operating Earnings (Charges)*                           $  15          $ (32)        $ (94)     $ (198)
Special Items                                                 100            (34)           75          (3)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Income (Loss)*                                       $115          $ (66)        $ (19)     $ (201)
*  Includes Foreign Currency Losses                           $(1)           $(2)          $(7)        $(1)

All Other activities include coal-mining  operations,  equity earnings of Dynegy
Inc.,  worldwide  cash  management  and  debt  financing  activities,  corporate
administrative costs,  insurance operations and real estate activities.  For the
third quarter 2000, net operating  earnings were $15 million,  compared with net
operating charges of $32 million last year.  Year-to-date 2000 operating charges
declined to $94 million from $198 million in the 1999 period.

The net benefit from special items in the third quarter of 2000 consisted of $99
million of gains from the sale of marketable securities and $27 million from the
equity  accounting  effect of common  stock  transactions  by Dynegy,  partially
offset by an  unfavorable  prior year's  income tax  adjustment  of $26 million.
Special  charges for the 2000 nine months  included  an  additional  $25 million
unfavorable  prior  year's  income tax  adjustment.  The 1999  periods  included
special charges of $34 for asset write-downs in the third quarter;  year-to-date
1999 also included $29 million for restructuring charges,  offset by asset sales
of $60 million.

Chevron's  share of Dynegy  operating  earnings  increased by $43 million to $57
million, primarily due to a gain from the sale of an affiliate,  higher earnings
from  the  energy  convergence   business  and  additional   earnings  from  the
transmission  and  distribution  operations of Illinois  Power,  acquired in the
merger with Illinova  during the first quarter of 2000.  Dynegy  contributed $90
million to company  earnings in the first nine months of 2000  compared with $31
million in the 1999 period.

The company's  coal  operations  incurred an operating loss of $3 million in the
third quarter of 2000, compared with earnings of $7 million in last year's third
quarter.  Nine-month  operating  losses were $2 million in 2000,  compared  with
profits of $29 million last year. Operating earnings in 2000 were down primarily
due to the effects of United Mine  Workers of America  work  stoppages at two of
the  company's  mines  that  began in May and did not end  until  early  August,
coupled with lower sales prices for coal this year.

For activities other than coal operations and Dynegy, net operating charges were
lower in the 2000 third quarter because of lower interest  expense,  as a result
of lower debt levels.  For the nine-month  period,  net charges  declined due to
lower  employee  benefit costs and the absence of accruals  associated  with the
Cities Service litigation.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------
Cash and cash  equivalents  totaled $1.342 billion at September 30, 2000 - about
the same as at year-end 1999.  Cash provided by operating  activities was $6.411
billion  in  the  first  nine  months  of  2000,  up  $2.777  billion  from  the
corresponding  1999  period.  Cash  provided  by  operating  activities  in 2000
benefited from the  significantly  higher crude oil and natural gas prices.  The
increase  in cash flows  helped the company to reduce  short-term  debt by about
$1.7 billion and repurchase about $1.4 billion of the company's common shares in
the first nine months.

Total debt and capital lease  obligations  were $7.074  billion at September 30,
2000,  a decrease  of $1.845  billion  from  year-end  1999,  largely due to the
significant reduction in short-term debt.

At September 30, 2000, Chevron had $3.250 billion in committed credit facilities
with various major banks,  $2.725 billion of which had termination  dates beyond
one year.  These facilities  support  commercial paper borrowing and can be used
for general requirements.  No borrowings were outstanding under these facilities
at September 30, 2000.

The  company's  current  ratio was 1.05 at  September  30, 2000.  The  company's
short-term  debt,  consisting  primarily  of  commercial  paper and the  current
portion of  long-term  debt,  totaled  $4.439  billion at  September  30,  2000.
Short-term  debt of $2.725  billion was  reclassified  to long-term debt because
settlement  of these  obligations  is not expected to require the use of working
capital  during the next  twelve  months,  as the company has the intent and the
ability, as


evidenced by committed  credit  arrangements,  to refinance  them on a long-term
basis. The company's  practice has been to continually  refinance its commercial
paper, maintaining levels it believes to be appropriate.

The company's debt ratio (total debt to total-debt-plus-equity) was 27.2 percent
at September  30, 2000,  down from 33.4  percent at year-end  1999.  The company
continually monitors its spending levels, market conditions and related interest
rates to maintain what it perceives to be reasonable debt levels.

In order to allow Chevron to maintain active  relationships  with  institutional
investors  in its  commercial  paper,  the company  instituted a program in 2000
under which it sells its  commercial  paper and reinvests the borrowed  funds in
money market  instruments  with similar  terms.  At the end of the third quarter
2000, the company had incremental  short-term debt and investments of about $750
million under this program.

In December 1997,  Chevron's Board of Directors approved the repurchase of up to
$2 billion of its  outstanding  common  stock,  providing  shares for use in its
employee  stock option  programs.  Through  October 5, 2000,  Chevron  purchased
16.888  million  shares of its common stock in 2000 at an average cost of $83.26
per share, for a total cost of $1.406 billion,  during 2000. Since the inception
of the share  repurchase  program  until its  suspension  in early October 2000,
Chevron  purchased  23.259 million shares on the open market for $1.890 billion,
at an average cost of $81.27 per share.

In early July, the newly formed  affiliate,  Chevron  Phillips  Chemical Company
LLC, obtained debt financing and made a $835 million cash payment to each of its
owners - Chevron and Phillips Petroleum Company.

On October  24,  2000,  Chevron  declared a  quarterly  dividend of 65 cents per
share, unchanged from the preceding quarter.

Worldwide  capital  and  exploratory  expenditures  for the first nine months of
2000,  including the company's  share of affiliates'  expenditures,  were $3.682
billion,  compared  with $4.781  billion in the 1999  period.  Expenditures  for
exploration and production  projects were $2.343 billion, or 64 percent of total
expenditures,  reflecting the company's continued emphasis on increasing oil and
gas  production.  Expenditures  for the first nine  months of 2000  included  an
additional  investment of about $300 million in Dynegy Inc. Expenditures in last
year's period included the acquisition of Rutherford-Moran Oil Corp. and another
interest in Block B8/32 offshore Thailand in the first quarter, and the purchase
of Petrolera Argentina San Jorge in the third quarter.


                                                              Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                                                                   September  30,            September 30,
                                                             -------------------      -------------------
Millions of Dollars                                           2000          1999        2000         1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
United States
- -------------
     Exploration and Production                             $  372        $  234       $  934      $  697
     Refining, Marketing and Transportation                    128            96          303         306
     Chemicals                                                   3            71           68         244
     All Other                                                  74            17          557         165
Total United States                                            577           418        1,862       1,412
- -------------
     Exploration and Production                                511         1,606        1,409       3,024
     Refining, Marketing and Transportation                    133            99          369         241
     Chemicals                                                  13            49           42         104
Total International                                            657         1,754        1,820       3,369
Worldwide                                                   $1,234        $2,172       $3,682      $4,781


                          SELECTED OPERATING DATA (1),(2)

                                                                Three Months Ended        Nine Months Ended
                                                                     September 30,            September 30,
                                                             ---------------------     --------------------
                                                                   2000       1999        2000         1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Exploration and Production
    Net Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Production (MBPD)         319        321         312          313
    Net Natural Gas Production (MMCFPD)                           1,615      1,664       1,546        1,659
    Sales of Natural Gas (MMCFPD)                                 3,535      3,436       3,407        3,354
    Sales of Natural Gas Liquids (MBPD)                             180        127         151          127
    Revenue from Net Production
       Crude Oil ($/Bbl.)                                        $28.36     $18.11      $26.67       $14.20
       Natural Gas ($/MCF)                                       $ 4.42     $ 2.48      $ 3.41       $ 2.06

International Exploration and Production
    Net Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Production (MBPD)         822        792         836          799
    Net Natural Gas Production (MMCFPD)                             888        929         906          867
    Sales of Natural Gas (MMCFPD)                                 1,770      1,884       1,873        1,823
    Sales of Natural Gas Liquids (MBPD)                              69         64          66           56
    Revenue from Liftings
       Liquids ($/Bbl.)                                          $28.83     $19.63      $26.83       $15.11
       Natural Gas ($/MCF)                                       $ 2.36     $ 1.89      $ 2.26       $ 1.83
    Other Produced Volumes (MBPD) (3)                               124         92         126           97

U.S. Refining, Marketing and Transportation
    Sales of Gasoline (MBPD) (4)                                    685        680         687          664
    Sales of Other Refined Products (MBPD)                          711        677         644          641
    Refinery Input (MBPD)                                         1,020        999         953          964
    Average Refined Product Sales Price ($/Bbl.)                 $41.03     $29.48      $38.47       $25.43

International Refining, Marketing and Transportation
    Sales of Refined Products (MBPD) (5)                            763        815         758          833
    Refinery Input (MBPD)                                           413        416         409          427

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Includes equity in affiliates.
(2)  MBPD = thousand barrels per day; MMCFPD = million cubic feet per day; Bbl. = barrel; MCF =  thousand cubic feet
(3)  Represents total field production under the Boscan operating service agreement in Venezuela, and other
     operating service agreements.
(4)  Includes branded and unbranded gasoline.
(5)  1999 amounts restated to conform to 2000 presentation.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

A.       El Segundo Refinery Oil Spill Penalty

The  Los  Angeles   Regional  Water  Quality   Control  Board  has  proposed  an
administrative civil penalty for a jet fuel spill to groundwater  resulting from
a leak in an  underground  pipeline at the  Company's El Segundo  Refinery.  The
Company has remediated the spill and taken  preventive  steps to reduce the risk
of future spills. A civil penalty in excess of $100,000 is likely to be imposed.

B.       Uintah County, Utah - UIC Penalties

The Company has agreed to pay an administrative civil penalty of $500,000 to the
United States  Environmental  Protection Agency to settle alleged  violations of
the agency's  underground  injection control regulations at the Company's former
production operations in Uintah County, Utah.

C.       El Segundo Refinery Air Penalty

The Company has settled a previously  reported  civil penalty  assessment by the
United States  Environmental  Protection Agency involving alleged  violations of
the South Coast Air Quality Management  District's Rule 1142 at the Company's El
Segundo  Refinery.  The  settlement  entails the payment of a  $6,000,000  civil
penalty and a $1,000,000 supplemental environmental project.

Item 4.  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)   Exhibits

      (4)    Pursuant  to the  Instructions  to  Exhibits,  certain  instruments
             defining the rights of holders of long-term debt  securities of the
             company and its consolidated subsidiaries are not filed because the
             total amount of  securities  authorized  under any such  instrument
             does not exceed 10 percent of the total  assets of the  company and
             its  subsidiaries  on a  consolidated  basis.  A copy  of any  such
             instrument will be furnished to the Commission upon request.

      (12)   Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges

      (27)   Financial Data Schedule

(b)   Reports on Form 8-K

(1)          A Current  Report on Form 8-K was filed by the  company  on October
             16,  2000.  In this  report,  Chevron  filed a joint press  release
             issued by Chevron and Texaco together with an Agreement and Plan of
             Merger and two stock option agreements. The joint press release and
             agreements were related to a planned merger of Chevron  Corporation
             and Texaco Inc. announced by both companies on October 16, 2000.

(2)          An amended  Current  Report on Form 8-K was filed by the company on
             October 16, 2000.  In this  amended  report,  Chevron  re-filed the
             documents  previously  filed  in a  Current  Report  on Form 8-K on
             October 16, 2000.



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                 CHEVRON CORPORATION

Date      November 8, 2000        By               /s/ S.J. Crowe
      -------------------------      -------------------------------------------
                                     S. J. Crowe, Vice President and Comptroller
                                          (Principal Accounting Officer and
                                              Duly Authorized Officer)