
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form 10-Q

     ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1998



                         Commission File Number 1-368-2

                               Chevron Corporation
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         Delaware                                        94-0890210
  ------------------------------            ------------------------------ 
 (State or other jurisdiction of            (I.R.S. Employer Identification
  incorporation or organization)              Number)                    

     575 Market Street, San Francisco, California                94105
     --------------------------------------------             ----------
       (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code (415) 894-7700

                       (Former name or former address, if
                          changed since last report.)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No
                                       -    - 

Indicate the number of shares of each of the issuer's  classes of common  stock,
as of the latest practicable date:

             Class                               Outstanding as of June 30, 1998
 ----------------------------------              -------------------------------
   Common stock, $1.50 par value                          654,432,458


                                                                      Page No.

           Cautionary Statements Relevant to Forward-Looking 
           Information for  the Purpose of "Safe Harbor"
           Provisions of the Private Securities Litigation
           Reform Act of 1995                                               1


Item 1.    Financial Statements

           Consolidated Statement of Income for the three
            months and six months ended June 30, 1998 and 1997              2

           Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
            for the three months and six months ended
            June 30, 1998 and 1997                                          2

           Consolidated Balance Sheet at June 30, 1998
            and December 31, 1997                                           3

           Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the six months
            ended June 30, 1998 and 1997                                    4

           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                     5-11

Item 2.    Management's Discussion and Analysis of
            Financial Condition and Results of Operations                12-19


Item 1.    Legal Proceedings                                               20

Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders             20

Item 6.    Listing of Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                     21

Signature                                                                  21

Exhibit:   Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges               22


This quarterly report on Form 10-Q contains forward-looking  statements relating
to Chevron's  operations  that are based on management's  current  expectations,
estimates and projections  about the petroleum and chemicals  industries.  Words
such as "expects," "intends," "plans," "projects,"  "believes,"  "estimates" and
similar expressions are used to identify such forward-looking statements.  These
statements are not guarantees of future  performance  and involve certain risks,
uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict.  Therefore,  actual
outcomes and results may differ  materially from what is expressed or forecasted
in such forward-looking statements.

Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially are crude
oil and natural gas prices;  refining margins and marketing  margins;  chemicals
prices and competitive  conditions affecting supply and demand for the company's
aromatics,  olefins and additives  products;  potential failure to achieve,  and
potential delays in achieving,  expected production from existing and future oil
and gas  development  projects;  potential  disruption  or  interruption  of the
company's  production,   manufacturing  or  transportation   facilities  due  to
accidents or political events;  potential disruption to the company's operations
due to untimely or incomplete  resolution of Year 2000 issues by the company and
other entities with which it has material relationships; potential liability for
remedial  actions  under  existing  or  future  environmental  regulations;  and
potential  liability  resulting from pending or future litigation.  In addition,
such statements could be affected by general domestic and international economic
and political conditions.


                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                               CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME
                                                      Three Months Ended    Six Months Ended
                                                                June 30,            June 30,
                                                   ---------------------  ------------------ 
Millions of Dollars,  Except Per-Share Amounts        1998       1997        1998       1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------
Sales and other operating revenues*                $ 7,754    $ 9,947     $15,218    $20,741
Income from equity affiliates                          155        193         306        371
Other income                                            60        134          98        255
   Total Revenues                                    7,969     10,274      15,622     21,367
Costs and Other Deductions
- --------------------------
Purchased crude oil and products                     3,549      4,887       7,184     10,597
Operating expenses                                   1,355      1,247       2,561      2,622
Selling, general and administrative expenses           276        391         529        736
Exploration expenses                                   134         98         235        179
Depreciation, depletion and amortization               557        549       1,111      1,095
Taxes other than on income*                          1,140      1,630       2,151      3,125
Interest and debt expense                               99         76         193        158
Total Costs and Other Deductions                     7,110      8,878      13,964     18,512

Income Before Income Tax Expense                       859      1,396       1,658      2,855
Income Tax Expense                                     282        573         581      1,201
Net Income                                         $   577    $   823     $ 1,077    $ 1,654

Per Share of Common Stock:
   Net Income                 - Basic              $   .88    $  1.26     $  1.65    $  2.53
                              - Diluted            $   .88    $  1.25     $  1.64    $  2.52
   Dividends                                       $   .61    $   .58     $  1.22    $  1.12

Weighted Average Number of
 Shares Outstanding (000s)    - Basic              655,459    654,965     655,167    654,819
                              - Diluted            657,762    656,656     657,503    656,424

*   Includes consumer excise taxes.                $   988    $ 1,447     $ 1,840    $ 2,761


                                                    Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended
                                                              June 30,              June 30,
                                                   -------------------   -------------------   
Millions of Dollars                                   1998       1997        1998       1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income                                         $   577    $   823    $  1,077    $ 1,654
Currency translation adjustment                         (1)      (138)        (1)       (169)
Unrealized holding (loss) gain on securities            (3)         4         (1)         (1)
Minimum pension liability adjustment                     -          -        (16)          4
Other Comprehensive Income, net of tax                  (4)      (134)       (18)       (166)
Comprehensive Income                               $   573    $   689    $  1,059    $ 1,488
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                       CHEVRON CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                                                   June 30,   
                                                                       1998      December 31,
Millions of Dollars                                             (Unaudited)              1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents                                          $  1,185           $ 1,015
Marketable securities                                                   525               655
Accounts and notes receivable                                         2,950             3,374
    Crude oil and petroleum products                                    569               539
    Chemicals                                                           587               547
    Materials, supplies and other                                       289               292
                                                                      1,445             1,378
Prepaid expenses and other current assets                               774               584
     Total Current Assets                                             6,879             7,006
Long-term receivables                                                   577               471
Investments and advances                                              4,733             4,496

Properties, plant and equipment, at cost                             50,247            49,233
Less: accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization           27,143            26,562
                                                                     23,104            22,671
Deferred charges and other assets                                       883               829
            Total Assets                                            $36,176           $35,473

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Short-term debt                                                    $  2,914          $  1,637
Accounts payable                                                      2,207             2,735
Accrued liabilities                                                   1,095             1,450
Federal and other taxes on income                                       631               732
Other taxes payable                                                     458               392
     Total Current Liabilities                                        7,305             6,946
Long-term debt                                                        4,069             4,139
Capital lease obligations                                               280               292
Deferred credits and other non-current obligations                    1,690             1,745
Deferred income taxes                                                 3,460             3,215
Reserves for employee benefit plans                                   1,698             1,664
     Total Liabilities                                               18,502            18,001
Preferred stock (authorized 100,000,000
   shares, $1.00 par value, none issued)                                  -                 -
Common stock (authorized 1,000,000,000 shares,
   $1.50 par value, 712,487,068 shares issued)                        1,069             1,069
Capital in excess of par value                                        2,063             2,022
Deferred compensation                                                  (691)             (750)
Accumulated other comprehensive income                                  (95)              (77)
Retained earnings                                                    17,472            17,185
Treasury stock, at cost (58,063,640 and 56,555,871 shares
   at June 30, 1998 and December 31, 1997, respectively)             (2,144)           (1,977)
     Total Stockholders' Equity                                      17,674            17,472
            Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity              $36,176           $35,473
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


                                       CHEVRON CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                        CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                                                                                 Six Months Ended
                                                                                          June 30,
Millions of Dollars                                                        1998              1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Operating Activities
 Net income                                                             $ 1,077           $ 1,654
   Depreciation, depletion and amortization                               1,111             1,095
   Dry hole expense related to prior years' expenditures                     33                18
   Distributions less than income from equity affiliates (1)               (177)             (174)
   Net before-tax losses (gains) on asset retirements and sales             105              (187)
   Net foreign exchange gains                                               (23)              (15)
   Deferred income tax provision                                            263               190
   Net increase in operating working capital                               (831)             (203)
   Other (1)                                                               (222)             (101)
      Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities                           1,336             2,277
Investing Activities
   Capital expenditures                                                  (1,705)           (1,660)
   Proceeds from asset sales                                                 94               298
   Net sales of marketable securities                                       130               306
      Net Cash Used for Investing Activities                             (1,481)           (1,056)
Financing Activities
   Net borrowings of short-term obligations                               1,421                 8
   Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                                 118                 8
   Repayments of long-term debt and other financing obligations            (284)             (202)
   Cash dividends paid                                                     (798)             (732)
   Net (purchase) sale of treasury shares (1)                              (139)               92
      Net Cash Provided by (Used for) Financing Activities                  318              (826)
Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents                 (3)               (7)
Net Change in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                     170               388
Cash and Cash Equivalents at January 1                                    1,015               892
Cash and Cash Equivalents at June 30                                    $ 1,185           $ 1,280
(1)  Certain  amounts  in  1997  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  to  1998

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.



Note 1. Interim Financial Statements

The accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements of Chevron Corporation and
its subsidiaries (the company) have not been audited by independent accountants,
except for the balance sheet at December 31, 1997. In the opinion of the
company's management, the interim data include all adjustments necessary for a
fair statement of the results for the interim periods. These adjustments were of
a normal recurring nature, except for the special items described in Note 2.

Certain notes and other information have been condensed or omitted from the
interim financial statements presented in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q.
Therefore, these financial statements should be read in conjunction with the
company's 1997 Annual Report on Form 10-K.

The results for the three- and six-month periods ended June 30, 1998 are not
necessarily indicative of future financial results.

Note 2. Net Income

Net income for the second quarter 1998 included net charges of $43 million for
special items.  Charges of $40 million resulting from the outsourcing of the
company's mainframe computer and telecommunications operations, $28 million for
the write-off of certain desktop computer equipment and $8 million for a
provision for environmental remediation at a U.S. refinery were offset partially
by benefits of $33 million from favorable prior-year tax adjustments.

Net income for the first six months of 1998 included net benefits of $21 million
from special items.  The net charges of $43 million for the second quarter 1998
were more than offset by net benefits of $64 million from special items in the
first quarter of 1998. The 1998 first quarter results included special gains of
$125 million from favorable prior-year tax adjustments. Partially offsetting
these gains were special charges of $56 million for the deferred tax effects of
an exchange of international exploration and production properties and a net $5
million for provisions for environmental remediation in the company's U.S.
refining, marketing and transportation operations.

Net income for the second quarter of 1997 included net charges of $14 million
for special items.  Charges of $66 million for the remaining unaccrued cost of
the company's broad-based employee performance stock option program and $12
million for a provision for environmental remediation at a U.S. refinery were
offset partially by gains of $50 million from the sales of 10 percent of the
company's ownership interest in the Tengizchevroil joint venture and upstream
properties in the North Perth Basin area of Australia and a $14 million
favorable prior-year tax adjustment.

In the six-month period ended June 30, 1997, net income included net benefits of
$13 million from special items.  The net special charges of $14 million for the
second quarter 1997 were more than offset by net benefits of $27 million from
special items in the first quarter of 1997.  The 1997 first quarter results
included special gains of $49 million from the sales of a producing property in
the Gulf of Mexico and one in southern California. Partially offsetting these
gains were special charges of $22 million for provisions for environmental
remediation and other items.

Foreign exchange gains included in second quarter 1998 net income were $96
million, compared with gains of $23 million in second quarter 1997. For the
first six months of 1998, net income included foreign exchange gains of $50
million, compared with gains of $5 million in the same period of 1997.


Note 3. Information Relating to the Statement of Cash Flows

The "Net increase in operating working capital" is composed of the following:

                                                                           Six Months Ended
                                                                                   June 30,
  Millions of Dollars                                                1998              1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Decrease in accounts and notes receivable                        $   395           $   617
  Increase in inventories                                              (67)              (22)
  (Increase) Decrease in prepaid expenses and other current assets    (188)               23
  Decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities                (932)             (924)
  (Decrease) Increase in income and other taxes payable                (39)              103
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Net increase in operating working capital                   $  (831)          $  (203)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities" includes the following cash payments
for interest on debt and for income taxes:

                                                                           Six Months Ended
                                                                                   June 30,
  Millions of Dollars                                                1998              1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Interest paid on debt (net of capitalized interest)              $   195           $   163
  Income taxes paid                                                $   421           $   962
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The  "Net  sales of  marketable  securities"  consists  of the  following  gross

                                                                            Six Months Ended
                                                                                    June 30,
  Millions of Dollars                                                 1998              1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Marketable securities purchased                                  $(1,110)          $(1,390)
  Marketable securities sold                                         1,240             1,696
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       Net sales of marketable securities                          $   130           $   306
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows excludes the following non-cash

The company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) repaid $60 million and $50
million of matured debt guaranteed by Chevron Corporation in January of 1998 and
1997, respectively. These payments were recorded by the company as a reduction
in its debt outstanding and in Deferred Compensation.

In the second quarter 1997 the company's Venice, Louisiana natural gas
facilities were contributed to a partnership with NGC Corporation (renamed
Dynegy Incorporated in June 1998). The company's property, plant and equipment
was reduced for the net book value of the contributed assets and an investment
in the partnership, together with a deferred gain, were recorded. There was no
cash effect from the transaction and the amounts were not material to the
company's balance sheet.

Note 4.  Summarized Financial Data - Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

At June 30, 1998, Chevron U.S.A. Inc. was Chevron Corporation's principal
operating company, consisting primarily of the company's U.S. integrated
petroleum operations (excluding most of the domestic pipeline operations) and
the majority of the company's worldwide petrochemical operations. These
operations were conducted by Chevron U.S.A. Production Company, Chevron Products
Company and, effective February 1,


1998, Chevron Chemical Company LLC. Summarized financial information for
Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries is presented as follows:

                                         Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended
                                                    June 30,                    June 30,
                                           -----------------          ------------------
  Millions of Dollars                        1998       1997             1998       1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Sales and other operating revenues       $6,446     $6,753          $12,308    $14,392
  Costs and other deductions                6,156      6,373           11,861     13,560
  Net income                                   46        256              242        634
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                June 30,                December 31,
  Millions of Dollars               1998                        1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
  Current assets                $  3,525                    $  2,854
  Other assets                    16,461                      13,867

  Current liabilities              3,486                       3,282
  Other liabilities                6,186                       4,966

  Net worth                       10,314                       8,473
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

Note 5. Summarized Financial Data - Chevron Transport Corporation

Chevron Transport Corporation (CTC), a Liberian corporation, is an indirect,
wholly owned subsidiary of Chevron Corporation. CTC is the principal operator of
Chevron's international tanker fleet and is engaged in the marine transportation
of crude oil and refined petroleum products. Most of CTC's shipping revenue is
derived by providing transportation services to other Chevron companies. Chevron
Corporation has guaranteed this subsidiary's obligations in connection with
certain debt securities where CTC is deemed to be an issuer. In accordance with
the Securities and Exchange Commission's disclosure requirements, summarized
financial information for CTC and its consolidated subsidiaries is presented
below. This summarized financial data was derived from the financial statements
prepared on a stand-alone basis in conformity with generally accepted accounting

                                        Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended
                                                   June 30,                    June 30,
                                        -------------------            ----------------
  Millions of Dollars                       1998       1997             1998       1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Sales and other operating revenues        $155       $135             $290       $256
  Costs and other deductions                 164        138              295        275
  Net income                                  (2)        12                6         16
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               June 30,                December 31,
  Millions of Dollars              1998                        1997
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

  Current assets               $    298                    $    243
  Other assets                      870                         897

  Current liabilities               782                         666
  Other liabilities                 297                         311

  Net worth                          89                         163
- -------------------------------------------------------------------


In March 1998, CTC returned $80 million of paid-in capital to its parent in
partial settlement of a receivable balance.

Separate financial statements and other disclosures with respect to CTC are
omitted as such separate financial statements and other disclosures are not
material to investors in the debt securities deemed issued by CTC. There were no
restrictions on CTC's ability to pay dividends or make loans or advances at June
30, 1998.

Note 6. Summarized Financial Data - Caltex Group of Companies

Summarized financial information for the Caltex Group of Companies, owned 50
percent by Chevron and 50 percent by Texaco Inc., is as follows (amounts
reported are on a 100 percent Caltex Group basis):

                                   Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended
                                              June 30,                    June 30,
                                   -------------------           -----------------
  Millions of Dollars                  1998       1997(1)          1998       1997(1)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Gross revenues                     $4,249     $4,433           $8,555     $9,127
  Income before income taxes            270        319              589        639
  Net income                            222        200              426        386
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  1997 amounts have been reclassified to conform to 1998 presentation.

Note 7.  Income Taxes

Taxes on income for the second quarter and first half of 1998 were $282 million
and $581 million, respectively, compared with $573 million and $1.201 billion
for the comparable 1997 periods. The effective income tax rate for the first
half of 1998 decreased to 35 percent from 42 percent in the 1997 first half. The
lower tax rate was due to the adjustment of prior years' income taxes and
associated estimated interest reserves resulting from the favorable resolution
of certain open tax issues with the IRS and higher equity affiliates' after-tax
earnings as a proportion of before-tax income. The company also recognized
beneficial prior-year tax adjustments resulting from a favorable U.S. tax ruling
related to its investment in the Tengizchevroil (TCO) partnership in the
Republic of Kazakhstan and from the utilization of additional foreign tax
credits. These benefits were partially offset by a shift in the company's 1998
international earnings mix to countries with higher effective tax rates and by
additional deferred taxes arising from an exchange of international upstream

Note 8.  Taxes Other Than On Income

Taxes other than on income for the second quarter and first half of 1998 were
$1.140 billion and $2.151 billion, respectively, compared with $1.630 billion
and $3.125 billion for the comparable 1997 periods. The effect of the company's
fourth quarter 1997 withdrawal from the U.K. refining and marketing business
contributes $557 million and $1.038 billion to the decrease in excise taxes when
comparing the second quarter and six month periods of 1998 and 1997,
respectively. These decreases in excise taxes are also components of the
decreases in sales and other operating revenues between periods. There was no
net income effect from the decreases in excise taxes in either period.


Note 9.  Contingent Liabilities

Litigation -

The company is a defendant in a lawsuit that Oxy U.S.A. brought in its capacity
as successor in interest to Cities Service Company. The lawsuit claims damages
resulting from the allegedly improper termination of a tender offer to purchase
Cities' stock in 1982 made by Gulf Oil Corporation, acquired by Chevron in 1984.
A trial with respect to the claims ended in July 1996 with a judgment against
the company of $742 million, including interest that continues to accrue at a
rate of 9.55 percent per year while the appeal is pending. The company has filed
an appeal with the Oklahoma Supreme Court and posted a bond for 1.5 times the
amount of the judgment. Although the ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be
determined presently with certainty, the company believes that errors were
committed by the trial court that should result in the judgment being reversed
on appeal.

In a lawsuit in Los Angeles, California, brought in 1995, the company and five
other oil companies are contesting the validity of a patent granted to Unocal
Corporation (Unocal) for reformulated gasoline, which the company sells in
California during certain months of the year. The first two phases of the trial
were concluded in October and November 1997, with the jury upholding the
validity of the patent and assessing damages at the rate of 5.75 cents per
gallon of gasoline sold in infringement of the patent between March 1 and July
1, 1996. In the third phase of the trial, the judge heard evidence to determine
if the patent is enforceable; the matter is currently under submission. While
the ultimate outcome of this matter cannot be determined with certainty, the
company believes Unocal's patent is invalid and any unfavorable rulings should
be reversed upon appeal. However, should the jury's findings and Unocal's
position ultimately be upheld, the company's exposure with respect to future
reformulated gasoline sales would depend on the availability of alternate
formulations and the industry's ability to recover additional costs of
production through prices charged to its customers.

The company is the subject of other lawsuits and claims, including, along with
other oil companies, actions challenging oil and gas royalty and severance tax
payments based on posted prices. Plaintiffs may seek to recover large and
sometimes unspecified amounts, and some matters may remain unresolved for
several years. While it is not practical to estimate a range of possible loss
for the company's litigation matters, losses could be material with respect to
earnings in any given period. However, management is of the opinion that
resolution of these matters will not materially affect its consolidated
financial position or liquidity.

Other Contingencies -

The U.S. federal income tax and California franchise tax liabilities of the
company have been settled through 1987 and 1991, respectively. In June 1997, the
company's Caltex affiliate received a claim from the U.S. Internal Revenue
Service (IRS) for $292 million in excise taxes, $140 million in penalties and
$1.6 billion in interest. The IRS claim relates to crude oil sales to Japanese
customers beginning in 1980. Caltex is challenging the claim and fully expects
to prevail. Caltex believes the underlying excise tax claim is wrong and
therefore the claim for penalties and interest is wrong. In February 1998,
Caltex provided an initial letter of credit for $2.33 billion to the IRS to
pursue the claim. The letter of credit is guaranteed by Chevron and Texaco.
Caltex has also made a cash deposit with the IRS, which it believes is
appropriate in order to pursue this matter to court. On May 8, 1998 Caltex filed
a complaint in the United States Court of Federal Claims requesting a refund of
the cash deposit and asking the court to hold that Caltex owes nothing on the
IRS claim.

Settlement of open tax years is not expected to have a material effect on the
consolidated financial position or liquidity of the company and, in the opinion
of management, adequate provision has been made for income and franchise taxes
for all years under examination or subject to future examination.

The company and its subsidiaries have certain other contingent liabilities with
respect to guarantees, direct or indirect, of debt of affiliated companies or
others and long-term unconditional purchase obligations and commitments,
throughput agreements and take-or-pay agreements, some of which relate to
suppliers' financing arrangements.


The company is subject to loss contingencies pursuant to environmental laws and
regulations that in the future may require the company to take action to correct
or ameliorate the effects on the environment of prior disposal or release of
chemical or petroleum substances by the company or other parties. Such
contingencies may exist for various sites including, but not limited to:
Superfund sites and refineries, oil fields, service stations, terminals and land
development areas, whether operating, closed or sold. The amount of such future
cost is indeterminable due to such factors as the unknown magnitude of possible
contamination, the unknown timing and extent of the corrective actions that may
be required, the determination of the company's liability in proportion to other
responsible parties and the extent to which such costs are recoverable from
third parties. While the company has provided for known environmental
obligations that are probable and reasonably estimable, the amount of future
costs may be material to results of operations in the period in which they are
recognized. The company does not expect these costs to have a material effect on
its consolidated financial position or liquidity. Also, the company does not
believe its obligation to make such expenditures has had or will have any
significant impact on the company's competitive position relative to other
domestic or international petroleum or chemical concerns.

The company's operations can be affected by changing economic, regulatory and
political environments in the various countries, including the United States, in
which it operates. In certain locations, host governments have imposed
restrictions, controls and taxes, and, in others, political conditions have
existed that may threaten the safety of employees and the company's continued
presence in those countries. Internal unrest or strained relations between a
host government and the company or other governments may affect the company's
operations. Those developments have, at times, significantly affected the
company's related operations and results, and are carefully considered by
management when evaluating the level of current and future activity in such

Areas in which the company has significant operations include the United States,
Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Republic of Congo, Angola, Nigeria,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Papua New Guinea, China, Indonesia and Venezuela.
The Caltex Group has significant operations in Indonesia, Korea, Japan,
Australia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, and South Africa. The company's
Tengizchevroil affiliate operates in Kazakhstan.

Note 10. Issuance of New Accounting Standards

In March 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued
Statement of Position (SOP) No. 98-1, "Accounting for the Costs of Computer
Software Developed or Obtained for Internal Use," which establishes criteria for
when these types of costs should be expensed as incurred or capitalized. SOP
98-1 is effective for financial statements for fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 1998, and earlier adoption is permitted in fiscal years for which
annual financial statements have not been issued. The company is currently
evaluating implementation of SOP 98-1 and the effects the Statement will have on
its financial statements and disclosures. The company believes that adoption of
the Statement will not have a material effect on the company's results of
operations, financial position, capital resources or liquidity.

In April 1998, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants issued
Statement of Position (SOP) No. 98-5, "Reporting on the Costs of Start-Up
Activities," which provides guidance on the financial reporting of start-up
costs and organization costs. The Statement is effective for financial
statements for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 1998, and earlier
adoption is permitted in fiscal years for which annual financial statements have
not been issued. SOP 98-5 requires costs of start-up activities and organization
costs to be expensed as incurred. The company is currently evaluating
implementation of SOP 98-5 and the effects the Statement will have on its
financial statements and disclosures. The company believes that adoption of the
Statement will not have a material effect on the company's results of
operations, financial position, capital resources or liquidity.

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued Statement
No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" (FAS
133). The Statement is effective for all fiscal quarters of fiscal years
beginning after June 15, 1999 and establishes accounting and reporting standards
for derivative instruments, including certain derivative instruments embedded in
other contracts, and for hedging activities.


FAS 133 requires that all derivative instruments be recorded on the balance
sheet at their fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivatives are to be
recorded each period in current earnings or other comprehensive income,
depending on whether a derivative is designated as part of a hedge transaction
and, if it is, the type of hedge transaction. Earlier application of the
provisions of the Statement is encouraged and is permitted as of the beginning
of any fiscal quarter that begins after the issuance of the Statement. The
company is currently evaluating implementation of FASB Statement No. 133 and the
effects the Statement will have on its financial statements and disclosures. The
company believes that, due to its current limited use of derivative instruments,
adoption of the Statement will not have a material effect on the company's
results of operations, financial position, capital resources or liquidity.



              Second Quarter 1998 Compared With Second Quarter 1997
                And First Half 1998 Compared With First Half 1997

Financial Results
- -----------------
Net income for the second quarter of 1998 was $577 million ($.88 diluted
earnings per share), a decrease of 30 percent from the net income of $823
million ($1.25 diluted earnings per share) for the 1997 second quarter. In the
1998 second quarter, net charges of $43 million for special items represented
the effect of $68 million associated with the costs of outsourcing the company's
U.S. mainframe computer and telecommunications operations and the write-off of
certain desktop computer equipment, and a provision of $8 million for
environmental remediation at a U.S. refinery, which were partially offset by
favorable prior-year tax adjustments of $33 million. In the 1997 quarter,
special items reduced earnings $14 million as asset sale gains and other net
special items totaling $52 million were more than offset by a $66 million charge
for the cost of the company's broad-based performance stock option program.
Excluding special items, 1998 second quarter operating earnings were $620
million, compared with record quarterly operating earnings of $837 million in

Net income for the first six months of 1998 was $1.077 billion ($1.64 diluted
earnings per share), down from $1.654 billion ($2.52 diluted earnings per share)
for the first half of 1997. Net income for the 1998 and 1997 year-to-date
periods included net benefits of $21 million and $13 million, respectively, from
special items. Excluding these benefits, six-month earnings were $1.056 billion
compared with $1.641 billion in the first half of 1997.

The collapse in crude oil prices, which began late last year, was the primary
cause of the decline in the company's worldwide exploration and production
(upstream) earnings for the three- and six-month periods ended June 30, 1998. In
June of 1998 crude oil prices fell to their lowest levels since 1986. Chevron's
second quarter average U.S. crude oil realizations were about $5.50 per barrel
lower than last year's quarter, a drop of 33 percent. For the first half of
1998, these prices were almost $6.50 per barrel lower than the same period last

U.S. refining, marketing and transportation (downstream) operating results
improved from last year's quarter on higher margins and a 6 percent increase in
Chevron-branded motor gasoline sales volumes. International downstream earnings
also increased, as foreign currency gains helped mitigate the impact of
deteriorating Asian market conditions for the company's Caltex affiliate.
However, operating results from the company's chemicals business were down in
the second quarter 1998 compared with the same quarter of 1997, as lower prices
and sales volumes for major petrochemical products more than offset lower
feedstock costs and operating expenses.

Operating Environment and Outlook
- ---------------------------------
The company continues to monitor the crude oil market closely, but has not made
any substantive changes to its operations or capital spending plans. During the
first seven months of 1998, the spot price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), an
industry benchmark light crude, averaged $15.09 per barrel, representing a 28
percent decline from the corresponding 1997 period. For the month of July 1998,
the WTI spot price averaged $14.08 per barrel and has fallen to lower levels in
early August.

Some countries in which Chevron has producing operations have mandated crude oil
production cuts to help boost the price of crude oil. To date, Chevron's
production has not been materially affected by these cuts, and the company
believes the net effect of any curtailments directed by host countries would be
insignificant to its overall production levels. However, such curtailments or
limits may have an adverse effect on the level of new production from current
and future development projects.

The company's Caltex affiliate may continue to be affected adversely by a
decline in the demand for refined products in the Asian markets in which it
operates. As Asian marketers continue to sell a larger proportion of their
refined products into the highly competitive export market, lower prices and
narrower sales margins result.

Earnings of Chevron's chemicals operations are expected to decline in the second
half of 1998. The financial results will include the additional expenses
associated with the upcoming scheduled shutdown of the ethylene unit at the
company's Cedar Bayou manufacturing facility for maintenance and repairs. In
addition, the company anticipates continued downward pressure on commodity
chemical product prices as a result of industry manufacturing


overcapacity, reduced Asian demand for U.S. manufactured products and the influx
of chemical products into the United States from Asian manufacturers.

Chevron and its affiliates continue to review and analyze their operations and
may close, sell, exchange, acquire or restructure assets to achieve operational
or strategic benefits to improve competitiveness and profitability. In addition,
Chevron receives claims from, and submits claims to, customers, trading
partners, contractors and suppliers. The amounts of these claims, individually
and in the aggregate, may be significant and require lengthy periods to resolve.
These activities may result in significant losses or gains in future periods. In
the second half of 1998, the company expects to realize the benefits from the
receipt of proceeds from certain insurance claims and to recognize favorable
income tax adjustments from its foreign operations that may be material to its

Current Developments
- --------------------
In Angola, the company announced in May that production began from the Lomba
field, located in the Block O concession, 40 miles offshore Cabinda in 400 feet
of water. Natural gas, produced in association with the crude oil, will be
collected, compressed and re-injected into the formation to enhance production.
Lomba's production began at 15,000 barrels per day, which is expected to
increase to 22,000 barrels per day by November 1998. Chevron has a 39.2-percent
interest in the Block O concession.

Also in Angola, the company announced a third significant discovery in the
Chevron-operated Block 14 offshore concession, which is adjacent to the
Chevron-operated Block O concession. This discovery, named Benguela, is in
waters more than 1,300 feet deep. Other discoveries in the Block 14 exploration
program are Kuito and Landana. Development of Kuito, which has been
characterized as a giant field and was the first discovery in Block 14, is
currently moving forward. Chevron's interest in Block 14 is 31 percent.

Chevron began production in June from the Dibi oil field in Nigeria, the third
field brought into production this year in the western Niger Delta area. The
Opolo field began production in the first quarter of 1998 and the Gbokoda field
came on stream in April. The Dibi field will be Chevron's second "zero-flare"
oil field project in Nigeria following the lead of the Gbokoda field. Natural
gas that is produced with crude oil from the Dibi and Gbokoda fields will be
gathered and processed for commercial use through the Escravos Gas Project,
inaugurated in May 1997, to reduce gas flaring and commercialize Nigeria's gas
resources. Chevron has a 40-percent equity interest in these fields.

In July, Chevron received its official 1998 budget allocation approved by its
partner in Nigeria, the government-owned Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation
(NNPC), based on a total oil industry budget of $2.5 billion for joint ventures
in the country. Prior to the death of the former Nigerian leader, General
Abacha, NNPC had been funding the joint ventures in the country at 1997's
approved budget rate of $2.05 billion.

Chevron has significant production and development projects under way in West
Africa. Its share of combined production from Nigeria, Angola, Republic of Congo
and Democratic Republic of Congo is more than 310,000 barrels per day. Civil
unrest, political uncertainty and economic conditions in this area may affect
the company's producing operations. The company continues to monitor
developments closely.

In Venezuela, Chevron assumed responsibility for operations and the development
of the LL-652 oil field in May from Petroleos de Venezuela on behalf of an
international consortium. The consortium plans to invest about $2 billion to
develop the field and expand production over the 20-year life of the agreement.
Chevron has a 30-percent interest in the consortium.

Offshore eastern Canada, crude oil production returned to about 60,000 barrels
per day in June at the Hibernia oil project after the completion of a program
that began last winter to boost reservoir pressure. Production is expected to
exceed 100,000 barrels per day later in 1998 as new wells come on-stream.
Hibernia, located offshore on Newfoundland's Grand Banks, is Canada's first
major offshore project.

The company announced in early August that production had begun at the Britannia
gas condensate field in the U.K. North Sea. The field is operated jointly by
Chevron and Conoco on behalf of an international consortium and is expected to
reach its full daily capacity of 740 million standard cubic feet of gas per day
and over 50,000 barrels of condensate per day by October 1998. Chevron's equity
interest in Britannia is 30.2 percent.


In the Gulf of Mexico, Chevron's Genesis project team in June installed the
28,700-ton hull of the floating spar platform in waters a half-mile deep, 150
miles south of New Orleans. The massive hull will serve as the foundation for
the drilling and production platform to be used to develop Green Canyon Block
205. Production from Green Canyon Block 205 is expected to begin in late 1998
and reach 55,000 barrels per day of oil and 72 million cubic feet per day of gas
by the year 2000. Chevron's equity interest in the Genesis project is 57

In Alaska, Chevron and Atlantic Richfield (ARCO) in early August signed two
agreements to partner equally in exploration and development projects on the
North Slope of Alaska. The first agreement provides for joint exploration and
appraisal of an approximate 4,000-square-mile area that includes leases recently
acquired by both companies in Alaska State Lease Sale 87. The second agreement
encompasses the McCovey/Salmon area, which included 196,000 offshore acres north
of the Prudhoe Bay oil field in the Beaufort Sea. ARCO has been designated as
exploration and development operator in both agreements.

Chevron Products Company signed an agreement in June to purchase Amoco
Corporation's U.S. lubricant business. This acquisition is expected to be a key
step in positioning Chevron as a leading marketer of heavy duty and industrial
oils in North America and significantly strengthens the company's position in
the mid-western region of the United States, where Amoco was a leading supplier.

Caltex, Chevron's 50-percent-owned equity affiliate, announced a major
restructuring in response to increased competition in its markets and the
economic impact of the Asian economic crisis. The restructuring includes the
realignment of global responsibilities from a geographic focus to a primarily
functional focus, the elimination of about 170 positions and the redeployment of
personnel. When fully implemented, direct before-tax savings for Caltex from the
restructuring are expected to be about $50 million annually. The company
anticipates that Caltex will record a charge associated with this restructuring
program during the second half of 1998.

Year 2000 compliance assessments of the company's information systems, software
and embedded technology continue and are coordinated by a specially formed Year
2000 Project Team. The company is also investigating the Year 2000 compliance
efforts of suppliers, contractors, and other third party entities with whom
Chevron does business and has material relationships, with a view to preventing
the company's operations from being adversely affected by significant compliance
problems of others. In several areas of the company's business, the assessment
stage is complete and corrective actions are under way. Specific areas where the
company could face material Year 2000 issues include the embedded technology in
certain of its exploration and production facilities, refinery operations and
chemical plants. Chevron has signed various consulting contracts with entities
which have expertise in Year 2000 assessment and remediation services for
embedded technology and information systems and software. While many
uncertainties exist, the company intends that substantially all material Year
2000 issues surrounding its information systems and software, embedded
technology and third party relationships will be identified by the end of 1998.
The company also intends that all material issues will be corrected or addressed
by the end of 1999. Concurrent with its efforts to correct Year 2000 issues, the
company will be developing appropriate contingency plans to help prevent the
company's operations from being materially impacted by a failure to correct a
Year 2000 problem. The total amount of costs to be incurred by the company to
address Year 2000 issues cannot be reliably estimated at this time. The ultimate
effects of certain Year 2000 technology problems may not be known until 2000.
Because of uncertainties, the actual effects of the Year 2000 issue on Chevron
may be different from the company's current assessment. However, the company
currently believes that Year 2000 issues will not have a material effect on its
results of operations, consolidated financial position or liquidity.

The European Economic Union will begin conversion of its various currencies to
the "Euro" on January 1, 1999. The company is evaluating what effect, if any,
the conversion to the Euro will have on the company's activities. The company
believes this conversion will not have a material effect on its results of
operations or liquidity.

Review of Operations
- --------------------
Total revenues for the quarter were $8.0 billion, a decrease of 22 percent from
$10.3 billion in last year's second quarter. For the six-month period, total
revenues were $15.6 billion, down 27 percent from $21.4 billion in the first
half of 1997. Except for U.S. natural gas in the second quarter, average sales
realizations from refined products, crude oil, and natural gas have declined
significantly in 1998 compared with the same periods of 1997. Additionally, the
absence of revenues from the U.K. refining and marketing business, due to the
company's exit in the fourth


quarter 1997, represents about one third of the quarterly decline and one fourth
of the year-to-date decline in total revenues.

The company continues to keep tight control over its operating expense, which is
critically important during this period of low crude oil prices. For the first
six months of 1998, operating expenses were $5.32 per barrel, down about 6
percent from comparable operations in the 1997 first half, helping to mitigate
the effect of declining commodity and product prices. Total operating, general
and administrative expenses, adjusted for special items, declined $113 million
in the 1998 first half to $3.089 billion compared with $3.202 billion in the
first half of 1997 despite increases in oil and natural gas production and
refined products sales volumes.

Taxes on income for the second quarter and first half of 1998 were $282 million
and $581 million, respectively, compared with $573 million and $1.201 billion
for the comparable 1997 periods. The effective income tax rate for the first
half of 1998 decreased to 35 percent from 42 percent in the 1997 first half. The
lower tax rate was due to the adjustment of prior years' income taxes and
associated estimated interest reserves resulting from the favorable resolution
of certain open tax issues with the IRS and higher equity affiliates' after-tax
earnings as a proportion of before-tax income. The company also recognized
beneficial prior-year tax adjustments resulting from a favorable U.S. tax ruling
related to its investment in the Tengizchevroil (TCO) partnership in the
Republic of Kazakhstan and from the utilization of additional foreign tax
credits. These benefits were partially offset by a shift in the company's 1998
international earnings mix to countries with higher effective tax rates and by
additional deferred taxes arising from an exchange of international upstream

Foreign currency gains of $96 million and $23 million were included in the
second quarter net income for 1998 and 1997, respectively. Net income for the
first half of 1998 and 1997 included foreign currency gains of $50 million and
$5 million, respectively. The increases in foreign exchange gains occurred in
many of Caltex's countries of operations, and in Chevron's Australian and
Canadian businesses.

The following tables detail the company's after-tax earnings by major operating
area and selected operating data.

                        EARNINGS BY MAJOR OPERATING AREA

                                                          Three Months Ended             Six Months Ended
                                                                    June 30,                     June 30,
                                                          ------------------           ------------------
Millions of Dollars                                        1998         1997              1998       1997
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exploration and Production
    United States                                         $  85         $182           $   191    $   543
    International                                           211          357               310        704
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Exploration and Production                     296          539               501      1,247
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Refining, Marketing and Transportation
    United States                                           225          182               270        252
    International                                           115           92               216        148
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Refining, Marketing and Transportation         340          274               486        400
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Total Petroleum Operations                           636          813               987      1,647
Chemicals                                                    47           77               110        140
Coal and Other Minerals                                       9            6                20         21
Corporate and Other *                                      (115)         (73)              (40)      (154)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       Net Income                                          $577         $823            $1,077     $1,654
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    "Corporate and Other" includes  interest  expense,  interest income on cash
     and  marketable  securities,  corporate  center costs,  and real estate and
     insurance activities.


                                          SELECTED OPERATING DATA (1) (2)

                                                                  Three Months Ended           Six Months Ended
                                                                            June 30,                   June 30,
                                                        ----------------------------    ------------------------
                                                                  1998         1997         1998           1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Exploration and Production
 Net Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Production (MBPD)           337          340          336            344
 Net Natural Gas Production (MMCFPD)                             1,786        1,896        1,796          1,911
 Sales of Natural Gas (MMCFPD)                                   3,336        3,324        3,416          3,545
 Sales of Natural Gas Liquids (MBPD) (3)                           127          100          134            128
 Revenue from Net Production
    Crude Oil ($/Bbl.)                                          $11.35       $16.86       $11.92         $18.36
    Natural Gas ($/MCF)                                         $ 2.08       $ 1.95       $ 2.08         $ 2.36

International Exploration and Production
 Net Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids Production (MBPD)           764          734          756            731
 Net Natural Gas Production (MMCFPD)                               559          543          602            580
 Sales of Natural Gas (MMCFPD)                                   1,398        1,226        1,363          1,007
 Sales of Natural Gas Liquids (MBPD) (3)                            60           68           58             61
 Revenue from Liftings
    Liquids ($/Bbl.)                                            $12.38       $17.14       $12.68         $18.51
    Natural Gas ($/MCF)                                         $ 1.81       $ 2.07       $ 1.89         $ 2.18
 Other Produced Volumes (MBPD) (4)                                  93           81           92             80

U.S. Refining, Marketing and Transportation
 Sales of Gasoline (MBPD) (5)                                      689          574          644            580
 Sales of Other Refined Products (MBPD)                            618          618          576            601
 Refinery Input (MBPD)                                             996          979          877            913
 Average Refined Product Sales Price ($/Bbl.)                   $22.75       $28.43       $23.17         $29.39

International Refining, Marketing and Transportation
 Sales of Refined Products (MBPD)                                  791          882          800            897
 Refinery Input (MBPD)                                             478          588          485            581

Chemical Sales and Other Operating Revenues(6)
 United States                                                    $659         $798       $1,340         $1,550
 International                                                     140          151          285            285

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  Worldwide                                                       $799         $949       $1,625         $1,835
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  Includes equity in affiliates.
(2)  MBPD = thousand barrels per day; MMCFPD = million cubic feet per day;
     Bbl. = barrel; MCF =  thousand cubic feet
(3)  1997 restated to conform to 1998 presentation.
(4)  Represents  total  field  production  under the  Boscan  operating  service
     agreement in Venezuela.
(5)  Includes branded and unbranded gasoline.
(6)  Millions of dollars.  Includes sales to other Chevron companies.

Worldwide exploration and production earned $296 million in the second quarter
- -------------------------------------
of 1998, compared with $539 million in the corresponding 1997 period. Earnings
of $501 million in the first six months of 1998 were 60 percent lower than the
$1.247 billion earned in the 1997 first half. U.S. exploration and production
net quarterly earnings were $85 million, less than half the $182 million earned
in the 1997 second quarter. Six-month earnings were $191 million in 1998,
compared with $543 million earned in the first six months of 1997. There were no
special items in the 1998 second quarter or year to date. However, the 1997
second quarter results were reduced by a special charge of $11 million for the
performance stock option program. Earnings for the 1997 six months benefited $49


from the sale of assets, partially offset by environmental remediation charges
of $6 million and performance stock option program costs of $11 million.

Net U.S. liquids production averaged 337,000 barrels per day in the second
quarter of 1998 and 336,000 barrels per day year to date. In 1997, liquids
production was 340,000 barrels per day in the second quarter and 344,000 barrels
per day year to date. Net U.S. natural gas production of 1.8 billion cubic feet
per day in the 1998 second quarter and six months declined from 1.9 billion
cubic feet per day for the 1997 periods. The declines in U.S. production of
liquids and natural gas were primarily attributable to property sales, 1998
weather-related shut-ins of liquids production in California and normal field

The company's 1998 average second quarter U.S. crude oil realizations of $11.35
per barrel declined by $5.51, or 33 percent, compared with the second quarter
1997. Average second quarter U.S. natural gas realizations of $2.08 per thousand
cubic feet were 13 cents higher than in the second quarter of last year. On a
year-to-date basis, 1998 crude oil realizations were $11.92 per barrel, 35
percent lower than the $18.36 per barrel obtained in 1997, and natural gas
prices were $2.08 per thousand cubic feet, a decline of 12 percent from $2.36
per thousand cubic feet last year.

International exploration and production net earnings for the 1998 second
- ----------------------------------------
quarter were $211 million, a decline of 41 percent from $357 million earned in
the second quarter of 1997. Earnings of $310 million in the first six months of
1998 were less than half the $704 million earned in the 1997 first half. The
1998 second quarter results benefited $21 million from prior-year income tax
adjustments. Six-month 1998 results were reduced a net $35 million by a first
quarter loss of $56 million on asset dispositions in addition to the second
quarter special item. The 1997 quarter and six months benefited a net $59
million from special items as gains from asset sales and a favorable prior-year
tax adjustment were partially offset by a $5 million charge for the company's
performance stock option program.

Excluding special items, earnings were $190 million in the 1998 second quarter,
down from $298 million in the year-ago quarter. For the 1998 first half,
earnings of $345 million declined from $645 million earned in the first six
months of 1997. The decline in operating earnings reflected lower crude oil and
natural gas prices, combined with lower liftings, when compared with the
year-ago periods. The 1997 periods also benefited from lower effective income
tax rates arising from the utilization of about $50 million of tax-loss
carryforwards in certain countries.

Net liquids production increased 4 percent to 764,000 barrels per day in the
1998 second quarter, with most of the increase coming from Indonesia and Canada,
combined with new production in Norway. Smaller increases in Nigeria and the
Republic of Congo were offset by production declines in Angola and in the U.K.
North Sea, partially as a result of the first quarter swap of interests in U.K.
producing properties for properties in Norway. Year-to-date production was
756,000 barrels per day, a 3 percent increase from 731,000 barrels per day
produced in 1997.

Net natural gas production increased to 559 million cubic feet per day from 543
million in the 1997 second quarter. Six-month production in 1998 was 602 million
cubic feet per day compared with 580 million cubic feet per day last year. The
increases in both periods were from new production in Nigeria and increases in
Australia and Indonesia, partially offset by declines in Canada.

The company's 1998 average second quarter international crude oil realizations
of $12.38 per barrel declined by $4.76, or 28 percent, compared with the second
quarter 1997. Average second quarter international natural gas realizations of
$1.81 per thousand cubic feet were 26 cents, or 13 percent, lower than in the
second quarter of last year. On a year-to-date basis, 1998 crude oil
realizations were $12.68 per barrel, 31 percent lower than the $18.51 per barrel
obtained in 1997. Natural gas prices were $1.89 per thousand cubic feet, a
decline of 13 percent from $2.18 per thousand cubic feet last year.

Foreign currency effects benefited earnings in all periods. Foreign currency
gains increased 1998 earnings $38 million in the second quarter and $23 million
in the first half. Foreign exchange gains were $12 million in the first quarter
and $17 million for the six months of 1997. Most of the foreign exchange gains
in both years were related to the U.S. dollar's fluctuation against the
Australian and Canadian currencies.

Worldwide refining, marketing and transportation operations reported earnings of
- ------------------------------------------------
$340 million in the 1998 second quarter, an increase of 24 percent over the $274
million earned in last year's second quarter. The 1998 first-half earnings were
$486 million, a 22 percent increase from the corresponding 1997 period.
U.S. refining, marketing and transportation net earnings were $225 million in
- ------------------------------------------
the 1998 second quarter, an increase of 24 percent


from $182 million in the 1997 second quarter, and five times the $45 million
earned in this year's first quarter. Six-month earnings for 1998 were $270
million compared with $252 million in the 1997 six months.

Earnings in all periods were reduced by special charges. In the 1998 second
quarter and first half of 1998, results were reduced $8 million and $13 million,
respectively, for environmental remediation activities. The 1997 second quarter
included charges of $23 million for the performance stock option program and $12
million for environmental remediation provisions. In addition to the second
quarter special items, the 1997 six months included an $8 million provision for
litigation. Excluding special charges, 1998 second quarter results of $233
million increased 7 percent from $217 million in 1997; six-month earnings in
1998 were $283 million, down slightly from $295 million in the 1997 six months.
The improvement in second quarter earnings primarily resulted from stronger
margins and increased sales volumes of Chevron-branded motor gasoline.

Total refined product sales volumes were 1.31 million barrels per day in the
second quarter of 1998, up 10 percent from the comparable quarter last year.
Chevron-branded motor gasoline sales improved by 6 percent over last year's
quarter, while other refined products sales volumes increased by 12 percent.
Year to date, sales volumes were up more than 3 percent to 1.22 million barrels
per day. Sales volumes for Chevron-branded motor gasoline had declined in the
first quarter 1998 compared to the fourth quarter and full year 1997. Poor
weather caused by the effects of El Nino depressed the demand for motor gasoline
in this year's first quarter, especially in California.

The company's average refined product prices were $22.75 per barrel in the 1998
second quarter compared with $28.43 in the 1997 quarter. Average refined product
prices were $23.17 and $29.39 in the first halves of 1998 and 1997,

International refining, marketing and transportation net earnings were $115
- --------------------------------------------------------
million and $216 million in the 1998 second quarter and six months,
respectively, compared with $92 million and $148 million in the comparable
periods last year. Results for the 1997 quarter and six months were reduced $3
million by a special charge for the performance stock option program. There were
no special items in the 1998 earnings.

In the Caltex areas of operations, foreign currency gains of $56 million offset
declines in sales margins in most of the Asian markets. The region's economic
problems have resulted in reduced refined products demand, which Caltex has
experienced primarily in Korea and Thailand, combined with oversupply
conditions. A larger portion of sales by Asian marketers is occurring in the
highly competitive export market, where lower prices are reducing sales margins.

Total refined products sales volumes declined by 10 percent to 791,000 barrels
per day in the second quarter of 1998 and 11 percent to 800,000 barrels per day,
year to date, compared with last year. The decline reflects the effect of the
company's exit from the U.K. refining and marketing business in the fourth
quarter of 1997.

Foreign currency gains in the second quarter 1998 were $59 million, compared
with gains of $13 million in the 1997 quarter. In the first half of 1998,
foreign currency effects resulted in gains of $28 million compared with a loss
of $16 million in the 1997 first half.

Chemicals net earnings were $47 million in the 1998 quarter, compared with net
- ---------
earnings of $77 million in last year's second quarter. Earnings in the first
half of 1998 were $110 million compared with $140 million in 1997. Net income
for the second quarter and six months of 1997 included a $9 million special
charge for the company's performance stock option program. There were no special
items in the 1998 periods. The decrease in operating earnings was the result of
declines in prices and sales volumes for the company's major chemical products,
reflecting excess industry capacity and the effects of the Asian economic
crisis. Also contributing to the decline were lower earnings from equity
affiliates, due to the sale of the company's interest in a U.K. affiliate in the
fourth quarter of 1997.

Coal and other minerals second quarter net earnings increased to $9 million from
- -----------------------
$6 million in last year's second quarter. Six-month earnings were $20 million
compared with $21 million in last year's six months. Results in both 1997
periods included a $2 million special charge for the company's performance stock
option program; there were no special items in 1998.

Corporate and other includes interest expense, interest income on cash and
- --------------------
marketable securities, corporate center costs and real estate and insurance
operations. These activities incurred net charges of $115 million in the second


quarter of 1998, compared with net charges of $73 million in the comparable
prior-year quarter. The second quarter earnings in 1998 included net special
charges of $56 million. Costs resulting from the outsourcing of the company's
mainframe computer and telecommunications operations and the write-off of
certain desktop computer equipment were partially offset by favorable prior-year
income tax adjustments. The 1997 quarter included special charges of $13 million
for the company's performance stock option program.

Year-to-date charges were $40 million in 1998, compared with $154 million in
last year's first half. Special items of $69 million in the 1998 first half
included favorable prior-year income tax related adjustments of $125 million, in
addition to the second quarter net special charges. The 1997 year-to-date
results included an $8 million special charge for environmental remediation in
addition to the second quarter special charge. Excluding special items, ongoing
net charges in the 1998 second quarter were about flat with last year, and first
half charges were lower due primarily to recoveries of certain prior-year claims
and lower costs of variable components of employee compensation plans, which
were offset in part by higher interest expense.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents totaled $1.185 billion at June 30, 1998, a $170
million increase from year-end 1997. Cash from operations and an increase in
short-term debt funded the company's capital expenditures and dividend payments
to stockholders.

The company's debt and capital lease obligations totaled $7.263 billion at June
30, 1998, up 20 percent from $6.068 billion at year-end 1997. The increase was
primarily from net additions of $1.421 billion in short-term debt, primarily
commercial paper, and newly issued long-term variable-rate obligations of $118
million. Partially offsetting these increases were scheduled and unscheduled
long-term debt repayments of $282 million and a scheduled non-cash retirement in
January of $60 million of 8.11 percent ESOP debt.

Although the company benefits from lower interest rates on short-term debt, its
proportionately large amount of short-term debt has kept Chevron's ratio of
current assets to current liabilities at relatively low levels. This ratio was
 .94 at June 30, 1998, down from 1.01 at year-end 1997. The company's short-term
debt, consisting primarily of commercial paper and the current portion of
long-term debt, totaled $5.639 billion at June 30, 1998. This amount includes
$2.725 billion that was reclassified as long-term since the company has both the
intent and ability, as evidenced by revolving credit agreements, to refinance it
on a long-term basis. The company's practice has been to continually refinance
its commercial paper, maintaining levels it believes to be economically

The company's debt ratio (total debt : total debt plus stockholders' equity) was
29 percent at June 30, 1998, up from 26 percent at year-end 1997, primarily as a
result of the increase in outstanding commercial paper debt. The company
continually monitors its spending level, market conditions and related interest
rates to maintain what it believes to be reasonable debt levels to fund its
operating and capital expenditure activities.

In December 1997, Chevron's Board of Directors approved the repurchase of up to
$2 billion of its outstanding common stock for use in its employee stock option
programs. In the first quarter of 1998, the company purchased 2.8 million shares
at a cost of about $200 million. There were no further purchases in the second
quarter of 1998. As of July 31, the company had purchased 4 million shares of
its stock at a cost of about $300 million under the repurchase program.

The company expects the receipt of cash proceeds in the third quarter in
settlement of a long-term receivable balance from an equity affiliate.
Additionally, the company expects the receipt of cash proceeds in the second
half of 1998 arising from the settlement of certain insurance claims.

Worldwide capital and exploratory expenditures for the first half of 1998,
- ----------------------------------------------
including the company's share of affiliates' expenditures, totaled $2.323
billion, up 3.5 percent from $2.245 billion spent in the 1997 first half. Total
expenditures for exploration and production activities were $1.538 billion
compared with $1.476 billion, about 66 percent of total spending in both years.
Total capital spending in both years was about evenly split between projects in
the United States and outside the United States.


                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 1. Legal Proceedings

The company is in settlement discussions with the Utah Department of Air Quality
in relation to a group of notices issued by the agency which allege that the
company violated benzene waste NESHAP regulations. The settlement may involve
the payment of penalties by the company.

Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

The following matters were submitted to a vote of stockholders at the Annual
Meeting on April 29, 1998. Voters elected 13 incumbent directors for one-year
terms. The vote tabulation for individual directors was:

                              Shares                                Shares
Directors                      For                                Withheld
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
S. H. Armacost                501,905,502                        6,186,582
K. T. Derr                    502,399,049                        5,693,035
S. Ginn                       502,712,017                        5,380,067
C. A. Hills                   502,286,083                        5,806,001
J. B. Johnston                501,866,017                        6,226,067
R. H. Matzke                  502,487,649                        5,604,435
C. M. Pigott                  502,569,984                        5,522,100
C. Rice                       502,284,387                        5,807,697
F. A. Shrontz                 502,495,056                        5,597,028
J. N. Sullivan                502,629,818                        5,462,266
C. Tien                       502,118,830                        5,973,254
G. H. Weyerhaeuser            502,267,453                        5,824,631
J. A. Young                   502,486,369                        5,605,715

Voters approved the appointment of Price Waterhouse LLP (known as
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as of July 1, 1998) as the company's independent
accountants by a vote of 503,925,766 (99.6 percent) for and 1,863,466 (0.4
percent) against. There were also 2,302,852 abstentions.

A stockholder proposal to provide information about toxic chemicals released by
Chevron's facilities was rejected. There were 35,332,879 votes (8.5 percent) for
the proposal and 377,793,468 votes (91.5 percent) against. There were 13,575,991
abstentions and 81,389,746 broker non-votes.


Item 6. Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

(a)   Exhibits

      (4)    Pursuant to the Instructions to Exhibits, certain instruments
             defining the rights of holders of long-term debt securities of the
             company and its consolidated subsidiaries are not filed because the
             total amount of securities authorized under any such instrument
             does not exceed 10 percent of the total assets of the company and
             its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis.  A copy of any such
             instrument will be furnished to the Commission upon request.

      (12)   Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges

      (27)   Financial Data Schedule

(b)   Reports on Form 8-K



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                CHEVRON CORPORATION

Date     August 11, 1998                           /s/ M.R. KLITTEN
      ---------------------                    -----------------------------
                                               M. R. Klitten, Vice President
                                              (Chief Financial Officer and
                                                Duly Authorized Officer)
