                               STANHOME INC.

            Effective on October 1, 1965 or on such later date
                  as the new Business Corporation Law of
                 Massachusetts (Chapter 156B) takes effect
                     As amended through April 28, 1994

                         BY-LAWS OF STANHOME INC.
                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

ARTICLE                                                  PAGE

I     OFFICES.............................................1
      Sec. 1  Principal Office............................1
      Sec. 2  Other Offices...............................1

II    MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS.............................1
      Sec. 1  Place of Meetings...........................1
      Sec. 2  Quorum......................................1
      Sec. 3  Annual Meetings.............................1
      Sec. 4  Special Meetings............................2
      Sec. 5  Notices.....................................2
      Sec. 6  Adjournments................................2

III   DIRECTORS...........................................2
      Sec. 1  Number and Term.............................2
      Sec. 2  Annual Meetings.............................2
      Sec. 3  Regular Meetings............................2
      Sec. 4  Special Meetings............................3
      Sec. 5  Waiver of Notice............................3
      Sec. 6  Quorum......................................3
      Sec. 7  Action without Meeting......................3
      Sec. 8  Powers......................................3
      Sec. 9  Execution of Corporation Documents
              and Instruments.............................3
      Sec. 10 Committees of the Board of
      Sec. 11 Remuneration of Outside Directors...........4

IV    OFFICERS............................................4
      Sec. 1  Election of Officers........................4
      Sec. 2  Terms of Office.............................4
      Sec. 3  Compensation of Officers, Employees
              and Agents..................................4
      Sec. 4  Vacancies...................................5
      Sec. 5 .............................................5
      Sec. 6 .............................................5
      Sec. 7 .............................................5
      Sec. 8 .............................................5
      Sec. 9 .............................................6
      Sec. 10 ............................................6
      Sec. 11 ............................................6
      Sec. 12 ............................................6
      Sec. 13 ............................................6

ARTICLE                                                  PAGE

      Sec. 14 ............................................6
      Sec. 15.............................................7
      ASSISTANT SECRETARIES ..............................7
      Sec. 16 ............................................7
      Sec. 17 ............................................7
      Sec. 18 ............................................7
      Sec. 19 ............................................8

      AND DIRECTORS ......................................8
      Sec. 1 .............................................8

VI    STOCK ..............................................9
      Sec. 1  Holders to be Recognized....................9
      Sec. 2  Form of Stock Certificates..................9
      Sec. 3  Replacement of Certificates Lost, Etc.......9
      Sec. 4  Fixing Date for Determination of
              Stockholders of Record......................9
      Sec. 5  Restrictions on Transfer....................10
      Sec. 6  Massachusetts Control Share
              Acquisition Act.............................10

VII   SEAL AND FISCAL YEAR ...............................10
      Sec. 1  Seal .......................................10
      Sec. 2  Fiscal Year ................................10

VIII  AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS................................10
      Sec. 1..............................................10
      Sec. 2..............................................11

                               STANHOME INC

                                 ARTICLE I


Sec. 1.      Principal Office.  The location of the principal office of
the Corporation shall be in the City of Westfield, Massachusetts, unless
such location shall at any time be changed as permitted by law.

Sec. 2.      Other Offices.  The Corporation may also have offices in such
other places within and without the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as the
business of the Corporation may require.

                                ARTICLE II

                         MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS

Sec. 1.      Place of Meetings.  All meetings of stockholders shall be held
at the principal office of the Corporation in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, unless by order of the Board of Directors the notice of any
such meeting shall designate some other place within the Commonwealth of

Sec. 2.      Quorum.  A majority of the stock issued, outstanding and
entitled to vote on the matters to be presented, which is represented by
the holders thereof, either in person or by proxy, shall be a quorum at
any meeting of stockholders.

Sec. 3.      Annual Meetings.  The annual meeting of the stockholders
shall be held on the fourth Thursday of April in each year at l0:00 A.M.
unless by order of the Board of Directors the notice of the annual meeting
shall designate some other hour on such date.  At each annual meeting the
stockholders entitled to vote thereat on the matter shall elect the class
of Directors whose term of office is expiring, in accordance with the
provisions of Article 6B of the Restated Articles of Organization of the
Corporation, as amended.  At each annual meeting the stockholders entitled
to vote thereat on the matter shall have placed before them for
ratification the name of the Auditor appointed by the Board of Directors
in accordance with law.

Sec. 4.      Special Meetings.  Special meetings of stockholders may be
called by the President, or by the Directors, or in any other manner
specifically authorized by law; provided, however, that if one or more
stockholders request the special meeting, the holders of at least ninety
percent in interest of the capital stock entitled to vote at the meeting
must submit written application therefor.

Sec. 5.      Notices.  Notice of any meeting of stockholders shall, at
least seven days prior to the date thereof, be mailed by the Clerk or an
Assistant Clerk or delivered by either to each stockholder entitled to vote
on any of the matters to be presented at his address as the same appears on
the stock records of the Corporation or so mailed or delivered to his
residence or to his usual place of business.

Sec. 6.       Adjournments.  Any meeting of the stockholders may be
adjourned to any other time and place by the stockholders present or
represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on the matters to
be presented, although less than a quorum, and it shall not be necessary to
notify any stockholder of any such adjournment.  Any business which could
have been transacted at any meeting of stockholders as originally called
may be transacted at any such adjournment thereof.

                               ARTICLE III.


Sec. l.      The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed
by or under the direction of a Board of Directors as set forth in Article
6B of the Restated Articles of Organization of the Corporation, as amended.
Each Director shall be a voting stockholder or shall become such prior to
acting as a director.

Sec. 2.      Annual Meetings.  Following each annual meeting of
stockholders and at the place thereof, if a quorum of the Board of
Directors is present thereat, the annual meeting of the Board of Directors
shall proceed thereafter without notice; but if a quorum of the Board is
not present thereat, or, if present, does not so proceed to hold such
meeting, the annual meeting of such Board shall be called in the manner
hereinafter provided with respect to the call of a special meeting of the

Sec. 3.      Regular Meetings.  Regular meetings of the Board of Directors
may be held at such times and places within or without the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts as shall from time to time be fixed by the Board, and no
notice need be given of regular meetings held at times and places so fixed.

Sec. 4.      Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board of Directors
may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board or the President,
and the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary shall give notice of any
special meeting so called to all Directors stating the time and place
within or without the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and such notice shall
be sufficient if given either (i) by mailing the same postage prepaid forty-
eight hours before the date of the meeting addressed to each Director at
his usual place of business or residence, or (ii) by delivery thereof in
hand or by telegram dispatched prepaid not less than twenty-four hours
before the date of the meeting, or (iii) orally or by telephone not less
than twenty-four hours before the date of the meeting.

Sec. 5.      Waiver of Notice.  Any requirement of notice of any meeting of
the Board of Directors shall be deemed satisfied as to any Director who
waives the same or whose attendance at such meeting constitutes a waiver
under the law.

Sec. 6.      Quorum.  A majority of the Board of Directors in office shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and a meeting of the
Board, whether a quorum be present or not, may be adjourned by those
present without the necessity of notifying any Director of any such
adjournment.  Any business which could legally be transacted at any meeting
of the Board of Directors may be transacted at any adjournment thereof
without any new notification.

Sec. 7.      Action without Meeting.  Any action required or permitted to
be taken at any meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken without a
meeting if all Directors consent in writing to such action.  Such written
consent shall be filed with the minutes of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 8.      Powers.  The Board of Directors shall manage the business of
the Corporation and shall have all the powers of the Corporation, except
such as by law, the Articles of Organization or by the By-Laws of the
Corporation are conferred upon or reserved to the stockholders.

Sec. 9.      Execution of Corporation Documents and Instruments.  The Board
of Directors shall designate the persons, in addition to those specifically
authorized elsewhere in these By-Laws, who shall be empowered on behalf of
the Corporation to sign checks, contracts, bids, deeds, releases, security

devices, notes and other documents and instruments of the Corporation, as
well as the terms and conditions, if any, of such signing.

Sec. 10.     Committees of the Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors
may establish such committees, including an Executive Committee, consisting
of members elected by it from among its number as it deems advisable in the
conduct of the business of the Corporation and may delegate such functions
and duties to such committees from time to time as may be permitted by law.

Sec. 11.     Remuneration of Outside Directors.  Any Director who is
entitled to compensation from the Corporation as an officer or employee
thereof shall not receive any additional compensation for his services as a
director.  The Board of Directors may provide for remuneration of all other
Directors in such amounts and in such manner as the Board may from time to
time deem advisable.

                                ARTICLE IV


Sec. l.      Election of Officers.  The Officers of the Corporation shall
be elected by the Directors and shall include a President, a Treasurer, and
a Clerk, and, when deemed desirable by the Board of Directors, a Chairman
of the Board, one or more Vice-Presidents, one or more Assistant
Treasurers, a Secretary and one or more Assistant Secretaries, one or more
Assistant Clerks and such other officers as the Board of Directors may,
from time to time, deem necessary or advisable for the management of the
affairs of the Corporation.  The President, Treasurer and Clerk shall be
elected at the Annual Meeting of Directors.  All other officers may be
elected at such annual meeting or at any regular or special meeting of the
Board of Directors.

Sec. 2.      Terms of Office.  The President, the Treasurer and the Clerk
shall (unless sooner removed in accordance with law) hold office until the
next annual meeting of the Board of Directors and until their respective
successors are elected.  All other officers shall (unless sooner removed in
accordance with law) hold their respective offices until the next annual
meeting and the election of the first mentioned officers thereat.

Sec. 3.      Compensation of Officers, Employees and Agents.  The officers,
employees and agents of the Corporation shall receive such compensation and
upon such terms as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.

The determination of such compensation may be delegated by the Board of
Directors to (i) a Compensation Committee composed of members of the Board
who are elected to that Committee by it or appointed under its
authorization except that the determination of the compensation of the
members of the Compensation Committee cannot be delegated to that
Committee, and (ii) to such other individuals or committees to the extent
and in the manner permitted by the law.

Sec. 4.      Vacancies.  If any corporate office specified in this Article
becomes vacant for any reason, including resignation, the Board of
Directors may elect a successor who shall hold office for the unexpired
term unless sooner removed in accordance with law.


Sec. 5.      The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the
stockholders and of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 6.      The Chairman of the Board shall have the power, on behalf of
the Corporation, to sign contracts, deeds and releases and, with the
Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, to sign or endorse security devices,
notes, and, when authorized by the Board of Directors, to sign or endorse
such other documents and instruments as the Board of directors may specify.
The Chairman of the Board shall also have such additional powers and duties
as the Board of Directors may from time to time assign to him.


Sec. 7.      In the absence or disability of the Chairman of the Board or
at his request, or if his office be vacant, the President shall preside at
all meetings of the stockholders and of the Board of Directors.

Sec. 8.      The President shall have the power on behalf of the
Corporation (i) to sign contracts, deeds and releases and (ii) with the
Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer, to sign or endorse certificates of stock,
security devices, notes, and (iii) when authorized by the Board of
Directors, to sign or endorse such other documents and instruments as the
Board of Directors may specify.  The President shall have also such
additional powers and duties as the Board of Directors may from time to
time assign to him.


Sec. 9.      Each of the Vice-Presidents shall bear such title and shall
have such powers and duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by
the Board of Directors.


Sec. 10.     The Treasurer shall have the custody of the money, funds and
securities of the Corporation and shall have charge of its books and the
keeping of its accounts.  He shall make financial and accounting reports to
the Board of Directors at least quarterly and more often when requested by
it, and shall make a report at the annual meeting of stockholders.  He
shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements in
books belonging to the Corporation and shall deposit all monies and other
valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such
depositories as may be designated from time to time by the Board of

Sec. 11.     The Treasurer shall, with the President or a duly authorized
Vice-President, sign all certificates of stock, and with the Chairman of
the Board or the President or a duly authorized Vice-President, sign or
endorse security devices and notes and, when authorized by the Board of
Directors, sign or endorse such other documents and instruments as the
Board may specify.

Sec. 12.     The Treasurer shall also keep books for the recording of stock
and transfers thereof and the names and addresses of stockholders and shall
be transfer agent of the Corporation for the transfer of all certificates
of stock; provided that the Board of Directors may, with respect to the
transfer of shares of any class of the capital stock of the Corporation,
appoint any other person or corporation to act as transfer agent, and, when
the Board deems it desirable, any person or corporation to act as registrar

Sec. 13.     The Treasurer also shall have such additional powers and
duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of


Sec. 14.     In the absence or disability of the Treasurer, or if his
office be vacant, the Assistant Treasurers, in the order of the seniority
of their election, shall have the powers and duties appertaining to the
office of Treasurer set forth in Sections l0 and l2 above and when duly
authorized by the Board of Directors shall perform all or any part of the

duties set forth in Sections 11 and l3 above.  In addition to the
foregoing, each of the Assistant Treasurers shall have such other powers
and duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of


Sec. 15.     The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Board of
Directors and the Executive Committee and shall record all votes and
minutes of all proceedings thereat in books to be kept for that purpose.
When required by law or these By-Laws, proper notice of meetings of the
Board of Directors shall be given by him.  In addition to the foregoing,
the Secretary shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to
him from time to time by the Board of Directors.


Sec. 16.     In the absence or disability of the Secretary or at his
request, or if his office be vacant, the Assistant Secretaries, in the
order of the seniority of their elections, shall perform the duties herein
assigned to the Secretary.  In addition to the foregoing, each Assistant
Secretary shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to him
from time to time by the Board of Directors.


Sec. 17.     The Clerk shall be a resident of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts unless the Board of Directors shall appoint a Resident Agent
as permitted by law.  He shall attend all meetings of stockholders and act
as clerk thereof and shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings
thereat in books to be kept for that purpose.  Such books shall remain at
the principal office of the Corporation or at the office of the Resident
Agent, if any.  When required by law or these By-Laws, proper notice shall
be given by him of all meetings of stockholders.  In addition to the
foregoing, the Clerk shall have such other powers and duties as may be
assigned to him from time to time by the Board of Directors.


Sec. 18.     In the absence or disability of the Clerk or at his request,
or if his office be vacant, the Assistant Clerks, in the order of the
seniority of their election, shall perform the duties herein assigned to
the Clerk.  In addition to the foregoing, each Assistant Clerk shall have

such other powers and duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by
the Board of Directors.


Sec. 19.     Any officer of the Corporation may be required to give a bond
for the faithful performance of his duties in such form and with such
sureties as the Board of Directors may direct.



Sec. 1.      In order to induce directors, officers, employees and other
agents of the Corporation to serve as such and as partial consideration for
such service, the Corporation shall, to the fullest extent and under the
circumstances permitted by Massachusetts law, as amended from time to time,
indemnify any person serving or who has served as a director or officer of
the Corporation or a President or Vice President of any division of the
Corporation or any person serving or who has served at the Corporation's
request (1) as director or officer of a direct or indirect subsidiary of
the Corporation or another organization or (2) in any capacity with respect
to any employee benefit plan of the Corporation, and the Board of Directors
may, to the extent legally permissible, indemnify any person serving or who
has served as an employee or other agent of the Corporation or as an
employee or other agent or in any capacity with respect to any employee
benefit plan of a direct or indirect subsidiary of the Corporation or
another organization, against all liabilities and expenses, including
amounts paid in satisfaction of judgments, in compromise or as fines and
penalties, and counsel fees, reasonably incurred by him or her in
connection with the defense or disposition of any action, suit or other
proceeding, whether civil or criminal, in which he or she may be involved
or with which he or she may be threatened, while serving or thereafter, by
reason of his or her being or having been such a director, officer,
trustee, partner, person serving with respect to an employee benefit plan,
employee or agent, except (unless otherwise permitted by Massachusetts law)
with respect to any matter as to which he or she shall have been
adjudicated in any proceeding not have acted in good faith in the
reasonable belief that his or her action was in the best interest of the
Corporation or, to the extent such matter relates to service with respect
to an employee benefit plan, in the best interests of the participants or
beneficiaries of such employee benefit plan.  Expenses, including without
limitation counsel fees, reasonably incurred by any such director, officer,
person serving with respect to any employee benefit plan, employee or agent
in connection with the defense or disposition of any such action, suit or
other proceeding may be paid from time to time by the Corporation in

advance of the final disposition thereof upon receipt of an undertaking by
such individual to repay the amounts so paid to the Corporation if it shall
be adjudicated that indemnification for such expenses is not authorized
under this Article.  The right of indemnification hereby provided shall not
be exclusive of or affect any other rights to which any such director,
officer, person serving with respect to any employee benefit plan, employee
or agent may be entitled.  Nothing contained in this Article shall affect
any other rights to indemnification to which such directors, officers,
persons serving with respect to an employee benefit plan, employees or
agents may be entitled by contract or otherwise under law.  The Board of
Directors is authorized to enter into agreements regarding indemnification
which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article.

                                ARTICLE VI


Sec. l.      Holders to be Recognized.  The Corporation shall be entitled
to treat the record holder of any share or shares of stock as the holder in
fact thereof and shall not be bound to recognize any equitable or other
claim to or interest in such share or shares on the part of any other
person except as may be otherwise expressly provided by law.

Sec. 2.      Form of Stock Certificates.  All certificates of stock shall
be in such form and contain such information as shall be required by law
and be signed, either manually or by facsimile, as hereinbefore provided.

Sec. 3.      Replacement of Certificates Lost, Etc..  In case of the
alleged loss, destruction, mutilation, or wrongful taking of a certificate
of stock, a new certificate may be issued in place thereof, upon such terms
and conditions as the Board of Directors may prescribe.

Sec. 4.      Fixing Date for Determination of Stockholders of Record.  The
Board of Directors may fix in advance a time, which shall be not more than
sixty days before the date of any meeting of stockholders or the date for
the payment of any dividend or the making of any distribution to
stockholders or the last day on which the consent or dissent of
stockholders may be effectively expressed for any purpose, as the record
date for determining the stockholders having the right to notice of and to
vote at such meeting and any adjournment thereof or the right to receive
such dividend or distribution or the right to give such consent or dissent,
and in such case only stockholders of record on such record date shall have
such right, notwithstanding any transfer of stock on the books of the
Corporation after the record date; or without fixing such record date the

Board of Directors may for any of such purposes close the transfer books
for all or any part of such period.

Sec. 5.      Restrictions on Transfer.  The Board of Directors may impose
restrictions on transfer of securities of the Corporation pursuant to the
Rights Agreement dated as of September 7, 1988 by and between the
Corporation and The Connecticut Bank and Trust Company, N.A. (East
Hartford, Connecticut), as and to the extent required by such Rights
Agreement, as amended from time to time.

Sec. 6.      Massachusetts Control Share Acquisition Act.  Until such time
as this Section 6, Article VI shall be repealed or the By-Laws otherwise
shall be amended to provide otherwise, in each case in accordance with
Article VIII of the By-Laws, the provisions of Chapter 110D of the
Massachusetts General Laws ("Chapter 110D") shall not apply to "control
share acquisitions" of the Corporation within the meaning of Chapter 110D.

                                ARTICLE VII

                           SEAL AND FISCAL YEAR

Sec. 1.      Seal.  The seal of the Corporation shall have inscribed
thereon the name of the Corporation and the words "INCORPORATED 1931
MASSACHUSETTS".  The corporate seal may be used by causing it or a
facsimile thereof to be impressed or affixed to any document.

Sec. 2.      Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin
on the first day of January of each year and end on the thirty-first day of

                               ARTICLE VIII
                           AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS

Sec. 1.      Any of these By-Laws may be added to, altered, amended or
repealed by the stockholders of the Corporation entitled to vote on the
matter at any annual or special meeting of stockholders.  The nature or
substance of the proposed addition, alteration, amendment or repeal shall
be stated in the notice of the meeting.

Sec. 2.      The Board of Directors shall also have the power to make,
amend or repeal the By-Laws of the Corporation in whole or in part subject
to amendment or repeal by stockholders as provided by law.
