WHEREAS, Stanhome Inc., a Massachusetts corporation (

the "Company"), has for many years maintained the Stanhome Investment

Savings Plan (the "Qualified Plan") for the benefit of its employees and

employees of certain of its subsidiaries which have, with the consent of

the Company, elected to participate in the Qualified Plan (the


            WHEREAS, section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code of

1986, as amended (the "Code") limits the amount of annual compensation

which may be taken into account under the Qualified Plan to $150,000 (as

adjusted for increases in the cost of living) (the "Compensation Limit");

            WHEREAS, section 402(g) of the Code limits the contributions to

a participant's Salary Reduction Contribution Account under the Qualified

Plan to $7,000 (adjusted for increases in the cost of living) (the "Dollar


            WHEREAS, section 401(k) of the Code (the "Before-Tax

Contribution Limit") may limit the amount of contributions which may be

allocated to the Salary Reduction Contribution Accounts of certain highly

compensated participants under the Qualified Plan;

            WHEREAS, section 415 of the Code requires that allocations to

participants' accounts under the Qualified Plan generally be limited to the

lesser of $30,000 (adjusted for increases in the cost of living) and 25% of

a participant's compensation in certain other respects (the "Section 415

Limit"); and

            WHEREAS, the Company and the Employers desire to adopt an

"excess benefit plan" within the meaning of section 3(36) of the Employee

Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA") and to provide

benefits to "a select group of management or highly compensated employees,"

within the meaning of ERISA equal to the contributions which, but for

sections 401(a)(17), 401(k), 402(g) and 415 of the Code, would be provided

to such participants under the Qualified Plan.

            NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and the Employers hereby agree as


            1.    Definitions.  All capitalized terms used herein shall

have the respective meanings assigned to such terms by the Qualified Plan,

except as otherwise set forth in the preamble to or text of this Plan or


            (a)   Plan.  This Stanhome Supplemental Investment Savings
            Plan, as from time to time amended.

            (b)   Key Associate.  For any Plan Year, an employee of the
            Company or an Employer who is a Participant in the Qualified
            Plan for a Plan Year and who either is (i) an officer of the
            Company or any Employer, or (ii) is classified by the Committee
            as a "key associate" who shall elect to participate in this
            Plan for a calendar year.  An election to participate in this
            Plan for a calendar year shall be made (i) for the calendar
            year in which the Plan is adopted, or for the calendar year in
            which an employee first becomes designated as eligible to
            participate in the Plan, within 30 days after such adoption or
            designation, as the case may be, and (ii) for each subsequent
            calendar year, by December 31 of the preceding calendar year.
            A person shall cease to be Key Associate upon the complete
            distribution of his or her Accounts under the Plan.

            (c)   Account.  An account established on behalf of a Key
            Associate pursuant to the Plan.

            (d)  Valuation Date.  The date as of which earnings (or losses)
            are credited to an Account pursuant to paragraph 3 of the Plan.

            (e)  Trust.  A trust entered into between the Company, the
            Employers and the trustee for the purpose of administering
            assets of the Company to be used for the purpose of satisfying
            the obligations of the Company and the Employers under the
            Plan.  Any such trust shall be established in such manner so as
            to be a "grantor trust" of which the Company and the Employers
            are the grantors, within the meaning of section 671 et. seq. of
            the Code.

            2.    Accounts.  (a) Credits with Respect to Employee

Contributions.  There shall be established on the books of the Company and

of each Employer an Employee Account in the name and on behalf of each

employee thereof who is a Key Associate and who, during any Plan Year

beginning after December 31, 1993, would have been entitled, based on the

election made by such Key Associate under Section 3.2 of the Qualified Plan

as in effect on the first day of such Plan Year (or in the case of the

first Plan Year for which an employee is eligible to participate in this

Plan based on a separate written election pursuant to this Plan to defer a

percentage of pay earned after the date of such election, to make

contributions to his or her Salary Reduction Contribution Account in excess

of the amount that would have been so allocated but for the application of:

            (a)   The penultimate three sentences of subdivision (12) of
            Article 2 of the Qualified Plan, relating to the Compensation

            (b)  Section 4.2 of the Qualified Plan, relating to the Dollar

            (c)  Section 4.4 of the Qualified Plan, relating to the Before-
            Tax Contribution Limit; and

            (d) Section 7.5 of the Qualified Plan relating to the
            Section 415 Limit.

                  In lieu of the election provided for above, Key

            Associates may elect to defer their compensation for such year

            pursuant to this Plan in lieu of periodic salary reduction

            contributions pursuant to Section 4.1 of the Qualified Plan.

            Notwithstanding the foregoing, an election pursuant to the

            preceding sentence shall be deemed to be an election under

            Section 4.1 of the Qualified Plan for the maximum contribution

            allowable thereunder for such calendar year in respect of the

            compensation deferred pursuant to this Plan for such year.

            The compensation otherwise payable by the Company or an

Employer to such Key Associate shall be reduced, and each Employee Account

shall be credited with, such amounts, and at such time and in such manner,

as shall be necessary so that the wages subject to withholding under

section 3402 of the Code of such Key Associate shall not be greater than if

the contributions to his or her Salary Reduction Contribution Account were

not subject to any of the above-described limits.  Notwithstanding anything

herein to the contrary, the amount to be credited by the Company or an

Employer to the Employee Account of each such Key Associate for any Plan

Year shall not exceed the elected percentage of the Key Associate's

Compensation for such Plan Year (determined without regard to the

Compensation Limit) in effect under Section 4.1(a) of the Qualified Plan on

the first day of such Plan Year (or, in the case of an election pursuant to

the second paragraph of this Section 2(a) or the first year for which a Key

Associate is eligible to participate in this Plan, the maximum such

percentage allowed under Section 4.1(a) of the Qualified Plan, less the

amount contributed on behalf of such Key Associate for such Plan Year

pursuant to Section 4.1 (a) of the Qualified Plan.

            (b)   Matching Credits.  There shall be established an Employer

Account on behalf of each Key Associate for whom an Employer Account is

established pursuant to Section 2(a).  As of each date on which matching

contributions pursuant to Section 4.3 are delivered to the trustee under

the Qualified Plan, the Employer Account of each Key Associate shall be

credited with an amount equal to any matching contributions that would have

been made as of such date pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Qualified Plan if

the amounts credited to the Key Associate's Employee Account pursuant to

Section 2(a) for the period to which such matching contributions relate had

been made under Section 4.1 of the Qualified Plan.

            (c)   Transfers to Qualified Plan.  As soon as practicable

following the end of a calendar year for which elections were made pursuant

to the second paragraph of Section 2(a), the Company shall determine the

maximum amount of contributions that could have been made under Section 4.1

of the Qualified Plan for such calendar year (after taking into account the

limitations contained in Section 4.4) on behalf of each Key Associate who

made such an election (the "Maximum Qualified Elective Contribution").  As

soon as is practicable thereafter (i) the Employee Account of each such Key 

Associate shall be debited and reduced by an amount equal to the lesser of 

the Maximum Qualified Elective Contribution and the amount credited to such 

account (reduced by any losses charged thereto pursuant to Section 3) for 

such year pursuant to Section 2(a) and the Company shall contribute to the 

Qualified Plan cash in an amount equal to such debit, and (ii) the Employer 

Account shall be debited and reduced by the amount of matching 

contributions made pursuant to Section 4.3 of the Qualified Plan for such 

calendar on account of the contributions made pursuant to clause (i) of 

this sentence.

            3.    Earnings on Accounts.  As of the close of each business

day, the Company and each Employer shall credit to or charge against, as

the case may be, each Account established on its books pursuant to

paragraph 2 of this Plan, an amount representing investment gains or losses

in respect of the balance of such Account.  The amount of such gains or

losses in respect of the Account of any Participant shall be determined by

the Committee to be equal to the net gain or loss that would have been

earned on an amount equal to the balance of such Participant's Account as

of the close of the preceding business day, as adjusted for any credits,

withdrawals or distributions, based on the hypothetical investment

elections made by the Key Associate, as described below.  Each Key

Associate shall be entitled to elect to have the earnings in respect of his

or her Plan Account determined as if an amount equal to the balance thereof

were invested among the investment funds available from time to time under

the Qualified Plan except the Stanhome Stock Fund and the Putnam Stable

Value Fund.  Such elections shall be subject to the same provisions

regarding the time, manner and portion of the account subject to such

election as are applicable from time to time under the Qualified Plan.

            4.    Vesting.  Amounts credited to a Key Associate's Account

pursuant to the terms of this Plan shall be fully vested and not subject to

forfeiture for any reason.

            5.    Hardship Withdrawals.  If a Key Associate experiences an

"unforeseeable financial emergency," as defined below, he or she may

request the Committee to (i) suspend any further reductions in compensation

pursuant to Section 2 above, (ii) receive a complete or partial

distribution of the Key Associate's Accounts under the Plan or (iii) do

both (i) and (ii) above.  The amount of any distribution pursuant to this

Section 5 shall not exceed the lesser of (i) the balance of the Key

Associate's Accounts under the Plan, determined as of the Valuation Date

next following the date of such request, and (ii) the amount reasonably

necessary to satisfy such unforeseeable financial emergency.  For purposes

of this Section 5, "unforeseeable financial emergency" shall mean an

unanticipated emergency that is caused by an event beyond the control of

the Participant that would result in severe financial hardship to the Key

Associate resulting from (i) a sudden and unexpected illness or accident of

the Key Associate or a dependent of the Key Associate, (ii) a loss of the

Key Associate's property due to casualty or (iii) such other extraordinary

and unforeseeable circumstances arising as a result of events beyond the

control of the Key Associate, all as determined in the sole discretion of

the Committee.

            6.    Distributions.  The distribution of a Key Associate's

Accounts under this Plan shall be made at the same time and in the same

manner as distributions are made to the Key Associate under the Qualified

Plan.  Such distribution shall be based on the balance of the Key

Associate's Accounts as of the Valuation Date coinciding with or next

following the valuation date used to determine the amount to be distributed

to or on behalf of the Key Associate under the Qualified Plan.

            7.    Beneficiaries.  If a Key Associate shall die while any

amount remains credited to the Accounts established on his behalf pursuant

to paragraph 2 of this Plan, such amount shall be distributed as provided

in paragraph 6 of this Plan to the beneficiary or beneficiaries as the Key

Associate may, from time to time, designate in writing delivered to the

Committee.  A Key Associate may revoke or change his or her beneficiary

designation at any time in writing delivered to the Committee.  If a Key

Associate does not designate a beneficiary under this Plan, or if no

designated beneficiary survives the Key Associate, the balance of his or

her Account shall be distributed to the person or persons entitled to his

or her account under Section 8.5 of the Qualified Plan (or who would be so

entitled if there were then an amount remaining unpaid under the Qualified


            8.    Amendment and Termination.  This Plan shall be subject to

the same reserved powers of amendment and termination as the Qualified Plan

(without regard to any limitations imposed on such powers by the Code or

ERISA), except that no such amendment or termination shall reduce or

otherwise adversely affect the rights of Key Associates or Beneficiaries in

respect of amounts credited to their Accounts as of the date of such

amendment or termination.

            9.    Application of ERISA.  This Plan is intended to be an

"excess benefit plan" within the meaning of section 3(36) of ERISA and an

unfunded plan maintained primarily for the purpose of providing deferred

compensation to a select group of management or highly compensated

employees within the meaning of sections 201(2), 301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of

ERISA and Department of Labor Regulation  2520.104-23.  This Plan shall

not be a funded plan, and the Company and the Employers shall be under no

obligation to set aside any funds for the purpose of making payments under

this Plan.  Any payments hereunder shall be made out of the general assets

of the Company and the Employers.

            10.   Administration.  The Committee shall be charged with the

administration of this Plan and shall have the same powers and duties, and

shall be subject to the same limitations, as are described in the Qualified

Plan.  The provisions of Article 10 of the Qualified Plan (other than

Section 10.3, relating to qualified domestic relations orders) are hereby

incorporated herein by reference, and shall be applicable as if such

provisions were set forth herein.

            11.   Nonassignment of Benefits.  Notwithstanding anything

contained in the Qualified Plan to the contrary, it shall be a condition of

the payment of benefits under this Plan that neither such benefits nor any

portion thereof shall be assigned, alienated or transferred to any person

voluntarily or by operation of any law, including any assignment, division

or awarding of property under state domestic relations law (including

community property law).  If any person shall endeavor or purport to make

any such assignment, alienation or transfer, the amount otherwise provided

hereunder which is the subject of such assignment, alienation or transfer

shall cease to be payable to any person.

            12.   No Guaranty of Employment.  Nothing contained in this

Plan shall be construed as a contract of employment between any Employer

and any employee or as conferring a right on any employee to be continued

in the employment of any Employer.

            13.   Adoption By Employers.  Any corporation which is or

becomes an "Employer" under the Qualified Plan may, with the consent of the

Company, become an Employer in this Plan by delivery to the Company of a

resolution of its board of directors or duly authorized committee to such

effect, which resolution shall specify the first Plan Year under the

Qualified Plan for which this Plan shall be effective in respect of the

employees of such corporation.

            14.   Trust.  The Company (and the Employers) shall establish

the Trust and shall at least annually contribute to the Trust such assets

as the Committee determines, in its sole discretion, are necessary to

provide for the Employers' future liabilities created with respect to the

amounts credited to the Accounts established hereunder.   The existence of 

the Trust shall not relieve the Employers of their liabilities under the

Plan, but the Employers' obligations under the Plan shall be deemed

satisfied to the extent paid from the Trust.

            15.   Miscellaneous.

             (a)  Certain Qualified Plan Provisions.  Except as otherwise

provided herein, the  miscellaneous provisions contained in Sections 13.6

(relating to gender and plurals), 13.7 (relating to applicable law) and

13.8 (relating to severability) are hereby incorporated herein by

reference, and shall be applicable as if such provisions were set forth


            (b)   Expenses.   All costs and expenses incurred in

administering the Plan, including the expenses of the Committee, the fees

of counsel and any agents of the Committee and other administrative

expenses shall be charged against the Accounts in such amounts and at such

time and in such manner as the Committee, in its sole discretion, shall


            (c)  FICA Taxes.  For each calendar year in which a Key

Associate's compensation is reduced pursuant to this Plan, his or her

employer shall withhold from that portion of the Key Associate's payments

of compensation the taxes imposed upon the Key Associate pursuant to

section 3121 of the Code in respect of the amount by which the Key

Associate's compensation is reduced.

            (d)  Successors and Assigns.  The provisions of this Plan shall

bind and inure to the benefit of each Employer and its successors and

assigns, as well as each Key Associate and his or her beneficiaries and
