(RULE 14A-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 (AMENDMENT NO. )

[x] Filed by the Registrant
[ ] Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:
[x] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive additional materials
[ ]  Soliciting  Material  Pursuant to Rule  240.14a-11  or Rule  240.14a-12 [ ]
Confidential, for use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
    Rule 14a-6(e) (2))

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Name                  of   Registgrant   as   Specified  in  its
                                      Charter) N.A.
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (check appropriate box):
[x] No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules  14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11 (1)
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee
is calculated and state how it was determined):
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (5) Total fee paid:
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     [ ] Fee paid  previously  with  preliminary  materials

     [ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paiud
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     (1) Amount Previously Paid

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (3) Filing Party:

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     (4) Date Filed:

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  4201 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77027
                    NOTICE  OF  ANNUAL  MEETING  OF  SHAREHOLDERS  To Be Held On
                     Tuesday, August 26, 1997


     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of Sterling
Electronics Corporation,  (the "Company") will be held at the Company's offices,
4201 Southwest Freeway,  Houston,  Texas, August 26, 1997, at 3:00 o'clock p.m.,
Houston time, for the following purposes:

     1. To elect six (6)  directors of the Company to serve for the ensuing year
and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

     2. To consider and adopt the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan.

     3. To consider and act upon management's  recommendation that Ernst & Young
LLP, Certified Public Accountants,  be appointed as independent auditors for the
fiscal year ending March 28, 1998.

     4. To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting.

     In  accordance  with  applicable  law and the bylaws of the  company,  only
shareholders  of record at the close of business on July 11, 1997,  are entitled
to notice of this meeting and to vote and it or any adjournment thereof.

Leon Webb, Jr.,Secretary

July 18, 1997
Houston, Texas


     Please complete, sign and date the enclosed proxy and return it promptly in
the enclosed  return  envelope  which has been  provided  for your  convenience,
whether or not you plan to attend the meeting.  The prompt return of the proxies
will assure a quorum and reduce solicitation.


                  4201 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77027
                    Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held
                                 August 26, 1997

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This proxy  statement  is being  first  mailed or  otherwise  delivered  to
shareholders  commencing  about  July  25,  1997,  for  the  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders of Sterling Electronics Corporation (the "Company"),  to be held at
the Company's  principal  executive offices,  4201 Southwest  Freeway,  Houston,
Texas,  77027, at 3:00 o'clock p.m., Houston time, on Tuesday,  August 26, 1997,
for the  purposes  set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual  Meeting  of

                                   RECORD DATE

     The close of business on July 11,  1997,  has been fixed as the record date
for the  determination  of  shareholders  entitled to receive  notice of, and to
vote, at the Annual Meeting.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

     A copy of the Company's  Annual Report to shareholders  for the fiscal year
ended March 29, 1997 is being mailed to you herewith.  This Annual Report should
not be  considered  as part of this Proxy  Statement or  incorporated  herein by
reference.  Additional  copies of the Annual Report,  Notice of Annual  meeting,
Proxy  Statement  and Proxy may be obtained from the offices of the Secretary of
the Company,  4201 Southwest Freeway,  Houston,  Texas, 77027.  Mailing address:
P.O. Box 1229, Houston, Texas 77251-1229, Attention: Leon Webb, Jr.

                               REVOCATION OF PROXY

     Any shareholder  executing the Proxy enclosed herewith shall have the power
to revoke the same at any time prior to the voting of the Proxy. The termination
of the Proxy's  authority by any shareholder  shall be ineffective until written
notice has been given to the Secretary of the Company.


BOARD OF  DIRECTORS  OF THE COMPANY.  In addition to the  solicitation  by mail,
officers and regular  employees of the Company may solicit proxies by telephone,
e-mail,   facsimile   transmission,   or  in  person  for  which  no  additional
compensation  is made.  Independent  contract labor may be obtained to assist in
the mail-out  and  solicitation  of the proxies for which it will be  reasonably
compensated.  Brokers and other  custodians,  nominees  and  fiduciaries  may be
requested to forward solicitation material to the beneficial owners of the stock
registered  in the  names  of such  persons  and to  request  authority  for the
execution of proxies,  and the Company will,  upon request,  reimburse  them for
their reasonable and necessary  expenses in doing so. Management is not aware of
any matter coming before this Annual  Meeting that will  necessitate  dissenting
shareholders rights or appraisal rights.

                                OUTSTANDING STOCK

     On June 2, 1997,  the Company had  outstanding  7,114,203  shares of Common
Stock.  Each shareholder will be entitled to cast one vote in person or by Proxy
for each share of Common Stock held. No cumulative voting is permitted.

                                 AND MANAGEMENT

     The table of  director  nominees  sets forth the Common  Stock of  Sterling
Electronics  Corporation  owned by each such  nominee  as of June 2,  1997.  The
following table sets forth as of such date the information  indicated concerning
the  security  ownership  of  the  Company  by the  only  known  persons  to own
beneficially 5% or more of the Company's outstanding equity securities,  each of
the  non-director  nominee  named  executive  officers,  and all  directors  and
executive officers of the Company as a group.

     Name and Address           Number of Shares          Percent
     of Beneficial Owner       Beneficially Owned         of Class

     T.D. McGinty                        46,707(b)            *
     4201 Southwest Freeway
     Houston, TX 77027

     C.M. O'Brien                        24,842(b)            *
     4201 Southwest Freeway
     Houston, TX 77027

     W. B. Turner                        48,444(b)            *
     4201 Southwest Freeway
     Houston, TX 77027

     All Directors &                    724,261(a)            10.2%
     Executive Officers as
     a group (15 persons)                                     * Less than 1%

     (a) Includes  336,249  shares which may be acquired from the Company within
60  days  upon  exercise  of  options  pursuant  to  the  Sterling   Electronics
Corporation  1992 Incentive  Stock Option Plan (the "1992 Plan"),  non-qualified
stock option grants,  the 1993 Directors'  Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan (the
"1993 Plan") and the Sterling Electronics Corporation 1994 Stock Option Plan
(the "1994 Plan").

     (b) Includes  5,513 shares for Mr.  McGinty,  11,143 shares for Mr. O'Brien
and 5,513 shares for Mr. Turner which may be acquired from the Company within 60
days upon exercise of options pursuant to the 1992 Plan and/or the 1994 Plan.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     In accordance  with the  provisions  of the bylaws of the Company,  six (6)
directors will be elected at the Annual  Meeting,  each to serve for one year or
until his  successor  is elected  and  qualified.  It is  intended  that  unless
otherwise directed, the enclosed Proxy will be voted in favor of the election of
the nominees named in the following table.

     Certain  information  concerning  the nominees,  each of whom has agreed to
stand for election, is set forth below. Each of the named nominees listed in the
following  table is  currently  a director of the Company and was elected to his
present term of office at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders on August 27, 1996.

                                                        Shares of Common Stock
                                                     of the Company Beneficially
                                                         Owned and Percent of
    Name, Age and                                      Outstanding shares as of
    Tenure Of Nominee          Position With Company        June 2, 1997(a)

    JAY H. GOLDING             Director                   37,627           *
    52 Years
    Director since 1992

    S.M. LAMBERT, Ph.D.        Director                   12,966           *
    65 Years
    Director since 1974

    HERSCHEL G. MALTZ          Director                   13,990           *
    66 Years
    Director since 1965

    DAVID A . SPOLANE          Executive Vice President  178,222         2.5%
    42 Years                   & Director (b)
    Director since 1994

    RONALD S. SPOLANE          Chairman of the Board,    221,871         3.1%
    42 Years                   Chief Executive Officer &
    Director since 1992        President (b)

    DAVID R. TOOMIM            Director                   19,862           *
    77 Years
    Director since 1976
                                                            * Less than 1%

     (a) Includes  shares which may be acquired from the Company  within 60 days
upon  exercise  of options as  follows:  Jay H.  Golding - 11,864  shares,  S.M.
Lambert - 11,864  shares,  Herschel  G. Maltz - 11,864  shares,  D.A.  Spolane -
70,246  shares,  R.S.  Spolane -  140,700  shares  and David R.  Toomim - 11,864

     (b) Mr. David A. Spolane and Mr. Ronald S. Spolane are brothers.

     Mr. Golding has been a private investor and serves as Chairman of both Port
Chester Industries and American International  Partners, L.C. Prior to 1989, Mr.
Golding was CEO of Hi-Port Industries, a public company engaged in the packaging
of chemical based consumer products.  Mr. Golding also serves as Chairman of the
Board of Bogan Aerotech, Inc., a privately held company engaged in the aerospace
industry. He is also Chairman of the Board of American  International  Partners,
L.C., a merchant banking company with development interests in Southeast Asia.

     Dr.  Lambert has been an  independent  management  consultant for more than
five  years.  Prior to 1986,  Dr.  Lambert  was the  Senior  Vice  President  of
Corporate Planning for LTV Corporation, a public company engaged in a variety of
businesses including steel, shipping,  energy,  defense and aerospace.  Prior to
joining LTV Corporation,  he was an executive with Shell Oil Company in Houston,

     Mr.  Maltz is  Chairman of the  Company's  Compensation  Committee.  Though
primarily a private  investor,  from 1993  through  1995 he was  Chairman of the
Board and Chief Executive Officer of IPS Systems,  Inc. a privately held company
engaged in the distribution of products for apartment maintenance.  During 1992,
Mr. Maltz was President of Petrolon,  Inc., a privately held company  engaged in
the marketing and distribution of engine  additives.  Prior to joining Petrolon,
he was a private  investor  for two years.  He was  previously  President  and a
Director of Century  Papers,  Inc., a public  company  engaged in the  wholesale
distribution  of  paper  products.  Mr.  Maltz  is also a  director  of  Charter
Bancshares, Inc., a publicly held bank holding company.

     Mr.  D.  A.  Spolane   became   Executive   Vice   President   with  senior
responsibility  for sales and marketing in the distribution  operations in March
1994. From 1987 through March 1994, he was a Vice President with  responsibility
for the  Company's  semiconductor  marketing  program.  Mr.  Spolane has been an
employee of the Company in various sales and marketing capacities since 1976.

     Mr. R. S. Spolane has been Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors and
Chief Executive  Officer since January 1994. In August 1993, he became President
and Chief Operating Officer. From 1991 through August 1993, Mr. Spolane held the
position of Executive Vice President  with senior  responsibility  for sales and
marketing in the distribution operations. He has been an employee of the Company
since  1976 and has held  various  positions  in  computer  services,  financial
administration, sales and marketing.

     Mr. Toomim is Chairman of the Company's Audit Committee. Since 1981, he has
been an attorney with Schlanger, Mills, Mayer & Grossberg, L.L.P., a Houston law
firm. Mr. Toomim is a retired partner of Deloitte & Touche, a public  accounting
firm.  Schlanger,  Mills, Mayer & Grossberg,  L.L.P. provides legal services for
the Company.  During  fiscal 1997 the Company  paid  Schlanger,  Mills,  Mayer &
Grossberg, L.L.P. approximately $102,000 for legal services.

     Should any one or more of the  foregoing  nominees  not be a candidate  for
director  when the election is held, it is the intention of the persons named in
the enclosed Proxy to vote for the election of a substitute  nominee proposed by
the  management.  However,  the  Management  has no reason to  believe  that the
nominees will be unable to serve if elected.


                               EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

     In addition to Messrs.  D.A. Spolane and R.S. Spolane,  the Company has the
following executive officers:

     Name                      Age              Position(s) with the Company

     Ronald Barnard            55               Senior Vice President

     David Goforth             39               Senior Vice President

     Jack K. Killoren          45               Senior Vice President

     J.V. McConkey, III        55               Senior Vice President

     Thomas D. McGinty         57               Senior Vice President

     Christopher O'Brien       41               Senior Vice President

     Byron Turner              63               Senior Vice President

     Mac McConnell             43               Vice President-Finance & CFO

     Leon Webb, Jr.            53               Vice President-Secretary and

     Mr. Barnard became a Senior Vice President with senior  responsibility  for
Sterling's  northeast  region in March 1994.  From March 1991 through March 1994
Mr. Barnard was a Vice President with  responsibility  for Sterling's  northeast
region.  From  1986  through  1991,  Mr.  Barnard  was the  general  manager  of
Sterling's Boston sales office.

     Mr. Goforth became a Senior Vice President with senior  responsibility  for
Sterling's connector marketing program in March 1994. For the previous six years
Mr. Goforth was a Vice President with  responsibility  for Sterling's  connector
marketing program.

     Mr.  Killoren became Senior Vice President with senior  responsibility  for
marketing  in March 1994.  For the seven  previous  years Mr.  Killoren was Vice
President  with  responsibility  for  passive  and  electro-mechanical   product

     Mr.  McConkey has been a Senior Vice President  with senior  responsibility
for Sterling's southwest region for over five years.

     Mr. McGinty has been a Senior Vice President with senior responsibility for
materials management for over five years.

     Mr. O'Brien became Senior Vice  President  with senior  responsibility  for
sales in April 1996.  For the two previous  years Mr. O'Brien was Vice President
with  responsibility  for Sterling's  mid-west  region.  From April 1992 through
March 1994 Mr.  O'Brien was the  Company's  regional  manager  for the  mid-west
region.  Prior to joining the Company in April 1992 Mr.  O'Brien was employed by
Reptron Electronics, Inc. as regional manager of the mid-west region.

     Mr. Turner has been a Senior Vice President with senior  responsibility for
Sterling's south central region for over five years.

     Mr.  McConnell,  CPA,  became Vice  President-Finance  and Chief  Financial
Officer  in  December,  1992.  From  June  1990 to  December  1992  he was  Vice
President-Finance of Interpak Holdings, Inc. (a public company) and Chemtrusion,
Inc.  and  Finance  Director of  Bamberger  Polymers,  Inc. (a public  company),
affiliated companies involved in trading, distributing,  packaging,  warehousing
and compounding  thermoplastic resins. From 1987 through 1990, Mr. McConnell was
a partner of Ernst & Young, a public accounting firm.

     Mr. Webb has been the Vice  President-Secretary and Treasurer for over five

     Officers serve at the discretion of the Board.


     Sterling maintains an audit committee consisting of Messrs.  Golding, Maltz
and Toomim.  This  committee  met two times during the prior year at which times
all members of the committee were present.  This committee's  primary  functions
are to review  the  scope  and  results  of  audits  by  Sterling's  independent
auditors,  internal accounting controls,  the extent of other services performed
by the  independent  auditors  and the  cost  of all  accounting  and  financial

     The Company's compensation committee consists of Messrs. Lambert and Maltz.
This  committee  met two times during the prior fiscal  year.  This  committee's
responsibilities include approving (i) all remuneration of senior management and
directors,  (ii) the  granting of stock  options and (iii)  other  benefits  for
senior management and directors.

     The Company does not have a nominating committee.

     During the prior fiscal year,  the Board of  Directors  met six times.  Mr.
Golding attended four of the six meetings.  The remaining directors attended 75%
or more of the meetings.

                             DIRECTORS COMPENSATION

     Directors  who are not  employees of the Company each receive an annual fee
of $15,000 and $1,000 for  attendance at each Board of Directors'  meeting.  All
fees, at the director's  election,  may be deferred under the Company's deferred
compensation  program.  Officers  of  the  Company  do  not  receive  additional
compensation  for  attendance  at  Board of  Directors'  meetings  or  committee
meetings.  Additionally,  on June 28, 1993, on March 10, 1994 and on October 15,
1996 each non-employee  director received a non-qualified  stock option,  issued
pursuant to the 1993 Plan, to purchase 3,307 shares of common stock at $5.44 per
share,  3,307  shares of common stock at $10.43 and 5,250 shares of common stock
at $10.95, respectively.


     The following  table sets forth a summary of the  compensation  paid during
the past three  fiscal  years for  services  rendered in all  capacities  to the
Company and its  subsidiaries by the Chief Executive  Officer and the four other
most highly compensated executive officers.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                               Annual Compensation(1)                Long Term Compensation
                                                               Restricted  Underlying
Name and                                          Other Annual   Stock      Options        All Other
Principal Position      Year   Salary    Bonus(2) Compensation  Awards($)   SARSs(#)     Compensation(3)


R.S. SPOLANE            1997  $237,000  $267,570                            210,000
Chairman of the Board   1996  $234,083  $307,620
Chief Executive         1995  $227,692  $216,000                             10,500
Officer & President

D.A. SPOLANE            1997  $135,000  $192,211                            157,500      $1,875
Executive Vice          1996  $133,648  $263,110                                         $1,875
President and           1995  $130,000  $175,884                              7,350      $1,875

T.D. MCGINTY            1997  $126,543  $192,211                             10,500
Senior Vice President   1996  $123,659  $263,110
Materials Management    1995  $120,000  $175,884                              5,250

C.M. O'BRIEN            1997  $120,000  $168,185                             26,250      $1,875
Senior Vice President   1996  $ 98,786  $259,363                                         $1,875
Sales                   1995  $ 95,407  $229,423                              5,250      $1,875

W. B. TURNER            1997  $140,010  $155,368                              8,400
Senior Vice President   1996  $135,706  $235,896
Southcentral Area       1995  $129,112  $143,646                              5,250
- - ----------------------

     (1) Includes amounts which were deferred, at the officer's election,  under
the Company's deferred compensation program.

     (2) Includes  amounts paid in the  Company's  common stock  pursuant to the
Company's  Incentive Bonus Plan. In each fiscal year, 20% of the bonuses for the
named executive officers were paid in the Company's common stock.

     (3)  Amount   contributed   by  the   Company  as  401(k)   Plan   matching

                             YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

     The following table provides  information relating to the exercise of stock
options by the named  executive  officers  during the last fiscal year,  and the
number and value of unexercised stock options held by such officers at March 29,

                                        Number of Securities   Value of
                                        Underlying             Unexercised
                                        Unexercised            In-the-Money
                                        Options                Options
                                        at Fiscal              at Fiscal
                Shares                  Year-End               Year-End
               Acquired      Value      Unexercisable(U)       Unexercisable(U)
Name          on Exercise  Realized(1)  Exercisable(E)         Exercisable(E)(2)

R.S. SPOLANE                              210,000U               $296,250U
                                           88,200E               $411,926E

D.A. SPOLANE                              157,500U               $222,188U
                                           30,871E               $100,676E

T.D. McGINTY                               10,500U               $12,312U
                                            5,513E               $ 9,340E

C.M. O'BRIEN     2,205       $20,870       26,250U               $34,551U
                                            5,513E               $ 9,340E

W.B. TURNER                                 8,400U               $ 9,850U
                                            5,513E               $ 9,340E

- - --------------

     1) Computed as the  difference  between the option  exercise  price and the
market value of the Common Stock at the date of exercise.

     2)  Computed  as the  difference  between  the option  exercise  prices and
$12.125 (the closing price of the Common Stock at fiscal year-end).

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS

     The Company and Ronald S.  Spolane are parties to an  employment  agreement
dated as of September 18, 1995,  pursuant to which Ronald S. Spolane is employed
as the  Chairman  of the Board,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of the
Company.  Such  agreement  has an  initial  term of 5 years  and is  subject  to
automatic one year extensions on the anniversary  date of such agreement  unless
either the Company or Mr.  Spolane gives written  notice that they do not desire
to extend the term of the  employment  agreement.  Pursuant  to such  agreement,
Ronald  Spolane will  receive (i) a salary of $237,000 per year,  (ii) a formula
bonus based on the earnings and results of  operations  of the Company,  (iii) a
Company car, (iv)  medical,  dental and  prescription  drug  coverage,  and (iv)
inclusion of Mr.  Spolane in any other benefit plan for senior  employees of the

     The  Company's  employment  agreement  with Ronald S. Spolane also contains
change of  control  provisions.  If during the  thirty-six  months  following  a
"change in control" of the Company,  R. S.  Spolane's  employment  is terminated
other than for cause,  then he would be entitled to receive a lump sum severance
benefit  equal to three  times the sum of (i) his  annual  salary  for the prior
year,  (ii) the  greater of (X) the bonus that R.S.  Spolane  would have  earned
under his bonus formula for the current year  annualized,  or (Y) the bonus paid
to him for the prior year,  and (iii) an amount for the agreed  value of certain
employee  benefits being provided to Mr. Spolane  (currently  $38,000).  If such
amounts are subject to tax (the  "Excise  Tax")  imposed by Section  4999 and/or
280G of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986 (the  "Code"),  then the Company will
also pay to R.S.  Spolane  an amount  such that the net amount  retained  by Mr.
Spolane  after  deduction  of the Excise  Tax shall be equal to the amount  R.S.
Spolane  would have been  entitled  to receive  prior to the  imposition  of the
Excise Tax.  The  employment  agreement  with R.S.  Spolane  defines  "change of
control" as (i) the existing directors do not constitute two-thirds of the Board
of Directors,  (ii) the acquisition of 25% or more of the Company's common stock
by a person or group,  (iii) any merger or  consolidation  in which the existing
board of directors of the Company do not  constitute at least  two-thirds of the
board of the surviving  corporation,  and (iv) any other  transaction  deemed by
two-thirds  of the  Company's  existing  directors  to  constitute  a change  of

     Following  a  change  of  control  and the  termination  of R.S.  Spolane's
employment  other than for "cause",  all stock options  granted to R.S.  Spolane
will immediately  become vested and R.S. Spolane will be entitled to participate
in  the  Company's  employee  benefit  plans  for  three  years  following  such

     Pursuant  to the  employment  agreement,  R.S.  Spolane  has  agreed not to
compete against the Company or solicit customers,  employees or suppliers of the
Company  for a period of one year  following a change of control  event,  or two
years following a termination for any other cause.

     The Company and D.A.  Spolane are parties to an employment  agreement dated
as of  September  18,  1995,  pursuant  to which D.A.  Spolane is employed as an
Executive  Vice President and Operating  Officer of the Company.  Such agreement
has an initial term of 5 years and is subject to automatic  one year  extensions
on the  anniversary  date of such  agreement  unless  either the Company or D.A.
Spolane gives  written  notice that they do not desire to extend the term of the
employment agreement.  Pursuant to such agreement, D.A. Spolane will receive (i)
a salary of $135,000  per year,  (ii) a formula  bonus based on the earnings and
results of operations of the Company, (iii) a Company car, (iv) medical,  dental
and prescription drug coverage,  and (iv) inclusion of D.A. Spolane in any other
benefit plan for senior employees of the Company.

     The Company's  employment  agreement with D.A. Spolane also contains change
of control  provisions.  If during the thirty-six  months following a "change in
control" of the Company,  D.A. Spolane's employment is terminated other than for
cause,  then he would be entitled to receive a lump sum severance  benefit equal
to three  times the sum of (i) his annual  salary for the prior  year,  (ii) the
greater of (X) the bonus that D.A.  Spolane  would have  earned  under his bonus
formula for the current  year  annualized,  or (Y) the bonus paid to him for the
prior  year,  and (iii) an  amount  for the  agreed  value of  certain  employee
benefits being provided to D.A. Spolane (currently $38,000). If such amounts are
subject to Excise Tax, then the Company will also pay to D.A.  Spolane an amount
such that the net amount retained by D.A.  Spolane after deduction of the Excise
Tax shall be equal to the  amount  D.A.  Spolane  would  have been  entitled  to
receive prior to the imposition of the Excise Tax. The employment agreement with
D.A.  Spolane defines  "change of control" as (i) the existing  directors do not
constitute two-thirds of the Board of Directors,  (ii) the acquisition of 25% or
more of the  Company's  common  stock by a person or group,  (iii) any merger or
consolidation  in which the  existing  board of  directors of the Company do not
constitute at least  two-thirds of the board of the surviving  corporation,  and
(iv) any  other  transaction  deemed by  two-thirds  of the  Company's  existing
directors to constitute a change of control.

     Following  a  change  of  control  and the  termination  of D.A.  Spolane's
employment  other than for cause,  all stock options granted to Mr. Spolane will
immediately  become vested and D.A.  Spolane will be entitled to  participate in
the Company's employee benefit plans for three years following such termination.

     Pursuant  to the  employment  agreement,  D.A.  Spolane  has  agreed not to
compete against the Company or solicit customers,  employees or suppliers of the
Company  for a period of one year  following a change of control  event,  or two
years following a termination for any other cause.

                                 SEVERANCE PLANS

     Upper Management Severance Plan

     On November 14, 1995, the Company  adopted its Upper  Management  Severance
Plan.  Such plan covers the senior  employees of the Company  designated  by the
Chief  Executive  Officer of the Company as senior  employees  and who have been
employed by the Company for at least six months, other than an employee who is a
party to an employment  agreement with change of control  provisions.  Ronald S.
Spolane and David A.  Spolane  each have  employment  agreements  with change of
control provisions and, therefore, are not covered by this plan.

     Under the Company's Upper  Management  Severance Plan, if during the twelve
month  period  following  any "change of control" a covered  senior  employee is
terminated other than for "cause" or if during the twelve month period following
a "hostile  change of control",  a covered senior employee is terminated for any
reason,  then  such  covered  senior  employee  will be  entitled  to  receive a
severance  payment equal to the sum of (X) one year salary,  and (Y) the greater
of such covered senior employee's last year bonus or the average of such covered
senior  employee's bonus for the three prior years. Such severance payment would
be paid one-half within 30 days of such covered senior employee's termination of
employment with the Company and the balance one year from such termination date.
The covered senior employee's receipt of the severance payment is conditioned on
the covered senior  employee  agreeing to not compete against the Company and to
not solicit  employees,  suppliers  or  customers  of the Company for a one-year
period following termination. In addition, the covered senior employee must hold
in confidence all of the Company's confidential information and trade secrets in
the  possession of such  terminated  covered  senior  employee.  The Company may
require that a  terminated  covered  senior  employee  sign a written  agreement
agreeing to be bound by such  provisions  as a  condition  to the receipt of the
severance payment.

     Such plan defines change of control in the same manner as in the employment
agreements  with R.S.  Spolane and D.A.  Spolane.  The term  "hostile  change of
control"  refers to any change of control  that is not approved by a majority of
the Company's directors.

Broad Base Severance Plan

     On November  14, 1995,  the Company  also adopted its Broad Base  Severance
Plan.  The  Company's  Broad Base  Severance  Plan covers all  employees  of the
Company who have been employed by the Company for at least twelve months and who
are not covered by either the Company's  Upper  Management  Severance Plan or an
employment  agreement  with change of control  provisions.  If during the twelve
month period  following any Hostile Change of Control,  any covered  employee is
terminated for other than cause or voluntarily quits, then such covered employee
will receive a severance  benefit  equal to one week's salary for each full year
of  employment  with the  Company  prior to the date of such  termination.  Such
amount  shall be paid to the covered  employee  in a lump sum payment  within 30
days of such  termination.  It is a condition  of the receipt of such  severance
benefit that a covered employee not solicit the Company's customers or employees
for a period  equal to one week for each one year of  employment  by the Company
prior to termination.


     As members of the Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") it is our duty
to oversee  compensation  practices for the Company's senior executive officers.
The Committee's  responsibilities include the review of salaries,  benefits, and
other  compensation of the Company's senior managers and making  recommendations
to the full Board of Directors with respect to these  matters.  The Committee is
comprised entirely of Board members who are independent,  non-employee directors
of the Company.

     The Committee's primary objective in establishing compensation programs and
levels for the Company's  executive officers is to support the Company's goal of
maximizing the value of shareholders'  interests in the Company. To achieve this
objective, the Committee believes it is necessary to:

     - Set levels of base  compensation  that will  attract and retain  superior
executives in a highly competitive  environment.  The compensation philosophy is
to pay a moderate to low base  salary and to provide  attractive  incentives  to
earn additional income based on operating results.

     - Encourage long-term decision making that enhances  shareholder value. The
Committee  believes  that this  objective is promoted by  emphasizing  grants of
stock options and paying a portion of annual incentives in common stock, thereby
creating  a  direct  link  between  shareholder  value  creation  and  executive

     - Provide  incentive  compensation  that varies  directly with both Company
performance and individual contribution to that performance.

Base Salary

     The Committee  annually reviews each executive  officer's base salary.  The
factors which influence Committee  determinations regarding base salary include:
job  performance,  level of  responsibilities,  comparable  levels  of pay among
executives at regional and national market  competitors (with a special emphasis
placed on salaries  paid by companies  that  constitute  the Peer Group  Index),
internal compensation equity  considerations,  prior experience,  and breadth of

     Mr. R.S.  Spolane's  annual base salary at the beginning of fiscal 1994 was
$90,000.  This base salary was  increased  to $125,000 in August 1993 upon being
named  President of the Company.  In connection  with  becoming  Chairman of the
Board in  January  1994,  his  annual  base  salary was  increased  to  $225,000
beginning  April 1, 1994.  Beginning on June 29, 1995,  Mr. R.S.  Spolane's base
salary was increased by 5.3% to $237,000.

Annual Incentives

     Certain  employees of the Company,  including  Mr. R.S.  Spolane,  Mr. D.A.
Spolane,  Mr.  McGinty,  Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Turner  participate in an incentive
bonus plan whereby the  employee  earns as a bonus a certain  percentage  of the
operating income, in excess of an established baseline amount, of the operations
under the employee's supervision.  Pursuant to the Incentive Bonus Plan approved
by the  shareholders  at the August 27, 1991 Annual  Meeting,  20% of the fiscal
1997 bonuses were paid in the Company's  common stock valued at $12.12 per share
(the average  closing  price of the common stock for the five trading days prior
to May 30,  1997,  the date the bonus was paid).  The  percentage  of  operating
income and the baseline  amount for each employee and the  percentage to be paid
in common stock are  approved by the Board of Directors at the  beginning of the
fiscal year.

     The fiscal 1997 bonus formula for Mr. R.S. Spolane was set at the beginning
of the year as  1.75% of  earnings  before  income  taxes,  subject  to  certain
adjustments,  if earnings  before income taxes equaled or exceeded  $12,000,000.
Under the  formula,  the bonus as a  percentage  of  earnings  would  decline as
earnings before income taxes declined below $12,000,000.  Under this formula for
fiscal 1997, Mr. R. S. Spolane earned a bonus of $267,570.

Long-Term Incentives

     The Company reinforces the importance of producing  satisfactory returns to
shareholders  over the long-term by granting stock options.  Stock option awards
provide  executives  with the  opportunity to acquire an equity  interest in the
Company and align the  executives'  interests with those of the  shareholders to
create shareholder value as reflected by increases in the price of the Company's
common stock.

     Option  exercise  prices are equal to 100% of the fair market  value of the
Company's  shares on the date of option grant and become  exercisable  in annual
installments.  This  ensures  that  participants  will derive  benefits  only as
shareholders realize corresponding gains over an extended time period.

     During  fiscal  1997 the  Committee  granted  stock  options to each of the
executive  officers of the Company.  These stock  option  awards are designed to
serve  as  incentives  based  upon  the  Company's  financial   performance  and
shareholder returns over time.

Compensation Committee:
S.M. Lambert & Herschel G. Maltz

                             STOCK PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The  following  graph  compares  the  performance  of Sterling  Electronics
Corporation  for the periods  indicated  with the  performance of the Standard &
Poor's 500 Stock Index and the average  performance of a group consisting of the
Company's peer corporations on a line-of-business basis. The corporations making
up the  Peer  Group  Index  are  Arrow  Electronics,  Inc.,  Avnet,  Inc.,  Bell
Industries,  Inc., Jaco  Electronics,  Inc., Kent  Electronics  Corp.,  Marshall
Industries,   Milgray  Electronics,   Inc.,  Nu  Horizons  Electronics,   Corp.,
Pioneer-Standard  Electronics,   Inc.,  Western  Micro  Technology,  Inc.,  Wyle
Electronics,  Inc. and Zing  Technologies,  Inc.  Total return  indices  reflect
reinvested  dividends and are weighted on a market  capitalization  basis at the
beginning of each measurement period.

                          TOTAL RETURN TO SHAREHOLDERS (Performance results from
        March 31, 1992 through March 31, 1997)
                              Reinvested Dividends


                                   At March 31
                   1992       1993       1994       1995       1996       1997

Sterling          $100      $121.05    $260.56    $250.02    $378.60    $275.65
S&P 500           $100      $115.23    $116.93    $135.13    $178.51    $213.89
Peer Group        $100      $144.07    $176.91    $201.27    $253.49    $270.21

     Assumes   $100   invested  on  March  31,  1992  in  Sterling   Electronics
Corporation, S&P 500 and Peer Group.


     In 1976, the Company established an Executive Salary  Continuation  Program
for selected key employees to be funded through life  insurance.  The program is
voluntary  (approximately  16 active employees as of June 2, 1997 participate in
the program) with each participating  employee  contributing to the program. The
annual benefits,  beginning at age 65, depend upon the employee's age and health
at the time of joining  the  program  and the amount of the  employee's  monthly
contribution  to the program.  The Company is the owner and  beneficiary of each
participant's insurance policy in this program and is contractually obligated to
pay death or salary continuation benefits.

     The  benefits  under  this  program  shall  be  paid in 120  equal  monthly
installments beginning when the participant attains the age of 65 years. Messrs.
Turner,  R.S. Spolane and McGinty are  participants in the program,  with annual
benefit  payments  beginning  at  age  65  of  $25,312,   $81,840  and  $25,207,
respectively.  Mr. D.A.  Spolane and Mr.  O'Brien  are not  participants  in the


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
officers and directors,  and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class
of the Company's equity securities,  to file reports of ownership and changes in
ownership  with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission and the New York Stock
Exchange.  Officers,  directors and 10% shareholders are required by regulations
promulgated  by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission to furnish the Company
copies of all Section 16(a) reports they file.

     Based  solely  on a  review  of the  copies  of  Forms  3, 4 and 5, and all
amendments thereto,  furnished to the Company,  the Company believes all Section
16(a) filing  requirements to its officers,  directors and 10% beneficial owners
were complied with during fiscal 1997 except the  following:  a Form 4 Statement
of Changes in Beneficial  Ownership to report one sale of the  Company's  Common
Stock by Mr. W.B. Turner was filed delinquently.

                    1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN (PROXY ITEM NO. 2)

     The Company  currently has an incentive stock option plan that was approved
by the  shareholders  of the Company on August 23, 1994 (the "1994" Plan").  The
1994 Plan provides for the issuance of options to purchase up to 551,250  shares
of Common  Stock of the  Company.  The Company has  already  granted  options to
purchase  517,144 shares of Common Stock authorized to be granted under the 1994
Plan.  Because the Company  has  already  granted  options for 94 percent of the
shares  authorized  under  the  1994  Plan,  the  Board  of  Directors  and  the
Compensation  Committee have  determined  that it is in the best interest of the
Company and the shareholders to adopt the Sterling Electronics  Corporation 1997
Stock Option Plan (the "1997" Plan).

     The Company in the past has used stock  options for  attracting,  retaining
and  motivating  key  employees and  directors by providing  them  incentives to
enhance  the  growth  and  profitability  of the  Company,  namely,  to  provide
incentives  to persons with  experience  and ability so that they will remain in
the employ of the Company or its  subsidiaries,  to attract new employees  whose
services  are  considered  valuable  to the Company or its  subsidiaries  and to
encourage  a  proprietary  interest  by  such  persons  in the  development  and
financial success of the Company.

     The 1997 Plan was adopted, subject to shareholder approval, by the Board of
Directors  on June 3, 1997.  The 1997 Plan  provides  for the grant to  selected
full-time  employees  of the  Company of options  to  purchase  shares of Common
Stock.  The  options to be granted  under the 1997 Plan may be  incentive  stock
options or nonstatutory  stock options.  Incentive stock options are intended to
satisfy the requirements of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended  (the  "Code").  Nonstatutory  options  are not  intended to satisfy the
requirements of Section 422 of the Code.

     The approval of the 1997 Plan requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority
of the issued and outstanding  shares of common stock held by  shareholders  who
are present at the meeting,  in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at such
meeting.  The 1997 Plan will  terminate  if the 1997 Plan is not approved by the
shareholders at the meeting.

     The following  summary of the 1997 Plan does not purport to be complete and
is subject to, and is  qualified  in its  entirety  by, the 1997 Plan, a copy of
which is attached hereto as Exhibit A..

Amount of Stock Subject to the 1997 Plan

     Under the terms of the 1997 Plan, the Company may grant options to purchase
up to an aggregate of three hundred fifty  thousand  (350,000)  shares of Common

Administration of the 1997 Plan

     The  Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee")  shall  administer the 1997
Plan.  Under the terms of the 1997 Plan, the Committee shall consist of at least
two persons and all members shall be non-employee  directors  within the meeting
of Rule  16b-3  (or any  successor  rule or  regulation)  promulgated  under the
Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.

Eligibility for Plan Awards

     Plan awards may be granted to selected key  employees of the Company or its
subsidiaries (the  "Participants") in consideration for services provided to the
Company or its  subsidiaries.  The Company  currently has two persons serving as
directors who are also full-time employees of the Company. Any employee-director
is eligible to receive plan awards,  unless such person serves on the Committee.
Actual  participation in the 1997 Plan will be determined in the sole discretion
of the Committee.  Therefore,  the number of Participants  participating  in the
1997 Plan in the next fiscal year cannot be  determined  precisely,  nor can the
benefits  or  amounts  that  will be  received  by or  allocated  to each of the
Participants.  Similarly,  the benefits which will be allocated to the executive
officers cannot be determined at this time.

Options under the 1997 Plan

     The exercise  price for options  under the 1997 Plan shall be not less than
100% of the fair market value per share on the date of grant of such option.  In
the event that an option is granted  under the 1997 Plan to any person  who,  at
the time such option is granted, owns more than 10% of the total combined voting
power of classes of shares of the Company or of any subsidiary of the Company (a
"10%  Stockholder"),  then the exercise  price of the options  shall be not less
than 110% of the fair  market  value of the  shares  on the date such  option is
granted.  Fair  market  value as used in the 1997 Plan means the  closing  sales
price of Common Stock per share on the day before such option is granted.

     Any option granted under the 1997 Plan is exercisable at such times,  under
such  conditions  (including,  without  limitation,  performance  criteria  with
respect to the Company  and/or the  optionee),  in such  amounts and during such
period or periods as the  Committee  determines on the date of the grant of such
option. Such options.  however, shall not be exercisable after the expiration of
ten years from the date such option is granted. In the case of an option granted
to a 10% stockholder, such options shall not be exercisable after the expiration
of five years from the date such options are granted.

     Payment for the shares  acquired  upon exercise of an option under the 1997
Plan shall be made in cash, or if authorized  by the  Committee,  by delivery of
other shares of Common Stock, or by any combination of such methods.

     The  aggregate  fair market value  (determined  as of the time an option is
granted) of the stock with respect to which  incentive  options are  exercisable
for the first time by any Participant  during any calendar year,  under the 1997
Plan and all of the Company's other plans, may not exceed $100,000.

     The Committee may establish procedures under the 1997 Plan for an optionee:
(1) to pay the exercise price of an option by  withholding  for the total number
of shares to be acquired upon exercise of an option that number of shares having
a fair market value equal to the exercise  price;  (2) to have withheld from the
total  number of shares to be  acquired,  in the same  manner as (1) above,  the
withholding  obligation for federal and state income and other taxes; and (3) to
exercise a portion of the option by  delivering  shares of common stock  already
owned by such optionee in payment of the exercise price.

     In general,  if an optionee  ceases to be an employee of the Company or its
subsidiaries  for reasons other than  disability  or death,  he or she will have
until the earlier of 30 days from the date of such  termination  or the date the
option  expires to exercise the option,  to the extent the optionee was entitled
to exercise the option on the date of termination.

     If an optionee is unable to continue to perform services for the Company or
any of its subsidiaries as a result of disability, he or she will have until the
earlier of twelve months from the date of such disability or the date the option
expires to exercise the option,  in whole or in part, to the extent the optionee
was entitled to exercise the option on such date. In addition, the optionee must
have been an  employee  since the date of grant and must be an  employee  on the
date of disability to take advantage of this  provision.  These same rules apply
to the exercise of options in the event of the death of an optionee.

     An option granted under the 1997 Plan may not be sold,  pledged,  assigned,
hypothecated,  transferred or disposed of in any manner other than by will or by
the laws of  dissent  and  distribution  or  pursuant  to a  qualified  domestic
relations  order as  defined by the Code or Title I of the  Employee  Retirement
Income  Security Act of 1974, as amended,  or the rules  thereunder,  and is not
assignable  by operation of law or subject to  execution,  attachment or similar

Capitalization Adjustments; Merger

     Subject to any required  action by the  shareholders  of the  Company,  the
number of shares  covered by each  outstanding  option (as well as the  exercise
price covered by any outstanding  option) shall be proportionately  adjusted for
any increase or decrease in the number of issued shares  resulting  from a stock
split, payment of a stock dividend with respect to the Common Stock or any other
increase  or decrease in the number of issued  shares of Common  Stock  effected
without receipt of consideration by the Company.

     The Option  Agreements  to be entered  into under the 1997 Plan may provide
that if the Company (a) shall offer for sale to the  shareholders  of its common
stock shares of common stock or other  classes of stock or other  securities  of
the Company,  or (b) in connection with any  transaction  shall acquire or shall
cause to be issued  rights to  acquire  shares of stock or other  securities  of
another  corporation for the benefit of or to the holders of common stock of the
Company,  the Company will give  written  notice to optionee of the rights which
are thus to be acquired or issued for the benefit of or to the holders of common
stock of the Company in  sufficient  time to permit  optionee  to  exercise  the
option  granted if  optionee  should  elect to do so and to permit  optionee  to
participate in such rights as a holder in such common stock of the Company.

     The  Option  Agreements  may also  provide  that in the event  the  Company
proposes to merge or consolidate with another  corporation or to sell or dispose
of its  properties,  assets and business or to  dissolve,  the Company will give
written notice thereof to the optionee in sufficient  time to permit optionee to
exercise the option  granted,  if optionee should elect to do so and participate
in such  transaction  as a stockholder  of the Company,  provided,  however,  in
connection with any merger or consolidation or other transaction under which the
Company  or its  holders  of shares of common  stock will  acquire  stock  other
securities of the  continuing,  resulting or other  corporation  in exchange for
their  shares of common stock of the  Company;  provision  shall be made for the
reservation  for and issuance upon exercise by optionee of the option granted of
optionee's  pro rata number of shares or other  securities  (on the basis of the
number of shares of common  stock of the Company as to which the option  granted
remains at the time unexercised),  at the same aggregate purchase price provided
for in the  Option  Agreement,  the  price  per unit to be  adjusted  upward  or
downward, according to the increase or decrease of the number of units involved.

     The  Option  Agreements  may also  provide  that in the event  the  Company
undergoes,  or is threatened by, a transaction effecting a significant change in
the business,  as determined by the Board of Directors,  the waiting  period for
exercising will be waived and optionee will be permitted to immediately exercise
the option.

     In the event of a Change of Control  Transaction (as hereinafter  defined),
all outstanding  Options granted under the 1997 Plan will vest  immediately upon
any such  Change of  Control  Transaction  involving  the  Company.  A Change of
Control  Transaction is (i) the  dissolution  of the Company or any  Significant
Affiliate, (ii) a liquidation of more than 50 percent in value of the Company or
any Significant  Affiliate,  (iii) a sale of assets involving 50 percent or more
of the value of the assets of the Company or any Significant  Affiliate prior to
such sale, (iv) any merger or  reorganization or consolidation of the Company in
which the Company is not the surviving entity,  (v) any merger or reorganization
or consolidation of any Significant Affiliate in which the Significant Affiliate
is  not  the  surviving  entity  (other  than  a  merger  or  reorganization  or
consolidation  with the Company or any entity  controlled by the Company),  (vi)
any sale or the  disposition  of more than 50  percent  of the  combined  voting
securities of any Significant  Affiliate,  or (vii) any transaction  pursuant to
which  the  shareholders,  as a  group,  of all the  securities  of the  Company
outstanding  prior to the transaction  hold, as a group, less than 50 percent of
the combined  voting power of the Company or any successor  company  outstanding
after the  transaction.  A Significant  Affiliate is any affiliate or affiliates
which  collectively  account  for 50% or greater of (i) the total  assets of the
Company  and all  affiliates  or (ii) the  total  sales of the  Company  and all

Term and Termination of the 1997 Plan

     The 1997  Plan will  continue  in effect  for a term of ten  years,  unless
sooner terminated. The Board may terminate the 1997 Plan at any time in its sole
discretion.  No  options  may  be  granted  under  the  1997  Plan  after  it is
terminated.  The termination of the 1997 Plan, or any amendment  thereto,  shall
not  affect  any  shares  previously  issued  to a  Participant  or  any  option
previously granted under the 1997 Plan.


     The 1997 Plan is not qualified  under the  provisions of Section  401(a) of
the Code and is not subject to any of the provisions of the Employee  Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.

Federal Income Tax Consequences

     The following is a brief description of the federal income tax consequences
generally  arising with  respect to options  that may be granted  under the 1997
Plan.   This   discussion  is  intended  for  the  information  of  shareholders
considering  how to vote  at the  Annual  Meeting  and  not as tax  guidance  to

     The  options  to be  granted  under  the 1997 Plan may be  incentive  stock
options  within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code or  nonstatutory  options
which are not intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 422 of the Code.

     A Participant does not realize taxable income upon the grant or exercise of
incentive  stock  options  under the 1997 Plan.  The income tax treatment of any
gain or loss realized upon a  Participant's  disposition of shares received upon
exercise of incentive  options granted under the 1997 Plan depends on the timing
of the disposition.  If the Participant  holds the shares received upon exercise
of such  options  for the  longer of two years  from the date  such  option  was
granted, or one year from the date of exercise,  the difference (if any) between
the amount realized from the sale of such shares and the Participant's tax basis
will be taxed as long-term  capital gain or loss. If a  Participant  disposes of
the shares before the end of the  applicable  holding  periods  described  above
(i.e., he or she makes a "disqualifying  disposition"),  such Participant may be
deemed to be in  receipt  of  taxable  income  in the year of the  disqualifying
disposition,  depending on the selling  price.  If the selling price exceeds the
fair market value of the option on the date of exercise,  the excess of the fair
market value over the exercise  price is taxable to the  Participant as ordinary
income.  If the selling price is less than the exercise  price the difference is
treated as capital loss.  The Company is not entitled to a deduction for federal
income tax purposes  with  respect to the grant or exercise of  incentive  stock
options under the 1997 Plan or the  disposition of shares acquired upon exercise
(if applicable  holding  periods have been met). In the event of a disqualifying
disposition,  however, the Company is entitled to a federal income tax deduction
in an amount equal to the ordinary income recognized by the Participant. Certain
Participants  may be subject to the alternative  minimum tax which in individual
cases  could  reduce  or  eliminate  any tax  benefits  from  incentive  options
available to them under the 1997 Plan.

     The grant of a nonstatutory  option will create no tax consequences for the
optionee or the Company.  Upon exercise of a nonstatutory  option,  the optionee
must generally  recognize  ordinary income equal to the fair market value of the
Common Stock acquired on the date of exercise minus the exercise price,  and the
Company  will be  entitled  to a  deduction  equal to the amount  recognized  as
ordinary  income by the  optionee.  A  disposition  of shares  acquired upon the
exercise  of a  nonstatutory  option  generally  will  result in  short-term  or
long-term capital gain or loss measured by the difference between the sale price
and the  Participant's  tax basis  (i.e.,  the  exercise  price  plus the amount
recognized as ordinary income) in such shares.  Generally,  there will be no tax
consequences  to the Company in connection  with a disposition  of  nonstatutory
option shares.




     The  Board of  Directors  has  selected  Ernst & Young  LLP as  independent
auditors for the Company for the year ending March 28, 1998,  which  appointment
will be submitted for ratification at the Annual Meeting.

     Representatives  of Ernst & Young LLP are  expected  to be  present  at the
Annual  Meeting  and to have the  opportunity  to make a  statement  should they
desire to do so and to be available to respond to appropriate questions.



     The bylaws of the Company  provide  that the holders of more than  one-half
the issued and  outstanding  voting  shares of the Company  shall  constitute  a
quorum at any meeting of the shareholders.  The bylaws also provide that the act
of a majority of the shares at any meeting at which a quorum is present shall be
the act of the shareholders' meeting. In the absence of a quorum at the meeting,
either in person or by proxy,  the  meeting may be  adjourned  from time to time
without  notice other than  announcement  at the meeting until a quorum shall be


     Shareholder  proposals for the 1998 Annual  Meeting must be received by the
Secretary of the Company no later than March 20, 1998 for  inclusion in the 1998
proxy statement and form of proxy.

                           OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS

     The Board of  Directors  knows of no  business  to come  before  the Annual
Meeting  other  than as  stated  in the  Notice  of  this  meeting.  Should  any
unexpected business properly come before the meeting, it is the intention of the
persons named in the accompanying Proxy to vote thereon in accordance with their
best judgment in the interest of the Company.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors
                                                       Leon Webb, Jr., Secretary


                                    EXHIBIT A

                             1997 STOCK OPTION PLAN

                            Scope and Purpose of Plan

     This Sterling  Electronic  Corporation  1997 Stock Option Plan (the "Plan")
provides for the granting of:

     (a)  Incentive  Options  (hereinafter  defined) to certain key employees of
Sterling Electronics Corp., a Nevada corporation (the "Corporation"),  or of its
Affiliates (hereinafter defined); and

     (b) Nonstatutory Options (hereinafter  defined) to certain key employees of
the Corporation or of its Affiliates.

     The purpose of the Plan is to provide an incentive for key employees of the
Corporation  or its  Affiliates to provide a means by which selected key persons
may be given an opportunity to purchase Stock of the Corporation, to help secure
and retain the  services  of key  persons,  and to provide  incentives  for such
persons to exert maximum efforts for the success of the Corporation.

SECTION 1. Definitions.

     1.1  "Affiliates"   shall  mean  (a)  any   corporation,   other  than  the
Corporation, in an unbroken chain of corporations ending with the Corporation if
each of the  corporations,  other than the  Corporation,  owns stock  possessing
fifty percent (50%) or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of
stock in one of the other  corporations  in such chain and (b) any  corporation,
other than the Corporation,  in an unbroken chain of corporations beginning with
the Corporation if each of the corporations,  other than the last corporation in
the unbroken  chain,  owns stock  possessing  fifty percent (50%) or more of the
total  combined  voting  power  of all  classes  of  stock  in one of the  other
corporations in such chain.

     1.2 "Agreement"  shall mean the written  agreement  between the Corporation
and  a  Holder  evidencing  the  Option  granted  by  the  Corporation  and  the
understanding of the parties with respect thereto.

     1.3  "Board  of  Directors"  shall  mean  the  board  of  directors  of the

     1.4 "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     1.5 "Compensation Committee" shall mean the committee appointed pursuant to
Section 3 hereof by the Board of Directors to administer this Plan.


     1.6 "Eligible Individuals" shall mean key employees, including officers and
directors who are also employees of the Corporation or of any of its Affiliates.

     1.7  "Exchange  Act" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

     1.8 "Fair Market Value" shall mean:

     (a) If shares of Stock of the same class are listed or admitted to unlisted
trading privileges on any national or regional  securities  exchange at the date
of  determining  the Fair Market  Value,  the last  reported  sale price on such
exchange on the last business day prior to the date in question; or

     (b) If shares of Stock of the same class shall not be listed or admitted to
unlisted trading privileges as provided in Subparagraph  1.8(a) and sales prices
therefor  in the  over-the-counter  market  shall be  reported  by the  National
Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc. Automated  Quotations,  Inc. ("NASDAQ")
National  Market System at the date of  determining  the Fair Market Value,  the
last  reported sale price so reported on the last business day prior to the date
in question; or

     (c) If shares of Stock of the same class shall not be listed or admitted to
unlisted trading privileges as provided in Subparagraph  1.8(a) and sales prices
therefor shall not be reported by the NASDAQ  National Market System as provided
in   Subparagraph   1.8(b),   and  bid  and  asked   prices   therefor   in  the
over-the-counter  market shall be reported by NASDAQ (or, if not so reported, by
the National Quotation Bureau  Incorporated) at the date of determining the Fair
Market  Value,  the  average  of the  closing  bid and asked  prices on the last
business day prior to the date in question; and

     (d) If shares of Stock of the same class shall not be listed or admitted to
unlisted trading privileges as provided in Subparagraph  1.8(a) and sales prices
or bid and asked  prices  therefor  shall  not be  reported  by  NASDAQ  (or the
National  Quotation Bureau  Incorporated) as provided in Subparagraph  1.8(b) or
Subparagraph  1.8(c) at the date of determining the Fair Market Value, the value
determined in good faith by the Board of Directors.

     For  purposes of valuing  Options,  the Fair Market Value of Stock shall be
determined without regard to any restriction other than one which, by its terms,
will never lapse.

     1.9 "Holder"  shall mean an Eligible  Individual to whom an Option has been

     1.10  "Incentive  Options"  shall mean stock  options  that are intended to
satisfy the requirements of section 422 of the Code.

     1.11 "Nonstatutory  Options" shall mean stock options that are not intended
to satisfy the requirements of section 422 of the Code.


     1.12 "Options" shall mean either Incentive Options or Nonstatutory Options,
or both.

     1.13 "Securities Act" shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     1.14  "Significant  Affiliate" shall mean any Affiliate or Affiliates which
collectively  account  for  50%  or  greater  of (i)  the  total  assets  of the
Corporation  and all Affiliates or (ii) the total sales of the  Corporation  and
all Affiliates.

     1.15 "Stock" shall mean the Corporation's  authorized  common stock,  $0.50
par value per share,  together with any other  securities  with respect to which
Options granted hereunder may become exercisable.

SECTION 2. Stock and Maximum Number of Shares Subject to the Plan.

     2.1 Description of Stock and Maximum Shares Allocated.  The Stock which may
be issued upon the  exercise  of an Option may either be unissued or  reacquired
shares  of  Stock,  as the  Board of  Directors  may,  in its sole and  absolute
discretion, from time to time determine.

     Subject to the  adjustments  provided for in Paragraph  6.6, the  aggregate
number of shares of Stock to be issued  pursuant to the  exercise of all Options
granted hereunder may equal but shall not exceed 350,000 shares of Stock.

     2.2  Restoration of  Unpurchased  Shares.  If an Option  granted  hereunder
expires or  terminates  for any reason during the term of this Plan and prior to
the  exercise  of the  Option in full,  the  shares of Stock  subject to but not
issued under such Option shall again be available for Options granted  hereunder
subsequent thereto.

SECTION 3. Administration of the Plan.

     3.1  Compensation  Committee.   The  Plan  shall  be  administered  by  the
Compensation  Committee.  The  Compensation  Committee shall consist of not less
than two individuals. In the event that the Stock is registered under Section 12
of the  Exchange  Act,  directors  of the  Corporation,  and all  members of the
Compensation  Committee shall be  Non-Employee  Directors of the Company as such
term is defined in Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act:

     3.2 Duration, Removal, Etc. The members of the Compensation Committee shall
serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors,  which shall have the power, at
any  time and  from  time to  time,  to  remove  members  from the  Compensation
Committee or to add members thereto.  Vacancies on the  Compensation  Committee,
however caused, shall be filled by action of the Board of Directors.

     3.3 Meetings and Actions of the  Compensation  Committee.  The Compensation
Committee shall elect one of its members as its Chairman and shall hold


its meetings at such times and places as it may  determine.  All  decisions  and
determinations of the Compensation  Committee shall be made by the majority vote
or decision of all of its members present at a meeting; provided,  however, that
any  decision  or  determination  reduced  to  writing  and signed by all of the
members of the  Compensation  Committee shall be as fully effective as if it had
been made at a meeting duly called and held. The Compensation Committee may make
any  rules  and  regulations  for  the  conduct  of its  business  that  are not
inconsistent  with the provisions  hereof and with the bylaws of the Corporation
as it may deem advisable.

     3.4  Compensation  Committee's  Powers.  Subject to the express  provisions
hereof,  the  Compensation  Committee shall have the authority,  in its sole and
absolute  discretion,  (a) to  adopt,  amend,  and  rescind  administrative  and
interpretive  rules and  regulations  relating to the Plan; (b) to determine the
terms and provisions of the respective Agreements (which need not be identical),
including  provisions defining or otherwise relating to (i) subject to Section 6
of the Plan, the term and the period or periods and extent of  exercisability of
the  Options,  (ii) the extent to which the  transferability  of shares of Stock
issued upon exercise of Options is  restricted,  (iii) the effect of termination
of employment  upon the  exercisability  of the Options,  and (iv) the effect of
approved leaves of absence  (consistent  with any applicable  regulations of the
Internal Revenue  Service);  (c) to accelerate the time of exercisability of any
Option that has been granted; (d) to construe the terms of any Agreement and the
Plan;  and (e) to make all other  determinations  and  perform  all  other  acts
necessary or advisable for administering  the Plan,  including the delegation of
such ministerial acts and  responsibilities as the Compensation  Committee deems
appropriate.  The  Compensation  Committee  may correct any defect or supply any
omission or reconcile any  inconsistency  in the Plan or in any Agreement in the
manner and to the extent it shall deem expedient to carry it into effect, and it
shall be the sole and final judge of such expediency. The Compensation Committee
shall have full discretion to make all determinations on the matters referred to
in  this  Paragraph  3.4;  such  determinations  shall  be  final,  binding  and

SECTION 4. Eligibility and Participation.

     4.1 Eligible Individuals.  Options may be granted hereunder only to persons
who are Eligible  Individuals at the time of the grant thereof.  Notwithstanding
any provision  contained herein to the contrary,  a person shall not be eligible
to receive an Incentive  Option hereunder unless he or she is an employee of the
Corporation  or an  Affiliate,  nor shall a person be  eligible  to  receive  an
Incentive  Option  hereunder if he or she, at the time such Incentive  Option is
granted,  would own (within  the  meaning of  Sections  422 and 424 of the Code)
stock  possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power
or value of all classes of stock of the Corporation or of an Affiliate unless at
the time such Incentive  Option is granted the exercise price per share of Stock
is at least one hundred and ten percent  (110%) of the Fair Market Value of each
share of Stock to which the Incentive Option relates and the Incentive Option is
not  exercisable  after the  expiration  of five (5)  years  from the date it is


     4.2 No Right to  Option.  The  adoption  of the Plan shall not be deemed to
give any person a right to be granted an Option.

     SECTION 5. Grant of Options and Certain Terms of the Agreements.

     Subject to the express provisions hereof, the Compensation  Committee shall
determine which Eligible  Individuals  shall be granted  Options  hereunder from
time to time.  In making  grants,  the  Compensation  Committee  shall take into
consideration  the contribution the potential Holder has made or may make to the
success of the  Corporation or its Affiliates and such other  considerations  as
the Board of Directors may from time to time specify. The Compensation Committee
shall also determine the number of shares  subject to each of such Options,  and
shall  authorize and cause the  Corporation to grant Options in accordance  with
such determinations.

     The  date  on  which  the  Compensation   Committee  completes  all  action
constituting an offer of an Option to an individual, including the specification
of the number of shares of Stock to be subject to the Option,  shall be the date
on which the Option  covered by an  Agreement  is granted,  even though  certain
terms of the  Agreement may not be at such time  determined  and even though the
Agreement may not be executed  until a later time. For purposes of the preceding
sentence,  an offer  shall be  deemed  made if the  Compensation  Committee  has
completed all such action except communication of the grant of the Option to the
potential  Holder.  In no  event,  however,  shall a Holder  gain any  rights in
addition  to  those  specified  by the  Compensation  Committee  in  its  grant,
regardless  of the time that may pass  between  the grant of the  Option and the
actual execution of the Agreement by the Corporation and the Holder.

     Each Option granted hereunder shall be evidenced by an Agreement,  executed
by the  Corporation  and the Eligible  Individual to whom the Option is granted,
incorporating  such terms as the  Committee  shall deem  necessary or desirable.
More than one Option may be granted  hereunder to the same  Eligible  Individual
and be outstanding  concurrently  hereunder. In the event an Eligible Individual
is granted one or more Incentive Options and one or more  Nonstatutory  Options,
such  grants  shall be  evidenced  by separate  Agreements,  one for each of the
Incentive Option grants and one for each of the Nonstatutory Option grants.

     Each Agreement may contain or otherwise  provide for conditions giving rise
to the forfeiture of the Stock acquired  pursuant to an Option granted hereunder
or otherwise and such restrictions on the transferability of shares of the Stock
acquired   pursuant  to  an  Option  granted   hereunder  or  otherwise  as  the
Compensation  Committee in its sole and absolute discretion shall deem proper or
advisable.  Such conditions giving rise to forfeiture may include,  but need not
be limited to, the requirement  that the Holder render  substantial  services to
the  Corporation  or  its  Affiliates  for a  specified  period  of  time.  Such
restrictions on transferability may include, but need not be limited to, options
and rights of first refusal in favor of the Corporation and  stockholders of the
Corporation  other than the Holder of such shares of Stock who is a party to the
particular  Agreement or a subsequent holder of the shares of Stock who is bound
by such Agreement.


SECTION 6. Terms and Conditions of Options.

     All Options granted hereunder shall comply with, be deemed to include,  and
shall be subject to the following terms and conditions:

     6.1 Number of Shares.  Each  Agreement  shall state the number of shares of
Stock to which it relates.

     6.2 Exercise Price. Each Agreement shall state the exercise price per share
of Stock.  The exercise price per share of Stock subject to an Incentive  Option
shall not be less than the  greater  of (a) the par value per share of the Stock
or (b) 100% of the Fair  Market  Value per share of the Stock on the date of the
grant of the Incentive Option.  The exercise price per share of Stock subject to
a  Nonstatutory  Option  shall not be less than the greater of (a) the par value
per share of the Stock or (b) [100%] of the Fair  Market  Value per share of the
Stock on the date of the grant of the  Nonstatutory  Option.  The exercise price
per  share of Stock  subject  to either an  Incentive  Option or a  Nonstatutory
Option shall be  determined  by the  Committee  upon the granting of the Option,
subject to the restrictions set forth above.

     6.3 Medium and Time of Payment,  Method of Exercise, and Withholding Taxes.
The exercise price of an Option shall be payable upon the exercise of the Option
in a  manner  that is  acceptable  to the  Compensation  Committee  in its  sole
discretion, which form may include cash, shares of Stock or a share or shares of
Stock  owned by the  Holder  and  surrendered  for  actual  or  deemed  multiple
exchanges of shares of Stock, or any combination thereof.  Exercise of an Option
shall not be effective  until the  Corporation  has received  written  notice of
exercise,  specifying the number of whole shares to be purchased and accompanied
by  payment  in full of the  aggregate  exercise  price of the  number of shares
purchased.  The Corporation shall not in any case be required to sell, issue, or
deliver a fractional share of Stock with respect to any Option.

     The Compensation Committee may, in its discretion,  require a Holder to pay
to the  Corporation at the time of exercise of an Option or portion  thereof the
amount  that the  Corporation  deems  necessary  to satisfy  its  obligation  to
withhold Federal, state or local income or other taxes incurred by reason of the
exercise. Where the exercise of an Option does not give rise to an obligation to
withhold Federal income or other taxes on the date of exercise,  the Corporation
may,  in its  discretion,  require a Holder to place  shares of Stock  purchased
under the Option in escrow for the benefit of the Corporation until such time as
Federal income or other tax  withholding  is no longer  required with respect to
such shares or until such  withholding  is  required on amounts  included in the
gross  income  of the  Holder as a result  of the  exercise  of an Option or the
disposition of shares of Stock acquired  pursuant  thereto.  At such later time,
the  Corporation,  in  its  discretion,  may  require  a  Holder  to  pay to the
Corporation  the amount  that the  Corporation  deems  necessary  to satisfy its
obligation to withhold Federal, state or local income or other taxes incurred by
reason of the exercise of the Option or the disposition of shares of Stock. Upon
receipt  of such  payment  by the  Corporation,  such  shares of Stock  shall be
released from escrow to the Holder.


     6.4 Term, Time of Exercise,  and  Transferability of Stock and Options.  In
addition to such other terms and  conditions  as may be included in a particular
Agreement  granting an Option, an Option shall be exercisable  during a Holder's
lifetime only by the Holder or by the Holder's guardian or legal  representative
in accordance with the next sentence. An Option shall not be transferrable other
than by will or the laws of descent and  distribution or pursuant to a qualified
domestic  relations  order as  defined  in the  Code or Title I of the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act, or the rules  thereunder.  The provisions of the
remainder of this  Paragraph 6.4 shall apply to the extent a Holder's  Agreement
does not expressly provide otherwise.

     If a Holder (a)  voluntarily  ceases to be an  Eligible  Individual  or (b)
ceases  to be an  Eligible  Individual  by  reason  that his  status as such was
terminated by the  Corporation or one of its  Affiliates  (without  cause),  the
Option shall  terminate  thirty days after such Holder  ceases to be an Eligible
Individual.  If a Holder  ceases  to be an  Eligible  Individual  by reason of a
termination  for "cause",  then his options shall  terminate on the date of such
termination  and any  options not  previously  exercised  by such  Holder  shall

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if a  Holder  ceases  to be  an  Eligible
Individual by reason of (a) disability  (as defined in Section  105(d)(4) of the
Code) or (b) death, then the Holder shall have the right for twelve months after
the date of  disability or death to exercise to exercise an Option to the extent
such Option is exercisable on the date of his disability.

     For purposes of this Paragraph 6.4, the term "cause" means,  without regard
to any  determination  of "cause" or "without cause" under any other  applicable
agreement with the individual other than an Agreement  hereunder,  a termination
of employment, as determined by the Board of Directors of the Corporation or the
board of  directors of an  Affiliate  in the sole  discretion  exercised in good
faith of such  board of  directors,  for (a) the  breach  by the  Holder  of any
employment,  nondisclosure,  noncompetition,  or other  agreement  to which  the
Holder and the  Corporation or any Affiliate are parties,  (b) the commission by
the Holder of a felony or of a misdemeanor  involving moral  turpitude,  (c) the
participation  by the Holder in any fraud,  (d) dishonesty by the Holder that is
detrimental  to the best interests of the  Corporation or any Affiliate,  or (e)
willful disloyalty by the Holder to the Corporation or any Affiliate.

     That portion of the Option which is not  exercisable on the date the Holder
ceases to be an Eligible  Individual  shall  terminate  and be  forfeited to the
Corporation on the date of such cessation.

     Notwithstanding  any other  provision  of this  Plan,  no  Option  shall be
exercisable  after the expiration of ten (10) years from the date it is granted,
or the period  specified  in  Paragraph  4.1, if  applicable.  The  Compensation
Committee  shall have  authority to prescribe in any  Agreement  that the Option
evidenced thereby may be exercised in full or in part as to any number of shares
subject  thereto at any time or from time to time during the term of the Option,
or in such  installments  at such  times  during  said term as the  Compensation
Committee may prescribe.  Except as provided above and unless otherwise provided
in any Agreement, an Option may be exercised at any time or from


     time to time during the term of the Option.  Such exercise may be as to any
or all whole (but no fractional)  shares which have become purchasable under the

     Within a reasonable  time or such time as may be permitted by law after the
Corporation  receives written notice that the Holder has elected to exercise all
or a portion of an  Option,  accompanied  by  payment  in full of the  aggregate
Option  exercise  price  of  the  number  of  shares  of  Stock  purchased,  the
Corporation  shall  issue and  deliver a  certificate  representing  the  shares
acquired  in  consequence  of the  exercise  and any other  amounts  payable  in
consequence  of such  exercise.  In the event  that a Holder  exercises  both an
Incentive  Option,  or portion thereof,  and a Nonstatutory  Stock Option,  or a
portion thereof,  separate Stock certificates shall be issued, one for the Stock
subject  to  the  Incentive  Option  and  one  for  the  Stock  subject  to  the
Nonstatutory Stock Option.  The number of the shares of Stock  transferrable due
to an exercise of an Option  under this Plan shall not be  increased  due to the
passage of time, except as may be provided in an Agreement. However, this number
of such  shares  of  Stock  which  are  transferrable  may  increase  due to the
occurrence of certain events which are fully described in Paragraph 6.6.

     Nothing  herein  or in any  Option  granted  hereunder  shall  require  the
Corporation  to issue any shares upon  exercise  of any Option if such  issuance
would, in the opinion of counsel for the Corporation,  constitute a violation of
the  Securities Act or any similar or  superseding  statute or statutes,  or any
other applicable  statute or regulation,  as then in effect.  At the time of any
exercise of an Option,  the  Corporation  may, as a condition  precedent  to the
exercise of such Option,  require from the Holder of the Option (or in the event
of his or her  death,  his or her legal  representatives,  heirs,  legatees,  or
distributees)  such  written  representations,  if  any,  concerning  his or her
intentions  with regard to the  retention  or  disposition  of the shares  being
acquired by exercise of such Option and such written  covenants and  agreements,
if any,  as to the  manner of  disposal  of such  shares  as, in the  opinion of
counsel to the  Corporation,  may be necessary to ensure that any disposition by
such  Holder  (or  in  the  event  of  his  or  her  death,  his  or  her  legal
representatives, heirs, legatees, or distributees), will not involve a violation
of the Securities Act or any similar or superseding statute or statutes,  or any
other  applicable  state or federal  statute or  regulation,  as then in effect.
Shares of Stock  issued upon  exercise of any Option  shall not be  transferable
until  after  six  months  from  the  date  the  Incentive  Option  is  granted.
Certificates for shares of Stock, when issued, may have the following or similar
legend, or statements of other applicable  restrictions,  endorsed thereon, and,
as described in the preceding sentence, may not be immediately transferable:

     The shares of Stock evidenced by this  certificate  have been issued to the
     registered owner in reliance upon written representations that these shares
     have been purchased for  investment.  These shares have not been registered
     under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended,  or any  applicable  state
     securities laws, in reliance upon an exception from  registration.  Without
     such registration,  these shares may not be sold, transferred,  assigned or
     otherwise disposed of


     unless, in the opinion of the Corporation and its legal counsel, such sale,
     transfer,  assignment  or  disposition  will  not  be in  violation  of the
     Securities Act of 1933, as amended, applicable rules and regulations of the
     Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and any applicable  state  securities

     6.5  Limitation  on  Aggregate  Value  of  Shares  That  May  Become  First
Exercisable  During Any Calendar  Year Under an Incentive  Option.  Except as is
otherwise provided in the second paragraph of Paragraph 6.6, with respect to any
Incentive Option granted under this Plan, the sum of:

     (a) the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of shares of Stock  subject to such
Incentive  Option that first become  purchasable  in a calendar  year under such
Incentive Option, and

     (b) the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of  shares of Stock or stock of any
Affiliate (or a predecessor of the  Corporation or an Affiliate)  subject to any
other  incentive stock option (within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code) of
the  Corporation  or its  Affiliates  (or a predecessor  corporation of any such
corporation),  that  first  become  purchasable  in a  calendar  year under such
incentive  stock option may not (with  respect to any Holder)  exceed  $100,000,
with such Fair Market Value to be determined as of the date the Incentive Option
or such other incentive stock option is granted.

     For purposes of this Paragraph 6.5,  "predecessor  corporation" means (i) a
corporation that was a party to a transaction described in Section 424(a) of the
Code (or which would be so described if a substitution or assumption  under such
section had been effected) with the  Corporation,  (ii) a corporation  which, at
the time the new  incentive  stock option  (within the meaning of section 422 of
the Code) is granted,  is an Affiliate of the Corporation or (iii) a predecessor
corporation of any such corporations.

     6.6 Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization,  Merger, Etc. The existence
of  outstanding  Options  shall not  affect in any way the right or power of the
Corporation  or its  shareholders  to make or authorize any or all  adjustments,
recapitalizations, reorganizations or other changes in the Corporation's capital
structure or its business, or any merger or consolidation of the Corporation, or
any issue of bonds, debentures,  preferred to prior preference stock ahead of or
affecting the Stock or the rights thereof,  or the dissolution or liquidation of
the  Corporation,  or any sale or  transfer  of all or any part of its assets or
business,  or any  other  corporate  act or  proceeding,  whether  of a  similar
character or otherwise.

     If the Corporation shall effect a subdivision or consolidation of shares or
other  capital  adjustment  of, or the payment of a dividend in capital stock or
other equity  securities of the  Corporation on, its Stock, or other increase or
reduction of the number of shares of the Stock without receiving consideration


therefor in money,  services, or property, or the reclassification of its Stock,
in whole or in part, into other equity  securities of the Corporation,  then (a)
the number,  class and per share price of shares of Stock subject to outstanding
Options  hereunder  shall  be  appropriately  adjusted  (or in the  case  of the
issuance of other equity  securities as a dividend on, or in a  reclassification
of, the Stock,  the Options  shall  extend to such other  securities)  in such a
manner as to entitle an Holder to receive,  upon exercise of an Option,  for the
same aggregate cash consideration, the same total number and class or classes of
shares (or in the case of a dividend of, or reclassification  into, other equity
securities,  such other  securities) he would have held after such adjustment if
he or she had exercised his or her Option in full immediately prior to the event
requiring the  adjustment,  or, if applicable,  the record date for  determining
shareholders to be affected by such adjustment;  and (b) the number and class of
shares then  reserved for issuance  under the Plan (or in the case of a dividend
of, or  reclassification  into, other equity securities,  such other securities)
shall be adjusted by  substituting  for the total  number and class of shares of
stock then  reserved,  the number and class or classes of shares of stock (or in
the case of a dividend of, or  reclassification  into, other equity  securities,
such other  securities)  that would have been  received by the owner of an equal
number of  outstanding  shares of Stock as a result of the event  requiring  the
adjustment.  Comparable  rights  shall  accrue  to each  Holder  in the event of
successive  subdivisions,  consolidations,  capital  adjustments,  dividends  or
reclassification of the character described above.

     The  Agreements  to be entered into under this Plan may provide that if the
Corporation (a) shall offer for sale to the  shareholders of its Stock shares of
Stock or other classes of stock or other securities of the  Corporation,  or (b)
in  connection  with any  transaction  shall acquire or shall cause to be issued
rights to acquire shares of stock or other securities of another corporation for
the benefit of or to the holders of Stock of the  Corporation,  the  Corporation
will give  written  notice to Holder of the rights which are thus to be acquired
or issued for the  benefit  of or the  holders  of Stock of the  Corporation  in
sufficient  time to permit  Holder to exercise the Option  granted  hereunder if
Holder should elect to do so and to permit Holder to  participate in such rights
as a holder in such Stock of the Corporation.

     The Agreements may also provide that in the event the Corporation  proposes
to merge or  consolidate  with another  corporation or to sell or dispose of its
properties,  assets and  business  or to  dissolve,  the  Corporation  will give
written  notice  thereof to the Holder in  sufficient  time to permit  Holder to
exercise  the Option  granted  hereunder,  if Holder  should  elect to do so and
participate in such transaction as a stockholder of the  Corporation;  provided,
however,  in connection with any merger or  consolidation  or other  transaction
under which the Corporation or its holders of shares of Stock will acquire stock
or  other  securities  of the  continuing,  resulting  or other  corporation  in
exchange for their shares of Stock of the  Corporation,  provision shall be made
for the  reservation  for and  issuance  upon  exercise  by Holder of the Option
granted of Holder's pro rata number of shares or other  securities (on the basis
of the  number  of  shares of Stock of the  Corporation  as to which the  Option
granted  hereunder  remains  at the time  unexercised),  at the  same  aggregate
purchase price provided for in the Agreement, the price per unit


to be adjusted upward or downward,  according to the increase or decrease of the
number of units involved.

     The  Agreements  may  also  provide  that  in  the  event  the  Corporation
undergoes,  or is threatened by, a transaction effecting a significant change in
the business,  as determined by the Board of Directors,  the waiting  period for
exercising  will be waived and Holder will be permitted to immediately  exercise
the Option granted pursuant to this Plan. Furthermore,  in the event of a change
in control of the  Corporation  and/or  its Board of  Directors,  the Holder may
immediately exercise the Option granted pursuant to this Plan.

     If a corporate  transaction  described in Section  424(a) of the Code which
involves  the  Corporation  is to take  place  and  there is to be no  surviving
corporation while an Option remains in whole or in part unexercised, it shall be
canceled  by the  Board  of  Directors  as of the  effective  date  of any  such
corporate  transaction  but before the date each Holder shall be provided with a
notice of such  cancellation  and each  Holder  shall have the right to exercise
such Option in full to the extent it is then still  unexercised  during a 30-day
period preceding the effective date of such corporate transaction.

     Except as hereinbefore  expressly provided, the issue by the Corporation of
shares of stock of any class, or securities  convertible into shares of stock of
any class,  for cash or  property,  or for labor or services  either upon direct
sale or upon the exercise of rights or warrants to subscribe  therefor,  or upon
conversion of shares or obligations  of the  Corporation  convertible  into such
shares  or other  securities,  shall not  affect,  and no  adjustment  by reason
thereof  shall be made with  respect  to, the number or price of shares of Stock
then subject to outstanding Options.

     In the event of a Change of Control  Transaction (as hereinafter  defined),
all outstanding  Options granted under the Plan will vest  immediately  upon any
such  Change of  Control  Transaction  involving  the  Corporation.  A Change of
Control Transaction is (i) the dissolution of the Corporation or any Significant
Affiliate,  (ii)  a  liquidation  of  more  than  50  percent  in  value  of the
Corporation or any Significant  Affiliate,  (iii) a sale of assets  involving 50
percent  or  more  than  the  value  of the  assets  of the  Corporation  or any
Significant Affiliate, (iv) any merger or reorganization or consolidation of the
Corporation in which the Corporation is not the surviving entity, (v) any merger
or  reorganization  or consolidation  of any Significant  Affiliate in which the
Significant  Affiliate  is not the  surviving  entity  (other  than a merger  or
reorganization or consolidation with the Corporation or any entity controlled by
the  Corporation),  (vi) any sale or the  disposition of more than 50 percent of
the  combined  voting  securities  of any  Significant  Affiliate,  or (vii) any
transaction  pursuant  to  which  the  stockholders,  as a  group,  of  all  the
securities of the Corporation  outstanding  prior to the transaction  hold, as a
group,  less than 50 percent of the combined  voting power of the Corporation or
any successor company outstanding after the transaction.

     6.7 Rights as a Stockholder.  A Holder shall have no right as a stockholder
with  respect to any shares  covered  by his or her Option  until a  certificate
representing  such shares is issued to him or her. No  adjustment  shall be made


for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary,  whether in cash or other property) or
distributions  or other  rights for which the  record  date is prior to the date
such certificate is issued, except as provided in Paragraph 6.6 hereof.

     6.8  Modification,  Extension and Renewal of Options.  Subject to the terms
and  conditions  of and within the  limitations  of the Plan,  the  Compensation
Committee  may modify,  extend or renew  outstanding  Options  granted under the
Plan,  or accept the surrender of Options  outstanding  hereunder (to the extent
not theretofore  exercised) and authorize the granting of new Options  hereunder
in  substitution  therefor  (to  the  extent  not  theretofore  exercised).  The
Compensation Committee may not, however, modify any outstanding Options so as to
specify  a lower  exercise  price or base  amount  or accept  the  surrender  of
outstanding  Options and authorize  the granting of new Options in  substitution
therefor  specifying  a lower  exercise  price.  In addition,  the  Compensation
Committee  may not,  without the consent of the Holder,  modify any  outstanding
Options  so as to  specify a higher or lower  exercise  price or base  amount or
accept the  surrender of  outstanding  Options and authorize the granting of new
Options in substitution therefor specifying a higher or lower exercise price. In
addition,  no modification  of an Option granted  hereunder  shall,  without the
consent  of the  Holder,  alter or impair any  rights or  obligations  under any
Incentive Option  theretofore  granted  hereunder to such Holder under the Plan,
except as may be necessary,  to satisfy the  requirements  of Section 422 of the

     6.9 Furnish  Information.  Each Holder shall furnish to the Corporation all
information  requested  by the  Corporation  to  enable  it to  comply  with any
reporting  or other  requirement  imposed upon the  Corporation  by or under any
applicable statute or regulation.

     6.10 Obligation to Exercise;  Termination of Employment. The granting of an
Option hereunder shall impose no obligation upon the Holder to exercise the same
or any part thereof.  In the event of a Holder's  termination of employment with
the Corporation or an Affiliate,  the  unexercised  portion of an Option granted
hereunder shall terminate in accordance with Paragraph 6.4 hereof.

     6.11 Agreement  Provisions.  The Agreements authorized under the Plan shall
contain such  provisions in addition to those  required by the Plan  (including,
without  limitation,  restrictions  or the  removal  of  restrictions  upon  the
exercise of the Option and the retention or transfer of shares thereby acquired)
as the Committee shall deem advisable.  Each Agreement shall identify the Option
evidenced  thereby as an Incentive Option or a Nonstatutory  Option, as the case
may be, and no Agreement shall cover both an Incentive Option and a Nonstatutory
Option.  Each Agreement  relating to an Incentive Option granted hereunder shall
contain such  limitations  and  restrictions  upon the exercise of the Incentive
Option to which it relates as shall be  necessary  for the  Incentive  Option to
which such Agreement relates to constitute an incentive stock option, as defined
in Section 422 of the Code.


SECTION 7. Remedies and Legend.

     7.1 Remedies.  The  Corporation  shall be entitled to recover from a Holder
reasonable  attorneys'  fees incurred in connection  with the enforcement of the
terms  and  provisions  of the Plan and any  Agreement  whether  by an action to
enforce specific performance or for damages for its breach or otherwise.

     7.2 Specific Performance.  The Corporation shall be entitled to enforce the
terms and  provisions  of this  Section  7,  including  the  remedy of  specific

     7.3  Legend.  Each  certificate  representing  shares of Stock  issued to a
Holder upon exercise of an Option granted under the Plan shall, if such share is
subject to any transfer  restriction  (including a right of first refusal) under
the Plan or any Agreement,  bear a legend that complies with applicable law with
respect to such restriction, such as:

     The shares  represented by this  certificate are subject to restrictions on
     transferability  imposed  by that  certain  instrument  entitled  "Sterling
     Electronics Corporation 1997 Stock Option Plan" dated _____________,  1997,
     and an agreement  thereunder between Sterling  Electronics  Corporation and
     [Holder] dated ___________, 19__, which grants to the Corporation an option
     to  purchase  such  shares in  certain  instances.  A copy of such plan and
     agreement  is on file at the  principal  office of the  Corporation  and is
     subject  to  the  same  right  of  examination  by  a  stockholder  of  the
     Corporation  (in person or by agent,  attorney,  or  accountant) as are the
     books and records of the Corporation.

SECTION 8. Duration of Plan.

     No Options  may be granted  hereunder  after the date that is 10 years from
the earlier of (a) the date the Plan is adopted by the Board of Directors or (b)
the  date  the Plan is  approved  by the  stockholders  of the  Corporation.  In
addition,  with  respect  to  shares  of  Stock  not  currently  covered  by  an
outstanding  Option,  this  Plan may be  terminated  at any time by the Board of

SECTION 9. Amendment of Plan.

     The  Compensation  Committee may at any time terminate or from time to time
amend or suspend the Plan;  provided,  however,  that no such  amendment  shall,
without approval of the  stockholders of the Corporation,  except as provided in
Section  6, (a)  increase  the  aggregate  number of shares of Stock as to which
Options may be granted  under the Plan;  (b) increase the maximum  period during
which Options may be exercised;  or (c) extend the effective period of the Plan.
No Option may be granted during any suspension of the Plan or after the Plan has
been terminated and no amendment,


     suspension  or  termination  shall,  without a Holder's  consent,  alter or
     impair  any of the  rights  or  obligations  under any  Option  theretofore
     granted to such Holder under the Plan.

SECTION 10. General.

     10.1  Application of Funds.  The proceeds  received by the Corporation from
the sale of shares  pursuant  to  Options  shall be used for  general  corporate

     10.2 Right of the  Corporation  and  Affiliates  to  Terminate  Employment.
Nothing contained in the Plan, or in any Agreement, shall confer upon any Holder
the right to  continue in the employ of the  Corporation  or any  Affiliate,  or
interfere  in any way with the rights of the  Corporation  or any  Affiliate  to
terminate his or her employment any time.

     10.3  Authority of  Compensation  Committee.  In addition to its  authority
expressed  herein,  the  Compensation  Committee  shall  have full and  absolute
discretion  to make  determinations  under  the  Plan and any  Agreement  and to
interpret the provisions of the Plan and any Agreement.

     10.4 No Liability for Good Faith Determinations. Neither the members of the
Board of Directors nor any member of the Compensation  Committee shall be liable
for any act, omission, or determination taken or made in good faith with respect
to the  Plan or any  Option  granted  under  it,  and  members  of the  Board of
Directors and the  Compensation  Committee shall be entitled to  indemnification
and reimbursement by the Corporation in respect of any claim,  loss,  damage, or
expense  (including  attorneys'  fees, the costs of settling any suit,  provided
such  settlement  is  approved  by  independent  legal  counsel  selected by the
Corporation,  and amounts paid in satisfaction of a judgment,  except a judgment
based on a finding of bad faith) arising  therefrom to the full extent permitted
by law and under any  directors  and  officers  liability  or similar  insurance
coverage that may from time to time be in effect.

     10.5 Information Confidential. As partial consideration for the granting of
each Option hereunder,  the Agreement may, in the Compensation  Committee's sole
and  absolute  discretion,   provide  that  the  Holder  shall  agree  with  the
Corporation that he or she will keep  confidential all information and knowledge
that he or she has relating to the manner and amount of his or her participation
in the Plan;  provided,  however,  that such  information  may be  disclosed  as
required by law and may be given in confidence to the Holder's  spouse,  tax and
financial  advisors,  or to a  financial  institution  to the  extent  that such
information  is  necessary  to secure a loan.  In the  event any  breach of this
promise comes to the attention of the Compensation Committee, it shall take into
consideration such breach, in determining  whether to recommend the grant of any
future Option to such Holder, as a factor militating against the advisability of
granting any such future Option to such individual.

     10.6  Other  Benefits.  Participation  in the Plan shall not  preclude  the
Holder from  eligibility  in any other stock option plan of the or any Affiliate
or any old age benefit, insurance,  pension, profit sharing, retirement,  bonus,
or other extra compensation plans


     which the  Corporation  or any Affiliate has adopted,  or may, at any time,
     adopt for the benefit of its employees.

     10.7  Execution  of  Receipts  and  Releases.  Any  payment  of cash or any
issuance or  transfer  of shares of Stock to the Holder,  or to his or her legal
representative, heir, legatee, or distributee, in accordance with the provisions
hereof,  shall, to the extent thereof,  be in full satisfaction of all claims of
such persons hereunder. The Compensation Committee may require any Holder, legal
representative,  heir, legatee, or distributee, as a condition precedent to such
payment,  to execute a release  and  receipt  therefor  in such form as it shall

     10.8 No Guarantee of Interests.  Neither the Compensation Committee nor the
Corporation guarantees the Stock of the Corporation from loss or depreciation.

     10.9 Payment of  Expenses.  All  expenses  incident to the  administration,
termination, or protection of the Plan, including, but not limited to, legal and
accounting fees,  shall be paid by the Corporation or its Affiliates;  provided,
however, the Corporation or an Affiliate may recover any and all damages,  fees,
expenses,  and/or costs arising out of any actions taken by the  Corporation  to
enforce its rights hereunder.

     10.10  Corporation  Records.  Records of the  Corporation or its Affiliates
regarding the Holder's  period of employment,  termination of employment and the
reason therefor,  leaves of absence,  re-employment,  and other matters shall be
conclusive for all purposes  hereunder,  unless  determined by the  Compensation
Committee to be incorrect.

     10.11  Information.  The Corporation and its Affiliates shall, upon request
or as may be specifically required hereunder,  furnish or cause to be furnished,
all of the  information or  documentation  which is necessary or required by the
Committee to perform its duties and functions under the Plan.

     10.12 No Liability of Corporation. The Corporation assumes no obligation or
responsibility  to  the  Holder  or his or  her  legal  representatives,  heirs,
legatees,  or distributees for any act of, or failure to act on the part of, the
Compensation Committee.

     10.13 Corporation  Action.  Any action required of the Corporation shall be
by  resolution  of its  Board of  Directors,  by a person  authorized  to act by
resolution  of the Board of Directors,  or by a person  authorized to act by the
bylaws of the Corporation.

     10.14 Severability.  If any provision of this Plan is held to be illegal or
invalid  for any  reason,  the  illegality  or  invalidity  shall not affect the
remaining provisions hereof, but such provision shall be fully severable and the
Plan shall be construed and enforced as if the illegal or invalid  provision had
never been included herein.

     10.15 Notices. Whenever any notice is required or permitted hereunder, such
notice  must be in  writing  and  personally  delivered  or sent by mail or by a
nationally  recognized  courier service.  Any notice required or permitted to be
delivered hereunder shall be deemed to be delivered on the date on which it is


     personally delivered,  or, if mailed,  whether actually received or not, on
     the third  business day after it is  deposited  in the united  states mail,
     certified or registered, postage prepaid, addressed to the person who is to
     receive it at the address  which such person has  previously  specified  by
     written notice delivered in accordance herewith or, if by courier, 24 hours
     after it is  sent,  addressed  as  described  in this  section,  or,  if by
     facsimile  machine,  the time mechanically  recorded on the document by the
     facsimile process.  The corporation or a holder may change, at any time and
     from time to time, by written notice to the other, the address which it, he
     or she had  previously  specified for receiving  notices.  Until changed in
     accordance  herewith,  the corporation and each holder shall specify as its
     and his or her address for  receiving  notices the address set forth in the
     agreement  pertaining  to the shares to which such  notice  relates.  10.16
     Waiver of Notice.  Any person  entitled to notice  hereunder may waive such

     10.17  Successors.  The Plan shall be binding  upon the Holder,  his or her
legal representatives,  heirs, legatees, and distributees, upon the Corporation,
its  successors,  and  assigns,  and upon  the  Compensation  Committee  and its

     10.18  Headings.  The titles and  headings of Sections and  Paragraphs  are
included for  convenience  of  reference  only and are not to be  considered  in
construction of the provisions hereof.

     10.19  Governing Law. All questions  arising with respect to the provisions
of the Plan  shall be  determined  by  application  of the laws of the  State of
Nevada  except to the extent  Nevada law is preempted by federal law.  Questions
arising  with  respect to the  provisions  of an  Agreement  that are matters of
contract  law  shall be  governed  by the  laws of the  state  specified  in the
Agreement,  except to the  extent  preempted  by  federal  law and except to the
extent that Nevada  corporate law conflicts with the contract law of such state,
in which  event  Nevada  corporate  law  shall  govern.  The  obligation  of the
Corporation  to sell and deliver Stock  hereunder is subject to applicable  laws
and to the approval of any  governmental  authority  required in connection with
the authorization, issuance, sale, or delivery of such Stock.

     10.20 Word Usage.  Words used in the masculine  shall apply to the feminine
where  applicable,  and wherever the context of this Plan  dictates,  the plural
shall be read as the singular and the singular as the plural.


SECTION 11. Approval of Stockholders.

     The Plan  shall  take  effect  on the date it is  adopted  by the  Board of
Directors. However, if this Plan is not approved by the holders of a majority of
the outstanding  shares of equity  securities of the  Corporation  having voting
rights  within  twelve months of the date of adoption by the Board of Directors,
none of the Options granted hereunder shall constitute Options.

     Adopted  by the order of the Board of  Directors  of  Sterling  Electronics
Corporation on June 3, 1997.

                                                STERLING ELECTRONICS CORPORATION


JULY 18, 1997

Dear Shareholder,

     On behalf of the  Board of  Directors  and  Management,  you are  cordially
invited  to attend the Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at 3:00 p.m.
local time on Tuesday,  August 26, 1997, at the Sterling  Electronics  Corporate
Headquarters,  4201 Southwest Freeway,  Houston, Texas. The formal notice of the
Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement are enclosed.

     Your vote is important  regardless of the number of shares you own.  Please
be sure you are  represented at the meeting,  whether or not you plan to attend,
by signing,  dating and mailing the proxy card promptly.  A postage-paid  return
envelope is enclosed for your convenience. If you are able to attend the meeting
and wish to vote in person, you may withdraw your proxy at that time.


Ronald S. Spolane
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer



     The undersigned  hereby appoints R.S.  Spolane and D.A. Spolane as Proxies,
each with the power to appoint his  substitute,  and hereby  authorizes  them to
represent  and to vote as  designated  on the  reverse  side,  all the shares of
common stock of Sterling  Electronics  held on record by the undersigned on July
11, 1997 at the annual meeting of  shareholders to be held on August 26, 1997 or
any adjournment thereof.


     This  proxy when  properly  executed  will be voted in the manner  directed
herein by the undersigned shareholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted for Proposals 1, 2, and 3.


     R.S.  Spolane,  David R.  Toomim,  Jay H.  Golding,  S.M.  Lambert,  Ph.D.,
Hershcel G. Maltz, D.A. Spolane

     [ ] FOR all nominees                               [ ] WITHHOLD
      listed to the right                               for all nominees
      (except as marked                                 listed to the right
      to the contrary)

2.  To adopt the Company's 1997 Stock Option Plan.

           FOR             AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
          [  ]              [  ]                    [  ]

3. Proposal to ratify the  appointment of Ernst & Young as the  independent
auditors of the corporation.

           FOR             AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
          [  ]              [  ]                    [  ]

     4. In their discretion,  the Proxies are authorized to vote upon such other
business as may properly come before the meeting.

Dated:___________________, 1997


                                  Signature if held jointly

     Please sign exactly as name appears  hereon.  When shares are held by joint
tenants,  both should sign. When signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
trustee or guardian,  please give full title as such. If a  corporation,  please
sign in full  corporate  name by President  or other  authorized  officer.  If a
partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.