WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended
         December 31,  2000
         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition
         period from ___________ to ___________
                         Commission file number: 1-10153

                               HOMEFED CORPORATION
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

          Delaware                                   33-0304982
(State or Other Jurisdiction            (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
of Incorporation or Organization)

                                1903 Wright Place
                                    Suite 220
                           Carlsbad, California 92008

                                 (760) 918-8200

    (Address, Including Zip Code, and Telephone Number, Including Area Code,
                  of Registrant's Principal Executive Offices)
        Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: None.

           Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:
                     Common Stock, par value $.01 per share
                                (Title of Class)

Indicate  by check  mark  whether  the  registrant:  (1) has filed  all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [x] No [_]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive  proxy or information  statement
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K [x].

Based on the average bid and asked  prices of the  Registrant's  Common Stock as
published by the OTC Bulletin  Board Service as of March 13, 2001, the aggregate
market  value  of the  Registrant's  Common  Stock  held by  non-affiliates  was
approximately $35,514,000 on that date.

As  of  March  13,  2001,  there  were  56,807,826  outstanding  shares  of  the
Registrant's Common Stock, par value $.01 per share.


Portions of the Registrant's  definitive  proxy statement,  to be filed with the
Commission for use in connection  with the 2001 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders
are incorporated by reference into Part III of this Form 10-K.

                                   PART I

Item 1.  Business.
- ------   --------

                                   THE COMPANY


                  HomeFed   Corporation   ("HomeFed"  or  the   "Company")   was
incorporated  in Delaware in 1988. The Company is engaged,  directly and through
subsidiaries,  in the investment in and  development of residential  real estate
projects  in the State of  California.  The  principal  executive  office of the
Company is located at 1903 Wright Place, Suite 220, Carlsbad, California 92008.

                  The  Company's  development  projects  consist  of two  master
planned  communities located in San Diego County,  California:  San Elijo Hills,
and a portion of the larger Otay Ranch planning area.

                  As  development  manager  for these  projects,  the Company is
responsible for the completion of a wide range of activities,  including  design
engineering,  grading  raw  land,  constructing  public  infrastructure  such as
streets, utilities and public facilities, and finishing individual lots for home
sites or other facilities. The Company will develop its communities in phases to
allow itself the flexibility to sell finished lots to suit market conditions and
to enable it to create stable and attractive neighborhoods. Consequently, at any
particular  time, the various phases of a project will be in different stages of
land development and construction.

                  For any master-planned community,  plans must be prepared that
provide for  infrastructure,  neighborhoods,  commercial and  industrial  areas,
educational and other institutional or public facilities, as well as open space.
Once  preliminary  plans have been prepared,  numerous  governmental  approvals,
licenses,  permits  and  agreements,  referred  to as  "entitlements,"  must  be
obtained before  development and  construction  may commence,  often involving a
number of different governmental jurisdictions and agencies,  challenges through
litigation,  considerable risk and expense,  and substantial delays.  Unless and
until the  requisite  entitlements  are received and  substantial  work has been
commenced in reliance upon such  entitlements,  a developer  generally  does not
have any "vested rights" to develop a project. In addition, as a precondition to
receipt of  building-related  permits,  master-planned  communities  such as San
Elijo Hills  typically  are  required in  California  to pay impact and capacity
fees, or to otherwise satisfy mitigation requirements.

Current Development Projects

                  San Elijo Hills.  In August 1998,  the Company  entered into a
Development  Management  Agreement (the "Development  Agreement") with San Elijo
Hills  Development  Company,  LLC, an indirect  subsidiary of Leucadia  National
Corporation (together with its subsidiaries,  "Leucadia") that owns certain real
property  located in the City of San Marcos,  in San Diego  County,  California.
Pursuant to the Development Agreement, this project, which is known as San Elijo
Hills,  will be a  master-planned  community  of  approximately  3,400 homes and
apartments as well as commercial  properties expected to be completed during the
course of this decade.  The Company is the  development  manager of this project
with responsibility for the overall management of the project,  including, among
other things,  preserving  existing  entitlements  and obtaining any  additional
entitlements  required for the  project,  arranging  financing  for the project,
coordinating  marketing  and sales  activity,  and  acting  as the  construction
manager. The Development Agreement provides that the Company will participate in
the net profits of the project through the payment of a success fee as described
in this Report,  and that the Company will receive fees for the field  overhead,
management and marketing services it is to provide, based on the revenues of the
project. For additional  information,  see Item 7, "Management's  Discussion and
Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," of this Report.

                  As the development manager of the San Elijo Hills project, the
Company has prepared an internal  projection of the net cash flow which might be
realized  during  the  course  of the  projected  remaining  nine  years  of the
development and sale of the project. The Company does not update this projection
regularly, but will review the projection annually. The Company does not prepare
a  projection  for its Otay Ranch  project  because that project is in the early
stages of development.

                  The projection is based upon many  assumptions,  including but
not limited to, the timing of the sales of the  various  phases of the  project,
the  prices  at which  lots can be sold,  the  cost of  financing  the  project,
numerous estimates of construction and land improvement costs, estimates related
to the costs and  availability  of public  utilities,  as well as  estimates  of
infrastructure  costs,  marketing  and  selling  expenses,  property  taxes  and
environmental and other regulatory compliance expenditures. Based upon this cash
flow projection,  for the period from  January 1, 2001 through the completion of
the  project,   future  sales  from  the  project  are  projected  to  aggregate
approximately  $359,000,000,  and aggregate net cash flow,  after payment of all
debt  service  and  other   liabilities,   is  projected  to  be   approximately
$118,000,000.  At  that revenue level,  it is projected  that the Company  would

receive fees for field overhead,  management and marketing  services in addition
to those received through December 31, 2000, totaling approximately $34,000,000,
and a success fee of approximately  $81,000,000.  The foregoing does not reflect
expenses  (which have not been projected or estimated)  that the Company will be
required to incur to fulfill its obligations under the Development Agreement.

                  All of the  foregoing  amounts  are  not  discounted  and  are
derived solely from the assumptions  used in the projection,  which are based on
the  Company's  best  estimates,  as of January  2001, of the results of the San
Elijo Hills project for the remaining  nine years of the project's  development.
The  projection  was not prepared with a view toward  compliance  with published
guidelines  of  the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants  or
generally accepted  accounting  principles and has not been examined or compiled
by the Company's independent auditors. The Company's independent auditors do not
express  an  opinion  or  any  other  form  of  assurance  with  respect  to the
projection.  Their  report  included  in this  Report  relates to the  Company's
historical  financial  information.  It does not  extend to the  projection  and
should not be read to do so. The  projection is based on a number of assumptions
and estimates that are inherently subject to significant business,  economic and
competitive  uncertainties  and  contingencies,  many of which  are  beyond  the
control of the Company,  and upon  assumptions  with respect to future  business
decisions which are subject to change. Among the factors that could cause actual
results to differ materially from those projected  include,  but are not limited
to, changes in general economic and market conditions,  changes in domestic laws
and  government  regulations  or  requirements,  changes in real estate  pricing
environments,  demographic and economic  changes in the United States  generally
and California in  particular,  significant  competition  from other real estate
developers and homebuilders,  decreased consumer spending for housing, delays in
construction  schedules and cost overruns,  increased  material and labor costs,
increased  development  costs,  many of which the  Company  would not be able to
control,  the occurrence of  significant  natural  disasters,  the imposition of
limitations  on the  Company's  ability to develop the San Elijo  Hills  project
resulting from  developments in or new  applications of  environmental  laws and
regulations,  increases in prevailing interest rates,  including mortgage rates,
increased interest costs for the project as a result of a delay in completion of
the project  requiring  the  financing to remain  outstanding  for a longer than
projected  period of time, and the  availability  of reliable energy sources and
consumer  confidence in the dependability of such energy sources.  The degree of
uncertainty inherent in projections increases  significantly with each year that
the  projections   cover.   This  projection  covers  a  nine  year  period  and
accordingly,  is even more uncertain than projections  covering a shorter period
of time.  Therefore,  the projection is only an estimate and actual results will
vary from the projection.  These  variations may be, and, in fact, are likely to
be material.  Consequently,  the inclusion of the foregoing  projections in this
Report  should not be  regarded as  representations  by the Company or any other
person that the projected results will be achieved.  Projections are necessarily
speculative  in nature and it is usually  the case that one or more  significant
assumptions in projections do not materialize. Therefore, the projections should
not be relied upon.

                  During 2000, 528 residential sites in six  neighborhoods  were
sold to builders for aggregate net consideration of $71,100,000. These sales are
the  first  residential  lot  sales  at San  Elijo  Hills.  Three  of the  sales
agreements  covering these sites include  options for the builders to purchase a
total  of  209  additional   residential  sites  for  contract  prices  totaling
$30,550,000.  Non-refundable  option  payments  totaling  $3,450,000  have  been
received in connection with these options.

                  Two  additional  neighborhoods  consisting of 171  residential
sites,  are currently under contract for sale for a total of $14,500,000 and are
anticipated  to close  in 2001.  During  2001,  the  local  school  district  is
obligated to purchase a site of  approximately  20 acres,  which is the first of
three school sites.  The purchase  price will be based upon the highest and best
use of the land determined by appraisal.

                  An additional two neighborhoods, consisting of 148 residential
sites and a multi-family  residential site with an estimated 192 dwelling units,
are currently being offered for sale.

                  Otay Ranch.  On October  14,  1998,  the Company and  Leucadia
formed  Otay Land  Company,  LLC (the "Otay Land  Company")  to  purchase  4,800
non-adjoining  acres of land  located  within the larger  22,900 acre Otay Ranch
master  planned  community  south of San Diego,  California.  Otay Land  Company
acquired this land for $19,500,000.  The Company has contributed  $11,590,000 as
capital  and  Leucadia  has  contributed  $10,000,000  as  a  preferred  capital
interest; the Company is development manager of this project.

                  The City of Chula  Vista  and the  County  of San  Diego  have
approved a general development plan for the larger planning area. Although there
is no minimum time within which  implementation of the general  development plan
must be completed,  it is expected that full  development of the larger planning
area will take  decades.  This general  development  plan  establishes  land use
goals,  objectives and policies within the larger planning area. Any development
within the larger Otay Ranch master planned  community  must be consistent  with
this  general  development  plan.  The general  development  plan for the larger
planning area  contemplates  home sites, a golf-oriented  resort and residential
community,  commercial retail centers, a proposed  university site and a network
of infrastructure,  including roads and highways, a rail transportation  system,

park systems and schools.  Actual  development of any of these will require that
further entitlements and approvals be obtained. Because the larger planning area
will be developed by several independent  developers in addition to the Company,
all  developers  working in the Otay Ranch planning area will need to coordinate
their activities to develop their respective projects.

                  Of the 4,800 acres owned by Otay Land Company, 1,200 acres are
developable  and 3,600 acres are zoned as various  qualities of  non-developable
"open  space  mitigation  land." The Company  entered  into an option to sell 85
acres of  developable  land for a sales  price of  $4,100,000.  The  Company has
received a  non-refundable  payment of $500,000 for this  option,  which will be
applied  against  the  purchase  price  upon  closing.  This  option,  which was
scheduled to expire in December  2000, is extendable  for up to eighteen  months
for a non-refundable monthly fee of $60,000. The monthly extension fees will not
reduce the purchase price. As of March 13, 2001, the Company  received  $240,000
of such fees. The Company will either develop or sell the remaining  developable
land; until such  determination is made, the Company will not know the nature or
extent of the entitlements or approvals that may be required.

                  Under the general development plan, approximately 1.2 acres of
open space  mitigation  land must be set aside for each 1.0 acre of  developable
land. Some owners of developable  land have adequate or excess  mitigation land,
while other  owners lack  sufficient  acreage of  mitigation  land.  The Company
currently has  substantially  more mitigation land than it would need to develop
its property at this project.  A market for the Company's open space  mitigation
land exists among buyers in the San Diego County Region.  Based upon the general
development plan conditions, the Company believes that a market for this land is
likely to develop within the larger Otay Ranch  development  area as development

                  The Company continues to evaluate how to maximize the value of
this investment while pursuing land sales and processing further entitlements on
portions of the property.  The Company cannot predict when, or if, revenues will
be derived from this project.  As indicated above,  the ultimate  development of
projects of this type is subject to significant  governmental and  environmental
approval.   Recently,  the  United  States  Fish  &  Wildlife  Service  proposed
designating a portion of the Otay Ranch project  already  planned  primarily for
non-development/habitat  preservation  as a critical  habitat for an  endangered
species.  In  addition,  the  project is within the area  identified  by a draft
United States Fish & Wildlife Service recovery plan for this endangered species.
Although the designation and plan are not final,  there can be no assurance that
if the  designation and plan are adopted in this or another form, any such final
designation or plan will not have a material impact on the Company's  ability to
develop or sell the project.

Other Projects

                  Paradise  Valley.  The Company owns a 10 acre site,  zoned for
public  facilities,  at the  Paradise  Valley  project,  a community  located in
Fairfield,  California.  This site was previously  subject to a purchase  option
held by the local school  district.  In February 2001, the local school district
terminated  their  option to purchase the site.  At December 31, 2000,  the book
value of this site was $1,060,000.

                  The  Company  had  certain  obligations  with  respect to this
project,  including  the  obligation  to  construct  a  recreation  center.  The
construction of this recreation center was completed in January 2001 and annexed
to the homeowners association in February 2001.


                  Real  estate  development  is a highly  competitive  business.
There are numerous  residential real estate developers and development  projects
operating in the same geographic area in which the Company operates. Competition
among real estate  developers  and  development  projects is  determined  by the
location of the real estate,  the market appeal of the development  master plan,
and the developer's  ability to build,  market and deliver project segments on a
timely basis. Residential developers sell to homebuilders,  who compete based on
location, price, market segmentation, product design and reputation.

Government Regulation

                  The residential real estate development industry is subject to
increasing environmental,  building, zoning and real estate regulations that are
imposed  by  various  federal,  state and local  authorities.  In  developing  a
community,  the  Company  must  obtain the  approval  of  numerous  governmental
agencies  regarding such matters as permitted land uses,  housing  density,  the
installation of utility services (such as water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone
and cable  television)  and the  dedication  of acreage for open  space,  parks,
schools  and  other  community  purposes.  Regulations  affect  homebuilding  by
specifying,  among other things,  the type and quality of building material that
must be used,  certain aspects of land use and building design and the manner in
which   homebuilders   may  conduct   their  sales,   operations,   and  overall
relationships  with  potential home buyers.  Furthermore,  changes in prevailing
local  circumstances  or applicable laws may require  additional  approvals,  or
modifications of approvals previously obtained.


                  Timing  of  the   initiation  and  completion  of  development
projects depends upon receipt of necessary authorizations and approvals.  Delays
could  adversely  affect  the  Company's   ability  to  complete  its  projects,
significantly  increase  the costs of doing so or drive  potential  customers to
purchase competitors' products.

Environmental Compliance

                  Environmental  laws may cause the Company to incur substantial
compliance,  mitigation and other costs, may restrict or prohibit development in
certain areas and may delay  completion of the Company's  development  projects.
Delays arising from compliance  with  environmental  laws and regulations  could
adversely affect the Company's  ability to complete its projects,  significantly
increase  the  costs  of  doing  so or cause  potential  customers  to  purchase
competitors'  products.  To date,  environmental  laws  have not had a  material
adverse effect on the Company,  and management is not currently aware, except as
otherwise disclosed,  of any environmental  compliance matters that would have a
material adverse effect on the Company.

Relationship with Leucadia; Administrative Services Agreement

                  Since  emerging  from   bankruptcy  in  1995,   administrative
services and managerial support have been provided to HomeFed by a subsidiary of
Leucadia. Leucadia funded HomeFed's bankruptcy plan by purchasing stock and debt
of the Company. For additional information, see Item 7, "Management's Discussion
and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

                  In 1999, Leucadia completed the distribution of HomeFed Common
Stock to shareholders of Leucadia. As a result, Joseph S. Steinberg, Chairman of
the Board of HomeFed,  and Ian M. Cumming, a director of HomeFed,  together with
their  respective  family  members  (excluding  trusts  for the  benefit  of Mr.
Steinberg's   children)   beneficially  own   approximately   12.7%  and  13.8%,
respectively,  of the outstanding  Common Stock. Mr. Steinberg is also President
and a director of Leucadia and Mr. Cumming is Chairman of the Board of Leucadia.
At March 13, 2001, Mr.  Steinberg and Mr. Cumming  beneficially  owned (together
with their respective family members but excluding trusts for the benefit of Mr.
Steinberg's children) approximately 16.7% and 18.2%, respectively, of Leucadia's
outstanding common shares.

                  Under the current  administrative  services  agreement,  which
extends through December 31, 2001, Leucadia provides the services of Ms. Corinne
A.  Maki,  the  Company's  Treasurer  and  Secretary,  in  addition  to  various
administrative  functions.  Ms. Maki is an officer of  subsidiaries of Leucadia.
Prior to November  2000,  Leucadia also provided the services of Paul J. Borden,
President of the Company,  under this  agreement.  Until  October 31, 2000,  Mr.
Borden also was a Vice President of Leucadia.  The cost of services  provided by
Leucadia during 2000 aggregated $255,000.

Item 2.  Properties.
- ------   ----------

                  The Company owns approximately 10 acres at the Paradise Valley
project and approximately  4,800 non-adjoining acres at the Company's Otay Ranch
project,  as described under Item 1 - "Business."  Land held for development and
sale has an aggregate book value of $22,979,000 at December 31, 2000.

                  The  Company's  corporate  headquarters  are  located  at 1903
Wright  Place,  Suite  220,  Carlsbad,  California  92008  in part of an  office
building  sub-leased  from  Leucadia for a monthly  amount equal to its share of
Leucadia's cost for such space and furnishings.  The agreement pursuant to which
the space and  furnishings  are  provided  extends  through  February  28,  2005
(coterminous with Leucadia's  occupancy of the space) and provides for a monthly
rental of $19,000 effective March 1, 2001.

Item 3.  Legal Proceedings.
- ------   -----------------

                  The  Company  is not a party to legal  proceedings  other than
ordinary, routine litigation,  incidental to its business or not material to the
Company's consolidated financial position or results of operations.


Item 10. Executive Officers of the Registrant.
- -------  ------------------------------------

                  As of March 13, 2001,  the executive  officers of the Company,
their ages,  the positions  held by them and the periods  during which they have
served in such positions are as follows:

Name                   Age         Position with HomeFed       Office Held Since
- ----                   ---         ---------------------       -----------------

Paul J. Borden         52          President                          1998

Corinne A. Maki        44          Secretary and Treasurer            1995

Curt R. Noland         44          Vice President                     1998

R. Randy Goodson       35          Vice President                     2000

Simon G. Malk          31          Vice President                     2000

Erin N. Ruhe           35          Vice President and Controller      2000

                  The  officers  serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors
of HomeFed.

                  The recent  business  experience of our executive  officers is
summarized as follows:

                  Paul J.  Borden.  Mr.  Borden  has  served as a  director  and
President of HomeFed  since May 1998.  Mr.  Borden had been a Vice  President of
Leucadia from August 1988 through October 2000,  responsible for overseeing many
of Leucadia's real estate investments.

                  Corinne A. Maki. Ms. Maki, a certified public accountant,  has
served as Treasurer of HomeFed since February 1995 and Secretary  since February
1998. Prior to that, Ms. Maki served as an Assistant  Secretary of HomeFed since
August  1995.  Ms. Maki has also been a Vice  President  of  Leucadia  Financial
Corporation,  a  subsidiary  of  Leucadia,  holding the  offices of  Controller,
Assistant Secretary and Treasurer since October 1992. Ms. Maki has been employed
by Leucadia since December 1991.

                  Curt R.  Noland.  Mr.  Noland has served as Vice  President of
HomeFed since  October 1998. He spent the last 21 years in the land  development
industry  in San Diego  County as a design  consultant,  merchant  builder and a
master  developer.  From  November 1997 until  joining  HomeFed,  Mr. Noland was
employed  by the prior  development  manager  of San Elijo  Hills and  served as
Director of Development for San Elijo Hills.  Prior to November 1997, Mr. Noland
was employed for eight years by Aviara Land Associates,  LP, a 1,000 acre master
planned resort  community in Carlsbad,  California.  He is also a licensed civil
engineer and real estate broker.

                  R. Randy Goodson.  Mr. Goodson has served as Vice President of
HomeFed  since  April  2000.  Mr.  Goodson  has spent 15 years as a real  estate
consultant, developer and investor. Prior to joining HomeFed, he was a principal
in a San Diego company involved in real estate development and consulting, which
provided  consulting  services to San Elijo Hills and HomeFed.  Mr. Goodson is a
licensed California real estate broker and a member of the Urban Land Institute.

                  Simon G.  Malk.  Mr.  Malk has  served  as Vice  President  of
HomeFed since April 2000. For the prior seven years, Mr. Malk was a principal of
a San  Diego  company  involved  in  residential  real  estate  development  and

                  Erin  N.  Ruhe.  Ms.  Ruhe has  served as Vice  President  of
HomeFed since April 2000 and has been  employed by HomeFed as  Controller  since
January 1999.  Previously,  Ms. Ruhe was Vice President  since December 1995 and
Controller  since  November  1994 of HSD Venture,  a real estate  subsidiary  of


                                     PART II

Item 5. Market for the Registrant's Common Stock and Related Stockholder Matters
- ------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  The following table sets forth certain information  concerning
the market price of the Company's  Common Stock for each quarterly period within
the two most recent fiscal years.

                                                        High       Low
                                                        ----       ---

Year ended December 31, 1999
     First Quarter                                     $ .3000    $ 0313
     Second Quarter                                      .7500     .0313
     Third Quarter                                      1.0000     .0100
     Fourth Quarter                                     1.0000     .1500

Year ended December 31, 2000
     First Quarter                                     $ .8750    $.0620
     Second Quarter                                      .7200     .5500
     Third Quarter                                       .7300     .6000
     Fourth Quarter                                      .8750     .5700

Year ended December 31, 2001
     First quarter (through March 13, 2001)            $1.3700    $.7813

                  The Company's  Common Stock is traded in the  over-the-counter
market.  The  Company's  Common Stock is not listed on any stock  exchange,  and
price  information for the Common Stock is not regularly quoted on any automated
quotation system. The prices above are based on the high and low sales price per
share,  as published  by the  National  Association  of  Securities  Dealers OTC
Bulletin  Board  Service.  On March  13,  2001,  the  closing  bid price for the
Company's  Common Stock was $.86 per share.  As of this date,  there were 13,675
stockholders  of record.  The Company did not  declare  dividends  on its Common
Stock during 1999 or 2000 and it does not anticipate  that it will pay dividends
for the foreseeable future.

                  The Company's Common Stock does not currently meet the minimum
requirements for listing on a national  securities  exchange or inclusion on the
Nasdaq Stock Market. If the Company's Common Stock becomes eligible to be listed
or  included  on  the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market,  the  Company  will  consider  its
alternatives with respect to the trading market for the Company's Common Stock.

                  The transfer agent for the Company's  Common Stock is American
Stock Transfer & Trust Company, 59 Maiden Lane, New York, New York 10038.

Item 6.  Selected Financial Data.
- ------   -----------------------

                  The following  selected  financial  data have been  summarized
from the Company's  consolidated financial statements and are qualified in their
entirety  by  reference  to,  and  should  be read  in  conjunction  with,  such
consolidated  financial statements and "Management's  Discussion and Analysis of
Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations,"  contained  in Item 7 of this
Report.  Effective  September  20,  1999,  Otay Land  Company is included in the
Company's consolidated financial statements; previously this investment had been
accounted for under the equity method.

                                                                                            Year Ended December 31,
                                                                      2000          1999          1998           1997         1996
                                                                    --------      --------      --------       -------      --------
                                                                                 (In thousands, except per share amounts)

  Sales of residential properties                                   $ 1,575       $ 2,600       $ 5,752       $ 4,011       $ 8,988
  Marketing, field overhead and management service
    fee income                                                        3,508          --            --            --             --
  Interest expense                                                    2,510         2,404         2,828         2,997         3,063
  Loss from operations                                               (2,671)       (6,458)       (4,545)       (3,864)       (6,424)
  Net loss                                                           (3,409)       (7,282)       (4,481)       (3,577)       (6,297)
  Basic loss per common share                                       $ (0.06)      $ (0.22)      $ (0.45)      $ (0.36)      $ (0.63)
                                                                    =======       =======       =======       =======       =======
  Diluted loss per common share                                     $ (0.06)      $ (0.22)      $ (0.45)      $ (0.36)      $ (0.63)
                                                                    =======       =======       =======       =======       =======


                                                                                              At December 31,
                                                                     2000          1999          1998          1997           1996
                                                                   --------      --------      --------       -------      --------
                                                                                 (In thousands, except per share amounts)

  Land and real estate held for development and sale               $ 22,979      $ 23,707      $  5,008      $ 10,408      $ 14,284
  Total assets                                                       24,818        27,528        19,415        16,213        17,847
  Notes payable to Leucadia Financial Corporation                    21,474        20,552        19,736        26,085        23,877
  Stockholders' deficit                                             (10,421)       (7,107)       (8,205)      (10,739)       (7,162)
  Shares outstanding                                                 56,808        56,558        10,000        10,000        10,000
  Book value per common share                                      $  (0.18)     $  (0.13)     $  (0.82)     $  (1.07)     $  (0.72)

                  Basic  and  diluted   loss  per  share  of  Common  Stock  was
calculated  by dividing  the net loss by the weighted  average  shares of Common
Stock outstanding. The number of shares used to calculate basic and diluted loss
per Common Share was 56,762,061,  32,577,357 and 10,000,000 for the years ending
December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The calculation of diluted loss
per share does not include common stock  equivalents of 1,186,000 and 49,647,893
for the  years  ending  December  31,  2000 and  1998,  respectively,  which are
antidilutive. The number of shares used to calculate book value per Common Share
was 56,807,826, 56,557,826 and 10,000,000 for the years ended December 31, 2000,
1999 and 1998, respectively.

Item 7.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
         and Results of Operations.
- ------   -----------------------------------------------------------

                  The  purpose of this  section is to discuss  and  analyze  the
Company's consolidated financial condition,  liquidity and capital resources and
results of  operations.  This analysis  should be read in  conjunction  with the
consolidated  financial  statements and related notes which appear  elsewhere in
this report.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

                  For the years ended  December  31, 2000 and December 31, 1999,
net cash was used in  operating  activities,  principally  to fund  interest and
general  administrative  expenses.  The Company's principal sources of funds are
fee income  earned from the San Elijo Hills  project,  proceeds from the sale of
real  estate,  its  $3,000,000  line of credit from  Leucadia  and  dividends or
borrowings from its subsidiaries.

                  The Company  expects that its cash on hand,  together with the
sources  described above, will be sufficient to meet its cash flow needs for the
foreseeable  future.  If, at any time in the future,  the Company's cash flow is
insufficient  to meet its then  current  cash  requirements,  the Company  could
accelerate its  subsidiaries'  sale of real estate projects held for development
or seek to borrow  funds.  However,  because  all of the  Company's  assets  are
pledged to Leucadia to collateralize its $26,462,000 borrowing from Leucadia, it
may be unable to obtain  financing  at favorable  rates from sources  other than

                  In March 2001, the Company  entered into a $3,000,000  line of
credit  agreement with  Leucadia.  The line of credit matures in one year unless
renewed.  Loans  outstanding  under this line of credit bear interest at 10% per
year. As of March 13, 2001, no amounts were outstanding under this facility.

                  Under the  Development  Agreement,  the Company is responsible
for the overall management of the San Elijo Hills project,  including  arranging
financing, coordinating marketing and sales activity, and acting as construction
manager.  The  Development  Agreement  provides  that the Company  will  receive
certain fees in  connection  with the project.  These fees consist of marketing,
field  overhead and  management  service  fees.  These fees are based on a fixed
percentage of gross revenues of the project,  less certain expenses allocated to
the project,  and are expected to cover the Company's cost of providing services
under the  Development  Agreement.  During the year ended December 31, 2000, the
Company  received  $3,508,000  in fees  under  the  Development  Agreement.  The
Development  Agreement also provides for a success fee to the Company out of the
project's net cash flow,  if any, as described  below,  up to a maximum  amount.
Whether the success fee, if it is earned,  will be paid to the Company  prior to
the conclusion of the project will be at the discretion of the project owner.


                  To determine "net cash flow" for purposes of  calculating  the
success fee, all cash  expenditures  of the project will be deducted  from total
revenues of the project.  Examples of "expenditures"  for these purposes include
land development costs, current period operating costs, and indebtedness, either
collateralized  by the project  ($28,309,000  at  December  31,  2000,  which is
non-interest  bearing),  or owed by the project's owner to Leucadia ($49,630,000
at December  31,  2000)  (collectively,  "Indebtedness").  As a success fee, the
Company is entitled to receive  payments out of net cash flow, if any, up to the
aggregate amount of the Indebtedness.  The balance of the net cash flow, if any,
will be paid to the Company and the project owner in equal amounts. However, the
amount of the  success  fee  cannot be more than 68% of net cash flow  minus the
amount of the  Indebtedness.  The Company  believes that any success fee that it
may  receive  will  be its  principal  source  of  revenue  earned  through  its
participation  in the  San  Elijo  Hills  project  pursuant  to the  Development
Agreement. There can be no assurance, however, that the Company will receive any
success fee at all for this project.

                  As  of  December  31,  2000,  the  Company  owed   $26,462,000
principal  amount to  Leucadia.  This amount is payable on December 31, 2004 and
bears interest at 6% per year. This obligation is reflected in the  consolidated
balance  sheet,  net of debt  discount,  at $21,474,000 as of December 31, 2000.
During the year ended December 31, 2000, the Company paid to Leucadia $1,588,000
in interest.  In addition,  Leucadia  has  invested  $10,000,000  as a preferred
capital  interest in Otay Land Company,  LLC, a  consolidated  subsidiary of the
Company.  Distributions of net income, if any, from Otay Land Company first will
be paid to Leucadia until it has received an annual cumulative  preferred return
of 12% on, and repayment of, its preferred investment.  Any remaining funds will
be distributed to the Company.

                  During   2000,   the  Company  sold  two   clustered   housing
development sites at its Paradise Valley project for net proceeds of $1,494,000.
The Company had certain obligations with respect to this project,  including the
obligation to construct a recreation center. The construction of this recreation
center was completed in January 2001 and annexed to the  homeowners  association
in February 2001. The completed  cost of the recreation  center was  $1,200,000,
substantially all of which was paid as of December 31, 2000.

                  In  accordance  with  the  terms  of a  partnership  agreement
entered into in 1990 and amended in November  2000, a subsidiary  of the company
is required to maintain a minimum net worth of $1,000,000,  which the subsidiary
currently  meets.  The partners  agreed on the minimum net worth  requirement in
connection  with an  indemnity  agreement  with a third  party  surety  that has
provided surety bonds for the construction of infrastructure in a development in
LaQuinta, California.

                  As of December 31, 2000,  the Company has net  operating  loss
carryovers  ("NOLs")  of  $275,872,000  available  to reduce its future  federal
income tax  liabilities  and NOLs of $36,560,000  available to reduce its future
state  income tax  liabilities.  Most of these NOLs are not  available to reduce
federal alternative minimum taxable income, which is currently taxed at the rate
of 20%. As a result,  the Company expects to pay federal income tax at a rate of
20% during future  periods,  even if these NOLs are available to reduce  regular
taxable income.

Results of Operations

                  Sales of residential  properties decreased in 2000 as compared
to 1999. In 2000, the Company sold two clustered  housing  development  sites at
the Paradise  Valley  project,  while in 1999,  the Company sold 75 lots and one
clustered  housing  development  site at the Paradise Valley  project.  Sales of
residential  properties  decreased  in 1999 as compared to 1998 due to a greater
amount  of lot  sales  in  1998,  which  consisted  of 97 lots in the  Company's
Silverwood project and 61 lots at the Paradise Valley project.

                  Land and real estate held for  development and sale is carried
at the lower of cost or fair value less costs to sell.  The provision for losses
for the years ended  December 31, 1999 and 1998 reflect the Company's  estimates
to reduce the carrying  value of real estate  investments to fair value and, for
the years ended  December 31, 1999 and 1998,  includes  $335,000  and  $119,000,
respectively,  for  estimated  additional  costs to build  the  Paradise  Valley
recreational center. Actual cost of sales recorded during these periods reflects
the level of sales activity, as well as provisions for losses.

                  Interest  expense for all years presented  primarily  reflects
the interest due on indebtedness to Leucadia, including interest of $377,000 for
1998  which  was  not  paid  and  was  added  to the  principal  balance  of the
obligation.  Interest expense for 2000, 1999, and 1998 also reflects interest of
$1,588,000, $1,588,000, and $2,162,000, respectively, due to Leucadia, which was
paid by the Company.  Interest  expense  also  includes  $922,000,  $816,000 and
$289,000  for  2000,  1999 and  1998,  respectively,  for  amortization  of debt
discount related to the indebtedness due to Leucadia.

                  General  and  administrative  expenses  increased  in  2000 as
compared to 1999 due to increased  operating  activities in connection  with the
San Elijo Hills project and Otay Ranch project.


                  Income taxes for all years  presented  principally  relates to
state franchise  taxes.  The Company has not recognized  income tax benefits for
its operating losses due to the uncertainty of sufficient  future taxable income
which is required in order to recognize such tax benefits.


                  The  Company,  as  well as the  real  estate  development  and
homebuilding  industry  in general,  may be  adversely  affected  by  inflation,
primarily because of either reduced rates of savings by consumers during periods
of low inflation or higher land and  construction  costs during  periods of high
inflation.  Low inflation  could  adversely  affect  consumer demand by limiting
growth of savings for down payments, ultimately affecting demand for real estate
and the Company's  revenues.  In addition,  higher  mortgage  interest rates may
significantly  affect the  affordability  of  permanent  mortgage  financing  to
prospective  purchasers.  High inflation  also increases the Company's  costs of
labor and materials.  The Company would attempt to pass through to its customers
any increases in its costs through  increased  selling prices.  To date, high or
low rates of inflation  have not had a material  adverse effect on the Company's
results of operations.  However, there is no assurance that high or low rates of
inflation  will not have a  material  adverse  impact  on the  Company's  future
results of operation.

Interest Rates

                  The Company's operations are interest-rate sensitive.  Overall
housing demand is adversely affected by increases in interest costs. If mortgage
interest rates increase significantly, this may negatively impact the ability of
a home  buyer to secure  adequate  financing.  This could  adversely  affect the
Company's revenues, gross margins and profitability.

Cautionary Statement for Forward-Looking Information

                  Statements included in this Report may contain forward-looking
statements.  Such statements may relate, but are not limited,  to projections of
revenues,  income or loss,  capital  expenditures,  plans for  growth and future
operations,  competition  and regulation as well as assumptions  relating to the
foregoing.  Forward-looking  statements  are  inherently  subject  to risks  and
uncertainties,  many of which cannot be predicted  or  quantified.  When used in
this  Report,  the  words  "estimates",  "expects",  "anticipates",  "believes",
"plans",  "intends"  and  variations of such words and similar  expressions  are
intended  to  identify   forward-looking   statements  that  involve  risks  and
uncertainties.  Future events and actual  results could differ  materially  from
those  set  forth  in,   contemplated  by  or  underlying  the   forward-looking
statements.  The factors  that could cause actual  results to differ  materially
from those  suggested by any such  statements  include,  but are not limited to,
those discussed or identified from time to time in the Company's public filings,
including changes in general economic and market conditions, changes in domestic
laws and government regulations or requirements,  changes in real estate pricing
environments,  regional or general changes in asset  valuation,  demographic and
economic  changes in the United States  generally and  California in particular,
increases  in real estate  taxes and other local  government  fees,  significant
competition  from other  real  estate  developers  and  homebuilders,  decreased
consumer  spending  for  housing,  delays  in  construction  schedules  and cost
overruns,  availability  and  cost  of  land,  materials  and  labor,  increased
development  costs,  many of which the  Company  would  not be able to  control,
damage  to  properties  or  condemnation   of  properties,   the  occurrence  of
significant  natural  disasters,  imposition  of  limitations  on the  Company's
ability  to  develop  its  properties  resulting  from  developments  in or  new
applications  of  environmental  laws and  regulations,  the inability to insure
certain  risks  economically,  the  adequacy  of  loss  reserves,  increases  in
prevailing  interest rate levels,  including mortgage rates,  increased interest
costs as a result of a delay in project completion  requiring  the  financing to
remain  outstanding for a longer than projected period of time, the availability
of reliable energy sources and consumer  confidence in the dependability of such
energy  sources,  and changes in the  composition  of the  Company's  assets and
liabilities through  acquisitions or divestitures.  Undue reliance should not be
placed on these forward-looking statements,  which are applicable only as of the
date hereof.  The Company  undertakes  no  obligation  to revise or update these
forward-looking  statements to reflect events or circumstances  that arise after
the date of this Report or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosure About Market Risk.
- -------  ---------------------------------------------------------

                  The Company does not have material market risk exposures.

Item 8.  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data.
- ------   -------------------------------------------

                  Financial Statements and supplementary data required by this
Item 8 are set forth at the pages indicated in Item 14(a) below.

Item 9.  Disagreements on Accounting and Financial Disclosure.
- ------   ----------------------------------------------------

                  Not applicable.


                                    PART III

Item 10. Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant.
- -------  --------------------------------------------------

                  The information to be included under the caption "Nominees for
Election as Directors" in HomeFed's  definitive proxy statement to be filed with
the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  pursuant to Regulation 14A of the 1934
Act in connection  with the 2001 annual meeting of  stockholders of HomeFed (the
"Proxy Statement") is incorporated herein by reference.  In addition,  reference
is made to Item 10 in Part I of this Report.

Item 11.  Executive Compensation.
- -------   ----------------------

                  The  information to be included  under the caption  "Executive
Compensation" in the Proxy Statement is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management.
- -------  --------------------------------------------------------------

                  The  information  to be included  under the  caption  "Present
Beneficial  Ownership of Common  Stock" in the Proxy  Statement is  incorporated
herein by reference.

Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.
- -------  ----------------------------------------------

                  The  information to be included  under the caption  "Executive
Compensation  - Certain  Relationships  and Related  Transactions"  in the Proxy
Statement is incorporated herein by reference.


                                     PART IV

Item 14. Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules, and Reports on Form 8-K.
- -------  ----------------------------------------------------------------


(a)(1)   Financial Statements.

         Report of Independent Accountants                                                                      F-1

         Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2000 and 1999                                              F-2

         Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998             F-3

         Consolidated Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Deficit for the years ended
         December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998                                                                       F-4

         Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998             F-5

         Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements                                                             F-7

(a)(2)   Financial Statement Schedules.

         Schedules  are  omitted  because  they  are  not  required  or are  not
         applicable  or the  required  information  is  shown  in the  financial
         statements or notes thereto.

(a)(3)   Executive Compensation Plans and Arrangements.

         1999 Stock  Incentive  Plan  (filed as Annex A to the  Company's  Proxy
         Statement dated November 22, 1999).

         2000 Stock  Incentive  Plan  (filed as Annex B to the  Company's  Proxy
         Statement dated June 20, 2000).

(b)      Reports on Form 8-K.

(c)      Exhibits.

2.1      Amended  Disclosure  Statement to the Company's  Fourth Amended Plan of
         Reorganization  dated  July 15,  1994  (incorporated  by  reference  to
         Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's  current report on Form 8-K dated June 14,

2.2      The Company's Fourth Amended Plan of Reorganization dated July 15, 1994
         (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.2 to the Company's current
         report on Form 8-K dated June 14, 1995).

2.3      Order  Modifying and  Confirming  the Company's  Fourth Amended Plan of
         Reorganization  dated  July 15,  1994  (incorporated  by  reference  to
         Exhibit 2.3 to the Company's  current report on Form 8-K dated June 14,

3.1      Restated Certificate of Incorporation,  as restated July 3, 1995 of the
         Company  (incorporated  by  reference  to  Exhibit  3.1  to  the
         Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
         September 30, 1995).

3.2      By-laws of the Company as amended through December 14, 1999.

10.1     Loan  Agreement  dated July 3, 1995  between the  Company and  Leucadia
         Financial  Corporation ("LFC") and Form of 12% Secured Convertible Note
         due July 3, 2003  (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10.2 to the
         Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September
         30, 1995).

10.2     Paradise  Valley Unit 1 First  Closing  Purchase  Agreement  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).


10.3     Paradise  Valley Unit 2 First  Closing  Purchase  Agreement  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.4     Paradise  Valley Unit 1 Second  Closing  Purchase  Agreement and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.5     Paradise  Valley Unit 2 Second  Closing  Purchase  Agreement and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.6     Paradise  Valley Unit 3 Option to  Purchase  Real  Property  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.7     Paradise  Valley Unit 4 Option to  Purchase  Real  Property  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.8     Real  Estate  Purchase  Agreement  and  Escrow   Instructions   between
         Southfork  Partnership  and  Northfork  Communities   (incorporated  by
         reference to Exhibit  10.1 to the  Company's  quarterly  report on Form
         10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998).

10.9     Purchase  and  Sale  Agreement  and  Escrow  Instructions,  dated as of
         September 21, 1999, by and between  Paradise  Valley  Communities No. 1
         and Western Pacific Housing, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10 to the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
         September 30, 1999).

10.10    Amended and Restated Loan Agreement between the Company and LFC, dated
         as of August 14, 1998  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit 10.2 to
         the Company's report on Form 8-K dated August 14, 1998).

10.11    Development Management Agreement between the Company and Provence Hills
         Development Company,  LLC, dated as of August 14, 1998 (incorporated by
         reference  to Exhibit  10.3 to the  Company's  report on Form 8-K dated
         August 14, 1998).

10.12    Stock  Purchase  Agreement  between the Company and  Leucadia  National
         Corporation,  dated as of August 14, 1998 (incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit  10.1 to the  Company's  report  on Form 8-K dated  August  14,

10.13    Amended and Restated Limited  Liability  Company Agreement of Otay Land
         Company,  LLC, dated as of September 20, 1999,  between the Company and
         Leucadia  National  Corporation  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
         10.16  to  the  Company's  Registration  Statement  on  Form  S-2  (No.
         333-79901) (the "Registration Statement").

10.14    Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of October 20, 1998,  between the
         Company and Leucadia National Corporation (incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
         September 30, 1998).

10.15    Administrative  Services Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 2000, between
         LFC,   the  Company,   HomeFed   Resources   Corporation   and  HomeFed
         Communities,  Inc.  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
         Company's report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2000).

10.16    Transitional Management Agreement,  dated as of August 14, 1998, by and
         between  HomeFed  and  Accretive  Investments,   LLC  (incorporated  by
         reference to Exhibit 10.17 to the Registration Statement).

10.17    Option and  Purchase  Agreement  and Escrow  Instructions,  dated as of
         October 15, 1999, by and between Otay Land Company,  LLC and Lakes Kean
         Argovitz Resorts-California, LLC. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.17 to the  Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
         ended December 31, 1999 (the "1999 10-K")).

10.18    First   Amendment   to  Option  and  Purchase   Agreement   and  Escrow
         Instructions,  dated as of December 8, 1999,  by and between  Otay Land
         Company,   LLC  and  Lakes  Kean   Argovitz   Resorts-California,   LLC
         (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10.18 to the  Company's  1999


10.19    Second   Amendment  to  Option  and  Purchase   Agreement   and  Escrow
         Instructions,  dated as of December 14, 1999,  by and between Otay Land
         Company,   LLC  and  Lakes  Kean   Argovitz   Resorts-California,   LLC
         (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10.19 to the  Company's  1999

10.20    Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions,  dated as of
         September 30, 1998, by and between  Paradise  Valley  Communities No. 1
         and  Richmond  American  Homes of  California,  Inc.  (incorporated  by
         reference to Exhibit 10.15 to the Registration Statement).

10.21    Amendment  No. 1 dated as of  November  1,  2000 to the  Administrative
         Services Agreement dated as of March 1, 2000.

10.22    Amendment  No. 2 dated as of February  28,  2001 to the  Administrative
         Services Agreement dated as of March 1, 2000.

10.23    Line  Letter  dated  as  of  March  1,  2001  from  Leucadia  Financial
         Corporation to the Company.

21       Subsidiaries of the Company.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                             HOMEFED CORPORATION

Date: March 29, 2001               By /s/  Erin N. Ruhe
                                           Erin N. Ruhe
                                           Vice President and Controller

                  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934,  this report has been signed below by the  following  persons on behalf of
the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/  JOSEPH S. STEINBERG
                                           Joseph S. Steinberg, Chairman
                                           of the Board and Director

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/ PAUL J. BORDEN
                                          Paul J. Borden, President and Director
                                          (Principal Executive Officer)

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/  Erin N. Ruhe
                                           Erin N. Ruhe
                                           Vice President and Controller
                                           (Principal Financial and
                                           Accounting Officer)

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/  PATRICK D. BIENVENUE
                                           Patrick D. Bienvenue, Director

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/  TIMOTHY CONSIDINE
                                           Timothy Considine, Director

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/  IAN M. CUMMING
                                           Ian M. Cumming, Director

Date:  March 29, 2001              By /s/  MICHAEL A. LOBATZ
                                           Michael A. Lobatz, Director


                                 EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit                                                                                         Exemption
Number                             Description                                                  Indication
- ------                             -----------                                                  ----------

2.1      Amended  Disclosure  Statement to the Company's  Fourth Amended Plan of
         Reorganization  Dated  July 15,  1994  (incorporated  by  reference  to
         Exhibit 2.1 to the Company's  current report on Form 8-K dated June 14,

2.2      The Company's Fourth Amended Plan of Reorganization Dated July 15, 1994
         (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit 2.2 to the  Company's  current
         report on Form 8-K dated June 14, 1995).

2.3      Order  Modifying and  Confirming  the Company's  Fourth Amended Plan of
         Reorganization  Dated  July 15,  1994  (incorporated  by  reference  to
         Exhibit 2.3 to the Company's  current report on Form 8-K dated June 14,

3.1      Restated Certificate of Incorporation,  as restated July 3, 1995 of the
         Company  (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit 3.1 to the  Company's
         quarterly  report  on Form 10-Q for the  quarter  ended  September  30,

3.2      By-laws of the Company as amended through December 14, 1999.

10.1     Loan  Agreement  dated July 3, 1995  between the  Company and  Leucadia
         Financial  Corporation ("LFC") and Form of 12% Secured Convertible Note
         due July 3, 2003  (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10.2 to the
         Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September
         30, 1995).

10.2     Paradise  Valley Unit 1 First  Closing  Purchase  Agreement  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.3     Paradise  Valley Unit 2 First  Closing  Purchase  Agreement  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.4     Paradise  Valley Unit 1 Second  Closing  Purchase  Agreement and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.3 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.5     Paradise  Valley Unit 2 Second  Closing  Purchase  Agreement and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.4 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.6     Paradise  Valley Unit 3 Option to  Purchase  Real  Property  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.5 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.7     Paradise  Valley Unit 4 Option to  Purchase  Real  Property  and Escrow
         Instructions,   dated  October  3,  1996,   between   Paradise   Valley
         Communities No. 1 and The Forecast Group  (Registered Trade Name), L.P.
         (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10.6 to the Company's  quarterly
         report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 1996).

10.8     Real  Estate  Purchase  Agreement  and  Escrow   Instructions   between
         Southfork  Partnership  and  Northfork  Communities   (incorporated  by
         reference to Exhibit  10.1 to the  Company's  quarterly  report on Form
         10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1998).

10.9     Purchase  and  Sale  Agreement  and  Escrow  Instructions,  dated as of
         September 21, 1999, by and between  Paradise  Valley  Communities No. 1
         and Western Pacific Housing, Inc. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10 to the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
         September 30, 1999).


10.10    Amended and Restated Loan Agreement  between the Company and LFC, dated
         as of August 14, 1998 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the
         Company's report on Form 8-K dated August 14, 1998).

10.11    Development Management Agreement between the Company and Provence Hills
         Development Company,  LLC, dated as of August 14, 1998 (incorporated by
         reference  to Exhibit  10.3 to the  Company's  report on Form 8-K dated
         August 14, 1998).

10.12    Stock  Purchase  Agreement  between the Company and  Leucadia  National
         Corporation,  dated as of August 14, 1998 (incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit  10.1 to the  Company's  report  on Form 8-K dated  August  14,

10.13    Amended and Restated Limited  Liability  Company Agreement of Otay Land
         Company,  LLC, dated as of September 20, 1999,  between the Company and
         Leucadia  National  Corporation  (incorporated  by reference to Exhibit
         10.16  to  the  Company's  Registration  Statement  on  Form  S-2  (No.
         333-79901) (the "Registration Statement").

10.14    Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of October 20, 1998,  between the
         Company and Leucadia National Corporation (incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit 10.1 to the Company's report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended
         September 30, 1998).

10.15    Administrative  Services Agreement,  dated as of March 1, 2000, between
         LFC,   the  Company,   HomeFed   Resources   Corporation   and  HomeFed
         Communities,  Inc.  (incorporated  by  reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the
         Company's report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2000).

10.16    Transitional Management Agreement,  dated as of August 14, 1998, by and
         between  HomeFed  and  Accretive  Investments,   LLC  (incorporated  by
         reference to Exhibit 10.17 to the Registration Statement).

10.17    Option and  Purchase  Agreement  and Escrow  Instructions,  dated as of
         October 15, 1999, by and between Otay Land Company,  LLC and Lakes Kean
         Argovitz Resorts-California,  LLC (incorporated by reference to Exhibit
         10.17 to the Company's 1999 10-K).

10.18    First   Amendment   to  Option  and  Purchase   Agreement   and  Escrow
         Instructions,  dated as of December 8, 1999,  by and between  Otay Land
         Company,   LLC  and  Lakes  Kean   Argovitz   Resorts-California,   LLC
         (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10.18 to the  Company's  1999

10.19    Second   Amendment  to  Option  and  Purchase   Agreement   and  Escrow
         Instructions,  dated as of December 14, 1999,  by and between Otay Land
         Company,   LLC  and  Lakes  Kean   Argovitz   Resorts-California,   LLC
         (incorporated  by  reference  to Exhibit  10.19 to the  Company's  1999

10.20    Purchase and Sale Agreement and Joint Escrow Instructions,  dated as of
         September 30, 1998, by and between  Paradise  Valley  Communities No. 1
         and  Richmond  American  Homes of  California,  Inc.  (incorporated  by
         reference to Exhibit 10.15 to the Registration Statement).

10.21    Amendment  No. 1 dated as of  November  1,  2000 to the  Administrative
         Services  Agreement  dated as of March 1, 2000.

10.22    Amendment  No. 2 dated as of  February  28,  2001 to the Administrative
         Services Agreement dated as of March 1, 2000.

10.23    Line  Letter  dated  as  of  March  1,  2001  from  Leucadia  Financial
         Corporation to the Company.

21       Subsidiaries of the Company.



To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of HomeFed Corporation:

                  In our opinion,  the accompanying  consolidated balance sheets
and the related consolidated statements of operations,  changes in stockholders'
deficit and cash flows, present fairly, in all material respects,  the financial
position of HomeFed  Corporation and Subsidiaries (the "Company") as of December
31, 2000 and 1999, and the results of their operations, changes in stockholders'
deficit  and their  cash flows for each of the three  years in the period  ended
December 31, 2000, in conformity with generally accepted  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.  These financial  statements
are the  responsibility of the Company's  management;  our  responsibility is to
express  an  opinion  on these  financial  statements  based on our  audits.  We
conducted our audits of these  statements in accordance with auditing  standards
generally  accepted in the United States of America,  which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management and evaluating the overall financial statement  presentation.
We believe our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
New York, New York
March 13, 2001

Consolidated Balance Sheets
December 31, 2000 and 1999
(Dollars in thousands, except par value)

                                                                            2000                    1999
                                                                            ----                    ----

Land and real estate held for development and sale                       $  22,979               $  23,707
Cash and cash equivalents                                                    1,631                   2,795
Restricted cash                                                               --                       868
Deposits and other assets                                                      208                     158
                                                                         ---------               ---------

TOTAL                                                                    $  24,818               $  27,528
                                                                         =========               =========

Note payable to Leucadia Financial Corporation                           $  21,474               $  20,552
Recreation center liability                                                     41                     970
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                     1,516                   1,905
                                                                         ---------               ---------

      Total liabilities                                                     23,031                  23,427
                                                                         ---------               ---------

- -----------------------------

MINORITY INTEREST                                                           12,208                  11,208
- -----------------                                                        ---------               ---------

- ---------------------
Common stock, $.01 par value,
   100,000,000 shares authorized;
   56,807,826 and 56,557,826 shares outstanding                                568                     566
Additional paid-in capital                                                 355,277                 354,833
Deferred compensation pursuant to stock incentive plans                       (351)                   --
Accumulated deficit                                                       (365,915)               (362,506)
                                                                         ---------               ---------

      Total stockholders' deficit                                          (10,421)                 (7,107)
                                                                         ---------               ---------

TOTAL                                                                    $  24,818               $  27,528
                                                                         =========               =========

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated  Statements  of Operations
For the years ended  December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
(In thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                                                          2000             1999              1998
                                                                                          ----             ----              ----

Sales of residential properties                                                        $  1,575          $  2,600          $  5,752
Marketing, field overhead and management service fee
  income from San Elijo Hills                                                             3,508              --               --
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------
                                                                                          5,083             2,600             5,752
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------
Cost of sales                                                                             1,544             2,636             5,714
Provision for losses on real estate investments                                            --                 365               425
Interest expense relating to Leucadia Financial Corporation                               2,510             2,404             2,828
General and administrative expenses                                                       3,445             3,357             1,192
Management fees to Leucadia Financial Corporation                                           255               296               138
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------
                                                                                          7,754             9,058            10,297
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------

Loss from operations                                                                     (2,671)           (6,458)           (4,545)

Equity in losses from Otay Land Company, LLC                                               --                (779)             (208)
Other income, net                                                                           254               259               312
                                                                                       --------          --------          ---------

Loss before income taxes and minority interest                                           (2,417)           (6,978)           (4,441)
Income tax benefit/(provision)                                                                8               (24)              (40)
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------

Loss before minority interest                                                            (2,409)           (7,002)           (4,481)
Minority interest                                                                        (1,000)             (280)             --
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------

Net loss                                                                               $ (3,409)         $ (7,282)         $ (4,481)
                                                                                       ========          ========          ========

Basic loss per common share                                                            $  (0.06)         $  (0.22)         $  (0.45)
                                                                                       ========          ========          ========

Diluted loss per common share                                                          $  (0.06)         $  (0.22)         $  (0.45)
                                                                                       ========          ========          ========

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated  Statements of Changes in Stockholders' Deficit
For the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
(Dollars in thousands)

                                                     Common                        Compensation
                                                     Stock        Additional         Pursuant to                          Total
                                                    $.01 Par       Paid-in        Stock Incentive      Accumulated     Stockholders'
                                                     Value         Capital             Plans             Deficit          Deficit
                                                     -----         -------             -----             -------          -------


Balance, January 1, 1998                             $100          $339,904                             $(350,743)      $(10,739)

   Contribution of capital resulting from
      restructuring of note payable to
      Leucadia Financial Corporation                                  7,015                                                7,015

   Net loss                                                                                                (4,481)        (4,481)
                                                    -----          --------            ------           ----------      --------

Balance, December 31, 1998                            100           346,919                              (355,224)        (8,205)

   Issuance of 46,557,826 shares of
     Common  Stock                                    466             7,914                                                8,380

   Net loss                                                                                                (7,282)        (7,282)
                                                    ------         --------            ------           ---------       --------

Balance, December 31, 1999                            566           354,833                              (362,506)        (7,107)

   Issuance of 250,000 shares of
     Common Stock related to restricted
       stock grants                                     2               186             $(188)                               --
    Amortization of restricted stock grants                                                51                                51
    Grant of 25,000 stock options                                        18               (18)                               --
    Grant of 1,000,000 stock options                                    240              (240)                               --
    Amortization related to stock options                                                  44                                44

    Net loss                                                                                              (3,409)         (3,409)
                                                    ------         --------            ------          ---------        --------

Balance, December 31, 2000                           $568          $355,277            $(351)          $(365,915)       $(10,421)
                                                    ======         ========            ======          =========        ========

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated  Statements of Cash Flows
For the years ended  December  31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
(In thousands)

                                                                                          2000             1999              1998
                                                                                          ----             ----              ----


Net loss                                                                               $ (3,409)         $ (7,282)         $ (4,481)

Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by
(used in) operating activities:
   Provision for losses on real estate investments                                         --                 365               425
   Minority interest                                                                      1,000               280               --
   Amortization of deferred compensation pursuant to
      stock incentive plans                                                                  95               --                --
   Accrued interest added to note payable to Leucadia
      Financial Corporation                                                                 --                --                377
   Amortization of debt discount on note payable to
      Leucadia Financial Corporation                                                        922               816               289
   Equity in losses from Otay Land Company, LLC                                             --                779               208
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Land and real estate held for development and sale                                    728             1,912             4,591
      Deposits and other assets                                                             (50)                6               298
      Recreation center liability                                                          (929)               95               119
      Accounts payable and accrued liabilities                                             (389)            1,546               572
   Decrease (increase) in restricted cash                                                   868               259               (54)
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------

      Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                (1,164)           (1,224)            2,344
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------


Contributions to Otay Land Company, LLC                                                    --                (850)          (10,125)
Decrease (increase) in other investments                                                   --                  79                (4)

                                                                                       --------          --------          ---------
      Net cash used in investing activities                                                --                (771)          (10,129)
                                                                                       --------          --------          --------


              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.


Consolidated  Statements  of Cash Flows (continued)
For the years ended December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998
(In thousands)

                                                                  2000               1999                1998
                                                                  ----               ----                ----


Proceeds received from the sale of Common Stock                    --                 1,670                --
Advance under common stock subscription from
  Leucadia Shareholder Trust                                       --                  --                 6,710
                                                                -------             -------             -------

         Net cash provided by  financing activities                --                 1,670               6,710
                                                                -------             -------             -------

   EQUIVALENTS                                                   (1,164)               (325)             (1,075)

   OF PERIOD                                                      2,795               3,120               4,195
                                                                -------             -------             -------

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD                        $ 1,631             $ 2,795             $ 3,120
                                                                =======             =======             =======


Cash paid for interest (net of amounts capitalized)             $ 1,588             $ 1,588             $ 2,162
                                                                =======             =======             =======

Cash paid (refunded) for income taxes                           $   (16)            $    44             $    28
                                                                =======             =======             =======

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these
                       consolidated financial statements.




         Basis  of  Presentation  -  The  accompanying   consolidated  financial
statements  include the accounts of HomeFed  Corporation (the  "Company"),  Otay
Land  Company,  LLC  ("Otay  Land  Company"),  and  the  Company's  wholly-owned
subsidiaries,  HomeFed  Communities,  Inc.  ("HomeFed  Communities") and HomeFed
Resources  Corporation.  The  Company  is  engaged,  directly  and  through  its
subsidiaries,  in the investment in and  development of residential  real estate
properties in California. All significant intercompany balances and transactions
have been eliminated in consolidation.

         During  the third  quarter of 1999,  the  limited  liability  agreement
governing Otay Land Company was amended and as a result, the Company now has the
ability to control Otay Land Company. Accordingly, effective September 20, 1999,
Otay Land  Company has been  included in the  Company's  consolidated  financial
statements.  The Company  previously had accounted for this investment under the
equity method of accounting.

         Certain  amounts  for  prior  periods  have  been  reclassified  to  be
consistent with the 2000 presentation.

         Land and Real  Estate  Held  for  Development  and Sale - Land and real
estate  held for  development  and sale is  carried at the lower of cost or fair
value less costs to sell. The cost of land and real estate held for  development
and sale includes all expenditures  incurred in connection with the acquisition,
development and  construction of the property,  including  interest and property
taxes.  Revenue from  incidental  operations  relating  specifically to property
under  development  is treated as a reduction of capitalized  costs.  Land costs
included in land and real estate held for  development and sale are allocated to
lots based on relative fair values prior to development  and are charged to cost
of sales at the time of sale.

         Cash  and  Cash  Equivalents  -  Cash  and  cash  equivalents   include
short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash.

         Restricted Cash - Restricted cash consists of amounts held in escrow to
fund the building of a recreation center at the Paradise Valley project.

         Revenue  Recognition  -  Revenue  from  the  sale  of  real  estate  is
recognized  at the time title is  conveyed  to the buyer at the close of escrow,
minimum  down  payment  requirements  are met,  the terms of any notes  received
satisfy  continuing  payment  requirements,  and there are no  requirements  for
continuing  involvement  with the  properties.  When it is  determined  that the
earning process is not complete, income is deferred using the installment,  cost
recovery or percentage of completion methods of accounting, as appropriate.  Fee
income for  marketing,  field  overhead  and  management  services  provided  is
recognized when contractually earned.

         Estimates - The preparation of financial  statements in conformity with
generally accepted  accounting  principles requires management to make estimates
and assumptions  that affect (i) the reported amounts of assets and liabilities,
(ii) the  disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the
financial  statements  and (iii) the  reported  amounts of revenues and expenses
during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.



         Provisions   for  Losses  on  Real  Estate   Investments  -  Management
periodically  assesses  the  recoverability  of its real estate  investments  by
comparing  the  carrying  amount of the  investments  with their fair value less
costs to sell. The process involved in the  determination of fair value requires
estimates as to future events and market  conditions.  This  estimation  process
assumes the Company has the ability to complete  development  and dispose of its
real estate  properties in the ordinary course of business based on management's
present plans and intentions. When management determines that the carrying value
of specific real estate  investments  should be reduced to properly record these
assets at fair value less costs to sell, this write-down is recorded as a charge
to current period operations.

         Capitalization  of Interest  and Real Estate  Taxes - Interest and real
estate taxes  attributable  to land and home  construction  are  capitalized and
added to the cost of those  properties  while the  properties are being actively


         A summary  of land and real  estate  held for  development  and sale by
project follows:

                                                      December 31,
                                                 2000              1999
                                            ------------       -----------

              Paradise Valley                $ 1,060,000       $ 2,522,000

              Otay Ranch                      21,919,000        21,185,000
                                             -----------        ----------

                       Total                 $22,979,000       $23,707,000
                                             ===========       ===========

          No  interest  was  capitalized  in  land  and  real  estate  held  for
development  and sale  during  2000 and 1999.  All land and real estate held for
development  and sale is property  in  California  and is pledged as  collateral
under the Amended and Restated Loan Agreement.

         The  Company  expects  that its cash on hand  and cash  generated  from
operations  will be sufficient  to meet its cash flow needs for the  foreseeable
future.  If, at any time in the future,  the Company's cash flow is insufficient
to meet its then current cash  requirements,  the Company could  accelerate  its
subsidiaries'  sale of real  estate  projects  held for  development  or seek to
borrow funds.


                  As of August 14,  1998,  the  Company and  Leucadia  Financial
Corporation ("LFC"), a subsidiary of Leucadia National Corporation ("Leucadia"),
entered  into an Amended  and  Restated  Loan  Agreement  pursuant  to which the
Company and LFC  amended  the  original  loan  agreement  dated July 3, 1995 and
restructured  the Company's  outstanding 12% Secured  Convertible  Note due 2003
("Convertible  Note") held by LFC. The  restructured  note dated August 14, 1998
(the "Restructured Note") has a principal amount of $26,462,380  (reflecting the
original  $20,000,000  principal balance of the Convertible Note,  together with
additions to principal resulting from accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the
date of the restructuring,  as allowed under the terms of the Convertible Note),
extends the maturity  date from July 3, 2003 to December  31, 2004,  reduces the
interest rate from 12% to 6% and  eliminates the  convertibility  feature of the
Convertible Note. The Restructured Note is collateralized by a security interest
in all assets of the  borrower,  whether  now owned or  hereafter  acquired.  No
principal payments are due under the Restructured Note until its maturity date.


3.       NOTES PAYABLE, continued

         As  a  result  of  the  restructuring  of  the  Convertible  Note,  the
Restructured  Note was  recorded  at fair value and the  approximate  $7,015,000
difference  between  the fair value of the  Restructured  Note and the  carrying
value of the Convertible Note was reflected as additional paid-in capital.  This
difference  will  be  amortized  as  interest  expense  over  the  term  of  the
Restructured Note using the interest method. Approximately $922,000 and $816,000
was  amortized  to  interest  expense  during 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  The
carrying amount of this Restructured  Note, net of this discount for fair value,
was $21,474,000 and $20,552,000 at December 31, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

         Interest  accrued  during the year ended  December 31, 1998 of $377,000
was not paid and was added to the  principal  balance.  Additional  interest  of
$1,588,000,  $1,588,000  and  $2,162,000  accrued  during  2000,  1999 and 1998,
respectively, was paid by the Company.


         Under the Company's 1999 Stock Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), the Company
may  grant  options,   stock   appreciation   rights  and  restricted  stock  to
non-employee  directors,  certain  non-employees  and  employees up to a maximum
grant of 300,000  shares to any  individual in a given taxable year. The maximum
number of Common Shares which may be acquired through the exercise of options or
rights under the Plan cannot  exceed,  in the  aggregate,  750,000;  the maximum
number of Common Shares that may be awarded as restricted  stock cannot  exceed,
in the  aggregate,  250,000.  The Plan  provides for the issuance of options and
rights at not less 100% of the fair market value of the underlying  stock at the
date of grant.  Options  generally become  exercisable in five equal instalments
starting one year from the date of grant. No stock appreciation rights have been
granted.  During 2000,  250,000 shares of restricted Common Stock were issued to
eligible participants,  subject to certain forfeiture provisions.  In connection
with  this  issuance  of  restricted   stock,  the  Company  recorded   deferred
compensation of $188,000 representing the value of stock on the date of issuance
based upon  market  price.  This amount  will be  amortized  over the three year
vesting  period of the restricted  stock at which time all remaining  forfeiture
provisions will end. In addition,  during 2000, options to purchase an aggregate
of 25,000  shares of Common Stock were granted to  non-employees  at an exercise
price of $.75 per share (market price).  In connection  with this issuance,  the
Company recorded deferred  compensation of $18,000 based upon the estimated fair
value of these  options at the time of grant,  using the modified  Black-Scholes
model.  This amount will be amortized  over the five year vesting  period of the

         Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 123,  "Accounting for
Stock-Based  Compensation",  ("SFAS  123"),  establishes a fair value method for
accounting for stock-based compensation plans, either through recognition in the
statements  of income or  disclosure.  As  permitted,  the  Company  applies ABP
Opinion  No.  25 and  related  Interpretations  in  accounting  for  its  plans.
Accordingly,  no  compensation  cost  has  been  recognized  for  employees  and
directors in the  statements  of  operations  for its fixed stock  options.  Had
compensation  cost for the  Company's  fixed stock  options been recorded in the
statements  of  operations  consistent  with the  provisions  of SFAS  123,  the
Company's  net loss and loss per share for 2000  would not have been  materially
different from that reported.

         A summary of activity with respect to the Company's fixed stock options
for 2000 is as follows:

                                          Common              Weighted                            Available
                                          Shares               Average         Options            for Future
                                        Subject to            Exercise        Exercisable          Options
                                          Option                Price         at Year-End           Grants
                                        ----------            ---------       -----------         ----------


Balance at January 1, 2000                       0             $ 0.00                0             725,000
                                                                               =======             =======
     Granted                               161,000             $ 0.75
     Exercised                                   0             $ 0.00
     Cancelled                                   0             $ 0.00

Balance at December 31, 2000               161,000             $ 0.75                0             564,000
                                          =========            ======          =======             =======

         The  weighted-average  fair value of the  options  granted was $.73 per
share  for  2000 as  estimated  on the  date of grant  using  the  Black-Scholes
option-pricing model with the following assumptions:  (1) expected volatility of
172.1%;  (2) risk-free  interest rate of 6.61%; (3) expected lives of 5.9 years;
and (4) dividend yield of 0%.


4.       STOCK INCENTIVE PLANS, continued

         The following table  summarizes  information about fixed stock options
outstanding at December 31, 2000.

                                             Options Outstanding

                                 Common             Average           Weighted
                                 Shares            Remaining          Average
          Range of              Subject to         Contractual        Exercise
      Exercise Prices            Option              Life              Price
      ---------------            ------              ----              -----

       $0.70 - $0.75             161,000            5.2 years          $0.75

         At  December  31,  2000,  no  fixed  stock  options   outstanding  were

         In 2000,  under the  Company's  2000  Stock  Incentive  Plan (the "2000
Plan"),  the  Company  granted  to two key  employees  options  to  purchase  an
aggregate of 1,000,000  shares of Common Stock at an exercise  price of $.61 per
share,  the then  current  market  price per share.  No  additional  options are
available  to be  granted  under the 2000  Plan.  The  options  are  subject  to
achievement of performance goals as determined by the Board of Directors and are
exercisable  over a six year period.  Options and stock issued on exercise of an
option are subject to  forfeiture  if the  performance  goals are not met within
three  years from the date of grant.  Deferred  compensation,  representing  the
difference  between the exercise  price and the then current  market  price,  is
subject to change based upon  fluctuations  in the  Company's  stock price.  The
deferred  compensation will be amortized over the expected performance period of
three years.


         Income  taxes  for all years  presented  principally  relates  to state
franchise  taxes.  The  Company  has not  recognized  any tax  benefit  from its
operating losses in all years presented.

         The Company and its wholly-owned  subsidiaries  have net operating loss
carryforwards ("NOLs") available for federal income tax purposes of $275,872,000
as of December 31, 2000. These carryforwards were generated during 1986-2000 and
expire during  2001-2020.  For state income tax purposes,  available  NOLs as of
December 31, 2000 total $36,560,000 and expire in 2001-2015.

         At December 31, the net deferred tax asset consisted of the following:

                                               2000               1999
                                          ------------       ------------

            NOL carryforwards             $ 99,685,000      $  99,402,000
            Land basis                         911,000          1,799,000
            Other                               30,000             31,000
                                          ------------      -------------
                                           100,626,000        101,232,000
            Valuation allowance           (100,626,000)      (101,232,000)
                                          ------------      -------------
                                          $          0       $          0
                                          ============      =============

         For all years presented,  the valuation  allowance has been provided on
the total  amount of the  deferred  tax asset due to the  uncertainty  of future
taxable income necessary for realization of the deferred tax asset.



         For the years ended December 31, 1999 and 1998, the Company  recorded a
loss of $365,000  and  $425,000,  respectively,  due to the  revaluation  of the
residential  properties  and the increase in  estimates to build the  recreation
center at the Paradise Valley project.  The loss for each year was determined by
comparing the carrying  value of the  investment to its fair value less costs to
sell based on offers the  Company  has  received  and sales of  comparable  real


         Basic and  diluted  loss per share of Common  Stock was  calculated  by
dividing  the  net  loss  by  the  weighted   average  shares  of  Common  Stock
outstanding.  The number of shares used to calculate  basic and diluted loss per
Common Share was  56,762,061,  32,577,357  and  10,000,000  for the years ending
December 31, 2000, 1999 and 1998, respectively.  The calculation of diluted loss
per share does not include common stock  equivalents of 1,186,000 and 49,647,893
for the  years  ending  December  31,  2000 and  1998,  respectively,  which are


         In accordance with the terms of a partnership agreement entered into in
1990 and amended in November  2000, a  subsidiary  of the company is required to
maintain  a minimum  net worth of  $1,000,000,  which the  subsidiary  currently
meets.  The partners  agreed on the minimum net worth  requirement in connection
with an indemnity  agreement with a third party surety that has provided  surety
bonds for the  construction  of  infrastructure  in a development  in La Quinta,


         The Company has entered into the following  related party  transactions
with Leucadia and LFC.

         (a) Development  Agreement.  As of August 14, 1998, the Company entered
into a  Development  Management  Agreement  ("Development  Agreement")  with  an
indirect  subsidiary of Leucadia that owns certain real property  located in the
City of San Marcos, County of San Diego, California, to develop a master-planned
residential project on such property.  The project, known as San Elijo Hills, is
expected to be developed  into a community of  approximately  3,400 homes during
the course of the decade.  The Development  Agreement  provides that the Company
will  act as  the  development  manager  with  responsibility  for  the  overall
management  of the  project,  including  arranging  financing  for the  project,
coordinating  marketing  and sales  activity,  and  acting  as the  construction
manager. The Development  Agreement provides for the Company to receive a profit
participation (as determined in accordance with the Development Agreement),  and
fee income for field overhead,  project  management and marketing services based
on the  revenues  derived  from the  project.  In  2000,  the  Company  received
$3,508,000 in fee income under the Development Agreement.

         (b) Otay Land  Company,  LLC. As of October 14,  1998,  the Company and
Leucadia formed Otay Land Company.  The Company has  contributed  $11,590,000 as
capital  and  Leucadia  has  contributed  $10,000,000  as  a  preferred  capital
interest. The Company is the manager of Otay Land Company. Otay Land Company has
acquired,  for  approximately  $19,500,000,  approximately  4,800 acres of land,
which is part of a 22,900 acre project  located south of San Diego,  California,
known as Otay Ranch.

         All  distributions  by Otay Land Company  shall be  distributed  to the
Company and Leucadia in the following order of priority:  (i) to pay Leucadia an
annual  minimum  cumulative  preferred  return of 10% on all  preferred  capital
contributed  by Leucadia;  (ii) to pay Leucadia an annual  cumulative  preferred
return of 2% on all preferred capital provided by Leucadia, but payable only out
of and to the extent there are  profits;  (iii) to repay all  preferred  capital
provided by Leucadia;  and (iv) any remaining funds are to be distributed to the

         Leucadia's  preferred capital interest and cumulative  preferred return
is reflected as minority interest in the consolidated balance sheets.



         (c)  Administrative  Services  Agreement.  Pursuant  to  administrative
services  agreements,  LFC  provides  administrative  services  to the  Company,
including  providing  the services of one of the Company's  executive  officers.
Administrative  fees paid to LFC in 2000, 1999 and 1998 were $255,000,  $296,000
and  $138,000,  respectively.  The  current  administrative  services  agreement
extends through December 31, 2001.

         (d) The  Company's  corporate  office is in part of an office  building
subleased  from  Leucadia for a monthly  amount equal to its share of Leucadia's
cost for such space and furniture. The agreement pursuant to which the space and
furnishings are provided  extends through  February 28, 2005  (coterminous  with
Leucadia's  occupancy of the space) and provides for a monthly rental of $19,000
effective  March 1, 2001. In  connection  with these  rentals,  the Company paid
$219,000 to Leucadia in 2000.

         (e) In March 2001, the Company entered into a $3,000,000 line of credit
agreement with Leucadia.  The line of credit matures in one year unless renewed.
Loans outstanding under this line of credit bear interest at 10% per year. As of
March 13, 2001, no amounts were outstanding under this facility.


         The  Company's  material  financial  instruments  include cash and cash
equivalents,  restricted  cash and notes  payable.  In all cases,  the  carrying
amount of such financial  instruments  approximates  their fair values. In cases
where quoted market prices are not available, fair values are based on estimates
using present value techniques.


                                                               First               Second                Third           Fourth
                                                              Quarter             Quarter               Quarter          Quarter
                                                           ------------         ------------         ------------       -----------
                                                                             (In thousands, except per share amounts)

Sales of residential properties                            $    --              $       1,575        $    --            $    --
                                                           =============        =============        ============       ============
Marketing, field overhead
  and management service fee income                        $         878        $         260        $        944       $      1,426
                                                           =============        =============        ============       ============
Income (loss) from operations                              $        (691)       $      (1,272)       $       (901)      $        193
                                                           =============        =============        ============       ============
Net income (loss)                                          $        (875)       $      (1,450)       $     (1,100)      $         16
                                                           =============        =============        ============       ============
Basic income (loss) per common share                       $       (0.02)       $       (0.03)       $      (0.02)      $       0.00
                                                           =============        =============        ============       ============
Diluted income (loss) per common share                     $       (0.02)       $       (0.03)       $      (0.02)              0.00
                                                           =============        =============        ============       ============


         In 2000, the total of quarterly per share amounts does not  necessarily
equal the annual per share amount.
