- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

- ---
        EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2000



        For the transition period from         to
                                       --------   --------

                         Commission File Number: 1-5571

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION
                          (Formerly Tandy Corporation)
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware                                      75-1047710
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas      76102
     (Address of principal executive offices)             (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (817) 415-3700

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __

The number of shares  outstanding of the issuer's Common Stock, $1 par value, on
July 31, 2000 was  185,718,906.

        Index to Exhibits is on Sequential Page No. 15. Total pages 42.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION


                  Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)

                                                  Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                                        June 30,               June 30,
                                                  -------------------    --------------------
(In millions, except per share amounts)             2000       1999        2000        1999
- ---------------------------------------           --------   --------    --------    --------
Net sales and operating revenues                  $1,023.3   $  886.7    $2,070.6    $1,776.9
Cost of products sold                                489.7      418.7     1,021.0       858.2
                                                  --------   --------    --------    --------
Gross profit                                         533.6      468.0     1,049.6       918.7
                                                  --------   --------    --------    --------

Expenses (income):
  Selling, general and administrative                377.6      340.7       751.6       680.1
  Depreciation and amortization                       26.2       21.3        51.9        42.3
  Interest income                                     (4.2)      (4.6)       (8.8)       (9.1)
  Interest expense                                    12.4        9.6        21.9        17.9
  Restricted stock awards                               --         --        (1.0)       (5.1)
                                                  --------   --------    --------    --------
                                                     412.0      367.0       815.6       726.1
                                                  --------   --------    --------    --------

Income before income taxes                           121.6      101.0       234.0       192.6
Provision for income taxes                            46.2       39.4        88.9        75.1
                                                  --------   --------    --------    --------

Net income                                            75.4       61.6       145.1       117.5

Preferred dividends                                    1.3        1.4         2.7         2.8
                                                  --------   --------    --------    --------

Net income available to common shareholders       $   74.1   $   60.2    $  142.4    $  114.7
                                                  ========   ========    ========    ========

Net income available per common share:

  Basic                                           $   0.40   $   0.31    $   0.76    $   0.59
                                                  ========   ========    ========    ========

  Diluted                                         $   0.38   $   0.30    $   0.72    $   0.56
                                                  ========   ========    ========    ========

Shares used in computing earnings per
 common share:

  Basic                                              187.0      194.0       188.0       194.3
                                                  ========   ========    ========    ========

  Diluted                                            197.2      204.7       198.1       204.5
                                                  ========   ========    ========    ========

Dividends declared per common share               $  0.055   $  0.050    $   0.11    $   0.10
                                                  ========   ========    ========    ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial statements.

                           Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                     June 30,  December 31,  June 30,
                                                       2000        1999        1999
(In millions, except for share amounts)            (Unaudited)              (Unaudited)
- --------------------------------------              ---------    --------    --------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                          $   85.9    $  164.6    $   43.7
  Accounts and notes receivable, less allowance
   for doubtful accounts                                231.5       286.1       204.6
  Inventories, at lower of cost or market             1,047.3       861.4       855.9
  Other current assets                                   82.9        91.2        96.4
                                                     --------    --------    --------
   Total current assets                               1,447.6     1,403.3     1,200.6

Property, plant and equipment, at cost, less
 accumulated depreciation                               451.6       446.8       433.3
Other assets, net of accumulated amortization           306.7       291.9       292.7
                                                     --------    --------    --------
Total assets                                         $2,205.9    $2,142.0    $1,926.6
                                                     ========    ========    ========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt, including current maturities
   of long-term debt                                 $  408.6    $  188.9    $  238.6
  Accounts payable                                      225.9       234.8       161.3
  Accrued expenses                                      238.0       350.8       236.4
  Income taxes payable                                  143.0       150.7       104.8
                                                     --------    --------    --------
   Total current liabilities                          1,015.5       925.2       741.1
                                                     --------    --------    --------

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities            317.1       319.4       260.4
Other non-current liabilities                            53.0        45.7        36.8
                                                     --------    --------    --------

   Total other liabilities                              370.1       365.1       297.2
                                                     --------    --------    --------

Minority interest - RadioShack.com                      100.0          --          --

Common stock put options                                  4.0        21.0        27.4

Stockholders' equity:
Preferred stock, no par value, 1,000,000 shares
   Series A junior participating, 300,000, 300,000
   and 100,000 shares designated, respectively,
   and none issued                                         --          --          --
   Series B convertible (TESOP), 100,000 shares
   authorized; 71,200, 72,800 and 74,800 shares
   issued, respectively                                  71.2        72.8        74.8
 Common stock, $1 par value, 650,000,000 shares
  authorized; 236,033,000, 235,840,000 and
  235,840,000 shares issued, respectively               236.0       235.8       235.8
 Additional paid-in capital                             102.9        82.4         6.4
 Retained earnings                                    1,470.1     1,353.3     1,202.1
 Treasury stock, at cost; 50,236,000, 45,113,000
  and 42,310,000 shares, respectively                (1,147.0)     (892.3)     (638.2)
 Unearned deferred compensation                         (16.0)      (20.5)      (25.6)
 Accumulated other comprehensive gain (loss)             (0.9)       (0.8)        5.6
                                                     --------    --------    --------
   Total stockholders' equity                           716.3       830.7       860.9
Commitments and contingent liabilities
                                                     --------    --------    --------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity           $2,205.9    $2,142.0    $1,926.6
                                                     ========    ========    ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial statements.

                Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)

                                                                   Six Months Ended
                                                                       June 30,
(In millions)                                                      2000        1999
 ------------                                                    --------    --------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                       $  145.1    $  117.5
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
  (used) provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization                                     51.9        42.3
    Restricted stock awards                                          (1.0)       (5.1)
   Other items                                                       14.0        14.5
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
  Receivables                                                        70.1        10.1
  Inventories                                                      (185.9)       56.2
  Other current assets                                               (9.0)        9.4
  Accounts payable, accrued expenses and income taxes               (96.0)     (124.9)
                                                                 --------    --------
Net cash (used) provided by operating activities                    (10.8)      120.0
                                                                 --------    --------
Investing activities:
 Additions to property, plant and equipment                         (59.2)      (44.4)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment                  1.0         2.6
 Investment in securities                                           (30.0)      (20.0)
 Proceeds from sale of securities                                    17.4          --
 Proceeds from sale of minority interest in RadioShack.com          100.0          --
 Other investing activities                                          (2.5)       (5.0)
                                                                 --------    --------
Net cash provided (used) by investing activities                     26.7       (66.8)
                                                                 --------    --------

Financing activities:
 Purchases of treasury stock                                       (311.1)     (130.2)
 Exercise of common stock put options                                (8.6)         --
 Proceeds from sale of common stock put options                       0.5         2.4
 Sales of treasury stock to employee stock plans                     27.8        21.8
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options                              3.7        23.3
 Dividends paid                                                     (22.6)      (21.3)
 Changes in short-term borrowings, net                              222.6        21.6
 Additions to long-term borrowings                                     --        31.9
 Repayments of long-term borrowings                                  (6.9)      (23.5)
                                                                 --------    --------
Net cash used by financing activities                               (94.6)      (74.0)
                                                                 --------    --------

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                               (78.7)      (20.8)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                      164.6        64.5
                                                                 --------    --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                         $   85.9    $   43.7
                                                                 ========    ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial statements.


The  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements  of RadioShack
Corporation  ("RadioShack"  or the  "Company")  have been prepared in accordance
with the instructions to Form 10-Q and do not include all of the information and
footnotes  required by generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for complete
financial statements. In the opinion of management,  all adjustments (consisting
of normal recurring accruals)  considered necessary for a fair presentation have
been included.  Operating results for the six months ended June 30, 2000 are not
necessarily  indicative  of the results that may be expected for the year ending
December 31, 2000. For further information,  refer to the consolidated financial
statements and management's discussion and analysis of results of operations and
financial  condition  included in the Company's  1999 Annual Report on Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 1999.

The following  schedule is a  reconciliation  of the numerators and denominators
used in computing the basic and diluted earnings per share  calculations for the
three and six  months  ended  June 30,  2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Basic EPS
excludes  the  effect of  potentially  dilutive  securities  while  diluted  EPS
reflects the potential  dilution that would have occurred if securities or other
contracts to issue common stock were  exercised,  converted,  or resulted in the
issuance  of common  stock that would have then  shared in the  earnings  of the

                                                Three Months Ended               Three Months Ended
                                                   June 30, 2000                   June 30, 1999
                                         --------------------------------    --------------------------------
                                          Income       Shares   Per Share     Income       Shares   Per Share
(In millions, except per share amounts) (Numerator) (Denominator) Amount    (Numerator) (Denominator) Amount
- --------------------------------------   --------     --------   --------    --------     --------   --------

Net income                               $   75.4                            $   61.6
Less: Preferred stock dividends              (1.3)                               (1.4)
                                         --------                            --------
Basic EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders                                74.1        187.0   $   0.40        60.2        194.0   $   0.31
                                                                 ========                            ========
Effect of dilutive securities:
Dividends on Series B preferred stock         1.3                                 1.4
Additional contribution required
 for TESOP if preferred stock had
 been converted                              (0.8)         6.2                   (1.0)         6.5
Stock options                                              4.0                                 4.2
                                         --------     --------               --------     --------
Diluted EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders plus assumed conversions   $   74.6        197.2   $   0.38    $   60.6        204.7   $   0.30
                                         ========     ========   ========    ========     ========   ========

                                                 Six Months Ended                  Six Months Ended
                                                   June 30, 2000                    June 30, 1999
                                         --------------------------------    --------------------------------
                                          Income       Shares    Per Share    Income       Shares   Per Share
(In millions, except per share amounts) (Numerator) (Denominator) Amount    (Numerator) (Denominator) Amount
- --------------------------------------   --------     --------   --------    --------     --------   --------
Net income                               $  145.1                             $ 117.5
Less: Preferred stock dividends              (2.7)                               (2.8)
                                         --------                            --------
Basic EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders                               142.4        188.0   $   0.76       114.7        194.3   $   0.59
                                                                 ========                            ========
Effect of dilutive securities:
Dividends on Series B preferred stock         2.7                                 2.8
Additional contribution required
 for TESOP if preferred stock had
 been converted                              (1.7)         6.2                   (2.1)         6.6
Stock options                                              3.9                                 3.6
                                         --------     --------               --------     --------
Diluted EPS
Net income available to common
 shareholders plus assumed conversions   $  143.4        198.1   $   0.72    $  115.4        204.5   $   0.56
                                         ========     ========   ========    ========     ========   ========

Comprehensive income for the three months ended June 30, 2000 and 1999 was $75.6
million and $68.3 million,  respectively,  and comprehensive  income for the six
months  ended June 30,  2000 and 1999 was  $145.0  million  and $124.1  million,

In the second quarter of 2000,  RadioShack  expanded its existing $200.0 million
364-day  revolving  credit  facility  to $300.0  million and also  extended  the
maturity date to June 2001. The terms of the 364-day  revolving  credit facility
remained similar to the previous facility.  RadioShack also has a $300.0 million
five-year  revolving  credit facility  maturing June 2003. The revolving  credit
facilities are used as backup for the  commercial  paper program and may also be
utilized for general corporate purposes.

In  October  1999,   RadioShack   launched  its  e-commerce   enabled   website,
www.RadioShack.com.  On November 10, 1999,  RadioShack and Microsoft Corporation
("Microsoft") formed a limited liability company,  RadioShack.com,  LLC, for the
purpose  of  marketing  and  selling  electronics   products  on  the  Internet.
RadioShack  contributed  assets and also  extended a  royalty-free  license  for
certain  trademarks  and  service  marks to  RadioShack.com,  LLC and  Microsoft
contributed  $100.0  million on January  4,  2000.  RadioShack  owns 100% of the
common units of RadioShack.com,  LLC, while Microsoft owns 100% of the preferred
units.  RadioShack includes  RadioShack.com,  LLC in its consolidated  financial
statements.  RadioShack  is entitled to receive 75% of the profits and losses of
RadioShack.com,  LLC, while Microsoft will receive 25%;  however,  the preferred
units have certain  liquidation  rights,  which could affect the  allocation  of
profits and losses among the partners.  The preferred units are convertible into
common units at any time and must be  converted in the event of certain  capital
transactions.  In  certain  circumstances,  Microsoft  has the option to require
RadioShack to purchase,  and RadioShack  has the right to purchase,  Microsoft's
units. Also, in the event of liquidation,  the preferred units have preferential
rights that could allow Microsoft to recover its initial investment.

In the fourth  quarter of 1996,  the  Company  initiated  certain  restructuring
programs  to exit  its  Incredible  Universe  business,  close  21  unprofitable
Computer  City  stores  and  close  its  53  remaining   McDuff  stores.   These
restructuring  programs were  undertaken  as a result of the highly  competitive
environment in the  electronics  industry at the time. At December 31, 1999, the
balance  in the  restructuring  reserve  was  $14.5  million  and  consisted  of
remaining estimated real estate obligations to be paid. During the three and six
months  ended  June 30,  2000,  approximately  $0.4  million  and $2.1  million,
respectively, were charged against the restructuring reserve. An additional $0.8
million,  relating to real estate  obligations,  was added to the reserve during
the second quarter of 2000, leaving a balance in the reserve of $13.2 million at
June 30, 2000.


With the  exception of  historical  information,  the matters  discussed in MD&A
contain forward-looking  statements that involve various risks and uncertainties
and are indicated by words such as "anticipates," "expects," "believes," "will,"
"should,"  could,"  and  similar  words and  phrases.  Factors  that could cause
RadioShack  Corporation's  ("RadioShack"  or the  "Company")  actual  results to
differ  materially  from  management's  projections,  forecasts,  estimates  and
expectations include, but are not limited to, the following:

o   changes in the amount and degree of promotional intensity exerted by current
    competitors  and  potential  new  competition  from both  retail  stores and
    alternative  methods  or  channels  of  distribution,  such  as  e-commerce,
    telephone shopping services and mail order;
o   changes in general U.S. or regional U.S. economic conditions including, but
    not  limited  to,  consumer  credit availability, interest rates, inflation,
    personal  discretionary  spending  levels  and  consumer sentiment about the
    economy in general;
o   the  inability   to   successfully  implement,   market   and   execute  the
    RadioShack.com (SM)  website  and  its  coordination  with RadioShack retail
o   the presence or absence of new services or products and product  features in
    the  merchandise  categories  RadioShack  sells and  unexpected  changes  in
    RadioShack's actual merchandise sales mix;
o   the  inability to negotiate  and  maintain  profitable  contracts or execute
    business  plans  with  providers  of  such  services  as  cellular  and  PCS
    telephones,   direct-to-home  satellite,   Internet  access  and  high-speed
o   the inability  to  collect  the  level  of  anticipated  residual  revenues,
    commissions  and  bounties  for  products and  services  sold by RadioShack;
o   the inability to  successfully  implement and execute RadioShack's strategic
    alliances  with  either Thomson  Multimedia  and/or   Microsoft  Corporation
o   lack of  availability  or access to sources of supply  inventory (as a large
    importer  of  consumer  electronic  products  from Asia,  unfavorable  trade
    imbalances could negatively affect RadioShack);
o   the inability to retain and grow an effective  management  team in a dynamic
    environment or changes in the cost or  availability of a suitable work force
    to  manage  and  support  RadioShack's  service-driven operating strategies;
o   the imposition  of  new  restrictions  or  regulations regarding the sale of
    products and/or services  RadioShack sells  or  changes  in  tax  rules  and
    regulations applicable to RadioShack; or
o   the  adoption  rate  and  market  demand  for  high speed Internet and other
    Internet-related services.

The  United  States  retail  industry  and  the  specialty  retail  industry  in
particular are dynamic by nature and have undergone significant changes over the
past several years.  RadioShack's ability to anticipate and successfully respond
to continuing challenges is key to achieving its expectations.


Net Sales and Operating Revenues

RadioShack's  overall sales  increased  15.4% to $1,023.3  million for the three
months  ended June 30,  2000,  compared to $886.7  million in the  corresponding
prior year period. Overall sales increased 16.5% to $2,070.6 million for the six
months ended June 30, 2000,  compared to $1,776.9 million for the same period in
1999. Comparable store sales increased 8.8% and 10.4% for the second quarter and
six month periods ended June 30, 2000, respectively,  when compared to the prior
year second  quarter and six month periods.  These sales  increases for both the
three and six months periods were driven  primarily by increased  sales of audio
and video equipment,  including  "direct-to-home" satellite systems and services
("DTH"),  as  well as by  increased  sales  of  personal  computers.  Management
anticipates  that sales growth for the  remainder of 2000 will come from a broad
assortment  of products and product  categories,  but  primarily  from audio and
video products, DTH, and wireless communications.

Sales in the audio and video category increased approximately 48% and 57% during
the three and six months ended June 30, 2000, respectively, when compared to the
same periods ended June 30, 1999. This category benefited from the launch of the
RCA Digital  Entertainment  Center at  RadioShack  in June 2000, as well as from
strong sales of DTH during the first six months of 2000.

Sales of  communications  products  increased  slightly  during the three months
ended June 30, 2000 and increased  approximately  5% during the six months ended
June 30, 2000,  when compared to the same periods in the prior year.  During the
second quarter of 2000,  increased unit and dollar sales of PCS telephones  were
partially  offset  by a small  decrease  in unit and  dollar  sales of  cellular
telephones,  as well as by lower sales of other communications  products such as
short-wave  radios,  scanners,  CB radios and residential  telephones.  Unit and
dollar sales of wireless telephones are expected to continue to increase for the
remainder of 2000.

Sales in the personal computers and peripherals category increased approximately
26% and 13% during the three and six months ended June 30,  2000,  respectively,
when  compared  to the  corresponding  periods in the prior  year.  The  average
selling price of personal computers  decreased  approximately 10% and 14% during
the three and six months ended June 30,  2000,  respectively,  when  compared to
1999.  However,  increases in CPU units sold and  increases in sales of printers
and  peripherals  during the first and second  quarters of 2000 more than offset
these price reductions.

As of July 31, 2000,  approximately  4,000 retail  outlets had been fixtured for
the  Microsoft  Internet  Center@RadioShack.  Management  anticipates  that  the
remaining   fixtures  for   substantially   all  of  the  remaining   RadioShack
company-owned stores should be installed by the end of August 2000 and that most
of these retail outlets will be able to demonstrate and sell high-speed Internet
access service by the end of 2000.

Sales in the personal electronics  category increased  approximately 14% and 10%
for the quarter and six months ended June 30, 2000, respectively,  when compared
to the  quarter and six months  ended June 30,  1999,  as a result of  increased
sales of electronic gift items.

Sales in the parts,  accessories  and  specialty  equipment  category  increased
approximately  6% and 5% during the three and six month  periods  ended June 30,
2000, respectively,  when compared to the same periods in the prior year, due in
part to  increased  sales of  accessories  for personal  computers  and wireless
communication products.  Additionally, an increase in sales of audio accessories
associated  with  the  rollout  of  the  RCA  Digital  Entertainment  Center  at
RadioShack contributed to the sales increase in the second quarter.

Sales in the services and other  category,  which includes  residuals and income
from prepaid wireless airtime,  repair services and extended service  contracts,
increased  slightly  during the first half of 2000,  when  compared to the first
half of 1999;  but decreased for the quarter ended June 30, 2000,  when compared
to the previous  year.  During the second  quarter and first six months of 2000,
increases in residual income and sales of extended  service plans were offset by
a decrease in sales of prepaid wireless airtime.  Management  expects this trend
to continue during the remainder of 2000.


                                    June 30,    March 31,  December 31, June 30,
                                      2000        2000        1999        1999
                                    --------    --------    --------    --------
  Company-owned                        5,060       5,052       5,087       5,020
  Dealer/Franchise                     2,073       2,091       2,099       2,007
                                    --------    --------    --------    --------

Total number of retail outlets         7,133       7,143       7,186       7,027
                                    ========    ========    ========    ========

Gross Profit

During the second  quarter of 2000,  gross  profit  dollars  increased  14.0% to
$533.6  million,  but decreased 0.7 percentage  points to 52.1% of net sales and
operating  revenues  when  compared to the second  quarter of 1999.  For the six
months ended June 30, 2000,  gross profit  dollars  increased  14.2% to $1,049.6
million, but decreased 1.0 percentage point  to 50.7% of net sales and operating
revenues, versus the corresponding period in 1999. These gross profit percentage
decreases were partly due to a shift within  RadioShack's  product  offerings to
increased  sales of audio and video  products,  which have a lower gross  margin
than RadioShack overall,  and were further impacted by promotional  markdowns on
private-label  audio and video  equipment due to the  transition to  RCA-branded
equipment  during the first and second  quarters of 2000.  These  decreases were
partially offset by an increase in residual income, which has 100% gross margin,
as well  as by an  increase  in the  gross  profit  percentages  for the  parts,
accessories and specialty equipment category.  Management anticipates that gross
profit as a percentage  of net sales and  operating  revenues  will  continue to
decrease during the remainder of 2000, when compared to the prior year, but at a
lower rate than the first half of 2000.

Selling, General and Administrative Expense

Selling,  general and administrative ("SG&A") expense increased by $36.9 million
and $71.5  million,  respectively,  but  decreased as a percent of net sales and
operating revenues by 1.5 and 2.0 percentage points, respectively, for the three
and six months  ended June 30,  2000,  when  compared to the same periods in the
prior year.  For the three and six months ended June 30, 2000,  rent and payroll
expense increased in dollars,  but decreased as a percent of sales and operating
revenues when compared to the same periods in the prior year. The decreases as a
percentage of sales and  operating  revenues were due primarily to the favorable
effect of increased  comparable store sales on the expense rate structure during
the periods.  Rent  expense  increased in dollars for the quarter and six months
ended June 30, 2000,  due primarily to lease  renewals at slightly  higher rates
and retail store  expansion.  Payroll expense  increased in dollars during these
same periods due to retail store expansion and increases in commissions, bonuses
and other incentives  resulting from strong  comparable store sales and profits.
Advertising  expense  increased in dollars for the quarter  ended June 30, 2000,
but decreased as a percentage of net sales and operating  revenues.  This dollar
increase related primarily to the launch of the RCA Digital Entertainment Center
at  RadioShack  in June 2000.  Advertising  expense,  both in  dollars  and as a
percentage of sales and operating  revenues,  decreased for the six months ended
June 30, 2000.  Management  anticipates  that RadioShack will continue to obtain
positive  leverage in its major  expense  categories  for the remainder of 2000,
dependent upon planned continuous sales growth.

Net Interest Expense

Interest  expense,  net of interest  income,  for the three and six months ended
June 30, 2000 was $8.2 million and $13.1  million,  versus $5.0 million and $8.8
million  for the  comparable  three  and six  months in 1999.  Interest  expense
increased  $2.8 million and $4.0 million for the three and six months ended June
30,  2000  versus the three and six months  ended June 30,  1999,  due to higher
nominal interest rates and higher average  short-term debt outstanding  relating
primarily to increased inventory levels and share repurchases. Interest expense,
net of interest income,  is expected to continue to increase  moderately  during
the remainder of 2000, when compared to the prior year.

Provision for Income Taxes

Provision for income taxes for each quarterly period is based on the estimate of
the annual  effective  tax rate for the fiscal year,  as evaluated at the end of
each quarter.  The  effective tax rates for the second  quarter of 2000 and 1999
were  38.0% and  39.0%,  respectively.  The  decrease  resulted  primarily  from
improved  utilization of foreign tax credits and implementation of certain state
income tax initiatives.


Cash flow used by operating  activities  approximated  $10.8  million in the six
month period ended June 30,  2000,  compared to cash flow  provided by operating
activities of $120.0  million in the prior year.  This decrease in cash flow was
primarily   attributable  to  a  $171.6  million  decrease  in  working  capital
components  during  the six month  period  ended  June 30,  2000.  Increases  in
inventory  and  decreases  in cash flow related to accrued  expenses,  primarily
attributable  to the  payment of accrued  bonuses in the first  quarter of 2000,
were partially  offset by the collection of accounts  receivable  outstanding at
December 31, 1999. The decrease in cash flow from working  capital for the first
six months of 2000 was offset by a $40.8  million  increase in net income  after
adjustments for non-cash items in the first six months of 2000, when compared to
the first six months of 1999.

Inventory at June 30, 2000 increased  $185.9 million or 21.6% since December 31,
1999 and increased  $191.4  million or 22.4% since June 30, 1999.  The increases
since December 31, 1999 and June 30, 1999 were due primarily to additional audio
and video  products  related to  RadioShack's  introduction  of the RCA  Digital
Entertainment Center at RadioShack in June 2000. Additionally,  digital cellular
handsets and DTH inventory increased. These increases were partially offset by a
decrease in residential telephone inventory.

Total  accounts  receivable  at June 30, 2000  decreased  $54.6 million or 19.1%
since  December  31, 1999 and  increased  $26.9  million or 13.1% since June 30,
1999.  The  decrease  in accounts  receivable  since  December  31, 1999 was due
primarily  to the  collection  of accounts  receivable  from  service  providers
outstanding at year end. The increase  since June 30, 1999 related  primarily to
the acquisition of AmeriLink on July 30, 1999.

Cash provided by investing activities for the six months ended June 30, 2000 was
$26.7 million, compared to cash used by investing activities of $66.8 million in
the previous year.  Investing  activities for the six months ended June 30, 2000
included  capital  expenditures  totaling  $59.2  million,  primarily for retail
expansion and upgrades of information  systems and, to a lesser extent,  capital
expenditures   relating  to  RadioShack's   installation   service   operations.
Management  anticipates that capital  expenditure  requirements will approximate
$70.0 million to $80.0  million for the remainder of 2000,  primarily to support
RadioShack store refurbishments and expansions and, to a  lesser extent, enhance
information  systems. On January 4, 2000,  RadioShack received $100.0 million in
cash from Microsoft,  which related to Microsoft's investment in RadioShack.com,
LLC, a limited  liability  company  formed by  RadioShack  and Microsoft for the
purpose of marketing and selling electronics products on the Internet.  Proceeds
from the sale of marketable  securities  provided  $17.4 million in cash,  while
RadioShack's investment in DigitalConvergence.:Com  Inc., an Internet technology
company, used $30.0 million in cash for the six months ended June 30, 2000.

Cash used by  financing  activities  for the six months  ended June 30, 2000 was
$94.6  million,  compared to $74.0  million in the previous  year.  Purchases of
treasury stock  required  $311.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 2000,
compared to $130.2  million  during the same period of 1999.  The current year's
stock repurchases were partially funded by a net increase in short-term debt, as
well as by $31.5 million  received  from the sale of treasury  stock to employee
stock plans and from stock option  exercises.  Dividends  used $22.6  million of
cash for the six months ended June 30, 2000,  compared to a $21.3  million usage
in the same period of the prior year.  In October 1999,  RadioShack  announced a
10% increase in the quarterly  dividend  payment from $0.050 per common share to
$0.055 per common share,  which impacted the January 19, 2000 and April 20, 2000
dividend payments.

In the second quarter of 2000,  RadioShack  expanded its existing $200.0 million
364-day  revolving  credit  facility  to $300.0  million and also  extended  the
maturity date to June 2001. The terms of the 364-day  revolving  credit facility
remained  similar  to the  previous  facility.  RadioShack  also  has a $300.0
million  five-year  revolving credit facility  maturing June 2003. The revolving
credit  facilities are used as backup for the  commercial  paper program and may
also be utilized for general corporate purposes.

Cash and  equivalents  at June 30, 2000 were $85.9  million,  compared to $164.6
million at December 31, 1999 and $43.7 million at June 30, 1999. Total debt as a
percentage of total capitalization was 50.3% at June 30, 2000, compared to 38.0%
at  December  31,  1999  and  36.7%  at  June  30,  1999.  The  increase  in the
debt-to-capitalization  ratio since  December  1999  resulted  primarily  from a
reduction  in  RadioShack's  stockholders'  equity  due to the share  repurchase
programs,  as  well  as to an  increase  in  short-term  borrowings  related  to
RadioShack's  inventory purchases and share repurchase programs.  Long-term debt
as a percentage of total  capitalization was 22.0% at June 30, 2000, compared to
23.9% at December 31, 1999 and 19.2% at June 30, 1999.

The Board of Directors has authorized  management to purchase up to 70.0 million
shares of  RadioShack  common stock  through its two existing  share  repurchase
programs, of which approximately 68.8 million shares, totaling $1,441.3 million,
had been purchased as of June 30, 2000.  During the quarter ended June 30, 2000,
RadioShack repurchased approximately 1.4 million shares for an aggregate cost of
$60.6 million and for the six months ended June 30, 2000, RadioShack repurchased
approximately  5.1 million  shares  totaling  $237.6 million under the programs.
Purchases for either or both of these programs may continue to be made from time
to time in the open market and management expects that funding of these programs
will come  primarily from excess free cash flow and  short-term  borrowings,  if
needed, as well as from the sale of treasury stock to employee stock plans.

In  connection  with the share  repurchase  program,  the Board of Directors has
authorized management to sell up to 2.0 million put options on RadioShack common
stock.  RadioShack  has sold  approximately  1.5 million  put options  since the
inception  of the program and 0.1 million put options  remained  outstanding  at
June 30,  2000 at an  exercise  price of  $39.91.  These put  options  expire in
September  2000.  Additionally,  at its February 23, 2000 meeting,  the Board of
Directors authorized management to supplement the put option program with equity
forwards and  increased  the number of shares  subject to put options and equity
forwards to 4.0  million  shares.  The  Board of  Directors  also  extended  the
expiration  date for the program to no later than December 31, 2002. Put options
and equity  forwards  will continue to be executed from time to time in order to
take  advantage of attractive  share price levels,  as determined by management.
The timing and terms of the transactions, including maturities, depend on market
conditions, RadioShack's liquidity and other considerations.

On May 18, 2000,  the  Company's  stockholders  voted to approve an amendment to
increase the number of authorized  shares of RadioShack  common stock from 250.0
million shares to 650.0 million shares. The increase in the number of authorized
shares  may be used for  general  corporate  purposes,  including  future  stock
splits, if any, and other transactions.


On August 1, 2000, RadioShack announced a multi-year cellular wireless telephone
alliance with Verizon  Wireless,  the nation's largest  wireless  communications
provider. This strategic alliance will allow over 3,700 company-owned RadioShack
stores to consolidate cellular service offerings with a single supplier, thereby
creating  training,   marketing,   inventory,   repair  and  other  supply-chain
synergies.  Additionally,  RadioShack  and  Verizon  Wireless  will  create  and
implement  a   "store-within-a-store"   concept,  which  management  anticipates
launching in mid-2001.  In addition to RadioShack's  existing  relationship with
Sprint PCS,  the Verizon  Wireless  alliance  will allow  RadioShack  to offer a
second national  wireless  carrier in a majority of the Company's retail stores.
Additionally,  RadioShack  plans to continue  offering  cellular  service in its
other retail outlets through various  cellular  carriers in areas not covered by
Verizon Wireless.


The Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued SFAS No. 133,  "Accounting for
Derivative  Instruments and Hedging Activities" ("SFAS 133") in June 1998, which
establishes  accounting  and  reporting  standards for  derivative  instruments,
including certain  derivative  instruments  embedded in other contracts, and for
hedging activities. SFAS 133 becomes effective for all fiscal quarters of fiscal
years  beginning  after June 15, 2000.  RadioShack  does not use derivatives for
speculative purposes and does not expect the impact of SFAS 133 to be material.

In  addition,  the SEC  issued  Staff  Accounting  Bulletin  No.  101,  "Revenue
Recognition in Financial  Statements" ("SAB 101") in late 1999. SAB 101 provides
guidance in the recognition, presentation and disclosure of revenue in financial
statements.  The SEC recently  delayed the date that  companies  are required to
adopt the provisions of SAB 101 to the fourth quarter of fiscal years  beginning
after December 31, 1999. RadioShack is currently analyzing the provisions of SAB
101  and the  SEC  interpretations,  as they  relate  to the  Company's  revenue
recognition  policies.  The  impact  of the  adoption  of SAB 101  has not  been
determined at this time.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


RadioShack  has  various   claims,   lawsuits,   disputes  with  third  parties,
investigations and pending actions involving allegations of negligence,  product
defects,  discrimination,  infringement of  intellectual  property  rights,  tax
deficiencies,  violations  of permits or licenses,  breach of contract and other
matters against RadioShack and its subsidiaries incident to the operation of its
business.  The  liability,  if  any,  associated  with  these  matters  was  not
determinable  at June 30,  2000.  Although  occasional  adverse  settlements  or
resolutions may occur and negatively  impact earnings in the year of settlement,
it is the opinion of management  that their ultimate  resolution will not have a
materially adverse effect on RadioShack's financial position.


a)      The Company held its Annual Meeting of Stockholders on May 18, 2000.

b)  (1) The Company elected  directors to serve for the ensuing year. Out of
        the  193,159,504  eligible  votes,  167,052,045  votes  were cast at the
        meeting either by proxies solicited in accordance with Regulation 14A or
        by security holders voting in person. There were no broker non-votes. In
        the case of directors, abstentions are treated as votes withheld and are
        included in the table. The tabulation of votes of the matters  submitted
        to a vote of security holders is set forth below:

                                        VOTES            VOTES
        NAME OF DIRECTOR                 FOR            WITHHELD
        -------------------------    -------------    -------------

        Frank J. Belatti              162,779,602       4,272,443
        Ronald E. Elmquist            162,720,273       4,331,772
        Robert J. Kamerschen          162,911,671       4,140,374
        Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr.        163,063,857       3,988,188
        Jack L. Messman               163,360,398       3,691,647
        William G. Morton, Jr.        162,900,848       4,151,197
        Thomas G. Plaskett            162,531,893       4,520,152
        Leonard H. Roberts            163,348,081       3,703,964
        Alfred J. Stein               162,818,454       4,233,591
        William E. Tucker             163,126,377       3,925,668
        Edwina D. Woodbury            162,894,617       4,157,428

    (2) The  stockholders   voted  to  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Restated
        Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares
        of common stock:

               FOR             AGAINST          ABSTAIN
               ---             -------          -------
           137,350,090        28,672,260       1,029,695

    (3) The  stockholders   voted  to  approve  an  amendment  to  the  Restated
        Certificate  of  Incorporation  to  change  the name of the  Company  to
        RadioShack Corporation:

               FOR             AGAINST          ABSTAIN
               ---             -------          -------
           160,748,502        4,943,380        1,360,163

    (4) The stockholders voted to approve an amendment to the Compensation Plan
        for Executive Officers:

               FOR             AGAINST          ABSTAIN
               ---             -------          -------
           143,001,123        20,694,693       3,356,229


On May 18, 2000, the Company's  stockholders  approved  changing the name of the
Company from Tandy Corporation to RadioShack Corporation.  The trading symbol on
the New York Stock  Exchange  for the  Company's  common  stock was changed from
"TAN" to "RSH"  effective  May 31, 2000.  In addition,  the CUSIP number for the
Company's common stock is now 750438 10 3.


        a)  Exhibits Required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K.

           A list of the  exhibits  required by Item 601 of  Regulation  S-K and
           filed as part of this report is set forth in the Index to Exhibits on
           page 15, which immediately precedes such exhibits.

        b)  Reports on Form 8-K.

          On May 18,  2000,  the Company  announced  that its  stockholders  had
          approved  changing the name of the Company from Tandy  Corporation  to
          RadioShack Corporation. The Form 8-K was filed on May 18, 2000.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                         RadioShack Corporation

Date:  August 11, 2000              By   /s/ Richard L. Ramsey
                                             Richard L. Ramsey
                                      Vice President and Controller
                                           (Authorized Officer)

Date:  August 11, 2000                   /s/  Dwain H. Hughes
                                              Dwain H. Hughes
                                        Senior Vice President and
                                          Chief Financial Officer
                                      (Principal Financial Officer)

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION
                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS
Number         Description

3a*            Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
               dated May 18, 2000.

3b*            RadioShack Corporation Bylaws Amended and Restated as of July 22,

10a*           Second Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility A) dated
               as of June 22,  2000 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  the Lenders
               listed therein,  the Bank of America,  N.A., as Agent,  Citibank,
               N.A.,   as   Syndication   Agent,   The  Bank  of  New  York,  as
               Documentation  Agent, Fleet National Bank, as Managing Agent, and
               First Union National Bank and Bank One NA, as Co-Agents, amending
               the Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A) dated as of June 25,
               1998  (filed  as  Exhibit  4n to  RadioShack's  Form 10Q filed on
               August 13, 1998).

10b*           Second Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated
               as of June 22,  2000 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  the Lenders
               listed therein, Bank of America, N.A., as Agent, Citibank,  N.A.,
               as  Syndication  Agent,  The Bank of New York,  as  Documentation
               Agent,  Fleet National Bank, as Managing  Agent,  and First Union
               National  Bank and Bank  One,  NA,  as  Co-Agents,  amending  the
               Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated as of June 25, 1998
               (filed as Exhibit 4o to RadioShack's Form 10Q filed on August 13,

11*            Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges.

27.1*          Financial Data Schedule.

- ----------------------------

* filed with this report

                                                                      EXHIBIT 3a
                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT

Tandy Corporation,  a corporation  organized and existing under and by virtue of
the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware (the  "Corporation"),  DOES

FIRST:  That the  Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation  unanimously  adopted
resolutions  authorizing  proposed  amendments  to the Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation of the Corporation, declaring said amendments to be advisable, and
directed  that  said  amendments  be  submitted  to  the   stockholders  of  the
Corporation for their consideration at the annual meeting of stockholders on May
18,  2000.  Such  resolutions  declared it advisable  that Article  First of the
Restated  Certificate  of  Incorporation  be  amended  so as to be and  read  as

        "FIRST: The name of the corporation (hereinafter referred to as the
        "Corporation") is RadioShack Corporation";

and that the first  sentence of Article  Fourth of the Restated  Certificate  of
Incorporation be amended so as to be and read as follows:

        "FOURTH:  The total  number of shares which the  Corporation  shall have
        authority to issue is six hundred  fifty-one  million  (651,000,000)  of
        which  one  million  (1,000,000)  shares  without  par  value  shall  be
        Preferred  Stock and six hundred fifty million  (650,000,000)  shares of
        the par value of one dollar ($1.00) per share shall be Common Stock."

SECOND:  That thereafter,  pursuant to resolutions of its Board of Directors,  a
majority of the outstanding  stock of the  Corporation  entitled to vote thereon
voted in favor of the  amendments,  either in person or by proxy,  at the annual
meeting of stockholders of the Corporation on May 18, 2000.

THIRD:  That said amendments were duly adopted in accordance with the provisions
of Section 242 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

DATED:  May 18, 2000.

                           By: /s/ Leonard H. Roberts
                               Leonard H. Roberts
                               Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer


By:   /s/  Mark C. Hill
      Mark C. Hill, Corporate Secretary



Be it remembered  that on this 18 day of May, 2000,  personally  came before me,
Debbie Cheak, a notary public in and for the county and state aforesaid, Leonard
H.  Roberts,   Chairman,   President  and  Chief  Executive   Officer  of  Tandy
Corporation,  the  corporation  described in and which  executed  the  foregoing
certificate,  known to me  personally  to be such,  and he, the said  Leonard H.
Roberts, as such Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer, duly executed
the said  certificate  before me and acknowledged the said certificate to be his
act and deed  and the act and  deed of said  corporation  and the  facts  stated
therein  are true;  that the  signature  of the  Chairman,  President  and Chief
Executive  Officer of said  corporation  to the foregoing  certificate is in the
handwriting of the said Chairman,  President and Chief Executive Officer of said

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  I have hereunto set my hand and seal of office the day and
year aforesaid.

                                      /s/  Debbie Cheak
                                    Notary Public in and for the State of Texas

                                    MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:   6/17/00

                                                                      EXHIBIT 3b
                          RADIOSHACK CORPORATION BYLAWS
                           AMENDED AND RESTATED AS OF
                                  JULY 22, 2000

                                    ARTICLE I


SECTION 1. Registered  Office.  The Registered  office of the Corporation in the
State of  Delaware  shall be  located in the City of  Wilmington,  County of New
Castle, State of Delaware,  and the name of the resident agent in charge thereof
shall be The Corporation Trust Company.

SECTION 2. Other  Offices.  The  principal  office shall be at 100  Throckmorton
Street,  Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas. The Corporation may also have offices at
other  places as the Board of  Directors  may from time to time  appoint  or the
business of the Corporation may require.

                                   ARTICLE II

                            MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS

SECTION 1. Place of Meeting.  All meetings of the  stockholders for the election
of directors shall be held at such place within or without the State of Delaware
as the Board of Directors may  designate,  provided that at least ten (10) days'
notice must be given to the  stockholders  entitled to vote thereat of the place
so fixed.  Until the Board of Directors  shall  designate  otherwise  the annual
meeting of  stockholders  and the election of directors  shall take place at the
office of the Corporation at 100  Throckmorton  Street,  Suite 1800, Fort Worth,
Texas.  Meetings of stockholders for any other purpose may be held at such place
and time as shall be stated in the notice of the meeting.

SECTION 2. Annual Meetings. The annual meeting of the stockholders shall be held
on the Third  Thursday  in May of each year,  if not a legal  holiday,  and if a
legal  holiday,  then on the next business day  following,  at 10:00 A.M., or on
such other date and at such other time as shall be designated  from time to time
by the Board of  Directors  and  stated in the  notice of the  meeting.  At such
annual meetings the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors by a plurality
vote and shall  transact such other  business as may properly be brought  before
the meeting.

SECTION 3.  Special  Meetings.  Special  meetings of the  stockholders,  for any
purpose or purposes,  unless otherwise  prescribed by statute or the Certificate
of  Incorporation,  may be called by the Chairman of the Board or the President,
and shall be called by the  Secretary at the request in writing of a majority of
the Board of Directors.  Such request shall state the purpose or purposes of the
proposed meeting.

SECTION 4. Notice.  Written or printed notice of every meeting of  stockholders,
annual  or  special,  stating  the time and  place  thereof,  and,  if a special
meeting,  the  purpose or  purposes  in general  terms for which the  meeting is
called,  shall not be less than ten (10) days before  such  meeting and shall be
served  upon or mailed to each  stockholder  entitled  to vote  thereat,  at his
address as it appears upon the books of the Corporation or, if such  stockholder
shall have filed with the Secretary of the  Corporation  a written  request that
notices  intended for him be mailed to some other  address,  then to the address
designated in such request.  Additionally,  any notice to stockholders  given by
the Corporation shall be effective if given by a form of electronic transmission
consented to by the  stockholder  to whom the notice is given.  Any such consent
shall be revocable by the  stockholder by written notice to the Secretary of the

SECTION 5. Quorum.  Except as otherwise provided by law or by the Certificate of
Incorporation, the presence in person or by proxy at any meeting of stockholders
of  the  holders  of a  majority  of the  shares  of the  capital  stock  of the
Corporation  issued  and  outstanding  and  entitled  to vote  thereat  shall be
requisite and shall constitute a quorum. If, however, such majority shall not be
represented at any meeting of the stockholders  regularly called, the holders of
a majority  of the shares  present  in person or by proxy and  entitled  to vote
thereat  shall have power to adjourn the meeting to another  time, or to another
time and place,  without  notice other than  announcement  of adjournment at the
meeting,  and there may be  successive  adjournments  for like cause and in like
manner  until the  requisite  amount of shares  entitled to vote at such meeting
shall be represented. At such adjourned meeting at which the requisite amount of
shares  entitled to vote  thereat  shall be  represented,  any  business  may be
transacted  which  might  have been  transacted  at the  meeting  as  originally

SECTION 6. Votes.  Proxies.  At each meeting of stockholders  every  stockholder
shall have one vote for each share of capital  stock  entitled  to vote which is
registered in his name on the books of the  Corporation on the date on which the
transfer  books  were  closed,  if  closed,  or on the date set by the  Board of
Directors  for  the  determination  of  stockholders  entitled  to  vote at such
meeting.  At each such meeting  every  stockholder  shall be entitled to vote in
person,  or may  authorize  another  person or persons to act for him by a proxy
which is in  writing or  transmitted  as  permitted  by law,  including  without
limitation,  electronically,  via telegram, internet, interactive voice response
system, or other means of electronic transmission executed or authorized by such
stockholder  or his  attorney-in-fact,  but no proxy  shall be voted after three
years from its date,  unless the proxy provides for a longer  period.  Any proxy
transmitted electronically shall set forth such information from which it can be
determined that such electronic transmission was authorized by the stockholder.

At all meetings of the stockholders,  a quorum being present,  all matters shall
be decided by  majority  vote of the  shares of stock  entitled  to vote held by
stockholders  present in person or by proxy, except as otherwise required by the
Certificate  of  Incorporation  or the laws of the State of Delaware.  Unless so
directed by the chairman of the meeting, or required by the laws of the State of
Delaware, the vote thereat on any question need not be by ballot.

On a vote by ballot,  each ballot shall be signed by the stockholder  voting, or
in his name by his proxy, if there be such proxy,  and shall state the number of
shares voted by him and the number of votes to which each share is entitled.  On
a vote by ballot,  the chairman  shall appoint two  inspectors of election,  who
shall first take and subscribe an oath or affirmation  faithfully to execute the
duties of inspector at such meeting with strict  impartiality  and  according to
the best of their  ability  and who shall take charge of the polls and after the
balloting  shall  make a  certificate  of the result of the vote  taken;  but no
director or  candidate  for the office of director  shall be  appointed  as such

SECTION  7.  Stock  List.  At least  ten (10)  days  before  every  election  of
directors,  a complete list of  stockholders  entitled to vote at such election,
arranged in  alphabetical  order,  with the  residence of each and the number of
voting shares held by each shall be prepared by the  Secretary.  Such list shall
be open at the place where the election is to be held for said ten (10) days, to
the examination of any  stockholder  entitled to vote at that election and shall
be  produced  and kept at the time and place of  election  during the whole time
thereof, and subject to the inspection of any stockholder who may be present.

SECTION 8.  Notice of Stockholder Proposals.

        (a) At an annual meeting of the  stockholders,  only such business shall
        be conducted, and only such proposals shall be acted upon, as shall have
        been brought  before the annual  meeting (i) by, or at the direction of,
        the  Board of  Directors  or (ii) by any  stockholder  of  record of the
        Corporation  who complies with the notice  procedures  set forth in this
        Section 8 of these Bylaws.  For a proposal to be properly brought before
        an annual  meeting by a  stockholder,  the  stockholder  must have given
        timely notice thereof in writing to the Secretary of the Corporation. To
        be timely,  a  stockholder's  notice must be delivered to, or mailed and
        received at, the principal executive offices of the Corporation not less
        than  sixty  (60)  days nor more  than  ninety  (90)  days  prior to the
        scheduled annual meeting, regardless of any postponements,  deferrals or
        adjournments of that meeting to a later date; provided, however, that if
        less than seventy (70) days'  notice or prior public  disclosure  of the
        date of the  scheduled  annual  meeting is given or made,  notice by the
        stockholder to be timely must be so delivered or received not later than
        the close of business on the tenth (10th) day  following  the earlier of
        the day on which such notice of the date of the scheduled annual meeting
        was  mailed or the day on which  such  public  disclosure  was  made.  A
        stockholder's  notice to the Secretary shall set forth as to each matter
        the stockholder  proposes to bring before the annual meeting (i) a brief
        description  of the  proposal  desired to be  brought  before the annual
        meeting  and the  reasons  for  conducting  such  business at the annual
        meeting,  (ii) the name and address, as they appear on the Corporation's
        books,  of  the  stockholder  proposing  such  business  and  any  other
        stockholders  known by such  stockholder to be supporting such proposal,
        (iii) the class and number of shares of the  Corporation's  stock  which
        are  beneficially   owned  by  the  stockholder  on  the  date  of  such
        stockholder   notice  and  by  any  other  stockholders  known  by  such
        stockholder  to  be  supporting  such  proposal  on  the  date  of  such
        stockholder  notice,  and (iv) any financial interest of the stockholder
        in such proposal.

        (b) If the presiding  officer of the annual  meeting  determines  that a
        stockholder  proposal was not made in accordance  with the terms of this
        Section  8, he shall  so  declare  at the  annual  meeting  and any such
        proposal shall not be acted upon at the annual meeting.

        (c) This provision shall not prevent the  consideration  and approval or
        disapproval at the annual meeting of reports of officers,  directors and
        committees  of the Board of  Directors,  but,  in  connection  with such
        reports,  no business  shall be acted upon at such annual meeting unless
        stated, filed and received as herein provided.

        (d) Any stockholder seeking to bring a proposal before an annual meeting
        of  the  Corporation  shall  continue  to  be  subject,  to  the  extent
        applicable,  to the  requirements of Section 14(a) of the Securities Act
        of 1934,  as amended,  and the  regulations  thereunder,  as well as the
        requirements of this Section 8.

                                   ARTICLE III


SECTION 1.  Number.  The  business  and  property  of the  Corporation  shall be
conducted and managed by a Board of Directors  consisting of not less than three
(3) or more than fourteen (14) members.

The Board of Directors of the  Corporation  shall initially be composed of three
(3) directors,  but the Board may at any time by resolution increase or decrease
the number of directors to not more than  fourteen  (14) or less than three (3).
The vacancies resulting from any such increase in the Board of Directors,  or an
increase  resulting  from an  amendment  of this  Section,  shall be  filled  as
provided in Section 3 of this ARTICLE III.

SECTION 2. Term of Office.  Except as  otherwise  provided by law such  director
shall hold office until the next annual meeting of  stockholders,  and until his
successor  is  duly  elected  and  qualified  or  until  his  earlier  death  or

SECTION 3. Vacancies.  If any vacancy shall occur among the directors, or if the
number of directors  shall at any time be  increased,  the  directors in office,
although less than a quorum,  by a majority vote may fill the vacancies or newly
created directorships,  or any such vacancies or newly created directorships may
be filled by the  stockholders at any meeting.  When one or more directors shall
resign from the Board of  Directors,  effective  at a future date, a majority of
the directors then in office,  including those who have so resigned,  shall have
power to fill such  vacancy or  vacancies,  the vote thereon to take effect when
such resignation or resignations  shall become  effective,  and each director so
chosen shall hold office as herein provided in the filling of other vacancies.

SECTION 4.  Meetings.  Meetings of the Board of Directors  shall be held at such
place  within or without the State of Delaware as may from time to time be fixed
by resolution of the Board of Directors or by the Chairman of the Board,  or the
CEO as may be  specified  in the  notice or waiver of notice of any  meeting.  A
regular meeting of the Board of Directors may be held without notice immediately
following  the annual  meeting of  stockholders  at the place  where such annual
meeting is held.  Regular  meetings of the Board may also be held without notice
at such time and place as shall from time to time be determined by resolution of
the Board of Directors.

Special  meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chairman of the
Board,  the CEO or the  Secretary  and shall be called by the  Secretary  on the
written request of two members of the Board of Directors.  Notice of any special
meeting  shall be given to each  director at least (a) twelve (12) hours  before
the  meeting  by  telephone  or by being  personally  delivered  or  transmitted
electronically,  via telegram,  facsimile, internet or other means of electronic
transmission  or (b) three (3) days before the meeting if  delivered  by mail to
the director's residence or usual place of business. Such notice shall be deemed
to be delivered  when  deposited in the United  States mail so  addressed,  with
postage  prepaid,  or when  transmitted  if sent  electronically,  via telegram,
facsimile,  internet  or other  means of  electronic  transmission.  Neither the
business to be  transacted  at, nor the  purpose of, any special  meeting of the
Board of  Directors  needs to be  specified in the notice or waiver of notice of
such meeting.

Members of the Board of Directors may  participate in a meeting of such Board by
means of  conference  telephone or similar  communication  equipment or by other
means provided all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other, and
participation in the meeting pursuant hereto shall constitute presence in person
at such meeting.

Any director may waive notice of any meeting by a writing signed by the director
entitled  to the notice and filed with the  minutes or  corporate  records.  The
attendance at or  participation  of the director at a meeting  shall  constitute
waiver of notice of such  meeting,  unless the director at the  beginning of the
meeting  or  promptly  upon his  arrival  objects  to  holding  the  meeting  or
transacting business at the meeting.

SECTION 5. Quorum. A majority, but not less than two (2), of the directors shall
constitute a quorum for the  transaction  of business.  If at any meeting of the
Board of  Directors  there  shall be less than a quorum  present,  a majority of
those  present may adjourn the meeting  from time to time  without  notice other
than  announcement  of the  adjournment  at the meeting,  and at such  adjourned
meeting at which a quorum is present any business may be transacted  which might
have been transacted at the meeting as originally notified.

SECTION 6.  Compensation.  The directors may be paid their expenses,  if any, of
attendance at each meeting of the Board of Directors, a fixed sum for attendance
at each  meeting of the Board of Directors  and/or a stated fee as director.  No
such payment  shall  preclude any director from serving the  Corporation  in any
other  capacity and receiving  compensation  therefor.  Members of the Executive
Committee  and/or of other  committees  may be  allowed  like  compensation  and
reimbursement of expenses for attending committee meetings.

SECTION 7.  Chairman.  From its  members,  the Board of  Directors  will elect a
chairman to preside  over  meetings of the  shareholders  and of the Board.  The
Chairman may simultaneously serve as any Officer of the Corporation set forth in
Article V. The Board may elect one or more Vice Chairmen.  In the absence of the
Chairman  or a Vice  Chairman,  if any,  the Board  shall  designate a person to
preside  at such  meetings.  The  director's  fee of the  Chairman  and the Vice
Chairman, if any, will be set by the Board.

SECTION 8. Director  Nominations.  Nominations for the election of directors may
be made by the  Board of  Directors  or by the  Corporate  Governance  Committee
appointed by the Board of Directors  or by any  stockholder  entitled to vote in
the election of directors  generally.  However, any stockholder entitled to vote
in the  election of  directors  generally  may  nominate one or more persons for
election as directors at a meeting only if written notice of such  stockholder's
intent to make such nomination or nominations has been given, either by personal
delivery or by United  States mail,  postage  prepaid,  to the  Secretary of the
Corporation  not later  than (i) with  respect to an  election  to be held at an
annual meeting of stockholders,  ninety (90) days prior to the first anniversary
date of the immediately  preceding  annual meeting,  and (ii) with respect to an
election to be held at a special  meeting of  stockholders  for the  election of
directors,  the close of business on the tenth (10th) day  following the date on
which  notice of such meeting is first given to  stockholders.  Each such notice
shall set forth: (a) the name and address of the stockholder who intends to make
the  nomination   and  of  the  person  or  persons  to  be  nominated:   (b)  a
representation  that the  stockholder  is a  holder  of  record  of stock of the
Corporation  entitled to vote at such meeting and intends to appear in person or
by proxy at the  meeting to  nominate  the person or  persons  specified  in the
notice;  (c) a description of all  arrangements  or  understandings  between the
stockholder and each nominee and any other person or persons (naming such person
or persons)  pursuant to which the nomination or  nominations  are to be made by
the stockholder;  (d) such other information  regarding each nominee proposed by
such  stockholder as would be required to be included in a proxy statement filed
pursuant to the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission as then in
effect;  and (e) the  consent  of each  nominee  to serve as a  director  of the
Corporation  if so elected.  The presiding  officer of the meeting may refuse to
acknowledge  the  nomination  of any  person  not  made in  compliance  with the
foregoing procedure.

SECTION 9. Director Stock Ownership in the Corporation. Each director elected or
appointed  to the Board of  Directors  shall own  shares of common  stock of the
Corporation.  On and after the third annual anniversary of a director's election
or  appointment  to the Board of Directors,  each  director  shall own shares of
common stock of the Corporation having a fair market value of not less than 200%
of the amount of the Board of Directors' annual retainer as then in effect.

                                   ARTICLE IV


SECTION 1. Executive Committee. The Board of Directors may, by resolution passed
by a majority of the whole Board,  appoint an Executive  Committee of two (2) or
more members, to serve during the pleasure of the Board of Directors, to consist
of such directors as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate. The
Chairman  of the  Executive  Committee  shall  be  designated  by the  Board  of

SECTION 2. Procedure.  The Executive  Committee,  by a vote of a majority of its
members,  shall fix its own times and places of  meeting,  shall  determine  the
number of its members constituting a quorum for the transaction of business, and
shall  prescribe  its own rules of  procedure,  no change in which shall be made
save by a majority vote of its members.  Members of the  Executive  Committee or
any other  committee may  participate in a meeting of such Committee by means of
conference  telephone  or  similar  communication  equipment  or by other  means
provided  all persons  participating  in the  meeting  can hear each other,  and
participation in the meeting pursuant hereto shall constitute presence in person
at such meeting.

SECTION 3.  Powers.  During the  intervals  between the meetings of the Board of
Directors, the Executive Committee shall possess and may exercise all the powers
of the Board of Directors in the  management  and  direction of the business and
affairs of the Corporation, to the extent permitted by law.

SECTION 4. Minutes.  The Executive  Committee  shall keep regular minutes of its
proceedings  and all action by the Executive  Committee shall be reported to the
Board of Directors at its next  meeting.  Such action shall be subject to review
by the Board of  Directors,  provided  that no rights of third  parties shall be
affected by such review.

SECTION 5. Other  Committees.  From time to time the Board of Directors,  by the
affirmative  vote of a majority  of the whole  Board of  Directors,  may appoint
other  committees for any purpose or purposes,  and such  committees  shall have
such powers as shall be conferred by the resolution of appointment, and as shall
be permitted by law.

                                    ARTICLE V


SECTION 1. Officers.  The Board of Directors shall elect,  as officers,  a Chief
Executive  Officer  ("CEO"),  a President,  a Treasurer and a Secretary,  and in
their  discretion  one  or  more  of  the  following  officers:  Executive  Vice
Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents,  Assistant Secretaries, and
Assistant  Treasurers.  Such officers shall be elected  annually by the Board of
Directors at its first meeting following the annual meeting of stockholders, and
each shall hold office until the corresponding meeting of the Board of Directors
in the next year and until  his  successor  shall  have  been duly  elected  and
qualified, or until he shall have died or resigned or shall have been removed in
the manner provided herein.  The powers and duties of two or more offices may be
exercised  and  performed  by the same  person,  except  the  offices of CEO and

SECTION 2. Vacancies.  Any vacancy in any office may be filled for the unexpired
portion of the term by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting.

SECTION 3. Chief Executive  Officer. The Chief  Executive  Officer  shall be the
chief executive  officer (CEO) of the  Corporation.  Subject to the direction of
the Board of Directors,  he shall have and exercise direct charge of and general
supervision  over the business and affairs of the  Corporation and shall perform
such other  duties as may be  assigned  to him from time to time by the Board of

SECTION 4.  President.  The President  shall perform such duties as the Board of
Directors may prescribe.  In the absence or disability of the CEO, the President
shall  perform and exercise the powers of the CEO. In  addition,  the  President
shall  perform  such duties as from time to time may be  delegated to him by the

SECTION 5.  Executive  Vice  Presidents.  The Executive  Vice  Presidents  shall
perform such duties as the Board of Directors may  prescribe.  In the absence or
disability of the CEO and President,  the Executive Vice Presidents in the order
of  their  seniority  or in such  order  as may be  specified  by the  Board  of
Directors,  shall  perform the duties of CEO. In addition,  the  Executive  Vice
Presidents  shall  perform  such duties as may from time to time be delegated to
them by the CEO.

SECTION 6. Senior Vice Presidents. The Senior Vice Presidents shall perform such
duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe.  In the absence or disability of
the  CEO,  President,  and  the  Executive  Vice  Presidents,  the  Senior  Vice
Presidents  in the order of their  seniority  or in such  other  order as may be
specified by the Board of  Directors,  shall perform the duties and exercise the
powers of the President.  In addition,  the Senior Vice Presidents shall perform
such duties as from time to time may be delegated to them by the CEO.

SECTION 7. Vice Presidents. The Vice Presidents shall perform such duties as the
Board of  Directors  may  prescribe.  In the absence or  disability  of the CEO,
President,  the Executive Vice  Presidents and the Senior Vice  Presidents,  the
Vice Presidents in the order of their seniority or in such other order as may be
specified by the Board of  Directors,  shall perform the duties and exercise the
powers of the President.  In addition,  the Vice  Presidents  shall perform such
duties as may from time to time be delegated to them by the CEO.

SECTION 8. Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall have charge of and be responsible for
all funds, securities,  receipts and disbursements of the Corporation, and shall
deposit, or cause to be deposited, in the name of the Corporation, all moneys or
other valuable effects in such banks,  trust companies or other  depositaries as
shall, from time to time, be selected by the Board of Directors;  he may endorse
for  collection  on  behalf  of  the  Corporation,   checks,   notes  and  other
obligations;  he may  sign  receipts  and  vouchers  for  payments  made  to the
Corporation; singly or jointly with another person as the Board of Directors may
authorize,  he may sign checks of the Corporation and pay out and dispose of the
proceeds  under the  direction of the Board of  Directors;  he shall cause to be
kept  correct  books of  account of all the  business  and  transactions  of the
Corporation,  shall see that adequate audits thereof are currently and regularly
made,  and shall examine and certify the accounts of the  Corporation;  he shall
render to the Board of Directors,  the Executive Committee,  the Chairman of the
Board, the Vice Chairman,  the CEO or to the President,  whenever requested,  an
account of the  financial  condition  of the  Corporation;  he may sign with the
Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman of the Board, the CEO, the President or
a Vice  President,  certificates of stock of the  Corporation;  and, in general,
shall  perform  all the  duties  incident  to the  office  of a  treasurer  of a
Corporation,  and such other  duties as from time to time may be assigned to him
by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 9.  Assistant  Treasurers.  The  Assistant  Treasurers in order of their
seniority  shall,  in the absence or  disability of the  Treasurer,  perform the
duties and exercise  the powers of the  Treasurer  and shall  perform such other
duties as the CEO, or the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

SECTION 10.  Secretary.  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of
the  stockholders  and of the  Board  of  Directors  in books  provided  for the
purpose;  he shall see that all  notices are duly given in  accordance  with the
provisions of law and these Bylaws;  he shall be custodian of the records and of
the corporate seal or seals of the Corporation;  he shall see that the corporate
seal is affixed  to all  documents,  the  execution  of which,  on behalf of the
Corporation,  under its seal, is duly authorized and when the seal is so affixed
he may attest the same;  he may sign,  with the Chairman of the Board,  the Vice
Chairman,  the CEO, the President or a Vice President,  certificates of stock of
the  Corporation;  and in general he shall  perform  all duties  incident to the
office of a secretary  of a  corporation,  and such other duties as from time to
time may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors or the CEO.

SECTION 11. Assistant  Secretaries.  The Assistant Secretaries in order of their
seniority  shall,  in the absence or  disability of the  Secretary,  perform the
duties and exercise  the powers of the  Secretary  and shall  perform such other
duties as the CEO, or the Board of Directors shall prescribe.

SECTION 12.  Subordinate  Officers.  The Board of  Directors  may  appoint  such
subordinate  officers as it may deem  desirable.  Each such  officer  shall hold
office for such period, have such authority and perform such duties as the Board
of  Directors  may  prescribe.  The Board of Directors  may,  from time to time,
authorize  any  officer  to  appoint  and  remove  subordinate  officers  and to
prescribe the powers and duties thereof.

SECTION 13.  Compensation.  The Board of  Directors  shall have power to fix the
compensation of all officers of the  Corporation.  It may authorize any officer,
upon whom the power of appointing  subordinate officers may have been conferred,
to fix the compensation of such subordinate officers.

SECTION 14.  Removal.  Any officer of the  Corporation  may be removed,  with or
without cause, by a majority  vote of the Board of Directors at a meeting
called for that purpose.

SECTION  15.  Bonds.  The Board of  Directors  may  require  any  officer of the
Corporation  to give a bond to the  Corporation,  conditional  upon the faithful
performance of his duties,  with one or more sureties and in such amounts as may
be satisfactory to the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                              CERTIFICATES OF STOCK

SECTION 1. Form and Execution of Certificates.  The interest of each stockholder
of the  Corporation  shall be evidenced by a  certificate  or  certificates  for
shares of stock in such form as may be  prescribed  from time to time by law and
by the Board of Directors.  The  certificates  of stock of each class and series
now  authorized  or which may  hereafter be  authorized  by the  Certificate  of
Incorporation shall be consecutively  numbered and signed by either the Chairman
of the Board or the CEO or the  President or a Vice  President  together  either
with the  Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary or the  Treasurer or an Assistant
Treasurer of the Corporation,  and may be  countersigned  and registered in such
manner as the Board of Directors  may  prescribe,  and shall bear the  corporate
seal or a printed or engraved facsimile  thereof.  Where any such certificate is
signed by a transfer agent or transfer clerk and by a registrar,  the signatures
of any such Chairman of the Board, CEO,  President,  Vice President,  Treasurer,
Assistant Treasurer,  Secretary or Assistant Secretary upon such certificate may
be  facsimiles  engraved  or  printed.  The  signatures  by a transfer  agent or
transfer  clerk and by a  registrar  may be either in  facsimile  form or manual
form. In case any officer or officers who shall have signed,  or whose facsimile
signature  or  signatures  shall have been  placed  upon,  such  certificate  or
certificates shall have ceased to be such, whether because of death, resignation
or otherwise, before such certificate or certificates shall have been issued and
delivered,  such  certificate or  certificates  may  nevertheless  be issued and
delivered  with the same effect as if such officer or officers had not ceased to
be such at the date of its issue and delivery.

SECTION 2. Transfer of Shares.  The shares of the stock of the Corporation shall
be transferred  on the books of the  Corporation by the holder thereof in person
or by his attorney  lawfully  constituted,  upon surrender for  cancellation  of
certificates  for the same  number of shares,  with an  assignment  and power of
transfer endorsed thereon or attached thereto, duly executed, with such proof or
guaranty of the  authenticity  of the signature as the Corporation or its agents
may reasonably require. The Corporation shall be entitled to treat the holder of
record  of any  share or  shares  of stock as the  holder  in fact  thereof  and
accordingly  shall not be bound to recognize  any equitable or other claim to or
interest in such share or shares on the part of any other person  whether or not
it shall have express or other  notice  thereof,  except as otherwise  expressly
provided by law.

SECTION 3. Closing of Transfer  Books and Record  Dates.  The Board of Directors
may in its  discretion  prescribe in advance a period not  exceeding  sixty (60)
days prior to the date of any meeting of the  stockholders  or prior to the last
day on which the consent or dissent of stockholders may be effectively expressed
for any  purpose  without a meeting,  during  which no  transfer of stock on the
books of the  Corporation may be made; or in lieu of prohibiting the transfer of
stock, may fix in advance a time not more than sixty (60) days prior to the date
of any meeting of  stockholders or prior to the last day on which the consent or
dissent of stockholders  may be effectively  expressed for any purpose without a
meeting, as the time as of which stockholders  entitled to notice of and to vote
at such a meeting or whose  consent or dissent is required  or may be  expressed
for any purpose,  as the case may be, shall be  determined;  and all persons who
were  holders  of  record of  voting  stock at such time and no others  shall be
entitled to notice of and to vote at such meeting or to express their consent or
dissent,  as the case may be,  notwithstanding  any transfer of any stock on the
books of the Corporation after any record date fixed as aforesaid.  The Board of
Directors may also, in its discretion, fix in advance a date not exceeding sixty
(60) days preceding the date fixed for the payment of any dividend or the making
of any distribution,  or for the delivery of evidence of rights, or evidences of
interests arising out of any issuance, change, conversion or exchange of capital
stock, as a record date for the  determination of the  stockholders  entitled to
receive or participate in any such dividend, distribution,  rights or interests,
notwithstanding  any transfer of any stock on the books of the Corporation after
any record date fixed as  aforesaid,  or, at its option,  in lieu of so fixing a
record date,  may  prescribe in advance a period not  exceeding  sixty (60) days
prior to the date for such  payment,  distribution  or delivery  during which no
transfer of stock on the books of the Corporation may be made.

SECTION 4. Lost or Destroyed Certificates. In case of the loss or destruction of
any  outstanding  certificate of stock, a new certificate may be issued upon the
following conditions:

The owner of said  certificate  shall file with the Secretary of the Corporation
an affidavit  giving the facts in relation to the ownership,  and in relation to
the loss or destruction of said  certificate,  stating its number and the number
of shares  represented  thereby;  such  affidavit to be in such form and contain
such  statements as shall  satisfy the Chairman of the Board and Secretary  that
said  certificate  has  been  accidentally  destroyed  or  lost,  and that a new
certificate  ought to be issued in lieu thereof.  Upon being so  satisfied,  the
Chairman of the Board and  Secretary  shall  require such owner to file with the
Secretary a bond in such penal sum and in such form as they may deem  advisable,
and with a surety or sureties  approved by them,  to indemnify and save harmless
the  Corporation  from  any  claim,  loss,  damage  or  liability  which  may be
occasioned by the issuance of a new certificate in lieu thereof, or if they deem
it appropriate,  to waive the  requirement to secure a bond with a surety.  Upon
such bond being so filed, a new  certificate for the same number of shares shall
be issued to the owner of the certificate so lost or destroyed; and the transfer
agent and registrar of stock,  if any, shall  countersign  and register such new
certificate  upon receipt of a written  order signed by the said Chairman of the
Board and  Secretary,  and  thereupon  the  Corporation  will save harmless said
transfer  agent and registrar in the  premises.  The CEO or the President or any
Vice President may act hereunder in the stead of the Chairman of the Board,  and
an Assistant  Secretary in the stead of the Secretary.  In case of the surrender
of the original certificate, in lieu of which a new certificate has been issued,
or the  surrender  of  such  new  certificate,  for  cancellation,  the  bond of
indemnity  given as a  condition  of the  issue of such new  certificate  may be
surrendered.  A new certificate may be issued without requiring any bond when in
the judgment of the Board of Directors it is proper to do so.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                               CHECKS, NOTES, ETC.

SECTION  1.  Execution  of  Checks,  Notes,  etc.  All  checks and drafts on the
Corporation's  bank accounts and all bills of exchange and promissory notes, and
all  acceptances,  obligations  and other  instruments for the payment of money,
shall be  signed by such  officer  or  officers,  agent or  agents,  as shall be
thereunto authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2. Execution of Contracts,  Assignments, etc. All contracts, agreements,
endorsements, assignments, transfers, stock powers, or other instruments (except
as provided in Sections 1 and 3 of this Article VII) shall be signed by the CEO,
the President,  any Executive Vice  President,  Senior Vice  President,  or Vice
President and by the  Secretary or any  Assistant  Secretary or the Treasurer or
any Assistant Treasurer, or by such other officer or officers,  agent or agents,
as shall be thereunto authorized from time to time by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 3. Execution of Proxies.  The Chairman of the Board, the CEO, President,
any Executive Vice President,  or Senior Vice President or Vice President of the
Corporation  may  authorize  from time to time the  signature  and  issuance  of
proxies to vote upon shares of stock of other companies  standing in the name of
the Corporation. All such proxies shall be signed in the name of the Corporation
by the Chairman of the Board, the CEO, President,  any Executive Vice President,
Senior Vice  President or Vice  President  and by the  Secretary or an Assistant

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                              WAIVERS AND CONSENTS

SECTION  1.  Waivers.  Whenever  under  the  provisions  of any law or under the
provisions of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Corporation  or these
Bylaws, the Corporation,  or the Board of Directors or any committee thereof, is
authorized to take any action after notice to  stockholders  or the directors or
the  members of such  committee,  or after the lapse of a  prescribed  period of
time,  such  action may be taken  without  notice and  without  the lapse of any
period of time if, at any time  before or after such action be  completed,  such
requirements  be waived in writing by the  person or  persons  entitled  to said
notice or entitled to participate in the action to be taken,  or, in the case of
a stockholder, by his attorney thereunto authorized.

SECTION 2. Consents. Any action required or permitted to be taken at any meeting
of the Board of Directors or of any  committee of the Board of Directors  may be
taken without a meeting,  if prior to such action a written  consent  thereto is
signed by all members of the Board of Directors or of such committee as the case
may be, and such written consent is filed with the minutes of proceedings of the
Board of Directors or of such committee.

                                   ARTICLE IX

                           DIVIDENDS AND RESERVE FUNDS

SECTION 1. Dividends.  Except as otherwise provided by law or by the Certificate
of  Incorporation,  the Board of  Directors  may  declare  dividends  out of the
surplus of the Corporation at such times and in such amounts as it may from time
to time designate.

SECTION 2. Reserve  Funds.  Before  crediting  net profits to the surplus in any
year,  there may be set aside out of the net profits of the Corporation for that
year  such  sum or sums  as the  Board  of  Directors  from  time to time in its
absolute  discretion  may  deem  proper  as a  reserve  fund  or  funds  to meet
contingencies  or for equalizing  dividends or for repairing or maintaining  any
property of the  Corporation or for such other purpose as the Board of Directors
shall deem conducive to the interests of the Corporation.

                                    ARTICLE X

                               INSPECTION OF BOOKS

The Board of Directors shall determine from time to time whether, and if allowed
when and under what  conditions and  regulations,  the accounts and books of the
Corporation  (except such as may by statute be specifically  open to inspection)
or any of them  shall be open to the  inspection  of the  stockholders;  and the
stockholders'  rights in this  respect are and shall be  restricted  and limited

                                   ARTICLE XI

                                   FISCAL YEAR

The fiscal year of the Corporation shall end on the thirty first day of December
each year,  unless  another  date shall be fixed by  resolution  of the Board of
Directors.  After such date is fixed,  it may be changed for future fiscal years
at any  time  or  from  time  to time by  further  resolution  of the  Board  of

                                   ARTICLE XII


The  corporate  seal shall be circular in form and shall contain the name of the
Corporation, the state of incorporation, and the words "Corporate Seal".

                                  ARTICLE XIII


SECTION 1. By  Stockholders.  These Bylaws may be amended by a majority  vote of
the stock  entitled to vote and present or  represented at any annual or special
meeting of the  stockholders  at which a quorum is present  or  represented,  if
notice of the proposed  amendment shall have been contained in the notice of the

SECTION  2. By  Directors.  Except as  otherwise  specifically  provided  in the
Bylaws, if any, adopted by the stockholders,  these Bylaws may be amended by the
affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors, at any regular meeting
or special meeting thereof,  if notice of the proposed amendment shall have been
contained in the notice of such  meeting.  If any Bylaw  regulating an impending
election  of  directors  is  adopted  or  amended  or  repealed  by the Board of
Directors,  there  shall be set forth in the  notice of the next  meeting of the
stockholders  for the election of directors  the Bylaws so adopted or amended or
repealed together with a concise statement of the changes made.

                                   ARTICLE XIV

                              EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS

The  Corporation  shall  indemnify  and  reimburse  each person,  and his heirs,
executors or administrators,  who is made or is threatened to be made a party to
any action,  suit or proceeding,  whether  civil,  criminal,  administrative  or
investigative,  by  reason of the fact  that he was or is a  director,  officer,
employee or agent of the  Corporation or was or is serving at the request of the
Corporation as a director,  officer,  employee or agent of another  Corporation,
partnership,  joint  venture,  trust,  or  other  enterprise,  against  expenses
(including  attorney's fees),  judgments,  fines and amounts paid in settlement,
actually or reasonably  incurred by him in connection with such action,  suit or
proceeding and shall advance the expenses incurred by any officer or director in
defending any such action,  suit or  proceeding to the full extent  permitted by
Section 145 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware as it may be
amended or  supplemented  from time to time.  Such right of  indemnification  or
advancement of expenses of any such person shall not be deemed  exclusive of any
other rights to which he may be entitled  under any statute,  bylaw,  agreement,
vote of stockholders or disinterested directors or otherwise,  both as to action
in his official capacity and as to action in another capacity while holding such

The  foregoing  provisions  of this Article XIV shall be deemed to be a contract
between the  Corporation  and each person who serves in any  capacity  specified
therein  at  any  time  while  this  bylaw  is in  effect,  and  any  repeal  or
modification  thereof shall not affect any rights or  obligations  then existing
with respect to any state of facts then or  theretofore  existing or any action,
suit or proceeding  theretofore or thereafter  brought based in whole or in part
upon any such state of facts.

                                                                     EXHIBIT 10a

                               SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                           REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT
                                  (FACILITY A)

Amendment"),  dated  as of June 22,  2000,  is  entered  into  among  RADIOSHACK
CORPORATION  (formerly known as Tandy Corporation),  a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"),  the Lenders listed on the signature  pages hereof (the  "Lenders"),
CITIBANK,  N.A., as  Syndication  Agent for the Lenders (in such  capacity,  the
"Syndication  Agent"),  THE BANK OF NEW  YORK,  as  Documentation  Agent for the
Lenders (in such capacity,  the "Documentation  Agent"), FLEET NATIONAL BANK, as
Managing Agent for the Lenders (in such capacity,  the "Managing Agent"),  FIRST
UNION  NATIONAL  BANK and BANK ONE,  NA, as  Co-Agents  for the Lenders (in such
capacity,  the  "Co-Agents"),  and  BANK OF  AMERICA,  N.A.  (formerly  known as
NationsBank, N.A.), as Agent for the Lenders (in such capacity, the "Agent").


A. The Company, certain of the Lenders, the Syndication Agent, the Documentation
Agent,  the  Managing  Agent,  the  Co-Agents  and the Agent are parties to that
certain  Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A), dated as of June 25, 1998, as
amended by that certain First Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility
A), dated as of June 24, 1999 (said Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A), as
amended,  the "Credit Agreement";  the terms defined in the Credit Agreement and
not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall be used  herein as  defined in the Credit

B. The Company, the Lenders, the Syndication Agent, the Documentation Agent, the
Managing  Agent,  the  Co-Agents  and  the  Agent  desire  to (i)  make  certain
amendments to the Credit Agreement and (ii) add certain new Lenders thereto (the
"New Lenders").

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the covenants,  conditions and agreements
hereinafter  set  forth,  and for other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and  adequacy of which are all hereby  acknowledged,  the  Company,  the
Lenders, the Syndication Agent, the Documentation Agent, the Managing Agent, the
Co-Agents and the Agent covenant and agree as follows:


        (a) The definition of "Co-Agents" set forth in Section 1.1 of the Credit
Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

        "Co-Agents" means, collectively, First Union National Bank and Bank
        One, N.A., and any successors thereto.

        (b) The  definition  of  "Commitment"  set forth in  Section  1.1 of the
Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

        "'Commitment'  means, with respect to each Lender,  the amount set forth
        beneath the name of such Lender on the signature  pages hereof or on the
        signature pages to any amendment to this Agreement (or, as to any Person
        who becomes a Lender after the Execution  Date, on the signature page of
        the Assignment and Acceptance  executed by such Person),  as such amount
        may be  permanently  terminated or reduced from time to time pursuant to
        Section  2.9 or Section  7.1,  and as such  amount may be  increased  or
        decreased  from time to time by  assignment  or  assumption  pursuant to
        Section  9.3. The  Commitment  of each Lender  shall  automatically  and
        permanently terminate on the Maturity Date."

        (c) The  definition  of "Maturity  Date" set forth in Section 1.1 of the
Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

        "'Maturity   Date'  means  June  21,  2001,  or  the  earlier  of
        termination of the Commitments pursuant to Section 7.1."

        (d) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined term "Consolidated  EBITDA" thereto in proper alphabetical order to read
as follows:

        "'Consolidated  EBITDA' means,  for any period,  for the Company and its
        Subsidiaries,  calculated on a consolidated  basis,  the sum of (without
        duplication) the following:  (a) Pretax Net Income (excluding therefrom,
        to the extent  included in determining  Pretax Net Income,  any items of
        extraordinary gain, including net gains on the sale of assets other than
        asset sales in the ordinary course of business,  and adding thereto,  to
        the extent  included  in  determining  Pretax Net  Income,  any items of
        extraordinary  loss,  including  net losses on the sale of assets  other
        than asset sales in the ordinary  course of  business),  plus (b) to the
        extent  included  in  determining  Pretax Net Income,  interest  expense
        (including  interest expense in respect of Capital Leases),  plus (c) to
        the extent included in determining  Pretax Net Income,  depreciation and
        amortization  and  other  non-cash  charges,  minus  (d) to  the  extent
        included in determining Pretax Net Income, non-cash credits."

        (e) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined term "Consolidated Funded Debt" thereto to read as follows:

        "'Consolidated  Funded Debt' means, at any date, for the Company and its
        Subsidiaries on a consolidated  basis, the sum of (without  duplication)
        the  following:   (a)  all  obligations  for  borrowed  money,  (b)  all
        obligations   evidenced   by  bonds,   debentures,   notes  or   similar
        instruments,  (c) all obligations to pay the deferred  purchase price of
        property or  services,  except  trade  accounts  payable in the ordinary
        course of business and (d) all rentals in respect of Capital Leases."

        (f) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined term "Managing Agent" thereto to read as follows:

            "Managing  Agent" means Fleet  National  Bank, and any successors

        (g) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined  term  "Pretax  Net  Income"  in  proper  alphabetical  order to read as

        "'Pretax Net Income' means, for any period,  net income (or loss) before
        taxes of the Company and its Subsidiaries,  on a consolidated  basis for
        such period taken as a single accounting period, excluding, however, net
        income (or loss)  attributable to any Person (other than the Borrower or
        any  of  its   Subsidiaries)  in  which  the  Borrower  or  any  of  its
        Subsidiaries has a minority investment interest, except to the extent of
        the amount of cash dividends or other cash  distributions  actually paid
        to the Borrower or such Subsidiary by such other Person."

        (h) Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by deleting
the  following  defined terms  therefrom:  "Consolidated  Senior  Indebtedness",
"Short-Term    Indebtedness",    "Stockholders    Equity",   and   "Subordinated

        (i) Exhibit 6.3 to the Credit  Agreement is hereby  amended to be in the
form of Exhibit 6.3 attached to this Second Amendment.

        (j)    Section 6.9 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as

               "Section  6.9  Consolidated  Funded Debt to  Consolidated  EBITDA
        Ratio. The Company will not permit the ratio of (a) Consolidated  Funded
        Debt as of the end of any fiscal quarter to (b) Consolidated  EBITDA for
        the four consecutive  fiscal quarter period ending as of the end of such
        fiscal quarter, to be more than 3.0 to 1."

        (k)    Section 9.12 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as

        Section  9.12 No  Duties  of  Syndication  Agent,  Documentation  Agent,
        Managing  Agent or  Co-Agents.  The Company and the Lenders  acknowledge
        that the Syndication Agent, the Documentation  Agent, the Managing Agent
        and the Co-Agents shall have no duties,  responsibilities or liabilities
        in their  respective  capacities  as  Syndication  Agent,  Documentation
        Agent, Managing Agent and Co-Agents.

        (l) The  Commitment of each (i) New Lender is the amount beside such New
Lender's name on the signature  pages hereof and (ii) each Lender which is not a
New Lender is hereby  amended or  reaffirmed to be the amount  indicated  beside
each such Lender's name on the signature pages hereof.

    execution and delivery hereof, the Company represents and warrants that,
    as of the date hereof and after giving effect to the amendments contemplated
    by the foregoing Section 1:

        (a) the representations and warranties contained in the Credit Agreement
and the other Loan  Documents  are true and correct on and as of the date hereof
as made on and as of such date;

        (b) no event has occurred and is continuing which constitutes a Default
or an Event of Default;

        (c) the Company has full power and authority to execute and deliver this
Second   Amendment,   the  Note   payable  to  the  order  of  each  New  Lender
(collectively,  the "New Notes"),  the replacement  Note payable to the order of
each Lender whose  Commitment has been amended pursuant to this Second Amendment
(collectively,  the "Replacement  Notes"), and the Credit Agreement,  as amended
hereby,  the  New  Notes,  the  Replacement  Notes  and  this  Second  Amendment
constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of the Company,  enforceable
in accordance  with their  respective  terms,  except as  enforceability  may be
limited by  applicable  debtor  relief laws and by general  principles of equity
(regardless  of whether  enforcement  is sought in a proceeding  in equity or at
law) and  except as rights to  indemnity  may be  limited  by  federal  or state
securities laws;

        (d) neither  the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of this Second
Amendment,  the New Notes,  the Replacement  Notes or the Credit  Agreement,  as
amended hereby, nor the consummation of any transactions  contemplated herein or
therein,  will  conflict  with any law,  rule or  regulation,  the  articles  of
incorporation  or bylaws of the Company,  or any  indenture,  agreement or other
instrument to which the Company or any of its property is subject; and

        (e) no authorization,  approval, consent, or other action by, notice to,
or filing with, any governmental  authority or other Person, is required for the
execution,  delivery or performance by the Company of this Second Amendment, the
New Notes or the Replacement Notes.

        3. CONDITIONS OF EFFECTIVENESS. This Second Amendment shall be effective
as of June 22, 2000, subject to the following:

        (a) the Agent shall have received counterparts of  this Second Amendment
executed by each of the Lenders;

        (b) the Agent shall have received counterparts of  this Second Amendment
executed by the Company;

        (c) the Agent shall have received a certified resolution of the Board of
Directors of the Company authorizing the execution,  delivery and performance of
this Second Amendment, the New Notes and the Replacement Notes;

        (d) the Agent shall have  received an opinion of counsel to the Company,
in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent, with respect to the matters set
forth in Sections 2(c), (d) and (e) of this Second Amendment;

        (e) the Agent shall have  received a duly executed (i) New Note for each
New Lender and (ii)  Replacement  Note for each Lender whose Commitment is being
amended by this Second Amendment;

        (f) the Agent shall have  received  from the Company (i) for each Lender
which is not a New  Lender a fee in an amount  equal to (A)(1)  the  product  of
0.02% and (2) the amount of the Commitment of such Lender (prior to any increase
in such  Commitment  provided  for in this  Second  Amendment)  plus  (B)(1) the
product of 0.04% and (2) the amount of the  increase of the  Commitment  of such
Lender,  if any,  provided for in this Second Amendment and (ii) for the account
of each New Lender a fee in an amount  equal to (A) the product of 0.04% and (B)
the amount of the Commitment for such New Lender; and

        (g) the Agent shall have received, in form and substance satisfactory to
the Agent and its counsel, such other documents, certificates and instruments as
the Agent shall require.

        4.  PURCHASE  BY  LENDERS.   Simultaneously  with  the  satisfaction  of
conditions  of  effectiveness  set forth in Section 3 hereof,  each Lender shall
purchase  or sell (as the case may be),  without  recourse,  an  amount of Loans
outstanding such that after giving effect to this Second  Amendment,  the amount
of each Lender's  Commitment  under the Credit Agreement which has been utilized
shall be pro rata among the  Lenders in the  proportions  that their  respective
Commitments  bear to the Total  Commitment.  The parties  hereto  agree that the
provisions of Section 9.3 of the Credit Agreement shall not be applicable to the
addition of the New Lenders pursuant to this Second Amendment.


        (a) Upon the effectiveness of this Second  Amendment,  each reference in
the Credit Agreement to "this Agreement",  "hereunder",  or words of like import
shall mean and be a reference to the Credit Agreement, as amended by this Second

        (b) The Credit Agreement,  as amended by this Second Amendment,  and all
other  Loan  Documents  shall  remain in full  force and  effect  and are hereby
ratified and confirmed.

        6. COSTS,  EXPENSES AND TAXES.  The Company  agrees to pay on demand all
reasonable  costs and expenses of the Agent in connection with the  preparation,
reproduction,  execution  and  delivery of this Second  Amendment  and the other
instruments  and documents to be delivered  hereunder  (including the reasonable
fees and  out-of-pocket  expenses of counsel for the Agent with respect  thereto
and with  respect to  advising  the Agent as to its rights and  responsibilities
under the Credit Agreement, as amended by this Second Amendment).

        7. EXECUTION IN  COUNTERPARTS.  This Second Amendment may be executed in
any  number  of  counterparts  and  by  different  parties  hereto  in  separate
counterparts, each which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an
original and all of which taken together  shall  constitute but one and the same

        8.GOVERNING LAW: BINDING EFFECT. This Second Amendment shall be governed
by and  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of Texas  (without
regard to principles of conflicts of law) and the United States of America,  and
shall be binding upon the Company,  the  Syndication  Agent,  the  Documentation
Agent, the Managing Agent,  each Co-Agent,  the Agent, and each Lender and their
respective successors and assigns.

        9.  HEADINGS.  Section  headings  in  this Second Amendment are included
herein for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this
Second Amendment for any other purpose.


        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  executed  this  Second
Amendment as the date first above written.

                            RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                            By:  /s/
                                 Martin Moad

                            BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., as Agent and as a Lender
Commitment: $30,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            CITIBANK, N.A., as Syndication Agent and as a Lender
Commitment: $27,500,000.00
                            By:  /s/

                            THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as Documentation Agent and as
                             a Lender
Commitment: $27,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, as Co-Agent and as a
Commitment: $20,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            FLEET NATIONAL BANK, as Managing Agent and as a
Commitment: $25,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            BANK ONE, NA, as Co-Agent and as a Lender
Commitment: $20,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            NATIONAL CITY BANK
Commitment: $17,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            SUNTRUST BANK
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            FIFTH THIRD BANK
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            HIBERNIA NATIONAL BANK
Commitment: $7,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI TRUST COMPANY
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK
Commitment: $10,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            KBC BANK N.V., NEW YORK BRANCH
Commitment: $21,000,000
                            By:  /s/

                            FIRSTAR BANK, N.A.
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            BANCA NAZIONALE DEL LAVORO S.p.A.
Commitment: $13,500,000
                            By:  /s/

                            By:  /s/

                                  (Exhibit 6.3)

                          Investments as of June, 2000

Unpaid balance of secured Real Estate Notes taken in               $7,774,359.00
connection with the sale of real property and secured
by the property sold.  (two notes with maturities of
twelve to forty-seven months from the date of this

Unpaid balance of notes taken in connection with sale              $2,692,913.00
of fixtures in various Incredible Universe locations
secured by the property sold.  (Six notes with
maturities of up to 26 months from the date of this

Unpaid balance of notes taken in connection with sale              $2,893,068.00
of leasehold properties.  (One note with maturity of
20 years.)

Investment in Common Stock of Northpoint Communications            $6,031,920.00

Investment in Preferred Stock of DIGITAL                          $30,000,000.00

Investment  made as part of a  community  effort  to
provide low income  housing, including a note maturing
on 9-30-2022, and a limited partnership interest.
                                                     Note  Amount  $  330,000.00
                                                 Ltd.  Partnership $1,598,375.00

Total Investments                                                 $51,320,635.00

                                                                     EXHIBIT 10b

                               SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                           REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT
                                  (FACILITY B)

Amendment"),  dated  as of June 22,  2000,  is  entered  into  among  RADIOSHACK
CORPORATION  (formerly known as Tandy Corporation),  a Delaware corporation (the
"Company"),  the Lenders listed on the signature  pages hereof (the  "Lenders"),
CITIBANK,  N.A., as  Syndication  Agent for the Lenders (in such  capacity,  the
"Syndication  Agent"),  THE BANK OF NEW  YORK,  as  Documentation  Agent for the
Lenders (in such capacity,  the "Documentation  Agent"), FLEET NATIONAL BANK, as
Managing Agent for the Lenders (in such capacity,  the "Managing Agent"),  FIRST
UNION  NATIONAL  BANK and BANK ONE,  NA, as  Co-Agents  for the Lenders (in such
capacity,  the  "Co-Agents"),  and  BANK OF  AMERICA,  N.A.  (formerly  known as
NationsBank, N.A.), as Agent for the Lenders (in such capacity, the "Agent").


        A. The  Company,  certain of the Lenders,  the  Syndication  Agent,  the
Documentation Agent, the Managing Agent, the Co-Agents and the Agent are parties
to that certain  Revolving Credit  Agreement  (Facility B), dated as of June 25,
1998, as amended by that certain First Amendment to Revolving  Credit  Agreement
(Facility  B),  dated as of June  24,  1999  (said  Revolving  Credit  Agreement
(Facility  B), as amended,  the  "Credit  Agreement";  the terms  defined in the
Credit  Agreement  and not  otherwise  defined  herein  shall be used  herein as
defined in the Credit Agreement).

        B. The Company, the Lenders, the Syndication Agent, the Documentation
Agent, the Managing Agent, the Co-Agents and the Agent desire to make certain
amendments to the Credit Agreement.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the covenants,  conditions and agreements
hereinafter  set  forth,  and for other  good and  valuable  consideration,  the
receipt and  adequacy of which are all hereby  acknowledged,  the  Company,  the
Lenders, the Syndication Agent, the Documentation Agent, the Managing Agent, the
Co-Agents and the Agent covenant and agree as follows:


        (a) The definition of "Co-Agents" set forth in Section 1.1 of the Credit
Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows:

            "Co-Agents" means, collectively, First Union National Bank and Bank
            One, N.A., and any successors thereto.

        (b) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined term "Consolidated  EBITDA" thereto in proper alphabetical order to read
as follows:

        "'Consolidated  EBITDA' means,  for any period,  for the Company and its
        Subsidiaries,  calculated on a consolidated  basis,  the sum of (without
        duplication) the following:  (a) Pretax Net Income (excluding therefrom,
        to the extent  included in determining  Pretax Net Income,  any items of
        extraordinary gain, including net gains on the sale of assets other than
        asset sales in the ordinary course of business,  and adding thereto,  to
        the extent  included  in  determining  Pretax Net  Income,  any items of
        extraordinary  loss,  including  net losses on the sale of assets  other
        than asset sales in the ordinary  course of  business),  plus (b) to the
        extent  included  in  determining  Pretax Net Income,  interest  expense
        (including  interest expense in respect of Capital Leases),  plus (c) to
        the extent included in determining  Pretax Net Income,  depreciation and
        amortization  and  other  non-cash  charges,  minus  (d) to  the  extent
        included in determining Pretax Net Income, non-cash credits."

        (c) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined term "Consolidated Funded Debt" thereto to read as follows:

        "'Consolidated  Funded Debt' means, at any date, for the Company and its
        Subsidiaries on a consolidated  basis, the sum of (without  duplication)
        the  following:   (a)  all  obligations  for  borrowed  money,  (b)  all
        obligations   evidenced   by  bonds,   debentures,   notes  or   similar
        instruments,  (c) all obligations to pay the deferred  purchase price of
        property or  services,  except  trade  accounts  payable in the ordinary
        course of business and (d) all rentals in respect of Capital Leases."

        (d) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined term "Managing Agent" thereto to read as follows:

        "Managing  Agent" means Fleet  National  Bank, and any successors

        (e) Section 1.1 of the Credit  Agreement is hereby amended by adding the
defined  term  "Pretax  Net  Income"  in  proper  alphabetical  order to read as

        "'Pretax Net Income' means, for any period,  net income (or loss) before
        taxes of the Company and its Subsidiaries,  on a consolidated  basis for
        such period taken as a single accounting period, excluding, however, net
        income (or loss)  attributable to any Person (other than the Borrower or
        any  of  its   Subsidiaries)  in  which  the  Borrower  or  any  of  its
        Subsidiaries has a minority investment interest, except to the extent of
        the amount of cash dividends or other cash  distributions  actually paid
        to the Borrower or such Subsidiary by such other Person."

        (f) Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended by deleting
the following defined terms therefrom:  "Consolidated Senior Indebtedness",
"Short-Term Indebtedness","Stockholders Equity", and Subordinated Indebtedness".

        (g) Exhibit 6.3 to the Credit  Agreement is hereby  amended to be in the
form of Exhibit 6.3 attached to this Second Amendment.

        (h) Section 6.9 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as

        "Section 6.9 Consolidated  Funded Debt to Consolidated EBITDA Ratio. The
        Company will not permit the ratio of (a) Consolidated  Funded Debt as of
        the end of any fiscal  quarter to (b)  Consolidated  EBITDA for the four
        consecutive  fiscal  quarter  period ending as of the end of such fiscal
        quarter, to be more than 3.0 to 1."

        (i)  Section 9.12 of the Credit Agreement is hereby amended to read as

        Section  9.12 No  Duties  of  Syndication  Agent,  Documentation  Agent,
        Managing  Agent or  Co-Agents.  The Company and the Lenders  acknowledge
        that the Syndication Agent, the Documentation  Agent, the Managing Agent
        and the Co-Agents shall have no duties,  responsibilities or liabilities
        in their  respective  capacities  as  Syndication  Agent,  Documentation
        Agent, Managing Agent and Co-Agents.

execution and delivery hereof, the Company represents and warrants that, as of
the date hereof and after giving effect to the amendments contemplated by the
foregoing Section 1:

        (a) the representations and warranties contained in the Credit Agreement
and the other Loan  Documents  are true and correct on and as of the date hereof
as made on and as of such date;

        (b) no event has occurred and is continuing which constitutes a Default
or an Event of Default;

        (c) the Company has full power and authority to execute and deliver this
Second Amendment,  and the Credit Agreement,  as amended hereby, and this Second
Amendment  constitute the legal,  valid and binding  obligations of the Company,
enforceable in accordance with their respective terms,  except as enforceability
may be limited by  applicable  debtor  relief laws and by general  principles of
equity (regardless of whether enforcement is sought in a proceeding in equity or
at law) and  except as rights to  indemnity  may be  limited by federal or state
securities laws;

        (d) neither  the  execution,  delivery  and  performance  of this Second
Amendment or the Credit  Agreement,  as amended hereby,  nor the consummation of
any  transactions  contemplated  herein or therein,  will conflict with any law,
rule or regulation,  the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the Company,  or
any indenture,  agreement or other instrument to which the Company or any of its
property is subject; and

        (e) no authorization,  approval, consent, or other action by, notice to,
or filing with, any governmental  authority or other Person, is required for the
execution, delivery or performance by the Company of this Second Amendment.

        3.  CONDITIONS OF EFFECTIVENESS.This Second Amendment shall be effective
as of June 22, 2000, subject to the following:

        (a) the Agent shall have received counterparts of this Second Amendment
executed by the Required Lenders;

        (b) the Agent shall have received counterparts of this Second Amendment
executed by the Company;

        (c) the Agent shall have received a certified resolution of the Board of
Directors of the Company authorizing the execution,  delivery and performance of
this Second Amendment;

        (d) the Agent shall have  received an opinion of counsel to the Company,
in form and substance satisfactory to the Agent, with respect to the matters set
forth in Sections 2(c), (d) and (e) of this Second Amendment; and

        (e) the Agent shall have received, in form and substance satisfactory to
the Agent and its counsel, such other documents, certificates and instruments as
the Agent shall require.


        (a) Upon the effectiveness of this Second  Amendment,  each reference in
the Credit Agreement to "this Agreement",  "hereunder",  or words of like import
shall mean and be a reference to the Credit Agreement, as amended by this Second

        (b) The Credit Agreement,  as amended by this Second Amendment,  and all
other  Loan  Documents  shall  remain in full  force and  effect  and are hereby
ratified and confirmed.

        5. COSTS,  EXPENSES AND TAXES.  The Company  agrees to pay on demand all
reasonable  costs and expenses of the Agent in connection with the  preparation,
reproduction,  execution  and  delivery of this Second  Amendment  and the other
instruments  and documents to be delivered  hereunder  (including the reasonable
fees and  out-of-pocket  expenses of counsel for the Agent with respect  thereto
and with  respect to  advising  the Agent as to its rights and  responsibilities
under the Credit Agreement, as amended by this Second Amendment).

        6. EXECUTION IN  COUNTERPARTS.  This Second Amendment may be executed in
any  number  of  counterparts  and  by  different  parties  hereto  in  separate
counterparts, each which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an
original and all of which taken together  shall  constitute but one and the same

        7.  GOVERNING LAW:  BINDING EFFECT. This Second Amendment shall be
governed  by and  construed  in  accordance  with the laws of the State of Texas
(without  regard to  principles  of conflicts  of law) and the United  States of
America,  and shall be binding  upon the Company,  the  Syndication  Agent,  the
Documentation  Agent,  the Managing Agent,  each Co-Agent,  the Agent,  and each
Lender and their respective successors and assigns.

        8.  HEADINGS.  Section headings in this Second Amendment are included
herein for convenience of reference only and shall not constitute a part of this
Second Amendment for any other purpose.


        IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  executed  this  Second
Amendment as the date first above written.

                            RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                            By:  /s/
                                 Martin Moad

                            BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., as Agent and as a Lender

                            By:  /s/

                            CITIBANK, N.A., as Syndication Agent and as a Lender

                            By:  /s/

                            THE BANK OF NEW YORK, as Documentation Agent and as
                            a Lender

                            By:  /s/

                            FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK, as Co-Agent and as a

                            By:  /s/

                            FLEET NATIONAL BANK, as Managing Agent and as a

                            By:  /s/

                            BANK ONE, NA, as Co-Agent and as a Lender

                            By:  /s/

                            NATIONAL CITY BANK

                            By:  /s/

                            SUNTRUST BANK

                            By:  /s/

                            KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

                            By:  /s/

                            FIFTH THIRD BANK

                            By:  /s/

                            WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.

                            By:  /s/

                            HIBERNIA NATIONAL BANK

                            By:  /s/

                            BANK OF TOKYO-MITSUBISHI TRUST COMPANY

                            By:  /s/

                            FIRST HAWAIIAN BANK

                            By:  /s/

                            PNC BANK, N.A.

                            By:  /s/

                                  (Exhibit 6.3)

                          Investments as of June, 2000

Unpaid balance of secured Real Estate Notes taken in               $7,774,359.00
connection with the sale of real property and secured
by the property sold.  (two notes with maturities of
twelve to forty-seven months from the date of this

Unpaid balance of notes taken in connection with sale              $2,692,913.00
of fixtures in various Incredible Universe locations
secured by the property sold.  (Six notes with
maturities of up to 26 months from the date of this

Unpaid balance of notes taken in connection with sale              $2,893,068.00
of leasehold properties.  (One note with maturity of
20 years.)

Investment in Common Stock of Northpoint Communications            $6,031,920.00

Investment in Preferred Stock of DIGITAL                          $30,000,000.00

Investment made as part of a community  effort to provide
low  income  housing,   including  a  note  maturing
on 09-30-2022, and a limited partnership interest.
                                                  Note  Amount       $330,000.00
                                                 Ltd.  Partnership $1,598,375.00

Total Investments                                                 $51,320,635.00

                                                                      EXHIBIT 11

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION


                                                     Three Months Ended        Six Months Ended
                                                           June 30,                June 30,
(In millions, except ratios)                           2000       1999         2000        1999
- ----------------------------                         --------    --------    --------    --------
Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Net income                                           $   75.4    $  61.6     $  145.1    $  117.5
Plus provision for income taxes                          46.2       39.4         88.9        75.1
                                                     --------    -------     --------    --------
Income before income taxes                              121.6      101.0        234.0       192.6
                                                     --------    -------     --------    --------
Fixed charges:

Interest expense and amortization of debt discount       12.4        9.6         21.9        17.9
Amortization of issuance expense                          0.3        0.2          0.5         0.4
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%) of rentals                 17.7       16.9         35.3        33.7
                                                     --------    -------     --------    --------
    Total fixed charges                                  30.4       26.7         57.7        52.0
                                                     --------    -------     --------    --------

Earnings before income taxes and fixed charges       $  152.0    $ 127.7     $  291.7    $  244.6
                                                     ========    =======     ========    ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                       5.00       4.78         5.06        4.70
                                                     ========    =======     ========    ========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and Preferred

Total fixed charges, as above                        $   30.4    $  26.7     $   57.7    $   52.0
Preferred dividends                                       1.3        1.4          2.7         2.8
                                                     --------    -------     --------    --------
Total fixed charges and preferred dividends          $   31.7    $  28.1     $   60.4    $   54.8
                                                     ========    =======     ========    ========

Earnings before income taxes and fixed charges       $  152.0    $ 127.7     $  291.7    $  244.6
                                                     ========    =======     ========    ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and preferred
 dividends                                               4.79       4.54         4.83        4.46
                                                     ========    =======     ========    ========