Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

      ACT OF 1934 ( NO FEE REQUIRED)

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001



                          Commission file number 1-5571

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   DELAWARE                              75-1047710
       (State or other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. Employer
        incorporation or organization)                Identification No.)

 100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas     76102
       (Address of principal executive offices)           (Zip Code)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (817) 415-3700

                                                   Name of each exchange
      Title of each class                           on which registered
Common Stock, par value $1 per share               New York Stock Exchange
Preferred Share Purchase Rights                    New York Stock Exchange


Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation S-K is not contained herein and will not be contained, to the best
of  registrant's  knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. ____

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports)  and  (2)  has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No

As of March 19,  2002,  the  aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by
non-affiliates of the registrant was $4,922,265,023  based on the New York Stock
Exchange closing price.

As of March 19, 2002, there were 175,182,212  shares of the registrant's  Common
Stock outstanding.

                       Documents Incorporated by Reference

Portions of the Proxy Statement for the 2002 Annual Meeting of Stockholders are
incorporated by reference into Part III.
               The Index to Exhibits is on Sequential Page No. 48.
                                 Total Pages 64.



RadioShack Corporation was incorporated in Delaware in 1967. We primarily engage
in the retail  sale of consumer  electronics  through  the  RadioShack(R)  store
chain. Our sales derived outside of the United States are not material.

You may  notice  that  we have  changed  some of the  text in the  "management's
discussion" section, as well as the notes of this document. The substance is the
same,  but we have made it more readable  using the "plain  English"  guidelines
issued by the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  We hope this is helpful to
you. Throughout this report, the terms "our," "we," and "us" refer to RadioShack
Corporation, including its subsidiaries.

RadioShack. At December 31, 2001, we operated 5,289 company-owned stores located
throughout  the United  States,  as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin  Islands.
These  stores  average  approximately  2,350  square  feet in gross area and are
located in major malls and strip  centers,  as well as  individual  storefronts.
These locations  carry a broad  assortment of both private label and third party
branded  products.  Our product lines include  electronic parts and accessories,
cellular,   PCS  and  conventional   telephones,   audio  and  video  equipment,
direct-to-home  ("DTH")  satellite  systems and personal  computers  and related
products,  as well as specialized  products such as scanners and weather radios,
among others.  We also provide  consumers access to third party services such as
cellular  phone and PCS  activation,  DTH satellite  programming,  long distance
telephone  service,  Internet  access,  prepaid  wireless  airtime and  extended
warranties.   At   December   31,   2001,   we  also  had  a  network  of  2,119
dealer/franchise outlets, including 55 located outside of the U.S. These outlets
provide  private label and third party branded  products and services to smaller
communities.  The dealers are generally  engaged in other retail  operations and
augment their business with our products.

Strategic  Alliances.  We have formed strategic  alliances with  well-recognized
companies.  These alliances have or are expected to have a significant impact on
both our operations and financial strategy and include:

    Compaq Computer Corporation ("Compaq") - Compaq is the sole supplier of
    personal computers sold through our retail stores, participating
    dealer/franchise outlets and on our Web site.

    DIRECTV, Inc. ("DIRECTV") - We sell direct-to-home satellite systems and
    acquire customers for DTH satellite programming.

    Echostar Satellite Corporation ("DISH Network") - On February 19, 2002, we
    announced an agreement with DISH Network. This agreement will allow us to
    provide our customers with an additional alternative in digital satellite
    services. We anticipate that we will begin offering DISH Network service in
    March 2002.

    Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft") - Microsoft's in-store display allows
    our customers to view demonstrations of narrowband and broadband technology
    and subscribe to MSNTM Internet access, as well as view, on-line or in the
    stores, a broad range of existing and future products, solutions and
    services based on Microsoft technologies. As of December 31, 2001, all of
    our stores and approximately half of the dealer/franchise outlets were
    fixtured for the Microsoft Internet Center @ RadioShack via a
    "store-within-a-store" concept.

    Sprint Communications Company and Sprint PCS ("Sprint") - Through our
    telecommunications alliance with Sprint, our customers have access to
    wireless PCS telephones and service, prepaid calling cards and long distance
    telephone service, as well as residential telephones and related telephony
    products, at the "Sprint Store at RadioShack."

    Thomson Multimedia ("Thomson") - Thomson, which owns the RCA brand, supplies
    us with various RCA-branded audio and video components such as televisions,
    DTH satellite systems, VCRs, camcorders, digital video disc (DVD) players,
    CD shelf systems and other digital entertainment products. RCA products are
    sold through the RCA Digital Entertainment Center at RadioShack via a

    Verizon Wireless ("Verizon") - This strategic alliance with the nation's
    largest wireless communications service provider permits approximately 4,300
    company-owned stores to have a multiyear agreement with a single cellular
    service provider, thereby creating training, marketing, inventory, repair
    and other supply-chain synergies through the "Verizon Store at RadioShack."
    We continue to offer cellular service in our other retail outlets through
    various cellular carriers in areas not covered by Verizon.

    Blockbuster Inc. ("Blockbuster") - On February 27, 2001, we announced an
    alliance with Blockbuster to test a RadioShack "store-within-a-store"
    concept within Blockbuster locations. The size of the our merchandising
    areas varied depending on the size of the participating Blockbuster store,
    but ranged from 600-square foot sections to smaller kiosks. A wide selection
    of our most popular product and service offerings were featured. The initial
    test phase called for 130 select Blockbuster stores in four markets to
    contain "store-within-a-store" fixtures during the test period. The test
    phase did not satisfy our financial expectations and we are currently
    exiting this business.

Retail Support Operations. Our retail stores, along with our dealer outlets, are
supported by an extensive infrastructure. Below are the major components of this
support structure.

    RadioShack International Procurement Limited Partnership ("RSIP") - RSIP,
    which is owned by us, serves our wide-ranging international import/export,
    sourcing, evaluation, logistics and quality control needs. RSIP also
    provides services for outside customers, primarily InterTAN, Inc.
    ("InterTAN"). Most of RSIP's activity with InterTAN involves sourcing of
    private label goods from manufacturers in Asia.

    Consumer Electronics Manufacturing - We operate seven manufacturing
    facilities in the United States and one overseas manufacturing operation in
    China. These eight manufacturing facilities employed approximately 2,600
    employees as of December 31, 2001. We manufacture a variety of products,
    primarily sold through our retail outlets, including telephony, antennas,
    wire and cable products, and a wide variety of "hard to find" parts and
    accessories for consumer electronic products.

    RadioShack.com - We launched our www.radioshack.com Web site in October
    1999. Products, services and information are available through the Web site.
    Online customers can purchase, return or exchange products available on our
    Web site at their neighborhood RadioShack location.

    RadioShack Customer Support - Using state-of-the-art telephone and data
    networks, RadioShack Customer Support responds to more than six million
    phone calls and emails annually. The responses include answers to technical
    questions, customer service inquiries and direct sales requests related to
    our catalog operations, Web site and "hard to find" products.

    RadioShack Installation Services ("RSIS") - RSIS, through its 56 field
    offices located in 31 states, designs, installs and maintains cabling
    systems for the transmission of video, voice and data, primarily for home
    use. RSIS provides these services to both RadioShack and other outside
    parties. Services for RadioShack consist primarily of customer DTH satellite
    system installations, but also include installations relating to broadband
    Internet access.

    RadioShack Service Centers - We maintain a service and support network to
    service the consumer electronics and personal computer retail industry in
    the U.S. At December 31, 2001, we had 48 RadioShack Service Centers in the
    U.S. and one in Puerto Rico that repair name brand and private label
    products sold through our various sales channels. We are also a
    vendor-authorized service provider for such leading manufacturers as Compaq,
    Sony, Hewlett-Packard, RCA/Thomson, Nokia, Samsung and LG Electronics, among
    others; we also perform repairs for third-party service centers and extended
    service plan providers under our national service agreements.

    RadioShack Technology Services - Our management information system
    architecture is composed of a distributed, online network of computers that
    links all stores, customer channels, delivery locations, service centers,
    credit providers, distribution facilities and our corporate offices into a
    fully integrated system. Each store has its own server to support the point
    of sale system. This design also allows store management to track sales
    and/or inventory at the product, customer or sales associate level. This
    division provides the majority of our programming and system analysis needs.

    Regional Distribution Centers - We have 8 distribution centers which ship
    over one million cartons each month to our retail stores and
    dealer/franchise outlets. Three of these distribution centers also serve as
    fulfillment centers for online purchases.

As is the case  with  other  retail  businesses,  our net  sales  and  operating
revenues are greater  during the winter holiday season than during other periods
of the year. There is a corresponding  pre-seasonal  inventory  build-up,  which
requires working capital related to the anticipated  increased sales volume. See
Note 23 of the "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" for quarterly data.

We own or are licensed to use many  trademarks  and service marks related to our
business in the United States and in foreign countries. Radio Shack, RadioShack,
RadioShack.com,  and "You've got questions.  We've got answers." are some of the
marks most widely used by us. We believe that the RadioShack  name and marks are
well  recognized  by consumers and that the name and marks are  associated  with
high-quality  service.  Our  manufactured  products are sold primarily under the
RadioShack  trademark.  We also  own  various  patents  relating  to  electronic
products  designed  and  manufactured  by us.  We  believe  that the loss of the
RadioShack name and RadioShack marks would be material to our business.

Our marketing strategy depends,  in part, upon our ability to offer both private
label and third party branded products,  as well as third party services, to our
customers.  We utilize a large number of suppliers  located in various  parts of
the world to obtain raw  materials  and  private  label  merchandise.  We do not
expect a lack of  availability  of raw  material  or any  single  private  label
product to have a material  impact on our  operations.  In terms of third  party
branded  products  we sell,  no single  vendor  provided in excess of 10% of our
aggregate product purchases in 2001. However, certain vendors,  strategic allies
and service providers, as discussed in the strategic alliance section above, are
important to our business  and the loss of or  disruption  in supply from one of
these  could  have a material  adverse  effect on sales.  Additionally,  certain
suppliers have, at times, limited their supply of products to us.

We have no material backlog of orders for the products or services that we sell.

Due to rising consumer demand for wireless communications products and services,
as well as rapid consumer  acceptance of new digital  technology  products,  the
consumer electronics retail business still remains highly competitive, driven by
technology and product cycles.

In the consumer  electronics  retailing  business,  competitive  factors include
price,   product   availability,   quality  and  features,   consumer  services,
manufacturing  and distribution  capability,  brand reputation and the number of
competitors.  We compete in the sale of our products  and services  with several
retail formats.  Consumer  electronics  retailers  include both Circuit City and
Best Buy/MusicLand.  Department and specialty stores, such as Sears and The Home
Depot,  compete on more of a select product  category scale.  Sprint and Verizon
compete  directly  with us through  their own retail and online  presence.  Mass
merchants  such as  Wal-Mart  and  Target  and  other  alternative  channels  of
distribution,  such as mail  order  and  e-commerce,  compete  with us on a more
widespread  basis.  With respect to the products we sell,  numerous domestic and
foreign companies also manufacture  similar products for other retailers,  which
are sold under nationally recognized brand names or private labels.

Management  believes we have two  primary  factors  differentiating  us from our
competition.   The  first  is  our  extensive   physical  retail  presence  with
approximately  7,200  conveniently  located  retail  outlets in virtually  every
neighborhood  nationwide.  Our  specially  trained  sales  staff is  capable  of
providing  enhanced  product  explanations,  assisting  customers  with  service
activation,  where  applicable,  and assisting with the selection of appropriate
products and accessories.

Our  strategic  alliances  with  well-recognized  companies  represent the other
differentiating  factor. These alliances with such companies as Sprint, Verizon,
Thomson and Compaq,  among  others,  augment  the strong  position  that we have
historically  maintained  in our  core  product  categories  such as  batteries,
communications  equipment,  telephony,  antennas,  and  parts  and  accessories.
Additionally, we are able to leverage name brand recognition,  marketing efforts
and  advertising  campaigns  with  our  allies  and  also  create  cross-revenue
opportunities for repair service income,  residual income,  consumer acquisition
fees and rebates.

Given the highly competitive nature of the consumer electronics retail business,
no assurance can be given that we will continue to compete  successfully  in the
future.  Also, in light of the  ever-changing  nature of the electronics  retail
industry,  we would be adversely  affected if our competitors were able to offer
their  products  at  significantly  lower  prices.  Additionally,  we  would  be
adversely  affected if our  competitors  were able to  introduce  innovative  or
technologically  superior products not yet available to us, or if we were unable
to obtain certain products in a timely manner or for an extended period of time.

Regarding the expansion of the Internet,  we do not believe e-commerce retailers
currently represent  significant  competition.  This, however,  could change and
become  significant over time. We further believe that we are well positioned to

meet   the   increasing   competition   from   Internet   retailers   with   our
www.radioshack.com   Web  site,  coupled  with  our  extensive  physical  retail
presence,  service  capabilities  and wide  assortment  of consumer  electronics

As of December 31, 2001, we had approximately  41,400  employees.  Approximately
10,000  temporary  retail  employees were hired for the holiday  selling season;
however,  approximately 3,600 of these temporary employees remained at year-end.
Our employees are not covered by collective  bargaining  agreements nor are they
members of labor unions.  We consider our relationship  with our employees to be

Information on our properties is located in Management's Discussion and Analysis
and the financial statements included in this Form 10-K and is incorporated into
this Item 2 by  reference.  The  following  items are  discussed  further on the
referenced pages:

Retail Outlets...............................      12
Property, Plant and Equipment................      35
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities.......      40

We lease, rather than own, most of our retail and service center facilities. Our
stores are located primarily in major shopping malls,  stand-alone  buildings or
shopping centers owned by other entities. We lease most of the property on which
our  executive   offices  are  located  in  downtown  Fort  Worth,   Texas,  two
distribution centers in the United States, and seven administrative  offices and
one manufacturing  plant in the Asia Pacific region. RSIS headquarters and field
offices are also leased. We own the property on which the other six distribution
centers are located, in addition to most of our manufacturing facilities located
throughout the United States. We periodically  review our existing  distribution
center and office  facilities  to determine if these spaces are adequate to meet
our needs in the foreseeable future.

We also  own land  purchased  in 2001 in Fort  Worth,  Texas,  on which  our new
corporate headquarters will be constructed beginning in late 2002.

We are currently a party to a class action  lawsuit filed in the Superior  Court
of Orange County,  California,  relating to the  calculation of earned  overtime
wages for certain of our former and current  employees in that state.  While the
alleged  damages  in this  lawsuit  are  substantial,  we  believe  that we have
meritorious  defenses and we are vigorously defending this case. We believe that
if an adverse  resolution  of the  litigation  occurs,  it could have a material
adverse  effect on our results of  operations  for the year in which  resolution
occurs.  However, we do not believe that such an adverse resolution would have a
material adverse effect on our financial condition or liquidity.  The liability,
if any, associated with this matter was not determinable at December 31, 2001.

We have various other pending  claims,  lawsuits,  disputes with third  parties,
investigations  and actions incident to the operation of our business.  Although
occasional  adverse  settlements or resolutions may occur and negatively  impact
earnings  in the year of  settlement,  it is our  opinion  that  their  ultimate
resolution will not have a materially adverse effect on our financial  condition
or liquidity.  The liability,  if any, associated with these various matters was
not determinable at December 31, 2001.

No  matters  were  submitted  to a vote of  security  holders  during the fourth
quarter of 2001.

The following is a list of RadioShack Corporation's executive officers and their
ages, positions and length of service with us as of February 28, 2002.

                                      Position                                              Years with
    Name                  (Date Elected to Current Position)                       Age       Company
    ----                   ---------------------------------                       ---       -------

Leonard H. Roberts        Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive                53         8 (1)
                          Officer (May 1999)

David J. Edmondson        President and Chief Operating Officer                    42         7 (2)
                          (December 2000)

Evelyn V. Follit          Senior Vice President (May 1999) and Chief Information   55         4 (3)
                          Officer (October 1998)

Mark C. Hill              Senior Vice President (October 1998), Corporate          50         5 (4)
                          Secretary and General Counsel (July 1997)

Laura K. Moore            Senior Vice President - Public Relations and Corporate   39         3 (5)
                          Communications (October 2000)

Michael D. Newman         Senior Vice President and Chief Financial                45         1 (6)
                          Officer (May 2001)

Francesca M. Spinelli     Senior Vice President - People (December 1999)           48         4 (7)

There are no family  relationships among the executive officers listed and there
are no arrangements or understandings  under which any of them were appointed as
executive  officers.  All  executive  officers  of  RadioShack  Corporation  are
appointed by the Board of Directors  annually to serve for the ensuing  year, or
until their successors are appointed. All of the executive officers listed above
have served  RadioShack in various  capacities over the past five years,  except
for Mr. Newman and Mmes. Follit, Moore and Spinelli.

(1)  Mr. Roberts was elected  Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive  Officer
     of RadioShack  Corporation effective May 1999. Mr. Roberts was President of
     RadioShack Corporation from December 1995 until December 2000 and President
     of the RadioShack division from July 1993 until December 2000.

(2)  Mr. Edmondson served as Senior Vice President,  RadioShack Corporation, and
     Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Operating  Officer of the  RadioShack
     division from October 1998 to December  2000,  prior to his  appointment as
     President  and  Chief  Operating  Officer,   RadioShack  Corporation.   Mr.
     Edmondson  served as Senior Vice President of Marketing and  Advertising of
     the RadioShack division from November 1995 to October 1998.

(3)  Ms.  Follit  served  as  Vice  President  and  Chief  Information  Officer,
     RadioShack Corporation,  from July 1998 to May 1999, when she was appointed
     Senior  Vice   President   and  Chief   Information   Officer,   RadioShack
     Corporation.  Ms.  Follit  served as Vice  President  of Human  Capital for
     RadioShack  Corporation  from October  1997 to July 1998.  Prior to joining
     RadioShack Corporation,  she was Vice  President-Operations and Engineering
     for A.C. Nielsen Corporation from October 1996 to March 1997.

(4)  Mr. Hill served as Vice President, Corporate Secretary and General Counsel,
     RadioShack  Corporation,  from  July  1997  to  October  1998,  when he was
     appointed Senior Vice President,  RadioShack  Corporation.  He continues to
     serve as Corporate  Secretary and General  Counsel for us. Prior to joining
     RadioShack,  Mr. Hill practiced law for 21 years and was a partner with the
     law firm of Haynes and Boone LLP for the last 13 of those years.

(5)  Ms. Moore served as Vice  President - Corporate  Communications  and Public
     Relations for  RadioShack  Corporation  from November 1998 to October 2000,
     when  she was  appointed  Senior  Vice  President  - Public  Relations  and
     Corporate   Communications,   RadioShack  Corporation.   Prior  to  joining
     RadioShack  Corporation,  she was  employed by Zale  Corporation  where she
     served as Vice President, Corporate Communications from 1995 to 1998.

(6)  Mr. Newman has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer,
     RadioShack  Corporation,  since  May  2001.  Prior  to  joining  RadioShack
     Corporation,  he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Intimate
     Brands,  Inc. from June 2000 to December 2000, and Vice President and Chief
     Financial Officer of Hussmann International from 1996 to 2000.

(7)  Ms.  Spinelli  served as Vice President - People,  RadioShack  Corporation,
     from  July  1998 to  December  1999,  when she was  appointed  Senior  Vice
     President - People,  RadioShack  Corporation.  Prior to joining  RadioShack
     Corporation  in 1998,  Ms.  Spinelli  served as Corporate Vice President of
     Organizational  Development of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. where she was employed
     approximately 5 years.



Our common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and trades under the
symbol "RSH". The following table presents the high and low trading prices for
our common stock, as reported in the composite transactions quotations of
consolidated trading for issues on the New York Stock Exchange, for each quarter
of the two years ended December 31, 2001.

                                                     Dividends        Dividends
   Quarter Ended            High         Low         Declared           Paid
   -------------            ----         ---         --------           ----

December 31, 2001        $  31.60     $  23.11      $     --         $  0.055
September 30, 2001          33.85        20.10         0.055            0.055
June 30, 2001               38.50        25.27         0.055            0.055
March 31, 2001              56.50        31.31         0.055            0.055

December 31, 2000        $  72.94     $  39.34      $  0.055         $  0.055
September 30, 2000          69.75        45.56         0.055            0.055
June 30, 2000               59.50        38.25         0.055            0.055
March 31, 2000              57.25        35.06         0.055            0.055

At March 19, 2002, there were 31,671 holders of record of our common stock.

The Board of Directors  reviews our dividend policy annually.  On July 25, 2001,
we  announced  that we  would  pay  cash  dividends  on an  annual,  instead  of
quarterly,  basis beginning in 2002.  Dividends declared in 2002 and thereafter,
if any, will be paid annually in December.



                                                                        Year Ended December 31,
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per           2001          2000          1999          1998(1)       1997
share amounts and ratios)                          --------------------------------------------------------------
Statements of Income Data
Net sales and operating revenues                    $4,775.7      $4,794.7      $4,126.2      $4.787.9      $5,372.2
Operating income                                    $  359.3      $  629.7      $  497.3      $  134.3      $  336.8
Net income                                          $  166.7      $  368.0      $  297.9      $   61.3      $  186.9
Net income available per common share:
   Basic                                            $   0.88      $   1.94      $   1.51      $   0.28      $   0.84
   Diluted                                          $   0.85      $   1.84      $   1.43      $   0.27      $   0.82
Shares used in computing earnings per common share:
   Basic                                               183.8         187.3         194.2         201.2         214.4
   Diluted                                             191.2         197.7         205.0         211.4         224.5
Gross profit as a percent of sales                      48.1%         49.4%         50.5%         41.9%         37.5%
SG&A expense as a percent of sales                      35.9%         34.1%         36.2%         33.0%         29.4%
Balance Sheet Data
Inventories                                         $  949.8      $1,164.3      $  861.4      $  912.1      $1,205.2
Total assets                                        $2,245.1      $2,576.5      $2,142.0      $1,993.6      $2,317.5
Working capital                                     $  887.9      $  585.8      $  478.1      $  419.1      $  739.1
Capital structure:
   Current debt                                     $  105.5      $  478.6      $  188.9      $  233.2      $  299.5
   Long-term debt                                   $  565.4      $  302.9      $  319.4      $  235.1      $  236.1
   Total debt                                       $  670.9      $  781.5      $  508.3      $  468.3      $  535.6
   Total debt, net of cash and cash equivalents     $  269.5      $  650.8      $  343.7      $  403.8      $  429.7
   Stockholders' equity                             $  778.1      $  880.3      $  830.7      $  848.2      $1,058.6
   Total capitalization                             $1,449.0      $1,661.8      $1,339.0      $1,316.5      $1,594.2
   Long-term debt as a % of total capitalization        39.0%         18.2%         23.9%         17.9%         14.8%
   Total debt as a % of total capitalization(2)         46.3%         47.0%         38.0%         35.6%         33.6%
   Book value per common share at year end          $   4.40      $   4.74      $   4.36      $   4.35      $   5.17
Financial Ratios:
Return on average stockholders' equity                  20.1%(3)      43.0%         35.5%(4)       6.4%(5)      16.1%
Return on invested capital (6)                          11.4%(3)      22.1%         26.5%(4)       3.5%(5)      13.2%
Return on average assets                                 6.9%(3)      15.6%         14.4%(4)       2.8%(5)       7.6%
Annual inventory turnover                                2.3           2.4           2.3           2.6           2.6
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (7)                  3.28          5.69          5.51          1.84          3.52
Other Data:
Dividends declared per common share                 $  0.165      $  0.220      $  0.205      $  0.200      $  0.200
Dividends paid per common share                     $  0.220      $  0.220      $  0.200      $  0.200      $  0.200
Capital expenditures                                $  139.2      $  119.6      $  102.4      $  131.5      $  118.4
Number of RadioShack outlets at year end               7,373         7,199         7,186         7,030         6,906
Average square footage per company-owned store         2,350         2,300         2,300         2,200         2,200
Comparable company-owned store sales increase              1%           11%           12%            7%            2%

This  table  should be read in  conjunction  with  Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of Operations and the  Consolidated
Financial Statements and related Notes.

(1)  Includes  operations of Computer City,  Inc. for only eight months,  due to
     the sale to CompUSA Inc. on August 31, 1998.
(2)  Total debt includes capital leases and TESOP  indebtedness.  Capitalization
     is defined as total debt plus total stockholders' equity.
(3)  Excluding $125.1 million (net of taxes) for charges related to loss on sale
     of assets,  impairment of long-lived assets,  employee separation and other
     related costs, provision for loss on Internet-related investment, and store
     closure  and  non-strategic  inventory  charges in 2001,  return on average
     stockholders'  equity  would have been 33.0%,  return on  invested  capital
     would have been 19.9%, and return on average assets would have been 12.1%.
(4)  Excluding a $5.9 million  (net of taxes)  provision  related to  restricted
     stock  awards in 1999,  return on average  stockholders'  equity would have
     been 33.1%, return on invested capital would have been 27.1%, and return on
     average assets would have been 14.7%.
(5)  Excluding  $183.9  million  (net  of  taxes)  for  provisions   related  to
     restricted stock awards and loss on sale of Computer City, Inc., as well as
     Computer City,  Inc.  operating  losses and other  business  write-downs in
     1998, return on average  stockholders' equity would have been 23.6%, return
     on invested  capital  would have been 21.0%,  and return on average  assets
     would have been 11.4%.

(6)  Return on invested capital is defined as adjusted  operating income divided
     by invested capital. Adjusted operating income is calculated by adding back
     goodwill  charges  and  adding  implied  interest  on  operating  leases to
     operating  income;  this total is then reduced by cash income taxes paid to
     arrive at adjusted operating income. Invested capital is the sum of working
     capital;  property,  plant and equipment,  net;  other assets;  the present
     value of  operating  leases and  accumulated  goodwill  amortization.  When
     arriving at invested capital,  working capital and other assets are reduced
     by accounts and notes  receivable which we do not consider a normal part of
     our business.
(7)  Earnings used in computing  the ratio of earnings to fixed charges  consist
     of  pre-tax  earnings  and fixed  charges.  Fixed  charges  are  defined as
     interest expense related to debt,  amortization expense related to deferred
     financing costs and a portion of rental charges.

        OF OPERATIONS ("MD&A").

Matters discussed in MD&A include forward-looking  statements within the meaning
of the federal securities laws. This includes statements concerning management's
plans and  objectives  relating to our  operations or economic  performance  and
related assumptions.  Forward-looking  statements are made based on management's
expectations  and beliefs  concerning  future events and,  therefore,  involve a
number of risks and  uncertainties.  Management  cautions  that  forward-looking
statements are not guarantees  and actual results could differ  materially  from
those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements.  Important factors
that could cause our actual  results of  operations  or  financial  condition to
differ include, but are not necessarily limited to:

o    changes in national or regional U.S. economic  conditions,  including,  but
     not limited to, recessionary trends, consumer credit availability, interest
     rates,  inflation,  consumers'  disposable income and spending levels,  job
     security and unemployment, and overall consumer confidence;
o    continuing  terrorist  activities  in the  U.S.,  as well as the  resulting
     international war on terrorism;
o    the disruption of nationwide or regional transportation systems;
o    changes  in the  amount  and  degree of  promotional  intensity  exerted by
     current  competitors and potential new competition  from both retail stores
     and alternative  methods or channels of  distribution,  such as e-commerce,
     telephone shopping services and mail order;
o    the inability to successfully execute our strategic initiatives,  including
     our strategic  business units and emerging sales  channels,  as well as new
     alliances  which may be formed with other retailers and third party service
o    the presence or absence of new services or products and product features in
     the  merchandise  categories we sell and  unexpected  changes in our actual
     merchandise sales mix;
o    the inability to maintain  profitable  contracts or execute  business plans
     with providers of third party branded  products and with service  providers
     relating  to  cellular  and  PCS  telephones  and  direct-to-home   ("DTH")
     satellite programming;
o    the inability to collect the level of anticipated residual income, consumer
     acquisition  fees and rebates for products and third party services offered
     by us;
o    the inability to successfully  maintain our strategic alliances,  including
     those with Compaq,  DIRECTV, DISH Network,  Microsoft,  RCA, Sprint, and/or
     Verizon Wireless;
o    the lack of availability or access to sources of inventory;
o    changes in  the financial  markets that would reduce or eliminate access to
     longer term capital or short-term credit availability;
o    the inability to attract, retain and grow an effective management team in a
     dynamic  environment or changes in the cost or  availability  of a suitable
     work force to manage and support our service-driven operating strategies;
o    the imposition of new  restrictions  or  regulations  regarding the sale of
     products  and/or  services we sell or changes in tax rules and  regulations
     applicable to us;
o    the  adoption  rate and market  demand for  high-speed  Internet  and other
     Internet-related  services;  or
o    the  occurrence of severe  weather  events which  prohibit  consumers  from
     travelling  to our retail  locations,  especially  during  the peak  winter
     holiday season.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

The preparation of our  consolidated  financial  statements  requires us to make
estimates  that affect the reported value of assets,  liabilities,  revenues and
expenses.  Our estimates are based on  historical  experience  and various other
factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances,  the results
of which  form the  basis  for our  conclusions.  We  continually  evaluate  the
information  used to make  these  estimates  as our  business  and the  economic
environment  changes. The use of estimates is pervasive throughout our financial
statements,  but the accounting policies and estimates we consider most critical
are as follows:

Revenue  Recognition - Revenue is recognized when product  delivery has occurred
or services have been rendered,  net of an estimate for returned  goods. We sell
certain  products,  such as wireless phones and satellite systems that customers
need in order to use the services of our strategic partners.  In most cases, our
strategic  partner  will pay us a fee or  commission  for  obtaining  their  new
customer,  as well as a  recurring  monthly  residual  which is a portion of the
customer's monthly fee with our strategic partner.  Both the fee and the monthly
residual are recorded as revenue.  To determine  the proper amount of revenue to
record, we evaluate the contract terms, historical results and trends of service
provider customer deactivations, non-activations and special pricing agreements,
as well as any promotions or other  incentives.  In addition to determining  the
proper amount to record,  we must also determine the appropriate  classification
within the financial statements.  Different revenues would have been recorded if
we had made different assumptions or evaluations.

Receivables - We record  receivables  based on the amount of revenue  recognized
for a particular transaction. Our receivables are primarily comprised of amounts
due from strategic partners,  commercial customers and  dealer/franchisees.  The
carrying  amount  of the  receivables  is  continually  evaluated  based  on the
likelihood of collection.  An allowance for doubtful accounts is established for
estimated  losses resulting from the inability of our customers to make required
payments. Factors such as customer  creditworthiness,  payment terms, historical
results and economic conditions are considered when making these decisions.  The
actual collection of receivables could be different from our recorded value.

Inventory - Inventory  is our largest  asset class.  Our  inventory is primarily
comprised of finished goods and is recorded at the lower of cost or market using
the average cost method.  We make estimates  regarding the carrying value of our
inventory on an item-by-item  basis. If the amount we expect to receive from the
sale of the  inventory  is less  than its  cost,  we write  down the cost of the
inventory to its realizable  value.  If actual market  conditions at the time of
sale are less favorable than expected,  additional inventory  write-downs may be

Accruals - The amount of  liability  we record  for  claims  such as  insurance,
warranty and pending  litigation  claims requires us to make judgments about the
amount of expenses that will ultimately be incurred. We use our past history and
experience,  as well as other specific circumstances surrounding these claims in
evaluating the amount of liability that we should record.  Actual results may be
different from these estimates.

Income Taxes - We are subject to income tax in many jurisdictions, including the
U.S., states and localities,  and abroad. We must first determine which revenues
and  expenses  should be  included  in each taxing  jurisdiction.  This  process
involves the  estimation of our actual  current tax exposure,  together with the
assessment of temporary  differences resulting from differing treatment of items
for tax and accounting  purposes.  These differences in the timing of deductions
result in deferred tax assets and  liabilities  that are recorded on our balance
sheet.  If different  judgments had been used, our tax liability could have been


                                    Average              December 31,
                                  Store Size    --------------------------------
                                   (Sq. Ft.)    2001         2000         1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Company-owned                      2,350      5,127        5,109        5,087
  Cool Things @ Blockbuster(1)        N/A         127          ---          ---
  Dealer/franchise                    N/A       2,119        2,090        2,099
                                               -------      -------      -------
                                                7,373         7,199       7,186
                                               =======      =======      =======

(1)Stores closed in early 2002.

Space Owned and Leased

                                                Approximate Square Footage
                                                     at December 31,
                                      2001                                    2000
                       ----------------------------------    -----------------------------------
(In thousands)           Owned       Leased        Total        Owned       Leased        Total
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RadioShack                  --       12,286       12,286           --       12,113       12,113

Support Operations
Manufacturing              502          201          703          502          201          703
Distribution centers
  and office space(1)    3,176        2,927        6,103        4,107        1,532        5,639
                       --------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------    ---------
                         3,678       15,414       19,092        4,609       13,846       18,455
                       ========    =========    =========    =========    =========    =========

(1) Due to the sale and lease-back of our corporate headquarters in late 2001, 1.0 million
    square feet of office space were changed from owned to leased.


- -----------------------


Sales decreased  slightly to $4,775.7  million in 2001 from $4,794.7  million in
2000.  This  decrease  was  primarily  the  result of a decline  in sales to our
dealer/franchise  outlets  in 2001,  partially  offset by a slight  increase  in
comparable  company-owned  store sales and the opening of 18 new stores,  net of
store closures. We expect a comparable store sales gain for 2002.

During 2001, we reorganized  our marketing and  merchandising  departments  into
three product groups which we call Strategic Business Units ("SBU").  These SBUs
relate  to  our  position  of  "Connecting   People,"  "Connecting  Places"  and
"Connecting  Things"  in  the  consumer  electronics  marketplace.   A  detailed
explanation of each unit is provided below. Each SBU is responsible for specific
products  and  third  party  relationships.  These  SBUs  work  with  our  brand
management,  sales channels and support groups,  which together allow RadioShack
to  target  the  right  customer  through  the  right  sales  channel  with  the
appropriate support.

Each SBU is designed to find more  efficient  and  convenient  ways to serve our
sales  channels.  In  addition  to our  5,127  company-owned  stores  and  2,119
dealer/franchise  outlets,  our existing and emerging sales channels include the
www.radioshack.com  Web site and catalog operations,  as well as a sophisticated
outbound and inbound telephone call center.

The  Connecting  People  SBU  consists  of  the  wireless  communication,  wired
communication and radio communication  departments.  The wireless  communication
department  includes  products such as wireless  handsets and cigarette  lighter
adapters,  in addition to prepaid  wireless refill  services and residuals.  The
wired  communication  products department includes products like cordless phones
and phone cords,  plus prepaid long distance cards.  Products such as FRS radios
and  scanners  are part of the radio  communication  department.  Our  strategic
alliances for the Connecting People SBU include both Sprint and Verizon.

The Connecting Places SBU has two departments, home entertainment and computers.
The home entertainment department includes audio and video products and services
such as DTH  satellite  systems,  residuals,  installation  services,  DVDs  and
accessories.   The  computer   department   includes   personal   computers  and
accessories,  hand-held  computers,  Internet devices and services.  This SBU is
responsible  for our strategic  alliances  with Compaq,  DIRECTV,  DISH Network,
Microsoft and Thomson.

The  Connecting  Things SBU includes the  accessories,  batteries  and technical
departments,  as well as the personal  electronics,  seasonal and portable audio
departments.  Products  include AC and DC power  adapters,  general  and special
purpose batteries,  wire and connectors,  toys and radio control cars, giftables
and personal portable audio.

The following  table  summarizes  our new retail sales  breakdown by SBU and SBU
departments as a percent of total retail sales (excluding outside sales from our
retail support operations):

                                      Percent of RadioShack Retail Sales
                                            Year Ended December 31,
                                     2001             2000             1999
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
Connecting People
  Wireless communication             27.4%            24.5%            24.7%
  Wired communication                 8.2              9.0             10.5
  Radio communication                 2.9              3.2              4.2
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
                                     38.5             36.7             39.4
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
Connecting Places
  Home entertainment                 23.4             23.7             18.6
  Computers                           9.8             11.8             11.3
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
                                     33.2             35.5             29.9
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
Connecting Things
  Accessories, batteries and
   technical                         15.2             14.9             16.8
  Personal electronics,
   seasonal and portable audio       11.3             12.0             13.2
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
                                     26.5             26.9             30.0
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
Service plans, repair and
  other                               1.8              0.9              0.7
                                --------------   --------------   --------------
                                    100.0%           100.0%           100.0%
                                ==============   ==============   ==============

Connecting People Strategic  Business Unit: Sales in the wireless  communication
department,  which includes cellular and PCS telephones and accessories, as well
as the  related  residuals  and prepaid  airtime  services,  increased  12.7% in
dollars and  increased  to 27.4% of total  retail  sales in 2001,  from 24.5% in
2000. This sales increase was due to an increase in sales of wireless phones and
accessories,  plus related  residuals,  offset somewhat by a decrease in prepaid
wireless airtime. The wired communication department, which includes residential
telephones,  answering machines and other related telephony products,  decreased
9.1% in dollars and  decreased as a percentage  of total retail sales to 8.2% in
2001 from 9.0% in 2000. The decrease in this department was primarily the result
of  declining  sales of  residential  telephones,  and was  partially  offset by
increased sales of telephone  accessories.  The radio  communication  department
decreased 8.0% in dollars and decreased as a percentage of total retail sales to
2.9% in 2001,  from 3.2% in 2000. The decrease in this  department was primarily
the result of a decrease in CB radio and scanner sales.  The  Connecting  People
SBU is expected to increase sales for 2002, primarily driven by increases in the
wireless communication department.

Connecting Places Strategic  Business Unit: The home  entertainment  department,
which consists of all home audio and video  products,  including DTH satellites,
installation  services  and  related  residuals,  decreased  1.0% in dollars and
decreased  slightly as a percentage  of total retail sales to 23.4% in 2001 from
23.7% in 2000. This dollar decrease was primarily  attributable to a decrease in
sales of satellite  dishes,  which was  partially  offset by increased  sales of
video and cable accessories.  The computer  department,  which includes not only
computers and related  accessories,  but narrow and broadband  connectivity,  as
well as home automation and networking, decreased 16.5% in dollars and decreased
as a percentage of total retail sales to 9.8% in 2001, from 11.8% in 2000. These
decreases were primarily attributable to a 26% decline in unit sales of CPUs and
an 11% decrease in the average  selling  price of CPUs from the prior year.  The

Connecting  Places SBU is expected to have a sales decrease for 2002,  primarily
due to lower sales of computer CPUs and DTH satellite systems.

Connecting  Things  Strategic  Business  Unit:  The  accessories,  batteries and
technical departments increased 2.2% in dollars and increased as a percentage of
total retail sales to 15.2% in 2001,  from 14.9% in 2000.  These  increases were
primarily due to increased sales of batteries and, to a lesser extent, increased
AC adapter and wireless charger  accessories  sales.  The personal  electronics,
seasonal and portable audio  departments  decreased 4.9% in dollars,  as well as
decreasing  as a percentage of total retail sales to 11.3% in 2001 from 12.0% in
2000,  due primarily to decreased  sales of toys and  giftables.  The Connecting
Things SBU is expected to have a sales  increase  in 2002,  primarily  driven by
accessories, batteries and digital audio products.


2001 gross  profit  was  $2,296.8  million  or 48.1% of net sales and  operating
revenues,  compared  with  $2,369.6  million or 49.4% of net sales and operating
revenues in 2000. Gross profit for 2001 was reduced by a $26.2 million charge in
the fourth  quarter for a write-down of  non-strategic  inventory  product lines
which we intend to exit.  Excluding  this  charge,  gross profit would have been
48.6% of net sales and  operating  revenues.  The  decline  in the gross  profit
percentage  from  49.4%  to  48.6%  was  due  to  a  decrease  in  the  wireless
communication gross margin,  coupled with this department's increase in sales as
a percent of total sales.  This gross profit decrease was partially  offset by a
decrease in the total retail sales mix for the computer department,  which has a
lower gross margin than our overall average gross margin, as well as an increase
in the gross profit  percentage  for the  accessories,  batteries  and technical
departments.  Management  anticipates that gross profit,  as a percentage of net
sales and operating revenues,  will increase during 2002, when compared to 2001,
enhanced by sales mix changes and an expected increase in residual income.


The  table  below  summarizes  the  breakdown  of  various   components  of  our
consolidated  selling,  general  and  administrative  ("SG&A")  expense  and its
related percentage of total sales and operating revenues.

                                                    Year Ended December 31,
                                   2001                      2000                      1999
                           -------------------      --------------------      --------------------
                                       % of                      % of                      % of
                                      Sales &                   Sales &                   Sales &
(In millions)              Dollars   Revenues        Dollars   Revenues        Dollars   Revenues
- ----------------------------------------------      --------------------      --------------------
Payroll and commissions   $  740.3     15.5%        $  748.7     15.6%        $  693.9     16.8%
Advertising                  253.9      5.3            227.1      4.7            199.9      4.8
Rent                         230.3      4.8            215.2      4.5            205.5      5.0
Other taxes                  111.8      2.4             98.6      2.1             91.2      2.2
Utilities and telephone       73.2      1.5             69.4      1.4             62.2      1.5
Insurance                     60.6      1.3             56.4      1.2             47.6      1.2
Credit card fees              34.9      0.7             31.7      0.7             27.5      0.7
Stock purchase
  and savings plans           20.3      0.4             22.8      0.5             21.0      0.5
Bad debt                      14.5      0.3              3.6      0.1              0.9       --
Printing, postage and
  office supplies             12.2      0.3             13.6      0.3             11.3      0.3
Repairs and maintenance       11.4      0.2             11.6      0.2             12.0      0.3
Travel                        10.4      0.2             13.8      0.3             10.5      0.3
Store closing costs            7.6      0.2               --       --               --       --
Other                        132.5      2.8            120.1      2.5            112.5      2.6
                          --------------------      --------------------      --------------------
                          $1,713.9     35.9%        $1,632.6     34.1%        $1,496.0     36.2%
                          ====================      ====================      ====================

Our SG&A  expense  increased  5.0% in dollars and  increased as a percent of net
sales and operating revenues to 35.9% for the year ended December 31, 2001, from
34.1% for the year ended December 31, 2000.  This 1.8 percentage  point increase
in the SG&A  percentage  in 2001 was  primarily  attributable  to an increase in
advertising expense during 2001, without  proportional sales growth. An increase
in the rent expense in 2001 also contributed to the SG&A expense increase.

Payroll  expense  decreased  by $8.4  million  to  $740.3  million  in 2001  and
decreased  as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues  to 15.5% in 2001,
compared to 15.6% in 2000.  These decreases were due primarily to a reduction in
our labor force during 2001 and reduced  incentive pay resulting from a decrease
in operating  income.  Advertising  expense  increased  $26.8  million to $253.9
million  and  increased  to 5.3% as a  percentage  of net  sales  and  operating
revenues in 2001, compared to $227.1 million and 4.7% of sales in 2000. Both the
dollar and  percentage  point  increases  were due  primarily  to a decrease  in
advertising  contributions  from our various alliance  partners and, to a lesser
extent,  an increase in TV commercials.  Rent expense increased by $15.1 million
to $230.3  million in 2001 and increased as a percent of net sales and operating
revenues to 4.8% in 2001 from 4.5% in 2000.  The rent increase was partially due
to new company-owned store openings throughout the year, as well as the addition
of the Cool Things @ Blockbuster test stores.  The relocation of existing stores
to larger locations,  as well as a renewal of store leases at higher rates, also
contributed to the rent expense  increase.  Bad debt expense  increased by $10.9
million to $14.5  million in 2001 and increased as a percentage of net sales and
operating  revenues to 0.3% in 2001 from 0.1% in 2000. The bad debt increase was
primarily related to both bankruptcies and uncollected accounts  receivable,  as
well as a note receivable from  Digital:Convergence  Corporation.  Store closing
costs of $7.6 million in 2001 relate to the closure of 35 underperforming stores
prior to the  expiration  of their  leases.  In 2002,  we expect SG&A expense to
increase slightly in dollars, but decrease slightly as a percentage of net sales
and operating revenues due to increasing sales volume.


Depreciation and amortization  expense  increased $1.0 million dollars to $108.3
million and increased as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues to 2.3%
in 2001 from 2.2% in 2000. We expect  depreciation and  amortization  expense to
decrease in 2002. This expected decrease is the result of the  sale-leaseback of
our corporate  headquarters  and the January 1, 2002,  adoption of SFAS No. 142,
"Accounting  for  Goodwill  and  Other  Intangible   Assets,"  which  eliminates
amortization of goodwill.


In the fourth  quarter of 2001,  we sold and leased  back most of our  corporate
headquarters  at a loss of $44.8  million.  On June 22, 2001 we received  $123.6
million for the  settlement of the purchase  price and  settlement of the $136.0
million note which was received in  connection  with the sale of Computer  City,
Inc. in 1998.  Thus,  we incurred an  additional  loss from the sale of Computer
City, Inc. of $12.4 million.


AmeriLink Corporation,  also known as RadioShack Installation Services ("RSIS"),
was acquired in 1999 to provide us with  residential  installation  capabilities
for the  technologies  and  services  offered  in our retail  stores.  Since its
acquisition, RSIS has incurred operating losses and negative cash flows. In 2000
and in 2001, we attempted to  restructure  and  reorganize  RSIS, but due to the
overall  slowdown  in the  economy  and the lag in the market for home  Internet
connectivity  services,  RSIS  continued  to report  losses.  During  the fourth
quarter of 2001,  we prepared a revised  analysis of its  estimated  future cash
flows,  which indicated that its long-lived  assets were impaired.  The carrying
value of RSIS's  long-lived  assets  (principally  goodwill  and  fixed  assets)
exceeded the  discounted  present  value of the  estimated  future cash flows by
approximately  $37.0  million.  An  impairment  of goodwill  for that amount was
recorded and included in the accompanying 2001 Consolidated Statement of Income.
The  remaining  balance of RSIS's  goodwill is $8.1  million,  which will now be
subject to future impairment analyses.

Our   strategic   alliance   with   Blockbuster   to   introduce  a   RadioShack
"store-within-a-store"  at Blockbuster locations did not provide sufficient cash
flows to  recover  our  investment  in  fixtures  and  other  fixed  assets.  An
impairment  loss of $2.8  million was  recorded  for those assets in 2001 and is
included in the accompanying Consolidated Statement of Income.


During  the third  quarter of 2001,  as part of our effort to control  operating
costs, we incurred approximately $13.5 million in charges related to a reduction
of our  labor  force,  primarily  for  early  retirements  and  involuntary  and
voluntary  employee  severance.  In addition,  during the fourth  quarter,  $4.8
million in charges  were  incurred  relating to the  closure of RSIS's  national
commercial  installation  business.  These  costs  are  primarily  comprised  of
severance   costs,   write-offs   of  certain  fixed  assets  and  future  lease
commitments.  Costs incurred which impact  continuing  activities  were excluded
from this charge.


Interest  expense,  net of interest  income,  was $37.8  million for 2001 versus
$36.1 million for 2000.

Interest expense decreased to $50.8 million in 2001, from $53.9 million in 2000.
This  decrease  was  primarily  the result of a  decrease  in the  average  debt
outstanding  throughout  2001.  Interest  income  decreased  almost 27% to $13.0
million in 2001 from $17.8  million  in 2000,  due  primarily  to  repayment  of
various notes  receivable  associated  with our exit of other retail  formats in
previous years.

Interest income earned,  including  accretion of discount if applicable,  on the
amounts  outstanding  during the three years ended  December 31, 2001,  2000 and
1999 was as follows:

                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                 2001            2000            1999
- -------------             ------------    ------------    ------------
CompUSA                      $  6.1          $ 12.9          $ 12.9
Fry's                           0.2             0.9             2.9
Other (includes short-
term investment interest)       6.7             4.0             4.6
                          ------------    ------------    ------------
Total interest income        $ 13.0          $ 17.8          $ 20.4
                          ============    ============    ============

Interest expense, net of interest income, is expected to be up during 2002, when
compared to 2001.


During  the  second  quarter  of 2000,  we made a $30.0  million  investment  in
Digital:Convergence  Corporation,  a privately-held Internet technology company.
In the first quarter of 2001, we believed that our investment had  experienced a
decline in value that, in our opinion, was other than temporary. This belief was
due to the  uncertainty  surrounding  Digital:Convergence's  ability  to  secure
sufficient  additional  funding or to complete an initial  public  offering.  As
such, we recorded a loss provision equal to our initial investment.


The provision for income taxes  reflects an effective tax rate of 42.8% for 2001
and 38.0% for 2000. The increase in the effective tax rate in 2001 is the result
of the impairment of RSIS goodwill  discussed above, which is not deductible for
tax purposes.  We anticipate  that the effective tax rate will be  approximately
38.0% in 2002.

- -----------------------


                                      Percent of RadioShack Retail Sales
                                            Year Ended December 31,
                                            2000             1999
                                        -------------    -------------
Communications                              27.9%            29.3%
Electronic parts, accessories and
  specialty equipment                       24.8             27.2
Audio and video                             22.5             17.1
Personal electronics and seasonal            8.6              9.4
Personal computers and peripherals           8.7              8.7
Services, residuals and other                7.5              8.3
                                        -------------    -------------
                                           100.0%           100.0%
                                        =============    =============

Our overall  sales  increased  16.2% to $4,794.7  million in 2000 from  $4,126.2
million in 1999, due primarily to a 10.9% comparable  company-owned  store sales
gain and the opening of 22 new stores,  net of store  closures.  The  comparable
store sales  increase was due  primarily to  increased  sales of  communications
products and sales of audio and video  equipment,  which  includes DTH satellite
systems and services.  The  communications  category  decreased  1.4  percentage
points  of total  retail  sales in 2000  primarily  due to the  audio  and video
category becoming a larger percentage of total retail sales. Sales of electronic
parts,  accessories and specialty  equipment  decreased 2.4 percentage points of
total  retail  sales in 2000,  despite a 5% sales  gain.  Sales in the audio and
video  category  increased 5.4  percentage  points in 2000, due primarily to the
June 2000 launch of The RCA Digital  Entertainment  Center at  RadioShack  and a
significant  increase  in DTH  satellite  system and  services  sales.  Personal
electronics and seasonal products  decreased 0.8 percentage points of the retail
sales  mix in  2000,  due  primarily  to an  overall  shift in the  product  mix
described above. Sales of personal computers and peripherals were unchanged as a
percent of the retail sales mix in 2000,  despite a 12% unit sales gain in CPUs,
and had a 15% dollar  sales gain for the year.  Sales in the  services and other
category,  which  includes  residual  income,  as well as  income  from  prepaid
wireless airtime, repair services and extended service contracts,  decreased 0.8
percentage points as a percent of the retail sales mix in 2000. This increase in
sales was  primarily  due to an increase in residual  income  received  from our
third party providers of wireless communications,  offset by a decrease in sales
of prepaid  wireless  airtime.  Sales in the  services and other  category  also
decreased due to the reclassification of RadioShack.com sales from this category
to the appropriate product categories in 2000. In 2000, we earned  approximately
$104.0 million of residual income, compared to $63.0 million in 1999.


Gross profit was $2,369.6  million or 49.4% of net sales and operating  revenues
in 2000,  compared  with  $2,083.5  million or 50.5% of net sales and  operating
revenues in 1999. This gross profit  percentage  decrease was partially due to a
shift within our product  offerings to  increased  sales of third party  branded
audio and video products,  primarily DTH satellite  systems,  which have a lower
gross margin than our overall gross margin. To a lesser degree, the gross profit
percentage decrease was due to a decrease in the wireless  communications  gross
margin. The decrease was further impacted by increased sales to dealer/franchise
stores,  which  have a lower  gross  margin  percentage  than  sales  to  retail
customers. This decrease was partially offset by an increase in residual income,
which has 100%  gross  margin,  as well as by an  increase  in the gross  profit
percentages  for both the  personal  computer and  peripherals  category and the
parts, accessories and specialty equipment category.


Our SG&A expense  increased  9.1%,  but  decreased as a percent of net sales and
operating  revenues to 34.1% for the year ended December 31, 2000 from 36.2% for
the year ended December 31, 1999. This 2.1 percentage point decrease in the SG&A
percentage  was due  primarily to the favorable  effect of our  increased  sales
during 2000.

Payroll  expense  increased  by $54.8  million to $748.7  million  in 2000,  but
decreased  as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues  to 15.6% in 2000,
compared to 16.8% in 1999.  This dollar increase was due primarily to our retail
store  expansions  and  increases in personnel,  commissions,  bonuses and other
incentives  resulting  from  strong  comparable  store sales and  profits.  Rent
expense  increased  in dollars by $9.7  million to $215.2  million in 2000,  but
decreased as a percent of net sales and operating  revenues to 4.5% in 2000 from
5.0% in  1999.  The  rent  increase  was due  primarily  to new  store  openings
throughout the year, as well as lease renewals at slightly higher rates. The 0.5
percentage point decrease was due primarily to the favorable effect of increased
comparable  stores  sales on the expense  rate  structure.  Advertising  expense
increased  $27.2 million in dollars,  but decreased as a percentage of net sales
and operating revenues to $227.1 million and 4.7% of sales in 2000,  compared to
$199.9 million and 4.8% of sales in 1999. The dollar  increase was due primarily
to a shift in advertising from print to television advertising. In addition, the
decrease as a  percentage  of sales and  operating  revenues  reflects the sales
leverage gained from our sales increase.


Interest  expense,  net of interest  income,  was $36.1  million for 2000 versus
$16.8 million for 1999.

Interest expense increased to $53.9 million in 2000, from $37.2 million in 1999.
This  increase  was  primarily  the result of an increase  in our  average  debt
outstanding  throughout  2000,  due to share  repurchases  and our investment in
inventory,  as well as to an increase in short-term interest rates when compared
to the prior year. Interest income decreased almost 13% to $17.8 million in 2000
from  $20.4  million in 1999,  due  primarily  to  repayment  of  various  notes
receivable associated with our liquidation of other retail formats.


The provision for income taxes  reflects an effective tax rate of 38.0% for both
2000 and 1999.

The Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued SFAS No. 142,  "Accounting for
Goodwill  and  Other  Intangible  Assets"  ("FAS  142"),  in  July  2001,  which
establishes accounting and reporting standards for goodwill and other intangible
assets.  FAS 142  became  effective  for all  fiscal  quarters  of fiscal  years
beginning  after December 15, 2001.  Among other things,  FAS 142 eliminates the
amortization  of  goodwill,  but  requires  an  annual  review  of the  possible
impairment of goodwill. We adopted FAS 142 effective January 1, 2002.

The Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued SFAS No. 144,  "Accounting for
the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets"  ("FAS 144"),  in October  2001,  which
establishes accounting and reporting standards for impairment and disposition of
long-lived assets (except  unidentifiable  intangibles),  including discontinued
operations.  FAS 144 became  effective for all financial  statements  issued for
fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 2001 and,  generally,  its provisions
are to be applied  prospectively.  We adopted FAS 144 effective  January 1, 2002
and are analyzing the provisions, as they relate to our accounting policies. The
impact, if any, of this adoption has not been determined at this time.


                                             Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                        2001             2000             1999
- -------------                   --------------   --------------   --------------
Operating activities              $  775.8         $  116.5         $  561.6
Investing activities                  (2.3)          (134.0)          (121.0)
Financing activities                (502.8)           (16.4)          (340.5)

In 2001, cash flow provided by operating activities was $775.8 million, compared
to $116.5 million and $561.6 million in 2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Cash flow
from net income,  adjusted for non-cash items,  decreased $103.9 million in 2001
from 2000. This decrease was primarily due to a decrease in operating  profit in

2001.  The  increase in cash flow from  operating  activities  was the result of
$763.2  million of cash  provided  by  working  capital  components.  Changes in
inventory  provided $213.9 million in cash in 2001,  compared to a use of $302.9
million in 2000, reflecting better inventory management.  Additionally,  changes
in accounts  receivable,  consisting primarily of amounts due from our strategic
partners, provided $165.8 million in cash during 2001, when compared to a use of
$149.0  million  in the prior  year.  This  favorable  change  resulted  from an
enhanced collection effort and improved receivables management.

Investing  activities  used $2.3  million  in cash in 2001,  compared  to $134.0
million  and  $121.0  million  used  in 2000  and  1999,  respectively.  Capital
expenditures  approximated $139.2 million in 2001, compared to $119.6 million in
2000 and $102.4 million in 1999. Capital  expenditures for these years consisted
primarily  of  our  retail  store   expansions  and  remodels  and  upgrades  of
information  systems.  In addition,  in 2001 we  purchased  the land for our new
corporate  headquarters  building.  We anticipate  that the capital  expenditure
requirement for 2002 will  approximate  $130.0 million to $135.0 million.  These
expenditures  will primarily  relate to our future store expansions and remodels
and updated  information  systems.  On June 22, 2001, we received $123.6 million
for the settlement of the purchase  price of Computer City,  Inc. and settlement
of the $136.0 million CompUSA note.

Cash used by financing  activities was $502.8 million in 2001, compared to $16.4
million and $340.5 million in 2000 and 1999, respectively. Purchases of treasury
stock  required cash of $308.3  million,  $400.6  million and $422.2  million in
2001,  2000 and  1999,  respectively.  (See  "Capital  Structure  and  Financial
Condition" below for further information on our stock repurchase  programs.) The
2001, 2000 and 1999 stock  repurchases  were partially  funded by $53.7 million,
$66.3  million  and  $81.5  million,  respectively,  received  from  the sale of
treasury  stock to  employee  stock  plans  and  from  stock  option  exercises.
Dividends  paid,  net of tax, in 2001,  2000 and 1999 amounted to $43.7 million,
$44.7 million and $42.5 million, respectively. The increase in dividends paid in
2000  resulted  from an increase in the per share  dividend in 2000.  On July 6,
2001, we purchased all of Microsoft's  preferred units in RadioShack.com LLC for
$88.0 million,  thereby eliminating the minority interest in RadioShack.com LLC.
The long-term notes we issued in 2001 provided  approximately  $346.1 million in
cash, the majority of which was used to repay short-term debt. Additionally,  in
1999 we received $100.6 million in cash from medium-term  notes; the majority of
the proceeds was used to repay current maturities of long-term debt. However, in
2000 the increase in  short-term  debt was used  primarily to fund  increases in
accounts receivable, stock repurchases and additional inventory.

Our free cash flow, defined as our cash flow from operations less dividends paid
and capital  expenditures,  was $592.9  million in 2001,  compared to a negative
free cash flow of $47.8  million in 2000 for the  reasons  described  above.  We
expect free cash flow to be approximately $200.0 to $250.0 million in 2002.

Management  considers our financial  structure and condition  solid. At December
31, 2001, total  capitalization was $1,449.0 million,  which consisted of $670.9
million of debt and $778.1 million of equity.  This resulted in a  debt-to-total
capitalization ratio of 46.3%. The prior year debt-to-total capitalization ratio
was 47.0%. The decrease resulted from utilizing the strong cash flow during 2001
to reduce total debt by $110.6 million.  Long-term debt as a percentage of total
capitalization was 39.0% at December 31, 2001, compared to 18.2% at December 31,
2000 and  23.9% at  December  31,  1999.  This  increase  in 2001 was due to the
issuance of $350.0 million of 10-year 7 3/8% notes due May 15, 2011.

Our debt is considered  investment grade by the rating agencies. On November 16,
2001,  Fitch  reduced their ratings from A to A- and F1 to F2. All other ratings
were unchanged during the year. Below are their latest ratings by category.

      Category                   Moody's      and Poor's      Fitch
      --------                   -------      ----------      -----
      Medium-term notes           Baa1            A-            A-
      ESOP senior notes           Baa1            A-            A-
      Commercial paper            P-2             A-2           F2

Our debt primarily  consists of  medium-term  notes and two issuances of 10-year
long-term notes.

We  have  a  $300.0   million   Debt  Shelf   Registration   Statement   ("Shelf
Registration")  which became effective in August 1997. In August 1997, we issued
$150.0   million  of  10-year   unsecured   long-term   notes  under  the  Shelf
Registration.  The interest  rate on the notes is 6.95% per annum with  interest
payable on September 1 and March 1 of each year, commencing March 1, 1998. These
notes are due September 1, 2007.

We also  issued, in  various  amounts  and on various  dates from  December 1997
through  September 1999, medium-term  notes  totaling  $150.0  million under the
Shelf Registration. At December 31, 2001, $146.0 million of these notes remained
outstanding. The interest rates at December 31, 2001, for the outstanding $146.0
million  medium-term notes ranged from 6.09% to 7.35% and had a weighted average
coupon rate of 6.6%.  These notes  have  maturities  ranging from  2002 to 2008.

On May 11, 2001, we issued  $350.0  million of 10-year 7 3/8% notes in a private
offering to initial purchasers who offered  the notes to qualified institutional
buyers  by relying  upon SEC Rule 144A. The interest rate on the notes is 7.375%
per annum with  interest payable on November 15 and May 15 of each year. Payment
of interest on the notes commenced on November 15, 2001, and the notes mature on
May 15, 2011. On  August 3, 2001, under the terms of an exchange offering filed
with the SEC, we exchanged substantially all of these notes for a similar amount
of  publicly  registered  notes.  The  net effect of  this  exchange was that no
additional debt was issued on August 3, 2001, and substantially all of the notes
are now publicly registered with the SEC.

During  the  third  quarter of 2001, we  entered into several interest rate swap
agreements, with maturities ranging from 2004 to 2007, to manage our exposure to
interest  rate  movements by  effectively  converting a portion of our long-term
debt from  fixed to variable  rates.  The  notional  amount of the interest rate
swaps subject to variable rates  is $150.0  million.  Under these agreements, we
have contracted to pay a  variable rate  based upon  LIBOR and to  receive fixed
rate payments ranging from 6.95% to 7.35%. We have  designated the agreements as
fair value  hedging  instruments.  At December 31, 2001, we recorded an asset of
$2.9  million (its fair value) for  the swap  agreements and  adjusted  the fair
value of the related debt by the same amount. The effect of these agreements was
a reduction in  interest  expense of $1.3 million  during 2001, when compared to
the fixed rates. At current  interest rates, we  expect this favorable condition
to occur  again in 2002.  We  entered into  these agreements to balance our debt
portfolio  by  changing  from all fixed interest rates to a mixture of fixed and
floating interest rates, thereby taking advantage of lower short-term rates.

From  time to time, we utilize short-term debt such as commercial paper issuance
and  uncommitted  bank  loans to  supplement our short-term financing needs. The
commercial  paper and  the short-term seasonal bank debt have a typical maturity
of 90 days or less.  The amount of  commercial paper  that could  be outstanding
during 2001 was  limited to a maximum  of $600.0  million.  Our commercial paper
program is supported by our revolving credit facility, which is described below.

In  the second quarter of 2001, we  renewed our existing  $300.0 million 364-day
revolving credit facility  and also extended the maturity date to June 2002. The
terms of the 364-day  revolving credit facility remained similar to the previous
facility. Our $300.0  million five-year  revolving credit facility maturing June
2003 did  not change.  The revolving  credit facilities  will support any future
commercial  paper borrowings  and are otherwise  available for general corporate
purposes.  Annual commitment  fees for  the facilities are  0.07% of  the $300.0
million  364-day facility  and 0.085% of  the $300.0 million multiyear facility,
whether used or unused.

We  use  operating  leases,  primarily for  our  retail  locations, distribution
centers and corporate headquarters, to lower our capital requirements. We do not
have any other off-balance sheet financing arrangements.

Management  believes  that our  present  borrowing  capacity is greater than our
established credit lines and long-term debt in place.

On  December 14, 2000, we announced  that our Board of  Directors had authorized
management  to purchase up to 10.0  million  shares of our  common stock. During
2001, 9.3  million shares  were repurchased for $250.4 million. Additionally, on
December 13, 2001,  we announced  that our Board  of Directors had expanded that
existing  program to allow  management to purchase  up to 25.0 million shares of
our common stock. The expanded program has no expiration date.

The purchases under the share repurchase program described above are in addition
to  the  shares  required for employee stock purchase plans, which are purchased
throughout  the  year.  Purchases  will continue  to be made in 2002 in the open
market  with funding of the programs coming from  existing cash balances, excess
free cash flow and short-term borrowings, if needed.

In the  fourth  quarter  of  2001,  we  announced  the  sale  of  our  corporate
headquarters  building  and our plans to  construct a new  headquarters  in Fort
Worth,  Texas. We entered into  sale-leaseback  agreements  whereby our existing
corporate headquarters land and buildings were sold and leased back to us. These
agreements provide us with the time necessary to arrange for the construction of
the new facility.  Currently,  our plans are to finance the new corporate campus
with an off-balance sheet operating lease arrangement. We believe that this type
of structure,  when used as designed and in  moderation,  enables us to maintain

financial  flexibility and is appropriate.  Management recognizes that this type
of  financing  is under  review and that the  structure  may  change,  making it
uneconomical to execute and requiring us to record the new corporate  campus and
related debt on our balance sheet.  We have explored  alternatives  in the event
that changes occur and believe that we have a number of viable options available
to finance our corporate headquarters facility.

The tables below, as well as the information contained in Note 7 - "Indebtedness
and Borrowing  Facilities" to our financial  statements,  summarizes our various
repayment requirements, interest rates and available credit lines.

The table below contains the  contractual  commitments  associated with our debt
obligations, lease obligations, and marketing agreements.

(In millions)                                               December 31,
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               2002       2003       2004       2005       2006    Thereafter    Total
Debt principal                $ 85.3     $ 20.0     $ 39.5     $   --     $  5.1     $500.8     $  650.7
Debt interest                   42.6       39.7       38.6       36.7       36.7      120.4        314.7
Capital leases                   2.4         --         --         --         --         --          2.4
Operating leases               172.6      152.5      118.4       80.0       48.6       79.9        652.0
Marketing agreements            62.3        8.1        1.5         --         --         --         71.9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              $365.2     $220.3     $198.0     $116.7     $ 90.4     $701.1     $1,691.7

The table below contains our credit commitments from various financial institutions.

(In millions)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            Commitment Expiration Per Period
                                 Total Amounts    Less than
Credit Commitments                 Committed        1 year      1-3 years     4-5 years    Over 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lines of credit                     $ 600.0        $ 300.0       $ 300.0          --            --
Stand-by letters of credit              3.2            1.7           1.5          --            --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total commercial commitments        $ 603.2        $ 301.7       $ 301.5          --            --

Inflation  has  not  significantly  impacted  us  over  the  past  three  years.
Management does not expect inflation to have a significant  impact on operations
in  the  foreseeable   future,   unless  global  or   geo-political   situations
substantially affect the world economy.


At December 31, 2001, we did not have any derivative instruments that materially
increased  our  exposure to market risks for interest  rates,  foreign  currency
rates, commodity prices or other market price risks other than the interest rate
swaps noted above. We do not use derivatives for speculative purposes.

Our exposure to market risks results from changes in short-term  interest rates.
Interest  rate  risk  exists  principally  with  respect  to $150.0  million  of
indebtedness,  which,  because of the interest rate swaps discussed in Note 2 of
the financial  statements,  effectively  bears  interest at short-term  floating
rates. In the future, an unfavorable  change of 100 basis points in the interest
rate applicable to this  floating-rate  indebtedness  could result in additional
interest expense of $1.5 million annually.  This assumption assumes no change in
the principal or the incurring of additional indebtedness.


The Index to our  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  is found on page 24.  Our
Financial Statements and Notes to these Consolidated Financial Statements follow
the index.





We will file a  definitive  proxy  statement  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  not later  than 120 days  after the end of the year  covered by this
Form 10-K under  Regulation  14A. The  information  called for by this Item with
respect to directors  has been omitted  under  General  Instruction  G(3).  This
information is  incorporated  by reference from the Proxy Statement for the 2002
Annual Meeting. For information  relating to our Executive Officers,  see Part I
of this report.  The Section 16(a)  reporting  information  is  incorporated  by
reference from the Proxy Statement for the 2002 Annual Meeting.


We will file a  definitive  proxy  statement  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  not later  than 120 days  after the end of the year  covered by this
Form 10-K under  Regulation  14A. The  information  called for by this Item with
respect to executive  compensation  has been omitted under  General  Instruction
G(3). This information is incorporated by reference from the Proxy Statement for
the 2002 Annual Meeting.


We will file a  definitive  proxy  statement  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  not later  than 120 days  after the end of the year  covered by this
Form 10-K under  Regulation  14A. The  information  called for by this Item with
respect to security  ownership of certain  beneficial  owners and management has
been omitted under General Instruction G(3). This information is incorporated by
reference from the Proxy Statement for the 2002 Annual Meeting.


We will file a  definitive  proxy  statement  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission  not later  than 120 days  after the end of the year  covered by this
Form 10-K under  Regulation  14A. The  information  called for by this Item with
respect to certain relationships and transactions with management and others has
been omitted under General Instruction G(3). This information is incorporated by
reference from the Proxy Statement for the 2002 Annual Meeting.



(a)Documents filed as part of this report.
   1. Financial Statements

The financial statements filed as a part of this report are listed in the "Index
to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page 25.

   2. None

   3. Exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K

A list of the exhibits  required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K and filed as part
of this  report  is set  forth  in the  Index  to  Exhibits  on page  48,  which
immediately precedes such exhibits.

Certain instruments defining the rights of holders of our long-term debt are not
filed as  exhibits  to this  report  because  the  total  amount  of  securities
authorized  thereunder  does not exceed ten percent of the our total assets on a
consolidated  basis.  We hereby  agree to furnish the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission copies of such instruments upon request.

(b)Reports on Form 8-K.

    On December 19 2001, we announced  moves to strengthen  and  restructure our
    asset base. The Form 8-K was filed on December 21, 2001.


     Pursuant  to the  requirements  of  Section  13 or 15(d) of the  Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934, RadioShack Corporation has duly caused this report to
     be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                           RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

     March 22, 2002                        /s/ Leonard H. Roberts
                                           Leonard H. Roberts
                                           Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
                                           RadioShack Corporation

Pursuant to the  requirements of Section  13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, RadioShack Corporation  has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the following persons in the capacities indicated on this 22nd day
of March, 2002.

Signature                    Title

/s/ Leonard H. Roberts       Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Director
- -----------------------------(Chief Executive Officer)
Leonard H. Roberts

/s/ Michael D. Newman        Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
- -----------------------------(Principal Financial Officer)
Michael D. Newman

/s/ Richard L. Ramsey        Vice President and Controller
- -----------------------------(Principal Accounting Officer)
Richard L. Ramsey

/s/ Frank J. Belatti         Director                                   Director
- -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Frank J. Belatti                           Jack L. Messman

/s/ Ronald E. Elmquist       Director      /s/ William G. Morton, Jr.   Director
- -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Ronald E. Elmquist                         William G. Morton, Jr.

                             Director      /s/ Thomas G. Plaskett       Director
- -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Richard J. Hernandez                       Thomas G. Plaskett

/s/ Lawrence V. Jackson      Director                                   Director
- -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Lawrence V. Jackson                        Alfred J. Stein

/s/ Robert J. Kamerschen     Director      /s/ William E. Tucker        Director
- -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Robert J. Kamerschen                       William E. Tucker

/s/ Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr.   Director      /s/ Edwina D. Woodbury       Director
- -----------------------------              -----------------------------
Lewis F. Kornfeld, Jr.                     Edwina D. Woodbury

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION



Report of Independent Accountants...............................            26
Consolidated Statements of Income for each of the three
  years in the period ended December 31, 2001...................            27
Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2001
  and December 31, 2000.........................................            28
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for each of the three
  years in the period ended December 31, 2001...................            29
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for each of
  the three years in the period ended December 31, 2001.........            29
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements......................          30-47

All schedules have been omitted because they are not applicable, not required or
the information is  included  in the consolidated  financial statements or notes

Financial statements of  50% or less-owned companies accounted for by the equity
method have been omitted  because they do not, considered individually or in the
aggregate, constitute a significant subsidiary.

                        Report of Independent Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
RadioShack Corporation

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the accompanying
index on  page  25  present  fairly, in  all  material  respects,  the financial
position of  RadioShack  Corporation  and  its  subsidiaries  (the "Company") at
December 31, 2001 and 2000 and  the  results of their  operations and their cash
flows  for each of  the  three  years in  the period ended  December 31, 2001 in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America.  These  financial statements are  the  responsibility of  the Company's
management; our responsibility is  to  express an  opinion  on  these  financial
statements  based on  our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance  with  auditing  standards generally accepted in the United States of
America,  which require that we plan and  perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance  about  whether  the   financial  statements  are  free  of   material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in   the  financial  statements,  assessing  the
accounting  principles  used  and  significant  estimates made by management and
evaluating the  overall financial  statement presentation.  We believe  that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- -------------------------------

Fort Worth, Texas
February 20, 2002

RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                                     Year Ended December 31,
                                                 2001                     2000                     1999
                                                       % of                       % of                    % of
(In millions, except per share amounts)   Dollars     Revenues     Dollars     Revenues     Dollars     Revenues
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales and operating revenues         $4,775.7       100.0%    $4,794.7       100.0%    $4,126.2       100.0%
Cost of products sold                     2,478.9        51.9      2,425.1        50.6      2,042.7        49.5
                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------
Gross profit                              2,296.8        48.1      2,369.6        49.4      2,083.5        50.5
                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------

Operating expenses:
  Selling, general and administrative     1,713.9        35.9      1,632.6        34.1      1,496.0        36.2
  Depreciation and amortization             108.3         2.3        107.3         2.2         90.2         2.2
  Loss on sale of assets                     57.2         1.2           --          --           --          --
  Impairment of long-lived assets            39.8         0.8           --          --           --          --
  Employee separation and other costs        18.3         0.4           --          --           --          --
                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------
Total operating expenses                  1,937.5        40.6      1,739.9        36.3      1,586.2        38.4
                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------

Operating income                            359.3         7.5        629.7        13.1        497.3        12.1

Interest income                              13.0         0.3         17.8         0.4         20.4         0.5
Interest expense                            (50.8)       (1.1)       (53.9)       (1.1)       (37.2)       (0.9)
Provision for loss on Internet-
 related investment                         (30.0)       (0.6)          --          --           --          --
                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------

Income before income taxes                  291.5         6.1        593.6        12.4        480.5        11.7

Provision for income taxes                  124.8         2.6        225.6         4.7        182.6         4.5
                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------
Net income                                  166.7         3.5        368.0         7.7        297.9         7.2

Preferred dividends                           4.9         0.1          5.3         0.1          5.5         0.1

                                         ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------
Net income available to common
 shareholders                            $  161.8         3.4%    $  362.7         7.6%    $  292.4         7.1%
                                         =========    =========   =========    =========   =========    =========

Net income available per common

     Basic                               $   0.88                 $   1.94                 $   1.51
                                         =========                =========                =========

     Diluted                             $   0.85                 $   1.84                 $   1.43
                                         =========                =========                =========

Shares used in computing earnings
per common share:

     Basic                                  183.8                    187.3                    194.2
                                         =========                =========                =========

     Diluted                                191.2                    197.7                    205.0
                                         =========                =========                =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                                     December 31,
(In millions, except for share amounts)                           2001          2000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------      --------
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                                     $  401.4      $  130.7
  Accounts and notes receivable, net                               276.3         464.7
  Inventories, at lower of cost or market                          949.8       1,164.3
  Other current assets                                              86.8          58.5
                                                                --------      --------
    Total current assets                                         1,714.3       1,818.2

Property, plant and equipment, net                                 417.7         456.8
Other assets, net of accumulated amortization                      113.1         301.5
                                                                --------      --------
Total assets                                                    $2,245.1      $2,576.5
                                                                ========      ========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Short-term debt, including current maturities                 $  105.5      $  478.6
   of long-term debt
  Accounts payable                                                 206.7         234.8
  Accrued expenses                                                 336.1         330.1
  Income taxes payable                                             178.1         188.9
                                                                --------      --------
    Total current liabilities                                      826.4       1,232.4

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                       565.4         302.9
Other non-current liabilities                                       75.2          60.9
                                                                --------      --------
    Total liabilities                                            1,467.0       1,596.2
                                                                --------      --------

Minority interest in consolidated subsidiary                          --         100.0

Stockholders' equity:
  Preferred stock, no par value, 1,000,000 shares authorized:
    Series A junior participating, 300,000 shares designated
     and none issued                                                  --            --
    Series B convertible (TESOP), 100,000 shares authorized;
     64,500 and 68,800 shares issued, respectively                  64.5          68.8
  Common stock, $1 par value, 650,000,000 shares authorized;
   236,033,000 shares issued                                       236.0         236.0
  Additional paid-in capital                                       138.8         116.1
  Retained earnings                                              1,787.3       1,661.5
  Treasury stock, at cost; 59,233,000 and 50,269,000
   shares, respectively                                         (1,443.5)     (1,189.6)
  Unearned deferred compensation                                    (4.3)        (11.5)
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss                              (0.7)         (1.0)
                                                                --------      --------
    Total stockholders' equity                                     778.1         880.3
Commitments and contingent liabilities (see Note 10)            --------      --------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                      $2,245.1      $2,576.5
                                                                ========      ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                                  2001          2000          1999
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                                 $  166.7      $  368.0      $  297.9
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by operating activities:
    Provision for loss on Internet-related investment            30.0            --            --
    Impairment of long-lived assets                              39.8            --            --
    Loss on sale of assets                                       57.2            --            --
    Depreciation and amortization                               108.3         107.3          90.2
    Deferred income taxes and other items                        (9.4)         32.1          58.6
    Provision for credit losses and bad debts                    14.5           3.6           0.9
  Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
    Receivables                                                 165.8        (149.0)        (29.3)
    Inventories                                                 213.9        (302.9)         52.6
    Other current assets                                          1.7          (6.2)         15.1
    Accounts payable, accrued expenses and income taxes         (12.7)         63.6          75.6
                                                             --------      --------      --------
Net cash provided by operating activities                       775.8         116.5         561.6
                                                             --------      --------      --------

Investing activities:
  Additions to property, plant and equipment                   (139.2)       (119.6)       (102.4)
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment            17.4           1.5           5.6
  Proceeds from sale of equity securities                          --          17.9            --
  Proceeds from early retirement of CompUSA note                123.6            --            --
  Investment in securities                                         --         (30.0)        (20.0)
  Other investing activities                                     (4.1)         (3.8)         (4.2)
                                                             --------      --------      --------
Net cash used by investing activities                            (2.3)       (134.0)       (121.0)
                                                             --------      --------      --------

Financing activities:
  Purchases of treasury stock                                  (308.3)       (400.6)       (422.2)
  Exercise of common stock put options                           (2.1)         (8.6)           --
  Proceeds from sale of common stock put options                  0.3           0.5           4.4
  Sale of treasury stock to stock plans                          46.3          46.8          39.5
  Proceeds from exercise of stock options                         7.4          19.5          42.0
  Proceeds from (purchase of) minority interest
   in consolidated subsidiary                                   (88.0)        100.0            --
  Dividends paid                                                (43.7)        (44.7)        (42.5)
  Changes in short-term borrowings, net                        (443.6)        285.2         (42.3)
  Additions to long-term borrowings                             346.1            --         100.6
  Repayments of long-term borrowings                            (17.2)        (14.5)        (20.0)
                                                             --------      --------      --------
Net cash used by financing activities                          (502.8)        (16.4)       (340.5)
                                                             --------      --------      --------

Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                270.7         (33.9)        100.1
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                  130.7         164.6          64.5
                                                             --------      --------      --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                     $  401.4      $  130.7      $  164.6
                                                             ========      ========      ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                 Shares at December 31,               Dollars at December 31,
                                            --------------------------------     --------------------------------
(In millions)                                 2001        2000        1999         2001        2000        1999
- ------------                                --------    --------    --------     --------    --------    --------
Preferred stock
Beginning of year                               0.1         0.1         0.1    $    68.8   $    72.8   $   100.0
Cancellation of preferred stock, net of
 repurchases                                     --          --          --         (4.3)       (4.0)      (27.2)
                                            --------    --------    --------     --------    --------    --------
End of year                                     0.1         0.1         0.1    $    64.5   $    68.8   $    72.8
                                            ========    ========    ========     ========    ========    ========

Common stock
Beginning of year                             236.0       235.8       139.2    $   236.0   $   235.8   $   139.2
Two-for-one common stock split                   --          --        96.6           --          --        96.6
Restricted stock awards, net of
 forfeitures                                     --         0.2          --           --         0.2          --
                                            --------    --------    --------     --------    --------    --------
End of year                                   236.0       236.0       235.8    $   236.0   $   236.0   $   235.8
                                            ========    ========    ========     ========    ========    ========

Treasury stock
Beginning of year                             (50.2)      (45.1)      (41.8)   $(1,189.6)  $  (892.3)  $(1,161.6)
Purchase of treasury stock                    (10.7)       (7.9)       (8.5)      (296.4)     (368.6)     (435.9)
Issuance of common stock                        1.3         1.5         2.2         33.5        29.9        37.1
Exercise of stock options and grant of
 stock awards                                   0.4         1.3         3.0          9.0        30.1        51.6
Cancellation of preferred stock, net of
 repurchases                                     --          --          --           --          --        28.8
Two-for-one common stock split                   --          --          --           --          --       603.8
Other                                            --          --          --           --        11.3       (16.1)
                                            --------    --------    --------     --------    --------    --------
End of year                                   (59.2)      (50.2)      (45.1)   $(1,443.5)  $(1,189.6)  $  (892.3)
                                            ========    ========    ========     ========    ========    ========

Additional paid-in capital
Beginning of year                                                              $   116.1   $    82.4   $   109.7
Issuance of common stock                                                            15.5        21.6        74.9
Restricted stock awards, net of
 forfeitures                                                                        (0.9)        7.0       (10.6)
Exercise of stock options and grant of
 stock awards                                                                         --         3.5        28.6
Two-for-one common stock split                                                        --          --      (123.0)
Purchase of minority interest, net of
 taxes                                                                               7.8          --          --
Other                                                                                0.3         1.6         2.8
                                                                                 --------    --------    --------
End of year                                                                    $   138.8   $   116.1   $    82.4
                                                                                 ========    ========    ========

Retained earnings
Beginning of year                                                              $ 1,661.5   $ 1,353.3   $ 1,693.4
Net income                                                                         166.7       368.0       297.9
Series B convertible stock dividends,
 net of taxes                                                                       (3.2)       (3.4)       (3.6)
Cancellation of preferred stock, net of
 repurchases                                                                        (7.4)      (14.4)      (18.0)
Common stock cash dividends declared                                               (30.3)      (42.0)      (38.6)
Two-for-one common stock split                                                        --          --      (577.8)
                                                                                 --------    --------    --------
End of year                                                                    $ 1,787.3   $ 1,661.5   $ 1,353.3
                                                                                 ========    ========    ========

Unearned deferred compensation
Beginning of year                                                              $   (11.5)  $   (20.5)  $   (31.5)
Restricted stock awards                                                               --         0.2        (0.5)
Deferred compensation earned                                                         7.2         8.8        11.5
                                                                                 --------    --------    --------
End of year                                                                    $    (4.3)  $   (11.5)  $   (20.5)
                                                                                 ========    ========    ========

Accumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning of year                                                              $    (1.0)  $    (0.8)  $    (1.0)
Other comprehensive income (loss)                                                    0.3        (0.2)        0.2
                                                                                 --------    --------    --------
End of year                                                                    $    (0.7)  $    (1.0)  $    (0.8)
                                                                                 ========    ========    ========

Total stockholders' equity                                                     $   778.1   $   880.3   $   830.7
                                                                                 ========    ========    ========

Comprehensive income
Net income                                                                     $   166.7   $   368.0   $   297.9
Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax:
 Foreign currency translation adjustments                                           (0.3)       (0.2)        0.2
 Gain on interest rate swaps, net                                                    0.6          --          --
                                                                                 --------    --------    --------
  Other comprehensive income (loss)                                                  0.3        (0.2)        0.2
                                                                                 --------    --------    --------
Comprehensive income                                                           $   167.0   $   367.8   $   298.1
                                                                                 ========    ========    ========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

Through  our  approximately  7,200  company-owned  and  dealer/franchise  retail
outlets,  we are one of the nation's largest consumer  electronics  chains.  Our
sales and operating  revenues  primarily relate to private label and third party
branded  consumer   electronics,   brand  name  personal   computers,   wireless
communication  products  and  services,  telephony  and  direct-to-home  ("DTH")
satellite  systems sold through our retail locations.  Additionally,  we operate
certain related retail support entities and consumer  electronics  manufacturing

Principles of Consolidation:  The Consolidated  Financial Statements include our
accounts and our majority  owned  subsidiaries.  Investments in 20% to 50% owned
companies are accounted for using the equity  method.  Significant  intercompany
transactions are eliminated in consolidation.

Pervasiveness  of  Estimates:  The  preparation  of  financial  statements,   in
conformity with generally accepted  accounting  principles,  requires us to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities,  related  revenues and expenses and the disclosure of gain and loss
contingencies  at the date of the  financial  statements.  Actual  results could
differ from those estimates.

Foreign  Currency  Translation:  The functional  currency of  substantially  all
operations outside the U.S. is the respective local currency.  Translation gains
or losses related to net assets located outside the United States are shown as a
component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) and are classified in
the  stockholders'  equity  section  of the  accompanying  Consolidated  Balance

Cash and Cash  Equivalents:  Cash on hand in stores,  deposits  in banks and all
highly liquid  investments with an original  maturity of three months or less at
the time of purchase are considered cash and cash equivalents.  Cash equivalents
are  carried at cost,  which  approximates  fair  value.  The  weighted  average
interest  rates were 1.7% and 6.3% at December 31, 2001 and 2000,  respectively,
for cash equivalents totaling $322.1 million and $39.1 million, respectively.

Equity  Securities:  Equity  securities  are marked to market  based upon market
value  fluctuations.  The  resulting  adjustments,  net of deferred  taxes,  are
reported as a component of stockholders' equity until realized. Declines in fair
market value that are  considered to be other than  temporary are  recognized in
earnings and  establish a new cost basis for the  security.  Realized  gains and
losses  are   included  in  earnings   and  are   determined   on  the  specific
identification method.

Accounts  Receivable  and  Allowance  For Doubtful  Accounts:  An allowance  for
doubtful  accounts is provided when accounts are determined to be uncollectible.
Concentrations  of credit risk with respect to customer  receivables are limited
due to the large number of  customers  comprising  our  customer  base and their
location in many different geographic areas of the country.  However, we do have
some  concentration  of  credit  risk from  service  providers  in the  wireless
telephone and DTH satellite services industries,  due to sales of their products
and services.

Inventories:  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (principally  based on
average cost) or market value and are comprised primarily of finished goods.

Property,  Plant and  Equipment:  Property and equipment are stated at cost. For
financial  reporting  purposes,  depreciation  and  amortization  are  primarily
calculated  using the  straight-line  method,  which  amortizes  the cost of the
assets over their estimated useful lives.  When  depreciable  assets are sold or
retired,  the related  cost and  accumulated  depreciation  are removed from the
accounts and gains and losses are  recognized.  Major  additions and betterments
are  capitalized.  Maintenance  and repairs which do not  materially  improve or
extend the lives of the respective  assets are charged to operating  expenses as
incurred.  Amortization  of  buildings  under  capital  leases  is  included  in
depreciation and amortization in the Consolidated Statements of Income.

Capitalized Software Costs: We capitalize qualifying costs related to developing
internal-use  software.  Capitalization  of costs  begins  after the  conceptual
formulation  stage has been completed.  Capitalized costs are amortized over the
estimated  useful life of the  software,  which  ranges  between  three and five
years.  Capitalized  software costs at December 31, 2001,  2000 and 1999 totaled
$46.6 million, $39.6 million and $25.6 million, net of accumulated  amortization
of $26.3 million, $16.0 million and $8.1 million, respectively.

Goodwill:  Goodwill,  which represents the excess of the purchase price over the
fair value of net assets  acquired,  is amortized on a straight-line  basis over
the expected  life of the  underlying  assets.  At December  31,  2000,  the net
goodwill balance totaled $50.6 million, composed primarily of goodwill resulting
from the 1999 acquisition of AmeriLink Corporation.  During 2001, we recorded an
impairment of the AmeriLink goodwill  aggregating $37.0 million,  resulting in a
net  goodwill   balance  at  December  31,  2001  of  $11.0  million.   Goodwill
amortization  expense  in 2001  and  2000 was  $2.6  million  and $2.3  million,
respectively.  See "Recently Issued Accounting Pronouncements" below for further
discussion of goodwill.

Impairment of Long-Lived Assets:  Long-lived assets (primarily  property,  plant
and  equipment  and  goodwill)  held  and  used by us or to be  disposed  of are
reviewed for impairment  whenever  events or changes in  circumstances  indicate
that the net book value of the asset may not be recoverable.  An impairment loss
is recognized  if the sum of the expected  future cash flows  (undiscounted  and
before  interest)  from the use of the asset is less than the net book  value of
the asset.  The amount of the  impairment  loss is  measured  as the  difference
between  the net book value of the assets  and the  estimated  fair value of the
related assets.

Derivatives:  In June 1998 and June 2000, the FASB issued Statement of Financial
Accounting  Standards ("SFAS") No. 133,  "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments
and Hedging  Activities," and SFAS No. 138,  "Accounting for Certain  Derivative
Instruments and Certain  Hedging  Activities (an amendment of FASB Statement No.
133),"   respectively.   These  standards  establish  accounting  and  reporting
standards requiring that every derivative  instrument be recorded on the balance
sheet as either an asset or liability  measured at its fair value. SFAS Nos. 133
and 138 also require that changes in the  derivative's  fair value be recognized
currently in earnings  unless  specific hedge  accounting  criteria are met. The
adoption of these  standards  on January 1, 2001,  did not have an effect on our
consolidated financial statements.

We maintain strict internal controls,  which include policies and procedures for
risk  assessment  and the approval,  reporting and  monitoring of all derivative
financial  instrument  activities.  We do not hold or issue derivative financial
instruments  for  trading  or  speculative   purposes.   To  qualify  for  hedge
accounting,   derivatives  must  meet  defined   correlation  and  effectiveness
criteria,  be  designated  as a hedge  and  result in cash  flows and  financial
statement effects that substantially offset those of the position being hedged.

During the third  quarter of 2001,  we entered into several  interest  rate swap
agreements, with maturities ranging from 2004 to 2007, to manage our exposure to
interest  rate  movements by  effectively  converting a portion of our long-term
debt from fixed to variable rates.  The accounting for changes in the fair value
of an interest  rate swap  depends on the use of the swap.  To the extent that a
swap is effective as a cash flow hedge of an exposure to future  changes in cash
flows,  the change in fair value of the swap is  deferred in  accumulated  other
comprehensive income. To the extent that a derivative is effective as a hedge of
an exposure to future changes in fair value, the change in the derivative's fair
value is recorded in earnings,  as is the change in fair value of the item being
hedged.  Any portion  considered to be ineffective  will be reported in earnings
immediately.  The  differentials to be received or paid under interest rate swap
contracts  designated  as hedges are  recognized  in income over the life of the
contracts as adjustments to interest  expense.  Gains and losses on terminations
of interest rate contracts  designated as hedges are deferred and amortized into
interest  expense over the  remaining  life of the  original  contracts or until
repayment of the hedged indebtedness.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments:  The fair value of financial instruments is
determined by reference to various market data and other valuation techniques as
appropriate.   Unless  otherwise   disclosed,   the  fair  values  of  financial
instruments  approximate  their recorded  values due primarily to the short-term
nature of their maturities or their varying interest rates.

Revenue  Recognition:  Our  revenue is  derived  primarily  through  the sale of
private label and third party branded products to consumers.  Services and other
operating  revenues are less than 10% of total  revenue.  Revenue is  recognized
when  delivery has occurred or services have been  rendered,  the sales price is
fixed or determinable, and collectibility is reasonably assured. Residual income
is  recorded  as  earned  under  the  terms of each  contract  with the  service
provider, which is typically as the service provider bills its customer.

Additionally, our retail operations offer extended service contracts on products
sold. These contracts generally provide extended service coverage for periods of
12 to 60 months.  We offer these  contracts in all but three states on behalf of
an unrelated  third party obligor.  We are not considered the primary obligor on
these  contracts.  In these  circumstances,  our share of commission  revenue is
recognized  as income  at the time of sale of the  contract.  For the  contracts
offered in the three states where we are the primary obligor,  revenues from the
sale of these contracts are recognized  ratably over the lives of the contracts.
Costs directly related to the sale of such contracts are deferred and charged to
expense proportionately as the revenues are recognized.  A loss is recognized on
extended  service  contracts  if the  sum of the  expected  costs  of  providing
services pursuant to the contracts exceeds the related unearned revenue.

Income  Taxes:  Income  taxes are  accounted  for using the asset and  liability
method.  Deferred taxes are recognized  for the tax  consequences  of "temporary
differences" by applying enacted  statutory tax rates applicable to future years
to  differences  between the financial  statement  carrying  amounts and the tax
basis of existing  assets and  liabilities.  The effect on  deferred  taxes of a
change in tax rates is  recognized  in income in the period  that  includes  the
enactment date. In addition, we recognize future tax benefits to the extent that
realization of such benefits are more likely than not.

Common  Stock Put  Options:  A common  stock put option is an equity  instrument
whereby we receive an upfront cash premium for granting another party the option
to sell a defined  number of our  shares to us at a fixed  price on a  specified
future  date.  The  proceeds  received  upon the sale of these  instruments  are
recorded as a component of stockholders' equity.  Subsequent changes in the fair
value of the equity  instruments are not recognized.  There were no common stock
put options outstanding at the end of 2001.

Earnings  Per Share:  Basic  earnings  per share is  computed  based only on the
weighted average number of common shares  outstanding for each period presented.
Diluted  earnings per share  reflects  the  potential  dilution  that would have
occurred if securities or other  contracts to issue common stock were exercised,
converted,  or  resulted in the  issuance  of common  stock that would have then
shared in the  earnings  of the  entity.  The  following  table  reconciles  the
numerator  and  denominator  used in the basic and  diluted  earnings  per share

                                                                    Year Ended December 31,
                                         2001                                2000                                1999
                          ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
  (In millions, except      Income      Shares     Per Share    Income      Shares     Per Share    Income      Shares     Per Share
   per share amounts)     (Numerator)(Denominator)  Amount    (Numerator)(Denominator)  Amount    (Numerator)(Denominator)  Amount
   -----------------      ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Net income                 $  166.7                            $  368.0                            $  297.9
Less: Preferred stock
 dividends                     (4.9)                               (5.3)                               (5.5)
                          ----------                          ----------                          ----------

Basic EPS
Net income
 available to common          161.8       183.8    $   0.88       362.7       187.3    $   1.94       292.4       194.2    $   1.51
 shareholders                                     ==========                          ==========                          ==========

Effect of dilutive
Plus dividends on
 Series B preferred stock       4.9                                 5.3                                 5.5
Additional contribution
 required for TESOP if
 preferred stock had
 been converted                (3.5)        5.8                    (3.4)        6.2                    (4.1)        6.5
Stock options                               1.6                                 4.2                                 4.3
                          ----------  ----------              ----------  ----------              ----------  ----------

Diluted EPS
Net income
 available to common
 shareholders plus
 assumed conversions       $  163.2       191.2    $   0.85    $  364.6       197.7    $   1.84    $  293.8       205.0    $   1.43
                          ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

Options to purchase 12.2 million,  0.9 million and 3.3 million  shares of common
stock in 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively, were not included in the computation
of diluted  earnings  per common  share  because the option  exercise  price was
greater than the average market price of the common stock during the year.

Stock-Based  Compensation:  We  have  adopted  SFAS  No.  123,  "Accounting  for
Stock-Based  Compensation"  ("FAS 123"), on a disclosure  basis only. We measure
compensation costs under Accounting Principles Board Opinion 25, "Accounting for
Stock Issued to Employees" ("APB 25"), and its related interpretations.

Advertising  Costs:  Our  advertising  costs are  expensed  the  first  time the
advertising takes place.  Advertising expense was $253.9 million, $227.1 million
and  $199.9  million  for the years  ended  December  31,  2001,  2000 and 1999,

Comprehensive  Income (Loss):  Comprehensive  income is defined as the change in
equity (net assets) of a business  enterprise during a period,  except for those
changes  resulting  from  investments  by owners  and  distributions  to owners.
Comprehensive  income  (loss) is comprised of the gain on an interest  rate swap
used as a cash flow hedge and foreign currency  translation  adjustments,  which
are  shown  net  of  tax  in  the   accompanying   Consolidated   Statements  of
Stockholders' Equity.

Reclassifications:  Certain  amounts in the December 31, 2000 and 1999 financial
statements  have  been  reclassified  to  conform  with the  December  31,  2001
presentation.   These   reclassifications  have  no  effect  on  net  income  or
stockholders' equity as previously reported.

Recently Issued Accounting  Pronouncements:  The Financial  Accounting Standards
Board issued SFAS No. 142, "Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets"
("FAS 142"), in July 2001, which establishes  accounting and reporting standards
for goodwill and other  intangible  assets.  FAS 142 becomes  effective  for all
fiscal quarters of fiscal years  beginning after December 15, 2001.  Among other
things, FAS 142 eliminates the amortization of goodwill,  but requires an annual
review of the  possible  impairment  of goodwill.  We adopted FAS 142  effective
January 1, 2002.

The Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued SFAS No. 144,  "Accounting for
the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived  Assets"  ("FAS 144"),  in October  2001,  which
establishes accounting and reporting standards for impairment and disposition of

long-lived assets, including discontinued operations.  FAS 144 becomes effective
for all financial  statements  issued for fiscal years  beginning after December
15, 2001 and, generally, its provisions are to be applied prospectively.  We are
analyzing the provisions of FAS 144, as they relate to our accounting  policies.
The impact,  if any, of the adoption of FAS 144 has not been  determined at this

As of  December  31,  2001 and 2000,  we had the  following  accounts  and notes
receivable outstanding in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets:

Accounts and Notes Receivable

                                                December 31,
(In millions)                               2001            2000
- -------------                           ------------    ------------
Receivables from vendors and service
 providers                               $  152.4        $  294.1
Trade accounts receivable                    92.6           110.8
Receivables from InterTAN, Inc.               1.8             5.0
Current portion of CompUSA's note
 receivable                                    --             9.7
Current portion of Fry's notes
 receivable                                   1.0             8.0
Other receivables                            35.3            43.4
Allowance for doubtful accounts              (6.8)           (6.3)
                                        ------------    ------------
Accounts and notes receivable, net       $  276.3        $  464.7
                                        ============    ============

Receivables from vendors and service  providers  include  marketing  development
funds,  residual  income,  consumer  acquisition  fees,  and  rebates  and other
promotions  from our third party  service  providers,  after taking into account
estimates for service provider customer deactivations and non-activations, which
are factors in determining the amounts of customer acquisition fees and residual
income earned.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
                                                        December 31,
(In millions)                                  2001         2000         1999
- -------------                               ----------   ----------   ----------
Balance at the beginning of the year         $  6.3       $  2.8       $  8.5
Provision for credit losses and bad debt
 included in SG&A expense                      14.5          3.6          0.9
Uncollected receivables written off,
 net of recoveries                            (14.0)        (0.1)        (6.6)
                                            ----------   ----------   ----------
Balance at the end of the year               $  6.8       $  6.3       $  2.8
                                            ==========   ==========   ==========

The following  table outlines the ranges of estimated  useful lives and balances
of each major fixed asset category:

                                                                                                December 31,
                                                        Range of                        ----------------------------
(In millions)                                     Estimated Useful Life                     2001            2000
- -------------                                     ---------------------                 ------------    ------------
Land                                                       --                            $   38.3        $   18.1
Buildings                                             10 - 40 years                          93.2           194.2
Furniture, fixtures and equipment(1)                   2 -15 years                          543.9           558.7
Leasehold improvements                 Primarily, the shorter of the life of the
                                        improvements or the term of the related
                                           lease and certain renewal periods                326.7           351.4
                                                                                        ------------    ------------
Total PP&E                                                                                1,002.1         1,122.4
Less accumulated depreciation
and amortization of capital leases                                                         (584.4)         (665.6)
                                                                                        ------------    ------------
PP&E, net                                                                                $  417.7        $  456.8
                                                                                        ============    ============

(1) Includes  $22.1 million of assets under capital  leases at both December 31, 2001, and December 31, 2000.

In the fourth  quarter of 2001,  we sold and leased  back most of our  corporate headquarters at a loss of $44.8 million.

                                             December 31,
(In millions)                            2001            2000
- -------------                        ------------    ------------
Notes receivable                      $    4.3        $  132.9
Goodwill (1)                              11.0            50.6
Deferred income taxes                     68.0            61.9
Internet-related investment                 --            30.0
Other                                     29.8            26.1
                                     ------------    ------------
Total other assets                    $  113.1        $  301.5
                                     ============    ============

(1) See Note 6.

On August 31, 1998, we sold 100% of the outstanding common stock of our Computer
City,  Inc.  subsidiary to CompUSA Inc. for cash and an unsecured note of $136.0
million.  On June 22, 2001, we received $123.6 million for the settlement of the
purchase price and  settlement of the $136.0 million note.  Thus, we incurred an
additional loss from the sale of Computer City, Inc. of $12.4 million.

During  the  second  quarter  of 2000,  we made a $30.0  million  investment  in
Digital:Convergence  Corporation,  a privately-held Internet technology company.
In the first quarter of 2001, we believed that our investment had  experienced a
decline in value that, in our opinion, was other than temporary. This belief was
due to the  uncertainty  surrounding  Digital:Convergence's  ability  to  secure
sufficient  additional  funding or to complete an initial  public  offering.  As
such, we recorded a loss provision equal to our initial investment.

AmeriLink Corporation,  also known as RadioShack Installation Services ("RSIS"),
was acquired in 1999 to provide us with  residential  installation  capabilities
for the  technologies  and services  offered in our retail  stores.  Since their
acquisition, RSIS has incurred operating losses and negative cash flows. In 2000
and in 2001, we attempted to  restructure  and  reorganize  RSIS, but due to the
overall slowdown in the economy and the lag in the market for home  connectivity
services, RSIS continued to report losses. During the fourth quarter of 2001, we
prepared a revised  analysis of the their  estimated  future  cash flows,  which
indicated  that their  long-lived  assets were  impaired.  The carrying value of
RSIS's  long-lived assets  (principally  goodwill and fixed assets) exceeded the
discounted  present  value of the estimated  future cash flows by  approximately
$37.0  million.  An  impairment  of goodwill  for that amount was  recorded  and
included  in  the  accompanying  2001  Consolidated  Statement  of  Income.  The
remaining  balance of RSIS's goodwill is $8.1 million,  which will be subject to
future impairment analyses.

Our   strategic   alliance   with   Blockbuster   to   introduce  a   RadioShack
"store-within-a-store"  at Blockbuster locations did not provide sufficient cash
flows to  recover  our  investment  in  fixtures  and  other  fixed  assets.  An
impairment  loss of $2.8  million was  recorded  for those assets in 2001 and is
included in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Income.

Short-Term Debt
                                                            December 31,
(In millions)                                           2001            2000
- -------------                                       ------------    ------------
Commercial paper, net of unamortized discount         $     --        $  346.6
Short-term debt                                           17.8           114.7
Current portion of long-term debt                         81.5             4.0
Current portion of capitalized lease obligations           2.4             5.5
Current portion of guarantee on TESOP indebtedness         3.8             7.8
                                                    ------------    ------------
Total short-term debt                                 $  105.5        $  478.6
                                                    ============    ============

Borrowings  payable within one year are summarized in the short-term  debt table
above.  Short-term debt at December 31, 2001,  consisted  primarily of long-term
debt within one year of maturity; short-term debt in 2000 consisted primarily of
domestic seasonal borrowings.

Long-Term Debt
                                                            December 31,
(In millions)                                           2001            2000
- -------------                                       ------------    ------------
Ten-year 7 3/8% notes payable, net of unamortized
 issuance costs of $3.6 million at December 31, 2001  $  346.4        $     --
Notes payable issued under the Shelf Registration,
 net of unamortized issuance costs and hedge
 adjustment of $2.3 million and $4.9 million,
 respectively                                            147.7           145.1
Medium-term notes payable issued under the Shelf
 Registration, net of unamortized issuance costs and
 hedge adjustment of ($0.7) million and $0.4 million,
 respectively                                            146.7           149.6
Notes payable with interest rates at December 31,
 2001 ranging from 2.85% to 2.90%                          6.1             6.1
Capital lease obligations (see Note 10)                    2.4             7.8
Guarantee of TESOP indebtedness (see Note 18)              3.8            11.6
                                                    ------------    ------------
                                                         653.1           320.2
                                                    ------------    ------------

Less current portion of:
 Notes payable                                            81.5             4.0
 Capital lease obligations                                 2.4             5.5
 Guarantee of TESOP indebtedness                           3.8             7.8
                                                    ------------    ------------
                                                          87.7            17.3
                                                    ------------    ------------
Total long-term debt                                  $  565.4        $  302.9
                                                    ============    ============

Long-term borrowings and capital lease obligations outstanding at December 31,
2001, mature as follows:

(In millions)             Borrowings        Capital Leases          Total
- -------------           --------------      --------------      --------------
2002                       $  85.3             $   2.4             $  87.7
2003                          20.0                  --                20.0
2004                          39.5                  --                39.5
2005                            --                  --                  --
2006                           5.1                  --                 5.1
2007 and thereafter          500.8                  --               500.8
                        --------------      --------------      --------------
Total                      $ 650.7             $   2.4             $ 653.1
                        ==============      ==============      ==============

The fair  value of our  long-term  debt of  $647.8  million  (including  current
portion,  but excluding  capital  leases) was  approximately  $666.0  million at
December 31, 2001.  The fair value was computed  using interest rates which were
in effect at December 31, 2001, for similar debt instruments.

On May 11, 2001, we issued  $350.0  million of 10-year 7 3/8% notes in a private
offering to initial purchasers who offered the notes to qualified  institutional
buyers by relying upon SEC Rule 144A. Interest is payable on November 15 and May
15 of each year.  Payment of interest  on the notes  commenced  on November  15,
2001,  and the notes mature on May 15, 2011. On August 3, 2001,  under the terms
of an exchange  offering filed with the SEC, we exchanged  substantially  all of
these notes for a similar amount of publicly registered notes. The net effect of
this  exchange  was that no  additional  debt was issued on August 3, 2001,  and
substantially all of the notes are now publicly registered with the SEC.

We  have  a  $300.0   million   Debt  Shelf   Registration   Statement   ("Shelf
Registration")  which became  effective in August 1997. Our medium and long-term
notes  outstanding  at  December  31,  2001,  under the 1997 Shelf  Registration
totaled $296.0  million.  The interest rate for the  outstanding  $150.0 million
10-year  unsecured  long-term  notes is 6.95%.  These notes are due September 1,
2007.  The  interest  rates at December  31, 2001,  for the  outstanding  $146.0
million  medium-term  notes  ranged from 6.09% to 7.35% with a weighted  average
coupon rate of 6.6%. These medium-term  notes have maturities  ranging from 2002
to 2008.

During the third  quarter of 2001,  we entered into several  interest  rate swap
agreements, with maturities ranging from 2004 to 2007, to manage our exposure to
interest  rate  movements by  effectively  converting a portion of our long-term
debt from fixed to variable  rates.  The notional  amount of the  interest  rate
swaps subject to variable rates is $150.0 million.  Under these  agreements,  we
have  contracted  to pay a variable  rate based upon LIBOR and to receive  fixed
rate payments  ranging from 6.95% to 7.35%. We have designated the agreements as
fair value  hedging  instruments.  At December 31, 2001, we recorded an asset of
$2.9  million  (its fair value) for the swap  agreements  and  adjusted the fair
value of the related debt by the same amount.

Short-Term Borrowing Facilities
                                                     Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                     2001        2000        1999
- -------------                                   --------    --------    --------
Domestic seasonal bank credit lines and
 bank money market lines:
 Lines available at year end                    $ 774.0     $ 770.0     $ 955.0
 Loans outstanding at year end                       --       114.7        20.0
 Weighted average interest rate at year end          --         7.3%        6.5%
 Weighted average loans outstanding             $  22.1     $  64.2     $  57.1
 Weighted average interest rate during year         5.7%        7.0%        5.5%

Short-term foreign credit lines:
 Lines available at year end                    $  24.5     $  76.5     $ 156.4
 Loans outstanding at year end                       --          --         7.5
 Weighted average interest rate at year end          --                     7.1%
 Weighted average loans outstanding             $   1.9     $   6.7     $   8.0
 Weighted average interest rate during year         4.9%        6.8%        6.0%

Letters of credit and banker's acceptance
 lines of credit:
 Lines available at year end                    $ 206.0     $ 158.0     $ 232.3
 Acceptances outstanding at year end                 --          --          --
 Letters of credit open against outstanding
  purchase orders at year end                   $  31.2     $  44.6     $  86.6

Commercial paper credit facilities:
 Commercial paper outstanding at year end       $    --     $ 346.6     $ 146.8
 Weighted average interest rate at year end          --         7.5%        6.5%
 Weighted average commercial paper
  outstanding                                   $  83.2     $ 346.9     $ 179.9
 Weighted average interest rate during year         5.8%        6.8%        5.5%

Our  short-term  credit  facilities,   including  revolving  credit  lines,  are
summarized in the accompanying  short-term borrowing facilities table above. The
method used to compute averages in the short-term  borrowing facilities table is
based on a daily weighted average computation which takes into consideration the
time period such debt was outstanding,  as well as the amount  outstanding.  Our
financing,  primarily short-term debt, consists of short-term seasonal bank debt
and commercial paper. The commercial paper and the short-term seasonal bank debt
have a typical  maturity of 90 days or less. The amount of commercial paper that
could be  outstanding  during 2001 was  limited to a maximum of $600.0  million,
which is based on the limits of the 364-day  credit  facility and the  five-year
credit facility.

In the second quarter of 2001, we renewed our existing  $300.0  million  364-day
revolving  credit facility and also extended the maturity date to June 2002. The
terms of the 364-day  revolving credit facility remained similar to the previous
facility.  Our $300.0 million five-year  revolving credit facility maturing June
2003 did not change.  The revolving  credit  facilities  will support any future
commercial  paper borrowings and are otherwise  available for general  corporate
purposes.  Annual  commitment  fees for the  facilities  are 0.07% of the $300.0
million 364-day  facility and 0.085% of the $300.0 million  multiyear  facility,
whether used or unused.

We  established  an  employee  stock  ownership  trust  in  June  1990.  Further
information on the trust and its related  indebtedness,  which we guarantee,  is
detailed in the discussion of the Tandy Fund in Note 18.

                                                      December 31,
(In millions)                                     2001              2000
- -------------                                ------------      ------------
Payroll and bonuses                            $  80.2           $  98.1
Insurance                                         70.3              69.0
Sales and payroll taxes                           41.1              37.3
Other                                            144.5             125.7
                                             ------------      ------------
Total accrued expenses                         $ 336.1           $ 330.1
                                             ============      ============

Deferred  tax assets  and  liabilities  as of  December  31,  2001 and 2000 were
comprised of the following:

                                                      December 31,
(In millions)                                    2001              2000
- -------------                                ------------      ------------
Deferred tax assets
Insurance reserves                            $  23.7           $  22.4
Depreciation and amortization                    19.9              19.1
Deferred compensation                            18.2              13.3
Unrealized loss on investment                    10.8                --
Inventory adjustments, net                        5.6                --
Restructuring reserves                            4.5               4.2
Bad debt reserve                                  2.6               2.4
Other                                            39.2              38.4
                                             ------------      ------------
  Total deferred tax assets                     124.5              99.8
                                             ------------      ------------
Deferred tax liabilities
Deferred taxes on foreign operations              9.0               9.1
Inventory adjustments, net                         --              10.1
Other                                             4.4               3.1
                                             ------------      ------------
  Total deferred tax liabilities                 13.4              22.3
                                             ------------      ------------
Net deferred tax assets                       $ 111.1           $  77.5
                                             ============      ============

The net deferred tax asset is classified
 as follows:
 Other current assets                         $  43.1           $  15.6
 Noncurrent assets                               68.0              61.9
                                             ------------      ------------
Net deferred tax assets                       $ 111.1           $  77.5
                                             ============      ============

The  components of the provision  for income taxes and a  reconciliation  of the
U.S.  statutory tax rate to our  effective  income tax rate are given in the two
accompanying tables.

Income Tax Expense
                                         Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                      2001            2000            1999
- -------------                  ------------    ------------    ------------
 Federal                        $  137.3        $  187.3        $  139.3
 State                              18.2            28.1            17.1
 Foreign                             2.9             4.5             3.6
                               ------------    ------------    ------------
                                   158.4           219.9           160.0
                               ------------    ------------    ------------

 Federal                           (26.0)            5.4            18.5
 State                              (7.6)            0.3             4.1
 Foreign                              --             --               --
                               ------------    ------------    ------------
                                   (33.6)            5.7            22.6
                               ------------    ------------    ------------
Provision for income taxes      $  124.8        $  225.6        $  182.6
                               ============    ============    ============

Statutory vs. Effective Tax Rate
                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                    2001        2000        1999
- -------------                                  --------    --------    --------
Components of income from
 continuing operations:
  United States                                $  272.1    $  568.4    $  458.8
  Foreign                                          19.4        25.2        21.7
                                               --------    --------    --------
Income before income taxes                        291.5       593.6       480.5
Statutory tax rate                               x 35.0%     x 35.0%     x 35.0%
                                               --------    --------    --------
Federal income tax expense at statutory rate      102.0       207.8       168.2
State income taxes, net of federal benefit          6.9        18.5        13.8
Non-deductible goodwill                            13.8         0.9         0.9
Other, net                                          2.1        (1.6)       (0.3)
                                               --------    --------    --------
Total income tax expense                       $  124.8    $  225.6    $  182.6
                                               ========    ========    ========
Effective tax rate                                 42.8%       38.0%       38.0%
                                               ========    ========    ========

We  anticipate  that we will  generate  enough  pre-tax  income in the future to
realize  the  full  benefit  of U.S.  deferred  tax  assets  related  to  future
deductible  amounts.  Accordingly,  a valuation  allowance  was not  required at
December 31, 2001 or 2000.

We are currently a party to a class action  lawsuit filed in the Superior  Court
of Orange County,  California,  relating to the  calculation of earned  overtime
wages for certain of our former and current  employees in that state.  While the
alleged  damages  in this  lawsuit  are  substantial,  we  believe  that we have
meritorious  defenses and we are vigorously defending this case. We believe that
if an adverse  resolution  of the  litigation  occurs,  it could have a material
adverse  effect on our results of  operations  for the year in which  resolution
occurs.  However, we do not believe that such an adverse resolution would have a
material adverse effect on our financial condition or liquidity.  The liability,
if any, associated with this matter was not determinable at December 31, 2001.

We have various other pending  claims,  lawsuits,  disputes with third  parties,
investigations  and actions incident to the operation of our business.  Although
occasional  adverse  settlements or resolutions may occur and negatively  impact
earnings  in the year of  settlement,  it is our  opinion  that  their  ultimate
resolution will not have a materially adverse effect on our financial  condition
or liquidity.  The liability,  if any, associated with these various matters was
not determinable at December 31, 2001.

We lease rather than own most of our facilities.  Our retail stores comprise the
largest portion of our leased facilities.  These stores are located primarily in
major shopping malls and shopping centers owned by other companies.  Some leases
are based on a minimum  rental plus a percentage  of the store's sales in excess
of a  stipulated  base  figure.  We also lease  distribution  centers and office
space. In addition, we have capital leases related to our computer and operating

Future  minimum  rent  commitments  at  December  31,  2001,  for all  long-term
noncancelable  leases (net of  immaterial  amounts of sublease  rent income) are
included in the following table.

                                         Operating     Capital
(In millions)                             Leases        Leases
- ------------------------------------    ----------    ----------
2002...............................       $ 172.6       $  2.4
2003...............................         152.5           --
2004...............................         118.4           --
2005...............................          80.0           --
2006...............................          48.6           --
2007 and thereafter................          79.9           --
                                        ----------    ----------
Total minimum lease payments.......       $ 652.0       $  2.4
                                        ==========    ==========

Future  minimum  rent  commitments  in  the  table  above  exclude  future  rent
obligations  associated  with stores closed under the 1996  restructuring  plan.
Estimated  payments to settle  future  rent  obligations  associated  with these
stores have been accrued in the restructuring reserve (see Note 12).

Rent Expense
                                             Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                         2001            2000            1999
- -------------                     ------------    ------------    ------------
Minimum rents                      $  226.3        $  210.3        $  201.7
Contingent rents                        4.0             4.9             3.8
                                  ------------    ------------    ------------
Total rent expense                 $  230.3        $  215.2        $  205.5
                                  ============    ============    ============

During  the third  quarter of 2001,  as part of our effort to control  operating
costs, we incurred approximately $13.5 million in charges related to a reduction
of our  labor  force,  primarily  for  early  retirements  and  involuntary  and
voluntary  employee  severance.  In addition,  during the fourth  quarter,  $4.8
million in charges  were  incurred  relating  primarily to the closure of RSIS's
national commercial  installation business.  These costs are primarily comprised
of  severance  costs,  write-offs  of certain  fixed  assets  and  future  lease
commitments.  Costs incurred which impact  continuing  activities  were excluded
from this charge.

In 1996 and 1997, we initiated certain restructuring  programs in which a number
of McDuff,  Computer City and Incredible  Universe retail stores were closed. We
still have certain real estate  obligations  related to some of these stores. At
December 31, 2001,  2000 and 1999,  respectively,  this  accrual  totaled  $11.8
million,  $11.0  million and $14.5  million.  During  2001 and 2000,  additional
provisions of $3.0 million and $0.8 million were  recorded,  while costs of $2.2
million,  $4.3 million and $5.7 million were charged to this  liability in 2001,
2000 and 1999, respectively.

In November 1999, we formed a limited liability company, RadioShack.com LLC, and
in January 2000 Microsoft Corporation contributed $100.0 million for 100% of the
preferred  units  in  this  company.  On  July  6,  2001,  we  purchased  all of
Microsoft's  preferred units in  RadioShack.com  LLC for $88.0 million,  thereby
eliminating the minority interest in  RadioShack.com  LLC. The difference in the
initial  price of the  preferred  units and  repurchase  price was  treated as a
redemption of  mandatorily  redeemable  preferred  units,  which  resulted in an
increase to additional paid-in capital.

On December 14, 2000, we announced  that our Board of Directors  had  authorized
management  to purchase up to 10.0 million  shares of our common  stock.  During
2001, 9.3 million shares were repurchased for $250.4 million.  Additionally,  on
December 13, 2001,  we announced  that our Board of Directors  had expanded that
existing  program to authorize  us to purchase up to 25.0 million  shares of our
common stock. The expanded program has no expiration date.

The purchases under the share repurchase program described above are in addition
to the shares  required for employee stock purchase  plans,  which are purchased
throughout the year.

We have implemented several plans to award employees  stock-based  compensation.
Under the Incentive Stock Plans ("ISPs")  described below, the exercise price of
options  must be equal to or greater  than the fair market  value on the date of
grant.  The 1993,  1997,  1999 and 2001 ISPs each terminate  after ten years; no
option or award may be granted  under the ISPs after the ISP  termination  date.
The  Organization  and Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee")  specifies the
terms for grants of options  under  these ISPs;  terms of these  options may not
exceed 10 years.  Grants of  options  generally  vest over three  years.  Option
agreements  issued  under the ISPs  generally  provide  that,  in the event of a
change in  control,  all  options  become  immediately  and  fully  exercisable.
Repricing or exchanging  options for lower priced options is not permitted under
the ISPs without shareholder approval.

The  1993,  1997,  1999 and 2001  ISPs  specify  that  each of our  non-employee
directors will receive a grant of non-qualified stock options (options which are
not incentive  stock  options)  ("NQs") for 16,000 shares of our common stock on
the first business day of September  each year  ("Director  Options").  However,
Director  Option  grants  are not made under more than one ISP in the same year.
New directors  upon  election or  appointment  will receive a one-time  grant of

20,000 shares at the time they attend their first Board  meeting,  and these new
directors  will not receive  the annual  Director  Option  grant until they have
served at least one year.  Director Options under the 1993 and 1997 ISPs have an
exercise  price of 100% of the fair  market  value  of our  common  stock on the
trading day prior to the date of grant. Director Options under the 1999 and 2001
ISPs have an exercise  price of 100% of the fair market  value of a share of our
common  stock on the date of  grant.  If a grant is made  under the 1999 or 2001
ISPs on a non-trading  date, the closest  previous  trading date is used.  Under
these four ISPs,  one-third of the Director  Options vest  annually on the first
three  anniversary dates of the date of grant and options expire ten years after
the date of grant.

A brief description of each our stock plans follows:

    1985  Stock  Option Plan  ("1985 SOP") -  Under  the 1985  SOP, as  amended,
    options to  acquire  up  to  8.0  million  shares of  our common  stock were
    authorized to be granted  to  our  officers  and  key  management employees.
    The 1985  SOP  terminated in 1995  and no further  grants may be  made under
    this plan.

    1993 Incentive Stock Plan ("1993 ISP") -  The 1993 ISP permits  the grant of
    up  to 12.0 million shares in  the form of incentive stock options ("ISOs"),
    NQs and  restricted stock.  There  were 666,566 shares available on December
    31, 2001, for grants under the 1993 ISP.

    1994  Stock  Incentive  Plan ("1994 SIP") -  On  July 30, 1999, we  acquired
    AmeriLink Corporation, which provides services to us as RSIS. As part of the
    purchase  of   AmeriLink,  we  agreed  to  assume  the  existing   AmeriLink
    Corporation 1994 Stock Incentive Plan and  certain related agreements and to
    convert AmeriLink's stock options to our stock options, subject to an agreed
    upon  exchange ratio and conversion price.  Thus, the AmeriLink 1994 SIP was
    assumed and adopted  by  us in  1999. All shares in  the 1994 SIP were fully
    vested  on the  date of transition and no  further grants may  be made under
    this plan.  There  were  certain restricted stock agreements that  were also
    assumed by us at the time of acquisition.

    1997  Incentive  Stock Plan ("1997 ISP") - The 1997 ISP permits the grant of
    up to 11.0 million shares in the form of ISOs, NQs and restricted stock. The
    1997 ISP provides that the maximum number of shares of our common stock that
    an  eligible  employee  may  receive  in any calendar year  with  respect to
    options  may  not  exceed 1.0  million shares.  There  were  572,731  shares
    available on  December 31, 2001, for grants under the 1997 ISP.

    1999  Incentive  Stock Plan ("1999 ISP") - The 1999 ISP permits the grant of
    up to 9.5 million shares in  the form of NQs to broad based employee groups,
    primarily our 5,000 plus store managers  and to other eligible employees and
    non-employee directors.  Grants of  restricted stock, performance awards and
    options  intended to  qualify as incentive  stock options under the Internal
    Revenue Code  are not  authorized under the 1999 ISP.  The 1999 ISP provides
    that the  maximum  number of  shares of our common stock  that  an  eligible
    employee  may receive in  any calendar year with  respect to options may not
    exceed  1.0 million shares.  There  were 58,074 shares available on December
    31, 2001, for grants under the 1999 ISP.

    2001 Incentive  Stock Plan ("2001 ISP") -  The 2001 ISP permits the grant of
    up to 9.2 million shares in the form of ISOs and NQs.  The 2001 ISP provides
    that  the maximum  number of shares of  our common stock  that  an  eligible
    employee  may  receive in any calendar year  with respect to options may not
    exceed 0.5 million shares. There were 7,220,875 shares available on December
    31, 2001, for grants under the 2001 ISP.

Stock  Option  Activity:  See  tables  below  for  a  summary  of  stock  option
transactions  under our stock  option  plans and  information  about fixed price
stock options.

Summary of Stock Option Transactions

(Share amounts in thousands)                  2001                        2000                        1999
 --------------------------         ------------------------    ------------------------    ------------------------
                                                   Weighted                    Weighted                    Weighted
                                                    Average                     Average                     Average
                                                   Exercise                    Exercise                    Exercise
                                      Shares        Price         Shares        Price         Shares        Price
                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Outstanding at beginning of year      15,179       $  34.33       12,747       $  29.29       10,154       $  17.07
Grants (1)                             9,384          34.42        5,003          41.58        6,240          40.41
Exercised                               (378)         19.84       (1,568)         15.55       (3,316)         12.61
Forfeited                             (1,316)         38.93       (1,003)         35.90         (331)         31.14
                                    ----------                  ----------                  ----------
Outstanding at end of year            22,869       $  34.34       15,179       $  34.33       12,747       $  29.29
                                    ==========                  ==========                  ==========

Exercisable at end of year             9,589       $  31.20        5,396       $  25.61        3,449       $  16.05
                                    ==========                  ==========                  ==========
Weighted average fair value of
 options granted during the year     $ 15.64                     $ 17.79                     $ 13.94
                                    ==========                  ==========                  ==========

(1) The  options  granted in 2001  increased  due to the  issuance of options to employees in both February and
December of 2001. The December 2001 grant did not include named executive officers or directors.

Fixed Price Stock Options

(Share amounts
  in thousands)                    Options Outstanding                           Options Exercisable
- --------------      --------------------------------------------------    --------------------------------
                        Shares           Average          Weighted           Shares           Weighted
    Range of         Outstanding       Remaining           Average         Exercisable         Average
Exercises Prices     at 12/31/01     Contractual Life   Exercise Price     at 12/31/01      Exercise Price
- ----------------    --------------   ----------------   --------------    --------------    --------------
$ 7.53 - 25.00          4,942           5.39 years        $ 19.49             4,573            $ 19.22
 27.05 - 37.19          5,796           8.04                28.42             1,620              28.21
 38.35 - 38.35          5,153           9.06                38.35                 7              38.35
 38.41 - 46.03          3,749           7.60                43.20             1,140              45.00
 47.31 - 69.34          3,229           6.74                51.00             2,249              50.67
                    --------------                                        --------------
$ 7.53 - 69.34         22,869           7.44 years        $ 34.34             9,589            $ 31.20
                    ==============                                        ==============

Restricted Stock: We may also use restricted stock grants to compensate  certain
of our  employees.  As of December 31, 2001,  37,844 shares of restricted  stock
were  outstanding,  but  not  fully  vested.  Compensation  expense  related  to
restricted  shares is recognized over the related  service period.  This expense
totaled  $0.7  million,  $1.2  million  and $12.6  million  for the years  ended
December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

    Store  Manager  Restricted  Stock  Grants -  On February 1, 1998, we granted
    approximately 649,500 restricted  stock awards consisting of 500 shares each
    to 1,299 store  managers.  The  February  1998 restricted stock awards had a
    weighted average fair  market value of  $19.61 per share when granted.  This
    restricted  stock grant was  to vest at the end of five years on February 2,
    2003,  if the managers receiving  the grants were still  employed by us at a
    store manager or higher position, at that time. However, the grants provided
    that the restricted  shares would vest earlier if our common stock closed at
    $29.0625 or more for any 20 consecutive  trading  days beginning February 1,
    2000.  At December  31, 1999, it was  probable that  the 348,000  restricted
    stock  awards  that remained outstanding  under this grant  would vest under
    early  vesting provisions.  The resulting charge  to compensation expense of
    $14.7  million, including related payroll taxes, was recorded as of December
    31, 1999.

    Other  Restricted  Stock  Grants - In 1997, the Committee granted a total of
    56,000 shares of restricted stock awards to three executive officers.  These
    awards  vested  ratably over 3 years and were fully vested in 2000. In 1998,
    the Committee granted a total of 172,000  shares  of restricted stock awards
    to three executive officers.  Of these awards, 100,000 shares vested ratably
    over 3 years  and  were fully vested  in  2001.  The remaining 72,000 shares
    awarded  to one officer were to vest on October 23, 2005; however, shares in

    blocks of 24,000  would  vest earlier  if our common  stock  price  exceeded
    certain  levels for 15 consecutive trading days.  All 72,000 of these shares
    vested in 1999.  In 1999, the  Committee granted 10,000 shares of restricted
    stock awards to two executive officers.  These  awards  were to vest ratably
    over 3 years; 4,000 of these  awards were canceled in 2000.  At December 31,
    2001, all of the 1999 shares granted had either vested or been cancelled. In
    2000, the  Committee granted  a total  of 66,712 shares of restricted  stock
    awards to 38  executive officers and these awards vest ratably over 3 years,
    subject  to the  achievement of certain  performance  targets each year.  At
    December  31,  2001,   37,844  of   the  shares  granted  in  2000  remained
    outstanding.  No restricted awards were granted in 2001.

Pro Forma Information:  Pro forma information  regarding net income and earnings
per share as required by FAS 123 has been  determined as if we had accounted for
our  employee  stock  options and  restricted  stock awards under the fair value
method of that statement. The fair value of each option is estimated on the date
of grant. The weighted average assumptions used for stock option grants in 2001,
2000 and 1999 were,  respectively:  expected  dividend  yields of 0.7%, 1.6% and
1.7%; expected  volatilities of 42.3%, 37.1% and 30.9%; risk free interest rates
of 4.9%, 6.5% and 5.5% and expected lives of six years.

For purposes of pro forma  disclosures,  the estimated fair value of the options
and restricted stock awards is amortized to expense over the vesting period. Our
pro forma information follows:

                                               Year Ended December 31,
(In millions, except
per share amounts)                        2001                            2000                            1999
- -----------------             --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                               As Reported      Pro Forma      As Reported      Pro Forma      As Reported      Pro Forma
                              ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Net income available to
 common shareholders            $ 161.8         $ 106.8         $ 362.7         $ 327.6         $ 292.4         $ 269.0

Net income available per
 common share:
    Basic                       $  0.88         $  0.58         $  1.94         $  1.75         $  1.51         $  1.38
    Diluted                     $  0.85         $  0.57         $  1.84         $  1.67         $  1.43         $  1.32

The Executive  Deferred  Compensation Plan and the Executive Deferred Stock Plan
("Compensation  Plans")  became  effective on April 1, 1998.  These plans permit
employees  who are  corporate  or division  officers to defer up to 80% of their
base salary and/or bonuses.  Certain executive  officers may defer up to 100% of
their base salary and/or bonuses.  In addition,  officers are permitted to defer
delivery of any  restricted  stock or stock  acquired  under an NQ stock  option
exercise that would  otherwise  vest.  Cash  deferrals may be made in our common
stock or mutual funds; however,  restricted stock and stock acquired under an NQ
stock  option  exercise  may only be made in our common  stock.  We match 12% of
salary and bonus  deferrals  in the form of our common  stock.  We will match an
additional 25% of salary and bonus deferrals if the deferral period exceeds five
years and the deferrals  are invested in our common stock.  Payment of deferrals
will be made in cash and our  common  stock in  accordance  with the  employee's
specifications at the time of the deferral;  payments to the employee will be in
a lump sum or in annual installments not to exceed 20 years.

We contributed  $1.4 million,  $1.3 million and $1.0 million to the Compensation
Plans for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

Eligible  employees  may  contribute  1% to 7% of their annual  compensation  to
purchase our common stock at the monthly  average daily closing price.  We match
40%, 60% or 80% of the employee's  contribution,  depending on his or her length
of continuous participation in the Stock Plan. This match is also in the form of
our common  stock.  Company  contributions  to the Stock Plan  amounted to $15.4
million,  $16.7 million and $15.6 million for the years ended December 31, 2001,
2000 and 1999, respectively.

The Tandy Fund ("Plan") is a defined  contribution plan.  Eligible employees may
direct their contributions into various investment options,  including investing
in our common stock. Participants may defer, via payroll deductions, 1% to 8% of
their annual compensation.  Contributions per participant are limited to certain
annual maximums  permitted by the Internal Revenue Code.  Company  contributions
are made directly to the Plan through the Tandy  Employees  Stock Ownership Plan
("TESOP") portion of the Plan. The TESOP is a leveraged employee stock ownership
plan.  Effective  April  1,  2002,  participants  become  fully  vested  in  the
contributions we make to the Plan upon completion of three years of service with

TESOP  Portion of the Plan:  On July 31, 1990,  the trustee of the Plan borrowed
$100.0  million at an interest  rate of 9.34%;  this amount was paid off on June
30, 2000 ("TESOP  Notes").  The Plan  trustee  used the  proceeds  from the 1990
issuance  of the  TESOP  Notes  to  purchase  from us  100,000  shares  of TESOP
Preferred  Stock at a price of $1,000  per share.  In  December  1994,  the Plan
entered into an agreement with an unrelated third party to refinance up to $16.7
million  of the TESOP  Notes in a series of six annual  notes  (the  "Refinanced
Notes"),  beginning  December  30, 1994.  As of December 31, 1999,  the Plan had
borrowed all of the $16.7 million for the  refinancing of the TESOP Notes. As of
December 31, 2001,  the Plan had repaid three of the  Refinanced  Notes totaling
$12.9  million.  The maturity  date for the  remaining  three  Refinanced  Notes
totaling  $3.8  million  with  interest  rates  ranging  from  5.84% to 7.61% is
December 2002. Dividend payments and contributions  received by the Plan from us
will be used to repay the indebtedness.

Each share of TESOP  Preferred  Stock is  convertible  into 87.072 shares of our
common stock. The annual cumulative  dividend on TESOP Preferred Stock is $75.00
per share, payable semiannually. Because we have guaranteed the repayment of the
Refinanced  Notes,  the indebtedness of the Plan is recognized as a liability in
the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets. An offsetting charge has been made
in the  stockholders'  equity section of the accompanying  Consolidated  Balance
Sheets to reflect unearned deferred compensation related to the Plan.

Compensation and interest  expenses related to the Plan before the reduction for
the allocation of dividends are presented below for each year ended December 31:

(In millions)                  2001          2000          1999
- -------------                  ----          ----          ----
Compensation expense         $  6.4        $  7.8        $  8.7
Interest expense                0.8           1.4           2.3

Until the Plan year-end  following the date when the Refinanced  Notes have been
paid in full, the TESOP  Preferred  Stock will be allocated to the  participants
annually, based on the total debt service made on the indebtedness. As shares of
the TESOP  Preferred  Stock are  allocated  to Plan  participants,  compensation
expense is recorded  and unearned  deferred  compensation  is reduced.  Interest
expense on the  Refinanced  Notes is also  recognized as a cost of the Plan. The
compensation component of the Plan expense is reduced by the amount of dividends
accrued  on the  TESOP  Preferred  Stock,  with any  dividends  in excess of the
compensation expense reflected as a reduction of interest expense.

Contributions made by us to the Plan for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000
and 1999 totaled $8.6 million,  $10.9 million and $12.0  million,  respectively,
including  dividends  paid on the TESOP  Preferred  Stock of $4.9 million,  $5.3
million and $5.5 million, respectively.

As of  December  31,  2001,  97,200  of the  original  100,000  shares  of TESOP
Preferred  Stock  had been  released  to  participants'  accounts  in the  Plan,
including  35,465 shares of the TESOP  Preferred Stock  previously  withdrawn by
participants.  The remaining 2,800 shares of TESOP Preferred Stock are available
for later release and  allocation to  participants'  accounts over the remaining
life of the Refinanced  Notes. The appraised value of these remaining shares was
$7.4  million at  December  31,  2001.  The TESOP  Preferred  Stock has  certain
liquidation  preferences  and may be redeemed  after July 1, 1994,  at specified
premiums.  As of March 31, 2001,  91,259 of the 97,200  released TESOP Preferred
Stock shares had been allocated to  participants'  Plan accounts.  The remaining
5,941 released shares are to be allocated to participants' accounts on March 31,
2002, which is the Plan's annual allocation date.

In July 1999, the Board of Directors  amended and restated a stockholder  rights
plan which  declared a dividend of one right for each  outstanding  share of our
common stock. The rights plan, as amended and restated,  will expire on July 26,
2009.  The rights are currently  represented  by our common stock  certificates.
When the rights  become  exercisable,  they will entitle each holder to purchase
1/10,000th of a share of our Series A Junior  Participating  Preferred Stock for
an  exercise  price of $250  (subject  to  adjustment).  The rights  will become
exercisable  and will trade  separately from the common stock only upon the date
of public  announcement  that a person,  entity or group ("Person") has acquired
15% or more of our  outstanding  common stock without the consent or approval of
the  disinterested   directors  ("Acquiring  Person")  or  ten  days  after  the
commencement  or public  announcement  of a tender or exchange offer which would
result in any Person becoming an Acquiring  Person. In the event that any Person
becomes  an  Acquiring  Person,  the  rights  will  be  exercisable  for 60 days
thereafter  for our common  stock with a market value (as  determined  under the
rights plan) equal to twice the  exercise  price.  In the event that,  after any
Person   becomes  an   Acquiring   Person,   we  engage  in   certain   mergers,
consolidations,  or sales of assets  representing  50% or more of our  assets or
earning  power with an  Acquiring  Person (or Persons  acting on behalf of or in
concert  with an  Acquiring  Person) or in which all holders of common stock are
not  treated  alike,  the rights  will be  exercisable  for common  stock of the
acquiring or surviving  company  with a market  value (as  determined  under the
rights  plan)  equal  to  twice  the  exercise  price.  The  rights  will not be
exercisable  by any Acquiring  Person.  The rights are  redeemable at a price of
$0.01 per right  prior to any Person  becoming  an  Acquiring  Person or,  under
certain circumstances, after a Person becomes an Acquiring Person.

In August  1990 and in May 1995,  our Board of  Directors  approved  termination
protection   plans  and  amendments  to  the   termination   protection   plans,
respectively. These plans provide for defined termination benefits to be paid to
our eligible  employees who have been  terminated,  without  cause,  following a
change in control of our  company.  In  addition,  for a certain  period of time
following  an  employee's  termination,  we, at our  expense,  must  continue to
provide on behalf of the terminated  employee certain  employment  benefits.  In
general,  during the twelve  months  following a change in  control,  we may not
terminate  or change  existing  employee  benefit  plans in any way which  would
affect accrued benefits or decrease the rate of our contribution to the plans.

We declared dividends of $0.165,  $0.220 and $0.205 for the years 2001, 2000 and
1999,  respectively.  On July 25,  2001,  we  announced  that we would  pay cash
dividends on an annual, instead of quarterly, basis beginning in 2002. Dividends
declared in 2002 and thereafter, if any, will be paid annually in December.

Cash flows from operating activities included cash payments as follows:

                                         Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                     2001            2000            1999
- -------------                 ------------    ------------    ------------

Interest paid                  $  48.4           $  54.0        $  35.2
Income taxes paid                171.2             169.0           81.8

As our  operations are  predominantly  retail  oriented,  business is subject to
seasonal  fluctuations,  with the December 31 quarter being the most significant
in terms of sales and profits because of the winter holiday selling season.

Quarterly Data (Unaudited)

                                                                   Three Months Ended
(In millions, except per share amounts)         March 31        June 30         Sept. 30        Dec. 31
- --------------------------------------        ------------    ------------    ------------    ------------
Year ended December 31, 2001:
Net sales and operating revenues               $ 1,139.5       $ 1,039.5       $ 1,080.9       $ 1,515.8

Gross profit                                   $   546.5       $   512.4       $   526.0       $   711.9(1)

Net income                                     $    46.5       $    41.2       $    43.8       $    35.2(2)

Preferred dividends                            $     1.3       $     1.2       $     1.2       $     1.2

Net income available to common                 $    45.2       $    40.0       $    42.6       $    34.0

Net income available per common share:
    Basic                                      $    0.24       $    0.22       $    0.23       $    0.19

    Diluted                                    $    0.23       $    0.21       $    0.23       $    0.18

Shares used in computing earnings per
 common share:
    Basic                                          186.6           185.9           183.2           179.5

    Diluted                                        195.5           193.1           189.9           186.3

Year ended December 31, 2000:
Net sales and operating revenues               $ 1,047.3       $ 1,023.3       $ 1,140.4       $ 1,583.7

Gross profit                                   $   516.0       $   533.6       $   565.4       $   754.6

Net income                                     $    69.7       $    75.4       $    77.1       $   145.8

Preferred dividends                            $     1.4       $     1.3       $     1.3       $     1.3

Net income available to common                 $    68.3       $    74.1       $    75.8       $   144.5

Net income available per common share:
    Basic                                      $    0.36       $    0.40       $    0.41       $    0.77

    Diluted                                    $    0.35       $    0.38       $    0.39       $    0.74

Shares used in computing earnings per
 common share:
    Basic                                          188.9           187.0           186.7           186.6

    Diluted                                        198.9           197.2           197.8           196.5

(1)In the fourth quarter of 2001, gross profit was reduced by a $26.2 million charge for a write-down of
   non-strategic inventory product lines which we intend to exit.
(2)In the fourth quarter of 2001, we recorded the following significant expenses:
     o $39.8 million for the impairment of long-lived assets;
     o $44.8 million for the sale of our corporate headquarters;
     o $7.6 million for the closure of 35 underperforming stores; and
     o $4.8 million for the closure of our national commercial installation business.

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION
                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Exhibit                                                                          Sequential
Number*        Description                                                        Page No.
3a             Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of Incorporation
               dated May 18, 2000 (Filed as Exhibit 3a to RadioShack's Form 10-Q
               filed on  August 11, 2000 for  the fiscal quarter ended  June 30,
               2000 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(i)          Restated  Certificate of  Incorporation of RadioShack Corporation
               dated  July 26, 1999 (filed as Exhibit 3a(i) to RadioShack's Form
               10-Q filed on August 11, 1999  for  the fiscal quarter ended June
               30, 1999 and incorporated herein by reference).

3a(ii)         Certificate of Elimination of Series C Conversion Preferred Stock
               of  RadioShack  Corporation dated July 26, 1999 (filed as Exhibit
               3a(ii) to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 11, 1999 for the
               fiscal  quarter  ended  June 30, 1999 and incorporated  herein by

3a(iii)        Amended  Certificate of  Designations,  Preferences and Rights of
               Series  A  Junior  Participating  Preferred  Stock  of RadioShack
               Corporation  dated  July  26, 1999  (filed as Exhibit 3a(iii)  to
               RadioShack's Form  10-Q filed  on August 11, 1999 for  the fiscal
               quarter   ended  June  30,  1999   and  incorporated  herein   by

3a(iv)         Certificate  of  Designations  of  Series  B  TESOP   Convertible
               Preferred  Stock  dated  June  29,  1990  (filed as Exhibit 4A to
               RadioShack's  1993  Form  S-8  for   the  RadioShack  Corporation
               Incentive  Stock  Plan, Reg. No. 33-51603,  filed on November 12,
               1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

3b             RadioShack  Corporation  Bylaws, amended  and restated as of July
               22,  2000 (filed as Exhibit 3b to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on
               August 11, 2000  for  the fiscal  quarter ended June 30, 2000 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

4a             Amended and Restated  Rights  Agreement dated as of July 26, 1999
               (filed  as  Exhibit 4a  to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August
               11,  1999  for  the  fiscal  quarter  ended  June  30,  1999  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10a            Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility  A) dated  as of June 25,
               1998  among RadioShack Corporation,  NationsBank, N.A.,  as Agent
               and Lender, Citibank,  N.A.,  as  Syndication  Agent and  Lender,
               Bank  of  America  National  Trust  &   Savings  Association,  as
               Documentation  Agent and Lender,  BankBoston,  N.A., Co-Agent and
               Lender, The  Bank of  New York, Co-Agent and Lender,  First Union
               National Bank, Co-Agent and Lender, Fleet National Bank, Co-Agent
               and Lender and twelve other banks as Lenders (filed as Exhibit 4b
               to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 1998 for the fiscal
               quarter ended June 30,1998 and incorporated herein by reference).

10b            First Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A) dated
               as of June 24, 1999 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  NationsBank,
               N.A. as Agent and Lender, Citibank, N.A. as Syndication Agent and
               Lender,  The  Bank  of  New  York,  as  Documentation  Agent  and
               BankBoston,  N.A., First Union National Bank, Fleet National Bank
               and The First  National  Bank of Chicago as Co-Agents and certain
               other  lenders,  which  renewed and extended the maturity date of
               the Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A) dated as of June 25,
               1998  (filed as  Exhibit  4c to  RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on
               August 11,  1999 for the fiscal  quarter  ended June 30, 1999 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10c            Second Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility A) dated
               as of June 22,  2000 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  the Lenders
               listed therein,  the Bank of America,  N.A., as Agent,  Citibank,
               N.A.,   as   Syndication   Agent,   The  Bank  of  New  York,  as
               Documentation  Agent,  Fleet National Bank, as managing Agent and
               First  Union  National  Bank  and Bank One  N.A.,  as  Co-Agents,
               amending the Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A) dated as of
               June 25,  1998 (filed as Exhibit  10a to  RadioShack's  Form 10-Q
               filed on August 11,  2000 for the fiscal  quarter  ended June 30,
               2000 and incorporated herein by reference).

10d            Third Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility A) dated
               as of June 12,  2001 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  the Lenders
               listed therein,  the Bank of America,  N.A., as Agent,  Citibank,
               N.A. and Fleet National Bank, as Co-Syndication  Agents, The Bank
               of New York and First Union  National  Bank, as  Co-Documentation
               Agents,  amending the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility A)
               dated as of June 25, 1998  (filed as Exhibit 10a to  RadioShack's
               Form 10-Q filed on August 11, 2000 for the fiscal  quarter  ended
               June 30, 2000 and incorporated herein by reference).

10e            Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated as of June 25, 1998
               among  RadioShack  Corporation,  NationsBank,  N.A., as Agent and
               Lender,  Citibank, N.A., as Syndication Agent and Lender, Bank of
               America  National Trust & Savings  Association,  as Documentation
               Agent and Lender, BankBoston, N.A., Co-Agent and Lender, The Bank
               of New York,  Co-Agent  and Lender,  First Union  National  Bank,
               Co-Agent and Lender, Fleet National Bank, Co-Agent and Lender and
               twelve   other   banks  as  Lenders   (filed  as  Exhibit  4o  to
               RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on August  13,  1998 for the fiscal
               quarter   ended  June  30,  1998  and   incorporated   herein  by

10f            First Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement  (Facility B) dated
               as of June 24, 1999 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  NationsBank,
               N.A. as Agent and Lender, Citibank, N.A. as Syndication Agent and
               Lender,  The  Bank  of  New  York,  as  Documentation  Agent  and
               BankBoston,  N.A., First Union National Bank, Fleet National Bank
               and The First  National  Bank of Chicago as Co-Agents and certain
               other  lenders,  which  renewed and extended the maturity date of
               the  Revolving  Credit  Agreement  (Facility  B) dated as of June
               25,1998 (filed as Exhibit 4e to  RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on
               August 11,  1999 for the fiscal  quarter  ended June 30, 1999 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10g            Second Amendment to Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated
               as of June 22,  2000 among  RadioShack  Corporation,  the Lenders
               listed therein, Bank of America, N.A., as Agent, Citibank,  N.A.,
               as  Syndication  Agent,  The Bank of New York,  as  Documentation
               Agent,  Fleet  National  Bank, as managing  Agent and First Union
               National  Bank and Bank One,  N.A.,  as  Co-Agents,  amending the
               Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated as of June 25, 1998
               (filed as Exhibit 10b to  RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on August
               11,  2000  for  the  fiscal  quarter  ended  June  30,  2000  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10h            Salary  Continuation  Plan for Executive  Employees of RadioShack
               Corporation and Subsidiaries  including  amendment dated June 14,
               1984  with  respect  to   participation   by  certain   executive
               employees,  as restated  October 4, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10a to
               RadioShack's  Form 10-K  filed on March 30,  1994 for the  fiscal
               year  ended  December  31,  1993  and   incorporated   herein  by

10i            Post  Retirement  Death  Benefit  Plan  for  Selected   Executive
               Employees of RadioShack  Corporation and Subsidiaries as restated
               June 10,  1991 (filed as Exhibit  10c to  RadioShack's  Form 10-K
               filed on March 30,  1994 for the fiscal year ended  December  31,
               1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10j            RadioShack  Corporation  Officers  Deferred  Compensation Plan as
               restated July 10, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10d to RadioShack's Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994 for the fiscal  year ended  December
               31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10k            Director  Fee  Resolution  (filed as Exhibit 10h to  RadioShack's
               Form  10-K  filed on March 30,  1994 for the  fiscal  year  ended
               December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10l            RadioShack   Corporation  1985  Stock  Option  Plan  as  restated
               effective August 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10i to RadioShack's  Form
               10-K filed on March 30, 1994 for the fiscal  year ended  December
               31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10m            RadioShack  Corporation  Officers Life  Insurance Plan as amended
               and restated  effective  August 22, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10k to
               RadioShack's  Form 10-K  filed on March 30,  1994 for the  fiscal
               year  ended  December  31,  1993  and   incorporated   herein  by

10n            Third Restated Trust Agreement RadioShack Employees  Supplemental
               Stock  Program  through  Amendment  No. VI dated  August 31, 1999
               (filed as Exhibit 10h to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on November
               12,  1999 for the fiscal  quarter  ended  September  30, 1999 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10o            Forms of  Termination  Protection  Agreements  for (i)  Corporate
               Executives,   (ii)  Division   Executives  and  (iii)  Subsidiary
               Executives  (filed as Exhibit 10m to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed
               on August 14, 1995 for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1995 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10p            RadioShack Corporation Termination Protection Plans for Executive
               Employees of RadioShack  Corporation and its Subsidiaries (i) the
               Level  I and  (ii)  Level  II  Plans  (filed  as  Exhibit  10n to
               RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on August  14,  1995 for the fiscal
               quarter   ended  June  30,  1995  and   incorporated   herein  by

10q            Forms of Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements with certain Executive
               Employees of  RadioShack  Corporation  and its  Subsidiaries  (i)
               Formula,  (ii) Discretionary and (iii) Pay Plan (filed as Exhibit
               10o to  RadioShack's  Form 10-K  filed on March 30,  1994 for the
               fiscal year ended  December 31, 1993 and  incorporated  herein by

10r            Form of Indemnity  Agreement with Directors,  Corporate  Officers
               and two Division  Officers of  RadioShack  Corporation  (filed as
               Exhibit 10p to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996 for
               the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 and  incorporated  herein
               by reference).

10s            Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with  selected  Executive  Employees  of  RadioShack  Corporation
               (filed as Exhibit  10s to  RadioShack's  Form 10-K filed on March
               26,  1998  for the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1997  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10t            Form of Deferred  Compensation  Agreement  dated  October 2, 1997
               with  selected  Executive  Employees  of  RadioShack  Corporation
               (filed as Exhibit  10t to  RadioShack's  Form 10-K filed on March
               26,  1998  for the  fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1997  and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10u            Form of December 1997 Deferred Salary and Bonus Agreement  (Stock
               Investment)  with  selected  Executive  Employees  of  RadioShack
               Corporation (filed as Exhibit 10u to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed
               on March 26, 1998 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1997 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10v            RadioShack  Corporation  Executive  Deferred  Compensation  Plan,
               effective  April 1, 1998  (filed as Exhibit  10s to  RadioShack's
               Form  10-K  filed on March 26,  1998 for the  fiscal  year  ended
               December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference).

10w            RadioShack  Corporation  Executive Deferred Stock Plan, effective
               April 1, 1998  (filed as Exhibit  10x to  RadioShack's  Form 10-K
               filed on March 26,  1998 for the fiscal year ended  December  31,
               1997 and incorporated herein by reference).

10x            RadioShack  Corporation  Unfunded Deferred  Compensation Plan for
               Directors as amended and restated  June 1, 1999 (filed as Exhibit
               10x to  RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on August 11,  1999 for the
               fiscal  quarter  ended June 30, 1999 and  incorporated  herein by

10y            Form  of  September  30,  1997  Deferred  Compensation  Agreement
               between  RadioShack  Corporation and Leonard H. Roberts (filed as
               Exhibit 10aa to RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on May 13, 1998 for
               the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 1998 and  incorporated  herein
               by reference).

10z            Severance  Agreement  dated  October 23, 1998 between  Leonard H.
               Roberts  and  RadioShack  Corporation  (filed as  Exhibit  10z to
               RadioShack's  Form 10-K  filed on March 29,  1998 for the  fiscal
               year  ended  December  31,  1997  and   incorporated   herein  by

10aa**         Forms of 2001 Executive Pay Plan Letters.                           52

10bb           Form of AmeriLink  Corporation  Stock  Incentive Plan, as amended
               (filed as Exhibit  10.1 to AmeriLink  Corporation's  registration
               statement on Form S-1 file No. 33-69832 and filed as Exhibit A to
               the AmeriLink  Corporation's  1998 Proxy  Statement dated July 6,
               1998 which was filed on July 7, 1998 and  incorporated  herein by

10cc           RadioShack  Corporation  1993  Incentive  Stock  Plan as  amended
               (filed as Exhibit 10a to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on November
               14,  2001 for the fiscal  quarter  ended  September  30, 2001 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10dd           RadioShack  Corporation  1997  Incentive  Stock  Plan as  amended
               (filed as Exhibit 10b to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on November
               14,  2001 for the fiscal  quarter  ended  September  30, 2001 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10ee           RadioShack  Corporation  1999 Incentive Stock Plan dated February
               24, 1999 (filed as Exhibit 10y to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on
               August 11,  1999 for the fiscal  quarter  ended June 30, 1999 and
               incorporated herein by reference).

10ff           RadioShack  Corporation  2001  Incentive  Stock  Plan,  (filed as
               Exhibit 10c to RadioShack's  Form 10-Q filed on November 14, 2001
               for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2001 and  incorporated
               herein by reference).

11**           Statement of Computation of Ratios of Earnings to Fixed Charges.    63

23**           Consent of Independent Accountants.                                 64
- -----------------------

* Prior to May 18, 2000 RadioShack's SEC EDGAR filings appear under Tandy

** Filed with this report.

                                                                    EXHIBIT 10aa
December 31, 2000


FROM:          Richard Ramsey

SUBJECT:       Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 2001

Your compensation plan for fiscal year 2001, as approved by the Organization and
Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, is outlined below.

Your compensation plan for fiscal year 2001 is outlined below.

I.      FY 2001 Base Salary

        Your Base Salary for FY2001 shall be $.

II.     Your bonus for FY2001 shall be determined by multiplying the percent
        determined in the following TARGET INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS
        set forth below.

        The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations set forth in
        Paragraph III and IV.


        1. INCOME
        Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack Corporation
        and subsidiaries income from operations (before income taxes) increases
        from $.

        Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack Corporation
        diluted earnings per share increases from the $ per share.

        3. STOCK PRICE
        a. Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
        Corporation stock price increases, based on the average daily closing
        price for 2000 and 2001.

        b. If RadioShack's average daily closing stock price outperforms the
        "Peer Group's" average daily closing stock price, you will receive an
        additional bonus of $.

               Income and Earnings Per Share will be calculated excluding the
               effect of Financial Accounting Standards requirements i.e.
               FAS121, store manager restricted stock transactions and
               extraordinary federal tax refunds relating to prior periods.
               Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal points.

              Your factors to be used for each of the calculations above are as

               1.  Income  increase:  $

               2.  Earnings per share increase:  $

               3.  Stock price increase: $

III.    Minimum Bonus

        Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target Incentive Goal

                                                       Minimum Increase %
               1.  Income

               2.  Earnings per share

               3.  Stock price
                    a.  RadioShack Stock Increase
                    b.  Peer Group                              N/A

        Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the Minimum Increase
        % set forth above.

IV.     Maximum Bonus:

        The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to exceed three times
        your base salary.

V.      This  compensation  plan is not an  employment  contract,  but a  method
        of calculating your total earnings. You forfeit your rights to receive a
        bonus if you  resign  before  the  end of the  current  fiscal  year. If
        you are terminated  by the Company,  your rights to receive a bonus will
        be at the sole  discretion  of  the Company  and  in such  amount as the
        Company  might decide.  If you retire at age  55  or over,  provided the
        Company  has  given its consent to  your early retirement, or die before
        the end of the then current fiscal year,  your bonus will be  calculated
        using  actual  results  to  the  nearest end  of the month  preceding or
        succeeding  such event,  which  will then  be adjusted using  the latest
        budget to include the remaining months of the year.  Example: Retirement
        date is August 10. Bonus calculations would include  actual results thru
        July 31 and the latest  budgeted  numbers from August thru December. The
        bonus calculated,  which will be an annual bonus, will then  be prorated
        for  the partial  year worked i.e.  7/12 times annual  bonus  calculated
        in this  example.  The Stock  Price  percentage will be calculated using
        only  actual  results to the nearest end of the month for this  year and
        last  year.  The  amount will be paid to you or the legal representative
        of your estate.

VI.     If at any time during your continued  employment,  your  responsibility,
        duties or title changes, this plan is subject to revision or termination
        by the Company at the time of the foregoing change. A partial year bonus
        will be calculated using the methodology set forth in paragraph V.

January 1, 2001


FROM:          Richard Ramsey

SUBJECT:       Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 2001

Your compensation plan for fiscal year 2001 is outlined below.

I.      FY2001 Base Salary

        Your Base Salary for FY2001 shall be $.

II.     Your bonus for FY2001 shall be determined by multiplying the percent
        determined in the following TARGET INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS
        set forth below.

        The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations set forth in
        Paragraph III and IV.


        1.   INCOME
             Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
             Corporation and subsidiaries income from operations (before income
             taxes) increases from $.

             Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
             Corporation diluted earnings per share increases from $ per share.

        3.   STOCK PRICE
             a. Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
             Corporation stock price increases, based on the average daily
             closing price for 2000 and 2001.

             b. If RadioShack's average daily closing stock price outperforms
             the "Peer Group's" average daily closing stock price, you will
             receive an additional bonus of $.

               Income and Earnings Per Share will be calculated excluding the
               effect of Financial Accounting Standards requirements i.e.
               FAS121, store manager restricted stock transactions and
               extraordinary federal tax refunds relating to prior periods.
               Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal points.

      Your factors to be used for each of the calculations above are as follows:

               1.  Income  increase:  $

               2.  Earnings per share increase:  $

               3.  Stock price increase: $

        III.   Minimum Bonus

        Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target Incentive Goal

                                                        Minimum Increase %
               1.  Income

               2.  Earnings per share

               3.  Stock price
                    a.  RadioShack Stock Increase
                    b.  Peer Group                              N/A

        Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the Minimum Increase
        % set forth above.

IV.     Maximum Bonus:

        The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to exceed three times
        your base salary.

V.      This compensation plan is not an  employment contract,  but a method  of
        calculating  your total earnings.  You  forfeit your rights to receive a
        bonus if  you resign  before the end of the current fiscal year.  If you
        are terminated by the Company, your rights to receive a bonus will be at
        the sole  discretion  of the Company  and in such  amount as the Company
        might decide.  If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company has
        given its consent to your early retirement, or die before the end of the
        then current fiscal year,  your bonus will be  calculated  using  actual
        results to  the nearest end of the month  preceding or  succeeding  such
        event,  which  will then  be adjusted using the latest budget to include
        the remaining months of the year. Example: Retirement date is August 10.
        Bonus  calculations  would  include  actual results thru July 31 and the
        latest budgeted numbers from August thru December. The bonus calculated,
        which  will  be an annual bonus, will then  be prorated  for the partial
        year worked i.e.  7/12 times annual bonus  calculated  in this  example.
        The  Stock  Price  percentage  will  be  calculated  using  only  actual
        results to the nearest end of the month for this year and last year. The
        amount  will be paid to you or the  legal representative of your estate.

VI.     If at any time  during  your continued  employment, your responsibility,
        duties or title changes, this plan is subject to revision or termination
        by the Company at the time of the foregoing change. A partial year bonus
        will be calculated using the methodology set forth in paragraph V.

January 1, 2001


FROM:          Richard Ramsey

SUBJECT:       Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 2001

Your compensation plan for fiscal year 2001 is outlined below.

I.      FY2001 Base Salary

        Your Base Salary for FY2001 shall be $.

II.     Your bonus for FY2001 shall be determined by multiplying the percent
        determined in the following TARGET INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS set
        forth below.

        The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations set forth in
        Paragraph III and IV.


        1. INCOME
        Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack Corporation
        and subsidiaries income from operations (before income taxes) increases
        from $.

        Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack Corporation
        diluted earnings per share increases from $ per share.

        3. STOCK PRICE
        a. Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
        Corporation stock price increases, based on the average daily closing
        price for 2000 and 2001.

        b. If RadioShack's average daily closing stock price outperforms the
        "Peer Group's" average daily closing stock price, you will receive an
        additional bonus of $.

               Income and Earnings Per Share will be calculated excluding the
               effect of Financial Accounting Standards requirements i.e.
               FAS121, store manager restricted stock transactions and
               extraordinary federal tax refunds relating to prior periods.
               Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal points.

        Your factors to be used for each of the calculations above are as

               1.  Income  increase:  $

               2.  Earnings per share increase:  $

               3.  Stock price increase: $


                                                        Bonus Amount
        $ Expenses (Expense Base) or more =              $

        You will receive a bonus of % for each dollar of reduced expenses from
        the $ Expense Base.

           For total year-end expenses of $ you would receive a bonus of $

           ($ - $  = $ x . = $)

           Bonus adjustments:
           Adjustments may be made to the actual RSTS total expenses for
           incremental expenses (see below) that were not included in the
           original budget for 2001. As priorities, alliances, and demands
           change incremental expenses may be required that were not included in
           the original budget. As these incremental expenses are estimated,
           they will be approved, in advance, for a bonus adjustment. New
           projects or expenses that are substituted for budgeted projects or
           expenses will be netted together. RSTS accounting will track the
           approved incremental expenses.

              These incremental expenses can include: Salary and benefits,
              contract labor, consultants, depreciation, hardware lease,
              hardware maintenance, software license, software maintenance,
              travel and training.

 III.   Minimum Bonus

        Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target Incentive Goal

                                                   Minimum Increase %
               1.  Income

               2.  Earnings per share

               3.  Stock price
                   a. RadioShack Stock Increase
                   b. Peer Group                             N/A

                   Total Expenses                      $ or more

        Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the Minimum Increase
        % set forth above.

IV.     Maximum Bonus:

        The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to exceed three times
        your base salary.

V.      This  compensation  plan is not an  employment contract, but a method of
        calculating  your  total earnings.  You forfeit your rights to receive a
        bonus if you resign before the end of  the current fiscal  year.  If you
        are terminated  by the  Company,  your rights to receive a bonus will be
        at the sole discretion of the Company and in such  amount as the Company
        might decide.  If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company has
        given its consent to your early retirement, or die before the end of the
        then current fiscal year,  your bonus will be  calculated  using  actual
        results to the nearest end of the month  preceding or  succeeding  such
        event,  which will then be adjusted using  the latest budget to  include
        the remaining months of the year. Example: Retirement date is August 10.
        Bonus calculations would include  actual results  thru  July 31  and the
        latest budgeted numbers from August thru December. The bonus calculated,
        which will be an  annual bonus, will then  be prorated  for  the partial
        year worked i.e.  7/12 times annual bonus  calculated  in this  example.
        The  Stock   Price  percentage  will  be  calculated  using only  actual
        results to the nearest end of the month for this year and last year. The
        amount  will be paid to you or the  legal representative of your estate.

VI.     If at any time during your continued  employment,  your  responsibility,
        duties or title changes, this plan is subject to revision or termination
        by the Company at the time of the foregoing change. A partial year bonus
        will be calculated using the methodology set forth in paragraph V.

May 25, 2001


FROM:          Richard Ramsey

SUBJECT:       Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 2001

Your compensation plan for fiscal year 2001 is outlined below.

I.      FY2001 Base Salary

        Your Base Salary, effective May 25, 2001 shall be $.

II.     Your bonus for FY2001 shall be determined by multiplying the percent
        determined in the following TARGET INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS
        set forth below.

The "annual" bonus amounts calculated, per this pay plan letter, will be
prorated. The total bonus amount paid will be % times the bonus calculated.

        The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations set forth in
        Paragraph III and IV.


        1. INCOME
           Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
           Corporation and subsidiaries income from operations (before income
           taxes) increases from $.

           Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
           Corporation diluted earnings per share increases from $ per share.

        3. STOCK PRICE
           a.  Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
               Corporation stock price increases, based on the average daily
               closing price for 2000 and 2001.

           b.  If RadioShack's average daily closing stock price outperforms
               the "Peer Group's" average daily closing stock price, you will
               receive an additional bonus of $.

               Income and Earnings Per Share will be calculated excluding the
               effect of Financial Accounting Standards requirements i.e.
               FAS121, store manager restricted stock transactions and
               extraordinary federal tax refunds relating to prior periods.
               Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal points.

              Your factors to be used for each of the calculations above are as

               1.  Income increase:  $

               2.  Earnings per share increase:  $

               3.  Stock price increase: $

III.    Minimum Bonus

        Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target Incentive Goal

                                                              Minimum Increase %
               1.  Income

               2.  Earnings per share

               3.  Stock price
                   a. RadioShack Stock Increase
                   b. Peer Group                                 N/A

        Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the Minimum Increase
        % set forth above. Per your employment letter, the minimum bonus paid
        will be $.

IV.     Maximum Bonus:

        The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to exceed three times
        your base salary.

V.      This compensation plan is  not an employment contract,  but a method  of
        calculating your total earnings.  You forfeit  your rights  to receive a
        bonus if you resign before the end of  the current fiscal  year.  If you
        are terminated  by the  Company,  your rights to receive a bonus will be
        at the sole discretion of the Company and in such amount as  the Company
        might decide.  If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company has
        given its consent to your early retirement, or die before the end of the
        then current fiscal year,  your bonus will be  calculated  using  actual
        results to  the nearest end of the month  preceding or  succeeding  such
        event,  which will then be adjusted  using the latest  budget to include
        the remaining months of the year. Example: Retirement date is August 10.
        Bonus calculations  would include  actual results  thru  July 31 and the
        latest budgeted numbers from August thru December. The bonus calculated,
        which  will  be an  annual bonus, will  then be prorated for the partial
        year worked i.e.  7/12 times annual bonus  calculated  in this  example.
        The Stock Price percentage will be calculated using only  actual results
        to the nearest end of the month for this  year and last year. The amount
        will be paid to you or the legal representative of your estate.

VI.     If at any time  during  your  continued employment, your responsibility,
        duties or title changes, this plan is subject to revision or termination
        by the Company at the time of the foregoing change. A partial year bonus
        will be calculated using the methodology set forth in paragraph V.

January 1, 2001


FROM:          Richard Ramsey

SUBJECT:       Compensation Plan, Fiscal Year 2001

Your compensation plan for fiscal year 2001 is outlined below.

I.      FY2001 Base Salary

        Your Base Salary for FY2001 shall be $.

II.     Your bonus for FY2001 shall be determined by multiplying the percent
        determined in the following TARGET INCENTIVE GOALS times the FACTORS
        set forth below.

        The bonus amounts payable are subject to limitations set forth in
        Paragraph III and IV.


        1. INCOME
        Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack Corporation
        and subsidiaries income from operations (before income taxes) increases
        from $.

        Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack Corporation
        diluted earnings per share increases from $ per share.

        3. STOCK PRICE
        a. Each percentage point of positive change that the RadioShack
        Corporation stock price increases, based on the average daily closing
        price for 2000 and 2001.

        b. If RadioShack's average daily closing stock price outperforms the
        "Peer Group's" average daily closing stock price, you will receive an
        additional bonus of $.

               Income and Earnings Per Share will be calculated excluding the
               effect of Financial Accounting Standards requirements i.e.
               FAS121, store manager restricted stock transactions and
               extraordinary federal tax refunds relating to prior periods.
               Percentages shall be calculated to two decimal points.

              Your factors to be used for each of the calculations above are as

               1. Income  increase:  $

               2. Earnings per share increase:  $

               3. Stock price increase: $

III.    Minimum Bonus

        Minimum Threshold Increase Percent for Each Target Incentive Goal

                                                       Minimum Increase %
               1.  Income

               2.  Earnings per share

               3.  Stock price
                   a. RadioShack Stock Increase
                   b. Peer Group                          N/A

        Bonus will only be paid on each goal which exceeds the Minimum Increase
        % set forth above.

IV.     Maximum Bonus:

        The bonus paid will be limited to an amount not to exceed three times
        your base salary.

V.      This  compensation  plan is not an employment contract,  but a method of
        calculating your total earnings.  You forfeit your  rights to  receive a
        bonus if you resign before the end  of the current fiscal  year.  If you
        are terminated by the Company, your rights to receive a bonus will be at
        the sole  discretion  of the Company  and in such  amount as the Company
        might decide.  If you retire at age 55 or over, provided the Company has
        given its consent to your early retirement, or die before the end of the
        then current fiscal year,  your bonus will be  calculated  using  actual
        results to the nearest end  of the month  preceding or  succeeding  such
        event, which  will  then  be adjusted using the latest budget to include
        the remaining months of the year. Example: Retirement date is August 10.
        Bonus calculations would include  actual results  thru  July 31  and the
        latest budgeted numbers from August thru December. The bonus calculated,
        which  will  be an annual bonus, will then be  prorated for  the partial
        year worked i.e.  7/12 times annual bonus  calculated  in this  example.
        The Stock Price percentage will be calculated using  only actual results
        to the nearest end of the month for this year and last year.  The amount
        will be paid to you or the  legal representative of your estate.

VI.     If at any time  during your continued employment,  your  responsibility,
        duties or title changes, this plan is subject to revision or termination
        by the Company at the time of the foregoing change. A partial year bonus
        will be calculated using the methodology set forth in paragraph V.

                                                                     EXHIBIT 11
                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                                                               Year Ended December 31,
(In millions, except ratios)                2001          2000          1999          1998          1997
- ----------------------------             ------------------------------------------------------------------
Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Income from continuing operations         $  166.7      $  368.0      $  297.9      $   61.3      $  186.9
Plus provision for income taxes              124.8         225.6         182.6          38.4         117.0
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Income before income taxes                   291.5         593.6         480.5          99.7         303.9
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

Fixed charges:

Interest expense and amortization
  of debt discount                            50.8          53.9          37.2          45.4          46.1
Amortization of issuance expense               0.1           0.9           0.8           0.7           0.4
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%)
  of rentals                                  76.8          71.7          68.5          72.5          74.2
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
  Total fixed charges                        127.7         126.5         106.5         118.6         120.7
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

Earnings before income taxes and
  fixed charges                           $  419.2      $  720.1      $  587.0      $  218.3      $  424.6
                                         ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges            3.28          5.69          5.51          1.84          3.52
                                         ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
  and Preferred Dividends:

Total fixed charges, as above             $  127.7      $  126.5      $  106.5      $  118.6      $  120.7
Preferred dividends                            4.9           5.3           5.5           5.8           6.1
                                         ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Total fixed charges and preferred
  Dividends                               $  132.6      $  131.8      $  112.0      $  124.4      $  126.8
                                         ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========

Earnings before income taxes
  and fixed charges                       $  419.2      $  720.1      $  587.0      $  218.3      $  424.6
                                         ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges
  and preferred dividends                     3.16          5.46          5.24          1.75          3.35
                                         ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========    ==========

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                                   EXHIBIT 23


We  hereby  consent  to the  incorporation  by  reference  in  the  Registration
Statements  on Form S-3 (Nos.  333-27297,  333-44125,  333-54276,  333-60803 and
333-75766) and to the incorporation by reference in the Registration  Statements
on Form S-8 (Nos. 33-23178, 33-33189,  33-51019, 33-51599, 33-51603,  333-27437,
333-47893,  333-48331, 333-49369, 333-63659, 333-63661, 333-81405, 333-84057 and
333-74894),  of  RadioShack  Corporation  of our report dated  February 20, 2002
relating to the consolidated  financial  statements,  which appears in this Form

\s\ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- ------------------------------
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Fort Worth, Texas
March 26, 2002