Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K

      ACT OF 1934

                   For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2003



                          Commission file number 1-5571

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                   DELAWARE                               75-1047710
      (State or other jurisdiction of                  (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)                 Identification No.)

 100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1800, Fort Worth, Texas    76102
       (Address of principal executive offices)          (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code (817) 415-3700

                                                    Name of each exchange
      Title of each class                            on which registered
Common Stock, par value $1 per share                New York Stock Exchange
Preferred Share Purchase Rights                     New York Stock Exchange


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No __

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. ____

Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes X No __

As of June 30,  2003,  the  aggregate  market  value of the voting stock held by
non-affiliates of the registrant was $4,378,512,568  based on the New York Stock
Exchange closing price.

As of February  18,  2004,  there were  161,927,676  shares of the  registrant's
Common Stock outstanding.

                       Documents Incorporated by Reference

Portions of the Proxy Statement for the 2004 Annual Meeting of Stockholders  are
incorporated by reference into Part III.



RadioShack Corporation was incorporated in Delaware in 1967. We primarily engage
in the  retail  sale of  consumer  electronic  goods and  services  through  our
RadioShack(R) store chain. Our strategy is to dominate cost-effective  solutions
to meet everyone's routine electronics needs and families' distinct  electronics
wants.  Throughout  this report,  the terms  "our," "we," "us" and  "RadioShack"
refer to RadioShack Corporation, including its subsidiaries.

At December 31, 2003, we operated 5,121 company  stores  located  throughout the
United  States,  as well as in Puerto Rico and the U.S.  Virgin  Islands.  These
stores averaged  approximately  2,450 square feet and are located in major malls
and strip centers,  as well as individual  storefronts.  Each location carries a
broad  assortment of both private label and third-party  branded  products.  Our
product lines include electronic parts, batteries and accessories;  wireless and
conventional  telephones;  audio and  video  equipment;  direct-to-home  ("DTH")
satellite systems;  personal  computers;  personal  electronics such as home air
cleaners;  and unique toys.  We also  provide  consumers  access to  third-party
services  such as  cellular  and PCS phone and DTH  satellite  activation,  long
distance telephone service, prepaid wireless airtime and extended service plans.
At December 31, 2003, we also had a network of 1,921  dealer/franchise  outlets,
including 55 located outside of the U.S. These outlets provide private label and
third-party  branded products and services to smaller  communities.  The dealers
are generally  engaged in other retail  operations and augment their  businesses
with our products and service offerings. Our sales derived outside of the United
States are not material.

Retail Support Operations.  Our retail stores,  along with our  dealer/franchise
outlets,  are supported by an  established  infrastructure.  Below are the major
components of this support structure.

        RadioShack Global Sourcing ("RSGS") - RSGS, which is owned by us, serves
        our wide-ranging international import/export, sourcing, evaluation,
        logistics and quality control needs. While the majority of RSGS's
        activities support our business, RSGS also provides services for outside

        Consumer Electronics Manufacturing - We operate four manufacturing
        facilities in the United States and one overseas manufacturing operation
        in the Asia Pacific region. These five manufacturing facilities employed
        approximately 2,200 employees as of December 31, 2003. We manufacture a
        variety of products, primarily sold through our retail outlets,
        including telephony, antennas, wire and cable products, and a wide
        variety of "hard to find" parts and accessories for consumer electronics

        RadioShack.com - Products, services and information are available
        through our Web site www.radioshack.com. Online customers can purchase,
        return or exchange products available through our Web site or at their
        neighborhood RadioShack location.

        RadioShack Customer Support - Using state-of-the-art telephone and data
        networks, RadioShack Customer Support responds to more than 4.8 million
        phone calls and emails annually. The responses include answers to
        customers' unique requests for hard to find parts, batteries and
        accessories, customer service inquiries and direct sales requests
        related to our Web site and retail stores.

        RadioShack Service Centers - We maintain a service and support network
        to service the consumer electronics and personal computer retail
        industry in the U.S. At December 31, 2003, we had 43 RadioShack service
        centers in the U.S. and one in Puerto Rico that repair name brand and
        private label products sold through our various sales channels. We are
        also a vendor-authorized service provider for leading manufacturers such
        as Compaq, Sony, Hewlett-Packard, RCA/Thomson, Kyocera, Nokia, Samsung,
        ATC Logistics & Electronics and LG Electronics, among others. In
        addition, we perform repairs for third-party service centers and
        extended service plan providers.

        RadioShack Technology Services ("RSTS") - Our management information
        system architecture is composed of a distributed, online network of
        computers that links all stores, customer channels, delivery locations,
        service centers, credit providers, distribution facilities and our
        corporate offices into a fully integrated system. Each store has its own
        server to support the point of sale system. The majority of our company
        stores communicate through a broadband network, which provides efficient
        access to customer support data. This design also allows store
        management to track sales and/or inventory at the product, customer or
        sales associate level. RSTS provides the majority of our programming and
        systems analysis needs.

        Regional Distribution Centers - We have seven distribution centers that
        ship over one million cartons each month to our retail stores and
        dealer/franchise outlets. Two of these distribution centers also serve
        as fulfillment centers for our online customers.

As with other retailers, our net sales and operating revenues, operating profits
and cash flows are proportionally  greater during the winter holiday season than
during  other  periods  of  the  year.  There  is a  corresponding  pre-seasonal
inventory  build-up,  which requires  working capital related to the anticipated
increased   sales  volume.   This  is  described  in  more  detail  below  under
"Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis of Financial  Condition  and Results of
Operations"  ("MD&A") in the section titled "Cash Flow and Liquidity." Also, see
Note 29 of the "Notes to  Consolidated  Financial  Statements" for our quarterly
data, which shows seasonality trends. We expect such seasonality to continue.

We own or are licensed to use many  trademarks  and service marks related to our
business in the United States and in foreign countries. Radio Shack, RadioShack,
RadioShack.com,  and "You've got questions.  We've got answers." are some of the
marks most widely used by us. We believe that the RadioShack  name and marks are
well  recognized  by consumers and that the name and marks are  associated  with
high-quality  products  and  services.  We also  believe  that  the  loss of the
RadioShack  name and  RadioShack  marks  would  have a  material  impact  on our
business.  Our private label manufactured  products are sold primarily under the
RadioShack  trademark.  We also  own  various  patents  relating  to  electronic
products designed and manufactured by us.

Our business strategy depends,  in part, upon our ability to offer private label
and  third-party  branded  products,  as well as  third-party  services,  to our
customers.  We utilize a large number of suppliers  located in various  parts of
the world to obtain raw  materials  and  private  label  merchandise.  We do not
expect a lack of  availability  of raw  materials  or any single  private  label
product to have a material impact on our  operations.  We have formed vendor and
third-party service provider  relationships with well-recognized  companies and,
in the aggregate,  certain of these relationships are important to our business;
the loss of or  disruption  in supply  from  these  relationships  could  have a
material adverse effect on our net sales and operating  revenues.  Additionally,
we have been limited from time to time by various vendors and suppliers strictly
on an economic basis, where demand has exceeded supply. In the aggregate,  these
relationships  have or are  expected  to have a  significant  impact on both our
operations  and financial  strategy.  Our vendor and  third-party  relationships
include the following companies:

        Hewlett-Packard Company ("HP") - HP is the sole supplier of both desktop
        and laptop personal computers sold under the HP and Compaq names through
        our retail stores, participating dealer/franchise outlets and on our Web

        EchoStar Satellite Corporation ("DISH Network") - We have a sales
        incentive agreement with DISH Network to acquire subscribers for the
        multi-channel audio/video programming direct broadcast satellite
        services of DISH Network in the U.S.

        Sprint Communications Company and Sprint PCS ("Sprint") - Through our
        telecommunications relationship with Sprint, our customers have access
        to wireless PCS telephones and service, prepaid calling cards and long
        distance telephone service, as well as residential telephones and
        related telephony products.

        Verizon Wireless ("Verizon") - Our relationship with the nation's
        largest wireless communications service provider permits approximately
        4,300 company stores to sell products and services with a single
        cellular service provider. The relationship fosters training, marketing,
        inventory, repair and other supply chain synergies.

We have no material backlog of orders for the products or services that we sell.

Due to rising consumer demand for wireless communications products and services,
as well as rapid consumer  acceptance of new digital  technology  products,  the
consumer  electronics  retail  business  continues  to  be  highly  competitive,
primarily driven by technology and product cycles.

In the consumer  electronics  retailing  business,  competitive  factors include
price,   product   availability,   quality  and  features,   consumer  services,
manufacturing  and distribution  capability,  brand reputation and the number of
competitors.  We compete in the sale of our products  and services  with several
retail formats.  Consumer  electronics  retailers  include both Circuit City and
Best Buy.  Department  and specialty  stores,  such as Sears and The Home Depot,
compete on a more select  product  category  scale.  Sprint and Verizon  compete
directly with us in the wireless  department through their own retail and online
presence. Mass merchants such as Wal-Mart, Target and other alternative channels
of distribution, such as mail order and e-commerce retailers, compete with us on
a  more  widespread   basis.   Numerous  domestic  and  foreign  companies  also
manufacture  products similar to ours for other retailers,  which are sold under
nationally-recognized brand names or private labels.

Management  believes we have three primary factors  differentiating  us from our
competition.  First is our extensive physical retail presence with approximately
7,000 convenient  retail locations in virtually every  neighborhood  nationwide.
Second, our specially trained sales staff is capable of providing cost-effective
solutions for our customers' routine electronics needs and distinct  electronics
wants,  assisting  customers  with service  activation,  where  applicable,  and
assisting with the selection of appropriate  products and accessories.  Third is
our proven ability to accelerate the adoption of new technologies.

While  we  believe  we have an  effective  business  strategy,  we  cannot  give
assurance that we will continue to compete successfully in the future, given the
highly competitive nature of the consumer electronics retail business.  Also, in
light of the ever-changing  nature of the consumer  electronics retail industry,
we would be  adversely  affected  if our  competitors  were able to offer  their
products at  significantly  lower  prices.  Additionally,  we would be adversely
affected if our competitors were able to introduce innovative or technologically
superior  products  not yet  available  to us,  or if we were  unable  to obtain
certain  products  in a  timely  manner  or  for an  extended  period  of  time.
Furthermore,  our  business  would  be  adversely  affected  if we fail to offer
value-added  solutions or if our  competition  enhances their ability to provide
these value-added solutions.

As of December 31, 2003, we had approximately 39,500 employees. Of the temporary
retail  employees hired for the holiday selling season,  approximately  7,700 of
these temporary employees remained at year-end. Our employees are not covered by
collective  bargaining  agreements,  nor are they  members of labor  unions.  We
consider our relationship with our employees to be good.

We are subject to the reporting  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, and its rules and regulations. The Exchange Act requires us to
file reports,  proxy  statements and other  information  with the SEC. Copies of
these  reports,  proxy  statements  and other  information  can be inspected and
copied at:

                        SEC Public Reference Room
                        450 Fifth Street, N.W.
                        Room 1024
                        Washington, D.C.  20549

You may obtain  information  on the  operation of the Public  Reference  Room by
calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. You may also obtain copies of any material we
have filed with the SEC by mail at prescribed rates from:

                        Public Reference Section
                        Securities and Exchange Commission
                        450 Fifth Street N.W.
                        Washington, D.C.  20549-0004

You may obtain these materials  electronically  by accessing the SEC's home page
on the Internet at:


In addition,  we make available,  free of charge,  on our Internet Web site, our
annual report on Form 10-K,  quarterly reports on Form 10-Q,  current reports on
Form 8-K,  amendments to these reports and proxy  statements  filed or furnished
pursuant to Section  13(a) or 15(d) of the  Exchange  Act as soon as  reasonably
practicable after we  electronically  file this material with, or furnish it to,
the SEC. You may review these documents, under the heading "Investor Relations,"
by accessing our Web site:


Also,  reports and other information  concerning us are available for inspection
and copying at:

                        New York Stock Exchange
                        20 Broad Street
                        New York, New York 10005

Our Board of Directors has adopted a Corporate  Governance  Framework  that sets
forth the  board's  policies  regarding  corporate  governance  with  respect to
RadioShack.  You may review the Corporate Governance Framework under the heading
"Investor Relations,"  sub-heading "Corporate  Governance," by accessing our Web


You may also obtain a copy of the  Corporate  Governance  Framework by mailing a
request to:

                        RadioShack Corporation
                        Assistant Corporate Secretary
                        100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1700
                        Fort Worth, Texas 76102

In connection with the Board of Directors'  responsibility  to oversee our legal
compliance and ethical conduct, the Board of Directors has approved RadioShack's
Code of Ethics and Financial Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics consists of both
our  values  and  our  Code  of  Conduct,   and   represents  a  framework   for
decision-making  and  is an  expression  of our  core  values  and  expectations
regarding  business conduct.  The Code of Ethics (including the Code of Conduct)
is applicable to directors, officers and employees. The Financial Code of Ethics
addresses the responsibilities of our Chief Executive Officer,  President, Chief
Financial  Officer and Controller  regarding the roles of these individuals with
respect to the oversight of our financial practices.  You may review the Code of
Conduct and the Financial Code of Ethics under the heading "Investor Relations,"
sub-heading "Corporate Governance," by accessing our Web site:


You can also  obtain a copy of the Code of  Conduct  and the  Financial  Code of
Ethics by mailing a request to:

                        RadioShack Corporation
                        Assistant Corporate Secretary
                        100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1700
                        Fort Worth, Texas 76102

The  Board of  Directors  has  established  charters  for each of the  following
committees of the Board of Directors: Audit and Compliance Committee,  Corporate
Governance  Committee,   Executive  Committee  and  Management  Development  and
Compensation  Committee.  You may review a copy of the charters of each of these
committees "Investor Relations," sub-heading "Corporate Governance,"by accessing
our Web site:


You can also obtain a copy of the charters by mailing a request to:

                        RadioShack Corporation
                        Assistance Corporate Secretary
                        100 Throckmorton Street, Suite 1700
                        Fort Worth, Texas 76102

Information  on our  properties is located in MD&A and the financial  statements
included in this Form 10-K and is  incorporated  into this Item 2 by  reference.
The following items are discussed further on the referenced pages:

Retail Outlets............................       12
Property, Plant and Equipment.............       40
Commitments and Contingent Liabilities....       47

We lease, rather than own, most of our retail and service center facilities. Our
stores are located primarily in major shopping malls,  stand-alone  buildings or
shopping centers owned by other entities.  We lease all of the property on which
our  executive   offices  are  located  in  downtown  Fort  Worth,   Texas,  one
distribution center in the United States, and six administrative offices and one
manufacturing plant in the Asia Pacific region. We own the property on which the
other  six  distribution  centers  are  located  and  all of  our  manufacturing
facilities  located  throughout the United States. We also beneficially own land
purchased in 2001 in Fort Worth, Texas, on which our new corporate  headquarters
is being  constructed.  This  land is  currently  held on our  behalf by a local
development  agency  operated  by the City of Fort Worth to  facilitate  various
incentive  programs  provided by the City.  Based on our  periodic  reviews,  we
believe our existing  distribution centers and office facilities are adequate to
meet our current and foreseeable needs.

We are currently a party to a class action lawsuit, styled Alphonse L. Perez, et
al. v. RadioShack Corporation, filed in the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois, alleging that we misclassified certain RadioShack
store managers as exempt from overtime in violation of the Fair Labor  Standards
Act. While the alleged damages in this lawsuit are  undetermined,  they could be
substantial.  We believe that we have meritorious defenses and we are vigorously
defending  this case.  Furthermore,  we fully  expect this case to be  favorably
determined as a matter of federal law. If, however, an adverse resolution of the
litigation  occurs,  we believe it could have a material  adverse  effect on our
results of operations for the year in which resolution  occurs.  However,  we do
not believe that such an adverse  resolution would have a material impact on our
financial  condition or liquidity.  The liability,  if any, associated with this
matter was not determinable at December 31, 2003.

We  have  various  pending  claims,  lawsuits,   disputes  with  third  parties,
investigations  and actions incident to the operation of our business.  Although
occasional  adverse  settlements or resolutions may occur and negatively  impact
earnings  in the year of  settlement,  it is our  opinion  that  their  ultimate
resolution will not have a materially adverse effect on our financial  condition
or liquidity.

No  matters  were  submitted  to a vote of  security  holders  during the fourth
quarter of 2003.

The following is a list of our executive officers and their ages,  positions and
length of service with us as of February 18, 2004.

                                          Position                                       Years with
   Name                      (Date Elected to Current Position)                 Age        Company
   ----                       --------------------------------                  ---        -------

Leonard H. Roberts (1)  Chairman of the Board (May 1999) and                    54           10
                        Chief Executive Officer (January 1999)

David J. Edmondson (2)  President and Chief Operating Officer                   44            9
                        (December 2000)

Evelyn V. Follit (3)    Senior Vice President - Chief Organizational Enabling   57            6
                        Services Officer (October 2003) and Chief Information
                        Officer (July 1998)

Mark C. Hill (4)        Senior Vice President - Chief Administrative Officer    52            7
                        (October 2003) and Secretary and General Counsel
                        (July 1997)

Laura K. Moore (5)      Senior Vice President - Chief Communications Officer    41            5
                        (March 2003)

Michael D. Newman (6)   Senior Vice President and Chief Financial               47            3
                        Officer (May 2001)

There are no family relationships among the executive officers listed, and there
are no arrangements or understandings  under which any of them were appointed as
executive  officers.  All  executive  officers  of  RadioShack  Corporation  are
appointed  by the Board of  Directors  annually to serve for the year,  or until
their successors are appointed.  All of the executive officers listed above have
served RadioShack in various capacities over the past five years, except for Mr.

(1)   Mr. Roberts has been Chairman of the Board of Directors, RadioShack
      Corporation since May 1999 and Chief Executive Officer of RadioShack
      Corporation since January 1999. Previously, Mr. Roberts was President,
      RadioShack Corporation from December 1995 to December 2000.

(2)   Mr. Edmondson served as Senior Vice President, RadioShack Corporation, and
      Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the RadioShack
      division from October 1998 to December 2000, prior to his appointment as
      President and Chief Operating Officer, RadioShack Corporation. Mr.
      Edmondson served as Senior Vice President of Marketing and Advertising of
      the RadioShack division from November 1995 to October 1998.

(3)   Ms. Follit served as Vice President and Chief Information Officer,
      RadioShack Corporation, from July 1998 to May 1999, when she was appointed
      Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, RadioShack
      Corporation. In March 2003, she was appointed Senior Vice President -
      Organizational Enabling Services and Chief Information Officer, and, in
      October 2003, she was appointed Senior Vice President - Chief
      Organizational Enabling Services Officer and Chief Information Officer.

(4)   Mr. Hill served as Vice President, Corporate Secretary and General
      Counsel, RadioShack Corporation, from July 1997 to October 1998, when he
      was appointed Senior Vice President, RadioShack Corporation. In October
      2003, he was appointed Senior Vice President - Chief Administrative
      Officer; however, he continues to serve as our Secretary and General

(5)   Ms. Moore served as Vice President - Corporate Communications and Public
      Relations for RadioShack Corporation from November 1998 to October 2000,
      when she was appointed Senior Vice President - Public Relations and
      Corporate Communications, RadioShack Corporation. In March 2003, she was
      appointed Senior Vice President - Chief Communications Officer.

(6)   Mr. Newman has served as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial
      Officer, RadioShack Corporation, since May 2001. Prior to joining
      RadioShack Corporation, he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
      of Intimate Brands, Inc. (a retailer of women's apparel and care products)
      from June 2000 to December 2000, and Vice President and Chief Financial
      Officer of Hussmann International, Inc. (a manufacturer of merchandising
      equipment and commercial refrigeration systems) from 1996 to 2000.



Our common  stock is listed on the New York Stock  Exchange and trades under the
symbol "RSH." The following  table  presents the high and low trading prices for
our common  stock,  as  reported in the  composite  transactions  quotations  of
consolidated trading for issues on the New York Stock Exchange, for each quarter
in the two years ended December 31, 2003.

                                                  Dividends        Dividends
 Quarter Ended           High         Low         Declared           Paid
 -------------           ----         ---         --------           ----

December 31, 2003      $ 32.48      $ 27.90        $ 0.25           $ 0.25
September 30, 2003       31.62        25.37           --               --
June 30, 2003            27.00        21.45           --               --
March 31, 2003           22.65        18.74           --               --

December 31, 2002      $ 24.72      $ 16.99        $ 0.22           $ 0.22
September 30, 2002       30.25        19.11           --               --
June 30, 2002            36.21        27.50           --               --
March 31, 2002           31.85        26.13           --               --

At February 18, 2004, there were 29,083 holders of record of our common stock.

The Board of  Directors  annually  reviews our dividend  policy.  On October 17,
2003,  our Board of  Directors  declared an annual  dividend of $0.25 per common
share.  The dividend was paid on December 26, 2003, to stockholders of record on
December 8, 2003.



                                                                   Year Ended December 31,
(Dollars and shares in millions, except per share      2003       2002       2001       2000       1999
amounts, ratios, outlets and square footage)         ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------
Statements of Income Data
Net sales and operating revenues                     $4,649.3   $4,577.2   $4,775.7   $4,794.7   $4,126.2
Operating income                                     $  483.7   $  425.4   $  359.3   $  629.7   $  497.3
Net income                                           $  298.5   $  263.4   $  166.7   $  368.0   $  297.9
Net income available per common share:
   Basic                                             $   1.78   $   1.50   $   0.88   $   1.94   $   1.51
   Diluted                                           $   1.77   $   1.45   $   0.85   $   1.84   $   1.43
Shares used in computing earnings per common share:
   Basic                                                167.7      173.0      183.8      187.3      194.2
   Diluted                                              168.9      179.3      191.2      197.7      205.0
Gross profit as a percent of sales                       49.8%      48.9%      48.1%      49.4%      50.5%
SG&A expense as a percent of sales                       37.4%      37.8%      35.9%      34.1%      36.2%

Balance Sheet Data
Inventories                                          $  766.5   $  971.2   $  949.8   $1,164.3   $  861.4
Total assets                                         $2,243.9   $2,227.9   $2,245.1   $2,576.5   $2,142.0
Working capital                                      $  808.5   $  878.7   $  887.9   $  585.8   $  478.1

Capital structure:
   Current debt                                      $   77.4   $   36.0   $  105.5   $  478.6   $  188.9
   Long-term debt                                    $  541.3   $  591.3   $  565.4   $  302.9   $  319.4
   Total debt                                        $  618.7   $  627.3   $  670.9   $  781.5   $  508.3
   Total debt, net of cash and cash equivalents      $  (16.0)  $  180.8   $  269.5   $  650.8   $  343.7
   Stockholders' equity                              $  769.3   $  728.1   $  778.1   $  880.3   $  830.7
   Total capitalization                              $1,388.0   $1,355.4   $1,449.0   $1,661.8   $1,339.0
   Long-term debt as a % of total capitalization (1)     39.0%      43.6%      39.0%      18.2%      23.9%
   Total debt as a % of total capitalization (1)         44.6%      46.3%      46.3%      47.0%      38.0%
   Book value per common share at year end           $   4.73   $   4.24   $   4.40   $   4.74   $   4.36

Financial Ratios
Return on average stockholders' equity                   39.9%     35.0%      20.1%      43.0%      35.5%
Return on average assets                                 13.4%     11.8%       6.9%      15.6%      14.4%
Annual inventory turnover                                 2.7       2.4        2.3        2.4        2.3
Ratio of earnings to fixed charges (2)                   4.87      4.40       3.28       5.73       5.55

Other Data
Dividends declared per common share                  $  0.250   $  0.220   $  0.165   $  0.220   $  0.205
Dividends paid per common share                      $  0.250   $  0.220   $  0.220   $  0.220   $  0.200
Capital expenditures                                 $  189.6   $  106.8   $  139.2   $  119.6   $  102.4
Number of RadioShack retail locations at year end       7,042      7,213      7,373      7,199      7,186
Average square footage per company store                2,450      2,400      2,350      2,300      2,300
Comparable company store sales increase (decrease)          2%        (1%)        1%        11%        12%

This  table  should be read in  conjunction  with  Management's  Discussion  and
Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and Results of  Operations  ("MD&A")  and the
Consolidated Financial Statements and related Notes.

(1) Capitalization is defined as total debt plus total stockholders' equity.
(2) Earnings used in computing the ratio of earnings to fixed charges consist of
    pre-tax earnings and fixed charges. Fixed charges are defined as interest
    expense related to debt, amortization expense related to deferred financing
    costs, and a portion of rental charges.


RadioShack is primarily a retailer of consumer electronics and services. We seek
to  differentiate   ourselves  from  our  various  competitors  by  focusing  on
dominating cost-effective solutions to meet everyone's routine electronics needs
and  families'  distinct  electronics  wants.  This  strategy  allows us to take
advantage of the unique opportunities provided by our extensive retail presence,
specially-trained  sales staff and  relationships  with  reputable  vendors.  We
believe this strategy  provides us with the  opportunity  to increase our market
share in the highly  competitive  consumer  electronics  area.  In addition,  we
continue  to focus on methods  to reduce  the costs of goods  sold and  selling,
general and administrative expense. Furthermore, we believe that, by focusing on
opportunities such as innovative products, new markets,  licensing opportunities
and  creative  distribution  channels,  we  can  ultimately  generate  increased
financial returns for our shareholders over the long term.

This section of our Annual Report on Form 10-K  discusses  certain  factors that
may affect our future results  (including  economic and industry-wide  factors),
our critical accounting  policies and estimates,  the results of our operations,
our liquidity and financial condition, and our risk management practices.

Matters  discussed  in  MD&A  and  in  other  parts  of  this  document  include
forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of the federal  securities laws.
These matters include  statements  concerning  management's plans and objectives
relating to our operations or economic performance and related  assumptions.  We
specifically  disclaim  any duty to update any of the  information  set forth in
this  document,   including  any  forward-looking  statements.   Forward-looking
statements  are made based on  management's  current  expectations  and  beliefs
concerning  future  events  and,  therefore,  involve  a  number  of  risks  and
uncertainties.  Management  cautions  that  forward-looking  statements  are not
guarantees,  and our actual results could differ materially from those expressed
or implied in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause
our actual results of operations or financial  condition to differ include,  but
are not necessarily limited to, the following factors.

General Business Factors

o    Changes in the national or regional U.S. economic conditions, including,
     but not limited to, recessionary or inflationary trends, level of the
     equity markets, consumer credit availability, interest rates, consumers'
     disposable income and spending levels, job security and unemployment, and
     overall consumer confidence;
o    changes in the amount and degree of promotional intensity exerted by
     current competitors and potential new competition from both retail stores
     and alternative methods or channels of distribution, such as e-commerce,
     telephone shopping services and mail order;
o    the inability to attract, retain and grow an effective management team in a
     dynamic environment or changes in the cost or availability of a suitable
     workforce to manage and support our service-driven operating strategies;
o    any potential tariffs imposed on products that we import from China, as
     well as the potential strengthening of China's currency against the U.S.
o    continuing terrorist activities in the U.S., as well as the international
     war on terrorism;
o    the disruption of international, national or regional transportation
o    the lack of availability or access to sources of inventory;
o    changes in the financial markets that would reduce or eliminate access to
     longer term capital or short-term credit availability;
o    the imposition of new restrictions or regulations regarding the products
     and/or services we sell or changes in tax rules and regulations applicable
     to us;
o    the occurrence of severe weather events or natural disasters, which could
     significantly damage or destroy outlets or prohibit consumers from
     traveling to our retail locations, especially during the peak winter
     holiday season;
o    increases in ocean freight rates; and
o    the inability to timely manufacture or receive Asian shipments due to the
     potential emergence of a disease, including SARS.

RadioShack Specific Factors

o    The inability to successfully execute our strategy to dominate
     cost-effective solutions to meet everyone's routine electronics needs and
     families' distinct electronics wants;
o    the failure to differentiate ourselves as an electronics specialty retailer
     in the U.S. marketplace;
o    the inability to create, maintain or renew profitable contracts or execute
     business plans with providers of third-party branded products and with
     service providers relating to cellular and PCS telephones;
o    the presence or absence of new services or products and product features in
     the merchandise categories we sell and unexpected changes in our actual
     merchandise sales mix;
o    the inability to collect the level of anticipated residual income,
     subscriber acquisition fees and rebates for products and third-party
     services offered by us;

o    the existence of contingent lease obligations related to our discontinued
     retail operations arising from an assignee's or a sub-lessee's failure to
     fulfill its lease commitments, or from our inability to identify suitable
     sub-lessees for vacant facilities;
o    the inability to successfully identify and analyze emerging growth
     opportunities in the areas of strategic business alliances, licensing
     opportunities, new markets, alternative sales channels, and innovative
o    the inability to successfully identify and enter into relationships with
     developers of new technologies or the failure of these new technologies to
     be adopted by the market; and
o    any reductions or changes in the growth rate of the wireless industry and
     changes in the wireless communications industry dynamics, including both
     consolidation and the effects of number portability.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

The preparation of our  consolidated  financial  statements  requires us to make
estimates that affect the reported values of assets,  liabilities,  revenues and
expenses.  Our estimates are based on  historical  experience  and various other
factors that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of
which  form  the  basis  for  our  conclusions.   We  continually  evaluate  the
information  used to make  these  estimates  as our  business  and the  economic
environment  changes. The use of estimates is pervasive throughout our financial
statements.  Note 2 to the consolidated  financial statements includes a summary
of our most significant  accounting  policies,  but the accounting  policies and
estimates we consider most critical are as follows:

Revenue Recognition: Our revenue is derived principally from the sale of private
label and  third-party  branded  products and services to consumers.  Revenue is
recognized,  net of an estimate for customer refunds and product  returns,  when
delivery has occurred or services have been  rendered,  the sales price is fixed
or determinable,  and  collectibility is reasonably  assured.  Certain products,
such as wireless handsets and satellite systems, require the customer to use the
services of a  third-party  service  provider.  In most cases,  the  third-party
service  provider will pay us a fee or commission  for obtaining a new customer,
as  well  as  a  monthly  recurring  residual  amount  based  upon  the  ongoing
arrangement  between the service  provider and the  customer.  Fee or commission
revenue,  net of estimated service  disconnects,  is generally recognized at the
time the customer is accepted as a subscriber of a third-party service provider.
Residual  income is  recognized  as earned under the terms of each contract with
the service  provider,  which is  typically  as the service  provider  bills its
customer, generally on a monthly basis. Material differences could result in the
amount and timing of our revenue for any period if actual returns, sales, fee or
commission  revenue  adjustments  exceed or are different  from our estimates or

Additionally, we offer repair service (i.e., non-warranty) contracts on products
sold.  These contracts  generally  provide extended service coverage for periods
ranging from 12 to 60 months.  We offer these  contracts in all but three states
on behalf of an unrelated third-party obligor. We are not considered the primary
obligor on these  contracts.  In these  circumstances,  our share of  commission
revenue  is  recognized  as income  at the time the  contract  is sold.  For the
contracts offered in the three states where we are the primary obligor, revenues
from the sale of these  contracts  are  recognized  ratably over the term of the
contracts. Costs directly related to the sale of such contracts are deferred and
charged to cost of products sold proportionately as the revenues are recognized.
A loss is  recognized on extended  service  contracts if the sum of the expected
costs of  providing  services  pursuant  to the  contracts  exceeds  the related
unearned revenue.

Receivables:  We record receivables based on the amount of revenue recognized as
described above. Our receivables  primarily  consist of amounts due from certain
vendors,  third-party  service  providers,   dealer/franchisees  and  commercial
customers. The carrying amount of the receivables is continually evaluated based
on  the  likelihood  of  collection.  An  allowance  for  doubtful  accounts  is
established  for estimated  losses  resulting from the inability of our vendors,
third-party  service  providers,   and  both   dealer/franchise  and  commercial
customers  to make  their  required  payments.  Factors  such as these  parties'
creditworthiness,  payment terms, historical results and economic conditions are
considered   when   making   these   decisions.   If  any  of   these   parties'
creditworthiness deteriorates beyond our expectations, or if any of their actual
defaults  exceed our historical  experience,  such that actual  collections  are
different from their recorded amounts,  material charges to our selling, general
and administrative expenses could be required.

Inventory:  Inventory  is  our  largest  asset  class.  Our  inventory  consists
primarily  of finished  goods and is recorded at the lower of cost (based on the
average cost method) or market.  We make estimates  regarding the carrying value
of our inventory on an  item-by-item  basis.  If the amount we expect to receive
from the sale of the  inventory is less than its cost, we write down the cost of
the  inventory to its  estimated  realizable  value based on  assumptions  about
future  demand and  market  conditions.  If actual  market  conditions  are less
favorable  than those  projected  by  management,  or if  unexpected  changes in
technology affect demand for certain products,  we could be exposed to losses on
the recorded amounts in inventory in excess of our established reserves.

Accrued  Expenses:  The amount of liability we record for claims related to self
insurance,  warranty and pending litigation  requires us to make judgments about
the amount of expenses that will ultimately be incurred. We use our past history
and  experience,  as well as  other  specific  circumstances  surrounding  these
claims,  in  evaluating  the  amount  of  liability  that we should  record.  As
additional  information  becomes  available,  we assess the potential  liability
related to our various  claims and revise our  estimates as  appropriate.  These
revisions  could  materially  impact our  results of  operations  and  financial

Income Taxes:  We are subject to income taxes in many  jurisdictions,  including
the U.S.,  states and  localities,  and abroad.  We must first  determine  which
revenues  and  expenses  should be included in each  taxing  jurisdiction.  This
process  involves the  estimation of our actual  current tax exposure,  together
with the assessment of temporary  differences resulting from differing treatment
of income or expense  items for tax and  accounting  purposes.  We establish tax
reserves in our  consolidated  financial  statements  based on our estimation of
current tax exposures. If we prevail in tax matters for which reserves have been
established  or we are  required  to settle  matters  in  excess of  established
reserves,  our  effective  tax rate for a particular  period could be materially
affected.  Temporary  differences arising from differing treatment of income and
expense items for tax and financial  reporting  purposes  result in deferred tax
assets and  liabilities  that are recorded on our balance  sheet.  If our actual
results  differ  from  estimated  results or if we adjust our  estimates  in the
future such that we would not expect to realize all or part of our net  deferred
tax assets, we may need to establish a valuation  allowance against our deferred
tax assets, which could also materially affect our effective tax rate.

Management  reviews  a  number  of key  indicators  to  evaluate  our  financial
performance, including:
   o        net sales and operating revenues,
   o        gross margin,
   o        selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expense, and
   o        operating margin.

For 2003,  RadioShack's net sales and operating revenues increased 1.6%, and our
gross margin improved to 49.8% of our 2003 net sales. Our SG&A expense decreased
to 37.4% of our 2003 net sales,  helping to  increase  our  operating  margin to

In managing our business,  management uses various metrics for company  operated
stores,  including  average tickets per store and average sales per ticket.  See
the table below for a summary of these statistics for the years indicated.

                                     2003        2002        2001
                                   ---------   ---------   ---------
Average tickets per store per day     72          73          71
Average sales per ticket            $30.77      $29.40      $30.41

For a more detailed  discussion of our financial  performance,  please  continue
reading our MD&A,  Consolidated  Financial  Statements and Notes to Consolidated
Financial Statements.

The table below shows our retail  locations  broken down between  company stores
and  dealer/franchise  outlets.  While the  dealer/franchise  outlets  represent
approximately 27% of RadioShack's  total retail locations,  our sales of product
to  dealer/franchisees  are less than 10% of our  total net sales and  operating
revenues (see "Results of Operations" below).

                                    Average             At December 31,
                                   Store Size ----------------------------------
                                   (Sq. Ft.)     2003        2002        2001
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Company operated stores            2,439       5,121       5,161       5,127
  Cool Things @ Blockbuster (1)       N/A         ---         ---          127
  Dealer/franchise outlets            N/A        1,921       2,052       2,119
                                                 -----       -----       -----
  Total number of retail locations               7,042       7,213       7,373
                                                =======     =======     =======

(1) Test stores closed in early 2002.

In addition to our company  operated stores and  dealer/franchise  outlets,  our
existing and emerging sales channels include our www.radioshack.com Web site and
catalog operations, as well as sophisticated outbound and inbound telephone call

Real Estate Owned and Leased

                                                             Approximate Square Footage
                                                                  at December 31,
                                              2003                                         2002
                            ----------------------------------------     ----------------------------------------
(In thousands)                Owned          Leased          Total         Owned          Leased         Total
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RadioShack                        18         12,417         12,435             18         12,486         12,504

Support Operations
Manufacturing                    157            208            365            502            201            703
Distribution centers
  and office space             2,610          2,557          5,167          3,022          2,481          5,503
                            ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
                               2,785         15,182         17,967          3,542         15,168         18,710
                            ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========

Net sales and operating revenues by channel of distribution are as follows:

                                       Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                        2003       2002       2001
- -------------                      --------   --------   --------
Company operated store sales       $4,350.2   $4,247.0   $4,266.2
Dealer/franchise and other sales      299.1      330.2      509.5
                                   --------   --------   --------
Net sales and operating revenues   $4,649.3   $4,577.2   $4,775.7
                                   ========   ========   ========

The following  table provides a summary of our net sales and operating  revenues
by department and as a percent of net sales and operating revenues.

                                             Net Sales And Operating Revenues
                                                   Year Ended December 31,
                                         2003               2002               2001
                                   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------
Wireless communication             $1,623.2   34.9%   $1,419.9   31.0%   $1,297.5   27.2%
Wired communication                   343.7    7.4       379.7    8.3       383.5    8.0
Radio communication                   114.8    2.5       120.6    2.6       132.0    2.8
Home entertainment                    737.9   15.9       855.2   18.7     1,121.4   23.5
Computer                              455.9    9.8       456.8   10.0       461.1    9.6
Power and technical                   634.1   13.6       623.9   13.6       618.9   13.0
Personal electronics,
 toys and personal audio              588.1   12.6       576.2   12.6       562.0   11.8
Retail support operations,
 service plans, and other             151.6    3.3       144.9    3.2       199.3    4.1
                                   ----------------   ----------------   ----------------
Net sales and operating
 revenues                          $4,649.3  100.0%   $4,577.2  100.0%   $4,775.7  100.0%
                                   ================   ================   ================



Sales  increased  approximately  1.6% to $4,649.3  million in 2003 from $4,577.2
million in 2002. We had a 2% increase in comparable  company store sales.  These
increases were  primarily the result of a 14.3% increase in wireless  department
sales,  partially  offset by a decline in sales  within  the home  entertainment
department.  These  sales  increases  were  possible  because of an  increase in
average store volume,  despite a decrease in 2003 of 40 company  stores,  net of
store  openings.  We expect a sales gain for 2004 as discussed in further detail

Sales to our dealer/franchise  outlets, in addition to retail support operations
and other sales,  were down $31.1 million for 2003, or a decrease of 9.4%,  when
compared to 2002.  Sales to our  dealer/franchise  outlets remain  substantially
less than 10% of our total sales.  Retail support  operation sales are generated
primarily  from outside  sales of our repair  centers,  RadioShack  Installation
Services  ("RSIS"),  and domestic and  overseas  manufacturing.  The decrease in
retail support  operations  sales from 2002 to 2003  primarily  resulted from an
overall decline in our RSIS commercial  business,  the closure of several of our
manufacturing  facilities in the third quarter of 2003,  and the sale of RSIS in
September  2003. We expect 2004 sales from  dealer/franchise  and retail support
operations  to  underperform,  compared  to the 2004  sales  performance  of the
Company as a whole.

Sales in the  wireless  communication  department,  which is made up of wireless
handsets (including related services),  accessories,  and wireless services such
as prepaid  airtime and bill payments,  increased 14.3% in dollars and increased
as a percentage of total sales to 34.9% in 2003 compared to 31.0% in 2002.  This
sales increase was due primarily to an increase in the average  selling price of
our wireless handsets, resulting from our continued emphasis on national carrier
service and product offerings with desirable product features and content,  such
as color  screens and cameras.  In addition,  sales  increases in both  wireless
services and  accessories  contributed  to this  increase.  We believe our plans
featuring new technologies,  sales promotions,  and carrier  compensation models
will result in wireless sales increases for 2004.

Sales  in  the  wired  communication  department,   which  includes  residential
telephones,  answering machines and other related telephony products,  decreased
9.5% in dollars and  decreased as a  percentage  of total sales to 7.4% in 2003,
compared to 8.3% in 2002. These decreases were primarily the result of a decline
in 2003 sales of the "Telezapper," a call screening product,  although they were
partially offset by sales increases of cordless phones. We anticipate that sales
in this  department  will be down  for  2004,  compared  to 2003,  as  customers
continue to migrate to more advanced technologies.

Sales in the  radio  communication  department  decreased  4.8% in  dollars  and
decreased  slightly as a percentage of total sales to 2.5% in 2003,  compared to
2.6% in 2002.  The decrease in this  department  was  primarily  the result of a
decrease in Family Radio Service ("FRS"), two-way radio sales, scanner sales and
communication accessories,  partially offset by a sales increase in GPS devices.
We believe sales in this  department  will be  approximately  the same for 2004,
compared to 2003.

Sales in the home entertainment department, which consists of all home audio and
video  end-products  and accessories,  including DTH hardware and  installation,
decreased 13.7% in dollars and decreased as a percentage of total sales to 15.9%
in 2003 compared to 18.7% in 2002.  These decreases were primarily  attributable
to a  decline  in sales of  satellite  dishes  and  their  related  installation
services, as well as a decrease in home entertainment accessory sales. The sales
decrease was partially offset by increased sales of DVD players and televisions.
We anticipate that sales in the home  entertainment  department will be down for
2004, compared to 2003.

Sales in the computer  department,  which  includes  desktop,  laptop,  handheld
computers  and related  accessories,  in  addition  to digital  cameras and home
networking products, decreased slightly in dollars and decreased as a percentage
of total sales to 9.8% in 2003 compared to 10.0% in 2002.  These  decreases were
primarily  the  result  of a  planned  decrease  in  sales of  desktop  CPUs and
monitors, substantially offset by increased sales of digital cameras, camcorders
and  related  accessories,  as well as home  networking  products  and  computer
accessories.  We expect that sales in the computer  department  will increase in
2004, compared to 2003.

Sales in the power and technical  department  increased  slightly in dollars and
remained at 13.6% of total sales for both 2003 and 2002. This sales increase was
primarily due to increased  sales of general and special  purpose  batteries and
power  inverters,  but was  partially  offset  by  decreased  sales  of bulk and
packaged wire, as well as decreases for technical parts and tools. We anticipate
that sales will increase in this department in 2004, compared to 2003.

Sales in the personal electronics,  toys and personal audio department increased
slightly in dollars and remained at 12.6% of total sales for both 2003 and 2002.
The increase in this department was due primarily to micro radio-controlled cars
and related accessories not available in the first nine months of 2002 and, to a
lesser extent,  sales of wellness  products sold under our  LifeWise(TM)  brand.
Also, increased sales of personal audio products had a positive impact for 2003,
resulting from increases in national  security threats and the conflict in Iraq.
These  increases  were  substantially  offset  by  decreased  sales of  personal
electronics, excluding wellness products, and educational toys. We believe sales
in this department will be approximately the same for 2004, compared to 2003.


Gross profit for 2003 was $2,315.7  million or 49.8% of net sales and  operating
revenues,  compared  with  $2,238.3  million or 48.9% of net sales and operating
revenues in 2002,  resulting  in a 3.5%  increase in gross profit and a 90 basis
point increase in our gross profit  percentage.  These  increases over the prior
year were primarily due to the following:

We  experienced  over $40.0  million in benefit from our supply chain vendor and
strategic pricing initiatives. In connection with these initiatives, we utilized
on line reverse auctions,  realized more favorable terms from vendors,  improved
the impact of markdowns,  priced our products more  appropriately,  and utilized
other techniques and incentives to optimize gross profit.

We also improved our merchandise mix within  departments by increasing the sales
mix for many of our higher margin products, while managing the mix down for many
lower margin products.

We  anticipate  that gross  profit as a  percentage  of net sales and  operating
revenues will continue to improve for 2004, when compared to 2003, due primarily
to the planned  enhancement  of our  current  sales mix  towards  higher  margin
products such as computer accessories, batteries, wellness and digital products.
Also, the impact of additional supply chain management initiatives, particularly
in vendor  relations and  end-of-life  inventory  management,  should  provide a
positive impact.


The  table  below  summarizes  the  breakdown  of  various   components  of  our
consolidated  SG&A  expense  and its related  percentage  of total net sales and
operating revenues.

                                           Year Ended December 31,
                                2003                2002                2001
                         ------------------  ------------------  ------------------
                                     % of                % of                % of
                                    Sales &             Sales &             Sales &
(In millions)             Dollars  Revenues   Dollars  Revenues   Dollars  Revenues
- -------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------
Payroll and commissions  $  751.9    16.2%   $  728.0    15.9%   $  740.3    15.5%
Advertising                 254.4     5.5       241.0     5.3       253.9     5.3
Rent                        250.1     5.4       244.9     5.4       230.3     4.8
Other taxes                 106.9     2.3       105.9     2.3       111.8     2.4
Insurance                    81.5     1.8        71.0     1.6        60.6     1.3
Utilities and telephone      75.8     1.6        74.9     1.6        73.2     1.5
Credit card fees             36.1     0.8        35.8     0.8        34.9     0.7
Lawsuit settlement            --      --         29.0     0.6         --      --
Stock purchase
  and savings plans          21.5     0.4        20.8     0.5        20.3     0.4
Repairs and maintenance      11.6     0.2        12.0     0.3        11.4     0.2
Printing, postage and
  office supplies            10.0     0.2        10.5     0.2        12.2     0.3
Travel                        8.6     0.2         9.6     0.2        10.4     0.2
Loss on real estate
  sub-lease                   5.6     0.1         6.0     0.1         --      --
Bad debt                      0.4     --          4.7     0.1        14.5     0.3
Store closing costs           --      --          --      --          7.6     0.2
Other                       125.6     2.7       134.5     2.9       132.5     2.8
                          -----------------   -----------------  ------------------
                         $1,740.0    37.4%   $1,728.6    37.8%   $1,713.9    35.9%
                         ==================  ==================  ==================

Our SG&A expense  increased  0.7% in dollars,  but decreased as a percent of net
sales and operating revenues to 37.4% for the year ended December 31, 2003, from
37.8% for the year ended  December  31, 2002.  The dollar  increase for 2003 was
primarily due to a $23.9 million increase in payroll and commissions and a $13.4
million  increase  in  advertising,   partially  offset  by  the  $29.0  million
litigation charge in 2002 related to the settlement of a class action lawsuit in

Payroll  expense  increased  by $23.9  million  to  $751.9  million  in 2003 and
increased  0.3  percentage  points to 16.2%  percent of net sales and  operating
revenues in 2003, compared to 15.9% in 2002. The increase in both dollars and as
a percentage  of total sales was due  primarily to an increase in incentive  pay
based on  increased  earnings,  as well as the 2.4%  increase in company  retail
sales. We expect payroll expense to increase in 2004.

Advertising  expense  increased  $13.4  million in 2003 to $254.4  million  from
$241.0 million in 2002 and increased 0.2 percentage  points to 5.5% of net sales
and operating revenues in 2003, compared to 5.3% in 2002.

Rent expense  increased by $5.2 million to $250.1  million in 2003, but remained
the same as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues of 5.4% in both 2003
and  2002.  The  dollar  increase  was  due  primarily  to  lease  renewals  and
relocations at higher rates,  as well as a slight  increase in the average store
size. The percent of net sales remained the same due to fewer company stores and
our continued rent reduction efforts.  We expect a similar increase in 2004 rent
for the same reasons described for 2003.

Insurance  expense  increased  $10.5 million to $81.5 million in 2003 from $71.0
million in 2002 and increased as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues
to 1.8% in 2003,  compared to 1.6% in 2002.  Substantially  all of our insurance
expense  relates  to our  self-insurance  programs.  We  maintain  reserves  for
self-insurance  liabilities  related to our group  medical and casualty  losses,
which include general and product liability and workers'  compensation.  In some
cases,  risks are  insured  through  outside  carriers  for  losses in excess of
self-insured amounts.  These reserves are adjusted to reflect estimates based on
historical  experience,  estimated  claims  incurred but not yet  reported,  the
impact  of risk  management  programs,  and the  estimated  effect  of  external
factors.   As  of  December  31,  2003,  actual  losses  had  not  exceeded  our

In 2004,  we expect SG&A expense to increase  slightly in dollars,  but decrease
slightly as a percentage of net sales and operating  revenues,  due to increased
sales volume and a continued focus on leveraging our fixed expense base.


Depreciation  and amortization  expense  decreased $2.7 million dollars to $92.0
million and remained at 2.0% of net sales and  operating  revenues for both 2003
and 2002. We expect  depreciation and amortization  expense to increase slightly
in 2004,  due to  depreciation  increases  associated  with new store  fixtures,
capitalized  software related to inventory  management,  and information systems


There was no gain on contract  termination in 2003. For information on the prior
year gain on contract  termination,  see the discussion  below under the section
titled "2002 Compared with 2001."


There was no impairment of long-lived  assets in 2003.  For  information  on the
prior year impairment of long-lived  assets,  see the discussion below under the
section titled "2002 Compared with 2001."


Interest  expense,  net of interest  income,  was $22.9  million for 2003 versus
$34.4 million for 2002, a decrease of $11.5 million or 33.4%.

Interest expense  decreased to $35.7 million in 2003 from $43.4 million in 2002.
This  decrease  was  primarily  the result of a reduction  in the  average  debt
outstanding throughout 2003. In addition, our interest rate swap instruments and
the   capitalization  of  $2.6  million  of  interest  expense  related  to  the
construction of our new corporate  campus also lowered overall  interest expense
for the year ended  December  31,  2003,  when  compared  to the same prior year

Interest income increased over 42% to $12.8 million in 2003 from $9.0 million in
2002, primarily as a result of a $5.6 million increase in interest received from
tax  settlements  in 2003,  as  compared  to 2002.  Interest  income,  including
accretion of discount as applicable,  earned on the amounts  outstanding  during
the three years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, was as follows:

                               Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                 2003      2002       2001
- -------------               --------  --------   --------
CompUSA note receivable     $  --     $  --      $  6.1
Other (includes short-term
 investment interest)         12.8       9.0        6.9
                            --------  --------   --------
Total interest income       $ 12.8    $  9.0     $ 13.0
                            ========  ========   ========

Interest expense,  net of interest income, is expected to decrease in 2004, when
compared to 2003.


On July 28,  2003,  we  received  payment of $15.7  million  resulting  from the
favorable  settlement  of a lawsuit we had  previously  filed.  We recorded this
settlement in the third quarter of 2003 as other income of $10.7 million, net of
legal expenses of $5.0 million paid as a result of the lawsuit.

On September  10, 2003, we sold our  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  AmeriLink  Corp.
("AmeriLink"),   also   referred  to  as  RSIS,   to  INSTALLS  inc,  LLC  in  a
cash-for-stock sale,  resulting in a loss of $1.8 million,  based on AmeriLink's
book value, which was recorded in other income.

For the year ended  December 31, 2003,  we received and recorded  income of $3.1
million  owed to us under a tax sharing  agreement  with  O'Sullivan  Industries
Holdings, Inc.  ("O'Sullivan"),  compared to $33.9 million received and recorded
in the  corresponding  prior  year  period.  In the second  quarter of 2002,  we
received and recorded  income of $27.7 million in partial  settlement of amounts
owed  to us  under  this  tax  sharing  agreement  that  was the  subject  of an
arbitration  dispute with O'Sullivan.  This partial settlement followed a ruling
in our favor by the  arbitration  panel.  Future  payments under the tax sharing
agreement will vary based on the level of  O'Sullivan's  future earnings and are
also dependent on O'Sullivan's  overall financial  condition and ability to pay.
There can be no assurances  that future  payments will be received under the tax
sharing agreement each quarter,  nor can we give any assurances as to the amount
of payment that may be received each quarter.


Our  provision for income taxes  reflects an effective  income tax rate of 36.9%
for 2003 and 38.0% for 2002.  The decrease in the  effective  tax rate for 2003,
when compared to 2002, was the result of a favorable tax  settlement  related to
prior year tax matters.  We anticipate that the effective tax rate for 2004 will
be approximately 38.0%.



Sales  decreased  approximately  4.2% to $4,577.2  million in 2002 from $4,775.7
million in 2001.  This  decrease was  primarily the result of a 38.7% decline in
sales to our dealer/franchise  outlets in 2002, mainly due to the decline in DTH
unit sales. In addition,  we also had a 1% decrease in comparable  company store
sales due primarily to the decline of DTH unit sales and desktop computers,  but
offset by sales increases in wireless handsets and related  accessories.  Retail
support  operations,  service plans and other sales decreased 26.2% from 2001 to
2002  primarily  as a  result  of a $19.1  million  decrease  in  2002  domestic
manufacturing  sales  due to  large  Verizon  fixture  sales in 2001 and a $15.2
million  decrease  in RSIS  sales as a  result  of our  exit  from the  national
commercial  installation  business  at the end of 2001.  Sales  in the  wireless
communication department increased 9.4% in dollars and increased to 31.1% of our
total  sales in 2002  from  27.2% in 2001.  This  sales  increase  was due to an
increase in sales of wireless  handsets and accessories  which resulted from our
emphasis on national  carrier  offerings  with  desirable  product  features and
content,  such as color screens,  photo capability and Internet access. Sales in
the wired  communication  department  decreased  1.0% in dollars  and  increased
slightly as a  percentage  of our total sales to 8.3% in 2002 from 8.0% in 2001.
Increased sales of cordless  telephones were more than offset by decreased sales
of corded telephones. Sales in the radio communication department decreased 8.7%
in dollars and decreased  slightly as a percentage of our total sales to 2.6% in
2002 from 2.8% in 2001. The decrease in this department was primarily the result
of a decrease in Family Radio Service ("FRS") and CB radio sales,  scanner sales
and  communication  accessories,  partially  offset by a sales  increase  in GPS
devices.  Sales in the home entertainment  department decreased 23.7% in dollars
and  decreased as a percentage of our total sales to 18.7% in 2002 from 23.5% in
2001. Substantially all of the dollar decrease was attributable to a decrease in
sales of satellite dishes and related installations. This decrease was partially
offset by  increased  sales of DVD  players.  Sales in the  computer  department
decreased  0.9% in dollars and  increased as a percentage  of our total sales to
10.0% in 2002 from 9.6% in 2001.  These sales dollars were maintained  primarily
due to an increase in laptop computers,  computer accessories and digital camera
sales, offset by a decline in unit sales of desktop CPUs and monitors.  Sales in
the power and  technical  department  increased  0.8% in  dollars  and also as a
percentage  of our  total  sales  to  13.6% in 2002  from  13.0% in 2001.  These
increases were primarily due to increased  sales of general and special  purpose
batteries,  partially  offset by decreased  sales of bulk and packaged  wire and
technical  parts.  Sales in the personal  electronics,  toys and personal  audio
department  increased 2.6% in dollars,  as well as increasing as a percentage of
our total sales to 12.6% in 2002 from 11.8% in 2001,  due primarily to increased
sales of micro radio  controlled  cars and related  accessories,  in addition to
unique giftables.


Gross  profit in 2002 was $2,238.3  million or 48.9% of net sales and  operating
revenues,  compared  with  $2,296.8  million or 48.1% of net sales and operating
revenues  in  2001.  Gross  profit  decreased  $58.5  million  or 2.5% in  2002,
primarily as a result of a 4.2%  decrease in net sales and  operating  revenues.
Despite this  decrease in gross  profit  dollars,  the gross  profit  percentage
increased from 48.1% to 48.9% in 2002, due primarily to an increase in the gross
profit percentage in the home entertainment  department and, to a lesser extent,
increases in both the power and technical and computer departments' gross profit
percentages.  Our gross  profit  percentage  increase  was  partially  offset by
reductions in both the wireless and wired departments' gross profit percentages,
compounded by the increase in the wireless communication department's percent of
total retail sales.  The reduction in gross profit dollars was partially  offset
by a decrease  in the total  sales mix  attributable  to the home  entertainment
department,  which has a lower gross profit  percentage than our overall average
gross profit percentage,  as well as an increase in gross profit dollars for the
power  and  technical  department.  Additionally,  the gross  profit  percentage
improved for our retail support operations in 2002.


Our SG&A  expense  increased  0.9% in dollars and  increased as a percent of net
sales and operating revenues to 37.8% for the year ended December 31, 2002, from
35.9% for the year ended  December  31, 2001.  The dollar  increase for 2002 was
primarily due to a $29.0 million  litigation charge related to the settlement of
a class  action  lawsuit in  California  and a $6.0  million  charge to our 1996
restructuring  reserve as a result of the bankruptcy of a sub-lessee in a former
Incredible Universe store site. A $14.6 million increase in our rent expense and
lower overall  sales in 2002 also  contributed  to a higher SG&A expense  ratio.
This was partially  offset by a $7.6 million charge for store closing costs from
2001, which did not reoccur in 2002.  Payroll expense decreased by $12.3 million
to $728.0 million in 2002, but increased  slightly as a percent of net sales and
operating revenues to 15.9% in 2002,  compared to 15.5% in 2001. The decrease in
dollars was due primarily to our reduction in headcount during the third quarter
of 2001.  Rent expense  increased by $14.6 million to $244.9 million in 2002 and
increased as a percent of net sales and operating  revenues to 5.4% in 2002 from
4.8% in  2001.  These  increases  were  due  primarily  to  lease  renewals  and
relocations at higher rates,  as well as a slight  increase in the average store
size. Advertising expense decreased $12.9 million in 2002 to $241.0 million from
$253.9  million  in 2001,  while  remaining  at 5.3% of net sales and  operating
revenues  during both 2002 and 2001. The dollar decrease was due primarily to an
increase in advertising  contributions  from our various vendors and third-party
service providers. Insurance expense increased $10.4 million to $71.0 million in
2002 from  $60.6  million  in 2001 and  increased  as a percent of net sales and
operating revenues to 1.6% in 2002, compared to 1.3% in 2001. As of December 31,
2002,   actual  losses   regarding   insurance   claims  had  not  exceeded  our


Depreciation and amortization  expense  decreased $13.6 million dollars to $94.7
million and decreased as a percent of net sales and  operating  revenues to 2.0%
in 2002 from 2.3% in 2001.  These  decreases were primarily  attributable to the
elimination of goodwill amortization related to RSIS, as well as the sale of our
corporate headquarters, during the fourth quarter of 2001.


RadioShack  and  Microsoft  mutually  agreed  during  2002  to  terminate  their
agreement  and settle the  remaining  commitments  each had to one another.  The
termination  of this agreement took effect at the start of the fourth quarter of
2002, upon satisfaction of several  contractual  obligations.  The net financial
result was an $18.5 million gain (principally  cash received),  driven primarily
by the settlement of a multi-year obligation Microsoft had to connect our stores
with broadband capabilities.


AmeriLink  was  acquired  in 1999 to  provide us with  residential  installation
capabilities for the technologies and services offered in our retail stores.  As
a result of continued  difficulties in the DTH business and a refocus during the
fourth quarter on our satellite installation  strategy,  together with a revised
cash flow projection for our overall installation  business,  we determined that
the remaining long-lived assets associated with RSIS were impaired.  We compared
the  carrying  value of these  long-lived  assets  with  their  fair  value  and
determined that the remaining  goodwill balance of $8.1 million was impaired and
we, therefore,  recorded an impairment charge of this amount in the accompanying
2002  Consolidated  Statement of Income.  As of December 31, 2002,  there was no
remaining goodwill balance on our balance sheet relating to RSIS.


In the fourth  quarter of 2001,  we sold and leased  back most of our  corporate
headquarters  at a loss of $44.8  million.  In June  2001,  we  received  $123.6
million  for the  settlement  of the  Computer  City,  Inc.  purchase  price and
settlement of the $136.0 million note which was received in connection  with the
sale of Computer City,  Inc. in 1998.  Thus, we incurred an additional loss from
the sale of Computer City, Inc. of $12.4 million.


During  the third  quarter of 2001,  as part of our effort to control  operating
costs, we incurred approximately $13.5 million in charges related to a reduction
of our  labor  force,  primarily  for  early  retirements  and  involuntary  and
voluntary employee  severance.  In addition,  during the fourth quarter of 2001,
$4.8 million in charges were incurred relating to the closure of RSIS's national
commercial  installation  business.  These  costs were  primarily  comprised  of
severance   costs,   write-offs   of  certain  fixed  assets  and  future  lease


Interest  expense,  net of interest  income,  was $34.4  million for 2002 versus
$37.8 million for 2001.

Interest expense  decreased to $43.4 million in 2002 from $50.8 million in 2001,
primarily as a result of a reduction in the average debt outstanding  throughout
2002.  In addition,  our interest  rate swap  instruments  also lowered  overall
interest expense for the year ended December 31, 2002, when compared to the same
prior year period.  Interest income decreased almost 31% to $9.0 million in 2002
from $13.0 million in 2001, due primarily to CompUSA's early payment of its note
to us in June 2001, which eliminated the associated interest income.


In the second quarter of 2002, we received payments and recorded income of $27.7
million  in  partial  settlement  of  amounts  owed to us  under  a tax  sharing
agreement  that was the subject of an arbitration  which  commenced in July 1999
and was styled Tandy Corporation and T.E. Electronics,  L.P. vs. O'Sullivan. The
arbitration ruling requires  O'Sullivan to comply with the tax sharing agreement
that was entered into by the parties at the time of O'Sullivan's  initial public

During the second half of 2002,  we received two payments  totaling $6.2 million
relating to quarterly payments under the tax sharing agreement with O'Sullivan.


During  the  second  quarter  of 2000,  we made a $30.0  million  investment  in
Digital:Convergence  Corporation  ("DC"), a privately-held  Internet  technology
company.  In the first quarter of 2001,  we concluded  that our  investment  had
experienced a decline in value that, in our opinion,  was other than  temporary.
This  conclusion  was based on DC's  inability to secure  sufficient  additional
funding or to complete an initial public  offering.  As such, we recorded a loss
provision equal to our initial investment.  DC subsequently filed for bankruptcy
on March 22, 2002.


Our  provision for income taxes  reflects an effective  income tax rate of 38.0%
for 2002 and 42.8% for 2001. The decrease in the effective tax rate in 2002 when
compared to 2001 was the result of the 2001  impairment of RSIS goodwill,  which
was not deductible for tax purposes and caused the increased  effective tax rate
in 2001.

In June 2001,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS No. 143,
"Accounting  for Asset  Retirement  Obligations,"  which is effective for fiscal
years  beginning  after  June 15,  2002.  SFAS  No.  143  establishes  financial
accounting  and  reporting   standards  for  obligations   associated  with  the
retirement of tangible  long-lived  assets and the associated  asset  retirement
costs.  We adopted SFAS No. 143 effective  January 1, 2003, and made no material
adjustments  to our  consolidated  financial  statements  as a  result  of  this

In June 2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting  for Costs  Associated
with Exit or Disposal  Activities."  SFAS No. 146 addresses  significant  issues
relating to the recognition, measurement, and reporting of costs associated with
exit and disposal activities,  including restructuring activities, and nullifies
the  guidance  in  Emerging  Issues  Task  Force  Issue  No.  94-3,   "Liability
Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an
Activity (Including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring)."  The provisions
of SFAS No. 146 are effective for exit or disposal  activities  initiated  after
December 31, 2002.  Retroactive  application of SFAS No. 146 is prohibited  and,
accordingly, liabilities recognized prior to the initial application of SFAS No.
146 should  continue to be accounted for in  accordance  with EITF 94-3 or other
applicable  preexisting  guidance.  We adopted SFAS No. 146 effective January 1,
2003, and made no material adjustments to our consolidated  financial statements
as a result of this adoption.

In April 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 149,  "Amendment  of  Statement  133 on
Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging  Activities."  SFAS  No.  149  amends  and
clarifies  accounting for derivative  instruments,  including certain derivative
instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging activities under SFAS
No. 133. SFAS No. 149 is effective for contracts  entered into or modified after
June 30, 2003, for hedging relationships  designated after June 30, 2003, and to
certain preexisting  contracts.  We adopted SFAS No. 149 effective July 1, 2003,
and made no material  adjustments to our consolidated  financial statements as a
result of this adoption.

In May 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 150,  "Accounting  for Certain  Financial
Instruments  with  Characteristics  of Both  Liabilities  and Equity,"  which is
effective for financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003.
SFAS No. 150 establishes financial accounting and reporting standards for how an
issuer   classifies   and   measures   certain   financial    instruments   with
characteristics  of both  liabilities  and  equities.  We  adopted  SFAS No. 150
effective  June 1, 2003, and made no material  adjustments  to our  consolidated
financial statements as a result of this adoption.

In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45, "Guarantor's Accounting
and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Guarantees of Indebtedness
of Others." FIN 45 is effective for guarantees issued or modified after December
31, 2002. The  disclosure  requirements  were  effective for certain  guarantees
existing  at  December  31,  2002,  and expand  the  disclosures  required  by a
guarantor about its obligations under a guarantee.  FIN 45 also requires that we
recognize  guarantees  entered into or modified  after  December 31, 2002,  as a
liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken in the issuance of the
guarantee.  We adopted FIN 45 on January 1, 2003, its effective date, and, aside
from the required  disclosure  provisions,  made no material  adjustments to our
consolidated financial statements as a result of this adoption.

In January 2003, the FASB issued  Interpretation 46,  "Consolidation of Variable
Interest  Entities - An  Interpretation  of ARB No.  51." FIN 46 is  intended to
clarify the application of ARB No. 51, "Consolidated  Financial  Statements," to
certain entities in which equity investors do not have the  characteristics of a
controlling  financial interest or do not have sufficient equity at risk for the
entity to finance  its  activities  without  additional  subordinated  financial
support.  For  those  entities,  a  controlling  financial  interest  cannot  be
identified  based on an  evaluation  of  voting  interests  and may be  achieved
through  arrangements  that do not involve voting  interests.  The consolidation
requirement of FIN 46 is effective immediately to variable interests in variable
interest  entities  ("VIEs")  created or obtained after January 31, 2003. FIN 46
also sets forth certain disclosures  regarding interests in VIEs that are deemed
significant,  even if consolidation is not required.  In December 2003, the FASB
issued FIN 46 (revised  December  2003),  "Consolidation  of  Variable  Interest
Entities" (FIN 46R),  which delayed the effective date of the  application to us
of FIN 46 to  non-special  purpose VIEs acquired or created  before  February 1,
2003, to the interim  period ending on March 31, 2004,  and provided  additional
technical  clarifications to implementation  issues. We have determined that FIN
46 does not apply to our  dealer/franchise  outlets and we do not expect to make
material adjustments to our consolidated financial statements as a result of the
adoption of this Interpretation.

In November 2002,  the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 02-16,  "Accounting
for Consideration  Received from a Vendor by a Customer (Including a Reseller of
the Vendor's  Products)." EITF 02-16 provides guidance on how cash consideration
received by a customer  from a vendor  should be  classified  in the  customer's
statement of income. EITF 02-16 is effective prospectively for new arrangements,
including  modifications of existing  arrangements,  entered into after December
31, 2002. We adopted EITF 02-16 effective  January 1, 2003, and made no material
adjustments  to our  consolidated  financial  statements  as a  result  of  this

In November 2003, the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 03-10,  "Application
of EITF Issue No. 02-16,  `Accounting  by a Customer  (Including a Reseller) for
Certain Consideration  Received from a Vendor,' by Resellers to Sales Incentives
Offered to Consumers by Manufacturers." EITF 03-10 provides guidance on how cash
consideration  received by a customer  from a vendor should be classified in the
customer's  statement of income.  EITF 03-10 is effective  prospectively for new
arrangements,  including  modification  of existing  arrangements,  entered into
after  December 31, 2003. We adopted EITF 03-10  effective  January 1, 2004, and
made no material  adjustments  to our  consolidated  financial  statements  as a
result of this adoption.

A summary of cash flows from  operating,  investing and financing  activities is
outlined in the table below.

                               Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                 2003      2002      2001
- -------------               --------  --------  --------
Operating activities        $ 651.9   $ 521.6   $ 775.8
Investing activities         (188.9)    (99.0)     (2.3)
Financing activities         (274.8)   (377.5)   (502.8)

In 2003,  cash flows  provided  by  operating  activities  was  $651.9  million,
compared to $521.6 million and $775.8 million in 2002 and 2001, respectively.

During  the year ended  December  31,  2003,  changes  in  accounts  receivable,
consisting  primarily  of amounts due from our various  vendors and  third-party
service providers,  provided $17.2 million in cash, compared to $68.2 million in
the prior year.  Cash  provided by accounts  receivable in 2003 and 2002 was the
result  of  reductions   of  vendor  and  service   provider   receivables   and
dealer/franchise  receivables,  due to increased  collections and lower sales of
satellite television hardware.

During the year ended December 31, 2003,  changes in inventory  provided  $202.3
million in cash,  compared  to a $21.4  million  cash  usage  during  2002.  The
decrease in  inventory  since  December 31, 2002,  was  primarily  the result of
supply chain initiatives, including a greater focus on reducing weeks-of-supply.

Typically,  our annual cash  requirements  for pre-seasonal  inventory  build-up
range between $200.0 million and $400.0 million.  The funding  required for this
build-up comes primarily from cash on hand and cash generated from net sales and
operating  revenues.  We had $634.7  million in cash and cash  equivalents as of
December 31, 2003, as a resource for our funding  needs.  Additional  capital is
available  under our $600.0 million dollar  commercial  paper program,  which is
supported  by a bank  credit  facility  that could be  utilized in the event the
commercial  paper  market is  unavailable  to us. We  currently  do not  expect,
however, the commercial paper market to become unavailable to us or that we will
have to  utilize  the  credit  facility.  As of  December  31,  2003,  we had no
commercial paper outstanding or other utilization of our credit facility.

During  the year  ended  December  31,  2003,  $118.7  million  less in cash was
provided by accounts  payable  due to lower  inventory  levels than in the prior
year. Additionally,  $29.6 million more in cash was provided by accrued expenses
and $12.7  million  more in cash was provided by reduced  income taxes  payable,
compared to the prior year.

Cash used in investing activities in 2003 was $188.9 million,  compared to $99.0
million  and  $2.3  million  used  in  2002  and  2001,  respectively.   Capital
expenditures were $189.6 million in 2003, compared to $106.8 million in 2002 and
$139.2 million in 2001.  Capital  expenditures for 2003 increased over the prior
two years,  primarily due to the construction of our new corporate campus, while
capital  expenditures for both 2002 and 2001 were primarily for our retail store
expansions and remodels and upgrades of information systems. We also had capital
expenditures  relating  to retail  stores and  information  systems in 2003.  In
addition,  we purchased land costing $18.3 million in 2001 for our new corporate
headquarters  building. We anticipate that our capital expenditure  requirements
for 2004 will be approximately  $300.0 million. The $110.0 million increase over
2003  primarily  relates to our new corporate  headquarters.  Store remodels and
relocations and updated  information  systems account for the almost half of the
balance of our anticipated 2004 capital expenditures.  See further discussion of
our new facilities below in the section titled "Capital  Structure and Financial
Condition."  As of December  31,  2003,  we had $634.7  million in cash and cash
equivalents. These cash and cash equivalents, along with cash generated from our
net sales and  operating  revenues and, if necessary,  both our  short-term  and
long-term financing facilities, are available to fund future capital expenditure

Cash used in financing activities was $274.8 million in 2003, compared to $377.5
million  and  $502.8  million  in 2002 and 2001,  respectively.  We used  $286.2
million for the  repurchase  of our common stock in 2003 and $329.9  million and
$308.3 million for the repurchase of our common and preferred  stock in 2002 and
2001,  respectively.  Repurchases  of common  stock  were  made  under our share
repurchase and employee stock programs.  See the further discussion of our stock
repurchase programs below in the section titled "Capital Structure and Financial
Condition." The 2003, 2002 and 2001 stock  repurchases  were partially funded by
$51.5 million, $49.6 million and $53.7 million, respectively,  received from the
sale of treasury stock to employee  benefit plans and, to a lesser extent,  from
stock option exercises. The balance of capital to repurchase shares was obtained
from cash generated from operations. We received $32.3 million from the sale and
lease-back of our corporate technology center building during the second quarter
of  2002.  This  transaction  was  recorded  as a  financing  obligation  due to
responsibilities which we retain during the lease period. Dividends paid, net of
tax, in 2003,  2002 and 2001 amounted to $40.8 million,  $39.8 million and $43.7
million, respectively.

Our free cash  flow,  defined  as cash  flows  from  operating  activities  less
dividends  paid and  additions  to  property,  plant and  equipment,  was $421.5
million in 2003,  compared to $375.0 million in 2002. This increase in free cash
flow,  when  compared  to the  prior  year,  was  the  result  of  supply  chain
initiatives,  including a greater focus on reducing  inventory  weeks-of-supply.
The  increase  was  partially  offset by the  increase  in capital  expenditures
related  to  our  new  corporate   campus.  We  expect  free  cash  flow  to  be
approximately  $70.0 million in 2004. The decrease from 2003 is based  primarily
on the timing of capital  expenditures for our new corporate  headquarters;  the
majority of which we  originally  thought  would have been  included in our 2003
capital expenditures. The major portion of our new corporate campus expenditures
will now be part of our 2004 capital  expenditures.  After 2004, we anticipate a
return to a more  historical  free cash flow  level of $200.0  million to $250.0
million, annually.

We believe free cash flow is an  appropriate  indication  of our ability to fund
share  repurchases,  repay maturing debt, change dividend payments or fund other
uses of capital that management  believes will enhance  shareholder  value.  The
comparable  financial  measure  to  free  cash  flow  under  generally  accepted
accounting principles is cash flows from operating activities, which were $651.9
million  in 2003,  compared  to $521.6  million  in 2002.  We do not  intend the
presentation of free cash flow, a non-GAAP financial  measure,  to be considered
in isolation or as a substitute for measures prepared in accordance with GAAP.

The following table is a reconciliation of cash flows from operating  activities
to free cash flow.

                                                Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                   2003      2002      2001
- -------------                                 --------  --------  --------
Net cash provided by operating activities      $651.9    $521.6    $775.8
  Additions to property, plant and equipment    189.6     106.8     139.2
  Dividends paid                                 40.8      39.8      43.7
                                              --------  --------  --------
Free cash flow                                 $421.5    $375.0    $592.9
                                              ========  ========  ========

Management  considers our financial  structure and condition  solid. At December
31, 2003,  total  capitalization  was  $1,388.0  million,  consisting  of $618.7
million of debt and $769.3 million of equity,  which resulted in a debt-to-total
capitalization  ratio of 44.6%,  compared to 46.3% for the  corresponding  prior
year period.  The ratio decreased from the prior year due to a smaller  increase
in debt of $8.6  million,  compared  to a larger  increase  in  equity  of $41.2
million from 2002.

Long-term debt as a percentage of total capitalization was 39.0% at December 31,
2003,  compared to 43.6% at December 31,  2002,  and 39.0% at December 31, 2001.
The decrease in 2003 was due to the decrease in long-term  debt,  as some of the
notes moved to the short-term debt classification as current maturities.

Our debt is considered investment grade by the rating agencies. On May 20, 2003,
Fitch  changed  our senior  unsecured  debt from "A-" to  "BBB+."  Below are the
agencies' latest ratings by category.

                Category                Moody's      and Poor's      Fitch
                --------                -------      ----------      -----
                Senior unsecured debt    Baa1            A-           BBB+
                Commercial paper         P-2             A-2          F2

Our  senior  unsecured  debt  primarily  consists  of two  issuances  of 10-year
long-term notes and an issuance of medium-term notes.

We  have a  $300.0  million  debt  shelf  registration  statement  which  became
effective in August 1997. As of December 31, 2003, there was no availability for
further debt issuances under this shelf registration.  In August 1997, we issued
$150.0  million  of  10-year   unsecured   long-term   notes  under  this  shelf
registration.  The interest  rate on the notes is 6.95% per annum with  interest
payable on September 1 and March 1 of each year, commencing March 1, 1998. These
notes are due September 1, 2007.

We also  issued,  in various  amounts and on various  dates from  December  1997
through  September  1999,  medium-term  notes totaling  $150.0 million under the
shelf registration.  At December 31, 2003, $44.5 million of these notes remained
outstanding.  The interest rates at December 31, 2003, for the outstanding $44.5
million  medium-term notes ranged from 6.42% to 7.35% and had a weighted average
coupon rate of 7.19%. These notes have maturities ranging from 2004 to 2008.

On May 11, 2001, we issued  $350.0  million of 10-year 7 3/8% notes in a private
offering to initial purchasers who offered the notes to qualified  institutional
buyers under SEC Rule 144A. The annual  interest rate on the notes is 7.375% per
annum with interest  payable on November 15 and May 15 of each year.  Payment of
interest on the notes  commenced on November  15, 2001,  and the notes mature on
May 15, 2011. In August 2001, under the terms of an exchange offering filed with
the SEC, we exchanged  substantially  all of these notes for a similar amount of
publicly registered notes. Because no additional debt was issued in the exchange
offering, the net effect of this exchange was that no additional debt was issued
on August 3, 2001, and  substantially  all of the notes are now registered  with
the SEC.

During the third  quarter of 2001,  we entered into several  interest  rate swap
agreements with notional amounts totaling $150.0 million and maturities  ranging
from 2004 to 2007. In June and August 2003, we entered into additional  interest
rate swap agreements with underlying  notional amounts of debt of $100.0 million
and $50.0 million,  respectively,  with  maturities in May 2011. We entered into
these  agreements to effectively  convert a portion of our long-term  fixed rate
debt to a variable rate.  Under these  agreements,  we have  contracted to pay a
variable  rate of LIBOR plus a markup and to receive  fixed rates  ranging  from
6.950% to 7.375%.  We have  designated  these  agreements  as fair value hedging
instruments.  At December 31, 2003, we recorded an amount in other assets,  net,
of $4.5 million (its fair value) for the swap  agreements  and adjusted the fair
value of the related debt by the same amount. The effect of these agreements was
a reduction in our interest  expense of $7.8 million during 2003,  when compared
to the  fixed  rates.  At  current  interest  rates,  we expect  this  favorable
condition to reoccur in 2004.

We have short-term debt such as commercial  paper issuances and uncommitted bank
loans  available to supplement our short-term  financing  needs.  The commercial
paper and  short-term  seasonal bank debt have a typical  maturity of 90 days or
less.  The amount of commercial  paper that can be  outstanding  is limited to a
maximum of the unused  portion of our $600  million  bank  syndicated  revolving
credit facility described in more detail below.

In the second quarter of 2003, we replaced our existing  $300.0 million  364-day
revolving  credit  facility  and amended  our $300.0  million  five-year  credit
facility.  These facilities' maturity dates are June 2004 for the $300.0 million
364-day revolving credit facility and June 2007 for the $300.0 million five-year
revolving  credit facility.  The terms of these revolving credit  facilities are
substantially  similar  to  the  previous  facilities.  These  revolving  credit
facilities will support any future commercial paper borrowings and are otherwise
available  for our general  corporate  purposes.  We  anticipate  replacing  our
364-day  revolving  credit  facility  in June  2004  with a new  364-day  credit
facility with similar terms. As of December 31, 2003,  there were no outstanding
borrowings  under  these  credit  facilities.  Our  outstanding  debt  and  bank
syndicated credit facilities have customary financial covenants.

We use  operating  leases,  primarily  for our  retail  locations,  distribution
centers and corporate headquarters, to lower our capital requirements.

Management  believes  that our  present  ability to borrow is  greater  than our
established  credit  lines  and  long-term  debt in  place.  However,  if market
conditions change and sales were to dramatically decline or we could not control
operating costs, our cash flows and liquidity could be reduced. Additionally, if
a scenario as described  above  occurred,  it could cause the rating agencies to
lower our credit  ratings,  thereby  increasing  our  borrowing  costs,  or even
causing a  reduction  in or  elimination  of our  access to debt  and/or  equity

We repurchased  9.9 million shares of our common stock for $251.0 million during
the year ended December 31, 2003, under our combined share repurchase programs.

We  intend  to  execute  share  repurchases  from  time to time in order to take
advantage of attractive  share price levels,  as determined by  management.  The
timing and terms of the transactions depend on market conditions,  our liquidity
and  other  considerations.  On  February  20,  2003,  our  Board  of  Directors
authorized  a new  repurchase  program  for 15.0  million  shares,  which was in
addition to our 25.0 million share repurchase  program that was completed during
the second quarter of 2003. At February 18, 2004,  there were 8.9 million shares
available to be repurchased under the 15.0 million share repurchase  program. We
anticipate that we will repurchase,  under our authorized  repurchase  programs,
between  $200.0  million and $250.0 million of our common stock during 2004. The
15.0 million share  repurchase  program has no expiration date and allows shares
to be  repurchased  in the open  market.  The funding  required  for these share
repurchase  programs will come from cash  generated from net sales and operating
revenues and cash and cash equivalents.  Under the programs  described above, we
will also repurchase  shares in the open market to offset the sales of shares to
our employee benefit plans.

On December 11, 2003,  our Board of Directors  approved the  retirement  of 45.0
million shares of our common stock held as treasury stock. These shares returned
to the status of authorized and unissued. See our 2003 Consolidated Statement of
Stockholders' Equity for additional details of this transaction.

On October 10, 2002,  our Board of  Directors  approved  the  conversion  of our
RadioShack  Series B convertible  preferred stock, held by the RadioShack 401(k)
Plan, to RadioShack  common stock  effective  December 31, 2002. On December 31,
2002,  0.1  million  shares  of  this  preferred  stock,  representing  all  the
outstanding Series B convertible  preferred stock, were converted to 5.1 million
shares of our common stock in accordance  with their terms.  The preferred stock
was held by the RadioShack 401(k) Plan to fund RadioShack  contributions to plan

In the  fourth  quarter  of 2001 and the  second  quarter  of 2002,  we sold our
corporate headquarters  buildings. We are now constructing a new headquarters in
Fort  Worth,  Texas.  We entered  into  sale-leaseback  agreements  in which our
existing corporate headquarters' land and buildings were sold and leased back to
us. These  arrangements  should  provide us with the necessary time to construct
our new  headquarters,  which we  expect to be  completed  by the end of 2004 or
early 2005. Currently, we plan to finance our new corporate  headquarters,  with
total  construction  costs  estimated to be $200.0 million during 2003 and 2004,
with  cash  flows  from  operations  and,  if  needed,  existing  cash  and cash

The  following  tables,  as  well  as  the  information  contained  in  Note 7 -
"Indebtedness and Borrowing Facilities" to our "Notes to Consolidated  Financial
Statements," provide a summary of our various contractual commitments,  debt and
interest repayment requirements, and available credit lines.

The  table  below  contains  the  contractual  commitments  associated  with our
financing  obligations,  lease obligations,  and marketing agreements.  Purchase
obligations include our product commitments,  marketing agreements,  utility and
freight commitments.

(In millions)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              Payments Due By Period

                                 Total Amounts  Less than 1
Contractual Obligations            Committed       year      1-3 years    3-5 years   Over 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Long-Term Debt Obligations         $  582.9       $  39.5     $   37.4     $ 155.0       $ 351.0
Capitalized Lease Obligations           0.3           0.2          0.1        --            --
Operating Lease Obligations           695.4         183.7        279.7       137.0          95.0
Purchase Obligations                  467.7         436.8         24.2         6.7          --
Other Long-Term Liabilities
 Reflected on the Balance Sheet        75.2           7.4         22.9         8.4          36.5
                                   $1,821.5       $ 667.6     $  364.3     $ 307.1       $ 482.5

The  table  below  contains  our  credit   commitments  from  various  financial

(In millions)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         Commitment Expiration Per Period
                                 Total Amounts  Less than 1
Credit Commitments                 Committed        year     1-3 years    3-5 years   Over 5 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lines of credit                    $  600.0      $  300.0    $  300.0         --           --
Stand-by letters of credit             12.7           2.4        10.3         --           --
Total commercial commitments       $  612.7      $  302.4    $  310.3         --           --

We have contingent  liabilities related to retail leases of locations which were
assigned  to other  businesses.  The  majority of these  contingent  liabilities
relate to various  lease  obligations  arising from leases that were assigned to
CompUSA,  Inc. as part of the sale of our  Computer  City,  Inc.  subsidiary  to
CompUSA,  Inc. in August 1998. In the event CompUSA or the other  assignees,  as
applicable, are unable to fulfill their obligations, we would be responsible for
rent due under the leases.  Our rent exposure  from the  remaining  undiscounted
lease  commitments  with no  projected  sublease  income is  approximately  $183
million.  However,  we have no  reason  to  believe  that  CompUSA  or the other
assignees will not fulfill their obligations  under these leases;  consequently,
we do not believe there will be a material  impact on our  financial  statements
from any fulfillment of these commitments.

Other than the operating  leases described above, we do not have any off-balance
sheet financing arrangements, transactions, or special purpose entities.

Inflation has not significantly impacted us over the past three years. We do not
expect  inflation  to  have  a  significant  impact  on  our  operations  in the
foreseeable future,  unless international events substantially affect the global


At December 31, 2003, we did not have any derivative instruments that materially
increase  our  exposure to market risks for  interest  rates,  foreign  currency
rates,  commodity  prices or other market  price risks,  other than the interest
rate swaps noted in MD&A. We do not use derivatives for speculative purposes.

Our exposure to interest rate risk results from changes in  short-term  interest
rates.  Interest  rate risk exists with respect to our net  investment of $266.4
million,  comprised of fluctuating  short-term investments of $566.4 million and
offset by $300.0  million of  indebtedness  which,  because of the interest rate
swaps  discussed in MD&A,  effectively  bears  interest at  short-term  floating
rates.  A  hypothetical  increase  of 100  basis  points  in the  interest  rate
applicable  to this  floating-rate  net  exposure  would result in a decrease in
annual net interest expense of $2.7 million.  This assumption  assumes no change
in the net principal balance.

We also  manage  our  portfolio  of fixed rate debt to reduce  our  exposure  to
interest  rate  changes.  The fair  value of our fixed  rate  long-term  debt is
sensitive  to interest  rate  changes.  Interest  rate  changes  would result in
increases or decreases in the fair value of our debt due to differences  between
market interest rates and rates at the inception of the debt  obligation.  Based
on a  hypothetical  immediate  100 basis point  increase  in  interest  rates at
December  31,  2003 and 2002,  the fair value of our fixed rate  long-term  debt
would  decrease  $28.7  million  and  $32.9  million,  respectively.  Based on a
hypothetical  immediate 100 basis point  decrease in interest  rates at December
31,  2003 and  2002,  the fair  value of our fixed  rate  long-term  debt  would
increase by $30.6 million and $35.4  million,  respectively.  Regarding the fair
value of our fixed rate debt,  changes in  interest  rates have no impact on our
consolidated financial statements.


The Index to our  Consolidated  Financial  Statements  is found on page 29.  Our
Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
follow the index.




   a)   We have established a system of disclosure controls and procedures that
        are designed to ensure that material information relating to the
        Company, which is required to be timely disclosed, is accumulated and
        communicated to management in a timely fashion. An evaluation of the
        effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and
        procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under the Securities Exchange
        Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act")) was performed as of the end of the period
        covered by this annual report. This evaluation was performed under the
        supervision and with the participation of management, including our
        Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. Based upon that
        evaluation, our CEO and CFO have concluded that these disclosure
        controls and procedures were in effect as of the end of the period
        covered by this annual report to ensure that information required to be
        disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under the Exchange
        Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the time
        periods specified by the SEC's rules and forms.

   b)   There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting
        that occurred during our last fiscal quarter that have materially
        affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal
        control over financial reporting.



We will file a  definitive  proxy  statement  with the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission on or about April 7, 2004.  The  information  called for by this Item
with respect to directors and the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Board of
Directors is  incorporated  by reference  from the Proxy  Statement for the 2004
Annual Meeting under the headings  "Proposals You Are Asked to Vote on," "Item 1
- - Election of Directors" and "Information  Concerning the Board of Directors and
Committees." For information  relating to our Executive Officers,  see Part I of
this  report.  The  Section  16(a)  reporting  information  is  incorporated  by
reference from the Proxy Statement for the 2004 Annual Meeting under the heading
"Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance."

We have adopted the Financial Code of Ethics that applies to our Chief Executive
Officer,  President, Chief Financial Officer, and Controller. The Financial Code
of Ethics is publicly available on our Web site at:


If we make any  substantive  amendments to the Financial Code of Ethics or grant
any waiver,  including any implicit waiver,  from a provision of the code to our
Chief Executive Officer,  President,  Chief Financial Officer or Controller,  we
will disclose the nature of such amendment or waiver on that Web site.


The information  called for by this Item with respect to executive  compensation
is  incorporated  by  reference  from the Proxy  Statement  for the 2004  Annual
Meeting  under  the  headings   "Executive   Compensation,"   "Compensation   of
Directors," "Other Matters Involving Executive  Officers," "Item 2 - Approval of
the  RadioShack  2004  Deferred  Stock  Unit Plan for  Non-Employee  Directors,"
"Report of the Management  Development and  Compensation  Committee on Executive
Compensation," "Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation" and
"Performance Graph."


The  information  called for by this Item with respect to security  ownership of
certain  beneficial  owners and management is incorporated by reference from the
Proxy  Statement  for the 2004 Annual  Meeting  under the heading  "Ownership of

The following  table  provides a summary of information as of December 31, 2003,
relating  to our  equity  compensation  plans  in  which  our  common  stock  is
authorized for issuance.

Equity Compensation Plan Information

                                                   (a)                    (b)                     (c)
                                                                                          Number of shares
                                           Number of shares to                         remaining available for
                                              be issued upon       Weighted average      future issuance under
                                               exercise of         exercise price of      equity compensation
                                           outstanding options,  outstanding options,   plans (excluding shares
                                           warrants and rights    warrants and rights   reflected in column (a))
(Share amounts in thousands)
- ----------------------------               -------------------   --------------------   -----------------------
Equity compensation plans approved
  by shareholders (1)                           15,248 (2)           $  31.04                   5,760 (3)
Equity compensation plans not approved
  by shareholders (4)                            8,641 (5)              36.05                   1,723 (6)
                                           -------------------                         -----------------------
Total                                           23,889               $  34.96                   7,483
                                           ===================                         =======================

(1) Consists of the 1993 Incentive Stock Plan, the 1994 Stock Incentive Plan,
    the 1997 Incentive Stock Plan and the 2001 Incentive Stock Plan. See Note 18
    - "Stock Options and Performance Awards" ("Note 18") of our "Notes to
    Consolidated Financial Statements" for further information.

(2) Includes 605 shares with a weighted average exercise price of $47.39 related
    to a plan assumed and adopted by us when we acquired RSIS in 1999. No
    further shares will be issued under this plan. See Note 18 for further

(3) Includes 366,145 shares available for grants in the form of restricted
    stock. See Note 18 for further information.

(4) Consists of the 1999 Incentive Stock Plan (the "1999 ISP"), the RadioShack
    Stock Purchase Plan ("SPP") and the RadioShack Supplemental Stock Program
    ("SUP"). See Note 18 for more information concerning the 1999 ISP and see
    Note 21 - "Company Stock Purchase Plan" of our "Notes to Consolidated
    Financial Statements" for further information concerning the SPP. The SUP
    enables employee-participants of our 401(k) Plan who are no longer eligible
    to make pre-tax contributions to the 401(k) Plan to make after-tax
    contributions to the SUP to purchase our common stock. We match 80% of each
    participant's contribution. When these employee-participants are again
    eligible to make pre-tax contributions to our 401(k) Plan, they are not
    eligible to contribute under the SUP.

(5) Excludes shares to be issued under the SPP and the SUP.

(6) Includes shares available for future issuance under the SPP and the SUP. As
    of December 31, 2003, an aggregate of 355,645 shares and 850,488 shares were
    available for issuance under the SPP and the SUP, respectively.


The  information  called for by this Item with respect to certain  relationships
and  transactions  with  management and others is incorporated by reference from
the Proxy  Statement  for the 2004 Annual  Meeting  under the  heading  "Certain
Transactions with Management and Others."


The  information  called for by this Item with respect to  principle  accountant
fees and services is  incorporated by reference from the Proxy Statement for the
2004 Annual  Meeting  under the headings  "Fees and Services of the  Independent
Auditors"  and  "Policy  of  Pre-Approval  of Audit  and  Permissible  Non-Audit
Services of Independent Auditors."



(a) Documents filed as part of this report.
    1. Financial Statements

The financial statements filed as a part of this report are listed in the "Index
to Consolidated Financial Statements" on page 29.

    2. None

    3. Exhibits required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K

A list of the exhibits  required by Item 601 of Regulation S-K and filed as part
of this report is set forth in the Index to Exhibits beginning on page 54, which
immediately precedes such exhibits.

Certain instruments defining the rights of holders of our long-term debt are not
filed as  exhibits  to this  report  because  the  total  amount  of  securities
authorized  thereunder  does not  exceed ten  percent  of our total  assets on a
consolidated  basis.  We will furnish the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
copies of such instruments upon request.

(b) Reports on Form 8-K.



Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934, RadioShack  Corporation has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

March 12, 2004                               /s/ Leonard H. Roberts
                                             Leonard H. Roberts
                                             Chairman of the Board and
                                             Chief Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has  been  signed  below  by the  following  persons  on  behalf  of  RadioShack
Corporation and in the capacities indicated on this 12th day of March, 2004.

Signature                Title

/s/ Leonard H. Roberts   Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
- -------------------------
Leonard H. Roberts       (Chief Executive Officer)

/s/ Michael D. Newman    Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
- -------------------------
Michael D. Newman        (Principal Financial Officer)

/s/ David P. Johnson     Senior Vice President and Controller
- -------------------------
David P. Johnson         (Principal Accounting Officer)

/s/ Frank J. Belatti     Director     /s/ Robert J. Kamerschen          Director
- -------------------------             ------------------------------------------
Frank J. Belatti                      Robert J. Kamerschen

/s/ Ronald E. Elmquist   Director     /s/ H. Eugene Lockhart            Director
- -------------------------             ------------------------------------------
Ronald E. Elmquist                    H. Eugene Lockhart

/s/ Robert S. Falcone    Director     /s/ Jack L. Messman               Director
- -------------------------             ------------------------------------------
Robert S. Falcone                     Jack L. Messman

/s/ Daniel R. Feehan     Director     /s/ William G. Morton, Jr.        Director
- -------------------------             ------------------------------------------
Daniel R. Feehan                      William G. Morton, Jr.

/s/ Richard J. Hernandez Director     /s/ Thomas G. Plaskett            Director
- -------------------------             ------------------------------------------
Richard J. Hernandez                  Thomas G. Plaskett

/s/ Lawrence V. Jackson  Director     /s/ Edwina D. Woodbury            Director
- -------------------------             ------------------------------------------
Lawrence V. Jackson                   Edwina D. Woodbury

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION



Report of Independent Auditors..................................      30
Consolidated Statements of Income for each of the three
 years in the period ended December 31, 2003....................      31
Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2003
 and December 31, 2002..........................................      32
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for each of the three
 years in the period ended December 31, 2003....................      33
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity for each of
 the three years in the period ended December 31, 2003..........      34
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.....................      35-53

All  financial  statement  schedules  have  been  omitted  because  they are not
applicable,  not  required or the  information  is included in the  consolidated
financial statements or notes thereto.

                         Report of Independent Auditors

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of
RadioShack Corporation

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements listed in the accompanying
index  on page 29  present  fairly,  in all  material  respects,  the  financial
position of  RadioShack  Corporation  and its  subsidiaries  (the  "Company") at
December  31, 2003 and 2002 and the results of their  operations  and their cash
flows for each of the three  years in the  period  ended  December  31,  2003 in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America.  These  financial  statements are the  responsibility  of the Company's
management;  our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements  based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with auditing  standards  generally  accepted in the United States of
America,  which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain  reasonable
assurance   about  whether  the  financial   statements  are  free  of  material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial  statements,   assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates made by management,  and
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

/s/  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- -------------------------------

Fort Worth, Texas
March 10, 2004

Consolidated Statements of INCOME
RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                                          Year Ended December 31,
                                                     2003                          2002                          2001
                                                            % of                          % of                          % of
(In millions, except per share amounts)     Dollars       Revenues        Dollars       Revenues        Dollars       Revenues
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net sales and operating revenues          $ 4,649.3        100.0%       $ 4,577.2        100.0%       $ 4,775.7        100.0%
Cost of products sold                       2,333.6         50.2          2,338.9         51.1          2,478.9         51.9
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Gross profit                                2,315.7         49.8          2,238.3         48.9          2,296.8         48.1
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------

Operating expenses:
 Selling, general and administrative        1,740.0         37.4          1,728.6         37.8          1,713.9         35.9
 Depreciation and amortization                 92.0          2.0             94.7          2.0            108.3          2.3
 Gain on contract termination                   --           --             (18.5)        (0.4)             --           --
 Impairment of long-lived assets                --           --               8.1          0.2             39.8          0.8
 Loss on sale of assets                         --           --               --           --              57.2          1.2
 Employee separation and other costs            --           --               --           --              18.3          0.4
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Total operating expenses                    1,832.0         39.4          1,812.9         39.6          1,937.5         40.6
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------

Operating income                              483.7         10.4            425.4          9.3            359.3          7.5

Interest income                                12.8          0.3              9.0          0.2             13.0          0.3
Interest expense                              (35.7)        (0.8)           (43.4)        (0.9)           (50.8)        (1.1)
Other income, net                              12.0          0.3             33.9          0.7              --           --
Provision for loss on Internet-related
 investment                                     --           --               --           --             (30.0)        (0.6)
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------

Income before income taxes                    472.8         10.2            424.9          9.3            291.5          6.1

Provision for income taxes                    174.3          3.8            161.5          3.5            124.8          2.6
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Net income                                    298.5          6.4            263.4          5.8            166.7          3.5

Preferred dividends                             --           --               4.5          0.1              4.9          0.1
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Net income available to common
 stockholders                             $   298.5          6.4%       $   258.9          5.7%       $   161.8          3.4%
                                          ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========     ==========

Net income available per common share:

   Basic                                  $    1.78                     $    1.50                     $    0.88
                                          ==========                    ==========                    ==========

   Diluted                                $    1.77                     $    1.45                     $    0.85
                                          ==========                    ==========                    ==========

Shares used in computing earnings per
 common share:

   Basic                                      167.7                         173.0                         183.8
                                          ==========                    ==========                    ==========

   Diluted                                    168.9                         179.3                         191.2
                                          ==========                    ==========                    ==========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

Consolidated Balance Sheets
RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                                        December 31,
(In millions, except for share amounts)                                2003       2002
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                                          $  634.7   $  446.5
 Accounts and notes receivable, net                                    182.4      206.1
 Inventories, net                                                      766.5      971.2
 Other current assets                                                   83.0       83.1
                                                                   ---------- ----------

  Total current assets                                               1,666.6    1,706.9

Property, plant and equipment, net                                     513.1      421.6
Other assets, net                                                       64.2       99.4
                                                                   ---------- ----------
Total assets                                                        $2,243.9   $2,227.9
                                                                   ========== ==========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
 Short-term debt, including current maturities of long-term debt    $   77.4   $   36.0
 Accounts payable                                                      300.2      312.6
 Accrued expenses                                                      343.0      318.7
 Income taxes payable                                                  137.5      160.9
                                                                   ---------- ----------

  Total current liabilities                                            858.1      828.2

Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                           541.3      591.3
Other non-current liabilities                                           75.2       80.3
                                                                   ---------- ----------

  Total liabilities                                                  1,474.6    1,499.8
                                                                   ---------- ----------

Commitments and contingent liabilities (see Note 17)

Stockholders' equity:
 Preferred stock, no par value, 1,000,000 shares authorized:
  Series A junior participating, 300,000 shares designated and
   none issued                                                          --         --
  Series B convertible, 100,000 shares authorized and
   none issued                                                          --         --
 Common stock, $1 par value, 650,000,000 shares authorized;
   191,033,000 and 236,033,000 shares issued, respectively             191.0      236.0
 Additional paid-in capital                                             75.2       70.0
 Retained earnings                                                   1,210.6    2,002.5
 Treasury stock, at cost; 28,481,000 and 64,306,000
   shares, respectively                                               (707.2)  (1,579.9)
 Accumulated other comprehensive loss                                   (0.3)      (0.5)
                                                                   ---------- ----------
  Total stockholders' equity                                           769.3      728.1
                                                                   ---------- ----------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                         $ 2,243.9  $ 2,227.9
                                                                   ========== ==========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                                Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                                  2003       2002       2001
Cash flows from operating activities:
 Net income                                                 $ 298.5    $ 263.4    $ 166.7
 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
  provided by operating activities:
   Provision for loss on Internet-related investment            --         --        30.0
   Impairment of long-lived assets                              --         8.1       39.8
   Loss on sale of assets                                       --         --        57.2
   Depreciation and amortization                               92.0       94.7      108.3
   Deferred income taxes and other items                       51.7       30.6       (9.4)
   Provision for credit losses and bad debts                    0.4        4.7       14.5
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
   Accounts and notes receivable                               17.2       68.2      165.8
   Inventories                                                202.3      (21.4)     213.9
   Other current assets                                        (5.2)       1.9        1.7
   Accounts payable, accrued expenses and income taxes
    payable                                                    (5.0)      71.4      (12.7)
                                                            --------   --------   --------
Net cash provided by operating activities                     651.9      521.6      775.8
                                                            --------   --------   --------

Cash flows from investing activities:
 Additions to property, plant and equipment                  (189.6)    (106.8)    (139.2)
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment            2.0        8.6       17.4
 Proceeds from sale of installation subsidiary                  4.7        --         --
 Proceeds from early retirement of CompUSA note                 --         --       123.6
 Other investing activities                                    (6.0)      (0.8)      (4.1)
                                                            --------   --------   --------
Net cash used in investing activities                        (188.9)     (99.0)      (2.3)
                                                            --------   --------   --------

Cash flows from financing activities:
 Purchases of treasury stock                                 (286.2)    (329.9)    (308.3)
 Exercise of common stock put options                           --         --        (2.1)
 Proceeds from sale of common stock put options                 --         --         0.3
 Sale of treasury stock to employee benefit plans              35.8       40.6       46.3
 Proceeds from exercise of stock options                       15.7        9.0        7.4
 Purchase of minority interest in consolidated subsidiary       --         --       (88.0)
 Proceeds from financing obligation                             --        32.3        --
 Payments of dividends                                        (40.8)     (39.8)     (43.7)
 Changes in short-term borrowings, net                         20.7       (2.0)    (443.6)
 Additions to long-term borrowings                              --         --       346.1
 Repayments of long-term borrowings                           (20.0)     (87.7)     (17.2)
                                                            --------   --------   --------
Net cash used in financing activities                        (274.8)    (377.5)    (502.8)
                                                            --------   --------   --------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                     188.2       45.1      270.7
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period                446.5      401.4      130.7
                                                            --------   --------   --------
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period                    $ 634.7    $ 446.5    $ 401.4
                                                            ========   ========   ========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity
RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

                                                          Shares at December 31,           Dollars at December 31,
                                                     -------------------------------- --------------------------------
(In millions)                                           2003       2002       2001       2003       2002       2001
- -------------                                        ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
Preferred stock
Beginning of year                                         --          0.1        0.1  $    --    $    64.5  $    68.8
 Conversion of preferred stock to common stock            --         (0.1)      --         --        (58.4)      --
 Cancellation of preferred stock, net of repurchases      --         --         --         --         (6.1)      (4.3)
                                                     ---------  ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                               --         --          0.1  $    --    $    --    $    64.5
                                                     ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

Common stock
Beginning of year                                        236.0      236.0      236.0  $   236.0  $   236.0  $   236.0
 Retirement of treasury stock                            (45.0)      --         --        (45.0)      --        --
                                                     ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                              191.0      236.0      236.0  $   191.0  $   236.0  $   236.0
                                                     ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

Treasury stock
Beginning of year                                        (64.3)     (59.2)     (50.2) $(1,579.9) $(1,443.5) $(1,189.6)
 Purchase of treasury stock                              (11.5)     (12.4)     (10.7)    (290.9)    (317.8)    (296.4)
 Issuance of common stock                                  1.5        1.6        1.3       37.4       43.3       33.5
 Exercise of stock options and grant of stock awards       0.8        0.6        0.4       18.5       12.9        9.0
 Retirement of treasury stock                             45.0       --         --      1,107.7       --         --
 Conversion of preferred stock to common stock            --          5.1       --         --        125.2       --
                                                     ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                              (28.5)     (64.3)     (59.2) $  (707.2) $(1,579.9) $(1,443.5)
                                                     ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

Additional paid-in capital
Beginning of year                                                                     $    70.0  $   138.8  $   116.1
 Issuance of common stock                                                                   0.7       (0.3)      15.5
 Restricted stock forfeitures                                                              --         --         (0.9)
 Exercise of stock options and grant of stock awards                                       (2.0)      (2.5)      (1.4)
 Conversion of preferred stock to common stock                                             --        (66.8)      --
 Stock option income tax benefits                                                          19.6        0.8        1.4
 Retirement of treasury stock                                                             (13.1)      --         --
 Purchase of minority interest, net of taxes                                               --         --          7.8
 Other                                                                                     --         --          0.3
                                                                                      ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                                                           $    75.2  $    70.0  $   138.8
                                                                                      ========== ========== ==========

Retained earnings
Beginning of year                                                                     $ 2,002.5  $ 1,787.3  $ 1,661.5
 Net income                                                                               298.5      263.4      166.7
 Series B convertible stock dividends, net of taxes                                        --         (2.9)      (3.2)
 Cancellation of preferred stock, net of repurchases                                       --         (8.5)      (7.4)
 Retirement of treasury stock                                                          (1,049.6)      --         --
 Common stock cash dividends declared                                                     (40.8)     (36.8)     (30.3)
                                                                                      ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                                                           $ 1,210.6  $ 2,002.5  $ 1,787.3
                                                                                      ========== ========== ==========

Unearned compensation
Beginning of year                                                                     $    --    $    (4.3) $   (11.5)
 Amortization of unearned compensation                                                     --          4.3        7.2
                                                                                      ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                                                           $    --    $    --    $    (4.3)
                                                                                      ========== ========== ==========

Accumulated other comprehensive loss
Beginning of year                                                                     $    (0.5) $    (0.7) $    (1.0)
 Other comprehensive income                                                                 0.2        0.2        0.3
                                                                                      ---------- ---------- ----------
End of year                                                                           $    (0.3) $    (0.5) $    (0.7)
                                                                                      ========== ========== ==========

Total stockholders' equity                                                            $   769.3  $   728.1  $   778.1
                                                                                      ========== ========== ==========

Comprehensive income
Net income                                                                            $   298.5  $   263.4  $   166.7
 Other comprehensive income, net of tax:
  Foreign currency translation adjustments                                                  0.3        0.3       (0.3)
  Gain (loss) on interest rate swaps, net                                                  (0.1)      (0.1)       0.6
                                                                                      ---------- ---------- ----------
   Other comprehensive income                                                               0.2        0.2        0.3
                                                                                      ---------- ---------- ----------
Comprehensive income                                                                  $   298.7  $   263.6  $   167.0
                                                                                      ========== ========== ==========

The  accompanying  notes are an integral  part of these  consolidated  financial

RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries

RadioShack Corporation was incorporated in Delaware in 1967. We primarily engage
in the  retail  sale of  consumer  electronic  goods and  services  through  our
RadioShack(R) store chain. Our strategy is to dominate cost-effective  solutions
to meet everyone's routine electronics needs and families' distinct  electronics
wants.  Throughout  this report,  the terms  "our," "we," "us" and  "RadioShack"
refer to RadioShack Corporation, including its subsidiaries.

At December 31, 2003, we operated 5,121 company  stores  located  throughout the
United  States,  as well as in Puerto Rico and the U.S.  Virgin  Islands.  These
stores  are  located in major  malls and strip  centers,  as well as  individual
storefronts.  Each location carries a broad assortment of both private label and
third-party  branded  products.  Our product  lines  include  electronic  parts,
batteries and accessories; wireless and conventional telephones; audio and video
equipment;   direct-to-home  ("DTH")  satellite  systems;   personal  computers;
personal electronics such as home air cleaners; and unique toys. We also provide
consumers access to third-party  services such as cellular and PCS phone and DTH
satellite activation,  long distance telephone service, prepaid wireless airtime
and extended service plans. At December 31, 2003, we also had a network of 1,921
dealer/franchise outlets, including 55 located outside of the U.S. These outlets
provide private label and third-party  branded  products and services to smaller
communities.  The dealers are generally  engaged in other retail  operations and
augment  their  businesses  with our products and service  offerings.  Our sales
derived outside of the United States are not material.

Principles of Consolidation:  The Consolidated  Financial Statements include our
accounts and our majority  owned  subsidiaries.  Investments in 20% to 50% owned
companies are accounted for using the equity  method.  Significant  intercompany
transactions and accounts are eliminated in consolidation.

Pervasiveness  of  Estimates:   The  preparation  of  financial   statements  in
conformity with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  requires us to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities,  related  revenues and expenses and the disclosure of gain and loss
contingencies  at the date of the  financial  statements  and during the periods
presented.   The  most  significant   estimates  and  assumptions   include  the
determination of estimates for third-party  service  deactivations in connection
with revenue recognition and receivables, inventory valuation, depreciable lives
of property, plant and equipment,  self-insurance  reserves,  warranty accruals,
and contingency and litigation reserves.  Actual results could differ materially
from those estimates.

Foreign  Currency  Translation:  The functional  currency of  substantially  all
operations outside the U.S. is the applicable local currency.  Translation gains
or losses related to net assets  located  outside the United States are included
as a component of accumulated other comprehensive loss and are classified in the
stockholders' equity section of the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Revenue Recognition: Our revenue is derived principally from the sale of private
label and  third-party  branded  products and services to consumers.  Revenue is
recognized,  net of an estimate for customer refunds and product  returns,  when
delivery has occurred or services have been  rendered,  the sales price is fixed
or determinable,  and  collectibility is reasonably  assured.  Certain products,
such as wireless  telephones and satellite systems,  require the customer to use
the services of a third-party  service provider.  In most cases, the third-party
service  provider will pay us a fee or commission  for obtaining a new customer,
as  well  as  a  monthly  recurring  residual  amount  based  upon  the  ongoing
arrangement  between the service  provider and the  customer.  Fee or commission
revenue, net of estimated service deactivations,  is generally recognized at the
time the customer is accepted as a subscriber of a third-party service provider.
Residual  income is  recognized  as earned under the terms of each contract with
the service  provider,  which is  typically  as the service  provider  bills its
customer, generally on a monthly basis.

Additionally, we offer repair service (i.e., non-warranty) contracts on products
sold.  These contracts  generally  provide extended service coverage for periods
ranging from 12 to 60 months.  We offer these  contracts in all but three states
on behalf of an unrelated third-party obligor. We are not considered the primary
obligor on these  contracts.  In these  circumstances,  our share of  commission
revenue  is  recognized  as income  at the time the  contract  is sold.  For the
contracts offered in the three states where we are the primary obligor, revenues
from the sale of these  contracts are  recognized  ratably over the terms of the
contracts. Costs directly related to the sale of such contracts are deferred and
charged to cost of products sold proportionately as the revenues are recognized.
A loss is  recognized on extended  service  contracts if the sum of the expected
costs of  providing  services  pursuant  to the  contracts  exceeds  the related
unearned revenue.

Vendor Allowances:  We receive allowances from third-party service providers and
product vendors through a variety of promotional  programs and arrangements as a
result of  purchasing  and promoting  their  products and services in the normal
course of business.  We consider vendor allowances received to be a reduction in
the price of a vendor's  products or services  and record them as a component of
cost of products  sold when the related  product or service is sold,  unless the
allowances  represent  reimbursement  of specific,  incremental and identifiable
costs  incurred to promote a vendor's  products and  services,  in which case we
record  them when  earned as an offset to the  associated  expense  incurred  to
promote the applicable products and/or services.

Advertising  Costs:  Our  advertising  costs are  expensed  the  first  time the
advertising takes place. We receive allowances from certain  third-party service
providers  and  product  vendors  which we  record  when  earned as an offset to
advertising  expense incurred to promote the applicable products and/or services
only if the allowances  represent  reimbursement  of specific,  incremental  and
identifiable  costs (see "Vendor  Allowances"  above).  Advertising  expense was
$254.4  million,  $241.0 million and $253.9 million for the years ended December
31, 2003, 2002 and 2001 respectively, net of vendor allowances of $40.9 million,
$59.6 million and $53.1 million, respectively.

Stock-Based  Compensation:  At December 31, 2003,  we had  stock-based  employee
compensation plans. We measure  stock-based  compensation costs under Accounting
Principles  Board  ("APB")  Opinion  No.  25,  "Accounting  for Stock  Issued to
Employees" and its related interpretations. Accordingly, no compensation expense
has been  recognized  for our fixed price stock  option  plans,  as the exercise
price of options must be equal to or greater than the stock price on the date of
grant under our incentive stock plans. The table below illustrates the effect on
net income and net income  available per common share as if we had accounted for
our employee stock options under the fair value  recognition  provisions of SFAS
No. 123,  "Accounting  for  Stock-Based  Compensation."  For purposes of the pro
forma disclosures below, the estimated fair value of the options is amortized to
expense over the vesting period.

                                                                         Year Ended December 31,
(In millions, except per share amounts)                              2003        2002        2001
- ---------------------------------------                           ----------  ----------  ----------
Net income, as reported                                            $ 298.5     $ 263.4     $ 166.7
  Stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported
    net income, net of related tax effects                            14.2        14.0        15.2
  Total stock-based compensation expense determined under fair
    value method for all awards, net of related tax effects          (51.1)      (60.5)      (60.0)
                                                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
Pro forma net income                                               $ 261.6     $ 216.9     $ 121.9
                                                                  ==========  ==========  ==========

Net income available per common share:
  Basic - as reported                                              $  1.78     $  1.50     $  0.88
  Basic - pro forma                                                $  1.56     $  1.23     $  0.64
  Diluted - as reported                                            $  1.77     $  1.45     $  0.85
  Diluted - pro forma                                              $  1.55     $  1.19     $  0.62

The  pro  forma  amounts  in  the  preceding  table  were  estimated  using  the
Black-Scholes   option-pricing   model  with  the  following   weighted  average

                                                                         Year Ended December 31,
                                                                     2003        2002        2001
                                                                  ----------  ----------  ----------
Expected life in years                                                    6           6           6
Expected volatility                                                    48.3%       46.1%       42.3%
Annual dividend paid per share                                      $  0.25     $  0.22     $  0.22
Risk free interest rate                                                 3.1%        4.5%        4.9%
Fair value of options granted during year                           $  9.63     $ 13.53     $ 15.64

Impairment of Long-Lived Assets:  Long-lived assets (primarily  property,  plant
and  equipment  and  goodwill)  held  and  used by us or to be  disposed  of are
reviewed for impairment  whenever  events or changes in  circumstances  indicate
that the net book value of the asset may not be recoverable.  An impairment loss
is recognized  if the sum of the expected  future cash flows  (undiscounted  and
before  interest)  from the use of the asset is less than the net book  value of
the asset.  The amount of the  impairment  loss is  measured  as the  difference
between  the net book value of the assets  and the  estimated  fair value of the
related assets.

Income  Taxes:  Income  taxes are  accounted  for using the asset and  liability
method.  Deferred taxes are recognized  for the tax  consequences  of "temporary
differences" by applying enacted  statutory tax rates applicable to future years
to  differences  between the financial  statement  carrying  amounts and the tax
basis of existing  assets and  liabilities.  The effect on  deferred  taxes of a
change in tax rates is  recognized  in income in the period  that  includes  the
enactment date. In addition, we recognize future tax benefits to the extent that
such benefits are more likely than not to be realized.

Earnings  Per Share:  Basic  earnings  per share is  computed  based only on the
weighted average number of common shares  outstanding for each period presented.
Diluted  earnings per share  reflects  the  potential  dilution  that would have
occurred if securities or other  contracts to issue common stock were exercised,
converted,  or  resulted in the  issuance  of common  stock that would have then
shared in the  earnings  of the  entity.  The  following  table  reconciles  the
numerator  and  denominator  used in the basic and  diluted  earnings  per share

                                                                    Year Ended December 31,
                                         2003                                2002                                2001
                          ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------  ----------------------------------
(In millions, except        Income      Shares    Per Share     Income      Shares    Per Share     Income      Shares    Per Share
 per share amounts)       (Numerator)(Denominator)  Amount    (Numerator)(Denominator)  Amount    (Numerator)(Denominator)  Amount
 -----------------        ----------- ----------- ----------  ----------- ----------- ----------  ----------- ----------- ----------
Net income                 $ 298.5                             $ 263.4                             $ 166.7
Less: Preferred stock
 dividends                    --                                  (4.5)                               (4.9)
                          -----------                         -----------                         -----------

Basic EPS
Net income
 available to common
 stockholders                298.5       167.7     $  1.78       258.9        173.0    $  1.50       161.8       183.8     $  0.88
                                                  ==========                          ==========                          ==========

Effect of dilutive
Plus dividends on
 Series B preferred stock     --                                   4.5                                 4.9
Additional contribution
 required if preferred
 stock had been
 converted                    --          --                      (3.3)         5.3                   (3.5)        5.8
Stock options                              1.2                                  1.0                                1.6
                          ----------- -----------             ----------- -----------             ----------- -----------

Diluted EPS
Net income
 available to common
 stockholders plus
 assumed conversions       $ 298.5       168.9     $  1.77     $ 260.1        179.3    $  1.45     $ 163.2       191.2      $ 0.85
                          =========== =========== ==========  =========== =========== ==========  =========== =========== ==========

Options to purchase 16.8 million, 18.1 million and 12.2 million shares of common
stock in 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively, were not included in the computation
of diluted  earnings  per common  share  because the option  exercise  price was
greater than the average market price of the common stock during the year.

Cash and Cash  Equivalents:  Cash on hand in stores,  deposits  in banks and all
highly liquid investments with an original or remaining maturity of three months
or less at the time of purchase are considered cash and cash  equivalents.  Cash
equivalents are carried at cost,  which  approximates  fair value because of the
short maturity of the instruments. The weighted average interest rates were 1.0%
and 1.3% at  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively,  for cash  equivalents
totaling $566.4 million and $398.3 million, respectively.

Accounts  Receivable  and Allowance  For Doubtful  Accounts:  Concentrations  of
credit risk with  respect to customer  receivables  are limited due to the large
number of  customers  comprising  our customer  base and their  location in many
different   geographic  areas  of  the  country.   However,   we  do  have  some
concentration  of credit risk from service  providers in the wireless  telephone
and DTH  satellite  services  industries,  due to sales of  their  products  and
services.  We maintain an allowance  for doubtful  accounts  where  accounts are
determined to be uncollectible and, historically, such losses, in the aggregate,
have not exceeded our expectations.

Inventories:  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost (principally  based on
average cost) or market value and are comprised primarily of finished goods.

Property, Plant and Equipment: Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost,
less  accumulated   depreciation  and  amortization.   For  financial  reporting
purposes,  depreciation  and  amortization  are primarily  calculated  using the
straight-line  method,  which  amortizes  the  cost  of the  assets  over  their
estimated useful lives. When depreciable assets are sold or retired, the related
cost and  accumulated  depreciation  are removed from the accounts and gains and
losses  are  recognized.   Major  additions  and  betterments  are  capitalized.
Maintenance  and repairs which do not materially  improve or extend the lives of
the   respective   assets  are  charged  to  operating   expenses  as  incurred.
Amortization of buildings  under capital leases is included in depreciation  and
amortization in the Consolidated Statements of Income.

Capitalized Software Costs: We capitalize qualifying costs related to developing
internal-use  software.  Capitalization  of costs  begins  after the  conceptual
formulation  stage has been completed.  Capitalized costs are amortized over the
estimated  useful life of the  software,  which  ranges  between  three and five
years.  Capitalized  software costs at December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, totaled
$37.9 million, $43.8 million and $46.6 million, net of accumulated  amortization
of $53.3 million, $39.0 million and $26.3 million, respectively.

Goodwill:  Goodwill  represents  the excess of the purchase  price over the fair
value of net assets  acquired.  At December 31, 2003,  the net goodwill  balance
totaled  $2.9  million,  composed  primarily  of  goodwill  resulting  from  the
conversion of various  dealer/franchise outlets to company retail stores. During
2002,  we recorded an impairment  of the  AmeriLink  Corporation,  also known as
RadioShack  Installation  Services ("RSIS"),  goodwill aggregating $8.1 million,
resulting in a net goodwill  balance at December 31, 2002,  of $2.9 million (see
Note 6 for further details).

Derivatives:  We have entered into interest rate swap  agreements to effectively
convert a portion of our  long-term  fixed rate debt to a variable  rate.  Under
these  agreements,  we have  contracted  to pay a variable  rate of LIBOR plus a
markup  and to receive  fixed  rates  ranging  from  6.950% to  7.375%.  We have
designated  these agreements as fair value hedging  instruments.  The accounting
for changes in the fair value of an interest rate swap depends on the use of the
swap.  To the extent that a derivative is effective as a hedge of an exposure to
future  changes  in fair  value,  the change in the  derivative's  fair value is
recorded in earnings,  as is the change in fair value of the item being  hedged.
To the extent  that a swap is  effective  as a cash flow hedge of an exposure to
future  changes in cash flows,  the change in fair value of the swap is deferred
in  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income.  Any  portion  considered  to  be
ineffective will be immediately  reported in earnings.  The  differentials to be
received or paid under  interest  rate swap  contracts  designated as hedges are
recognized in income over the life of the contracts as  adjustments  to interest
expense.  Gains and losses on terminations of interest rate contracts designated
as hedges are deferred and amortized  into  interest  expense over the remaining
life of the original contracts or until repayment of the hedged indebtedness.

We maintain strict internal controls over our hedging activities,  which include
policies and  procedures  for risk  assessment  and the approval,  reporting and
monitoring of all derivative  financial  instrument  activities.  We monitor our
hedging  positions  and  credit  worthiness  of our  counter-parties  and do not
anticipate losses due to our counter-parties' nonperformance.  We do not hold or
issue derivative financial  instruments for trading or speculative  purposes. To
qualify for hedge  accounting,  derivatives  must meet defined  correlation  and
effectiveness  criteria,  be  designated as a hedge and result in cash flows and
financial  statement  effects  that  substantially  offset those of the position
being hedged.

Fair Value of Financial Instruments:  The fair value of financial instruments is
determined by reference to various market data and other valuation techniques as
appropriate.   Unless  otherwise   disclosed,   the  fair  values  of  financial
instruments  approximate their recorded values,  due primarily to the short-term
nature of their maturities or their varying interest rates.

Comprehensive  Income:  Comprehensive  income is defined as the change in equity
(net assets) of a business enterprise during a period,  except for those changes
resulting from investments by owners and distributions to owners.  Comprehensive
income is comprised  of the gain (loss) on an interest  rate swap used as a cash
flow hedge and foreign currency translation adjustments,  which are shown net of
tax in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity.

Reclassifications:  Certain amounts in the December 31, 2002 and 2001, financial
statements  have been  reclassified  to  conform  with the  December  31,  2003,
presentation.   These   reclassifications   had  no  effect  on  net  income  or
stockholders' equity as previously reported.

Recently  Issued  Accounting   Pronouncements:   In  June  2001,  the  Financial
Accounting  Standards Board ("FASB") issued SFAS No. 143,  "Accounting for Asset
Retirement  Obligations,"  which is effective for fiscal years  beginning  after
June 15, 2002.  SFAS No. 143  establishes  financial  accounting  and  reporting
standards for obligations  associated with the retirement of tangible long-lived
assets and the  associated  asset  retirement  costs.  We  adopted  SFAS No. 143
effective January 1, 2003, and made no material  adjustments to our consolidated
financial statements as a result of this adoption.

In June 2002,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 146,  "Accounting  for Costs  Associated
with Exit or Disposal  Activities."  SFAS No. 146 addresses  significant  issues
relating to the recognition, measurement, and reporting of costs associated with
exit and disposal activities,  including restructuring activities, and nullifies
the  guidance  in  Emerging  Issues  Task  Force  Issue  No.  94-3,   "Liability
Recognition for Certain Employee Termination Benefits and Other Costs to Exit an
Activity (Including Certain Costs Incurred in a Restructuring)."  The provisions
of SFAS No. 146 are effective for exit or disposal  activities  initiated  after
December 31, 2002.  Retroactive  application of SFAS No. 146 is prohibited  and,
accordingly, liabilities recognized prior to the initial application of SFAS No.
146 should  continue to be accounted for in  accordance  with EITF 94-3 or other
applicable  preexisting  guidance.  We adopted SFAS No. 146 effective January 1,
2003, and made no material adjustments to our consolidated  financial statements
as a result of this adoption.

In April 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 149,  "Amendment  of  Statement  133 on
Derivative  Instruments  and  Hedging  Activities."  SFAS  No.  149  amends  and
clarifies  accounting for derivative  instruments,  including certain derivative
instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for hedging activities under SFAS
No. 133. SFAS No. 149 is effective for contracts  entered into or modified after
June 30, 2003, for hedging relationships  designated after June 30, 2003, and to
certain preexisting  contracts.  We adopted SFAS No. 149 effective July 1, 2003,
and made no material  adjustments to our consolidated  financial statements as a
result of this adoption.

In May 2003,  the FASB issued SFAS No. 150,  "Accounting  for Certain  Financial
Instruments  with  Characteristics  of Both  Liabilities  and Equity,"  which is
effective for financial instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003.
SFAS No. 150 establishes financial accounting and reporting standards for how an
issuer   classifies   and   measures   certain   financial    instruments   with
characteristics  of both  liabilities  and  equities.  We  adopted  SFAS No. 150
effective  June 1, 2003, and made no material  adjustments  to our  consolidated
financial statements as a result of this adoption.

In November 2002, the FASB issued Interpretation No. 45, "Guarantor's Accounting
and Disclosure Requirements for Guarantees, Including Guarantees of Indebtedness
of Others." FIN 45 is effective for guarantees issued or modified after December
31, 2002. The  disclosure  requirements  were  effective for certain  guarantees
existing  at  December  31,  2002,  and expand  the  disclosures  required  by a
guarantor about its obligations under a guarantee.  FIN 45 also requires that we
recognize  guarantees  entered into or modified  after  December 31, 2002,  as a
liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken in the issuance of the
guarantee.  We adopted FIN 45 on January 1, 2003, its effective date, and, aside
from the required  disclosure  provisions,  made no material  adjustments to our
consolidated financial statements as a result of this adoption.

In January 2003, the FASB issued  Interpretation 46,  "Consolidation of Variable
Interest  Entities - An  Interpretation  of ARB No.  51." FIN 46 is  intended to
clarify the application of ARB No. 51, "Consolidated  Financial  Statements," to
certain entities in which equity investors do not have the  characteristics of a
controlling  financial interest or do not have sufficient equity at risk for the
entity to finance  its  activities  without  additional  subordinated  financial
support.  For  those  entities,  a  controlling  financial  interest  cannot  be
identified  based on an  evaluation  of  voting  interests  and may be  achieved
through  arrangements  that do not involve voting  interests.  The consolidation
requirement of FIN 46 is effective immediately to variable interests in variable
interest  entities  ("VIEs")  created or obtained after January 31, 2003. FIN 46
also sets forth certain disclosures  regarding interests in VIEs that are deemed
significant,  even if consolidation is not required.  In December 2003, the FASB
issued FIN 46 (revised  December  2003),  "Consolidation  of  Variable  Interest
Entities" (FIN 46R),  which delayed the effective date of the  application to us
of FIN 46 to  non-special  purpose VIEs acquired or created  before  February 1,
2003, to the interim  period ending on March 31, 2004,  and provided  additional
technical  clarifications to implementation  issues. We have determined that FIN
46 does not apply to our  dealer/franchise  outlets and we do not expect to make
material adjustments to our consolidated financial statements as a result of the
adoption of this Interpretation.

In November 2002,  the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 02-16,  "Accounting
for Consideration  Received from a Vendor by a Customer (Including a Reseller of
the Vendor's  Products)." EITF 02-16 provides guidance on how cash consideration
received by a customer  from a vendor  should be  classified  in the  customer's
statement of income. EITF 02-16 is effective prospectively for new arrangements,
including  modifications of existing  arrangements,  entered into after December
31, 2002. We adopted EITF 02-16 effective  January 1, 2003, and made no material
adjustments  to our  consolidated  financial  statements  as a  result  of  this

In November 2003, the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 03-10,  "Application
of EITF Issue No. 02-16,  `Accounting  by a Customer  (Including a Reseller) for
Certain Consideration  Received from a Vendor,' by Resellers to Sales Incentives
Offered to Consumers by Manufacturers." EITF 03-10 provides guidance on how cash
consideration  received by a customer  from a vendor should be classified in the
customer's  statement of income.  EITF 03-10 is effective  prospectively for new
arrangements,  including  modification  of existing  arrangements,  entered into
after  December 31, 2003. We adopted EITF 03-10  effective  January 1, 2004, and
made no material  adjustments  to our  consolidated  financial  statements  as a
result of this adoption.

As of  December  31,  2003 and 2002,  we had the  following  accounts  and notes
receivable outstanding in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets:

                                            December 31,
(In millions)                            2003         2002
- -------------                         ----------   ----------
Receivables from vendors and service
 providers                             $  92.3      $ 120.0
Trade accounts receivable                 75.6         70.6
Other receivables                         18.6         22.9
Allowance for doubtful accounts           (4.1)        (7.4)
                                      ----------   ----------
Accounts and notes receivable, net     $ 182.4      $ 206.1
                                      ==========   ==========

Receivables from vendors and service  providers relate to marketing  development
funds,  residual  income,  customer  acquisition  fees,  and  rebates  and other
promotions from our third-party  service  providers and product  vendors,  after
taking into account estimates for service providers' customer  deactivations and
non-activations,  which are  factors  in  determining  the  amount  of  customer
acquisition fees and residual income earned.

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
                                                   December 31,
(In millions)                            2003         2002         2001
- -------------                         ----------   ----------   ----------
Balance at the beginning of the year   $   7.4      $   6.8      $   6.3
Provision for bad debts included
  in selling, general and
  administrative expense                   0.4          4.7         14.5
Uncollected receivables written off,
  net of recoveries                       (3.7)        (4.1)       (14.0)
                                      ----------   ----------   ----------
Balance at the end of the year         $   4.1      $   7.4      $   6.8
                                      ==========   ==========   ==========

The following  table outlines the ranges of estimated  useful lives and balances
of each major fixed asset category:

                                                                                      December 31,
                                                   Range of                     -----------------------
(In millions)                                Estimated Useful Life                 2003         2002
- -------------                                ---------------------              ----------   ----------
Land                                                 --                         $   35.0      $   35.0
Buildings                                        10 - 40 years                     169.1          98.1
Furniture, fixtures and equipment                 2 -15 years                      631.8         586.9
Leasehold improvements             Primarily, the shorter of the life of the
                                 improvements or the term of the related lease
                                          and certain renewal periods              345.8         337.4
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Total PP&E                                                                       1,181.7       1,057.4
Less accumulated depreciation and
 amortization of capital leases                                                   (668.6)       (635.8)
                                                                                ----------    ----------
PP&E, net                                                                       $  513.1      $  421.6
                                                                                ==========    ==========

In the second quarter of 2002, we sold and leased back our corporate  technology
center building,  recording this transaction as a financing obligation,  because
we retained  certain  responsibilities  during the lease term. Under a financing
obligation,  the associated  assets remain on our balance sheet. This obligation
has a three-year  term  expiring in 2005 with renewal  options.  The lessors are
unrelated  third-parties.  We entered into this  transaction in contemplation of
and  to  facilitate  the  relocation  of  our  corporate  headquarters  to a new
custom-built  corporate  campus,  which is currently  being  constructed  and is
scheduled for  occupation  beginning in the fourth quarter of 2004 through early

In the fourth  quarter of 2001,  we sold and leased  back most of our  corporate
headquarters  and recognized a loss of $44.8 million.  The operating lease has a
three-year term expiring in 2004 with renewal options.

                                         December 31,
(In millions)                         2003         2002
- -------------                      ----------   ----------
Notes receivable                     $  9.8       $  4.0
Goodwill                                2.9          2.9
Deferred income taxes                  22.2         52.2
Other                                  29.3         40.3
                                   ----------   ----------

Total other assets, net              $ 64.2       $ 99.4
                                   ==========   ==========

RSIS  was  acquired  in  1999  to  provide  us  with  residential   installation
capabilities  for the  technologies  and services  offered in our retail stores.
From the  time of its  acquisition,  RSIS  has  incurred  operating  losses  and
negative  cash flows.  In 2000 and in 2001,  we  attempted  to  restructure  and
reorganize  RSIS, but due to the overall  slowdown in the economy and the market
decline for professionally  installed home Internet connectivity services,  RSIS
continued to report  losses.  During the fourth  quarter of 2001,  we prepared a
revised  analysis of estimated  future cash flows for RSIS, which indicated that
its  long-lived  assets were impaired.  The carrying value of RSIS's  long-lived
assets  (principally  goodwill and fixed assets) exceeded the discounted present
value of the estimated  future cash flows by  approximately  $37.0  million.  An
impairment  of  goodwill  for that  amount  was  recorded  and  included  in the
accompanying Consolidated Statement of Income for 2001. As a result of continued
difficulties in the DTH business and a refocus during the fourth quarter of 2002
on our  satellite  installation  strategy,  together  with a  revised  cash flow
projection  for our  overall  installation  business,  we  determined  that  the
remaining long-lived assets associated with RSIS were impaired.  We compared the
carrying value of these  long-lived  assets with their fair value and determined
that the  remaining  goodwill  balance  of $8.1  million  was  impaired  and we,
therefore, recorded an impairment charge of this amount in the accompanying 2002
Consolidated  Statement  of  Income.  As of  December  31,  2002,  there  was no
remaining  goodwill  balance on our balance sheet relating to RSIS. On September
10, 2003,  we sold RSIS,  resulting in a loss of $1.8 million which was recorded
in other income.

Our   test    concept    with    Blockbuster    to    introduce   a   RadioShack
"store-within-a-store"   at  Blockbuster  locations  in  2001  did  not  provide
sufficient  cash flows to recover our  investment  in  fixtures  and other fixed
assets. An impairment loss of $2.8 million was recorded for those assets in 2001
and is  included  as a  component  of  impairment  of  long-lived  assets in the
accompanying 2001 Consolidated Statement of Income.

Short-Term Debt

                                                                     December 31,
(In millions)                                                     2003         2002
- -------------                                                  ----------   ----------
Short-term debt                                                  $ 36.8       $ 16.0
Current portion of long-term debt                                  39.5         20.0
Fair value of interest rate swaps                                   0.9         --
Current portion of capital lease obligations                        0.2         --
                                                               ----------   ----------
Total short-term debt                                            $ 77.4       $ 36.0
                                                               ==========   ==========

Long-Term Debt
                                                                     December 31,
(In millions)                                                     2003         2002
- -------------                                                  ----------   ----------
Ten-year 7 3/8% note payable due in 2011                         $350.0       $350.0
Ten-year 6.95% note payable due in 2007                           150.0        150.0
Medium-term notes payable with interest rates at December 31,
  2003, ranging from 6.42% to 7.35% due from 2004 to 2007          44.5         64.5
Financing obligation (see Note 4)                                  32.3         32.3
Notes payable with interest rates at December 31, 2003,
  ranging from 2.6% to 2.8% due from 2006 to 2014                   6.1          6.1
Capital lease obligations                                           0.3         --
Unamortized debt issuance costs                                    (5.8)        (7.0)
Fair value of interest rate swaps                                   4.5         15.4
                                                               ----------   ----------
                                                                  581.9        611.3
                                                               ----------   ----------

Less current portion of:
  Notes payable                                                    39.5         20.0
  Fair value of interest rate swaps                                 0.9         --
  Capital lease obligations                                         0.2         --
                                                               ----------   ----------
                                                                   40.6         20.0
                                                               ----------   ----------

Total long-term debt                                             $541.3       $591.3
                                                               ==========   ==========

Long-term borrowings and financing obligation outstanding at December 31, 2003,
mature as follows:

                       Long-Term       Capital      Financing
(In millions)          Borrowings       Lease      Obligation(1)      Total
- -------------        -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
2004                   $   39.5       $    0.2       $   --         $   39.7
2005                       --              0.1           32.3           32.4
2006                        5.1           --             --              5.1
2007                      150.0           --             --            150.0
2008                        5.0           --             --              5.0
2009 and thereafter       351.0           --             --            351.0
                     -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Total                  $  550.6       $    0.3       $   32.3       $  583.2
                     =============  =============  =============  =============

(1) See Note 4 for discussion of financing obligation.

The fair value of our  long-term  debt of $581.6  million and $611.3  million at
December  31,  2003 and 2002,  respectively,  (including  current  portion,  but
excluding  2003  capital  leases) was  approximately  $656.7  million and $675.0
million,  respectively. The fair values were computed using interest rates which
were in effect at the balance sheet dates for similar debt instruments.

On May 11, 2001, we issued  $350.0  million of 10-year 7 3/8% notes in a private
offering to initial purchasers who offered the notes to qualified  institutional
buyers under SEC Rule 144A. The annual  interest rate on the notes is 7.375% per
annum with interest  payable on November 15 and May 15 of each year.  Payment of
interest on the notes  commenced on November  15, 2001,  and the notes mature on
May 15, 2011. In August 2001, under the terms of an exchange offering filed with
the SEC, we exchanged  substantially  all of these notes for a similar amount of
publicly registered notes. Because no additional debt was issued in the exchange
offering, the net effect of this exchange was that no additional debt was issued
on August 3, 2001, and  substantially  all of the notes are now registered  with
the SEC.

We  have a  $300.0  million  debt  shelf  registration  statement  which  became
effective in August 1997. In August 1997,  we issued  $150.0  million of 10-year
unsecured  long-term notes under this shelf  registration.  The interest rate on
the notes is 6.95% per annum with interest payable on September 1 and March 1 of
each year, commencing March 1, 1998. These notes are due September 1, 2007.

We also  issued,  in various  amounts and on various  dates from  December  1997
through  September  1999,  medium-term  notes totaling  $150.0 million under the
shelf registration.  At December 31, 2003, $44.5 million of these notes remained
outstanding.  The interest rates at December 31, 2003, for the outstanding $44.5
million  medium-term notes ranged from 6.42% to 7.35% and had a weighted average
coupon rate of 7.19%.  These notes have maturities ranging from 2004 to 2008. As
of December 31, 2003, there was no availability under this shelf registration.

In June and August 2003,  we entered into  interest  rate swap  agreements  with
underlying  notional  amounts  of debt of  $100.0  million  and  $50.0  million,
respectively,  with  maturities  in May  2011.  Additionally,  during  the third
quarter of 2001,  we entered into several  interest  rate swap  agreements  with
notional amounts totaling $150.0 million,  with maturities  ranging from 2004 to
2007. We entered into these  agreements to effectively  convert a portion of our
long-term fixed rate debt to a variable rate.  Under these  agreements,  we have
contracted  to pay a variable  rate of LIBOR plus a markup and to receive  fixed
rates ranging from 6.950% to 7.375%. We have designated these agreements as fair
value hedging  instruments.  We recorded an amount in other assets, net, of $4.5
million and $15.4  million  (their  fair  value) at December  31, 2003 and 2002,
respectively, for the swap agreements and adjusted the fair value of the related
debt by the same amount. Fair value was computed using interest rates which were
in  effect  as  of  December  31,  2003  and  2002,  respectively,  for  similar

Short-Term Borrowing Facilities
                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                   2003        2002        2001
- -------------                                ----------  ----------  ----------
Domestic seasonal bank credit lines and
  bank money market lines:
 Lines available at year end                  $ 700.0     $ 705.0     $ 774.0
 Loans outstanding at year end                   --          --          --
 Weighted average interest rate at year end      --          --          --
 Weighted average loans outstanding           $  --       $  --       $  22.1
 Weighted average interest rate during year      --          --           5.7%

Short-term foreign credit lines:
 Lines available at year end                  $   7.2     $  15.8     $  24.5
 Loans outstanding at year end                   --          --          --
 Weighted average interest rate at year end      --          --          --
 Weighted average loans outstanding           $  --       $  --       $   1.9
 Weighted average interest rate during year      --           2.1%        4.9%

Letters of credit and banker's acceptance
  lines of credit:
 Lines available at year end                  $ 162.7     $ 167.4     $ 206.0
 Acceptances outstanding at year end             --          --          --
 Letters of credit open against outstanding
  purchase orders at year end                 $  20.0     $  26.4     $  31.2

Commercial paper credit facilities:
 Commercial paper outstanding at year end     $  --       $  --       $  --
 Weighted average interest rate at year end      --          --          --
 Weighted average commercial paper
  outstanding                                 $  --       $   0.1     $  83.2
 Weighted average interest rate during year      --           2.0%        5.8%

Our  short-term  credit  facilities,   including  revolving  credit  lines,  are
summarized in the accompanying  short-term borrowing facilities table above. The
method used to compute averages in the short-term  borrowing facilities table is
based on a daily weighted average  computation that takes into consideration the
time period such debt was outstanding,  as well as the amount  outstanding.  Our
financing,  primarily short-term debt, consists of short-term seasonal bank debt
and commercial paper. The commercial paper and the short-term seasonal bank debt
have a typical  maturity of 90 days or less. The amount of commercial paper that
can be  outstanding  is limited  to a maximum of the unused  portion of our $600
million  bank  syndicated  revolving  credit  facility  described in more detail

In the second quarter of 2003, we replaced our existing  $300.0 million  364-day
revolving  credit  facility  and amended  our $300.0  million  five-year  credit
facility.  These facilities' maturity dates are June 2004 for the $300.0 million
364-day revolving credit facility and June 2007 for the $300.0 million five-year
revolving  credit facility.  The terms of these revolving credit  facilities are
substantially  similar  to  the  previous  facilities.  These  revolving  credit
facilities will support any future commercial paper borrowings and are otherwise
available for our general  corporate  purposes.  As of December 31, 2003,  there
were no outstanding borrowings under these credit facilities.

We  established  an  employee  stock  ownership  trust  in  June  1990.  Further
information on the trust and its related indebtedness,  which we guaranteed,  is
detailed in the discussion of the RadioShack 401(k) Plan in Note 22.

On December 11, 2003,  our Board of Directors  approved the  retirement  of 45.0
million shares of our common stock held as treasury stock. These shares returned
to the status of authorized and unissued.  Additional details of the transaction
may be seen on our 2003 Consolidated Statement of Stockholders' Equity.

                                                   December 31,
(In millions)                                   2003         2002
- -------------                                ----------   ----------
Payroll and bonuses                           $  76.7      $  56.4
Insurance                                        70.0         65.6
Sales and payroll taxes                          45.5         49.0
Other                                           150.8        147.7
                                             ----------   ----------
Total accrued expenses                        $ 343.0      $ 318.7
                                             ==========   ==========

In 1996 and 1997, we initiated certain restructuring  programs in which a number
of our former McDuff,  Computer City and Incredible  Universe retail stores were
closed. We still have certain real estate  obligations  related to some of these
stores and, at December 31, 2003, the balance in the  restructuring  reserve was
$17.0 million,  consisting of the remaining estimated real estate obligations to
be paid.  An additional  provision of $6.5 million was added during 2003,  while
costs of $5.8 million were charged against this reserve during the corresponding
period. In the accompanying 2003 Consolidated  Balance Sheet, the balance in the
restructuring  reserve is classified in other current liabilities.  This reserve
represents the revised  expected costs for these real estate lease  obligations.
If these facilities'  sublease income declines in their respective markets or if
it takes longer than  expected to sublease or dispose of these  facilities,  the
actual  losses  could exceed this reserve  estimate.  Costs will  continue to be
incurred over the remaining terms of the related leases, the longest of which is
16 years.

In 2001, we initiated an additional restructuring program related primarily to a
general reduction of our corporate  management and  administrative  labor force,
mainly for early  retirement and involuntary and voluntary  employee  severance,
closure of our  national  commercial  installation  business,  and closure of 35
underperforming  RadioShack  stores.  During  the  first  quarter  of  2002,  we
completed  a  significant  portion  of  the  remaining   restructuring  program,
utilizing  the reserves  established  in 2001.  As of December  31,  2002,  $3.8
million  of the  remaining  restructuring  reserve  was  classified  in  accrued
expenses  and the  remaining  balance of $2.8  million was  classified  in other
non-current  liabilities in the accompanying 2002 Consolidated Balance Sheet, to
be used  principally  for the remaining  cash  commitments  associated  with the
long-term compensation and lease commitment obligations.

On August  31,  1998,  we  completed  the sale of our wholly  owned  subsidiary,
Computer  City,  Inc., to CompUSA Inc. for cash and an unsecured  note of $136.0
million.   On  June  22,  2001,  we  received   $123.6  million  for  the  final
determination  of the purchase  price and settlement of the $136.0 million note,
resulting in an additional loss of $12.4 million from the sale of Computer City,
Inc.  Additionally,  in the fourth quarter of 2001, we sold and leased back most
of our corporate  headquarters at a loss of $44.8 million in anticipation of the
building of our new corporate  headquarters.  These losses were recorded in 2001
and are included in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Income as a loss
on sale of assets.

RadioShack and Microsoft  Corporation  mutually  agreed during 2002 to terminate
their  agreement and settle the remaining  commitments  each had to one another.
The termination of this agreement took effect at the start of the fourth quarter
of 2002, upon satisfaction of several contractual obligations. The net financial
result was an $18.5 million gain (principally  cash received),  driven primarily
by the settlement of a multi-year obligation Microsoft had to connect our stores
with broadband capabilities.

During the second  quarter of 2000, we made a $30.0  million cash  investment in
Digital:Convergence  Corporation  ("DC"), a privately-held  Internet  technology
company.  In the first  quarter of 2001,  we believed  that our  investment  had
experienced a decline in value that, in our opinion,  was other than  temporary.
This belief was due to DC's inability to secure  financing at that time, as well
as its  commencement of  restructuring  activities  involving the termination of
much of its workforce and the curtailing of its business activities. As such, we
recorded a loss provision equal to our initial investment. DC subsequently filed
for bankruptcy on March 22, 2002.

Deferred  tax assets and  liabilities  as of December  31,  2003 and 2002,  were
comprised of the following:

                                                 December 31,
(In millions)                                2003         2002
- -------------                             ----------   ----------
Deferred tax assets
Insurance reserves                         $  22.4      $  22.8
Depreciation and amortization                 --           12.5
Deferred compensation                         23.8         18.7
Inventory adjustments, net                     6.5          0.3
Restructuring reserves                         6.5          6.2
Bad debt reserve                               1.6          2.8
Other                                         29.0         44.9
                                          ----------   ----------
  Total deferred tax assets                   89.8        108.2
                                          ----------   ----------
Deferred tax liabilities
Deferred taxes on foreign operations          14.5         11.0
Depreciation and amortization                 10.3         --
Other                                          3.1          3.7
                                          ----------   ----------
  Total deferred tax liabilities              27.9         14.7
                                          ----------   ----------
Net deferred tax assets                    $  61.9      $  93.5
                                          ==========   ==========

The net deferred tax asset is classified
 as follows:
  Other current assets                     $  39.7      $  41.3
  Non-current assets                          22.2         52.2
                                          ----------   ----------
Net deferred tax assets                    $  61.9      $  93.5
                                          ==========   ==========

The  components of the provision  for income taxes and a  reconciliation  of the
U.S.  statutory tax rate to our  effective  income tax rate are given in the two
accompanying tables.

Income Tax Expense
                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                     2003       2002       2001
- -------------                                   --------   --------   --------
 Federal                                         $117.5     $127.3     $137.3
 State                                             21.9       13.3       18.2
 Foreign                                            3.3        3.3        2.9
                                                --------   --------   --------
                                                  142.7      143.9      158.4
                                                --------   --------   --------

 Federal                                           33.5       17.5      (26.0)
 State                                             (1.9)       0.1       (7.6)
                                                --------   --------   --------
                                                   31.6       17.6      (33.6)
                                                --------   --------   --------

Provision for income taxes                       $174.3     $161.5     $124.8
                                                ========   ========   ========

Statutory vs. Effective Tax Rate
                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                     2003       2002       2001
- -------------                                   --------   --------   --------
Components of income from
 continuing operations:
  United States                                  $456.5     $408.8     $272.1
  Foreign                                          16.3       16.1       19.4
                                                --------   --------   --------
Income before income taxes                        472.8      424.9      291.5
Statutory tax rate                               x 35.0%    x 35.0%    x 35.0%
                                                --------   --------   --------
Federal income tax expense at statutory rate      165.5      148.7      102.0
State income taxes, net of federal benefit         13.0        8.7        6.9
Non-deductible goodwill                            --          2.8       13.8
Other, net                                         (4.2)       1.3        2.1
                                                --------   --------   --------
Total income tax expense                         $174.3     $161.5     $124.8
                                                ========   ========   ========

Effective tax rate                                 36.9%      38.0%      42.8%
                                                ========   ========   ========

We anticipate that we will generate  sufficient  pre-tax income in the future to
realize  the  full  benefit  of U.S.  deferred  tax  assets  related  to  future
deductible  amounts.  Accordingly,  a valuation  allowance  was not  required at
December 31, 2003 or 2002.  Our tax returns are subject to examination by taxing
authorities in various jurisdictions.  The Internal Revenue Service is currently
in the process of concluding  its  examination of our federal income tax returns
for the taxable years from 1993 through 2001.  Several states are also currently
in the process of examining our state income tax returns. We record tax reserves
based  on  our  best   estimate  of  current  tax   exposures  in  the  relevant
jurisdictions.  While we believe that the reserves  recorded in the consolidated
financial  statements  accurately  reflect  our tax  exposures,  our  actual tax
liabilities may ultimately  differ from those estimates if we were to prevail in
matters  for which  accruals  have been  established,  or if taxing  authorities
successfully challenge the tax treatment upon which our management has based its
estimates.  Accordingly,  our  effective  tax rate for a  particular  period may
materially change.

In November 1999, we formed a limited liability company, RadioShack.com LLC, and
in January 2000 Microsoft Corporation contributed $100.0 million for 100% of the
preferred  units  in  this  company.  On  July  6,  2001,  we  purchased  all of
Microsoft's  preferred units in  RadioShack.com  LLC for $88.0 million,  thereby
eliminating the minority interest in  RadioShack.com  LLC. The difference in the
initial  price of the  preferred  units and  repurchase  price was  treated as a
redemption of  mandatorily  redeemable  preferred  units,  which  resulted in an
increase to additional paid-in capital.

On July 28,  2003,  we  received  payment of $15.7  million  resulting  from the
favorable  settlement  of a lawsuit we had  previously  filed.  We recorded this
settlement  in the  accompanying  Consolidated  Statement of Income in the third
quarter of 2003 as other income of $10.7 million,  net of legal expenses of $5.0
million paid as a result of the lawsuit.

In October  2002, a court  approved the final  settlement  of $29.9 million in a
class action lawsuit, which was originally filed in March 2000 in Orange County,
California.  Actual  payments  under this lawsuit  totaled  $29.0  million.  The
lawsuit related to the alleged  miscalculation  of overtime wages for certain of
our former and current employees in that state.

Additionally,  in the second  quarter of 2002,  we  received  payments  of $27.7
million  in  partial  settlement  of  amounts  owed to us  under  a tax  sharing
agreement that was the subject of an arbitration  styled Tandy  Corporation  and
T.E.  Electronics,  Inc. vs. O'Sullivan  Industries Holdings,  Inc. This partial
settlement  followed a ruling in RadioShack's  favor by the  arbitration  panel.
This  arbitration  was commenced in July 1999 and the  settlement  also requires
O'Sullivan to make ongoing  payments  under this tax sharing  agreement that was
entered into by the parties at the time of O'Sullivan's initial public offering.

We are currently a party to a class action lawsuit, styled Alphonse L. Perez, et
al. v. RadioShack Corporation, filed in the United States District Court for the
Northern District of Illinois, alleging that we misclassified certain RadioShack
store managers as exempt from overtime in violation of the Fair Labor  Standards
Act. While the alleged damages in this lawsuit are  undetermined,  they could be
substantial.  We believe that we have meritorious defenses and we are vigorously
defending  this case.  Furthermore,  we fully  expect this case to be  favorably
determined as a matter of federal law. If, however, an adverse resolution of the
litigation  occurs,  we believe it could have a material  adverse  effect on our
results of operations for the year in which resolution  occurs.  However,  we do
not believe that such an adverse  resolution would have a material impact on our
financial  condition or liquidity.  The liability,  if any, associated with this
matter was not determinable at December 31, 2003.

We  have  various  pending  claims,  lawsuits,   disputes  with  third  parties,
investigations and actions incidental to the operation of our business. Although
occasional  adverse  settlements or resolutions may occur and negatively  impact
earnings  in the year of  settlement,  it is our  opinion  that  their  ultimate
resolution will not have a materially adverse effect on our financial  condition
or liquidity.

Lease Commitments:  We lease rather than own most of our facilities.  Our retail
stores comprise the largest portion of our leased  facilities.  These stores are
located  primarily in major shopping  malls and shopping  centers owned by other
companies.  Some leases are based on a minimum  rental plus a percentage  of the
store's sales in excess of a stipulated base figure. We also lease  distribution
centers and office space.

Future  minimum  rent   commitments  at  December  31,  2003,   under  long-term
noncancelable  operating  leases (net of  immaterial  amounts of  sublease  rent
income) are included in the following table.

(In millions)
- -----------------------------------------
2004..........................  $ 183.7
2005..........................    161.5
2006..........................    118.2
2007..........................     82.5
2008..........................     54.5
2009 and thereafter...........     95.0
Total minimum lease payments..  $ 695.4

Future  minimum  rent  commitments  in  the  table  above  exclude  future  rent
obligations  associated  with stores closed under the 1996  restructuring  plan.
Estimated  payments to settle  future  rent  obligations  associated  with these
stores have been accrued in the restructuring reserve (see Note 10).

Rent Expense
                          Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)             2003      2002      2001
- -------------           --------  --------  --------
Minimum rents            $245.7    $240.9    $226.3
Contingent rents            4.4       4.0       4.0
                        --------  --------  --------
Total rent expense       $250.1    $244.9    $230.3
                        ========  ========  ========

Contingent Liabilities:  We have contingent liabilities related to retail leases
of  locations  which were  assigned to other  businesses.  The majority of these
contingent  liabilities relate to various lease obligations  arising from leases
that were assigned to CompUSA,  Inc. as part of the sales of our Computer  City,
Inc.  subsidiary  to CompUSA,  Inc. in August 1998.  In the event CompUSA or the
other  assignees,  as applicable,  are unable to fulfill their  obligations,  we
would be responsible  for rent due under the leases.  Our rent exposure from the
remaining  undiscounted  lease commitments with no projected  sublease income is
approximately $183 million.  However,  we have no reason to believe that CompUSA
or the other  assignees will not fulfill their  obligations  under these leases;
consequently, we do not believe there will be a material impact on our financial

We have implemented several plans to award employees  stock-based  compensation.
Under the Incentive Stock Plans ("ISPs")  described below, the exercise price of
options must be equal to or greater than the fair market value of a share of our
common stock on the date of grant.  The 1997,  1999 and 2001 ISPs each terminate
after ten years;  no option or award may be granted under the ISPs after the ISP
termination  date. The Management  Development and  Compensation  Committee (the
"Committee")  specifies the terms for grants of options under these ISPs;  terms
of these options may not exceed 10 years.  Grants of options generally vest over
three  years  and  grants  typically  have a term of seven or 10  years.  Option
agreements  issued  under the ISPs  generally  provide  that,  in the event of a
change in  control,  all  options  become  immediately  and  fully  exercisable.
Repricing or exchanging  options for lower priced options is not permitted under
the ISPs without shareholder approval.

The 1997,  1999 and 2001 ISPs  specify that each of our  non-employee  directors
will  receive a grant of  non-qualified  stock  options  (options  which are not
incentive  stock  options)  ("NQs") for 16,000 shares of our common stock on the
first  business  day of  September  each  year  ("Director  Options").  However,
Director  Option  grants  are not made under more than one ISP in the same year.
New directors,  upon election or  appointment,  will receive a one-time grant of
20,000 shares at the time they attend their first Board  meeting,  and these new
directors  will not receive  the annual  Director  Option  grant until they have
served at least one year.  Director  Options under the 1997 ISP have an exercise
price of 100% of the fair  market  value of our common  stock on the trading day
prior to the date of grant.  Director  Options under the 1999 and 2001 ISPs have
an  exercise  price of 100% of the fair  market  value of a share of our  common
stock on the date of grant.  If a grant is made under the 1999 or 2001 ISPs on a
non-trading  date, the closest  previous trading date is used. Under these ISPs,
one-third of the Director  Options vest annually on the first three  anniversary
dates of the date of grant and options expire ten years after the date of grant.

A brief description of each our stock plans follows:

     1993 Incentive Stock Plan ("1993 ISP"): The 1993 ISP permitted the grant of
     up to 12.0 million shares in the form of incentive stock options ("ISOs"),
     NQs and restricted stock. There were no shares available on December 31,
     2003, for grants under the 1993 ISP. The 1993 ISP terminated on March 28,
     2003, and no further grants may be made under this plan.

     1994 Stock Incentive Plan ("1994 SIP"): As part of the purchase of
     AmeriLink in 1999 (see Note 6), we assumed the existing AmeriLink
     Corporation 1994 Stock Incentive Plan and certain related agreements and
     agreed to convert AmeriLink's stock options to stock options to purchase
     our stock, subject to an agreed upon exchange ratio and conversion price.
     Thus, the AmeriLink 1994 SIP was assumed and adopted by us in 1999. All
     options in the 1994 SIP were fully vested on the date of transition and
     management has determined that no further grants will be made under this
     plan, although 53,259 shares were still available at December 31, 2003,
     under the 1994 SIP. There were certain restricted stock agreements that
     were also assumed by us at the time of acquisition. On September 10, 2003,
     we sold RSIS.

     1997 Incentive Stock Plan ("1997 ISP"): The 1997 ISP permits the grant of
     up to 11.0 million shares in the form of ISOs, NQs and restricted stock.
     The 1997 ISP provides that the maximum number of shares of our common stock
     that an eligible employee may receive in any calendar year with respect to
     options may not exceed 1.0 million shares. There were 366,145 shares
     available on December 31, 2003, for grants under the 1997 ISP.

     1999 Incentive Stock Plan ("1999 ISP"): The 1999 ISP permits the grant of
     up to 9.5 million shares in the form of NQs to broad-based employee groups,
     primarily our 5,000 plus store managers and to other eligible employees and
     non-employee directors. Grants of restricted stock, performance awards and
     options intended to qualify as ISO's under the Internal Revenue Code are
     not authorized under the 1999 ISP. The 1999 ISP provides that the maximum
     number of shares of our common stock that an eligible employee may receive
     in any calendar year with respect to options may not exceed 1.0 million
     shares. There were 516,088 shares available on December 31, 2003, for
     grants under the 1999 ISP.

     2001 Incentive Stock Plan ("2001 ISP"): The 2001 ISP permits the grant of
     up to 9.2 million shares in the form of ISOs and NQs. The 2001 ISP provides
     that the maximum number of shares of our common stock that an eligible
     employee may receive in any calendar year with respect to options may not
     exceed 0.5 million shares. There were 5,340,986 shares available on
     December 31, 2003, for grants under the 2001 ISP.

Stock  Option  Activity:  See  tables  below  for  a  summary  of  stock  option
transactions  under our stock  option  plans and  information  about fixed price
stock options.

Summary of Stock Option Transactions

(Share amounts in thousands)               2003                    2002                    2001
 --------------------------       ----------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------
                                               Weighted                Weighted                Weighted
                                               Average                 Average                 Average
                                               Exercise                Exercise                Exercise
                                    Shares      Price       Share       Price       Shares      Price
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Outstanding at beginning of year     22,816    $  34.32      22,869    $ 34.34       15,179    $  34.33
Grants (1)                            3,541       21.31       1,515      28.80        9,384       34.42
Exercised                              (755)      20.72        (525)     17.50         (378)      19.84
Forfeited                            (1,713)      33.85      (1,043)     35.23       (1,316)      38.93
                                  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
Outstanding at end of year           23,889    $  32.85      22,816    $ 34.32       22,869    $  34.34
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========
Exercisable at end of year           17,438    $  34.99      14,227    $ 34.25        9,589    $  31.20
                                  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

    (1) The number of options granted in 2001 was higher than 2002 and 2003 due
    to the issuance of options to employees in both February and December of
    2001. The December 2001 grant did not include named executive officers or

Fixed Price Stock Options

(Share amounts
 in thousands)                            Options Outstanding                               Options Exercisable
 ------------          -------------------------------------------------------       --------------------------------
                            Shares              Average            Weighted               Shares          Weighted
   Range of              Outstanding           Remaining            Average              Exercisable       Average
Exercise Prices        at Dec. 31, 2003     Contractual Life    Exercise Price       at Dec. 31, 2003  Exercise Price
- ---------------        ----------------     ----------------    --------------       ----------------  --------------
$ 10.47 - 20.85             4,816                4.95 years       $ 18.44                1,774           $ 14.32
  21.08 - 28.03             4,185                5.09               26.02                3,952             26.16
  28.55 - 37.19             4,145                5.16               29.22                2,348             29.06
  38.35 - 39.03             5,710                6.92               38.49                4,331             38.54
  42.41 - 69.34             5,033                5.18               48.91                5,033             48.91
                       ----------------                                              ----------------
$ 10.47 - 69.34            23,889                5.53 years       $ 32.85               17,438           $ 34.99
                       ================                                              ================

Restricted Stock: We may also use restricted stock grants to compensate  certain
of our  employees.  As of December 31, 2003, no shares of restricted  stock were
outstanding.  Compensation  expense  related to restricted  shares is recognized
ratably over the related service  period.  This expense totaled $0.7 million for
the year ended  December  31,  2001.  There was no expense  for the years  ended
December 31, 2003 and 2002.

In 1998,  the Committee  granted a total of 172,000  shares of restricted  stock
awards to three  executive  officers.  Of these  awards,  100,000  shares vested
ratably over three years and were fully  vested in 2001.  The  remaining  72,000
shares  vested  in  1999.  In 1999,  the  Committee  granted  10,000  shares  of
restricted  stock awards to two  executive  officers.  These awards were to vest
ratably  over three  years;  4,000 of these  awards were  canceled  in 2000.  At
December  31,  2001,  all of the 1999 shares  granted had either  vested or been
canceled.  In 2000, the Committee granted a total of 66,712 shares of restricted
stock awards to 38 executive officers and these awards vested ratably over three
years,  subject to the achievement of certain  performance targets each year. At
December 31, 2003, none of these shares granted in 2000 remained outstanding. No
restricted awards were granted in 2001, 2002 or 2003.

The Executive  Deferred  Compensation Plan and the Executive Deferred Stock Plan
("Compensation  Plans")  became  effective on April 1, 1998.  These plans permit
employees  who are  corporate  or division  officers to defer up to 80% of their
base salary and/or bonuses.  Certain executive  officers may defer up to 100% of
their base salary and/or bonuses.  In addition,  officers are permitted to defer
delivery of any  restricted  stock or stock  acquired  under an NQ exercise that
would  otherwise  vest. Cash deferrals may be made in our common stock or mutual
funds; however, restricted stock deferrals and deferrals of stock acquired under
an NQ exercise may only be made in our common stock.  We match 12% of salary and
bonus deferrals in the form of our common stock. We will match an additional 25%
of salary and bonus  deferrals if the deferral period exceeds five years and the
deferrals are invested in our common stock. Payment of deferrals will be made in
cash or our common stock in accordance with the employee's specifications at the
time of the  deferral;  payments  to the  employee  will be in a lump  sum or in
annual installments not to exceed 20 years.

We contributed  $0.4 million,  $0.5 million and $1.4 million to the Compensation
Plans for the years ended December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

In August  1990 and in May 1995,  our Board of  Directors  approved  termination
protection   plans  and  amendments  to  the   termination   protection   plans,
respectively. These plans provide for defined termination benefits to be paid to
our eligible  employees who have been  terminated,  without  cause,  following a
change in control of our  company.  In  addition,  for a certain  period of time
following  an  employee's  termination,  we, at our  expense,  must  continue to
provide on behalf of the terminated  employee certain  employment  benefits.  In
general,  during the twelve  months  following a change in  control,  we may not
terminate  or change  existing  employee  benefit  plans in any way which  would
affect accrued  benefits or decrease the rate of our  contribution to the plans.
There have been no payments under these protection plans for the years shown.

Eligible  employees  may  contribute  1% to 7% of their annual  compensation  to
purchase our common stock at the monthly  average daily closing price.  We match
40%, 60% or 80% of the  employee's  contribution,  depending  on the  employee's
length of continuous  participation  in the Stock Purchase  Plan.  This match is
also in the form of our common stock.  Company  contributions  to the Stock Plan
amounted to $15.4  million,  $15.1 million and $15.4 million for the years ended
December 31, 2003, 2002 and 2001, respectively.

The RadioShack  401(k) Plan ("Plan") is a defined  contribution  plan.  Eligible
employees  may direct  their  contributions  into  various  investment  options,
including  investing in our common stock.  Participants  may defer,  via payroll
deductions, 1% to 8% of their annual compensation. Contributions per participant
are limited to certain annual maximums  permitted by the Internal  Revenue Code.
Any contributions  made by us are discretionary and, if made, go directly to the
Plan for investment in our common stock.  Effective April 1, 2002, a participant
becomes fully vested in the Plan  contributions  we made on his on her behalf on
the third anniversary of the participant's  employment date. At January 1, 2004,
the Plan year was changed to a calendar year basis.

TESOP  Portion of the Plan:  On July 31, 1990,  the trustee of the Plan borrowed
$100.0  million at an interest  rate of 9.34%;  this amount was paid off on June
30, 2000 ("TESOP  Notes").  The Plan  trustee  used the  proceeds  from the 1990
issuance  of the  TESOP  Notes  to  purchase  from us  100,000  shares  of TESOP
Preferred  Stock at a price of $1,000  per share.  In  December  1994,  the Plan
entered into an agreement with an unrelated third-party to refinance up to $16.7
million  of the TESOP  Notes in a series of six annual  notes  (the  "Refinanced
Notes"),  beginning  December  30, 1994.  As of December 31, 1999,  the Plan had
borrowed all of the $16.7 million for the  refinancing of the TESOP Notes. As of
December 31, 2002,  the Plan had repaid all of the  Refinanced  Notes.  Dividend
payments and  contributions  received by the Plan from us were used to repay the

Each share of TESOP Preferred  Stock was  convertible  into 87.072 shares of our
common stock. The annual cumulative dividend on TESOP Preferred Stock was $75.00
per share, payable semiannually.  Because we had guaranteed the repayment of the
Refinanced  Notes, the indebtedness of the Plan was recognized as a liability in
the accompanying  Consolidated  Balance Sheets. An offsetting charge was made in
the  stockholders'  equity  section of the 2001  Consolidated  Balance  Sheet to
reflect  unearned  compensation  related to the Plan. On December 31, 2002,  all
shares of TESOP  Preferred  Stock were  converted  into our common stock and all
unearned compensation related to the Plan was recognized as of that date.

Compensation  and interest  expense related to the Plan before the reduction for
the allocation of dividends are presented below for each year ended December 31:

(In millions)             2003      2002       2001
- -------------             ----      ----       ----
Compensation expense    $  --     $  4.3     $  6.4
Accrued additional
 contribution              --        4.1        --
Interest expense           --        0.2        0.8

The last allocation of TESOP Preferred Stock to participants  was made as of the
Plan year ended March 31, 2003,  and was based on the total debt service made on
the indebtedness.  As shares of the TESOP Preferred Stock were allocated to Plan
participants,  compensation  expense was recorded and unearned  compensation was
reduced.  Interest expense on the Refinanced Notes was also recognized as a cost
of the Plan. The  compensation  component of the Plan expense was reduced by the
amount of dividends  accrued on the TESOP Preferred Stock, with any dividends in
excess of the compensation expense reflected as a reduction of interest expense.

Contributions  made by us to the Plan for the years ended  December 31, 2002 and
2001, totaled $4.0 million and $8.6 million,  respectively,  including dividends
paid  on  the  TESOP   Preferred   Stock  of  $4.5  million  and  $4.9  million,

As of December 31, 2002, all of the original  100,000 shares of TESOP  Preferred
Stock were  converted  into 5.1 million shares of our common stock and allocated
to  participants'  accounts in the Plan.

On February 20, 2003, our Board of Directors authorized a new repurchase program
for 15.0  million  shares,  which  was in  addition  to our 25.0  million  share
repurchase  program that was completed  during the second  quarter of 2003.  The
15.0 million share  repurchase  program has no expiration date and allows shares
to be repurchased in the open market.  We repurchased  9.9 million shares of our
common stock for $251.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2003,  under our
combined 40.0 million share repurchase programs.  The funding required for these
share  repurchase  programs  will come from  cash  generated  from net sales and
operating  revenues and cash and cash equivalents.  Under our programs described
above, we will also repurchase  shares in the open market to offset the sales of
shares to our employee  benefit  plans.  At February  20,  2004,  there were 8.9
million  shares  available  to be  repurchased  under  the  15.0  million  share
repurchase program.

The purchases under the share repurchase program described above are in addition
to the shares required for employee  benefit plans,  which are repurchased  from
our treasury stock throughout the year.

In July 1999, we amended and restated a stockholder rights plan which declared a
dividend of one right for each outstanding share of our common stock. The rights
plan,  as amended and  restated,  will expire on July 26,  2009.  The rights are
currently  represented by our common stock certificates.  When the rights become
exercisable,  they will entitle each holder to purchase 1/10,000th of a share of
our Series A Junior Participating  Preferred Stock for an exercise price of $250
(subject  to  adjustment).  The rights will  become  exercisable  and will trade
separately from the common stock only upon the date of public  announcement that
a person, entity or group ("Person") has acquired 15% or more of our outstanding
common  stock  without the consent or  approval of the  disinterested  directors
("Acquiring  Person") or ten days after the commencement or public  announcement
of a tender or  exchange  offer  which  would  result in any Person  becoming an
Acquiring Person. In the event that any Person becomes an Acquiring Person,  the
rights will be  exercisable  for 60 days  thereafter for our common stock with a
market value (as  determined  under the rights plan) equal to twice the exercise
price.  In the event that,  after any Person  becomes an  Acquiring  Person,  we
engage in certain mergers,  consolidations,  or sales of assets representing 50%
or more of our assets or  earning  power with an  Acquiring  Person (or  Persons
acting on behalf of or in  concert  with an  Acquiring  Person)  or in which all
holders of common stock are not treated  alike,  the rights will be  exercisable
for common stock of the  acquiring or surviving  company with a market value (as
determined  under the rights plan) equal to twice the exercise price. The rights
will not be exercisable by any Acquiring Person.  The rights are redeemable at a
price of $0.01 per right prior to any Person  becoming an  Acquiring  Person or,
under certain circumstances, after a Person becomes an Acquiring Person.

We declared  dividends of $0.25,  $0.22 and $0.165 for the years 2003,  2002 and
2001,  respectively.  On July 25,  2001,  we  announced  that we would  pay cash
dividends on an annual, instead of quarterly, basis beginning in 2002. Dividends
declared in 2002 and thereafter, have been paid annually in December.

Our net  sales and  operating  revenues  are  summarized  by  groups of  similar
products and services as follows:

                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                    2003        2002        2001
- -------------                                 ----------  ----------  ----------
Wireless products and services                $ 1,623.2   $ 1,419.9   $ 1,297.5
Home entertainment products and services          737.9       855.2     1,121.4
Computer products                                 455.9       456.8       461.1
Power and technical products                      634.1       623.9       618.9
Personal electronics, toys and personal audio
 products                                         588.1       576.2       562.0
Wired and radio products and other (1)            610.1       645.2       714.8
                                              ----------  ----------  ----------
                                              $ 4,649.3   $ 4,577.2   $ 4,775.7
                                              ==========  ==========  ==========

(1) Other includes outside sales of our retail support operations, service plan
income and store repair income.

Cash flows from operating activities included cash payments as follows:

                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions)                                    2003        2002        2001
- -------------                                 ----------  ----------  ----------

Interest paid                                 $    35.0   $    43.9   $    48.4
Income taxes paid                                 153.5       160.2       171.2

In April 2002, we entered into a supply chain  management  consulting  agreement
with a company  affiliated with a corporation whose chairman and chief executive
officer is a member of our Board of Directors  and who  currently  serves on the
Corporate Governance and Management  Development and Compensation  Committees of
our Board of Directors.  Under this agreement,  we incurred  approximately  $1.8
million and $8.2 million in consulting  fees during the years ended December 31,
2003 and 2002, respectively.

As our operations are predominantly retail oriented,  our business is subject to
seasonal  fluctuations,  with the fourth  quarter being the most  significant in
terms of sales and profits because of the winter holiday selling season.

                                                           Three Months Ended
(In millions, except per share amounts)         March 31    June 30     Sept. 30    Dec. 31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Year ended December 31, 2003:
Net sales and operating revenues               $1,070.3    $1,025.0    $1,063.6    $1,490.4

Gross profit                                   $  527.4    $  521.2    $  532.7    $  734.4

SG&A expense                                   $  407.8    $  406.6    $  421.4    $  504.2

Net income                                     $   56.6    $   57.5    $   57.1    $  127.3

Net income available to common shareholders    $   56.6    $   57.5    $   57.1    $  127.3

Net income available per common share:
   Basic                                       $   0.33    $   0.34    $   0.34    $   0.77

   Diluted                                     $   0.33    $   0.34    $   0.34    $   0.77

Shares used in computing earnings per
 common share:
   Basic                                          171.4       168.9       166.1       164.5

   Diluted                                        171.8       169.8       167.6       166.3

Year ended December 31, 2002:
Net sales and operating revenues               $1,034.4    $  998.1    $1,047.0    $1,497.7

Gross profit                                   $  519.7    $  510.1    $  521.4    $  687.1

SG&A expense                                   $  393.2    $  421.3    $  420.0    $  483.7 (1)

Net income                                     $   57.6    $   51.8    $   44.9    $  109.1 (1)

Preferred dividends                            $    1.2    $    1.1    $    1.1    $    1.1

Net income available to common shareholders    $   56.4    $   50.7    $   43.8    $  108.0

Net income available per common share:
   Basic                                       $   0.32    $   0.29    $   0.25    $   0.64

   Diluted                                     $   0.31   $    0.28    $   0.25    $   0.63

Shares used in computing earnings per
 common share:
   Basic                                          176.8       174.4       172.1       168.7

   Diluted                                        183.6       181.5       178.0       174.2

(1) In the fourth quarter of 2002, we recorded the following significant items:
    o $18.5 million gain from the termination of a Microsoft contract and
    o $8.1 million impairment of long-lived assets for RSIS.

The sum of the quarterly  net income  available per common share amounts may not
total to full year amounts,  since these computations are made independently for
each quarter and full year and take into account the weighted  average number of
common stock equivalent shares outstanding for each period, including the effect
of dilutive securities for that period.

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

Number *        Description

3a              Certificate of Amendment of Restated Certificate of
                Incorporation dated May 18, 2000 (Filed as Exhibit 3a to
                RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 11, 2000 for the fiscal
                quarter ended June 30, 2000 and incorporated herein by

3a(i)           Restated Certificate of Incorporation of RadioShack
                Corporation dated July 26, 1999 (filed as Exhibit 3a(i) to
                RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 11, 1999 for the fiscal
                quarter ended June 30, 1999 and incorporated herein by

3a(ii)          Certificate of Elimination of Series C Conversion Preferred
                Stock of RadioShack Corporation dated July 26, 1999 (filed as
                Exhibit 3a(ii) to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 11,
                1999 for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1999 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

3a(iii)         Amended Certificate of Designations, Preferences and Rights of
                Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock of RadioShack
                Corporation dated July 26, 1999 (filed as Exhibit 3a(iii) to
                RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 11, 1999 for the fiscal
                quarter ended June 30, 1999 and incorporated herein by

3a(iv)          Certificate of Designations of Series B TESOP Convertible
                Preferred Stock dated June 29, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 4A to
                RadioShack's 1993 Form S-8 for the RadioShack Corporation
                Incentive Stock Plan, Reg. No. 33-51603, filed on November 12,
                1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

3b              RadioShack Corporation Bylaws, amended and restated as of
                October 17, 2003 (filed as Exhibit 3b to RadioShack's Form
                10-Q filed on November 12, 2003 for the fiscal quarter ended
                September 30, 2003 and incorporated herein by reference).

4a              Amended and Restated Rights Agreement dated as of July 26,
                1999 (filed as Exhibit 4a to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on
                August 11, 1999 for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1999 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

10a             Amended and Restated 364-Day Credit Agreement (Facility A) dated
                as of June 18, 2003 among RadioShack Corporation, Citibank,
                N.A., as Administrative Agent, Paying Agent and Lender, Bank of
                America, N.A. as Administrative Agent and Lender, Fleet National
                Bank as Syndication Agent and Lender, Keybank National
                Association and Wachovia Bank, National Association as
                Documentation Agents and Lenders, Citigroup Global markets Inc.
                as Joint Lead Arranger and Bookrunner, Bank of America
                Securities, Inc. as Joint Lead Arranger and Bookrunner (filed as
                Exhibit 10a to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 2003
                for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2003 and incorporated
                herein by reference).

10b             Revolving Credit Agreement (Facility B) dated as of June 19,
                2002 among RadioShack Corporation, Citibank, N.A., as
                Administrative Agent, Paying Agent and Lender, Bank of America,
                N.A. as Administrative Agent, Initial Issuing Bank and Lender,
                Fleet National Bank as Syndication Agent, Initial Issuing Bank
                and Lender, Wachovia Bank, National Association as Documentation
                Agent and Lender, Salomon Smith Barney, Inc. as Joint Lead
                Arranger and Bookrunner, Bank of America Securities, Inc. as
                Joint Lead Arranger and Bookrunner and twelve other banks as
                Lenders (filed as Exhibit 10b to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on
                August 13, 2002 for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 2002 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

10c             Amendment No. 1 to the Five Year Credit Agreement (Facility B)
                dated as of June 18, 2003 (filed as Exhibit 10b to
                RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 13, 2003 for the fiscal
                quarter ended June 30, 2003 and incorporated herein by

10d             Death Benefit Agreement effective December 27, 2001 among
                Leonard H. Roberts, Laurie Roberts and RadioShack Corporation
                (filed as Exhibit 10a to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on May
                13, 2002 for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 2002 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

10e             Salary Continuation Plan for Executive Employees of RadioShack
                Corporation and Subsidiaries including amendment dated June
                14, 1984 with respect to participation by certain executive
                employees, as restated October 4, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10a
                to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994 for the
                fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by

10f             Post Retirement Death Benefit Plan for Selected Executive
                Employees of RadioShack Corporation and Subsidiaries as
                restated June 10, 1991 (filed as Exhibit 10c to RadioShack's
                Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994 for the fiscal year ended
                December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10g             RadioShack Corporation Officers Deferred Compensation Plan as
                restated July 10, 1992 (filed as Exhibit 10d to RadioShack's
                Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994 for the fiscal year ended
                December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by reference).

10h             RadioShack Corporation Officers Life Insurance Plan as amended
                and restated effective August 22, 1990 (filed as Exhibit 10k
                to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on March 30, 1994 for the
                fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 and incorporated herein by

10i             Third Restated Trust Agreement RadioShack Employees
                Supplemental Stock Program through Amendment No. VI dated
                August 31, 1999 (filed as Exhibit 10h to RadioShack's Form
                10-Q filed on November 12, 1999 for the fiscal quarter ended
                September 30, 1999 and incorporated herein by reference).

10j             Forms of Termination Protection Agreements for (i) Corporate
                Executives, (ii) Division Executives and (iii) Subsidiary
                Executives (filed as Exhibit 10m to RadioShack's Form 10-Q
                filed on August 14, 1995 for the fiscal quarter ended June 30,
                1995 and incorporated herein by reference).

10k             RadioShack Corporation Termination Protection Plans for
                Executive Employees of RadioShack Corporation and its
                Subsidiaries (i) the Level I and (ii) Level II Plans (filed as
                Exhibit 10n to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on August 14, 1995
                for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1995 and incorporated
                herein by reference).

10l             Forms of Bonus Guarantee Letter Agreements with certain
                Executive Employees of RadioShack Corporation and its
                Subsidiaries (i) Formula, (ii) Discretionary and (iii) Pay
                Plan (filed as Exhibit 10o to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on
                March 30, 1994 for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

10m             Form of Indemnity Agreement with Directors, Corporate Officers
                and two Division Officers of RadioShack Corporation (filed as
                Exhibit 10p to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 1996
                for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 and incorporated
                herein by reference).

10n             Form of December 1997 Deferred Salary and Bonus Agreement
                (Stock Investment) with selected Executive Employees of
                RadioShack Corporation (filed as Exhibit 10u to RadioShack's
                Form 10-K filed on March 26, 1998 for the fiscal year ended
                December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference).

10o             RadioShack Corporation Executive Deferred Compensation Plan,
                effective April 1, 1998 (filed as Exhibit 10s to RadioShack's
                Form 10-K filed on March 26, 1998 for the fiscal year ended
                December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference).

10p             RadioShack Corporation Executive Deferred Stock Plan,
                effective April 1, 1998 (filed as Exhibit 10x to RadioShack's
                Form 10-K filed on March 26, 1998 for the fiscal year ended
                December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by reference).

10q             RadioShack Corporation Unfunded Deferred Compensation Plan for
                Directors as amended and restated July 22, 2000 (filed as
                Exhibit 10x to RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on March 28, 2003
                for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002 and incorporated
                herein by reference).

10r             Form of September 30, 1997 Deferred Compensation Agreement
                between RadioShack Corporation and Leonard H. Roberts (filed
                as Exhibit 10aa to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on May 13,
                1998 for the fiscal quarter ended March 31, 1998 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

10s             Severance Agreement dated October 23, 1998 between Leonard H.
                Roberts and RadioShack Corporation (filed as Exhibit 10z to
                RadioShack's Form 10-K filed on March 29, 1998 for the fiscal
                year ended December 31, 1997 and incorporated herein by

10t*            Form of First Amendment to Severance Agreement between Leonard
                H. Roberts and RadioShack Corporation.

10u*            Form of Severance Agreement between David J. Edmondson and
                RadioShack Corporation.

10v*            Form of First Amendment to Severance Agreement between David J.
                Edmondson and RadioShack Corporation.

10w*            Form of 2003 Executive Pay Plan Letter.

10x             RadioShack Corporation 1993 Incentive Stock Plan as amended
                (filed as Exhibit 10a to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on
                November 14, 2001 for the fiscal quarter ended September 30,
                2001 and incorporated herein by reference)

10y             RadioShack Corporation 1997 Incentive Stock Plan as amended
                (filed as Exhibit 10b to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on
                November 14, 2001 for the fiscal quarter ended September 30,
                2001 and incorporated herein by reference)

10z             RadioShack Corporation 1999 Incentive Stock Plan dated February
                24, 1999 (filed as Exhibit 10y to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed
                on August 11, 1999 for the fiscal quarter ended June 30, 1999
                and incorporated herein by reference).

10aa            RadioShack Corporation 2001 Incentive Stock Plan, (filed as
                Exhibit 10c to RadioShack's Form 10-Q filed on November 14,
                2001 for the fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2001 and
                incorporated herein by reference).

12*             Statements  of  Computation  of Ratios of  Earnings to Fixed
                Charges  and Ratios of  Earnings  to Fixed  Charges and
                Preferred Dividends.

23*             Consent of Independent Accountants.

31(a)*          Rule 13a-14(a) Certification of the Chief Executive Officer of
                RadioShack Corporation.

31(b)*          Rule 13a-14(a) Certification of the Chief Financial Officer of
                RadioShack Corporation.

32*             Section 1350 Certifications.**

- -----------------------

*        Filed with this report.

**       These Certifications shall not be deemed "filed" for purposes of
         Section 18 of the Exchange Act, as amended, or otherwise subject to the
         liability of that section. These Certifications shall not be deemed to
         be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act
         of 1933, as amended, or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the
         Company specifically incorporates it by reference.

                                                                     EXHIBIT 10t

                               FIRST AMENDMENT TO
                               SEVERANCE AGREEMENT

     THIS FIRST  AMENDMENT  (the  "Amendment"),  is made and entered  into as of
______________,  2004,  by and  between  Leonard H.  Roberts  ("Executive")  and
RadioShack  Corporation  (formerly Tandy  Corporation),  a Delaware  corporation
("RadioShack"),  and amends that certain Severance Agreement,  dated October 23,
1998 (the "Agreement"),  between the Executive and RadioShack. Capitalized words
not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed in the Agreement.

     WHEREAS,  the Board  recognizes  Executive's  valuable  experience  and has
determined it is in the best  interests of RadioShack  and its  shareholders  to
amend the  Agreement  with  Executive  to modify  the  compensation  payable  to
Executive upon  termination of his  employment to include  payments  pursuant to
RadioShack's long-term incentive plan.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  respective  agreements  of the
parties contained herein, it is agreed as follows:

     1. The  Agreement is hereby  amended to provide that all  references in the
Agreement to "Tandy  Corporation"  shall now be to "RadioShack  Corporation" and
that all references in the Agreement to "Tandy" shall now be to "RadioShack."

     2. Section 2.D. of the Agreement  ("Target Bonus") is hereby  renumbered as
Section 2.E., and a new Section 2.D. is hereby added as follows:

                "D.      "LTIP" shall mean all compensation payable to the
                         Executive pursuant to RadioShack's long-term
                         incentive plan in effect at any time during the 12
                         month period ending on the termination date of his
                         employment with RadioShack, determined without regard
                         to any salary reduction or deferred compensation
                         elections made by the Executive."

     3. In the first sentence of Section 3 of the Agreement, a new subclause (z)
is hereby added to the first sentence to follow subclause (y), as follows:

                "and (z) the Executive's LTIP (such total being hereinafter
                referred to as the "Cash Severance Payment")."

     4. The first  sentence of Section 5.A. of the  Agreement is hereby  amended
and restated in its entirety as follows:

                "A.      If the Cash Severance Payment is payable under the
                         terms hereof, the same shall be payable in two equal

     5.  Section  7(A) of the  Agreement  is hereby  amended and restated in its
entirety as follows:

                "(A)     declare forfeited any sums representing the Base
                         Amount, Target Bonus, LTIP or other fringe benefits
                         (including any unexercised stock options or unvested
                         restricted stock) otherwise due and payable to
                         Executive hereunder, and, or alternatively,"

     6. All other provisions of the Agreement are hereby ratified by the parties
and shall continue in full force and effect.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this  Amendment,  in one or
more counterparts, as of the date first written above.

                             Leonard H. Roberts

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                             Chairman, Management Development and
                             Compensation Committee
                             Board of Directors
                             RadioShack Corporation

                                                                     EXHIBIT 10u

                               SEVERANCE AGREEMENT

     THIS  SEVERANCE  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is made and  entered  into as of
December 11, 2003 by and between David J. Edmondson ("Executive") and RadioShack
Corporation ("RadioShack").

     WHEREAS,  the Board of Directors of  RadioShack  (the  "Board")  recognizes
Executive's valuable experience;

     WHEREAS,  the Board has determined it is in the best interest of RadioShack
and its shareholders to enter into this Agreement with Executive; and

     WHEREAS,  for these reasons  Executive and RadioShack  desire to enter into
this Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  respective  agreements  of the
parties contained herein, it is agreed as follows:

     1.         Term of Agreement and Renewal. This Agreement shall commence
                as of December 11, 2003 and shall continue in effect until
                December 11, 2008 (the "Term"). RadioShack, in its sole and
                absolute discretion, shall have the sole right and option to
                extend the Term of this Agreement for such time and under such
                terms and conditions it may deem necessary or desirable.

     2.         Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement the following
                terms shall have the following meaning:

                A.       "Base Amount" shall mean the Executive's annual
                         salary at the highest rate in effect at any time
                         during the 12 month period ending on the termination
                         date of his employment with RadioShack, determined
                         without regard to any salary reduction or deferred
                         compensation elections made by the Executive.

                B.       "Cause" shall mean if (i) the Executive intentionally
                         fails to substantially perform his reasonably
                         assigned duties with RadioShack, (ii) Executive
                         engages in conduct which is demonstrably and
                         materially injurious to RadioShack, (iii) Executive
                         commits or otherwise is charged with a felony or any
                         crime involving moral turpitude, or any other
                         criminal activity or unethical conduct which in the
                         good faith opinion of the Board impairs his ability
                         to perform the duties of his job with RadioShack, or
                         (iv) Executive fails or refuses to comply with the
                         policies, standards or regulations of RadioShack.

                C.       "Disability" shall mean the Executive is suffering
                         from a physical or mental condition which, in the
                         opinion of the Board, based upon appropriate medical
                         advice and examination, prevents the Executive from
                         performing the duties of his job with RadioShack.

                D.       "Target  Bonus" shall mean 75% of the Base Amount or
                         the  applicable  percentage  of the Base Amount then in

     3.         Compensation and Benefits Upon Termination of Employment. If,
                during the Term, the Executive's employment with RadioShack
                shall be  involuntarily  terminated  without (i) Cause,  or
                other than by virtue of (ii) the Executive's Disability  or
                (iii)  the  Executive's  death,  RadioShack  shall  pay to the
                Executive,  in lieu  of any  further compensation for periods
                subsequent to the termination  date, an amount in cash equal to
                one and one-half times the sum of (x) the Executive's Base
                Amount and (y) the Executive's  Target Bonus (such total being
                hereinafter  referred to as the "Cash Severance  Payment").  The
                Cash Severance  Payment shall be paid in two installments  with
                the first such  installment  payable  on or before  ninety  (90)
                days from the date of  termination  and the  second and final
                installment  payable  within  eighteen  (18)  months  from the
                date of the  first  installment.  In  addition,  all outstanding
                RadioShack stock options and restricted  stock awards that would
                have otherwise  become  exercisable or vested within two years
                following the date of Executive's  termination of employment
                with  RadioShack,  shall become exercisable  or vested,  as the
                case may be, as if Executive was still  employed by RadioShack
                during such two year period.  Any options  exercisable by
                Executive at the time of his termination  including any options
                that may become exercisable  as a result of this  provision in
                the two years  following  termination  must be exercised by
                Executive within ninety (90) days after the second  anniversary
                of such  termination.  Also, in the event of the  termination
                described  above,  Executive  shall be credited  with two years
                of age under any age based  benefit plan that may be maintained
                by RadioShack, with any such age based benefits being payable
                under the terms of any such plan or plans.

     4.         Termination of Employment for Cause, Death, Disability or
                Voluntary Termination. In the event that Executive's
                employment with RadioShack is terminated because of (i) Cause,
                (ii) Executive's death, (iii) Executive's Disability or (iv)
                or the voluntary termination of employment by the Executive,
                then the Executive shall not receive any payments or benefits
                under this Agreement.

     5.         Payment of Benefits.

                A.       If Base Amount and Target Bonus are payable under the
                         terms hereof, the same shall be payable in two equal
                         installments. The first installment shall be payable
                         90 days after the date of termination of Executive's
                         employment with RadioShack and the second installment
                         shall be payable nine months after the date of the
                         first installment payment.

                B.       In the event  Executive's  employment is  terminated
                         with  RadioShack,  and Executive is due payments and
                         benefits from RadioShack  under that certain
                         Termination  Protection  Agreement for Corporate
                         Executives dated May 18, 1995 between Executive and
                         RadioShack (the  "Termination  Protection  Agreement"),
                         and such payments and  benefits  are greater than those
                         provided in this  Agreement,  then  Executive  shall
                         'only receive  benefits and payments  under the
                         Termination  Protection  Agreement and no benefits and
                         payments shall be provided or paid under this
                         Agreement.  However,  should the benefits and payments
                         due Executive under this Agreement be greater than
                         those under the Termination  Protection Agreement,
                         then benefits and payments  shall only be paid under
                         this  Agreement and no benefits and payments  shall be
                         paid or provided to Executive under the Termination
                         Protection Agreement.

     6.         Non-Competition Clause. Executive hereby agrees that for a
                period of three years after the termination of his employment
                with RadioShack, Executive will not, directly or indirectly,
                own, have a proprietary interest (except for less than 5% of
                any listed company or company traded in the over-the-counter
                market) of any kind in, be employed by, be a partner in, or
                serve as a consultant to or in any other capacity with any
                firm, partnership, corporation, business enterprise or
                individual, which is engaged in competition with any business
                conducted, or to Executive's knowledge contemplated, by
                RadioShack in any of the geographic areas in which RadioShack
                is operating or proposes to operate.

     7.         Remedy for Breach. In the event of any claimed breach of this
                Agreement, the party alleged to have committed such breach
                shall be entitled to written notice of such alleged breach and
                a period of fifteen (15) days to remedy such breach. Executive
                understands that a breach of any one or more of the covenants
                contained herein will result in Irreparable and continuing
                damage to RadioShack for which there will be no adequate
                remedy at law, and in the event of any breach or threatened
                breach of Executive's obligations hereunder, RadioShack may,
                in addition to the other remedies which may be available to

                A.       declare forfeited any sums representing Base Amount,
                         Target Bonus or other fringe benefits (including any
                         unexercised stock options or unvested restricted
                         stock) otherwise due and payable to Executive
                         hereunder, and, or alternatively,

                B.       file suit to enjoin Executive from the breach or
                         threatened breach of such covenants.

     8.         Successors: Binding Agreement. The terms and provisions of
                this Agreement shall be binding upon, shall inure to the
                benefit of, and shall be enforceable by RadioShack and its
                Successors and Assigns. RadioShack shall require any
                successors or Assigns to expressly assume and agree to perform
                this Agreement in the same manner and to the same extent that
                RadioShack would be required to perform it if no such
                succession or assignment had taken place. This Agreement shall
                be binding upon the Executive and his heirs, executors,
                administrators and legal representatives provided, however,
                that the Executive may not assign his obligations hereunder,
                except by will or the laws of descent or distribution.

     9.         Notice. For the purposes hereof, notices and all other
                communications provided for herein shall be in writing and
                shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered or
                mailed by United States registered or certified mail, return
                receipt requested, postage prepaid or prepaid overnight
                express delivery service, addressed to RadioShack at its
                principal place of business and to Executive at his address as
                shown on the records of RadioShack, provided that all notices
                to RadioShack shall be directed to the attention of the
                General Counsel of RadioShack or to such other officer as may
                be designated in writing in accordance herewith, except that
                notices of change of address shall be effective only upon

     10.        Miscellaneous. No provisions herein may be amended, modified,
                waived or discharged unless such amendment, waiver,
                modification or discharge is agreed to in writing signed by
                Executive and such officer as may be specifically designated
                by the Board. No waiver by either party hereto at any time of
                any breach by the other party hereto of, or compliance with,
                any condition or provision hereof to be performed by such
                other party shall be deemed a waiver of similar or dissimilar
                provisions or conditions at the same or at any prior or
                subsequent time. No agreements or representations, oral or
                otherwise, express or implied, with respect to the subject
                matter hereof have been made by either party which are not set
                forth expressly herein.

     11.        Validity. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions
                hereof shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any
                other provision hereof, which shall remain in full force and

     12.        Non-Exclusivity  Of Rights.  Except as otherwise  expressly
                provided,  nothing  herein  shall  prevent or limit the
                Executive's continuing or future participation in any benefit,
                bonus,  incentive,  deferred compensation plan, stock plan,
                salary continuation plan, post retirement death benefit plan or
                other plans,  practices,  policies or programs provided by
                RadioShack  and for which the Executive  may have under any
                stock option or other  agreements,  plans or arrangements  with
                RadioShack.  Amounts which are vested  benefits or which the
                Executive is otherwise  entitled to receive  under any plan,
                practice,  policy,  arrangement  or program of  RadioShack at or
                subsequent to the date of termination of employment shall be
                payable in accordance with such plan, practice,  policy,
                arrangement or program. Notwithstanding  the foregoing
                provisions of this Section 11, this Agreement  contains the
                entire  agreement of the parties regarding the severance
                benefits provided for herein.

     13.        Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
                counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original
                but all of which together will constitute one and the same

     14.        Governing Law. This Agreement has been executed and delivered
                in Tarrant County, Texas and its validity, interpretation,
                performance and enforcement shall be governed by the laws of
                the State of Texas.

     15.        Forum. Any suit brought by either the Executive or RadioShack
                under this Agreement shall be brought in the appropriate state
                or federal court for Tarrant County, Texas.

     16.        Captions and Gender. The use of captions and Section headings
                herein is for purposes of convenience only and shall not
                effect the interpretation or substance of any provisions
                contained herein. Similarly, the use of the masculine gender
                with respect to pronouns herein is for purposes of convenience
                and includes either sex who may be a signatory.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have signed this  Agreement to be
effective as of the day and year first above written.

                                           RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

___________________________          By:  _______________________________
Executive                                  Chairman, Management Development
                                           and Compensation Committee
                                           Board of Directors
                                           RadioShack Corporation

                                                                     EXHIBIT 10v

                               FIRST AMENDMENT TO
                               SEVERANCE AGREEMENT

     THIS FIRST  AMENDMENT  (the  "Amendment"),  is made and entered  into as of
______________,  2004,  by and  between  David J.  Edmondson  ("Executive")  and
RadioShack Corporation, a Delaware corporation  ("RadioShack"),  and amends that
certain Severance Agreement, dated December 11, 2003 (the "Agreement"),  between
the Executive and  RadioShack.  Capitalized  words not otherwise  defined herein
shall have the meanings ascribed in the Agreement.

     WHEREAS,  the Board  recognizes  Executive's  valuable  experience  and has
determined it is in the best  interests of RadioShack  and its  shareholders  to
amend the  Agreement  with  Executive  to modify  the  compensation  payable  to
Executive upon  termination of his  employment to include  payments  pursuant to
RadioShack's long-term incentive plan.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  respective  agreements  of the
parties contained herein, it is agreed as follows:

     7. Section 2.D. of the Agreement  ("Target Bonus") is hereby  renumbered as
Section 2.E., and a new Section 2.D. is hereby added as follows:

                "D.      "LTIP" shall mean all compensation payable to the
                         Executive pursuant to RadioShack's long-term
                         incentive plan in effect at any time during the 12
                         month period ending on the termination date of his
                         employment with RadioShack, determined without regard
                         to any salary reduction or deferred compensation
                         elections made by the Executive."

     8. In the first sentence of Section 3 of the Agreement, a new subclause (z)
is hereby added to the first sentence to follow subclause (y), as follows:

                "and (z) the Executive's LTIP (such total being hereinafter
                referred to as the "Cash Severance Payment")."

     9. The first  sentence of Section 5.A. of the  Agreement is hereby  amended
and restated in its entirety as follows:

                "A.      If the Cash Severance Payment is payable under the
                         terms hereof, the same shall be payable in two equal

     10.  Section 7.A. of the  Agreement  is hereby  amended and restated in its
entirety as follows:

                "A.      declare forfeited any sums representing the Base
                         Amount, Target Bonus, LTIP or other fringe benefits
                         (including any unexercised stock options or unvested
                         restricted stock) otherwise due and payable to
                         Executive hereunder, and, or alternatively,"

     11.  All other  provisions  of the  Agreement  are hereby  ratified  by the
parties and shall continue in full force and effect.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this  Amendment,  in one or
more counterparts, as of the date first written above.

                             David J. Edmondson

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                             Chairman, Management Development and
                             Compensation Committee
                             Board of Directors
                             RadioShack Corporation

                                                                     EXHIBIT 10w



Dear Name:

     Just last  week,  the Board of  Directors  approved  2003  bonus  plans for
officers of the company.  This year's bonus structure is designed to align every
officer with the company's  performance  goals - __% to __% sales growth,  gross
margin improvement of __ to __ basis points, and a __% EPS increase.

     As a key player of the RadioShack  team, I am pleased to inform you of your
2003 bonus  criteria  which will help us reach our company's  overall  financial
goals.  Your specific  bonus  criteria can be found on the enclosed  attachment;
however,  I want you to be aware of the  methodology we used in developing  this
year's bonus criteria.

     First,  bonus  plans  for 2003  are  aligned  with our 2003  organizational
priorities.   Revenue  growth,   productivity  growth  and  process  improvement
initiatives  are the drivers of our  financial  goals and thus are driving  this
year's bonus criteria.

     Second,  we have identified  primary  performance  measures that are direct
outcomes of achieving our 2003  organizational  priorities.  Primary performance
measures will be different for each bonus plan  depending on the factors you can
influence in your position. These measures may include, but are not limited to:

        |X|      Earnings Per Share (EPS)
        |X|      Operating Income Growth
        |X|      Gross Profit Dollars
        |X|      Selling, General & Administrative (SG&A) Expense
        |X|      Sales Growth

     Third, in areas where we have measurable key performance  indicators (KPIs)
in place, we will use them as bonus criteria. Again, these will be different for
each position.

     Fourth,  and last, some bonuses may also include  Individual  Business Plan
(IBP) goals.

     As you review your 2003 bonus criteria, I hope you will begin charting your
personal plan for achieving your bonus goals.  If we each achieve our individual
bonus criteria,  we are more likely to achieve the company's overall performance
goals. The two are inextricably  linked...as they should  be...giving us a solid
2003 bonus plan.

     Remember, strategy is execution, and our collective excellence in execution
is the key to a successful 2003 and beyond.


                                                                      EXHIBIT 12
                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION

                                                    Year Ended December 31,
(In millions, except ratios)             2003      2002      2001      2000      1999
- ----------------------------           ------------------------------------------------

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges:

Income from continuing operations      $ 298.5   $ 263.4   $ 166.7   $ 368.0   $ 297.9
Plus: Provision for income taxes         174.3     161.5     124.8     225.6     182.6
                                       --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Income before income taxes               472.8     424.9     291.5     593.6     480.5
                                       --------  --------  --------  --------  --------

Fixed charges:

Interest expense and amortization
  of debt discount                        34.7      42.3      49.8      53.0      36.4
Amortization of debt issuance costs        1.0       1.1       1.0       0.9       0.8
Capitalized interest                       2.4       --        --        --        --
Appropriate portion (33 1/3%) of
  rentals                                 83.3      81.6      76.8      71.7      68.5
                                       --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
  Total fixed charges                    121.4     125.0     127.6     125.6     105.7
                                       --------  --------  --------  --------  --------

Earnings before income taxes and fixed
  charges, excluding capitalized
  interest                             $ 591.8   $ 549.9   $ 419.1   $ 719.2   $ 586.2
                                       ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges        4.87      4.40      3.28      5.73      5.55
                                       ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges and
Preferred Dividends:

Total fixed charges, as above          $ 121.4   $ 125.0   $ 127.6   $ 125.6   $ 105.7
Preferred dividends                        --        4.5       4.9       5.3       5.5
                                       --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Total fixed charges and preferred
  Dividends                            $ 121.4   $ 129.5   $ 132.5   $ 130.9   $ 111.2
                                       ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

Earnings before income taxes and fixed
  charges, excluding capitalized
  interest                             $ 591.8   $ 549.9   $ 419.1   $ 719.2   $ 586.2
                                       ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges and
  preferred dividends                     4.87      4.25      3.16      5.49      5.27
                                       ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

                                                                      EXHIBIT 23


We  hereby  consent  to the  incorporation  by  reference  in  the  Registration
Statements  on  Form  S-3  (Nos.  333-27297,  333-44125,  333-54276,  333-60803,
333-75766  and  333-96583)  and  to  the   incorporation  by  reference  in  the
Registration  Statements  on  Form  S-8  (Nos.  33-23178,   33-33189,  33-51019,
33-51599,  33-51603,  333-27437,  333-47893,  333-48331,  333-49369,  333-63659,
333-63661, 333-81405, 333-84057, 333-74894, 333-101792,  333-102141, 333-102142,
and  333-110961)  of RadioShack  Corporation  of our report dated March 10, 2004
relating to the consolidated  financial  statements,  which appears in this Form

/s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
- ------------------------------
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Fort Worth, Texas
March 12, 2004

                                                                   Exhibit 31(a)


I, Leonard H. Roberts, certify that:

        1.  I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of RadioShack

        2.  Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue
            statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
            necessary to make the statements made, in light of the
            circumstances under which such statements were made, not
            misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

        3.  Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other
            financial information included in this report, fairly present
            in all material respects the financial condition, results of
            operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for,
            the periods presented in this report;

        4.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are
            responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure
            controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules
            13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:

                a)  Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused
                    such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under
                    our supervision, to ensure that material information
                    relating to the registrant, including its consolidated
                    subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those
                    entities, particularly during the period in which this
                    report is being prepared;

                b)  Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
                    controls and procedures and presented in this report our
                    conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure
                    controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered
                    by this report based on such evaluation; and

                c)  Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's
                    internal control over financial reporting that occurred
                    during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the
                    registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual
                    report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably
                    likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal
                    control over financial reporting; and

        5.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have
            disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal
            control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors
            and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or
            persons performing the equivalent function):

                a)  All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the
                    design or operation of internal control over financial
                    reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect
                    the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and
                    report financial information; and

                b)  Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management
                    or other employees who have a significant role in the
                    registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date:  March 12, 2004                  By  /s/    Leonard H. Roberts
                                                  Leonard H. Roberts
                                                  Chief Executive Officer

                                                                   Exhibit 31(b)

I, Michael D. Newman, certify that:

        1.  I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of RadioShack

        2.  Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue
            statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
            necessary to make the statements made, in light of the
            circumstances under which such statements were made, not
            misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

        3.  Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other
            financial information included in this report, fairly present
            in all material respects the financial condition, results of
            operations and cash flows of the registrant as of, and for,
            the periods presented in this report;

        4.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are
            responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure
            controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules
            13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) for the registrant and have:

                (a) Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused
                    such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under
                    our supervision, to ensure that material information
                    relating to the registrant, including its consolidated
                    subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those
                    entities, particularly during the period in which this
                    report is being prepared;

                (b) Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure
                    controls and procedures and presented in this report our
                    conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure
                    controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered
                    by this report based on such evaluation; and

                c)  Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's
                    internal control over financial reporting that occurred
                    during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the
                    registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual
                    report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably
                    likely to materially affect, the registrant's internal
                    control over financial reporting; and

        5.  The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have
            disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal
            control over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors
            and the audit committee of registrant's board of directors (or
            persons performing the equivalent function):

                (a) All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the
                    design or operation of internal control over financial
                    reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect
                    the registrant's ability to record, process, summarize and
                    report financial information; and

                (b) Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management
                    or other employees who have a significant role in the
                    registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date:  March 12, 2004                  /s/     Michael D. Newman
                                               Michael D. Newman
                                               Chief Financial Officer

                                                                      Exhibit 32

                           SECTION 1350 CERTIFICATIONS

In connection with the Annual Report of RadioShack  Corporation  (the "Company")
on Form  10-K  for the  period  ending  December  31,  2003 as  filed  with  the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  on the date  hereof (the  "Report"),  we,
Leonard H.  Roberts,  Chief  Executive  Officer of the  Company,  and Michael D.
Newman,  Chief  Financial  Officer of the  Company,  certify  to our  knowledge,
pursuant  to 18  U.S.C.  ss.  1350,  as  adopted  pursuant  to  ss.  906  of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (1) The Report fully  complies  with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (2)  The  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
material  respects,  the  financial  condition  and result of  operations of the

/s/ Leonard H. Roberts

Leonard H. Roberts
Chief Executive Officer
March 12, 2004

/s/ Michael D. Newman

Michael D. Newman
Chief Financial Officer
March 12, 2004

A signed  original of this  written  statement  required by Section 906 has been
provided to the Company and will be retained by the Company and furnished to the
Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.