CONTINUING GUARANTY

         THIS CONTINUING GUARANTY (the "Guaranty") is made by
    Tandy Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the "Guarantor"),
    in favor of the holders from time to time of commercial
    paper, medium term notes and other indebtedness issued by
    Tandy Credit Corporation, a Delaware corporation ("TCC"),
    that (a) is or may be publicly traded and (b) is rated by at
    least one nationally recognized rating agency (all such
    commercial paper, notes and other indebtedness of TCC meeting
    both such criteria being collectively, the "Public Rated

         WHEREAS, the Guarantor is the owner and the holder of
    all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of TCC; and

         WHEREAS, the Guarantor has determined that it will
    receive substantial benefit if the publicly traded debt of
    TCC is Publicly Rated Debt;

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the
    Guarantor agrees as follows:

         SECTION 1.  Guaranty.  The Guarantor hereby absolutely,
    unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the punctual
    payment and performance when due, whether at stated maturity,
    by acceleration or otherwise, of all obligations and
    covenants of TCC now or hereafter existing under any Publicly
    Rated Debt issued by TCC for principal, interest (including,
    without limitation, interest accruing or becoming owing both
    prior to and subsequent to the commencement of any proceeding
    against or with respect to TCC under any chapter of the
    Bankruptcy Code of 1978, 11 U.S.C. 101 et seq.), or
    otherwise, and all reasonable costs and expenses, if any,
    incurred by the holders of Publicly Rated Debt (the
    "Debtholders") in connection with enforcing any rights under
    this Guaranty (all such obligations being the "Guaranteed
    Obligations"), and agrees to pay any and all expenses
    incurred by each Debtholder in enforcing this Guaranty.  This
    Guaranty is an absolute, unconditional, present and
    continuing guaranty of payment and not of collectibility and
    is in no way conditioned upon any attempt to collect from TCC
    or any other action, occurrence or circumstance whatsoever.

         SECTION 2.  Continuing Guaranty.  The Guarantor
    guarantees that the Guaranteed Obligations will be paid
    strictly in accordance with the terms of this Guaranty, and
    any note or other instrument or document ("Debt Documents")
    evidencing any Publicly Rated Debt.  The Guarantor agrees
    that the Guaranteed Obligations and Debt Documents may be
    extended or renewed, and Publicly Rated Debt repaid and
    reborrowed in whole or in part, without notice to or assent
    by the Guarantor, and that it will remain bound upon this
    Guaranty notwithstanding any extension, renewal or other
    alteration of any Guaranteed Obligations or Debt Documents,
    or any repayment and reborrowing of Publicly Rated Debt.  The
    obligations of the Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be
    absolute, unconditional and irrevocable, and shall be
    performed strictly in accordance with the terms hereof under
    any circumstances whatsoever, including:

         (a)  any extension, renewal, modification, settlement,
    compromise, waiver or release in respect of any Guaranteed

         (b)  any extension, renewal, amendment, modification,
    rescissions, waiver or release in respect of any Debt

         (c)  any release, exchange, substitution, non-perfection
    or invalidity of, or failure to exercise rights or remedies
    with respect to, any direct or indirect security for any
    Guaranteed Obligations, including the release of the
    Guarantor or other person liable on any Guaranteed

         (d)  any change in the corporate existence, structure or
    ownership of TCC, the Guarantor, or any insolvency,
    bankruptcy, reorganization or other similar proceeding
    affecting TCC, the Guarantor, any other guarantor or any of
    their respective assets;

         (e)  the existence of any claim, defense, set-off or
    other rights or remedies which the Guarantor at any time may
    have against TCC, or TCC or the Guarantor may have at any
    time against any Debtholder, any other guarantor or any other
    person, whether in connection with this Guaranty, the Debt
    Documents or any other transaction;

         (f)  any invalidity or unenforceability for any reason
    of the Debt Documents, or any provision of law purporting to
    prohibit the payment or performance by TCC, the Guarantor or
    any other guarantor of the Guaranteed Obligations or Debt
    Documents, or of any other obligations to any Debtholder,; or

         (g)  any other circumstances or happening whatsoever,
    whether or not similar to any of the foregoing.

         SECTION 3.  Effect of Debtor Relief Laws.  If after
    receipt of any payment of, or proceeds of any security
    applied (or intended to be applied) to the payment of all or
    any part of the Guaranteed Obligations, any Debtholder is for
    any reason compelled to surrender or voluntarily surrenders,
    such payment or proceeds to any person (a) because such
    payment or application of proceeds is or may be avoided,
    invalidated, declared fraudulent, set aside, determined to be
    void or voidable as a preference, fraudulent conveyance,
    fraudulent transfer, impermissible set-off or a diversion of
    trust funds, or (b) for any other reason, including (i) any
    judgment, decree or order of any court or administrative body
    having jurisdiction over such Debtholder or any of their
    respective properties, or (ii) any settlement or compromise
    of any such claim effected by such Debtholder with any such
    claimant (including TCC), then the Guaranteed Obligations or
    part thereof intended to be satisfied shall be reinstated and
    continue, and this Guaranty shall continue in full force as
    if such payment or proceeds have not been received,
    notwithstanding any revocation thereof or the cancellation of
    any Debt Document evidencing any Guaranteed Obligations or
    otherwise; and the Guarantor shall be liable to pay such
    Debtholder, and hereby does indemnify the Debtholders and
    holds them harmless for the amount of such payment or
    proceeds so surrendered and all expenses (including
    reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs and expenses
    attributable thereto) incurred by any Debtholder in the
    defense of any claim made against it that any payment or
    proceeds received by such Debtholder in respect of all or
    part of the Guaranteed Obligations must be surrendered.  The
    provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of
    this Guaranty, and any satisfaction and discharge of TCC by
    virtue of any payment, court order or any federal or state

         SECTION 4.  Waiver of Subrogation.  Notwithstanding any
    payment or payments made by the Guarantor hereunder, or any
    set-off or application by the Debtholders of any security or
    of any credits or claims, the Guarantor will not assert or
    exercise any rights of any Debtholder or of the Guarantor
    against TCC to recover the amount of any payment made by the
    Guarantor to such Debtholder by way of subrogation,
    reimbursement, contribution, indemnity, or otherwise arising
    by contract or operation of law, and the Guarantor shall not
    have any right of recourse to or any claim against assets or
    property of TCC, whether or not the obligations of TCC have
    been satisfied, all of such rights being herein expressly
    waived by the Guarantor.  The Guarantor agrees not to seek
    contribution from any other person until all of the
    Guaranteed Obligations shall have been paid in full.  If any
    amount shall nevertheless by paid to the Guarantor by TCC
    prior to payment in full of the Guaranteed Obligations, such
    amount shall be held in trust for the benefit of the
    Debtholders and shall forthwith be paid to the Debtholder or
    its representative to be credited and applied to the
    Guaranteed Obligations, whether matured or unmatured.  The
    provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of
    this Guaranty, and any satisfaction and discharge of TCC by
    virtue of any payment, court order or any law.

         SECTION 5.  Subordination.  The Guarantor hereby
    subordinates all indebtedness owing to it from TCC to all
    indebtedness of TCC to the Debtholders, and agrees that upon
    the occurrence and continuance of a default or an event of
    default under any Debt Document, it shall not accept any
    payment on the same until payment in full of the Guaranteed
    Obligations of TCC under any Debt Documents, and shall in no
    circumstance whatsoever attempt to set-off or reduce any
    obligations hereunder because of such indebtedness.  If any
    amount shall nevertheless be paid to the Guarantor by TCC
    prior to payment in full of the Guaranteed Obligations, such
    amount shall be held in trust for the benefit of the
    Debtholders and shall forthwith be paid to the Debtholders or
    their representatives to be credited and applied to the
    Guaranteed Obligations, whether matured or unmatured.

         SECTION 6.  Waiver.  The Guarantor hereby waives
    promptness, diligence, notice of acceptance and any other
    notice with respect to any of the Guaranteed Obligations and
    this Guaranty and waives presentment, protest, demand of
    payment, notice of intent to accelerate, notice of
    acceleration, notice of dishonor or nonpayment and any
    requirement that the Debtholders institute suit, collection
    proceedings or take any other action to collect the
    Guaranteed Obligations, including any requirement that the
    Debtholders protect, secure, perfect or insure any Lien
    against any property subject thereto or exhaust any right or
    take any action against TCC or any other person or any
    collateral (it being the intention of the Guarantor that this
    Guaranty is to be a guaranty of payment and not of
    collection).  It shall not be necessary for the Debtholders,
    in order to enforce any payment by the Guarantor hereunder,
    to institute suit or exhaust it rights and remedies against
    TCC or any other person, including others liable to pay any
    Guaranteed Obligations, or to enforce its rights against any
    security ever given to secure payment thereof.  The Guarantor
    hereby expressly waives each and every right to which it may
    be entitled by virtue of the suretyship laws of any state.
    The Guarantor hereby waived marshaling of assets and
    liabilities, notice by any Debtholder or any indebtedness or
    liability to which such Debtholder applies or may apply any
    amounts received by such Debtholder, and of the creation,
    advancement, increase, existence, extension, renewal,
    rearrangement and/or modification of the Guaranteed
    Obligations.  The Guaranty expressly waives, to the extent
    permitted by applicable law, the benefit of any and all laws
    providing for exemption of property from execution or for
    valuation and appraisal upon foreclosure.

         SECTION 7.  Full Force and Effect.  This Guaranty is a
    continuing guaranty and shall remain in full force and effect
    until payment in full of the Guaranteed Obligations of TCC
    and all other amounts payable under this Guaranty.

         SECTION 8.  Independent Obligations.  The obligations
    hereunder are independent of the obligations of TCC, and a
    separate action or actions may be brought and prosecuted
    against the Guarantor whether action is brought against TCC
    or whether TCC is joined in any such action or actions.

         SECTION 9.  Renewals, Security, Etc.  The Guarantor
    authorized the Debtholders or any of them, without notice or
    demand and without affecting the Guarantor's liability
    hereunder, from time to time, either before or after
    revocation hereof, to (a) renew, compromise, extend,
    accelerate or otherwise change the time for payment of, or
    otherwise change the terms of the Publicly Rated Debt or any
    part thereof, including increase or decrease of the rate of
    interest thereon; (b) take and hold security for the payment
    of this Guaranty or the Publicly Rated Debt guaranteed, and
    exchange, enforce, waive, release, fail to perfect, sell, or
    otherwise dispose of any such security; (c) apply such
    security and direct the order or manner of sale thereof as
    each Debtholders in its discretion may determine; and (d)
    release or substitute any one or more of the endorsers or

         SECTION 10.  Information.  The Guarantor acknowledges
    and agrees that it shall have the sole responsibility for
    obtaining from TCC such information concerning TCC's
    financial condition or business operations as the Guarantor
    may require, and that the Debtholders have no duty at any
    time to disclose to the Guarantor any information relating to
    the business operations or financial condition of TCC.

         SECTION 11.  Powers.  It is not necessary for the
    Debtholders or any of them to inquire into the powers of TCC
    or of the officers, directors, or agents acting or purporting
    to act on its behalf, and any indebtedness made or created in
    reliance upon the professed exercise of such powers shall be
    guaranteed hereunder.

         SECTION 12.  Authority; Binding Obligation.  The
    Guarantor has all requisite power and authority to deliver
    and perform its obligations under this Guaranty and all
    corporate action on the Guarantor's part requisite for the
    due execution, delivery and performance of this Guaranty has
    been duly and effectively taken.  This Guaranty constitutes
    the legal, valid and binding obligation of the Guarantor
    enforceable against the Guarantor in accordance with its

         SECTION 13.  Notices.  All notices, consents, requests,
    approvals, demands and other communications (collectively,
    "Communications") provided for herein shall be in writing
    (including telecopy or telegraphic Communications) and shall
    be delivered by hand or overnight courier service, mailed or
    sent by telex, graphic scanning or other telegraphic
    communications equipment addressed as provided in any Debt

    All communications given to any party hereto in accordance
    with the provisions of this Guaranty shall be deemed to have
    been given on the date of receipt if delivered by hand or
    overnight courier service or sent by telex, telecopy or other
    telegraphic communications equipment of the sender, or on the
    date five Business Days after dispatch or certified or
    registered mail if mailed, in each case delivered, sent or
    mailed (property addressed) to such party as provided in the
    Section 13 or in accordance with the latest unrevoked
    direction from such party given in accordance with this
    Section 13.

         SECTION 14.  Governing Law.  This Guaranty shall be
    deemed to be executed by the Guarantor under the laws of the
    State of Texas and of the United States of America and for
    all purposes shall be governed by, and construed and
    interpreted in accordance with, the laws of said state
    (without regard to principles of conflicts of law) and of the
    United States of America.

         SECTION 15.  Waivers; Revocability.  (a)  No failure or
    delay of any Debtholder in exercising any power or right
    hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any
    single or partial exercise of any such right or power, or any
    abandonment or discontinuance of steps to enforce such a
    right or power, preclude any other or further exercise
    thereof or the exercise of any other right or power.  The
    rights and remedies of the Debtholders hereunder are
    cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies which
    they would otherwise have.  No waiver of any provision of
    this Guaranty or consent to any departure by the Guarantor
    therefrom shall in any event be effective unless the same
    shall be authorized as provided in paragraph (b) below, and
    then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the
    specific instance and for the purpose for which given.  No
    notice or demand on the Guarantor in any case shall entitle
    the Guarantor to any other or further notice or demand in
    similar or other circumstances.

         (b)  So long as TCC has no Publicly Rated Debt
    outstanding, this Guaranty may be terminated by the
    Guarantor, and/or TCC may be dissolved or merged into the
    Guarantor, upon thirty (30) day written notice to the
    nationally recognized rating agencies which at such time have
    a current rating for such Publicly Rated Debt.

         SECTION 16.  Usury.  Notwithstanding any other
    provisions herein contained, no provision of this Guaranty
    shall require or permit the collection from the Guarantor of
    interest in excess of the maximum rate or amount that the
    Guarantor may be required or permitted to pay pursuant to any
    applicable law nor prevent the Guarantor from successfully
    asserting the claim or defense of usury.

         SECTION 17.  Severability.  In the event any one or more
    of the provisions contained in this Guaranty should be held
    invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, the
    validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
    provisions contained herein or therein shall not in any way
    be affected or impaired thereby.  The parties shall endeavor
    in good faith negotiations to replace the invalid, illegal or
    unenforceable provisions with valid provisions, the economic
    effect of which comes as close as possible to that of the
    invalid, illegal or unenforceable provisions.

         SECTION 18.  Binding Effect.  This Guaranty shall become
    effective on the date it is executed by the Guarantor, and
    thereafter shall inure to the benefit of each Debtholder and
    their respective successors and assigns.

         SECTION 19.  Captions.  The captions in this Guaranty
    have been inserted for convenience only and shall be given no
    substantive meaning or significance whatever in construing
    the terms and provisions of this Guaranty.

         SECTION 20.  Further Assurances.  The Guarantor hereby
    agrees to execute and deliver all such instruments and take
    all such action as any Debtholder may from time to time
    reasonably request in order to fully effectuate the purpose
    of this Guaranty.

         Executed as of June 18, 1991.


                              TANDY CORPORATION

                              By: /s/ R. L. Ramsey
                              Name: Richard L. Ramsey
                              Title:Vice President and Controller